SPRING 2020 - Continuing Education and Workforce Development Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...

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SPRING 2020 - Continuing Education and Workforce Development Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Norwalk Community College
Continuing Education and
Workforce Development

        SPRING 2020
SPRING 2020 - Continuing Education and Workforce Development Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Create your best life at NCC!
Welcome to the Continuing Education and Workforce Development Spring 2020 catalog of non-credit classes
and certificates.

This catalog showcases a wealth of programming for learners of all ages – from children (grades 1-12) in our
College for Kids programs, to workers seeking professional advancement or a career change, to people who
just want to have fun exploring a new hobby.

Chances are, if you’ve sold a house, booked a cruise or needed emergency health care, your realtor, travel
consultant or EMT learned their professional skills at NCC!

Our instructors are industry professionals and certified teachers who deliver quality programming.

NCC offers Workforce Development classes and industry certifications in fields including business, health care,
early childhood education, public safety, real estate and information technology.

We also offer classes that serve as a bridge from non-credit to credit-bearing college degree or certificate
programs. There is truly something for everyone.

I hope you will take a moment to explore our catalog and share it with a friend. You’ll be glad you did.


Cheryl C. De Vonish, J.D.
Chief Executive Officer, Norwalk Community College

Kristina Testa-Buzzee, Ed.D.
Interim Dean of Workforce Development and Community Partnerships
Norwalk Community College

Norwalk Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, sex, national origin, marital status, ancestry, present
or past history of mental disorder, learning disability or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or genetic information in
its programs and activities. In addition, the College does not discriminate in employment on the basis of veteran status or criminal record. The following
persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Associate Director of Human Resources Louisa Jones at
(203) 857-7301 or ljones@norwalk.edu; or Coordinator of Student AccessAbility Services Fran Apfel at (203) 857-7192 or fapfel@norwalk.edu.
SPRING 2020 - Continuing Education and Workforce Development Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Table of Contents
                                         WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT                                                     PERSONAL ENRICHMENT
                                                                                                                   Art Tours.......................................................21
                                                                                                                   Art...................................................................... 22
                                         National Bookkeeping Certification.....................4
                                                                                                                   Bartending Certification..............................24
                                         Legal Secretary Certificate ................................ 5
Register Today!                          Retail Customer Service & Sales Certification....... 2
                                                                                                                   Culinary Arts.................................................24
                                         Real Estate Certificate....................................... 6-7
See page 47                                                                                                        Finance & Investing................................... 25
                                         Travel Associate Certificate.................................. 6
For More                                 Computers & Information                                                   Group Exercise Instructor Certificate...........20
Information                              Technology                                                                Interior Design..............................................27
                                         A+ Certification................................................ 13       Languages................................................. 28
Email                                    Computer Graphics......................................... 12             Music................................................................. 30
continuing-ed@norwalk.edu                Computer Programming....................... 10-11                         Performing Arts............................................30
Phone                                    Microsoft Office Specialist Certification ........8                       Personal Enrichment................................. 31
(203) 857-7080                                                                                                     Photography.............................................. 31
                                         Web Design....................................................... 11
                                                                                                                   Wellness, Fitness & Sports......................... 35
Website                                  Early Childhood Education...................... 14                        Writing.............................................................. 34
                                         Health Care
Admissions                                                                                                         CREDIT OFFERINGS
                                         Certified Nurse Aide.....................................15
(203) 857-7068                                                                                                     Associate Degrees...................................... 38
                                         Dental Assistant Certificate..........................16
Testing                                  EKG Technician Certificate ........................ 18                    Degree Certificates.......................................38
(203) 857-7070                           Group Exercise Instructor Certificate ..........20                        Pathways to Credit.......................................39
Records/Registrations                    Homemaker Companion Certificate ......... 18
                                         Medical Billing and Reimbursement
(203) 857-7237
                                         Specialist.......................................................... 17   English as a Second Language.............. 40-43
                                         Medical Coding Certification .......................17
(203) 857-7239
                                         Pharmacy Technician ................................ 18                   HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS
Building/Weather Closings                Phlebotomy Technician Specialist
(203) 857-7000                           Certificate......................................................... 19   Courses for High School Students............. 44
www.norwalk.edu                          Advanced Phlebotomy Certificate...............19                          Test Prep Class SAT.................................... 44
                                                                                                                   College for Kids (Grades 1-8)..................... 44
                                         Physical Therapy Aide..................................18
                                         Veterinary Assistant........................................20
Payment Plan                             Public Safety
Option                                   EMT Basic.......................................................... 37
                                                                                                                   Registration Form: College for Kids................. 46
                                                                                                                   Registration Form: Continuing Education....... 47
For the spring 2020 semester, payment    Police Exam Prep ...................................... 37
plans are available for the following    Security Officer Certificate ..........................37                 Index................................................................. 48
Certificates. For details and payment                                                                              Instructor Bios............ www.norwalk.edu/ce-wd
amounts please visit the business
office. Payment plans must be arranged                                                                             Resources................................Inside Back Cover
in person at this time.
• Certified Nurse Aide - page 15         Look for these course designations throughout the catalog:
• EKG Technician - page 18                             Certificate to Degree

• P
   hlebotomy Technician                               A related Associate Degree is available. Successful certificate completion may count towards degree

  Specialist Certificate -                             program application.
  page 19
                                                       Health CareeRx Academy
• A
   dvanced Phlebotomy and

                                                       The Health CareeRx Academy of the WorkPlace has scholarships available to qualified persons. Contact
  Beyond - page 19
                                                       them at (203) 930-1637 to inquire about eligibility. See ad on inside back cover for more information.
• P
   harmacy Technician
  Training - page 18                                   Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training Program

                                                       Contact Jenine Carlson (203) 857-7059. See ad on inside back cover for more information.
• T
   he Group Exercise instructor
  Certificate - page 20
• EMT - page 37                                        Computer Class
                                                       This icon indicates a computer class. Students are required to use their NetID, also referred to as
                                                       Banner ID, to access college computers. See page 8.
SPRING 2020 - Continuing Education and Workforce Development Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Business                                              Business                                              REAL BUSINESS ISSUES FACED BY
                                                                                                              REAL BUSINESS OWNERS
                                                        Management                                            Many business owners spend the majority
                                                                                                              of their time working “in” their business, not
                                                        FUNDAMENTALS OF FUNDRAISING                           “on” their business. Many critical business
                                                        AND GRANT WRITING                                     planning issues go unaddressed, which may
                                                                                                              create adverse implications for the success
                                                        Why is fundraising so important? Fundraising          and viability of the business in the future.
                                                        is critical to the survival of nonprofits and the     This course will address these planning issues
                                                        achievement of charitable objectives. Gen-            faced by Business Owners during the lifecycle
                                                        erating donations has become increasingly             of their business: Business Succession and
                                                        competitive, as government funding shrinks            Continuation Planning, Business Valuation,
                                                        and foundation dollars are tightly targeted.          Attracting and Retaining Key Employees,
                                                        While development can be a challenge, there           Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, and
From small business techniques to corporate             are tools to help nonprofits succeed. In this         Wealth Transfer. We will address the following
skills, our business programs can help you go           course, learn “The 12 Most Important Things           issues: What is the plan for my business when
                                                        You Need to Know about Fundraising” and               I retire? Is my business capable of continuing
where the growth is in today’s economy and
                                                        how fundraising fits into nonprofit strategy          its success in the event of my or my partners’
prepare yourself for greater success tomor-             and operations. This session provides an              untimely death or disability? Have I done
row. Whether you choose to take a single                overview of the entire grant seeking process          everything I can to attract, retain, and reward
course or add one of our certificates to your           and crafting compelling proposals. Topics             the key employees that are critical to my
resume, we will help ensure your career path            explored include: establishing a development          business? Have I given sufficient thought to
is heading in the right direction.                      office; creating a development plan; finding          who is the right successor to my business? Do
                                                        the “right funder”; preparing a budget and            I know what my business is truly worth? Have
                                                        action plan; managing grants and reporting;           I taken the necessary steps to minimize my
                                                        winning and keeping donors; policies (all             tax burden? How is my business going to fund
                                                        gifts are not acceptable!); trends in online          my retirement if I am not there to run it? This
                                                        and mobile funding; leveraging the market-            is a lecture based but interactive class, and
                                                        ing plan; legacy gifts; making your case with         discussion is welcome.
                                                        metrics and RBA (Results Based Accountabil-
                                                                                                              CRN 5489                    1 Session
                                                        ity) and mobilizing your board. This course           PRFD D5147 Section 01       NCC, Room E219
                                                        incorporates “Grant Writing Fundamentals”.            Thursday 7:00PM-9:00PM      4/23/2020
                                                        Students will complete sample grants in class.        Tuition: $49
                                                        A project is required to complete this course.        Instructor: Jonathan Bogin Levine, M.B.A.
                                                        CRN 5527                     6 Sessions
                                                        PRFD D5070 Section 01        NCC, Room E220
                                                        Tue/Thur 6:00PM-8:00PM 		Begins 2/4/2020
                                                        Tuition: $249
                                                        Instructor: Suzanne Peters, M.B.A.

