COVID-19 Overcoming organisational challenges and reshaping the workforce - Last updated 24 August 2020 - Bird & Bird

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COVID-19 Overcoming organisational challenges and reshaping the workforce - Last updated 24 August 2020 - Bird & Bird
Overcoming organisational challenges and
reshaping the workforce

Last updated 24 August 2020
COVID-19 Overcoming organisational challenges and reshaping the workforce - Last updated 24 August 2020 - Bird & Bird
COVID-19: Overcoming organisational challenges and reshaping the workforce
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the global business community is facing one of the most significant challenges of our century.

The disruption the crisis is causing may well lead to a total transformation or rebooting of the globalised economy, altering fundamentals of our society such as the
way in which we produce and distribute, the way in which people work together, communicate and consume and the way in which value is created.

But before we get to see the bright lights of a new working world, the global business community may well take one step backwards before jumping, retrenching
before the new launch.

This document aims to assist businesses in their strategic planning and operational execution of such reorganisation transactions. Certainly, businesses that operate
on a cross-border or global level must navigate a patchwork of laws, rules and regulations when planning for reorganisations. Beyond the law, they also have to
observe, respect and integrate cultural sensitivities and societal specifics, keeping in mind the resulting best practices when engaging in potentially expensive, clearly
disruptive and most certainly delicate processes and transactions.

We hope the document will provide you with an initial overview and impression of such differences and convergences, based on the extensive practical experience
and bespoke expertise of our Bird & Bird employment teams and professionals around the globe.

It is not designed and should not be used as legal guidance to any form of restructuring.

The document is up to date as of 24 August 2020. Given the speed with which current regulations are being amended in various jurisdictions, it will be adapted on an
ongoing basis.

 Ian Hunter                                 Pattie Walsh                                  Pieter De Koster
 Partner                                    Partner                                       Partner

 Tel: +44 20 7415 6140                      Tel: +852 2248 6088                           Tel: +32 2 282 60 81                     

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Cross-border reorganisations and the
An integral part of strategic planning and operational execution of cross-border restructurings in Europe is the key role of any European works council (‘EWC’).

As an additional layer in the overall process, organisations with an EWC in operation1 must examine, assess and integrate the EWC in any cross-border
reorganisation involving multiple jurisdictions within the European Union (including the United Kingdom, and other jurisdictions covered by the EWC agreement).
When assessing the EWC’s role, it is fundamental to conduct an analysis of the underlying EWC agreement, understand the impact of the agreement’s governing law
and take into consideration how the organisation has dealt with ‘exceptional circumstances’ in the past.

Every EWC agreement should have substantive and procedural provisions to deal with exceptional circumstances, which under relevant EU legislation clearly cover
cross-border restructurings (collective lay-offs, closure, etc.). The provisions encompass the timing of the procedure, the content of the information to be presented
and the scope of the consultation, as well as the use of experts, the relationship between EU and local procedures and key issues like confidentiality.

The practical application of such rules, their enforcement and sanctions in case of non-compliance will be driven by the agreement’s governing law; hence the wider
embodiment of the EWC’s role and powers in the legal system of such governing law is also crucial. National laws tend to differ quite substantially on important
issues like sequence and timing of the EWC I/C procedure, the concepts of information and consultation, the role of experts, trade unions and administration and the
enforcement of the rules.

Finally, the quality of cross-border collective labour relations before and outside of the punctual reorganisation transaction will dictate the quality of the process in
these exceptional circumstances.

Bird & Bird’s extensive experience and stellar expertise in handling EWC related issues can undoubtedly be a key asset in successfully planning, preparing and
managing cross-border reorganisation transactions on the ground.

1   According to official sources, there about 1,300 EWCs in operation in the European Union.

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twoBirds Access
Coordinating and delivering global projects through effective project management

Large-scale international projects can be challenging to manage, particularly when
multiple time zones are involved and even more so when working remotely.

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on large projects, reduces email traffic and gives clients visibility on progress. This
cloud-based solution incorporates workflow and global project timeline mapping,
giving all users access 24/7 to relevant information, irrespective of location. The
interactive nature of portal means individuals get email alerts when tasks are
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All Access sites are hosted by HighQ, an ISO 27001 certified and industry leading
collaboration portal. The encrypted security portal ensures that all uploaded
documents are safe and can only be accessed by pre-approved individuals.
Permissions can be set at different levels, so project members only see information
that is relevant to their workstream(s). In addition, multiple log-ins can be issued,
giving you control over which parts of the site can be accessed by different team

Key benefits:
•   Access to key documentation 24/7
•   Visibility on project progress and milestones
•   Reduction in email traffic
•   Tailored views for different teams

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Common terms and abbreviations

 CV        COVID-19 or new Corona virus

 CBA       Collective bargaining agreement

 CLO       Collective lay-off

 ER        Employee representative

 ET        Employment tribunal

 FTO       Freedom to operate

 HW        Home working

 I/C       Information/consultation (procedure/stage)

 Pilon     (Severance) payment in lieu of notice

 RIF       Reduction in force

 SME       Small and medium enterprise

 SSC       Social security contributions

 TU        Trade union

 WC        Works council (or similar body of employee participation at plant/company level)

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Government aid and recession resources
View resources by country –click on country name

                                                                                       Australia        Hungary

                                                                                       Belgium          Italy

                                                                                       China            Netherlands

                                                                                       Czech Republic   Poland

                                                                                       Denmark          Singapore

                                                                                       Finland          Slovak Republic

                                                                                       France           Spain

                                                                                       Germany          Sweden

                                                                                       Hong Kong        UK
 Bird & Bird has extensive contacts with preferred firms in countries where our firm
 does not have offices.

