Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...

Page created by Vincent Lawson
Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
Community Report 2020
Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
Women in Healthcare Leadership    19
Table of Contents            HLA Conference 2020               20

                             HLAxLords                         21
HLA Aims and Values    3-4
                             Virtual Summit                    22
Community Update       5
                             F|Docs                            23

HLA Prizes             6-7   HLA Response to COVID-19          24

London Cohort          8     MEDCOVID Conference               25

                             Partnership with ILM              26
Newcastle Cohort       9
                             Partnership with Medics.Academy   27
Bristol Cohort        10
                             Partnership with MDU              28

Amsterdam Cohort      11     Social Media                      29

                             London Scholars                   30
Mentoring             12
                             Newcastle Scholars                31
Pastoral Care         13
                             Bristol Scholars                  32
HLA Listen            14
                             Amsterdam Scholars                33

Research              15     Tutors                            34

                             Programme Tutors                  35
The Leadership Blog   16
                             Future Plans                      36
Scholars’ Blog        17
                             Special Thanks To                 37
Campaigns Module      18
                             List of Partners                  38

Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
Nurturing Leadership
Working with healthcare students and young professionals
to develop our healthcare leaders of the future.

Fostering Frontline Innovation
Engaging, developing and guiding clinicians to deliver
innovative solutions.

Empowering and Valuing the Next
Generation of Clinical Leaders
Supporting our clinicians to use their talent effectively.

Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
                We value accessibility and equity and believe all healthcare
Accessibility   professionals should have the means to learn about and
                engage in leadership activities; at any level and at any time.

                We believe inclusivity is key to leadership. Leadership
                should not be the arena of a chosen few but of all those
                with innovative visions, ideas and solutions.

Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
Managing Director’s

The last year has seen the continuing    Diversity, in all its forms, continues to
development of the whole HLA             be a core theme of our international
community, the programme and the         community. Diversity of thought
infrastructure. This has allowed us to   and ideas are crucial to the core
continue to upscale the programme.       of The HLA, allowing a diverse
Going from one cohort in London to       community to form as we seek to
two cohorts in London and Newcastle      minimise barriers to participation.
was a big deal for us. Over the last     Our mission is to create a global
year, we have gone through the           community of healthcare leaders
process of establishing a cohort in      of the future, who have each other
a new country, i.e. the Netherlands.     to support them and rely on as they
Under the capable and enthusiastic       try and make a positive impact on
leadership of Jim, Ilse and Emma,        healthcare systems across the globe.
we have made another significant
step forward in establishing The         When I consider what we, as a team
HLA community. This year has seen        and community, have achieved over
us grow to deliver six concurrent        the last four years, I am grateful to
cohorts. The planning, infrastructure    the number of talented, caring and
and logistics demanded for this level    incredible people that have found
of growth cannot be underestimated.      a home in The HLA. Over the next
The HLA as a whole has risen to that     decade, The HLA will truly go global.
challenge and has genuinely managed      I do not doubt that. As I write this,
to deliver what seems to be a valuable   we are going through a global health
and loved learning experience.           crisis the like of which the healthcare
                                         profession dreaded, but predicted.
Over the last year, we have sought       The importance of leadership in
to formalise various initiatives,        this current context has further
and introduced reproducible              demonstrated the absolute need for
processes and structures, so that the    our organisation. The next time this
organisation can continue to grow        type of health crisis happens, I know
sustainably. This means that we can      the world will be in a better place for
deliver more cohorts, and give as        having organisations like The HLA
many individuals as possible access      supporting, encouraging and looking
to the opportunities within The HLA.     after the global health professionals
                                         that will need to lead us out of crises.

Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
Project Prizes

                                                        The 1st place project prize is
                                                        awarded to Olamide Dada &
                                                        Jade Okene for their project:
                                                        Determining the strategic
                                                        direction of a charitable
                                                        organisation - Melanin Medics
                                                                                          Olamide     Jade
                                                                                           Dada       Okene

                                                         The 2nd place project prize is

                                                         awarded to Nandi Mnyama,
                                                         Ahmad Elmansouri & Tinaye
                                                         Mapako for their project:
             Once again we have been amazed              HLA Listen: To Build A Leader
             by the exceptional standard of                                                Nandi      Ahmad      Tinaye

 2019-2020   projects and campaigns delivered
             by our scholars. Through a hugely
                                                                                          Mnyama    Elmansouri   Mapako

             competitive process, the following
             prizes have been awarded.

                                                         The 3rd place project
                                                         prize is awarded to Junaid
                                                         Fukuta for his project:
                                                         Virtual On-call: You Decide


Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
Campaign Prizes

              The 1st place campaign prize is
              awarded to Carina Dowson, Hazel
              Awarah, Kathryn French, Rafia Miah,
              Lauren Leightell-Brown, Jennifer
              Ilonze & Shivani Mahapatra for their
              campaign: Women in Healthcare
              Leadership 100 Word (Women) Project        Carina       Hazel    Kathryn   Rafia    Lauren      Jennifer    Shivani
                                                        Dowson       Awarah    French    Miah    Leightell-    Ilonze    Mahapatra

              The 2nd place campaign prize is
              awarded to Jacob Oguntimehin
              for his campaign: #weareTAMS


              The 3rd place campaign prize is
              jointly awarded to Olamide Dada for
              her campaign: Black History Month
              Campaign and to Jade Okene &
              Laura Stuart for their submission on:
              The HLA Recruitment Campaign            Olamide       Jade      Laura
                                                       Dada         Okene     Stuart

Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
HLA London continues to attract
                                          a diverse cohort. The scholars

L                  o      n   d   o   n
                                          have delivered an incredible
                                          array of projects this year as part
                                          of their HLA programme. The
C   o    h   o r   t                      Medics.Adacemy kindly hosted
                                          the programme at its London
Lead:   Johann Malawana                   offices and at Founders Factory.

