CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

Page created by Samantha Webb
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW


      Woman             Volume 62 No 04    August 2021

 Country of Study 2021: Malaysia
        For all Women of NSW and the ACT
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Country Women’s Association of NSW Contacts
State Office                   State President                State Vice President    
Level 2, 244 Coward St         Stephanie Stanhope             Ann Adams, OAM                    Hospital Support
Mascot NSW 2020                Ph: 0429 161 038               Ph: 0428 387 753                  Committee Secretary
PO Box 222                          Elisabeth Hodgson
Mascot NSW 1460                                                                                 Ph: 02 4972 6176
                               State Honorary Secretary       State Vice President
Ph: 02 8337 0200                                                                      
                               Margaret Breust                Judy Houghton
Fax: 02 8338 1595
                           Ph: 02 6342 3205                  Agricultural &
                               0424 685 789                  Environmental Committee

Honorary Editor                                               Chief Executive Officer           Secretary
                               State Honorary Treasurer
Sue-Ellen Hogan                                               Danica Leys                       Robin Godwin
                               Sharyn Buck
PO Box 1070                                                                                     Ph: 02 6888 5647
                               Ph: 0410 694 910               Cultural Committee
Tamworth NSW 2340                                                                     
0409 929 632                   State International Officer    Yvonne Davis                      “The Land” Cookery
                               Sue Armstrong                  31 Tripoli Way                    Committee Secretary
Communications and                                            Albion Park NSW 2527
                               Ph: 0427 359 926                                                 Mary Hollingworth
advertising                                                   Ph: 02 4256 4541
                                                               Ph: 0429 345 255
Leah Gaskell                                          
Ph: 02 8337 0200               State Agricultural &
communications@cwaofnsw.       Environmental Officer          Show Catering Committee
                                                                                                Social Issues Committee                         Margaret Barrett               Secretary
                               Ph: 0428 285 296               Tracey Bonfante
Association Patron                                                                              Maggie Kyle
                               Ph: 0402 508 856
Her Excellency the                                                                              Ph: 0423 623 382
Honourable Margaret            State Social Issues Officer                                      maggiekyle2750@gmail.
                                                              Handicraft Committee              com
Beazley AC QC, Governor of     Bronwyn Dunston
New South Wales                Ph: 02 6576 4070
                                                              Ruth Shanks, AM
                                                              Ph: 02 6882 4917

Cover: Perhentian Islands, Malaysia. Back Cover: Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

►► The Country Woman is the official publication of the Country Women’s Association
   of New South Wales.
                                                                                                      Honour to God
►►Average Circulation: 8,210 (September 2020)                                                      Loyalty to the Throne
                                                                                                  Service to the Country
►►Article Submission Information: Members are welcome to submit articles for
  publication. Articles must be received by the 10th day of the month prior to                   Through Country Women
  publication and have a limit of 150 words. Please send articles by email or post to              For Country Women
  the Editor’s home address.                                                                        By Country Women

►►The views expressed in The Country Woman are not necessarily the views of
  the Association. Acceptance of advertising for The Country Woman does not                        Photo Guidelines
  constitute endorsement of the advertisers’ products or services by the Association.
  The contents of this magazine are covered by copyright, but may be reproduced                   Photos for The Country
  by any Country Women’s Association of NSW Branch or Group. The Honorary                             Woman must be
  Editor reserves the right to select and edit materials submitted for publication. No             either full sized digital
                                                                                                    photos (sent via USB
  responsibility can be accepted for loss of photos.
                                                                                                      or attached to an
►►Privacy Policy: The Country Women’s Association of NSW collects members’                        email) or professionally
  personal details and maintains a database in the Association’s office. The Country                 developed original
  Women’s Association of NSW will never sell or give away personal member                          prints. Photos printed
  information. Any information provided to the Association by members will only be                  on home printers are
  used to assist the Association in providing and enhancing membership services and                     not suitable.
  to refer new members to the Country Women’s Association of NSW.                                  When posting photos
                                                                                                     please do not write
                                       directly on the back of
                                                                                                    photos. You may add
                      @cwaofnsw                                    labels or Post-It notes.

2  August 2021 The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter                4
CEO’s Report                            5
News from July Executive                6
CWA Awareness Week                      7

Using the Internet                      8
Country of Study: Malaysia              10
Committee Reports                       13
Singing with the Wind                   18
Advocacy Update
Winning Ballad
                                                                     10                               18
10 Steps to Better Sleep                22
Group Conference Dates                  23
Welcome New Members                     24
From the Archives                       25
Sudoku                                  26
Telstra Update                          27
Celebrations                            28
Story of the Month                      28

                                                                     22                               25
From our Branches                       29
From our Groups                         32

 From the Editor
In late June, New South Wales         Evening Branch’s July meeting,        is wonderful to see that they have
once again moved into restrictions    which was held via Zoom to talk       been able to stay connected and
across the state and our hearts       about the Editor role and discuss     support one another while they
go out to those most severely         ideas about content and articles      cannot meet in-person.
affected by lockdowns in Greater      for the Journal. The Central Coast-
                                                                            Wherever you are across the state
Sydney and Western NSW. Our           based branch has gotten creative
                                                                            at the moment, I hope you have
members once again are looking        during the lockdown period,
                                                                            been able to find ways to stay
at how they support one another       running an online lucky door
                                                                            connected to your fellow branch
and their communities and how to      raffle to do a little branch-based
                                                                            members and communities. Stay
adapt their activities to meet with   fundraising and stay connected
                                                                            strong! Hopefully this tough time
restrictions.                         when they had to cancel their
                                                                            will pass again soon.
                                      handicraft day. Between these
Last month, I had the pleasure of
                                      initiatives and online meetings, it   Sue-Ellen Hogan, Hon Editor
being the special guest at Terrigal

                                                                        The Country Woman  August 2021     3
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter
                                        be holding our branch and group
                                        AGMs. Are members encouraged            Disaster Relief Fund
                                        to apply for positions? Are they
                                        then supported if they are voted        The CWA of NSW Disaster Relief
                                        into these positions? Or are they       Fund     allows  tax-deductible
                                        criticised for the way they do the      donations to be made to support
                                        job. It may not be done the way         people in need.

                                        someone else would do it. Should        If you would like to make a
                                        they be criticised and harassed         tax-deductible     donation      to
                                        because     they   do    something      the Disaster Relief Fund please
As I am sitting here contemplating      differently? No, they should be         complete the details below and
how to begin this report, I wonder      encouraged and supported.               you will be provided with a receipt
how others envision what is the         Change can be positive, new ways        for taxation purposes.
Country Women’s Association of          can build on old, as the world
NSW. What is it that draws anyone       around us faces new challenges and      Name ________________
to become a member?                     we learn different ways of engaging     ____________________
I am thankful for my friend Daphne      and supporting our members and
                                        our communities.                        Address: _______________
for asking me to join. Not just for
what the Association could do           As we move towards our centenary,       ____________________
for me, and it has done a lot, but      may the next few months be months
for what I could do within the          of growth—membership growth,            Email: _________________
Association as part of the broader      personal growth, celebration and        I wish to make a gift of: $ _____
community. I did not expect to          support for those stepping up
find such a diversity of amazing        into new roles, and growth as we        Please make cheque or money
talented and gifted women. I have       learn new ways to deal with the         order payable to CWA Disaster
been offered encouragement and          challenges, we all face in NSW at       Relief Fund and send to:
support, through personal adversity     this time.
and in personal growth.                                                         CWA of NSW,
                                        There are far better thing ahead        PO Box 222
Would I have joined if I had not        than anything we leave behind.—C.S.
                                                                                Mascot, NSW, 1460
been asked? Probably not. Are           Lewis
there others in our communities                                                 Donations of $2.00 or more are
waiting to be asked? Not everyone
is outgoing and confident, and may      Stephanie                               tax-deductible.

