A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes - Terry Byers, Marian Mahat, Kirra Liu, Anne Knock and ...

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A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes - Terry Byers, Marian Mahat, Kirra Liu, Anne Knock and ...
Technical Report 4/2018

    A Systematic Review of the Effects
  of Learning Environments on Student
                    Learning Outcomes
Terry Byers, Marian Mahat, Kirra Liu, Anne Knock and Wesley Imms
                                       The University of Melbourne

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes - Terry Byers, Marian Mahat, Kirra Liu, Anne Knock and ...
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes

Byers, T., Mahat, M., Liu, K., Knock, A., & Imms, W. (2018). Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning
Outcomes. Melbourne: University of Melbourne, LEaRN. Retrieved from: http://www.iletc.com.au/publications/reports

ISBN: 978-0-7340 5502-6

ARC Linkage project (2016-2019)

© Innovative Learning Environments & Teacher Change, LEaRN, The University of Melbourne, 2018.

This publication copyright is held by Innovative Learning Environments & Teacher Change, LEaRN, and the University of Melbourne.
Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission.

This research is supported by Australian Research Council’s Linkage Projects funding scheme (project LP150100022). The
views expressed herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Australian Research Council

We would like to acknowledge the literature contributions of graduate researchers in the ILETC project and for their participation at various
stages of the systematic review process. We would also like to thank the ILETC Chief Investigators for their input at various stages of phase
1 of the project.

Design and layout: Lachlan Stewart.

Cover images: (front) Pegasus Primary School, Jasmax Architecture, Stephen Goodenough photography; (rear) Our Lady of Sion College,
Law Architects, Adam Thwaites photography.

Lead Chief Investigator
Associate Professor Wesley Imms

Chief Investigators                                             Research Assistants
Professor David Clarke                                          Kirra Liu
Dr Ben Cleveland                                                Roz Mountain
Associate Professor Kenn Fisher                                 Lachlan Stewart
Professor Lisa Grocott
Professor John Hattie                                           Graduate Researchers
Professor Thomas Kvan                                           Raechel French
Associate Professor Clare Newton                                Anne Knock
                                                                Victoria Leighton
Project Manager                                                 Daniel Murphy
Joann Cattlin                                                   Mark Osborne
                                                                Dion Tuckwell
Lead Research Fellow/Research Manager
                                                                Ethel Villafranca
Dr Marian Mahat
                                                                Pamela Yang
                                                                Fiona Young
Research Fellows
Chris Bradbeer
Dr Terry Byers
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes - Terry Byers, Marian Mahat, Kirra Liu, Anne Knock and ...
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes - Terry Byers, Marian Mahat, Kirra Liu, Anne Knock and ...
Assumption College, Y2 Architecture, Peter Clarke photography.
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes - Terry Byers, Marian Mahat, Kirra Liu, Anne Knock and ...

Aim                                                       Results
The systematic review identified evidence that            Of the 5,521 articles retrieved, 20 were included
different learning environments (blended, innovative      in this review. The studies ranged from single-site
learning environment (ILE), open-plan and traditional)    comparative studies through to quasi-experimental
have an impact on student learning outcomes. There        randomised designs at multiple sites. Samples

are significant methodological questions around the       ranged from 17 to 22,679 students from primary

availability and viability of empirical evidence. This    and secondary schools. The review revealed that

systematic review investigated how researchers            assessment regimes that favoured the prevailing

measure changes in academic outcomes attributed           view of academic progress in the domains of literacy

to the intervention of changes to the primary and         and numeracy were most common. Importantly, the
                                                          review identified few robust and valid instruments
secondary schooling learning environments.
                                                          that assessed the impact of different spatial
Method                                                    layouts on student learning in the 21st Century
                                                          learning domains of creativity, critical thinking,
A search of twelve databases, which integrated
                                                          communication, collaboration and problem-solving.
fields of education or design, identified those
studies that addressed student learning outcomes
in a range of environments in both primary and
                                                          The review presented a small number of studies
secondary educational settings. Quantitative data
                                                          with adequate quality, sampling and statistical
was extracted using a customised form, with
                                                          process to isolate and then evaluate the impact of
the application of various processes to assess
                                                          different learning environment types. These studies
bias, reliability and validity to document changes
                                                          presented evidence of a positive correlation between
in discrete measure/s of academic or learning
                                                          learning environments, and improvements in student
                                                          academic achievement. At the same time, the
                                                          review highlighted the need for further longitudinal
                                                          evaluation of how different learning environments
                                                          impact a broader spectrum of student academic

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Learning Environments on Student Learning Outcomes - Terry Byers, Marian Mahat, Kirra Liu, Anne Knock and ...

Overview	                                        4
Introduction	                                    8
Research Questions	                             10
Methods	                                        10
Systematic Review Results	                      14
Risk of Sampling Bias and Quality Assessment	   28
Discussion 	                                    32
Conclusions	                                    38
References	                                     42

Anglican Church Grammar School Centenary Library, Brand + Slater Architects. Christopher Frederick Jones photography.


School learning environments are a matter of global          Development (OECD) countries, such as Australia
policy and systemic government investment (Dumont            and New Zealand, to invest significant public funding
& Istance, 2010). The strategic reconsideration of           in new school buildings. In Australia alone, more than
school learning spaces is a response to demographic,         AU$16 billion was approved for investment in school
economic and technological changes that have                 building projects from 2009 (Wall, 2009).
altered the perceptions of what constitutes effective
                                                             Despite the current interest and systemic investment
teaching and learning (see MCEETYA, 2008; New
                                                             in school learning environments, there is a lack of
Zealand Ministry of Education, 2011; New Zealand
                                                             empirical data to adequately evaluate how existing
Ministry of Education, 2014; OECD, 2013). The
                                                             and alternative learning environments (blended, ILEs
narrative of ‘21st Century Learning’ (creativity, critical
                                                             and open) impact teaching and learning (Blackmore,
thinking, communication, collaboration and problem-
                                                             Bateman, O’Mara, & Loughlin, 2011; Brooks, 2011;
solving) has prompted some to question the efficacy
                                                             Gislason, 2010). Brooks is critical of the overt
of existing classroom models and to put forward
                                                             theorising around these new spaces, with a “dearth
blended, open and, more recently, innovative learning
                                                             of systematic, empirical research being conducted”
environments (ILEs) (See examples of Alterator &
                                                             on their impact on teaching and learning (p. 719). For
Deed, 2013; Benade, 2017; Dovey & Fisher, 2014;
                                                             Painter, Fournier, Grape, Grummon, Morelli, Whitmer,
Dumont & Istance; Imms, Cleveland, & Fisher, 2016).
                                                             & Cevetello (2013), this lack of evidence stems from
Debates around the form and function of what
                                                             the fact that there are very few methodologies and
constitutes an effective learning environment have led
                                                             metrics able to isolate and then assess how different
some Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
                                                             learning spaces affect both teachers and students.

There remains little understanding if, or to what
    extent, different school learning environments affect
    student academic or learning outcomes (Blackmore
    et al., 2012).

