Corkscrew Elementary School Student-Parent Handbook 2020-2021 - Corkscrew Elementary School

Page created by Vincent Richards
Corkscrew Elementary School Student-Parent Handbook 2020-2021 - Corkscrew Elementary School
Corkscrew Elementary School
 Student-Parent Handbook

      Corkscrew Elementary School
             1065 County Road 858
                Naples, FL 34120
             Phone: (239) 377-6500
               Fax: (239) 377-6501
                   School website:

         FOLLOW us @CESCorkyBear
Corkscrew Elementary School Student-Parent Handbook 2020-2021 - Corkscrew Elementary School
Corkscrew Elementary School Contact Information
                                                   Staff Member                      Contact
             General                                Main Office                      377-6500
         Attendance Line                                                          Fax # 377-6501
                                   Dr. Rebecca Merhar, Principal                     377-6504
                                   Mrs. Maryann Caseres, Assistant Principal         377-6502
    Office Manager                 Mrs. Debbie Reitz                                 377-6503
    School Counselor               Mr. Dan Lyberg, School Counselor                  377-6506
    Attendance/Student Records Mrs. Robin Dally, Data Entry                          377-6505
    ESE Program                Mrs. Sue Fialko, Intervention Support Specialist      377-6511
    Reading Coach                  Ms. Rebecca McCosh, Reading Coach                 377-7055
    Cafeteria/Nutrition Services   Mrs. Cindy Edwards, Food Services Manager         377-6512
    Youth Relations Deputy         Corporal Matthew Reichard                         377-2166
    Discipline/Testing             Mrs. Maryann Caseres, Assistant Principal         377-6502

                       CES Web Page -

                   Stay Connected…Stay Informed FOLLOW us @CESCorkyBear

This handbook is provided to give each Corkscrew Elementary School family information regarding
the policies and procedures that have been established in an effort to create a safe learning
environment for our students. Please take a few minutes to read this handbook with your children to
ensure they understand all school policies and procedures.
Corkscrew Elementary School Student-Parent Handbook 2020-2021 - Corkscrew Elementary School
      Welcome to Corkscrew Elementary School! As the Proud Principal of an “A” rated school, here at CES,
      Excellence is Expected! Our school’s mission is to foster a learning community where students engage
      in experiences that develop self-confidence and a love of learning resulting in respectful and
      responsible citizens. CES students show each and every day they are digital learners, global citizens and
      forward thinkers!

      Last year, Corkscrew Elementary became a FranklinCovey Leader in Me school, focusing on
      learning and living the 7 Habits, in order to strengthen leadership skills. This year, we continue our
      Leader in Me journey, “Growing Leaders One Habit at a Time”! Students, staff and CES families
      continue to be foundation and core of CES and through the 7 Habits, students will thrive in the areas of
      academics, creating a positive culture and building their own leadership.

      Our dedicated and caring faculty and staff create an environment that is focused on student
      engagement, rigor in the classroom and innovative learning. I know the beginning of this year is quite
      different than the previous 21 openings of Corkscrew Elementary but with all of our stakeholders
      working collaboratively, this one will be the best one yet! We look forward to continuing to educate our
      CES Bears while supporting their social emotional learning.
      We can’t wait to see all of our little Bears return to Corkscrew Elementary August 31st!

      Dr. Rebecca Merhar

                                                       OUR VISION
                To foster a learning community where students will engage in experiences that develop self-
         confidence and a love of learning resulting in respectful and responsible citizens.

                                                    OUR MISSION
    To create a collaborative learning community that inspires success through high quality data-driven instruction,
           purposeful learning, and amazingly positive experiences for all stakeholders.

                                                      OUR BELIEFS
•    Student achievement and development are the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the
•    Students learn in different ways and will be provided with variety of instructional approaches to support
     their learning.
•    Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process.
•    Respect, cooperation, and communication are necessary among staff members, students, parents, and
     the community to create a positive learning environment.
•    High expectations lead to high achievement for all.
•    Success influences self-concept, self-concept influences learning and behavior.
•    Collaborative planning is essential in maximizing each teacher’s strengths.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
        Transportation Changes
        Types of Absences
        Notification of Absences
        Attendance Communication
        Make-Up Work
Bring Your Own Device
        Cell Phones
Cafeteria Program
        Lunch with your Child
Character Education Classroom
Classroom Placement
Communication Folders
CREW/SACC - School Age Childcare
Dress Code
        Dress Code Guidelines
Good Things to Leave at Home
Health Information
        Head Lice
        Immunization & Health Certificate
        Use of Sunscreen at School
Emergency Card
        CCPS Portal
Leader in Me Lost
& Found Media
Odyssey of the Mind
Parent & Community Involvement
        Visitor Procedures
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Pledge of Allegiance
Program Attendance
Progress Reports
Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
        PBIS Student Recognition
Safety Patrol
School Advisory Council (SAC)
School Counselor
Student Recognition

        - Indicates an additional resource that is available by clicking the link provided
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
     Arrival Details
    The campus is open to students at 7:45 A.M. Adult supervision is not available prior to this time.
    Students may arrive between 7:45 AM - 8:20 AM
    Upon arrival students should:

        •   Have breakfast in the cafeteria
        •   Go to their classroom

    The tardy bell rings at 8:25 A.M.

                                                   Arrival Procedures
                         Bus Riders                                      Car Riders/Bikers/Walkers
     Bus riders should proceed to the cafeteria for           In the morning, the gate leading to the Waterways
     breakfast, report to their morning activity, or          Community will be open. Students can also enter
     classroom.                                               on the sideways from the other communities. Only
                                                              students will be permitted through the gate.

