CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

Page created by Martha Morris
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

      Woman            Volume 61 No 04    August 2020


 Country of Study 2020: Ecuador
       For all Women of NSW and the ACT
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Country Women’s Association of NSW Contacts
State Office                    State President                   State Vice President          Hospital Support
Level 2, 244 Coward St          Stephanie Stanhope                Ann Adams, OAM                Committee Secretary
Mascot NSW 2020                 Ph: 0429 161 038                  Ph: 0428 387 753              Susan Hutchison
PO Box 222                       Ph: 02 6554 2185
Mascot NSW 1460                                                                                 susan.hutchison@bigpond.
                                State Honorary Secretary          State Vice President
Ph: 02 8337 0200                                                                                com
                                Margaret Breust                   Judy Houghton
Fax: 02 8338 1595
                               Ph: 02 6342 3205              Agricultural &
                                0424 685 789                 Environmental Committee
Honorary Editor                                                   Chief Executive Officer       Secretary
                                State Honorary Treasurer
Sue-Ellen Hogan                                                   Danica Leys                   Robin Godwin
                                Anne Kotz
PO Box 1070                                                                                     Ph: 02 6888 5647
                                Ph: 0428 511 948                  Cultural Committee
Tamworth NSW 2340                                                                     
0409 929 632                    State International Officer       Yvonne Davis                  “The Land” Cookery
                                Lyn Braico                        31 Tripoli Way                Committee Secretary
Communications and                                                Albion Park NSW 2527          Mary Hollingworth
                                Ph: 02 9487 2665
advertising                                                       Ph: 02 4256 4541              Ph: 0429 345 255
Ph: 02 8337 0200                State Agricultural &
communications@cwaofnsw.        Environmental Officer             Show Catering Committee       Social Issues Committee                          Tanya Jolly                       Secretary                     Secretary
                                Ph: 02 6975 6240                  Tracey Bonfante               Elizabeth O’Dwyer
Association Patron                                                Ph: 0402 508 856
                                                              Ph: 0421 452 646
Her Excellency the                                               elizabethmarynash@
Honourable Margaret             State Social Issues Officer
                                                                  Handicraft Committee
Beazley AC QC, Governor of      Bronwyn Dunston
New South Wales                 Ph: 02 6576 4070
                                                                  Pam Wright
Journal Patron                                                    Ph: 02 6767 1044
Mrs Libby Fairfax                                       

Cover: Cotopaxi volcano with Frailejón flowers by Dave Lonsdale. Back Cover: Blue-footed booby, Galapagos Islands

►► The Country Woman is the official publication of the Country Women’s Association
   of New South Wales.
                                                                                                       Honour to God
►►Average Circulation: 8,099 (September 2019)                                                       Loyalty to the Throne
                                                                                                   Service to the Country
►►Article Submission Information: Members are welcome to submit articles for
  publication. Articles must be received by the 10th day of the month prior to                    Through Country Women
  publication and have a limit of 150 words. Please send articles by email or post to               For Country Women
  the Editor’s home address.                                                                         By Country Women

►►The views expressed in The Country Woman are not necessarily the views of
  the Association. Acceptance of advertising for The Country Woman does not                         Photo Guidelines
  constitute endorsement of the advertisers’ products or services by the Association.
  The contents of this magazine are covered by copyright, but may be reproduced                    Photos for The Country
  by any Country Women’s Association of NSW Branch or Group. The Honorary                              Woman must be
  Editor reserves the right to select and edit materials submitted for publication. No              either full sized digital
                                                                                                     photos (sent via USB
  responsibility can be accepted for loss of photos.
                                                                                                       or attached to an
►►Privacy Policy: The Country Women’s Association of NSW collects members’                         email) or professionally
  personal details and maintains a database in the Association’s office. The Country                  developed original
  Women’s Association of NSW will never sell or give away personal member                           prints. Photos printed
  information. Any information provided to the Association by members will only be                   on home printers are
  used to assist the Association in providing and enhancing membership services and                      not suitable.
  to refer new members to the Country Women’s Association of NSW.                                   When posting photos
                                                                                                      please do not write
                                        directly on the back of
                                                                                                     photos. You may add
                       @cwaofnsw                                    labels or Post-It notes.

