CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter

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CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter
The voice for the global staffing industry | Issue 225 | June 2021

End unregulated malpractice
Remote benefits
Recruiting in a fast changing market

CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter
CONT ENTS                                     3


                                                                                                                  SIMON KENT
                                                                                      It could seem unlikely, but there may well have never been a better time to be in
                                                                                      the recruitment industry. As the country and world gradually shakes off the worst
                                                                                      impact of the pandemic, the drive to ‘build back better’ for every company starts

                                                                                      with its talent. Of course, the fortune of a recruitment business is inextricably tied
                                                                                      to the sector which it serves and in some cases this has required an extremely
                                                                                      agile response. However, where demand is high businesses are not just looking
                                                                                      for talent, they’re looking for the best talent, the people who will make a real
                                                                                      difference and that’s where recruiters come in.
                                                                                      The chance is there not just to find people, but to find the best talent, the right
                                                                                      talent for every vacancy. Recruiters can ensure the makeup of a business is
                                                                                      diverse, that candidates understand how they can fulfil their potential and that
adjective                                                                             businesses realise how to appeal to, recruit and retain the talent they need to
                                                                                      drive into the future.
   1. (of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and original.        Recruitment has absolutely changed just as the workplace and organisations

                                                                                 08   have changed. The sector continues to evolve and flex around the business
                                                                                      landscape it serves. Now is the time for the industry to go that bit further and
                                                                                      demonstrate beyond question its worth to employers around the world.

                                                                                 30   CONTENTS
                                                                                      05     NEWS
                                                                                      08     VIEW FROM WEC: INNOVATION AND PARTNERSHIP
                                                                                      10     CULTURE: REMOTE BENEFITS
                                                                                      13     LEGAL: FUTURE WORK
                                                                                      18     FINANCE: BEYOND THE MYTHS
                                                                                      20     UP CLOSE: LIVE AND KICKING
                                                                                      24     COMPLIANCE: FIX OR FAIL
                                                                                      27     DIGITAL RECRUITER NEWS
                                                                                      30     COVER STORY: A CLICK TOO FAR
                                                                                      32     ANALYSIS: GOING FOR IT
                                                                                      34     SECTOR WATCH: SUPPORTONG RECRUITS

                                                                                 34   Subscribe online:
                                                                                      Publisher: Gary King E
                                                                                      Editorial: Simon Kent T +44 (0)1923 723990 E E
                                                                                      Advertising: Trevor Dorrell T +44 (0)1923 723990 E E
                                                                                      Digital Communications: Leigh Abbott T +44 (0)1923 723990 E
                                                                                      Design & Production: Julie Harris T +44 (0)1923 723990 E
                                                                                      Twitter News @globaleditor Events @GlblRecruiter
                                                                                      The Global Recruiter is published 12 times a year by Chess Business Group I Carotino House I Bury Lane I Rickmansworth I WD3 1ED I UK

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                                                                                      addressed envelope. Articles should be emailed or delivered on floppy disk. No responsibility can be taken for drawings,
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                                                                                      ISSN 2049-3401
CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter
NEWS                5

                               RTW – CALL FOR
                               PERMANENT CHANGE
We’ve built a communications   Digital checking has produced more
platform that integrates       robust process in some cases.
with some the world’s          While the further delay to in
                               -person Right to Work (RTW)
                                                                     incredibly valuable for employers,”
                                                                     he explianed. “In some instances
leading CRMs and Business      checks has been welcomed by
                               the industry some are calling
                                                                     it has streamlined RTW checks
                                                                     and has the potential to make
Software providers.            for a permanent switch to digital     some procedures more robust.
                               processes. The move to extend         In fact, we’ve witnessed
                               digital RTW check has been            organisations build digital and
                               made alongside the extension          biometric identity checks into
                               of Covid restrictions in the UK,      their screening programmes
                               but Steve Smith, managing             which decreased the potential for
                               director EMEA, Sterling, believe      identity fraud, and any steps to
                               the practice should continue:         drive compliance should certainly
                               “With Covid restrictions in the       be welcomed and embraced more
                               UK remaining in place past the        broadly.
                               original cut off date of 21st June,   “While there are circumstances
                               this extension of digital RTW         that will necessitate in-person
                               checks is a necessity in our          verification in the future, we would
                               view,” he said. “However, while       be disappointed to see the hard
                               the Home Office has stated that       work that has gone into the digital
                               in-person checks will resume in       solution over the last 18 months
                               September, Sterling is keen to        go to waste. It is our hope that
                               see a more permanent review of        the government and the Home
                               the existing process.                 Office use this extension period to
                               “Getting the Right to Work share      consider how a hybrid approach
                               code process in place over the        to in-person and digital checks
                               course of the pandemic has been       could work.”

                               For the latest industry news log on to or sign up for our regular news by email

                               MOVING ON
                               Hays finds significant movement
                               among Australian employees.

                               Recruiting experts Hays have          security (also 33 per cent) and poor   employers, this movement of people      on their career again and are
                               found 38 per cent of Australian       training and development (25 per       will add to their staff retention       prioritising advancement.”
                               employees plan to look for a new      cent). Moreover, Hays found that       challenges, which are already           But while career progression is
                               job in the next 12 months. The        only 46 per cent are satisfied with    heightened in response to a gap         valued, the data from Hays shows
                               claim is based on findings in the     their current job. Just 49 per cent    in salary increase expectations         just 16 per cent of employees
                               recruiter’s FY21/22 Hays Salary       and 55 per cent are satisfied with     between organisations and their         expect to receive a promotion in the
                               Guide. The figures suggest another    their current employer and direct      employees.”                             next 12 months. Furthermore, they
                               39 per cent of the more than 3,800    manager respectively.                  Career progression has become           have developed their soft (46 per
                               professionals surveyed are open to    “A new financial year is fast          an important benefit to skilled         cent) and technical skills (45 per
                               new opportunities.                    approaching, which traditionally       professionals. According to Nick,       cent) over the past year, while 21
                               Among the reasons for this            brings fresh activity to the jobs      a career progression plan is an         per cent gained higher or additional
                               shift is the lack of promotional      market as new budgets are set          essential selling point for employers   qualifications.
                               opportunities, cited by 43 per        and employers look to add to their     in securing their preferred candidate   “This upskilling has put
                               cent, ahead of an uncompetitive       headcount,” says Nick Deligiannis,     and retaining top talent.               professionals in a strong position
                               salary (39 per cent). Other factors   managing director of Hays in           “Many professionals feel that their     to jump ship if their career goals
                               driving people into the jobs market   Australia & New Zealand. “Financial    career stagnated over the past          can’t be achieved in their current
                               today include a poor management       year end, like New Year, is also       year,” he explains. “They put their     workplace,” Nick concludes.
                               style or workplace culture (37 per    a seasonal peak time of the year       career plans on hold to help their
                               cent), a lack of new challenges       for people to review whether they      organisation through the crisis and
                               (33 per cent), concerns about job     should stay or change jobs. For        recover. Now, they are focused
CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter
6        N EWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NEWS                  7