The following safety protocols are expected to be followed on school buses:
   o Students will be required to wear a face covering. Safety glasses are optional.
   o Families should sit together, where feasible
   o School buses will be cleaned daily by drivers
   o Hand sanitizer will be used when entering the bus
Hand sanitizer will be used after exiting the bus and prior to entering the school

                                                    Dismissal Details
        •   Students will be dismissed at 2:50 PM and led by teachers to their respective destinations: bus loop,
            car rider pick-up, or after school program (cafeteria).
        •   Parents are not permitted to sign out students after 2:30 P.M. as this disrupts a safe and
            orderly dismissal process.
        •   Transportation changes will be emailed to all staff and an announcement will be made when they
            are completed. All staff are required to check the transportation changes, every day.

                                                  Dismissal Procedures
   For the safety and security of all students, students will be dismissed from 4 points:
       • Car riders — east side of building (in the middle school bus loop)
       • Walkers (students who walk from school to home) front of building through bike rack
       • Walkers (students who walk from school to home) back of building by playground/hardcourt
       • Bus riders - bus loop is at the front of school
Bus Riders
  •   Any pupil missing his/her assigned bus shall report immediately to the adult supervising the area. The
      student will then be brought to the office and the parents will be called immediately for transportation
  •   A recurrent problem that has caused disappointment for children is to learn that they cannot go home
      with a friend on the bus to play, for a birthday party, etc. Please explain this to your child. The buses are
      for the purpose of transporting children to and from school. They do not function as a public carrier.
      Students who refuse to follow bus safety rules will receive a “Bus Referral” which is given to an
      administrator. For the first referral (depending on the severity of the referral), the student will receive a
      warning and appropriate consequence. Parent contact will occur upon the second referral, and MAY

                                             Bicycle Riders and Walkers
Students who walk or ride bicycles should come directly to school using designated bicycle paths and follow all
traffic safety rules. It is required by state law that all children, under the age of 16, must wear helmets when
riding bicycles. For security, bicycle riders must use locks for their bicycles while parked at school. Children are
required to walk their bicycles while on school grounds. The privilege of riding a bicycle to school may be
rescindedif safety rules are not followed.
   • Only students who walk/ride a bicycle from school to their home should dismiss in the walker dismissal
         areas. Parents who are walking with their students to their home may meet walkers at the bike rack. All
         others are asked to follow proper dismissal procedures.

                                                      Car Riders
  •   Parents who drive their children to school are reminded that the safety of all children is dependent upon
      all drivers being safe, cautious, and courteous. Please observe safe driving rules around the school.
      Please follow the directions of the school staff to follow proper traffic patterns for the safety of children
      and adults.
  •   Children who ride home by car are dismissed only to the east driveway (formerly the bus loop). A
      double line of cars will be used to facilitate the dismissal process. Children may not approach their car
      until all traffic has stopped in front of the loading area. Please watch the staff members on duty for
      instructions. Please note that any car parked in the No Parking areas adjacent the campus can receive a
  •   Because of the amount of traffic, all parents should drive into the car dismissal line and stay with their
      car until school staff loads their child. We realize that some parents are volunteering in the school or
      attending end of the day activities and will need to cross with their children. For your child’s safety, we
      ask that you wait for assistance from school staff to cross. Children are not allowed to cross the street
      without adult supervision. Parents are not permitted to go to their child’s classroom to pick up their child
      before or at dismissal.
  •   Students in the car line holding area will be dismissed only to those who are in their car, in the car line,
      following correct car line procedures.
  •   Signs with student names will be provided for each vehicle during the first week of school. Signs are to be
      placed on the driver’s side of the dashboard or on the visor. If the sign is not displayed, the student must
      be picked up in the office where identification must be presented. The students will only be released if
      the person is on the authorized pick-up list (emergency card). If you do not receive a car sign, one can be
      picked up in the front office.
  •   Please make sure the appropriate dismissal location is clearly marked on your child’s emergency
      card and please update this with the teacher and the office if it changes
      during the school year.
Early Dismissal Procedures
 Students are dismissed at 11:50 and led by teachers to their respective destinations: bus loop, car rider
 pick-up, or after school program (cafeteria). Follow all regular dismissal procedures.
                                              Rainy Day Procedures
 Follow regular procedures unless otherwise directed by administration. If there is a lightening delay, walkers
 will be held in the media center until the weather clears. Phone calls will be made to inform parents that we
 are holding students for their safety. Parents will be able to come to the front office or car line and pick up
 their child. Please be prepared to provide proper identification.

                                             Transportation Changes
 All transportation changes must be called in to the main office (239-377-6500) or be written by the parent
 or legal guardian and given to the front office. No changes in transportation will be made based on the
 student’s word. All transportation changes should be received by 2:00 PM on the day of the change to
 ensure there is time to communicate the change to the necessary staff.

Parents/Guardians are responsible for their child’s attendance. Arriving to school every day, on time, and
remaining all day is important for academic success. Regular attendance is essential to a child’s success in
school. Most subjects are taught in sequence, requiring the understanding of each concept in the order of its
presentation. Persistent absenteeism creates a genuine hardship for a child and is regarded as a very serious
problem. Please be advised that excessive or unexplained absences will result in an inquiry by the Department
of Pupil Services. Chapter 232.10, Florida Law, states, “Each parent of a child within the compulsory
attendance age shall be responsible for such child’s school attendance as required under the provision of the
Florida School Law. The absence of a child from the school shall be prima facie evident of a violation of the
School Law”.
      CCPS Policy -

School Hours – 8:25 AM – 2:50 PM

Early Release Dismissal Time 11:50 AM

If your child will be absent from school, we ask that parents call our school office (239-377-6500) before 8:45
AM, to notify us that he/she will not be in school. Parents should give the child’s name, teacher’s name, and
reason for the absence. If a child is absent with no parent/guardian notification, the school will activate an
automatic phone call informing the parent of the absence from school.

