Counseling Program Handbook - Education Division of Psychology and Counseling - Governors State University

Page created by Sandra Hawkins
Counseling Program Handbook - Education Division of Psychology and Counseling - Governors State University
Counseling Program Handbook

            Division of Psychology and Counseling

                                      Revised 8/2021
Counseling Program Handbook - Education Division of Psychology and Counseling - Governors State University

     he Student Handbook compiles
     policies and procedures that apply
     to the graduate majors in the
Counseling Program. This is not a contract
and is subject to change. The Handbook
is updated regularly to provide the most
recent guidelines, for seamless
progressionthrough the program.

Occasionally, procedures of particular
importance to you as a student will be
presented in the Handbook even if they
are not unique to this major. For general
university policies and procedures, as
well as course description and registration
information, please consult the University
Catalog,, and the
University Student Handbook,

Counseling Program Handbook - Education Division of Psychology and Counseling - Governors State University
Counseling: Master of Arts                     3
    Counseling Lab                                 3
    University Mission                             4
    Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives         4
    Admission and Requirements                     5
    Admissions                                     5
    Graduate Student Status                        5
    Admission Criteria                             6
    Graduate Studies & Requirements                7
    Plagiarism Policy                              7
    Degree Requirements                            8
    New Student Orientation                        9
    Student Progress in Program                    9
    Admission to Candidacy                         9
    Writing Course Referral                       10
    Professional Ethics and Academic
    Honesty of Students                           10
    Statement of Expectations                     10
    Student Success Plan                          10
    Academic Honesty                              10
    Technology                                    11
    Advising                                      11
    Student Study Plan                            11
    Division Procedures for Transfer
    of Credit or Waiver of Requirements           12
    Student Course Load                           12
    Readmission/ Transferring Sequences           12
    Independent Study                             13
    Residency Requirements                        13
    Practicum                                     13
    Internship                                    14
    Liability Insurance                           14
    Graduation                                    15
    Internship Defense/Graduation                 15
    Time Limits                                   15
    Application for Graduation                    15
    Academic Procedures                           16
    Grievance Procedure for Student Retention     16
    Certifications, Licensure, and Endorsements   16
    Certification for School Counseling           18
    Regional Offices of Education                 19
    Professional Organizations                    19
    FAQ’s                                         20

                                                       Individuals are prepared to enter thecounseling
The counseling faculty offer this handbook to          profession with a special focus on urban settings.
students interested in one of three sequences          Students progress through a sequence of
(i.e. clinical mental health counseling, marriage      curricular and clinical experiences that includes
and family counseling, or school counseling)           working with individuals, couples, and/ or families.
and our current students. It is hoped that the         Students gain experience with clientsboth in our
contents will aid students in understanding the        on-campus clinic and in an off-campus internship.
counseling program and its purpose is to               Supervision of clinical experienceincludes
provideguidelines to maximize students’                individual, group, and live supervision.
experience in our program. Students in our
                                                       Students interested in counseling receive skill
programwill find this handbook useful at each
                                                       preparation for direct service to clients; for
stage of the process toward graduation. While
                                                       diagnostic, consultative, and evaluative services;
every effort has been made to provide a
                                                       andpreventive intervention. Possible employing
comprehensivehandbook, the following are
                                                       agencies and institutions include mental health
only guidelines.
                                                       clinics and hospitals, corporations, governmental
Students need to work closely, especially early in
their program, with their advisor. Completion of       social agencies, public and private schools,
all graduation requirements, while a concern of        community colleges, various community
the advisor, is ultimately the responsibility of the   interventionprograms, and correctional institutions.
student.                                               This major also prepares students for advanced
                                                       graduatework at other institutions. A minimum 100-
In addition, it should be noted that all               hour practicum and minimum 600-hour internship
counseling programs receive a periodic review,         placement are required.
permitting the addition of new coursework,
elimination of obsolete coursework, and/or             All three sequences are accredited by the Councilfor
change in program policywhen appropriate. Any          Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational
curriculum changes or policy changes required          Programs (CACREP): First accreditation was
by reviews will be basedon due notice and              granted to school counseling and community
consultation with the academic and                     counseling (currently clinical mental health
professional community. To “lock”in your               counseling) in 1990, marriage and family
curriculum you must sign a study plan with             counseling in 1995. The school counseling program
your advisor. The study plan is the contract           atGSU meets the academic requirements for Illinois
between you and the program regarding the              licensure as a Professional Counselor (LPC) and the
requirements for graduation. If you do not sign        Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has
a study plan early in your studies it is possible      approved the school counseling program at GSU as
thatcurriculum changes could affect your               leading to the Professional Educator License (PEL)
requirements for graduation.                           – SchoolCounselor endorsement.

Those exploring the possibility of entering our        In 2014 the GSU Counseling Program was
program and those seeking entrance should go           reaccredited by CACREP for eight years with no counseling and read                   stipulations.
admission material and download applications
                                                       Counseling Lab
                                                       The clinical mental health and marriage & family
                                                       sequences complete practicum courses on campus
COUNSELING                                             in our Counseling Lab. Please see the Lab
                                                       Assistant or Coordinator to access the Counseling
The graduate major in counseling offers a
                                                       Lab Handbook, located online at
choiceof three sequences: clinical mental
                                              counselinglab/ click
health counseling, marriage and family
                                                       Student Resources.
counseling, or schoolcounseling.
About GSU                                           The counseling program is also designed to make
Governors State University and the counseling       sure that the counseling student possesses the
program are dedicated to serving a diverse          personal characteristics necessary to be an
student population. Founded in 1969, GSU is         effective helper. This is accomplished through a
located in University Park, Illinois, about 30      multifaceted admissions process, the use of
miles south of Chicago’s Loop. It is convenient     experiential learning approaches, and the
to major cities south of Chicago, including         application of an ongoing screening of students’
Joliet, Kankakee, and Orland Park. The              characteristics.
university is part of a diverse, urban area and     The program is consistent with the guidelineswhich
is dedicated toserving the needs of a wide-         have been set by the national accrediting body, the
ranging population.Governors State University       Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and
has a diverse student body, which will allow        Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Technical
students to experience aneducation that is in       materials, equipment, and various computer
touch with the larger, diversesociety they will     programs may be required as part of the overall
work in upon graduation. The average age of a       graduate program in addition to the books and
GSU student is 35 and 70 percent of our             materials required by individualcourses. All
students are women, 36 percent are                  graduate students are expected to be
minorities, and nearly 2 percent are                computer/internet-capable, including submitting
international students. In addition, 28 percent
                                                    papers electronically, receiving emails, and
of the faculty are minorities (double the
                                                    participating in online course discussions.
national average).
