Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...

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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...

Conversion growth strategy
Poolwerx leads the way

Emerging stronger from a crisis
7-Eleven’s remediation and reform journey

Getting your lease right
The shifting retail landscape

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                   ISSN 2652-1237

                                    OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE FRANCHISE COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA   thefranchisereview | i
Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...
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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...
                                     2         A message from the CEO
                                     4         Using a conversion growth strategy to realise potential
                                     9         Confronting the challenge and emerging stronger
                                     13	Tough time for small business means big challenges
                                         for the economy
                                     16	Franchisees provide input through new Advisory

  4                                  18        Returning to the fold in franchising
                                     20	Redcat’s IT platform is helping food retail franchises
                                         adapt for success
                                     22	Why the world’s biggest franchise brand gets ideas
                                         from Down Under
                                     24        Getting your retail lease right
                                     26        A human approach to the evolving landscape
                                     28	Turn the page: How millennials are influencing your

  9                                  31        What’s next for franchising?
                                     34        Good franchising is simply good business for all
                                     38        Inspiring customer loyalty
                                     40	Winning in 2020: A business planning method for
                                         generating success
                                     45        Upcoming FCA Events
                                     46        WA shines at State Conference
                                     48        Getting the right culture back
                                     50        Evolution of a franchise
  24                                 52        NFC19: Evolving in a new landscape

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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...

to franchise
By Mary Aldred,
CEO, Franchise Council of Australia

Fostering a strong                To help address this, the FCA began          Franchises offer the brand
                               a campaign in 2019 to support regional      recognition, efficiency and economies
and diverse small              revitalisation by highlighting franchises   of scale advantages of a chain store
business sector is a           as an efficient, innovative tool to         while retaining the local economy
                               address service and small business          and entrepreneurial benefits that
significant component          ownership gaps.                             are hallmarks of independent small
of a sustainable local            The FCA sent letters of invitation       businesses which help local economies
                               to nearly 80 regional economic              strengthen and expand their base.
economic development           development officers across Australia           The franchise business model provides
strategy. For many             and is now in discussion with a number      an organisational system and corporate
                               of councils interested in attracting new    support that lowers barriers to entry.
regional centres, slowing      franchised businesses.                      Reducing these traditional obstacles may
commercial investment             At the same time, the FCA sent an        greatly enhance opportunities for many
                               email to members to ask if they were        first-time entrepreneurs who traditionally
has resulted in a shortfall    interested in setting up in specific        lack adequate resources, access to capital,
in the range of retail and     regions and looking to identify potential   and extensive industry experience.
small business services        franchisees and business operators.             As CEO, I’m leading a small but
                                  The result was outstanding and the       focused FCA delegation in July meeting
and entrepreneurial            FCA is now organising introductions         with regional economic development
opportunities.                 between franchise members and local         officers, councillors, local chambers of
                               governments in several regions, on the      commerce and key regional landlords
                               path to become Australia’s foremost         between the WA coast and northern
                               small business and franchise system         NSW to discuss and introduce franchises
                               matchmaker.                                 which could breathe life back into their
                                  The regional councils have               economies and communities through
                               approached the FCA mindful that             matching local business people with
                               selective franchises which address          some of the nation’s most successful
                               identified service and small business       franchise systems.
                               gaps in their area will help create             In doing so, we clearly acknowledge
                               a more diverse business mix, new            the model for the program developed
                               employment opportunities and core           with Greater Hamilton Council in south-
                               activity in the community.                  western Victoria.

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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...
“The benefit of introducing
                                                franchised businesses is not just
                                                economic, but also has a positive
                                                social and community impact.”

    The Greater Hamilton region promoted           Through my own regional background,
its business opportunities to franchisors      I know how much franchised businesses
and franchisees at the Franchise Council       contribute to rural and regional Australia
of Australia’s National Convention             and the FCA has been delighted to assist
in Melbourne in October 2018 and               Greater Hamilton, as well as discuss the
produced a detailed information kit to         opportunity with several more councils
assist franchise systems to evaluate the       across Australia.
opportunities in the region.                       The benefit of introducing franchised
    The Greater Hamilton regional              businesses is not just economic, but also
presence at NFC2018 was a fantastic            has a positive social and community
introduction to the industry and a             impact. Often you will find franchisees
surprise to many attendees, with               passing on the knowledge they have
Hamilton receiving positive feedback for       gained through their training and support
their proactive approach to generating         to other local businesses. Healthy
business growth for the region.                businesses create healthy communities.
    The central geographical location for          By helping to meet the needs and
a franchise territory, projected population    maximise the opportunities for interested
growth of the region and the stable            franchisors and franchisees, as well as
regional spend that is demonstrating           providing a crucial link between local
an upward trend, were significant              government and business, the FCA can
considerations for franchisors.                further enhance the success of the local
    Since then, the Council team and a         economy, maintain population growth
number of franchise systems have been in       and diversify the service offering for the
discussions aligning potential franchisees     community.
with franchisors. Other franchisors are            We would be pleased to discuss
redesigning their geographical territories     further how the FCA can assist both our
or examining their business model to           members and local regions in utilising
adjust to a smaller catchment.                 this program to participate in the nation-
    Franchisors noted that when you see        wide strategy to leverage the benefits
a local council investing in infrastructure    of franchising to rebuild and strengthen
for its CBD, then this is a sure sign of       Australia’s local economies and
growth throughout the region.                  communities. n

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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...
As Poolwerx continues its expansion in the
United States of America, the pool and spa
care franchise has turned its attention to
finding ‘ma and pa’ pool businesses and
converting them to franchised operations.

