Conte's Government THE "THIRD REPUBLIC" BEGINS - Interel

Page created by Douglas Powers
Conte's Government THE "THIRD REPUBLIC" BEGINS - Interel

                              June 2018
    Conte’s Government
Conte's Government THE "THIRD REPUBLIC" BEGINS - Interel
Palazzo del Quirinale, Salone delle feste
FB&Associati                                                                                                  Conte’s Government. The «Third Republic» begins

           [     SCENARIO

               Three months passed by since the last general elections of         The most relevant dossiers will inevitably require a political
               March, 4. It is the first time in Italy's history that forming a   agreement between the two leaders, with the Prime Minister
               government took so long. Such a delay is the result of a           risking to fade in the background.
               serious crisis, that evolved from the political level to the
               institutional level and then reached its peak with threats to      Still, the new PM is confronted with numerous imminent
               impeach the Head of State. But it seems that this phase has        challenges that cannot be faced without a strong personality.
               now ended.                                                         For instance: the G7 in Canada (June, 7-8), the European
                                                                                  Council on Migration (June, 28-29) and the Nato summit
               After lengthy and exhausting negotiations, a “political            (July, 11-12). These events will be a testing ground to
               Government” has been formed under the leadership of a              concretely assess Conte's leadership.
               “technical Prime Minister”. Indeed, Professor Conte will lead
               a team composed for two thirds by politicians (more or less        Another issue of interest can be inferred looking at the
               experienced).                                                      Government's team: the number of ministers designated
               However, a number of "technicians" have been chosen for            under the instructions of Lega is almost the same as the
               certain key roles; such a decision speaks volumes of the           number of ministers chosen my M5S. Considering that, at
               hard time that the current political class is having to find,      the last elections, Salvini's party achieved half the votes of
               within its own group, someone able to manage highly                M5S, this means that Lega has been the real winner in the
               delicate portfolios. In particular, the economist Giovanni Tria    negotiations to form the new Government.
               has been entrusted with the Ministry of Economy while law
               expert Enzo Moavero Milanesi will be the new Minister for          As to the relations with the EU, key players in the new
               Foreign Affairs.                                                   Government have reiterated on several occasions that
                                                                                  leaving the euro is off the table. It seems that this kind of
               With a technical expert leading the Government, it is              statements has reassured the financial markets which, in the
               inevitable that Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio – both            past few days, had reached a state of excitement and
               deputy Prime Ministers and each of them also in charge of          caused a sharp upturn in interest rates on government
               another Ministry - will play a key role in the Cabinet. As         bonds. Instead, it seems that the stock markets have
               leaders of the two parties forming the majority, their             moderately welcomed the new Government.
               presence in the Cabinet could strongly reduce the role of the
               Prime Minister.
FB&Associati                                                                                                      Conte’s Government. The «Third Republic» begins

               At parliamentary level, the Government enjoys a                       As a final analysis, it can be said that Salvini has been the
               comfortable majority at the Chamber of Deputies; but the              real winner of the post-election game. Di Maio realized his
               same cannot be said about the Senate. Indeed, Lega and                own (and Movimento's) dream to create a «Government of
               5S have 167 votes in the upper house (just six more than              change». But, in the past days, he has been the target of
               the absolute majority). Nevertheless, Conte's executive is            criticism and internal discontent, with his fellow party
               likely to receive external supports from MAIE (Associative            members accusing him of abusing his leading role.
               Movement Italians Abroad), from Autonomie and from a
               number of former members of M5S, thus reaching 175 or                 On the other hand, the Secretary of Lega had to "surrender"
               176 votes.                                                            and accept to form a Government in line with the
                                                                                     modifications requested by the President of the Republic. In
               Furthermore, Fratelli d’Italia (18 senators) has decided to           making such a choice, a crucial role has been played by the
               abstain. This means that, during the legislature, Meloni's            350 public appointments (RAI, CDP - Deposits and Loans
               party might decide to support Conte (perhaps in exchange              Fund; etc.) on which the new Government will decide in the
               for an actual participation in the executive?) in view of             coming weeks.
               reinforcing its numeric majority at the Senate. It is in fact         This is the scenario that marks what Italy's new leaders have
               clear that the Group of Movimento 5 Stelle has never been             called the beginning of the "Third Republic".
               "rock solid" and, in the past parliamentary term, did not show
               extreme solidity. So, some sort of support to the majority                      Others (5 ex 5SM + 1 Maie)6                          Fdi