                                          The programme continues to be very
                                          popular in London. We have focussed
                                          the London cohort this year on
                                          innovation with speakers from the UK
                                          Medtech scene due to the proximity
                                          of the technology and innovation
                                          hubs in the south-east.

Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
We have now finished the second year
                                                     of delivering The HLA programme
                                                     in Newcastle. The North East is
                                                     a great place to be a scholar; the
                                                     programme is held at the Copthorne
                                                     Hotel on Newcastle’s picturesque
                                                     Quayside. Scholars come from near
                                                     and far and consist of an array of
                                                     students and health professionals.

                                                     This year we had two cohorts
                                                     based in Newcastle, and ran the
                                                     sessions in two seperate groups.
                                                     We alternated the content of the
                                                     day so that scholars had breaks and
N            e           w   c   a   s   t   l   e   social events in the larger group,
                                                     but the curriculum was delivered
C   o    h   o   r   t                               whilst they were in their two separate
                                                     cohorts. Whilst this meant delivering
Lead:   Matt Prior                                   content twice, we still found that
                                                     keeping scholars in their two cohorts
                                                     enabled them to really gel together
                                                     as a group.

                                                     Our scholars have led a range of
                                                     projects, including the Women in
                                                     Healthcare Leadership Project. This
                                                     project aims to ensure all women who
                                                     desire to do so, have the opportunity,
                                                     training and support to achieve
                                                     representative leadership within
                                                     the NHS. This year a campaign was
                                                     run on Instagram promoting 100
                                                     inspiring women, over 100 posts in
                                                     100 days. All of the scholars’ projects
                                                     have proven to be successful in
                                                     their impact, and we have seen great
                                                     personal growth amongst the cohort.

Community Report 2020 - The Healthcare Leadership ...
Our Vision

                                             In the achievements of our scholars,
                                             we see not only the culmination of
                                             years of their hard work but also
                                             a unique piece of the mosaic they
                                             form within the next generation
                                             of healthcare leaders across our
                                             nation. Together, scholars in The
                                             Bristol HLA embody an NHS that
                                             finds unity in its diversity and aspires
                                             to pioneer the breakthroughs of
                                             tomorrow. We hope that the network
                                             of connections they foster during
                                             their time in The Bristol HLA will
                                             enrich and inspire their future work.

                                             Our future

                                             The growth of our organisation
                                             creates a community that can
                                             celebrate many successes and talents
                                             of our members. While leadership
                                             roles can often feel isolating,
                                             through The Bristol HLA, we hope

B                r       i   s   t   o   l   to foster long term connections
                                             and relationships between
                                             scholars and faculty that provide
C   o    h   o   r   t
                                             avenues for support in later life.

Lead:   George Miller                        To this end, in the 2019-2020 year, we
                                             have hosted two full HLA cohorts in
                                             Bristol. We have enjoyed an exciting
                                             programme of events covering a full
                                             range of practical and theoretical
                                             concepts in leadership. Our year
                                             started with talks and practical
                                             sessions led by experts from the
                                             media, the BMA and the GMC, and
                                             concluded with discussions from BBC
                                             broadcasters and past HLA scholars.

                                             We have been fortunate to have a
                                             cohort consisting of scholars from
                                             every walk of life and every stage
                                             of training. Amongst this variety
                                             of backgrounds and careers, we
                                             have drawn strength from our
                                             spirit of common purpose.

Ambition                                Future Perspective

                                                                       Our goal for 2019 was to expand         We aim to increase diversity
                                                                       The HLA overseas by starting a          in nationalities and healthcare
                                                                       new cohort in Amsterdam. We             backgrounds in our cohort.
                                                                       were motivated by an increase in        Furthermore, we want to invest in
                                                                       international engagement and a          sustainable relationships with our
                                                                       subsequent need to establish The        venues and faculty. The HLA is
                                                                       HLA outside the UK. We, therefore,      growing beyond The Netherlands;
                                                                       banded together to form a network of    however, we will always maintain
                                                                       faculty members and build the HLA in    the personal aspect and community
                                                                       The Netherlands.                        feeling experienced by our scholars.
                                                                                                               Setting up the Amsterdam cohort
                                                                       Results                                 has been a significant leadership
                                                                                                               challenge. We wish to support other
                                                                       We successfully recruited our first     HLA scholars to start their cohorts
                                                                       cohort in Amsterdam consisting of       and invest in a sustainable structure
                                                                       a vibrant, diverse and international    for expanding The HLA community.
                                                                       group of scholars. Sessions
                                                                       took place in locations, such as
                                                                       the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor
                                                                       Geneeskunde (Dutch Medical
                                                                       Journal) and we had incredibly
                                                                       inspiring speakers and mentors
                                                                       from the UK and the Netherlands.
                                                                       Several scholars across different

A       m           s        t       e        r       d        a   m   cohorts collaborated within their
                                                                       projects or events, such as the
                                                                       organisation of the second edition
                                                                       of The HLA Summit in Amsterdam.

    Lead:   Ilse Blomberg, Jim Determeijer, Emma Oostenbroek           Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, we had
                                                                       to transform our programme onto
                                                                       online platforms rapidly. We kept the
                                                                       usual HLA spirit alive during these
                                                                       virtual sessions by focussing on
                                                                       work in small groups and stimulating
                                                                       interaction. Our scholars have shown
                                                                       great flexibility, for example, by
                                                                       converting The HLA Summit into an
                                                                       online conference about the global
                                                                       pandemic with only a few weeks to
                                                                       prepare. It is impressive to see what
                                                                       scholars from different backgrounds
                                                                       can learn from each other, and
                                                                       the innovative collaborations that
                                                                       are born out of it. We look back
                                                                       at the successful start of our first
                                                                       year in Amsterdam, and we will
                                                                       continue our work in 2020-2021.

