Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021

Page created by Everett Cruz
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021
Corporate Social
 Responsibility and
Sustainability Report
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021
Corporate Social
 Responsibility and
Sustainability Report
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021

           real madrid c.f.
                               04      Report

           Corporate Social
           Responsibility at
           Real Madrid

           financial year
           fulfilment          18
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021

     1.1 Institutional Profile
     Real Madrid Football Club is a sporting
     entity dedicated to promoting football for all
     categories and ages, and, in general, to practice
     of all sports determined by its governing
     bodies. Similarly, on a complementary basis, it
     may promote the development of the physical,
     moral and intellectual culture of its members,
     facilitating social relations and also the spirit
     of unity.

     Founded in March 1902, the Real Madrid Football
     Club, whose first founding charter is dated 18
     April of the same year, has full legal personality in                                                                                                       Real Madrid’s 23 European Cups, in the boardroom of Real Madrid
     accordance with current legislation, is affiliated                                                                                                                         City’s new corporate office building.
     to the Spanish Football Federation and all
     related federations where required, according to
     the different sporting sections that the club has
     established for each season.                              1.1.3 Values

                                                               A WINNING MINDSET                                     respond to the support of the fans with sporting    people, but also of their social, ethical and
     1.1.1 Mission                                             Real Madrid's goal is to reach the top in all the     work based on criteria of quality, discipline and   civic training.
                                                               competitions in which it participates, never giving   capacity for sacrifice. It manages its activities
     An open and multicultural club, appreciated and           up and proving its commitment, its perseverance       in accordance with the principles of good           SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
     respected throughout the world for its sporting           in its work and its loyalty to its fans.              governance and transparency, while constantly       Real Madrid is aware of how much its activities
     successes and the values it spreads, which,                                                                     striving for excellence.                            affect society and therefore dedicates resources
     through the pursuit of excellence on and off the          SPORTSMANSHIP                                                                                             to meeting the highest standards of good
     pitch, contributes to fulfilling the expectations         Real Madrid is a sincere and honest opponent          TEAM PHILOSOPHY                                     corporate governance and transparency,
     of its members and fans.                                  on the pitch, which plays in good faith and           Everyone forming part of Real Madrid, athletes      to promoting the best sporting values, to
                                                               respects all the teams it competes with and           and other professionals alike, pledges to work      strengthening its relations with its members,
                                                               their respective fans. Away from the field of         as a team, giving the best of themselves for the    veterans, supporters clubs and fans, and to
     1.1.2 Vision                                              play it is Real Madrid’s overriding desire to         benefit of the collective, without personal or      developing solidarity projects in favour of needy
                                                               maintain relations with other clubs based on          professional selfishness.                           groups in Spain and abroad.
     A leading football and basketball club which,             fraternity and solidarity and to collaborate with
     through its sporting triumphs, responds to the            them and with the Spanish and international           TRAINING                                            ECONOMIC RESPONSIBILITY
     hopes and expectations of all its fans nationally         sports authorities on an on-going basis.              Real Madrid consecrates considerable                Real Madrid is aware that it manages tangible
     and internationally, thus preserving its important                                                              and permanent effort to discovering and             and intangible assets of exceptional value
     historical legacy. A club that manages its assets         EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY                                educating new sporting values, dedicating           and importance, and therefore pledges to
     rigorously and transparently for the benefit of its       Real Madrid strives to have the best Spanish and      the necessary attention and resources to the        manage them in a responsible, transparent,
     members, and which acts with criteria of social           foreign players on its rosters, instilling in them    youth academy in all its sections and taking        effective and honest manner for the benefit of
     responsibility and good corporate governance.             a commitment to the club's own values, and to         care not only of the sporting training of young     its members.

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021
1.1.4 Real Madrid Foundation

     The Real Madrid Foundation is the entity that            The Real Madrid Foundation also promotes
     channels Real Madrid's social action within              and disseminates all the social-cultural
     the framework of Corporate Responsibility,               aspects linked to sport, especially football and
     contributing with its intervention through               basketball, which can contribute to improving
     its social-sporting and social-educational               society and building a sustainable future in all
     programme, to the United Nations Sustainable             the communities in which it develops projects                                                              Students from the Battambang social sports
     Development Goals and, especially, to those              in collaboration with educational entities and                                                                         school, Cambodia.
     identified as strategic by the organisation:             local NGOs. Public-private partnerships are
     quality education (SDG4), health and well-               key to ensuring a stable, long-term intervention
     being (SDG3) and gender equality (SDG5).                 (SDG17) that will have an impact on the lives of
                                                              our beneficiaries.
     The Foundation carries out social-sporting                                                                    projects that combine sport with the coverage          Real Madrid believes that establishing
     projects in the fields of education, integration         In addition to the annual contribution from          of basic needs for international cooperation,          partnerships based on principles and values
     of vulnerable groups and development                     Real Madrid C.F., the Real Madrid Foundation         the promotion of sport as a tool for social            to achieve shared people-centred goals is
     cooperation, using sport as a means of                   receives generous support in the form of             intervention, institutional and cultural activities    beneficial to the community. The School
     intervention in more than 80 countries on five           patronage, collaborations and sponsorships           related to team sport and the management of            offers, both here in Spain and overseas,
     continents to generate a social impact in the            from large national and international companies      the Historical Heritage Centre.                        higher education courses designed to provide
     communities where the club operates. Real                and entities and, most especially, individual                                                               students with specialist sports management
     Madrid makes an annual donation to sustain               contributions from thousands of Madrid fans          The Foundation is audited annually and reports         training of the highest quality, not only with
     the structure of the Foundation, thus enabling           pledged to the club's social action, thus            the results of the audit to its Board of Trustees      respect to sporting facilities and equipment,
     it to carry out its activities and projects              increasing their ties with Real Madrid and           and to the Protectorate of Foundations of the          but also to the training and practice of the
     worldwide.                                               giving sustainability to engaged educational         Ministry of Education and Sport, and they are          sport or the conversion thereof into a spectator
                                                              and social-sporting projects (SDG17).                also published in the Foundation's Annual              event, and including every aspect related
     The founding purpose of this entity, in Spain                                                                 Report. Real Madrid Foundation processes are           with communication, health and leisure, and
     and abroad, is to promote the educational                The Foundation carries out its activity              also EFQM 300+ certified and evaluated every           all with official university qualifications. This
     values of team sport and to promote it                   programmes across six main areas to attend           two years.                                             makes Real Madrid the first club of its kind
     as an instrument of education and social                 to the diversity of groups at risk of exclusion or                                                          anywhere in the world to be involved in the
     intervention, to contribute to the integral              social disadvantage, especially children, young                                                             creation of a graduate school for transmitting
     development of people and as a factor of                 people, people with disabilities and migrants,                                                              the legacy of knowledge accumulated over its
     social integration for the benefit of those who          hospitalised minors, victims of domestic             1.1.5 Real Madrid Graduate School                      119 years, as well as to spread the values that
     suffer from any kind of marginalisation. There           violence, the homeless, the unemployed                                                                      inspire all its actions.
     is a full commitment in each project to reduce           and prisoners, etc., for their inclusion and         Driven by its commitment to society and with
     existing inequalities (SDG10), prioritising the          integration into society (SDG10). We should          the aim of promoting and encouraging sport             The Real Madrid Graduate School enables the
     inclusion of minorities, promoting respect for           not forget the importance of promoting peace         and its inherent values, the club resolved,            club to contribute to Sustainable Development
     diversity and adapting sports programmes to              through sport in conflict zones (SDG16).             after deep internal reflection on the evolving         Goals (SDGs) 4 (Quality Education), 8
     the needs of students with functional diversity.                                                              world of sport, to extend its experience and           (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 17
     Quality education (SDG4) serves as a key                 The main lines of action are education in values     knowledge to the university world, and to this         (Partnerships for the Goals).
     driver to break out of the cycle of poverty,             through sport, the promotion of weekly sport         end, in 2005 an agreement was reached with
     thus empowering individuals and benefiting               as an instrument for personal development            the European University of Madrid to set up
     society as a whole.                                      and social integration, the development of           the Real Madrid Graduate School.