     Retail Customer Service and Sales Certificate
     Are you considering a career in retail?             This certificate is designed to assist entry-      In addition, students sit for the National
     Would you like to enhance your current              level sales and service associates to learn        Professional Certification in Customer Ser-
     position in retail with updated skills in           valuable skills related to front-line work in      vice and Sales Exam offered by the National
     customer service? Learn how to engage the           retail (or any industry that values cus-           Retail Federation (NRF). This Certification is
     customer and be efficient at determining            tomer service and sales skills). The Retail        funded by GGP and the Norwalk Commu-
     customer needs. With field research, class-         Customer Service and Sales Certificate             nity College Foundation.
     room discussions, role-plays, and customer          provides an overview of the retail industry,       For more information and to register,
     situation analyses, develop a strategy for          customer service skills, selling and service,      please contact the Division of Continuing
     managing conversations with different               understanding store operations, and                Education at NCC, 203-857-7078 or
     types of customers. After this 10-session           enhances “employability” skills.                   Lnathaniel@norwalk.edu. Please
     course, you will have acquired critical skill       Upon successful completion of course               reference the Retail Customer Service
     sets for developing customer relationships          requirements, students receive an NCC              and Sales Certificate Program.
     through exceptional customer service that           Retail Customer Service and Sales Certif-          Note: Students must attend all sessions to
     store management looks for in a store               icate from Norwalk Community College.              qualify for the NCC certificate.
                                                                                                            CRN 4858                         10 Sessions
                                                                                                            PRFD D5939 Section 01            NCC, Room TBA
                                                                                                            Tue/Thur 6:00PM-9:00PM           Begins 3/10/2020
     Brookfield                    NORWALK COMMUNITY COLLEGE
                                                                                                            Tuition: $25 (Refundable tuition upon successful
     Properties                                                                                             completion of NRF exam). Scholarships are avail-
                                                                                                            able. Instructor: Celia M. Batan, B.A., M.A., C.P.C.

 2     www.norwalk.edu/ce-wd
SPRING 2020 - Continuing Education and Workforce Development Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
INTRODUCTION TO AGILE PROJECT                          PROJECT MANAGEMENT                                   INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS
                                                       This four-session course will provide high level     This course is also available as a Credit Division
“Agile” is the name used for a group of                overview of project management training              class. Prices may vary.
modern project management methods. Agile               from the PMI global standards. Each session          As a platform for other business courses, this
methods have in common that they break                 will provide guidelines, rules and charac-           introductory course places business in perspec-
each project into small “timeboxed” itera-             teristics for project, program and portfolio         tive by surveying it in a contemporary manner
tions with defined deliverables. Throughout            management. These standards are widely               and by offering students a solid foundation in
the project, the deliverables can be adjusted          accepted and, when consistently applied,             the various disciplines of business. It provides
when the requirements change. Agile has                will help you, your global peers and your            a conceptual understanding of our capitalistic
been used initially only for software devel-           organization achieve professional excellence.        society, accounting management, human
opment projects but is now used across all             Moreover, because they are created and               resources, marketing, finance and controls.
business units to manage all kinds of projects         updated by both volunteer committees and             CRN 4739                        28 Sessions
and to shorten delivery times. Participants            the general public, you can be confident that        PRFD D5166 Section 01B          NCC, Room W226
of the class will learn the fundamentals of            the PMI standards continually and accurately         Mon/Wed 10:00AM-11:20AM         Begins 1/22/2020
agile project management and how to apply              reflect the evolving profession. (This is not a      Tuition: $599                   Text Add’l
them to their own projects or even in their            software supported class.) Topics covered at         No Class 2/17, 3/16, 3/18
own lives. Several in-class activities will bring      an introductory level will be:                       Instructor: Victor J. Tardino
the concepts to life. This class is for business       • I ntroducing Project Management, Under-           CRN 5139                        28 Sessions
professionals who manage projects as well as                                                                PRFD D5166 Section 02B          NCC, Room W202
                                                          standing the PMBOK® Guide, Process
for anyone who wants to manage their day to                                                                 Mon/Wed 7:00PM-8:20PM           Begins 1/22/2020
                                                          Groups and Knowledge Areas, Integration           Tuition: $599                   Text Add’l
day life more efficiently.                                Management Processes                              No Class 2/17, 3/16, 3/18
CRN 5490                      2 Sessions                                                                    Instructor: Valerie Cooper
                                                       • Scope Management Processes
PRFD D5051 Section 01         NCC, Room W218
Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 4/8/2020                • Time Management Processes
Tuition: $99
Instructor: Hans Rieke, Ph.D.
                                                       • Cost Management Processes
                                                       • Quality Management Processes                       Business
                                                       • Human Resource Management Processes
                                                       • Communications Management Processes
This course is an overview for people who              • Risk Management Processes                          THE ART AND SCIENCE OF WIN/WIN
are thinking of starting a small business. This        • Procurement Management Processes                   NEGOTIATIONS
course will provide the aspiring business              CRN 5497                        4 Sessions           People negotiate all the time: securing a new
owner the tools to launch and develop a                PRFD D5410 Section 01           NCC, Room W230       employment opportunity, purchasing an
successful business. Students will self-evalu-         Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 3/4/2020
                                                                                                            automobile, or settling a claim, etc. Whether
ate, learn how to conduct industry analysis,           Tuition: $249                   Text Add‘l
                                                       Instructor: Gail Hill Williams, B.B.A.               the topic is major or minor, negotiation is a
structure a business; develop marketing and                                                                 critical problem-solving skill that all of us can
sales strategies; prepare a business plan; and                                                              benefit from. More often than not, people
obtaining financing to effectively get started         ENTREPRENEURSHIP
                                                                                                            do poorly when negotiating because they
as a business owner. Specific topics include                                                                misunderstand the process and lack effective
                                                       This course is also available as a Credit Division
the basics of:                                                                                              negotiating skills. This course is designed to
                                                       class. Prices may vary.
• Personal Evaluation                                                                                       examine methods to develop conflict manage-
                                                       This course is designed to provide theory
• Industry Analysis                                    based real world skills and resources needed         ment and negotiating skills and understand
                                                       to start a business. In the course, students will    best practices for negotiators. The course
• Legal Entity
                                                       learn how to evaluate business ideas, develop        includes role-plays, case studies, videos, and
• Marketing and Sales Strategy                                                                              simulations in one-on-one and group situa-
                                                       strategies for organizing and marketing a busi-
• Writing a Business Plan                              ness, assess capital needs and create sound          tions to develop participants understanding
• Obtaining Financing                                  financial statements. In addition, students will     of principles, strategies, and tactics of effec-
                                                       work in groups to research, develop, and write       tive negotiation.
• Planning your Opening
                                                       comprehensive business plans. Participants           CRN 5498                      2 Sessions
CRN 5496                        4 Sessions                                                                  PRFD D5409 Section 01         NCC, Room E122
PRFD D5302 Section 01           NCC, Room W230         may use their own business ideas as a model
                                                                                                            Thursday 6:00PM-9:00PM 		Begins 4/16/2020
Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 4/8/2020                for this project, with groups consisting of both     Tuition: $89
Tuition: $249                                          aspiring business owners and NCC students.           Instructor: Cynthia Mullins, J.D.
Instructor: Gail Hill Williams, B.B.A.                 CRN 2796                      28 Sessions
                                                       PRFD D5412 Section 01B        NCC, Room W225
                                                       Tue/Thur 11:30AM-12:50PM Begins 1/23/2020
                                                       Tuition: $599                 Text Add‘l
                                                       No Class 3/17, 3/19, 5/7
                                                       Instructor: Paul Daulerio, Ph.D.