    This systematic review draws on studies from
    the integrated fields of education and design. It
    focuses on identifying quantitative studies with valid
    methodologies that isolate the variable of different
    learning environment type/s (blended, ILEs, open-
    plan and traditional) and analyse their impact on
    reliable measures of student academic achievement.
    The ensuing analysis tests the suggestion that there
    is currently a lack of substantive, empirical data
    around the claims that different learning environment
    types correlate, whether positively or negatively, with
    student academic or learning outcomes.

    In the context of learning environment type/s (blended,
    ILEs, open-plan and traditional), the objectives of this
    review are:

    1. To identify studies that investigate the impact of
       learning environment types on student learning
    2. To identify measures of student learning outcomes
       or academic achievement;
    3. To determine the content of the identified student
       learning outcome measures (those with published
       evidence of reliability and validity).

    The results of this study will provide researchers
    and practitioners with a better understanding of
    how currently available student learning outcome
    measures are quantified in the context of learning

Research Questions

       1.    What evidence exists that different learning environments have an impact on
             student learning outcomes?
       2.    What student learning outcome measurement tools have been designed and used
             for measuring student outcomes in different learning environment types?
       3.    What elements of student learning are quantified by the identified measurement


Review methodology
The review adopted the principles and techniques           and the breadth of studies retrieved in the search
of   systematic    reviews,   which   involved   sifting   necessitated a full-team discussion to determine the
abstracts, scrutinising full papers and abstracting        final list of included articles. The potential for selection
data. One researcher performed the initial search          bias was addressed by the disciplined process
and subsequent data extraction. Two members of             followed by reviewers, sometimes bringing into the
the team checked each title and abstract to decide         discussion their or another team member’s specific
whether the full paper should be read. The lead team       understanding of the construct.
member was consulted if a difference of opinion
arose. Similarly, each full paper was read by at least     Search strategy
two members of the team and agreement sought               The database search for this systematic review
from the lead team member for any variations of            was performed in January 2017 using EBSCOhost
opinions. Two other members of the team checked            databases (Academic Search Complete, Avery Index
10% of the abstraction records. The complexity             to Architectural Periodicals, Education Research
of the underlying construct of different learning          Complete, Educational Administration Abstracts,
environments      and   student   learning   outcomes

ERIC), Proquest databases (Education Database,              students in these schools. To ensure that relevant
     Art and Humanities Database, Humanities Index,              information was not missed, studies were included
     PAIS), OVID, Informit, Scopus and Web of Science.           that considered known student learning outcome
     These databases integrate information from the              measures, even if student learning outcomes were
     fields of education and design and include articles         not the primary study objective. In the current review,
     addressing student learning outcomes in a range of          the aim was to assess quantitative changes in
     environments. A study protocol was not registered.          student learning outcomes before and after assigned
     Operational definitions were determined for each            intervention(s); therefore, articles were included on the
     aspect of our search, which related directly to the         basis of discrete measure/s of academic or learning
     research question and selection criteria (Table 1).         outcomes.
     The search terms were developed using related
     literature and chosen by team consensus based on
     their theoretical and practical significance. Search
     terms addressed the concepts of student learning
     outcomes and different learning environment type/s,
     and the use of intervention-based study designs.
     Where available, exploded search terms were used,
     as well as associated terminology in the title, abstract,
     and, where appropriate, the keywords of the articles.
     Boolean operators helped narrow the search to
     relevant research fields.

     Selection criteria
     An ILE is defined by the OECD (2013, p. 11) as “an
     organic, holistic concept – an ecosystem that includes
     the activity and the outcomes of the learning”. The
     concept embraces the learning taking place as well
     as the setting. The OECD describes ILEs as multi-
     modal, technology-infused and flexible learning
     spaces that are responsive to evolving educational
     practices (OECD, 2015). The selection criteria for this
     review (Table 2) aimed to document how researchers
     perceived student learning outcomes and therefore
     focused on the definitions they provided. To ensure
     the inclusion of a comprehensive breadth of articles,
     the application of the selection criteria did not use
     operational definitions of student learning outcomes.
     The population of interest in this review was both
     primary and secondary school students. Therefore,
     studies were limited to those which involved

Table 1: Study search terminology

Topic                 Search terms                        Exploded search terms (abstract/title)
Population            Elementary and Secondary School     “Elementary school student*”
                      students                            “Elementary student*”
                                                          “Primary school student*”
                                                          “Secondary school student*”
                                                          “Secondary student*”
                                                          “High school student*”
                                                          “Junior high school student*”
                                                          “Junior high student*”
                                                          “Middle school student*” Pupil*
Student Learning Student learning outcomes                “Student learning outcome*”
                 Academic achievement                     “Academic achievement*”
                      Academic outcomes                   “Academic outcome*”
                      Academic success                    “Academic success*”
                      Educational achievement             “Educational achievement*”
                      Educational outcomes                “Educational outcome*”
                      Grade point average                 “Grade point average*”
                      Student outcomes                    “Student outcome*”
Innovative            Innovative learning space           “Learning space*”
Environments          Modern learning space
                      Contemporary learning space
                      Physical learning space
                      21st century learning space
                      Innovative learning environment     “Learning environment*”
                      Modern learning environment
                      Contemporary learning environment
                      Physical learning environment
                      21st century learning environment
Contemporary          Innovative learning environment     “Learning environment*”
learning space
                      Modern learning environment
                      Contemporary learning environment
                      Physical learning environment
                      21st century learning environment
                      Physical environment                "Physical environment*"
                      Physical space                      "Physical space*"
                      School environment                  "School environment*"
                      School space                        "School space*"

                      Classroom environment               "Classroom environment*"

Table 2: Slection criteria

             Search                              Include                                          Exclude
      Population               Primary and secondary students                 Kindergarten and post-secondary students
      Outcomes of              Quantitative                                   Qualitative
      selected studies
      Design                   Intervention-based studies including           Other systematic reviews or literature reviews
                               randomised controlled trial, quasi-
                               randomised controlled trial, single-group
                               pre- and post-test studies, and single
                               case experimental designs.
      Publication type         Articles published as full texts in peer       Articles or abstracts not published in peer
                               review journals                                review journals
                                                                              Articles or abstracts published in languages
                                                                              other than English
                                                                              Grey literature (conference proceedings theses,
                                                                              books and other grey literature)
                                                                              Systematic reviews (although reference lists
                                                                              were used to ensure all relevant publications
                                                                              were located)
                                                                              Generalised discussion papers of participation
                                                                              measures that did not present new evidence
                                                                              from a scientific study
                                                                              Qualitative studies as the focus was on
                                                                              quantitative outcome measures
      Time                     1960 - 2016                                    Prior to 1960

     Data collection and assessment of quality                            and selection). While, assessments of internal
                                                                          consistency and reliability were made on the relevant
     Covidence was the primary screening and data
                                                                          aspects of the COnsensus-based Standards for
     extraction tool used for the systematic review.
                                                                          the selection of health Measurement INstruments
     The evaluation of sampling bias, reliability and                     (COSMIN) checklist (Terwee et al., 2012).
     validity ascertained the quality of selected studies.
     The Cochrane Collaboration tool assessed the risk                    Synthesis of studies
     of selection, detection, attrition and reporting bias                A two-part narrative approach analysed the results
     (Higgins et al., 2011). Even though the tool was                     of the selected studies. First, the research questions
     developed specifically for assessing randomised                      of this review framed the analysis of findings of the
     control trials, it presented a viable means to evaluate              selected studies. Second, a synthesis of the collective
     a wider variety of methodological designs of the                     results addressed potential gaps and issues and
     selected studies. A summary of the relevant measures                 established a frame for future meta-analysis.
     utilised by the selected studies was summarised to
     outline key characteristics, differences and similarities
     across the final study selection. The work of Campbell
     and Stanley (1963) informed the assessment of the
     internal validity (history, instrumentation, maturation