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021
area; secondly, to the validation of the
         Santiago Bernabéu Stadium.
                                                                                                                                                                          functional management that acts transversally
                                                                                                                                                                          for the entire organisation (Human Resources,
                                                                                                                                                                          Legal    Services,     Procurement,    Expense
                                                                                                                                                                          Control, etc.); and thirdly, to the approval of
     1.2 Sustainability at Real Madrid                        as well as contributing to community activities        1.3 Real Madrid Corporate                            committees made up of senior executives of
                                                              that reflect Real Madrid's commitment to human         Governance and Transparency Policy                   the club and members of the Board of Directors.
     Real Madrid Football Club is a century-old               rights and the fight against discrimination,                                                                An Executive Committee, a Procurement
     institution, founded in 1902. Its corporate              violence and inequality.                               1.3.1 Corporate structure                            Committee and an Economic Committee have
     purpose and the distinctive determination of                                                                                                                         been set up and meet on a regular basis and
     its social base endow it with a permanent and            Today, Real Madrid is the accumulated result           Real Madrid Football Club is a private, non-         take decisions on appointments, transfers, staff
     perpetual character. The company therefore               of the previous generations of members,                profit sporting entity formed by its members         departures and remuneration, procurement of
     focuses on the long-term future by firmly                players, coaches, employees and fans who               with the objectives of promoting and practising      goods and services, investments and budget
     committing itself to a corporate culture of              have bequeathed us the leading club that we            sport as set out in its bylaws.                      monitoring, and actions to minimise risks. The
     sustainability, integrating it into all decision-        have inherited from them. For Real Madrid,                                                                  Board also receives regular reports from the
     making processes and embracing social trends             sustainability consists of accepting that                                                                   Procurement Committee and the Economic
     and challenges as a strategic lever.                     inheritance together with the commitment to            1.3.2 Club administration                            Committee, draws up action plans and
                                                              manage for future generations of madridistas,                                                               implements operational decisions to achieve
     This sustainability is demonstrated in the               in such a way that present results do not              The     management       and     representation      set objectives. It also oversees and directs the
     following aspects:                                       compromise, but rather enhance future ones             of the entity is the responsibility of the           administration and management of the club on
                                                              and that the management of all kinds of                General Assembly, the President and the              the broadest level. Compliance Management
     - Good governance and transparency: strict               resources that we do today does not endanger           Board of Directors. These three bodies are           and Internal Audit ultimately supervise the
     compliance with these principles, which are the          the enjoyment of those resources to which future       democratically elected by the members, whom          correct execution of all processes. All these
     pillars on which the day-to-day activity of the          generations that will succeed us are entitled.         they represent when managing the club. The           steps ensure that the right decisions are taken
     club is based. The integration of the culture of                                                                principle of accountability and transparency is      and that they are in line with the strategy and
     compliance and good governance is therefore              In keeping with conventional definitions, Real         systematically applied in all areas of the club,     the approved budget.
     ensured throughout the structure and at all              Madrid conceives its sustainability as the             within the standards of good governance.
     levels of the Real Madrid organisation. All this         management of the impacts generated by its                                                                  With the same objective in mind, there are
     while carrying out a responsible economic                activity on the groups with which it interacts on      Good corporate governance is embodied in the         mandatory and auditable procedures for
     management that ensures the indefinite                   a recurring basis. Through continuous dialogue         management of the club through cross-cutting         drawing up invoices, settling expenses and
     continuity of its activities.                            with these groups, this impact management              policies and procedures that ensure control          hospitality, thereby precluding abuses in
                                                              aims to achieve sustainable relationships based        over key decisions such as appointments,             sensitive areas.
     - Environmental: minimising the environmental            on mutual benefit and continually striving to          remuneration, procurement and investments.
     impact of the club's activities to stop the              generate synergies and balance founded on                                                                   The comprehensive control of operations is
     advancement of climate change and preserve               respect for the legitimate interests of all parties.   Procedures have been defined for all critical        not limited to expenditure areas. Systemised
     biodiversity.                                                                                                   processes so that their execution is fully           invoice collection tracking ensures that late or
                                                              Real Madrid has therefore defined all the groups       verifiable, traceable and auditable. Applying        missed payments are kept under strict control
     - Social: maximising the club's contribution to          that it recognises as stakeholders with whom           principles of good corporate governance, key         in all club revenue areas, under management
     society in terms of prosperity through quality           it seeks long-term commitments, which are              decisions are collegial and are subject firstly to   supervision and, ultimately, also the Economic
     employment, promotion of sport and its values:           explained later in this report.                        the proposal of the director of the corresponding    Committee.

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021
1.3.6 Election of the President and Board of Directors

                                                                                                                                                                        The Board of Directors is the body directly
                                                                                                                                                                        responsible for the administration, governance,
                                                                                                                                                                        management and representation of the club. The
                                                                                                                                                                        Board of Directors oversees the performance
                                                                                                                                                                        of the executive levels of the club, and in turn is
                                                                                                                                                                        accountable to the General Assembly, thus ensuring
                                                                                                                                                                        the application of the principles of good corporate
                                                                                                                                                                        governance in the management of Real Madrid.

