CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...

CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...

2020 Directory of
Charitable Organizations

 The CSEC is managed by United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut.
CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...
Campaign Website

          Social Media

       Finance Helpline

Campaign Information Helpline
CSEC Partnership Manager: Kelli Byrd

CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...
August 2020

Dear Fellow State Employees:

I hope you are all safe and doing well during these unprecedented times.

The heart and generosity of Connecticut State Employees has never been stronger
as we work together to address the impact COVID has created. In the spirit of
finding solutions and maintaining great momentum, we are thrilled to announce that
Comptroller Kevin Lembo is returning as the 2020 Statewide Chair of the
Connecticut State Employees Campaign for Charitable Giving (CSEC).

“This campaign is an uplifting reminder of the good in so many people,” Lembo
said. “Connecticut state employees and retirees have generously given millions over
the years to better their neighborhoods, care for children and seniors, protect our
environment and make our state a better place.”

The CSEC provides state employees and retirees an opportunity to contribute to
hundreds of qualified nonprofit charities through the convenience of payroll
deductions. Since 1993, employees and retirees have donated between $550,000
and $2 million annually, directly benefitting local and national charitable
organizations. It is through your generosity that people in our community are
receiving the vital services needed to improve their quality of life.

As we navigate this unprecedented crisis, the CSEC needs your philanthropic
support more than ever. In donating to the charitable organizations listed in this
directory, you help make possible a wide range of critical services such as shelter
for the homeless, food for the hungry, important medical research and much more.

Join us to make a lasting impact. Thank you for your support.

Betsy McDermont, Office of the State Comptroller
2020 Connecticut State Employees Campaign Committee Chair

CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...
The Connecticut State Employees Campaign for Charitable Giving (CSEC) is the once a year opportunity for
Connecticut state employees to contribute to non-profit charities in the workplace. Through the CSEC, you can
make a single gift to help people locally, throughout the nation and around the world. The contributions made by
you and your fellow employees make possible a wide range of vital services: shelter for the homeless, protection
of the environment, research for the cure of diseases, care for both children and seniors. These are only a
fraction of the services provided by the nearly 700 charities listed in this directory.
Keep this Directory                                                  Designations
This directory is designed to act as a reference for you if          You have the option of designating all or a portion of your
you need to locate a service, are looking for volunteer              contribution to one or more charitable organizations
opportunities, or need a question answered. The hundreds             listed in this directory. If you do not wish to designate
of listings in this directory include health, social action,         your gift, it will be distributed to each federation based on
human service, educational services and environmental                their overall percentage of designated gifts. In the event
organizations.                                                       the agency you designate to is not part of the CSEC, or if
                                                                     your designation is incomplete or illegible, the TPA will
Finance Helpline                                                     make every reasonable effort to contact you to determine
If you have questions regarding your financial contribution          where your donation should be directed. If we are unable
to the CSEC or need assistance with using the online giving          to reach you, your gift will be distributed among the
platform, please contact the Finance Helpline at                     participating charities. Each charitable organization in this
860-493-6840 or by email at ewayhelp@unitedwayinc.org.               directory has gone through a rigorous screening process
                                                                     by the CSEC committee. Since the campaign is governed
Campaign Information                                                 by State Regulation 5-262, only those charities that meet
                                                                     the requirements specified in the regulations, and are
If you have questions, concerns or comments regarding the
                                                                     approved by the campaign committee, are eligible to
CSEC please contact Kelli Byrd, CSEC Partnership Manager,
                                                                     receive contributions made through the CSEC. The CSEC
at 860-493-6846 or by email at kbyrd@unitedwayinc.org.
                                                                     is unable to accept donations designated to other
                                                                     charities not listed in this directory.
Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this campaign is completely voluntary.
If you feel that you have been unduly pressured or coerced
                                                                     This campaign has two methods for which a pledge can
to participate in this campaign, please contact the
                                                                     be made. The easiest is payroll deduction ($1 per pay
Campaign Help Line at (860) 493-6840.
                                                                     period is the minimum contribution). Another option is a
                                                                     one-time gift in the form of cash, check or credit card.
CSEC Administration                                                  Please visit www.CTStateEmployeesCare.com for more
The operation of the CSEC is overseen by a group of State            information.
Employees who are appointed to serve on the State
Employees Campaign Committee. United Way of Central
                                                                     About the Entries in this Directory
and Northeastern Connecticut has been selected by the
                                                                     Percentages listed after each organization’s description
Campaign Committee to serve as Third Party Administrator
                                                                     represent annual fundraising and administrative costs as
(TPA) for this charitable drive. Functions of the TPA include:
                                                                     a percentage of total income. Please visit
development of communication materials, coordination of
                                                                     www.guidestar.org for financial information on the
training programs, management of state employee giving
                                                                     participating federations and charities. Organizations
campaigns, reporting and distribution of campaign
                                                                     with an administrative percentage over 25 percent are
proceeds and supporting the efforts of hundreds of
                                                                     not accepted into this campaign unless they have
volunteers throughout the state who make this drive
                                                                     adequately demonstrated that they are taking the
                                                                     necessary steps to bring these expenses below 25
                                                                     percent, as is the case with agencies that have an (*)
Campaign Dates                                                       after their percentage. The CSEC committee has giving
The campaign runs from September 4 to December 13. All               these agencies a one-year extension to bring their
gifts will be forwarded as specified by you after a deduction        administrative costs below 25 percent.
for administrative costs. Contact the CSEC for more
information at 860-493-6840.
                                                                     If you wish to receive acknowledgement from the
Visit the CSEC Website and Social Media                              charity(ies) to which you designate, please check the
Visit our website at www.CTStateEmployeesCare.com                    appropriate box on the on-line giving tool or the paper
You can email the staff with your thoughts and                       pledge form. PLEASE NOTE: the charity(ies) will receive
suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you. Visit              notification of the amount of your gift.
our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages @CSEC4CG.
CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...

America’s Best Charities .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6

America’s Charities .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 21

Community Health Charities .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 25

Connecticut United Ways

          Middlesex United Way, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

          United Way of Greater Waterbury  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

          United Way of Coastal Fairfield County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

          United Way of Greater New Haven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

          United Way of Meriden & Wallingford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

          United Way of Milford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

          United Way of Naugatuck and Beacon Falls, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

          United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

          United Way of Northwest Connecticut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

          United Way of Southeastern Connecticut  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

          United Way of Southington, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

          United Way of West Central Connecticut, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

EarthShare New England .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 41

Global Impact .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 43

Neighbor to Nation .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 45

Index of Charitable Organizations .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 48

CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...

                                           America’s Best Charities
                               Working with you to Share the American way
        Feeding the hungry. Sheltering the homeless. Protecting the children. And healing the sick.
          America’s finest independent charities. Working with you to share – the American way.