Using a
to realise

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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...
It’s a recruitment strategy that is      pool businesses, with 500 ‘ma and pa’          not ready to retire yet but want a solid
paying dividends for franchisor and          operators. As we strive for the goal of        exit strategy. This makes them willing
franchisees alike.                           300 stores new stores domestically as          to convert to the brand because of the
    For franchisees, it’s a welcome move     well, we expect over 50 per cent of our        higher future sales price it will drive.
from being an unsupported independent        new Australian franchise partners will            4. COO – Convert, own, operate.
business in a tough market to gaining        originate from a conversion.”                  These independents are usually around
the resources that come from joining                                                        45 years of age, with about a decade
a franchise framework to secure their        Identifying a                                  of experience in the industry. They are
livelihood.                                  conversion prospect                            ready to take their business to the next
    As franchisor, Poolwerx gains a ready-       “Our approach is based on a fair bit       level but unsure how to achieve it solely.
made customer base and the expertise         of science to ensure we are targeting the      They realise the benefits of joining a
of franchisees who have already been         right businesses,” O’Brien says.               franchise to make this goal come to
operating their own business in the              “We map all independent stores             fruition.
market.                                      in Australia, United States, and New
    “Conversion as a franchise               Zealand and crosscheck those against
                                                                                            Promoting the
development strategy is an opportunity       our current franchise territories and          advantages of franchising
we have embraced over the past few           pool ownership to see what options are         to potential converts
years after realising the immense            available for expansion. We then rank the         According to O’Brien, in the United
potential it held for our business,” says    stores according to the opportunity level      States currently about 30 per cent of
CEO and Founder of Poolwerx, John            and utilise data from our suppliers to         conversion prospects contact Poolwerx,
O’Brien (left).                              combine all this intelligence to populate      with the remaining 70 per cent targeted
    “Since adopting the strategy (in the     our recruitment database and formulate         through a direct approach.
USA), we have learnt so much about           a plan of approach to introduce the               Experience has taught O’Brien and
the process and honed our approach           Poolwerx brand.”                               his team that there are several influential
to great success, leading to a record 40         According to O’Brien, prospects            factors that a potential conversion
retail store conversions in 40 months,”      usually fall into four categories.             business considers before joining the
he says.                                         1. Immediate acquisition. Usually          network.
    Now, 70 percent of Poolwerx’s            there is a serious personal issue or illness      “The number one question people
USA network has been derived from            that is driving the need for an immediate      want to know is: how do I increase my
conversion franchising and O’Brien           sale and they are grateful of the              revenue? Marketing is the answer, but
says the strategy will also form a major     approach. If the business and location         the reality is it can be hard for a sole
element of the franchise’s recruitment       is right, Poolwerx will find a franchise       operator to turn their minds to investing
program in Australia, where he believes      partner to buy it as soon as possible or in    in marketing and sales,” O’Brien says.
it will eventually account for half of the   some cases buy it corporately and find a          “The fact we can go to them and say
network’s new franchise partners.            franchisee buyer later.                        we utilise the combined resources of a
    “There are so many benefits to               2. Matchmaker. Some owners are still       national marketing fund to promote the
conversion for both the convert and          keen to sell but do not want to convert        brand regularly is an attractive benefit
the franchisor and it is an underutilised    and are happy to wait for the right price.     for a new prospect.”
strategy in my opinion. The opportunity      They realise it would be easier to sell as        Drilling down further into the finances,
is vast. In the US, research shows that      part of a franchise, so they become part       potential conversion franchisees are also
85 per cent of independent pools are         of Poolwerx’s match maker program              interested to know how being part of the
‘ma and pa’ operators. With our current      to find a buyer. The buyer is aware the        network can increase gross profits and
trajectory of 300 new Poolwerx stores        business will be converted to a Poolwerx       reduce costs. This is where group buying
in the US over the next few years,           and this is part of the purchase appeal.       power comes into its own.
we anticipate that 70 per cent of the            3. COOT – Convert, own, operate               “The fact we negotiate pool product
new business joining the brand will be       and transfer. These people are typically       purchasing programs on behalf of
through conversion,” O’Brien says.           65 years of age, have been in business         our franchise partners means we can
    “Comparatively, in Australia there       a long time and don’t have any family          invariably negotiate better deals and
are about 800 independent retail             interested in taking ownership. They are       leverage buying power. This leads to

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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...
reducing costs of goods and improving         “...a conversion growth strategy has led to rapid market share and
gross profit margins,” O’Brien says.            revenue growth and is now a cornerstone of our recruitment success.”
   For a non-franchised small business
owner, the training and support offered
when they join a franchise network is
another big drawcard.                         Delivering a                                 a recruitment method that has delivered
   “Being in business for yourself can        conversion strategy                          for Poolwerx.
be lonely but in franchising there are                                                        “There is a perception that conversion
                                                  “I am constantly surprised more
strong support teams to guide you.                                                         franchise recruitment comes with some
                                              businesses don’t look at conversion as an
From the professional development                                                          baggage, and that is true given you can
                                              option, especially those in less saturated
offered by our field management team,                                                      be working with businesses owners who
                                              markets where there are fewer players,”
to the comradery established between                                                       have been doing things their way for 30
                                              O’Brien says.
franchise partners through regular                                                         years, but the bumps are worth it,” says
                                                  “To deliver on a conversion strategy
meetings and conventions, there is no         is very different to core franchising. We    O’Brien.
reason to feel alone,” says O’Brien.          had to target a new market and it wasn’t        “You get instant market share and
   Finally, O’Brien lists access to the       one where franchising was top of mind.       inevitably learn things from these
latest technology, including a state-of-      They were not looking in the typical         experienced business owners that can
the-art global website, a world class         places we had advertised before. We          help shape and grow your brand too.
ERP system and “the quickest most             had to make sure Poolwerx established        Ultimately though, if an independent has
accurate water testing” as influential to     a presence in pool trade magazines. We       selected to join a franchise brand, they
potential conversion franchisee’s joining     exhibited at expos and used our industry     are amenable because they have chosen
his network.                                  supply network for recruitment referrals.    to benefit from being part of a larger
   “Everything we offer has a clear           It worked to introduce the brand and get     franchise system.
purpose, to ensure our franchise              people thinking about a new way to do           “For Poolwerx, a conversion growth
partners can manage their business            business.                                    strategy has led to rapid market share
more efficiently, effectively, remotely and       And while conversion franchising can     and revenue growth and is now a
profitably,” he says.                         come with its own set of challenges, it’s    cornerstone of our recruitment success.”

