Crowdsourced Phrase-Based Tokenization for Low-Resourced Neural Machine Translation: The Case of Fon Language

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Crowdsourced Phrase-Based Tokenization for Low-Resourced Neural
                                                     Machine Translation: The Case of Fon Language

                                                     Bonaventure F. P. Dossou                               Chris C. Emezue
                                                     Jacobs University Bremen                         Technical University of Munich

                                                              Abstract                            chi.". In Fon language as well, there is no literal
                                                                                                  translation for "Thank you", and they say "Enan
                                             Building effective neural machine translation
                                             (NMT) models for very low-resourced and              tchè numi" as a way of expressing gratitude. While
arXiv:2103.08052v2 [cs.CL] 17 Mar 2021

                                             morphologically rich African indigenous lan-         most languages of the world have a few of these
                                             guages is an open challenge. Besides the is-         "expressions" that are not translated literally, they
                                             sue of finding available resources for them, a       (word expressions with non-literal meanings) are
                                             lot of work is put into preprocessing and to-        abound in most African languages. This underlies
                                             kenization. Recent studies have shown that           the importance of revisiting translation of African
                                             standard tokenization methods do not always
                                                                                                  languages, with an emphasis on relaying the mes-
                                             adequately deal with the grammatical, diacrit-
                                             ical, and tonal properties of some African lan-
                                                                                                  sage in its original form, as opposed to word-for-
                                             guages. That, coupled with the extremely low         word translation.
                                             availability of training samples, hinders the
                                                                                                  Tokenization issue with transcreation: Here,
                                             production of reliable NMT models. In this
                                             paper, using Fon language as a case study, we
                                                                                                  we try to demonstrate the effect of tokenization
                                             revisit standard tokenization methods and in-        on transcreation and the importance of prior knowl-
                                             troduce Word-Expressions-Based (WEB) tok-            edge of the language for tokenization of resource-
                                             enization, a human-involved super-words tok-         constrained African languages like Fon.
                                             enization strategy to create a better represen-        Considering the following Fon sentence:
                                             tative vocabulary for training. Furthermore,         « m¢tà m¢tà w¢ zìnwó h¢n wa aligbo m¢ », how
                                             we compare our tokenization strategy to others       would you best tokenize it? What happens if we
                                             on the Fon-French and French-Fon translation
                                                                                                  implement the standard method of splitting the
                                                                                                  sentence into its word elements: either using the
                                         1   Introduction                                         space delimiter or using subword units?
                                         Motivation: In this work, when we say trans-
                                         lation, we actually focus on transcreation, which
                                         is a form of translation that takes the cultural at-
                                         tributes of the language into consideration. In fact,
                                         while translation focuses on replacing the words in      Figure 1: Tokenization of «m¢tà m¢tà w¢ zìnwó h¢n
                                         a source language with corresponding words in a          wa aligbo m¢» using space delimiter
                                         target language, transcreation focuses on conveying
                                         the same message and concept in a target language           This has been done (see Figure 1) and we discov-
                                         while keeping the style, intent, and context of the      ered that a translation (to French) model, trained on
                                         target language.                                         sentences split this way, gave a literal translation of
                                            Transcreation is of utmost importance in African      «chaque singe est entré dans la vie avec sa tête,
                                         languages because the way ideas are conveyed in          son destin (English: each monkey entered the
                                         African languages is entirely different from En-         stage of life with its head, its destiny)» for the
                                         glish or other non-African languages. For example,       above Fon sentence. But we are not talking about a
                                         Igbo language at its core does not have a literal        monkey here .
                                         translation for "Good morning", but rather has its          It is a metaphor and so the meaning of some
                                         way of expressing something similar to it: "I.   of the words should be considered collectively as
phrases.                                                syntax, is very tonal with highly influential diacrit-
  Using a phrase-based tokenizer, we got the            ics (Dossou and Emezue, 2020). Despite being
grouping showed in Figure 2. A native speaker           spoken by 1.7 million speakers, Joshi et al. (2020)
                                                        have categorized Fon as «left behind» or «under-
         m¢tà m¢tà w¢ zìnwó h¢n wa aligbo m¢            studied» in NLP. This poses a challenge when using
                                                        standard tokenization methods.