need the nudge to make that initial
step, some need asking more than
once. Some need to be picked up          Letter to the Editor
and actively included to see how         In May 2021 we recognised Reconciliation Week, a time for all Australians
they may fit in. Some need to see        to learn about our shared history, culture and achievements.
that we are about advocacy and
engagement, not just cooking and         The CWA of NSW recently passed a motion to endorse greater education
handicrafts, that we are a part of an    and understanding of our First Nations People and consultation with
international community of women.        our local Indigenous people.
How welcoming is your branch?            The Uluru Statement of the Heart (2017) has won the prestigious
Are you inclusive and encouraging?       Sydney Peace Prize, which recognises a significant project or enterprise
Do you show there are different          in Australia. This choice was described as a “stand out winner for its
pathways to join in, and that            dedication to bringing Australia’s First Nations people together in a
different talents that can be            clear and comprehensive agenda for healing and peace” (Sydney Peace
celebrated, shared and nurtured?         Foundation).
Is there mutual respect between
                                         The CWA of NSW is to be congratulated for moving towards an
generations, both age and length of
                                         understanding of what reconciliation means. We must not be afraid of
membership? Do you acknowledge
                                         change. We must walk together in this movement for all Australians.
that everyone has a part to play
within the Association and everyone      Lyn Haynes
has different skills to offer?           Ilawarra Group State Executive Member
                                         Keiraville Branch
Time is approaching when we will
4  August 2021  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CEO’s Report
                                        There is a full advocacy update        At the next State Executive meeting
                                        later in the journal covering more     in November, motions for the 2022
                                        specifics in relation to our efforts   Conference are considered. If your
                                        on level crossing safety, expired      branch has a matter they would
                                        petroleum exploration licences         like debated and discussed at
                                        (PELs), the need for registered        Conference it is important that it
                                        nurses to be in nursing homes 24/7,    is taken to your Group Conference

                                        inland rail and coercive control in    and if passed, your Group then
                                        domestic relationships.                gets it in to State Office prior
                                                                               to the deadline of 31st October.
                                        The July State Executive meeting
                                                                               There is a guide to writing policy
It’s hard to believe that we are back   has once again taken place over
                                                                               motions in the Procedures Manual
in lockdown again in the middle         Zoom, and a copy of News from
                                                                               which is very useful to read before
of 2021. As I write there have also     Executive is included in this issue
                                                                               formulating a motion. We look
been a number of confirmed COVID        of the journal and covers a range of
                                                                               forward to receiving these motions
cases noted in regional NSW, which      topics. Your group’s relevant State
                                                                               for a very exciting and historic year
is cause for concern. I do hope all     Executive Committee Member will
members are staying safe and well.      be able to answer any questions
                                        that you might have in relation to     Danica Leys,
We continue to communicate with         the State Executive matters.
branches and members about what                                                Chief Executive Officer
the restrictions and rules mean
for branch and group activities,
and it is important that the advice      Information for Treasurers
provided is followed at all times.        ▪▪ TheTreasurer’s role and responsibilities can be reviewed in the
Please ensure that your branch              Procedures Manual: G 2-4-712
stays up-to-date with the latest
health advice and any associated          ▪▪ Please write your receipts on the day when money is received; when
                                             checking your bank statement any direct deposits must also be
restrictions that appear on the
                                             receipted. Date the receipt on the day the money was transferred
NSW Health website. All branches
                                             into the account.
should have a COVID Safety Plan in
                                          ▪▪ Whenever any money is counted, please make sure it is in a safe place
                                             out of view of the public. There needs to be two persons counting
Awareness Week 2021 is again                 this (not a family member), on the day, preferably before leaving the
approaching and this year the                event.
organisation is proposing to focus        ▪▪ Please make sure you reconcile you CWA Money/books every month
on the need for more social and
affordable housing. The campaign          ▪▪ All payments should be passed at a meeting or ratified at the next
                                            meeting if due in between meetings e.g., electricity account.
will particularly highlight the need
for social and affordable housing         ▪▪ Writethe cheque number on receipt/tax invoice when they have
options in rural and regional               been paid and keep your records together
NSW, and the fact women over 55           ▪▪ Complete your fundraising sheet G 11-2-1107 for all raffles conducted
are the fastest growing group of            with CWA of NSW Raffle Tickets. There is an electronic version of
homeless people in Australia. As an         this form (aqua tab) in CWA Money
issue, it’s felt there are enormous
opportunities for the CWA of NSW          ▪▪ If you have an enquiry about CWA Money or a Group Treasurer is
to advocate for change and better           unfamiliar with using Dropbox to upload your Group’s CWA Money
outcomes for those in desperate             files, please email
need of affordable and social            Sharyn Buck
housing options. The dates for
Awareness Week this year have been       State Honorary Treasurer
set for the 5th–11th September.
Advocacy work continues as usual,        E-news for Members
and work has begun on progressing        The E-news contains information and events relevant to CWA members.
the many and varied policy matters       If you do not already receive the E-news, email communications@
that were recently discussed and with “subscribe” in the header, along with your
passed at the annual Conference.         membership number. Other important updates are also sent regularly.

                                                                          The Country Woman  August 2021        5
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
News from July Executive
Asbestos Register                      interest rate to be 1.5% and the        The State Conference format is
                                       on-call interest rate to be 0.5%—to     to remain the same, with State
Inspections                            be confirmed when the June 2021         Committee displays to open after
Environmental        and      Safety   figures are released on 28 July.        the Official Opening and items from
Professionals (ESP) has commenced                                              Committee displays to be collected
surveys of CWA owned properties        International                           on Thursday afternoon.
across NSW. This will mostly be an