Systematic Review Results

The initial database search revealed 5,521 articles                        languages other than English, non-peer reviewed
after applying filters based on the selection criteria:                    journal articles and articles published before 1960.
primary and secondary students in quantitative                             Appraisal of titles and abstracts excluded 4,409
intervention-based and single-case experimental                            articles, with 72 articles undergoing full-text review.
studies, published as full texts in peer review journals                   Only 20 of these made the final analysis; 51 did not
between 1960 and 2016. Figure 1 displays the number                        have student academic or learning outcomes as a
of references yielded during the initial database search                   dependent variable or statistically analysed changes
and subsequent stages of the review. Following this                        in measures of achievement.
identification, the number of references was reduced
to 4,481 after the removal of duplicates, articles in

                                                         Records identified
                                                         through database
                                                             (n = 5,521)

                                                          Records after
                                                        duplicates removed
                                                            (n = 1,040)

                                                         Records screened                                Records excluded
                                                            (n = 4,481)                                     (n = 4,409)

                                                          Full-text articles                             Full-text articles
                   Eligibility                         assessed for eligibility                       excluded, with reasons
                                                               (n = 72)                                       (n = 52)

                                                        Studies included in
                                                        qualitative synthesis
                                                               (n = 0)

                                                        Studies included in
                                                       quantitative synthesis
                                                              (n = 20)

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the articles yielded during the systematic review process (including removal of duplicates and
references that did not align with selection criteria). The demographic descriptors of participants in each of the studies, the student
outcomes measured and study characteristics are shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Demographic descriptors, student outcomes measured and study characteristics.

     First Author, Year, Title                               Sample Characteristics                            Student Outcome
                                  n                       Age (M, SD, Ra)        Sex (Mb:Fc)   Level
                                                                                               Primary (P)
                                                                                               Secondary (S)

     Bottge, B., (2006).          Total = 17              R = 15-18              10:7          Sd              Maths achievement on
     Situating math                                                                                            various tests
     instruction in rich
     contexts: Effects on
     adolescents with
     challenging behaviors.

     Chandra, V., (2008).    Total = 233                  R = 15-16              NDf           S               Achievement on test
     The methodological                                                                                        scores
     nettle: ICT and student                                                     (7:7)

     Cicek, F .G., (2016).        Total = 66              R = 15-16                            S               Academic achievement
     Laboratory Control                                                                                        of students in Web
     System’s effects on          Experiment = 33                                                              Design
     student achievement
                                  Control: 33
     and attitudes.

     Forman, S. G.,               Total = 129             R = 6-7                (66:63)       Pg              IQ, creativity,
     (1978). Creativity                                                                                        achievement
     and achievement of           Open = 63                                      Open
     second graders in                                                           (32:31)
                                  Trad = 66
     open and traditional

     Fößl, T., (2016). A          Total = 85              M = 10.6               (77:8)        P               Learning performance
     field study of a video
     supported seamless-          Experiment = 24         SD = .31
     learning-setting with
                                  Control = 23
     elementary learners.
                                  FC1 = 25
                                  FC2 = 13
     McRobbie, C. J.,             Total = 1,594           R = 12-18              NDf           S               Student outcomes:
     (1993). Associations                                                                                      student and class mean
     between student              Inquiry and LE                                                               scores
     outcomes and                 =591 Attitude
     psychosocial science         and LE = 596

     Ozerbas, M. A., (2016). Total = 58                   R = 12-13              (31:27)       S               Academic success
     The Effect of the
     Digital Classroom on    Experiment = 32
     academic success and
                             Control = 26
     online technologies

Instrument Use           Theory Focus of study             LE             Effects on SO                    Effect size

Multimedia aligned       NDf    To examine the effects     Generative     Students performed better        FCC
tests: Fraction of              of enhanced anchored       maths LEf.     on both curriculum aligned       0.75
the Cost Challenge              instruction (EAI) on the                  tests: FCC & KCC which were
(FCC), Kim’s Komet              maths achievement                         multimedia and hands-on, but     KKC
Challenge (KKC) Vs.             (particularly fraction                    showed no improvement in         0.78
Traditional: Fractions          knowledge) of students                    the fractions computation test
computation test,               of low achievement                        and standardised tests.
Standardized tests              due to challenging
Test scores              ND     To assess the              Trad.h LE Vs   The blended LE improved          NDf
                                achievement of two         blended or     student achievement in
                                groups of students         e-learning     comparison to the trad.
                                over two years: one        LE.            However, the comfort with
                                traditional, and one                      blended LE differed and was
                                blended, to determine                     independent of test-score.
                                whether ICT has an
                                impact on achievement.
Scale of Attitudes       ND     To determine the           Laboratory     Post-tests of academic        ND
towards Learning                academic achievement       control        achievement, retention and
and Teaching                    of students in Web         system         positive attitude after doing
Process and the                 Design in an LCS and       (LCS) vs       Web design were higher in
Achievement Tests               Trad. LE.                  Trad. LE.      the LCS LE. The Trad. LE also
(pre- and post-tests)                                                     improved achievement.

Primary Mental           ND     To compare the             Open vs        Students in traditional         ND
Abilities Test (PMAT),          level of creativity        closed.        classrooms scored higher in
Iowa Tests of Basic             and achievement of                        fluency (in one school system),
Skills                          students in open LE vs                    vocabulary, and reading and
                                Trad. LE.                                 mathematics achievement.
                                                                          No significant differences for
Learning                 ND     To compare the             Open-          The students in the              0.31
performance                     learning performance of    learning       experimental/seamless LE
(pre- and post-                 students in a seamless     approach       setting performed better
test), Video views,             real-world learning        with video-    on the post-test than the
Working progress,               setting (using open        supported      students in a Trad. LE.
survey, student &               learning and video) and    seamless-
teacher interview,              a Trad. LE.                learning-
observations                                               setting.
The Science              ND     To investigate the         Science LE.    Student outcomes were found ND
Laboratory                      correlation between                       to be affected by psychosocial
Environment                     the psychosocial                          environment-independent of
Inventory                       environment and their                     ability. Attitude and inquiry skill
                                effect on student                         outcomes were enhanced
                                outcomes.                                 when laboratory activities
                                                                          were integrated into non-
                                                                          laboratory classes.
Pre and post-test        ND     To determine the effect Digital LE.       The experiment group in          ND
of the Academic                 of digital classrooms on                  the digital classroom has
success test and                the academic success                      significantly higher academic
online technologies             of students and                           success than the controls (no
self-efficacy scale             technology self-efficacy.                 access to digital technology).
                                                                          There was no effect on online
                                                                          technology self-efficacy.