Governors State University offers                   PROGRAM MISSION, GOAL, AND
undergraduate-level and graduate-level
courses leading to bachelor’s and master’s          OBJECTIVES
degrees. There are fourcolleges: Arts and
Sciences, Business and PublicAdministration,
                                                    The mission of the Counseling Program at
Health and Human Services, andCollege of
                                                    Governors State University is to prepare culturally
Education. The Counseling Program is part of
                                                    competent, social just, ethical professional
the Division of Counseling and Psychologywhich
                                                    counselors who possess knowledge and skills to
is housed in the College of Education.
                                                    practice and advocate effectively in clinical mental
About the Counseling Program                        health, marriage, and family, or school counseling
Counselors must have a critical body of             settings.
knowledge and a set of skills to help clients
function effectively in their lives. To achieve
                                                    The counseling program maintains an etic and
this goal, the program offers a curriculum that
                                                    emic perspective committed to serving the diverse
includes the following core components: human
                                                    local and global populations between community
growth and development; social and cultural
                                                    agencies and schools.
foundations; the nature of helping relationships;
group theory and group process; career and          Goal and Objectives
lifestyle development; appraisal, research, and     The Goal of the Counseling Program is to pre- pare
program evaluation; ethics, standards, and          professional counselors with personal and
credentialing; and professional issues. In          professional integrity. This endeavor requires, at a
addition,coursework specific to the various         minimum, institutional and departmental support,
areas of specialization (i.e. clinical mental       a programmatic structure meeting credentialing
health, school, or marriage and family) is          requirements, qualified faculty, and dedicated
required. Finally, a varietyof field practicums     students. To help prepare studentsto enter the
and internship experiences are required to          field of counseling, students will be provided with
ensure that students can apply the skills and       specialized curricular, experiential,supervisory, and
knowledge they have learned.                        professional experiences.
These include coursework, practicum,                               9. Understand appropriate research methods (e.g. qualitative,
internship, supervision, and opportunities for                         quantitative, case study), statistical analysis,needs
professional experiences. Students are                                 assessment, and program evaluation methodologies, as well
encouraged to work with faculty on                                     as ethical concerns for conducting research and evaluating
presentations and in research. Facultyand                              research in a pluralistic society.
students are expected to participate in local,                     10. Demonstrate the ability to use and apply basic technology
state, and national professional activities and                        needed for academic excellence and professional use.
associations such as the American Counseling                       11. Understand the role of the advocacy competencies, social
Association (ACA), its divisions, branches, and                        justice, and diversity research and literature, and
American School Counseling Association
                                                                       demonstrate multicultural counseling interventions in clinical
(ASCA), Chi Sigma Iota (CSI).

Graduates of the counseling program will
meetthe following objectives:                                      ADMISSION AND REQUIREMENTS
1. Understand the various aspects of professional functioning
   and identity, including the history and philosophy of the       To take counseling courses a student must be
   counseling profession, professional roles, and ethics,          admitted to the program or students may take up
   functions, and relationships with other human service           to 6 hours as a non-degree seeking student (more
   providers, and the importance of ACA andits division,           than 6 graduate credits takenat GSU before
   branches, and affiliates.                                       admission into the Counseling Program will not
2. Demonstrate the ability to act professionally and               count toward graduation).To be considered for
   ethically.                                                      admission to the counseling program, students
3. Understand the cultural context of relationships, issues,       must complete a counseling application packet,
   and trends in a pluralistic society and demonstrate the         and meet the minimum requirements for
   ability to integrate this knowledge in clinical practice.       admission. The GraduateRecord Examination only
                                                                   can be taken if thestudent’s GPA falls below our
4. Understand the nature and needs of individuals and
                                                                   minimum standard.Admission requirements and
   families at all developmental levels through the application
                                                                   application materials may be obtained through the
   of theory, learning, personality development,and human
                                                                   link to access the application portal -
   behavior and demonstrate the ability to integrate this
                                                          and the link to
   understanding in clinical practice.
                                                                   access the requirements for the MA Counseling
5. Understand the nature of career development and life
   factors that relate to career decision making, labor            application/
   market information, career planning, and career
   assessment, and demonstrate the ability to integrate this       Admissions
   understanding in clinical practice.                             Students choosing to pursue a master’s degree in
6. Understand helping relationships as related to counseling       counseling must already possess a baccalaureate
   and consultation practices across the lifespan and              degree from a regionally accredited collegeor
   demonstrate the ability to integrate this understanding in      university. In addition to meeting university
   clinical practice.                                              admission requirements, applicants must meet
7. Understand group theory and group practice as relatedto         program/sequence requirements. All sequences
   dynamics, counseling theories, group counseling                 require a minimum of 60 credit hours. All
   methods, and group approaches and demonstrate the               sequences culminate in a 600-hour internship. All
   ability to integrate this understanding in clinical practice.   counseling students are required to take a core set
8. Understand individual, marriage and family, and group           of classes, must-see clients through our counseling
   assessment approaches and evaluation and their utilityin        lab in their practicum (except the School
   a pluralistic society and demonstrate the ability to            Counseling track) and during the internship, and
   integrate this understanding in clinical practice.              participate in individual and group supervision.