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                    6
Government aid and recession resources

                                                                                                                                                                            Restrictions on
 CV crisis impact                                                                                                                                                           restructurings
 Temporary closure and government aid:                                                                                                                                      Aid conditional upon absence of lay-
                                                                                                                                                                            off/prohibition of lay-off:
 • Permissible. Employer may require employees to work from home if the direction is lawful and reasonable in the circumstances (e.g. if employer is forced to close
   premises for health or safety reasons).                                                                                                                                  • In order to be eligible to receive the Australian
                                                                                                                                                                              Government's JobKeeper wage subsidies, an employer must
 • In case of temporary business closure, there are now 2 available routes for employers
                                                                                                                                                                              be able to demonstrate that it has been in an employment
   – the first is a 'stand down' under the Fair Work Act; and                                                                                                                 relationship with eligible employees since 1 March 2020,
                                                                                                                                                                              and be able to confirm that each eligible employee is
                                                                                                                                                                              currently engaged by the employer (including those that
   – the second is a JobKeeper-enabling stand down direction under the new temporary JobKeeper provisions in the Fair Work Act.. Continued payment of the                     have been stood down).
     employees' wages in full by the employer unless one of following options is exercised by the employer:
  • Fair Work Act stand down                                                          • JobKeeper enabling directions                                                       • The JobKeeper scheme is designed to assist businesses to
     If the employees cannot be usefully employed', including by reason of a             The Australian Government has introduced new legislation (which has                  retain their employees whilst they try to manage the
     stoppage of work for any cause for which the employer cannot reasonably be          introduced temporary amendments to the Fair Work Act) providing financial            downturn in their operations caused by CV.
     held responsible, an employer has a statutory right to stand down its               support to assist employers impacted by CV through the 'JobKeeper'
     employees without pay during this period. In circumstances where a stand            payment scheme. Under the JobKeeper scheme, eligible businesses (i.e.
     down provision is included in the employee's contract of employment or              businesses that expect a revenue loss of 30% (if the company's annual
     enterprise agreement though (generally uncommon in Australia), additional           turnover is less than $1 billion) or 50% (if the company's annual turnover is
     requirements that must be met before issuing a stand down direction (e.g.           more than $1 billion)) impacted by CV are able to claim a fortnightly payment
     consultation or notice requirements) may apply.                                     of AUD$1,500 per eligible employee, for a maximum period of 6 months, in
                                                                                         order to keep those employees on the books.
    If statutory or contractual stand down right not available (or not sought to be
    invoked by employer), the employer may consider other options (subject to              If an employer is eligible to receive a JobKeeper payment, it is then able to:
    the employee's conditions of employment) including:
                                                                                        – issue a JobKeeper enabling stand down direction;
   – seeking agreement of employees to reduce their hours of work and pay for a         – reduce the number of hours worked by employees and to grant such
     temporary period. Any such agreement would need to be in writing                     employees permission to undertake secondary jobs;
     between the parties;
                                                                                        – alter employees' usual duties and location of work; and
   – requesting that employee takes period of accrued paid annual leave (to be
     recorded in writing);                                                              – subject to employee agreement, change the days/times of work or provide
                                                                                          employees with twice as much annual leave at half pay.
   – requesting that employee take period of unpaid leave (to be recorded in
     writing); or
   – consider job sharing arrangements between its employees.
 • The Australian Government is also providing financial support to eligible small and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profits with aggregated annual turnover
   of less than $50 million that employ people in Australia. Eligible employers will receive a payment that is equal to 100% of the total of the salaries and wages
   withheld, with a maximum payment being AUD$50,000, and the minimum payment being AUD$10,000.
 For more information click here

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Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
 Outline basic redundancy rights                                                         Concepts CLO and closure                                         Schedule/ timeline procedure CLO/closure
 • Must be a case of a 'genuine redundancy', which means that:                           • CLO: The rules relating to individual redundancies              1 Planning: Consider business case for implementing redundancies
                                                                                           discussed in the adjoining column also apply to collective        (including calculation of notice and redundancy payments) and
   – the employer no longer requires the person’s job to be performed by anyone            redundancies and mass layoffs.                                    consider contingency arrangements. Plan communications strategy.
      because of changes in the operational requirements of the employer’s enterprise;
      and                                                                                • TUs must be informed where 15 or more employees are to be         (Timeframe: As long as necessary – 2 weeks may be appropriate)
   – the employer followed any consultation requirements in an award or CBA; and           made redundant.
                                                                                                                                                           2 Notification: Notify each applicable TU of:
   – the employer considered any redeployment opportunities.                             • Modern awards and CBAs also include specific consultation
 • Employee must have at least 1 year of continuous service and work for an employer                                                                        – the proposed dismissals and the reasons for them;
                                                                                           clauses which require employers to consult with employees
   that employs 15 or more persons to be eligible for redundancy payments.                 and their representatives (e.g. TUs) regarding the               – the number and categories of employees likely to be affected; and
                                                                                           implementation of major workplace changes, such as               – the time at which the employer intends to carry out the dismissals.
 • Minimum legislative termination notice requirements (unless greater period are set
                                                                                           redundancy processes. These obligations require the               (Timeframe: Notice to be provided as soon as practicable after
   out in a contract) are based on employee's length of continuous service:
                                                                                           employer to also consider the employees' responses to any         making the decision and before implementing any redundancy
   – < 1 year of continuous service: 1 weeks' notice;                                      such proposals.                                                   decisions.)
   – 1 – 3 years: 2 weeks' notice;                                                       • The consultation processes outlined above must take place
   – 3 – 5 years: 3 weeks' notice; and                                                     prior to notice of termination being given to the affected      3 Consultation: Provide each of the notified parties an opportunity to
   – >5 years: 4 weeks' notice.                                                            employees.                                                        consult the employer on measures:
 • An employer can offer Pilon, if allowed by contract.
                                                                                         • If a decision is made to proceed with the redundancies of 15     – to avert or minimize the proposed dismissals; and
 • Redundancy payments also depend on the employee's length of continuous service          or more employees, the employer must notify Australia's          – to mitigate the adverse effects of the proposed dismissals (such as
   and are paid at the employee's base pay rate for ordinary hours worked:                 social services department, Centrelink, of its decision to         finding alternative employment).
                                                                                           implement the proposed change.
   – 1-2 years of continuous service: 4 weeks' pay;                                                                                                          (Timeframe: 1-2 weeks)
   – 2-3 years: 6 weeks' pay;
   – 3-4 years: 7 weeks' pay;                                                                                                                              4 Decision to proceed: if management decides to proceed, employees
   – 4-5 years: 8 weeks' pay;                                                                                                                                to be consulted with and then provided with notice of termination.
   – 5-6 years: 10 week' pay;
                                                                                                                                                             (Timeframe: 1-2 weeks)
   – 6-7 years: 11 weeks' pay;
   – 7-8 years: 13 weeks' pay;                                                                                                                            • Importantly, if the relevant employees are covered by a modern award or
   – 8-9 years: 14 weeks' pay;                                                                                                                              enterprise agreement, employees have a 'right' to consultation including
   – 9-10 years: 16 weeks' pay; and                                                                                                                         a right to be told of the reasons for the redundancies, the impact upon
   – 10+ years: 12 weeks' pay.                                                                                                                              their roles and any measures considered to avoid the redundancies.
                                                                                                                                                            Significantly also, employees have a right to have their views on the
 • An enterprise agreement or an employment contract may provide for a longer notice                                                                        matter heard and considered.
   or greater redundancy payments than those outlined above.
 • In addition to the redundancy payments described above, an employer must also pay
   to the employee any accrued entitlements (e.g. holiday) and outstanding pay up to,
   and including, their last day of employment.

