DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET

Page created by Ivan Parks
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
Established October 1895

Thursday March 25, 2021                                                                                                                                              $1 VAT Inclusive

BARBADOS has found itself in a
deadlock and could be heading for a
                                              economist, said the situation in which
                                              the country finds itself has to do with
                                                                                            would tell you that they had to bear the
                                                                                            brunt of fixing that macro-economic
                                                                                                                                          does not turn into what is commonly
                                                                                                                                          known as a debt trap.” The fiscal deficit
debt trap, given the new financing            Barbados not having mounted the               position by participating in the debt         for this current financial year, which ends
which Government intends to raise             requisite level of activity to overcome the   restructuring.                                March 31, 2021, is $1.047 billion. What
in the coming financial year.                 external shock it currently faces.              According to her, “Now we find our-         was originally budgeted for at the start
  This sorry and possible perilous state        “We find ourselves in a stagnant posi-      selves in a position where we have an in-     of this current fiscal year was a deficit
of Barbados was sounded yesterday by          tion for an extended period of time,” she     creasing fiscal deficit and national debt.”   of $255 million, a difference of $781
Opposition Senator, Crystal Drakes,           told the sitting.                               She admitted this is due to COVID-19        million.
who led off her People’s Party for              The Senator indicated that while            because of the expenditure incurred             The country, she explained, had to
Development and Democracy’s (PdP)             Barbados’ macro-economic position is im-      with the pandemic and the fall in             therefore rely on external funding
response to the debate on the Estimates       proving, it is doing so at a cost.            revenue.                                      sources to make up this shortfall.
for 2021/2022 in the Upper House.               The economist said there are many             “What we have to do now is to ensure        Those funds came from the IMF, the
  Senator Drakes, who is also an              pensioners and other citizens who             that we are vigilant that this situation                               DEBT on Page 3

update on
hotel projects
THE new hotel under construction at the
Sam Lord’s Castle property in St. Philip,
is set to be completed by the end of this
  That’s according to the Leader of the
Senate, Minister of Foreign Affairs and
Foreign Trade, Senator Dr. Jerome
Walcott. He told those in the Senate
Chamber yesterday that construction
has been completed on 308 of the 450-
room Wyndham Grand Hotel. He went on
to say that the multimillion dollar proj-
ect is being financed through a loan from
Exim Bank of China, to the tune of US
$170 million.
  He addressed this as he led off the
debate on the 2021 Appropriation Bill.
Minister Walcott, offering more details on
the project, indicated that when that
hotel is completed, it is expected to em-
ploy 1 000 persons. He added that consis-
tent with government’s policy, the project
will be sold to the private sector, stating
“we don’t believe that we should be
running hotels”.
  Walcott went on to speak about a num-
ber of other tourism related projects,
which Government is looking forward to
seeing come to fruition.
  Referring to the Hyatt Ziva, which is to
be built on Lower Bay Street, the Leader
of the Senate said while that project was
put on hold because of COVID, it is now
expected to start later this year. He indi-
cated that property is intended to be a
370-room hotel, with 26 residences,
adding that all planning permissions
have been received except for over-
the-water villas.                             HUSTLE AND BUSTLE! Bridgetown is slowly starting to return to normal – at least in terms of pedestrian
                 TOURISM PROJECTS on          traffic – with some relaxation in restrictions. The Barbados Advocate was on hand to see some shoppers making sure that
                                   Page 5     they got all that they needed.
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
2 • Thursday March 25, 2021   The Barbados Advocate
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                           Thursday March 25, 2021 • 3

More funds for cash-strapped CBC
THE already cash-strapped            quite frankly, at this point in   CBC, but in the interim, the       sume, and we can start to get          ward to the new dawn of CBC
Caribbean Broadcasting               time, there is no money coming    bills need to be paid, the ACs     back with advertising rev-             because I believe that with a
Corporation has been hit             in for the last maybe nine        need to be fixed, place needs to   enue,” he said.                        restructured format, with a lot
hard by the COVID-19 pan-            months...since COVID inter-       be industrial cleaned, a lot of      He noted that the revenue is         of the new talent that is there,
demic.                               rupted businesses in Barbados,    repairs needs to be done, there    also needed to upgrade equip-          with new technology, we can
  This was revealed by               and definitely since we had the   are parts of roofs dropping in.    ment.                                  accomplish many great things.
Minister of Home Affairs,            shutdown in Barbados...”          I don’t want to paint too horri-     “...I would tell you, if you look    But at this point in time, we
Information and Public Affairs,        He explained that the busi-     ble a picture, but it is a dire    at some of the productions from        have a hole. We have a hole
Wilfred Abrahams, in the             nesses that would normally        situation and there is no money    CBC, you realise they’re not as        that we have no way of filling.
Lower Chamber during a sup-          purchase advertising slots are    coming in.”                        sharp as, for example, CNN.            And we had to approach the
plementary to the Estimates          not operating.                      “So with the requisite           There’s a difference in quality.       Minister of Finance for a
debate on Tuesday night for $5         “So there are no slots being    amount of shame, Madam             That’s because we are still            bailout,” he said.
million.                             sold there, and no slots being    Chair, I had to go cap in hand     using old equipment, a lot of            (JH)
  In his submission, Minister        bought. So CBC has been limp-     to the Minister of Finance and     which has gone well past its
Abrahams noted that the              ing along. We had a situation,    say help me out. Because quite     sell by date, and is in need of
statutory cooperation is trying
its best to make ends meet
                                     Madam Chair, where we just
                                     managed with the cooperation
                                                                       frankly, we can’t afford for our
                                                                       television station to get to the
                                                                                                            “Even our boxes, Madam
through advertising.                 of the Union, to avert indus-     point where it closes down.        Chair, our Multi-Choice which
  “We were doing quite well at
CBC until COVID interrupted.
                                     trial action at CBC, based on
                                     the fact that the ACs (air-con-
                                                                       CBC has other expenses as
                                                                       well that we are trying hard to
                                                                                                          is the main revenue earner for
                                                                                                          CBC operates on an analogue
We were reformatting the             ditioners) weren’t working; the   resolve. Like everybody else,      signal. That means…your an-
news, CBC News, you have a
new-look news, the sets are
                                     place needed to be industrial
                                     cleaned; equipment was break-
                                                                       we keep our fingers crossed
                                                                       that the period of national
                                                                                                          tenna [must be] able to pick up
                                                                                                          another antenna for transmis-
                                                                                                                                                 will the
being upgraded, the quality of       ing down…it’s not a happy         pause will soon be coming          sion as opposed to a digital for-
the programming has in-
creased tremendously. But
                                     place to work.
                                       “We have great plans for
                                                                       to an end and normal com-
                                                                       merce and business can re-
                                                                                                            “Madam Chair, I look for-
                                                                                                                                                 come from?
Barbados Statistical Service launches new website                                                                                                DEBT from
                                                                                                                                                 Page 1