Parents/Guardians are required to notify the school when their child is absent and inform the school of the
reason for the absence within twenty-four (24) hours by a telephone call or written note/email order to qualify
for an excused or validated absence. Below are the types of absences:
    • Excused Absence – Student is absent and a doctor’s note is provided
    • Validated Absence – Student is absent and parent/guardian contacts the front office to inform the
        school (this call should take place each day a child is out of school)
    • Unexcused Absence – Student is absent and the school is not notified of the absence

                                         Attendance Communication:
If a student is absent with no parent notification, the school will activate an automatic phone call
informing the parent of the absence from school. Parents will be contacted via telephone after five
absences per semester. A letter will be sent home after both 7 and 10 days documenting absences.
    Student tardiness is a concern that must be addressed in order to provide the best education for all our
    students. Prompt arrival at school is expected of all children. Students should be in the classroom by 8:20 AM.
    Late arrival disrupts the class and causes loss of instructional time. Any child who arrives at school after 8:25
    AM is considered tardy and must come to the office for a pass to enter class. This also applies to children
    coming in late from an appointment (doctor or dentist). The only exceptions are children arriving on late
    buses, those on safety patrol duty, and news crew participants. It is the parent’s responsibility to bring the
    tardy student to the front office for check-in.

    Habitual absences and/or tardiness have a negative impact on student achievement and development. Any
    situations of habitual absences and/or tardiness will be investigated requiring a parent conference to address
    attendance concerns. Please help your child develop responsible habits. Develop a morning routine that will get
    your child to school on time.

                                                      Make-Up Work:
    If a student is absent from school, it is the student’s responsibility to make-up work missed during this time
    period. If a student misses more than two days for sickness, a parent may contact the school to collect
    information about assignments missed. Teachers must be given 24 hours to prepare make- up work and
    materials. At least one (1) day shall be allowed for each day of missed work. A student or teacher may agree
    on an alternate schedule of make-up work when the length of time for make-up work needs to be modified.

Collier Connect- One-to-One Devices for Students
    o Students will be assigned an iPad
The iPad will be available for students to take home
    o Students will be assigned a laptop
    o The laptop will be available for students to take home
    o CCPS will use a common template in the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) for courses to ensure a
        consistent experience for students, parents, and educators
    o Canvas LMS will be used daily on campus in courses and will provide flexibility to pivot to remote learning as

   Advances in technology have fundamentally altered the ways in which information is accessed and
   communicated in our world. These changes have created new tools to enhance teaching and learning.. BYOD is
   an acronym for Bring Your Own Device. For BYOD, a “device” is a privately owned laptop, tablet computing
   device, netbook, e-Reader, iPod Touch, iPad, or cell/smart phone for this program. The term “device” also
   includes any similar product owned by CCPS and provided for student use. Our students are digital natives and
   live in a world where information creation and consumption is constantly occurring. We feel that access to the
   tools and resources is imperative in each student’s education. We envision a learning environment where
   technology is a part of us, not apart from us.

                          CCPS Social Media Resources -
                                                      Cell Phones
    School Board policy states that student possession of cellular phones and other electronic devices on school
    grounds and school buses is a privilege for communication with parents/guardians, law enforcement, or under
    the direction of the teacher as part of the BYOD initiative. In order to preserve the proper educational
    environment and prevent disturbances, cellular phones and electronic devices are to be turned off and
    concealed from view from the time the school day officially begins until dismissal.
Cafeteria Program
 Menus for breakfast and lunch are published in advance on the Collier County School’s website. It is
 recommended that meals be paid for in advance on Monday mornings.
 CCPS is excited to offer MySchoolBucks®! This online payment service provides a quick and easy way to add
 money to your student’s meal account using a credit/debit card or electronic check. Go to or download the mobile app and register for a free account.

  Breakfast – Is served daily from 7:45 AM to 8:15 AM. Students who need to eat breakfast
  must go to the cafeteria first upon their arrival at school. Students choosing to eat breakfast at school
  will not be charged.
  Lunch - Hot lunch will be served daily. Families may pay for lunches with cash, checks, or utilizing the
  online pay option. If paying by check please make checks payable to “School Food Services” and place
  the check in an envelope marked with your child’s name, student number, teacher, date, and amount.
  Bag Lunch - If students elect to bring lunches from home, they should try to include all necessary items
  (spoons, napkins, etc.). Milk and water may be purchased in the cafeteria. Glass containers are not
  allowed. “Snap top” cans are often difficult for youngsters to open and are dangerous.
  Therefore, please use plastic containers for drinks and or food. Please help us to help our students make
  healthy choices in their lunches and do not include soda or candy in their lunch boxes.
                             Nutrition Services -
                                                 Cafeteria Charges
  The cafeteria is required by law to balance its books daily. This means no charges for lunch will be
  permitted without prior approval from the principal. In the event of an account not having money to
  purchase lunch, students will be permitted to charge eight lunches. Parents will be contacted to inform
  them of lunch charges by phone, email and debit letters sent home a minimum of once a week in their
  child’s backpack. We recommend that the parent not reach their limit and to let us know if they are
  struggling with this and let us help them to apply or reapply for reduced or free meals. The Nutrition
  Department is implementing ““ for the parents to easily apply online.