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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...
Conversion franchisees
enjoy the benefits of franchising
As non-franchised small                                                                           CB: The main benefits are: potentially
                                                                                                  a better supply chain and pricing;
business owners, Frank                                                                            better employee training opportunities;
Disher, Seon Jaramillo,                                                                           potentially better brand recognition and
                                                                                                  marketing; having other eyes looking at
and Cal Boothby all faced                                                                         our company objectively and offering
the challenges of flying                                                                          advice as to where and how we can
                                                                                                  improve; and a network of other franchise
solo as owner-operators                                                                           partners who support each other and
without the frameworks                                                                            share ideas.

of franchising to support                                                                         TFR: What stood out about the way that
                                                                                                  Poolwerx managed the process of you
them. Here, these three                                                                           joining the franchise network?
Poolwerx converts share                                                                           FD: I felt like Poolwerx worked hard
their stories.                                                                                    to help me preserve the good aspects
                                                                                                  from my existing business and bring me
The Franchise Review (TFR): What are                                                              around to the Poolwerx way without
the reasons you decided that it would be                                                          completely disrupting everything. They
beneficial for your business to join the                                                          understand that I have customers that
Poolwerx franchise network?                                                                       have been with me for several years
                                                                                                  and it is important that I maintain those
Frank Disher, Poolwerx franchise partner,
                                                                                                  relationships. They are also very patient
Keller, Texas (FD): I would describe             Cal Boothby, Poolwerx franchise partner,         and encouraging with my lack of proper
myself as a hardworking, ethical person.         Redlands, California (CB): We had many           business skills.
I would never describe myself as a good          reasons but the main ones are:
businessperson. I retired last year as a                                                          SJ: What stood out to us after meeting
                                                 1. We wanted our company to remain               with them over a two-year year time span
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air
                                                 in business long term and that meant             was trust. We had to trust the people that
traffic controller after 27 years. I have had
                                                 finding ways to stay competitive in retail       we would be joining forces with. We met
my business for 22 years and it has been
                                                 by having better buying power, better            John O’Brien, CEO along with his wife,
relatively the same size; around $2 million
                                                 marketing and better brand recognition.          and felt he truly has a connection with
in gross revenue, about 12 employees
and a few hundred service accounts               2. We wanted more extensive training             building relationships, people, and their
this entire time. I have been blessed to         opportunities for our employees that             businesses. Ben was the most influential
bring in enough work and make enough             would help them have not only jobs but           person in our transition. As I told him, I
money to cover expenses most of that             rewarding careers in the pool industry.          have to believe in what I am hearing from
time, however there were many months             3. We wanted our company to remain               him because it truly affects the lives of
where my FAA job was my only take-               intact and our employees to keep their           our families and my employees’ families.
home income, and I had to contribute my          jobs when we decide to retire.                   If I did not feel that trust, regardless of the
savings to pay company expenses. I was                                                            business model they offered, we would
                                                 4. We knew that when the time comes, a
working a total of 70 to 100 hours a week.                                                        not have joined forces.
                                                 franchise will be easier to sell and will have
I knew nothing about business and I knew                                                          CB: The Poolwerx core values are very
                                                 greater value than our small independent
that was my weakness. I felt Poolwerx’s                                                           much in line with our own and that was
                                                 business. A new buyer will be able to
expertise in business was the missing                                                             very important to us when we considered
                                                 obtain bank financing and will receive
component allowing me to achieve great                                                            making this leap. There has been an
                                                 comprehensive training through Poolwerx.
success.                                                                                          open line of communication throughout
                                                 TFR: What would you list as the main
Seon Jaramillo, Poolwerx franchise                                                                the process and that is critical in a major
                                                 benefits of operating a franchise as
partner, Austin, Texas (SJ): We decided                                                           change such as this. Because we are a
                                                 opposed to operating as an independent
to join Poolwerx as a franchise for several                                                       larger company that has been in business
                                                 small business?
reasons. The first reason is that online sales                                                    for 35 years and we are a conversion to
are killing small business retail and we hope    FD: For me the main benefit is guidance          Poolwerx rather than a new start, there
that joining a franchise with better buying      and structure. The path to success is a          have been some bumps in the road, but
power, better processes, larger foundation       paved road that is well maintained. I was        we have always believed that everyone at
and better education at our fingertips           in a maze that occasionally crossed that         Poolwerx genuinely wants us to succeed
can help us sustain the wave of online           path but I had no particular direction to        in this venture. We have learnt a great
sales. We also like immediately having an        follow. I now understand what numbers            deal about franchising from them and
expanded family that I can call upon at any      I need, how to track those numbers, and          they have been open to learning from us
time for help with pool issues. As a mum         how to achieve those numbers. Having a           (and other franchise partners) about the
and pop business, creating processes and         plan that is structured for my needs and         US market and customs, which can be
implementing them is not fun. Poolwerx           capabilities is a huge blessing for me.          different from those in Australia. They are
stepped in and helped me with processes          SJ: The main benefit of operating a              committed to ‘finding a better way’, which
that have already been built so I do not         franchise rather than a small business is        we have appreciated. We have made
have to reinvent the wheel.                      brand strength.                                  many new friends! n
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Conversion growth strategy - Poolwerx leads the way - Franchise Council ...