COMPETENTIA MERGE                                                                                                                                                   FEMALE TECH TALENT
Companies create comprehensive t
echnical workforce solutions provider                                                                                                                               NEED NURTURING
Global workforce solutions
provider Airswift and Competentia,
                                        ASPAC. Kyle McClure will become
                                        CFO of the combined company.
                                                                                  we will ultimately shape the
                                                                                  technical sectors of tomorrow.”
                                                                                                                           we’re even better placed to deliver
                                                                                                                           on that.”
                                                                                                                                                                    Nigel Frank survey finds gender-gap ‘far from closing’
the global recruiting and workforce     Marx says: “There has long been           As a result of the merger,               Ian Langley, Airswift’s chairman,
management specialist have              mutual admiration between Airswift        mid-market and blue-chip                 initiated early discussions with
merged to form one of the world’s       and Competentia. As two high              companies alike gain access              Odd Arne Kleveland, chairman of          The latest annual report from           aren’t being paid the same as
foremost workforce solutions            performing businesses, we share           to an even broader range                 Competentia. Langley comments:           specialist tech staffing firm Nigel     their male colleagues, and 22 per
providers. The new organisation         a focus on continual improvement          of truly integrated services.            “It was obvious from our opening         Frank International has found that      cent of female respondents said
will serve the energy, process,         and a mutual ambition to become           Talent acquisition, professional         call that a potential merger             only 25 per cent of women in the        they believed that men in their
infrastructure, mining and              the workforce solutions provider          search, international contractor         had great merit. Not only did            tech industry feel comfortable          workplace are paid more than
technology industries.                  of choice for clients, candidates         management, global employment            our combination make perfect             enough to ask their employer for a      women despite being of equal skill
The combined entity retains the         and contractors in the energy,            outsourcing, consultancy and             commercial sense, but we found           pay rise. Moreover, they are also       and experience.
Airswift name and will offer clients    process, infrastructure, mining and       payroll management are just a few        that our organisations had similar       less likely to receive an increase      Underrepresentation and a gender
a truly global service plus an          technology industries.                    of the workforce solutions on offer.     cultures and aspirations, and            following their negotiation. The        pay gap in the tech space could
unrivalled candidate database,          “In a rapidly digitising, post            Jayden Wallis said: “We see this as      we quickly discovered a unique           survey asked IT professionals from      be behind the sector's high quit
giving them access to the top           pandemic environment, companies           an opportunity to create the world’s     alignment.”                              around the world their opinions on      rates for female professionals. A
technical talent in the markets         across the world’s technical sectors      most forward-thinking workforce          Airswift and Competentia’s               the Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem,       recent study by Accenture and Girls
in which they operate – with a          must quickly respond to new ways          solutions provider. We also believe      private equity backers, Wellspring       including their current and desired     Who Code found that 50 per cent
particularly prominent presence in      of working to achieve sustainable,        we have a key, supporting role           Capital and Reiten & Company             salaries and benefits.                  of women abandon technology
the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe      long-term growth,” she adds.              to play in enabling the energy           respectively, are retaining their        These results, along with the           careers by the age of 35, and that
and Africa.                             “We believe that our combined             transition, not only in the industries   stakes in the merged entity              reasons behind them further             women are leaving tech roles at a
Airswift chief executive, Janette       size and experience, and our firm         we serve, but through responsible        and will continue to be actively         highlight that the tech industry is     45 per cent higher rate than men.
Marx, will be CEO of the merged         focus on the energy transition,           business operations, business            involved with the business. Airswift     still far from closing its well-known   And, as the long-term impact of the
entity and Competentia Group            perfectly positions us to help clients    models, investment in technology         has also issued a bond on the            gender gap, prompting employers         pandemic continues to play out,
CEO, Jayden Wallis, will play a         respond to the complex workforce          and innovation, and collaboration        Norwegian bond market to ensure          worldwide to review their policies to   the number of women in tech is
key role on the executive team as       challenges of the future. Through         with our peers. Our combined             maximum flexibility and access to        ensure they are free of gender bias,    expected to drop further. The New
chief marketing officer and SVP of      digital and people-based solutions,       strength and shared ambition mean        alternative funding in the future.       and create and strengthen inclusive     York Times found that out of the 1.2
                                                                                                                                                                    work environments.                      million American parents who have
                                                                                                                                                                    The survey took responses from          had to leave the workforce in the
                                                                                                                                                                    over 2,000 tech professionals of        past year, 900,000 were women—
                                                                                                                                                                    which 18 per cent identified as         making women three times as likely

                                                                                                                                                                    female. This is in line with the UK     as men to have left their jobs.
                                                                                  Employees have different                 remotely may potentially fall into       average percentage in the tech          Employers, organisations, and
                                                                                  preferences on where they would          the trap of “digital presenteeism”       workforce, which stands at 19           the tech industry at large stand
                                                                                  like to work - with 49 per cent          where they have to show they are