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                              8
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
 I/C + other rights of in-house bodies of                                     Usual severance package/social plan                                          FTO impact assessment (duration, cost,
 employee participation or third parties                                      features (+ cost assessment)                                                 risk of disruption)
 • As set out in the adjoining column, I/C rights of employee                 • The entitlements which are available in cases of individual redundancies   Duration/timing
   associations/third parties include:                                          (discussed under the heading 'Outline basic redundancy rights') also       Minimum 1 month process, incl preparation stage.
                                                                                apply to collective redundancies and mass layoffs.
   – right to receive information on business rationale and redundancy                                                                                     Cost
      arrangement plans;                                                      • In Australia, redundancy pay is the same as severance pay.                 Key cost is the amount paid to employees in redundancy and other
   – right to be provided with an opportunity to consult the employer on                                                                                   outstanding payments, but additional costs may arise if employer is
      alternative measures to avert or minimise the proposed dismissals                                                                                    involved in protracted disputes with relevant employee associations and
      and measures (such as finding alternative employment) to mitigate                                                                                    negative media publicity (in high profile cases) can have an impact on
      the adverse effects of the proposed dismissals.                                                                                                      business revenue. Employee morale can also be affected in these
                                                                                                                                                           circumstances which can impact on the business' levels of productivity.
 • Joint closure of I/C stage is highly recommended
                                                                                                                                                           Risk of disruption
 • Neither authorization required nor blocking rights from external bodies
                                                                                                                                                           Industry and workplace-specific. Redundancies almost always creates a
   or agencies, administration to proceed with the proposed change.
                                                                                                                                                           level of disruption in a business, but the level of disruption will depend on
 • However, the Fair Work Commission can order that the employer                                                                                           the business' adaptability to change, the quality of its management, the
   consult with employees' associations if satisfied that there has been a                                                                                 unionization of its workforce and the nature of the industry (e.g. strikes are
   failure to notify or consult. It cannot, however, make orders, including                                                                                more common in certain industries, such as aviation/manufacturing).
   orders to reinstate employees, pay an amount in lieu of reinstatement or
   provide severance pay, simply because of a lack of consultation. Such
   orders can only be made if employees lodge unfair dismissal claims.

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                  9
Government aid and recession resources

 CV crisis impact                                          Restrictions on restructurings

 Temporary closure and government aid:                     Aid conditional upon absence of lay-off/prohibition of lay-off:
 •   HW possible if agreed upon (forced HW questionable)   •   N/A
 •   Temporary suspension of contract for economic
     reasons: substantive /procedural rules +
     unemployment benefits for blue/white-collar
 •   Temporary suspension of contract for force majeure:
     substantive and procedural rules + unemployment
     benefits for all
 For more information click here

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                       10
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
                                                                                                                         I/C + other rights of
                                                                                                                                                               Usual severance                        FTO impact
 Outline basic                                                                     Schedule/ timeline                    in-house bodies of
                                         Concepts CLO and                                                                                                      package/social plan                    assessment
 redundancy rights                                                                 procedure                             employee
                                         closure                                                                                                               features (+ cost                       (duration, cost, risk
                                                                                   CLO/closure                           participation or
                                                                                                                                                               assessment)                            of disruption)
                                                                                                                         third parties
 • Termination can be on notice or       • CLO: for procedural purposes,           • Preparation stage (with 4 C’s –     • I/C rights of WC include            • Typical scope would exclude          Duration / timing
   with payment in lieu of notice          redundancies of threshold                 business case, communication,                                               affected management-level            Minimum 4-6 month process, incl
   (‘Pilon’) at employer’s choice ((1)     number of employees within any            cost computation, contingency         – in-depth information on             employees and executives             preparation stage (6-8 weeks),
   + (2) below)                            rolling 60-day period: threshold          planning) – preferably 6 – 8            business case (no assistance                                             knowing that I/C process is open-
                                           is 10 or more for businesses with         weeks                                   of any TU expert allowed)         • Beyond legal entitlements (see       ended so quite unpredictable;
   1 Indefinite term contracts             20 – 99 employees, 10% for                                                      – assessment and opinion on           left), a social plan would contain
     concluded after 1 January                                                     • Kick-off meeting in WC with             business case (incl alternative     supplementary financial and          Cost
                                           businesses with 100 – 299
     2014, notice depends solely                                                     intention to proceed (or with TU        measures to mitigate impact         non-financial benefits               Well beyond legal entitlements,
                                           employees , and 30 or more
     on length of service:                                                           delegates, if no WC, or town hall       of planned restructuring)                                                impacted by industry specifics, TU
                                           employees for businesses with                                                                                       • Focus is still on financial
                                                                                     if no TUD either)                     – advice on selection criteria of                                          power, vulnerability to conflict or
   – 1st year, 7 weeks’ notice, plus       +300 employees                                                                                                        package and add-ons, with
                                                                                                                             affected employees                                                       media attention, up to 1.3 or even
   – 2nd year, 4 weeks’ notice, plus     • Closure: definitive (not                • Consecutive I/C meetings in WC                                              bonuses rewarding loyalty,           1.5 of legal entitlements
   – as of 3rd year, 3 weeks’              temporary) stoppage of main               –open-ended, but on average         • Joint closure of I/C stage is         supplements on top of
     notice/commenced year                                                           2-3 months                                                                  unemployment etc                     Risk of disruption
                                           business activity + reduction in                                                highly recommended – open-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Depends on a variety of factors like
                                           workforce of +75% compared to           • End of I/C procedure +                ended so WC leverage on I/C         • Recent practice shows attention
   2 Indefinite term contracts pre-                                                                                                                                                                   overall quality of industrial
                                           previous calendar year, either at                                               end
     2014 (as at 31 Dec 2013) +                                                      management decision to proceed                                              to ‘flexicurity’ approach, with      relations, history of change, nature
                                           plant level (only for 20+                                                                                             training budget, temporary
     above:                                                                                                              • No decision required nor                                                   of business and workforce
                                           employees ), or at                      • Cooling-off period for collective                                           supplement to new lower-paid
                                                                                                                           allowed from internal bodies                                               (industrial/services/high tech),
   – blue-collar: determined by            department/division level                 bargaining (no redundancies                                                 job, incentives for business         impact of TUs; risk of violence is
     CBA (X weeks/5-year period                                                      allowed ) – 30 days with            • No veto nor blocking rights from      starters                             minimal but strikes are more
                                         • In specific industries, particular        maximum extension for another
     of service)                                                                                                           internal bodies                                                            commonplace depending on
                                           rules exist for multiple                  30 days                                                                   • Special attention is usually given
   – white-collar: either 3                redundancies: procedures of I/C                                                                                                                            industry.
     months/5-year service period                                                                                        • No authorization required nor         in regulations and corporate
                                           to be observed, sanctioned with         • Implementation stage covering:        blocking rights from external         practice to affected older
     commenced for lower paid, or          additional financial liability (e.g.,
     1 month/commenced year of                                                       – setup of redeployment cell          bodies or agencies,                   employees with soft landing
                                           3-6 months’ compensation)                                                       administration to proceed with        systems and to ERs and their
     service with min 3 months, or                                                     (incl outplacement services
     for highest paid contract                                                         offer, 1 month)                     transaction                           statutory protection against
     clauses as agreed                                                                                                                                           dismissal
                                                                                     – lifting of protection of ERs (2   • But, Gov’t certification required
 • For Pilon, annual compensation                                                      months)                             for the implementation of social
   includes salary and all ongoing                                                   –   securing soft landing system      plan (redeployment cell, lifting
   benefits                                                                              (2-3 months for certification     of protection, soft landing
                                                                                         by Gov’t)                         regimes)
 • Other exit payments are due
   (13th month, exit vacation pay)
   and certain services can be
   mandatory (outplacement for
   certain employees up to €5,500)