AFTER last having a mass             by the Statistical Act to collect                                                                              Inter-American Development
roll-call in 2010, the National      and compile data on individu-                                                                               Bank, the Caribbean Develop-
Population and Housing Census        als, households and businesses                                                                              ment Bank and others.
is set to begin on August 1 this     and to publish the information                                                                                 This year, the government is
year.                                for public consumption.                                                                                     expected to run a fiscal deficit
   This, among other things, was     However, she noted that the Act                                                                             of $782 million and based
revealed yesterday by Minister       was set in motion in 1958 and as                                                                            on the 2021/2022 Estimates
in the Ministry of Economic          such the government is well                                                                                 of Revenue and Expenditure,
Affairs and Investment, Marsha       aware that the Act has served                                                                               the government is seeking to
Caddle, as she delivered the         its time and simply does not suit                                                                           get $447 million in financing
feature remarks during the           a modern agenda for data collec-                                                                            from external sources and
launch of the Barbados               tion, for data analysis and for                                                                             non project loans of $250
Statistical Service’s (BSS) new      data sharing.                                                                                               million.
website.                                “This new website is just one                                                                               On the domestic side, govern-
   With the previous website de-     of those ways in which that                                                                                 ment is seeking to finance
commissioned in mid-2019 and         transformation is taking place.                                                                             this deficit by looking to raise
work beginning on the current        But the transformation has to                                                                               $334 million, of which $293
product in the latter part of that   happen, not just in function, but                                                                           million will be sourced from
year, the project was completed      in the structure that would be                                                                              financing which is not deben-
with technical assistance pro-       able to deliver that function.                                                                              tures, bonds, and treasury
vided by Statistics Canada.          And so that’s one of the reasons                                                                            bills, financial instruments
Noting that there is to be con-      that we have been working with                                                                              which are usually available to
tinued development and mem-          the team at BSS to be able to                                                                               government.
bers of the public are encour-       transition, not just in terms of                                                                               Senator Drakes said she is yet
aged to use it and give feedback,    updated legislation that will                                                                               to hear from the government
Minister Caddle called it the        modernise the way we share                                                                                  both on the external side and the
“home of statistics in Barbados”.    data across ministries and de-                                                                              domestic side, where this financ-
   With the census marking the       partments and also the public,                                                                              ing is likely to come from, and
first done in Barbados online        but we also are starting a                                                                                  also the cost of it.
and hoping to capture informa-       transition from Barbados                                                                                       She said, “The size of the debt
tion such as population growth       Statistic Service to a Statistics                                                                           that we are incurring is one
and movement of persons be-          and Data Analytics Authority,”                                                                              thing, but the profile is also
tween parishes, Minister             she said.                                                                                                   equally important because the
Caddle appealed with members            Going on to say that a large                                                                             level of interest that we will pos-
of the public to give their full     amount of data is generated                                                                                 sibly be paying along with the re-
support and cooperation.             daily in Barbados through the                                                                               payment period is also equally
   “This is critical for policy-     use of public and private sector Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment,               important.
making! A country cannot es-         services, she highlighted just Marsha Caddle, as she spoke during yesterday’s launch of the                    She went on, “And I think once
tablish policy if we do not know     why it is important to collect Barbados Statistical Service’s new website.                                  we are running these types of
how many people live in a coun-      and analyse the information.                                                                                deficits, it will be prudent that
try; if we do not know what per-        “That information is very im- test what our hypotheses are. dents, and that legislation is in            the government also articulates
centage of those people are          portant. One of the reasons that We want to understand what is place to help promote that trust.            where it intends to get those
women or men; of people living       we need information is that in- going on in the lives of every       Minister Caddle also made              financing from.
with disabilities. We cannot         formation is evidence, and what single Barbadian,” she ex- mention that since there are                        “So…falling into a debt trap
plan unless we understand the        we need to be able to continue to plained.                         numerous calls for the diversi-          could be possible because what
groups that comprise the soci-       do is have evidence-based policy    Caddle added that data pro- fication of the local economy,              we are seeing is a ballooning of
ety,” she said.                      making. It means that we don’t tection is also very high on the     data analytics is a new                 fiscal deficit not because of in-
   Speaking to the changes           just want to use anecdotal evi- list of concerns, pointing out and emerging sector that                     creased expenditure ... but the
made over the last year to the       dence. We don’t just want to be that there is a need to promote Barbadians businesses can cash              fall in government revenue,” she
BSS, Minister Caddle stated          looking around and thinking and establish trust between in on.                                              added.
that the agency was authorised       ‘this is what we see.’ We want to BSS and users and respon-          (MP)                                      (JB)
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
4• Thursday March 25, 2021                                                                                                                                   The Barbados Advocate

Postal Service releases new commemorative issue ‘Transform NCF’
 THE Barbados Postal Service released            are – Loveseat, 10 cents; Four Poster         Covers may be purchased from the               AN Opposition Senator is calling for a re-
a new Commemorative Stamp Issue fea-             Bed, 65 cents; Rocking Chair, $1.40; and      Philatelic Bureau, General Post Office,        structuring of the Governed National
turing Antique Furniture on March 15.            Mahogany Drum Table, $2.20.                   Cheapside, Bridgetown, Monday to               Cultural Foundation (NCF).
  The denominations for the four stamps            The set of four and Official First Day      Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:15 p.m.           Senator Crystal Drakes of the People’s
                                                                                                                                              Party for Democracy and Development
                                                                                                                                              made the call in the Senate yesterday as
                                                                                                                                              she contributed to the debate on the

Cycling Union                                                                                                                                 2021/2022 Estimates of Revenue and
                                                                                                                                                  She said that for the forthcoming fi-
                                                                                                                                              nancial year the NCF has been allocated
pushing road safety                                                                                                                           $9.9 million.
                                                                                                                                                 In spite of that, Senator Drakes said
                                                                                                                                              she is yet to hear about any real plans to

awareness campaign                                                                                                                            transform the NCF to an organisation
                                                                                                                                              that pivots under a new direction and pro-
                                                                                                                                              vide increased economic opportunities for
By Krystal Penny Bowen                           marks the third cyclist death for 2021.                                                      local artists.
                                                 Two of these three fatalities occurred on                                                       She said that traditionally the NCF is
A LEADER of a local cycling organi-              a section of the highway.                                                                    responsible for events planning and mass
sation has coordinated a campaign                                                                                                             events like Crop Over.
to sensitise Barbadians about road               Reckless drivers                                                                                “But I think it is time that that organi-
safety and highlight the cyclists who            Headley told The Barbados Advocate that                                                      sation be re-purposed,” said Senator
have lost their lives on the roads of            since COVID-19, with less traffic on the                                                     Drakes.
this country. This as the island                 roads, motorists are driving faster and                                                         She reasoned that the NCF, which is
records the third death of a cyclist in          more recklessly. He proposed that cyclists,                                                  supposed to be supporting arts and cul-
two months.                                      bicyclists, and walkers should be given                                                      ture, now has a new mandate that allows
   Vice President of the Barbados Cycling        the last Sunday of the month to exercise                                                     for a real development of cultural indus-
Union (BCU), Livingston "Livvy"                  on a closed-off stretch of the Mighty         Vice President of the Barbados                 tries, as stated by the programme state-
Headley, revealed this to The Barbados           Grynner highway.                              Cycling Union (BCU), Livingston ‘Livvy’        ment in the Estimates.
Advocate on Tuesday.                                                                           Headley.                                          Senator Drakes recalled that from con-
   In early March, Headley, an experi-           Remembering those who have lost                                                              versations with some artists, she said the
enced cyclist, and his colleagues collabo-       their lives                                   Works and Water Resources, Ian Edghill-        way in which they described their involve-
rated to create a short video and shared         As one of the leaders of the umbrella body    Gooding; President of the Barbados Road        ment with the Foundation, they believe it
it on social media. At the end of the video,     for all cycling in Barbados, Headley be-      Safety Association (BRSA), Sharmane            is more interested in preserving its own in-
the names of cyclists who have died re-          lieves that more awareness is necessary       Roland-Bowen; and local biking groups          stitutional footprint or existence than in
cently are displayed.                            to mitigate the current problem.              about addressing the current issue of road     developing artists.
   On Monday, 21-year-old Ritre Alleyne             The BCU Vice President also disclosed      safety and the safety of cyclists on the          According to her, that is a sad situation.
became the latest cyclist to die after col-      that fellow cyclist, Randy Licorish, will     roads.                                         “We cannot have an organisation which is
liding with a car. Melanie Watts, who was        help memorialise the deaths of local cy-        He suggested that in the case of mo-         put in place to support artists being caught
36 years old, died on March 12 after col-        clists by riding (one lap for each victim)    torists and transport board operators of       up in their own institutional grandeur.
liding with a vehicle. Well-known crick-         around Barbados.                              the quieter electric buses, providing some        “So I think there needs to be a whole
eter, Ezra Moseley, died after a similar            Headley added that he has had discus-      signal like tooting of a horn once can let     transformation of the NCF,” Senator
incident on February 6. Alleyne’s death          sions with the Minister of Transportation,    the cyclist know that they are there.          Drakes reiterated.

