Page created by Alberto Sanchez

through the
What is
                                               The Royal Opera House aims to enrich            In partnership with Thurrock Council, the

                             ROH IN THURROCK
                                               people’s lives through opera and ballet.        Royal Opera House is working with local,
                                               Home to two of the world’s great artistic       regional and national arts organisations to
                                               companies – The Royal Opera and The Royal       deliver cultural education in Thurrock.
                                               Ballet, performing with the Orchestra of the
                                               Royal Opera House in Covent Garden – we         Since 2014, the programme has worked

                                               seek to be always accessible and engaging,      with over 70 cultural organisations in
                                               to develop audiences across the UK and to       49 schools, accounting for 90% of the
                                               break new ground in the presentation of lyric   borough. So far over 30,000 young people
                                               theatre.                                        have benefitted from Trailblazer activities.
                                                                                               Hundreds of teachers have developed their
                                               High House Production Park, Thurrock,           skills at over 700 training opportunities, with

                                               is home to the Royal Opera House                370 teachers trained as leaders of cultural
                                               Bob and Tamar Manoukian Production              learning.
                                               Workshop and Costume Centre, as well
                                               as a dedicated Learning and Participation
                                               team who develop arts and cultural learning
                                               programmes for schools and the local

                                               Thurrock Trailblazer is an innovative
                                               programme of high-quality arts and
                                               cultural activities, visits
                                               to heritage sites and specialist teacher
                                               training, that boosts creative learning
                                               in schools and accelerates students’

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I am delighted to welcome you to another year of Thurrock Trailblazer, especially as funding         In addition, we want to consider how we share the best practice that has emerged from this

                                       for the programme beyond the end of this academic year was uncertain. I am very happy                work. So, for 2020/21 you will notice a few changes:
                                       to report that Thurrock Council has decided to continue its funding for a further three
                                       years, albeit at a reduced rate, as has the Royal Opera House. This is due to the strength           •   We have adjusted the funding formula. We have not increased schools’ contribution
                                       and uniqueness of the programme and the wonderful work all the Trailblazer schools have                  for six years but with our reduction in funding we need to slightly increase the schools’
                                       been doing and are able to demonstrate. Your contribution to the strategic direction of                  contribution now. Please be assured you are still receiving excellent value for money
                                       the programme, particularly through the Cultural Champions leadership events and the                     through this highly subsidised programme: schools contribution makes up approximately
                                       Leadership Symposium last November have clearly demonstrated both the need and the                       20% of the overall costs with the other 80% paid for by Thurrock Council and the Royal
                                       success of the programme.                                                                                Opera House. This is without considering the range of already subsidised projects you can
                                                                                                                                                access through the catalogue, which come to you at an extremely low cost or even free of
                                       I am once again thrilled at the depth and breadth of cultural learning activities and projects           charge.
                                       we are able to offer you. We have kept much of what worked well, adjusted some to make
                                       them even better and brought in new partners to respond to your feedback and requests. For
                                       next year we are working with even more local partners and, in addition to the many already          •   We are inviting a small cluster of schools from Ebbsfleet and Gravesham to join the
                                       thriving programmes, are introducing projects tackling parental engagement, the STEAM                    Thurrock Trailblazer community. We are working with a partner arts organisation in
                                       agenda and youth voice.                                                                                  Gravesend, LV21, to develop a sister programme across the water. This will give us the
                                                                                                                                                opportunity to share learning and develop greater efficiencies. LV21 is also one of our new
                                       We are now coming into Year 7 of Thurrock Trailblazer and the programme is continuing                    delivery partners with a new exciting offer ‘All Hands on Deck!’
                                       to flourish. Year on year we see a step change both in the way schools approach the
                                       programme and the way our cultural partners work with us. Last year we saw 18,000                    •   We will provide you with a Thurrock Trailblazer Handbook which the team has worked on
                                       students take part in Trailblazer activities across the borough, from early years to post-16, an         over the past few months. This publication is a step-by-step guide taking you through the
                                       increase of almost 40% from the previous year. This is in no small part due to schools using             Trailblazer year, we hope it will make the process easier and more streamlined for you.
                                       Trailblazer more strategically to engage all their students, not just a few and not just focusing
                                       activity on arts subjects but across the curriculum. Activity is also happening across schools       I look forward to seeing the exciting Programme Selections you will design for your schools.
                                       and particularly some of Thurrock’s Multi Academy Trusts are developing innovative ways of           If you would like any help or support with this process, or information about the Royal Opera
                                       implementing strategies and programmes across their schools. Many schools are now also               House’s work in Thurrock more generally, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the
                                       considering their options for the newly announced and government funded ‘Arts Premium’,              Trailblazer team.
                                       as well as changes to the Ofsted framework around ‘Cultural Capital’.

                                       Our cultural partners are working with us in different ways too. For the Royal Opera House,
                                       the principle of ‘Thurrock First’ has long been at the heart of its entire national schools offer.
                                       Any new project or programme we want to take to the country we take to Thurrock schools
                                       first. Your long-standing experience, your willingness and enthusiasm to work with us helps
                                       shape and drive our national schools programme and puts you in the driving seat, helping             Gabrielle Forster-Still
                                       to create cutting edge programmes that make a difference not only to children and young
                                       people in Thurrock but to tens of thousands in schools across the country. For next year we          Head of Learning and Participation Thurrock
                                       are introducing three new programmes, including one focussing on parental engagement
                                       with their children’s learning. This is something many of you have highlighted as a priority
                                       and which we hope you will find interesting. Some of our cultural partners are also offering
                                       programmes that have not been seen elsewhere yet, confident in the knowledge that
                                       Thurrock schools will work with them creatively and dynamically.

                                       Building on all of Trailblazer’s strengths and going into this new three-year phase for the
                                       programme, we will be introducing some changes. With funding confirmed but reducing
                                       year on year, we have to consider how we retain what’s essential especially around quality
                                       of provision, develop greater efficiencies and consider ways to ensure the programme’s

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What’s on
                                        There are several options available for         TEACHER TRAINING

                      HOW TO NAVIGATE
                                        navigating your way through the wide range
                                        of exciting educational offers, training,       This list collates all of the CPD and INSET
                                        projects and schemes of work that are           training opportunities for teachers and wider
                                        accessible for schools participating in the     staff, should your school or Multi Academy
                                        Trailblazer programme.                          Trust want to prioritise training and

                                                                                        continuous professional development.
                                        The pages of this catalogue are arranged in
                                        A–Z order by Cultural Partner, but you may      CONTENTS
                                        also wish to search via the following lists:
                                                                                        INTRODUCTION                             2
                                        KEY STAGE MATRIX                                WELCOME LETTER                           4
                                                                                        HOW TO NAVIGATE			                       6
                                        This is where you can clearly identify which
                                        activity is applicable for your students’ age   KS MATRIX		                              8
                                        group. Each Key Stage is allocated its own      CURRICULUM GUIDE                         10
                                        colour, which corresponds to the coloured       KEY THEMES LIST			                       12
                                        tabs on the right of each offer page. The       ART FORM MAP			                          14
                                        offers from Cultural Partners overlap several   TEACHER TRAINING                         16
                                        Key Stages, so there is a rich tapestry of
                                        opportunities for you to discover.              CALENDAR OF ACTIVITY		                   18

                                        CURRICULUM GUIDE                                ROH NATIONAL PROGRAMMES                  20
                                                                                        CULTURAL OFFERS (A-Z)		                  22-161
                                        Should you wish to align any activity to
                                        your school’s curriculum subjects, this         PARTNERSHIPS                             162
                                        list helps you to group offers by subject       CREDITS                                  164
                                        area, including cross-curricular and extra-     A-Z INDEX                                166
                                        curricular suggestions.
                                                                                        GET IN TOUCH
                                        KEY THEMES LIST
                                                                                        The Trailblazer Team are always willing and
                                        When linking to wider school aims, or a         eager to discuss the wider potential of all
                                        particular event in school, you may wish to     of the offers listed, as they have worked
                                        read through our Key Themes List. Every         closely with Cultural Partners to curate these
                                        year, participants in the programme provide     opportunities for your school to access.
                                        feedback as to what they would like to see
                                        included in the next Cultural Catalogue.        More information about how the programme
                                                                                        runs as a whole, as well as top tips and
                                        ART FORM MAP                                    examples, can be found in our new Thurrock
                                                                                        Trailblazer Handbook.
                                        We have allocated each offer with an
                                        illustrated icon that clearly portrays the      Please do not hesitate to get in touch
                                        art form for that project or training. If you   with the Trailblazer Team if you have any
                                        are looking for a specific art form you         questions.
                                        can also browse our Art Form Map, which
                                        groups offers together depending on their
                                        prominent art form.                   

