Page created by Eugene Kelley
                        ISTITUTO ALFANO
          quaderno di INGLESE per le vacanze
             per i nuovi iscritti alla classe prima a. s. 2020/21


Cari ragazzi,
vi proponiamo delle attività da poter svolgere durante l’estate, quando ne avrete voglia, in
previsione del nuovo anno scolastico.
Questa sezione è dedicata al ripasso della grammatica e del lessico.
Looking forward to meeting you in September,
your English teachers
Vai al link . Troverai un intero
fascicolo dedicato al ripasso delle principali regole e forme della grammatica inglese. Disponibili anche le

E se vuoi esercitarti ancora, scegli liberamente tra gli esercizi che seguono…
                                                SUBJECT PRONOUNS

  Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con un pronome.
  a. Tom Cruise is an American actor.       He
  b. Sam and I are from New York.           …….
  c. Our friend Mary is English.            …….
  d. The bank is in Fleet Street.           …….
  e. Paul and Mark are in a band.           …….
  f. Where are my shoes?                    …….
  g. Are you and Bill cousins?              …….
  h. Miss Smith is my teacher.              …….
  i. The cat is hungry.                     …….

                                               POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES

  Cerchia gli aggettivi possessivi corretti.

  1. She’s my teacher. Her / His name is Miss Peters.
  2. Brian is fifteen and his /her brother is eight.
  3. Phil and Ann are with his / their cousin.
  4. We’re English but our /their grandfather is French.
  5. What’s my / your surname?
  6. The cat is drinking their / its milk.

Completa i mini-dialoghi con aggettivi possessivi o pronomi personali soggetto.

  A. Who’s that man?          A. Where’s Maggie?
  B. That’s Paul.             B …. ’s at home.
  A. What’s ….. job?          A. Is she with …. sister?
  B. …..’s an engineer.       B. No, she’s with …. friends.

                                               POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS

Trasforma le seguenti frasi come nell’esempio.

  1. This is our boat. Example:       This boat is ours.
  2. These are their keys.
  3. That is her car.
  4. Those aren’t my shoes.
  5. Is that his phone?
6. Are those your trainers?

                                              REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS

Completa le frasi con i pronomi riflessivi.

  1. Sally washed her hands by …………………
  2. I can’t do this exercise by ……………..
  3. Did you go to the dentist’s by……………… or with your Mum?
  4. We didn’t enjoy ………………at the party.
  5. She burnt ………………while she was doing the ironing.
  6. He’s looking at……………… in the mirror.
  7. They are making the cake by ………………

                                               OBJECT PRONOUNS

Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con i pronomi personali complemento.

  1. Martha is with her friends.
  2. This book is for John.
  3. I don’t like those biscuits.
  4. Do you know Mrs Cooper?
  5. Jennifer doesn’t like my dog.
  6. Are these sandwiches for Sally and me?
  7. He always wears that hat.

Cerchia l’alternativa corretta.
  1 His mother is a shop assistant and ……. works in a department store.
          a. her       b. she          c. hers
  2 Can you come to the club with ……. ?
          a. my        b. me           c. I
  3 John loves Carol but she doesn’t love …….
          a. her       b. his          c. him
  4 Mark and …… brother are in France.
          a. her       b. his          c. its
  5 Is that your Ferrari? No, it isn’t …….
          a. mine      b. my           c. I
  6 What are names?
          a. his       b. their        c. theirs
  7 ……… always go to the seaside in July.
          a. us        b. her          c. we
  8 Don’t forget to telephone ……!
          a. I         b. me           c. my
  9 Don’t forget to brush ………. teeth before going to bed.
          a. your      b. yourself c. you
  10 Can you see ……….in the photo?
          a. you       b. him          c. he
Completa con a oppure an.

…………. university        ………….. hundred         …………. x-ray
…………. yellow book       ………….. hour            …………. air hostess
…………. hospital          ………….. unit            …………. heir
…………. orange            ………….. egg             …………. European country
…………. husband           ………….. umbrella        …………. house
…………. exam              …………. aunt

Completa con a , an oppure the soltanto se necessario.