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                    11
Government aid and recession resources

 CV crisis impact                                                                Restrictions on restructurings

 Temporary closure and government aid:                                           Aid conditional upon absence of lay-off/prohibition of lay-off:
 •   HW possible if agreed upon and adequately compensated. Salary shall be      •   Employers with no lay-offs or whose lay-off ratio is not higher than the prescribed
     paid to employees as if they were in normal attendance.                         standard, may apply for a lump-sum employment stabilization subsidy and/or
                                                                                     repayment of unemployment insurance as prescribed by local regulations.
 •   Employers may order employees not to work, provided that employees
     consent to this arrangement. However, employers are still required to pay   •   If an employee is unable to perform job duties due to being quarantined as a result
     salary to employees during the period of suspension. The standard varies        of a COVID-19 diagnosis, or under mandatory medical observation or other
     from different location. For example, in Shanghai, during the first month       emergency arrangements implemented by the Government, the employer may not
     of suspension, full salary should be paid. Starting from the second month       terminate such employee for non-fault reasons or engage in mass lay-off (i.e. lay-off
     and onwards, employees should be paid not less than the minimum salary          of more than 10% of the entity’s employees) involving the employee until he/she is
     in Shanghai.                                                                    no longer under the above circumstances. In Beijing, the above restriction also
 •   Government aid program including exemption or extension of social               applies to employees in Beijing who are unable to perform job duties due to nursing
                                                                                     his/her underage children during the COVID-19 school closures.
     insurance contribution, extension of tax payments, repayment of
     unemployment insurance, social insurance subsidy, training fee subsidy,
     exemption or reduction of property rent fees, extension of bank loans
     might apply, especially to SMEs in financial difficulties caused by CV,
     depending on local regulations.
 For more information click here

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                 12
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
 Outline basic redundancy rights                                                   Concepts CLO and closure                                                        Schedule/ timeline procedure CLO/closure
 Mass lay-off                                                                      • CLO ('Mass lay-off'): an employer reduces its workforce by 20 or more         • A mass lay-off requires a rigorous process as below:
                                                                                     employees; or an employer reduces its workforce by more than 10% of its
 • Employers may initiate mass lay-offs only under one of the following              entire workforce.                                                               1 the employer must first give TU or all employees a 30-day notice and
   circumstances:                                                                                                                                                       consult for their opinions;
                                                                                   • A Mass lay-off is treated as a unilateral termination by the employer under     1 upon the expiry of the 30-day notice , the employer can then file the
   1 the employer undergoes a reorganization in accordance with the PRC
                                                                                     Chinese employment law.                                                            lay-off plan to the local labour authority; and
      Enterprise Bankruptcy Law;
                                                                                                                                                                     2 after the labour authority indicates that the filing is complete, the
   2 the employer experiences significant difficulties in its business             • If an employee is unable to perform job duties due to being quarantined as
                                                                                                                                                                        employer can then terminate the employees.
      operation;                                                                     a result of a CV diagnosis, or under mandatory medical observation or
                                                                                     other emergency arrangements implemented by the Government, the                 In practice, the whole process will last for at least 3-4 months.
   3 the employer switches production, makes major technological
      innovation, adjusts its business model, and after modifying its                employer may not terminate such employee for non-fault reasons or             • Closure (under a self-determined deregistration case): normally after the
      employment contracts, still needs to lay off employees; or                     engage in mass lay-off involving the employee until he/she is no longer         shareholders' resolution on company closure is issued and the company
   4 the employer has experienced other significant changes that modified            under the above circumstances.                                                  has filed a report to the local commercial bureau, the company should
      the economic circumstances which formed the basis for its having                                                                                               notify all employees of the decision (no requirement on notice).
                                                                                   • Closure: due to bankruptcy, revocation of business license, shareholders’
      signed the employment contracts, and it is unable to perform under the
                                                                                     decision to deregister or otherwise ordered to cease operations.
 • 30-day's prior notice to all its employees and/or the TU (if exists) must be
   given in a mass lay-off. The lay-off plan should be filed with the local
   labour authority and the employer should obtain their approval before the
 • The following employees shall be given priority to be retained in a mass
   lay-off: (i) persons who have concluded fixed-term employment contracts
   for a relatively long term with the employer; (ii) persons who have
   concluded open-ended employment contracts with the employer; (iii)
   persons, none of whose family members has a job, or who have an elder or
   minor depending on his/her support. If the employer is rehiring within 6
   months, the reduced employees shall be notified and given priority.
 Individual Termination
 • Where a material change in the objective circumstances (job redundancy
   can be deemed such a change in some provinces of China) relied upon at
   the time of conclusion of the contract renders it impossible for the parties
   to perform and, after consultation, the employer and the employee are
   unable to reach an agreement on if/how to amend the contract, the
   employer is entitled to terminate the contract by giving the employee a 30-
   day prior written notice or one month’s salary in lieu of notice, in addition
   to the economic compensation payable by the employer to the employee.