  m¢tà      m¢tà w¢    zìnwó      h¢n wa   aligbo m¢       Given that most Fon sentences (and by extension
                                                        most African languages) are like the sentence in
Figure 2: Tokenization of «m¢tà m¢tà w¢ zìnwó h¢n       Figure 1 (or the combination of such expressions),
wa aligbo m¢» using a phrase-based tokenizer            there is a need to re-visit tokenization of such lan-
                                                        guages. In this paper, using Fon in our experiment,
A, looking at some of these grouped phrases             we examine standard tokenization methods, and in-
will quickly point out the issue with the grouped       troduce the Word-Expressions-Based (WEB) to-
phrases. Probably the phrase-based model could          kenization. Furthermore, we test our tokenization
not effectively learn the phrases due to the low        strategy on the Fon-French and French-Fon transla-
data it was trained on? Also, we got a translation      tion tasks. Our main contributions are the dataset,
of «singe chaque vient au monde dans vie avec           our analysis and the proposal of WEB for extremely
tête et destin (English: monkey each comes into         low-resourced African languages (ALRLs). The
world in life with head and fate)». However this        dataset, models and codes will be open-sourced on
does not fully capture the intended idea and mean-      our Github page.
ing of the message in Fon.
   Now with the help of A, for this particular ex-
ample, we get a surprising grouping as shown in
Figure 3: When we train a model based on the            2   Background and Related Works

          m¢tà m¢tà w¢ zìnwó h¢n wa aligbo m¢
                                                        Modern NMT models usually require large amount
                                                        of parallel data in order to effectively learn the rep-
          m¢tà m¢tà w¢ zìnwó h¢n wa aligbo m¢           resentations of morphologically rich source and
                                                        target languages. While proposed solutions, such
Figure 3: Tokenization using prior knowledge from A     as transfer-learning from a high-resource language
                                                        (HRL) to the low-resource language (LRL) (Gu
words and expressions grouping provided by A, we        et al., 2018; Renduchintala et al., 2018; Karakanta
get a translation which is closest to the actual ex-    et al., 2018), and using monolingual data (Sennrich
pression: «Every human being is born with his           et al., 2016a; Zhang and Zong, 2016; Burlot and
chances» . Another interpretation would be that         Yvon, 2018; Hoang et al., 2018), have proved effec-
we must be open to changes, and constantly be           tive, they are still not able to produce better transla-
learning to take advantages of each situation in life   tion results for most ALRLs. Standard tokenization
   Tokenization is generally viewed as a solved         methods, like Subword Units (SU) (Sennrich et al.,
problem. Yet, in practice, we often encounter diffi-    2015), inspired by the byte-pair-encoding (BPE)
culties in using standard tokenizers for NMT tasks,     (Gage, 1994), have greatly improved current NMT
as shown above with Fon. This may be because of         systems. However, studies have shown that BPE
special tokenization needs for particular domains       does not always boost performance of NMT sys-
(like medicine (He and Kayaalp, 2006; Cruz Díaz         tems for analytical languages (Abbott and Martinus,
and Maña López, 2015)), or languages. Fon, one          2018). Ngo et al. (2019) show that when morpho-
of the five classes of the Gbe language clusters        logical differences exist between source and target
(Aja, Ewe, Fon, Gen, and Phla-Phera according to        languages, SU does not significantly improve re-
(Capo, 2010)), is spoken by approximately 1.7 mil-      sults. Therefore, there is a great need to revisit
lion people located in southwestern Nigeria, Benin,     NMT with a focus on low-resourced, morpholog-
Togo, and southeastern Ghana. There exists ap-          ically complex languages like Fon. This may in-
proximately 53 different dialects of Fon spoken         volve taking a look at how to adapt standard NMT
throughout Benin. Fon has complex grammar and           strategies to these languages.