                                             Lunch with your Child
 Parents are welcome to enjoy lunch with their child. Please follow our sign-in procedures by entering
 through the main office. For security reasons, parents may only eat with their child at the family table, in
 the café or outside in the picnic area. Food items are not permitted to be brought to share with other
                                  Social-Emotional and Mental Health Supports
o Continuation of CCPS 5 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) priorities will include strategies and a toolkit for coping
   with loss, change, and challenges
o Professional development for educators will be provided in trauma-induced care, self-care, and strengthening
   classroom communities (on campus and virtually)
o CCPS will continue to work with the Collier County Mental Health Workgroup in order to meet the needs of
   students and families

Character Education
 The District School Board of Collier County, in partnership with the home and community, has a critical role to
 play in helping our youth develop into responsible citizens. Character education prepares our youth to address
 life’s moral and ethical problems. Students develop character through interaction with family, peers, teachers,
 and community members. A person of character is a good person, someone to look up to and admire, knows
the difference between right and wrong and always tries to do what is right. It is our goal that all CES Bears
 internalize these traits and make them part of their daily lives.
                                             Monthly Character Traits:

                                  Month                          Character Trait
                                 August                            Forgiveness
                              September                     Citizenship & Patriotism
                                October               Respect, Tolerance, & Cooperation
                               November                           Responsibility
                               December                           Perseverance
                                 January                           Self-Control
                                February                       Kindness & Charity
                                  March                              Honesty
                                   April                        Fairness & Justice
                                   May                               Integrity
                                   June                               Caring
                                    July                             Courage
                         CCPS Character Education -

Classroom Celebrations
Collier County School District’s Wellness Policy 8510 guides our four yearly classroom celebrations. Parents
wishing to provide party food/drink are asked to coordinate with the classroom teacher and/or the classroom
parent prior to the event. Refreshments provided to classrooms must be store bought. Classrooms that
contain students with documented allergies may have additional restrictions regarding the types of foods
permitted. The health and safety of all students is our top priority.
 Birthday celebrations are special for all students, and each classroom teacher acknowledges a student’s
 birthday in various ways. In all cases, children are recognized at school on their special day. If you wish to send
 in an item for your child’s birthday, you may send in a B-fit food item for the class or non-food item that will be
 shared/passed out at the end of the school day. Please refer to the below link to the CCPS B-fit policy for
 healthy birthday snack that can be shared. Some non-food items include: a colorful pencil, eraser top, stickers,
 bookmarks, or a small novelty item. Distributing party invitations at school will only be permitted if there is an
 invitation for all students in the classroom, or all girls, or all boys.
 CCPS Bfit Policy -

Classroom Placement
Corkscrew Elementary administration and staff will carefully consider all aspects of academic data, social
development, and students’ unique needs as placement criteria. Because we believe that parents are
important partners in the education process and provide valuable input, those who desire to share additional
information about their child, but not specific teacher name, may do so. Each spring, families will be notified of
the parent input process and have a timeframe to submit their input for the upcoming school year.
Communication Folders/Wednesday Folders
Each Wednesday, Communication folders will be sent home with students. These folders will contain
important Collier County Public School and CES school information. This is a great opportunity for families
to discuss upcoming school and district events.
   All meetings will be conducted using virtual format for at least Semester 1 of the 2020-2021 SY.

   We encourage communication between home and school. If you have any questions, concerns or wish to
   discuss your child’s progress, please email or call the voicemail of your child’s teacher. For your
   convenience, be sure to schedule meetings in advance to ensure the availability of your child’s teacher.
   Teachers’ work hours are from 7:40 AM to 3:10 PM. Student arrival and dismissal times require our
   teachers’ full attention. They are unable to adequately meet with you at these times.

Audio Enhancement Microphone
   o Every District classroom is equipped with an Audio Enhancement microphone and sound system
   o Provides enhanced volume, clarity, and projection of a teacher's voice and computer sound
   o With students/teachers wearing masks, a microphone/sound system is especially important to ensure students
       can clearly hear their teacher
   o Provides equity of projection of a teacher's voice to all students throughout the classroom.

                                                     Daily Schedule
                                         Corkscrew Elementary Daily Schedule
                        7:30                                     Office opens
                        7:40                                   Teachers arrive
                        7:45          Students may begin to arrive and proceed to holding
                        7:50                  Breakfast program begins/Student Arrival
                        8:15                  First bell rings, students admitted to class
                        8:25                                   Tardy Bell rings
                     10:35 - 1:05                                   Lunch
                        2:50                                       Dismissal
                        3:10                                 End of teacher day
                        3:30                                     Office closes

   CREW/SACC - School Age Childcare
   CREW/SACC is Corkscrew Elementary Schools’ before and after school childcare program. CREW is located on
   our campus. We offer services before school from 6:30 AM- 7:45 AM and after school from 2:45 PM – 6:30 PM.
   Students spend the afternoon with our experienced counselors as well as our CES teachers. CREW information
   is located on CES’s webpage under the parents’ tab.

Dress Code – CCPS Student Dress Code
    Corkscrew Elementary follows the dress code as outlined in the CCPS Code of Student Conduct manual.
    Social Distancing
    Students and staff are expected to maintain social distancing to the greatest extent possible
    o Physical classroom space - desks will be distanced and all students will face the same direction
    o No student locker use (band, hallway, or PE)
    o Water fountains will be turned off
    o Personal water bottles and use of water bottle filling stations will be permitted
 Face Coverings                                               Safety Glasses (Optional)
All students and staff will be expected to wear a face        Safety glasses provide wraparound protection and create
covering on school campus. Face coverings prevent             an additional barrier between an individual and the virus.
the spread of coronavirus.                                    The glasses are made of clear plastic and are designed to be
                                                              worn over prescription glasses.
The following will be provided:                              The following will be provided:
     o Students - two (2) washable face coverings                 o Students - one (1) pair of safety glasses
     o Staff - three (3) washable face coverings                  o Staff - one (1) pair of safety glasses
    The policy printed in its entirety is as follows:
Policy Changes
School Board policies 5511 (Student Dress and Grooming) and 3216 (Staff Dress and Grooming) have been revised to
include criteria for wearing protective gear such as face coverings and safety glasses during health emergencies,
including situations involving pandemic and infectious diseases. The Code of Student Conduct is applicable regarding
student accountability.

The School Board recognizes that each student's mode of dress and grooming is a manifestation of personal style and
individual preference. The Board will not interfere with the right of students and their parents to make decisions
regarding their appearance, except when their choices interfere with the educational program of the schools. The Board
authorizes the Superintendent to establish a dress code in order to promote a safe and healthy school setting and
enhance the educational environment.