Coalition pleased with government
support for nutrition labelling
HEALTHY Caribbean Coalition (HCC)                Regional Standard for Specification –
President and Chairman of the Barbados           FDCRS 5:2010”. The FDCRS-5 includes
National NCD Commission, Sir Trevor              the octagon-shaped front-of-package
Hassell, has applauded what he describes         warning labels indicating if a product is
as the fearless leadership of Minister in        “HIGH IN” one or more critical nutrients
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and              such as sugars, sodium, or fats, which are
Foreign Trade, Sandra Husbands, for her          linked to obesity and chronic noncommu-
recent comments in support of front of           nicable diseases (NCDs) when consumed
package nutrition warning labelling.             in excess.
   Just this month, in another section of           “Caribbean citizens should be proud of
the press, Minister Husbands reportedly          the FDCRS and those who have been
inquired regarding progress of the nutri-        engaged in this arduous process, led by
tion labelling plan and indicated that she       the regional CARICOM Regional
too is trying to get manufacturers fully on      Organisation for Standards and Quality
board.                                           (CROSQ), since the Standard meets the
   “Rest assured that we were able to re-        highest level of scientific rigor and sup-
assure the private sector that, from the         ports the right of every consumer to know
perspective of foreign trade, we will be ex-     what is in their food. Unhealthy diets are
amining the very best way to make the            one of the major risk factors for obesity     Minister in the Ministry of Foreign            Healthy Caribbean Coalition President
transition so as to minimise the impact on       and NCDs and which are themselves             Affairs and Foreign Trade, Sandra              and Chairman of the Barbados
business and ensure we are WTO compli-           major risk factors for severe COVID ill-      Husbands.                                      National NCD Commission, Sir Trevor
ant. But most assuredly, that we will be         ness. Now more than ever, Caribbean peo-                                                     Hassell.
moving forward without any unnecessary           ple have a right to the information they      further pointed out.
delay to take the necessary steps in order       need to make informed food purchasing           The Coalition meanwhile says the             and ultra-processed food and beverage
to protect our population from the impact        decisions,” the Healthy Caribbean             Standard has strong support across the re-     sector.
of sugar, salt and fats in their diets, and to   Coalition noted.                              gional and national public health commu-         Should this current voting stage be suc-
ensure that we are able to provide a very           “The Standard, if approved, could set in   nity, including the Pan American Health        cessful, the Standard will then go back to
healthy diet for the people of Barbados          motion a series of regulatory steps at the    Organisation (PAHO), the Caribbean             the CROSQ Council and then onto the
and the region,” Husbands was quoted as          national level, to introduce warning la-      Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the          CARICOM Council of Trade and
stating.                                         bels on packaged products across the re-      national Ministries of Health. However,        Economic Development (COTED) for en-
   Meanwhile, Hassell pointed out that the       gion, which would ensure that Caribbean       support from a critical decision-making        dorsement. The support of Ministers of
Caribbean region is currently voting on          people who have the highest rates of obe-     stakeholder – Trade – has been lukewarm,       Trade across the region therefore is essen-
the adoption of a regional standard for          sity and NCDs in the Americas, have           due to scientifically baseless fears of neg-   tial for the ultimate adoption of the
the labelling of pre-packaged foods, which       better labels to make better choices, ulti-   ative impacts on trade and the economy,        FDCRS as a regionally approved stan-
serves as the “Final Draft CARICOM               mately leading to better health,” the HCC     promulgated by the regional processed          dard. (RSM)
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                Thursday March 25, 2021 • 5

It’s not Denny: Rename Queen’s Park                                                                                                                           Lots of
                                                               House of Assembly, she         was a former Governor
adding                          By Marsha Gittens

                                QUEEN’S Park should be
                                                               said that Queen’s Park is
                                                               to be used for a new pur-
                                                                                              General. Yes, she was the
                                                                                              sister of the Prime
up, says
                                renamed after the first
                                female Governor General
                                                               pose and be renamed at
                                                               an appropriate time.
                                                                                              Minister of Barbados, but
                                                                                              she played a major role in                                      in the
                                of Barbados, Dame Nita           Mottley also proposed        the international libera-