               8123                                     7965                                    8154
Abandoned Children’s Fund                Adoptions by Cradle of Hope             AIDS Children’s Foundation
888-884-0567                             301-587-4400                            888-683-8323
www.abandonedchildrensfund.org           www.cradlehope.org                      www.AFCAids.org
Please Help ACF Today!                   Help an abandoned child! We             HIV+ children don’t have to die.
10.9%                                    provide adoption services and           Help us provide anti-retroviral
                                         support to children who need            and other medication, livelihood
               8106                      permanent, loving families. Every       programs, and supplies to help
                                         dollar saves children’s lives and       children achieve their full potential.
Abortion Federation,                     provides love!                          9.7%
National (NAF)                           14%
202-667-5881                                                                                    8159
www.prochoice.org                                       7788
Women’s ability to access abortion                                               AIDS Vaccine Initiative,
care is under attack. Help keep          Aid for African Catholic                International
clinics open so women can obtain         Missions                                212-847-1111
the safe, high-quality abortion care     866-220-8981                            www.iavi.org
they need.                               www.a4acm.org                           The world needs an AIDS vaccine.
4.5%                                     Alleviate human suffering among         We work to ensure and speed
                                         the poor and marginalized in Africa.    development of safe, effective,
               7808                      We provide for basic human/             accessible, preventive HIV vaccines
                                         spiritual needs; build churches,        for use throughout the world.
Abused Children’s Fund, Inc.             schools, health clinics and youth       11.4%
707-483-2939                             hostels.
www.abusedchildrensfund.org              1.6%                                                   7601
Help us provide healing.
1.5%                                                    7789                     Air Force Association
               7800                      Aid For Starving Children               www.afa.org
                                         800-514-3499                            AFA is dedicated to dominant air,
Acton Institute for the Study            www.aidforstarvingchildren.org          space, and cyberspace power, a
of Religion and Liberty                  One child dying of hunger every         strong national defense, supporting
616-4543080                              twelve seconds-over 7,000 a day-        the men and women of the United
www.acton.org                            must stop! Make a difference. Your      States Air Force.
Promote a free and virtuous society      actions can help save a child’s life.   13.5%
characterized by individual liberty      6.3%
and sustained by religious principle                                                            8161
15.1%                                                   7844
                                                                                 Alex’s Lemonade Stand
               8170                      Aid for Trash Dump Children:            Foundation for Childhood
                                         The Unforgotten                         Cancer
Adoptable Children                       443-668-2648                            866-333-1213
(North American Council)                 www.unforgotten.org                     www.AlexsLemonade.org
651-644-3036                             Save hungry children and their          To raise money and awareness of
www.nacac.org                            mothers from eating trash and           childhood cancer causes, primarily
Through advocacy, education, and         living in garbage dumps. Provide        research into new treatments and
support for foster, adoptive, and        them clean food and water, shelter,     cures.
kinship families, NACAC works            education and a future.                 13.4%
to ensure that all children have a       0%
loving, safe, and permanent family.

CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...
               7819                                      8117                                   7865
Allergy and Asthma Network                Alzheimer’s Research and                Angel Canines and Wounded
Mothers of Asthmatics, Inc.               Prevention Foundation                   Warriors
800-878-4403                              888-908-5766                            888-675-1405
www.allergyasthmanetwork.org              www.AlzheimersPrevention.org            www.mercymedical.org
Asthma is a chronic disease, but          5.4 million Americans suffer            Angel Canines and Wounded
with good and quality care, can be        from Alzheimer’s; this number           Warriors (Mercy Medical Angels)
manageable. Help us advocate on           will skyrocket without prevention       ensures that veterans in need of
behalf of millions of children and        research. Help us prevent               service dog acquisition, training
adults                                    Alzheimer’s disease/ensure              or medical treatment will receive
14.5%                                     maximum brain function for life.        FREE transportation.
                                          8.5%                                    8.7%
                                                         7807                                   7760
Alley Cat Allies
240-482-1980                              Alzheimer’s Research                    Angel Flight Northeast
www.alleycat.org                          Foundation, Fisher Center               800-549-9980
Alley Cat Allies is the global engine     800-ALZ-INFO                            www.angelflightne.org
of change for cats. We work toward        www.ALZinfo.org                         Angel Flight NE coordinates free
a world where every cat is valued         Unique research into cause, care        air transportation for patients who
and protected.                            and cure of Alzheimer’s by Nobel        need to access life-saving medical
12.5%                                     Prize winner. Donate to change          treatment that is not available in
                                          lives. Bring a cure to 5.7 million      their geographic region.
               7790                       Americans.                              15.8%
Alley Cat Rescue                                                                                9002
301-277-5595                                             7862
www.saveacat.org                                                                  Anglican Relief and
Alley Cat Rescue Inc. promotes the        America’s VetDogs – the                 Development Fund
humane care of all cats domestic,         Veteran’s K-9 Corps, Inc.               724-251-6045
feral, abandoned and stray.               866-838-3647                            www.ardf.org
13.6%                                     www.VetDogs.org                         Our mission is to work through
                                          Trains and places guide,                Powerful Partnerships worldwide
               7938                                                               to maximize life change in some
                                          service, hearing and PTSD dogs.
                                          Transforming lives of disabled          of the most challenging parts of
Alopecia Areata Foundation
                                          veterans, active service members        the world.
National                                                                          20.9%
                                          and first responders so they can
415-472-3780                              live without boundaries.
www.naaf.org                              21.2%                                                 9003
Provides major research funding,
patient educational materials and                        7943                     Animal Crisis Care
support for alopecia areata, a                                                    800-440-3277
mystifying autoimmune disease             American Association for                www.RedRover.org
affecting all ages, causing one’s         Cancer Research                         Bringing animals from crisis to care
hair to fall out.                         866-423-3965                            18.4%
21%                                       www.aacrfoundation.org
                                          We fund groundbreaking scientific
                                          cancer research that saves lives. By    Animal Legal Defense Fund
Alzheimer’s Foundation                    contributing, you can help speed up
                                          the pace of scientific discovery, and
of America                                                                        www.aldf.org
                                          fight cancer.
866-232-8484                                                                      Animal Legal Defense Fund fights
www.alzfdn.org                                                                    to end animal cruelty. Support
To provide optimal care and                              7864                     the only legal advocate dedicated
services to individuals confronting                                               exclusively to helping animals, and
dementia and to their caregivers          American Battlefield Trust              provide a voice for animals.
and families through member               202-367-1861                            19.7%
organizations dedicated to                www.battlefields.org
improving quality of life.                The American Battlefield Trust
16.8%                                     works tirelessly to preserve and
                                          protect our nation’s Revolutionary
                                          War, War of 1812, and Civil War
                                          battlefields from development
                                          and destruction.
CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...
               9004                                     8145                                   8149
Anxiety and Depression                   Asian Children’s Rescue                 Autoimmune Diseases
Association of America                   & Relief Fund                           Association
240-485-1001                             866-523-3133                            888-856-9433
www.adaa.org                             www.AsianChildrensAssist.org            www.aarda.org
ADAA is a nonprofit dedicated to         Saving Asian abandoned, destitute,      Autoimmunity causes Lupus,
the prevention, treatment, and cure      and handicapped children by             Arthritis, Celiac, MS, Type 1
of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD,       providing hope and opportunity.         Diabetes, and 100+ other diseases.
and co-occurring disorders through       Reaching their full potential through   Through research and patient
education, practice, and research.       holistic care, counseling, therapy,     services, our work eases the
13%                                      and training.                           suffering they inflict.
                                         24.9%                                   6.9%
                                                        7957                                   7811
Apes Alive: The Primate
Rescue Center                            ASPCA: American Society                 Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.
859-858-4866                             for the Prevention of Cruelty           516-739-7746
www.primate-rescue.org                   to Animals                              www.prisonministry.org
We rescue apes and monkeys               212-876-7700                            Jesus Christ Saves Lives! Help
from the pet trade, entertainment        www.aspca.org                           our prison ministry reduce crime
industry, and biomedical research.       The ASPCA’s mission is to provide       by promoting Christianity to
We provide lifetime care focused         effective means for the prevention      English and Spanish speaking
entirely on their needs and welfare.     of cruelty to animals throughout the    inmates with literature, videos,
9.6%                                     United States.                          counseling, and prayer.
                                         22.2%                                   3.8%
                                                        7867                                   7657
Appalachian Trail Conservancy
304-535-6331                             Assistance Dog Institute                Big Cat Rescue Corp
www.appalachiantrail.org                 707-545-3647                            813-920-4130
Preserve and manage this amazing         www.berginu.edu                         www.bigcatrescue.org
nature trail. Ensuring that its          Our Assistance Dogs empower             Tigers confined to circus wagons.
priceless cultural heritage can be       people who are struggling with          Lions bred for photos then to be
shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow,      physical and emotional issues to        shot in cages. Lynx farmed for their
and for centuries to come.               regain sense of connection and          fur. Help us save big cats.
20.8%                                    expand life possibilities.              5.9%
               7866                                                                            7604
Apraxia Kids                                                                     Bladder Cancer
412-785-7072                             Autism Intervention and                 Advocacy Network
www.apraxia-kids.org                     Treatment Research –                    888-901-BCAN
Every child deserves a voice. We’re      Organization for Autism                 www.bcan.org
improving the lives of children with     Research                                BCAN was founded in 2005 and
apraxia by ensuring each child has                                               is the only national advocacy
their best opportunity to develop                                                organization devoted to advancing
optimal communication.                   www.researchautism.org                  bladder cancer research and
27.2%                                    Autism occurs in 1:59 births in the     supporting those impacted by
                                         U.S.! We help persons with autism       the disease.
               7655                      by funding research that provides       18.6%
                                         practical answers to autism’s
Arc of Quinebaug Valley,                 challenges.                                           7859
Inc., The                                17.3%
860-774-2827                                                                     Blind Vietnamese
                                                        7925                     Children Foundation
Human Service agency committed           Autism Society of America               888-877-0736
to supporting individuals with           800-3-AUTISM                            www.bvcf.net
intellectual, developmental and          www.autism-society.org                  For almost two decades, we have
other life-affecting disabilities.       A national source of information,       pioneered support for homes
11.2%                                    advocacy and support that reaches       providing healthcare, education,
                                         local communities with a one-of-a-      and career development to once-
                                         kind nationwide network of autism       neglected visually-impaired children
                                         knowledge and support.                  in Vietnam.
                                         21.2%                                   2%

CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...
               9007                                     7843                                     7968
Boulder Crest Retreat for               Breast Cancer Research &                  Cancer Research Fund of
Military & Veteran Wellness             Assistance Fund                           the Damon Runyon – Walter
540-554-2727                            602-241-2697                              Winchell Foundation
www.bouldercrestretreat.org             www.breastcancer-research.org             877-7CANCER
Heal combat veterans and their          Provides research grants, medical         www.damonrunyon.org
families dealing with combat-           equipment and supplies to                 To accelerate breakthroughs,
related stress. Their mission is        hospitals and clinics that treat          we provide today’s best young
to provide free, world class, short     breast cancer and other chronic           scientists with funding to pursue
duration, high-impact retreats.         diseases. Provides educational            innovative cancer research. 100%
5.6%                                    materials and support groups.             of your donation funds cancer
                                        2.4%                                      research.
               7960                                                               16.4%
Brain Injury Association                                                                         9009
of America                              Bridge Family Center, Inc., The
703-761-0750                            860-521-8035                              Canine Assistants
www.BIAUSA.org                          www.bridgefamilycenter.org                800-771-7221
BIAA provides help, hope, healing       A regional family service agency          www.canineassistants.org
for millions of Americans who           providing counseling, temporary           Teaching great dogs for special
live with often misdiagnosed and        shelter, life-skills training, positive   people. Invest in freedom by
misunderstood brain injury.             youth development programs,               providing service dogs to children
18.3%                                   parent education, community               and adults with disabilities.
                                        services, and prevention and              Thank you!
               7906                     intervention programs.                    7.5%
Brain Tumor Association,                                                                       AG0122
American (ABTA)                                         7735
800-886-2282                                                                      Canine Companions for
                                        Cancer Aid and Research Fund              Independence
Advancing the understanding and         623-561-5893                              800-572-BARK (2275)
treatment of brain tumors with the      www.canceraidresearch.org                 www.cci.org
goals of improving, extending, and      Awards scientific research grants,        A cold nose and a warm heart!
saving the lives of those impacted      provides medical supplies and             Our dogs provide independence,
by brain tumor diagnoses.               equipment to hospitals and                assistance and friendship that
20%                                     clinics that treat cancer and other       transforms the lives of children,
                                        degenerative diseases. Supports           adults, and veterans with disabilities.
               7836                     cancer support groups.                    23.1%
Bread and Water for Africa, Inc.                                                                 7737
888-371-6622                                            7877
www.africanrelief.org                                                             Canine Health Foundation
Strengthening African initiatives
                                        Cancer Care, Inc.                         888-682-9696
for self-sufficiency by supporting      800-813-HOPE                              www.akcchf.org
health care, clean water,               www.cancercare.org                        The AKC Canine Health Foundation
education,orphan care, agriculture,     CancerCare is the leading national        is dedicated to advancing the
micro-credit programs focusing on       organization providing free,              health of all dogs by funding
women and children                      professional support services and         scientific research to prevent, treat
0.2%                                    information to help people manage         and cure canine disease.
                                        the emotional, practical and              15.8%
               7842                     financial challenges of cancer.
                                        22%                                                      7610
Breast Cancer Aid and
Research Institute                                                                Catholic Legal Immigration
800-759-2150                                                                      Network, Inc.
www.breastcancerinstitute.org                                                     301-565-4800
Provides grants to hospitals that                                                 www.cliniclegal.org
do research and treat breast cancer                                               CLINIC and its 330+ affiliates assist
patients. Ships medical supplies                                                  low-income immigrants, reunite
to hospitals and clinics. Supports                                                families, promote citizenship,
breast cancer support groups.                                                     help victims of domestic violence,
2%                                                                                advocate, build capacity, train legal
                                                                                  immigration providers.
CSEC 2020 Directory of Charitable Organizations - CT State ...
                7611                                      8128                                    9010
Catholics United for Life                  Child Find of America                   Children & Charity –
800-764-8444                               800-I-AM-LOST                           Educating, Feeding and
www.catholicsunitedforlife.org             www.childfindofamerica.org              Caring for the Needy
Supporting the Catholic Church             Child kidnapping prevention and         202-234-0488
in defending human life from the           location specialists, helping           www.childrenandcharity.org
moment of conception. Providing            children and devastated parents         Help us provide education,
youth conferences, defense of              through free investigation,             leadership, and nutrition programs,
religious liberties, and right-to-life     mediation and publicity. Your gift      along with mentoring and
education.                                 could bring a missing child home.       healthcare support services, to
22.8%                                      6.7%                                    poor and underrepresented children
                                                                                   and families around the world.
                7988                                      7621
Celiac Central, Beyond Celiac              Child Foundation                                       9011
844-856-6692                               503-224-0409
www.BeyondCeliac.org                       www.childfoundation.org                 Children of Nicaragua
Celiac disease can lead to cancer,         Education can move a child beyond       Fabretto Foundation
malnourishment, infertility,               the stigma of poverty and give that     703-525-8716
osteoporosis, life-threatening             child the tools to reach his or her     www.fabretto.org
diseases. 83% of sufferers remain          true and full potential.                Empowering underserved children
undiagnosed. Support research for          5.8%                                    and families in Nicaragua to reach
improved treatments and a cure.                                                    their full potential, improve their
19.1%                                                     7928
                                                                                   livelihoods, and take advantage
                7719                       Child Rescue International              of economic opportunity through
                                           800-245-9191                            education and nutrition.
Certified Humane                           www.mwb.org                             12.1%
703-435-3883                               Abandoned, orphaned, hungry                            7963
www.CertifiedHumane.org                    and lonely children in forgotten
Seeking relief for farm animals            countries of Eastern Europe need        Children of the Night
in food production by educating            your help.Please join us in giving      800-551-1300
farmers and consumers.                     hope for a better future.               www.childrenofthenight.org
2%                                         6.7%                                    Children of the Night has rescued
                7868                                      7758                     10,000 American children and
                                                                                   with global expansion will rescue
Charter Oak Amateur                        Child Slavery, Trafficking              another 10,000 in a fraction of the
Boxing Academy and Youth                   and Forced Labor Rescue                 time.
Development Program Inc                    202-234-9050
860-951-0377                               www.GoodWeave.org                                      7732
www.cobaboxing.net                         Protecting exploited child laborers
We keep high-risk boys and girls           in Asia; Rescuing children facing       Children’s Cancer Aid and
in school and on the path to               human-trafficking and slavery;          Research Institute
secondary education through a              offering youth development,             800-759-3390
holistic approach centering on             counseling, rehabilitation and          www.childrenscancerresearch.org
amateur boxing.                            education to fight the poverty cycle.   Awards grants to hospitals that
0%                                         8.9%                                    do childhood cancer research and
                                                          8172                     treats children fighting cancer.
                                                                                   Ships medical supplies to programs
Chesapeake Bay                             Childhood Brain                         that treat childhood cancer.
                                           Tumor Foundation                        4.8%
Foundation, Inc.
888-728-3229                               877-217-4166                                           0487
www.cbf.org                                www.childhoodbraintumor.org
America’s waters and marine life           Where would you turn if your child      Children’s Defense Fund
face toxic pollution, overfishing,         had a critical brain tumor? We’re       202-662-1901
urban sprawl. Help realize our             determined to find a cure and offer     www.childrensdefense.org
vision: safe drinking water, pristine      hope to parents facing heartbreak.      The Children’s Defense Fund
waterways, thriving ecosystems             16.6%                                   provides a strong, effective
locally and nationwide.                                                            and independent voice for all
24.3%                                                                              the children of America who
                                                                                   cannot vote, lobby or speak for
               7762                                   E00536                                    7765
Children’s Hunger Fund                   Comfort for America’s                   Connecticut Radio
800-708-7589                             Uniformed Services                      Information System
www.childrenshungerfund.org              703-591-4965                            860-527-8000
Our mission is to deliver hope to        www.cause-usa.org                       www.crisradio.org
suffering children by equipping          The war is NEVER over for wounded,      CRIS provides audio access to
local churches for gospel-centered       ill and injured warriors and their      newspapers, magazines, and
mercy ministry.                          families. CAUSE provides direct         educational materials for people
2.8%                                     recreation, relaxation and resilience   who are blind or print-challenged.
                                         services during treatment/recovery.     17.1%
               7869                      22.8%
Children’s Medical Ministries                           5358
301-536-3173                                                                     Connecticut Veterans
www.childmed.org                         Community Partners in                   Legal Center Inc, The
Compassionate healthcare                 Action, Inc.                            203-794-4291
volunteers providing free                860-566-2030                            www.ctveteranslegal.org
wheelchairs, rehabilitation              www.cpa-ct.org                          This organization provides free
equipment, medical clinics,              Our crucial services help adults        legal services to low-income
healthcare instruction, dental           and youth live crime-free lives by      veterans to help them overcome
services, food and clothing to           becoming employable, addressing         legal barriers to housing, healthcare
children in despair. Active in           addictions, improving family            and income.
disaster relief.                         relationships and giving back.          10%
6.7%                                     12.1%
               8184                                     7961
                                                                                 Connecticut Women’s
Children’s Organ Transplant              Community Renewal Team, Inc.            Education and Legal Fund
Association                              860-560-5600                            860-247-6090
800-366-2682                             www.crtct.org                           www.cwealf.org
www.cota.org                             CRT’s mission is "Preparing        CWEALF is a statewide, nonprofit
COTA is a 501c3 national charity         Our Community to Meet Life’s            organization that advocates for
helping children and young adults        Challenges." Providing             and empowers women and girls in
needing a life-saving organ              opportunities to individuals and        Connecticut, especially those who
transplant by providing fundraising      families to achieve economic            are under-served or marginalized.
assistance and family support.           security.                               18.7%
17.1%                                    7.9%
               8183                                     7964
                                                                                 Conservation and Protection
Christian Freedom                        Concerns of Police                      of Public Lands
International, Inc.                      Survivors, Inc. (COPS)                  866-985-9636
800-323-CARE                             573-346-4911                            www.publicland.org
www.ChristianFreedom.org                 www.concernsofpolicesurvivors.org       Preventing unstable, unsound
Aid and advocacy to persecuted           Grief support and resources for         timber cutting, grazing and
Christians internationally including     surviving families and co-workers       mineral/oil production. This
medical and emergency relief,            of law enforcement officers killed      land is your land!
sponsorship, education, food,            in the line of duty; trauma training;   22.8%
Bibles, vocational training, aid to      public education.
disabled, and self-help initiatives.     6.9%                                                   7871
                                                        7959                     Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
               8164                                                              Foundation
                                         Connecticut National Guard              800-753-2357
Christian Relief Services                Foundation, Inc.                        www.CdLSusa.org
703-317-9086                             860-241-1550                            The CdLS Foundation is a national
www.christianrelief.org                  www.ctngfi.org                          non-profit organization that has
Fighting extreme poverty in USA,         Provide financial assistance to         served people with CdLS and their
on Indian Reservations, Appalachia       members of the Connecticut              families since 1981.
and overseas, by providing food,         National Guard, their families,         16%
water, medicine, education, homes.       CT Guard Retirees, members of
Assist domestic violence victims         the Organized Militia, and Family
with safe homes.                         Readiness Groups.
14.8%                                    9.8%
               8174                                      8190                                    7653
Correctional Peace                        Deaf Children’s Literacy Project       Diabetes Health and
Officers Foundation                       800-459-3529                           Research Institute
800-800-2763                              www.cuedspeech.org                     800-511-7032
www.cpof.org                              Most deaf children are behind          www.childrensmiraclemedical.org
Nonprofit charity for Correctional        in English language and literacy.      Fighting diabetes and other
Officers and their families, by           Reading opens the door to their        degenerative diseases with
providing line-of-duty death benefit,     future. Give them the power of         programs focused on health and
and catastrophic assistance in            English to succeed.                    nutrition to maintain a healthy
cases of accident or illness.             1.6%                                   lifestyle. Children’s diabetes camp
17.1%                                                                            scholarships, medicines and
                                                         7625                    supplies.
               7623                                                              3.2%
                                          Delta Research and
Covenant Soup Kitchen                     Educational Foundation                                 7616
860-423-1643                              202-347-1337
www.covenantsoupkitchen.org               www.deltafoundation.net                Diabetes Prevention and
Covenant Soup Kitchen works every         Over the years, Delta Research         Aid Fund
day to eliminate hunger and food          and Educational Foundation has         520-287-2627
insecurity, serving over 300,000          directed its charitable giving to      www.diabetespaf.org
meals last year. We thank you for         program initiatives reflected in our   Providing nutritious fresh fruits/
your gift.                                founding mission with local Delta      vegetables to vulnerable families.
2.6%                                      chapters.                              Science has proven that by the
                                          8.8%                                   inclusion of daily fruits/vegetables
               7766                                                              we can help prevent diabetes.
                                                         7615                    0.8%
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund
781-237-3800                              Diabetes & Immune Disease                              8166
www.curealz.org                           National Research Institute
Research is the only path                 858-752-6535                           Direct Relief
to progress. We’re funding                www.didnri.org                         805-964-4767
breakthrough, aggressive                  Supporting DIDNRI enables              www.directrelief.org
research to prevent, slow, reverse        its renowned faculty and their         Providing essential medical
and ultimately find a cure for            groundbreaking research to have        resources to the most vulnerable
Alzheimer’s Disease.                      translation impacts for patients,      communities in the U.S. and
7.4%                                      experiencing diabetes and a range      worldwide, improving health and
                                          of other immune disorders.             transforming lives.
               7852                       12.8%                                  0.6%
Curing Cancer Through VHL                                7814                                    8137
www.vhl.org                               Diabetes Action Research               Disabled American Veterans
Committed to finding a cure for           and Education Foundation               (DAV) Charitable Service Trust
VHL, a genetic cancer caused by           202-333-4520                           877-426-2838
the gene responsible for many             www.diabetes-action.org                www.cst.dav.org
other forms of cancer. Curing             Funding innovative, promising          Empowering Veterans To Lead
Cancer through VHL.                       research to prevent, treat and cure    High-Quality Lives With Respect...
9.9%                                      diabetes. 100% of your workplace       Prosthetics Research and Devices
                                          contributions used for diabetes        for Amputees; Traumatic Brain
                                          research and programs. We can          Injury Therapy; Guide/Assistance
Days End Farm Horse Rescue                conquer diabetes!                      Dogs; Comfort for Survivors.
                                          3%                                     3.6%
www.defhr.org                                                                                    7874
Ensuring quality care & treatment
of horses through intervention,                                                  Disabled Children’s Fund
education, & outreach                                                            240-929-4281
11.3%                                                                            www.disabled-child.org
                                                                                 Assisting poor, disabled children
                                                                                 worldwide with free distribution
                                                                                 of specialty wheelchairs, walkers,
                                                                                 crutches, rehabilitation equipment
                                                                                 and therapy. Also providing food
                                                                                 and clothing to these children.
               7627                                     7710                                    7660
Dogs & Cats Stranded                      Dogs On Death Row                      EOD Warrior Foundation
on the Streets                            866-574-7726                           850-729-2336
415-216-5618                              www.dodr.org                           www.eodwarriorfoundation.org
www.unwantedanimals.org                   We rescue dogs facing imminent         The EOD Warrior Foundation
Dogs and cats are dumped on the           execution if they do not get interim   supports the EOD community to
streets...injured, scared and hungry.     financial sponsors or foster parents   ensure the financial, social and
Finding safe, loving homes for            or receive medical treatment           emotional well being of EOD Family,
these helpless victims of abuse,          required to become adoptable.          21.7%
abandonment and neglect.                  8.5%
1.3%                                                                                            7863
               7923                                                              Equine Land Conservation
                                          Dystonia Medical Research              Resource
Dogs Deserve Better                       Foundation                             859-455-8383
757-357-9292                              800-377-3978                           www.elcr.org
www.dogsdeservebetter.org                 www.dystonia-foundation.org            No Land, No Horse. We lose 6,000
Dogs Deserve Better is dedicated          Advance research for more effective    acres of open land every day. Help
to saving dogs from a horrific life       treatments and ultimately a cure       Equine Land Conservation Resource
to one of freedom from a chain,           for Dystonia, to promote awareness     save the lands our horses need.
companionship, good health                and education. Support well being      17.6%
and love.                                 of those affected with Dystonia
11%                                       18.8%                                                 8141
               7884                                     7966                     Farm Animal Rights
                                                                                 Movement (FARM)
Dogs for Better Lives                     Elephant Sanctuary                     888-FARM USA
800-990-3647                              931-796-6500                           www.farmusa.org
www.dogsforbetterlives.org                www.elephants.com                      Combating animal cruelty, chronic
Dogs for Better Lives professionally      The nation’s largest natural habitat   diseases, and environmental
trains dogs, placing them nationally,     refuge for Asian and African           devastation through promotion of
to help better people’s lives.            elephants retired from performance     healthy, plant-based eating. Your
14.1%                                     and exhibition. Improving elephant     support creates a kinder, more
                                          lives through sanctuary, education,    compassionate world for all.
               7875                       research, international assistance.    11.6%
Dogs for Deaf and Disabled                                                                      7618
Americans (NEADS)                                       7777
978-422-9064                                                                     Feed God’s Hungry Children
www.neads.org                             Elephants, Lions & Rhinos:             602-499-1320
NEADS dogs bring independence             Rangers Defending Wildlife &           www.feedgodshungrychildren.org
and assistance to veterans, children      Habitat                                Feeding, clothing, medical care and
with autism, and people who are           971-322-3326                           educating the poorest of the poor.
deaf or disabled. Help provide            www.biglife.org                        Shipping containers of medical
these life changing Service Dogs.         Stop the killing of elephants          supplies, medical equipment to
13.4%                                     and rhinos! Using effective            hospitals and clinics that treat
                                          and innovative anti-poaching           children.
               7768                       conservation strategies, Big Life      2%
                                          Foundation protects East Africa’s
Dogs Last Chance                                                                                8150
                                          wildlife and wild lands.
310-271-6096                              11.5%
www.LCAnimal.org                                                                 Feed My Hungry Children
Help us end animal abuse! We                            7628                     602-241-2873
do ground breaking undercover                                                    www.feedmhc.org
investigations to expose animal           Elephants, Saving Elephants            Children go to bed hungry while
abusers and put an end to the             and Habitat Worldwide                  nutritional food is thrown away.
cruelty!                                  817-597-0956                           Help us save this food and meet
6.4%                                      www.elephantconservation.org           the needs of the hurting children.
                                          We are dedicated to conserving         0.5%
                                          African and Asian elephants and
                                          their habitats by providing funds
                                          and expertise to support elephant
                                          conservation, protection and
                                          research programs.
               8186                                    7663                                     8199
Feeding America’s Hungry                Fund for Animals                         Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.
Children                                866-482-3708                             800-295-4050
602-241-2873                            www.fundforanimals.org                   www.guidedogs.com
www.feedingahc.org                      Lifesaving animal sanctuaries and        Providing safety, independence
America’s Children Hungry!              wildlife rehabilitation centers caring   and companionship to the blind
Desperate for Food! Hurting and         for a variety of species–from tigers     and visually impaired by partnering
without Hope! Help us provide           to turtles–Help give thousands of        them with exceptional guide dogs
for the desperate food needs of         animals a second chance.                 throughout their lifetime at no
impoverished children throughout        22%                                      charge.
America.                                                                         16.7%
0.8%                                                 DS3289
               7998                     Gary Sinise Foundation
                                        888-708-7757                             Guide Dogs of America
Fisher House Foundation Inc.            www.garysinisefoundation.org             800-459-4843
888-294-8560                            Serving our nation by honoring           www.guidedogsofamerica.org
www.fisherhouse.org                     our defenders, veterans, first           We empower people who are
We build and donate Fisher Houses       responders, their families, and          blind and visually impaired to live
at military/VA medical centers,         those in need with programs to           with increased independence by
support existing houses, help           educate, inspire, strengthen, and        providing guide dog partners. Our
military families in need and award     build communities.                       services are free of charge.
Scholarships for Military Children.     6.8%                                     14.1%
                                                       2528                                     7666
                                        Gluten Intolerance Group of              Habitat for Humanity
FRAXA Research Foundation               North America                            International
978-462-1866                            253-833-6655                             800-422-4828
www.fraxa.org                           www.gluten.org                           www.habitat.org
FRAXA’s mission is to find              Gluten can cause long-term,              We partner with families
treatments and a cure for children      life-threatening health hazards.         throughout the nation to strengthen
with Fragile X, the most common         Monitoring of food supply is             communities, build or improve
inherited cause of autism and           critical. Help educate and audit         homes and advocate for decent,
intellectual disabilities.              food companies for the consumer’s        affordable housing for all.
9.4%                                    safety.                                  11%
               9012                                                                             7714
Free Medical, Surgical, and                                                      Haitian Health Foundation
Dental for Children                     Greenpeace Fund                          860-886-4357
860-355-1828                            800-722-6995                             www.haitianhealthfoundation.org
www.htcne.org                           www.greenpeacefund.org                   The misery never seems to end for
Free medical and Dental care to         An independent campaigning               the people of rural southwestern
children in the U.S. and abroad         organization that uses research          Haiti. Your support will help us
available.                              and public education to expose           provide medical and dental care,
7.7%                                    global environmental problems and        good, house, education for those
                                        promotes solutions essential to a        in need.
               1374                     green and peaceful future.               3%
Friends of Animals                                                                              7771
203-656-1522                                           7665
www.friendsofanimals.org/                                                        Hearing Dog
Free animals from cruelty and           Guide Dog Foundation for the             303-287-3277
institutionalized exploitation.         Blind, Inc.                              www.hearingdog.org
11.3%                                   800-548-4337                             Hearing Dog trains dogs to go from
                                        www.GuideDog.org                         shelter to service to assist people
                                        Using innovative training methods,       with hearing loss.
                                        trains guide and service dogs to         10.2%
                                        restore independence and mobility,
                                        empowering people with disabilities
                                        to live without boundaries.