                                                                                                                                                                        The election of the President and the Board of
                                                                                                                                                                        Directors is carried out democratically through
                                                                                                                                                                        the corresponding elections, in which the
                                                                                                                                                                        candidatures of members who comply with the
                                                                                                                                                                        bylaws are put forward.
            Florentino Pérez during the
           Real Madrid General Assembly.
                                                                                                                                                                        Elections for President and Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                                                        are called in the following circumstances:

                                                                                                                                                                        a. On expiry of the term of office of the former
                                                                                                                                                                        President and Board of Directors.
      1.3.3 Club Transparency Policy                           The club's policies also include a Criminal Risk     the approval, ratification or even the censure of
                                                               Management System, which aims, firstly, to           the President and Board of Directors.               b. Upon the decision of the President or Board
      Real Madrid fully embraces the commitments               establish the basic principles for identifying and                                                       of Directors.
      to accountability, disclosure of relevant                managing risks, preventing criminal offences         The General Assembly comprises all members
      data and open exposure of its corporate                  that affect the club, and secondly, to establish     with voting rights, represented democratically in   c. When so resolved by the General Assembly
      actions. It has therefore been implementing a            the essential anti-bribery principles, and the       accordance with the bylaws.                         following resignation or disqualification of the
      comprehensive Transparency Policy over the               executive summary of this policy is published                                                            Board of Directors or when, upon resignation,
      last few years, resulting in the portal http://www.      on the Transparency Portal in the section on         The General Assembly examines and, if               renunciation, death or physical incapacity, the el-club/            Compliance and Good Governance.                      necessary, approves the Annual Report, Balance      Board of Directors comprises less than five
      transparencia. This portal publishes considerable                                                             Sheet, the Profit and Loss Statement for each       members in total.
      institutional, economic, organisational and                                                                   financial year, and the budget for the following
      contractual data as required under national and          1.3.4 Membership rights                              financial year.                                     d. Upon a vote of censure passed in accordance
      international standards, including the Spanish                                                                                                                    with the provisions of the bylaws, in exercise of
      Transparency, Access to Public Information               All members have the right to enjoy the              The General Assembly is the ultimate expression     the control procedures exercised by the General
      and Good Governance Act (Law 19/2013), and               club’s activities in accordance with the rules       of the systematic application of the principle of   Assembly as part of the good governance
      Transparency International's INFUT indicators.           established for doing so, and to elect not only      accountability that ensures good governance in      practices of the club.
      Additionally, in 2019 the renowned Institute for         the bodies that represent and govern the club,       the management of Real Madrid.
      Transparent Labour Relations issued Real Madrid          but also the most senior bodies which monitor                                                            The term of office of the Board of Directors is
      a certificate of excellence for transparency in its      and control the corporate governance of Real         The General Assembly of Members also has            four years from the date of its proclamation, and
      labour relations.                                        Madrid democratically.                               exclusive powers to amend the bylaws, decide        its members may stand for re-election, either
                                                                                                                    on major financial decisions, pass a motion         jointly or separately in other candidacies. The
      The Transparency Policy falls within the broader                                                              of censure on the President or the Board of         Board of Directors is endowed with the broadest
      corporate social responsibility and good                                                                      Directors, and call a referendum among the          powers for the governance, administration and
      governance policies, supplemented by the code of         1.3.5 General Assembly                               members to decide on the most important             representation of the entity, with no limits other
      ethics and control programmes aimed at forestalling                                                           issues. The General Assembly is thus endowed        than matters specifically reserved to the General
      any non-compliance, and culminating in the quality       The General Assembly is the most senior of the       with a wide range of powers, which guarantees       Assembly, as the highest body for expressing
      and stakeholder engagement systems.                      club’s governance bodies and its duties include      the good corporate governance of the club.          the will of its members.

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021
1.3.7 Control systems                                    specifies the control protocols in place in the
                                                               club, system of delegation of powers, system
      Real Madrid, as previously stated, is a                  of sanctions and supervisory bodies. It thus
      transparent institution pledged to the principles        clearly outlines to the entire organisation
      of good corporate governance, and especially             how the will for decision-making is formed in                                                                          Boardroom of the corporate office building of
                                                                                                                                                                                                the Real Madrid City.
      to the principle of accountability systematically        the club, the attributions and responsibilities
      applied at all levels of the club's management.          following the internal approval procedures, the
      The control activity is the result of a permanent        way in which the correct application of these
      scrutiny of its functioning by internal executive        procedures will be monitored and controlled,
      bodies, its social mass, the authorities and even        and finally the system of sanctions for cases in
      public opinion through the media. The Internal           which the club acts irregularly, in breach of the   The Board of Directors, as the highest authority    Nations Global Compact, has further reinforced
      Control and Internal Audit Division, as the internal     regulations set by the club. The Organisation       responsible for the control policy, has appointed   this control activity, acquiring the commitment
      executive body, which reports to the President           and Management Model specifies the control          a Compliance Officer as the executive within        to report regularly through a Progress Report
      and Board of Directors, defines and audits the           systems in place at the club, defining the          the organisation in charge of monitoring and        on the implemented sustainable development
      procedures and control systems necessary to              functions of the bodies involved in the internal    controlling crime prevention and regulatory         actions.
      ensure the highest level of institutional rigour.        control function: Assembly of Delegate              compliance.
      The membership base exercises control                    Members, Board of Directors, Membership                                                                 The Cybersecurity Committee stepped up its
      through the Assembly of Delegate Members                 Disciplinary Committee, Ethics Committee,           As a further step forward in monitoring             activities for the 2020–2021 season with three
      and Board of Directors. Sporting authorities             Executive Committee, Economic Committee,            regulatory compliance and as clear proof of         priority areas of action:
      (national and international federations, national        Procurement Committee and Internal Control          Real Madrid's commitment to the effective
      leagues and the Spanish National Sports                  and Auditing Division.                              implementation of the crime prevention model,       1. Prevention of inappropriate use of information
      Council) also exercise permanent supervision                                                                 the club secured a certificate awarded by           technologies, through three types of measures:
      of the club's activities, which also receive             The club has also established a Criminal Risk       AENOR in the 2017–2018 season, certifying
      permanent media attention as an expression of            Management System Policy whose purpose              full compliance with all the requirements of        	a. Launch of new policies for anyone using
      the club's transparency in the management of             is, firstly, to establish the basics for action     the Criminal Compliance Management System             the club’s Information Systems.
      all its activities.                                      in identifying and managing risks to prevent        under standard UNE 19601:2017. Real Madrid          	b. Implementation of tools to safeguard
                                                               criminal activities that could affect the club,     became one of the first associative entities in       sensitive information, and
      Overall, Real Madrid's control systems ensure            and secondly, to establish the essential anti-      the country to do so, ratifying its continued       	c. Automatic detection of improper use or
      its ongoing compliance with the principles               bribery principles. The executive summary of        commitment as bellwether in adopting good             movement.
      of good governance and transparency to                   this policy is published on the Transparency        governance and transparency best practices
      which it unreservedly adheres. Control,                  Portal in the section on Compliance and Good        in club management, and thus a benchmark            2. Implementation of technical corrective
      collegiality of decisions and accountability             Governance.                                         in implementing criminal risk management            measures via a new system that automatically
      are rigorously enforced to prevent arbitrary                                                                 policies in the sporting industry.                  blocks suspicious activities.
      decisions from being made and ultimately                 Another key aspect in relation to the control
      to prevent anyone from making decisions                  systems is the Transparency Policy, which           Cybersecurity is one crucial area in the            3. User awareness, which has led to a clear
      that would compromise the good name and                  aims to go beyond the legal requirements            crime prevention model. The Cybersecurity           decrease in the parameters measuring the risk
      administration of the club.                              established by the Spanish Transparency Act         Committee was therefore created in the 2017–        of incidents and a very significant improvement
                                                               (Law 19/2013) thus publishing all the data          2018 season, comprising representatives from        in the organisation's maturity in terms of risk
      The Real Madrid Organisation and Management              and indicators required by the International        the legal, technological, human resources and       awareness and threat response.
      Model for crime prevention has been in place             Football Club Transparency Index (INFUT),           compliance areas, whose responsibility, in
      since the 2013–14 season, which the club                 in where Real Madrid received its highest           addition to detecting and blocking unauthorised     However, as cybercrime continues to increase,
      named the Criminal Risk Management System                score in the last audit cycle. This enables and     actions, is to develop the specific regulations     the Committee faces the challenge of bringing
      (Sistema de Gestión de Riesgos Penales                   activates a continuous social scrutiny based        applicable to technological risks.                  all the parameters that measure Real Madrid's
      - SGRP). This document responds to the                   on the permanent and updated publication                                                                exposure to the risk of cyberattacks into line
      current state of the art in the prevention of            of relevant club data, raising its internal level   Additionally, in accordance with what will          with best practices, for which it is continuing its
      risks arising from the liability of organisations.       of self-demand and promoting excellence in          be explained in more detail in the following        work, implementing all the necessary measures
      The Organisation and Management Model                    control systems.                                    point, Real Madrid, as a member of the United       to achieve these objectives.