                                  This suggestion comes
                                                               the “little amphitheatre”
                                                               which is situated in
                                                                                              tion struggle and she was
                                                                                              also one of the leading
                                from General Secretary         Queen’s Park be named in       personalities that helped                                       TOURISM PROJECTS
                                for the Caribbean Move-        honour of Jamaican polit-      to organise for the release                                     from Page 1
OPPOSITION Senator              ment of Peace and Inte-        ical activist, Marcus          of Nelson Mandela. She
Crystal Drakes is               gration, David Denny, who      Garvey.                        has done a lot of commu-                                           He added that another
charging that the               spoke to The Barbados            Denny stated, “I think       nity work in Barbados                                           hotel is coming not too far
2021/2022 Estimates of          Advocate during an in-         the entire park should be      also,” he said.                 David Denny                     from that site. Walcott
Revenue and Expen-              terview yesterday.             renamed and it should be         This is another occasion                                      told fellow senators that
diture contains a num-            His comment comes on         named after Dame Nita          in recent years where           stages of discussions           the seven-acre property
ber of errors.                  the heels of remarks made      Barrow, who is a Barba-        Queen’s Park’s name has         about whether Queen’s           owned by Massy Pierhead
   She said in the Upper        by Prime Minister, Mia         dian, but the amphithe-        come into sharp focus.          Park should or should not       is being acquired by an in-
House yesterday that we         Amor Mottley this week         atre could be named after        Back in 2015, the then        be renamed. The new             vestor, who has plans to
have projected total capi-      as she spoke about gov-        Marcus Garvey.”                Minister of Culture,            name suggested then was         build a 250-bed hotel. He
tal expenditure of $127.2       ernment’s plans for the          “Dame Nita Barrow was        Sports and Youth, Stephen       National Heroes Park in         stated that the property
million, however the ac-        redevelopment of the city      not a member of any of the     Lashley, stated govern-         honour of this island’s         is also expected to feature
tual amount is $118.6           location. Addressing the       political parties but she      ment was in the early           National Heroes.                condos and retail space.
million and the projected                                                                                                                                        “The investor is not in-
capital expenditure for                                                                                                                                       terested in a high rise or
February and March 2021         Eight new                                                                                                                     in dense development, but
is $28.5 million.According                                                                                                                                    in a beautiful family type
to her, the $118.6 million
and the $28.5 million do
                                COVID cases,                                                                                                                  hotel with adequate green
                                                                                                                                                              and blue spaces, and
not add up to $127.2 mil-
                                11 recovered                                                                                                                  again this is now expected
                                                                                                                                                              to commence this year,
   She also told the Senate     THE island recorded eight                                                                                                     with an estimated budget
that there are other            new positive cases of                                                                                                         of US$120 million,” he
errors given the number         COVID-19 – two men and                                                                                                        stated.
of amendments sent to           six women – on Tuesday,                                                                                                          Minister Walcott went
members.                        March 23.                                                                                                                     on to say that plans to de-
   Senator Drakes pointed         They were identified                                                                                                        velop the Bridge House at
out that those types of         from among the 441 tests                                                                                                      the Pierhead property
mistakes are concerning         conducted by the Best-dos                                                                                                     into a hotel have been
to persons who do not           Santos Public Health                                                                                                          abandoned in favour of an
know if they are immate-        Laboratory. A total of 11                                                                                                     entertainment and retail
rial or just editing errors.    people recovered and were                                                                                                     space. However, he said
   She said however, that       discharged from isolation.                                                                                                    the upper floors of the
there are a lot of things       The number of cases in                                                                                                        property are likely to be
happening at the moment         isolation is now 149.          recovered since March          137,567 tests.                    To date, a total of 62,765    condos. He said the in-
and that sometimes emo-           There have been 3,582        2020. Forty people have          On Tuesday, 945 people        vaccinations have been ad-      vestors are also looking to
tions tend to override          confirmed cases – 1,718        died from COVID-19.            were vaccinated as part of      ministered – 26,065 men         start this year.
facts.                          females and 1,864 males –        The public health labora-    the National Vaccination        and 36,700 women.                  Meanwhile, Minister
   To this end, the             and 3,401 people have          tory has so far completed      Programme for COVID-19.           (BGIS)                        Walcott indicated the
Opposition          Senator                                                                                                                                   Carlisle House property
thought it necessary to                                                                                                                                       is to be developed by a
cross reference the                                                                                                                                           Jamaica investor, who is
Estimates with the
Throne Speech delivered
                                Opposition Leader calls for more airtime                                                                                      working with JADA. He
                                                                                                                                                              stated that they are seek-
last September, and the         OPPOSITION Leader              Estimates debate here in       Parliament of Barbados,         understand the complaint        ing to acquire more land
change in direction             Bishop Joseph Atherley has     this Parliament this week,     and it’s not only now but       and the concern with re-        to make the project scala-
Government thought nec-         queried his limited airtime    and I have had people com-     I’m speaking with respect       spect to the file photo. And    ble.
essary because of COVID.        on the island’s lone state-    plaining to me about the       to these Estimates, it is the   I will actually investigate        Speaking also to work
   She said that according      owned            television    kind of coverage that CBC      voice of the government         that and get back to the        being done by the Bar-
to the Throne Speech, the       station, particularly during   has been giving, which rep-    which is heard in multiple      Honourable Leader of            bados Tourism Invest-
point was made that it          the Estimates debate           resents a clear bias. Now      forms. You hear that voice,     Opposition because quite        ment Inc., he said the
was important to take           which concluded on             the leader of the Oppo-        given the side of a govern-     frankly, CBC is a national      Speightstown flood miti-
fresh guard and to articu-      Tuesday night.                 sition, in the minds of some   ment, but other people are      television station.And if the   gation project, which
late a new vision. It was         Bishop Atherley posed        at CBC, or elsewhere, may      not allowed to speak.           Honourable Leader of            started last December,
acknowledged too that           the question directly to       not have anything of sub-         “When out of a sense of      Opposition speaks, then he      was paused for a month
Barbados had entered a          Minister of Home Affairs,      stance to say, but ma’am,      compulsion, they do feel it     should be accorded the          because of the shutdown,
new era and that old            Information and Public         you have spoken in these       necessary to give a moment      same courtesy as to any         and is expected to be com-
things had passed away.         Affairs,Wilfred Abrahams,      debates,ma’am,and I think      to the Leader of the            other member with respect       pleted by February 2022.
   “If that is the case, then   after seeking $5 million       that you have said things of   Opposition, it is not an        to the presentation of his      He added that phase
these Estimates should          supplementary for the          significance – no coverage     image of the Leader of the      points.”                        three of the Constitution
reflect that,” Senator          Caribbean Broadcasting         of that on CBC. I have         Opposition standing in this        “So where his points are     River Flood Mitigation
Drakes maintained.              Corporation in the Lower       heard the Honourable           parliament speaking like        newsworthy…they will be         Project recommenced on
   The Senator noted            Chamber.                       members for Michael East       anybody else, it is a file      carried.And if they’re news-    March 1 after the national
further that also giving          In fact, Bishop Atherley     speak in very strong terms     photo as though they had        worthy enough to be car-        pause, and if all goes well,
these Estimates context         challenged that the report-    in the Estimates debate, no    no access to this place. And    ried, then it must be expla-    is slated to be completed
is the fact that Barbados       ing of political news in       coverage on CBC; I have        those things represent a        nation if a file photo was      next March.
is still in an Extended         Barbados is “coloured of       heard the member for St.       clear bias. Anybody who is      put up. I undertake to the         Walcott also spoke to
Fund Facility programme         bias in the favour of          Andrew, speak in very ro-      honest can see these things     Honourable Leader of            the plans for the Golden
with the “International         government” and queried        bust terms, no coverage on     are real.”                      Opposition that I will in-      Square Freedom Park, in-
Monetary Fund, which            who might have given that      CBC because all of those          In response, Minister        vestigate that and come         dicating that it is expected
still ring-fences us in rela-   directive.                     submissions...were not nec-    Abrahams noted that real-       back to him personally with     to be completed by the
tion to what we can do as         Addressing Chairman of       essarily favourable to gov-    istically with 29 to one, it    an explanation,and if there     second quarter of the up-
a country, and how we go        Committees Dr. Sonia           ernment.                       would be difficult to hear      is no sufficient explanation    coming financial year. He
about doing it”.                Browne, he said: “ We have        “But every time CBC         the one.“However, I do take     then with the appropriate       disclosed that it is esti-
   (JB)                         had the annual exercise of     brings news from the           his point, but I’m trying to    apology,” he said. (JH)         mated to cost $8 million.
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
6 • Thursday March 25, 2021                                                                                                                                              The Barbados Advocate

CARPHA the new Chair for GHSA Action Package Prevent-3
IN 2019 CARPHA became an active                       prepare, detect and respond to public                    Sankarsingh, Biorisk Manager will work       of experts and leaders across 60-plus
member of the international                           health threats. So, this opportunity as                  with over 150 professionals from thirty      countries and non-governmental
network for the Global Health                         the Chair has seen CARPHA connecting                     countries       and       international      organisations that seek to advance global
Security Agenda (GHSA) Action                         to the Global Health Security Agenda                     organisations to take collective action to   biosafety and biosecurity capacity under
Package for Biosafety and                             and supporting Member States in                          improve biosafety and biosecurity            the auspices of the Global Health
Biosecurity (Action Package                           improving their national capacities                      indicators and achieve the target set by     Security Agenda.
Prevent-3). On request of the                         across the various IHR requirements                      the GHSA 2024 framework.                       The GHSA serves as a catalyst for
previous Chair – Portugal, CARPHA                     including Biosafety and Biosecurity; and                   As Chair, CARPHA will advance global       attaining a world safe and secure from
assumed responsibilities as the                       National Laboratory Systems. Biosafety                   biosafety and biosecurity initiatives in     global infectious disease threats and
Chair of the GHSA APP3 for the                        and Biosecurity is considered a pillar for               countries who have committed to              seeks to elevate global health security
period October 2020 to September                      regional health security in the Caribbean                improve their Joint External Evaluation      as a national and international leader-
2021. The agency is the only                          and our new role as Chair of this global                 (JEE) scores and support international       level priority. The GHSA is a
participating organisation to                         network allows us to share our                           and regional activities which accelerate     collaborative multi-sectoral initiative,
assume this status.                                   experiences and advocate for sustainable                 the translation of these commitments to      bringing together 65 countries
  According to Dr. Joy St. John, Executive            systems which are appropriate to the                     national actions that result in              representing nearly six billion people,
Director, “CARPHA as the Secretariat of               regional and national communities we                     measurable improvements in biosecurity       regional and international organisations,
the Regional Co-ordinating Mechanism                  serve.”                                                  and biosafety capacity.                      and non-governmental and private sector
on Health Security (RCM-HS) is driving                  During this period, CARPHA                               The Action Package Prevent-3 (APP3)        partners to build and strengthen health
regional multisectoral co-ordination to               represented by Ms. Sacha Wallace-                        Biosafety and Biosecurity is a collection    security capacity.

