David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Joseph C. Parker, Jr., Esquire, D. Min., Senior Pastor DRAFT 2011 - 2015 Strategic Goals, Objectives, and Tasks

Page created by Eleanor Williams
David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church
Joseph C. Parker, Jr., Esquire, D. Min., Senior Pastor

DRAFT 2011 – 2015 Strategic Goals, Objectives, and Tasks

The following strategic goals provide the overarching direction for how we as a
congregation will proceed in order to achieve our vision. These goals and objectives
were derived from interviews and from information gathered from meetings with
members of the congregation, church leaders and the pastor.

2010-2015 David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Strategic Goals
Strategic Goal 1: Worship
Strategic Goal 2: Discipleship and Spiritual Gifts
Strategic Goal 3: Membership, Fellowship, and Outreach
Strategic Goal 4: Christian Education and Sunday School
Strategic Goal 5: Ministries
Strategic Goal 6: Children and Youth Ministry
Strategic Goal 7: Stewardship and Building Development
Strategic Goal 8: Communication and Technology

Strategic Goal 1: Worship
We believe worship is vital to the life of David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. We
are committed to providing inspiring worship that strengthens the engagement of
individuals and families for worship at David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Worship
is the central experience of the church and it is relevant and reverent. Worship includes
informed and inspired preaching, music that is varied and spiritually uplifting, and
challenges those present to live according to the Gospel. Pastor Parker will provide
leadership for the implementation of tasks related to this goal. The following tasks are

1. Pastor will provide instruction to the membership at-large on worship, its purposes,
and the role of members regarding enhancing the worship experience, and expectations
of members during worship.
2. Facilitate additional instruction for members at-large, including children and youth
related to “presenting our best to God.”

Strategic Goal 2: Discipleship and Spiritual Gifts
Institute an ongoing plan for spiritual development of existing members. Provide
regularly scheduled opportunities to help members understand God’s call on their life.
These should include sessions on Spiritual Gifts, Gifts Assessment, Personality,
Passion and opportunities to live out their call. Encourage all members to learn more
about spiritual gifts and to discover their own spiritual gifts.

1. Offer learning opportunities related to this topic (e.g., Sunday morning classes,
workshops, materials on the church web page) so that interested members can
Document approved by Joseph C. Parker, Jr., Esquire, D. Min., Senior Pastor David Chapel Missionary
Baptist Church, November 4, 2010
participate in at least one such opportunity over the next two years.
2. Revitalize church leadership by filling open positions with appropriately gifted
individuals in a timely manner. Assist responsible persons in discerning their spiritual
gifts and matching their gifts to open roles.

3. Create and maintain a database that matches members’ skills, spiritual gifts, and
interests with ministry and program needs. Explore additional ways to facilitate the
matching of members to these service areas.

Strategic Goal 3: Membership and Fellowship
Fellowship cultivates membership participation. We will promote the growth of David
Chapel Missionary Baptist Church by cultivating new members, volunteers, and church
leaders while remaining mindful of the needs of current members and friends. Building
relationships requires time, consistency, trust and steady effort. Personal connections
made in the course of serving others, or while in Christian Education classes, help build
those bonds. There is a highly significant connection between the ability of a church to
demonstrate love and its long-term growth potential. There is a strong connection
between effective communications and effective relationships

1. People in our congregation have opportunities to meet and develop connections with
each other and with the congregation as a whole through social programs, focus events

2. All members and friends are well-informed about opportunities for involvement in
church activities as volunteers and participants, overseen by a volunteer coordinator. All
current members and friends are actively serving in some aspect of congregational
activities. Is this a coordinator other than a church staff person?

3. Provide a variety of opportunities for people to get to know each other in informal and
small group settings.

4. Offer a variety of opportunities for individuals to interact in viable and meaningful
“small groups” that support their spiritual development and enhance a sense of
belonging and connectedness.

5. Supporting and encouraging one another as members of our church family through
visiting, supporting, and praying for those in need, providing effective church
communications, and recognizing individuals involved in ministry or celebrating
important life events.

6. Create opportunities for learning about social justice issues. Encourage and empower
a Social Justice Action Team to educate and mobilize the congregation on these public
issues. Give ongoing attention to national and international social justice issues.
Encourage participation in interfaith events and dialogue, especially when our pastor or
other members of the congregation are featured speakers.