                                       Two donations to Love Mercy             Please support and promote the
update on the original register that   Foundation and Médecins Sans            sale of State Raffle tickets for our
they undertook in 2015/2016.           Frontières were ratified.               Centenary Conference which will
Awareness Week                                                                 be sold completely online. Full
                                       Membership                              details to be provided in September
This is an important opportunity       Life Memberships were considered.       when the raffle goes live.
for the CWA to highlight an issue      Full details will be made available
of urgency, and this year it is        later in the year.                      State Treasurer
proposed the focus be on the need
                                       Membership fees and whether there       A workshop has been scheduled
for more social and affordable
                                       should be a standardised branch fee     in the Northern Tablelands on
housing. The campaign would
                                       to be discussed at branch and group     18 August. Workshops are being
particularly highlight the need in
                                       meetings, with further discussion       planned in September in the
rural and regional NSW, and the
                                       to take place at the next State         following    Groups—Castlereagh,
fact women over 55 are the fastest
                                       Executive meeting.                      Oxley and Hume with an invitation
growing group of homeless people
                                                                               extended to Riverina to join, and
in Australia.
                                       Procedures Manual                       then South West Group. If any
CWA Awareness Week will be held        Updates                                 other groups would like Treasurer
from the 5th–11th September,                                                   Workshops, please contact the
focusing on the theme “social and      Updates are on the CWA of NSW           State Treasurer.
affordable housing”. Further details   website. It is important to keep your
                                       Procedures Manuals up-to-date.          If your group or branch wishes
will be sent to branches shortly.
                                                                               to draw down on funds from your
Centenary Update                       Property                                investment with the Association,
                                                                               the request must be notified no
Work continues on the history          A Potts Point grant was approved
                                                                               later than close-of-business Friday,
book, 100-year badges have been        for Braidwood Branch.
                                                                               3rd September 2021.
designed and purchased and the
100-year logo has been finalised.      Reports from                            Interest on Loans to the Association
                                       Representatives on                      will be deposited directly to your
COVID Update                           Outside Organisations                   nominated bank account on Friday,
                                                                               24th September 2021.
All branches should have a COVID
                                       Reports provided:
Safety Plan in place if they are                                               Branch Treasurers should start to
meeting and it is our strong           ▪▪ SOS Fracture Alliance                organise auditors now for early
recommendation that all branches       ▪▪ Narrabri Gas Project Community       October so books can be with the
set up and utilise QR Code check in.     Consultative Committee                Group Treasurer ready for the
The laws around QR Code check-                                                 Executive meeting starting 15th
ins have changed to capture a much     ▪▪ Commonwealth                Bank     November.
wider cross-section of settings          Community Council
that require Service NSW check-in      ▪▪ Endeavour    Energy    Customer      Dates for Executive
procedure to take place.                 Council                               Meetings 2022
CWA of Australia                       ▪▪ NSW   Nurses and Midwives’           14-16 February
                                         Association Roundtable on Aged
                                                                               1 May (pre-conference)
Information will be provided             Care.
to branches directly about the                                                 18-20 July
importance and benefits of CWAA        State Conference                        14-16 November
as well as further information in      More than 100 items of coverage         The deadline for agenda material
relation to the future of CWAA.        around the Conference were              is two weeks prior to any Executive
                                       captured by media monitoring with       meeting. Only Conference matters
                                       a total publicity value generated of    are considered at the pre-conference
Loans to the Association—fixed         more than $1.5 million.                 Executive meeting
6  August 2021  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CWA Awareness Week
Awareness Week 2021                         fastest growing cohort.
Preparations are underway for this       ▪▪ Unequal pay, the accumulation of
year’s CWA of NSW Awareness                 assets and superannuation gaps
Week from Sunday 5th September–             are seen as the biggest drivers
Saturday 11th September 2021.               for the financial disadvantage
                                            these women experience. This
                                            is compounded by situations of

This year’s theme
                                            family violence, where women
“At crisis point” is how Australia’s        are often forced to choose
social and affordable housing               between      homelessness     and
situation has been described with           returning to an unsafe place.
an urgent need to dramatically
increase the nation’s housing stocks     ▪▪ About one-third of low-income
                                            renters spend about 30 per cent
for the most vulnerable—the old,                                                How you can help
                                            of their income on housing—even
the young, the unemployed, low-
                                            after deducting rent assistance     We’ll be undertaking a NSW-
income earners and those living with
                                            payments.                           wide media relations program to
disabilities—in our communities.
This is the issue we’ll highlight this
                                         ▪▪ CHIA NSW says regional              generate media coverage for our
                                            towns      and   country   areas    Awareness Week theme,t but as is
Awareness Week with a particular            are being ignored in debates        the case each year we rely on the
focus on the need in rural and              around housing and housing          support of branches to spread the
regional NSW, and the fact women            affordability—when 1 in 3 new       message throughout the state.
over 55 are the fastest growing             social and affordable homes         A briefing kit will be sent to
group of homeless people in                 needed in NSW by 2036 are           branches this month, with kits
Australia.                                  outside of Sydney.                  including    a  template    media
The statistics emphasise the stark       For Awareness Week 2021, CWA of        release, media event notification,
reality of the current situation:        NSW advocacy efforts will centre       backgrounder/fact sheet as well as
 ▪▪ According to a NSW Council of        around:                                tips and suggestions for how you
                                                                                can leverage Awareness Week in
    Social Services (NCOSS) report,
    released in April 2020, there was
                                          ▪▪ Echoing calls from a raft of       your local community.
                                             organisations, including CHIA
    a shortfall of more than 200,000         NSW and NCOSS, which are
    social and affordable homes              calling on the NSW Government
    in NSW and almost 60,000                 to establish a fund for an
                                                                                 Membership for
    households were waiting for              additional 5,000 social housing     2020/2021
    social housing. Waiting times in         properties a year for the next
    certain regions of the state can                                             The   membership       fee   for
                                             10 years, as well as additional     2021/2022 is due on 1st October
    be as long as 20 years.                  affordable rental housing.
 ▪▪ The data for this report was          ▪▪ Joining the push for the            1 Year—$43.00
    gathered before COVID-19 hit,            government to identify more         3 Years—$129.00
    with experts warning these               government-owned           land
    figures would be exacerbated.                                                Life Members (Conference Fee
                                             and properties that could be
    “The      economic      downturn                                             and TSP only)—$6.50
                                             converted to social housing to
    expected as a result of                  respond to growing demand           Full Time Student (under 25
    COVID-19 will increase that              for permanent housing for           years)—$33.50
    need dramatically again, well            thousands of people in NSW who
    beyond the immediate crisis”—                                                Note: Branch and group fees
                                             are now in temporary shelter.       may also be payable with your
    Community Housing Industry
    Association (CHIA) NSW.               ▪▪ Pushing for superannuation          membership. Please check with
                                             reforms and improvements to         your branch.
 ▪▪ In 2018, the Australian Bureau of        the rental assistance scheme
    Statistics (ABS) estimated there         that would assist financially-
    were 116,000 homeless people
                                                                                 Ways to pay
                                             vulnerable women.
    in Australia at any given time                                               You can pay your membership
    spread throughout our cities,         ▪▪ Joining the call for an urgent      directly to your branch or you
                                             review of affordable housing        can renew online by logging into
    suburbs and regions, with the
                                             contribution schemes—to which       the website and selecting “My
    data in 2018 also showing women
                                             developers contribute through       Account”.
    over 55 years of age were the
                                                                           The Country Woman  August 2021     7
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Be Connected: Using the Internet
Here are some helpful tips about             colour.                                   copyright, such as Spotify or
what how to get the most from the         ▪▪ A link is sometimes a button or an        iTunes for music, and ABC iView
internet.                                    image on the page.                        or YouTube for video.
About the internet                        ▪▪ Sometimes, a link changes colour       Many websites have terms and
                                             when you move the mouse cursor         conditions which you should read
There are lots of things you can do          over it.                               before agreeing to anything.
on the internet.
                                          ▪▪ Usually, the mouse cursor               ▪▪ Terms and conditions are the

You can:                                     changes to a hand with a pointing          rules which govern how you can
 ▪▪ Keep in touch with family and            finger when it’s over a link.              use the website.
    friends.                              You can make it easy to return             ▪▪ Be sure to read the terms and
 ▪▪ Manage your finances with online      to a site by using Bookmarks or               conditions if you are going to
    banking.                              Favourites.                                   sign up or register for something
 ▪▪ Do your shopping online and have       ▪▪ Bookmarks and Favourites are              online.
    it delivered to you.                      names used by different web           Using search engines
 ▪▪ Keep up with the news, or find out        browsers for the same function.
                                                                                    Search engines help you find what
    about things that interest you.        ▪▪ They are shortcuts to a website.      you’re looking for on the internet.
To explore the internet, you first         ▪▪ On a Windows computer, you             ▪▪ There are many search engines,
need to connect to it. You can do             save a bookmark by clicking the
                                                                                        including those from Google,
this in a few ways:                           star on the browser Address bar,
                                                                                        Yahoo and Bing.
 ▪▪ Use your home computer through            and confirming the name and
                                                                                     ▪▪ To start a search, type what you
    a broadband connection.                   location.
                                                                                        want to know more about into
 ▪▪ Use a wireless or Wi-Fi connection    If you need to print a web page, there        the Search box and click on the
    from a café or library.               are a few options to choose from:             magnifying glass.
 ▪▪ Use your smartphone by                 ▪▪ Use the Print button on the web        ▪▪ If you want to search for a phrase,
    connecting through the 3G and             page if there is one.                     put it in “quotation marks” (use
    4G phone network.                      ▪▪ If not, use the Print button in the       the marks with two strokes).
Computer viruses from the internet            web browser if there is one.              Otherwise the search will be for
can damage your computer or steal          ▪▪ Select Print in the File menu of          the individual words.
your personal information but there           the browser.                           ▪▪ The results of your search will be
are things you can do to protect                                                        presented as a list. There might
yourself.                                 Playing by the rules