Those interested in applying to the counseling          c) If a student meets neither of the above minimum
program must meet the minimum criteria,                      requirements, but the cumulative GPA for all
complete a GSU application, and complete the                 undergraduatecoursework attempted is between 2.5 and
counseling application. Applicants must choose               2.74, a student must:
whichsequence they would like to apply to and                1. Attain a score of at least 302 on the verbal and
provideall required, supporting documentation.                   quantitative portions of the Graduate Record Exam –
                                                                 General Test (score of 1050 if a test was taken
Graduate Student Status                                          before August 2011); OR
Those interested in admission to the
                                                             2. Take COUN 6600, COUN 6630, and ENGL 1010
counselingprogram should apply as a degree-
                                                                 (writing course) and complete with B’s or better.
seeking student. Graduate degree-seeking
                                                             3. Any cumulative GPA below 2.5 will not be
students are those who meet the established
admission requirements ofthe University,                         considered.
college, and specific program forwhich the           Note: completion of these courses or the GRE does not
Master’s Degree/post-Baccalaureate Certificate       guarantee admission.
is sought. Admission to a graduate major does        2. Recommendation of the faculty based on the submission
not carry with it, nor guarantee, admission to          of the application packet which includes:
degree candidacy in the major. Thosewho are             1. One copy of official transcripts of all previous college work
not ready to apply for full admission to the            2. Counseling Application
counseling program may apply to GSU as a                3. Three Personal Reference forms
Graduate non-degree seeking student and can             4. The GRE, if applicable.
take COUN6600 and COUN6630 before                    3. Have completed all prerequisite courses with a GPA of 3.0 or
admission to the program. Graduate non-degree           higher.
seekingstudents are defined as those who hold
a bachelor’s or higher degree and have not           Students (if admitted) are required to complete all
declared a major at the time of admission. No        prerequisites and candidacy courses within the
more than six (6) credit hours earned as a           first academic year. Prerequisite courses for the
graduate Non-degree seeking student shall be         clinical mental health counseling and marriage and
transferable toward therequirements of any           family counseling sequences include a course in
graduate degree program, and such transfer will      statistics, a course in research methodology, a
be subject to the degree requirements in effect      course in abnormal psychology, and course work
at the time of admission to the specific major.      in Addictions Studies at the 5000 level (marriage
Graduate non-degree seeking students may not         and family sequence must complete ADDS6300) or
take graduate-level coursesdesignated by             above totaling three semester hours; Applicants
division faculty as reserved for Master’s degree     for the school counseling sequence must have
candidates only.                                     completed a course in statistics, a course in
                                                     research methodology and course work in
Admission Criteria                                   Addictions Studies at the 5000 levels or above
Admission to the counseling program and one
                                                     totaling three semester hours.
of its three sequences is competitive. There is
no guarantee of admission just because an            Students must follow the sequence, program,
applicant meets or exceeds the minimum               college,and university requirements and policies.
criteria. Theminimum criteria for admission are
                                                     Note: Admissions are made into a specific
described asfollows.
                                                     counseling sequence (school, marriage, and family,
1. In addition to the GSU graduate application for   or clinical mental health). Changing sequences
    admission,applicants must have at least a:       may require a new application review. As a result, it
    a) Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher for all      may not be possible to change sequences based
        undergraduate course work attempted; or      on accreditation limitations or the amount and
    b) GPA of 3.0 for the last 60 hours of           quality of applicants.
Information related to the program and special       intellectual autonomy, and a more rigorous effort
application materials for the Master of Arts in      to imbue students with the values and standards of
Counseling program is available from the GSU         the discipline or profession.
Officeof Admission and Student Recruitment
and on theuniversity website at                      A graduate degree is a distinction to be earned.        Award of the degree symbolizes both the student’s
                                                     accomplishment and the University’s endorsement.
Office of Admission and Student Recruitment          A student receiving a Master’s Degreemust have
Governors State University                           demonstrated:
1 University Parkway, University Park, Illinois      1. in-depth knowledge of significant theories, issues and findings, and
60484 P: 708.534.4490                                   mastery of appropriate skills, within his/her discipline;
                                                     2. the ability to apply such knowledge and skills;
Graduate Studies and Requirements                    3. the ability to read, interpret and evaluate research literature and to
Although guidance is available and students               relate results to selected areas of interest;
are encouraged to seek help, it is ultimately the
responsibility of the student to know the            4. the ability to integrate knowledge from a variety of disciplines;
policies, procedures, and requirements related       5. the ability to design and implement a research, scholarly,or creative
to the completion of the master’s degree and              project; and
licensure/certification. There are multiple levels   6. The ability to communicate scholarly thought to professional
involved inearning a degree and license: State,         colleagues through writing and discussion.
University, College of Education, Division of
Psychology andCounseling, and professors.
State requirements for licensure can be found        PLAGIARISM
online at:
                                                     The following acts are examples of plagiarism:
Licensure Information:                               1. Handing in an assignment that someone else has writtenand                         claiming the work as your own.
                                                     2. Handing in an assignment that contains sections, paragraphs,
Catalog:                          sentences, or key phrases that someone else has written
College of Education:                 without documenting the source(s) for each portionof the
Counseling Web Page:                                     assignment not written by you.                             3. Handing in an assignment that includes any material copied
University Student Handbook:                             word for word from a source without the appropriateuse
                                                         (according to APA Manual, 7th Edition*) of quotation marks
Counseling Program Handbook: located in the
                                                         and page numbers.
GSU Portal, under Colleges.
                                                     4. the ability to analyze problems and to critique attempted
The GSU Graduate Studies Policy describes                solutions, especially within his/her discipline;
Graduate education as the pursuit of                 5. Handing in an assignment that incorrectly cites secondary
knowledge and the means to knowledge at an               sources rather than primary sources (e.g. if you read
advanced level. Graduate education is distinct        6. Something in a textbook and they cite the source you either
and differentfrom basic levels of education              need to go read the source or cite the primary source as “as
both in kind and in degree. It demands of                cited in” and then put the secondarysource: See APA Manual,
students engaged init greater intellectual                7th Edition*).
maturity and autonomy, a deeper responsibility        7. Handing in an assignment that contains paraphrased ideas
for their learning, moreintense study, and the            from another source, published or unpublished, without
mastery of different and more complex skills.            documenting the source for each paraphrase. (Changing
                                                         around a few words in a sentence from the source is not
Additionally, graduate education demands of
                                                         sufficient to avoid plagiarism.)
faculty engaged in it a deeper knowledge and
greaterskill within a given discipline, a greater
commitment to the development of students’
+/- Grading Scale Points: GRADES the
8. “Someone else” in the three statements above may refer toa     plus/minus system is now required for ALL courses
     published author, another student, an Internet source, or    beginning in Summer 21.