              SUPREME COURT OF BARBADOS                               BARBADOS

               IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE                           APPLICATION NO: RT2021000030

                                                                          LAND (TITLE DEEDS RESTORATION) ACT, CHAPTER 229C
 CLAIM NO. LTP 9 of 2021                                                              OF THE LAWS OF BARBADOS
                                                                                              (Section 3)
                     IN THE MATTER OF:
        The Land (Title Proceedings)Act, 2011 Section 3                     RESTORATION OF THE TITLE DEEDS DESTROYED BY
                                                                             DISASTER OR OTHERWISE, OR LOST OR STOLEN
                                                                                    TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to the
                                                                      Registrar of Titles by LACHMAN UDHARAM KHIALANI of 4th Avenue,
 PARISH OF SAINT JAMES IN BARBADOS CONTAINING BY                      Belleville in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados, for the restoration
 ADMEASUREMENT 4212.3 SQUARE METRES ON A PLAN                         of the title deeds to the land situate at 4th Avenue, Belleville in the parish
 CERTIFIED THE 7TH DAY OF MARCH 2020 BY ANDRE P.G.                    of Saint Michael in Barbados (more particularly described in the
 CLARKE LAND SURVEYOR, (RECORDED IN THE LANDS                         Schedule hereto) on the ground that the original title deeds have been
 AND SURVEY DEPARTMENT ON THE 16TH DAY OF MARCH                       lost or mislaid and have never been recovered.
                                                                                 ALSO TAKE NOTICE that unless notification is received at
                                                                      the Land Registry, “Warrens Office Complex”, Warrens, Saint Michael by
 WEST ON LANDS OF EGBERT J.R SMITH AND LUCILLE                        the 28th day of April 2021 that the original title deeds have not been lost
 BREWSTER TOWARDS THE NORTH ON LANDS OF EILEEN                        or are being lawfully held by some other person, the Registrar of Titles
 ODLE, ERIC M. HARRIS, PETER D. CARMICHAEL, PEARSON                   shall immediately proceed to determine the said application according to
 G. CARMICHAEL, IRVIN M. BEST AND MAXINE C. GASKIN                    law.
 NATIONAL HOUSING CORPORATION AND TOWARDS THE                                             Dated this 4th day of March 2021.
                                                                                              YEARWOOD & BOYCE
 EVELYN, CLENNEL BYNOE, CLEMENT VAUGHN, MILLBAR                                         Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant
                DECLARATION OF OWNERSHIP                                         ALL THAT land (formerly part of a larger area containing by
                 AND CERTIFICATE OF TITLE                             admeasurement 2579.37 square metres being the metric conversion
                                                                      from 27,765 square feet or thereabouts) situate at 4th Avenue, Belleville
                                                                      in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados containing 780.82
             TAKE NOTICE that JOYCE ANITA BREWSTER                    square metres being the metric conversion from 8,405 square feet or
 (acting herein by her duly Constituted Attorney on record Colleen    thereabouts (of which area 23.23 square metres being the metric
 Yvette Brewster) the Qualified Administratrix of the Estate of       conversion from 250 square feet are contained in the road reserve)
 Alexander Brewster late of Fitt’s Village in the parish of Saint     ABUTTING AND BOUNDING on lands now or late of Mrs. Gordon
 James and JOYCE ANITA BREWSTER and COLLEEN                           Murray, on lands now or late of the Ladies Association for the Relief of
 YVETTE BREWSTER in their individual capacities have applied          the Indigent Sick and Infirm, on lands formerly of Mrs. Goddard but now
 to the High Court for a declaration of ownership and a certificate   or late of one Jones and on the Public Road called 4th Avenue or
                                                                      however else the same may abut and bound together with the
 of the title in respect of the property described above.
                                                                      dwellinghouse thereon called “Padamar”.

           Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge                   The Title Deeds to be restored are:
 against the said property should submit the claim duly
 authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court,         (1) Conveyance dated the 22nd day of February 1974 recorded in the
 Bridgetown, on or before the 13th day of May, 2021.                  Registration Office of Barbados on the 5th day of March 1974 as Deed
                                                                      Nos. 1151 of 1974 and made between The Ladies Association for the
                                                                      Relief of the Indigent Sick and Infirm of the One Part and Kishinchand
           Any other person who has any information relating to
                                                                      Jethanand Uttamchandani of the Other Part.
 the ownership of the said property is invited to submit that
 information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court,        (2) Mortgage dated 31st day of July 1974 recorded in the Registration
 White Park Road, Bridgetown on or before the 13th day of May,        Office of Barbados on the 7th day of August 1974 as Deed No. 4216 of
 2021.                                                                1974 and made between Kishinchand Jethanand Uttamchandani of the
                                                                      One Part and The Bank of Nova Scotia of the Other Part.
               Dated this 25th day of March, 2021.
                                                                      (3) Further Charge dated the 27th day of February 1979 recorded in the
                                                                      Registration Office of Barbados on the 8th day of March 1979 as Deed
 JENNIVIEVE L. MAYNARD Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant               No. 1587 of 1979 and made between Kishinchand Jethanand
 whose place of business and address for service is Inn               Uttamchandani of the One Part and The Bank of Nova Scotia of the
 Chambers, Lucas Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael.                     Other Part.
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                 Thursday March 25, 2021 • 7