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021
      CORPORATE SOCIAL                                                                                                   2.1.3 Employees                                           2.1.8 Suppliers

      RESPONSIBILITY                                                                                                     In order to carry out the full range of its activities,   Suppliers are also a strategic stakeholder
                                                                                                                         Real Madrid relies heavily on not only its                in our value chain, as essential partners to
                                                                                                                         athletes, but also all its employees, who provide         incorporate goods and services that meet the
      The expectations and needs of our stakeholders            the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals              the organisation with professional services.              defined parameters and help to achieve the
      are at the heart of Real Madrid's Corporate Social        (SDGs), comprising the 2030 Agenda. These goals                                                                    club's overall objectives.
      Responsibility. Identifying these and establishing        are interlinked to encompass the three dimensions        2.1.4 SPORT AUTHORITIES AND GOVERNMENT
      priorities on which to act will be essential work         of sustainable development: economic growth,                                                                       Procurement      and    service   contracting
      to developing a sustainable strategy that allows          social inclusion and environmental protection.           Our sporting activities entails a continuous              management is governed by regulations, control
      us to advance in the creation of economic, social                                                                  relationship with sports administrations: national        systems and internal procedures to achieve
      and environmental value.                                                                                           and international federations, professional               the best possible procurement alternative,
                                                                2.1 Stakeholders                                         leagues in which we participate and the Consejo           optimising the investment made.
      As a result, in accordance with this strategy and         served by Real Madrid                                    Superior de Deportes (National Sports Council).
      the founding values of the club, Real Madrid                                                                       Our economic activity also entails a continuous           2.1.9 COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT
      has joined the United Nations Global Compact,             2.1.1 Members                                            relationship with public administrations at all
      becoming the first football club to sign it as a                                                                   levels: state (Treasury, Social Security), regional       We also share a sense of responsibility, one we
      participant, the highest level of commitment.             Membership of Real Madrid Football Club is               (Community of Madrid) and municipal (Madrid               wish to pursue through commitments to society
                                                                open to anyone who, having fulfilled the rules           City Council).                                            as a whole. Real Madrid is an institution that
      The Global Compact constitutes the world's                approved by the General Assembly, joins the                                                                        owes a great deal to the community where it is
      largest corporate sustainability initiative: a            club, with the rights and obligations contained          2.1.5 Other clubs                                         based, a community that lends it a tremendous
      global movement of sustainable companies and              in the bylaws. Members are the owners of the                                                                       amount of support. Correspondingly, Real
      organisations pledging to create the world we all         club and as such are its primary stakeholders.           Real Madrid's sporting activities necessarily             Madrid wishes to commit itself to helping
      want by working to generate positive results in the                                                                involve participation in local, national and              those most in need and to community projects
      three dimensions of sustainable development:              2.1.2 Players and referees                               international competitions. The clubs with                where its values and experience in sport can
      economy, society and environment.                                                                                  which we compete are another of our priority              be useful.
                                                                Real Madrid's corporate purpose is the promotion         stakeholders, with whom we wish to formulate
      Action is based on the ten principles of the Global       of sport. Therefore, all athletes, including referees,   and fulfil firm commitments.                              Real Madrid is also committed to training new
      Compact, with a strategy geared towards achieving         are a group of great importance for the club.                                                                      generations of sport managers who contribute
                                                                                                                         2.1.6 Clients                                             to health, leisure and economic development in
                                                                                                                                                                                   their communities.
                                                                                                                         Our activity requires economic income that
                                                                                                                         originates from our clients. Our clients comprise         Our commitment to both the present and the
                                                                                                                         companies and individuals. These companies                future means that we stand by the youngest
                                                                                                                         include television channels, sponsors, licensees,         members of society and commit ourselves to
                                                                                                                         and lessees that rent boxes and facilities for all        their future. In doing so, we seek to ensure that
                                                                                                                         kinds of events. Private club clients purchase            our impact on the environment does not disrupt
                                                                                                                         tickets for any sporting event we organise,               the enjoyment of the environment to which
                                                                                                                         visits to our facilities and exhibitions, and buy         future generations are entitled.
                                                                                                                         our branded products.
                                                                                                                                                                                   2.1.10 PRESS AND MEDIA
                                                                                                                         2.1.7 Fans
                                                                                                                                                                                   The club has a clear awareness of the interest
                                                                                                                         Our fans support our teams during the various             it arouses in society and public opinion. Real
                                                                                                                         competitions in which we participate. Real                Madrid is therefore aware of the essential role
                                                                                                                         Madrid is a club open to everyone. Real                   of social media and wishes to engage with them
                                                                                                                         Madrid supporters and fans who maintain a                 as relevant stakeholders.
                                                                                                                         direct relationship with the club through the
                                                                                                                         Madridistas loyalty programme are also special