The purpose of The HLA mentoring           Mid-year feedback from
                     scheme is to provide additional            scholars included:
                     support and guidance in The HLA
                     through a semi-formalised structure.       “I’ve found my mentor to be
                     Scholars frequently comment that one       really approachable and very
                     of the main benefits and appealing         helpful... and a great resource
                     factors of The HLA programme is the        to have as a HLA scholar.”
                     opportunity to develop relationships
                     with fellow healthcare professionals,      “...ended the session feeling
                     at an early stage in a scholar’s career.   inspired and supported.”
                     For most healthcare students and
                     professionals, this is relatively rare.    “...helped keep up motivation and
                     The mentoring scheme connects              direction on working on the project,

                     scholars with faculty members with         which is especially helpful in bridging
                     a plethora of leadership experience        the gap between our sessions.”
                     and skills and across cohorts with
                     peer mentoring encouraged.                 “I’ve been paired with a mentor
                                                                that has shared interests, contacts
                     The mentoring schedule for the             that can help my project and are
                     year enables faculty members and           very proactive but approachable, a
                     scholars to undertake the sessions         great part of the HLA programme.”
                     remotely. Mentoring involves a
                     mixture of a small group, ranging
                     from two to five scholars, and             We are processing end-of-year
                     individual meetings between the            feedback from both scholars and
  Lead: Dina Saleh   faculty tutors and scholars.               mentors to improve our mentorship
                                                                programme. Potential changes
                     This year, there were 39 mentors           for 2020-2021 include a more
                     with a vast array of experiences           tailored allocation and matching
                     and backgrounds, matched with              programme to ensure a good fit
                     over 100 scholars. Mentors                 for individuals and groups. We are
                     varied from talented HLA alumni            also looking to build the process
                     to healthcare professionals who            into a system to streamline the
                     were leaders in their fields.              programme and ensure real-time
                                                                tracking and collating of feedback.

                                                                Finally, we are very grateful to the
                                                                Academy of Medical Sciences and
                                                                the material they have provided,
                                                                which benefits our programme.

Pastoral Care            In addition to maintaining a pastoral
                         care welfare protocol for our
                         scholars, we also wanted to provide
                         resources for the wider community.
                         Therefore, our scholars and faculty
                         have collaborated to produce a
   Lead: Justin Varney   webpage with unaffiliated but helpful
                         resources to cover a vast range of
                         welfare issues. This covers everything
                         from bullying and harassment to
                         careers and money management.

                         For more information, please see:
Spotify: To Build a Leader Podcast.     Future Direction

                                  The HLA Listen project first launched   HLA Learn will publish a training
                                  in 2017 as a collaboration with         module based on the hard work and
                                  Medics Motive (led by Kundai            lessons learnt by the team. This
                                  Rukambiro). It produced a series        module will provide the capability to
                                  of interviews with speakers and         upscale HLA Listen into a platform
                                  contributors at The HLA conference.     consisting of multiple mini-series.
                                  These interviews proved popular         The scholars will have the freedom
                                  and brought the topics raised by        to select topics which they are
                                  speakers to a far greater audience.     passionate about and align with The
                                  With 6.5 million adults in the UK       HLA's values to give them creative
                                  listening to a podcast every week,      control of what is ultimately a labour
                                  The HLA sought to develop this          of love. More collaborations with
                                  section of the organisation further.    other projects within The HLA would

HLA Listen
                                                                          be encouraged and supported.
                                  Enter The HLA Listen Scholars
                                  2019/20. The group were able to
                                  successfully design and launch 'To
                                  Build a Leader' - a nine-episode,
                                  light-hearted foray into the world
                                  of leadership skills, the format of
                                  which appeals to a wide range of
Lead: Ahmad Elmansouri            people from different backgrounds.
                                  Alongside a successful campaign, the
                                  podcast, in its first four weeks, was
                                  able to secure an audience of 400
                                  listens, 250 impressions on LinkedIn,
                                  thousands of views on Instagram
                                  and 200 engagements on Twitter.

                                  The content aligns with The HLA
                                  scholarship flipped classroom
                                  framework 'HLA Learn', and podcasts
                                  produced this year will be referenced
                                  in the programme for future scholars.
  Ahmad          Nadi    Tinaye   Collaboration with The HLA blog
Elmansouri      Mnyama   Mapako   team resulted in a blended learning
                                  framework with the release of a set
                                  of 'Leader Notes' to accompany each
                                  episode. The scholars who delivered
                                  HLA Listen also collaborated with
                                  one of The HLA's most renowned
                                  projects, the 'Women in Healthcare
                                  Leadership 100 Women Project',
                                  in a riveting interview delving into
                                  the minds behind the project.

Students' Perspectives on                 The Connect Project
                                                                                   Medical Leadership Education:
                                                                                   A Four Year Follow-Up                     Connect has been created to facilitate
                                                                                                                             collaboration between researchers,

                                                                                   We conducted a review of HLA              doctors, students and educators
                                                                                   scholars' experience of the               in an open manner. This project
                                                                                   programmes. The scope of this work        provides students with access to
                                                                                   includes analysing the impact the         research opportunities both within
                                                                                   course had on their lives, how it has     The HLA and across academic
                                                                                   influenced the trajectory of their        institutions. Connect takes the form
                                                                                   careers and how it will shape their       of a central website platform that
                                                                                   approach to leadership in later life.     has thus far successfully advertised
                                                                                   We are focusing on the development        over 100 research projects during
                                                                                   of and reflections on the leadership      a pilot at Southampton University.
                                                                                   course nationally over several years.     We have enjoyed both regional
                                                                                                                             and national attention; recently
               Lead: George Miller                                                 A manuscript is currently being
                                                                                                                             receiving a national digital education
                                                                                   prepared to disseminate our findings
                                                                                                                             prize. ​w
                                                                                   A Review of Medical
                                                                                   Leadership Education                      Work with Medics.Academy