                                                                                                                                                                    per cent.                               to lose out on critical resource if
                                                                                  preferring hybrid working, 38 per        working longer hours online to look      Asked how comfortable they              the necessary steps to nurture
                                                                                  cent wanting to work remotely, and       committed (22 per cent).                 would be asking their employer          female talent aren’t taken. Data
                                                                                  just 12 per cent looking to work full-   “People are naturally still concerned    for a pay increase, only 25 per         suggests that one way to retain
                                                                                  time from the office. The challenge      about COVID-19, and this coupled
More than two-thirds of UK workers                                                many employers now face is               with the prospect of returning to
                                                                                                                                                                    cent of female respondents
                                                                                                                                                                    said they’d feel comfortable
                                                                                                                                                                                                            female talent is to ensure that
                                                                                                                                                                                                            benefits and initiatives being
say their employer expects them to                                                creating workplace policies which        offices is clearly creating anxiety      doing so, whilst 31 per cent said       offered to employees are inclusive
return to the office                                                              accommodate them.                        for some,” said Janine Chamberlin,       they would feel uncomfortable.          of everyone’s needs. With 57 per
                                                                                  Employers are creating flexibility,      UK country manager at LinkedIn.          Amongst the main reasons cited          cent of women feeling more burned      and distinct development plans           a truly diverse industry” said Morris.
More than two-thirds (69 per cent)      15 per cent are waiting for a date to     with 56 per cent of workers saying       “Others are looking forward to           by female respondents as to why         out at work due to the pandemic,       can also help stem the so-called         “As we enter the future of work,
of UK workers say their employer        be confirmed. More than two-fifths        their employer is enabling hybrid        seeing their colleagues again and        they would feel uncomfortable           benefits such as homeworking,          leaky pipeline to female career          we need to guarantee nobody is
expects them to return to the           (44 per cent) say their employer          working, and just 16 per cent            getting back to a sense of normality.    negotiating for a raise were lack       flexitime, and additional vacation     progression – researchers have           being left behind. Attracting and
office, but people are feeling mixed    would like them in the office 1-2         indicating that their employer           What we’re seeing on LinkedIn is         of knowledge of how to do it, and       time can help women, who are           found that women tend to receive         empowering female talent is key if
emotions about it, according to new     days a week, and over a third (36         requires them to work from the           people craving flexibility and the       feeling that their employer should      far more likely to be juggling care    more vague feedback and                  we want to moving forward.”
research from LinkedIn. Around 30       per cent) have to be in 3-4 days          office full-time. Nearly a quarter (24   option to decide for themselves          value them enough to offer one.         responsibilities, remain in the        personality criticism during their       “Developing a comprehensive
per cent currently feel apprehensive,   a week. Some employers (35 per            per cent) say their employer has         where they work. It’s positive to        Others said they simply didn’t          workforce.                             performance evaluations, with 66         approach to policy-making in which
while 22 per cent are excited and       cent) have already decided which          already changed their contract to        see companies responding by              feel at ease asking for a raise at      When asked which benefits would        per cent of women reporting that         everyone's voices are heard is key
more than a third (34 per cent) just    days employees must be present,           stipulate that they can work either      enabling hybrid working which            their workplace, for one or more        make them accept a job offer, 41       there is no clear path forward for       if companies want to develop a truly
want normality to resume. Around        with Mondays and Tuesdays set to          from the office or remotely.             gives employees this freedom,            unspecified reasons.                    per cent of female respondents         them in their career at their current    diverse and inclusive workplace, in
half (49 per cent) say they would       be the busiest.                           According to the research, people        and will be what people look for         The study also asked whether            in the Nigel Frank International       companies.                               which everyone feels valued and
ideally prefer hybrid working in the    As ministers consider a more              that prefer hybrid working say they      when considering new jobs. Hybrid        the respondents’ employers paid         study said homeworking, 23 per         Zoë Morris, President at Nigel           empowered, irrespective of their
future, where some days are spent       flexible future and companies             will benefit from the flexibility (60    working will also help open up jobs      women and men equally, and              cent mentioned flexitime, and 35       Frank International says the             gender. Attracting and cultivating
in the office and others remotely.      rethink return to office plans in light   per cent), they believe it offers the    to people who may have previously        whilst 60 per cent of men believed      per cent cited more paid time off.     results show that there’s still a lot    female talent is the way forward
Just over a third (34 per cent) of      of extended COVID-19 restrictions,        best of both worlds (57 per cent),       been locked out of them due to           their employer did offer equal          These percentages are significantly    employers can do to nurture female       if we want to not only eliminate
people that are required to return      LinkedIn surveyed 2,000+ workers          and it will help them to save money      location, disability or care-giving      pay for equal work, only 36 per         higher than those given by male        talent, and develop tomorrow’s           harmful gender bias in tech, but
to the office say their employer        in the UK who have been working           (43 per cent). One of the biggest        responsibilities. With a more flexible   cent of their female counterparts       respondents, which stood at 30 per     female leaders.                          also close the ever-growing skills
expects them back within the next       remotely due to the pandemic to           challenges they indicated about          future inevitable, we’re on the cusp     agreed. A further 17 per cent of        cent, 16 per cent and 29 per cent      “The entire tech ecosystem stands        gap in the IT industry that threatens
three months, 16 per cent will be       understand where they want to work        hybrid working however is that           of helping to make work more             female respondents think that their     respectively.                          to lose if leaders don’t roll up their   to hamper digital transformation for
back before the end of the year, and    in the future.                            employees that choose to work            balanced and inclusive.”                 female colleagues in particular         Better support from managers           sleeves and work towards creating        everyone.”
CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter
V I E W FROM WEC                                    9

PARTNERSHIP                                                                                                                                                  due to the market decline. It’s worth noting that in 2019, the year before
                                                                                                                                                             the health crisis, temporary employment agencies invested €500 million
                                                                                                                                                             euros to finance 350,000 training courses. The sector invests 3.35% of
                                                                                                                                                             the wages it earns in training and apprenticeships.
Isabelle Eynaud-Chevalier, managing director of Prism’emploi,                                                                                                In 2020, as the Covid crisis weakened the employment sector, the