2  August 2020 The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter                  4

                                                                                                                 Photo by Murray Foubister
CEO’s Report                              5
News from State Office                    5
News from July Executive                  6
Betty Archdale: Leading the way 8
CWA Awareness Week                        9
Country of Study: Ecuador                 10
Committee Reports
CWA of NSW Policy Motions
                                                                           8                              10
Advocacy update                           23
Microchiropteran Bats                     24
Welcome New Members                       25
Sudoku                                    26
Group Conference Dates                    26
Telstra Update                            27
Celebrations                              28
Story of the Month
From our Branches
                                                                       20                                 24
 From the Editor
I am very pleased, excited and a        friend invited me to come along        Wanthella Group, with the passing
little nervous to be editing my first   to a meeting. I was immediately        of our Group President, Betty-Anne
edition of The Country Woman.           impressed     by     the    passion,   White last month. A CWA member
                                        enthusiasm and community spirit        for over 30 years, Betty-Anne was
Firstly, thank you to Past Honorary
                                        of the women in my branch. The         a strong leader and passionate
Editor, Noelene Grainger, for her
                                        more I get involved with the           about the organisation, the women
support as I transitioned into the
                                        organisation, the more I see these     and her community. On a personal
role. Noelene generously shared
                                        attributes in all the CWA women        note, Betty-Anne supported my
her knowledge and advice and I
                                        I meet. Editing the Journal this       own journey with the CWA, giving
know I have some very big shoes to
                                        month has highlighted the strength     me encouragement and guidance
                                        and resilience of our organisation,    as I took on the Branch President
I would also like to thank              reading the stories of how branches    role. She was thrilled that I was
Communications        Coordinator,      have continued to support their        beginning this role as Honorary
Leah Gaskell, for guiding me            communities and each other while       Editor. She was a beautiful woman
through the process and answering       we have not been able to operate as    with a beautiful heart and a
all my strange questions so far!        we usually do.                         beautiful spirit. She will be truly
                                                                               missed. Vale Betty-Anne White.
I joined the Tamworth Evening           Editing my first Journal comes in
Branch three years ago after a          the shadow of a great loss for the     Sue-Ellen Hogan, Hon Editor
                                                                          The Country Woman  August 2020       3
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter
                                         remember that drought assistance         support branches show to other
                                         is still much needed in many             branches in struggling areas. My
                                         areas. As the new Resilience NSW         thanks too to the office staff as they
                                         Commission is set up, I can only         have graciously adapted to working
                                         hope that it equally assists those       from home, using technology to
                                         affected by pandemics, fire, flood,      facilitate the continued smooth
                                         storm and drought, all of which          running of the organisation.
                                         have devastated NSW over the past
                                                                                  I am hoping, if everything continues
                                         12 months to some extent or other.
                                                                                  to    improve,    to    recommence
As I sit here writing this, the NSW/     There are no areas that haven’t been
                                                                                  travelling around the state to visit
Victoria border closure has just         impacted by at least two of these.
                                                                                  branches and groups, meeting our
been announced and the logistics
                                         It is nice to see that our branches      members as they support their
and outcomes of this are still in the
                                         currently have some scope for            communities through the current
                                         meeting again face-to-face and           challenges. In the meantime, I am
I look back at my last report, in the    I know that the friendships and          enjoying time with my brand new
midst of the chaos that continues        camaraderie will help boost spirits.     granddaughter and her brother, and
to be 2020, and a faint glimmer of       It has been an enormous delight          I am breaking ground today on the
hope is that NSW has marginally          to witness the support of our            foundations for my new home.
better drought figures, with just        members for each other and their
over 5 per cent of the state no longer
affected by drought with more areas
                                         communities. Also the continued
recovering. The drought-affected
area has dropped to 78 per cent           CWA of NSW Webinars—watch anytime
and drought and intense drought
now under 12 per cent. This is the        GIVIT Webinar—April 2020
glimmer of hope and long-term rain        NSW Manager, Scott Barrett, tells how the GIVIT system works, and
predictions offer more with late                          1
                                          how your local CWA branch can access this free service, to access goods
winter rain.                              required by individuals in your communities.
I have watched with amazement as          Publicity Webinar—April 2020
people have adapted to COVID-19 in
many varied ways. Zoom meetings           Hear from PR company, Seftons, about you can promote your branch
have kept us in touch, sometimes          through local media and social media—great for Publicity Officers or
even more than we were before.            anyone who wants to learn more about publicity.
Livestream funerals mean more             Finance Webinar—May 2020
people at a distance can pay last
respects to friends and colleagues        Hear from Brendan Ryan from Advise & Assist (the CWA of NSW’s
than would previously have travelled      investment advisor) regarding the organisation’s finances and
to attend a funeral. It is still very     investments followed by Q&A with Brendan, the State Honorary
tough for those in close contact          Treasurer and members of the State Office team.
though. Businesses have adapted,          FRRR—June 2020
such as the NRMA doing pharmacy
                                          The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) has distributed
deliveries while not as busy with
                                          nearly $100 million to more than 10,000 projects since 2000 across
road assistance. We are all adapting
                                          rural, regional and remote Australian communities. In this webinar,
to new norms.
                                          FRRR Grants Program Manager, Jacki Dimond, gives tips on planning
But no one can deny the huge              your project and writing a successful grant application.
mental challenges many face with
                                          Wild Dog Webinar—July 2020
isolation, job losses, not being able
to plan futures, especially for those     Presented by Dr Benjamin Allen, Vice-Chancellor’s Senior Research
just finishing school and university,     Fellow (Wildlife Research), University of Southern Queensland. This
and the depression, stress and            webinar outlines some of the impacts of wild dogs across the landscape
anxiety that can result from these        and focus on improved wild dog controls.
                                          All these webinars are available on the downloads section of the website.
COVID-19 support and bushfire             Note: video files are large files (200-500MB) if you are on a limited internet
recovery are still obvious targets for    plan, please choose the smaller audio file to download (30-50MB).
government assistance but we must
4  August 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CEO’s Report
                                         to the next steps with all motions        are also further policy statements
                                         are included in this edition of the       outlining specific actions that we
                                         journal. It is important to note that     think relevant governments should
                                         no motion was deemed to have lost.        take to address this serious issue.
                                         A motion will be deemed to have           Once again we will be relying on the
                                         been carried (by a clear majority and     branches to assist with conveying
                                         minimal abstentions) so that work         our messaging on this and we will
                                         can start on the issue immediately        be in touch with media packs and
                                         or it will need to be carried over        other useful material soon.
                                         into the 2021 agenda for further
                                                                                   News from Executive from our
                                                                                   recent July online meeting is in this
I hope all members are well at this
                                         Moving forward we are all once            copy of the journal. Your Group State
challenging time. As I write, it is
                                         again looking forward to CWA              Executive Committee member can
heartening to see face-to-face
                                         Awareness Week and the associated         help you with any further questions
meeting starting to come back and
                                         campaign for 2020. The year,              you may have about this report. If
hopefully we will see a further move
                                         it’s proposed the focus be on             you are not sure who your State
towards “normal” over the next
                                         domestic violence. This is an issue       Executive Committee member is,
few weeks. During this time we
                                         that affects thousands of families        please be in touch with us at State
have been trying to communicate
                                         in NSW each year. In our most             Office and we can advise you. At
as much as possible with members
                                         recent member survey, 72 per cent         the next State Executive meeting
about what the various COVID-19
                                         of members identified domestic            in November, motions for the 2021
related restrictions mean for
                                         violence as a key campaign issue for      Conference are considered. If your
branches and groups when they
                                         the organisation. In fact, it topped a    branch has a matter they would
are meeting and catering, and
                                         list of advocacy issues for rural and     like debated and discussed at
endeavouring to keep you informed
                                         regional NSW.                             Conference it is important that it
about any changes. Out of necessity,
                                                                                   is taken to your Group Conference
these communications are all done        It should also be 1noted that in this
                                                                                   and if passed, your group then gets
via email. Please ensure that if you     year’s voting on policy motions,
                                                                                   it in prior to the deadline of the 31st
have an email, and you are not           two motions were overwhelmingly
                                                                                   October. There is a guide to writing
receiving these communications           endorsed by voting delegates around
                                                                                   policy motions in the Procedures
that you update your contact details     action on domestic violence. These
                                                                                   Manual that is very useful to read
with us as soon as you can.              were that the CWA of NSW take a
                                                                                   before formulating a motion.
                                         strong stance against domestic
Postal voting has taken place in
                                         violence, and implore members of          Danica Leys,
relation to all of the policy motions,
                                         the NSW and Federal Parliament            Chief Executive Officer
the vote count and the decision of
                                         to recognise this issue as a national
the State Executive Committee as
                                         emergency requiring action. There

 News from State Office
Silver Years and Golden                  CWA of NSW Member’s                       The application form and criteria
                                                                                   can be found in the downloads
Years books to download                  Scholarship                               section of the website. Applications
The Silver Years book (written in        The member’s scholarship is               close 30th September.
1947 to celebrate 25 years of CWA of     intended to provide training and
NSW) and The Golden Years book           development opportunities for up          State Education Grants
(written in 1972 to celebrate 50         to five women a year to advance           Applications for the State Education
years) are now free to download and      particular     women’s          causes,   grants opened on 1 August and close
read. The books are an interesting       particularly in regional, rural or        on 30 September. Applications are
insight into CWA of NSW history          remote areas. Eligibility is limited to   to be sent directly to State Office.
and well worth a look.                   applicants who are active members         Please check your Procedures
To download each book go to              of the CWA of NSW and who have            Manual     for    information   and              held their membership for at least        application forms.
                                         three years.