                                                                                        be some advertisements, or
 ▪▪ Use virus protection software to      The laws of copyright apply even to           sponsored links at the top of the
    protect your computer.                the internet.                                 list, before the real search results
 ▪▪ Windows 10 computers come              ▪▪ Text,       images, It is against         appear.
    with some virus protection                music, TV shows the law to
    software.                                 and films on the copy, edit or        Using website addresses
                                              internet are often                    and bookmarks

Getting around online                                              reproduce
                                              copyrighted.                          If you already know the web address
Websites are places where you can          ▪▪ The copyright without                 you want to visit, you won’t need a
find information on the internet.             symbol        often                   search engine.
Here are some ways you can find a             shows           that permission
website:                                      something         is                  ▪▪ 1. Type the website address into
                                                                                       the Address bar of a web browser.
 ▪▪ Type in an address into your web          protected by copyright. Even if
                                                                                       This is near the top of the browser
    browser. For example:            the symbol is not present, you
                                                                                       window. Click in the Address bar                                   should assume the content is
                                                                                       to start.
 ▪▪ Type words into a search engine,          copyright protected.
                                                                                    ▪▪ 2. You can skip the http:// at the
    such as Google or Bing.                ▪▪ It is against the law to copy, edit
                                                                                       start. The browser will add that
 ▪▪ Use a Bookmark or Favourite to            or reproduce content without
                                              permission. If you want to use           for you.
    save websites for easy access.
                                              content from a website, you           Free courses can be found at https://
You can often move around the                 should ask permission.      
internet just by clicking on web links.
                                           ▪▪ There are many ways of accessing
 ▪▪ A link is often just text that’s          content       without     breaking
                                                                                    © Commonwealth of Australia 2018.
                                                                                    Printed with permission.
    underlined or in a different

8  August 2021  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
                         Staying Connected
                         Staying Connected
Retirement is a time of great change, and while                         Oak Tree keeps you connected
most people look forward to these years as a time                       At  Oak  Tree,    we don’t    just build villages, we build
to start living is a   time
                    life        of great
                           to the          change,
                                    full, many        and while
                                                 seniors    find it     Oak   Tree    keeps    you connected
most    people    look     forward     to these   years   as a time     communities. You’ll have facilities and activities
can be increasingly isolating.                                          At
                                                                        thatOak  Tree,
                                                                              make     theweprocess
                                                                                              don’t just   build villages,
                                                                                                        of creating     a newwe     build
to start living life to the full, many seniors find it                  communities.        You’ll  have   facilities   and   activities
can  be members
          increasingly   are isolating.
                               busy with their own lives, we            circle easier. Be as social as you like and enrich
lose the daily interaction with work colleagues,                        that make
                                                                        your           the process
                                                                               retirement     doing moreof creating     a new social
                                                                                                               of the things     you love.
          members areopportunities
                               busy with their    own lives,
social                                         diminish,         we     Another benefit of social connection and
                                                                        circle  easier.   Be  as   social  as   you  like  is theenrich
                                                                                                                                   sense of
lose  the  daily   interaction      with  work   colleagues,            your retirement       doing    more of the
can start losing our loved ones. But at Oak Tree, the                   security    it provides,    particularly    in things    you love.
                                                                                                                        your senior    years,
social  engagement          opportunities      diminish,
                                                  villagesandcanwe      Another
community       nature of       our retirement                          knowing you have a close-knit community aroundof
                                                                                   benefit    of social   connection       is the  sense
can  start  losing     our    loved   ones.  But  at
help you foster that crucial connection and greatly   Oak  Tree,  the   security    it provides,    particularly    in of
                                                                                                                        your   senior years,
                                                                        you provides       a comforting      feeling       support.
community       nature      of  our  retirement   villages
enhance your quality of life, whether you’re single or       can        knowing you have a close-knit community around
help  you foster     that later
                              crucial  connection and greatly           We
                                                                        you also   knowathat
                                                                             provides             being close
                                                                                             comforting            to your
                                                                                                             feeling          external
                                                                                                                       of support.
partnered    into your              years.                              support networks is vital. That’s why we build our
enhance your quality of life, whether you’re single or                  We   also in
The  importance
partnered    into your of companionship
                             later years.                               villages       the that
                                                                                            areasbeing     closeto
                                                                                                     you want      tolive
                                                                        you’ve put  networks     is vital.
                                                                                        down roots.     WeThat’s     why we
                                                                                                              encourage      youbuild
                                                                                                                                   to our
Social   connection       is
The importance of companionshipknown to have a wide variety
                                                                        villages   in  the  areas    you  want    to live
                                                                        welcome friends and family to your villa, or make  and    where
of physical and mental benefits. While interactions
Social   connection       is known                                      you’ve   put purpose-built
                                                                                        down roots. We        encourage      youWe to also
help keep    our bodies        active, to  have aimportant
                                        equally     wide variety
                                                               is the   use of the                        village   facilities.
of physical    and    mental     benefits.   While   interactions       welcome
                                                                        understand that the loyal companionship ofmake
                                                                                      friends   and   family   to  your   villa, or   pets
role it plays in keeping our brains active.            Engaging
help our
             our bodies        active,  equally  important              use
                                                                        can of   the purpose-built        villageandfacilities.
                                                                                                                         so we We     also
with                can help      reduce    the risk  of heartis the          contribute     to good health,                      actively
role it plays   in  keeping      our  brains  active.  Engaging         understand       that  the   loyal  companionship
                                                                        support friends of the furry variety in our villages.     of  pets
disease, dementia and Alzheimer’s to name                  a few.
with our peers can help reduce the risk of heart                        can contribute to good health, and so we actively
At a time   in  your    life   where   there  are  fewer  things        With
                                                                        supporta network
                                                                                    friends ofof new    and old
                                                                                                  the furry        friends,
                                                                                                               variety   in ourOak  Tree will
disease, dementia and Alzheimer’s to name a few.
you have to do, social engagements provide a                            help you stay active and connected in your senior
At a time   in your life       where                                    With
                                                                        years,a and
                                                                                 network      of new    andofold   friends,    Oak Tree
                                                                                                                                    that awill
sense   of purpose,       and    help there
                                       stave are
                                              off fewer   things
                                                   feelings   of                        give you    peace       mind    knowing
you  have   to  do,   social    engagements       provide   a           help   you   stay   active   and  connected       in
                                                                        caring neighbour or helping hand is never far away.   your  senior
isolation, emptiness and depression.
sense of purpose, and help stave off feelings of                        years, and give you peace of mind knowing that a
            emptiness of social     connection is the sense
                               and depression.                          For more
                                                                        caring           information
                                                                                 neighbour      or helping handabout      Oak far
                                                                                                                       is never    Treeaway.
of security it provides, particularly in your senior
Another    benefit that
years, knowing        of social     connection
                              help is              is the anything
                                       at hand should      sense        Retirement Villages phone
                                                                        For more information      1300
                                                                                              about Oak367
of security
happen to you. it provides,      particularly   in  your senior         or visit
years, knowing that help is at hand should anything                     Retirement Villages phone 1300 367 155
happen to you.                                                          or visit