       1.   England is …………. European country.
       2.   Paris is ………….     capital of France.
       3.   She is in ……………. Ireland, she isn’t in…………. United States.
       4.   I live in ………….house in the country.
       5.   I go to………….school at eight o’clock.
       6.   …………. glass is on the table.
       7.   We have…………. hour to complete this exercise.
       8.   It is…………. honour to meet you.


Usa le parole fornite per scrivere delle frasi con il genitivo.

    1. Paul / trainers / old     Example       Paul’s trainers are old.
    2. James / bedroom / big
    3. They / Sam / books
    4. Carol / hair / brown
    5. Mrs Potter / car / in the garage
    6. Ben / friend / French

Scrivi le domande e rispondi.

    1. camera (/Bill    Whose camera is it? It’s Bill’s.
    2. shoes (Cathy)
    3. computer (Mr Kline)
    4. suitcase (Nancy)
    5. I-pod (Miss Cooper)
    6. videogames (girls)

Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa del verbo essere.

       1.   Hi, I ……. Alice.
       2.   This ……. a picture of me and my friend.
       3.   We ……. English.
       4.   My friend’s name ……. Karen.
       5.   I ……. fifteen and she      ……. sixteen.
       6.   Our brothers        ……. friends, too.
       7.   They         ……. in the same class.
       8.   Karen and I ……. best friends.

Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa o negativa del verbo essere.

       1.   England    ……. in the UK.
       2.   Paris      ……. on the coast of France.
       3.   London     ……. in Scotland.
       4.   Australia ……. an island.
       5.   Greece and Spain ……. in Europe.
       6.   New Zealand       ……. near the USA.

Scrivi delle domande e risposte usando l’informazione fornita.

1.   Mr Clark / a teacher ( )         Is Mr Clark a teacher? No, he isn’t.
2.   the tourists / tired ( )         ………………………………...
3.   Jane and Wilma / English ( )     …………………………………
4.   the computer / off ( )           …………………………………
5.   your job / interesting ( )       …………………………………
6.   Oliver / from Ireland ( )        …………………………………

                                              THERE IS / THERE ARE

Completa le frasi con there is oppure there are.
  1 ……. a blue pen on the desk.
  2 ……. some cherries in fridge.
  3 ……. a table and four chairs.
  4 ……. twenty people in my class.
  5 ……. two armchairs and a sofa.
  6 ……. some flowers on the table.

Pensa alla tua casa e sottolinea l’alternativa giusta.
1 There is / isn’t a big kitchen.     2 There are / aren’t two bathrooms.
3 There is / isn’t a garden. 4 There is / isn’t a sofa in the living room.
5 There are / aren’t some posters in my room. 6 There is /isn’t a wardrobe in my room.
Scrivi il plurale di queste parole.
 berry ………………                        child           ………………                 tray         ………………
 knife ………………                             sheep      ………………                 brush        ………………

 peach ………………                             dress      ………………                 church       ………………

 tomato ………………                            person     ………………                 table        ………………

 policewoman ……………                        loaf       ………………                 book         ………………

Riscrivi le frasi al plurale.

  1 It’s an old house.    …………………….                 2     She’s Italian.     …………………….
  3 The man is poor.      …………………….                 4     It’s a red pen.    …………………….
  5 He is a doctor.       …………………….                 6     It’s blue.         …………………….
  7 The box is heavy.     …………………….                 8     The peach is good. …………………….

                                                         SOME AND ANY

Completa le frasi con some o any.

  1  There are …………… eggs but there isn’t butter.
  2  Is there     water in the fridge?
  3  I’d like     sugar, please.
  4  There aren’t         people on that bus.
  5  Are there problems?
  6  Would you like       tea?
  7  Is there     ham in your sandwich?
  8  There isn’t salt in this soup!
  Scegli l’alternativa giusta per ogni frase.