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                             See page 47 for Registration Form    3
                                                     Bookkeeping                                            BOOKKEEPING CERTIFICATION:
                                                                                                            MASTERING DEPRECIATION AND
If you’ve ever wanted to create a blog to share      BOOKKEEPING PRACTICES
your expertise or passion, then this class is for                                                           This course is part of the National Bookkeep-
you. In this introductory workshop, you will         Accounting is the “language of business,” and          ing Certification. It covers everything students
learn the basics of blogging including select-       bookkeeping plays an essential role in the             need to know about paying wages, withhold-
ing your content niche, your target market,          operation of every successful business. In this        ing, depositing and reporting taxes, correct
establishing yourself as an expert, developing       course, students learn the accounting concepts         use of government forms, and depreciation
a content calendar, and securing followers and       and practices that underlie all accounting             on financial statements, straight-line, GAAP,
fans. Students should have a solid knowledge         systems, whether manual or software-based.             production method, etc.
of the Internet, social media, and a passion to      They receive an introduction to the entire
                                                     accounting cycle, from transactions analysis to        Prerequisite: Bookkeeping Practices or Princi-
write. Jennifer Covello is an award-winning                                                                 ples of Accounting, or Financial Accounting or
author who has been blogging for over 10 years       preparation of journals, ledgers, trial balances
                                                     and financial statements, including the Bal-           previous on-the-job bookkeeping experience.
on a variety of topics, including small business
                                                     ance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement             CRN 1551                    12 Sessions
marketing, parenting, and spirituality.                                                                     PRFD D5862 Section 01       NCC, Room W230
                                                     of Owner’s Equity. This course is often taken
CRN 5251                      1 Session                                                                     Tue/Thur 6:00PM-8:00PM      Begins 2/27/2020
PRFD D5044 Section 01         NCC, Room W231         by business owners and managers, and is a              Tuition: $359               Text Add‘l
Thursday 7:00PM-9:00PM        3/12/2020              prerequisite for students planning to take the         No Class 3/17, 3/19
Tuition: $35                                         Bookkeeping Certification courses.                     Instructor: Anthony Romeo, M.S., C.P.A.
Instructor: Jennifer Covello, M.B.A.                 Students need to purchase the textbook online
CRN 5252                      1 Session              for the first class: College Accounting, Chapters      BOOKKEEPING CERTIFICATION:
PRFD D5044 Section 02         NCC, Room W201         1-12, 11th edition by Nobles, Scott, McQuaig &
Thursday 7:00PM-9:00PM        4/23/2020                                                                     MASTERING INVENTORY, INTERNAL
Tuition: $35                                         Billie. ISBN: 9781111528126                            CONTROLS, AND FRAUD
Instructor: Jennifer Covello, M.B.A.                 CRN 1697                      14 Sessions              PREVENTION
                                                     PRFD D5009 Section 01         NCC, Room W214
                                                     Mon/Wed 5:30PM-6:50PM         Begins 1/29/2020         This course is part of the National Bookkeep-
BRIDGING TRADITIONAL                                 Tuition: $379                 No Class 2/17            ing Certification. It covers everything students
MARKETING TO A DIGITAL WORLD                         (Cost includes U-Pass transportation fee)              need to know about accounting for inventory,
                                                     Instructor: Gary Del Vecchio, M.B.A.                   inventory recordkeeping using the perpetual
Traditional marketing has evolved for
decades. It included advertising, direct mail,                                                              method, using the periodic method, and
face-to-face demonstrations, promotions,             BOOKKEEPING CERTIFICATION:                             inventory costing.
channel marketing and more. During the last          MASTERING, CORRECTING AND                              Prerequisite: Bookkeeping Practices or Prin-
10 years, marketing products and services has        ADJUSTING ENTRIES                                      ciples of Accounting or Financial Accounting
turned over on its heels. With the advent of                                                                orprevious on the job bookkeeping experience.
                                                     This course is part of the National Bookkeeping
digital marketing, social media and inbound                                                                 CRN 5528                     9 Sessions
                                                     Certification. It covers everything students
marketing, corporations and entrepreneurs                                                                   PRFD D5861 Section 01        NCC, Room W103
                                                     need to know for error corrections, bank recon-        Tue/Thur 6:00PM-8:00PM       Begins 4/16/2020
have had to learn to use contemporary meth-          ciliation, and accruals and deferrals.                 Class will also meet on Monday, 5/11 Room W115
ods to reach audiences. Learn how to market          Prerequisite: Bookkeeping Practices or Prin-           Tuition: $359                Text Add‘l
your product/service in today’s new competi-         ciples of Accounting or Financial Accounting or        Instructor: Anthony Romeo, M.S., C.P.A.
tive marketplace.                                    previous on-the-job bookkeeping experience.
CRN 5507                4 Sessions                   CRN 1804                     10 Sessions
PRFD D5050 Section 01   NCC, Room E222               PRFD D5860 Section 01        NCC, Room W115
Wednesday 6:30PM-8:30PM Begins 4/1/2020              Tue/Thur 6:00PM-8:00PM       Begins 1/23/2020
Tuition: $139                                        Tuition: $379
Instructor: Jack Lee                                 (Cost includes U-Pass transportation fee)
                                                     Instructor: Anthony Romeo, M.S., C.P.A.

           National Bookkeeping Certification and the Norwalk

         Community College Certification Program
     The American Institute of Professional Book-    the skills and knowledge required for certifica-    Bookkeeping Exam. The three courses do not
     keepers (AIPB) has established a professional   tion, which include: adjusting and correcting       need to be taken in any order.
     certification, the Certified Bookkeeper (CB)    entries (accruals and deferrals); basic book and    Required Courses for the NCC Certificate:
     credential, a high professional standard for    tax depreciation; basic payroll including paying
     bookkeepers. Certified Bookkeepers (CBs) are    wages, withholding, depositing and reporting        • Mastering, Correcting and Adjusting Entries
     to bookkeeping what CPAs are to account-        taxes using the basic forms (W-2, 941, 940,         • Mastering Depreciation and Payroll
     ing; the cream of the profession. The three     etc.); recording and costing out merchandise        •	Mastering Inventory, Internal Controls &
     courses in the NCC certificate program focus    inventory, and internal controls and fraud             Fraud Prevention
     on preparing you for the National Certified     prevention. Upon completion of each course,
     Bookkeeper tests by helping you truly master    students should take the appropriate National       Courses offered in the Fall and Spring semesters.