representing the French recruitment and temporary employment                                                                                                 temporary work sector and its social partners established a system
                                                                                                                                                             for forecasting work and skills. Known as GPEC, its role is to provide
industry discusses France’s labour market.                                                                                                                   a strategic vision of the jobs and skills that will be needed in the years
                                                                                                                                                             ahead. With it our sector will be better able to adapt its systems to meet
                                                                                                                                                             the future needs of the regions and sectors it serves.
                                                                                                                                                             This approach aims to analyse and anticipate foreseeable changes in
                                                                                                                                                             jobs, qualifications and skills as a result of the health crisis. It will allow
Q: What are the main challenges and opportunities                              Q: How do you see the industry’s role evolving                                us to map the skills of temporary workers and identify where the gaps
currently facing the French labour market?                                     in both the short and longer term? What is the                                lie so as to develop an action plan – particularly with relation to training.
                                                                               outlook for flexible staffing?                                                The GPEC approach is especially intended for those working in jobs
A: The temporary employment market in France has faced a range                                                                                               and sectors that are in decline. Studies undertaken by the Interim and
of challenges. The impact of Covid across the different economic               A: Having a flexible workforce is an economic necessity for today’s           Recruitment Observatory are currently delivering their first results.
sectors has not been equal. Some sectors – such as cafes, hotels and           businesses. As the economy gradually gets back on its feet, Prism’emploi      In addition to social security, employees in the temporary agency work
restaurants – stopped operating completely; others – airline related           would like to see more flexible ways of using temporary work. Together        sector benefit from specific social protections that include free health
industries and aeronautics – recorded very sharp declines and still            with the trade unions we have called on our government to create              insurance for them and their families (after having worked 414 hours)
others – including e-commerce, logistics and transport – have enjoyed a        a special Covid measure that will authorise companies to employ               which also covers them during periods of unemployment. FASTT also
significant boost in activity.                                                 temporary workers. Our request is particularly relevant for open-ended        offers support in areas such as housing, access to credit, mobility and
This disparity goes hand in hand with a diversity in the fortunes of           temporary work contracts which are currently subject to the same              childcare so as to remove any obstacles to entering the labour market.
different skills sets. Those sectors that see their activities picking up      restrictive conditions as short-term contracts even though they are for       These services were in high demand during the Covid crisis.
again in the medium-term have held on to their specialist skills in order to   a long period. During the crisis, these open-ended temporary work
retain a strategic advantage. For example, some employees in the civil         contracts (known as CDII) held up well, including short time work – in part   Q: What actions are you taking to support your
aeronautics sector have been redeployed in military aeronautics roles.         due to support measures. We believe that this support mechanism is still      members, their client companies and workers to
The lack of general visibility and weak economic growth has weighed            valid – especially since the French government has not lost its interest in   lead in the new normal?
heavily on the performance of players in the temporary employment              taxing short term contracts.
industry. There is a direct correlation between our sector and economic        At Prism’emploi we support a vision of responsible flexibility and as such    A: At Prism’emploi we continue to support our members by defending
growth and low growth is detrimental to the dynamism of the whole              we have warned on several occasions about the abuses of certain digital       the interests of the sector – particularly towards public authorities. In
industry. France recorded very weak positive growth in the first two           platforms. Some of these platforms create a relationship between the          May 2020 we signed a national agreement with the main public body
quarters of 2021 (0.1% and 0.24% respectively) and forecasters agree           worker and the organisation that is effectively an employee status and        serving job seekers, Pôle emploi, to facilitate exchanges between our
that the underlying conditions for an economic recovery will only be met       should be treated as such. We are concerned about the illegal forms           two organisations. Through the agreement we aim to: support temporary
in the second half of this year.                                               of work that develop as a result of new technologies and are following        workers and job seekers in returning to work and secure their careers;
Despite these immediate economic challenges, there is nevertheless an          the evolution of case law in France and Europe with great interest. The       work to reduce skills shortages; and develop geographic synergies
ongoing shortage of skilled labour in France. The situation is particularly    uberisation of work must not come at the expense of social rights. Work       between our respective networks.
acute in the construction industry and in the logistics and medical/social     is not a commodity and if it is not accompanied by social rights then the     This public/private partnership represents an innovative approach
care sectors. The need to support work transitions by sector and also          overall social balance will be weakened. Indeed, the current health crisis    designed to drive up labour market participation. By combining the
by geography in order to minimise the skills shortage is not new but is        has served to underline the effectiveness of the protective model.            strengths of our two organisations we can work together in creating
becoming increasingly important.                                                                                                                             recruitment opportunities such as forums and job dating and strengthen
Another element that brings uncertainty is the fact that many employees        Q: WEC is promoting social innovation as a way                                the monitoring of job seekers. In particular, the joint approach creates
have had their roles suspended and their salaries partly supported by the      to accommodate new challenges. What does this                                 something of a mentoring system where temporary workers introduce job
state – a situation known as short time work. Some economists believe          mean in your market? Has that changed with the                                seekers to opportunities in sectors that are in high demand.
that businesses have been saved from going under by the substantial            Covid crisis?                                                                 The role of the temporary employment sector in supporting work
public aid packages that have been provided, but these will now                                                                                              transitions also highlights the potential for our sector to play a part
gradually be withdrawn following dialogue with the social partners.            A: In France, the temporary work sector is well established and offers a      in matching workers with work in the wider economy. Meanwhile,
The public health crisis has hastened the digital transition in the French     number of social innovations. In particular, the dedicated training fund      Prism’emploi continues to provide its members with a comprehensive
market and accelerated new ways of both consuming and working.                 (AKTO – FAF-TT network) which was created in 1983 and the social              range of services – adapting training, offering high-quality legal support,
Teleworking has become the norm in many businesses that would                  assistance fund (FASTT) founded in 1992. During 2020, employment              publishing information on legal and social developments and analysing
previously never have entertained the idea.                                    agencies continued to invest in training although the volumes were less       the economic situation in order to be prepared for the future. n
CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter

Richard Warren, CEO and co-founder of RBW Consulting
Group on why remote working will stay in the life
sciences industry.