Friday 9th August 2019 | Fenix Events | 680 Victoria Street Richmond VIC

Looking to create successful
growth in franchising?
If you want to grow either           • Learn innovative ways to fund expansion of your
                                       business and secure the best deals from lenders
in number of locations
                                     • Learn cutting edge strategies to boost the engagement
or quality of operations,
                                       and performance of your people
the FCA 2019 Multi-Unit              • Discover the characteristics of successful multi-unit
Franchising Summit is a                franchisees and how to develop these
must-attend event.                   • Collaborate with other high performing franchisees and
                                       experienced executives from top brands
Top business speakers
                                     • Hear how successful multi unit franchisees have
will be sharing their
                                       achieved greater financial success and lifestyle flexibility
experiences and franchising
                                     The program provides a choice of franchisee panels along
success stories in a                 with a franchisor concurrent, run by highly knowledgeable
comprehensive, exciting              and experienced franchise specialists with many brands
and informative day.                 represented by multi unit owners and brand area
                                     Round table topics also give delegates the opportunity
                                     to participate in the discussion and personally contribute
                                     their experience as well as networking drinks at end of
                                     This is the event for multi-unit and multi-brand
                                     franchisees and franchisors looking to build their
                                     businesses to achieve their growth goals.
                                     For more information or to register, visit
                            or call us on 1300 669 030.
Mid 2015 revelations of widespread
underpayment within 7-Eleven’s franchisee
network came to light. Over the past four years,
7-Eleven has embarked on a comprehensive
remediation and reform journey. 7-Eleven
CEO Angus McKay explains how the business
set about remedying those impacted and
reforming operations to be an exemplar of how
to address these issues and better position the
business for growth.

the challenge
and emerging
                                                   thefranchisereview | 9
Accountability and                          New leadership                                   • centralising payroll to ensure non-
repaid wages                                                                             compliance is more easily identifiable;
                                               Providing restitution to affected
                                                                                             • investing in a significant increase in
   The plight of underpaid workers          employees was only one part of the
                                                                                         field-level investigation and compliance
was the business’ primary focus.            journey. The business needed to change,
Our owners promptly committed to            and our reform appropriately started
                                                                                             • creating a sophisticated data
repaying any underpaid individual,          from the top.
                                                                                         analytics, monitoring and reporting
without any legal obligation to do so.         A new Chairman of the Board
                                                                                         platform to further help identify
The business took accountability for        was appointed, along with three new
                                                                                         unusual patterns of behaviour;
not only the issue but also the solution.   Non-Executive Directors. These new
                                                                                             • establishing a hotline to ensure
   There was a great deal of debate         Directors brought diverse and highly
                                                                                         that any employee (including those
and media coverage regarding the            relevant skillsets, across corporate
                                                                                         within the franchisee network) can
process and people involved in              governance, finance, strategy and cross-
                                                                                         make an enquiry or lodge a complaint
making restitution to those directly        cultural engagement.
                                                                                         about non-compliance with workplace
affected. What was lost in that                The senior leadership team was also
debate and coverage was the focus           overhauled, including the departure of the       • investigating and, where required,
on getting people paid quickly in           former CEO and Operations Manager, and       acting upon any allegations of unlawful
what is Australia’s largest ever wage       the appointment of a new CEO. More than      store activity, including termination of
repayment program. The process was          two-thirds of the senior leadership team     the Franchise Agreement; and
entirely voluntary. More than $160          are new to roles or to the business since        • increasing Franchisees’ profit share
million in wages and superannuation         the underpayment issue was revealed.         and minimum profit guarantees under
had been repaid.                                                                         our Franchise Agreement, positioning
   We communicated directly                 Business reform                              7-Eleven’s model as among the most
and regularly to more than 15,000               With franchisee employees now            competitive and attractive in the
current and former employees, and           being repaid, a new look Board and           franchise industry.
via public calls in a range of national     Management team, 7-Eleven also took              7-Eleven also voluntarily entered
and international media over 18             a number of substantial steps to tackle      into an industry-leading Proactive
months. Wage claims were handled            and stamp out wage fraud at the              Compliance Deed with the Fair
confidentially by the Independent           franchised store network level, including:   Work Ombudsman (FWO) in
Secretariat with its focus on making it         • a multi-million dollar investment      which we committed to a range of
as simple as possible for the claimant.     in innovative store level technology to      further reforms. Natalie James, the
   We said we would remediate               centrally record and capture time and        former FWO said “The measures in
underpaid workers as comprehensively        attendance records for all Employees         this deed are the most robust and
and efficiently as possible, and that is    through biometric (thumbprint) sign-on       comprehensive that any franchise
exactly what we did.                        and sign-off;                                brand has in place in Australia.”

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“We have made mistakes but
                                                                                                have sought to address these
                                                                                                from the front and not retire
                                                                                                from the debate we sparked.
                                                                                                While there’s more to be done,
                                                                                                much more, we are proud of the
                                                                                                progress we have made.”