speak out in
the face of
growing hate
THE anxiety and pain that Chinese
Americans have long endured with
various cold looks and verbal abuse
were finally ignited by the bullets
and fists from strong white men. The
silent Asians, who are used to
holding back, finally let the whole of
American society hear their own
pained cries.
   Holding signs reading “Asian Lives
Matter” and “Make Racism Wrong Again”
with excited or grave expressions while       Julie Tran holds her phone during a candlelight vigil in Garden Grove, California, the US, on March 17, 2021.
raising their arms and shouting, within a
few days, “Stop Asian Hate”                     Experts told the Global Times that in          was verbally abused by the daughter of a        against Asians, which have gripped my
demonstrations swept across the United        the face of the US government’s increased        famous American politician Daniel               heart,” Choi said.
States. Chinese Americans took to the         hostility toward China and the continued         Patrick Moynihan for no reason on the             Zhou Yanyu, executive president of the
streets along with people from different      festering legacy of former president             street, telling her to “Go Back to China”.      Chinese American Culture Exchange
races and nationalities.                      Donald Trump, deep-seated hatred for             On March 18, two elderly Asians were            Association living in Los Angeles told the
   “This time, Asian Americans will not       Asians will continue to loom over America        violently attacked by a strong man on the       Global Times that since the outbreak of
continue to cower at home and wait for        and further tear it apart.                       streets of San Francisco in one day.            the COVID-19 pandemic, too many
time to wash things away,” Feng Yi, a                                                            While it made people clap their hands         Chinese people have been living in fear,
resident of San Francisco told the Global     Chronic disease further deterioration            for Xie Xiaozhen, the 76-year-old elderly       and have had to be mentally prepared to
Times.                                        “Every time a new attack against Asian           Chinese woman who bravely fought back           deal with the crisis at any time.
   Facing the death of six Asian women in     Americans happens, it will make us feel          against the attacker’s fists, her family told     Now she is leading local Chinese people
an Atlanta shooting and a series of           more vulnerable. We are also tired of the        the Global Times the granny was now in          to join the Asian rights organisations
malevolent crimes against Asians, many        fact that the escalating insults we suffer       a state of panic awaiting the results of        across the US and actively raised money
local Chinese Americans said that they        are being ignored by the authorities over        police investigations to determine              to hire lawyers and provide protection for
are calling on more of their counterparts     and over again,” a Chinese American left         whether racial bias was a motivating            Chinese people who suffered
to “stand up,” “We’re not united just for     a comment under the news of the Atlanta          factor.                                         discrimination.
this highly visible moment, but start         shooting.                                          “There are far more incidents of Asian          Zhou said not long ago, a gang of
together to build a foundation for Asians        The scars of hate and violent crimes          hate around us than what are reported in        teenagers in Orange County harassed her
to gain a foothold in America!”               against Asians have finally been                 the news,” Philip Choi, advisor of the          compatriots around the clock, smashing
   The latest USA Today and Ipsos poll        uncovered after a white 21-year-old              Chinese American Association of                 glass doors with stones.The situation was
found that one in four Americans have         gunman went on a shooting rampage at             Commerce living in San Francisco told           improved when local Chinese people set
recently witnessed Asian people being         three Atlanta-area spas and massage              the Global Times. He also took part in          up patrols to ensure the safety of their
blamed for the COVID-19 pandemic.             parlors.                                         several rallies against anti-Asian racism       communities.
While most Americans believe the                 Although the local police downplayed          in the Bay Area.                                  Zhou pointed out that in the past,
COVID-19 outbreak is a natural disaster,      the killer’s motives as “not racist,” a series     Choi noted that in the past few months,       Chinese people mainly faced verbal
about a quarter of them continue to blame     of vicious incidents subsequently exposed        several elderly Chinese people have died        insults, but now there are many people
it on China.                                  further showed to the world that Asians,         due to violent hate crime attacks in San        who even had their lives seriously
   However, many struggling Chinese           who were originally part of the                  Francisco, and there were also many             threatened.“Currently, we are even afraid
people question how much they can             marginalised groups in the US, were              Chinese shops that were vandalised and          to wear headphones to listen to music
achieve with their protests. How long can     suffering even more harm.                        looted.                                         when walking, because we must always
such a moment of peace and national              On March 14, Maria Ha, a Korean-                “Now the vulnerable groups can more           pay attention to what is going on around
attention be maintained?                      American fashion blogger in New York,            easily be subject to discriminatory cases       us.”

 Shanghai the first to announce COVID-19 vaccine inoculation plan for foreigners in China
FOREIGNERS in Shanghai who meet               in Shanghai will enjoy same policy as               About 882 000 people in Shanghai             need to fly international in the future. I
the requirement will be eligible to take      Chinese nationals. People who do not             have their second COVID-19 vaccination          am young and need to wait a long time
domestic made COVID-19 vaccines,              have medical insurance need to take              and about 836 000 people have had their         to get a vaccine in my home country,”
municipal authorities announced on            vaccines at their own expense, about 100         first dose as of Sunday, according to the       Chris said.
Tuesday night, making Shanghai the            yuan ($15.4) per dose.                           Shanghai Health Commission.                        However, a Filipino said he would
first Chinese city to publicise inoculation     They need to take their permanent                 After Shanghai announced the policy,         listen to World Health Organisation
plan for foreigners. The move has             residence identity card or passport or           the public has been discussing whether          (WHO) advisory and is not in a hurry.
sparked heated discussions on whether         valid residence permit to the designated         more Chinese cities, such as Beijing and        Before the Chinese vaccines are
more cities would follow suit.                sites after successful registration and          Guangzhou which have large expat                approved by the WHO, he prefers Pfizer
   Foreigners in Shanghai who want to         follow the process such as signing an            communities, will follow suit.                  and Moderna, which are not available in
be vaccinated can make an online              informed consent and a disclaimer of                A British education consultant who           China so far.
appointment through the “Health               undertaking.                                     works in Beijing told the Global Times             Chinese vaccine producers Sinopharm
Cloud” app to register starting Monday.         Healthcare professionals will                  that he has been waiting for such a             and Sinovac have submitted materials to
Shanghai is using domestic two-dose           determine whether they are eligible for          policy since his Chinese friends were           the WHO for review, a required step
inactivated vaccines.                         the vaccination based on the information         able to get vaccinated. “Getting                before the organisation can recommend
   Foreigners who have social insurance       they have been given, authorities said.          vaccinated will make me feel safer if I         it.
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
8 • Thursday March 25, 2021                                                                                                                                               The Barbados Advocate

    ‘For the cause that lacks assistance, ‘Gainst the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that I can do’

                 Editorial                                                         People-minded policies
 Development                                                  By Jenique Belgrave

                                                              DO we know our people?
                                                                                                ble in the population
                                                                                                would be given care pack-
                                                                                                ages. While persons were
                                                                                                                                   however, is that while
                                                                                                                                   some of those in the above
                                                                                                                                   mentioned long, winding
                                                                                                                                                                          days of more long lines
                                                                                                                                                                          and frustrated health
                                                                                                                                                                          workers, but the most
                                                                 This question has been         encouraged to call in to re-       supermarket lines, and                 hurtful aspect was all of
 encouraged                                                   forefront in my mind over
                                                              the past months in con-
                                                              templating the various
                                                                                                quest these, it appeared
                                                                                                the belief that those in
                                                                                                need may not have the
                                                                                                                                   those who ran down the
                                                                                                                                   BDF trucks received those
                                                                                                                                   care packages, all of the
                                                                                                                                                                          the elderly who were left
                                                                                                                                                                          waiting in the sun and
                                                                                                                                                                          rain for a one-second jab,