 4     www.norwalk.edu/ce-wd
Legal Secretary Certificate
   Earn a Certification as a Legal Secretary and       private law firm, corporate legal department            the following four courses:
   start your career in the legal services field.      or government law office. These courses are             • Understanding Administrative Procedures in
   The Norwalk Community College Continuing            designed to prepare students to hit the ground             the Legal Environment
   Education Legal Secretary Certificate Program       running when they get their first job as a legal
                                                       professional or help boost those who may                • Introduction to Legal Concepts for the Legal
   is designed to start you on the road to career
                                                       already be working in a law office but want to             Secretary
   that is both rewarding and challenging. The
   program is designed to provide students             gain more skills. Students will receive a certif-       • Microsoft Word – see page 9
   with the basic skills they need to work in a        icate after attending, completing and passing

                                                       Educational                                               BACK TO THE CLASSROOM:
                                                                                                                 HOW TO STUDY
                                                       & Career                                                  Career change? Going back to the classroom

                                                       Development                                               could feel daunting. Working and going for your
                                                                                                                 certification at the same time? Shifting from work
                                                                                                                 to academics requires focus and efficient time
                                                       WORKPLACE & CAREER STRATEGIES                             management. Whether you are in high school,
                                                                                                                 already in college, or an adult learner, this course
                                                       Today’s employee needs more than just expertise           will help you examine your learning style and
                                                       in their profession; they need soft skills to be suc-     study habits. This four-session course gives you
                                                       cessful in the workplace. This is a career readiness      tools to remember what you read, how to take
                                                       course designed to arm participants with skills           notes during lectures, and how to compose your
                                                       required to navigate today’s work environments.           thoughts on paper. You will have control over
                                                       This course is designed to prepare participants           studying and organizing information for course-
UNDERSTANDING ADMINISTRATIVE                           currently enrolled in college, recent graduates           work. You can make studying fun and meaningful.
PROCEDURES IN THE LEGAL                                and newly minted hires for the workplace. Partic-         CRN 5503                      4 Sessions
ENVIRONMENT                                            ipants will learn best practices and techniques on        PRFD D5948 Section 01         NCC, Room W245
                                                       how to manage work relationships, challenging             Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 4/8/2020
The legal profession is both exciting and reward-      environments and other workplace dynamics.                Tuition: $129
ing. This course is for those who want to get          Topics will include: emotional intelligence, soft         Instructor: Celia M. Batan, B.A., M.A., C.P.C.
started or perhaps change careers to become            skills, effective communication, image and
a legal secretary. You will learn an overview of       perception management, workplace culture,                 LEARN RAPID READING
a law practice, management of a law office,            negotiation and advocacy, and conflict manage-
working with attorneys and other legal staff           ment. Please bring a lunch/snack to class.                Learn easy-to-use techniques to power through
and ethics in client relations. In addition, you       CRN 5501                      1 Session                   your daily reading at a faster rate with better
will become familiar with legal research and the       PRFD D5041 Section 01         NCC, Room E121              comprehension. This system works on all
courts, filing and records management and mail         Friday 9:00AM-1:00PM          4/3/2020                    non-fiction reading material from light to highly
and docket control systems.                            Tuition: $49                                              technical. It is suitable for professionals, college
                                                       Instructor: Cynthia Mullins, J.D.                         students, high school students, and all adults
CRN 5499                      6 Sessions
PRFD D5059 Section 01         NCC, Room W229                                                                     who have too much to read, not enough time
Thursday 6:30PM-9:00PM        Begins 2/13/2020         JOB HUNTING FOR INDIVIDUALS                               and are looking for an alternative but fun way
Tuition: $259                                          WITH HIGH FUNCTIONING                                     to get all their reading done. Please bring one
Instructor: Robert B. Keyes, J.D.                      DISABILITIES                                              non-fiction book 200-300 pages on a topic that
                                                                                                                 interests you, for reading exercises. Participants
INTRODUCTION TO LEGAL                                  Through hands-on, interactive, supportive                 will receive a workbook, and copies of articles
CONCEPTS FOR THE LEGAL                                 activities and community experiences, the stu-            which will also be used for the workshop.
SECRETARY                                              dent will learn how to get a job and keep it. This
                                                                                                                 CRN 5596                        4 Sessions
                                                       small class is designed to provide individualized         SPIN D5023 Section 01           NCC, Room W201
This course is a hands-on introduction into the        employment readiness skills to meet the specific          Tuesday 7:00PM-9:00PM           Begins 4/21/2020
field of law. It will not only give you a general      challenges of each student. Writing a resume,             Tuition: $89
background of substantive law it will break            learning the pros and cons about disclosing               Instructor: Sisi Ferine, B.S., B.A.
down different areas of a legal practice so            one’s disability, approaching an employer about
you can hit the ground running. You will learn         a job modification, managing past terminations,
about different areas of the law including con-        employment gaps or lack of experience, learning
tracts, real estate, business organizations, civil     to network, reading body language and practic-
law and procedure, criminal law, family law,           ing interviewing skills with actual employers will
probate and workers’ compensation.                     be some of the topics covered in this class.
CRN 5500                      6 Sessions               CRN 5502                    7 Sessions
PRFD D5058 Section 01         NCC, Room W245           PRFD D5866 Section 01       NCC, Room W215
Thursday 6:30PM-9:00PM        Begins 4/2/2020          Tuesday 6:30PM-8:30PM       Begins 2/11/2020
Tuition: $259                                          Tuition: $199
Instructor: Robert B. Keyes, J.D.                      Instructor: Colleen Kearney

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                                  See page 47 for Registration Form      5
                                                   This introductory course prepares the individ-      BEGINNING TRAVEL
                                                   ual to take the real estate licensing exam-
                                                                                                       An intensive course designed for anyone
                                                   ination and meet the minimum educational
                                                                                                       interested in a career in the travel industry.
                                                   requirements set forth by the State Real Estate
                                                                                                       You will explore the world of travel and build a
                                                   Commission for the real estate licensee. Stu-
                                                                                                       foundation in the basic concept of travel. This
                                                   dents intending to sit for the State of Connecti-
                                                                                                       course is an overview of Travel and Tour-
                                                   cut Real Estate exam must attend 60 hours and
                                                                                                       ism, domestic and international air travel,
                                                   pass this course with a grade of 70 or above.
                                                                                                       geography, travel technology, ground travel,
                                                   Please bring textbooks to the first class. Please   accommodations, cruises and tour packages.
                                                   check NCC Bookstore for hours.                      CRN 5524                     6 Sessions
                                                   CRN 4593                      22 Sessions           TRAV D5003 Section 01        NCC, Room W229
                                                   REAL D5000 Section 01         NCC, Room E227        Tuesday 7:00PM-9:30PM        Begins 2/11/2020
                                                   Tue/Thur 6:00PM-9:00PM        Begins 2/25/2020      Tuition: $249                Text Add‘l
                                                   Tuition: $449                 Text Add‘l            Instructor: Domenic Carriero