                                                                                   We conducted a review of informal         We have partnered with Medics.
                                                                                   and formal leadership courses             Academy to create several online
                                         every stage of research from idea
Vision                                                                             utilised by current healthcare leaders    courses and programmes. We will
                                         inception, research design, statistical
                                                                                   across the country. This work             validate our synthesised learning
                                         analysis and manuscript preparation
All healthcare professionals in all                                                includes both a literature review         approach by incentivising a
                                         to the dissemination of findings.
stages of their careers stand to                                                   and direct questioning of medical         proportion of candidates who take
benefit from access to leadership                                                  directors across the country.             our courses to anonymously report
                                         Areas of Research
education. Yet there is a lack of                                                                                            the score they obtained in the real
robust evidence for the most effective                                             Research to Support Women                 exam and the average pass mark,
                                         What do medical students and
and novel educational techniques. We                                               in Healthcare Leadership                  and after that publish the results.
                                         doctors want from a healthcare
hope to address this evidence gap.       leadership programme?
                                                                                   Scholars​ o​ f The HLA are working to     Not Just a Medical Student:
Our Plans                                                                          highlight​​barriers and enablers to       Delivering Medical Education
                                         We have conducted semi-structured
                                                                                   female career progression​​w ithin the    Through a Short Video
                                         interviews with all members of
Over the coming years, The HLA                                                     NHS. This​ ​study consists​ ​o f focus    Series on Social Media
                                         the first cohort of HLA scholars to
will continue to grow in both its        assess their anonymised feedback          groups, with each group composed
reach and its membership. We will                                                  of women at different stages of           HLA Alumnus Nadine Abbas has
                                         on the course. We transcribed each
work to foster the development                                                     medical seniority. We aim to advance      produced a peer-reviewed paper
                                         interview and analysed to identify
of scholar-led research projects,                                                  understanding of perceived and actual     in JMIR discussing the use of
                                         common themes using NVivo.
encouraging engagement in                                                          barriers, outline positive facilitators   medical education videos and
                                         This data has formed the basis of
innovative research techniques                                                     and identify potential solutions          social media in medical education.
                                         a qualitative study investigating
and independent development of                                                     for the current gender inequality         These innovative methods inspire,
                                         scholars' preferences and
research areas of interest. We will                                                in medical leadership positions.          engage, and inform students,
                                         experiences of leadership training.
provide mentoring and support for                                                                                            proving a useful contribution to the
                                         A manuscript is currently being
                                                                                                                             evolution of medical education.
                                         prepared to disseminate our findings.

The Leadership Blog
                                                       Overview                                  Future direction

                                                       The HLA Leadership Blog has always        We hope this year to bring you
                                                       boasted an array of high profile and      more content that is highly relevant,
                                                       highly influential authors such as        showcases our leaders of the future,
                                                       the likes of David Haslam, Neena          and continually inspires its readers.
                                                       Modi, and our very own Johann             This year we will also reach our 100th
                                                       Malawana. We are delighted to             blog post, so join us as the blog
                                                       publish pieces on a fortnightly basis     celebrates this fantastic achievement.
                                                       to our HLA audience and always
           Lead:Tayyib Goolamallee                     to have them so well received.            Additionally we are facilitating 2020-
                                                       This year, our highly motivated and       21 blog fellowships, in partnership
                                                       dedicated team of five, led by Tayyib     with Medics.Academy. Our fellows
                                                       Goolamallee, has been fortunate to        will produce specific series of
                                                       continue this success while working       interest to our readers. We also aim
                                                       collaboratively with the BMJ,             to improve the accessibility of our
                                                       MedicsAcademy, and other                  online content, through improving
                                                       streams of The HLA.                       tagging functions and navigation
                                                                                                 of the blogs on the website.
                                                       Our pieces have only grown in
                                                       diversity, acknowledging notable
                                                       leadership, challenging out-
                                                       dated hierarchy, providing golden
                                                       advice from mentors to mentees,
Mohammed       Verona         Mayowa       Amar        and profound lessons that have
                                                       come from challenging times.
  Alwan        Beckles        Osinibi   Mohammed Ali

                                                       ​                      16
Scholars’ Blog
Lead: Ratan Gor
                                                HLA scholars are encouraged to
                                                write their own blog piece, reflecting
                                                on their projects, experiences
                                                or passions. Their piece is then
                                                published on their LinkedIn accounts,
                                                and signposted to through our various
                                                HLA communication mediums. Our
                                                editing team of six, led by Ratan
                                                Gor, supports them in this process.
                                                The HLA programme encourages
                                                scholars to develop in all aspects
   Ratan            Daniel         Eleanor      of their communication, and the
    Gor            Huddart         Budge        written medium is not forgotten
                                                in this. We have seen some great
                                                international networks develop
                                                as a result of interest in scholars’
                                                pieces, and we will continue to
                                                encourage our next round of
                                                scholars to engage in this process.

 Katherine          Tomisin        Emma
  Maskell         Otenigbagbe   Hawthornwaite

Over the last year, we introduced
                       a new campaigns module that ran
                       parallel to the scholars’ leadership

Campaigns Module
                       projects. Scholars planned, executed
                       and evaluated a campaign. They
                       worked in small groups within their
                       cohorts or as individuals, with the
                       impact of the campaign measured
                       with established metrics. Scholars
                       discussed and reflected on their
                       campaign with their mentors and
    Lead: Jingy Alom   fellow cohort. The campaigns
                       were assessed by reviewing the
                       campaign's GANTT chart, a 300-
                       word report and a video-summary.

                       Due to the success of this module
                       this year, we will run it again for
                       the next year, and develop it further
                       based on scholars’ feedback.