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2020-2021
2.2 A Real Madrid committed                              2.2.4 SPORT AUTHORITIES AND GOVERNMENT             the world, in their shared goal of defending          of sport such as respect, motivation to excel,
      to its stakeholders                                                                                         the colours of Real Madrid and supporting the         gender equality or the solidarity of teamwork,
                                                               Real Madrid pledges its commitment to the          club.                                                 etc. The Foundation's work contributes to
      2.2.1 Members                                            sporting administrations to strictly adhere                                                              SDG13 with direct environmental impact
                                                               to the principles of fair play, institutional      2.2.8 Suppliers                                       actions and with a great deal of climate change
      Real Madrid pledges to its members that                  collaboration, respect for authority and                                                                 awareness-raising among its beneficiaries
      it will maintain and promote the values                  participation at all organisational levels. Real   Real Madrid is firmly committed to developing         and families.
      of Madridism, comply with the strictest                  Madrid's commitment to public administrations      responsible purchasing policies that bind
      standards of good corporate governance                   entails being an institution that fully            suppliers to comply with applicable standards         - This season was marked by an intense
      and      transparency,   encourage      member           complies with its obligations in fiscal, social,   in terms of human rights, ethics and                  digital transformation aimed at reducing
      participation through the channels provided              corporate governance and transparency and          environmental care.                                   paper consumption, in addition to the launch
      for in the bylaws and, above all, the permanent          environmental matters, collaborating closely                                                             of the OTT omni-channel training platform to
      pursuit of sporting achievements. The club               with the authorities in community projects         The policy for selecting suppliers and                reduce travel and commuting. Children and
      commits to maintaining sound finances,                   and especially in the order and safety of the      awarding orders and contracts is based on the         groups at risk of social exclusion are the main
      permanently supervised with transparency                 sporting events that we organise.                  principles of professional ethics, publicity and      beneficiaries of the Foundation's activities,
      through auditing and control systems and                                                                    competition and is carried out in a transparent,      and its education in values of respect for
      under the general principle of continuous and            2.2.5 Other clubs                                  fair and responsible manner under the                 the environment has been reflected once
      systematic accountability.                                                                                  supervision of the Procurement Committee,             again this year in Spain in actions to promote
                                                               As a sporting competitor, Real Madrid stands       establishing collaborative relationships with         recycling with Signus and Ecopilas, collecting
      2.2.2 Players                                            for fair play, competitive spirit, respect and     suppliers and avoiding payment conditions             more than a tonne of batteries among the
                                                               collaboration in common initiatives and            that jeopardise their solvency. Communication         beneficiaries of social-sporting schools.
      Real Madrid pledges to athletes and referees             solidarity projects in all its actions.            channels are established to foster transparency       At the international level, some of the most
      that it will embrace the sporting values of fair                                                            in the business relationship and knowledge of         outstanding initiatives include plastic-free
      play, respect and competition. With its players          2.2.6 Clients                                      mutual needs. This procurement policy aims            tournaments at schools; manufacturing cloth
      of all categories, the club has a permanent                                                                 to meet the club's objectives in accordance           bags to preclude the consumption of plastic
      commitment to develop the youth academy,                 Real Madrid pledges to its customers to            with established policies and procedures.             bags as part of the complementary activities
      to promote the health care of the athletes, to           maintain and promote high standards of quality                                                           in some projects; recycling packaging of all
      maintain strict compliance with the terms of             and innovation, promote customer satisfaction,     Local supplier procurement is also encouraged         sorts for use in handicrafts; talks on the three
      their contracts, to maintain the highest level           maintain professional complaint management         whenever possible, thus contributing to the           Rs: recycle, reuse and reuse; and support
      of competitiveness in order to aspire to the             processes and continually assess and improve       creation of wealth in the surrounding area.           work for organic vegetable gardens. These
      highest levels of sport, to offer the athletes good      services.                                                                                                initiatives are part of the comprehensive
      facilities, excellent technical professionals,                                                              2.2.9 COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT                       projects of which the Foundation plays an
      and visibility through media presence. These             2.2.7 Fans                                                                                               essential role.
      commitments extend to anyone who has                                                                        Real Madrid wants to contribute to the social
      moved away from professional competitive                 Real Madrid offers all sports fans its adherence   and economic development of its surrounding           2.2.10 PRESS AND MEDIA
      sport at the club and is a member of the club's          to the principles of competition based on          area, with sport as a vehicle to create value. That
      Veterans Association.                                    fair play, always doing its best to promote        is why it is committed to quality employment          Real Madrid responsibly assumes a collaborative
                                                               sporting values, information transparency,         based on values such as multiculturalism,             relationship based on professionalism and
      2.2.3 Employees                                          respect and greater security in the events it      sustainability and teamwork.                          information transparency with the media,
                                                               organises. Real Madrid cultivates an even                                                                notwithstanding compliance with data and
      Real Madrid strives to be a great place to               closer relationship with fans who are members      - Moreover, this commitment to society is             information protection regulations, and in
      work by offering its employees permanent                 of the Madridista programme, providing them        embodied in the activities of the Real Madrid         recognition of their important work.
      and remunerated employment at market                     with first-hand information, advantages in the     Foundation, especially in the creation and
      conditions, respect for the strictest                    purchase of the club's products and services,      management of projects, programmes and
      principles of equality and the promotion                 and also various promotional opportunities         social-sporting, adapted and inclusive
      of diversity, opportunities to reconcile                 in leisure companies with which Real Madrid        schools; educational projects aimed at
      professional life with personal and family               has agreements. Likewise, the club pledges         children and vulnerable groups or training
      life, training opportunities and an emphasis             to maintain a close relationship with the          programmes, and also support for solidarity
      on occupational health and safety.                       Madrid supporters clubs established around         actions, the promotion of the positive values

16   CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT REAL MADRID 2020-2021                                                                                          CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AT REAL MADRID   17
      IN THE 2020-2021 FINANCIAL YEAR