  1 There is …………… desk near the window. a. some                            b. an           c. a
  2 Are there …………. books on the desk?               a. a                   b. any          c. some

  3 Would you like      sandwich?                    a.         some         b.      a         c. an
  4 There isn’t big kitchen.                         a.         an           b.      some      c. a
  5 Is there    milk in the bottle?                  a.         any          b.      an        c. some

Indica quali sostantivi sono countable (C) o uncountable. (U)

 pencil            ……..         water             ……..              child            ……..
 milk              ……..         cup               ……..              bread            ……..
 orange            ……..         chair             ……..              egg              ……..
 cheese            ……..         biscuit           ……..              music            ……..

Inserisci in, at oppure on.

  1. The skiing competition is …. Tuesday.
  2. The basketball tournament is …. March.
  3. The karate lesson starts …. 8:30.
  4. We can’t go sailing …. spring.
  5. John’s football match is …. Friday ... 4:15.
  6. It’s very cold ... winter.
  7. He was born ... 1999.
  8. Her birthday is ...May.

Sottolinea l’alternativa giusta.

  1. Mrs Pratt is going into / down the post office.
  2. Jake is tired because he’s walking along / up the hill.
  3. Look! The cat is jumping across / out of the box.
  4. She’s swimming into / across the river.
  5. Tom is jogging along / up the river.
  6. Be careful when you climb out of / down the ladder.

                                               VERB TO HAVE

Completa le frasi con la corretta forma del verbo avere.
  1. Fred ……. a new computer.
  2. Mr and Mrs Cooper……. two children.
  3. She ……. beautiful blue eyes.
  4. I …….two sisters and a brother.
  5. Bob and I …….a lot of friends.
  6. Our cat …….green eyes.
  7. He…….a big house in the country.
  8. They ……. an old car.
Riscrivi le frasi dell’esercizio precedente alla forma negativa.

1 …………………………………………              2 …………………………………………
3 …………………………………………              4 …………………………………………
5 …………………………………………              6 …………………………………………
7 …………………………………………              8 …………………………………………

Rispondi alle domande.

1. Have you got blue eyes?
2. Has your teacher got a red car?
3. Has your best friend got a computer?
4. Have you got a big family?
Completa con la forma corretta di to be o to have.

My name …… Alex Sanders. I ….. fourteen and I ……. from Boston . I……. a really big family. My parents
……… divorced so I…….two homes.
During the week I live in a big house with my father and my stepmum, Linda. She……. four children,
Robert, David, Ann and Carol. They …… my stepbrothers and sisters. Robert and David ………twins.
They…….red hair and freckles. At the weekend I live in a flat with my mum and her partner.
They ……….. a baby girl. She ……. my half-sister. She ………. black hair like me. We also …… three dogs, two
cats and a parrot!

                                            QUESTION WORDS

Completa le domande e abbina alle risposte giuste.
  1 ………. nationality is he?
  2 ………. is the sofa.?
  3 ………. is your birthday?
  4 ………. old is your sister?
  5 ………. is your favourite actor?
  6 ………. is your mother’s job?

…… It’s in October.
…… She’s a nurse.
…… He’s Welsh.
…… She’s sixteen.
…… It’s in the living room.
…… Brad Pitt.

Completa le domande.
 1   ………. is he?”                    “Our new teacher.”
 2   ………. ’s the cinema?             “In York Street.”
 3   ………. ’s the party?              “Next Sunday.”
 4   ………. is this guitar?            “It’s Roger’s.”
 5   ………. your name?                 “Jennifer.”
 6   ………. are you unhappy?           “Because I failed the
  7    ………. old are you?”            “Fifteen.”
  8.   ………. colour is your cat?”     “Black.”