First Author, Year, Title                         Sample Characteristics                        Student Outcome
                                 n                   Age (M, SD, Ra)   Sex (Mb:Fc)   Level
                                                                                     Primary (P)
                                                                                     Secondary (S)

     Reiss, S., (1975).          Total = 182 (30     R = 7-8           (15:15) per   P               Persistence,
     Persistence,                per six schools                       school                        achievement
     achievement,                approx.)
     and open-space
     environments.               Open = 85
                                 Closed = 88

     Shamaki, T. A., (2015).     Total = 337         ND                ND            S               Academic achievement
     Influence of Learning
     Environment on
     Students’ Academic
     Achievement in
     Mathematics: A
     Case Study of Some
     Selected Secondary
     Schools in Yobe State
     – Nigeria.
     Solomon, D.,            Total = 92              R = 9-10          (56:36)       P               Academic achievement,
     (1976). Individual                                                                              creativity, inquiry skills,
     Characteristics and                                                                             attitudes, behaviour
     Children’s Performance
     in “Open” and
     “Traditional” Classroom

     Tanner, C. T.,         Total = 1,916 (24        R = 8-9           ND            P               Academic achievement:
     (2008). Explaining     schools)                                                                 Iowa Test of Basic Skills
     Relationships Among                                                                             score (ITBS)
     Student Outcomes
     moreover, the School’s
     Physical Environment.

     Uline, C., (2008).          Total = 1,134 (80   ND                ND            M               Academic achievement
     The walls speak the         schools
     interplay of quality
     facilities, school
     climate, and student

     Kazu, I. Y., (2014).        Total = 54          R = 17-18         (37:17)       S               Academic performance
     The effect of blended
     learning environment        Experiment = 27
     model on high school
                                 Control =37
     students’ academic

Instrument Use          Theory Focus of study              LE               Effects on SO                      Effect size

Behavioural post-test ND       To examine the            Open vs            Open LE’s promoted higher          ND
for persistence on             difference in persistence Trad. LE.          persistence on difficult tasks
a difficult task, the          and achievement in                           than the traditional LE across
Stanford Preschool             open-space LE’s vs                           all genders. Persistence and
Internal-External              Trad. LE’s.                                  achievement were more
(I-IC) Scale, and                                                           positively correlated in open
the California                                                              LE than Trad. LE for boys
Achievement Test                                                            only..
structural              ND     To investigate the          Ideal vs dull    Student performance was            ND
questionnaire as well          influence of the LE on      LE.              negatively correlated with dull
as an achievement              mathematics students’                        painting, over-crowdedness
test                           academic achievement.                        and poor lighting and
                                                                            positively correlated with
                                                                            adequate seating/room.
                                                                            Adequate ventilation had no

Classroom               ND     To examine children’s       Open vs          Children in open classes           ND
observations,                  characteristics and         Trad. LE.        scored significantly higher
questionnaires, Iowa           performance in open                          in creativity, democratic/
Tests of Basic Skills          and traditional settings.                    co-operative behaviour and
                                                                            involvement in class activities
                                                                            but significantly lower on
                                                                            the achievement test,
                                                                            undisciplined activity level and
                                                                            social involvement.
Iowa Tests of Basic     ND     To investigate the          Four             As school design score        MC
Skills                         effects of four sets        different        increased, so did achievement 0.069
                               of design patterns in       design           on the ITBS in each of 24
                               the physical school         patterns:        schools.                      LGMP
                               environment: movement       ML, LGMP,                                      0.018
                               and circulation (MC),       DLV, IN.
                               large group meeting
                               places (LGMP),
                               daylight and views                                                              IN
                               (DLV), and instructional                                                        0.031
                               neighbourhoods (IN) on
Teacher surveys,        ND     To examine the              LE with          School facility quality was        ND
student SES and                mediating role of school    variable         mediated by school climate
achievement data               climate on the facility     facilities       variables: academic press,
                               quality level and student   quality level.   teacher professionalism and
                               achievement and                              community engagement,
                               the interplay of these                       and was found to affect
                               factors.                                     student achievement.
                                                                            Inadequate facilities meant
                                                                            a focus on academics were
                                                                            lowered & teachers were less
Pre and post-           ND     To compare students’        Blended LE       Students learning in the           ND
knowledge test, prior          academic achievement        vs Trad. LE.     blended LE had better
achievement grades             in a Blended LE and a                        academic outcomes than
                               Trad. LE.                                    those in the Trad. LE.

First Author, Year, Title                          Sample Characteristics                          Student Outcome
                                  n                   Age (M, SD, Ra)   Sex (Mb:Fc)     Level
                                                                                        Primary (P)
                                                                                        Secondary (S)

     Barrett, P., (2015). The     Total = 3,766       R = 5-11          (1,883:1,883)   P               Reading, Writing and
     impact of classroom                                                                                Mathematics progress
     design on pupils’            Year 1 = 447                                                          points added to create
     learning: Final results      Year 2 = 606                                                          an Overall Progress
     of a holistic, multi-level   Year 3 = 744                                                          score
                                  Year 4 = 656
                                  Year 5 = 708
                                  Year 6 = 606

     Barrett, P., (2017).         Total = 3,766       R = 5-11          (1,883:1,883)   P               Reading, Writing and
     The holistic impact          (same as 2015                                                         Mathematics progress
     of classroom spaces          study)                                                                points added to create
     on learning in specific                                                                            an Overall Progress
     subjects.                    Blackpool = 715                                                       score
                                  Hampshire = 1,535
                                  Ealing = 1,480

     Byers, T., (2014).           Total = 386         R = 11-14         (164:0)         S               English and
     Making the case for                                                                                Mathematics academic
     space: The effect of         n = 164 (6                                                            achievement (A+ to E-)
     learning spaces on           classes in
     teaching and learning.       intervention)                                                         Verbal and Non-Verbal
                                                                                                        Reasoning standardised
                                  n = 222 (control                                                      data (as a proxy of
                                  group who                                                             cognitive ability)
                                  remained in
                                  traditional with                                                      Student attitudinal
                                  only learning

Instrument Use            Theory Focus of study             LE              Effects on SO                     Effect size