7. Leverage groups to enhance relationships, and encourage a focus on outreach
Document approved by Joseph C. Parker, Jr., Esquire, D. Min., Senior Pastor David Chapel Missionary
Baptist Church, November 4, 2010
8. Facilitate the formation of small groups that respond to the needs and interests of
members or prospective members of the church community. These might include, for
example, service/outreach, Bible study, faith sharing, issue-oriented discussion groups,
and mutual support, fellowship opportunities (e.g., neighborhood groups)

Strategic Goal 4: Outreach
  1. Design a new “Welcome Packet” for distribution to guests on the Mission David

  2. Increase the number of and provide training for Greeters for both Sunday School
     and the Worship Service.

  3. Remind greeters that making visitors feel welcome is their primary focus, and
     hence extra effort is needed to ensure that visitors are warmly greeted (even if they
     arrive late), receive bulletins, and know what to do before, during, and after the

  4. Engage visitors after the service

  5. Emphasize the importance of an active welcoming team to initiate and support
     efforts to improve our hospitality to visitors. Regularly encourage all members to
     seek out and greet visitors before and after the service, to introduce visitors to
     other members, invite visitors to other church events.

Strategic Goal 5: Christian Education and Sunday School
Provide effective Christian education programs that nourish the spiritual growth of all
members. Offer ample Christian education opportunities for young people and adults,
communicating to the congregation the contents of the various curricula.

  1. Review existing curricula to determine their effectiveness related to the ministry

  2. Make recommendations regarding curricula to enhance Christians Education for
     children, youth, and adults of all ages.

Strategic Goal 6: Ministries
Provide effective programming and events to meet spiritual, educational, and personal
needs of all members – children, youth, and adults.

Evaluate each ministry based on the following:
   1. Describe the responsibilities and activities of your ministry, committee, or council
   2. Briefly, list the most important accomplishments of your ministry in the past year.
   3. What are the greatest strengths of your ministry?
   4. What are its greatest weaknesses or vulnerabilities?
Document approved by Joseph C. Parker, Jr., Esquire, D. Min., Senior Pastor David Chapel Missionary
Baptist Church, November 4, 2010
5. What contributions will your ministry make in the next 3 to 5 years/
   6. What are the greatest concerns you have for the future of the work of your
       ministry over the next five years?
   7. What specific resources (financial, personnel, facility, technology, etc.) are
       needed to fulfill the mission and vision of your ministry?
Strategic Goal 7: Children and Youth Ministry
Provide effective programming and events to meet the spiritual, educational, and
personal needs of children and youth.

   1. Analyze current children and youth worship activities school and consider
      creative methods to attract youth to attend, particularly junior and senior high

   2. Provide resources that equip parents to support and nurture their children’s
      spiritual growth and awareness

   3. Obtain and use a multi-media interactive curriculum with specific goals and
      objectives for various age groups:

   4. Use technology as an outreach tool for junior, senior high age and college age
      young adults to attend David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Worship and
      Christian Education classes and other activities designed for this target age

   5. Review existing ministry to determine effectiveness to accomplish objectives.

   6. Assess effectiveness and appropriateness of ministry leaders to determine their
      skills and position within the ministry where those skills can be best utilized.

   7. Make recommendations based on assessment and evaluation conducted which
      enhance ministry’s capacity to achieve objectives.

Strategic Goal 8: Stewardship and Building Development
Stewardship is giving boldly of and managing wisely God’s spiritual and material gifts
through sacrificial service. Encourage the practice of generous, faithful and responsible
stewardship in the financial support for the growth of David Chapel Missionary Baptist

   1. At David Chapel all members are encouraged to grow in stewardship of both time
      and money, learning the spiritual discipline of giving.

   2. Study the facility needs of the church and recommend a building master plan.

   3. Develop a consistent and comprehensive approach to stewardship.

Document approved by Joseph C. Parker, Jr., Esquire, D. Min., Senior Pastor David Chapel Missionary
Baptist Church, November 4, 2010
Strategic Goal 9: Communication and Technology
Getting the word out about who we are and what we offer.

   1. Strengthen our ability to communicate with one another and with the community.

   2. Enhance the church website and provide the necessary hardware, software, and
      personnel to support it.

   3. Strengthen Website and use of other electronic communications tools.

   4. Targeted email communications (e.g., members could identify which types of
      information they want to receive such as emails about upcoming missions events.

   5. Ways to use technology to improve our “institutional memory” (i.e. how we keep
      track of policies and decisions over time in an easily accessible way.)

   6. Exploration of Social Media such as Twitter and Face book

   7. Advertise church activities in free media and targeted non-free media. Determine
      groups likely to be receptive to what we offer (e.g., local universities and
      colleges), and ensure that they know about us.

   8. Continue to improve the website so that it is current, informative, interactive, and
      attractive to potential visitors, with various levels of web savvy. Explore adding

Document approved by Joseph C. Parker, Jr., Esquire, D. Min., Senior Pastor David Chapel Missionary
Baptist Church, November 4, 2010
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