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KEY STAGE MATRIX                                         PAGE   EYFS   KS1   KS2   KS3   KS4   KS5   SEND   CONTINUED                                          PAGE   EYFS   KS1   KS2   KS3   KS4   KS5   SEND
Royal Shakespeare Company: Primary Shakespeare           130                                            Punchdrunk: Codename Atlantis                      122                 
Essex Music Hub: Creative Music CPD                       74                                            ROH Design and Make: Primary                        32                                        
Juniper Education: Story Telling BookBus                  96                                            English Touring Opera: Paper and Tin                72                                        
Art 4 Thinking: Ofsted & the Arts: Consultancy            46                                            Into Film: Mindfulness on Film CPD                  94                                        
STEAM Co: #ARTOFROCKETS                                  146                                           Into Film: Literacy through Film CPD                92                                        
Music For Change: Caribbean Experiences                  104                                         ROH Create and Sing: Everybody Sing!                30                                        
Blackpool Grand Theatre: Story-Led Resillience CPD        54                                         Gateway Academy: Ceramic Techniques                 86                                        
Confidance: Superheroes                                   66                                         Rendered Retina: Timon of Athens                   128                                
Focal Point Gallery: Artist-Led Discovery                 82                                         Rendered Retina: Macbeth                           126                                
LV21: All Hands On Deck!                                 100                                         Complete Commedia Co: Masked Comedy                 62                                
Firstsite: Learning To Look                               76                                         Signals: Stop-Motion Animation                     136                                      
Breakin' Convention: Hip Hop Workshops                    56                                         Signals: Digital Playground Games                  134                                      
Beacon Hill Academy: Inclusive Arts Project               50                                         Signals: Wellbeing Video Games                     138                                      
Beacon Hill Academy: Inclusive Arts CPD                   52                                         Bang & Smash Music: Sound Creation & Production     48                                      
Thurrock Music Services: MIDAS visits                    150                                         ROH: Behind The Scenes                              38                                      
National Trust: Rainham Hall                              118                                        Trestle: Yarico                                    160                                      
Punchdrunk: A Small Tale                                 120                                               Flexer & Sandiland: Digital Traces Workshops        80                                      
National Theatre: Let’s Play                             114                                              Into Film: Careers in Film CPD                      90                                      
SparkedEcho: Story Soundscape                            144                                             SparkedEcho: Folk Songwriting: Daily News          140                            
Thurrock Museum: Day in the life of a Curator            156                                             Punchdrunk: Performance Practice Workshop          124                            
Thurrock Museum: Battle of Britain                       154                                             ROH: Infra                                          42                            
Thurrock Music Services: How to Lead Singing in School   148                                             National College: Technical Theatre Workshop        112                                
Thurrock Music Services: Sound Education CPD             152                                             Confidance: I Create                                64                                       
ROH Create and Sing: Hansel and Gretel                    26                                            Royal Shakespeare Company: Secondary Shakespeare   132                                       
ROH Create and Sing: The Magic Flute                      28                                            ROH Design and Make: Secondary                      34                                         
ChickenWired: Sustainable Sculpture                       58                                            Flexer & Sandiland: Digital Dance Programming       78                                  
ROH Create and Dance                                      22                                            National Theatre: New Views                         116                                       
ROH Create and Dance: Everybody Dance!                    24                                            ROH Design and Make: FE                             36                                         
ROH: Make a Scene                                        40                                        
Coalhouse Fort: Heritage Visit                            60                                      
Creative Blast: Drama in the Curriculum CPD               68                                      
Kinetika: Beach of Dreams                                 98                                     
SparkedEcho: Sonic Classroom CPD                         142                                     
ROH: Schools' Matinees                                    44                                     
Gamelan Anak Ledjar: Wallace & the Islands                84                                     
Trestle: Unmasking Wellbeing                             158                                     
Creative Blast: Student Voice CPD                         70                                     
Historic Royal Palaces: Heritage Access Fund              88                                     
Music For Change: African Experiences                    102                                     
Music For Change: Chinese Experiences                    106                                     
Music For Change: European Experiences                   108                                     
Music For Change: Indian Experiences                     110                                     

 8                                                                                                                  RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                     9
             SUBJECT AREAS
                                                                      •   NATIONAL THEATRE: NEW VIEWS P116         ACCESS FUND P88
                             •   ART4THINKING: OFSTED & THE ARTS -    •   RENDERED RETINA: MACBETH P126        •   KINETIKA: BEACH OF DREAMS P98        •   BANG & SMASH MUSIC: SOUND
                                 CONSULTANCY P46                      •   RENDERED RETINA: TIMON OF ATHENS     •   LV21: ALL HANDS ON DECK! P100            CREATION & PRODUCTION P48
                             •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE           P128                                 •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: ALL P102-111       •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE
                                 ARTS P50-52                          •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40                •   NATIONAL TRUST: RAINHAM HALL P118        ARTS P50-52
                             •   CHICKENWIRED: SUSTAINABLE                                                     •   PUNCHDRUNK: CODENAME ATLANTIS        •   BREAKIN’ CONVENTION: HIP HOP
                                 SCULPTURE P58                        DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY                        P122                                     WORKSHOPS P56
                             •   FIRSTSITE: LEARNING TO LOOK P76                                               •   THURROCK MUSESUM: DAY IN THE LIFE    •   ENGLISH TOURING OPERA: PAPER
                             •   FOCAL POINT GALLERY: ARTIST-LED      •   CHICKENWIRED: SUSTAINABLE                OF A CURATOR P156                        AND TIN P72
                                 DISCOVERY P82                            SCULPTURE P58                        •   THURROCK MUSESUM: BATTLE OF          •   ESSEX MUSIC HUB: CREATIVE MUSIC
                             •   GATEWAY ACADEMY: CERAMIC             •   FIRSTSITE: LEARNING TO LOOK P76          BRITAIN P154                             CPD P74
                                 TECHNIQUES P86                       •   FOCAL POINT GALLERY: ARTIST-LED                                               •   GAMELAN ANAK LEDJAR: WALLACE &
                                                                                                               •   TRESTLE: YARICO P160
                             •   KINETIKA: BEACH OF DREAMS P98            DISCOVERY P82                                                                     THE ISLANDS P84
                             •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: PRIMARY P32     •   GATEWAY ACADEMY: CERAMIC             HISTORY                                  •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: ALL P102-111
                             •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: SECONDARY           TECHNIQUES P86                                                                •   ROH CREATE AND SING: HANSEL AND
                                 P34                                  •   KINETIKA: BEACH OF DREAMS P98        •   COALHOUSE FORT: HERITAGE VISIT P60       GRETEL P26
                             •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: FE P36          •   LV21: ALL HANDS ON DECK! P100        •   GAMELAN ANAK LEDJAR: WALLACE &       •   ROH CREATE AND SING: THE MAGIC
                             •   ROH: BEHIND THE SCENES P38           •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: PRIMARY P32         THE ISLANDS P84                          FLUTE P28
                             •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40                •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: SECONDARY       •   HISTORIC ROYAL PALACES: HERITAGE     •   ROH CREATE AND SING: EVERYBODY
                             •   SIGNALS: STOP-MOTION ANIMATION           P34                                      ACCESS FUND P88                          SING! P30
                                 P136                                 •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: FE P36          •   LV21: ALL HANDS ON DECK! P100        •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40
                                                                      •   ROH: BEHIND THE SCENES P38           •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: ALL P102-111       •   SPARKEDECHO: FOLK SONGWRITING:
                             COMPUTING                                •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40                •   NATIONAL TRUST: RAINHAM HALL P118        DAILY NEWS P140
                                                                      •   SIGNALS: STOP-MOTION ANIMATION       •   PUNCHDRUNK: CODENAME ATLANTIS        •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: HOW TO
                             •   BANG & SMASH MUSIC: SOUND                                                                                                  LEAD SINGING IN SCHOOL P148
                                                                          P136                                     P122
                                 CREATION & PRODUCTION P48                                                                                              •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: MIDAS
                                                                      •   STEAM CO: #ARTOFROCKETS P146         •   THURROCK MUSESUM: DAY IN THE LIFE
                             •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL DANCE                                                                                          VISITS P150
                                                                                                                   OF A CURATOR P156
                                 PROGRAMMING P78                                                                                                        •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: SOUND
                                                                      ENGLISH                                  •   THURROCK MUSESUM: BATTLE OF
                             •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL TRACES                                                                                         EDUCATION CPD P152
                                                                                                                   BRITAIN P154
                                 WORKSHOPS P80                        •   BLACKPOOL GRAND THEATRE: STORY-      •   TRESTLE: YARICO P160
                             •   INTO FILM: LITERACY THROUGH FILM         LED RESILIENCE CPD P54                                                        PSHE/CITIZENSHIP
                                 CPD P92                              •   BREAKIN’ CONVENTION: HIP HOP         MATHS
                             •   INTO FILM: MINDFULNESS ON FILM CPD       WORKSHOPS P56                                                                 •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE
                                 P94                                                                                                                        ARTS P50-52
                                                                      •   COMPLETE COMMEDIA CO: MASKED         •   BANG & SMASH MUSIC: SOUND
                             •   SIGNALS: DIGITAL PLAYGROUND              COMEDY P62                               CREATION & PRODUCTION P48            •   BLACKPOOL GRAND THEATRE: STORY-
                                 GAMES P134                                                                    •   CHICKENWIRED: SUSTAINABLE                LED RESILIENCE CPD P54
                                                                      •   CONFIDANCE: I CREATE P64
                             •   SIGNALS: STOP-MOTION ANIMATION                                                    SCULPTURE P58                        •   CONFIDANCE: SUPERHEROES P66
                                                                      •   INTO FILM: LITERACY THROUGH FILM
                                 P136                                     CPD P92                              •   COALHOUSE FORT: HERITAGE VISIT P60   •   CREATIVE BLAST: STUDENT VOICE CPD
                             •   SIGNALS: WELLBEING VIDEO GAMES                                                •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL DANCE        P70
                                                                      •   JUNIPER EDUCATION: STORYTELLING
                                 P138                                     BOOKBUS P96                              PROGRAMMING P78                      •   GAMELAN ANAK LEDJAR: WALLACE &
                             •   SPARKEDECHO: SONIC CLASSROOM                                                  •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL TRACES       THE ISLANDS P84
                                                                      •   LV21: ALL HANDS ON DECK! P100
                                 CPD P142                                                                          WORKSHOPS P80                        •   INTO FILM: MINDFULNESS ON FILM CPD
                                                                      •   NATIONAL THEATRE: NEW VIEWS P116
                             •   SPARKEDECHO: STORY SOUNDSCAPE                                                 •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: PRIMARY P32         P94
                                                                      •   PUNCHDRUNK: A SMALL TALE P120
                                 P144                                                                          •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: SECONDARY       •   LV21: ALL HANDS ON DECK! P100
                                                                      •   PUNCHDRUNK: CODENAME ATLANTIS
                                                                                                                   P34                                  •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: ALL P102-111
                             DANCE/PHYSICAL EDUCATION                                                          •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: FE P36          •   SIGNALS: WELLBEING VIDEO GAMES
                                                                      •   RENDERED RETINA: MACBETH P126
                                                                                                               •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40                    P138
                                                                      •   RENDERED RETINA: TIMON OF ATHENS
                             •   BREAKIN’ CONVENTION: HIP HOP                                                  •   SIGNALS: DIGITAL PLAYGROUND GAMES    •   TRESTLE: UNMASKING WELLBEING P158
                                 WORKSHOPS P56                                                                     P134                                 •   TRESTLE: YARICO P160
                                                                      •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: ALICE’S
                             •   CONFIDANCE: I CREATE P64                 ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND AND         •   SIGNALS: STOP-MOTION ANIMATION
                             •   CONFIDANCE: SUPERHEROES P66                                                       P136                                 SCIENCE
                                                                          ROMEO & JULIET P22
                             •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL DANCE                                             •   SIGNALS: WELLBEING VIDEO GAMES
                                                                      •   ROH CREATE AND SING: HANSEL AND
                                 PROGRAMMING P78                                                                   P138                                 •   COALHOUSE FORT: HERITAGE VISIT P60
                                                                          GRETEL P26
                             •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL TRACES                                            •   STEAM CO: #ARTOFROCKETS P146         •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL DANCE
                                                                      •   ROYAL SKAKESPEARE COMPANY:
                                 WORKSHOPS P80                                                                 •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: SOUND           PROGRAMMING P78
                                                                          PRIMARY SHAKESPEARE CPD P130
                             •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: ALICE’S                                                     EDUCATION CPD P152                   •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL TRACES
                                                                      •   ROYAL SKAKESPEARE COMPANY:
                                 ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND AND                                                  •   THURROCK MUSESUM: DAY IN THE LIFE        WORKSHOPS P80
                                                                          SEC. SHAKESPEARE CPD P132
                                 ROMEO & JULIET P22                                                                OF A CURATOR P156                    •   HISTORIC ROYAL PALACES: HERITAGE
                                                                      •   SPARKEDECHO: STORY SOUNDSCAPE
                             •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: EVERYBODY                                                                                            ACCESS FUND P88
                                 DANCE! P24                                                                    MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES                 •   LV21: ALL HANDS ON DECK! P100
                             •   ROH: INFRA P42                       GEOGRAPHY                                                                         •   SIGNALS: DIGITAL PLAYGROUND
                                                                                                               •   JUNIPER EDUCATION: STORYTELLING          GAMES P134
                             DRAMA                                    •   COALHOUSE FORT: HERITAGE VISIT P60       BOOKBUS P96                          •   SIGNALS: STOP-MOTION ANIMATION
                                                                                                               •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: ALL P102-111           P136
                                                                      •   GAMELAN ANAK LEDJAR: WALLACE &
                             •   COMPLETE COMMEDIA CO: MASKED             THE ISLANDS P84                                                               •   STEAM CO: #ARTOFROCKETS P146
                                 COMEDY P62