 in Bridgetown                                                decisions made by govern-
                                                              ment as the island
                                                              navigates the COVID-19
                                                                                                means to reach out and
                                                                                                that the perishable goods
                                                                                                would spoil before reach-
                                                                                                                                   truly vulnerable did not.
                                                                                                                                   One can only hope that
                                                                                                                                   through the information
                                                                                                                                                                          and those deemed to be at
                                                                                                                                                                          high-risk being relegated
                                                                                                                                                                          to waiting for a call weeks
THERE has been quite a lot of talk in recent years            environment.                      ing them, propelled the            gleaned by the Welfare                 after those with no NCDs
about tourism development in the country’s capital               We all heard the criti-        move to head into the              Department, the Family                 had received the first
city, and from recent reports it seems poised to hap-         cism levelled at many of          communities and give               Assistance Programme,                  course of their inoculation.
pen this year, once the COVID-19 pandemic permits.            our own for waking at the         these away to each house-          various charity, church                   Imagine if the National
   Many of the projects referred to yesterday in the          crack of dawn and lining          hold.                              and community organisa-                Vaccination Programme
Senate Chamber by the Leader of the Senate, Senator           up for hours to head into            A firm believer only            tions and the District                 had commenced with sev-
Dr. Jerome Walcott, had been previously spoken                the supermarket during            those in real need should          Emergency Organisations                eral satellite centres being
about, but because of COVID they have been unable             the lockdown. Some were           receive, the Barbados              who are supposed to have               opened for those walk-ins,
to get off the ground, and to breathe new life into the       flabbergasted there was a         Defence Force personnel            a list of the vulnerable in            while allowing only those
city. Now if what Minister Walcott says is true, and at       desire to stand in long,          jokingly said my kitchen           their respective districts,            with appointments and
least two hotels are coming to Bridgetown, there is           winding lines for a few           was obviously stocked like         that the majority of these             elderly persons over the
much to celebrate. Not only will these construction           items, and acted as though        Popular when I refused             individuals did.                       age of 70 at certain poly-
projects bring jobs to many Barbadians, directly and          this was not considered to        the package as they made             What about when the                  clinics from the very be-
indirectly, but once completed, the hotels will also be       be a normal reaction due          their way through my               announcement came that                 ginning. But once more, it
employing Barbadians to work. Admittedly, many                to the sense of uncertainty.      neighbourhood. One of my           the vaccine had arrived,               appeared as though we
people hearing of these projects may be apprehensive             Consider what hap-             neighbours chastised me,           and once again it ap-                  were caught unawares as
given the fact that the global pandemic has virtually         pened when the protocols          saying I could not be a            peared we were unaware                 to the interest of the pub-
wiped out our tourism sector, but if we believe that it       were eased, did the fall off      Barbadian and pass up              of the beliefs of our people.          lic in taking the vaccine,
is only for a time, we must be poised, when interna-          in supermarket lines not          ‘freeness’, but there are          Citizens, including our                even though we constantly
tional travel resumes, to welcome people to our shores        occur almost simultane-           still a few of us who know         elderly and those with                 tout that our people are
and to tell of plans in the pipeline to make the desti-       ously? Of course, there           there is no such thing.            chronic non-communica-                 educated and, for the most
nation even more desirable.                                   were those who just               Therefore, Minister Ryan           ble diseases, were encour-             part, responsible.
   Certainly we welcome such development in the cap-          wanted to be able to leave        Straughn’s announcement            aged to register online for               As we progress, there
ital city, and hope that it sparks even more investors        home as going to the su-          on Tuesday night during            appointments, and many                 must be the understand-
to see Bridgetown as an ideal place to invest. The fact       permarket was the only            the Appropriations Bill de-        did diligently. In the next            ing of how decisions will
is that while we have seen some beautification of the         real activity allowed, but        bate that the venture had          breath, however, all others            be viewed, internalised
city over the years in areas such as Church Street,           truly can such a behaviour        cost the public purse $8           were told “come and get                and acted upon by
Constitution River and the Nidhe Israel Synagogue,            be transformed quickly?           million plus was no shock.         the vaccine as no one                  Barbadians due to our tra-
it has not gone far enough. Added to that, since                 Then came the an-              What is saddening and              will be turned away”.                  ditions, our beliefs and our
COVID hit, some businesses in the city have had to            nouncement the vulnera-           somewhat maddening,                Unsurprisingly, this led to            ever changing culture.
close their doors permanently, and sometimes one
has to wonder if Bridgetown is not fast becoming a
ghost town, as more businesspersons also seek to
locate their establishment in commercial hubs outside
of the city.
                                                                            EU and UK try to end row
   So yes, hotels are welcome, but we also want to see
the other commercial initiatives – luxury shops, fine
dining restaurants and the construction of residential
                                                                            with ‘win-win’ on vaccines
accommodation and parks. These are needed if we               THE UK and the                    same pandemic and the                Asked whether the UK                 ficial told the BBC he
want to see true revitalisation of Bridgetown. Indeed,        European Union have               third wave makes co-op-            might retaliate, Mr                    asked for the weekend
then the news that the development of the Golden              said they are working to-         eration between the EU             Johnson told MPs he did                raid to ensure everything
Square Freedom Park is still on the cards is also wel-        gether to improve their           and UK even more impor-            not believe “that block-               was on track
come, but we urge the authorities to ensure that it is        relationship, after weeks         tant,” it said.                    ades of either vaccines or               •     Meanwhile        in
a true green space, much needed in the concrete               of tensions over COVID              “We will continue our            of medicines, of ingredi-              Germany, Chancellor
jungle of the city.                                           vaccine supplies.                 discussions.”                      ents for vaccines” would               Angela Merkel made a
   In that vein, we also urge the authorities to bear in        In a joint statement,             But there was little             be “sensible”. Companies               dramatic U-turn and can-
mind that Bridgetown is still a UNESCO World                  they said they wanted to          harmony earlier yester-            might draw conclusions                 celled a planned five-day
Heritage Site, and so any construction must not put           “create a win-win situa-          day when the Com-                  about future investments               lockdown over Easter
that designation in jeopardy, even though we have not         tion and expand vaccine           mission announced plans            “in countries where arbi-              following widespread crit-
made the most of that honour in the way we should.            supply for all”.                  for all vaccine shipments          trary blockades are im-                icism.
   June will mark the 10th anniversary of Historic              The European Com-               to be assessed on the des-         posed”, he added.                        “This mistake is
Bridgetown and its Garrison receiving that distinc-           mission earlier proposed          tination country’s rate of                                                my mistake alone,” she
tion, and it is one of a few such sites in this part of the   tougher export controls           vaccinations and exports.          Meanwhile, in other                    said
world, but little has been done over the years to cap-        on vaccines, amid ten-            The proposals, which will          developments:                            • EU states are trying
italise on the value, monetary and otherwise, that            sions over supplies of            be put before EU leaders              • Amid continuing                   to speed up their vaccina-
such a designation can bring to our country. Sadly,           the Oxford-AstraZeneca            today, are seen as focused         anger in Europe at                     tion campaigns after a
tourism dependent countries like ours where such              jab.                              on the UK and US in                AstraZeneca, a French                  sluggish start. Italy’s PM
sites are located, have too often seen themselves as            Prime Minister Boris            particular.                        government spokesman                   said he wanted to in-
mostly sun, sand and sea destinations and have failed         Johnson warned that                 EU Health Commis-                said the UK-Swedish                    crease the country’s rate
to tap into the economic potential of their cultural and      “blockades” were not              sioner Stella Kyriakides           company’s failure to de-               of inoculations from
heritage. But all is not lost and there is still time.        “sensible”.                       rejected a suggestion that         liver on its commitments               170,000 to half a million a
   As we are hopefully able to re-engage tourists in the        The joint UK-EU state-          the aim was to punish the          was “totally unaccept-                 month
coming months, as vaccination programmes are rolled           ment said that “openness          UK.                                able”                                    • Some 19 EU states
out around the world to curb the spread of the COVID-         and global co-operation”            “We’re dealing with a               • In Italy, police raided           are recording a rise
19 virus, it is imperative that we market Barbados to         would be key to tackling          pandemic and this is not           a plant where 29 million               in infections – these in-
the hilt, showcasing all of what it has to offer, includ-     the pandemic.                     seeking to punish any              AstraZeneca doses had                  clude Poland, Spain and
ing our various attractions and our rich cultural his-          “We are all facing the          countries,” she said.              been processed. An EU of-              France
tory. Now is also the time to start to make Barbados
the destination of choice for persons wishing to travel,                               Telephone: 467-2000 News Fax: 434-1000         News Editor: Dorian Bryan            Executive Editor: Allison Downes

for as travel resumes worldwide, every destination                                     E-mail Address:      Business Editor: Jewel Brathwaite
                                                                                                                                      Sports Editor: Corey Greaves
                                                                                                                                                                           General Manager: Sandra Clarke
                                                                                                                                                                           Assistant Managing Director: Sean Eteen
will be clamouring for tourists and we must ensure                                     Website:
                                                                                                                                                                           Publisher: Sir Anthony Bryan
that we stand head and shoulders above the rest.
                                                                    @The Barbados Advocate          @barbadosadvocate
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                              Thursday March 25, 2021 • 9