      3.1 Members                                               3.1.1. Institutional Acts                                                                                                Florentino Pérez stands with the members of
                                                                with members                                                                                                               his Board of Directors in Real Madrid City.
      Real Madrid's membership base stands at
      91,701 members, of which 64,831 are adults,               On 20 December 2020, the Ordinary and
      17,678 are children and 9,192 are members                 Extraordinary General Assemblies were held        C.F., requested the Electoral Board to initiate           40 of the bylaws, announced the call and start of
      over the age of 50. Membership comprises                  remotely, at which the following items were       the procedure for the calling of elections for            the electoral process.
      72,044 men and 19,657 women.                              approved:                                         President and Board of Directors.
                                                                                                                                                                            On 13 April 2021, the Electoral Board, in
      There are 60,127 football season ticket                   General Assembly of Delegate Members              On 2 April 2021, in accordance with the                   accordance with article 40, section E, point
      holders, all of whom are members, and 7,247                                                                 provisions of Article 38 of the bylaws, the               2 of the bylaws of the Club, proclaimed
      basketball season ticket holders, of whom                 • The Budget, Annual Report, Balance Sheet        Electoral Board agreed to call elections for the          Florentino Pérez Rodríguez as president, and
      3,794 are members, 1,770 are Madridista card                and Profit and Loss Statements of Real          President and Board of Directors of the Club.             the Board of Directors proclaimed the candidacy
      holders and 1,683 are members of the general                Madrid C.F., and also the Annual Consolidated   The Electoral Board, in accordance with article           comprising the following candidates:
      public. Delegate Members form the General                   Financial Statements with companies in which
      Assembly, which is the club's supreme                       the club has a holding, corresponding to Year
      governing body. It currently comprises 2,052                2019–2020.
      members, including the Board of Directors,                                                                                                                   President
      honorary members, and the first hundred                   • Consolidated budget of Revenue and Expenses                                       Mr. Florentino Pérez Rodríguez
      members.                                                    and the Activities Report for 2020–2021.                                                     Member No. 1,793

      The Membership Disciplinary Committee                     • Taxable base of membership fees for the 2021–    Senior Vice-President                Voting members
      is elected by the General Assembly at the                   2022 season.                                     Fernando Fernández Tapias            Mr. Santiago Aguado García          Mr. Gumersindo Santamaría Gil
      proposal of the Board of Directors, and                                                                      Member No. 27,408                    Member No. 1,358                    Member No. 15,888
      assesses and evaluates the actions and                    Extraordinary General Assembly                                                          Mr. Jerónimo Farré Muncharaz Mr. Raúl Ronda Ortiz
      conduct of Club members, as reported and                                                                     First Deputy Vice-President
                                                                                                                                                        Member No. 2,165                    Member No. 16,655
      submitted for consideration. The Committee                • The Board’s proposal for the election of the     Eduardo Fernández de Blas
      meets once a week to consider and resolve                   members of the Membership Disciplinary           Member No. 4,531                     Mr. Enrique Pérez Rodríguez         Mr. José Manuel Otero Lastres
      issues concerning its functions. During                     Committee for the period from 29 March 2021                                           Member No. 5,876                    Member No. 17,192
      the health crisis of the 2020–2021 season,                  to 28 March 2025.                                Second Deputy Vice-President
                                                                                                                   Pedro López Jiménez                  Mr. Manuel Cerezo Velázquez Mr. Nicolás Martín-Sanz García
      the Membership Disciplinary Committee                                                                                                             Member No. 10,015                   Member No. 19,099
      temporarily suspended its activities.                     • The Board’s proposal for the election of the     Member No. 11,216
                                                                  members of the Electoral Board for the period                                         Mr. José Sánchez Bernal             Mr. José Luis del Valle Pérez
      Effective since 7 December 2017, the                        from 29 March 2021 to 28 March 2025.
                                                                                                                   Secretary                            Member No. 11,264                   Member No. 42,518
      Real Madrid C.F. Membership Disciplinary                                                                     Enrique Sánchez González
                                                                                                                   Member No. 12,666                    Mr. Manuel Torres Gómez             Ms. Catalina Miñarro Brugarolas
      Regulation is available to members in the                                                                                                         Member No. 12,748                   Member no. 49,345
      Members Area - Membership Disciplinary                    Elections for President
      Committee - New Membership Disciplinary                   and Board of Directors
      Regulation on the club’s website www.                                                                       Awarding of insignias                                           On 1 April 2021, after hearing the Board of
                                                                Directors, the President, in accordance with      The exceptional circumstances in which we find            Silver insignias were sent to members' homes
                                                                article 38.b of the bylaws of Real Madrid         ourselves, made it impossible to celebrate the            and Gold and Diamonds and Gold insignias were
                                                                                                                  ceremony of presentation of insignia to our members       sent to members upon request.
                                                                                                                  who in 2020 reached 60, 50 and 25 years of seniority.

18   CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT REAL MADRID 2020-2021                                                                                             2020-2021 FINANCIAL YEAR OBLIGATIONS FULFILMENT         19
3.1.2. Actions on
      corporate governance and transparency

      Real Madrid is firmly committed to the
      highest and most demanding standards
      of good corporate governance and

      The Board of Directors is the highest
      supervisory authority with regard to these
      policies and is directly responsible for the
      administration, governance, management                                                                                                                                         The Board of Directors during the club
                                                                                                                                                                                              General Assembly.
      and representation of the club. The Board
      of Directors held eight meetings during the
      2020–2021 season.