               7876                                      7881                                  2093
Hearing Health Foundation                  Homes For Our Troops                 International Aid, Inc.
212-257-6140                               866-787-6677                         800-968-7490
www.hhf.org                                www.hfotusa.org                      www.internationalaid.org
Hearing Health Foundation is               We build where Veterans, whose       Equipping servants worldwide
the largest funder of hearing and          injuries include limb amputations,   with the tools to bring healing
balance research in the U.S. driving       paralysis, and/or traumatic brain    and restoration to the suffering
new innovations and treatments for         injury, choose to live. Our homes    thru distribution of medicines,
hearing loss.                              provide freedom and independence.    hygiene products, reconditioned
8.2%                                       12.4%                                medical equipment, nutritional
               7749                                      7878                   3.9%
Heart Disease Aid and                      HOPE worldwide                                      7802
Research Fund                              610-254-8800
800-759-3004                               www.hopeww.org                       International Myeloma
www.heart-research.org                     Together, we are a community in      Foundation
Awards grants to hospitals that do         service to the most vulnerable       818-487-7455
research and treat heart disease           people around the globe, letting     www.myeloma.org
patients. Ships medical supplies           them know they have not been         The International Myeloma
to hospitals. Provides educational         forgotten.                           Foundation (IMF) is dedicated
material to patients and families.         12.9%                                to improving the quality of life of
4.8%                                                                            myeloma patients while working
                                                         7750                   toward prevention and a cure.
               7772                                                             10.4%
                                           Horse Charities of America
Hearts United for Animals                  203-259-1550                                        7619
402-274-3679                               www.horsecharitiesofamerica.org
www.hua.org                                Help us protect America’s horses     K9s For Warriors
National No-Kill shelter/sanctuary,        from abuse and neglect and let       904-686-1956
assistance for family pets needing         them share their magic and power     www.k9sforwarriors.org
veterinary care, providing shelter for     with more people.                    Rescue dogs trained as service dogs
pets of domestic abuse families,           18.3%                                for veterans / active duty military
National Anti-Puppy Mill Campaign.                                              suffering from PTSD, TBI, or MST.
1.4%                                                     7634                   New leash on life to military heroes.
               7933                        Hospice Foundation of
                                           America                                             7723
Help the Children                          800-854-3402
888-818-4483                               www.hospicefoundation.org            KIDSAFE CT
www.helpthechildren.org                    Supporting individuals through       860-872-1918
Help The Children is dedicated to          life-ending illness and assisting    www.kidsafect.org
serving economically challenged            caregivers with grief and loss. We   More than five children die every
children and their families across         emphasize hospice and palliative     day as a result of child abuse.
food, supplies, clothing, bringing a       care while providing public and      Help us save these innocent lives
message of hope.                           professional education.              by supporting our prevention/
0.8%                                       5.6%                                 treatment services.
               7971                                      9013
Hispanic Scholarship Fund                  Humane Society International
877-HSF-INFO                               202-452-1100                         Labs4Rescue, Inc.
www.hsf.net                                www.hsi.org                          203-605-9634
HSF has awarded over $588                  Global animal welfare organization   www.labs4rescue.org
million in scholarships and support        working to end animal abuse from     Dedicated to providing a new life
services since its inception in 1975.      dog meat farms, wildlife threats,    for rescued or displaced Labrador
7.1%                                       street dog welfare programs,         Retrievers and Labrador Mixes.
                                           factory farming and more.            8.1%