     any person other than the student claiming credit for the
                                                                  Letter Grade/Percentage Effective of 2021
     assignment. Even if the work is by the same author for       Summer
     the document being turned in, if the work was for previous   A        92-100%
     orother courses, it should be documented as such.            A-       90-91%
9. “Documenting” means providing the name of the author,          B+       88-89%
     the source you have used, and other relevant                 B        82-87%
     bibliographical information such as addresses for            B-       80-81% - New Passing grade
     websites used as sources. If you do not know how to          C+       78-79%
     document sources withinyour paper, please refer to the       C        72-77%
                                                                  C-       70-71%
     Publication Manual of the American Psychological
                                                                  D+       68-69%
     Association, 7th Edition.                                    D        62-67%
10. Note that the APA 7th edition is the ultimate authority on    D-       60-61%
     APA style.*                                                  F        0-59%

                                                                  Core Courses
IMPORTANT: Papers that contain plagiarized                        Required Core Courses (33 Hours)
material may be given a grade of zero which                       COUN   6610   Research and Assessment (3)
mayresult in failing the course. Students who                     COUN   7720   Social and Cultural Foundations (3)
engagein plagiarism may also be subject to                        COUN   6600   Prof. Orient & Ethical Standards/Coun (3)
disciplinaryaction. See student handbook. If                      COUN   7620   Life Span Developmental Issues (3)
you are unsure about any of this, please ask                      COUN   6630   Counseling Theories (3)
the instructor before submitting your paper.                      COUN   7725   Family Systems: Theory and Practice (3)
                                                                  COUN   7730   Lifestyle and Career Development (3)
Degree Requirements for Counseling                                COUN   7810   Beginning Coun & Human Relat Skills (3)
Program                                                           COUN   8811   Interventions w/Children & Adolescents (3)
                                                                  COUN   7847   Group Dynamics and Intervention (3)
Students must meet all university requirements
                                                                  COUN   7855   Assessment and Treatment Planning (3)
for a master’s degree. All counseling students
arerequired to complete the core courses. In                      Counseling Sequences
addition,there are specific requirements for                      Clinical Mental Health Counseling Sequence (27 Hours)
courses depending on which sequence the                           COUN7633 Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3)
student is enrolledin. Students should complete                   COUN 8842 Practicum I: Indiv & Vocational Coun (3)
their study plan withthe advisor before or within                 COUN 8845 Practicum II: Indiv & Vocational Coun (3)
the first semester of enrollment to ensure proper                 COUN 8848 Crisis Intervention & Trauma Counseling (3)
progression through the program. Although the                     ADDS 6100 Psychopharmaco & Subst Abuse Coun (3)
advisor is available to help students with any                    COUN 8633 Adv Seminar-Clinical Mental Hlth Coun (3)
questions or concerns regarding curriculum and                    COUN 8859 Family Counseling Techniques (3)
                                                                  COUN 8971 Counseling Internship I (3)
progression through the program, it is the
                                                                  COUN 8972 Counseling Internship II (3)
student’s responsibility to make sure he/she is
following the policies and procedures of the                      Marriage and Family Counseling Sequence (27 Hours)
program, college, and university. Students should                 ADDS 6100 Psychopharmaco & Subst Abuse Coun (3)
refer to the program student handbook,                            COUN 6625 Sex Therapy (3)
university student handbook, and the university                   COUN 8825 Advanced Family Systems (3)
catalog for all policies and procedures. Total                    COUN 8842 Practicum I: Indiv & Vocational Coun (3)
hoursrequired for graduation is 60 hours.                         COUN 8845 Practicum II: Indiv & Vocational Coun (3)
                                                                  COUN 8848 Crisis Intervention and Trauma Coun (3)
Students must complete all counseling courses                     COUN 8859 Family and Couples Counseling (3)
with B-’s or better (effective for a student                      COUN 8981 Counseling Internship I (3)
admittedfor Summer 2021 and after).                               COUN 8982 Counseling Internship II (3)
School Counseling Sequence (27 Hours) (Hybrid)      In addition to coursework evaluations, there are five
PSYCH 7650 Crisis preparedness, Prevent & Intervt   major evaluation points for counseling students:
in Schools (3)                                      1. Successful completion of core courses for evaluation. COUN6600
COUN 6638 Intro to School Counseling (3)                 Professional Orientation and Ethical Standards for Counselors, COUN
COUN 7722 Applied Sch Coun w/Divs Studts (3)             7720 Social and Cultural Foundations, COUN 7810 Beginning
COUN 8844 Practicum School Coun (K-12) (3)               Counseling and Human Relations Skills, COUN 7847 Group Dynamics
COUN 8851 Consultation & Sch Staff Develo (3)            and Intervention. Eachcourse has to be completed with a grade of “B-” or
COUN 8852 College Career Coaching Acady (3)              better and a positive recommendation from the Counseling Program
COUN 8858 Develop of School Coun Prog (3)                Faculty Screening Committee.
COUN 8968 Counseling Internship I (3)               2.   All courses must be completed with a grade of a “B-” or better. If a grade
COUN 8969 Counseling Internship II (3)
                                                         lower than B- is received, the student is required toretake the course until
                                                         a “B-” or better is achieved.
Enrollment in COUN8842, COUN8844, and               3.   Candidacy: to determine if the student is ready to work withclients.
COUN8845, requires prior admission to               4.   Practica: to determine how effectively the student works withclients.
candidacy and completion of course                  5.   Internship: to determine if the student is ready to work in anoff-campus site
prerequisites. When registering for courses              as a professional under supervision.
that require candidacy, students must already       6.   Internship defense/graduation: to determine if the student isready to work
have been awarded candidacy, rather than be              independently as a professional counselor.
in the process of applying for candidacy. A
                                                    Violation of the Student Conduct Code (see GSU
600-hour internship is required for all
                                                    Student Handbook), ACA Ethical standards, or
counseling students. Application deadlines for
                                                    behavior that indicates to the faculty that the
internship are as follows: fall semester, March
                                                    student lacks the emotional maturity, personal
1st; spring semester, Aug. 1st; summer
                                                    stability, or sufficient promise as a practicing
semester, Dec. 1st.