   10                                                                                                          RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                11
CAREERS                                  •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE          CURRICULUM CPD P68                   •   SIGNALS: WELLBEING VIDEO GAMES

                                                                          ARTS PROJECT P50                    •   CREATIVE BLAST: STUDENT VOICE CPD        P138
                             •   INTO FILM: CAREERS IN FILM CPD P90   •   GAMELAN ANAK LEDJAR: WALLACE &          P70                                  •   SPARKEDECHO: SONIC CLASSROOM
                             •   ROH: BEHIND THE SCENES P38               THE ISLANDS P84                     •   ESSEX MUSIC HUB: CREATIVE MUSIC          CPD P142
                             •   THURROCK MUSESUM: DAY IN THE LIFE    •   GATEWAY ACADEMY: CERAMIC                CPD P74                              •   SPARKEDECHO: STORY SOUNDSCAPE
                                 OF A CURATOR P156                        TECHNIQUES P86                      •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: ALICE’S            P144
                                                                      •   KINETIKA: BEACH OF DREAMS P98           ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND AND         •   STEAM CO: #ARTOFROCKETS P146
                             CLIMATE CHANGE                           •   PUNCHDRUNK: CODENAME ATLANTIS           ROMEO & JULIET P22                   •   LV21: ALL HANDS ON DECK! P100
                                                                          P122                                •   ROH CREATE AND SING: HANSEL AND
                             • CHICKENWIRED: SUSTAINABLE              •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40                   GRETEL P26                           STUDENT VOICE
                               SCULPTURE P58                          •   STEAM CO: #ARTOFROCKETS P146        •   ROH CREATE AND SING: THE MAGIC
                             • KINETIKA: BEACH OF DREAMS                                                          FLUTE P28                            •   BANG & SMASH MUSIC: SOUND
                               P98                                    INTERVENTION                            •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: PRIMARY P32         CREATION & PRODUCTION P48
                             COLLABORATION                                                                    •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: SECONDARY       •   CREATIVE BLAST: STUDENT VOICE CPD
                                                                      •   BANG & SMASH MUSIC: SOUND               P34                                      P70
                             •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE           CREATION & PRODUCTION P48           •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: FE P36          •   SPARKEDECHO: FOLK SONGWRITING:
                                 ARTS PROJECT P50                     •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE      •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40                    DAILY NEWS P140
                             •   BREAKIN’ CONVENTION: HIP HOP             ARTS CPD P52                        •   ROYAL SKAKESPEARE COMPANY:
                                 WORKSHOPS P56                        •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE          PRIMARY SHAKESPEARE CPD P130         WELLBEING AND RESILIENCE
                             •   CHICKEN WIRED: SUSTAINABLE               ARTS PROJECT P50                    •   ROYAL SKAKESPEARE COMPANY:
                                 SCULPTURE P58                        •   BREAKIN’ CONVENTION: HIP HOP            SECONDARY SHAKESPEARE CPD P132       •   BLACKPOOL GRAND THEATRE: STORY-
                             •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL DANCE        WORKSHOPS P56                                                                    LED RESILIENCE CPD P54
                                                                                                              •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: HOW TO
                                 PROGRAMMING P78                      •   CONFIDANCE: SUPERHEROES P66             LEAD SINGING IN SCHOOL P148          •   CONFIDANCE: I CREATE P64
                                 THE ISLANDS P84                          P70                                                                              TIN P72
                                                                                                                  VISITS P150
                             •   KINETIKA: BEACH OF DREAMS P98                                                                                         •   INTO FILM: MINDFULNESS ON FILM CPD
                                                                                                              •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: SOUND
                             •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: AFRICAN            PERFORMANCE                                 EDUCATION CPD P152                       P94
                                 EXPERIENCES P102                                                                                                      •   SIGNALS: WELLBEING VIDEO GAMES
                             •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE:CARIBBEAN           •   ENGLISH TOURING OPERA: PAPER AND    STEAM                                        P138
                                 EXPERIENCES P104                         TIN P72                                                                      •   TRESTLE: UNMASKING WELLBEING P158
                             •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: CHINESE            •   RENDERED RETINA: MACBETH P126       •   BANG & SMASH MUSIC: SOUND
                                 EXPERIENCES P106                     •   RENDERED RETINA: TIMON OF ATHENS        CREATION & PRODUCTION P48            WORLD CULTURE
                             •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: EUROPEAN               P128                                •   COALHOUSE FORT: HERITAGE VISIT P60
                                 EXPERIENCES P108                     •   ROH: SCHOOLS MATINEES P44           •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL DANCE    •   GAMELAN ANAK LEDJAR: WALLACE &
                             •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: INDIAN                                                         PROGRAMMING P78                          THE ISLANDS P84
                                 EXPERIENCES P110                     SCHOOL STRATEGY                         •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL          •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: AFRICAN
                             •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: EVERYBODY                                                  TRACES P80                               EXPERIENCES P102
                                 DANCE! P24                           •   ART4THINKING: OFSTED & THE ARTS -   •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: PRIMARY P32     •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE:CARIBBEAN
                             •   ROH CREATE AND SING: EVERYBODY           CONSULTANCY P46                                                                  EXPERIENCES P104
                                                                                                              •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: SECONDARY
                                 SING! P30                            •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE          P34                                  •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: CHINESE
                             •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40                    ARTS CPD P52                                                                     EXPERIENCES P106
                                                                                                              •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: FE P36
                                                                      •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE                                               •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: EUROPEAN
                                                                                                              •   SIGNALS: DIGITAL PLAYGROUND
                             COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                         ARTS PROJECT P50                                                                 EXPERIENCES P108
                                                                                                                  GAMES P134
                                                                      •   BLACKPOOL GRAND THEATRE: STORY-                                              •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: INDIAN
                                                                                                              •   SIGNALS: STOP-MOTION ANIMATION
                             •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE           LED RESILIENCE CPD P54                                                           EXPERIENCES P110
                                 ARTS CPD P52                         •   CREATIVE BLAST: DRAMA IN THE                                                 •   TRESTLE: YARICO P160