The life sciences industry had already started moving towards remote         are expected to be digital natives by the end of this year. This younger    in to do the parts of our role that require us to work more closely with    see their teams in person, trust becomes ever more important and
working but, as with many aspects of digital transformation, Covid-19        generation has already been instrumental in changing how people             others. This will be a balance as workforces adjust, but offers a key       this is a two-way street. Organisations putting in place the support
has accelerated this shift. The fast pace of change, both technological      in the life sciences industry network and communicate, but Covid-19         opportunity to meet both business imperatives and the changing              needed for everyone to succeed with reduced face-to-face contact,
and operational, has been a challenge but it has also accelerated            has further accelerated the shift away from face-to-face meetings and       expectations of employees.                                                  and employees taking a proactive role in managing upwards and
innovation and flexible collaboration.                                       towards remote meetings, virtual events and a focus on informative                                                                                      communicating regularly on challenges and output.
Pressure on achieving a more flexible way of working is coming from          online content.                                                             Recruiting techniques                                                       It’s important not to underestimate the fact that people learn from
all sides in the industry. Employees themselves are demanding a              Looking ahead, the future engagement model could evolve even                                                                                            people. Remote working makes it necessary for companies to think
work/life balance that better reflects what they’ve – in many cases          more. In-person meetings may never return to pre-lockdown levels,           To take advantage of remote talent, recruitment teams likewise              more about how to compensate for the positive parts of office life that
– experienced over the course of the last year. With three out of            meaning clinical trial professionals will need to permanently adapt         need to break down potential structural barriers in their recruitment       are lost, with employees working from home. Virtual social events like
four workers wanting to work from home more often after lockdown,            their outreach models. This could see working hours adjusted, so            processes. This might include steps such as making initial interview        team breakfasts or calling a colleague over a cup of tea can make a
expectations have been forever changed. Patients similarly expect            patients can be offered greater choice and control for check-ins            rounds digital to make it easier for further-afield candidates to attend.   huge difference in supporting spontaneous collaboration. But there
trials to be more reflective of their personal priorities, with regular      around their daily lives. Providing virtual options will also make          After all, when a role is likely to be partly remote, it makes sense        needs to be a structured programme in place too, to ensure this
check-ins to be scheduled around their daily lives. This has been            participating a less time-consuming activity and hopefully improve          to gauge how well a candidate can build relationships and deliver           happens on a consistent basis. Flexibility is important but it goes both
particularly beneficial in clinical trials where patients have limited       retention.                                                                  complex information in virtual meetings. The team at RBW has                ways. Companies should manage expectations upfront about when
mobility, avoiding the need for potentially impractical and time             As remote working becomes part of the norm, we can expect this              certainly benefitted from introducing virtual onboarding for new team       team members are expected to be present in person, to ensure the
consuming in-person meetings. In turn, this has led to improved              to start changing how companies recruit for their teams too. We             members in the past year. Candidates and stakeholders alike have            business can continue to reach its goals.
patient retention and made it in some ways easier to run trials with         expect to see more flexibility of working hours in advertised roles for     had a very positive experience, while the business has been able to         Within3 CEO Lance Hill says: “As home working becomes a more
certain types of patient.                                                    the sector, opening up opportunities for talented people with caring        keep our activities low risk.                                               popular option around the world, companies may have to adjust
With the industry irrevocably changed, the processes required to find        responsibilities that don’t fit into a traditional nine-to-five schedule.   Companies recruiting in a more location-agnostic manner will                to make sure they don’t miss out on any of the ‘spontaneous
the right people to fill roles has developed too. Both potential hires                                                                                   (or should) result in increased diversity. Diversity introduces new         interactions’ that can happen at an office. This can be addressed by
and employers have different expectations of working relationships           A global workforce will open doors                                          perspectives and ideas which can challenge and improve existing             making sure everyone has an equal voice and feels they can query or
and patterns.                                                                                                                                            processes. Life sciences organisations that can harness the                 challenge everything. Not only does this make people more involved
RBW Consulting has seen these changes emerge in real time through            Over 1.5 million UK employees are estimated to have worked from             best talent around the world will have an edge over competitors,            in what we’re pushing to achieve as a company, it also encourages
our work with virtual engagement platform, Within3. The company              home during the lockdown. This figure is expected to increase               particularly when expanding into new markets or tackling                    more open discussions and innovation.”
is no stranger to remote working, having had all team members                significantly by 2022, when it is predicted that 60% of the workforce       unfamiliar challenges.                                                      Fundamentally, people want to be proud of the work they do and
home-based for more than 12 years. Lance Hill, CEO at Within3                will be remote workers.                                                                                                                                 the companies they work for. As the working style of the industry
says, “There is a misconception that meaningful relationships and            We are looking at an exciting future where job applicants will be           Upskilling a remote workforce                                               continues to change, so too will recruitment processes. Ultimately,
innovative collaboration can’t happen online but that isn’t true. It does,   much less restricted by their location. As a search consultancy, we                                                                                     reflecting in your hiring practices the flexibility a new generation
however, require the right technology and the right people who want          have already seen companies open up their talent pool to candidates         The life sciences industry will need to continually train and upskill       of pharma professionals want to see in their roles, will benefit
to make it work.”                                                            around the world. This globalisation of work does have its challenges,      existing employees, to support them in operating confidently remotely.      companies wanting to source the best talent. With a wide range of
                                                                             but Covid-19 related lockdowns have proven how adaptable people             This will help them to make the most of the digital and data-driven         untapped talent now able to share their skills and expertise through
The knock-on effect of digital communication                                 can be. While face-to-face interaction is an important way of building      technologies available and to ensure operational efficiency for the         remote roles, competition will only become fiercer. Those companies
                                                                             relationships amongst teams, the office of the future will be about         business. A core pillar of this will be empowering people to take           who listen to their employees and nimbly adopt new technologies
Digital natives are beginning to outnumber their older colleagues in         providing a collaboration space where colleagues can liaise on ideas.       control of their own workload and setting expectations on how               to optimise remote recruitment and working will be able to recover
the healthcare industry. In fact, 70% of all healthcare professionals        Rather than coming into the office to sit behind a screen we’ll come        they should communicate around delivery. When managers can’t                quickly once the industry settles into its future normal. n

CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter
Employee engagement is a critical                                                                                                               FUTURE
driver of business success and
improves workplace performance
in many ways. Companies with
poor employee engagement
underperform as low employee
engagement negatively affects key                                                                                                               Kathryn Barnes, Employment Counsel EMEA
business performance indicators                                                                                                                 at Globalization Partners outlines how
such as productivity, profitability,                                                                                                            remote work has evolved business practices.
absenteeism, and turnover.