                                             PRESENT SIMPLE

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del present simple dei verbi tra parentesi.
1 They …………..(live) in Oxford.              2 We………….. (not study) Spanish.
3 He …………..(watch) the News.                4 Mr Clark ………….. (go) to work by bus.
5 I …………..(not like) meat.                  6 You …………..(teach) History.
7 Miss Hall …………..(play) tennis.            8 He………….. (not come) from France.
Riscrivi le frasi usando il soggetto fornito tra parentesi.
   1 Mark studies French at university. (I)
   2 We don’t watch TV after dinner. (Mr Brown) 3 You go to the gym twice a week. (Paul)
4 Mum uses the Internet for work. (They) 5 The lessons finish at 11:00. (It)
6 Lynn doesn’t have lunch at school. (You) 7 Peter and Ann always go by car. (He)
8 They don’t do the housework at the weekend. (She)

Completa le domande con do o does.
1 ……….. you read the newspaper?            2………..Paul get up early?
3 ……….. Mr Bent play the piano?            4………..John and Ken walk to school?
5 ……….. your cat sleep in the house?       6………..       they speak English?

Completa il brano con il Simple Present dei verbi fra parentasi.
Michael …… (be) 16 years old. He …… (live) in Toronto with his family. His dad …… (work) in a factory and
his mum ……. (teach) in a primary school. Michael………..(have) a sister and two brothers. His
sister, Ann………..(study) French and Spanish at the University of Toronto and his younger brother,
Jason ………… (attend) high school. Michael’s older brother, Thomas …… (play) football in a professional
team but Michael ……(not like) football at all. He and his dad      ……….. (prefer) basketball. At school
Michael ……. (be) in the junior basketball team. He always (train) twice a week and he never ……….. (miss) a

Formula delle domande che riguardano Michael e la sua famiglia.
  a. Where / Michael / live?
  b. What / mum / do?
  c. Which languages / Ann / study?
  d. What sport / dad / prefer?
Completa le frasi con do / does oppure la corretta forma del verbo essere.
  1. Where …… Mr Cooper work?
  2. …… you from the United States?
  3. …… you have breakfast at home?
  4. What …… your teacher’s name?
  5. …… it rain a lot in your country?
  6. What …… Paul doing in the garden?
  7. …… you thirsty?
  8. What time …… the train leave?

Riscrivi le frasi inserendo l’avverbio di frequenza al posto giusto.
  1 I drink milk for breakfast. (always)      …………………………………….
  2 He plays tennis. (often)                  …………………………………….
  3 Katy is late. (never)                     …………………………………….
  4 She goes to the swimming pool. (rarely) …………………………………….
  5 They do their homework. (usually)         …………………………………….

Scrivi la forma –ing dei seguenti verbi.
  ride …………….              cut …………….                 watch …………….
  swim …………….              wear …………….                lie …………….
  go …………….                carry …………….               run …………….
  write …………….             drink …………….               play …………….

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

1 Kelly is too busy to come with us. She ………………. (practise) for the concert.
2 I………………. (look for ) my new glasses. I can’t find them.
3 ……………….your team………………. (win) the football match?
4 Switch the TV off! I ………………. (not watch) it at the moment.
5 Where’s Jack? He……………….(lie) on the sofa.
6 The Browns……………….(not stay) at home tonight.
7 ……. Mark……………….(use) my mobile again?
8 Ron and Fred……………….(hang out) with their friends.

Rispondi alle domande.
  1 Is he studying? ( )       Example No, he isn’t.
  2 Are they having dinner? ( )
  3 Is Mary sleeping? ( )
  4 Are the children playing? ( )
  5 Is your teacher speaking? ( )
  6 Are the tourists taking pictures? ( )

                                   PRESENT SIMPLE and PRESENT CONTINUOUS

Completa l’email di Rick con il simple present o il present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.
Hi John,
What …….. you ………? (do) I ……… (babysit) my sister because my parents aren’t at home. They always ………
(go) to the theatre on Friday evenings. My sister ……… (watch) TV in the living room. She ……… (love)
cartoons. I
……… (not like) cartoons , I ……… (prefer) music programmes. I ……… (do) my maths homework now but I
……… (not understand) the last exercise. My father usually ……… (help) me with my homework but he isn’t
here now.
Oh oh! My sister ……… (call) me. I think she’s probably hungry. I always ……… (make) dinner when my
parents aren’t here. I enjoy ……… (cook) very much. See you tomorrow.
Leggi l’email dell’esercizio precedente e rispondi alle domande.
What is Rick doing?
Where do his parents go on Friday evenings?
Is his sister watching a music programme?
Does his father usually help him with his homework?