 12                                                                                                           RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                13

                              •   BREAKIN’ CONVENTION: HIP HOP
                                  WORKSHOPS P56
                                                                      •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL DANCE
                              •   CREATIVE BLAST: STUDENT VOICE CPD                                            •   BLACKPOOL GRAND THEATRE: STORY-
                                                                          PROGRAMMING P78                                                               •   BANG & SMASH MUSIC: SOUND
                                  P70                                                                              LED RESILIENCE CPD P54
                                                                      •   PUNCHDRUNK: CODENAME ATLANTIS                                                     CREATION & PRODUCTION P48
                              •   KINETIKA: BEACH OF DREAMS P98                                                •   INTO FILM: LITERACY THROUGH FILM
                                                                          P122                                                                          •   ESSEX MUSIC HUB: CREATIVE MUSIC
                              •   LV21: ALL HANDS ON DECK! P100                                                    CPD P92
                                                                      •   SIGNALS: DIGITAL PLAYGROUND                                                       CPD P74
                              •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: AFRICAN                                                    •   JUNIPER EDUCATION: STORYTELLING
                                                                          GAMES P134                                                                    •   GAMELAN ANAK LEDJAR: WALLACE &
                                  EXPERIENCES P102                                                                 BOOKBUS P96
                                                                      •   SIGNALS: WELLBEING VIDEO GAMES                                                    THE ISLANDS P84
                              •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE:CARIBBEAN                                                   •   PUNCHDRUNK: A SMALL TALE P120
                                                                          P138                                                                          •   SPARKEDECHO: FOLK SONGWRITING:
                                  EXPERIENCES P104                                                             •   ROYAL SKAKESPEARE COMPANY:               DAILY NEWS P140
                                                                      •   SPARKEDECHO: SONIC CLASSROOM
                              •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: CHINESE                                                        PRIMARY SHAKESPEARE CPD P130
                                                                          CPD P142                                                                      •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: MIDAS
                                  EXPERIENCES P106                                                             •   ROYAL SKAKESPEARE COMPANY:               VISITS P150
                                                                      •   SPARKEDECHO: STORY SOUNDSCAPE
                              •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: INDIAN                                                         SECONDARY SHAKESPEARE CPD P132
                                                                          P144                                                                          •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: SOUND
                                  EXPERIENCES P110                                                                                                          EDUCATION CPD P152
                              •   ROH: SCHOOLS MATINEES P44
                              •   STEAM CO: #ARTOFROCKETS P146



                                                                      •   COMPLETE COMMEDIA CO: MASKED
                                                                          COMEDY P62
                                                                      •   CREATIVE BLAST: DRAMA IN THE         •   COALHOUSE FORT: HERITAGE VISIT P60
                                                                          CURRICULUM CPD P68
                              •   CONFIDANCE: I CREATE P64                                                     •   HISTORIC ROYAL PALACES: HERITAGE
                                                                      •   NATIONAL THEATRE: LET’S PLAY P114                                             •   ENGLISH TOURING OPERA: PAPER AND
                              •   FLEXER & SANDILAND: DIGITAL                                                      ACCESS FUND P88                          TIN P72
                                                                      •   NATIONAL THEATRE: NEW VIEWS P116     •   NATIONAL TRUST: RAINHAM HALL P118
                                  TRACES WORKSHOPS P80                                                                                                  •   MUSIC FOR CHANGE: EUROPEAN
                                                                      •   RENDERED RETINA: MACBETH P126        •   THURROCK MUSESUM: DAY IN THE LIFE
                              •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: ALICE’S                                                                                             EXPERIENCES P108
                                                                      •   RENDERED RETINA: TIMON OF ATHENS         OF A CURATOR P156
                                  ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND AND                                                                                          •   ROH CREATE AND SING: HANSEL AND
                                                                          P128                                 •   THURROCK MUSESUM: BATTLE OF
                                  ROMEO & JULIET P22                                                                                                        GRETEL P26
                                                                      •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40                    BRITAIN P154
                              •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: EVERYBODY                                                                                       •   ROH CREATE AND SING: THE MAGIC
                                  DANCE! P24                          •   PUNCHDRUNK: PERFORMANCE
                                                                                                                                                            FLUTE P28
                                                                          PRACTICE WORKSHOPS P124
                              •   ROH: INFRA P42                                                                                                        •   ROH CREATE AND SING: EVERYBODY
                                                                      •   TRESTLE: UNMASKING WELLBEING
                                                                                                                                                            SING! P30
                                                                                                                                                        •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: HOW TO
                                                                      •   TRESTLE: YARICO P160
                                                                                                                                                            LEAD SINGING IN SCHOOL P148

                                   DESIGN &                                                                        INCLUSIVE
                                   THEATRECRAFT                                                                    ARTS

                                                                                                                                                             VISUAL ARTS
                                                                                                               •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE
                              •   CHICKEN WIRED: SUSTAINABLE                                                       ARTS P50-52
                                  SCULPTURE P58                                                                •   CONFIDANCE: SUPERHEROES P66
                              •   NATIONAL COLLEGE: TECHNICAL
                                  THEATRE WORKSHOP P112
                                                                      •   INTO FILM: CAREERS IN FILM CPD P90                                            •   CHICKENWIRED: SUSTAINABLE
                              •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: PRIMARY P32
                                                                      •   INTO FILM: LITERACY THROUGH FILM                                                  SCULPTURE P58
                              •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: SECONDARY
                                                                          CPD P92                                                                       •   FIRSTSITE: LEARNING TO LOOK P76
                                                                      •   INTO FILM: MINDFULNESS ON FILM                                                •   FOCAL POINT GALLERY: ARTIST-LED
                              •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: FE P36
                                                                          CPD P94                                                                           DISCOVERY P82
                              •   ROH: BEHIND THE SCENES P38
                                                                                                                                                        •   GATEWAY ACADEMY: CERAMIC
                              •   ROH: MAKE A SCENE P40
                                                                                                                                                            TECHNIQUES P86