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                13
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
 I/C + other rights of in-house
 bodies of employee participation or                              Usual severance package/social plan features (+ cost                                                         FTO impact assessment (duration,
 third parties                                                    assessment)                                                                                                  cost, risk of disruption)
 • Mass lay-off: at least 30 days before initiating a mass lay-   • Payment or accrued wages and benefits: current wages x number of days in last wage period                  Duration/timing
   off, the employer must present its lay-off plan to the TU        before termination;                                                                                        In practice, the whole process lasts for at least 3-4 months.
   or to all of its employees, and solicit their opinions.
                                                                  • Statutory minimum severance: one month of the employee's average monthly salary for each year
 • Closure (under a self-determined deregistration case):           of his/her service ("Average Monthly Income"). The Average Monthly Income should be                        Costs
   the TU or employees cannot prevent a shareholders’               calculated based on his/her total salary over the past 12 months prior to the termination date and         Illegal dismissal: An employer may request the labour
   resolution on deregistration from taking effect unless the       should include base salary, bonuses, allowances, commissions, benefits, overtime payments and              arbitration commission/court to confirm that the employer's
   company is a state-owned company.                                any other salary paid in cash. If the period of service in a relevant year is less than 6 months, a half   unilateral dismissal is illegal. If successful, the employer will
                                                                    month's Average Monthly Income will need to be paid as severance payment for that year. For                be required to (i) pay damages equal to two times of the
                                                                    service years after 2008, the Average Monthly Income is subject to a statutory monthly cap                 financial compensation for the unlawful termination; or (ii)
                                                                    (currently 3 times the local average wage which varies regionally).                                        rehabilitate the employment contract with the employee, with
                                                                                                                                                                               back pay of the employee's salary and social insurance during
                                                                  • Compensation for unused holidays: the compensation of unused statutory holidays is calculated              the unlawful termination period.
                                                                    upon 200% of daily wage, and how to compensate the company holidays depends on the
                                                                    employer's rules.
                                                                                                                                                                               Risk of disruption
                                                                  • Payment in lieu of 30-day prior notice in a unilateral termination case due to individual lay-off, i.e.    Strike: Where there is a strike in relation to employee benefits
                                                                    material change of objective circumstance.                                                                 and rights, the judicial authorities are usually more protective
                                                                                                                                                                               of the employees and often uphold claims of termination
                                                                  • Any other amounts due under contract: e.g. bonus, commission, etc.                                         without legal cause if the employer terminates the employees
                                                                                                                                                                               for organising or participating in the strike.

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                         14
Czech Republic
Government aid and recession resources

 CV crisis impact                                                                                                     Restrictions on restructurings

 Temporary closure and government aid:                                                                                Aid conditional upon absence of lay-off/prohibition of lay-off:
 •   Remote work arrangements can be implemented if agreed with the employee;                                         •   The entitlement to the financial support from the ANTIVIRUS
                                                                                                                          program does not arise in relation to employees who have been
 •   The Government has introduced an employment protection program called 'ANTIVIRUS' that provides
                                                                                                                          dismissed (i.e. during the notice).
     financial support to employers affected by CV and the adopted regulations in the period from 12 March
     2020 to 31 May 2020 (with respect to Regime A) or to 31 August 2020 (with respect to Regime B);
     – Regime A: (i) If the employer must have closed its business due to the governmental regulations aimed at
       combating further spread of the CV, employees are entitled to the compensatory salary corresponding to
       100% of their average earnings; or (ii) If an employee is in ordered quarantine, the compensatory salary
       paid by the employer during first 14 days of the quarantine is 60% of the employee's earnings. In both
       cases (i) and (ii), the employer may receive financial support in the amount of 80% of the compensatory
       salary paid to the particular employees including social security and health insurance contributions
       (however, no more than CZK 39,000 per employee; i.e. approx. EUR 1,400);

     – Regime B: (i) If more than 30% of employees are in quarantine or take care of their children and the
       employer thus cannot assign any work to the remaining employees; (ii) if the availability of inputs
       necessary for the employer's activity has been limited; or (iii) in the event of drop in sales affecting the
       workload (i.e. short-time working), the compensatory salary to be paid to the affected employees is (i)
       100%, (ii) 80% or (iii) 60% of the employee's average earnings. The employer may receive financial
       support in the amount of 60% of the compensatory salary paid to the particular employees including
       social security and health insurance contributions (however, no more than CZK 29,000; approx. EUR

 •   Recently, the Government also introduced Regime C of the ANTIVIRUS program under which certain
     employers will be able to defer their statutory social security payments for the period from May 2020 to
     July 2020 until 20 October 2020. If they decide to defer the payments, the penalty on outstanding
     payments will be reduced by 80%. Please note that this amendment is not yet in effect; it has been approved
     by the Parliament and now needs to be signed by the President.
 For more information click here

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                    15
Czech Republic
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
 Outline basic redundancy rights                                              CLO and closure                                                              Schedule/ timeline procedure CLO/closure
 • Termination for redundancy is possible only if the following               • CLO/closure: Specific rules governing collective dismissals will apply     • The process should start with the internal decision on the organizational
   requirements are met:                                                        if, within a period of 30 calendar days, the employer dismisses on           change that results in the redundancy of certain employees (or decision
                                                                                grounds of redundancy (or if the employer's undertaking, or its part, is     on closing down the business);
   – the employer or the employer's competent body has decided to change        closed down) at least:
     the activities (tasks), plant and equipment, to reduce the number of                                                                                  • The TU organization and WC (or the affected employees) shall be
     employees for the purpose of increasing labour productivity                – 10 employees where the employer employs from 20 to 100 employees;          informed about the intended collective dismissals in time and at least
     (efficiency) or to introduce other organizational changes                  – 10% of employees where the employer employs from 101 to 300                30 days before the first termination notice is served;
     (restructuring); and                                                         employees; and
                                                                                                                                                           • At the same time, the employer also notifies the respective Labour Office;
   – an employee has become redundant as a result of the adopted decision       – 30 employees where the employer employs more than 300 employees
     on the organizational change                                                                                                                          • After the TU organization and WC have been informed about the
                                                                              • If the employer dismisses at least 5 employees, the total number of          intended dismissals, the consultation phase begins;
 • The termination ground (i.e. termination for redundancy) as well as the      employees pursuant to points (a) to (c) above shall also include those
   organizational change that resulted in the redundancy must be specified      employees with whom the employment relationship was terminated by          • The written report on the employer's decision on collective dismissals
   in the written termination notice;                                           an agreement;                                                                and on the results of consultation with the TU organization and WC must
                                                                                                                                                             be delivered to the respective Labour Office no later than 30 days
 • The employment will terminate after the statutory 2-month notice           • The employer is obliged to inform and consult the TU organization and        before the lapse of the first notice (if it is delivered later, the employment
   (unless longer period has been agreed) which shall commence on the           WC and notify the respective Labour Office (please see the respective        of the affected employee will terminate on the expiry of 30-day period
   first day of the calendar month following the receipt of the termination     columns).                                                                    following the delivery of the employer's written report).
 • The employment may also be terminated by a mutual written agreement;
 • If the employment is terminated on grounds of the employee's
   redundancy (whether by a unilateral termination notice or a termination
   agreement), the employee is entitled to statutory severance pay the
   amount of which depends on the length of the employment relationship
   – please see the respective column.