National Curriculum       ND     Assessments of the          Existing       Correlations of Overall          ND
Key Stages 1 and 2               design parameters           Classrooms     Progress for each pupil
tests                            of Naturalness (Light,                     against environmental
                                 Temperature, Air                           measures showed all ten
                                 Quality), Individualisation                parameters were positively
                                 (Ownership, Flexibility)                   correlated with progress.
                                 and Stimulation                            Multilevel (Two level) modelling
                                 (Complexity and                            portioned between pupils
                                 Colour)G were made                         (highest) and classroom
                                 of 153 classrooms in                       levels. School level accounted
                                 27 schools in order to                     for little (3%) of variance.
                                 identify the impact of                     Naturalness parameters
                                 the physical classroom                     (light, temperature and air
                                 features on the                            quality) highest effect of 28%.
                                 academic progress of                       Variation of the most effective
                                 the 3766 pupils who                        classroom (Overall progress of
                                 occupied each of those                     16.05 NC points) minus least
                                 specific spaces.                           effective (8.12 NC points),
                                                                            results in 7.93 NC points for
                                                                            variation. The impact of the
                                                                            classroom environmental
                                                                            factors, therefore, models at
                                                                            7.93/50 (50 points is the total)
                                                                            explains 16% of the variation
                                                                            in pupils' academic progress
National Curriculum       ND     Assessments of the          Existing       1. See above.                     ND
Key Stages 1 and 2               design parameters           Classrooms
tests                            of Naturalness (Light,                     2. % Improvement due to
                                 Temperature, Air                              classroom parameters
                                 Quality), Individualisation                   was 9.3% (Reading),
                                 ( Ownership, Flexibility)                     8.4% (Writing) and 11.7%
                                 and Stimulation                               (Maths).
                                 (Complexity and
                                                                            3. For each of the different
                                 Colour) were made
                                                                               subject models, the
                                 of 153 classrooms in
                                                                               aspects of the classroom
                                 27 schools in order to
                                                                               environment taken
                                 identify the impact of
                                                                               together explained
                                 the physical classroom
                                                                               approximately 10% of
                                 features on the
                                                                               the variability of pupil
                                 academic progress of
                                 the 3766 pupils who
                                 occupied each of those
                                 specific spaces.
English and               ND     Examined the impact        Existing        A two-tailed, paired t-test       Within d
Mathematics school-              of learning spaces on      Trad. LE        with an alpha level of 0.05       =.40 in
based assessment                 teachers’ pedagogy,        (control) and   compared participating            English
                                 student engagement         Retrofitted     students’ assessments in
Academic                         and student learning       NGLS-           these subjects taken during       Within d
Assessment Services              outcomes in a              model ILE       the time they occupied            =.41 in
Cognitive Ability Tests          technology-rich school     affordances.    the traditional and the           Maths
                                 setting. Its quasi-                        NGLS classrooms. The null
Linking Pedagogy,                                                                                             Overall d
                                 experimental design                        hypothesis was rejected
Technology and                                                                                                =.40
                                 allowed examination                        with nine out of the twelve
Space repeated                   of differences in these                    results showing a statistically
measures survey                  variables between two                      significant improvement in
                                 settings – ‘traditional’                   student learning outcomes.
                                 classrooms, and ‘new                       These statistically significant
                                 generation learning                        improvements were justified
                                 spaces.’ (NGLS).                           by Cohen’s d effect size,
                                                                            ranging from the upper end of
                                                                            the small to high effects.

First Author, Year, Title                       Sample Characteristics                           Student Outcome
                                 n                 Age (M, SD, Ra)    Sex (Mb:Fc)     Level
                                                                                      Primary (P)
                                                                                      Secondary (S)

     Chang, C. Y., (2006).       Total = 155       Mean of 16 years   (74:81)         S               Earth Science Learning
     Preferred - Actual                                                                               Outcomes Inventory
     learning environment                                                                             -Students’ perceptions
     “spaces” and earth                                                                               on preferred/actual
     science outcomes in                                                                              learning environment
     Taiwan.                                                                                          and the students’
                                                                                                      learning achievement
                                                                                                      and attitude

     Chang, C. Y.,               Total = 155       Mean of 16 years   ND              S               Earth Science Learning
     (2011). Science                                                                                  Outcomes Inventory
     Learning Outcomes                                                                                -Students’ perceptions
     in Alignment with                                                                                on preferred/actual
     Learning Environment                                                                             learning environment
     Preferences.                                                                                     and the students’
                                                                                                      learning achievement
                                                                                                      and attitude

     Gilavand, A.,               Total = 210       R = 7-11           ND              P               Student Attitudinal Data
     (2016). Investigating
     the impact of
     schools’ open
     space on learning                                                                                Observational Data
     and educational
     achievement of
     elementary students.
     Tanner, C. K. (2000).       Total = 22, 679   R = 10 - 11        ND              P               Reading and
     The influence of                                                                                 Mathematics scores
     school architecture
     on academic

     Note. a Age range; b Number of males; c Number of females; d Secondary years of schooling; e-Learning environment; f
     Not disclosed; g Primary years of schooling; h Traditional

Instrument Use         Theory Focus of study            LE              Effects on SO                    Effect size

Earth science          ND     Determine whether         traditional     Results indicated that           ND
classroom learning            preferred–actual space    (teacher-       although preferred–actual
environment                   accounts for outcome      centred)        space is not related to
instrument (ESCLE)            variance beyond that      learning        achievement, but is both
and Earth Science             explained by actual       environment     statistically and practically
Learning Outcomes             learning environment.     (TLE) and       associated with attitudes
Inventory (ESLOI)                                       mixed (both     toward the subject when
                                                        teacher- and    actual learning environment
                                                        student-        is controlled. regression
                                                        centred         analysis revealed that the
                                                        learning        pre-test scores were the
                                                        environment     only significant predictors in
                                                        (MLE)           explaining students’ learning
Earth science          ND     Aimed to investigate      Student–        Students preferred a             ND
classroom learning            students’ learning        Teacher-        classroom environment
environment                   environment               Balanced        where student-centred and
instrument (ESCLE)            preferences and           Instructional   teacher-centred instructional
and Earth Science             to compare the            Model,          approaches coexisted
Learning Outcomes             relative effectiveness    STBIM) and      (STBIM) over a teacher-
Inventory (ESLOI)             of instructional          teacher-        centred (TCIM) learning
                              approaches to             centred         environment. It was also
                              students’ learning        group (the      revealed that the STBIM
                              outcomes in 10th-grade    Teacher-        students’ achievement in and
                              earth science classes.    Centred         attitude toward earth science
                                                        Instructional   were enhanced when the
                                                        Model,          learning environment was
                                                        TCIM).          congruent with their learning
                                                                        environment preference.
Construction           ND     This study investigated   Open            Schools’ open space has a        ND
Observational                 the impact of schools’    spaces –        significant impact on learning
Checklist                     open space on learning    exterior play   and academic achievement
                              and educational           spaces          (ascertained through a
Academic                      achievement of                            questionnaire) of elementary
Achievement                   elementary students in                    school students in Ahvaz-
Motivation                    Ahvaz, Southwest of                       Iran.
Questionnaire                 Iran.
Iowa Test of Basic     ND     Focused on the            Used SD         A total of 7 design factors      ND
Skills (ITBS)                 neglected aspect of the   & PL scale      were found to correlate to
                              physical environment of   to assess       student learning outcomes
                              the classroom impact.     existing        (compatibility with context,
                              Its purpose was to        classroom       clearly defined pathways,
University of                 determine how school      spaces          positive outdoor spaces,
Georgia’s School of           architectural design                      computers for teachers,
Design and Planning           factors might influence                   positive overall impression
Laboratory (SD & PL)          student achievement                       had the greatest impact on
scale                         scores in elementary                      ITBS scores.