                                                                                              International education is a booming
                                                                                              sector for the Australian economy, but we
                                                                                              must be vigilant to the increasing number
                                                                                              of vulnerable students now present in
                                                                                              our country, working to pay for their
                                                                                              education, but at the mercy of potentially
                                                                                              unscrupulous employers.
                                                                                                  In this regard, 7-Eleven cautiously
                                                                                              welcomed the Government’s Migrant
                                                                                              Workers’ Taskforce report released
                                                                                              in March this year. However, we
                                                                                              were disappointed the report and
                                                                                              recommendations fail to address many
                                                                                              of the key deep-seated cultural issues
                                                                                              and visa enforcement and restrictions
                                                                                              that unfortunately contribute to the
                                                                                              vulnerability of migrant workers which we
                                                                                              shared with the Taskforce based on our
                                                                                                  We have consistently argued that any
Raising the bar                               of 7-Eleven to pursue through the courts,
                                              let alone the two-thirds of Australian          comprehensive approach needs to include
    Through these measures and more, we                                                       looking at the ‘supply-side’ of the issue,
                                              franchisors that are small-medium
have worked hard to ensure the highest                                                        including a mature discussion about the
levels of performance and compliance                                                          visa restrictions for international students.
                                                  7-Eleven was disappointed the Joint
amongst our network. Where those
                                              Parliamentary Inquiry into Franchising
standards are not being met, we will
                                              failed to recommend that the two relevant       Business growth
continue to take action.
                                              industry codes – the Franchising Code of            Throughout our remediation and
    Since October 2015, we have
                                              Conduct and the Oil Code - be amended           reform journey, the business has continued
successfully terminated more than
                                              to give franchisors the right to terminate a    to perform strongly, beating our financial
20 Franchise Agreements for wage
                                              franchise agreement in the case of serious      targets and grown to be Australia’s second
fraud. However, terminating a Franchise                                                       largest private company. We still open over
                                              non-compliance with Commonwealth
Agreement is not a decision we take           Workplace Laws or Fair Work Instruments.        30 stores each year and have expanded
lightly, nor is it as straightforward as          A further area for reform – both from       our Corporate Stores to about 15% of the
commonly believed. It relies on having        our experience and as is now apparent in        network enabling us to better understand
franchisee employees willingly provide        many sectors of the economy - is a mature       the store environment, trial initiatives, and
evidence to 7-Eleven to support               discussion of student visa rules and policy     ultimately be better retailers.
terminating the offending Franchisee –        settings. It is broadly accepted that current       The business has won a number of
evidence that can stand up to the scrutiny    visa rules do not allow students to legally     industry awards in the last year, including
of the Australian courts and legal system.    work enough hours to cover their tuition        the NACS Asian Convenience Retail
This requires bravery from those most         and living costs, which creates a pool of       Technology Award for our 7-Eleven
deeply affected by wage underpayment.         vulnerable workers at risk of exploitation      Fuel App, a world-first which has been
We should not underestimate the               due to economic needs or fear of                downloaded by 1.6 million customers and         I
difficulty associated with calling out such   deportation for breaching their visa.           saved nearly $11.5 million off their petrol
behaviour, especially when it requires the
                                                  A recent 4 Corners story on                 bills.
individual to step outside strong cultural    international students showed universities          Most recently, 7-Eleven won the
and ethnic groups.                            allegedly lowering the language                 Canstar Most Satisfied Customers – Petrol       m
    Termination is only available to a        requirements to admit more students. In         and Service Stations Award for second
franchisor if it can be demonstrated that     addition, a former Immigration official also    year running.
the underpayment has occurred in a way        mentioned that their financial capability           We have made mistakes but have
that involves fraudulent conduct.             to support themselves – as required under       sought to address these from the front
    Our experience demonstrates that          the visa - is also rarely checked. However,     and not retire from the debate we sparked.
the barriers to terminating a franchise       the story did not link these factors with the   While there’s more to be done, much
agreement in cases of underpayment are        increasing exploitation of foreign students     more, we are proud of the progress we
difficult enough for a company the size       being revealed across the economy.              have made. n

                                                                                                                    thefranchisereview | 11
Forget the pundits, there are two types of talk
that matter most – taxi talk and pub talk. You
can bet that if the word ‘recession’ is bobbing
up in the front bar of the Railway Hotel or from
a cabbie on the way to the airport, it’s front of
mind for many people.

time for
means big
for the
By Mary Aldred,
CEO, Franchise Council of Australia

                                                    thefranchisereview | 13
“The footprint of small
                                                                                            business on the rest of the
                                                                                            economy is too big to ignore
                                                                                            and it’s not just a lack of
                                                                                            financing that’s currently
                                                                                            casting a looming shadow
                                                                                            over growth.”

     Small business is the canary in the     picked this up, saying it wants to see       stop lending to small business, and
cage for the rest of the economy. Over       unemployment fall. That means seeing         warned that it was a serious issue for the
nine out of ten Australian businesses are    more people with a job, being able to        economy.
small businesses, they pay 12 per cent       afford to spend more in the retail sector.         As the Fidelity report on retail
of total company tax revenue and with        Right now, giving someone a job is the       real estate found late last year, online
over 40 per cent of Australia’s workforce    best boost you can give the economy.         shopping is transforming retail at a time
employed in a small business, are one of         There are many legitimate grievances     when consumption is struggling and the
our biggest job creators.                    that have been aired through the             role of consumption in growth is waning.
     There are a lot of reasons why it’s     banking inquiry. But taking a deep,          And the speed of change is accelerating.
tough to run a small business right now.     narrow dive into the banking sector          The level of rents and floor space are
Access to finance is near the top of the     without acknowledging the broader            becoming uneconomic for more and
list, and the fallout from the banking       consequences was always going to             more bricks and mortar retailers. Many
inquiry has tightened the tap. The           punish small business and penalise           small businesses have their business
Reserve Bank of Australia’s annual small     Australian jobs. We’re now seeing some       finance equity tied up in a real asset, like
business survey reports that one fifth of    of that impact come to fruition.             their home.
small businesses are now struggling to           Announced late last year, the federal         The footprint of small business on the
secure finance.                              government’s investment of $2 billion        rest of the economy is too big to ignore
      Consider that more than 90 per         to facilitate small business lending was     and it’s not just a lack of financing that’s
cent of Australian businesses are small      aimed at countering this fallout.            currently casting a looming shadow over
businesses, and over 40 per cent of              Under the initiative, a loan to a        growth.
Australian jobs are in those businesses.     franchisee or small business is secured          Retail leasing, energy prices, industrial
This is particularly significant in          only over the business, and not real         relations, and the regulatory costs of
franchising, because over 90 per cent        estate security or personal guarantees.      doing business are all becoming bigger
of the approximately 80,000 franchise        This is important, because many small        hurdles for small business to clear. With
outlets in Australia are small businesses.   business owners use their home to secure     new technology and digital disruption,
      Of concern, ASIC reported that last    a business loan. With a slow down in the     the way we do business is changing too,
year the number of companies entering        housing market already biting, this will     and it’s tough for small businesses to
external administration increased by         have a big impact on small businesses        keep on top of this let alone ahead of it.
11.2 per cent. This year, there’s an added   and their ability to secure finance.             The sector needs an emboldened
gauntlet of traps small businesses are            Ahmed Fahour, CEO of the non-           focus and encouragement to grow jobs
running.                                     bank lender Latitude Financial, has said     and invest. If small business takes its foot
     In retail, discretionary consumer       that small lenders just don’t have the       off the peddle, the rest of the economy
spending is dropping. The RBA has            capacity to take up the slack if the banks   will stall. n