Where the District is confronted with a health emergency, including pandemic and infectious disease situations, which
might require or warrant the wearing of protective masks, shields, glasses or other coverings pursuant to guidelines
and/or directives issued by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and /or the State of Florida Department of Health
("FDH"), including those issued by the FDH of Collier County, shall be considered. While the protective items may have
varying colors, patterns, designs, and/or District, school, or college/university logos on them, students shall not put on
them markings, writings, depictions of any sort or kind. The purpose of the referenced protective items is for medical and
health reasons only and may not serve as a forum or billboard for student expression.

With the foregoing limitations in mind, and in accordance with the free expression and related provisions set forth in the
Code of Student Conduct, it is recognized that students have a right to express their views on political, social, economic,
religious, and aesthetic issues provided, they are not disruptive to the school and learning environment. This includes
expressing one's views on a t-shirt, for example. The discussion of controversial issues should be encouraged during
classroom instruction as appropriate and in conformity with Board Policy 2240 which is incorporated by reference
herein. The provisions of this dress code policy are incorporated into the Code of Student Conduct and made a part

Revised 8/11/20

    Students and parents need to be aware of the importance of good grooming and its effect upon the learning
    environment. Good taste is knowing where and when to wear the appropriate clothing and accessories. Since
    the home provides the funds, guidance, and upkeep of the student's clothing worn in school, it is the
    responsibility of the parent to see that grooming reflects the modesty and good taste expected in school. The
    following dress and grooming requirements are to be followed by all students as may be reasonably
    determined by the Principal (designee). Other requirements may be made to avoid disruption of the
educational process.
   1. Safe footwear shall be worn at all times. No rubber flip-flops or bedroom slippers shall be worn.
   2. Halter-tops, tube tops, short shorts, muscle shirts, midriff or backless shirts and blouses shall not be
       worn. Shoulder coverings must be at least two inches in width. Tops must be three inches below the
       waistband or remain tucked in so that the midriff area is not exposed. No bare skin should be exposed
       at the waist or abdomen area. Clothing must cover the chest area to ensure that cleavage is not exposed
       (See examples).

   3. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Hair color and style shall not interfere with the educational
      process in the reasonable discretion of the Principal or designee.
   4. Intentionally altered clothing or unbuttoned and ill-fitted garments are not acceptable. Ill-fitted garments
       include, but are not limited to, garments that are too small so as to reflect immodesty or too large so as to
       appear to be falling off the body. Transparent, mesh, or see-through clothing may not be worn without
       other appropriate clothing underneath.
   5. Clothing shall be free of inflammatory, suggestive, or other                       inappropriate writing,
       advertisement, or artwork.
   6. The wearing or display of flags on our campuses has historically and currently caused dissension, along
       with a potentially unsafe and hostile learning environment for our students. In an effort to provide safe
       schools and prevent potential disruption, the following flags are the only ones that may be displayed
       and/or worn on Collier County Public Schools campuses and at off campus school-related activities: (1)
       the United States and POW/MIA flags; (2) the State of Florida flag; and (3) official school flags. In
       addition, any related symbols may not be displayed or worn on campus and at off campus school-related
       activities. Exceptions to this rule                                                                 may be
       made for national flags on special occasions or in designated areas consistent with the learning
       objectives of the district and at the discretion of the Principal.
   7. Body adornment (i.e., adornments which pierce flesh) in any visible body part other than the ears shall
       not be displayed if such display presents a health or safety issue or if such adornment interferes with the
       educational process in the reasonable discretion of the Principal or designee.
   8. The length of skirts/dresses and shorts shall reflect modesty and good taste and be monitored by
       regulations enforced at each school. If a student’s fingertips touch skin when the arms are held straight
       at the sides, then the clothing item is too short and may not be worn.
   9. Costumes, sleepwear, or other clothing/adornment that creates a distraction is not permitted.
   10. Shorts/pants must be fitted or cinched so as not to slip.
   11. Gang clothing, symbols, or other items associated with gangs may not be worn, displayed, or carried.
              CCPS 2020-21 Student Dress Code link:

At Corkscrew Elementary School we encourage student to “dress for success”. Our goal is to provide a safe and
successful learning experience for all students. If appropriateness of attire is questioned, the child will be referred
to the office. The support of parents in following the established CCPS Dress Code Policy is greatly appreciated.
Dress Code Guidelines:

                                        Corkscrew Elementary School Uniform
               Bottoms                   Black, Navy or Khaki Dockers-style pants or capris
   *dress code length (bottom hem        Black, Navy or Khaki Shorts, Jumpers, or Skorts (*dress code
   must be at or below your child’s      length) Cold Weather allowances: Black, Navy or Khaki/tan SOLID
               fingers)                  color leggings/tights may be worn under the above mentioned
                                         approved bottom options.
                  Tops                   Collared Polo-style shirts (any solid color)
                                         Any emblem visible will be no larger than a quarter Embroidered shirts with
                                         school name are optional
                                         Cold Weather allowances: any SOLID color long sleeve shirt may be
                                         worn UNDER the above-mentioned approved top options.
     Friday Spirit Day/Early             Any Corkscrew T-shirt in any color allowed (this includes field day
                 Release Day             shirts, Honor Roll shirts, CES spirit shirts, classroom shirts
                                         and embroidered or printed Corkscrew T-shirts)
       Jackets and Sweaters              School appropriate and modestly sized jackets, sweatshirts and sweaters
                                         may be worn to school on cold weather days. (may have CES logo)

       Shoes                             Ankle height sneakers/gym shoes with socks. NO knee length shoes,
                                         shoes with heels or boots, or open toed shoes.