3   Tokenization Strategies and their                   4     Word-Expressions-Based tokenization
    Challenges for Fon                                        (WEB)
                                                        WEB involves aligning and extracting meaningful
In this section, we briefly discuss the standard to-    expressions based on linguistic components of Fon
kenization strategies employed in NMT, as well          (phonemes, morphemes, lexemes, syntax, and con-
as challenges faced while applying them to Fon.         text). This requires the assistance of Fon-French
Word-Based tokenization (WB) consists of split-         native speakers. Some examples of good align-
ting sentences into words, according to a delimiter.    ments are:
We’ll show the limits of this method using this Fon                  nªncé −→ maman (mum)
expression: «un ¡o ganji» . «un» on its own is                      | {z }
an interjection, to express an emotion of surprise        ku¡o jigbézǎn −→ joyeux anniversaire (Happy
or astonishment. But «un ¡o» already means "I
                                                         |      {z      }
                                                             nªncé viv¢ −→ maman chérie (dear mum)
am", "I am at", or "I have", depending on the con-
text in which it is used. The whole expression,             | {z }
 «un ¡o ganji» , could mean "I am fine" or "I am         a¡o ji¡i¡e ¡o wutu cé à −→ as-tu confiance en
okay".                                                  |            {z          }
                                                                 moi ? (do you have faith in me ?)
   Phrase-Based tokenization (PhB) encodes                nªnvi cé −→ mon frère / ma soeur (my brother /
phrases (group of words) as atomic units, in-           | {z }
                                                                            my sister)
stead of words. As a result, models trained
on PhB have the ability to learn and interpret          It is important to note that WEB is not a human-in-
language-specific phrases (noun, verbal and             the-loop process, because it doesn’t require human
prepositional phrases), making it better than           intervention to run. The human intervention oc-
WB for Fon language. However, due to the                curs while cleaning and preprocessing the dataset.
low-resourcedness of the language and the               We describe our algorithm as a recursive search
randomness of PhB alignments, some extracted            algorithm which finds the optimal combination of
pairs are not always contextually faultless. For        words and expressions that will produce a better
example, the computer alignment gave respectively       translation for a source sentence. The following
 [z¢n, une (a, an, one)]    and    [azªn, la (the)] ,   algorithm was designed to encode input sentences
instead of        [z¢n, une marmite (a pot)]    and     using the established vocabularies:
[azªn, la maladie (the disease)] .                          1. Run through the vocabulary and output a list L of all
                                                               possible word combinations for the words and expres-
   Encoding with SU has made great headway in                  sions appearing in the sentence S.
NMT, especially due to its ability to effectively en-       2. Important principle in Fon: higher word orders = more
code rare out-of-vocabulary words (Sennrich et al.,            precise and meaningful expressions. Using this princi-
2016b). Machácek et al. (2018), in analyzing the               ple, for each element (word or expression), w ∈ L,
word segmentation for NMT, reported that the com-                (a) Check if there exists a higher word order, v ∈ L,
                                                                     such that w ( v.
mon property of BPE and SU relies on the distri-
                                                                 (b) If 2a is true, discard w, else keep w.
bution of character sequences, but disregards any
morphological properties of the languages in ques-          3. The output is a list L̂ of optimal expressions from the
tion. Apart from rule-based tokenization, there                initial L, making up the initial sentence S.
are machine learning approaches to tokenization             4. Add  and  taggers respectively at the be-
as well, which unfortunately require a substantial             ginning and the end of every element ŵ (word or ex-
amount of training samples (both original and to-              pression) ∈ L̂.
kenized versions of the same texts) (Riley, 1989;           5. Encode every ŵ (word or expression) ∈ L̂
Mikheev, 2000; Jurish and Würzner, 2013). To the
best of our knowledge, there is no known language-      We argue that WEB scales well because it does
specific tokenization proposed for Fon in particular,   require only knowledge and intuitions from bilin-
and ALRLs in general, although there have been          guals, meaning that we can crowdsource those
a number of works on adapting NMT specifically          phrases. We want to state clearly, in order to avoid
to them (like (Orife et al., 2020; van Biljon et al.,   any confusion, that WEB could be interpreted as an-
2020; Vaswani et al., 2017), to mention but a few).     other version of PhB, involving human evaluation.