Call 1300 367 155
Call 1300 367 155                                                                        The Country Woman  August 2021                 9
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Country of Study: Malaysia
Continent: Asia                          and Borneo’s East Malaysia.             the year.
Region: Southeast Asia                   Peninsular Malaysia has a land and      Peninsula Malaysia
                                         maritime border with Thailand and
Highest point: Mount Kinabalu (4 ·
                                         maritime borders with Singapore,
095.2 m)
                                         Vietnam and Indonesia. East
Lowest point: Indian Ocean (0 m)         Malaysia shares land and maritime

Longest river: Rajang River              borders with Brunei and a maritime
                                         border with the Phillipines and
Largest lake: Kenyir Lake (manmade       Vietnam.
lake), Bera Lake (natural lake)
                                         Kuala Lumpur is the largest city
Dynamic cities, fabulous food,           where gleaming 21st century towers             Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
beautiful beaches, idyllic islands and   stand beside colonial shop houses
national parks with wildlife-packed      and lush greenery with traditional      131,000 square km—accounts for 40
rainforests—all of this can be found     wet markets and air-conditioned         percent of the country’s landmass.
in Malaysia. Malaysia is a land of       mega-malls.      The       Malaysian    Several mountain ranges run north
diversity with a long and colourful      population is over 32 million.          to south along the backbone of the
history.                                                                         peninsula and a narrow causeway
                                         The Government of Malaysia,
                                                                                 connects it with Singapore to the
                                         officially the Federal Government
                                                                                 south. A wide, fertile plain extends
                                         of Malaysia (Malay: Kerajaan
                                                                                 along the West Coast alongside
                                         Persekutuan Malaysia), is based in
                                                                                 the Malacca Straits. Alternately, a
                                         the federal territory of Putrajaya
                                                                                 narrow coastal plain runs along the
                                         while the      legislative branch is
                                                                                 East coast beside the South China
                                         located in Kuala Lumpur.
                                                                                 East Malaysia
                                         Enjoying tropical weather year-
                                         round, the climate is often quite
     Kota Iskandar, Nusajaya, Malaysia   humid. Rainfall averages are very
Malaysia     is  a    Constitutional     high and humidity is often close to
Monarchy which is a blended form         a suffocating 90 per cent. About 60
of government in which a king            per cent of the country is considered
or queen with limited political          to be rainforest. Weather differs
power rules in combination with a        between the two Malaysian states
legislative governing body such as       on Borneo. Sarawak gets more                   Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
a parliament which represents the        rain; dry season is June to August.
desires and opinions of the people.                                              198,000 square km—lies east of
                                         Peak monsoon season is from
                                                                                 Peninsular Malaysia across the
Malaysia consists of 13 States and       November to January. The highlands
                                                                                 South China Sea. It occupies a broad
three Federal Territories. It is         experience cooler temperatures
                                                                                 strip from the westernmost to the
separated by the China Sea into two      although elsewhere temperatures
                                                                                 northernmost tip of the island of
regions namely Peninsula Malaysia        vary from 20°C to 30°C throughout
                                                                                 Borneo. Dense jungles, rugged
                                                                                 conditions and tropical rainforests
                                                                                 cover East Malaysia. Most local
                                                                                 native transportation is via the river
                                                                                 networks. The monsoon season is
                                                                                 between September and December,
                                                                                 while on the east coast and Sabah
                                                                                 and Sarawak, the rainy season is
                                                                                 October to February.
                                                                                 Like China and India, Malaysia was an
                                                                                 ancient trading place. The arrival of
                                                                                 Europeans meant Malacca became
                                                                                 an important trade port. Malaysia
                                                                                 is located on a strategic sea lane
10  August 2021  The Country Woman
that exposes it to global trade and      Malaysia is multicultural and            more.
various cultures. Strictly, the name     multi-ethnic but it is mostly an
                                                                                  In the second world war the
“Malaysia” is a modern concept,          Islamic country. Standards of dress
                                                                                  Japanese     Army      invaded     and
created in the second half of the 20th   and behaviour are conservative
                                                                                  occupied Malaya, North Borneo,
century. However, contemporary           in many areas. This includes at
                                                                                  Sarawak and Singapore for over
Malaysia encompasses the entire          religious sites. Visitors must respect
                                                                                  three years. Ethnic tensions rose
history of Malaya and Borneo,            local traditions, customs, laws and
                                                                                  and nationalism grew. After being
spanning thousands of years back to      religions. If in doubt, get advice
                                                                                  re-conquered by the Allied forces,
prehistoric times.                       from locals. Around fifty per cent of
                                                                                  popular support for independence
                                         the population is ethnic Malay with
The earliest anatomically modern                                                  grew. Plans by the British to unite the
                                         minority groups such as Chinese,
humans skeletons were found in                                                    administration under the Malayan
                                         Indian and indigenous people
Peninsular Malaysia. Perak Man                                                    Union met with stiff resistance
                                         making up the balance. The official
dates back 11,000 years and Perak                                                 especially from the Malays and
                                         language is Malaysian; however,
Woman dates back 8,000 years.                                                     strong opposition of granting
                                         English     remains      the   second
Discovered in Lenggong, the site                                                  citizenship to ethnic Chinese. In
                                         language. While Islam is recognised
has an undisturbed stone tool                                                     February 1948, the Federation of
                                         as the country’s established religion,
production area where equipment                                                   Malaya restored the autonomy of
                                         the constitution grants freedom of
such as anvils and hammer stones                                                  the rulers of the Malay states under
                                         religion to non-Muslims.
were created. From East Malaysia                                                  British protection. Between 1948-
at Sarawak’s Niah Caves, there           Government                               1960 the Malaysian Communist
is evidence of the oldest human                                                   Party under the leadership of
                                         The government is modelled on the
remains in Malaysia, dating back                                                  Chinese rebels commenced an
                                         Westminster parliamentary system
40,000 years                                                                      insurgency campaign to force the
                                         and the legal system is based on
                                                                                  British out of Malaya. A long anti-
The term “British Malaysia” loosely      common law. The Head of State
                                                                                  insurgency campaign was then
describes a set of states on the         is an elected monarch, chosen
                                                                                  fought by Commonwealth troops in
Malay Peninsula and the island of        from among the nine state sultans
Singapore that were brought under        changing every five years. The Head
British control between the late 18th    of Government is the Prime Minister.     The Sultanate of Malacca helped to
to the mid-20th century. There were      Malaysia is a founding member of         spread Islam throughout Malaysia
British protectorates with their own     ASEAN, EAS, OIC and a member of          not long after the life of Prophet
local rulers, as well as the Straits     APEC, the Commonwealth and the           Muhammad and slowly began
Settlements, which were under the        Non-Aligned Movement.                    the creation of Muslim towns
sovereignty and direct rule of the                                                and kingdoms. Perhaps the most
British Crown.                                                                    important of these kingdoms was
                                         Traditionally fuelled by natural         the Sultanate of Malacca in the
Peninsular     Malaysia      became
                                         resources, the economy is expanding      mid-1400s. Islam was introduced to
the Malayan Union in 1946 and
                                         in the areas of science, tourism,        Malaysia by Arab, Persian and Indian
restructured as the Federation
                                         commerce and medical tourism.            traders who controlled trade on the
of Malaya in 1948 achieving
                                         It is considered one of the leading      Straits of Malacca. The people who
independence     on    31     August
                                         medical destinations in South-East       brought Islam were traders first
1957. Malaya united with North
                                         Asia and is known for providing          and missionaries second. Hinduism
Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore
                                         surgeries ranging from weight loss       and Buddhism were already well
on 16 September 1963 and Malaya
                                         to plastic and cosmetic surgery;         established in Southeast Asia. The
became Malaysia. On August 9, 1965,
                                         cardiology; stem-cell; radiology;        name Malacca derives from the
Singapore was expelled from the
                                         bariatric    surgery;   rhinoplasty;     Arabic word Malakut—meaning
federation. This was due to deep
                                         tummy tuck; hair transplant and          marketplace.
economic and political differences.