                                                                              The Country Woman  August 2020          5
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
News from July Executive
Awareness Week                          important that Procedures Manuals       that did not meet this benchmark
                                        are kept up-to-date.                    will be carried over for the 2021
To be held from 6–13 September
                                                                                agenda. No motions were deemed
with the theme ‘Domestic Violence’      Property                                to have been lost. Full results will be
focusing on community discussion,
                                        Potts Point grants were approved        placed in the e-news and journal.
policy    debate     and   renewed
                                        for   the   following     branches:
media focus. There are enormous                                                 State Conference Format
                                        Coonabarabran Evening, Urunga,
opportunities to advocate for
                                        Goolgowi,     Pambula-Merimbula,        The format will remain the same
change and better outcomes for both
                                        Bega and Castle Hill (Kenthurst).       for next year’s conference with the
victims and families, particularly
                                        A reminder that certain property        exception that Cultural, Handicraft,
during the current restrictions
                                        matters that meet criteria (Potts       Hospital Support and The Land
and lockdown associated with the
                                        Point grants, loan applications,        Cookery Committees have been
COVID-19 pandemic. Further details
                                        selling of property, renovation         given permission to open after the
will be sent to branches ASAP.
                                        requests) are now able to be            Official Opening and remain open
Committees                              considered and decided upon             during Conference. The other State
                                        by a sub-committee of the               Committees are to assess their
The    Cultural    workshop     and
                                        State President, State Honorary         opening times after location and
Handicraft workshop have been
                                        Treasurer, CEO and Executive            security has been assessed.
cancelled until restrictions and
appropriate distancing are lifted.      Assistant.                              State Raffle 2021
The International Seminar on
                                        Reports from Outside                    Raffle tickets to be sold online and
Ecuador, scheduled for 8 August,
                                        Organisations                           by paper ticket sales for next year’s
has also been cancelled. Group
                                                                                conference. Please support the
International    Officers    should     Please see your State Executive         State Raffle as it is the Organising
post Group finalists of the three       Committee member for reports            Committee’s fundraising source for
sections—dolls, needlecraft and         on Lymphoedema Action Alliance,         local Conference expenses.
bilums to Lyn Braico by 1 August.       SOS Fracture Alliance, Tocal
                                                       1 Narrabri Gas
                                        Advisory Council,                       State Education Grants
CWA of Australia                        Project,   Commonwealth     Bank        Applicants should use G 21-3-719 to
CWA of Australia provides a             Community Council, Endeavour            apply for a State Education Grant,
newsletter update which is available    Energy Customer Council, National       with the application form (and two
to all members. Please provide your     Council of Women, Australian            letters of recommendation) to be
email address to Adair at State         Communication Consumer Action           sent directly to State Office by 30
Office if you would like to be added    Network (ACCAN), Commonwealth           September.
to the mailing list.                    Day Council and Roundtable on
                                        Aged Care.                              Treasurer
Drought Aid Donations
                                        Social Issues Committee                 Please encourage branches to
Over $18 million has been distributed
                                                                                decide all donations by the end
for drought donations. Due to lack      The Social Issues Committee             of July and forward to your Group
of funding, applications for drought    would like to hear from members         Treasurer. If branches/groups wish
will cease soon.                        if there are any issues in your local   to withdraw funds loaned to the
                                        community or beyond that you feel       Association, then the cut-off date
Medical Research                        the Committee can assist with.          for notification will be Friday 4
Funding for 2019/2020 will be           Particularly issues with Patient        September 2020.
given to the University of NSW to       Transport Service. Is this service
assist with the team’s research into    available in your area? Have you had    Interest on loans to the Association,
endometriosis.                          any issues regarding this service?      will be deposited directly to your
                                        Please let the Committee know.          bank account on Wednesday, 23
Membership                                                                      September 2020.
Life Memberships have been              State Conference Policy
considered. Full details will be made
                                                                                Dates for Executive
available later in the year.                                                    Meetings 2021
                                        Postal    voting     results    were
                                        considered and a benchmark of           15-17 February
Procedures Manual
                                        75% in favour combined with a           2 May (pre-conference)
Updates                                 abstention rate of less than 15% was    19-21 July
Updates are now in the dowloads         applied to motions that would be        15-17 November
section of the website. It is           deemed to have carried. Motions
6  August 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
THE Smart Choice FOR
    Smart Choice FOR SENIORS
As the trusted name in retirement living for more than 15                    simple and affordable weekly fee that covers most of
As the Oak
years, trusted
           Treename  in retirement
                continues   to be theliving for morechoice
                                       dependable    than 15                 simple     and affordable
                                                                             your regular      outgoings.weekly     fee that
                                                                                                             Everything     fromcovers  most of
                                                                                                                                   gardening,    rates
years,  Oak   Tree  continues    to be  the   dependable
for seniors wanting an easier, more affordable lifestyle.      choice        your   regular    outgoings.    Everything     from   gardening,
                                                                             and water to building insurance and recreational facility           rates
for seniors wanting an easier, more affordable lifestyle.                    and   water to
                                                                             operations      isbuilding
                                                                                                           under the and
                                                                                                                                  fee, which facility
With an expanding portfolio of over 30 villages from
                                                                             protected       is covered
                                                                                            under   the    under  the
                                                                                                         Retirement    pre-set
                                                                                                                       Villages   fee,
                                                                                                                                   Act which
                                                                                                                                       for      is
With antoexpanding
Cairns     Hobart, Oak  portfolio of over
                           Tree has         30 villages
                                     a proven               from of
                                                   track record              protected under the Retirement Villages Act for added
Cairns  to Hobart,
understanding     theOak   Treeofhas
                        needs        a proven
                                  seniors,    builttrack
                                                    on a record
                                                           platformof of
certainty,        the needs
            confidence    and of  seniors, built on a platform of
                                credibility.                                 Over the long-term, the unique financial structure of our
certainty, confidence and credibility.                                       Over thewill
                                                                             villages     long-term,    the unique
                                                                                              help insulate          financial
                                                                                                              property    valuesstructure
                                                                                                                                    against theof our
Affordability upfront                                                        villages will    helpwider
                                                                                                    insulate  property
Affordability upfront                                                        volatility   of the          market,  says values
                                                                                                                           Oak Tree against   the
The financial structure of our villages offers a lower entry                 volatility
                                                                             Mark Bindon. of the  wider   market,  says    Oak   Tree  Director,
The  financial  structure   of our villages    offers  a
price than similar homes, while at the same time avoiding lower  entry       Mark Bindon.
                                                                            “Even in recessions, there is always demand for quality
price  than  similar  homes,    while at  the   same
the costs of stamp duty and GST. We offer a choice of   time   avoiding
                                                                            “Even    in recessions,
                                                                             retirement                 there ismaintains
                                                                                             options, which      always demand         for quality our
                                                                                                                              value. Additionally,
the costs
pricing     of stamp
         options        duty
                   to suit theand  GST.ofWe
                                needs          offer aresidents,
                                           different     choice of
                                                                             model is designed for long-term price stability, meaningour
                                                                                             options,  which    maintains     value.  Additionally,   we
pricing  options   to suit the  needs   of different
spreading the overall cost between the upfront and exit residents,
                                                                             are less susceptible to sudden or even slightly prolongedwe
                                                                             model     is designed    for  long-term    price   stability, meaning
spreading    the overall
fees in varying   ratios, cost  between
                           depending    onthetheupfront
                                                  structure and  exit
                                                               chosen.       are  less ofsusceptible
                                                                             periods        economictodownturn.
                                                                                                            sudden orIt’seventhisslightly
                                                                                                                                  model prolonged
                                                                                                                                           that allowed
fees in varying ratios, depending on the structure chosen.                   periods     of economic      downturn.    It’s  this model    that allowed
At Oak Tree, we’re transparent about our pricing so there’s                  us to weather the Global Financial Crisis and remain
At                                                                           us to weather       the Global
                                                                                                       said. Financial Crisis and remain
   needTree,   we’reabout
          to worry    transparent
                             hiddenabout      our pricing
                                      or unexpected          so there’s
                                                           fees. You’ll      strong,”    Mr Bindon
no need                                                                      strong,”    Mr  Bindon    said.
also  havetothe
                 addedabout  hiddenoforknowing
                         certainty       unexpected        fees. You’ll
                                                     the costs               With an uncertain economic outlook, you can have
also have the    added   certainty  of knowing andthe     costs              With an uncertain
associated    with  entering,  maintaining            selling  your villa    confidence       talkingeconomic
                                                                                                      to Oak Tree  outlook,
                                                                                                                     about youryou can
associated    with  entering,  maintaining     and
are all governed under the Retirement Villages Act.   selling  your villa    confidence       talking to  Oak  Tree  about     your  next move.
are all governed under the Retirement Villages Act.                          To learn more about Oak Tree
Ongoing certainty                                                            To    learn more
                                                                             Retirement                   aboutor
                                                                                                     Villages        Oak  forTreea personal
Ongoing certainty                                                            Retirement              Villages       or    for    a personal
For many seniors, the regular costs of living are a common                   tour       call    1300       367    155      or    visit
For manyAt
concern.    seniors,   thewe
               Oak Tree,   regular
                               take costs    of living
                                    this stress     awayarewith
                                                             a common
                                                                 a           tour call 1300 367 155 or visit
concern. At Oak Tree, we take this stress away with a               