       Socks                             Matching ankle or crew length

 If the Corkscrew Elementary Dress Code Policy is not followed:
       First offense -verbal warning
       Second offense - warning with dress code policy reminder for parents and students to sign and
         return (the specific dress code violation will be highlighted on the policy sent home for signatures)
       Third Offense –result in an infraction and a consequence/loss of privilege
 *If inappropriate clothing is worn to school, parents/guardians may be notified by telephone and more
 appropriate clothing will have to be brought to school before the student will be allowed back in class.
 Good Things to Leave at Home
 Toys, games, radios, skateboards, rollerblades, balls, bats, cards and sharp objects are not allowed at school.
 Items of value such as jewelry, heirlooms and money should also remain at home. Permission from the
 administration is required before an animal may be brought on campus. Loss or theft of personal items at
 school or on the bus is not the responsibility of the school or district.

Health Information
Parents are requested to notify the school of any child’s absence by calling the school on the day of the
absence at 377-6500 before 9:00 AM. Facilities for emergency care in school are very limited.
Arrangements for taking your child home should be made promptly. Regarding communicable disease, only
a physician or a nurse from the Collier County Health Department can certify that a child is free of a
communicable disease. We can only call the parent and request that the child be kept home until an official
clearance in writing has been obtained. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
(click here for the COVID-19 Student Health Screener)
Student Sickness - if your child has any of the following symptoms
     o fever
     o cough
     o shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
     o chills or repeated shaking with chills
     o muscle pain
     o headache
     o sore throat
     o unidentified rash
     o congestion or runny nose
     o nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
     o new loss of taste or smell

   Children who have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher should be monitored at home for other signs or symptoms
   of illness until fever free for 24 hours. A child’s ability to perform in school is diminished if he or she does not feel
   well. If your child has repeated episodes of diarrhea or vomiting, a rash or general weakness, please consult with your
   health care provider and keep your child at home until the illness passes or your doctor recommends the child return
   to school.

   If a serious illness or injury occurs, the parent will be notified immediately, and the Principal may call
   Emergency Medical Services or take the student to an emergency care facility. Medical treatment will
   require parental permission. In a case where the legal guardian cannot be reached, the Principal may
   make any emergency medical decisions if the injury is life threatening.

   Health services are an important part of a student’s total school program. School health staff promotes
   academic success by helping to ensure that students are healthy and ready to learn. School nurses and school
   health assistants help students manage chronic health conditions, identify and follow-up on suspected health
   problems, manage illnesses and injuries, monitor immunization and physical examination documentation, and
   serve as a resource for health and wellness information. To help protect the health of all students, parents are
   asked to follow the guidelines below.

                           CCPS Health Resources -

Handwashing and Hand Sanitizing
Handwashing and hand sanitizing time will be built into the schedule during transitions
   o Entry to school (from car/bus)
   o Elementary transition between class/recess and recess/class/lunch
   o After use of restroom
   o Before leaving the classroom for the day/dismissal
Hand sanitizing stations will be placed in high traffic areas (building entrances, cafeterias, media centers)
Preventative supplies (hand soap, sanitizer, and general-purpose cleaner) will be provided in each classroom, educational
space, and common areas
Social Distancing Reminders
                           Signage will be placed throughout each campus as a reminder to
                           practice social distancing. Signs will be placed in the following
                               o Video doorbells: school entrance, receiving, childcare
                               o Front office/main lobby
                               o Hallway bathrooms
                               o Guidance office
                               o Food lines
                               o Bus lineup areas
                               o Car line areas
                               o Media Center check out area
                               o Areas that do not have assigned seating areas such as
                                   music rooms, gyms or PE pavilions, multipurpose rooms,
                                   or auditoriums without seating
Whenever possible, medications should be given at home. However, if it is necessary for your child to
receive a medication at school, the parent must bring the medication to school in the original container,
complete, and sign a Medication Authorization Form. If a prescription medication is required at school, the
prescribing doctor must also complete and sign the Authorization. This form is located on the District
website or can be obtained from our school nurse. Medications are kept in the school clinic. Students may
not carry medications at school except in very specific situations which require the written approval of the
physician, parent, and school nurse. If your child has a health condition that requires medication or
treatment, please contact the school nurse.
Parents are also required to pick up unused medication. At the end of the year, any unused
medication that has not been picked up by a parent will be disposed.

                                                     Head Lice
Instances of head lice and nits (eggs) are not uncommon in the elementary school. Parents are called to take
home those children who have infestations. These children cannot return to the classroom until the parents
have successfully treated the problem. Verification of treatment must be provided to the office, and your
child’s hair and scalp will be examined for nits before he/she may reenter the classroom. Re-infestation may
occur if only one viable nit remains on the hair shaft. Head lice, often spread by direct head to head contact
outside of school, are most commonly found in young children. Head lice and nits (eggs) do not transmit
disease and are not a significant health hazard. The Collier County Public Schools’ procedure regarding
management of head lice is based on recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the
National Association of School Nurses and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

                                       Immunization & Health Certificate
Florida law requires all students enrolled in school to have on file evidence of a physical examination
conducted within the twelve-(12) month period immediately preceding enrollment and an immunization
certificate. The updated immunization certificate should be provided prior to the start of school each year.
The Collier County HRS Public Health Unit will give free immunizations to all children. Please check with our
office staff to find the nearest location that can assist you in this area.