This year, two separate HLA projects      They shared prominent life events,
                                                      have combined; the W ​ omen in            personal reflection, and heartfelt
                                                      Healthcare Leadership​team and the ​      advice. The project followed on
                                                      100 Word Project​. In 2018, The 100       from the original project’s success,
                                                      Word Project was established, and         with over 780,000 impressions on
                                                      over 100 days, the project focused on     Twitter alone, over 1,000 impressions
                                                      resilience in healthcare. This year the   a day on Facebook, and 600 daily
                                                      WIHL took on this project, starting on    via Instagram. It was supported by
                                                      30th November 2019 and running until      men and women alike, with many
                                                      International Women’s Day on the          responding with high praise, such as,
                                                      8th March 2020. The project focused       ‘​it’s the post that I look forward to
         Lead: Carina Dowson                          on inspirational female leaders in        every morning’ (Cristina Costache –
                                                      healthcare: 100 women over 100 days.      Facebook).​The WIHL twitter account
                                                                                                increased its followers by 100%
                                                      The overall objective of the WIHL         over six months while increasing the
                                                      team is to work towards removing          profile of the WIHL team members.
                                                      gender as a barrier to pursuing
                                                      leadership roles. The aims of             We published a joint blog sharing
                                                      taking on the 100WP project               some of our highlights with the
                                                      were to showcase the great work           BMJ:
                                                      done by so many women while               bmj/2020/03/06/celebrating-100-
                                                      inspiring and encouraging others          women-healthcare-leadership/
                                                      to achieve their full potential.
                                                                                                Future Perspective
                                                      Women featured were nominated
                                                      by peers and were asked three             This project has allowed many
Rafia                  Kathryn          Jennifer      questions; what their most significant    brilliant women to share their
         Leightell-                                   achievement was, what would they tell     collective knowledge, as well as
Miah                   French            Illonze      their younger selves, and to describe     inspiring others to be their best self.
                                                      themselves in three words. Across         The hope is that the effects felt by
                                                      Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and          this project continue into the future.
                               Mentors​:​             LinkedIn, we shared their inspirational   We hope the readers have been
                                                      words and full responses.                 inspired to believe in themselves
                                                                                                and what they can achieve.
                                                                                                Posts are available on Twitter ​
                                                      The women who were featured were          @100wordproject​, Instagram
                                                      from a variety of health professions      on ​100wordproject​ and ​
                                                      and with a broad spectrum of              the100wordproject​on Facebook.
                                                      career experience, from students to
                                                      past Presidents of Royal Colleges.

 Hazel    Shivani       Pooja               Eleanor
Awarah   Mahapatra      Prior               Budge

HLA Conference 2020                     Workshops

                                                 The third annual conference took        We were able to host nine workshops
                                                 place on Thursday 11th December         which provided interactive and hands-

                                                 2019 at Amnesty International           on experiences for our delegates to
                                                 Headquarters, London, selling out in    learn, network and collaborate while
                                                 record time with over 200 attendees.    developing critical skills in leadership.
                                                 The conference had great keynote        Special thanks to Healthcare
                                                 speeches, panel discussions,            UK/Department of International

                                                 workshops, oral presentations           Trade, Forward Healthcare,
                                                 and poster presentations.               British Medical Association and
                                                                                         our amazing workshop hosts
                                                 Keynote Speakers                        for delivering such memorable
                                                                                         experiences for our attendees.

                                                 We were grateful to have a collection
                                                 of inspirational health leaders         Oral Presentations and
                                                 talk about their experiences of         Poster Presentations
                                                 leadership and their career journeys.
                                                 We thank Professor Dame Jane            We thank all our delegates and project
                                                 Dacre, Professor Neena Modhi,           presenters for showcasing their
                                                 Dr Marie Louise Sunde, Naeem            innovative and fantastic projects.
                                                 Ahmed, Tayyib Goolamallee, Carina       We saw delegates exchange ideas,
                                                 Dowson and Johann Malawana              network and collaborate on their
                                                 for providing our delegates with        current projects and ideas. We
                                                 a series of unique talks.               hope year-by-year we establish our
                                                                                         conference as a go-to platform for our
        Lead: Sida Mao                           Panel Discussions                       healthcare workforce to collaborate,
                                                                                         innovate and communicate.
                                                 This year our panel discussions
                                                 touched upon two topical issues:        A special thank you to our
                                                 resilience and widening participation   hardworking conference team and
                                                 to medicine. HLA scholar, Raoul         the staff at Amnesty International,
                                                 Li-Everington led a fascinating         without this conference would
                                                 conversation on resilience with         not have been a success.
                                                 a diverse panel of speakers.
                                                 With HLA faculty member Jingy
                                                 Alom bringing a star-studded            Future direction
                                                 line up of leaders in widening
                                                 participation to discuss the role of    Due to the impact of COVID-19
                                                 the field in addressing the current     and the success of our online
                                                 workforce crisis within the NHS.        conferences, we will be delivering
Rafia      Simon             Raoul       Jingy                                           our 2020 Conference online.
Miah       Phillips      Li-Everington   Alom

                                                 Find out more here:
Over the last year, HLA's crossover       and those experiencing mental
                        event at the House of Lords happened      illness. Jessie Lee, a scholar at The
                        against all the odds; even British        HLA, wrapped up the morning by
                        parliament itself being closed for        showcasing her work on the Equity
                        the day didn't stop us! The day           Challenge and their successes so far.
                        brought together current field-
                        leaders, and future health leaders,       After lunch, abuzz with discussions
                        with the theme 'Who is missing?'.         from the morning, we reconvened
                        The morning focussed on who is            to tackle the issue of female
                        missing from the current patient          representation in leadership.
                        group we serve, and the afternoon         Our first speaker was the brilliant
                        looked at who is missing from             Marie Louise Sunde, founder of the
                        leadership posts; specifically, women.    #ShesGotThis movement, who talked