               may come handy.
                                                                                                                           32                   (abstention)
                                                                                                                 League                      Lega
               Another element to assess is how participation in the                                       5SM
               Government of all party leaders (of both parties: e.g.
                                                                                                           222       Majority 316
               Giorgetti, Toninelli, Grillo, etc.) will the impact on the strength                                346 seats of 630
               of parliamentary groups. It will be necessary to strike new
                                                                                               Others (2 ex 5SM + 2 Maie) 4                            Fdi
               balances and to identity new leaders in the Parliament in             Senate                                                        (abstention)
               order to ensure that the groups of Lega and M5S stay                                              League      18
                                                                                                           109       Majority 161
                                                                                                                  167 seats of 320
Palazzo Chigi, Sala del Consiglio dei Ministri
FB&Associati                                                                  Conte’s Government. The «Third Republic» begins

                           GIUSEPPE CONTE – NON-POLITICIAN
                           (near to M5S)

                           Giuseppe Conte was born in Volturara
                           Appulla (Foggia) in 1964 and lives in Rome.
                           He is the chief of a law firm, works as attorney
                           who argues in front of the Supreme Court and
       Prime Minister
                           is professor of Private law at University of
                           Florence and LUISS University in Rome. He
          Age: 54          has been member of the Executive Board of
                           Administrative Justice and resigned when Mr.
           City:           Di Maio asked him to become Minister of
     Volturara Appulla     Government Administration. Furthermore, he
                           is member of the Scientific Committee Notary
                           National Foundation.


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                          LUIGI DI MAIO – 5SM                                                    MATTEO SALVINI - LEAGUE

                          Born in Avellino nel 1986. He is a Law student                         Born in Milan in 1973. He is a journalist and
                          and has been working as webmaster and                                  Party Secretary of Lega since 2012.He has
                          publicist. Member of Five Star Movement                                been Chief of Radio Padania and Padania
                          since 2017, he unsuccessfully took part in                             Libera. He carries the party card since 1990,
                          2010 municipal elections in Avellino. Elected                          from 1993 he has been member of Milan
      Deputy Prime        as an MP in 2013, he became Deputy                 Deputy Prime        Municipal Council. He has been a MEP from
       Minister and       Speaker of Chamber of Deputies. During last      Minister and Home     2004 to 2006 and from 2009 to 2014. His last
    Minister of Labour    parliamentary term, he has been member of            Secretary         election campaign was based on topics such
    and Social policies   EU Policy Commission. He is the political                              as 15% Flat tax, the lift of Law Fornero and
                          leader of the Five Star Movement and a good           Age: 45          sectoral studies.
          Age: 32         ally of Casaleggio.
                                                                              City: Milano
       City: Avellino

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                          GIANCARLO GIORGETTI - LEAGUE                                     GIOVANNI TRIA – NON-POLITICIAN

                          Born in Cazzago Brabbia in 1966, he obtained                     Born in Rome 1948, he is president of the National
                          a Master’s Degree in Economics at Bocconi                        Administration    School,    Political   Economy
                          University. He has been National Secretary of                    Professor, Director of the CEIS (Centre for
                          Lega Lombarda until al 2012. In 1996 he has                      Economic and International Studies), Director of a
                                                                                           Master in Development Economy and International
                          been elected MP for the first time and in 2001
                                                                                           Cooperation. He is really into underdevelopment
     Undersecretary of    he has been responsible for Transports, being      Minister of   issues and has worked as a consultant for the
       the Council        undersecretary. In 2013, he has been leader      Economics and   World Bank and Italian cooperation and has been
       Presidency         of the Lega Parliamentary group.                    Finance      the Italian delegate to the International Labour
          Age: 52                                                             Age: 70