                                                    professional to warrant continuation in the
New Student Orientation                             counseling program may result in a
Each semester, the counseling program               Recommendationfor remediation, dismissal or
presentsa student orientation to help students      transfer to a more appropriate major. The advisor
understandthe degree requirements of the            will assist in thetransition to a new major when
counseling program. Those admitted to the           indicated.
counseling program are required to attend the
orientation before or during the student’s first    Admission to Candidacy
semester in the program. During the                 After admission as a degree-seeking student, a
orientation program faculty are introduced,         student must apply for candidacy. Students who
requirements and policies are reviewed,             have been admitted conditionally may not apply for
sequence commonalities and differences are          candidacy until those conditions have been met.
discussed, student and professional                 Application forms and instructions are available
organizations are reviewed. Students are            online in the portal under “Colleges”. Application for
advisedof the availability of personal counseling   candidacy should be made before the start of the
servicesprovided by counseling professionals in     semester in which degree candidacy is sought. To
the GSUAcademic Resource Center.                    qualify to be considered for degree candidacy:
NOTE: If you do not attend an orientation by
your second semester, a hold will be placed on      1. Pre-requisites for the program must be complete with acumulative
your registration until you complete it.                 GPA of 3.0.
                                                    2.   Be admitted to the program and have completed COUN6600, COUN
Student Progress in Program                              7720, COUN 7810, and COUN 7847 with a grade of “B-” or better in
The counseling faculty have an ethical                   each course.
responsibility to the counseling profession and     3.   Students must receive positive recommendations on thestudent
the public to evaluate students’ professional            evaluation sheets from instructing faculty in these courses.
suitability. Students in the counseling program     4.   Students must attach proof of professional liabilityinsurance.
are evaluatedbased on academic achievement          5.   Turn in the completed application and all indicated attachments to the
and their abilityto be effective with clients.           Clinical Coordinator by the deadline.
Writing Course Referral                             A student’s progress in the program may be
                                                    interrupted for failure to comply with academic
If faculty determines that a student’s writing
                                                    standards or if a student’s interpersonal or
falls below the recommended standards of the
                                                    emotional status interferes with being able to
program, he/she will be referred to a writing
                                                    provide ethical services to clients. For example, to
course.If the recommendation has been made
                                                    ensure proper training and client care, a counselor-
pre-candidacy, the student will be required to
                                                    in-training must abide by relevant ethical codes and
take this course and pass with a “B-” or better
                                                    demonstrate professional knowledge, technical and
to continue applying for candidacy. If the
                                                    interpersonal skills, professional attitudes, and
recommendation is post- candidacy, students
                                                    professional character These factors are evaluated
can eitherbe strongly encouraged or required to
                                                    based on one’s academic performance and one’s
complete this course, especially if it is a
                                                    ability to convey warmth, genuineness, respect,
required component of a remediation plan. If the
                                                    and empathy in interactions with clients,
writing courseis not offered in a particular
                                                    classmates, staff, and faculty. Students should
semester, studentscan take PSYC 2102 in its
                                                    demonstrate the ability to accept and integrate
                                                    feedback, be aware of their impact on others,
Professional Ethics and Academic                    accept personal responsibility, and be able to
Honesty of Students                                 express feelings effectively and appropriately.
All students are expected to treat each other,
staff, clients, and faculty with respect. In        Student Success Plan
addition, all students must follow the rules,       Those students who do not continuously meet
regulations, and ethical guidelines of counseling   professional ethics, disposition, and academic
and the University. The American Counseling         honesty standards, academic requirements, and/or
Association’s Code of Ethics can be found at        variables outlined in the statement of expectations
www.                                                are required to meet with faculty and develop a          student’s success plan. The plan will outline areas
ome/ CT2.aspx and the University guidelines on      of concern as well as steps for remediation of
academic honesty can be found in the Catalog        deficiencies. This plan is developed in consultation
and this handbook. Academic honesty pertains        with the student and program faculty. To proceed
to all methods of fulfilling academic               through the program, the student must meet or
requirements at Governors State University. The     exceed plan requirements within the time-frame
Counseling Program uses the Publication             indicated on the plan.
Manual of the American Psychological
Association, Sixth Edition (APAstyle) to format     To assess dispositional items and provide feedback,
papers and ensure proper credit to the ideas        the faculty will utilize part or all of the Professional
and work of others. All counseling students are     Counseling Performance Evaluation (PCPE) (Kerl,
required to know the APA publication style. For     Garcia, McCullough & Maxwell, 2002). The PCPE
more information on APA style see                   objectively assesses student performance and                                  progress along with several domains. This
                                                    assessment is included in evaluations for
Statement of Expectations                           candidacy, assessment of progress in experiential
The counseling program is charged with the          courses (e.g. Practicum and Internship) but also
dual task of nurturing the development of           may be used in any class to advise a student of
counselors-in-training and ensuring quality         deficiencies. Relevant dispositional, academic, or
client care. To fulfill these dual                  skill-based areas identified on the PCPE will be
responsibilities faculty must evaluate              included in the succession plan. Students are
students based on their academic,                   provided a copy of the evaluation and the
professional and personal qualities.                succession plan.
The student success plan (see attached) and           Outcome of Successful Remediation/Success
gatekeeping policy is a component of the policy       Plan:
used by program faculty members to evaluate
each student for academic, professional, and          Outcome of unsuccessful remediation: If any
personal fitness to continue in the counseling        of the objectives outlined above are not
program. Specifically, the policy outlines            consistently met by the student at any point
procedures to be followed if a student does not       throughout their remaining program of study, the
meet program criteria and describes the process       student will be referred to the department
of possible readmission and/or dismissal from         coordinator/department chair to discuss possible
the program. The program faculty conducts a           withdrawal from the program or alternative
systematic developmental assessment of each           courses of action. The remediation plan remains in
student’s progress throughout the program,            effect for the duration of the student’s program of
including consideration of the student’s              study. Consistent with the objectives of the plan
academic performance, professional                    outlined above, the student will meet with their
development, and personal development.                advisor regularly, frequency to be determined by
Consistent with established institutional due         the advisor, to review the objectives outlined in
process policy, the American Counseling               the remediation plan and the student’s progress in
Association’s (ACA) Code of Ethics (2014), and        completing the goals outlined. The
other relevant codes of ethics and standards of       goals/objectives outlined above can only be
practice, if evaluations indicate that a student is   modified by the student’s academic advisor and
not appropriate for the program, faculty              only after full agreement by the counseling faculty
members help facilitate the student’s transition      has been obtained. Students must receive prior
out of the program and, if possible, into a more      approval from the faculty advisor before the
appropriate area of study. Students identified        beginning of each term remaining on the plan of
by program faculty members or field placement         study to register for courses (Please see the
supervisors to have academic, professional, or        student success form in Appendix-A).
personal deficiencies will be provided the
opportunity to remediate the identified               Academic Honesty
performance deficit/s as outlined by the              The following statements are taken directly from
Professional Counseling Performance Evaluation        the online version of the University Catalog (www.
developed in consultation with all program   Click “Appendix”).
faculty and the individual student. Students          The following procedures are appropriate ways to
unable to complete the behavioral or                  use the ideas and work of others when fulfilling
dispositional expectations outlined by the PCPE       academic requirements:
will be counseled out of the program by their         1. When someone else’s work or scholarship is used to fulfill
faculty advisor or program coordinator.                   academic requirements, the source should be given credit.It
Recognizing that students often demonstrate               should not be stated or implied that this work is a person’s work.
personal or professional growth after having                 a. When using material from a publication (e.g., book,
been counseled out of the program, those                         journal, article, film, etc.) that material should be enclosed
students may be considered for possible re-                      in quotation marks, or otherwise set off, and the source of
entry after an elapsed period of two years.                      the material acknowledged.