  14                                                                                                           RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                              15
                    The following teacher training opportunities      •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: PRIMARY P32
                    are listed as either initiating a project or      •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: SECONDARY
                    stand-alone. Essential training for Cultural          P34
                    Champions, or other designated members of         •   ROH DESIGN AND MAKE: FE P36
                    staff as Project Leads, is held at High House
                    Production Park, Purfleet. Dates are available

     training and
                                                                      STAND-ALONE CPD
                    on the following Calendar of Activity page or
                    within the project details.
                                                                      •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE
                    CULTURAL CHAMPION CPD                                 ARTS CPD P52
                                                                      •   BLACKPOOL GRAND THEATRE: STORY-
                    Leadership Development Training is an                 LED RESILIENCE CPD P54

                    opportunity for Cultural Champions to             •   CHICKENWIRED: SUSTAINABLE
                    develop their leadership skills and expertise.        SCULPTURE CPD P58
                    The full course of 5 sessions costs £300 per      •   CREATIVE BLAST: DRAMA IN THE
                    teacher, however this is offered to Trailblazer       CURRICULUM CPD P68
                    schools FREE of charge for up to two              •   CREATIVE BLAST: STUDENT VOICE CPD
                    teachers per school.                                  P70
                                                                      •   ESSEX MUSIC HUB: CREATIVE MUSIC
                    These essential twilight sessions are a key           CPD P74
                    element towards successfully embedding the
                                                                      •   INTO FILM: CAREERS IN FILM CPD P90
                    Trailblazer programme in your school and
                    measuring the impact on your students. We         •   INTO FILM: LITERACY THROUGH FILM
                    are offering a Drop-in Evening in July 2020,          CPD P92
                    for new and returning Cultural Champions, in      •   INTO FILM: MINDFULNESS ON FILM CPD
                    preparation for the academic year to come.            P94
                                                                      •   NATIONAL COLLEGE: TECHNICAL
                                                                          THEATRE WORKSHOP P112
                    PROJECT CPD
                                                                      •   ROYAL SKAKESPEARE COMPANY:
                                                                          PRIMARY SHAKESPEARE CPD 130
                    •   BEACON HILL ACADEMY: INCLUSIVE                •   ROYAL SKAKESPEARE COMPANY: SEC.
                        ARTS PROJECT P50                                  SHAKESPEARE CPD P132
                    •   KINETIKA: BEACH OF DREAMS P98                 •   SPARKEDECHO: SONIC CLASSROOM
                    •   NATIONAL THEATRE: LET’S PLAY P114                 CPD P142
                    •   NATIONAL THEATRE: NEW VIEWS P116              •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: HOW TO
                    •   PUNCHDRUNK: A SMALL TALE P120                     LEAD SINGING IN SCHOOL P148
                    •   PUNCHDRUNK: CODENAME ATLANTIS                 •   THURROCK MUSIC SERVICES: SOUND
                        P122                                              EDUCATION CPD P152
                    •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: ALICE’S                 •   TRESTLE: UNMASKING WELLBEING P158
                        ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND AND
                        ROMEO & JULIET P22
                    •   ROH CREATE AND DANCE: EVERYBODY
                        DANCE! P24
                    •   ROH CREATE AND SING: HANSEL AND
                        GRETEL P26
                    •   ROH CREATE AND SING: THE MAGIC
                        FLUTE P28

16                  RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                         17
THURSDAY 2 JULY           Cultural Champion Drop-in Evening
                   AUTUMN THURSDAY 10 SEPTEMBER     Trailblazer Introduction, Leadership Development Training 1
                          FRIDAY 11 SEPTEMBER       ROH Design and Make: Secondary/FE CPD
                          TUESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER      Thurrock Music Services: Sound Education CPD (1)
                          TUESDAY 22 SEPTEMBER      Thurrock Music Services: How to Lead Singing in School
                          WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER ROH Schools Matinee: Tosca (Opera)
                          THURSDAY 24 SEPTEMBER     ROH Create and Dance CPD
                          TUESDAY 29 SEPTEMBER      Punchdrunk: Codename Atlantis Project Launch
                          THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER        Creative Blast: Drama in the Curriculum CPD
                          FRIDAY 2 OCTOBER          Beacon Hill Academy: Inclusive Arts Project Launch
                          FRIDAY 2 OCTOBER          Beacon Hill Academy: Inclusive Arts CPD
                          WEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER       National Theatre: New Views Project Launch
                          WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER      Creative Blast: Student Voice CPD
                          FRIDAY 16 OCTOBER         National College Creative Industries: Workshop
                          TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER        Thurrock Music Services: Sound Education CPD (2)

     Calendar of
                          TUESDAY 10 NOVEMBER       Blackpool Grand Theatre: Story-Led Resillience CPD
                          WEDNESDAY 11 NOVEMBER     ROH Create and Sing: Hansel and Gretel CPD
                          TUESDAY 17 NOVEMBER       Kinetika: Beach of Dreams Project Launch
                          TUESDAY 17 NOVEMBER       ROH Schools Matinee: L’elisir d’amore (Opera)

                          THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER      ROH Design and Make: Primary CPD
                          MONDAY 23 NOVEMBER        Leadership Development Training 2
                          THURSDAY 26 NOVEMBER      Royal Shakespeare Company: Primary Shakespeare CPD
                          FRIDAY 27 NOVEMBER        Royal Shakespeare Company: Secondary Shakespeare CPD
                          WEDNESDAY 2 DECEMBER      ROH Schools Matinee: The Nutcracker (Ballet)
                   SPRING TUESDAY 12 JANUARY        ROH Create and Dance: Everybody Dance CPD
                          TUESDAY 12 JANUARY        Thurrock Music Services: Sound Education CPD (3)
                          TUESDAY 19 JANUARY        Punchdrunk: A Small Tale
                          THURSDAY 21 JANUARY       Leadership Development Training 3
                          THURSDAY 28 JANUARY       Into FIlm: Careers in Film CPD
                          THURSDAY 4 FEBRUARY       Into Film: Literacy through Film CPD
                          TUESDAY 9 FEBRUARY        ChickenWired: Sustainable Sculpture CPD
                          WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY     ROH Create and Sing: The Magic Flute CPD
                          WEDNESDAY 24 FEBRUARY     ROH Schools Matinee: Der fliegende Höllander (Opera)
                          THURSDAY 25 FEBRUARY      Trestle: Unmasking Wellbeing CPD
                          TUESDAY 9 MARCH           Thurrock Music Services: Sound Education CPD (4)
                          WEDNESDAY 17 MARCH        SparkedEcho: Sonic Classroom CPD
                          THURSDAY 18 MARCH         Into Film: Mindfulness on Film CPD
                          MONDAY 22 MARCH           Leadership Development Training 4
                          TUESDAY 23 MARCH          Essex Music Hub TBC
                   SUMMER TUESDAY 4 MAY             Thurrock Music Services: Sound Education CPD (5)
                          FRIDAY 7 MAY              ROH Schools Matinee: Romeo and Juliet (Ballet)
                          TUESDAY 11 MAY            ROH Create and Sing: Everybody Sing!
                          WEDNESDAY 12 MAY          ROH Schools Matinee: Romeo and Juliet (Ballet)
                          THURSDAY 13 MAY           Leadership Development Training 5 + Extension
                          TUESDAY 8 JUNE            English Touring Opera: Paper and Tin Performance
                          TUESDAY 29 JUNE           Thurrock Music Services: Sound Education CPD (6)
                          MONDAY 12 JULY            Beacon Hill Academy: Inclusive Arts Project Sharing

18                        RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                  19
                                                              The Royal Opera House aims to enrich            The platform also holds information about

                          ROYAL OPERA HOUSE
                                        NATIONAL PROGRAMMES
                                                              people’s lives through opera and ballet.        Schools’ Matinee performances and our
                                                              Home to two of the world’s great artistic       wider teacher training/CPD opportunities,
                                                              companies – The Royal Opera and The             among other resources.
                                                              Royal Ballet, performing with the Orchestra
                                                              of the Royal Opera House – we seek to be        OUR RESOURCES

         ROH learning
                                                              always accessible and engaging, to develop
                                                              audiences across the UK and to break new        Whether you’re a teacher looking to diversify
                                                              ground.                                         your delivery of the National Curriculum
                                                                                                              or a student looking to support your own
                                                              The Royal Opera House schools’ certified        independent learning, our resources are
                                                              professional development and schemes of         structured to help you choose a level of

                                                              work have been developed with teachers          engagement that works best for you. All
                                                              and are high quality and inspirational. The     our resources are produced by specialist
                                                              training days build teachers’ confidence        practitioners working with the Royal Opera
                                                              and provide them with the tools to facilitate   House.
                                                              learning through the arts.
                                                                                                              The schools’ programmes are offered in
                                                              Thurrock continues to work as a cornerstone     two-lesson Taster, five-lesson Explorer
                                                              of engagement for the development of these      and ten-lesson Immersive course versions.
                                                              national programmes, with increasing uptake     The resources for higher Key Stages are
                                                              year on year. The programmes are aimed at       presented as stand-alone learning units,
                                                              teachers looking to diversify their delivery    packed with expert advice and insight.
                                                              of the national curriculum; the resources are
                                                              structured to help teachers choose the level    ROH CLASSROOM
                                                              of engagement that works best for them.
                                                                                                              ROH Classroom is our new direct streaming
                                                              ROH LEARNING PLATFORM                           service, offering you the opportunity
                                                                                                              to stream complete performances of a
                                                              Our aim is to place creative learning at the    selection of our works to your classroom.
                                                              centre of every child’s education through       This includes access to the full-length
                                                              a suite of online programmes that support       productions of operas and ballets and can
                                                              teachers taking a step into our world.          be played to your class either alongside your
                                                                                                              chosen scheme of work, or as a treat on
                                                              The Royal Opera House Learning Platform         completion of a course.
                                                              holds FREE learning content written for and
                                                              by teachers, bringing the world of opera,       OUR LEARNING PROGRAMMES
                                                              ballet and theatrecraft into the classroom.
                                                              We offer a range of learning resources for      CREATE AND DANCE			                     22
                                                              teachers and students from Key Stage 1 to       CREATE AND SING			                      26
                                                              FE/HE level.                                    DESIGN AND MAKE			                      32