       City: Cazzago                                                        City: Rome

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                           ALFONSO BONAFEDE – 5SM                                              PAOLO SAVONA – NON-POLITICIAN
                                                                                               (near to League)

                           Born in Mazara del Vallo in 1976, he is a                           Born in Cagliari in 1936, he graduated with honors
                           lawyer and in 2009 he has been                                      in Economics. He has been Professor at LUISS
                           unsuccessfully Major Candidate in Florence.                         University and Director-General of Confindustria.
                                                                                               From 1990 to 1999 ha has been President of the
                           Since 2009, he is the Movement’s
                                                                                               inter-bank fund of deposit protection. He has been
     Minister of Justice   Spokesman in Florence and committed               Minister for      Minister of Industry in Ciampi’s Administration
                           himself to stop the construction of the High-   European Affairs    (1993-1994). He is Executive Vice President at
          Age: 42          Speed tunnel. He is coordinator of Five Star                        Aspen Institute Italia. He recently resigned as
                           Movement municipalities and responsible for         Age: 82         President of Hedge Fintech Euklid Fund, the first
      City: Mazara del     some duties on Rousseau web platform. He is                         hedge fund that linked blockchain and AI.
            Vallo          in his second parliamentary term.                City: Cagliari

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                          ENZO M. MILANESI – NON-POLITICIAN                                     ELISABETTA TRENTA–NON-POLITICIAN
                                                                                                (near to 5SM)
                          Born in 1954 in Rome, he graduated with a
                          degree in Law at Sapienza University of                               Born in Velletri in 1967, she graduated with a
                          Rome in 1977. Between 1992 and 1994 he                                degree in Political Science, a Master in
                          has been the first Government Councilor for                           international Cooperation and another Master
                          Amato e Ciampi administrations and dealt                              in Intelligence and security. She is a manager
    Minister of Foreign   with the coordination of the Italian economic   Minister of Defense
                                                                                                of several development programmes, expert
          Affairs         policy and the European one. From 2011 to                             of defense, security, international cooperation
                          2014, he has been Minister for European              Age: 51          and Professor. She has been Political Advisor
          Age: 64         Affairs. He is currently Director of LUISS                            of ITJTF Commanders in Iraq, Country
                          School of Law.                                     City: Velletri     Advisor for Leonte mission in Lebanon in
         City: Rome                                                                             2009.

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                          RICCARDO FRACCARO – 5SM                                               GIULIA BONGIORNO - LEAGUE

                          Born in Trento in 1980. He graduated with a                           Born in Palermo 1966, she is a Criminal
                          degree in Law and worked on green-                                    Lawyer. She took part, as assistant, to the
                          economy, developing, in an energy service                             Andreotti’s Trial. In 2006, she has been
                          company, energy efficiency activities. He                             elected MP with Alleanza Nazionale. She is
                          committed himself to stop the construction of                         the founder of a non-profit for women victims
        Minister of       the Incinerator in Trento and has been elected   Minister of Public   of sexual abuse. In July 2010 she became a
      Relations with      as MP in 2013 and nominated Questor of the        Administration      member of Futuro e Libertà and in 2018 has
      Parliament and      Chamber. He is member of the Five Star                                been elected Senator again, but this time with
     Direct democracy     Movement Board of Arbitrators.                        Age: 52         Lega. She is Independent administrator of
                                                                                                CERVED and Juventus FC.
          Age: 38                                                            City: Palermo

        City: Trento

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                          SERGIO COSTA– NON-POLITICIAN                                         GIANMARCO CENTINAIO- LEAGUE
                          (near to 5SM)