                                                      2. When paraphrasing published material (e.g., using it almost word-for-
In such cases, the student must re-apply for              word) the source should also be acknowledgedunless the information is
admission into the program. Students                      common knowledge in the field.
previously counseled out of the program                      a. Unpublished data or ideas of another person should be
must include a letter specifically addressing                     utilized only with the consent of that person.
how they have successfully remediated the                3. Material should be prepared jointly with one or more other individuals
deficits outlined on the PCPE.                                only with the permission of the instructor.
                                                         4. The contributions of all individuals to this material should be
                                                              acknowledged when it is submitted.
5. Having someone else prepare material that is to be sub- mitted        The advisor’s functions will include:
     should only be done with the instructor’s permission to do so.      1. Student study plan development. The study plan is a guide that
6. The same piece of work should not be submitted for credit                  must be followed for the degree and/or certification program.
   in more than one course without the permission of all                 2.   Initial review and recommendation of transfer credit or the waiving of
   instructors involved.                                                      requirements based upon prior graduate study.
7. Hypothetical data should be submitted only with the permission        3.   Pre-registration advisement.
     of the instructor to do so and should be clearlylabeled as such.    4.   Review of student program toward degree completion. If it becomes
8. One should refuse to make work available to another person who             apparent that another skills course or an elective is needed, the
   intends to submit part or all of that work as if he/she had written        advisor will meet with the student to modify the study plan.
   it.                                                                        Depending upon the circumstances either the advisor or the student
9. Students may neither give, request nor utilize assistance during           may initiate the revision request.
   an examination without the instructor’s permission.                   5.   Alternative career plan advisement.
These ethical guidelines are in no way intended
to discourage people from studying together or                           Student’s responsibilities include:
from engaging in group projects.                                         1. Reading and becoming familiar with the GSU catalog.
                                                                         2. Making contact with the advisor at least every othersemester.
Technology                                                               3. Updating all pertinent information in your student record,e.g.,
                                                                            change of address, name, major, etc.
In accordance with University and CACREP                                 4. Completing your study plan before the conclusion of the first semester
requirements, all students must demonstrate                                 at GSU and updating the study plan when changes are made.
basiccompetency in technology. At a minimum,
students must be able to use Microsoft Word to                           Student Study Plan
createpapers and other assignments, conduct                              Students are required to develop a student study
searches on the internet and uses library                                plan before their first semester of enrollment in the
databases to accessjournal articles and books,                           college. You should, at the earliest opportunity,make
send and receive electronic mail with                                    an appointment with your advisor to develop a study
attachments, and utilize course management for                           plan. Student study plans must be approved by the
web-enhanced courses.                                                    advisor and the division chairperson.
All students are required to check their University                      The original will be kept on file within the division;
assigned e-mail account frequently for messages                          you will receive a copy. Changes in the student study
from the University and the counseling program. If                       plan must be initialed by your advisor and the
a student wishes, GSU e-mail accounts canbe                              chairperson. You should bring a copy of your student
forwarded to other electronic mail accounts.                             study plan to all meetings with your advisor.
Advising and Regulations                                                 Transfer Credit
Students must be enrolled in the College of                              If you wish to transfer credit from other
Education and the Division of Psychology, and                            institutions, you must have transcripts with you
Counseling before being assigned an advisor.                             whenyou see your advisor to develop your study
Either before the beginning of the first semester or                     plan. The number of transfer hours accepted shall
within the first semester, students are requiredto
                                                                         not exceed 25% of the total hours required for the
make an appointment with an advisor to
                                                                         program. To obtain official approvalfor a transfer
complete a study plan indicating which classes
                                                                         of credit, you must arrange for anappointment
they should enroll in to complete their graduate
                                                                         with the program advisor to discussthe matter in
degree. Students should be advised before
                                                                         detail. At this meeting, you are requested to
registration to determine course selection and
                                                                         submit completed transfer of creditforms, an
to planfor future semesters.
                                                                         official copy of your transcripts from the previous
                                                                         college or university, and a copy ofthe course
                                                                         description from the previous institution (catalog
                                                                         copy of the course description).
Graduate students who have received a grade of               Rules on transferring candidacy courses:
“B-” or better at other accredited institutions               • The institution must be CACREP accredited
maybe permitted to transfer course credit based               • Limit of two candidacy courses as transfer
on the requirements of the program and the                    • Transfer must have faculty approval (from the
advisor’s judgment as to whether such                            professor who teaches the course).
coursework is appropriate to the degree you are
pursuing. All transfer credit must be approved               Student Course Load
by the dean ofthe college. You must secure prior             The maximum course load you may carry for each
approval fromyour advisor to take coursework                 semester is 16 hours. Overloads will not be
at other institutions if it is to be used on your            permitted except in unusual circumstances. An
study plan.                                                  approval of the chairperson is needed for overloads.
You must formally apply for transfer credit
through your advisor when you develop your
                                                             Readmission/Transferring Sequences
                                                             Based on the GSU Handbook, a continuing student
initial study plan. To obtain transfer credit you
                                                             at Governor State University is defined as any
must produce an official transcript indicating the
                                                             degree-seeking student or non-degree-seeking
institution you attended, the course(s), and the
                                                             student whose continuous enrollment at GSU has
grade(s) earned. The advisor and professor who
                                                             not been interrupted for more than six (6)
usually teach the course at GSU must approve
                                                             consecutive semesters/terms, including summer
the request. The dean or an appointed designee
                                                             term. After thesixth semester/term of non-
will make the ultimate decision.
