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DAILY NEWS DIARY                                   15.01.2021

                    DAILY NEWS DIARY


                   FOR PRELIMS AND MAINS

+91 9989966744                         targetiasweb@gmail.com
DAILY NEWS DIARY                                                15.01.2021

 Warm Greetings.

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                       THE HINDU      - TH
                       INDIAN EXPRESS - IE
                       BUSINESS LINE  - BL
                       ECONOMIC TIMES - ET
                       TIMES OF INDIA - TOI

+91 9989966744                                      targetiasweb@gmail.com
DAILY NEWS DIARY                                                                    15.01.2021

 Essay Paper
1. Allahabad HC Correction ring a welcome note of constitutional caution against reckless state
   intrusion on personal life ……………………………………………………………………………………………………04

   GS 1
 History
1. Site of the earliest known representational cave art in the world ………………………………………..05

+91 9989966744                                                         targetiasweb@gmail.com
DAILY NEWS DIARY                                                                             15.01.2021

                                                ESSAY PAPER
    Q – Explain why does the Allahabad HC Correction ring a welcome note of constitutional caution against
    reckless state intrusion on personal life?
    INTRODUCTION = The Allahabad High Court judgment striking down provisions of the Special Marriage
    Act, 1954 that make it mandatory for couples to publish a 30-day public notice of their intent to marry —
    which often exposes them to vigilante and familial violence — is a significant and much-needed
    correction. By unambiguously underlining the primacy of individual autonomy, it rings a note of
    constitutional sanity at a time when anti-conversion ordinances in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
    have licensed reckless state intrusions on inter-personal relationships in the name of countering “love
   The Allahabad high court judgment holding the 30 day public notice under the Special Marriage Act (SMA)
    optional, promises to put an end to a regressive provision in a law often touted as a Uniform Civil Code

    The compulsory notice inviting scrutiny and objections encroached on “the fundamental rights of liberty
    and privacy, including within its sphere freedom to choose for marriage without interference from state
    and non-state actors, of the persons concerned.
   The Law Commission of India report in 2012 had made a similar recommendation to “keep a check on the
    high-handed and unwarranted interference by caste assemblies in sagotra, inter-caste or inter-religious

    +91 9989966744                                                                targetiasweb@gmail.com
DAILY NEWS DIARY                                                                                 15.01.2021

   Special Marriage Act, 1954 –
   In theory, at least, a secular state had envisioned the Special Marriage Act, 1954, as a means to clear a
   space for Indian citizens to marry outside the boundaries of religious and caste identity; to support a
   refashioning of identity in a society still in thrall to strict endogamy and communitarian identities. But in
   practice, the public notice ended up giving vigilante groups, families hostile to inter-faith and inter-caste
   unions, and the social prejudice of legal bureaucracy disproportionate powers to police young couples.
    As a result,
1. Many preferred to convert and marry under personal laws, rather than expose themselves to harassment.
   The Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance, 2020, which makes religious
   conversion for marriage a crime, has a more draconian version of this provision: It demands a 60-day
   notice to the district magistrate and a police inquiry to ascertain the “real” intention behind conversion.
2. Even today, inter-faith unions make up a minuscule minority of marriages.
3. The HC judgement is also a reminder that the weight of a series of landmark Supreme Court judgments in
   recent years pushes back against societal and state meddling in personal affairs. From rulings that
   recognise the right to privacy as a fundamental right (Puttaswamy v Union of India), the right to choose
   one’s partner (Hadiya case) and the ruling that decriminalised homosexuality, they form “a long chain of
   decisions growing stronger with time and firmly establishing personal liberty and privacy to be
   Way Forward –
   In a modern, secular society that recognises the right of consenting adults to marry, the SMA should entrust
   the marriage officer with no greater role than verifying identity, age and valid consent. The right to privacy
   promises more such resets in the power asymmetry between state and citizens in the coming days.

  GS 1
 History
  Q – Write a note on the site of the earliest known representational cave art in the world?
  BACKGROUND = In a hidden valley on an Indonesian island, there is a cave decorated with what may be
  the oldest figurative art ever glimpsed by modern eyes.
  The vivid depiction of a wild pig, outlined and filled in with mulberry-hued pigment, dates back at least
  45,500 years. It was discovered deep inside a cave called Leang Tedongnge in December 2017, during an
  archaeological survey led by Basran Burhan, a graduate student at Griffith University and co-author of the
  new research. The animal in the painting resembles the warty pig, a species still living today on the island
  of Sulawesi where the cave is.

    +91 9989966744                                                                   targetiasweb@gmail.com
DAILY NEWS DIARY                                                                                  15.01.2021

These examples of cave art, along with another pig figure spotted at a cave further south hint at the rich
cultures living on the Indonesian islands. The discoveries also open a debate over whether the artists could
have been Homo sapiens, or members of another extinct human species.
After discovering the pig painting, the team used uranium-series dating to determine its minimum age,
arriving at 45,500 years. But it is possible that the painting itself might be thousands of years older because
the technique only assesses the age of a mineral deposit, speleothem, that formed on the cave walls.
Human skeletal remains as old as 45,500 years have never been found in Sulawesi, so it is not clear that
the artists were anatomically modern humans. The islands that are now called Indonesia were inhabited
by different hominins — the broader family to which humans belong — over long periods of time. Some
of these hominin remains date “to over a million years old.
The painting may be the world's oldest art depicting a figure, but it is not the oldest human-produced art.
In South Africa, a hashtag-like doodle created 73,000 years ago is believed to be the oldest known
Nevertheless, there is much older rock art and other evidence for human habitation in Sulawesi and on
other islands within the part of eastern Indonesia known as the Wallacean archipelago, the gateway to
the continent of Australia. Unfortunately, time is of the essence: Indonesia’s cave art is rapidly
deteriorating – Exfoliation of the art, which raises the sad prospect that many of the oldest paintings
on Earth may fade away before they are rediscovered.

+91 9989966744                                                                     targetiasweb@gmail.com
DAILY NEWS DIARY                                                                            15.01.2021

       Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) procedure and authority of
       appointment has been changed from 1966-67 by and to?
       a. By a motion and to the President
       b. By an amendment and to the Lok Sabha Speaker
       c. By a Convention and to the Leader of the Opposition
       d. By a motion and to the Rajya Sabha Chairperson

       Hey from yesterday….
       The recent agriculture bills that were passed in the Lok Sabha aims to increase?
       a. Availability of buyers for farmers produce
       b. Availability of farming produce for buyers
       c. Increase in the farming production
       d.   In the commission and market fees
       Answer – A
      The government is confident that the new laws will boost farm incomes as farmers would
       now be freed from the restrictions of having to sell their produce at designated places only.
       It would unify the national agricultural market and help farmers reap better harvests.
      The two bills - Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020
       and The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm
       Services Bill, 2020 will bring about revolutionary transformation and transparency in the
       agriculture sector, electronic trading will increase, there will be accelerated agricultural
       growth as private investment will be attracted in building supply chains and agricultural
       infrastructure, new employment opportunities will be created and rural economy will get a
       boost, which will in turn help to strengthen the national economy.

+91 9989966744                                                                targetiasweb@gmail.com
DAILY NEWS DIARY                                                               15.01.2021

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+91 9989966744                                                     targetiasweb@gmail.com
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