              7837                                    7838                                   7839
Leukemia Clinical Research              Marine Corps League                   Military Officers Association
Foundation                              Foundation, Inc.                      of America Scholarship Fund
651-229-7131                            703-207-9588                          800-234-6622
Leukemia can be cured! We live          www.mclffoundation.org                www.moaa.org/scholarship
that dream by supporting research       We provide scholarships, youth        100% of all donations provide
where it has the most impact –          programs, disaster relief and         interest-free loans or grants to
on patients in clinical settings.       humanitarian aid to Marine Corps      children from military families (all
5.8%                                    families in need. We also provide     seven services, officer and enlisted)
                                        Veterans facilities assistance.       pursuing a college education.
             E00581                     10%                                   21.4%
Lung Cancer Foundation                                8160                                   9016
www.lungcancerfoundation.org            Marine Mammal Center                  Multiple Sclerosis, Can Do
To Make Lung Cancer a Chronically       415-289-7335                          800-367-3101
managed disease                         www.MarineMammalCenter.org            www.CanDo-MS.org
15.2%                                   The Marine Mammal Center              We help people and families living
                                        advances global ocean                 with multiple sclerosis through
              8140                      conservation through marine           comprehensive interactive health
                                        mammal rescue and rehabilitation,     and wellness programs that
Lutheran World Relief                   scientific research, and education.   empower them to improve their
800-597-5972                            18.2%                                 quality of life.
www.lwr.org                                                                   15.8%
Lutheran World Relief is                              7753
an international relief and                                                                  7822
development organization that           Matthew 25: Ministries
helps families in the world’s           513-793-6256                          National Center for Missing
poorest communities build the           www.m25m.org                          and Exploited Children
resilience they need to thrive.         Helping the poorest of the poor and   800-THE-LOST
14.1%                                   disaster victims. Providing basic     www.missingkids.org
                                        necessities and disaster relief.      Providing assistance to law
              7818                      Meeting the most basic needs of       enforcement and families to help
                                        severely suffering people.            find missing children and prevent
Lymphoma Research                       0.6%                                  child sexual exploitation and
Foundation                                                                    victimization.
800-235-6848                                          7637                    8.7%
The LRF mission is to eradicate         Mexican American Legal                               7633
lymphoma and serve those                Defense and Educational Fund
touched by this disease through         213-629-2512                          National Federation of the Blind
funding innovative research and         www.maldef.org                        860-289-1971
providing resources to patients         MALDEF promotes and protects          www.nfbct.org
and caregivers.                         the civil rights of Latinos in the    We help blind people live the lives
23.2%                                   areas of Education, Employment,       they want. Through advocacy,
                                        Immigrant Rights, Political Access    scholarships for blind college
              7973                      and administers scholarships for      students, grants for assistive
                                        Law students.                         technology, along with support
MADRE, Inc.                             18.7%                                 groups.
212-627-0444                                                                  13.6%
www.madre.org                                         7607
MADRE, an international women’s                                                              7945
rights organization partners with       Migraine Research
community-based women’s groups          Foundation, Inc.                      National FFA Foundation, Inc.
worldwide, facing war and disaster,     212-249-5402                          317-802-6060
to advance women’s rights in their      migraineresearchfoundation.org        www.ffa.org
communities.                            MRF helps migraine sufferers          We’re forging a path for agricultural
11.1%                                   by funding innovative scientific      education students to discover their
                                        research grants and by providing      passion in life and build a future
                                        information and resources.            of leadership, personal growth and
                                        15.5%                                 career success.