                                                             enrollment, the student must then reapply for
You will have had to earn a “B-” or better for               admission (Policy 19U:Policy on Undergraduate
transfer credit to be awarded. The transfer credit           Readmission and SpecialAdmission and Policy 19G:
will appear on your study plan. A maximum of                 Policy on Graduate Readmissions and Special
12 credit hours may be transferred.                          Admissions).
You may also request a waiver of a particular                Degree-seeking students whose enrollment is
requirement based upon previous graduate work.               interrupted for more than six (6) consecutive
A waiver does not reduce the number of credit                semesters/ term, including summer term, will be
hours you need to obtain a degree but may                    subject to curricular requirements for readmitted
allow you to substitute an elective for a                    students (Policy 8: Policy on Curricular
required course. You must initiate the request               Requirements for Readmitted Students).
for a waiver with your advisor. The waiver will
be grantedif the advisor, the faculty member                 Readmission: If you have been readmitted to the
who usually teaches the course, and the                      College of Education you must complete a new
chairperson approve the request.                             student study plan and follow the catalog ineffect
                                                             when you return.
You may not request transfer credit or waiver for
the required practicum courses, COUN 8842, COUN              Transferring Sequences: Students may transfer
8844, COUN 8845, COUN 8859, nor for the internship courses   sequences at any time (talk with Advisor first). It is
COUN 8968, COUN 8969, COUN8971, COUN 8972, COUN              noted to transfer a student must apply during the
8981, and COUN 8982.                                         application deadlines.

However, you may substitute an advanced skill                Students must submit
course for the basic skill course, COUN 7810,                a) Change of Major/Status form; b) new Counseling
based upon prior graduate work. To do this, you              Application; c) letter explaining the reason forthe
need to request a waiver of the requirement                  switch and. Students need to apply through the
and submit, to your advisor, a tape recording ofa            application portal on designated deadlines (same as
counseling session for faculty review. If the                for new students: February 15 (Fall) or August 15
recording is not approved, you will be required to           (Spring). Students will go through the admissions
take the course.                                             process, including the faculty interview.
Policy and process regarding the transfer of a                            In completing the requirements for a degree,
dismissed student into another sequence:                                  students must earn at least 50% of the credit
1. Student is dismissed from the sequence.                                hoursrequired for their degree (as specified on
2. Student is barred from enrolling in any counseling courses.            their study plans) through on-campus work.
3. No sooner than 2 ½ years after dismissal, the student is eligible to
     apply into a different sequence (with a modified application
                                                                          For this policy, on-campus work isdefined as all
     process).                                                            coursework taken at the Governors State University
4.   New sequence team meets to determine if they will accept the         main campus, at sites within theIllinois Prairie #5
     candidate’s application (this process includes an individual         District, or degree-granting sitescurrently approved
     candidate interview and a file review).                              for the M.A. in Counseling.
5.   If the sequence team decides to admit the candidate, the team
     will create a student success plan.                                  PRACTICUM AND INTERNSHIP
6.   If the student agrees to the plan, he/she registers as a graduate
     non-degree seeking student for the plan time frame. If the student   Practica and Internships are clinical experiences that
     does not agree to the succession plan, the student is not admitted   meet specific guidelines established by CACREP.
     into the sequence.                                                   Practica are intended to help students develop their
7.   Student is fully admitted to the sequence when the plan is deemed    counseling skills under supervision and internship is
     to be successful (but no earlier than 3 years after the original     meant to allow studentsto experience the
     dismissal).                                                          professional role of counselors inan agency or school
8.   If the student does not complete the plan, the student will not be   setting under supervision.
     admitted into the sequence.
9.   Successful completion of the remediation plan does not guarantee     Students must earn a “B-” or better in all
     that the student will complete the program. As with all students,    practicum courses to be eligible for an internship.
     the student will continue to be evaluated throughout the program
     and will be subject to additional remediation and/or dismissal as
     necessary.                                                           Students are eligible to enroll in the practicum
                                                                          courses after attaining candidacy. Scheduling
Independent Study                                                         conflicts can be minimized by keeping in close
Graduate students may take a maximum of six (6)                           contact with the program advisor and by reading
hours of Independent Study within a degree                                the helpful hints (located in the portal). Not all
program. All Independent Study projects must be                           courses are offered every semester. School
described in a written proposal before listing the                        counseling students should start looking 6 – 9
Independent Study on an Advance Registration                              monthsahead of time for a practicum site.
Form.The Independent Study proposal must be
                                                                          The practicum experience will be afforded to the
approvedby the supervisor of the Independent
                                                                          students through the following courses: PracticumI:
Study projectand the division chairperson before
                                                                          Individual and Vocational Counseling (COUN
registration. Students without approval will not be
                                                                          8842); Practicum II: Individual and Vocational
allowed to receive credit for independent Study
                                                                          Counseling (COUN 8845). COUN 8844 is oriented
projects on theirstudy plans. Independent Study
                                                                          to children and adolescents and is a required
may not be taken as a substitute for regularly
                                                                          practicum course for school counseling majors.
scheduled courses andwill not be used to replace
                                                                          Sessions for this course are conducted in school
courses needed for the degree except in unusual
                                                                          settings. COUN 8842, and COUN 8845 are
                                                                          designed for counseling adults and arenecessary for
Approval of the division chairperson is                                   working in community agencies.
needed inthese cases.                                                     The minimum requirement for the practicum
Residency Requirements                                                    courses is one hundred (100) hours, of which a
All degree-seeking students are required to                               minimum of forty (40) hours will be direct contact
earn aminimum of 24 credit hours of                                       (individual/group counseling, consultation,etc.).
coursework from Governors State University
before the awarding of each degree sought.