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                 16
Czech Republic
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
 I/C + other rights of in-house bodies of employee participation or third                                                           Usual severance                                  FTO impact assessment
 parties                                                                                                                            package/social plan features                     (duration, cost, risk of
                                                                                                                                    (+ cost assessment)                              disruption)
 • employer shall in time, but no later than 30 days in advance (i.e. before serving the first termination notice), inform the TU   • The minimum statutory severance pay            Duration/timing
   organization and the WC about the intended collective dismissals;                                                                  amounts to:                                    Minimum 3-4 month process.

 • The information shall be provided in writing and shall also include:                                                               1 one times the employee's average earnings
                                                                                                                                        if the employment relationship lasted less
   –   reasons for collective dismissals;                                                                                                                                            Cost
                                                                                                                                        than 1 year,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Minimum costs are the statutory severance pays.
   –   number and professional qualifications of employees to be made redundant;                                                      2 twice the average earnings if the
   –   number and professional qualifications of all employees employed by the employer (by the employer's undertaking);                employment relationship lasted at least 1
   –   period within which collective dismissals are planned to take place;                                                             year and less than 2 years, or
                                                                                                                                                                                     Risk of disruption
   –   criteria proposed for selecting employees to be made redundant; and                                                            3 3 times the average earnings if the          Depends on the nature of the business; if the
                                                                                                                                        employment relationship lasted at least 2    statutory procedure is strictly followed, the risks
   –   redundancy payment (i.e. severance pay) and other rights of the employees being made redundant                                   years.                                       are minimized. In particular, the employer must
 • The employer shall also consult the TU organization and WC in order to reach an agreement, in particular, with regard to                                                          properly submit all the required notifications,
   measures aimed at prevention/reduction of collective dismissals, the mitigation of their adverse implications for employees,                                                      and if the ground for the dismissals is
   especially the possibility of their placement on suitable positions at other employer's workplaces (sites)                                                                        redundancy, it must be properly justified –
                                                                                                                                                                                     otherwise, the dismissals could be easily
 • Consent of the TU organization and WC is not required to proceed with the collective dismissals – the aim of the                                                                  challenged.
   consultation with the TU organization and WC is to reach agreement, but the validity of the prepared measures does not
   require their consent                                                                                                                                                             The negotiation with the TU organization might
                                                                                                                                                                                     be rather difficult in certain cases.
 • In addition, the employer shall concurrently inform in writing the respective regional branch of the Labour Office, in
   particular, of the reasons for the intended measures, the total number of employees and the number and professional
   structure of those employees affected by the measures, the period within which the collective dismissals will take place, the
   criteria proposed for the selection of employees to be made redundant and also the commencement of consultation with the
   TU organization and WC;
 • One copy of the written information delivered to the Labour Office shall be delivered also to the TU organization and one to
   the WC;
 • Following the consultation, the employer shall provably deliver to the respective regional branch of the Labour Office a
   written report on its decision on collective dismissals and on the results of consultation with the TU organization and WC –
   no later than 30 days before the lapse of the first notice;
 • The report shall specify the total number of employees and the number and professional structure of those employees
   affected by the collective dismissals. One copy of this report shall be delivered to the TU organization and one to the WC –
   they have the right to give each its independent opinion on the employer's written report and deliver it to the Labour Office;
 • Where neither a TU organization nor a WC has been formed at the employer's undertaking, the employer shall fulfil its
   duties in relation to every employee affected by the collective dismissals;
 • In any case, the employer shall inform the affected employees of the date of delivery of the written report to the Labour

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Government aid and recession resources

 CV crisis impact                                                            Restrictions on restructurings

 Temporary closure and government aid:                                       Aid conditional upon absence of lay-off/prohibition of lay-
 •   HW is possible if instructed by the employer (under the
     assumption that this is possible in the specific position)              •   Salary compensation is conditioned on the employer still
                                                                                 paying full salary to the employees in the salary
 •   Temporary lay-off is not possible unless mutually agreed or there
     is a legal basis in a CBA, or for non-salaried employees; if they are       compensation period - even though the company is
                                                                                 suffering hard financially due to CV. The employees in
     remunerated with hourly salary and no minimum hours are
     agreed or implied.                                                          risk of being terminated are not allowed to work but must
                                                                                 be discharged from duty with full salary in the
 •   Employees will remain entitled to full salary and benefits in               compensation period.
     accordance with their employment contract and applicable laws
                                                                             •    If the employer terminates employees after the company
     and CBA(s) both when working from home and in case of
     temporary lay-off.                                                          has applied under the salary compensation scheme, i.e.
                                                                                 while the employer receives the salary compensation, the
 •   Various aid packages presented from the Danish Government. As               employer will no longer be entitled to salary
     for salary compensation the Danish Act of 24 March 2020                     compensation as from the time of the notices of the
     regulates the salary compensation scheme applying to all private            terminations. This will apply to all employees. So if a
     business entities/companies registered in the central business              company applies for salary compensation under this
     register which are "extraordinarily affected financially" as a              scheme, the aid will be conditional upon absence of lay-off
     consequence of CV and therefore are faced with having to notify             during the period where the company receives
     employees as follows of termination:                                        compensation.
     – Minimum 30% of the employees (on one or more business                 •   The salary compensation scheme is available until 29
       premises) or                                                              August 2020. Applications for coverage by the scheme
     – More than 50 employees (on one or more business premises)                 should be filed no later than 20 September 2020.
 For more information click here