Sottolinea l’alternativa giusta.
  a. He was / were born Moscow in 1973.
  b. Who was / were the Rolling Stones?
  c. Mr Rogers was / were at work yesterday.
  d. Was / Were you in a team last year?
  e. Why was / were he at the mechanic’s?
  f. It was / were cold and windy last night.

Completa la email con il simple past del verbo essere.
Hi Silvia,
Lara and I were in Paris yesterday. We ……. out all day because the weather ……great! It ……sunny and hot..
Lara …… a bit of a pain because she ……… always hot and tired! We ……. with two other French girls. They
……. happy to show us around.
Where....... you yesterday? ……… it sunny or cloudy?
 See you soon!

Scrivi domande per queste risposte.
  a. Where ………………………..?            We were in Paris last summer.
  b. When ………………………...?            My brother was born in 1987.
  c. Why ……………………….....?           She was in London for a competition.
  d. Who ………………………….?              Jane and Thomas were late for the concert.
  e. What …………………………?              It was foggy at the lake.
  f. Which ………………………..?            She was on the number three bus.

Completa le frasi con il verbo essere al presente o al passato.
  1. Where …… Polly? I can’t find her.
  2. Frank …… ten years old in 1999.
  3. Tim and Carol …… in Spain last week.
  4. It …… my sister’s birthday last Monday.
  5. …… Mark from England? No, he isn’t.
  6. There…… a cinema and a pub here last year.

                                                 PAST SIMPLE

Completa le frasi con i verbi forniti al passato.
                                  watch      wash invite   enjoy study   stay
  1 They…………at the Hilton Hotel.
  2 She…………the car yesterday.
  3 Jim…………English all afternoon.
  4 I…………a great film last night.
  5 He………… all his friends to the party.
6   Karen and Tom…………themselves very much.

Scrivi la forma passata dei verbi elencati.
Buy      ……………..
Catch ……………..
Do       ……………..
Eat      ……………..
Drink ……………..
Go       ……………..
Have ……………..
Win ……………..
Ride ……………..
Send ……………..

Completa le frasi con i verbi tra parentesi al passato.
  a. Ann……………..(write) an email to her Welsh friend.
  b. We……………..(watch) an interesting documentary.
  c. They……………..(not go) to the club last night.
  d. Mr Jones……………..(win) two million euro.
  e. They……………..(study) in the library.
  f. The nurse……………..(not speak) to the doctor.
  g. Tim……………..(buy) a ring for his girlfriend.
  h. Luckily, Sally……………..(not break) her arm when she fell.
  i. We……………..(send) a text message to George.

Scrivi le domande che si riferiscono alle parti sottolineate delle frasi.
Jennifer started a diet last week.   Example When did Jennifer start a diet?

  1. Mark went India with his friends.
  2. The teacher talked about the exam.
  3. Neil wrote a message to his parents.
  4. We had lunch with Carol at  12:30.
  5. Carol was in Oxford for a concert.
  6. Mr and Mrs Jones stayed at the York Hotel.

                              PRESENT SIMPLE / CONTINUOUS AND PAST SIMPLE
Segna con una X le frasi che sono sbagliate e poi riscrivile correttamente.
She go to the cinema yesterday.      …………………………….
Look! Karen is taking a picture.     …………………………….
Paul always get up at seven o’clock. …………………………….
Yesterday Jane have a party.         …………………………….
He didn’t drank his milk.            …………………………….
Did she do her homework last night? …………………………….
Where do she live?                   …………………………….
Shh! I watch TV.                     …………………………….