      Within the framework of the corporate                     Oversight is bolstered by the work of             The effects of the health crisis caused by         financial year with a profit of €875 thousand
      governance and to allow the Board of                      Internal Audit, which drew up a Procedural        COVID-19, which began in March last year,          after tax, just as it closed the 2019–2020
      Directors to carry out its functions, the Club            Manual, which currently contains 55 internal      extended to the whole of the 2020–2021             financial year with a profit of €313 thousand.
      has Executive, Procurement and Economic                   procedures defining how the club should           financial year, when all matches had to            It will thus be one of the few major clubs
      Committees, comprising members of the                     execute key internal processes. Internal          be held behind closed doors. There was             in Europe not to incur losses in these two
      board and club executives.                                Audit oversees compliance with these              a subsequent loss of revenue in all lines of       financial years, given that, according to a
                                                                procedures. Specifically, the following audits    business, primarily in the stadium, as there       UEFA study, the accumulated operating
      Over the course of the 2020–2021 season,                  were completed during the 2020–2021               was no income from match attendance, but           losses of European clubs between 2019–2020
      the Executive Committee held thirteen                     season: COVID-19 protocol monitoring and          also in television rights, both from La Liga       and 2020–2021 will be close to €6 billion.
      meetings to implement the policies defined                expenditure settlements.                          and UEFA, and in commercial activities, both
      by the Board of Directors and make                                                                          in the operation of facilities and in shop sales   As at 30 June 2021, the club has net assets of
      decisions on different matters. It also held              Internal Audit has also undertaken additional     and sponsorship.                                   €534 million, cash of €122 million (excluding
      eleven meetings on the Santiago Bernabéu                  tasks during this season, such as reporting                                                          cash from the stadium redevelopment project)
      stadium remodelling project in this season.               as required by different club departments,        In comparison with the situation prior to the      and undrawn credit facilities of €361 million,
                                                                control of late payments and measures to be       pandemic, the loss of income that the club         which demonstrate the club's strong financial
      The Economic Committee held six meetings                  adopted, regular monitoring and control of the    sustained in its business lines from March         position and high solvency.
      during the season to monitor progress over                purchasing process, planning of new computer      2020 to 30 June 2021 amounted to close to
      the financial year, introduce corrective                  applications to simplify the management           €300 million, to which we should add the loss      The club’s financial statements for the 2020–
      measures, review partial closures of                      of different processes and special reports        of potential sources of new revenue that could     2021 season were audited externally by
      accounts and update year-on-year forecasts                relating to internal organisation, code of        have been achieved if the pandemic had not         E&Y and its report, with no reservations, is
      of compliance with the club’s annual budget.              ethics, etc. It has also actively collaborated    occurred.                                          attached to the club’s Economic Report for the
                                                                together with the Compliance Division in the                                                         year. Once approved by the Board, the club’s
      The Procurement Committee, which held                     continuous monitoring and supervision of          This loss of income has only been compensated      financial statements undergo examination and
      six meetings this season, is responsible for              the Crime Prevention Model (Criminal Risk         by the club through the implementation of          then final approval at the General Assembly
      supervising, and if necessary, approving the              Management System), through participation         intensive cost-saving measures in all areas.       Meeting.
      purchase of high-value goods and services                 in internal and external audits of the Criminal
      or of any that, due to their characteristics,             Risk Management System, with the aim of           Following the cost-saving measures taken to
      are considered to require review at an                    renewing certification in the UNE 19601:2017      mitigate the loss of revenue caused by the
      organisational level.                                     standard, which we secured this season.           health crisis, the club closes the 2020–2021

20   CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT REAL MADRID 2020-2021                                                                                      2020-2021 FINANCIAL YEAR OBLIGATIONS FULFILMENT     21
Member Services Office in
                                                                                                                                                                                   Real Madrid City.

     This 2020–2021 season we have continued                   basis, which includes accountability in the         NEW FACE-TO-FACE APPOINTMENT SERVICE                Services for delegate members are provided
     training and awareness-raising in matters of              areas most sensitive to public scrutiny as                                                              exclusively from the office in Real Madrid City.
     good governance and transparency among                    set out in the Transparency Act and the most        The club provided members with an
     all our staff. New legislation has continued to           demanding international standards. The portal       appointment service to resume face-to-face          Also, delegates and members of the 100 Club,
     increase standards of compliance, particularly            contains extensive and detailed information on      service while ensuring compliance with the          made up of our 100 most senior members, receive
     in regard to personal data protection,                    economic and financial information, contracts,      mandatory COVID-19 hygiene measures.                personalised service and special privileges in
     where the club’s data protection office has               remuneration, ethical commitments and values,                                                           appreciation for their loyalty and service to the club.
     continued to make a huge effort to adapt to               and management and services, going far beyond       Face-to-face service was provided exclusively
     the new European regulation, and to internal              regulations and standards. This commitment          on the following days and at the following times.
     communication about the issue, building                   to transparency is endorsed by posting all                                                              Online Member Services Office
     awareness among our staff to ensure strict                mandatory Transparency International INFUT          • Tuesdays, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
     compliance.                                               indicators on the Transparency Portal. In this      • Thursdays, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.                  The Online Member Services Office (https://
                                                               regard, Real Madrid achieved the highest score                                                 is a website where
     The training programmes on Integrity, Good                for the latest audits of all its first and second   To book a face-to-face appointment,                 members can make queries and conduct
     Practices and Prevention of Fraud in Competition          division clubs.                                     members must access the online Member               transactions related to their membership without
     have also continued, in collaboration with the                                                                Services Office. After booking, the member          having to visit the club’s offices, any time
     Royal Spanish Football Federation and the                                                                     receives a confirmation e-mail to check the         and with guarantee of complete security and
     National Professional Football League, and                3.1.3. Member services and                          details of the appointment, and also modify         confidentiality.
     the internal communication and awareness                  information                                         or cancel it.
     campaigns for the different groups of                                                                                                                             The Online office recorded 115,639 visits from
     employees and athletes of the club with regard            Member Services Office                              In the 2020–2021 season, the Member                 members over the 2020/2021 season. They are
     to equality issues, the fight against doping,                                                                 Services Office received more than 1,500            now able to conveniently able to carry out any
     sports betting and corruption in sport, data              The new Member Services Office is located in        requests for appointments, with enquiries and       membership related matters through this online
     protection, the fight against harassment and              Real Madrid City and has provided services          processing handled via the online Member            platform.
     cybersecurity.                                            to the club’s members since 4 September             Services Office. Over 10,000 phone calls
                                                               2018. The entrance is on Avenida de las             were handled. Additionally, 166,154 requests        The Online Office has permanent formalities
     With regard to ongoing compliance with the                Fuerzas Armadas, 402. Public transport              for information and various formalities have        for members to modify their personal details
     Transparency Act, during this season the                  options include the Cercanías regional rail         been answered and resolved through the              (address, telephone numbers, email, etc.), check
     club's Transparency Portal has continued                  (Valdebebas Station) or EMT buses 171 and           official Member Services Office e-mail and          their direct debit and change it if they wish, or
     to be reviewed and updated on an ongoing                  174.                                                procedural e-mail service.                          even change their PIN code.

22   CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT REAL MADRID 2020-2021                                                                                         2020-2021 FINANCIAL YEAR OBLIGATIONS FULFILMENT     23
Aerial view of Real Madrid City.