Real Estate                                        Instructor: Louis J Colangelo, Jr., J.D.
                                                   CRN 4335                    22 Sessions             ADVANCED TRAVEL
                                                   REAL D5000 Section 02       NCC, Room E227
All Real Estate courses are approved by the        Mon/Wed 9:00AM-12:00PM Begins 2/24/2020             This course will build on basic knowledge of
                                                   Tuition: $449               Text Add‘l              the travel industry and is designed for those
Real Estate Commission. Approved courses           Instructor: Karena Piedmont
for NCC can be found on the DCP website                                                                who have completed Beginning Travel or who
                                                   CRN 4786                   11 Sessions              are considering returning to the travel field
under the title of Norwalk Community               REAL D5000 Section 03      NCC, Room E227           after an absence and would like a refresher
College.                                           Saturday 9:00AM-3:30PM     Begins 2/8/2020          course. Instruction will concentrate on
                                                   Tuition: $449              Text Add‘l
                                                   No Class 2/15, 3/21, 4/11                           developing and building skills in the areas of
BECOME A REAL ESTATE                                                                                   marketing, sales customer satisfaction, com-
                                                   Instructor: Amanda Morgado, B.A.
SALESPERSON                                                                                            munications, agency accounting, home based
Your first step is to register and pass the Real                                                       agents, building and finding a career in travel.
Estate Principles and Practices course. This
pre-licensing 60-hour course is required by the       Travel Associate                                 Prerequisite: Beginning Travel
                                                                                                       CRN 5256                     6 Sessions
State of Connecticut.                                 Certificate                                      TRAV D5004 Section 01
                                                                                                       Tuesday 7:00PM-9:30PM
                                                                                                                                    NCC, Room W245
                                                                                                                                    Begins 3/24/2020
                                                                                                       Tuition: $249                Text Add‘l
BECOME A REAL ESTATE BROKER                           The Travel Career Certificate program            Instructor: Domenic Carriero
                                                      is designed to ensure that the student
Attend and successfully complete Real Estate          receives the most intensive, up to date and
Principles and Practices course. Please refer to      practical preparation for career in today’s      CRUISES
www.ct.gov/dcp for more information.                  travel industry. A Travel Career Certificate     This course will cover understanding why
Licensing and education requirements subject          will open-up possibilities for travel agency,    people cruise, the travel agent’s approach
to change.                                            cruise lines and hospitality employment.         to selling, booking, and group sales. Class
                                                      This program was designed for the new            will cover Riverboat, Small Ship Sailing, and
BECOME A STATE CERTIFIED                              travel consultant, a brush up for the experi-    Mega Ships. Strong emphasis on customer
                                                      enced or non-agency corporate travel staff       service in the hospitality industry. If a future in
                                                      and a stepping stone for eager to learn.         a Travel agency or Cruise line employment is
Refer to www.ct.gov/dcp, use keyword                  At the end of advance travel course, a           what you are looking for, this course will open
“appraisal licensing” for more information.           certification test will be given. This is a      up all the possibilities and more.
Licensing and education requirements subject          CTA certificate (Certified Travel Associate)     CRN 5257                      5 Sessions
to change.                                            from the “Travel Institute” which shows          TRAV D5010 Section 01         NCC, Room W216
                                                      that you have the knowledge and tools            Wednesday 6:00PM-8:30PM       Begins 4/15/2020
                                                      to move forward in the travel world.             Tuition: $149                 Text Add‘l
CONNECTICUT REAL ESTATE                                                                                Instructor: Claire Mancini
COMMISSION REQUIREMENTS                               Students need a passing grade of 70% or
                                                      higher. After 12 months of industry experi-
For a summary of Connecticut Real Estate &            ence, students must submit employment
Appraisal Certification Licensing requirements,       verification to receive the CTA certificate.
please refer to www.ct.gov/dcp, use keyword           Students will receive the NCC Certificate
“real estate licensing” or call (860) 713-6150.       of Completion after passing the three
                                                      courses listed below.
                                                      Required Courses for NCC Certificate
                                                      • Beginning Travel
                                                      • Advance Travel
                                                      • Cruises

 6    www.norwalk.edu/ce-wd
Real Estate                                                                                                Norwalk Community
  Continuing                                                                                                 Spring 2020 Real Estate
  Education                                                                                                  Continuing Education

CRN    Course     Sect   Course Title                                                       Dates            Days                Time                 Room

5529   D5007      01     CT Real Estate Agency Law Review & Fair Housing Part I             Friday           2/7/2020            9:00AM-12:00PM       W103

5538   D5128      01     Contracts & Titles-What Every Agent Should Know                    Tuesday          2/11/2020           6:00PM-9:00PM        W103

5536   D5012      01     Styles of Architecture for Real Estate Agents                      Wednesday        2/19/2020           9:00AM-12:00PM       W217

5532   D5008      01     CT Real Estate Agency Law Review & Fair Housing Part II            Friday           2/21/2020           9:00AM-12:00PM       W103

5540 D5137 01            Understanding Credit & Improving Credit Scores:                    Wednesday        2/26/2020           9:00AM-12:00PM       W217
			                      What You Need to Know

5573   D5136      01     Real Estate Agent Personal Security                                Wednesday        3/4/2020            9:00AM-12:00PM       W217

5535   D5135      01     Eminent Domain-What Every Real Estate Agent Should Know            Friday           3/6/2020            9:00AM-12:00PM       W105

5530   D5007      02     CT Real Estate Agency Law Review & Fair Housing Part I             Wednesday        3/11/2020           6:00PM-9:00PM        W103

5575   D5117      01     Flip or Flop: Investment Analysis for Residential Properties       Thursday         3/12/2020           6:00PM-9:00PM        W103

5533   D5008      02     CT Real Estate Agency Law Review & Fair Housing Part II            Wednesday        3/18/2020           6:00PM-9:00PM        W103

5541 D5137 02            Understanding Credit & Improving Credit Scores:                    Wednesday        3/25/2020           6:00PM-9:00PM        W103
			                      What You Need to Know

5537   D5012      02     Styles of Architecture for Real Estate Agents                      Wednesday        4/1/2020            6:00PM-9:00PM        W103

5576   D5134      01     Due Diligence: A Town Hall Tour                                    Tuesday          4/7/2020            6:00PM-9:00PM        W103

5539   D5128      02     Contracts & Titles-What Every Agent Should Know                    Wednesday        4/15/2020           9:00AM-12:00PM       W217

5531   D5007      03     CT Real Estate Agency Law Review & Fair Housing Part I             Friday           4/17/2020           9:00AM-12:00PM       W103

5574   D5136      02     Real Estate Agent Personal Security                                Tuesday          4/21/2020           6:00PM-9:00PM        W230

5534   D5008      03     CT Real Estate Agency Law Review & Fair Housing Part II            Friday           4/24/2020           9:00AM-12:00PM       W101

Please stop at the Registration table to complete                                  MANDATORY LICENSE RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                   • CT Real Estate Agency Law Review & Fair Housing Part I
FEES & APPROVALS                                                                   • CT Real Estate Agency Law Review & Fair Housing Part II
Tuition for each three-hour seminar:                                               Salespeople and Brokers must complete 12 hours of Continuing
Pre registration $35, Walk in registration at site $40                             education to meet licensing renewal requirements.
All seminars are approved for Real Estate Continuing Education.
Classroom doors open 30 minutes before start time. Students arriving               R ENEWAL DEADLINES
late will not be atmitted.                                                         BROKERS: March 31, 2020
                                                                                   SALESPEOPLE: May 31, 2020
WITH THEM IN CLASS.                                                                The state now requires schools to register students attending class
All seminars meet the minimum requirements for three hours of                      with both their name and license number as it appears on their license.
continuing education as set forth by the Connecticut Real Estate                   All seminars held at Norwalk Community College,
Commission for license renewal.                                                    188 Richards Avenue, Norwalk, CT.