                                 Use of Sunscreen in Elementary Schools:
      • Students should apply sunscreen, if desired, before and after school
      • If a parent wishes his/her child to apply sunscreen during the school day or during school
        sponsored events, the parent must provide the sunscreen which must be:
•  approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for over-the counter use to limit
                ultraviolet light-induced skin damage.
            • in a lotion, cream or wipe preparation - use of aerosol or spray preparations are not
            • labeled with the student’s name, ID number, grade and teacher
            • It is the parent’s responsibility to instruct the child in the proper use and application of
       • Classroom teacher may maintain individually labeled sunscreens in a basket or other
       • Individual plans will be developed for students that are unable to safely and properly apply
         sunscreen independently.
Emergency Cards
We will send home an emergency card requesting that you provide information important to your child. This
card will remain on file should it be necessary to contact you. It is imperative that you inform the office of
any changes in address, phone numbers, or emergency contact throughout the school year. Should an
accident or illness occur, we must have accurate information in order to contact you promptly. EMS
(Emergency Medical Services) will be contacted for serious emergencies. Custody concerns must be clearly
indicated and legal documentation provided. At the top of the emergency card, there are three choices for
dismissal. Please clearly mark how your child will get home.
                                                    CCPS Portal
Make sure your contact information is up to date! By visiting the CCPS Portal, parents can update their
contact information, choose their communication preferences, choose to receive text messages from their
school and the District, and verify important information.
                                         Click here to visit the CCPS Portal

Homework demands will vary according to grade level. For specific information, please contact your child’s
teacher. You should also contact the teacher if your child seems to spend an inordinate amount of time on
homework. In order to assure that grades clearly reflect the student's performance and mastery of standards,
homework is not to be a factor in any of the academic area grades in grades K-5.

It is the policy of the School Board that homework is an integral part of a successful educational experience. Not
only does homework reinforce learning through the practice, application, integration, and/or extension of
knowledge and skills, but it also serves to develop the study skills and sense of responsibility that will enable
students to become independent learners.
               • Corkscrew Elementary maintains a consistent homework policy where a variety of
                   opportunities exist for children to independently, or with parental assistance, complete
                   homework. Regular homework assignments will begin in Kindergarten and will continue to
                   increase in length and complexity through the fifth grade. These assignments are intended to
                   reinforce academic skills that were taught during the day, to provide an additional drill in areas
                   that are weak, and to develop a sense of responsibility in the child.
               • Homework assignments will be reasonable, purposeful, and meaningful for the student.
                   Because of varying teacher expectations and an awareness that each child works at a
                   different pace, there is no predetermined amount of time to be spent on homework at
                   each grade level. However, if a child frequently spends more time on homework than the
                   parent deems reasonable, a conference with the teacher is recommended to determine if
                   part of the homework is unfinished class work and/or if study skills and work habits need
                   to be improved.
Leader in Me
 We believe that every student at CES should be provided with the opportunity to shine in a “Leadership Role”
 within their classroom and throughout the school environment. Our school’s vision of “Growing Leaders One
 Habit at a Time” is the heart of our school’s mission of ensuring high levels of performance for all students. It is
 our job as the developers of leaders to find what each child at CES is passionate about and to help them showcase
 that passion in the form of leadership. This commitment is not just for those students that perform well
 academically, complete their homework or behave in school, it is intended for every student in our school. We
 believe that children do not earn the right to a leadership role, but rather they are entitled to it simply because
 they are a student in our school.
 Please open the links below for additional information on “Leader in Me”.
                                                   The Leader in Me
                                   Appendix - The Leader in Me Publisher Document

Lost & Found
Please label your child’s lunch box, jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts with their name. Many such articles
are lost and unclaimed. There is an area in the cafeteria for lost and found items. At the end of each grading
period, all unclaimed items will be donated to a charitable organization.

Media Center
Media Center Mission – Exciting students to be life-long learners by: ensuring that students and their families,
as well as the staff and community feel welcome; encouraging a love of recreational reading; and inspiring
effective use of information by providing equal access to valuable multimedia resources. Circulation – Students
may check out books for a one-week period. They are welcome to bring books in and renew them, if they need
more time. Kindergarteners may check out one book. First graders may check out two books. Second through
fifth graders may check out three books. Any overdue books need to be returned, before new ones are
checked out. Teacher materials may be checked out for an unlimited time period with the understanding that
they may be asked to return the materials/books so that another teacher may use them.
Media Center Hours:
      Student Hours – 8:00 AM – 2:40 PM
      Teacher Hours – 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
News Show – The news show will be on every morning at approximately 8:20 AM. Students involved
in the news show need to report to the newsroom by 8:00 AM.
Volunteers – Adults wishing to volunteer are welcome to do so in the Media Center. Every effort will be made
to match volunteer interests with Media Center needs. The Media Specialist will train all Media Center

Odyssey of the Mind
Odyssey of the Mind is an international educational program that provides creative problem-solving
opportunities for students from kindergarten through college. Team members apply their creativity to solve
problems that range from building mechanical devices to presenting their own interpretation of literary
classics. They then bring their solutions to competition on the local, state, and World level.
Thousands of teams from throughout the U.S. and from about 25 other countries participate in the program. We
are always looking for parents to volunteer for our Odyssey of the Mind program. If you are interested, please
contact Mrs. Maryann Caseres, 239-377-6502.

                                CCPS Odyssey of the Mind/Academic Competition
                           Odyssey of the Mind website -
Parent & Community Involvement
Limiting Visitor Access (click here for the COVID-19 Visitor Health Screener)
    o Parents should remain in their vehicles for student drop-off and pickup
            For early checkout, parents will use video doorbell and student(s) will report to the front entrance for
    o Non-essential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving other groups are not allowed during the school day (e.g.
        mentors, vendors, family visits, lunch with students)
Specialized programs requiring student interaction with a mentor/champion/coach will conduct activities virtually.
   Corkscrew Elementary School encourages and welcomes visitors to our school. As safety is a priority, we
   kindly remind ALL visitors, you are required to bring photo identification with you every time you visit our

                                                    Visitor Procedures
   All Collier County Public Schools will be locked this school year. Our CES main entrance (front office) is now
   locked and has a doorbell. Guests arriving on campus will need to ring the doorbell next to the door to request
   entry. When the front office staff answers, you will be asked your name and your reason for visiting, which may
   include your child’s name. Please present your photo ID to the camera directly above the doorbell. Once
   approved and access is granted, please do not allow other individuals to enter behind you. As you enter the
   lobby, you will follow our visitor’s sign in procedure utilizing the Raptor System to scan your ID and receive a
   visitor’s pass. Guests should plan to arrive at our schools a few minutes earlier to expedite their visit. All visitors
   must also check out in the front office using this Raptor System.
                        CCPS new entrance tutorial

    We require all parents and community members to observe the smoke free campus expectation while at CES
    as all Collier County Public School facilities are “Smoke and Tobacco Free Environments.”