                                                                            The Country Woman  August 2021          11
450), at Art. 4—Capacity of married
                                                                                   Females have a lower literacy rate
                                                                                   (90.7 per cent) compared to males
                                                                                   (95.4 per cent). Malaysia has in recent
                                                                                   years invested in the education of
                                                                                   both sexes; and as a result, more
                                                                                   girls are now studying at university

                                                                                   Primary education in Malaysia
                     Tun Sakaron Marine Park, Semporna, Malaysia
                                                                                   begins at age seven and lasts for six
                                                                                   years—Year 1 to Year 3 are classified
Sexual harassment is common, and            their partners. Domestic violence is
                                                                                   as Level One (Tahap Satu) while Year
since 2010 trains on the Malaysian          increasingly seen as a public issue:
                                                                                   4 to Year 6 are considered as Level
Railway    have   included   pink-          Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO)
                                                                                   Two (Tahap Dua).
coloured women-only cars as a               has introduced a SMS helpline for
means of cutting down on it. There          victims of domestic violence.          Dress
are also women-only buses in Kuala                                                 The main communities of Malaysia
                                            Sex trafficking
Lumpur—since 2010. In 2011, the                                                    are Malay, Chinese and Indian, each
government launched a women-                Some women and girls have
                                                                                   of which has its own traditional
only taxi service in the greater            been victims of sex trafficking in
                                                                                   clothes. Most Malaysians dress like
Kuala Lumpur area and have women            Malaysia. They have been forced
                                                                                   westerners. It is mostly on special
drivers, and operate on an on-call          into prostitution and marriages
                                                                                   occasions that citizens wear the
basis.                                      in Asia and other continents and
                                                                                   traditional dress of Malaysia. All
                                            are physically and psychologically
Female genital mutilation (FGM)                                                    the multi-ethnic traditional clothes
is practised in Malaysia, with an                                                  of Malaysia are multi-coloured,
estimate of more than 90 per cent           Marriage and family life               indicative of their culture and
of women from Muslim families                                                      radiating vibrancy.
                                            Malaysian culture suggests a
having undergone the practice.                                                     The traditional attire of Malay men
                                            “respectful attitude to a husband”.
Reasons cited for the performance                                                  is called baju melayu, a loose tunic
                                            “Malaysian wives don’t argue and
of FGM include religious obligation,                                               paired with trousers and a sarong
                                            often make compromises, especially
hygiene, cultural practices, and the                                               which is known as sampin. Men
                                            if the man is not commanding, but
belief that it prevents pre-marital                                                also wear the traditional hat, called
                                            asking her kindly. They perfectly
sex. The extent of the practice is                                                 songkok or kopiah with it. Some
                                            match the men who want to have a
not fully known and FGM is widely                                                  men prefer wearing batik shirts with
                                            calm and friendly family”. According
viewed as a religious obligation.                                                  trousers.
                                            to Malaysian traditions, women are
In 2009, the Fatwa Committee
                                            housewives. However, the Malaysian
of Malaysia’s National Council of                                                  The ancient traditional dress for
                                            Government supports women in
Islamic Religious Affairs ruled that                                               Malay women was kemban, which
                                            Malaysia concerning their rights
FGM was obligatory for Muslims,                                                    included sarongs tied above the
                                            to advance, to make decisions,
but that harmful forms of it must be                                               chest. The current traditional dress
                                            to health, education and social
avoided.                                                                           for women is baju kurung, which
                                            welfare, and to the removal of legal
                                                                                   comprises of a knee-length, full-
Domestic violence                           obstacles. The Ministry of National
                                                                                   sleeved blouse and a long skirt
                                            Unity and Social Development was
Women in Malaysia have certain                                                     called kain. The skirt is pleated on
                                            formed in 1997 (formerly known in
protections from domestic violence                                                 one side and is usually accompanied
                                            1993 as Women’s Affairs Secretariat
including the Domestic Violence                                                    by a scarf on the head. A semi formal
                                            or HAWA) followed by the formation
Act 1994. Women may charge their
                                            of the Women’s Affairs Ministry
husbands for acts of abuse such
                                            in 2001 recognising the roles and
as physical violence or threats.
                                            contributions of Malaysian women.
Previously, the only criminal offence
with a marital exemption was                Under the Islamic Family Law, the
rape. However, Malaysia outlawed            wife’s maintenance by her husband
marital rape in 2007. According to          is conditioned by her obedience.
one study, in Malaysia, 39 per cent         However, some rights of the wife—in
of women above 15 years of age              regard to property, court cases, and
have been physically abused by              bank accounts—are protected by
                                            the Married Women Act, 1957 (Act.              Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia

12  August 2021  The Country Woman
version is the kebaya, which is a         ▪▪                    Rain forest fauna includes seladang
tight-fitting two piece costume.          ▪▪ w w w . Y o u T u b e . c o m /               (Malayan bison), deer, wild pigs,
                                             JackiemFood                                   tree shrews, honey bears, forest
                                                                                           cats, civets**, monkeys, crocodiles,
Malaysian food is strong, spicy           ▪▪                     lizards, and snakes.
and aromatic, combining the rich          ▪▪
                                                                                           ** A civet is a small mostly nocturnal
tastes of the many herbs and spices       ▪▪                        mammal native to tropical forests in
commonly found in Southeast Asia.
                                         Flora and Fauna                                   Asia and Africa. A civet is fox-like
It is one of three major cuisines in
                                                                                           in face and size, with distinctive
Malaysia, and together with Chinese
                                                                                           markings. It belongs to the viverrid

and Indian food, continually delights
                                                                                           family, which has been in existence
visitors to the country with its
                                                                                           for the last 40-50 million years.
incredible variety and flavours.
                                                                                           Their musky scent is prized by
Malaysian food is heavily influenced
                                                                                           perfume makers.
by Thai, Chinese, Indonesian and
Indian cuisine. These influences                                                           For further information on Malaysia:
extend from the use of the wok to
                                                                                           Tourism Malaysia:
the combinations of spices used
in many popular dishes. The best
known example in Australia is the                                                          Sue Armstrong
popular spicy noodle soup laksa,                                                           State International Officer
of which there are two main types,       Red leaf monkey in the Danum Valley rainforest,
                                                       Sabah, Malaysia                     References:
curry laksa and asam laksa.
                                         About 70 per cent of Malaysia                     Wikepedia
For viewing live episodes on Street                                                        Smart traveller
                                         consists of tropical rain forest.
Food Journeys, visit                                                                       World atlas
                                         In Peninsular Malaysia, camphor,
 ▪▪            ebony, sandalwood, teak, and many
                                                                                           Lonely planet
                                                                                           Islamic history
    MalaysianCuisine                     varieties of palm trees abound.                   Thought Co.