For our study, it took a group of 8 people, all bilin-   6     Methodology, Results and Conclusion
guals speaking Fon and French, and approximately
                                                         In this section, we describe the implementation of
350 hours in total to align and extract meaningful
                                                         WB, PhB, SU, WEB and we compare the results of
sentences manually. No preliminary trainings have
                                                         our NMT model trained on them for our analysis.
been done with the annotators, given the fact that
they are in majority linguists and natives of the Fon    6.1    Creation of vocabularies for WB, PhB,
language. This made the step of sentences splitting             SU and WEB
into expressions, more natural, reliable and faster.
                                                         For WB, we split the sentences according to the
5       The Fon-French Dataset: Data                     standard ’space’ delimiter, using the TensorFlow-
        Collection, Cleaning and expansion               Keras text tokenizer2 , getting a vocabulary of 7,845
        processes                                        and 8,756 Fon and French tokens (words) respec-
As our goal is to create a reliable translation system      For PhB, we used the IBM1 model from
to be used by the modern Fon-speaking community,         nltk.translate.api module3 to align and extract all
we set out to gather more data on daily conversa-        possible pairs of sentences. Our main observa-
tions domain for this study. Thanks to many col-         tion was that, some pairs generated were either not
laborations with Fon-French bilinguals, journalists      meaningful or not maching, but we didn’t try to
and linguists, we gathered daily citations, proverbs     rearrange them in order to see how well the gen-
and sentences with their French translations. Af-        erated pairs, without human intervention, would
ter the collection’s stage, we obtained a dataset of     affect the translation quality. In so doing, we got a
8074 pairs of Fon-French sentences.                      vocabulary of 10,576 and 11,724 Fon and French
   The cleaning process, which involved the Fon-         tokens respectively (word and expressions).
French bilinguals, mainly consisted of analyzing            For SU we used the TensorFlow’s SubwordTex-
the contextual meanings of the Fon sentences, and        tEncoder4 with a target vocabulary size of 8500,
checking the quality of the French translations. In      leading to a vocabulary size of 7,952 and 8,116
many cases, where the French translations were           for Fon and French respectively. There has been
really bad, we made significant corrections.             research that suggests that there is need to tune the
   Another major observation was the presence of         only hyperparameter in BPE – the target vocabu-
many long and complex sentences. That’s where            lary size – because although the effect of vocabu-
the idea of expanding the dataset came from: we          lary size on translation quality is relatively small
proceeded to split, when possible, Fon sentences         for high-resource languages (Haddow et al., 2018),
into short, independent, and meaningful expres-          large vocabularies in low-resource languages often
sions (expression of 1-6 words), and accordingly         result in low-frequency subwords being represented
add their respective French translations. At the end     as atomic units at training time, thereby impeding
of these processes, we obtained our final dataset        the ability to learn good high-dimensional represen-
of 25,383 pairs of Fon-French sentences. The ex-         tations (Sennrich and Zhang, 2019a). For our pilot
periments, described in this paper, were conducted       study, we however did not perform any tuning.
using the final dataset (Dossou et al., 2021).              To implement WEB, we considered unique ex-
   We strongly believe that involving the Fon-           pressions as atomic units. Using the steps high-
French bilinguals into the cleaning process greatly      lighted for WEB in section 4, we encoded those
improved the quality of the dataset. In fact, many       atomic units and obtained a vocabulary of 18,759
initial translation errors were disregarded by stan-     and 19,785 Fon and French tokens (word and ex-
dard, rule-based tokenization (like WB, PhB and          pressions) used for the model training.
SU) and cleaning techniques1 . However, with the             2
help of the intuitive or natural language knowl-         preprocessing/text/Tokenizer
edge of the Fon-French bilinguals, most of the er-   
rors were fixed. This highlights the importance      
of having native speakers of African low-resource
languages to clean and review the dataset during
the initial stages of its compilation.