Call 1300 367 155
Call 1300 367 155                                                                               The Country Woman  August 2020                    7
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Betty Archdale: Leading the way
The daughter of a courageous                        like Eton and Harrow in fostering        At a time when
suffragette, Betty Archdale excelled                leadership abilities and aiming          less than a fifth
in several fields that rarely admitted              for university entry—she excelled        of the students
women.                                              at sport, became Head Girl and           at       Sydney
At a time when women were more                      matriculated with ease. Keen to          University
readily praised for domestic virtues                broaden her horizons, Betty chose        (then the city’s
than academic or professional                       to study at McGill University in         only university)
achievement,      Betty   Archdale—                 Montreal, Canada, where she gained       were     female,
whose papers are in the State                       a degree in economics and political      she described
Library’s collection—brought to the                 science. On her return to England,       her    Women’s Second Officer Archdale,
                                                                                                               Women’s Royal Naval
conservative heartlands of Sydney a                 she completed bachelor’s and             C o l l e g e Service, c 1939. Courtesy
passionate belief in the importance                 master’s degrees in international        role    as   “an of State Library of NSW
of women’s education and their role                 law at London University and was         administrator with an academic
in civic life.                                      called to the bar in 1937 (one of only   bias” and encouraged the 90
                                                    50 women at the time), practising at     female residents, from all sorts
In 1958, Archdale was appointed                     Gray’s Inn until the outbreak of the     of backgrounds, to pursue equal
headmistress of Abbotsleigh, an                     Second World War.                        opportunities with men in work and
exclusive girls’ school in Wahroonga                                                         study.
on Sydney’s north shore, despite                    Betty travelled to Australia in 1934–
a lack of direct experience in                      35, as captain of the first English      It was also during this time that Betty
secondary education. Then in her                    women’s cricket team to tour             and her brother, Alec, made the
early 50s, and having excelled in the               internationally. The team selectors      revolutionary move towards a more
sporting, military and professional                 saw her as the perfect leader and the    self-sufficient lifestyle, building a
spheres, her personal achievements                  Australian press praised her as a fair   rammed-earth house together at
seem a natural outcome of her early                 and professional player in the wake      Galston, north west of Sydney.
upbringing, which was filled with                   of the acrimonious “Bodyline” series.    Through the 1960s and 70s, Betty
strong female role models.                          She formed enduring friendships          became a radio and television
                                                    with women she met1 on the tour and
                                                                                             personality and much sought-
Born in London in 1907, Helen                       who she identified as “independent
Elizabeth (Betty) Archdale was the                                                           after social commentator. In active
                                                    types”, like Sydney Morning Herald       retirement her influence continued
only daughter of famed feminist                     journalist Kath Commins, Margaret
Helen Archdale. In 1869, her                                                                 to spread, and she served on the
                                                    (Peg) Telfer (later Registrar of the     boards of many organisations and
grandmother had been one of the                     University of Sydney), architect
“Edinburgh Seven”—the first group                                                            wrote two books. She received an
                                                    Barbara Peden and her sister             honorary of Doctor of Letters in
of undergraduate female students to                 Margaret, captain of the Australian
matriculate to any British university.                                                       1985, was voted a “national living
                                                    cricket team from 1934–37.               treasure” in 1998, and was elected as
Betty’s godmother was the renowned
suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst and                  In wartime, Betty served with the        one of the first 10 women honorary
Betty’s earliest memories included                  Women’s Royal Naval Service (the         life members of the Lords Cricket
visiting her mother at Holloway                     “Wrens”) as officer in charge of the     Ground by the Melbourne Cricket
Prison when she was jailed for acting               first group of telegraphists sent to     Ground a year before she died, in
on her suffrage principles.                         Singapore in 1941. Evacuated just        2000.
                                                    before the Japanese invasion, further    Betty Archdale made good use of the
Betty attended her mother’s old                     tours of duty took her to the Middle
school, St Leonard’s, in Scotland—                                                           opportunities secured by the first
                                                    East, Africa, India, and the Pacific.    generation of women’s movement
one of the first girls’ schools to
emulate exclusive boys’ schools                     Awarded the MBE in 1944 for              pioneers—not only through her
                                                    her outstanding service, she was         exceptional work in women’s
                                                    promoted to first officer and sent       education and women’s sport but
                                                    out to Melbourne in charge of all        also by making a niche for herself in
                                                    the WRNS stationed in Australia.         the wider community. “I just happen
                                                    Betty had fully intended to return to    to be lucky enough to be able to
                                                    England but, realising the struggle      follow my own convictions,” she
                                                    it would take to establish herself       reflected.
                                                    as a barrister in post-war London,
                                                                                             Margot Riley, Curator, Research and
                                                    cricket alumnus Barbara Peden
                                                                                             Discovery, State Library of NSW.
                                                    (now Munro) encouraged her to
Betty Archdale at the wicket, c 1935. Courtesy of
                                                    apply for the Principalship of Sydney    © State Library of NSW. Printed
             State Library of NSW                   University Women’s College.              with permission.
8  August 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CWA Awareness Week
Preparations are underway for this       Restrictions and lockdowns related
year’s CWA of NSW Awareness              to the COVID-19 pandemic are
Week from Sunday 6 to Sunday 13          thought to have contributed to
September.                               rates of violence and significantly
                                         reduced victims’ options and ability
This year’s theme                        to seek help, meaning an awareness
In 2020 we are turning our attention     campaign driven by an influential
to the disturbing issue of domestic      organisation like ours is all the more
violence, one that has reached           timely.
crisis levels in communities across      It’s also an issue members have
our state and right across the           identified as of particular concern,
nation. Domestic violence was the        with our most recent member
issue at the centre of a previous                                                  external spokesperson to further
                                         survey showing 72 per cent of
Awareness Week campaign, but                                                       highlight our message.
                                         members highlighted domestic
sadly the problem is as devastating      violence as a key campaign issue
on society today as it was then,
                                                                                   How you can help
                                         for the organisation and in this
and it’s considered the time is          year’s postal voting on future CWA        We’ll be undertaking a NSW-
right to inspire further community       of NSW policy action, members             wide media relations program to
discussion, policy debate and            also overwhelmingly endorsed              generate media coverage for our
renewed media focus.                     two motions calling for a stronger        Awareness Week theme but as is
                                         stance on domestic violence and           the case each year we rely on the
The statistics paint a sobering
                                         more assistance for victims.              support of branches to spread the
                                                                                   message throughout the state.
 ▪▪ One woman is killed every nine       For Awareness Week 2020, CWA of
    days and one man is killed every     NSW advocacy efforts will centre          A briefing kit will be sent to
    29 days by a partner.                around:                                   branches early August, with
                                                                                   kits including a template media
 ▪▪ One in six women and one              ▪▪ More funding1 for front-line          release, media event notification,
    in 16 men in Australia have              workers and services to assist
                                                                                   backgrounder/fact sheet as well as
    experienced physical or sexual           victims, particularly in rural and
                                                                                   tips and suggestions for how you
    violence from a current or               regional areas;
                                                                                   can leverage CWA Awareness Week
    previous cohabiting partner.          ▪▪ More rehabilitation options for       in your local community. Obviously
 ▪▪ Indigenous women are 32 times            perpetrators, particularly in rural   any events this year will be dictated
    more likely to be hospitalised           and regional areas;                   by restrictions associated with
    due to family violence than non-      ▪▪ More temporary accommodation          COVID-19 so this will need to
    indigenous women.                        options for victims and increased     be front of mind when planning
 ▪▪ Domestic and family violence             social housing options that           activities.
    is   the    leading   cause   of         provide a more permanent
    homelessness for women and               accommodation solution for            Thank you in advance for your
    their children.                          women and children escaping           support and participation in this
                                             violence; and                         year’s Awareness Week. Together
It’s disturbing to note that since the                                             we can help raise awareness of the
start of this year to the end of May,     ▪▪ Future community awareness            scourge of domestic violence and
21 Australian women were killed              campaigns        focused        on
                                                                                   advocate on behalf of the thousands
in acts of domestic violence. The            addressing attitudes that can
                                                                                   of victims of this national crisis.
NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and           lead to violence against women
Research (BOSCAR) data revealed in           and children, and programs
June a 4.1 per cent rise in domestic         that identify and address these
                                             attitudes in children and young
                                                                                   Garry Prize Essay
violence in the past two years, with
the issue particularly prominent             adults.                               Entries for the Garry Prize are to
in western NSW where the rate of                                                   be sent to the Editor, Sue-Ellen
                                         We will be providing all branches
domestic violence-related assault is                                               Hogan by 15th February. The topic
                                         with some practical information to
3.6 times the state average. Service                                               is “Resilience of the Australian
                                         refer to or pass on to others who may
providers say these increased rates                                                people!     Drought,    bushfires,
                                         need more support, and we’re also
are not due to poverty, race or a                                                  coronavirus. Can we bounce back
                                         working with Seftons on partnering
lack of education but rather a lack                                                from these natural disasters?”
                                         with a respected domestic violence
of services to assist both victims                                                 Essays are to be 500 words in
                                         support provider and engaging an
and perpetrators.                                                                  length.