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                         18
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
 Outline basic redundancy rights                                               Concepts CLO and closure                                                   Schedule/ timeline procedure CLO/closure
 • Termination must be with notice pursuant to either the Danish               CLO ('mass redundancy'):                                                   CLO (mass redundancy):
   Salaried Employees Act for salaried employees (office employees, shop
   employees, non-executive managers and similar) and for blue collar          • if, during a 30 day period, the employer is contemplating terminating:   • The following steps must as the main rule be followed after having declared
   employees pursuant to the CBA in force for the employment (if any) or                                                                                    that the redundancy qualifies as a mass redundancy:
                                                                                 – At least 10 employees in establishments normally employing more
   as agreed in the contract.                                                      than 20 and less than 100 employees.                                   Step 1)
 • For salaried employees, the statutory notice depends on the length of         – At least 10 percent of the number of employees in establishments       Identification of employees at risk and their employment and termination terms.
   service at the time of the termination:                                         normally employing at least 100 but less than 300 employees.           Step 2)
   – Up to 5 months' service: 1 month notice (to the end of a month),            – At least 30 in establishments normally employing at least 300          Information meeting with all employees (both in scope and other employees) –
                                                                                   employees                                                              staff announcement including recommendation to the employees to elect
   – Up to 2 years and 9 months’ service: 3 months' notice (to the end of
                                                                                                                                                          representatives within 2-3 days.
     a month),                                                                   If these limits have been reached and the terminations are covered by
   – Up to 5 years and 8 months’ service: 4 months' notice (to the end of        the Danish Act on Mass Redundancies, the procedure in the Danish         Step 3)
     a month),                                                                   Mass Redundancy Act must be followed. An employer cannot avoid the       Consultation/negotiation carried out:
                                                                                 Act by offering some of the employees a severance agreement, if 5 or        – Min. 21 days if at least 50% of 100 employees or more are intended to be
   – Up to 8 years and 7 months’ service: 5 months' notice (to the end of
                                                                                 more employees are not offered a severance agreement. Thus, if the            dismissed
     a month),
                                                                                 employer doesn't give at least 5 employees a severance agreement, also      – No minimum time if this threshold is not met
   – And, subsequently, 6 months' notice (to the end of a month)                 the employees offered a severance agreement must be counted in.
                                                                                                                                                          When beginning the consultation/negotiation, the employer must provide all
 • Salaried employees are entitled to a seniority based severance pay of 1                                                                                employees or elected representative(s) (if such are elected), with all relevant
   or 3 months' salary if terminated with at least 12 or 17 years of service   • If the CLO does not qualify as a 'mass redundancy' as defined above,     information relevant to the case and provide a written information with a no. of
   (cf. the Danish Salaried Employees Act section 2a).                           there is no statutory process for the redundancy unless a specific       mandatory information pursuant to the Act.
 • In case of a redundancy situation, the employer is as the main rule free      procedure is described in a CBA in force (if any).
   to choose whom to keep and whom to terminate.                                                                                                          Simultaneously, the employer must forward a copy of the message/written
                                                                                 – (Danish employment legislation does not recognize or specify the       information to the Regional Labour Market Council (Notification letter no. 1).
 • For employments covered by CBA's employees with at least 25 years of            concept of 'closure' as such.)
   seniority are however specially protected and should be terminated last                                                                                Step 4)
   amongst equals. Also other groups of employees are specially protected                                                                                 Finalize consultation / negotiation and file information to the Regional Labour
   (e.g. Employees on maternity/parental leave (or employees who have                                                                                     Market Council (Notification letter no. 2) that the consultation/negotiation
   informed they – in the future – will go on maternity/parental leave;                                                                                   has ended.
   Disabled employees or Members of works councils, work environment
   councils (compelling reasons are required))                                                                                                            Step 5)
                                                                                                                                                          As soon as possible and no later than 10 days after the above notification letter
                                                                                                                                                          no. 2 has been send file the Regional Labour Market Council (Notification
                                                                                                                                                          letters no. 3 and 4 combined) with information regarding which employees
                                                                                                                                                          will be dismissed (and the terms offered/agreed) and the final result of the
                                                                                                                                                          Simultaneously the employees must be informed about the terminations in
                                                                                                                                                          Note: Individual notices of termination cannot become effective until after 30
                                                                                                                                                          days after the completion of the consultancy period (this is in reality a minimum
                                                                                                                                                          individual notice and thus runs parallel to the individual notice). If at least 50 %
                                                                                                                                                          of 100 employees or above are intended to be dismissed, then it is at least 8

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                   19
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
 I/C + other rights of in-house bodies of                                       Usual severance package/social plan                                            FTO impact assessment (duration, cost,
 employee participation or third parties                                        features (+ cost assessment)                                                   risk of disruption)
 • If the redundancy qualifies as a mass redundancy under the Danish            • In addition to the legal entitlements (see left), a severance package will   Duration/timing
   Mass Redundancy Act, it is recommended (but not required, however)             contain:                                                                     A CLO/redundancy can be carried out (depending on the length of the
   to have the employees elect one or more representatives if such are not                                                                                     consultation/negotiation) within 1-2 months (shorter if less than 50 % out
   already appointed/elected, to consult/negotiate in the process. There           – Provisions on whether the employee is required to work during the         of 100 employees or more).
   are no statutory requirements to the procedure for the employee's                  notice or put on garden leave (if so, the employer often waives the
   election of the representative(s) and it is up to the employees how to             right to offset income earned from new employment during garden
   handle this procedure and – of course - who to elect. The employer                 leave*) against a full and final settlement.
   should simply give the employee time (1-2 days) and tools to elect the          – Proportional bonus payment (cf. the Danish Salaried Employees Act         The cost in relation to the terminations depends on the number of
   representatives. Often it will make good sense to propose that the shop            section 17a)                                                             employees.
   steward or working environment representative(s) which already is               – Stock options depending on the terms in the relevant stock option
   elected to also be representative in a consultation process (provided that         plan
   the employees agree with these elected representative also takes on this        – Settlement of accrued and not spent holiday allowances to the Danish      Risk of disruption
   task).                                                                             Holiday Fund                                                             There is only a minor risk of disruption as the purpose with the
 • In addition there can be additional requirements stated in the CBA in           – Additional severance payments - if offered                                consultation/negotiation only is to mitigate to the extent possible and seek
   force (if any).                                                                 – Outplacement – if offered                                                 to find solutions which will limit the no. of the employees terminated.
                                                                                   – Mandatory terms pursuant to CBA in force (if any)                         Thus, it is not a requirement that the parties agree to the terms and the
 • I/C rights of employees or elected representatives (If any) include:         (*): The employer may offset against the claim for salary earned from          employer can force through the redundancy after a period of time (i.e. after
                                                                                new employment during garden leave. For salaried employees; however            consultation/negotiation have been carried out).
   – the reasons for the projected redundancies;
                                                                                not for the first 3 whole calendar months.
   – the number of employees to be made redundant, the relevant
     categories they belong to and the period over which the redundancies
     are to take place.
   – the number of employees normally employed at the company, and
     the categories to which they belong
   – the criteria proposed for the selection of the employees to be made
     redundant in so far as permitted by the law and / or practice that has
     the power to do so; and
   – whether the employees to which redundant include employees who
     have access to redundancy payments provided by individual or
     collective agreement, and if so, how these allowances are calculated.