 International Report
Hello CWA members,                       Networking Reception 2021”. We                    going with making Bead necklaces
                                         also accepted an invitation from                  from Malaysia? I am testing myself
Due to the restrictions in the
                                         The Department of Foreign Affairs                 out by buying beads from Spotlight
COVID-19 health crisis throughout
                                         and Trade for the launch of Australia             but remember you don’t need
NSW and ACT, our International
                                         Now Malaysia. This is the Australian              expensive ones. Cheaper options
Committee made the disappointing
                                         Government’s Flagship diplomacy                   are available and you can purchase
decision to cancel our International
                                         program, celebrating Australia’s                  jars of beads at some op shops.
Seminar. Instead we will be holding
                                         deep economic, scientific and                     Don’t forget you have to find an
a virtual webinar on 7th August 2021
                                         cultural links with Malaysia. Sadly,              authentic style from Malaysia. One
with the Malaysian Embassy and
                                         both of these events were casualties              suggestions is Borneo Beads—they
the Malaysian Tourism & Education
                                         of the COVID lockdowns and were                   look awesome. You could try doing
presenters so that all the information
                                         postponed to a later date.                        an online search for “borneo beads”.
planned for the Seminar is available
                                                                                           Judging is on authenticity and
to members.                              Our Malaysian contacts from the
                                                                                           workmanship. Here’s some ideas:
                                         High Commission and Malaysia
The Malaysia Seminar book is                                                               ht tps://
                                         Travel are so excited to be featured
amazing with all sorts of information                                                      story/little-known-secrets-of-the-
                                         and studied by the CWA. In the
as well as recipes. It is an amazing                                                       beads-of-borneo
                                         coming months I have much to bring
tool for you and your branch. We
                                         to you on their behalf and I know it              I look forward to sharing my
always have a few extra books on
                                         will be an informative year for us all.           International year with you. Should
hand if you want to buy one and they
                                                                                           you require any information please
cost $20.00 each which includes          The     International   Handicraft
                                                                                           email me on cwaofnsw.intl@gmail.
postage. Please order through the        Competition     2021/2022   is   a
seminar coupon in the June Journal.      traditional Malaysian necklace.
                                         Maximum Size 30cm x 30cm (a                       Hugs to all,
On your behalf, both Lyn and I
                                         frame is not necessary). For More
accepted an invitation from the                                                            Sue Armstrong
                                         Information see I 1-14-719 in the
Malaysian High Commission to                                                               State International Officer
                                         Procedures Manual. How are you
attend a function “EID Business
                                                                                    The Country Woman  August 2021         13
Show Catering Report
As I write it is nine months until the    updated pattern which you can use         effort. We really want it to continue
2022 Royal Easter Show and already        for any future koalas.                    and for it to be the great success it
we are making plans for a bumper                                                    has been in the past. Please come
                                          The CWA Tea Room is a wonderful
show. It will be a celebration of                                                   and join us. If you are not able to do
                                          event for CWA on many counts.
200 years of the Royal Agricultural                                                 this, then please encourage others
                                          It is a great PR exercise for the
Society (the RAS) and 100 years of                                                  to volunteer.
                                          Association, it is a chance to catch
the CWA of NSW.

                                          up with friends and make new ones,        Rowena Casey
To be a bumper show we                    and it is our biggest fundraising         Chairperson
desperately need helpers. We
need our complement of 17 on the
Committee and we need a small              Pocket Koala for 2022 Show—update
army of volunteers. There are
still places on the Committee so           Use 8 ply yarn. No 3 needles (10).
please give serious consideration          Wool colours: grey, yellow, dark blue.
to nominating. There is great              Stocking stitch for body. Ears and paws garter stitch.
camaraderie amongst the members.
                                           Grey—Cast on 8 stitches. Work row 1. 2nd row
We work hard but we do have a fun
                                           increase 1 stitch end of row and then 4th and 6th
                                           row = 14 stitches. Work 12 rows—18 rows.
The volunteers are the backbone of         Yellow—work 10 rows
our operation. As well as members,
we are very grateful to have friends       Dark blue–work 12 rows. Then on first 7 stitches
of CWA, family, spouses. All are           knit 20 rows, leave on spare needle. Repeat on next
welcome and receive free entry to          7 stitches. Stocking stitch across all stitches—work
the Show on the day of their shift.        12 rows.
As well, each volunteer will receive       Yellow—work 10 rows
a free ticket for each shift worked        Grey—work 12 rows. Row 13 cast off 1 stitch each end. Row 15 and 17
in a draw for a fabulous prize. It is a    repeat. Work 1 row = 18 rows altogether. 8 stitches left—cast off.
day on a yacht on Sydney Harbour
                                           Ears–knit 2. Cast on 14 stitches, knit 6 rows. 7th row knit 2 together to
for the volunteer, plus four friends
                                           end of row—7 stitches left. 8th row slip 1, knit 2 together, psso to end m
including morning tea and lunch.
                                           kit 1-3 stitches left. Break off yarn, leaving a long end run year through
I am busy making jam at present as         remaining stitches, draw up to form ear.
no doubt many of you are. Please           Paws—knit 2. Cast on 4 stitches, kit 18 rows, cast off. Double over and
set aside some for the 2022 Tea            sew around to form paw.
Room if you can. The public simply
                                           To make up. Sew legs inside out, pull to right side, then insert paws on
love your jam and pickles and it all
                                           chest (yellow) and sew from right side and the same with the ears. Leave
sells like hotcakes.
                                           top of head open to fill with wadding, then sew closed. Embroider face
Thanks to everyone who has made            with black cotton or wool. Finish paws with black claws. Embroider CWA
pocket koalas already for the              on chest.
showbag. We will let you know              Tie—Crochet a chain and tie around neck. Attach to back of head.
the best way of getting these to
us closer to the time. Below is an         It might be easier to work the face before sewing together.

 Four Square Metre rule—essential for meetings
  Branches who are able to meet, must follow the 4                metres) by 4 to calculate the maximum number of
  square metre rule.                                              people allowed.
  Calculate your area                                        Example
  1. Measure the length of your space.                        ▪▪ Length = 8 metres
  2. Measure the width of your space.                         ▪▪ Width = 10 metres
  3. Multiply the length by the width to calculate the
      area in square metres.
                                                              ▪▪ Square metres: 8 x 10 = 80
  4. Divide the area of your space (calculated in square
                                                              ▪▪ Maximum number of people: 80/4 = 20 people

 For the latest information see: Breach of a public health order attracts heavy penalties.

14  August 2021  The Country Woman
Agricultural & Environmental
I am writing this report following my     of purchase” is still an essential      many areas including contractors,
first Agricultural & Environmental        criteria.                               horticultural industry and skilled
Committee meeting this morning. It        The Inland Rail Parliamentary           labour such as managers.
was disappointing to have to cancel       Committee continues to meet             Unfortunately,      this      year’s
our face-to-face meeting; however,        and is working through further          Agricultural    &    Environmental
due to technology we were able to         submissions. Recently a tour of the     seminar had to be cancelled due to
continue via Zoom.