                                                              Our curriculum-based schemes of work            BEHIND THE SCENES			                    38
                                                              have been developed by teachers, for            MAKE A SCENE                            40
                                                              teachers, and provide links to the new
                                                              Ofsted framework, as well as supporting the     INFRA                                   42
                                                              delivery of Artsmark.                           SCHOOLS MATINEES                        44

20   RETURN TO CONTENTS                                       RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                       21
Students will:                                 RESOURCES AND SUPPORT

                                                                                                                                    • Develop their imagination and creativity     The CPD is supported by free-to-access
                                                                                                                                    • Gain confidence, independence, resilience    digital resources hosted on the ROH
                                                                                                                                        and many more transferable skills          Learning Platform.
                                                                                                                                    • Develop their musicality
                                                                                                                                                                                   Teachers also gain access to:
                                                                                                                                    • Develop flexibility, strength, technique,
                                                                                                                                        control and balance in line with the
                                                                                                                                                                                   • ROH Classroom – a platform to share
                                                                                                                                        Physical Education curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                                       full-length ballet recordings with students
                                                                                                                                    •   Create and perform dances using a range
                                                                                                                                                                                   • The opportunity to send videos of your
                                                                                                                                        of movement patterns
                                                                                                                                                                                       work to the Royal Opera House for
                                                                                                                                    The programme also aims to extend the
                                                                                                                                    cultural capital of the school, teacher and    •   Congratulations videos and certificates to
                                                                                                                                    individual students taking part.                   download on completion of the project
                                                                                                                                                                                   •   Supporting videos on the ROH YouTube
                                                                                                                                    CROSS-CURRICULAR LINKS                             channel

                                                                                                                                    There are many cross-curricular links, which   Schools can use the programmes to support
                                                                                                                                    will be discussed at the CPD:                  their Artsmark journey. Arts Award Explore
                                                                                                                                                                                   or Discover resources are also available.
                                                                                                                                    • LITERACY: creative writing, character
                                 The Royal Opera House’s Create and Dance          of short films, to inspire and entertain             writing and storytelling, using Lewis      COST
              CREATE AND DANCE

                                 programme offers creative learning for            students at the beginning of each lesson.            Carroll’s and Shakespeare’s texts
                                 primary and secondary schools across the          The films provide a window into the world                                                       FREE
                                                                                                                                    •   MATHS: symmetry, patterns, angles
                                 UK.                                               of the Royal Opera House and the creative
                                                                                                                                    •   SCIENCE: ballet technique – momentum       RECOMMENDED
                                                                                   process undertaken to make a ballet, while
                                                                                                                                        and balance
                                 The programme has been designed with              demonstrating the similarities to the creative
                                 teachers, maintaining strong curriculum           process explored by the students in school.
                                                                                                                                    •   MUSIC: motif development                   This offer could complement the following:
                                 links to develop student’s understanding          Teachers also gain access to full-length         •   PSHE/PHILOSOPHY: critical evaluation of    • ROH Create and Dance: Everybody
                                 of dance, unlocking their imagination and         ballet recordings to share with students.            each others work                              Dance!
                                 creativity. With dedicated teacher training,                                                       •   PHYSICAL EDUCATION: can improve PE         • ROH Design and Make: Primary
                                 classroom films and lesson plans, these           SUITABILITY                                          provision, covering four of the five key
                                 resources suit the needs of teachers and                                                               indicators of the schools Sports Premium   ‘...Instead of just reading (the
                                 their students.                                   KS1, KS2, KS3 and SEND. Schools can deliver                                                     book) to my class - we created
                                                                                   this project with as many classes as they        TEACHER COMMITMENT AND TRAINING
                                 ABOUT THE PROJECT                                 wish. Schools are invited to send multiple                                                      motifs that the hero could repeat
                                                                                   teachers to the CPD or a representative who      Attendance at the CPD is required. Teachers    whenever he faced the villain...
                                 ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND                  will disseminate the resources.                  need no previous dance knowledge to take       Everything that I experienced in
                                 AND ROMEO AND JULIET                                                                               part.
                                                                                                                                                                                   the CPD was used in the lesson and
                                                                                   DATES, LOCATION AND FORMAT
                                 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and                                                               Teachers are encouraged to take the            pupils were enthused and engaged
                                 Romeo and Juliet provide the stimulus for a       A one day CPD on Thursday 24 September           learning from any activity back into the       in the story’
                                                                                                                                    classroom, using the scheme of work and

                                 Create and Dance scheme of work that can          2020 9.00am – 4.00pm at High House
                                 support cross-curricular learning, particularly   Production Park, Purfleet.                       films provided.
                                                                                   Followed by a teacher-led ten-week scheme        The training will also help teachers to find
                                 A CPD Certified, one-day, practical training      of work aligned to the National Curriculum       their own links to the wider curriculum
                                 that explores the ‘Building Blocks’ of dance      and supported by digital content.                and use dance as a useful tool for creative

                                 to inspire cross-curricular learning. The                                                          learning.
                                 warm up session provides a clear language         LEARNING OUTCOMES
                                 and structure for creating movement, which                                                         WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END?
                                 develops throughout the day.                      Teachers will:
                                                                                                                                    We encourage teachers to find opportunities

                                 Teachers engage with three different              • Gain confidence in the planning and            to perform their finished dance to a live
                                 creative explorations to generate movement,           delivery of creative dance workshops         audience; in assembly, as part of a school
                                 using themes from Royal Ballet repertory.                                                          show, or end of year festival. This is to
                                                                                   • Gain ideas for increasing the impact
                                 This practical training provides teachers with                                                     ensure the students feel the benefit of
                                                                                       of their work in and through the arts,
                                 the skills and confidence to empower their                                                         performing to an audience, as well as
                                                                                       ranging from enjoyment and enrichment,
                                 students to create dance pieces of their own.                                                      ensuring the teachings from The Royal Ballet
                                                                                       to developing core learning and teaching
                                 The activity is interspersed with moments                                                          dancers, during the weekly lessons, become
                                                                                   •   Explore fresh approaches to suit different
                                                                                                                                    embedded in practice.
                                 of discussion, lesson planning and an online          learning styles
                                 tour of the ROH Learning Platform.
                                                                                   •   Explore current topics in school, using      Teachers are encouraged to continue
                                                                                       dance as a springboard for cross-            delivering dance in the classroom and
                                 The CPD is supported by free-to-access
                                                                                       curricular work – particularly literacy      engage with ballet as an art form. We also
                                 digital resources hosted on the ROH
                                 Learning Platform, which allows teachers to       •   Gain an understanding of ballet and          encourage teachers to share their new skills
                                 complete a ten-lesson (Immersive) scheme              insights into a specific work in the Royal   with colleagues and to take part in the
                                 of work based on Royal Ballet repertory.              Ballet’s current repertory.                  project the following year, to deepen their

                                 The schemes of work include a series                                                               learning and experience.

   22                            RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                     RETURN TO KS MATRIX          23
• Gain confidence, independence, resilience       • The opportunity to send videos of your
                                                                                                                                       and many more transferable skills                 work to the Royal Opera House for
                                                                                                                                   •   Develop their musicality                          feedback
                                                                                                                                   •   Develop flexibility, strength, technique,     •   Congratulations videos and certificates to
                                                                                                                                       control and balance in line with the              download on completion of the project
                                                                                                                                       Physical Education curriculum                 •   Supporting videos on the ROH YouTube
                                                                                                                                   •   Perform dances using a range of                   channel
                                                                                                                                       movement patterns
                                                                                                                                                                                     Schools can use the programmes to support
                                                                                                                                   The programme also aims to extend the             their Artsmark journey. Arts Award Explore
                                                                                                                                   cultural capital of the school, teacher and       or Discover resources are also available.
                                                                                                                                   individual students taking part.
                                                                                                                                   CROSS-CURRICULAR LINKS
                                                                                                                                   There are many cross-curricular links, which
                                                                                                                                   will be discussed at the CPD:                     RECOMMENDED

                                                                                                                                   • LITERACY: creative writing, character           This offer could complement the following:
                                                                                                                                       writing and storytelling                      • ROH Create and Dance: Alice’s
                                                                                                                                   •   MATHS: symmetry, patterns, angles                Adventures in Wonderland or Romeo and
                                                                                                                                   •   SCIENCE: ballet technique – momentum             Juliet
                                 The Royal Opera House’s Create and Dance         SUITABILITY                                          and balance                                   • Flexer & Sandiland: Digital Dance
              CREATE AND DANCE