                                                                  about her experiences setting up this
                        Thirty delegates attended the             movement and fighting for female
                        Athenaeum Club, London, on 19th           representation. Rebecca Lissman,
                        September 2019, despite the               an HLA scholar, then chaired our
                        prorogation of parliament. Delegates      afternoon panel, featuring input
                        were invited based on their record        from business leaders, healthcare
                        of impact in this area and some           leaders and several scholars
                        scholars obtained a place via a           covering everything from missing
                        rigorous application process.             data to less than full-time training
                                                                  provision and sexual harassment.
                        We started with Alex Bax of Pathway
                        UK, hearing about the work they do to     The afternoon was a whirlwind and
  Lead: Jess Leighton   serve the healthcare needs of those       concluded with more networking in
                        experiencing homelessness, and then       the Athenaeum gardens. The whole
                        from Chris Dayson, a researcher for       day was a testament to The HLA, the
                        Sheffield Hallam University, leading      input from influential leaders looking
                        the field in social prescribing. HLA      to inspire the next generation, and
                        scholar Ali Alam chaired a discussion     the excitement of current scholars
                        about who else is not served              seeking to take the baton. The day will
                        adequately by UK healthcare, with         undoubtedly spark more partnerships
                        input from guests and attendees.          for the future, and leaves us all
                        Topics covered included migrant           with the question: what's next?
                        health, healthcare for those in prison,

Virtual Summit
              Lead: Emma Oostenbroek               After a very successful first edition     strengths within the team to create
                                                   of The HLA Summit in Oslo in 2019,        a virtual edition. By going online, we
                                                   we organized our second edition of        were able to reach a global audience
                                                   The HLA Summit for March 2020 in          and invite worldwide experts. We
                                                   Amsterdam. Our vision was to hold         adapted the theme to include the
                                                   an inspiring and thought-provoking        caption 'Strengthening Healthcare
  Emma                                             weekend for HLA scholars, alumni          Systems through a Pandemic.'
Oostenbroek                                        and the wider HLA community.              Unfortunately, the hackathon was
                                                                                             no longer possible but replaced by a
                                                   The theme “Universal Healthcare”          panel discussion with doctors from
                                                   created a broad programme                 China, Europe and the US. Attendees
                                                   enabling senior speakers to share         still had the option to virtually
                                                   their expertise on leadership,            meet and exchange thoughts and
                                                   entrepreneurship, medical education,      ask questions on our social media
                                                   technology and innovation, and global     channels and our Slack channel
                                                   health. 'Pitch Your Project' enabled      creating an inclusive environment
                                                   attendees to promote an innovating        in our virtual “Coffee Rooms”.
                                                   and inspiring idea to improve
                                                   healthcare with this, followed by a       With over 700 applications online,
                                                   hackathon to involve all attendees.       this first virtual event, The HLA
                                                                                             Amsterdam Virtual Summit, was
   Eva               Anuska              Jade      Everything was in place; however, only    more than a success in my eyes. It
 Boomstra            Mahes               Okene     three weeks before The HLA Summit         was an honour to lead this fantastic
                                                   was going to happen, the world was        group of scholars, and I am very
                                                   facing a very different situation, the    much looking forward to witnessing
                                                   COVID-19 pandemic. We drastically         their next steps within The HLA
                                                   changed our plans, and in line with the   and their healthcare careers.
                                                   philosophy of The HLA, drew on our

  Emma              Frederiek          Jonathan
  Tonner            Bosman             Leegwater

F|Docs was delivered as                  We have received fantastic feedback
                  Hiba’s HLA project.                      from F1s from across the UK:

                  F|Docs is a programme of support         'F|Docs has been my primary source
                  for final year medical students and      for information for how to be a good
                  foundation doctors that arose after      F1 during this Coronavirus crisis...'
                  the S
                      ​ ecretary of State for Health and   Incoming NW London F1
                  Social Care​stated that final year
                  medical students would need to step      'It has really useful tips and clinical
                  up to clinical work as part of the       knowledge that doesn't get taught at
                  national response to Covid-19. Many      all or barely in assistantship posts.
                  students approached us with their        Gives final years an idea as to what to
                  worries around coping as new doctors     expect as this is quite a daunting time.'
                  on the ward without completing their     Incoming Trent F1
                  training. In response, we decided to
                  give our ‘Prep for F1’ course for free   'F|Docs has helped us to be better
                  and dedicate resources to continue       and safer doctors. It’s given me
                  helping our newest colleagues.           extra support with the transition
                                                           from being a medical student
                  Within just three weeks of releasing     to foundation doctor. It’s helped
Lead: Hiba Khan
                  the course, we had 3007 enrolments       replace missed opportunities on
                  to F|Docs; over 55% of the UK final      clinical placements due to COVID.'
                  year medical school cohort - a clear     Incoming Oxford F1
                  indication that there was a need for
                  this kind of support. We delivered
                  webinars and e-mentoring sessions        As our F|Docs community
                  as well as partnering with ‘The Class    continues to grow, we are working
                  of Corona’ podcast and Dr. Felix         on more innovative, technology-
                  Torrance’s F1 reference library.         enhanced solutions to provide
                                                           high-quality medical education
                                                           and support to doctors in the
                                                           early stages of their careers.

Our partnership with Medics.
               Academy has always allowed us to
               deliver pre-recorded online content
               to scholars ahead of their contact
               days. This mechanism works well
               to allow the communication of
               fundamental theory and learning
               points before the group sessions. As
               scholars undertake this preparatory
               work before attending, the group
               sessions can then be focussed more
               on interactive tasks and workshops.