                                                                              The Country Woman  August 2020        9
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Country of Study: Ecuador
                          Ecuador is a country in northwest            km in width.
                          South America and translated
                                                                       The      head     of     the
                          from Spanish into English, means
                                                                       Ecuadoran Government
                          “equator”. It is one three South
                                                                       is the President, and the
                          America countries that the equator
                                                                       government is divided into
                                                                       the Executive, Legislative
                          Ecuador is situated along the North-         and Judicial branches.
                          West coast of South America, and             The current President of
                          it borders the countries of Peru             Ecuador is Lenin Moreno,
                          and Columbia. Ecuador’s capital is           who has been in power
                          Quito which is less than 15 miles            since 24 May 2017. Ecuador
                          from the equator. The Galapagos              is divided into 32 limited,
                          Islands are considered a province            self-governing       council
                          of Ecuador. The islands are located          areas       (administrative
                          in the Pacific Ocean, approximately          subdivisions)           and
                          600 miles off the Ecuadorian                 comprised of seven regions
                          coast. Ecuador is divided into 24            with administrative cities
                          provinces. Its three largest cities          in Ibarra, Tena, Riobamba,
                          are Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca.             Ciudad Alfaro, Milagro,
                          With the Andes Mountains and the             Cuenca, and Loja). Ecuador
                          Galapagos Islands, Ecuador is one            is a member of the United
                          of the top tourist destinations in           Nations, Organization of
                          South America.                               American States (OAS),
                                                                                                              the Colonial Period, the War of
                                                                       and World Trade Organization
                          Ecuador is the 9th largest country                                                  Independence, Gran Colombia, and
                                                                       (WTO). In 2008, Ecuador was the
                          in South America and comprises                                                      Simón Bolívar the final separation of
                                                                       first country to recognise Rights of
                          about 2 per cent of the continents                             1                    his vision into what is known today
                                                                       Nature or “ecosystem    rights”.
                          land area. It shares its northern                                                   as the Republic of Ecuador.
                          border with Columbia, eastern and            The official currency of Ecuador is
                                                                                                              Prior to the invasion of the Inca,
                          southern border with Peru with the           the US Dollar. It replaced the Sucre
                                                                                                              the indigenous societies of Ecuador
                          Pacific Ocean on the west. It shares         in 2000.
                                                                                                              had complex and diverse social,
                          the Amazon river with Peru, Brazil
                                                                       The History of Ecuador extends         cultural, and economic systems. The
                          and Columbia. The country has
                                                                       over an 8,000-year period. During      ethnic groups of the central Sierra
                          2,239km of coastline and over 2,000
                                                                       this time, a variety of cultures and   were generally more advanced in
                          rivers and streams. From north to
                                                                       territories influenced what has        organising farming and commercial
                          south (vertical measurement), the
                                                                       become the Republic of Ecuador.        activities, and the peoples of the
                          country measures about 450 km in
                                                                       The history can be divided into six    Coast and the Oriente generally
                          length and between 40 km and 241
                                                                       eras: Pre-Columbian, the Conquest,     followed their lead, coming to
                                                                                                              specialise in processing local
Photo by Bernard Gagnon