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                               See page 47 for Registration Form    7
Computers &                                        Intro to Computer                                      INTRODUCTION TO
                                                                                                           MICROSOFT WORD

 Information                                        KEYBOARDING
                                                           Knowing the locations of the keys on
                                                                                                                 Planning on going back to work or
                                                                                                                 writing your first novel, this course will

 Technology                                                the computer keyboard is essential for
                                                    quick typing of word processing documents
                                                                                                           allow you to brush up on Word basics. We
                                                                                                           start with creating, printing and saving docu-
                                                                                                           ments. We also cover correcting errors, simple
                                                    for business and personal use, data entry,
                                                                                                           formatting such as changing margins and
                                                    emails, and even responding to messages
                                                                                                           setting tabs. This is a good follow-up course
                                                    on social network sites. In just six sessions,
                                                                                                           for Computer Basics.
                                                    you will learn touch-typing techniques and
                                                    improve your speed and accuracy. No longer             Prerequisite: Computer Basics or equivalent
                                                    will you use the “hunt-and-peck method.” You           experience. Students should be familiar with
                                                    will also learn correct techniques, which play         using both using the keyboard and the mouse.
                                                    an important role in accurate, fast keying.            CRN 5494                      4 Sessions
                                                                                                           COMP D5227 Section 01         NCC, Room W002
                                                    CRN 5228                      6 Sessions
                                                                                                           Thursday 10:00AM-12:00PM Begins 3/19/2020
                                                    COMP D5299 Section 01         NCC, Room W107
                                                                                                           Tuition: $139
                                                    Wednesday 6:00PM-8:30PM Begins 3/25/2020
                                                                                                           Instructor: Joan Singer, B.A.
                                                    Tuition: $199                 Text Add‘l
                                                    Instructor: Elizabeth Nagurney, B.A., M.L.S., C.A.S.
Important note for computer classes                                                                        MICROSOFT WORD -
regarding computer access:                          COMPUTER BASICS                                        BEYOND THE BASICS
• A
   ll NCC students including non-credit                  Computer Basics is the starting place                  This course is for those who have used
  students must use their NetID, also                     for those who have little or no experi-                a recent version of Word (7, or 10) and
  referred to as Banner ID, to access college       ence on the computer. We begin by reviewing            are comfortable entering, editing, printing,
  computers.                                        basic computer terminology and learning                and saving simple documents. We start with
                                                    about the parts of the computer and how                a review of the basics and move on to more
• I f you are taking a computer class, please
                                                    they work together. Along the way we stress            advanced topics such as header/footers, col-
   read instructions on page 9.
                                                    correct use of the mouse and the keyboard.             umns, graphics, mail merge, and more.
• I n order to avoid student computer              As we proceed, we try out the major types of           Prerequisite: Basic Word functions; entering
   accesses issues, students must register for      software used today, including Microsoft Word          data, saving, printing.
   computer classes at least three days prior       and Excel as well as other useful programs,            CRN 5230                      5 Sessions
   to start of class.                               including accessing the Internet. There is no          COMP D5904 Section 01         NCC, Room W002
                                                    prerequisite for this course but some ability to       Tuesday 10:00AM-12:00PM Begins 4/7/2020
                                                    type would be useful.                                  Tuition: $169
                                                                                                           Instructor: Joan Singer, B.A.
                                                    CRN 4227                      5 Sessions
                                                    COMP D5239 Section 01         NCC, Room W002
                                                    Tuesday 10:00AM-12:00PM Begins 2/11/2020               THE ONE-HOUR WEBSITE:
                                                    Tuition: $169                                          HOW TO CREATE YOUR WEBSITE
                                                    Instructor: Joan Singer, B.A.
                                                                                                           WITH WORDPRESS
                                                                                                                 WordPress.com is the fastest and least
                                                                                                                 expensive way to get a professional
    Prepare for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)                                                          looking website up and running. No program-
                                                                                                           ming language is involved. Join thousands of
    Certificate                                                                                            photographers, bloggers and small businesses
                                                                                                           creating new WordPress sites each day. In this
    Be MOS certified! Step up your career by        you have met the industry’s standard for               hands-on course, you will learn how to get a
    becoming certified as a Microsoft Office        Microsoft Office desktop training. Testing             site up quickly, how to refine it with the right
    User Specialist (MOS). This comprehensive       is administered at Microsoft certificated              design, how to add new content quickly, and
    series of courses is designed to offer the      authorized centers. For details, visit https://        how to format pictures for the best impact.
    student a command of Microsoft Office           www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/certifi-              We will also discuss how to get your new site
    software solutions. Today’s workforce           cation-overview-mos.aspx.                              noticed by Google.
    demands skilled employees, and MOS                                                                     CRN 4286                    2 Sessions
                                                    Required Courses:                                      COMP D5248 Section 01       NCC, Room E203
    certification demonstrates that you are in
                                                    • Microsoft Word – Page 9                              Monday 6:00PM-9:00PM        Begins 2/3/2020
    that select group. To receive certification                                                            Tuition: $99
    as a MOS Office Specialist, a student must      • Microsoft Excel – Page 9
    pass an exam administered by Microsoft for                                                             CRN 5323                      2 Sessions
                                                    • Microsoft PowerPoint – Page 10                       COMP D5248 Section 01         NCC, Room E205
    the specific application studied. The MOS       • Microsoft Access                                     Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 4/29/2020
    exam has two levels of difficulty: proficient                                                          Tuition: $99
    and expert. Successful completion of a          • Microsoft Outlook                                    Instructor: Richard Malloy, M.B.A.
    MOS exam indicates to an employer that