Participants                                             Byers et al., 2014; Chandra & Lloyd, 2008; Cicek &
                                                              Taspinar, 2016; Kazu & Demirkol, 2014; Shamaki,
     The number of student participants in each of the
                                                              2015). The majority of studies utilised an amalgam of
     studies ranged from 17 to 22,679 students (average
                                                              standardised test measures. Most prominently used
     of 1,665). The age of students in the final studies
                                                              was the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), followed by
     ranged from 5-18yrs. Equitable distribution of boys
                                                              the California Achievement Test (CAT) and the English
     and girls occurred in the respective samples, with the
                                                              National Curriculum Key Stages 1 and 2 tests. The
     only exception being the Byers, Imms, and Hartnell-
                                                              external, standardised nature of these items presented
     Young (2014) study (with an all-boys school as the
                                                              a reliable and valid means to facilitate generalisable
     site). In many instances, authors either undertook a
                                                              analysis across multiple schools (see Barrett, Davies,
     randomised selection process or ensured the sample
                                                              Zhang, & Barrett, 2015, 2017; McRobbie & Fraser,
     reflected key student demographic characteristics
                                                              1993; Reiss & Dyhdalo, 1975; Tanner, 2000, 2008;
     (i.e. ethnicity, socio-economic status and location)
                                                              Uline & Tschannen-Moran, 2008).
     with equitable distribution between control and
     intervention groups. A high proportion of the selected   Even though this review focused on measures around
     studies engaged in pre-testing of student academic       student academic learning outcomes, many utilised
     performance to show that they were statistically         assessment of student attitudes to learning and
     similar. Consequently, these sampling measures           observations of students in various spatial layouts.
     moderated the incidence of selection bias that would     Some used repeated measure surveys to elicit
     distort the statistical analysis of the between-group    student attitudinal responses (see Byers et al., 2014;
     comparisons.                                             Chang, Hsiao, & Barufaldi, 2006; Chang, Hsiao, &
                                                              Chang, 2011; Cicek & Taspinar, 2016; Fößl, Ebner,
     Outcomes and Measures
                                                              Schön, & Holzinger, 2016; Gilavand, Espidkar, &
     The student outcomes identified in this review           Gilavand, 2016). In others, comparative observations
     were measured using computations of observed             of traditional learning environments and ILEs (Fößl
     participation behaviours, a variety of standardised      et al., 2016; Gilavand et al., 2016; Solomon &
     tests, general achievement tests, prior achievement      Kendall, 1976) focused on discerning the differences
     data and participant surveys. The range of measures      in pedagogies and learning experiences. Finally, a
     used to determine student outcomes is displayed in       small number of studies (Barrett et al., 2015, 2017;
     Table 4.                                                 Tanner, 2000, 2008) assessed the physical design
                                                              parameters (i.e. individualisation and stimulation)
     The assessment of student learning outcomes
                                                              and environmental factors (i.e. light, temperature and
     covered a range of assessment devices and types
                                                              air quality) to investigate the potential impact of the
     across the 20 studies. Seven studies utilised school-
                                                              physical classroom features on student academic
     based assessment to determine the impact of different
     learning environment types on student academic
     achievement. These school-based assessments
     were in English, Mathematics and Science (see

Table 4: Student outcomes, measures and constructs of final articles.

First author, year                Measure                               Student outcome        Construct
Bottge, B., (2006).               Fraction of the Cost                  Maths achievement      FCC = 36-point test with
                                  Challenge (FCC)                                              points allotted for correct
                                                                                               working and answer.
                                  Kim’s Komet Challenge                 Maths achievement      KCC = 37-point test with
                                  (KKC)                                                        points allotted via degree
                                                                                               of difficulty.
                                  Fractions computation                 Maths achievement      Fractions computation
                                  test                                                         test.

                                  Standardized tests- the               Academic achievement   ITBS: Standardised
                                  Iowa Tests of Basic Skills                                   achievement in
                                  (ITBS): Mathematics                                          Mathematics test that
                                  subtest.                                                     result in measures
                                                                                               such as National Grade
                                                                                               Equivalents (NGE).
Chandra, V., (2008).              Test scores                           Achievement on test    Tests developed within
                                                                        scores                 the school were sat,
                                                                                               providing performance
Cicek, F .G., (2016).             Scale of Attitudes       Attitude                            38-item attitude scale.
                                  towards Learning and
                                  Teaching Process (SALTP)
                                  Achievement test                      Academic achievement   Achievement test-
                                                                                               consisting of 28 items.

Forman, S. G., (1978).            Wallach-Kogan Test:                   Academic achievement   Wallach-Kogan Test:
                                  consist of three verbal:                                     Provides a Fluency score-
                                  Instances, Alternate Uses                                    the number of appropriate
                                  and Similarities subtest                                     responses summed over
                                  and two figural subtests:                                    items, and uniqueness
                                  Pattern Meanings and                                         score-total number of
                                  Line Meanings                                                responses that appeared
                                                                                               only once in the study
                                                                                               sample for a given item.
                                  ITBS: Mathematics                     Creativity             ITBS: Standardised
                                  subtest                                                      achievement in
                                                                                               Mathematics test that
                                                                                               result in measures
                                                                                               such as National Grade
                                                                                               Equivalents (NGE).
                                  Primary Mental Abilities              Achievement            PMAT.
                                  Test (PMAT)

Fößl, T., (2016).                 Learning performance                  Learning performance   Learning performance
                                  test                                                         test: 12 single choice
                                                                                               questions and 4 practical
                                                                                               exercises where students
                                                                                               had to draw something.
                                  Students’ attitude                    Attitude               SATWEV-17 item, five-
                                  towards worked example                                       point Likert-type scale
                                  videos (SATWEV) survey                                       survey.

First author, year         Measure                     Student outcome                Construct

     McRobbie, C. J., (1993).   The Science Laboratory      Student outcomes               SLEI: Contains 35 items,
                                Environment Inventory                                      with 7 assessing each of
                                (SLEI): student outcome                                    the five scales (left) which
                                measures included four                                     were scored on a 5-point
                                attitude measures and                                      Likert scale (almost never,
                                two inquiry skill.                                         seldom, sometimes,
                                                                                           often, very often).
     Ozerbas, M. A., (2016).    Academic Success Test       Academic success               AST: a multiple-choice
                                (AST)                                                      test of 24 items and a
                                                                                           maximum score of 100
                                                                                           (no points were taken
                                                                                           away for wrong answers).
                                                                                           Content includes 7th-
                                                                                           grade math lessons,
                                                                                           specific features of
                                Online Technologies Self-   Competency with the            OTSES: 33-item scale,
                                Efficacy Scale (OTSES)      internet                       with four sub-scales of
                                                                                           Internet competencies,
                                                                                           Synchronous interaction,
                                                                                           Asynchronous interaction
                                                                                           I and Asynchronous
                                                                                           interaction II.
     Reiss, S., (1975).         Persistence test: A         Persistence                    Persistent test: the
                                Behavioural post-test                                      average time the child
                                measuring persistence                                      worked on a puzzle
                                with puzzle-making.                                        (consisting of problems
                                                                                           1 and 2 of the Wechsler
                                                                                           Intelligence Scale for
                                                                                           Children (WISC) Block
                                                                                           Design Test and Problems
                                                                                           9 and 10 of the Wechsler
                                                                                           Adult Intelligence Scale
                                                                                           (WAIS) Block Design
                                The Stanford Preschool      Expectancies about locus       SPIES: is scored in the
                                Internal-External Scale     of control and behaviour       internal direction, and
                                (SPIES)                     of children in theoretically   represent expectancies
                                                            relevant situations            for internal control of
                                                                                           positive events (I+) and
                                                                                           negative events (I-) and
                                                                                           the sum of these 2 (total I).
                                The California              Academic achievement           CAT: Standard
                                Achievement Test (CAT)                                     administration in California
                                                                                           near the end of the school
                                                                                           year provides a percentile
                                                                                           ranking of each student.
     Shamaki, T. A., (2015).    General achievement test    Academic achievement           -