                                                                                                              materials into goods for trade.
                                                                                                              The Inca empire expanded into what
                                                                                                              later became Ecuador during the
                                                                                                              reign of Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui,
                                                                                                              who began the northward conquest
                                                                                                              in 1463. He gave his son Topa
                                                                                                              control of the army, and Topa
                                                                                                              conquered the Quitu and continued
                                                                                                              coastward. Upon arriving, he
                                                                                                              undertook a sea voyage to either
                                                                                                              the Galápagos or the Marquesas
                                                                                                              Islands. Upon his return, he was
                                                                                                              unable to subdue the people of Puná
                                                                                                              Island and the Guayas coast. His
                                                                                                              son Huayna Capac, however, was
                                                                                                              able to subsequently conquer these
                                            Inca Ruins: The Temple of the Sun, Ingapirca, Cañar               peoples, consolidating Ecuador
                          10  August 2020  The Country Woman
into “Tawantinsuyu”, the Inca
                      Many tribes resisted the
                      imperial       encroachment,
                      in particular the Cañari in
                      the south, near modern-
                      day Cuenca, and the Caras
                      and the Quitu in the North.
                      However, the Inca language
                      and social structures came
                      to predominate, particularly
                      in the Sierra. To reduce the
                      opposition to their rule, one
                      of the Inca’s tactics included
                                                                        first rebellion against Spanish rule          Incan language—is spoken by the
                      uprooting groups of Quechua-
                                                                        took place in 1809 but only in 1822           Indian population. Besides Spanish,
                      speakers loyal to the empire and
                                                                        did Ecuador gain independence                 ten native languages are spoken in
                      resettling them in areas that offered
                                                                        as part of the Federation of Gran             Ecuador. English is the most spoken
                      resistance, a system called mitma.
                                                                        Colombia, from which it withdrew              foreign language amongst tourism
                      The Saraguros in Loja province
                                                                        in 1830. A long period of conflict and        service providers and professionals.
                      may have their origin from mitmas
                                                                        instability followed, caused mainly
                      relocated from other parts of the                                                               Ecuador’s economy is mainly based
                                                                        by struggles between conservative
                      Inca Empire.                                                                                    on mining, agriculture and fishing.
                                                                        and liberal elements, clerical and
                                                                                                                      The mining and exporting of oil
                      The first Spanish settlement in                   anticlerical movements, and large
                                                                                                                      have played a dominant role in
                      Ecuador was established in 1534 at                landowners and owners of small
                                                                                                                      the country’s economy since the
                      Quito on the site of an important                 farms and plantations. The country
                                                                                                                      early 1970s. Recent years have seen
                      Incan town of the same name.                      was run by dictators and the army
                                                                                                                      Ecuador’s economy depend more
                      Another settlement was established                played an important role in internal
                                                                                                                      and more on the export of cocoa
                      four years later near the river                   politics. During the first century
                                                                                                                      and bananas, of which Ecuador is
                      Guayas in Guayaquil. Expeditions                  of its independence, Ecuador had
                                                                                          1                           the world’s largest exporter and has
                      initiated by Francisco Pizarro,                   changed its constitutions    13 times
                                                                                                                      been for several decades.
                      who discovered and occupied                       and only a small number of its
                      Peru, founded the settlements                     presidents had managed to serve a             Ecuador has substantial petroleum
                      and extended Spanish rule over                    full four-year term.                          resources, which accounted for 40
                      the highland basins and coastal                                                                 per cent of the country’s export
                                                                        The     economic      development
                      lowlands. Ecuador was part of the                                                               income and one-fourth of central
                                                                        associated with the cocoa boom
                      Viceroyalty of Peru until 1740, when                                                            government budget revenues in
                                                                        at the end of the 19th and the
                      it was transferred to the Viceroyalty                                                           recent years. As a result fluctuations
                                                                        first quarter of the 20th century
                      of New Granada (together with                                                                   in world market prices can have a
                                                                        helped to perk up and stabilise the
                      Colombia and Venezuela). With                                                                   substantial domestic impact.
                                                                        country’s administration despite
                      hardly any gold or silver, Ecuador did
                                                                        the recurrent turnover in rulers—18           Until the 1950s Ecuador had few
                      not draw many Europeans settlers
                                                                        presidents between 1897 and 1934              industries. Those that did exist
                      throughout the Spanish colonial
                                                                        and 25 presidents between 1934 and            were engaged mainly in processing
                      period, which lasted until 1822. The
                                                                        1988.                                         agricultural products and the
                                                                                                                      manufacture of textiles, leather
                                                                                             The    first    thing
Photo by “Taty2007”

                                                                                                                      products and some consumer
                                                                                             to realise about
                                                                                                                      goods. The manufacture of straw
                                                                                             Ecuadorian culture
                                                                                                                      hats was the main export industry.
                                                                                             is that it is not
                                                                                             one single culture.      Industry has been developing
                                                                                             Instead it is a whole    since the late 1950s and especially
                                                                                             range of cultures        since the mid-1970s. In addition to
                                                                                             mingled together,        much wider activities in processing
                                                                                             representing             agricultural, marine and forest
                                                                                             every level of this      products, there are modern textile,
                                                                                             very        stratified   chemical, petrochemical, electronic,
                                                                                             community.               steel, shipbuilding and building-
                                                                                                                      material    industries.   Guayaquil
                                                                                             Ecuador’s    official
                                                                                                                      and its environments is the main
                       Carondelet Palace—official residence and principal workplace of the   language is Spanish,
                                                                                                                      industrial centre, with Quito being
                                          President of Ecuador, Quito                        but    Quichua—an
                                                                                                                The Country Woman  August 2020         11
the second most importance.                      As with many other places

                                                                                                                                                                   Photo by Murray Foubister
                            Nearly three-quarters of Ecuador’s               in the world, Christmas
                            industry is concentrated in this                 is celebrated in Ecuador.
                            network of urban communities.                    If you want the best and
                                                                             most original Christmas
                            Small quantities of gold, silver,
                                                                             celebration, you should
                            copper and zinc are produced. The
                                                                             go to Cuenca on the 24th
                            country is known to have deposits
                                                                             December where the Pase
                            of uranium, iron ore, lead and coal.
                                                                             Del Nino is held.
                            The Afro-Ecuadorians that are
                                                                             With the Andes Mountains
                            present in Ecuador today are
                                                                             and the Galapagos Islands,
                            famous for their marimba music
                                                                             Ecuador is considered
                            and many music and dance festivals.
                                                                             one of the top tourist Squirrel monkeys near the Napo River, Yasuni National Park
                            Long before the Spanish conquered
                                                                             destinations in South
                            Ecuador and even before the rise
                                                                             America. Yet, compared with it’s is of 22ºC. The winter lasts from
                            of Incan civilisation, the diverse
                                                                             neighbours, Ecuador is a “lesser December to May and the summer
                            native cultures of the region had
                                                                             travelled” destination on this from June to December. The warm
                            rich musical traditions. Music
                                                                             continent which means that many current known as Niño Stream
                            played an important role in the
                                                                             parts of the country have been causes an increase in rainfall rates
                            ancient Andean people’s lives and
                                                                             undiscovered and unspoiled by between January and May.
                            archaeologists have found some
                                                                             masses of foreign visitors.           The Sierra Region—Those who have
                            very old instruments, such as,
                            drums, flutes, trumpets and other                Ecuador is divided into four never visited Ecuador often imagine
                            musical artifacts, in ancient tombs.             geographic regions: the Coast, it as a jungle land that is in the
                                                                             comprising just over a quarter of the middle of the world, however, the
                            The Ecuadorians have a distinctive
                                                                             country; the Sierra, which extends “Cordillera de los Andes” represents
                            type of dress code. The men and
                                                                             in a double row of mountains and a a large area of the country, with
                            especially the woman in each region
                                                                             narrow uninhabited plateau known volcanoes rising to the sky, the
                            of Ecuador and the Galapagos
                                                                             as the inter-Andean valley; the Cordillera divides the Ecuador into
                            Islands can be easily identified
                                                                             East or Amazon region, east of the two wooded plains with a narrow
                            by their dress as it is displays                                  1
                                                                             Andes; and the Insular   region, aka intermediate strip bordered by the
                            specific cultural diversities that                                                     “Avenue of the Volcanoes.”
                                                                             the Galapagos.
                            are characteristic of that particular
                            region. A major aspect of Indian                 The Coast is a region that is located         Here, one can find flora and fauna
                            identity is present in Ecuador.                  to the west of the Cordillera de los          of indescribable richness that have
                            People that are familiar with the                Andes and is crossed from north               adapted to the low temperatures,
                            native dress can often tell roughly              to south by a mountainous chain               the strong winds, the intense
                            where a person is from, based on                 of minor height, full of extensive            ultraviolet radiance, the rain, the
                            what they wear.                                  alluvial plains. The Ecuadorian               hail, the snow and the great heights.
                                                                             Coast is formed by three main                 In the Sierra, the rainy season
                            Ecuador has some very tasty and
                                                                             ecosystems: the tropical rainforests          or winter lasts from October
                            very strange combinations in their
                                                                             of the north, the tropical savannas           to May, with an average annual
                            cuisine. You can expect to find some
                                                                             of the central and southwest                  temperature that varies from 12ºC
                            lemon marinated shrimps, toasted
                                                                             regions and the dry forest of the             to 18ºC. However, the daily variation
                            corn on the cob and a huge variety
                                                                             western and southern peninsula.               can be extreme, with very hot days
                            of pastries filled with all types of
                            different stuffing.                              Along        the     coastal littoral are     and very cold nights. And yet, some
                                                                                                two       distinguished    people refer to the climate of the
Photo by Murray Foubister