14 | thefranchisereview
The FCA’s new Franchisee Advisory Committee (FAC) has
now had two meetings to discuss the challenges facing
small to medium businesses and the type of on-the-
ground support and services that can assist franchisees in
the current tough consumer environment.

provide input
through new
                               The committee was established to give
                            franchisees a formal avenue to provide
    The Franchisee          input directly to FCA CEO Mary Aldred
    Advisory Committee      on relevant policy issues. Mary recently
                            briefed the committee on the status of
    Crystal Petzer          the franchising taskforce and its proposed
    The Alternative Board   approach to stakeholder engagement in
    Jane Lombard            coming months.                                      “I regularly benchmark
    Hire A Hubby
                               Committee members were asked                   against leading franchisees,
                            their views on the parliamentary inquiry’s        not just in Australia, but the
    Beverley Taylor         key recommendations and the resulting
                                                                                     USA and UK.”
                            discussion focused on Franchising Code
                            of Conduct enforcement activity, the                    Beverley Taylor
    Rob Bruhl               Australian Competition and Consumer
                            Commission (ACCC) complaints
    Drug-Safe Workplaces
                            process and the merits of mandatory
    Shannon Hickey          legal and financial advice, as well as the
    The Lott                specific difficulties that franchisees (and
                            franchisors) face in negotiating retail leases.
    Peter Goulis               The FCA will provide the Taskforce lead
    La Porchetta            organisation, the Department of Jobs and
                            Small Business, with contact details of the
    Damian Colefax          members of the committee, to facilitate
    Just Cuts Franchising   franchisee consultation with the taskforce.
                               Following a discussion about other
    Tony Megalli            services and information that might be
    JAX Tyres               of value for franchisees, Mary said FCA
                            franchisor members would be urged to
    Soon Khoo               encourage their franchisees to register
    Chatime                 for access to FCA information events,

    Mike Downey
                            webinars and the eDM mailing list.                 “Every business requires
                               Franchisors will also be reminded that          consistency and effort to
    Gutter-Vac              individual franchisees can apply for direct
                                                                                  keep it on track.”
                            membership of the FCA if they wish to
                            have more direct involvement in the FCA.                 Crystal Petzer

16 | thefranchisereview
Staying ahead
The views of FAC Members
Beverley Taylor                               as I love to help other businesses succeed,    JAX franchise meetings and have a say. I
InXpress                                      I need to succeed in my business too.          suggest that any new franchisee should
                                              Listening skills and good communication        speak with other franchisees already
I am always learning, and will never stop,
                                              are key in this business. I am constantly      within the franchise to learn how to
and I don’t waste ‘dead’ time. Whether
                                              looking for a way to help our clients          achieve the best outcome for their own
I am driving in the car, or at the gym on
                                              achieve their goals. We have this amazing      business.
the cross trainer, I am always listening to
                                              online Business Builders Blueprint
training CDs and making the most of the
                                              software to help our business owners
                                                                                             Shannon Hickey
time. I continuously undertake internal       navigate their strategy, plans, goals and      Nextra (representing The Lott)
and external training courses, on both        visions all in one place. This also helps me   Newsagencies around the country
running a business/finance and sales/         keep my clients accountable. To keep my        are unique in some respects to the
motivation. I continuously read business      discipline I set goals and check in every      traditional franchise model as we are
books. Always be learning. And take           week and month. I also measure my KPIs         ‘hosts’ for the franchisor, The Lott, inside
advantage of the education offerings          in our system to ensure that I am on           our own businesses. Being the first ever
via the FCA. In addition, I regularly         track. Having a diary with block out times     concept store for the Lott, I feel that as a
benchmark against leading franchisees,        really helps too. Every business requires      franchisee, we have a need to ‘raise the
not just in Australia, but the USA and        consistency and effort to keep it on track.    bar’. We have always had the ideology
UK. I analyse marketplace ‘consensus’         Doing lots of small things consistently        of ‘look professional, act professional,
on pricing and securing more service          works in the long term.                        be professional.’ Being part of the FCA
offerings, which in turn help diversify our                                                  has always given me an opportunity
offering. This is in addition to spreading    Tony Megalli                                   to see what other franchises are doing,
my net turnover across a high number          JAX Tyres                                      particularly the ones involved in this
of customers, rather than leaving ‘all my     As a franchisee the essence of my              ever-changing retail landscape. We put
eggs in one basket’ and relying on the        business is to provide a quality service       a high expectation on staff and suppliers
revenue of a few key customers.               to my customers while maintaining the          as well as ourselves in competing for
                                              JAX business model. We run the business        the consumer’s dollar over the ease of
Crystal Petzer                                as a team, and every employee plays            the online sale. I have always been a
The Alternative Board                         a key role in the day to day running           big believer in the franchise model with
I have been in franchising for more than      of the business. I treat my staff well         success coming only from the same
25 years in three different franchises and    and maintain a safe, clean working             level of uniformity across the board from
like to help the franchisor keep on top of    environment and conditions. We follow          major capital cities to small rural towns. I
the trends in business and generally ask      the franchising guidelines and staff are       do believe however, every now and then
for the new things that are out there to      trained to meet the high expectations          the franchisor should step outside the
help the franchise achieve. Franchisees       of the customer’s experience, as well          ‘cookie cutter’ model and show the world
have to remember that it’s up to them         as keeping up to date with technology          its vision for the future. This is something
with the franchisor to make their business    and what our competitors are doing. I          that in partnership with the Lott we
successful. It is a two-way street. As much   also make sure that we are involved in         achieved at Chermside. n

                                                                                                                  thefranchisereview | 17
        to the
        fold in
        Stories about people’s reasons for becoming
        franchisees are prolific. However, it’s not often
        that you hear about people leaving a franchise
        to go independent … and then, coming back to
        the fold! That’s exactly what happened in the
        case of Sean Kinchington (above) and Jason
        Heshusius who have recently returned to the
        EFM Health Clubs brand. The Franchise Review
        asked to hear more about their reasons.