First author, year       Measure                     Student outcome        Construct

Solomon, D., (1976).     CAT                         Academic achievement   CAT: Standardised test
                                                                            administered in California
                                                                            near the end of the school
                                                                            year which provides a
                                                                            percentile ranking of each
                         Virginia Standards of       Academic achievement   SOL: Standardised
                         Learning (SOL) tests                               test that produces an
                         English (Reading,                                  achievement score.
                         Research, and Literature)
                         and Math.
                         Virginia Test of Academic   Academic achievement   Standardised test that
                         Proficiency                                        produces an achievement
Tanner, C. T., (2008).   ITBS: composite portion     Academic achievement   Standardised test that
                                                                            produces an achievement
                                                                            score or test score.
Uline, C., (2008).       ITBS                        Academic achievement   Standardised tests that
                                                                            produce an achievement
                                                                            score or test score.
                         Virginia Standards of       Academic achievement   Standardised test that
                         Learning (SOL) tests                               produces an achievement
                         English (Reading,                                  score.
                         Research, and Literature)
                         and Math
                         Virginia Test of Academic   Academic achievement   Standardised test that
                         Proficiency                                        produces an achievement
Kazua, I. Y., (2014).    Pre and post-knowledge      Academic achievement   Pre-test and post-test
                         achievement test                                   consisting of 25 and 21
                                                                            items respectively, with
                         Prior achievement grades    Academic achievement   items in compliance
                                                                            with the objectives of
                                                                            the Biology course and
                                                                            Bloom’s taxonomy.
Barrett, P., (2015).     National Curriculum Key     Academic achievement   Reading, Writing and
                         Stages 1 and 2 tests                               Mathematics progress
                                                                            points added to create an
                                                                            Overall Progress score.
Barrett, P., (2017).     National Curriculum Key     Academic achievement   Reading, Writing and
                         Stages 1 and 2 tests                               Mathematics progress
                                                                            points added to create an
                                                                            overall progress score.

First author, year      Measure                       Student outcome             Construct

     Byers, T., (2014).      English and Mathematics       English and Mathematics     Achievement: A+-E-
                             school-based                  academic achievement
                             Student attitudinal data      Learning and                A nine-item, five-point
                             instrument?                   engagement                  Likert scale survey
                                                                                       measuring the effect
                                                                                       of learning space on
                                                                                       students’ learning and
                             Academic Assessment           Academic achievement        Standardised test.
                             Services Cognitive
                             Ability Tests: Verbal and
                             Non-Verbal Reasoning
                             standardised data (as a
                             proxy of cognitive ability)
     Chang, C. Y., (2006).   Earth Science Learning        Students’ learning          ESLOI: Divided into
                             Outcomes Inventory            achievement and attitude.   two sections with a
                             (ESLOI)-including the         ATESI: attitude towards     total of 60 items. The
                             attitudes toward the          earth science and ESAT:     first, is the ATESI which
                             earth science inventory       achievement in earth        consists of 30 items with
                             (ATESI) and Earth Science     science                     bipolar disagree/agree
                             Achievement Test (ESAT)                                   on statements on a 1–5
                                                                                       Likert scale, and second,
                                                                                       the ESAT, with another 30
                                                                                       MCQ items.
     Chang, C. Y., (2011).   Earth Science Learning        Students’ learning          ESLOI: Divided into
                             Outcomes Inventory            achievement and attitude.   two sections with a
                             (ESLOI)-including the         ATESI: attitude towards     total of 60 items. The
                             attitudes toward the          earth science and ESAT:     first, is the ATESI which
                             earth science inventory       achievement in earth        consists of 30 items with
                             (ATESI) and Earth Science     science                     bipolar disagree/agree
                             Achievement Test (ESAT)                                   on statements on a 1–5
                                                                                       Likert scale, and second,
                                                                                       the ESAT, with another 30
                                                                                       MCQ items.
     Gilavand, A., (2016).   Academic Achievement          Academic achievement        AAMQH: 29 items based
                             Motivation Questionnaire      and motivation              on ten (in this case 9)
                             of Hermance (AAMQH)                                       characteristics that
                                                                                       distinguish those of high
                                                                                       and low achievement
     Tanner, C. K. (2000).   ITBS: Mathematics and         Academic achievement        ITBS: Standardised
                             Reading subtests                                          achievement in Reading
                                                                                       and Mathematics tests
                                                                                       that result in measures
                                                                                       such as National Grade
                                                                                       Equivalents (NGE).

Risk of Sampling Bias and Quality Assessment

Sampling bias                                            Reiss & Dyhdalo, 1975; Uline & Tschannen-Moran,
                                                         2008). Subsequent reviews of attrition, detection and
The Cochrane Collaboration tool assessed the risk of
                                                         reporting bias, indicated that the design, sampling
sampling bias. The tool assessed the source of bias
                                                         strategy and method of analysis of these studies
in the domains of selection, detection, attrition and
                                                         were more robust than those employing a single
reporting on the basis of “low”, “high”, and “unclear”
                                                         intervention group (Bottge, Rueda, & Skivington,
risk (Higgins et al., 2011). The studies in the final
                                                         2006; Fößl et al., 2016; McRobbie & Fraser, 1993).
selection of this review tended to moderate sampling
                                                         The review highlighted the deficiency of these studies,
bias through their design and sampling process (Table
                                                         due to their within-group design, to reliably detect
5). Random selection of moderate to large control-
                                                         significant differences at the standard of those with a
and intervention-groups from single or multi-sites
                                                         comparative group design.
(Barrett et al., 2015, 2017; Chandra & Lloyd, 2008;
Chang et al., 2006; Chang et al., 2011; Gilavand
et al., 2016; Kazu & Demirkol, 2014; Ozerbas &
Erdogan, 2016; Shamaki, 2015; Tanner, 2000, 2008),       The assessment of internal validity and reliability

decreased the incidence of selection bias. There were    established the quality of individual studies. Due to

instances where randomisation was not employed.          the single intervention or site designs of many studies

However, sampling bias was moderated through pre-        in the final selection, the internal validity guidelines

testing of IQ, socioeconomic status or achievement       of Campbell and Stanley (1963) were applied to

scores to establish that the comparative samples         assess the validity in terms of history, instrumentation,

were not statistically different (Byers et al., 2014;    maturation and selection. The remaining studies had

Cicek & Taspinar, 2016; Forman & McKinney, 1978;         designs that incorporated multi-sites and random
                                                         selection of participants to establish generalisable

Table 5: Assessment of sampling bias of selected studies using the Cochrane Collaboration tool.