8    www.norwalk.edu/ce-wd
   Computer                                            OFFICE SUITE-2016
                                                                                                                  Microsoft has equipped the latest versions
                                                                                                                  of Excel with some amazing “Power”
                                                              Learn what you need to know today for
                                                              tomorrow! Students will be introduced        features. In this Advanced Excel 2016 course, stu-
                                                       to the three essential business applications        dents will learn how to use the most important
                                                       of today: Word, Excel and PowerPoint. In this       of these industrial-strength tools: specifically,
   Please read this important note if you              hands-on course, students will learn the basics     Power Query (also known as Get & Transform),
   are taking computer classes.                        of word processing with Microsoft Word, create      Power Pivot, and Power BI Desktop The course
                                                       a budget spreadsheet with Microsoft Excel, do a     includes a review of Excel’s database features
   All NCC students including non-credit               mail merge using Word and Excel, and create a       such as pivot tables, the VLOOKUP function,
   students must use their NetID, also                 slide presentation with PowerPoint.                 and the INDEX/MATCH combination. Students
   referred to as Banner ID, to access col-                                                                will also learn how to use Excel’s new formatted
   lege computers. Access to new student               Prerequisite: Students should be familiar
                                                       with basic Windows skills and feel comfort-         tables and slicers and how to take advantage
   accounts may take up to 24 hours after                                                                  of macros and the Visual Basic for Applications
   your registration has been processed.               able using a computer. Please bring a flash
                                                       drive to class.                                     programming language.
   Your NetID is your college network user             CRN 5518                      6 Sessions            CRN 5210                      6 Sessions
   name, and it allows you to log on to                COMP D5853 Section 01         NCC, Room W122        COMP D5269 Section 01         NCC, Room W002
                                                                                                           Monday 6:00PM-9:00PM          Begins 4/13/2020
   computers in the library and labs. Your             Tuesday 6:00PM-9:00PM         Begins 3/24/2020
                                                       Tuition: $349                                       Tuition: $349
   NetID also gives you entry to http://                                                                   Instructor: Richard Malloy, M.B.A.
   my.commnet.edu, the “portal” entry to               Instructor: Judith Puchalski, M.B.A.
   Connecticut Community College online
   services: library services, online regis-           MICROSOFT WORD 2016                                 MASTERING DATA ANALYSIS AND
   tration, academic transcripts, grades,                                                                  PRESENTATION SKILLS USING
                                                              Microsoft Word 2016 takes word process-      RAPIDMINER
   Blackboard Learn and more.
                                                              ing to a new level by automating common
   Logging On For the First Time:                      tasks and providing powerful tools to create                If you understand and use Excel, this
                                                       professional looking documents quickly and                  introductory course is your next step up
   • Your NetID is your Banner ID with the            easily. Students will learn the essential vocabu-   in understanding Data Analysis techniques
      @ symbol following the eight numbers             lary, concepts, and features of Microsoft Word,     and tools. If you work in sales, marketing,
      (i.e. 123456768@student.commnet.                 create and format documents, apply advanced         advertising, finance, medicine or any related
      edu). You received your Banner ID                formatting features, and use mail merge.            area where data must be analyzed, you will
      when you were admitted/registered                                                                    benefit from this course. You will learn to: get
      AND IT IS LOCATED ON YOUR RECEIPT.               Prerequisite: Computer Basics, Intro to
                                                                                                           insights from your data, use data to describe
                                                       Windows or equivalent experience. Students
                                                                                                           past performance, predict future events
   Your initial password is made up of the             should be familiar with using both a keyboard
                                                                                                           and make data-driven decisions you can
   following personal information:                     and mouse.
                                                                                                           recommend or use in your own company or
   • The first three characters of your birth         CRN 5292                      6 Sessions            business. We will use RapidMiner, a powerful
                                                       COMP D5590 Section 01         NCC, Room W122
      month (with the first letter capital-            Tuesday 6:00PM-9:00PM         Begins 2/4/2020       software tool that requires no programming
     ized)                                             Tuition: $349                 		                    skills. You will learn how to: connect to differ-
                                                       Instructor: Judith Puchalski, M.B.A.                ent data sources, “clean” data and deal with
   • The “&” symbol                                                                                        missing or extreme values, discover patterns
   • The last four digits of your Social              MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016                                in the data (using machine learning), make
      Security Number (for example:                                                                        and test different data models useful for mak-
      Apr&1899)                                               Whether you are developing a household       ing predictions, create data visualizations that
                                                              budget, analyzing portfolio returns, or      suggest and support insights, make action-
   Non-Credit Students:                                calculating mortgage payments, Microsoft            able recommendations and presentations.
   if you have not submitted your social               Excel 2016 is an indispensable tool for orga-       This course uses easy to understand examples
   security number on your registration                nizing, analyzing and reporting complex data.       to provide you with hands-on experience.
   materials (in the past or currently)                Excel’s powerful analytical tools will enable you   Students will analyze data of their choice
   then you will NOT be able to utilize this           to build complex models, analyze scenarios,         and present their insights to the class. The
   initial password and will need to go the            and solve problems with ease. In this course,       professional version of RapidMiner is free for
   Records Office, room E102, with a valid             students will create and edit various types of      student academic use. There is also a free (but
   photo ID to request a password.                     spreadsheets, formulas, and charts. Advanced        less powerful) and a paid version available for
                                                       features such as scenario building, goal seeking    any use.
   The password is case sensitive. You will            and pivot tables are introduced, along with         Prerequisite: While not required it would be
   be prompted to change your password.                many of Excel’s powerful built-in functions.        helpful if you were familiar with basic con-
   If you need additional assistance to                Prerequisite: Basic computer skills and work-       cepts in probability, statistics, and Excel.
   reset your password, please see the I.T.            ing knowledge of Windows                            CRN 5514                     4 Sessions
   office in Room E319 or the Library on               CRN 3955                      6 Sessions            COMP D5926 Section 01        NCC, Room E203
   East Campus.                                        COMP D5591 Section 01         NCC, Room W135        Monday 6:30PM-9:30PM         Begins 3/23/2020
                                                       Monday 6:00PM-9:00PM          Begins 2/24/2020      Tuition: $249
                                                       Tuition: $349                 No Class 3/16         Instructor: Michael Behar, Ph.D.
                                                       Instructor: Richard Malloy, M.B.A.

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                            See page 47 for Registration Form    9
Computer                                              INTRODUCTION TO RELATIONAL
                                                                                                       DATABASES AND MS SQL SERVER
                                                 Programming                                           PROGRAMMING
                                                                                                             This course will cover basic concepts
                                                 INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPT                                  of relational database design and SQL
                                                 PROGRAMMING                                           Programming using Microsoft SQL Server
                                                                                                       2017. Students will get to design normalized
                                                         JavaScript is a powerful programming          databases and will get introduced to writing
                                                         language built into every Web browser. In     Stored procedures and Triggers to maintain
                                                 this course, students examine the latest JavaS-       data using MS SQL Server 2017.
                                                 cript language features, including: syntax and
                                                                                                       CRN 5237                     6 Sessions
                                                 conventions, data types, operators, functions,        COMP D5048 Section 01        NCC, Room E203
                                                 closures, objects, timers and event handlers. The     Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 4/8/2020
                                                 development environment will use “open source”        Tuition: $349                Text Add‘l
MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2016                        tools including: Notepad++, jQuery, jsLint, and       Instructor: Richard Malloy, M.B.A.
                                                 jsHint. Students will review best programming
       Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 allows users    practices and focus on learning to avoid common
       to deliver professional presentations                                                           INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING
                                                 pitfalls as well as developing strong thinking and
and slide shows in any setting, from the         debugging skills. This is a “hands on” course. It            This course is also available as a Credit
boardroom to the Internet. With its formatting   is based on a series of increasingly challenging             Division class. Prices may vary.
and multimedia tools, PowerPoint is a power-     exercises in which students will learn to translate   This course covers Fundamentals of program-
ful tool when preparing business proposals,      specifications and requirements into efficient        ming and program development techniques.
winning sales presentations and effective        and working code. There is no textbook for this       Topics include data types, functions, storage
educational aids. Students are introduced to     course. Readings from freely available Web            class, selection, repetition, pointers, arrays,
formal presentations, complete with graphics,    sources will be assigned. No previous program-        and file processing. Programming laboratory
and smart-art charts. Students will receive an   ming experience is required. This course is a         projects in a closed laboratory environment
in-depth understanding about the difference      prerequisite for JavaScript Applications. Please      are supervised by the instructor. Three hours
between animations and transitions. This         bring a flash drive to class.                         lecture; two hours of laboratory.
hands-on course links state-of-the-art tech-
                                                 CRN 5516                     6 Sessions               Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra
nology along with an online syllabus to give     COMP D5216 Section 01        NCC, Room W133
students the support, skill, and confidence                                                            CRN 3923
                                                 Tuesday 6:30PM-9:30PM        Begins 2/4/2020
that is needed in developing these skills                                                              COMP D5117 Section 01B
                                                 Tuition: $349
                                                                                                       Online                        Begins 1/22/2020
beyond the classroom.                            Instructor: Michael Behar, Ph.D.
                                                                                                       Tuition: $819                 Text Add‘l
Prerequisite: An understanding and working                                                             Instructor: Patrick Cassidy, M.S.
knowledge of computer skills and a basic         JAVASCRIPT APPLICATIONS
knowledge of Windows. Please bring a flash                                                             PROGRAMMING MOBILE DEVICES II
drive to class.                                         JavaScript is a powerful programming
                                                        language built into every popular Web                 This course is also available as a Credit
CRN 5515                     6 Sessions
COMP D5851 Section 01        NCC, Room W140
                                                 browser. This course uses a project-based                    Division class. Prices may vary.
Tuesday 6:00PM-9:00PM        Begins 2/4/2020     approach where students will develop a
                                                                                                       The course will build on the knowledge gained
Tuition: $349                		                  small personal or business application
                                                                                                       in CSC 262 Programming Mobile Devices 1 by
Instructor: Joseph Aveni, M.Ed.                  using JavaScript and free software tools and
                                                                                                       enabling the student to specialize in devel-
                                                 frameworks (e.g., jQuery). Students will work
                                                                                                       opment on a single device. The device will be
QUICKBOOKS-PRO 2018                              on designing and coding a fully functional
                                                                                                       chosen prior to offering the class. All aspects
                                                 single page web-based application using a
        Students will learn how to master this                                                         of the development will be covered in the
                                                 next-generation app-development platform
        powerful and flexible management tool                                                          context of the device. 3 hours of lecture and 2
                                                 called Firebase which runs on the Google
for small business accounting and bookkeep-                                                            hours of laboratory.
                                                 Cloud Platform. Students will learn about
ing needs. With QuickBooks, most routine         data structures, interface design, event han-         Prerequisite: Programming Mobile Devices I
operations can be automated, enabling the        dling, and multimedia programming, as well            or Intermediate Java Programming
manager, bookkeeper, or accountant to keep       as how to organize work, break problems               CRN 4588
vital financial information at his or her fin-   down into manageable chunks, read other               COMP D5114 Section 02B
gertips. Students will learn accounts payable,   peoples’ code, and debug and improve their            Online                      Begins 1/22/2020
accounts receivable, report writing, and how                                                           Tuition: $759               Text Add‘l
                                                 own code. Exercises and reading assign-               Instructor: Thomas Duffy
to reconcile bank statements.                    ments will be assigned.
Prerequisite: Computer Basics, Intro to Win-     Prerequisite: Introduction to JavaScript or
dows, or equivalent experience. Please bring a   with permission of instructor.
flash drive to class.                            CRN 5517                     6 Sessions
CRN 3125                     6 Sessions          COMP D5050 Section 01        NCC, Room W140
COMP D5437 Section 01        NCC, Room W002      Tuesday 6:30PM-9:30PM        Begins 3/24/2020
Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 2/12/2020         Tuition: $349
Tuition: $389                 		                 Instructor: Michael Behar, Ph.D.
Instructor: Cheryl McGuire, M.B.A.