                          He was born in 1959 and is General of                                Born in Pavia in 1971, he graduated with a
                          Carabinieri in the Region of Campania. He                            Master in Political Science at University of
                          was a member of the State Forestry Corps                             Pavia. He has been working in the large-scale
                          and has a Master Degree in Agriculture and                           distribution and in the tourism business. He
        Minister of
                          another one in Environment Law. He                 Minister of       has been Member of the Council of the
     Environment and      committed himself in fighting against            Agriculture and     Municipality of Pavia form 1993 to 2009 and
         Territory        environmental mafia crimes in Campania.               Food           in 2009 he has been nominated Deputy
                          Furthermore, during last years, he has been                          Major. In 2014, he has been elected President
          Age: 59         strongly criticizing the reform that disbanded       Age: 47         of Lega Nord in the Senate. In 2018 he has
                          the State Forestry Corps.                                            been re-elected as Senator.
        City: Naples                                                         City: Pavia

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                              GIULIA GRILLO – 5SM                                                 LORENZO FONTANA - LEAGUE

                              Born in Catania in 1975, she is a medical                           Born in 1980 in Verona. He is a card-carrying
                              examiner. In 2008, she has already been                             of Lega since the 90’s. At 29, he has been
                              running for Regional elections. In 2013 she                         elected MEP, Head of the Lega delegation
                              has been elected MP. During last                                    and Vice-President of Culture Committee. In
                              parliamentary term, she has been member of                          2014 è he has been re-elected at the EU
         Minister of          Social and Sanitary Affairs Committee. For     Minister of Family   Parliament, where he has been working on
         Healthcare           the current parliamentary term, she has been    and Disabilities    the alliance with the French Front National He
                              nominated leader of the Movement and                                is linked with the Association “Reazione
          Age: 43             declared herself in favour of vaccines but          Age: 38         Identitaria” and pays attention to topics such
                              against the obligation to have one.                                 as Christianity, family and birth rate.
        City: Catania                                                          City: Verona

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                          MARCO BUSSETTI – NON-POLITICIAN                                       DANILO TONINELLI – 5SM
                          (near to League)

                          Born in 1962 in Crenna Gallarate (VA). He                             Born in 1974, he is a member of the Five Star
                          graduated with a Master in Science. He is                             Movement since 2009. He graduated with a
                          member of the Executive Committee of the                              Master in Law and worked in a insurance
                          Minister for Education and CONI, Executive of                         company. From 1999 to 2002, he has been
        Minister for                                                           Minister of
                          the X Office of USR for Lombardia, Member of                          working in Carabinieri. In 2010 he
                                                                          Infrastructures and
       University and     the Regional body for sport and school,              Transports       unsuccessfully ran for regional local elections,
         Research         Executive of the XVIII Office of USR for                              but in 2013, he has been elected MP,
                          Lombardia. He wrote some papers on                   Age: 44          becoming one of the most important national
          Age: 56         personal defense and bullying.                                        politicians. He has been member of the
                                                                            City: Soresina      Constitutional Affairs Committee and Five
        City: Crenna
                                                                                                Star Movement leader in the Senate.

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                           BARBARA LEZZI – 5SM                                                  ERIKA STEFANI – LEAGUE

                         Born in Lequile (LE) in 1972. Graduated in a                           Born in Valdango (VI) in 1971. She is a
                         Trade school, she has been working since                               lawyer, had some local administration
                         1992 in a trade firm. During last parliamentary                        experiences and has been elected Senator in
                         term, she has been Vice President of Budget                            2013 with Lega and nominated Vice-President
                         Committee and member of EU Policy                                      of the parliamentary group. She has been
    Minister of Southern Committee. She is a frontwoman of Five Star       Minister of Regional member of the Parliamentary Committee of
            Italy        Movement.                                             Affairs and      indictments, Justice Committee, Committee of
                                                                               Autonomies       Inquiry     on      Feminicide,   childhood,
          Age: 46                                                                               adolescence and on the kidnapping and death
                                                                                 Age: 47        of Aldo Moro.
        City: Lequile
                                                                             City: Valdango

      SOCIAL NETWORKS                                                       SOCIAL NETWORKS

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                             ALBERTO BONISOLI – 5SM

                          Born in 1961, he is currently Head of Institute
                          at NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti,
                          private academy established in 1980 in Milan
                          and recognized by the system of Artist and
     Minister of Cultural
                          Music High Education (AFAM).
        Heritage and

          Age: 57

     City: Castel d’Ario


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