If you want to achieve your         At MIT, we recognise that           with Amazon vouchers.               while reducing the time and
business goals and stay ahead       employee benefits can be            Additionally, we introduced a       costs associated with payroll
of your competitors, you need to    life-changing for our client’s      supplementary Online Learning       processing.
create an employee engagement       workforces. In conversations        platform, where staff can access
strategy that promotes a            we’ve had with business leaders,    +45 courses for professional        Pension schemes can also
people-first workplace culture      the consensus is that the           development. Google searches        impact staff loyalty, morale and
and produces positive business      pandemic has demonstrated that      for online courses were up by       productivity. At present, 16%
results. At MIT Ventures, we        the health of the workforce is      300% in 2020, highlighting          of Generation X’s and 12% of
are committed to the power          the health of a business. Indeed,   the fact that people need to be     Millennials admit they won’t
of employee engagement.             since the onset of the COVID-19,    continually learning and see that   be able to fund their preferred
Our market-leading employee         calls to our free EAP helpline      they have the opportunity to try    lifestyle in retirement. However,
engagement model is a               have soared, underlining that       new things.                         we strive for a better retirement
practical solution that provides    it’s more important than ever                                           for all with our tailor-made
outstanding employee benefits       to support employees’ mental        Our high-quality services that      workplace pension solution
schemes at competitive rates to     health.                             boost productivity, engagement      that significantly reduces          For many of us who’ve had to adjust to the realities of remote work over      1. Roles are emerging and evolving
both temporary and permanent                                            and growth also include             the administrative burden of        the past 12 months, the future of work life looks set to be very different.
employees.                          Our valued client, Wayne            targeted business solutions for     pension duties while ensuring       Many of the changes that have resulted in the reconfiguration of day-to-      Strategic workforce planning is moving centre stage in the remote work
                                    Taylor, Managing Director at        back office operations, which       compliance.                         day operations for most industries have generated unexpected positive         age. But while companies are eager to seize the opportunity and hire
We have united all of our           Thorium, adds that “Through         are essentially the backbone                                            outcomes for workers. Everything from improvements in employee                talent from lower cost emerging markets, ensuring that this makes
benefits and services into one,     the pandemic, we have been          of a company. To provide a          By offering a complete package
                                                                                                            of Payroll Consultancy, Business    wellbeing, to the relative ease of applying for and undertaking               sense where the wider business strategy is concerned will be key.
easy-to-access portal for the       exceptionally busy. Our staff       strong internal foundation, we
employee and employer. This         often tell us about how they’ve     provide a trusted and talented      Protection, Workplace Pensions,     work across borders.                                                          Having broken through the technological and cultural barriers that
innovative portal is specifically   benefited from the MIT app,         team to handle and enhance          and Lifestyle Benefits, we          According to the Institute of Directors, 74 per cent of organisations         prevented remote work in the past, organisations have now set in
tailored to employees’ needs,       such as buying their children       payroll processing, pensions        engage employees and resolve        intend to continue to offer home-working options to their knowledge           motion a structural shift in which many work activities can take place
enabling them to access a           Christmas presents via vouchers,    administration, and employment      business challenges. Want to see    workers and a variety of other employee categories after coronavirus.         outside of the physical office. Now they are eager to cast their talent net
variety of lifestyle benefits,      helping them save costs. Many       law representation through our      MIT in action? Schedule a demo
                                                                                                                                                While some companies are pushing to put an end to the physical                wider in order to find the right people with the right skills.
along with services that address    of our staff, including my co-      partners Holly Blue, allowing       and learn how MIT can motivate
employee wellbeing, from            director, have used the gym         businesses to concentrate           your people, inspire workplace      office once and for all, others are leaning towards adapting business         As a result, roles such as global mobility managers, remote work
financial to mental and physical.   membership discounts as well.       on their core objectives. Our       innovation, and transform your      practices to enable a more ‘hybrid’ approach that will see staff working      directors and remote change managers are evolving fast and moving
                                    We’ve pushed that heavily           clients benefit from reduced        business.                           from home two or three days a week.                                           to the fore. Responsible for helping to guide executive level talent
“MIT’s unique business model        during the past year to make        operational costs and expert                                            One thing is for sure, the events of the past year have served to change      management decisions, these personnel will play an increasingly
instantly provides the employer     sure our people are staying fit     support that aligns with their          0800 211 8709
                                                                                                                                                the world of work for ever. In the process, employee expectations             pivotal role in re-imagining talent investment and distribution for the
with a suite of beautifully         physically and mentally.”           companies’ objectives.        
delivered features to                                                                                                                           around workplace flexibility have shifted. In response, management            enterprise. >
transform the entire employee       It’s clear that businesses are      At the core of employee                                                 styles and organisational cultures have had to evolve at speed.
experience. Our portal provides     working hard to maintain            engagement are relationships                                            As businesses prepare to build back better, it is clear that the recent
access to pensions and payroll      employee wellbeing and              built on trust and a positive                                           enforced move to remote working is set to have a lasting and profound
documents in the same place as      positive workplace cultures,        work environment. Payroll
                                                                                                                                                impact on workplace and employee strategies. As HR leaders adapt to
a 24-hour confidential helpline     despite disrupted working           directly impacts the employee
                                                                        experience every payday. When                                           these new realities, they will need to prepare their teams to cope with
and qualified doctor, while also    environments. In response, we
offering valuable discounts for     have regularly updated our          payments are accurate and                                               five significant trends that are on the horizon.
shopping and leisure purchases.     service offerings. Our recently     delivered on time, employee
Staff can make use of a great       launched add-on Recognition         satisfaction increases. Our
selection of tools that have a      service inspires a thriving         consultants take the pressure off
tangible effect on their lives.”    workplace culture by rewarding      the business owners by keeping
David Callaghan, CEO at MIT         and incentivising performance       on top of payroll legislation
CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter

2. The nomadic workforce is going mainstream                               4. Meeting employee expectations

The digital nomad lifestyle first emerged among bloggers and               Standing out as an employer now goes beyond offering a good salary             TALENT
influencers. Often self-employed, these ‘location independent’             and providing a genuine work/life balance is no longer an expectation
trailblazers placed a high value on achieving the work/life balance they   only held by millennials and Generation Z. Boston Consulting Group
desired, utilising co-working spaces and advancements in technology        termed the COVID-19 pandemic a ‘people-based crisis’ and the