Translation        Tokenization           SacreBleu ↑              METEOR ↑      TER ↓     SacreBleu↑        chrF (*100)
                                           tokenize="null"                                  tokenize="intl"
 Fon → Fr           WB                     6.80                     12.20         86.20     9.19              17.64
 Fon → Fr           SU                     7.60                     13.60         87.40     14.55             19.01
 Fon → Fr           PhB                    38.90                    53.70         43.90     44.12             58.65
 Fon → Fr           WEB                    66.60                    77.77         24.20     68.24             79.40
 Fr → Fon           WB                     15.65                    -             -         18.07             -
 Fr → Fon           SU                     25.68                    -             -         29.56             -
 Fr → Fon           PhB                    38.74                    -             -         42.62             -
 Fr → Fon           WEB                    49.37                    -             -         52.71             -

                    Table 1: Experimental results of our model trained on WB, SU, PhB and WEB.

                                                                        6.2   Dataset splitting, model’s architecture
                                                                              and training.
                                                                        From the dataset, and because of the the amount
                Sentences: Fon , French and English                     of data to be used for the training, we carefully
                Translations                                            selected 155 mixed (short, long and complex) rep-
 Source          a ¡o ji¡i¡e ¡o wutu cé à nªnvi cé                      resentative sentences i.e. sentences made of 2 or
 Tokenization    a ¡o ji¡i¡e ¡o wutu cé à nªnvi cé                      more expressions (or words), as test data; sentences
 output         |           {z           } | {z }
                                                                        that we believe, would test the model’s ability to
 Target         est-ce que tu me fais confiance mon frère? (my          correctly translate higher word order expressions
                brother, do you trust in me?)                           in Fon. 10% of the training data, was set aside for
 WB             confiance mon oncle (trust my uncle)                    validation.
                                                                           For training, we used an encoder-decoder-based
 PhB            tu me fais confiance? (do you trust me?)
                                                                        architecture (Sutskever et al., 2014), made up of
 SU             aies la foi (have faith)                                128-dimensional gated rectified units (GRUs) recur-
 WEB            mon frère, est-ce que tu me fais confiance?             rent layers (Cho et al., 2014), with a word embed-
                (my brother do you trust in me?)                        ding layer of dimension 256 and a 10-dimensional
 Source         ¡é é man yªn nùmi à, na bª yi doto hwé                  attention model (Bahdanau et al., 2015).
 Tokenization   ¡é é man yªn nùmi à , na bª yi doto hwé                    We trained with a batch size of 100, learning rate
 output         |          {z          } |         {z       }
                                                                        of 0.001 and 500 epochs, using validation loss to
 Target         j’irai à l’hopitâl vu que je ne me sens pas bien        track model performance. The training took all the
                (Since I am not feeling well, I will go to hospi-       500 epochs, with the loss reducing from one epoch
                                                                        to another. We would like to emphasize that up only
 WB             être malade et se rendre à l’hopitâl (to be sick        at 500 epochs, with the given hyperparameters, we
                and to go to hospital)
                                                                        obtained significant and meaningful translations.
 PhB            je me rends à l’hopitâl parce que je ne me sens            All training processes took 14 days on a 16GB
                pas bien (I am going to hospital because I am           Tesla K80 GPU. We evaluated our NMT models
                not feeling well)
                                                                        performances using SacreBleu (Post, 2018), ME-
 SU             rends à l’hopitâl, je suis malade (Go to hospi-         TEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005), CharacTER
                tal, I am sick)
                                                                        (TER) (Wang et al., 2016), and chrF (Popović,
 WEB            je me rendrai à l’hopital vu que je ne me sens          2015) metrics.
                pas bien (I will go to hospital since I am not
                feeling well)                                           6.3   Results and Conclusion
Table 2: Model translations with WB, PhB, SU and                        Table 1 and Table 2 show that our baseline model
WEB                                                                     performs better with PhB, and best with WEB, in
                                                                        terms of metric and translation quality. It is im-
                                                                        portant to note that while BLEU scores of PhB
                                                                        and WEB, reduced on the Fr→Fon task, BLEU
                                                                        scores of WB and SU improved on it. We speculate
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                                                         Philip Gage. 1994. A new algorithm for data compres-
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Kreutzer for the help and mentorship.
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