              7976                                     7755                                   7882
National Park Trust                     Network Against Domestic               Paws for Purple Hearts
301-279-7275                            Abuse of North Central                 844-700-PAWS
www.parktrust.org                       Connecticut                            www.pawsforpurplehearts.org
NPT impacts park preservation by        860-763-7430                           Teaching Veterans with Post
providing in-depth environmental        www.thenetworkct.org                   Traumatic Stress Disorder and/
outdoor education experiences           The network assists families and       or Traumatic Brain Injury to train
for under served youth and              individuals who have experienced       service dogs for fellow Veterans
families; and by providing funding      domestic and interpersonal             with physical disabilities and
to complete park preservation           violence, educates to promote          combat injuries.
projects.                               healthy relationships and advocates    24.7%
17%                                     for safer communities
                                                       9018                    Paws With A Cause
National Pediatric Cancer                                                      800-253-PAWS
Foundation                              Operation Compassion                   www.pawswithacause.org
813-269-0955                            423-728-3932                           Assistance Dogs act as constant
www.nationalpcf.org                     www.operationcompassion.org            companions and make a person
Dedicated to funding research that      Help us distribute life sustaining     more approachable, allowing them
will lead to less toxic and more        food, shoes & clothing, books,         to gain confidence and improve
targeted therapies to eliminate         and emergency medical supplies         their quality of life.
childhood cancer worldwide.             to the poor and victims of natural     22.4%
13.8%                                   disasters.
                                                       8115                    Pearl S. Buck International
National Veterans Legal                                                        800-220-BUCK
Services Program, Inc.                  Operation First Response               www.pearlsbuck.org
202-265-8305                            888-289-0280                           Pearl S. Buck International® builds
www.nvlsp.org                           www.operationfirstresponse.org         better lives for children around the
Providing free legal services to        Serves wounded Warriors/Veterans       globe, who without your support,
help veterans and their families        and their families with financial      would not be educated or have
secure disability benefits from the     needs. Assistance varies based on      access to healthcare.
Department of Veterans Affairs and      individual needs ranging from rent,    11.1%
the United States Armed Forces.         utilities, vehicle payments/repairs
17.9%                                   and groceries.
                                        3.2%                                   Pediatric Brain Tumor
                                                       7609                    Foundation of the United
Navy SEAL Foundation, Inc.                                                     States, Inc.
757-363-7490                            Operation Homefront                    800-253-6530
www.navySEALfoundation.org              210-659-7756                           www.curethekids.org
The Navy SEAL Foundation                www.operationhomefront.org             Leading funder of medical research
provides immediate and ongoing          Operation Homefront builds strong,     for childhood brain tumors. Offers
support and assistance to the           stable, and secure military families   free patient family support services,
Naval Special Warfare community         so that they can thrive in the         including educational materials,
and its families.                       communities they have worked so        college scholarships for survivors,
4%                                      hard to protect.                       and family camps.
                                        9.7%                                   25%
                                                       7922                                   8182
NephCure Kidney International
610-540-0186                            Parkinson’s Research – The             PETA: People for the Ethical
www.nephcure.org                        Michael J. Fox Foundation for          Treatment of Animals
Our mission is to accelerate            Parkinson’s Research                   757-622-PETA
research for treatments for             800-708-7644                           www.peta.org
Nephrotic Syndrome, and provide         www.michaeljfox.org                    Fight cruelty. Save lives! Your
support that will improve the           Our urgent goal: Eliminate             gift makes a kinder world for
lives of those affected by these        Parkinson’s disease in our lifetime.   animals through undercover
diseases.                               88 cents of every dollar spent goes    investigations, rescues, humane
11.5%                                   to research, leading to 800 million    education, spay/neuter, and
                                        granted since 2000.                    high-profile advocacy campaigns.
                                        13.8%                                  18.2%