                                                                                                                                                          IS NOW GLOBAL
to work where, and whatever time of day, suits them best. So much so       workforce experience during protracted national lockdowns changed
that way back in 2019, it was predicted that the number of freelance       employee expectations around flexibility, support, mental health
digital nomad workers worldwide would hit a billion by 2035 thanks to a    awareness and cultural integration.
growing project-based and digital work economy.                            In response, global brands like Adobe, Salesforce, Twitter, Fujitsu
Fast forward to today and the concept of working where the Wi-Fi is,       and Amazon changed their HR policies to protect employees. In the              Remote working has scaled up the
regardless of country, is well established. In response to the economic
uncertainty caused by the pandemic, organisations are looking to
                                                                           process, they facilitated a radical shift in working culture and output that
                                                                           led these companies to be just as effective – if not more so – despite
                                                                                                                                                          hiring market for recruitment agencies.
expand their post-COVID use of contingent workers in order to reap the     having a workforce that was primarily working remotely.                        With the ability to source and engage
benefits of assembling a more flexible workforce.
The implications of this shift for HR leaders are key. Evaluating how
                                                                           The shift to remote work modes has created a long lasting impetus
                                                                           for change. In the future, obtaining and retaining the best talent will
                                                                                                                                                          global talent for clients, make sure
performance management systems will apply to these workers, and            depend on how well HR teams are able to modify long standing                   you’re across overseas engagements.
whether they should be eligible for the same benefits as their full-time   processes to improve the overall employee experience. Because
peers is just the start.                                                   from this point forwards, employees and prospective candidates will
Remote workers looking to live and move to different countries for         judge organisations on how well they treat, support, and recognise the
medium-term projects creates new complexities for HR teams and             contributions of employees.
employers. Each country has different employment regulations that
employers will need to respect. Meanwhile, issues like whether taxes       5. Closing the global legal knowledge gap
should be paid in the host country or the employer’s country are also
difficult to navigate and can be dependent on an individual’s length of    In these tumultuous times, the regulations and norms that already vary
stay or employment type.                                                   from country to country are subject to frequent change, especially as
As the need to engage and support nomadic employees grows,                 priorities shift in today’s virtual-first business world. Authorities expect
companies will need to be poised to adapt.                                 companies to stay informed of local laws if their teams moved to
                                                                           another country while working remotely, or if they hired internationally to
3. Digital upskilling becomes a top priority                               take advantage of remote work.
                                                                           Internal HR teams are now confronted with learning how to regulate
With 61 per cent of CEOs saying that their workforce will be more          employees in home offices, potentially across multiple jurisdictions, and
digital in the future, HR teams are going to have to up their game         will need to call on specialists with the know-how to provide clarity on
when it comes to leveraging tools that will enable a fair digital          these points.
selection process and a professional and considerate onboarding and
offboarding experience.
                                                                           All of which presents a major opportunity for specialist HR companies
                                                                           to step into the breach and help enterprises build out their global teams
                                                                                                                                                                 Speak to us about local compliance:
Similarly, with remote workforce models going mainstream,                  in a constructive and conformant manner.
organisations are investing heavily in new digital platforms that will
                                                                           Looking to the future
make it easier to monitor employee engagement and wellbeing. This
includes initiating digital L&D to support employees to acquire critical
                                                                                                                                                                  EMPLOYMENT LAW                       STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS
skills for their next role and workforce management platforms that will    Organisations looking to thrive in the post pandemic world will need
enable the enterprise to recalibrate workforce competences in line with    to focus on treating employees as people, not workers, evolving an
predicted needs.
The whole arena of recruitment and talent management is becoming
                                                                           employee value proposition that reflects how recent events have
                                                                           changed the relationship between people and their work.
                                                                                                                                                                 TAXATION                              DATA AND PRIVACY LAWS
much more agile as organisations figure out how best to deploy             Alongside delivering workplace flexibility and opportunities for personal
and reskill their people for a more digitally-led future. Which means      growth, employers must also demonstrate a holistic approach to
HR teams will need to gain mastery of all digital collaboration and        wellbeing while engaging employees in a shared sense of purpose.                     Entity Solutions is a contractor management specialist, with
automation technologies that are being adopted to enhance all              As remote work changes the rules of the game with regard to hiring
these processes.                                                           wherever talent is located, HR teams will need to become adept at
                                                                                                                                                                          expertise in international engagements.
                                                                           a whole range of new workforce management practices in order
                                                                           to pivot successfully to an effective and sustainable remote global
                                                                           workforce model. n

                                                                                                                                                           +61 3 9600 0333
CYBER SECURITY WARNING - End unregulated malpractice Remote benefits Recruiting in a fast changing market - The Global Recruiter

BIDS AND WINNING                                                                                                                                                                                       In 2021 The Global Recruiter
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Awards are set to recognise
CONTRACTS                                                                                                                                                                                              great recruitment businesses as
TOUGHER THAN                                                                                                                                                                                           they have performed prior to and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       during the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Last year we took the decision to hold back our Awards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       We recognised that our Awards timetable meant that our
                                                                                                                                                                                                       deadlines fell at a time when you needed to concentrate on
                                                                                                                                                                                                       adapting to the impact of lockdown. However, we still received
                                                                                                                                                                                                       many entries and we want to ensure those entries receive the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       recognition they deserve. For this reason our Awards this year
                                                                                                                                                                                                       will be designed to take into account performance before the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       impact of lockdown, as well as how the business adapted and
Today’s remote and hybrid working models look set to stay. The pandemic        for recruitment businesses looking to secure large PSL contracts, can
                                                                                                                                                                                                       worked during the pandemic.
has proved that many workers can do their job from almost anywhere in          set them apart from the competition during the intense scrutiny of the
the world, which has created an expanded candidate talent pool – but           tendering process.                                                                                                      If you entered the Awards last year, we will still consider your
also a more competitive marketplace for bids and contracts for recruitment                                                                                                                             entry, but we would also welcome more information from you
                                                                               Benefits on the go
businesses. David McCormack, CEO HIVE360, looks at how recruiters                                                                                                                                      on how your business has operated since March 2020.
can stand out from the crowd in today’s new world of work.                     A new report (Gallagher’s Benefits Strategy & Benchmarking Survey
                                                                                                                                                                                                       If you are ready to enter the Awards and didn’t send your
                                                                               2020) confirms and highlights the need for UK employers to enhance
COVID-19 has changed how and where we work, with businesses now                                                                                                                                        details last year, we’d like to hear your story – from your
                                                                               their benefits packages and improve internal communications. It states
confident that worker productivity is unaffected, and often even boosted
                                                                               that ‘benefits are widely seen as a crucial element of the Employee Value
                                                                                                                                                                                                       performance prior to the pandemic and again, how you have
when workers are home- or remote-working.                                                                                                                                                              adapted and worked within these challenging circumstances.
                                                                               Proposition (EVP) and worthy of investment’.
Hybrid working models and flexible working hours could be said to be the
                                                                               Health and wellbeing benefits are quickly becoming a ‘must have’ rather
                                                                                                                                                                                                       We recognise that not all businesses will have faced similar
norm. A workers’ location for many roles is no longer a deal-breaker, and                                                                                                       Headline sponsor       challenges not least because recruitment companies serve
                                                                               than a ‘nice to have’. Growing numbers of workers (permanent and
so the talent pool has widened, but choice and opportunities have shifted                                                                                                                              different sectors, but The Global Recruiter Awards 2021 will
                                                                               temporary) are actively seeking a positive work / life experience from an
in such a way that candidates are now gaining greater control.
                                                                               employer providing support to achieve it.                                                                               offer a level playing field on which recruitment businesses,
Talent attraction in the new world of work                                                                                                                                                             initiatives and practices can be assessed and judged.
                                                                               HIVE360’s solutions deliver incentives and support for employees,
To respond to this shift, employers must revisit talent attraction and         temporary workers and candidates, including employee benefits delivered                                                 In this way, being a part of The Global Recruiter Awards
recruitment strategies by looking at the value-added benefits, and more        via our unique, customisable engagement app Engage.                                                                     2021 will recognise the strengths and achievements of your
especially wellbeing support.                                                                                                                                                                          business at one of the most remarkable times in history.
                                                                               We know many businesses are facing financial challenges, and so