Usa il present simple, il present continuous oppure il simple past per completare l’email.
Hi Tina,
I ……. (write) to tell you about the fabulous concert I ……. (go) to yesterday.
My mom and dad ……. (buy) me a ticket to the Lady Gaga concert for my birthday last week.
……. you ……. (like) her? I ……. (love) her music! The concert ……. (be) fantastic! It ……. (last) three hours and
she ……. (sing) all my favourite songs! Now, I ……. (look) at all the pictures I ……. (take).
See you tomorrow.

Scrivi le domande che si riferiscono alle parti sottolineate delle frasi.
  1 Ted went to Paris last year.
  2 He always gets up at eight o’clock. 3 Tim’s playing tennis.
  4 They got married last week.
  5 Mr Brent went to work by bus this morning.
  6 Sheila always goes on holidays with her friends.
  7 I paid £80 for those shoes!
  8 Mr Cooper is washing the car.


Scrivi i seguenti numeri in parole.
  13 …………….              40 …………….                      12 …………….
  86 …………….              37 …………….                      38 …………….
  55 …………….              74 …………….                      16 …………….

Esegui i calcoli e scrivi le risposte.
16 + 15 = ……………….. Example             thirty-one

  80 – 14 =   ………………………                   13 x 5 =          ………………………
  26 + 18 =   ………………………                   100 – 22 =        ………………………
  8x8=        ………………………                   18 + 35 =         ………………………

                                                DAYS OF THE WEEK

Riordina le lettere per scrivere i giorni della settimana. Numerali in ordine cronologico.
1 ydnewdesa
2 dunasy
3 ayfdir
4 tsausyed
5 ndymao
6 dhtrasuy
7 dasuytra


Inserisci le lettere mancanti.
J …. n u …..r y
F e …. …. u a …. y
…. a r …. ….
A …. …. …. l
M …. y
J …. …. e
…. …. l y
A …. …. …. …. t
S …. …. …. e m b…. ….
…. …. t o b …. r
N …. …. e m b …. ….
…. e …. e m …. e r

Rispondi alle domande.
1. When is Christmas?         2. Which month is after June?
3. When is your birthday?     4. Which is the third month?
5. When is Halloween?         6. Which month is before May?


Cerchia la parola intrusa.
  1 cherry    tomato        apricot       pear
  2 spinach peas potatoes           lemon
  3 milk bread        tea   water
  4 biscuits cake juice crackers
  5 ham tuna          steak sausages

Completa le frasi .
I usually have …………. for breakfast.
I often have…………. for lunch.
I always have…………. for dinner.

                                              HOUSE AND FURNITURE

Riordina le lettere e scrivi le parole nella stanza giusta.
  rawdrbeo armcahir             ocoerk hswroe ahbt            rdgefi     osfa   bde

Bedroom                 Living Room           Kitchen                  Bathroom
……………….                 ……………….               ……………….                  ………………
……………….                 ……………….               ……………….                  ……………….

Leggi e scrivi True se la frase è vera oppure False se è falsa.
  1 The washbasin is in the kitchen.                 …………..
  2 The chest of drawers is in the bedroom.          …………..
  3 The dishwasher is in the living room.            …………..
  4 The table is in the bathroom.                    …………..
  5 The desk is in the bedroom.                      …………..

Scegli la risposta giusta per ogni frase.
  1. She is wearing a blue skirt and a white ………………
           a. trousers b. blouse      c. shorts
  2. He has got a blue ………………on his head.
           a. tie      b. hat         c. belt
  3. Put on your……………… . It’s very cold outside.
           a. gloves   b. T-shirt     c. bathing suit
  4. When we go to the gym we wear a ……………….
           a. dress    b. tracksuit c. coat
  5. Mr Potter is a businessman. He always wears a ………………and a tie.
           a. jacket   b. suit        c. dress

Abbina i verbi alle parti del corpo.
  1 eat        hands
  2 write      ears
  3 listen     feet
  4 walk       nose
  5 smell      mouth

A quali parti del corpo associ questi oggetti o indumenti?
  shoes ……………..                gloves ……………..              sunglasses ……………..
  lipstick ……………..             earrings ……………..            ring       ……………..
  shampoo ……………..              kleenex ……………..             hat        ……………..
You can also read