                                                                                                additional ecosystems      Sierra as an “eternal spring”.
                                                                                                characterised by their     The Ecuadorian Amazon extends
                                                                                                animal and vegetable       over an area of 120,000 km² (74,564
                                                                                                communities:        the    miles²) of exuberant vegetation
                                                                                                entrances of mangrove      typical of tropical rainforests.
                                                                                                and     other     areas,   The Andes Cordillera forms the
                                                                                                and     the     beaches    western boundary of this region,
                                                                                                and cliffs known for       while Peru and Colombia form the
                                                                                                their peculiar rock        southern and eastern boundaries
                                                                                                formations.                respectively. The Amazonian rivers
                                                                                                The            average     have washed from the Andes a
                                                                                                temperature       that     great amount of materials, forming
                                Galapagos Giant Tortoise, Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands         prevails in the Coast      alluvial soils and terraces that are

                            12  August 2020  The Country Woman
used for agriculture.                    and dormant volcanoes, and 26           include high fertility rates, lack
                                                                       pristine beaches.                       of access to contraceptives and
                              The average annual temperature
                                                                                                               prenatal care, sexual harassment
                              ranges from 24°C to 25°C. Although       For visitors preferring to explore
                                                                                                               in the workplace, and domestic
                              the months of December to                cities and towns, Ecuador offers
                                                                                                               violence (Ecuador Gender Review).
                              February are the driest, throughout      many rich and diverse cathedrals
                                                                                                               Domestic violence is a particularly
                              the year they are evenly distributed     like the Metropolitan Cathedral in
                                                                                                               pervasive problem; 42-60 per
                              of 300 cm (118 inches) and 400 cm        Quito, monasteries such as the one
                                                                                                               cent of Ecuadorian women have
                              (157 inches) of rain.                    at San Augustine, as well as plazas
                                                                                                               been victims of domestic violence,
                                                                       such as Plaza de San Francisco
                              A visit to the Galapagos Islands                                                 despite the 1995 Law Against
                                                                       in Quito, palaces such as Palacio
                              means exploring nature in its                                                    Violence Affecting Women and
                                                                       Arzobispal and historical parks like
                              pristine, purest state. So much                                                  Children,     which    criminalised
                                                                       Guayaquil Historical Park.
                              so that they motivated the young                                                 spousal abuse, created family
                              English naturalist Charles Darwin,       Women in Ecuador are generally          courts, and gave legal support to
                              who visited the islands in 1835, to      responsible for the upbringing          victims of sexual harassment in the
                              write his famous book entitled The       and care of children and families;      workplace. Additionally, women
                              Origin of Species and the world has      traditionally, men have not taken       receive only 65 per cent of the pay
                              not been the same since.                 an active role. Ever more women         received by men for equal work.
                                                                       have been joining the workforce,
                              Located at 1,000 km (621 miles),                                                 However, many advances have also
                                                                       which has resulted in men doing
                              far from the coast of Ecuador,                                                   been made. The establishment of
                                                                       some housework and becoming
                              this mysterious and fascinating                                                  comisarias de la mujer, or police
                                                                       more involved in the care of their
                              archipelago is composed of 13                                                    stations for women, has provided
                                                                       children. This change has been
                              large islands, six small islands and                                             women with an alternative to
                                                                       greatly influenced by Eloy Alfaro’s
                              more than 40 islets. The entire                                                  remaining in an abusive home
                                                                       liberal revolution in 1906, in which
                              archipelago has a total length of                                                (Ecuador Gender Review). By 2004,
                                                                       Ecuadorian women were granted
                              8,010 km (4,977 miles).                                                          there were over 320 organisations in
                                                                       the right to work.
                                                                                                               Ecuador focusing on the economic,
                              A large part of the archipelago is
                                                                       Ecuador was the first Latin             social and political advancement
                              south of the Equator where several
                                                                       American country to grant women         of women. The most prominent of
                              marine currents converge. In short,
                                                                       the right to vote in
                                                                                          1 1929.              these, the government-sponsored
                              the Galapagos are the fusion of all
                                                                                                               National Commission on Women
                              the elements necessary to create a       Girls tend to be more protected
                                                                                                               (CONAMU), focuses on equal
                              zoological, botanical and geological     by their parents than boys, due to
                                                                                                               opportunities, public policy toward
                              wonder at the same time.                 traditional social structures. At
                                                                                                               women, and providing loans for
                                                                       age 15, girls often have traditional
                              The islands emerged from the                                                     women-owned businesses.
                                                                       parties called fiesta de quince años.
                              Pacific Ocean five million years ago,
                                                                       Quinceañera is the term used for        While Ecuadorian women have
                              as a result of underwater volcanic
                                                                       the girl, not the party. The party      come a long way in the last hundred
                              eruptions. It is the lava formations
                                                                       involves festive food and dance.        years in the social, economic, and
                              and the volcanic rock that gives
                                                                       This coming of age or debutante         political spheres, they still face
                              tourists the impression of being “in
                                                                       party is a tradition found in most      many problems in each of these
                              another world” when they visit the
                                                                       Latin American countries.               areas. Legal rights have not always
                                                                                                               translated to practical freedoms, and
                                                                       Despite the many legal advances
                              Ecuador boasts some of the tallest                                               rural women are disproportionately
                                                                       that Ecuadorian women have gained
                              mountains on the South American                                                  affected by these issues. However,
                                                                       over the past century, many social
                              continent and is home to two World                                               as Ecuadorian women increasingly
                                                                       problems continue to face women
                              Heritage Sites, 11 national parks,                                               hold political office, work outside
                                                                       in Ecuador today, especially in rural
                              nine national ecological reserves,                                               of the home and seek redress for
                                                                       areas. Examples of such problems
                              four biological reserves, 31 active                                              the problems that oppress them,
                                                                                                                        there is hope that they will
                                                                                                                        attain greater equality and
                                                                                                                        influence in the future.
Photo by Rinaldo Wurglitsch

                                                                                                                        https:// blog.tours4fun.
                                                              Quilatoa lake, Cotopaxi region