                                                                                                                                                             Deadline for entries: 1 July 2021
The recruitment sector must also adapt, to demonstrate to clients and          recruiters have access to the platform as part of our outsourced payroll
candidates that it understands talent recruitment and retention strategies     solution, at a time when many businesses are facing financial challenges,
are needing to evolve, and the importance of talent mobility and               we ensure maximum ROI, so that their own people and candidates have
development, wellbeing and benefits.                                           access to a range of health and wellbeing benefits and services, including:

                                                                                                                                                                                      Shortlist announced: 2 August 2021
Increasingly, talented candidates are seeking organisations that align         • 24/7, confidential access to mental health support, counsellors
with their values, visions and goals. At one time, they were driven mostly       (EAP program)
by financial reward, but nowadays want to be part of a company with a

                                                                                                                                                                                      Awards Ceremony 14 October 2021
                                                                               • personal doctor, access to medical specialists, and carer
strong employer brand, with a commitment to workers’ wellbeing, flexible
                                                                                 support helpline,
working arrangements, learning and development.
                                                                               • gym memberships, high-street, lifestyle, dining and

A robust employee/candidate engagement strategy helps workers feel
                                                                                 insurance discounts,
valued and supported, has a positive effect on talent retention, and
reduces the time spent resolving candidate issues, absenteeism, or             • a training platform.
poor performance. Ongoing research by global analytics and advice firm
Gallup consistently finds that companies with a human-centred culture
are in the top quartile of employee engagement, experience 81% lower
                                                                               HIVE360 is an outsourced payroll and
                                                                               benefits expert, working across all                                                                                 #GRAwards21
absenteeism, 18% less turnover, and 23% higher profitability.                  sectors, including recruitment businesses
                                                                               and agents governed by the GLAA. It is
Essential components                                                           an expert in PAYE payroll, wellbeing and
                                                                               benefits provision, and is championing a
Onboarding and career progression, reward and recognition policies,
                                                                               new model of employment administration
training and development, employee benefits, work:life balance
                                                                               and redefining employment and pension
initiatives, financial and mental health and wellbeing support are essential                                                                                 Associate sponsor                                      Category sponsors
                                                                               administration processing. n
components of an effective employee engagement strategy.
Together, they improve and maintain a positive working environment for
recruiters’ own employees, and the valued candidate workforce – and                                                                                            For faster smarter growth
18 F I N AN CE

                                                                                                                                                       Be more profitable.
BEYOND                                                                                                                                                 Increase shareholder value.
                                                                                                                                                       Scale your business.
THE MYTHS                                                                                                                                              A collaborative community for recruitment
                                                                                                                                                       leaders to drive performance and profitability
                                                                                                                                                       with purpose.
Gal Almog, CEO of diverse talent sourcing and retention solutions
company Talenya discusses recruiting and retaining black talent.

Diversity and inclusion has become a top priority for many companies,        2. Prioritise Internal Mobility
and with good reason. According to Harvard Business Review,                  To improve retention, tech companies must strive to achieve better
companies with higher-than-average diversity enjoy 19 per cent               inclusion and appreciation of all employees. Companies can show
higher innovation revenues.                                                  their commitment to DE&I by auditing their internal mobility. When
Given these benefits tech companies are attempting to increase               employers prioritise internal promotion and advancement, employees
the representation of Black employees in their workforce. But there          are more likely to stay.
are still misconceptions that are preventing process. One of these
misperceptions is that Black employees tend to change jobs more              3. Broaden the Search Pool
frequently which negatively impacts recruitment efforts. For example,        Another way HR departments can achieve better diversity is by
a recent study showed that Black professionals are 30 per cent more          opening their search pool. Many companies have cited their failure
likely to leave their jobs compared to non-Black employees and that          to hire more diverse talent as a geographical issue, but the events
more than a third of Black employees left their positions within             of the last year have proved that the future of work will be remote (at
two years.                                                                   least at some capacity). Companies can more easily source talent
At my company Talenya, an AI-powered diverse talent sourcing                 from anywhere with the benefit of remote work. The emergence of
solution, we put these findings to the test. We analysed over one            remote work is the perfect opportunity to turn long broken promises
million hiring profiles of software engineers to compare the average         into tangible action.
tenure of Black and non-Black employees. Software engineers                  Another Talenya study found that while only four per cent of software
provide an interesting case study because, due to the high demand to         engineers are Black, there are cities with vastly disproportionate                                                                      Supported by...
fill this position, their ability to frequently change jobs to seek higher   levels of Black talent.
paid positions is much higher overall.                                       Surprisingly, the US cities most well known for their tech innovation,
The results: there was little difference between their tendency to job       including San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles and Boston, have
hop. Specifically, both Black and non-Black software engineers lasted        smaller pools of Black software engineers. Only two per cent of
an average 35 months. In fact, prior to their one-year mark. the study       software engineers were Black in San Francisco and New York
revealed only five per cent of Black and non-Black software engineers        compared to only one per cent in Los Angeles and Boston.
were likely to leave their current position. After 12 to 36 months,          According to Talenya’s data, the cities with the highest percentage of
however, 62 per cent of Black employees are likely to leave their jobs       Black software engineers are Atlanta, GA (eight per cent), Charlotte,
compared to 59 per cent of non-Black employees.                              NC (five per cent), Dallas, TX (four per cent), Detroit, MI (three per
                                                                             cent), and Raleigh, NC (three per cent).
What does this mean for recruiting?                                          In summary, Black engineers are loyal to their employers as much
                                                                             as non-Black engineers. In fact, the data indicates that a greater
1. Timing Matters                                                            percentage of Black engineers tend to stay longer in their jobs.
The data indicates that HR departments need to foster an inclusive,          To bolster their pool of qualified, diverse candidates, companies
inviting environment for Black software engineers in their first             should take advantage of remote work options in cities with qualified
months to retain diverse talent. There is only one chance to make a          and loyal talent. From there, it falls on HR leaders to ensure these
good impression, and it can be difficult in a virtual environment, but       employees stay connected and engaged beyond the onboarding
companies have to be thoughtful about the ways in which they train,          process in order to improve long term retention. n
support and onboard employees. They need to find ways to support
diverse talent and ensure their culture is open to various perspectives.

You can also read