HLA Response
               Given the extraordinary challenges
               posed by the COVID-19 pandemic,
               The HLA adapted its approach to
               content delivery during this time. With

to COVID-19
               support from our partners at Medics.
               Academy, we have expanded our use
               of online technologies to deliver live
               virtual ‘face-to-face’ sessions for our
               2019-20 scholars. While maintaining
               our strict attendance policy, we
               acknowledged that many healthcare
               workers found their pre-approved
               study leave was cancelled. Therefore,
               we adapted our approach to allow
               scholars to attend the sessions run by
               a different cohort to their normal one.

               Additionally, our conference planning
               team for The HLA Summit managed
               to re-design and re-organise the entire
               event to be delivered online. Inspired
               by their successful transition to
               online platforms, we partnered with
               other names in Medical Education to
               provide the MEDCOVID Conference.

The Medical Education During
                                                  COVID (MEDCOVID) conference,
                                                  on 6th June 2020, provided an
                                                  opportunity to share and learn from
                                                  medical educators and innovators

                                                  creating change and growth during
                                                  the period of lockdown. There
                                                  was tremendous development,
                                                  adaptation and deployment of
                                                  the same rigorous pedagogy and

                                                  other untested methodologies over
                                                  online platforms. With our partners
                                                  at ASME, TASME, JASME and
                                                  Medics.Academy, we were able to
                                                  organise a fantastic conference with
                                                  many high-profile speakers, with a
                                                  few weeks of very intensive planning.
                                                  The conference facilitated and
          Lead: Pedra Rabiee                      encouraged the sharing of ideas in
                                                  support of the rebirth of educational
                                                  institutions inspired by the new
                                                  strategies and approaches, The event
                                                  was co-chaired by Pedra Rabiee and
                                                  Professor Derek Gallen (President
                                                  of ASME). Our partners at Medics.
                                                  Academy worked incredibly hard to
                                                  facilitate the technology which was
                                                  necessary for conference; we are
                                                  indebted to them for their help.

                                                  We had over 2000 attendees from
                                                  across the globe, wide social media
                                                  engagement, various keynotes,
                                                  virtual posters and presentations
                                                  from a wide range of individuals.

Timothy       Alastair         Eamon     Bence
  Chu         Coulson          Rawlins   Baljer

                                                  You can access the conference here:
                                                  in-the-time-of-covid-19?th_ _ug=451e0314
Partnership with:

                    The HLA programme continues to deliver a successfully
                    accredited programme with the Institute of Leadership and

                    This year the following HLA Faculty were awarded
                    Fellowship of the ILM (FInstLM).

                    Ali Alam
                    Dina Saleh
                    Emma Oostenbroek
                    George Miller
                    Ilse Blomberg
                    Jim Determeijer
                    Jingy Alom
                    Ratan Gor

Partnership with:

                    The HLA and Medics.Academy
                    have continued to develop the
                    partnership that allowed The HLA
                    to upscale our operation across
                    the UK and to plan expansion
                    into Europe. Medics.Academy
                    continues to support The HLA with
                    significant resources including staff
                    support, IT infrastructure and other
                    resources. The monetary value of
                    the support provided by Medics.
                    Academy over the last 12 months
                    has exceeded £100,000. This
                    ongoing support has been vital
                    to ensure The HLA can establish
                    a globally recognised brand
                    and reputation for innovation in
                    education and training in our area.

                    Medics.Academy continues
                    to develop significant scaled
                    programmes in leadership for HLA.
                    The HLA is benefitting from this
                    by establishing multiple long term
                    funding streams that allow us to
                    grow our work. The scaled education
                    programmes also achieve our primary
                    objective as an organisation.

Partnership with:

                                         Lead: James Olivier

                    History of the MDU                       The MDU and the HLA

                    In 1884, a landmark case resulting       The HLA has formed a good
                    in a doctor’s wrongful conviction        working relationship with the MDU
                    for the assault of a patient caused      and continues to foster these
                    outrage amongst the profession.          links. Critical infrastructure on
                    The trial used no expert medical         which to build this venture will
                    evidence, arguably resulting in          be available for the upcoming
                    the doctor wrongly convicted. The        2020/2021 cohort of HLA scholars.
                    need for a body to protect the           In conjunction with Medics Academy,
                    professional reputations of clinicians   a programme will enable the
                    was desperately needed. In 1885          mutual benefiting of all parties.
                    The Medical Defence Union (MDU)
                    was established as the world’s           Scholars will be able to network with
                    first Medical Defence Organisation       medico-legal professionals and gain
                    (MDO). Since then Membership             valuable experience in this often
                    has grown from 6 founding                under-represented part of working as
                    members to over 200,000 today.           a healthcare professional. A key topic
                                                             of interest for upcoming scholars will
                    The MDU Today                            be how we best support clinicians
                                                             who require medico-legal assistance
                    The MDU is a not-for-profit mutual       and to implement wellbeing resources
                    organisation, owned by its members,      tailored to these individuals.
                    who pay an annual subscription
                    in anticipation of guidance,
                    support and defence of medico-
                    legal matters arising from their
                    clinical practice of medicine.

Check out the following channels to see what we’ve been up to:

                                                                    ​@HLA_int > 3,500 followers

               Social Media                                         ​HLAint > 1,300 followers
                Our social media reach is rapidly
                growing, providing a great network
                to share scholars’ projects,
                disseminate blogs, advertise
                opportunities, and link to other
                useful information from The HLA.
                                                                    ​hla_int > 350 followers
                We have greatly appreciated the work
                of our HLA Communications Fellow
                2019-20, Tomisin Otenigbagbe.
                We have a detailed HLA                              The Healthcare Leadership Academy>2,700 followers
                Communications Review and Strategy,
                and have identified a number of
                goals to achieve over 2020-21.

                                                                    ​The Healthcare Leadership Academy>300 subscribers

                                                                                Please register to our weekly email update on what
                                                                                The HLA is doing and how you can get involved. Thank you.