18 | thefranchisereview
Sean Kinchington
EFM Victoria Park, SA
    I first bought into an EFM franchise
in 2006, when I was 21. I had only been
in the industry for about 18 months
and the club was one of the most
successful in the nation, so it was too
good an opportunity to pass up. I ran
the club for four years.
    The second time around it was 2017
and I was 32. I felt that with a growing
family it was also time to grow as a
personal trainer. I was working for a
                                            Jason Heshusius                                            systems and processes in place that make
                                                                                                       life easier for me to just focus on the day
personal training company for the           EFM Mawson Lakes, SA                                       to day, month to month operation of the
entire seven-and-a-half years between           I bought my first EFM in May 2001                      club. It mitigated the risk significantly.
the two EFMs.                               at age 21 because the fitness industry                         The EFM Franchise Support Centre
    I knew it would be hard to do           offered very few opportunities for full                    provides a model to follow and many
that at the job I was working in since      time employment. Buying an EFM                             things were already in place, for example
leaving EFM, so when there was an           franchise meant I got to train people,                     who insurance is with and how its
opportunity to start up a new club in       while having the potential to earn a full-                 structured, where our equipment comes
an a part of Adelaide that I knew well,     time income. The added benefit was that                    from and who maintains it, the lease
with a company I had been familiar          I could do so without having to do it all                  agreement details, the behind the scenes
with, I felt it was the right time. The     and learn it all on my own, and I’d have                   paperwork and member records and
notion of building something from the       an asset to sell at the end. EFM provided                  tracking systems. All the things that many
ground up also was also a major pull.       support so I could follow a plan – the EFM                 new business owners or self-employed
    When it came to starting up the new     way – which made the decision so much                      individuals don’t realise they need until
club, I had then been in the industry       easier. I had the franchise effectively for                they are in their business and too far
for 12 years and so I was pretty clear      nine years.                                                committed to change course. Plus, there
on the type of message I wanted to              I bought again in July 2016. The                       is a great network of franchisees who also
give people in regards to health and        reasons were varied: I had worked a job                    own clubs under the same banner. They
training. EFM messaging across the          that required long hours for an average                    provide a network of people I can reach
entire nation was similar to mine, so it    wage, and it was very stressful. I was tired               out to if I need, and also an opportunity
felt right to go back to EFM. The model     of working for and answering to someone                    for me to give back by sharing what I
itself meant that I had constant support    else. I wanted to be back in control and                   know.
and the ability to bounce ideas off not     missed the training and camaraderie that                       As a second time around franchisee,
only the head office team but other         came with EFM from years gone by. I                        I’m impressed by the way the EFM
franchisees.                                briefly considered going out on my own,                    franchise network has progressed
    What stands out to me is that even      but when an opportunity came up to buy                     significantly. The changes I noticed when
though each club is run by a different      an EFM franchise that was just missing                     I returned were huge. They genuinely
trainer who can carry different traits      a little TLC, it was a no-brainer to come                  want to make a difference to the health
and ways of implementing programs           back.                                                      and wellbeing of our community, to make
to their members, the EFM network               I figured that if I went out on my own,                the biggest impact they can. To do so,
shares a common goal of wanting             I’d only be replicating what EFM already                   EFM knows that the franchisees need to
changing people’s lives in regards to       has established, except I’d have to do all                 be given the direction and support they
their health and fitness, which can in      the little things that consume so much                     need to be successful. So that’s what they
turn change other aspects of their lives.   of your time and resources. EFM has                        set out to do – set us up for success. n

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                                                                                                                                                        thefranchisereview | 19
The world of retail food franchising is changing more rapidly than
ever. Go back just a few short years and the idea of a taxi service
delivering your food seemed far-fetched. Now it’s used by millions as
part of everyday life. Keeping up with the evolving landscape, and
staying ahead of the wave of change is perhaps one of the biggest
challenges faced by any food franchise. What are these changes, and
how can food retailers adapt and change with the market, to ensure
that no matter what lies ahead, they continue to survive and thrive?

IT platform                                              Customers
                                                         driving change

is helping
                                                             Let’s look at the way in which
                                                         customers are driving change in the
                                                         landscape. They are more powerful

food retail
                                                         than ever – with increasing competition
                                                         for their dollar, they are in the driving
                                                         seat, knowing that retailers are wooing
                                                         them hard for a share of their wallet.

                                                         This means they can be ever more
                                                         demanding, insisting on the highest
                                                         standards of food, service, convenience
                                                         and information. They want to feel

adapt for
                                                         valued by and connected with the
                                                         retailers where they do choose to
                                                             Technology is driving changes in the

                                                         way they interact with food providers
                                                         too – there’s a smartphone in every
                                                         pocket and consumers want to harness
                                                         its power and convenience. Just about
                                                         the only thing they don’t do via their
                                                         phone is actually eat the food!