   Corkscrew appreciates volunteers and all that they do for our students, teachers, and school Community. In
   order to volunteer, one must complete the online volunteer application on the district website below. Parents
   and community members are encouraged to share their many talents by helping students and teachers in a
   variety of ways. Volunteers can perform a wide variety of services such as helping in the classroom, the media
   center, or in the cafeteria. Parents who wish to volunteer in the classroom or chaperone on any field trip must
   complete the online application. Parents and community volunteers may be asked to work in a variety of
   classroom settings to better serve the needs of our students and teachers. You will be graciously rewarded
   with many smiles and much appreciation. All volunteers must follow the visitor procedures outlined above.
                             Collier County Public School’s Volunteer Process & Application -
    Parent Teacher Organization (PTA)
    Corkscrew Elementary School’s Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) is an organization of communication and
    fundraising for the parents, students, teachers, and administration. Membership is open to all families and
    membership cards can be obtained for a $5.00 membership fee. We extend an invitation for all to be active in
    our PTA, as your involvement will make the year a rewarding and meaningful experience for you and your
    children. This is something you won’t want to miss! Monthly PTA meeting dates and times will be announced
    and are available on the CES website.

   Pledge of Allegiance
   In accordance with law, students shall recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each school day.
   However, a student has the right not to participate in reciting the Pledge and must be excused from it upon
   written request from his or her parent(s). This shall include not requiring the student to stand and place the
right hand over his or her heart. Students who have not been excused are expected to show full respect to
the flag by standing at attention with the right hand over the heart and recite the Pledge.

Program Attendance
Throughout the school year, students may perform in a grade level musical presentations or other extra
activities. Selected classes may be invited to attend each of the dress rehearsals or performances if during
school hours. Siblings of performing students are not to be released from class to attend a program to which
the entire class has not been invited. The only exception to this policy is when the parent chooses to sign the
student out of school and accompany him/her to the performance. Please plan to arrive early to allow
adequate time to check in with the Front Office. Extended wait times may occur due to our increased safety
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be given out following the closing of each grading period. Please review your child’s
progress report carefully noting all printed codes, notes, and explanations.

Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBiS)
We are proud of the excellent behavior exhibited by the students at Corkscrew Elementary School. A school-
wide behavior support program exists for all students to blossom and grow. Rules and expectations are
taught, modeled, and coached by the entire faculty. These rules are consistently and ethically Model Positive
Behavior Support (PBIS) School.
       School-Wide           Classroom Expectations:             Playground Expectations:
       Expectations:          • Come to class on time             • Use polite language
                              • Complete all tasks                • Use kind hands
 • Be Responsible!            • Share ideas with others           • Use equipment properly
 • Exceed the                 • Listen and respect others’ ideas  • Think safety first
   expectations!              • Raise your hand to speak          • Walk quietly in designated areas
 • Always do your best!       • Allow the teacher to teach        • Use cooperation and friendship
 • Respect!                   • Keep hands, feet, and objects to  • Use patience and care when waiting
                                yourself                             your turn
  Excellence is Expected!                                         • Walk quickly and quietly to line up
PBIS Student Recognition
       • Homeroom classes earn paw print points towards a class reward chosen by the students.
       • Each week, a student in each classroom is chosen as the “Star Leader” he/she will receive a sticker
         and choose a prize and be celebrated by his/her classroom peers.
       • Corkscrew also teaches monthly character traits as part of our Positive Behavior Intervention
         Support program. One teacher from each grade level will choose their “Excellence Award” winner.
       • All of our Excellence Award winners will participate in a group picture, receive prizes, and their
         names will be shown on the morning news.

How Can Parents Help with PBIS?
      • Be a good role model
      • Talk to your child about his/her day.
      • Keep communication between you and your child’s teacher active throughout the school year.
      • Focus on the POSITIVE!

Safety Patrol
Responsible fourth and fifth grade students are able to apply to serve on the School Safety Patrol. Fifth
grade will lead the patrol positions and include fourth grade leaders after 2nd quarter. All students are
expected to follow the directions of the patrol members while moving through the corridors, along the
ramps, and other areas on or near the campus. Morning Patrols should try to arrive to school at 7:45 AM
and afternoon carline patrol will be on duty until 3:05 PM.

School Advisory Council (SAC)
CES’s School Advisory Council is formed according to state and county guidelines in the Accountability
Legislation of 1991. The members of the SAC work with parents, community members, students, and staff to
implement our School Improvement Plan (SIP). If you are interested in becoming a SAC member are requested
to contact the Principal for more information. Meetings are typically held the second Tuesday of each month
at 5:30 PM. Please see the Weekly Message Sunday email for meeting dates, times, and specific locations.
School Counselor
Corkscrew Elementary is staffed with a professional school counselor. The focus is to support academic
achievement. Our counselor is available to work with all students through classroom guidance units. In
addition, individual counseling and small group activities are available. Any questions or concerns regarding
your child’s individual program should be directed to the counselor.

Student Recognition
Students are recognized in variety of ways for their accomplishments. In addition to classroom
recognition, there are School-wide recognitions.

School-wide student recognition - Each quarter students are eligible to be recognized for their
accomplishments defined in terms of growth and development in the areas of academic, social/emotional,
and behavior. Students receiving a recognition awards will be celebrated as a part of the CES morning news
and on the front office television presentation.

The State of Florida furnishes textbooks to students. At the beginning of the school year, letters documenting
books student are responsible for will be sent home. Students will be charged for lost books that have been
issued to them and for books damaged through negligence. This rule also applies to books that have been
checked out in the Media Center. Online versions of textbooks are also available. Please see your teacher
regarding login information.
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