          Akiko        Aleksander    Alex      Chiara       Cristina
          Fukui        Dawidziuk    Osborne    Cattra       Osborne

          Devina        Emma        Fatima    Gillespie      Hiba
           Maru         Tonner        Ali                    Khan

           Jacob         Nikita     Olamide    Oliver
         Oguntimehin    Punjabi      Dada     Griffiths       Raoul

           Vardah       Yousef
            Alam       Eltuhamy


   Aakash    Carina     Colene      Elizabeth      Alastair          Ben        Bence     Elaine
     Rai    Dowson     McLoughlin   Ashikodi       Coulson         Simpson      Baljer    Winkley

    Felix     Felix     Hannah       Hayley        Gareth          Haroon      Joseph      Laura
     Liu    Torrance    Morton      Coleman        Dobson          Ahmad        Battle     Stuart

   Jeffry   Jennifer     Millie      Pedra          Lauren         Michael      Nandi       Phil
   Hogg      Illonze     West        Rabiee     Leightell-Brown   Goodfellow   Mnyama     Atkinson

  Rebecca    Riddhi     Timothy     William        Samuel          Vanessa       Zach
   Yates     Shenoy       Chu       Doherty        Latham           Kocia      Shellman


        Ahmad      Alexander   Amelle    Catherine    Sofia      Harsh        Joe
      Elmansouri      Lee       Ra        Moore       Miah     Samarendra    Ziegler

       Kathryn     Dushen      Eamon      Hazel      James       Kieran      Rachel
       French      Murugiah    Rawlins   Awarah      Oliver     Robinson      Perry

        Rafia        Rani       Jenna     Junaid     Rachael     Rosie       Shivani
        Miah        Robson     Hussein    Fukuta     Palmer     Spooner     Mahapatra

       Simon        Simran     Tinaye      Toby      Sophie
       Phillips      Bedi      Mapako    Jennison    Smith


                 Bo          Carol      Caroline     Eva      Frederiek
            van den Berg     Chan      Heuschen    Boomstra   Bosman

               Geeth        Hussein     Jade       Jessica    Jonathan
               Silva       Al-Rubaye    Okene       Prince    Leegwater

               Lukas          Max         Onik      Sotuda     Tommy
              Verweij       Stewart    Chowdhury   Azizzada   Hokkeling

Tutors, Facilitators and Speakers
                                     Colby        David     Leslie     Peter     Alyson
                                     Benari        Bell    Hamilton    Cave     Williamson

                                      Archy      Neena     Suzanne      Adil     Namita
                                    Kirkwood     Modi      McCarthy    Oliver    Kumar

                                     Jeeves       David    Harrison   Graeme       Ike
                                    Wijesuriya   Haslam     Carter     Catto      Anya

                                     Wouter       Sjoerd    Jane      Jane        Anas
                                     Kollen      Repping   Thurlow    Dacre       Nader

                                     Simon        Kath      Cecilia
                                     Pleydell    McCourt     Anim

Programme Tutors
                    Johann      Ali     Jahangir    Derek     Julian
                   Malawana   Jawad      Alom       Gallen    Archer

                   Matthew    Melody    Roshana      Tom      Tom
                    Prior     Redman    Mehdian     Dolphin   Foley

                    Adam       Arrash    Christer    Colin     Dina
                   Williams   Yassaee    Mjaset      Brown     Saleh

                    Ellen     George     Justin      Ram
                   McCourt     Miller    Varney     Moorthy

The HLA Has grown rapidly in the        Our primary focus for the scholars'
               last four years, and we are very        programme is to grow the programme
               proud of our team for everything        internationally and to diversify the
               it has achieved. However, we            programme to nursing, midwifery
               have significant ambitions for the      and allied health professionals
               future, to grow a community of          colleagues to ensure all future
               individuals that care about health      healthcare professionals and leaders
               systems and want to make                enjoy the full benefit of The HLA.
               a positive impact on them. Our          We have developed programmes
               ethos is to support one another to      that are more accessible to a
               promote the concepts and ideas          broader range of clinicians, and
               that we all bring to our community.     we are developing educational
                                                       experiences with our partners at

Future Plans
               Over the year, we have built up         Medics.Academy that is genuinely
               our infrastructure, processes and       leveraging technology to deliver
               support mechanisms. Our plans           globally scalable soft skill education
               for the coming few years include        and training in healthcare leadership.
               increasing the programmes we
               offer, consolidate our processes and
               structures and scale the proposition
               to a growing audience of clinicians
               across the globe. Our aim, having
               achieved financial stability, is to
               invest growth and the priorities for
               our community. We have identified
               several opportunities for innovation
               that can immediately benefit and
               fulfil our aims and the community of
               extraordinary clinicians that we have
               been fortunate to grow and nurture.

Julia Wong
                         Adil Oliver
                         Abdiwahab Ibrahim
                         Aly Williamson
                         Jane Thurlow
                         Namita Kumar
                         Peter Cave
                         Leslie Hamilton
                         Colby Benari
                         Harrison Carter
                         Nicola Morgan
                         Emma Cox
                         Mateusz Gidaszewski
                         Venice Zapata
With Special Thanks To   Kayla Kreher
                         George Miller
                         Matt Prior
                         Melody Redman
                         Ilse Blomberg
                         Emma Oostenbroek
                         Jim Determeijer
                         Sjoerd Repping
                         Wouter Kollen
                         Marcel Levi
                         Lidija Rakic
                         Anna Verhulst
                         Michael de Neree tot Babberich
                         Raoul Li-Everington
                         Caroline Fryar
                         We are especially grateful to Raoul Li-Everington
                         (HLA scholar 2019-20) & Mateusz Gidaszewski
                         (Medics.Academy) for all of their hard work in putting this
                         report together.


                                       With thanks to:

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