These experiences should be documentedon the            have passed the School Counselor Content exam
  Practicum Supervision form that the student is          before being allowed into the internship.
  required to maintain and submit before the              Students will be assigned to an internship supervisor
  internship.                                             with his/her sequence. Internship sites willbe discussed
                                                          and negotiated with the supervisor and clinical
                                                          coordinator. When site approval has been established,
  For practicum (SCH) and internship (all tracks),
                                                          the site procedures for interviews, hours, etc. must be
  students need to realize that they cannot begin
                                                          followed. It is recommended that each potential intern
  working at a clinical site until a com pleted           review the syllabus, taking special note of the student,
  MOA is on file. Students can begin working at           university coordinator, and agency supervisor
  their site up to two weeks before the start of          responsibilities. The internship requires 600 hours—
  the semester attaining indirect hours only              clinical mental health, marriage, and family, and school
  (orientation, training, etc.) and can start direct      students must complete two semesters of internship. A
  hours when the semester begins.                         minimum of 240 hours will be direct service--
                                                          individual/group counseling, testing, and/or
  During the practicum courses students should:           consultation. The other 360 hours will include report
  1. Requirements include 100 clock hours of              writing, agency meetings, supervision, professional
     supervised experience with a minimum of 40           development,special projects, etc. Students are
     hours of direct counseling experience.               required to participate in one hour of individual
  2. Weekly interactions averaging one hour per           supervision on-site and 1.5 hours of group supervision
     week of individual or triadic supervision with the   hoursa week on-campus from a faculty supervisor. The
     site supervisor, weekly interactions averaging       evaluation of the intern will be conducted by thefaculty
     one hour per week of individual or triadic           supervisor and site supervisor. The internwill have an
     supervision with the faculty supervisor              opportunity to evaluate the site andthe supervision
  3. One and one-half hours (1.5 hours) on average        experience. The internship experience is the
     per week of group supervision by a program           culminating activity for all counseling students. It
     faculty member is required.                          allows the student to integrate what he or shehas
                                                          learned in the classroom and consolidate thatlearning in
  Internship                                              an applied setting. Internship placement for clinical
  A student is eligible to apply for an internship        mental health and marriage andfamily majors are
  after the successful completion of all courses,         normally available throughout the year. School
                                                          internship is only available Fall-Spring semesters and
  including practicum. All counseling students
                                                          practicum is only offered in Spring. Students are not
  should start looking 6 – 9 months ahead of time         allowed to receive incompletesin Internship. The
  for an internship site. Applications and                internship is a continuous registration course. Students
  instructions are available online in the portal         must sign up for one ortwo credits each semester until
  under “Colleges”. Application deadlines for             Internship II is passed. All portfolios must be defended
  internship are as follows: fall semester, March         at leasttwo weeks before final grades are due.
  1; spring semester, Aug. 1; and summer term,
  Dec. 1. If the application is late, site placement      SITE SUPERVISOR QUALIFICATIONS:
  may be jeopardized. The completed application           Site supervisors must have the following qualifications:
  will be returned to theClinical Coordinator. Each       • A master’s degree in counseling or a related
  semester the Clinical Coordinator will review the           profession with equivalent qualifications, including
                                                              appropriate certifications and/or licenses (such as
  applications and convene a meeting of the
                                                              Certified School Counselor, PEL, LCPC, LCSW,
  counseling faculty.
                                                              Licensed Psychologist, etc.);
  The faculty will review the application and             • A minimum of two years of pertinent professional
  approve or make alternative recommendations.                experience, Post-Master’s-graduation, in the
  When applicable, students will be notified of               program area in which the student is enrolled;
                                                          • Knowledge of the program’s expectations,
  theiracceptance for an internship.
                                                              requirements, and evaluation procedures for
                                                          • Relevant training in counseling supervision

NOTE: School Counseling students must
Liability Insurance                                    The committee chair has the responsibility for
The student must obtain liability insurance            guiding the student through the process, choosing
before participating in any practicum course.          and convening the defense committee, and
This insurance must be maintained throughout           deciding when the student’s packet is ready for
practicum and internship. Students in clinical         submission to the committee. A complete copy of
coursesare required to purchase liability              the packet must be delivered to all of the persons
insurance. Liability insurance is available            involved on the committee 14 days before the
through ACA, ASCA, and other insurance                 committee meets, including audio and videotapes.
companies. Membership in ACA automatically             In addition, the defense must occur at least two
includes liability insurance. Proof of insurance       weeks before grades are due. Students may have
must be shown to the instructor or professor           input into who comprises the committee and when
before participating in any clinical work with         the committee will meet for the defense, but final
external clients.                                      decisions are made by the chair. The committee
                                                       for the internship defense will bechosen by the
Failure to obtain insurance may result in              committee chair. If three faculty from the
suspension or dismissal from the course.               student’s sequence are available, thosethree
Applications for the American Counseling               faculties must serve on the committee.
Association (ACA),including insurance                  To pass the final internship defense, two ofthe three
information, are available online at                   members must approve; however, the chairhas the                                    final decision on whether competencies have been
                                                       obtained. The committee has the right to suspend its
GRADUATION                                             evaluation until additional materials or information
                                                       can be provided if some competencies are in
To graduate students must complete
                                                       question. In addition, students may be asked to
coursework, practica, internship, internship
                                                       revise parts of their packet and resubmit the
defense, and have the recommendation of the
                                                       material. These students may receive a decision of
faculty. In addition, students must complete
                                                       “passupon revisions.” Students can pass the
theserequirements within the specified time
                                                       defense, pass with revisions, or fail the defense.
limit andcomplete a graduation application.
                                                       Each graduate program at GSU is required to have
Internship Defense/ Graduation                         a final project as part of the master’s degree
The internship defense is the final requirement        requirements. The counseling program meets this
before graduation. For the internship defense, the     requirement through Practicum/Internship and the
intern must prepare a packet that demonstrates         Portfolio Defense.
theintegration of their classroom learning and the     NOTE: All portfolios must be defended at least two
application of this information and experience in      weeks before final grades are due.
theirinternship setting. The internship packet
consists ofa narrative journal of their experiences,   Time Limits
a systems analysis paper or theory of change           All course work for the degree, except the Master’s
paper, audio or videotapes that best represents        Final Project (practica and internship), mustbe
their clinical work,a case study including a           completed within four (4) years of a student’s
conceptualization and treatment plan, a                admission to candidacy within the counseling
summary log of hours, and a sitesupervisor’s           program. The practica/internship must be completed
evaluation of the work. The intern mustdefend          within five years of admission to candidacy.
their internship work and experience at an
internship defense consisting of three faculty         Graduation
members (the faculty supervisor, who chairs the        Students must apply for graduation by the date
committee, and two other faculty members).             listedin the Academic Calendar for the semester in
                                                       which you anticipate graduating. Applications must
                                                       be accurately completed and submitted tothe
                                                       Registrar’s Office.
You can also read