                                 programme offers creative learning for                                                            •   MUSIC: motif development                         Workshops
                                 primary and secondary schools across the         KS1, KS2, KS3 and SEND.
                                                                                                                                   •   PSHE/PHILOSOPHY: critical evaluation of
                                                                                                                                       each others work                              ‘...Very clear and engaging
                                                                                  Teachers who engage with this project will                                                         CPD. The instructors were very
                                 The programme has been designed with             need to have completed a The Nutcracker,
                                                                                                                                   •   PHYSICAL EDUCATION: can improve PE
                                 teachers, maintaining strong curriculum          Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or Romeo
                                                                                                                                       provision, covering four of the five key      informative and explained mass-
                                                                                                                                       indicators of the schools Sports Premium      movement technques so well!
                                 links to develop children’s understanding        and Juliet training prior to attending the
                                 of dance, unlocking their imagination and        CPD explained below – this could be during                                                         There was also clear progression
                                                                                                                                   TEACHER COMMITMENT AND TRAINING
                                 creativity. With dedicated teacher training,     previous academic years or 2020/21.                                                                during the day – I now feel
                                 classroom films and lesson plans, these
                                                                                                                                   Attendance at the CPD is required.                confident to deliver this to my
                                 resources suit the needs of teachers and         Schools can deliver this project with as many
                                 their students. Teachers need no previous        classes as they wish. Schools are invited                                                          entire school!’
                                                                                                                                   Teachers are encouraged to take the
                                 dance knowledge to take part.                    to send multiple teachers to the CPD or
                                                                                                                                   learning from any activity back into the
                                                                                  a representative who will disseminate the
                                                                                                                                   classroom, using the scheme of work and
                                 ABOUT THE PROJECT                                resources.
                                                                                                                                   films provided.
                                 EVERYBODY DANCE!                                 DATES, LOCATION AND FORMAT
                                                                                                                                   The training will also help teachers to find
                                                                                                                                   their own links to the wider curriculum
                                 Everybody Dance! is a fun and inclusive          A one day CPD on Tuesday 12 January 2021
                                                                                                                                   and use dance as a useful tool for creative
                                 way to creatively engage with ballet             9.00am – 4.00pm at High House Production

                                 and get moving. No matter what your              Park, Purfleet.
                                 age, experience or ability, you and your
                                                                                                                                   WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END?
                                 students are invited to become honorary          Followed by a teacher-led five-week scheme
                                 members of The Royal Ballet’s corps de           of work aligned to the National Curriculum.
                                                                                                                                   We encourage teachers to find opportunities
                                 ballet. This Create and Dance scheme of
                                                                                                                                   to perform their finished dance to a live
                                 work is designed to support the creation         LEARNING OUTCOMES

                                                                                                                                   audience; in assembly, as part of a school
                                 and performance of a mass-movement
                                                                                                                                   show, or end of year festival.
                                 choreography – exploring ways of                 Teachers will:
                                 working with large groups of students and
                                                                                                                                   Teachers are encouraged to continue
                                 maintaining engagement throughout.               • Gain confidence in the planning and            delivering dance in the classroom and
                                                                                      delivery of creative dance workshops

                                                                                                                                   engage with ballet as an art form. We also
                                 During this CPD, teachers will revisit the       • Gain ideas for increasing the impact           encourage teachers to share their new skills
                                 ‘Building Blocks’ of dance to inspire cross-         of their work in and through the arts,       with colleagues and to take part in the
                                 curricular learning. Teachers will then engage       ranging from enjoyment and enrichment,       project the following year, to deepen their
                                 with different creative explorations to              to developing core learning and teaching     learning and experience.
                                 generate movement and learn some simple          •   Explore fresh approaches to suit different
                                 choreography that has been specifically              learning styles                              RESOURCES AND SUPPORT
                                 created for a large group of participants.
                                                                                  •   Explore current topics in school, using
                                                                                      dance as a springboard for cross-            The CPD is supported by free-to-access
                                 Using themes from Royal Ballet repertory,
                                                                                      curricular work – particularly literacy      digital resources hosted on the ROH
                                 this practical training provides teachers
                                                                                  •   Gain an understanding of ballet and          Learning Platform.
                                 with the skills and confidence to lead a
                                 mass-movement dance that your whole                  insights into a specific work in the Royal
                                                                                      Ballet’s current repertory                   Teachers also gain access to:
                                 school could participate in. The activity is
                                 interspersed with moments of discussion,
                                 lesson planning and an online tour of the        Students will:                                   • ROH Classroom – a platform to share

                                 ROH Learning Platform.                                                                                full-length ballet recordings with students
                                                                                  • Develop their imagination and creativity

   24                            RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                       RETURN TO KS MATRIX         25
planning and delivering dramatic singing      their new skills with colleagues and to take
                                                                                                                                       workshops                                     part in the project the following year, to
                                                                                                                                   •   Gain ideas for increasing the impact          deepen their learning experience.
                                                                                                                                       of their work in and through the arts,
                                                                                                                                       ranging from enjoyment and enrichment,        RESOURCES AND SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                       to developing core learning and teaching
                                                                                                                                   •   Explore fresh approaches to suit different    The CPD is supported by free-to-access
                                                                                                                                       learning styles                               digital resources hosted on the ROH
                                                                                                                                   •   Gain an understanding of opera and            Learning Platform.
                                                                                                                                       insight into a specific work in The Royal
                                                                                                                                       Opera’s current repertory.                    Teachers also gain access to:

                                                                                                                                   Students will:                                    • Backing tracks to all the songs, including
                                                                                                                                                                                         versions with and without the Royal
                                                                                                                                   • Develop their imagination and creativity            Opera House Youth Opera Company.
                                                                                                                                   • Gain confidence, independence, resilience       •   ROH Classroom – a platform to share
                                                                                                                                       and many more transferable skills                 full-length opera recordings with
                                                                                                                                   •   Develop vocal control and quality,
                                                                                                                                       learning how to vocally portray character     •   Congratulations certificates to download
                                                                                                                                                                                         on completion of the project
                                                                                                                                   •   Develop familiarity with, and learn to sing
                                                                                                                                       music from a well-known opera                 •   Supporting videos on the ROH YouTube
                                                                                                                                   •   Explore the process behind making an
                                The Royal Opera House’s Create and Sing           enable students to generate creative ways of
              CREATE AND SING

                                                                                                                                       opera and learn what happens behind the
                                programme supports teachers in leading            staging scenes.                                                                                    Schools can use the programmes to support
                                                                                                                                       scenes at the Royal Opera House
                                engaging and imaginative dramatic singing                                                                                                            their Artsmark journey. Arts Award Explore
                                activities in the classroom, by providing         The CPD is a highly practical day and gives                                                        or Discover resources are also available.
                                                                                                                                   CROSS-CURRICULAR LINKS
                                them with quality resources built around          teachers the opportunity to experience
                                famous operas.                                    the learning process from the children’s                                                           COST
                                                                                                                                   There are many cross-curricular links, which
                                                                                  perspective as well as opportunities to
                                                                                                                                   will be discussed in the CPD:
                                ABOUT THE PROJECT                                 reflect on the underlying pedagogy and                                                             FREE
                                                                                  teaching skills.
                                HANSEL AND GRETEL
                                                                                                                                   • LITERACY/DRAMA: memorising and                  RECOMMENDED
                                                                                                                                       exploring the meaning of lyrics, creative
                                                                                  The CPD is supported by free-to-access
                                                                                                                                       writing, storytelling, performing in          This offer could complement the following:
                                Take your class on an adventure as you            digital resources hosted on the ROH
                                                                                                                                       character and vocabulary building
                                follow Hansel and Gretel into the woods and       Learning Platform which supports teachers                                                          • ROH Create and Dance
                                explore Humperdinck’s operatic adaptation         to complete a ten-lesson (Immersive)             •   MATHS: counting and division relating to
                                                                                                                                                                                     • ROH Design and Make
                                of this magical fairytale, before working         scheme of work based on Hansel and Gretel.           musical rhythms
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Thurrock Music Services: How to Lead
                                together to stage your own mini-version of        The schemes of work include a series of          •   MUSIC: all areas of the Music National
                                                                                                                                                                                        Singing in school
                                the opera. The central aim of our Create and      short films, to inspire and entertain students       Curriculum are supported for KS1–3
                                Sing programme is to empower teachers to          and to provide a window into the world of        •   PSHE/ PHILOSOPHY: critical evaluation
                                explore dramatic singing with their children      the Royal Opera House.                               of each others work and self-reflection
                                                                                                                                                                                     ‘...This was the best CPD I have
                                in a healthy and engaging way. We know                                                                                                               ever had. So well put together,
                                one of the most effective ways to improve         SUITABILITY                                      TEACHER COMMITMENT AND TRAINING                   informative, pushing us to go
                                                                                                                                                                                     beyond our comfort zone... I could

                                the quality of children’s singing is to connect
                                it to storytelling, character and emotion.        KS1, KS2, KS3 and SEND. The programme            Attendance at the CPD is required.
                                                                                                                                                                                     not recommend this more highly’
                                Create and Sing Hansel and Gretel is full of      has been designed to support all teachers        Teachers are encouraged to take the
                                imaginative and effective ways to do exactly      regardless of whether you have specialised       learning from the day’s activities back into
                                that.                                             music or drama training or not.                  the classroom, using the scheme of work,
                                                                                                                                   musical arrangements, videos and backing

                                The resource includes engaging drama and          Schools can deliver this project with as many    tracks provided. The training will also help
                                vocal warm-ups built around introducing           classes as they wish. Schools are invited        teachers to find their own links to the wider
                                your class to the characters of the opera,        to send multiple teachers to the CPD or          curriculum and use dramatic singing as a
                                and finding ways to physically and vocally        a representative who will disseminate the        useful tool for creative learning.
                                portray them. The scheme of work and              resources.