                                                                                                         The Country Woman  August 2020       13
International Report
It is with a heavy heart that due to     judging for the International           sent in their coupons. Your refund
the current changes in the COVID-19      Dolls, Needlecraft and Bilums will      cheque will be attached to your
health crisis throughout NSW and         now take place in Sydney. Group         booklet. Booklet are due back from
ACT, our International Committee         International Officers will need to     printer on or before 1 August, 2020,
have made the disappointing              post group finalists of these three     so once I have them here, I will send
decision to cancel our International     sections to me by 1 August, 2020.       refund and book to you ASAP. We
Seminar in Dubbo, 8 August, 2020.        My postal address is PO Box 2182,       will post the books back addressed
                                         Normanhurst, NSW 2076. Winning          to you, via your Branch, as noted on
We are now working on a virtual
                                         items for all PNG International         your Registration Coupon. If this is
webinar on the same day with
                                         competitions will be photographed       not convenient for you, please email
the Ecuador Embassy and the
                                         and published in the Country            me your alternative postal address
Ecuadorian presenters so that all
                                         Woman Journal and on our CWA of         ASAP.
the information planned for the
                                         NSW website in the coming months.
seminar will be available to members                                             Please accept my humble apologies,
                                         It is extremely disappointing for
throughout NSW and ACT.                                                          however,      the     International
                                         everyone not to be able to personally
                                                                                 Committee and I feel that we
Also planned are further Zoom            showcase these beautiful entries,
                                                                                 have the responsibility to you and
information        sessions     and      however, circumstances are all out
                                                                                 your family, our members and all
International newsletters to engage      of our control at this moment in
                                                                                 their communities to take this
members with the Ecuadorian              time.
                                                                                 unprecedented action at this stage.
Community. As more information
                                         Members who have registered for
on these initiatives comes to hand,                                              Look forward to talking with you
                                         the Dubbo International Seminar
we will let you know.                                                            soon.
                                         will be refunded all their monies
As the International Competition         except for $20.00 per payment. This     Lyn Braico,
entries for the previous Country         will cover the cost and postage of      State International Officer
of Study, Papua New Guinea, were         the Ecuador Seminar booklet which
to be displayed at this Seminar,         will be posted to1all members who

Handicraft Report
At last we are returning to some         Now, I would like to welcome three      a testing day can be arranged.
normality in our lives. It is so nice    new ladies to the Committee,
                                                                                 Just a reminder to please
to be able to socialise with friends     namely Ruth Shanks AM, Denise
                                                                                 read the 2020/2021 Schedule
and attend meetings. You don’t           Turnbull and Lyn Grady. I hope
                                                                                 thoroughly before entering your
realise how much you take things         these ladies will enjoy their time
                                                                                 items to make sure they comply
for granted until it is taken away       with us.
                                                                                 with all requirements. It is very
from you.
                                         At the AGM I was returned as            disappointing to have an item
The Handicraft Committee held            Chairperson, Pam Wright agreed to       disqualified if it does not comply.
their AGM via Zoom on 16th June,         be Secretary for a further 12 months    Also, don’t forget the items that
2020. This year we lost three very       even though her three years was up      would have been entered in the
capable and valuable members from        and Trudi Tritschler was returned       2019/2020 Competition, which was
the Committee, namely Sandra             as Treasurer. Sandy Tebbet was          cancelled, are also eligible to enter
Hunter, Ailsa Stewart and Leona          elected as Shop Convenor and Anne       in the 2020/2021 Competition.
Steen. I, for one, am very sorry to      Williamson is Workshop Convenor.
                                                                                 The Committee will be meeting
see them leave. Both Sandra and
                                         The Handicraft Committee is very        again in September and all being
Ailsa’s knowledge of handicraft was
                                         short on judges, especially in the      well we will be able to meet face-
of so much help to the Committee
                                         South Coast and Far South Regions.      to-face at State Office.
and Leona did a great job as our
                                         If there is anyone from these areas
Shop Convenor. On behalf of all the                                              Stay safe and be happy.
                                         interested in sitting first for their
Committee I would like to sincerely                                              Diana Frost,
                                         Proficiency Certificate and then
thank these three ladies for all their
                                         their Judges Badge, please contact      Chairperson
work and time they have given to
                                         our Secretary, Pam Wright, so that
the Handicraft Committee.

14  August 2020  The Country Woman
Show Catering                                                                      at State Office. Meantime we all
We held our AGM via Zoom on 1 July       of CWA blue and yellow colours.
and the following were elected:          An example pattern and picture            appreciate our new found lockdown
                                         is below this report. Thank you in        skills such as Zoom meetings. Every
Chairman: Rowena Casey
                                         anticipation and happy knitting!          cloud has a silver lining!
Secretary: Tracey Bonfante
Treasurer: Lynne White                   The Committee will meet again in          Rowena Casey,
Volunteer     Supervisor:  Cheryl        February 2021, hopefully this time        Chairperson
Congratulations were extended             Pocket Koala for 2022 Easter Show
to Margaret Breust who has been
                                          8 ply yarn—No 9 (3.75) needles
a very energetic member of our
Committee. Margaret’s departure           Stocking Stitch for face and jumper, Garter Stitch
now    brings     the     Committee       for pants.
numbers down to 12; however, we           Cast on and cast off loosely.
are hopeful there will be some more       Grey—Cast on 14 stitches, Stocking Stitch 18 rows
nominations and that we can get           Light Blue or Gold—Cast on 5 stitches at beginning
our numbers up to the required 17.        of next two rows. Knit 8 rows
Various jams and pickles which had        Cast off 5 stitches at beginning of next two rows.
been made for the 2020 Show and           Knit 2 rows
which had accumulated at State            Dark Blue—Knit 12 rows. Then on first 7 stitches
Office have been sold with the            knit 25 rows. Leave on spare needle. Repeat on next
Committee particularly grateful to        7 stitches. Knit across all stitches. Knit 12 rows
Diana Whitton of Mascot Evening           Light Blue or Gold—Knit 2 rows, Cast on 5 stitches
Branch for her efforts in this regard.    at beginning of next two rows. Knit 8 rows. Cast off
Diana has raised over $2,500—thank        5 stitches at beginning of next two rows
you Diana.                                Grey—Knit 18 Rows. Cast off.
We are hoping to put together a           Sew up inside leg,1  side seams, arms and sides of
special “CWA Centenary Showbag”           head.
for the 2022 Royal Easter Show and        Fill through top of head. Sew across head corners
are now asking members if they            for ears then across top of head.
could knit a CWA koala for us for         Run thread around neck and draw up firmly
the bag. We would like a mini koala,      Embroider face in black and “CWA” on chest.
no more than 6 inches/15 cm in
length with a grey head and body          Tie—Crochet a chain and tie around neck. Attach to back of head.

 The Land Cookery Report
Look at what we all have achieved in     Another hint for the Tarragon Jelly,      only your branch members.
this COVID-19, whether it has been       which is in the recipe, is to put fresh   When filling your jars, especially
cleaning out cupboards, gardening,       tarragon in a little orange juice in      chutney, jars should be well-filled to
or, as I see on Facebook, some           the freezer. Oranges are at their best    allow for shrinkage of the contents.
fantastic cooking.                       now. Maybe you have a few sprigs
                                                                                   I know a lot of branches have a day
It’s so good to see members trying       left on your bush but not ready to
                                                                                   to do all their cooking to be judged,
the new recipes. There have been         make jelly just yet.
                                                                                   ready to go to group. That makes a
some lovely examples of the Cherry       The Banana Bread challenge is on.         lot of cooking to be done for a one-
Blush Cake. The best way to stop the     If you missed it in the last journal,     day competition. Our branch has a
cherries sinking is to wash, dry, than   the challenge is to see which branch      couple of items judged throughout
add a little flour from your amount      in the state can produce the most         the year at each meeting. We always
before adding into your mixture. This    Bannana Bread entries for their           have the pudding and fruit cake
cake is a special 70 year recognition    branch competition. I will recognise      for our October and November
of The Land Sponsorship (for one         this at the State Conference. I have      meeting, this way we have it for our
year only).                              had some great feedback so far,           Christmas baking.
The Carrot and Ginger loaf has been      keep it up. Remember that anyone
                                         can enter The Land Cookery                Denise Hawdon,
popular also—make sure it has the
lemon icing for your competition.        competition so it doesn’t have to be      Chairperson
                                                                            The Country Woman  August 2020         15
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