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                                  20
Government aid and recession resources

 CV crisis impact                                                                                                 Restrictions on restructurings

 Temporary closure and government aid:                                                                            Aid conditional upon absence of lay-off/prohibition of lay-off:
 • The employer is entitled to temporarily layoff an employee unilaterally either for a fixed period or           • Employers can apply for the various financial support measures offered by several
   indefinitely by suspending the work completely or by reducing an employee's regular working time                 independent operators subject to the conditions and terms set by these operators.
   prescribed by law or contract to the extent necessary. As a consequence, a suspension of obligation to work
                                                                                                                  • Direct benefits related to terminations or temporary lay-offs for the companies are not at
   and salary payment shall take place. Employment relationship continues in other respects. In order to
                                                                                                                    least yet presented by the Finnish Government.
   temporarily lay off employees, certain legal grounds must exist. Also the regulated procedures must be
 • Parts of employment legislation were temporarily amended on the initiative of the Finnish Government so
   that the employers may adapt their activities more quickly in the CV situation. These temporary legislative
   changes do not affect the applicability of the possible CBA which provisions should be reviewed if the terms
   deviate from the legislation. The changes entered into force on 1 April and remain in force until 30 June
   – Immediate termination during probationary period is permitted due to financial and production-related
   – The notice period for temporary layoffs is shortened from 14 days to 5 days.
   – Employers are allowed to temporarily layoff fixed-term employees subject to same criteria as permanent
   – The minimum cooperation negotiation period on temporary layoffs is shortened to 5 days regardless of
     the number of employees the layoff plan concerns and the length of the planned temporary layoffs.
   – The re-employment period for redundant employees who have received a notice of termination prior to 30
     June 2020 is extended to 9 months.
 • Temporary legislative changes to widen the employees' unemployment security have also been implemented
   affecting e.g. the maximum period of unemployment allowance and the waiting period, among other things.
 • The Finnish Government has decided on a number of financial support measures for the Finnish
   economy. The measures include direct grants, capital investments and loans. SMEs especially now have an
   opportunity to benefit from the financial support being offered and arrange their working capital financing
   to better face the upcoming pressure. For more information on financial assistance click here.
 For more information click here

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                    21
Recessionary measures - CLO and closure
                                                                                                                           I/C + other rights
                                                                                                                                                                Usual severance                       FTO impact
 Outline basic                                                                                                             of in-house bodies
                                         Concepts CLO                 Schedule/ timeline                                                                        package/social plan                   assessment
 redundancy rights                                                                                                         of employee
                                         and closure                  procedure CLO/closure                                                                     features (+ cost                      (duration, cost, risk
                                                                                                                           participation or
                                                                                                                                                                assessment)                           of disruption)
                                                                                                                           third parties
 • Indefinite employment contract        • CLO ('Redundancy'):        • If terminations will be completed on these         • See column on 'Schedule/           Costs in situation of                 Duration/timing
   can be terminated by giving a           See column on 'Schedule/     grounds, the procedure to be followed is             timeline procedure CLO /           redundancy                            Depends on the size of the
   notice on financial and                 timeline procedure CLO /     determined by the size of the employer and           closure '                                                                company and number of
   production related grounds*. If         closure '.                   number of employees being terminated.                                                   • There is no statutory obligation    employees being made redundant
   the notice is not agreed or set out                                                                                     • Despite co-operation                 to pay severance 'Pilon', but the   or temporarily laid off
   by CBA the employer must apply        • (Finnish employment        • In case the employer has less than 20                obligations and the employees'       applicable notice must be
                                           legislation does not         employees:                                           or their representatives' rights     observed.                           Duration from one day + notice to
   the statutory notice based on
                                           recognize or specify the                                                          to be heard, the employer                                                over 6 weeks + notice.
   employees' length of service:                                        – Prior to terminating the employment                                                   • Accrued but untaken holidays
                                           concept of 'closure' as                                                           makes the final decisions on
                                                                          contract on the financial and production                                                and other possible outstanding      Costs
   – Up to 1 year of service: 14           such.)                                                                            the matters.
                                                                          related grounds, the employer must explain                                              costs shall be paid.                Depends on each situation but as
     days' notice
                                                                          to the employee to be dismissed the                                                                                         a starting point the costs are in
   – 1 to 4 years' service: one                                           grounds for termination of employment                                                 • In certain cases mandatory          accordance with the legal
     month                                                                and the alternatives.                                                                   obligations to provide              entitlements (see relevant
   – 4 to 8 years' service: 2 months.                                                                                                                             occupational health care            column).
                                                                        – If the termination concerns more than one                                               services for the employees
   – 8 to 12 years' service: 4                                            employee, the explanation may be given to                                                                                   Risk of disruption
                                                                                                                                                                  made redundant also after the
     months.                                                              a representative of the employees or, if no                                                                                 Depends on a variety of factors
                                                                                                                                                                  expiry of employment.
   – Over 12 years' service: 6                                            such representative has been elected, to the                                                                                like overall quality of industrial
     months.                                                              employees jointly.                                                                    • In some situations the              relations, nature of business and
                                                                                                                                                                  employer shall provide              workforce.
 • (*): Grounds for termination -                                     • In case the employer has at least 20                                                      coaching or training to further
   Proper and weighty reasons are                                       employees (CBAs may deviate):                                                             the employment prospects of
   required. Work must be                                                                                                                                         an employee given notice.
                                                                        – Co-operation negotiations are needed prior
   diminished due to financial or
                                                                          to making any decision on the matter and                                              • Obligation to re-employ the
   production-related reasons or
                                                                          the negotiations regarding the grounds and
   due to the restructuring of the                                                                                                                                redundant employees for a
                                                                          effects of the planned redundancies and
   enterprise AND the reduction of                                                                                                                                certain period after the expiry
                                                                          alternatives to mitigate the effects last from                                          of the employment.
   work must be substantial and
                                                                          14 days up to 6 weeks.
   permanent AND the employee
   cannot reasonably be                                                 – A written proposal for negotiations must                                              • Possible compensation in case
   repositioned or retrained AND                                          be given at least 5 days in advance of the                                              of termination without legal
   before termination or thereafter                                       start of the negotiations.                                                              grounds AND/OR failures in
   the employer has not employed a                                                                                                                                co-operation negotiation
   new employee for similar duties
                                                                        –   As a general rule, if the planned                                                     process.
                                                                            terminations concern a number of
   if the employer's operating
                                                                            employees the co-operation negotiations
   conditions have not changed
                                                                            shall be held with the employees'
   during the equivalent period.

© 2020 Bird & Bird All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                                                                                              22
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