                         First author, year Selection               Detection           Attrition       Reporting
                        Bottge, B., (2006)              -                   -                   +             +
                      Chandra, V., (2008)               +                   +                   +             +
                      Cicek, F .G., (2016)              +                   +                   +             +
                   Forman, S. G., (1978)                +                   +                   ?             +
                            Fößl, T., (2016)            -                   -                   -             +
                 McRobbie, C. J., (1993)                -                   -                   ?             +
                  Ozerbas, M. A., (2016)                +                   +                   -             +
                          Reiss, S., (1975)             +                   +                   -             +
                   Shamaki, T. A., (2015)               +                   +                   +             +
                     Solomon, D., (1976)                -                   +                   +             +
                      Tanner, C. T., (2008)             +                   +                   +             +
                          Uline, C., (2008)             +                   +                   +             +
                        Kazu, I. Y., (2014)             +                   +                   +             +
                         Barrett, P., (2015)            +                   +                   +             +
                         Barrett, P., (2017)            +                   +                   +             +
                          Byers, T., (2014)             +                   +                   +             +
                     Chang, C. Y., (2006)               +                   +                   +             +
                     Chang, C. Y., (2011)               +                   +                   +             +
                      Gilavand, A., (2016)              +                   +                   +             +
                      Tanner, C. K. (2000)              +                   +                   +             +

                                        Note            +                   -                   ?
                                                    Low risk            High risk        Unknown risk

     evidence. Regarding checks for reliability, the articles                assessment of the quality of methodologies and
     were evaluated by reported measures of internal                         measures were beyond the scope of the intervention-
     consistency and inter-rater reliability as dictated by the              based design of the selected studies. The application
     COSMIN checklist (Terwee et al., 2012). The rationale                   of the COSMIN checklists four-point criterion of
     for not using the COSMIN criteria to assess the validity                “excellent”, “good”, “fair” and “poor” for both
     of this selection is due to its focus on assessing large                reliability and validity provided an efficient means for
     sample, randomised control trials. The checklists                       establishing the overall assessment quality (“strong”,

“moderate”, “low” and “unknown”) of each study’s                          2015; Barret et al., 2017; Byers et al., 2014; Forman
       design and measures.                                                      & McKinney, 1978; Gilavand et al., 2016; Kazu &
                                                                                 Demirkol, 2014; Reiss & Dyhdalo, 1975; Shamaki,
       The quality of the selected articles ranged from low
                                                                                 2015; Solomon & Kendall, 1976). These articles often
       to strong, with the majority falling into the category of
                                                                                 had rigorous elements to the validity of their design,
       moderate (Table 6). The studies identified as strong
                                                                                 methods and means of analysis or application of
       in terms of quality (Chang et al., 2006; Chang et al.,
                                                                                 measures of internal consistency and reliability, but
       2011; Cicek & Taspinar, 2016; Ozerbas & Erdogan,
                                                                                 not both. Some tended to be based on location-
       2016; Tanner, 2000, 2008; Uline & Tschannen-Moran,
                                                                                 specific assessments of student learning outcomes,
       2008) were best described as large, multi-site,
                                                                                 while, others did not utilise or report the statistical
       randomised comparative studies that tended to utilise
                                                                                 processes and reliability measures that were evident
       assessment through existing external, standardised
                                                                                 in studies of strong quality. The remaining articles
       testing instruments. Not only were their designs
                                                                                 suffered significant methodological and statistical
       rigorous, but they utilised, and reported in detail,
                                                                                 deficiencies that lowered the quality of their findings.
       intra-rater reliability and internal consistency through
                                                                                 There were correlations between the quality of these
       Cronbach’s alpha. A larger group of studies were
                                                                                 studies and the higher incidence of sampling bias.
       assessed as having moderate quality (Barrett et al.,

Table 6: The overall score for the quality of selected studies using the COSMIN 4-point checklist.

First author, year             History       Instru-          Maturation         Selection       Internal       Reliability   Overall
                                             mentation                                           consistency                  result
Bottge, B., (2006)             Poor          Good             Poor               Poor            Excellent      Excellent     Low
Chandra, V., (2008)            Good          Good             Good               Fair            Poor           Poor          Low
Cicek, F .G., (2016)           Excellent     Good             Excellent          Excellent       Excellent      Excellent     Strong
Forman, S. G., (1978)          Excellent     Excellent        Excellent          Fair            Fair           Poor          Moderate
Fößl, T., (2016)               Poor          Good             Poor               Poor            Good           Good          Low
McRobbie, C. J., (1993)        Poor          Good             Poor               Poor            Good           Good          Low
Ozerbas, M. A., (2016)         Excellent     Good             Excellent          Excellent       Excellent      Excellent     Strong
Reiss, S., (1975)              Poor          Excellent        Good               Good            Poor           Poor          Moderate
Shamaki, T. A., (2015)         Good          Good             Good               Excellent       Poor           Poor          Moderate
Solomon, D., (1976)            Good          Excellent        Excellent          Fair            Good           Good          Moderate
Tanner, C. T., (2008)          Excellent     Excellent        Excellent          Good            Excellent      Excellent     Strong
Uline, C., (2008)              Excellent     Excellent        Excellent          Good            Excellent      Excellent     Strong
Kazu, I. Y., (2014)            Excellent     Good             Excellent          Good            Fair           Poor          Moderate
Barrett, P., (2015)            Excellent     Excellent        Excellent          Excellent       Good           Good          Moderate
Barrett, P., (2017)            Excellent     Excellent        Excellent          Excellent       Good           Good          Moderate
Byers, T., (2014)              Excellent     Good             Excellent          Good            Excellent      Excellent     Moderate
Chang, C. Y., (2006)           Excellent     Good             Excellent          Excellent       Excellent      Excellent     Strong
Chang, C. Y., (2011)           Excellent     Good             Excellent          Excellent       Excellent      Excellent     Strong
Gilavand, A., (2016)           Excellent     Excellent        Excellent          Excellent       Fair           Excellent     Moderate
Tanner, C. K. (2000)           Excellent     Excellent        Excellent          Good            Excellent      Excellent     Strong

Hiukkavaara School and Community Centre, Lukkaroinen Architects / Ecophon Saint Gobain, Juha Sarkkinen photography.

The review sought to establish an evidence base for       a negative impact on student academic achievement.
the connection between learning environment type/s        The collective evidence presented by the relatively
(blended, ILEs, open-plan and traditional) and their      small number of studies does suggest some
impact on student learning outcomes. A descriptive        correlation between the design, function and nature
critique is presented based on an analysis of the final   of the physical learning environment and learning
selection of 20 studies, centred on the review’s three    outcomes.
research questions.
                                                          In this sample, there were only three studies that

What evidence exists that different learning              reported effect sizes. The Fößl et al. (2016) and
environments have an impact on student                    Bottge et al. (2006) studies reported effect sizes that
learning outcomes?                                        ranged from d = .31 to d = .78 respectively. However,

The systematic review identified a small number           both had questionable validity and reliability due to

of studies that presented empirical evidence of           the issues of high sampling bias and relatively low

the impact of different learning environments, in         quality. Byers et al. (2014), with effect sizes of d =

particular ILEs, on student academic outcomes.            .40 and .41 for English and Mathematics respectively,

These studies presented evidence that different           presented a more valid and reliable assessment of

learning environments, in particular, those aligned       the impact of ILEs in comparison to traditional layouts

with the premise of ILEs, can positively impact           on student academic achievement. Unlike the Fößl

student academic achievement. However, studies            et al. (2016) and Bottge et al. (2006) studies, Byers

in the sample that compared open-plan learning            et al. (2014) utilised a between-group comparison

environments with traditional classroom spaces            of classes randomly assigned to the different spatial

suggested that the open-plan setting correlated with      layouts, while controlling for the influence of student

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