20 | thefranchisereview
Businesses responding                                Redcat helps deliver the loyalty        Uber Eats has generated enormous
to change                                        programs that customers really want,        revenue opportunity for franchise food
                                                 use and value. Customers want to use        retailers. But without integration, it can
   What do the changes in consumer
                                                 apps to do a whole host of things –         cause a logistical headache. Nando’s,
behaviour mean for food franchise
                                                 find restaurants and opening times,         home of peri-peri chicken, has been an
businesses? How are they having to
                                                 view menus, place orders, pay, collect      early adopter of Redcat’s integrated
change and adapt?
                                                 and store points, check points, spend       Uber Eats option. ‘We’re delighted
   They understand that the only way
                                                 points, update their preferences,           by what we have helped Nando’s to
they can meet increasing customer
                                                 play games and receive offers and           achieve’, says Jeff Lamb, Redcat CEO.
demands and still run a profitable
                                                 incentives. Redcat helps its retail         ‘Integration is the key in hospitality
business is through information and
                                                 franchise customers to do any or all of     systems – the more parts of the
connection delivered by technology.
                                                 this, in a tailored, branded app.           business you can connect, the more
Technology that gives them insights
                                                     Using Redcat loyalty, clients have      business benefit you can deliver. It’s
into their customers, and their business.
                                                 seen sales from members increase by         the principle behind Redcat’s constant
Technology that pulls together every
                                                 12 per cent, return visits increase by 20   drive towards seamless integration
element of their operation, front of house
                                                 per cent and overall sales jump by 4        throughout the supply chain.’
and back. Technology that goes outside
                                                 per cent. And because it’s part of that
their four walls to connect them to
                                                 fully integrated system, key information
customers and suppliers.
                                                 is shared so that, for example, there       Tailored systems
   What are some of the ways food
                                                 is a single version of the menu, with           There is little that is more frustrating
retail franchises can address this rapidly
                                                 any changes visible in the app in real      for a business of any kind than being
changing world, and use technology to
                                                 time; customer data is available to         told that if they want to implement
support new ways of doing business?
                                                 the reporting system; customer online       technology, they’ll have to adapt their
The Franchise Review spoke to leading
                                                 orders go straight into the POS, the        business processes to fit the system. It
specialist hospitality IT platform provider
                                                 accounting and inventory systems, just      goes completely against the grain of
Redcat, about how they are helping
                                                 as if they’d been placed in store. Which    innovation, and differentiation, which
franchise food retailers to keep up to
                                                 makes life simpler and responding to        are the lifeblood of competitive edge.
speed and succeed.
                                                 market changes faster.                      Imagine instead an organisation knows
                                                                                             its IT platform provider will work with
Delivery services                                Integration                                 them to adapt the system to do exactly
    The biggest change in the retail food                                                    what they want it to do. That’s what
                                                    To move fast and adapt to customer
franchise market over the last three years                                                   Redcat customers can do – Redcat
                                                 demands with functionality like the
has been the rapid growth of aggregation                                                     helps them build systems that fit
                                                 delivery service integration and
and delivery services. In Australia, Uber                                                    their ideas, not have to contort their
                                                 loyalty described above, food retailers
Eats, Deliveroo and Menulog are the                                                          business to processes to someone else’s
                                                 need be able to exchange and share
primary players, offering an incredibly                                                      parameters. Redcat’s approach plays a
                                                 information between all parts of their
wide range of food and beverage options                                                      big part in helping some of the country’s
                                                 business. Duplication, re-entry and
delivered to the door. For the food                                                          leading franchise organisations to
                                                 manual handling are ‘brakes’, slowing
retailers, the extra business this generates                                                 rapidly adapt their business.
                                                 down the rate of change. Food retail
is a boon, but until now, it has also been a
                                                 businesses that adapt to rapid change
big effort and cost to process the orders.
                                                 can only do so because their systems        And the rest …
The issue is that orders from Uber Eats,
                                                 seamlessly work together – point of              While loyalty and delivery are
Deliveroo or Menulog came in on their
                                                 sale, accounting, payroll, inventory,       two of the biggest, most visible and
own separate, dedicated terminal, and
                                                 loyalty, kitchen management and             ‘sexiest’ features that Redcat offers,
then a staff member has to re-key them
                                                 every other piece in the puzzle. It’s       they’re by no means that only way
into the POS. Meaning loss of counter
                                                 not as simple as it might sound –           that its approach of integration and
space, staff with less time face to face
                                                 there are lots of so called ‘integrated’    tailoring helps retail food franchises
customers, and the risk of errors creeping
                                                 systems that are actually a collection      win in the market. Online ordering,
into the orders. Redcat has changed the
                                                 of miscellaneous, mismatched parts,         payment gateways, paperless kitchen
game for its clients, with the industry’s
                                                 which never quite join up. Redcat           management, digital marketing boards,
first full integration of Uber Eats, Deliveroo
                                                 designed its Polygon system from            real time reporting dashboards – the
and Menulog with a POS. Redcat’s clients
                                                 scratch to be a single end to end           list is extensive and impressive. And the
can now receive aggregator orders
                                                 system, which could be implemented          reason that Redcat does it so well? It’s
directly into their point of sale, increasing
                                                 piece by piece. With point of sale at its   because they’re focused and they’ve
efficiency, and reducing cost and risk. The
                                                 core, it is extendable by simply adding     been in their customers’ shoes. Almost
customer demand for delivery services
                                                 other elements, like loyalty and digital    everyone at Redcat has worked in the
doesn’t look like diminishing any time
                                                 apps. By allowing franchise businesses      food service industry and Redcat only
soon, but Redcat clients stay ahead of
                                                 to easily implement new functions,          does hospitality. They understand their
the wave by being able to process them
                                                 without long and painstaking (not to        clients’ business and they are truly
rapidly and profitably.
                                                 mention expensive) integration work,        dedicated to helping them evolve, in
                                                 Redcat helps them adapt rapidly and         order to succeed in the industry’s new
                                                 keep up with where their customers          landscape. n
    One of the biggest drivers of customer
                                                 want them to be.
insights, personalised marketing, and
increased sales is a loyalty system. A
great loyalty system makes it a ‘no-
brainer’ for customers to use it and stick
with your brand.

                                                                                                                   thefranchisereview | 21
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