              7642                                     7674                                   7649
Pets for Patriots, Inc.                  Prostate Cancer Research and          Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
877-473-8223                             Assistance Fund                       Syndrome Association RSDSA
www.petsforpatriots.org                  800-511-7032                          877-662-7737
Provide recovery and transform the       www.alternativecancer.org             www.rsds.org
lives of veterans, wounded warriors      Provides educational information to   Providing support, education,
and active duty military through the     cancer victims and their families.    and hope to everyone affected
adoption and care of overlooked          Provides medical and nutritional      by CRPS/RSD, a painful, debilitating
shelter dogs and cats.                   supplies and medical research         condition. Help fund research
13.1%                                    grants to hospitals and clinics for   to develop better treatments
                                         degenerative diseases.                and a cure.
              7644                       2%                                    13.5%
Philippine Children’s Hunger                         AG0930                                   9020
602-499-1320                             Protectors of Animals, Inc.           Restless Legs Syndrome
www.philchildrenshungerfund.org          860-569-0722                          Foundation
Provides for the needs of                www.poainc.org                        512-366-9109
desperate, starving children;            No Kill shelter, rescues cats and     www.rls.org
food, education and medical              dogs to rehabilitate and re home.     10 million Americans suffer with
care. Ships containers of medical        Promote spay neuter and educate       restless legs syndrome (RLS).
supplies to hospitals and clinics.       the public on animal health and       We provide education, advocacy,
Sharing God’s love!                      welfare.                              support and fund research
3.7%                                     7.2%                                  toward a cure for this debilitating
                                                                               neurological disease.
              7730                                     7848                    23.7%
Philippine Children’s Shelter            Puppies Behind Bars                                AG6747
651-493-1551                             212-680-9562
www.philippinechildrensshelter.org       www.puppiesbehindbars.com             Search Dog Foundation,
Our shelter provides impoverished        Wounded war veterans and first        National Disaster
Filipino children with food,             responders receive prison-trained     888-459-4376
medicine, education and a loving         service dogs, free of charge,         www.SearchDogFoundation.org
home. You can make the difference        through the Dog Tags initiative of    SDF rescues dogs, partners them
in the life of an orphan!                Puppies Behind Bars.                  with firefighters, and trains them
13.6%                                    7.7%                                  to locate people buried alive after
                                                                               disasters. Join us and be Part of
              7929                                     9019
                                                                               the Search!
PKD Foundation                           Rainforest Trust                      10.9%
800-753-2873                             800-456-4930                                         7893
www.pkdcure.org                          www.RainforestTrust.org
We give hope. We fund research,          Protect rainforests by purchasing     Seeing Eye, Inc.
advocate for patients and build a        acres of habitat for critically       800-539-4425
community for all impacted by PKD.       endangered species. Every             www.SeeingEye.org
17.6%                                    donation is automatically doubled     Our goal is to give blind people the
                                         by our SAVES! Challenge.              opportunity to travel independently
              7920                       4.2%                                  and confidently with a dog rather
Planned Parenthood                                                             than have to rely on others.
Federation of America
1-800-230-PLAN                           Rape, Abuse, & Incest National                       7721
www.plannedparenthood.org                Network (RAINN)
Ensure access to affordable              202-544-3064                          Semper Fi Fund
reproductive health care, protect        www.rainn.org                         760-725-3680
reproductive rights, and promote         Largest anti-sexual violence          www.SemperFiFund.org
access to comprehensive medically        organization National Sexual          Provides immediate financial
accurate sexuality education,            Assault Hotline. Free, 24/7,          assistance and lifetime support
domestically and internationally.        supports 250,000 people/year.         to wounded, critically ill and
17.4%                                    Programs prevent sexual violence,     catastrophically injured service
                                         help survivors, improve policies.     members and veterans of all
                                         4.6%                                  military services.