                                          impacted area was facilitated by        COVID-19 restrictions. Thank you to
Despite the cooler weather and            CWA and attended by committee           Joy Beames for the time and effort
substantial falls of rain across the      members meeting with affected           spent in coordinating this seminar.
state, the dreaded mice plaque and        landholders.                            I would encourage members to email
its impact on individuals, businesses     The shortage of seasonal workers        myself with items of interest or
and communities continues to              is a concern as we start planning       issues for the Committee to review.
be a hot topic. It’s pleasing to see      for the coming harvest. Availability
that the NSW Government mouse             of suitable staff is crucial not only
                                                                                  Margaret Barrett, Agricultural
control rebate is now available;          for harvest but for the longevity of    & Environmental Officer
however, disappointing that “proof        agriculture. This shortage affects

 State Cultural Report
The Cultural Report for the July          Awards, there was only time for the     are Australian Landscape, Animal
Executive    Committee        meeting     briefest of reports. It was a great     Study, Still Life and Works on Paper.
began, “Thank God we all survived         pleasure to welcome Samantha            Miniatures will either be painting
the State Conference at Bega!” This       Chan, representing sponsors Scott &     only, 6 x 9cm (excluding frame)
reflected a huge sigh of relief in the    Broad, who presented prizes to the      or, no larger than 16cm including
face of ongoing COVID uncertainties       winners that were in attendance and     the frame. It was pleasing to note
and challenges. Significant thanks        Denise Fergusson who personally         that Mixed Media, the new Section
are due to the women on the               gave out the Fergusson Trophy.          introduced last year, had the most
Conference Committee, and their           Focussing on the future, the            entries. Hopefully response to a new
assistants, for maintaining the           Committee is currently in the           Schedule will prove equally positive.
protocols that kept us all safe for the   process of reviewing the Art            The Committee is seeking member
duration of the gathering.                Schedule. Rather than basing the        input prior to our next meeting. If
Thinking back to May, having the          completion on techniques, which is      you wish to, please promptly address
freedom to meet together, even if         more in keeping with art teaching,      your comments to the Secretary,
it was socially distanced, reminds        the draft proposal aims to be           Mrs Yvonne Davis, 31 Tripoli Way,
us what a wonderful time this was.        more imaginative by introducing         Albion Park NSW 2527 or email,
Apart from the cold, we were entirely     “any medium” Sections. The Open
satisfied with the art and literature     Section would become genuinely          Stay safe, go well and be creative.
displays, and the compliments             “Open”—any medium; any subject.         Eva Campbell, Chairperson
expressed by fellow members and a         Other Sections under consideration
significant number of Bega District
locals who took the opportunity                       CWA Cultural Competition Entry Form
to drop in and have a look at the          Name:__________________________________________________
Exhibition. The judges’ assessment
of the overall quality of the works on     Branch: ________________________ Group:__________________
display was also pleasingly positive.            Poem       Bush Ballad  Senior Short Story
Congratulations to everyone who                  Junior Short Story: age___________________
entered, and especially to all prize                                Tick applicable section
winners. Thursday’s Cultural Report
and Prize Giving went off a bit like       I do/do not give permission for my work to be printed in
a steeple chase; a speedy gallop           “The Country Woman” (please circle)
between hurdles such as slides and
announcements out of sync and              Please attach to front of entry. Please photocopy this
two awards slipping into a single          coupon if you have more than one entry. Forward entries to
envelope! Given the number of              Cultural Committee Secretary by 15th November.
                                                                            The Country Woman  August 2021        15
Handicraft Report
Firstly, I want to remind everyone         The Committee felt that we needed        member, for all her hard work,
who will be entering a piece of work       to stipulate the size of cardboard       dedication and commitment she has
in the 2022 Competition that the           for the brooches and by changing         given to the Handicraft Committee
Schedule to follow is the one printed      “piece of embroidery” to “piece of       and we wish her well in her new
in the June 2021 Journal, not the          needlework any medium” it gave           position as Wanthella’s State
April 2021 edition. There were a few       members more scope to work with.         Executive Committee Member.
errors printed in the April Journal

                                           A very successful workshop was           I also want to thank the ladies from
which have now been corrected in
                                           held at the Terrigal CWA Rooms           Terrigal Evening Branch for inviting
the June Journal. So please make
                                           on 15th June. Fifteen ladies learnt      us on the Wednesday night to join
sure your entry complies with the
                                           how to do Mosaic Crochet taught          them for Soup and Sweets. It was
correct schedule.
                                           by Tracy Bonfante. The following         such a happy and friendly night and
There are two sections in next year’s      day we ran a techniques/refresher        at the conclusion of sweets we had
schedule that were changed slightly        course. Five ladies sat for their        a question and answer session. All
at our meeting on the 17th June that       proficiency certificate and three        round, a very enjoyable evening.
I want to draw your attention to:          ladies sat for their judges badge. All
                                           test papers to date have not been        In August, the Committee will be
BRANCH CHALLENGE—4 Brooches                                                         travelling to Wagga Wagga for our
                                           marked. Hopefully we will have
any medium. Attached to a piece of                                                  next meeting on 17th August as
                                           some new judges out of this testing.
cardboard to now read “4 Brooches                                                   well as running a refresher/judges
                                           On 17th June the Committee held
any medium. Attached to a piece of                                                  workshop on the 18th August and
                                           their ordinary meeting followed by
cardboard no larger than A4”.                                                       two Handicraft Workshops, namely
                                           our AGM. I was returned as Chair,
CLASS F: 2022 SPECIAL SECTION              Ruth Shanks, AM, as Secretary            Beading and Catherine De Medici
Centenary      piece.  Piece      of       and Denise Turnbull as Treasurer.        Embroidery on 19th August. These
embroidery depicting Australiana no        Anne Williamson is our Workshop          workshops are now full.
larger than 25cm x 25cm finished, to       Convenor and Sandy Tebbutt our           Hoping to meet up with some of you
now read “Piece of needlework any          Shop Convenor.                           in Wagga Wagga.
medium depicting Australiana no
                                           I would like to thank Pam Wright, our
larger than 25cm x 25cm finished.”                                                  Diana Frost, Chairperson
                                           retiring Secretary and Committee

 Hospital Support Report                                                            John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle
We held our AGM on 19th May 2021           Miracle Babies Foundation while
where all positions were filled. We        children’s clothes and beanies were      and the occasional time we need
said farewell to outgoing office           put aside for Streethearts who help      to shop for items to complete the
bearers Sue Hutchinson and Kerry           families in crisis in the Sydney area.   Mother & Baby packs.
Tomlins with a big thank you from                                                   Feel free to look up the Hospital
                                           The following week nine kilograms
all of on the Hospital Support                                                      Support Committee information on
                                           of children and adult beanies were
Committee;        your    contribution                                              the CWA website; it’s really easy to
                                           delivered to Ronald McDonald
was amazing. We welcomed new                                                        navigate. Until next time.
                                           House at Randwick. We were also
members to our Committee from
                                           pleased to answer the request for        Susan Shearwood
Phillip and Wollondilly Groups,
                                           some warm rugs for children at           Chairperson
and we are all looking forward to
                                           Stewart House in Manly.
the centenary year of CWA. We
unpacked and sorted boxes of               In mid-June breast cushions were
donations that had arrived since our       posted to McGrath Breast Care
last visit in February. They are now all   Nurses at Mildura and Sale; we’re
carefully stored away until we meet        so glad we can help where there is
again in August when we plan to            a need.
start packing Mother & Baby Packs
                                           Thank you, members from around
to stock our shelves in readiness
                                           NSW, for your donations of beautiful
for distribution to both NSW and
                                           items as well as your monetary
our neighbours in the South Pacific.
                                           donations that are invaluable for our
A large postbag of premmie baby
                                           ongoing sponsorship of a Ronald
clothes and teddies was posted to                                                     Peanut cushions ready for postage to the
                                           McDonald House family room at                    McGrath Breast Care Nurses

16  August 2021  The Country Woman
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