10 www.norwalk.edu/ce-wd
       This course will introduce students to the         Computer Programming Certificate
       basics of Python. Python is an inter-
preted, object-oriented high level programming             Those who have mastery of computer             Required Courses:
language, which has recently become a popular              programming are in demand in the               • 	Introduction to Programming with
tool in industry and in academia. Python can               business world. In this certificate program,        C#. Net-Visual Studio 2013
be used for creating Windows, UNIX and Mac                 individuals will learn how to use a variety
applications, from simple console and web-based                                                           • 	Introduction to Software Application
                                                           of programming languages for business
to elaborate graphic interfaces for video games.                                                               Development Using C#
                                                           management needs.
Python standard packages such as Numpy, Scipy                                                             •	Introduction to JavaScript Programming
and Scikit-learn offer a range of modern methods                                                          • JavaScript Applications
for big data analysis and constantly expand their
capabilities. As Python is free to use and open
source, it can be a valuable tool for students curi-
ous about the inner workings of the data mining/       WEB DEVELOPMENT WITH PHP                           WEB DEVELOPMENT & DESIGN II
machine learning methods. The ability to under-               This course is also available as a Credit         This course is also available as a Credit
stand big data processing is becoming necessary               Division class. Prices may vary.                  Division class. Prices may vary.
for many careers, from computer programming
to business managing. In this project-based            This course will introduce students to web         As a continuation of Web Development and
course students will explore applications of           development using PHP. Students will learn how     Design I, this course focuses exclusively on
Python for data analysis and computer-aided            to design web sites according to the MVC model.    JavaScript as the de facto scripting language
decision making. Step-by-step instructions will be     Object-oriented PHP will serve as the means by     of the Web. Students will write standards-
provided for each project. Examples will be taken      which the model component of the MVC-based         based scripts that manipulate elements of
from Robotics, Finance and Business, Econom-           web application is implemented. Session man-       the browser window. Further, students will
ics, Operations Research, Financial Modeling,          agement will be used to deliver customized con-    use JavaScript to create Active Server Pages
Engineering, Mathematics, Biology and Physics.         tent. Students will also use the MySQL database    (ASP) that execute on a web server. This class
The concepts of machine learning algorithms and        in conjunction with PHP to create dynamic web      prepares students to pass the ASP Certificate
big data analysis will be introduced. Please bring     applications. 3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab.        test administered by W3Schools.
a flash drive to class.                                Prerequisite: CSC 108 Introduction to Program-     Prerequisite: Web Development and Design I.
Prerequisite: Basic programming skills (in             ming or CSC 207 Introduction to VB.NET.            CRN 3009                     14 Sessions
any languages) are required.                           CRN 3924                      Online               COMP D5041 Section 02B       NCC, Room W140
                                                       COMP D5047 Section 01B        Begins 1/22/2020     Saturday 10:00AM-2:20PM      Begins 1/25/2020
CRN 4033                        6 Sessions                                                                Tuition: $764                Text Add‘l
                                                       Tuition: $764                 Text Add‘l
COMP D5102 Section 01           NCC, Room 107                                                             No Class 2/15, 3/21, 4/11
                                                       Instructor: Michale J. Graziano
Saturday 9:00AM-12:00PM         Begins 2/1/2020                                                           Instructor: Ryan C. Fisher
Tuition: $349                   No Class 2/15
Instructor: Nadia Udler, M.S.                          WEB DEVELOPMENT & DESIGN I
                                                                                                          INTERNET COMMERCE
                                                             This course is also available as a Credit    TECHNOLOGY
PYTHON II FOR MACHINE                                        Division class. Prices may vary.
LEARNING                                                                                                         This course is also available as a Credit
                                                       This course provides the entry into the fast
                                                                                                                 Division class. Prices may vary.
       This course will start with a review of         moving website development industry. With its
       the basics of Python programming and            heavy hands on mode of delivery, students will     This introductory course covers the current
object oriented design. Students will be guided        learn XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, and be        technologies supporting today’s Internet com-
through individual and group projects from             exposed to JavaScript. Adhering to standards,      merce initiatives and the business rationales
machine learning and data science areas that           specifically from the World Wide Web Con-          for conducting commerce via electronic rather
make use of Numpy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib,          sortium (W3C) and the European Computer            than traditional means. Some of the technol-
Scikit Learn and other Python libraries.               Manufacturers Association (ECMA), will play a      ogies explored in the course include payment
                                                       dominant role in the creation of web pages that    systems, web server tools, and security systems.
Prerequisite: Python I Please bring a flash
drive to class.                                        are both platform and browser independent.         Prerequisite: Eligiblity for English 101
CRN 5491                        6 Sessions             Prerequisite: Basic computer functionality.        CRN 3925                      Online
COMP D5101 Section 01           NCC, Room W107                                                            COMP D5204 Section 01B        Begins 1/22/2020
                                                       CRN 4878                     Online
Saturday 9:00AM-12:00PM         Begins 3/28/2020                                                          Tuition: $599                 Text Add’l
                                                       COMP D5028 Section 01B       Begins 1/22/2020
Tuition: $349                   No Class 4/11                                                             Instructor: Patrick Cassidy, M.S.
                                                       Tuition: $764                Text Add‘l
Instructor: Nadia Udler, M.S.                          Instructor: Michael P. Gow

   Web Design                                          The demand for individuals who can design          Required Courses:
                                                       for the World Wide Web (WWW) is continu-
   Certificate                                         ing to grow dramatically. This certificate
                                                                                                          • Web Development & Design I
                                                                                                          • Web Development & Design II
                                                       program will provide you with the tools you
                                                                                                          • Introduction to Programming
                                                       need to enter this expanding and exciting
                                                       industry.                                          • Web Development with PHP

Registration is recommended at least one week prior to course start date.                                          See page 47 for Registration Form   11
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