               7646                                     7676                                  7782
SEVA Foundation                          Soldiers’ Angels                       Suicide Awareness
877-764-7382                             210-629-0020                           Voices of Education
www.seva.org                             www.soldiersangels.org                 952-946-7998
Seva works with local communities        Adaptive laptops for wounded           www.save.org
around the world to develop              warriors, VA assistance for            To prevent suicide through public
self-sustaining eye programs that        veterans, baby showers for wives       awareness and education, reduce
preserve and restore sight.              of deployed troops. We provide         stigma and serve as a resource to
3.3%                                     comfort to America’s military and      those touched by suicide.
                                         their families.                        9.5%
               7944                      6.1%
Shriners Hospitals for Children                         7679
800-241-4438                                                                    Support Our Troops
www.lovetotherescue.org                  Special Forces Family Fund             877-879-8882
Children receive family-centered,        860-767-1510                           www.supportourtroops.org
world-class medical care for             specialforcescharitabletrust.org       Don’t abandon America’s troops!
orthopedic conditions, spinal cord       The Special Forces Family Fund         They Support Us, Let’s Support
injuries, burns and cleft lip/palate     programs and services directly         Them! Help Support Our Troops
deformities, regardless of ability       impact the SF Community and            provide tons of morale and
to pay.                                  their Families.                        well-being to troops and families
17.1%                                    13.1%                                  worldwide!
               7823                                     8148
Skin and Dental Dysfunction              Special Operations Warrior
Foundation                               Foundation                             Survivors of Homicide, Inc.
618-566-2020                             813-805-9400                           860-257-7388
www.nfed.org                             www.specialops.org                     www.survivorsofhomicide.com
Provides dentures, support, and          Provide scholarship grants and         A non-profit organization that
hope to children left toothless          counseling to children of special      provides support and advocacy
from the rare disorder Ectodermal        operations who die in the line of      to family and friends of homicide
Dysplasia. Funds research to find        duty. Provide financial assistance     victims.
improved treatment options and           to wounded special operations          0.7%
cures.                                   personnel.
13.7%                                    8.2%                                                 1096
               7870                                     7733                    The Coral Reef Alliance
Skin Cancer Foundation                   Spinal Cord Injury Network             www.coral.org
212-725-5176                             International                          CORAL works with communities to
www.skincancer.org                       800-548-2673                           build management systems that
Skin cancer, the world’s most            www.spinalcordinjury.org               reduce threats to reefs. Increasing
common cancer, is occurring at           Auto accidents, falls and sports       the health of the ecosystem, and
epidemic levels. Your support            injuries. We assist injured            communities that depend on them.
enables us to continue our               individuals and their families reach   21%
public education programs and            the best possible care and live life
groundbreaking research.                 fully and productively.                              7951
21%                                      9.4%
                                                                                Thyroid Association, American
               7675                                     9021                    800-849-7643
Society for Science &                    Student Conservation                   Thyroid health impacts your energy,
the Public                               Association, The                       brain, heart, and muscles – your
202-785-2255                             603-543-1700                           body warmth and well-being.
www.societyforscience.org                www.thesca.org                         Thyroid patients, physicians and
Society for Science & the Public is      SCA is building the next generation    providers learn more at thyroid.org!
dedicated to expanding scientific        of conservation leaders and            6.9%
literacy, effective STEM education,      inspiring lifelong stewardship of
and scientific research.                 the environment and communities.
10.3%                                    20.9%

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