Recovery from COVID-19 must lead to a better world
United Nations partnership                                                                                                                   done.
                                                                                                                                               Tourism, one of the most dynamic sec-
    provides roadmap                                                                                                                         tors in our region and one in which job
                                                                                                                                             creation is strongest, has been one of the
By Dr. Garry Conille with Jomain                                                                                                             hardest hit by the current crisis. Large-
McKenzie                                                                                                                                     and small-scale businesses are calling
                                                                                                                                             for a build-back-better agenda that
Unprecedented challenges,                                                                                                                    embraces tourism in more sustainable,
extraordinary opportunities                                                                                                                  equitable and environmentally respon-
WE are living in unprecedented times.                                                                                                        sible ways. In so doing, we ensure that
COVID-19 continues to devastate health                                                                                                       tourism, as well as the entertainment
systems, cripple economies, and exacer-                                                                                                      and creative industries, regain their po-
bate inequalities across the globe. As I                                                                                                     sitions as providers of decent jobs and
write these words, the Caribbean region                                                                                                      stable incomes and as guardians of our
remains a hotspot of a disease which is                                                                                                      cultural and natural heritage. Beyond
highlighting a simple reality: global                                                                                                        economic indicators, tourism, travel
crises require global solutions.                                                                                                             and entertainment bring people closer
  This pandemic is our opportunity to                                                                                                        together and remind us of our common
strengthen regional collaboration and                                                                                                        humanity.
global solidarity to address our shared                                                                                                        In the heart of the pandemic, the
challenges and move forward. This can                                                                                                        United Nations, supported by its part-
only happen if we are courageous and                                                                                                         ners, directed millions of dollars to am-
dedicated enough to seize the opportuni-                                                                                                     plify the fight against gender-based vio-
ties presented to us.                                                                                                                        lence across the region and the world. In
                                                                                                                                             the Caribbean, through the European
Where do we go from here?                      Garry Conille (PHOTO COURTESY PHOTO UNRCO)     Jomain McKenzie (PHOTO COURTESY PHOTO UNRCO)   Union-funded Spotlight Initiative and
This week Jamaica received its first                                                                                                         others, there was marked acceleration
deliveries of COVAX-funded COVID-19                                                                                                          in the development of virtual and inno-
vaccines and some fifteen Caribbean                                                                                                          vative resources for women and girls, in-
countries will receive just over 2.1 mil-                                                                                                    cluding a greater push for safe transition
lion doses of COVAX vaccines by May.                                                                                                         shelters for victims of abuse. Still, the
Administering and implementing effec-                                                                                                        epidemic of femicide and family violence
tive and equitable COVID-19 vaccina-                                                                                                         still looms – dismantling families, reduc-
tion programmes is one of the first steps                                                                                                    ing the economic workforce and threat-
in the long journey to recover, rebuild                                                                                                      ening to erode the moral fibre of our so-
and re-establish the hard-won levels of                                                                                                      cieties. The women and children of our
development that countries like Jamaica                                                                                                      region deserve better, and they should
have had.                                                                                                                                    not have to wait. This build-back-better
   To further support reconstruction, and                                                                                                    agenda should not leave them behind.
over the coming months, the United
Nations will work with its partners                                                                                                          The time for action is now
across the Caribbean to facilitate the                                                                                                       Now is the time to reinforce our commit-
development of a build-back-better                                                                                                           ment and efforts to build more inclusive
roadmap. The new business plan, a                                                                                                            and sustainable economies and societies
multi-year agreement, will define the                                                                                                        that are resilient in the face of pan-
areas of support and technical co-oper-                                                                                                      demics, climate change and other global
ation that United Nations Country                                                                                                            challenges. The United Nations Decade
Teams will provide to the peoples and                                                                                                        of Action recognises that these chal-
Governments of the Caribbean. We look                                                                                                        lenges require urgency and ambition,
forward to collaborating with all stake-                                                                                                     concrete actions and results. While much
holders to get this done.                                                                                                                    is being done by governments, civil soci-
                                                                                                                                             ety and public-private partnerships, we
Building Back Better grounded in                                                                                                             cannot overlook the power of each indi-
tangible goals and outcomes                    Jamaica’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Kamina              vidual, to not only beat COVID-19, but to
Throughout this process, the common            Johnson Smith (left) and former United Nations Resident Co-ordinator, Bruno                   champion the 2030 Agenda in their daily
compass will remain the 2030 Agenda. If        Pouezat, sign an agreement for the UN Multi-Country Sustainable Development                   lives. From parliaments and board rooms
the past year has taught us anything, it       Framework (MSDF) in Jamaica (January 2017). Looking on is Dr. Wayne Henry,                    to street corners and social media plat-
is that countries will be better placed to     Director General, Planning Institute of Jamaica. (PHOTO COURTESY PHOTO UNRCO)                 forms, each person can commit to better
deal with and recover from shocks, if they                                                                                                   respect the planet, to support a neigh-
are closer to achieving the Sustainable        the socio-economic impact of COVID-19          of other essential health services and if      bour or child in their digital education
Development Goals (SDGs).                      on livelihoods, boost competitiveness and      we strengthen national and global pan-         and to commit to speak justice to vio-
   This growing consensus is highlighted       build resilience, ways to advance innova-      demic preparedness and response all            lence whether it occurs next door or
by recent efforts of global leaders. In 2020   tion and digital transformation, while         while promoting good physical and men-         on the Internet – and especially when it
we witnessed first-hand the Canadian           fostering sustainability and green             tal health among our populations.              victimises women, girls and the most
and Jamaican Prime Ministers’ personal         growth. And we have taken note.                  There is also broad agreement on the         vulnerable among us.
involvement in major UN efforts to link           What we heard is an appetite for: more      need to transform educational models.             There is no doubt there is a great
COVID-19 financing challenges to the           resilient health systems; a transforma-        Because of COVID-19, nearly 95% of chil-       amount of work to do. To quote the
SDGs. We were encouraged by European           tion of educational models; embracing of       dren are out of school across the region.      United Nations Deputy Secretary
Commission President Ursula von der            tourism and entertainment in the build-        While teachers across the region have          General Amina Mohammed: “Piecemeal,
Leyen’s commitment to making sustain-          back-better agenda and doing all of this       been dedicating themselves tirelessly          ad hoc efforts are not enough; we need
ability the core of the Recovery Plan for      in a way that centres the climate and          and selflessly to offering learning alter-     results at scale and a whole-of-UN and
Europe, inspired, in her words, by the         human rights – especially for those who        natives for those who need them, chil-         [whole-of-society] approach. We can
SDGs. We have also seen public devel-          are most vulnerable, including people          dren’s education has still been massively      make this a year of urgency, and the
opment banks agree to align nearly             with disabilities, women and children.         interrupted. This is worsened by a digi-       2020s a Decade of Action to achieve the
$2.3 trillion in annual financing with the        It is now widely accepted that              tal divide resulting in significant in-        Sustainable Development Goals.”
SDGs and the Paris Agreement. The mo-          Universal access to health can no longer       equalities in the provision of and access         We cannot succeed working in isol-
mentum is definitely present.                  be an ideological aspiration but must be       to said available learning alternatives.       ation. Working together we can build a
   At the regional and country levels,         a critical goal with a practical plan of ac-   Despite the heavy toll on our economies,       more inclusive and resilient society be-
our heads of agencies have witnessed           tion and significant investment. To this       there is notable growing support from          ginning with a new multi-year co-opera-
constructive exchanges among govern-           end, our health systems will only recover      individuals, governments, and the pri-         tive agreement that is fit for purpose and
ments, young people, international             if we urgently control further transmis-       vate sector for digitalisation in educa-       leaves no one behind. The region has the
organisations, civil society, and private      sion of COVID-19 (including through ac-        tion, especially for our most vulnerable       full support of the United Nations.
sector experts, passionately debating and      cessible and affordable vaccines for all),     children and those in rural areas. This is        We will build back better if we build
unearthing innovative ways to mitigate         if we protect and maintain the delivery        commendable, but even more can be              back together.
DEBT TRAP FEAR Thursday March 25, 2021 - NET
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