     Member Hotline: 91 344 54 45                              pressing news and information about the         and efficient. All Real Madrid members who     Real Madrid City
                                                               club, exclusive videos, ticket sales dates      have not yet disclosed their e-mail address
     Exclusive hotline for members. Accessing it               and the results of the weekend's football and   to the club can do so easily and simply by     During the 2020–2021 season, visits were
     requires prior identification with membership             basketball matches. Over 80,000 members         going to "",      temporarily suspended because of the health
     number and PIN code. Calling this number can              now receive the e-Newsletter, for a total       registering with their membership number       crisis.
     be free of charge, as almost all operators do             volume of 2,340,000 newsletters sent out last   and PIN code, and then clicking on "Change
     not charge for this operation, as it is included          season.                                         personal details".
     in their regular rates. The club can also be                                                                                                             Player autograph sessions
     contacted from anywhere in the world by
     dialing +34 91 344 54 45, with no restrictions            Member Notifications                            SMS messages                                   During the 2020–2021 season, signing
     from any telephone company. The 902 21                                                                                                                   ceremonies were temporarily suspended
     2002 member hotline is also still available.              As a supplement to the e-newsletter and         During the 2020–2021 season, 146,479           because of the health crisis.
                                                               taking advantage of new technologies, the       messages were sent to mobile phones with
     In the 2020–2021 season, we’ve handled                    Members Department also sends notifications     various items of information.
     16,232 calls.                                             to members by e-mail, the frequency of which                                                   Football season ticket, electronic ticket
                                                               depends on the information needs of the                                                        and basketball season ticket
                                                               club and its members. During the 2020–2021      Member number update
     Exclusive e-newsletters for members                       season, more than 5,000,000 e-mails were sent                                                  As attendance at matches was not possible,
                                                               with information of great use and interest to   In March 2021, the numbering of membership     in compliance with the regulations adopted
     Weekly electronic magazine that offers                    members, making communications between          cards was updated according to seniority and   to meet the health and safety protocols for
     Real Madrid members the latest and most                   the club and its members faster, more agile     new cards were sent out.                       COVID-19, no match fees were issued.

24   CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT REAL MADRID 2020-2021                                                                               2020-2021 FINANCIAL YEAR OBLIGATIONS FULFILMENT   25
3.2 Players                                               Football – the Academy

                                                                Seven of the 13 teams in the Real Madrid youth
      Football                                                  academy were crowned champions in their
                                                                respective competitions. Castilla, in Raúl's
      After winning the league title in July, closing           second season at the helm of Madrid's first
      out an atypical season marked by the health               reserve team, had an exceptional campaign,
      crisis with a title, Real Madrid faced the                qualifying for the new category of the RFEF First
      new season with the illusion of continuing                Division and reaching the playoff for promotion
      to grow and fighting to extend the trophy                 to the Second Division. A very young and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Official 2020–2021 Real Madrid photo.
      cabinet of the best club in the world. In                 talented team that included a dozen players
      the national tournament, Zinedine Zidane’s                from the previous season's Under-18 A team.
      team fought hard to earn a championship
      that was decided on the last matchday,                    In a new format of the Second Division B,            organised by the Madrid Football Federation.         In this pandemic-ridden year, the club's
      yet the victory over Villarreal (2-1) was not             which will lead to the aforementioned RFEF           The Under-10 A failed to make it past the first      efforts and priority has been the control and
      enough and our team fell two points behind                First Division, the team led by Raúl finished        round of this competition, while the Under-8         care of COVID-19, which is why it has carried
      Atlético de Madrid despite having lost only               in second place in Subgroup A of Group 5 of          ended up winning the title, becoming the best        out excellent care management, creating a
      four matches in the 38 matchdays of the                   the category, reaching the second phase for          team in Madrid.                                      safe environment at Real Madrid City.
      tournament.                                               promotion. In the second half of the season,
                                                                the Blancos once again demonstrated their            Sixty-two players joined the club's various          Strategies were undertaken in the area of
      In the Champions League, the continent's                  potential and finished in third position, thus       youth categories this season, including 12           nutrition to evaluate the body composition
      most successful club finished top of Group                sealing their ticket to participate in the playoff   players in the Under-8 team.                         of the entire roster, both by teams and
      B, ahead of Borussia Mönchengladbach,                     to the Second Division. Despite playing a                                                                 individually, in order to identify, together
      Shakhtar Donetsk and Inter Milan, and faced               highly determined game against UD Ibiza,             Now in its eighth active season, the Real Madrid     with medical services and technical bodies,
      Atalanta in the last sixteen. Real Madrid                 Castilla were held to a 0-0 draw, a result that      City youth academy residence is home to 76           possible cases of intervention and to be
      defeated the Italian side both in the first leg,          was insufficient to advance to the next round.       players, 60 football players and 16 basketball       able to act on them. Additionally, nutrition
      thanks to a goal from Mendy (0-1), and in                                                                      players, who use all of the facility's resources     education actions have been implemented
      the second leg (3-1). In the quarter-finals,              In another atypical season, in which the UEFA        on a daily basis.                                    through infographics on the most important
      the team overcame historic rivals Liverpool,              Youth League and the Copa del Rey were                                                                    nutritional aspects. Similarly, specific
      making good at Anfield (0-0) the brilliant                suspended, the Under-18 A team finished              Forming part of the agreement between the            strategies have been managed and
      result achieved at the Di Stéfano (3-1).                  second in Group 5 and qualified for the              club and Sanitas, in the 2020–2021 season,           designed for periods of increased load and
      Chelsea, already in the semi-finals, deprived             Champions Cup, a competition in which they           medical treatments have been provided to             competition and also for rest periods. We
      Madrid of another final in the continental                reached the semi-finals.                             injured players at Valdebebas, and the medical-      worked on the academy residence in the
      competition.                                                                                                   sports assessment programme has continued            same way as in previous seasons to perfect
                                                                The Under-18 B and Under-18 C won their              with nearly 500 players undergoing check-ups.        the daily menus.
      Real Madrid were knocked out in the last                  respective competitions, as did the Under-16 A       In addition to all the above, a multi-disciplinary
      32 of the Copa del Rey, in a single-leg                   and Under-16 B teams. Under-14 A, under rookie       service offers weekly physiotherapy sessions         Likewise, and with the aim of promoting fair
      tie against Alcoyano that was decided                     coach Álvaro Arbeloa, were also champions.           and works together with the Psychology and           play and fighting against fraud of any kind,
      in extra time. In the Spanish Supercopa,                                                                       Nutrition departments and the physical re-           Real Madrid has collaborated to teach the
      Madrid failed to reach the final after losing             In Seven-a-side football, the Under-10 and           adaptation and physical therapy teams to             LFP's courses on integrity and doping to the
      to Athletic Bilbao in the semi-finals in                  Under-8 teams finished first in their categories     ensure the players are fully fit and remain in       youth academy and associated personnel.
      Málaga.                                                   and played in the Champions Tournament               peak condition.

26   CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT REAL MADRID 2020-2021                                                                                           2020-2021 FINANCIAL YEAR OBLIGATIONS FULFILMENT   27
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