                                accompanying digital resources then guide                                                          WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END?
                                you through how to learn and stage five           DATES, LOCATION AND FORMAT
                                songs from the opera. These songs form the                                                         While there is no set final outcome, we
                                central pillars around which you and your         A one day CPD on Wednesday 4 November            encourage teachers to find opportunities to
                                class will build your own version of Hansel       2020, 9.00am – 3.30pm, High House                perform their finished versions of Hansel and
                                and Gretel.                                       Production Park, Purfleet.                       Gretel to a live audience; in assembly, as part
                                                                                                                                   of a school show, or end of year festival. This
                                Teachers are encouraged to attend a one-          Followed by a teacher-led ten-week scheme        is to ensure the students feel the benefit of
                                day Certified CPD day exploring how best to       of work aligned to the National Curriculum       sharing their hard work, and that the project
                                facilitate dramatic singing in the classroom,     and supported by digital content.                has a sense of trajectory to a final sharing
                                co-led by a ROH music-practitioner and a                                                           moment.
                                ROH drama-practitioner. As well as taking         LEARNING OUTCOMES
                                participants through the scheme of work                                                            Teachers are encouraged to use the
                                and resources our practitioners will share        Teachers will:                                   approaches and skills they develop through
                                their approaches to teaching students songs,                                                       their project and to apply them more widely

                                how to encourage vocal quality and how to         • Gain confidence and develop skills in          to any other performing arts activity they
                                                                                                                                   deliver. We also encourage teachers to share

   26                           RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                       RETURN TO KS MATRIX        27
• Gain confidence and develop skills in           their project and to apply them more widely
                                                                                                                                      planning and delivering dramatic singing      to any other performing arts activity they
                                                                                                                                      workshops                                     deliver. We also encourage teachers to share
                                                                                                                                  •   Gain ideas for increasing the impact          their new skills with colleagues and to take
                                                                                                                                      of their work in and through the arts,        part in the project the following year, to
                                                                                                                                      ranging from enjoyment and enrichment,        deepen their learning experience.
                                                                                                                                      to developing core learning and teaching
                                                                                                                                  •   Explore fresh approaches to suit different    RESOURCES AND SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                      learning styles
                                                                                                                                  •   Gain an understanding of opera and            The CPD is supported by free-to-access
                                                                                                                                      insight into a specific work in The Royal     digital resources hosted on the ROH
                                                                                                                                      Opera’s current repertory                     Learning Platform.

                                                                                                                                  Students will:                                    Teachers also gain access to:

                                                                                                                                  • Develop their imagination and creativity        • Backing tracks to all the songs, including
                                                                                                                                                                                        versions with and without the Royal
                                                                                                                                  • Gain confidence, independence, resilience
                                                                                                                                                                                        Opera House Youth Opera Company.
                                                                                                                                      and many more transferable skills
                                                                                                                                                                                    •   ROH Classroom – a platform to share
                                                                                                                                  • Develop vocal control and quality,
                                                                                                                                                                                        full-length opera recordings with
                                                                                                                                      learning how to vocally portray character
                                                                                                                                  • Develop familiarity with, and learn to sing
                                                                                                                                                                                    •   Congratulations certificates to download
                                                                                                                                      music from a well-known opera
                                The Royal Opera House’s Create and Sing          how to encourage vocal quality and how to                                                              on completion of the project
              CREATE AND SING

                                                                                                                                  •   Explore the process behind making an
                                programme supports teachers in leading           enable students to generate creative ways of                                                       •   Supporting videos on the ROH YouTube
                                                                                                                                      opera and learn what happens behind the
                                engaging and imaginative dramatic singing        staging scenes.                                                                                        channel
                                                                                                                                      scenes at the Royal Opera House
                                activities in the classroom, by providing
                                them with quality resources built around         The CPD is a highly practical day and gives                                                        Schools can use the programmes to support
                                                                                                                                  CROSS-CURRICULAR LINKS
                                famous operas.                                   teachers the opportunity to experience the                                                         their Artsmark journey. Arts Award Explore
                                                                                 learning process form the young person’s                                                           or Discover resources are also available.
                                                                                                                                  There are many cross-curricular links, which
                                ABOUT THE PROJECT                                perspective as well as opportunities to
                                                                                                                                  will be discussed in the CPD:
                                                                                 reflect on the underlying pedagogy and                                                             COST
                                THE MAGIC FLUTE                                  teaching skills.
                                                                                                                                  • LITERACY/DRAMA: memorising and                  FREE
                                                                                                                                      exploring the meaning of lyrics, creative
                                We are excited to announce the launch of         The CPD is supported by free-to-access
                                                                                                                                      writing, storytelling, performing in          RECOMMENDED
                                our new resource, Create and Sing The Magic      digital resources hosted on the ROH
                                                                                                                                      character and vocabulary building
                                Flute and are offering Trailblazer Schools the   Learning Platform which supports teachers
                                chance to pilot the project by joining us for    to complete a ten-lesson (Immersive)             •   MATHS: counting and division relating to      This offer could complement the following:
                                one of the first teacher training days.          scheme of work based on The Magic Flute,             musical rhythms                               • ROH Create and Dance
                                                                                 due to be published in February 2021.            •   MUSIC: all areas of the Music National        • ROH Design and Make
                                The central aim of our Create and Sing           The schemes of work include a series of              Curriculum are supported for KS1–3
                                programme is to empower teachers to              short films, to inspire and entertain students   •   PSHE/PHILOSOPHY: critical evaluation of
                                                                                                                                                                                    ‘...High quality teaching and
                                explore with their students what it is to sing   and to provide a window into the world of            each others work and self-reflection
                                dramatically, in a healthy and engaging way.     the Royal Opera House.                                                                             guidance, resources and fantastic
                                                                                                                                  TEACHER COMMITMENT AND TRAINING                   scores and information pack to

                                We know one of the most effective ways
                                to improve the quality of young people’s         SUITABILITY                                                                                        take away’
                                singing is to connect their singing to story-                                                     Attendance at the CPD is required. Teachers
                                telling, character and emotion.                  KS1, KS2, KS3 and SEND. The programme            are encouraged to take the learning from
                                                                                 has been designed to support all teachers        the day’s activities back into the classroom,
                                Join Tamino, Pamina and Papageno on their        regardless of whether they have specialised      using the scheme of work, musical

                                quest for truth and love in a strange world      music or drama training.                         arrangements, videos and backing tracks
                                where the forces of darkness and light are in                                                     provided.
                                bitter battle. The resource includes creative    Schools can deliver this project with as many
                                drama and vocal warm-ups designed to             classes as they wish. Schools are invited        The training will also help teachers to find
                                introduce your class to the characters of        to send multiple teachers to the CPD day         their own links to the wider curriculum and

                                the opera, and find ways to physically and       or a representative who will disseminate         use dramatic singing as a useful tool for
                                vocally portray them. The scheme of work         resources.                                       creative learning.
                                and accompanying digital resources guide
                                you through learning fun to sing music from      DATES, LOCATION AND FORMAT                       WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END?
                                the opera and also creative writing tasks
                                where your class write the script, tying all     A one day CPD Wednesday 10 February              While there is no set final outcome, we
                                the songs together.                              2021, 9.00am – 3.30pm, High House                encourage teachers to find opportunities to
                                                                                 Production Park, Purfleet.                       perform their finished versions of The Magic
                                Teachers are encouraged to attend a one-                                                          Flute to a live audience; in assembly, as part
                                day Certified CPD day exploring how to best      Followed by a teacher-led ten-week scheme        of a school show, or end of year festival. This
                                facilitate dramatic singing in the classroom,    of work aligned to the National Curriculum       is to ensure the children feel the benefit of
                                co-led by a ROH music-practitioner and a         and supported by digital content.                sharing their hard work, and that the project
                                ROH drama-practitioner. As well as taking                                                         has a sense of trajectory to a final sharing
                                participants through the scheme of work          LEARNING OUTCOMES                                moment.
                                and resources, our practitioners will share

                                their approaches to teaching students songs,     Teachers will:                                   Teachers are encouraged to use the
                                                                                                                                  approaches and skills they develop through

   28                           RETURN TO CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                      RETURN TO KS MATRIX        29
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