Page created by Laura Hoffman
DentaQuest of Florida, Inc.
                                465 Medford St.
                               Boston, MA 02129

    DentaQuest EPO for Individuals and Families
    Certificate of Coverage

    DQF.IND.COC.HIX 3.15


Dear Member:

You have joined the growing number of individuals who are enhancing their dental health by joining
DentaQuest of Florida, Inc. (DentaQuest). We are proud to have you as our member.

We invite you to take full advantage of your dental benefits. DentaQuest is committed to giving you the
widest range of high quality providers possible, so that you can obtain the best dental care.

Again, welcome to DentaQuest. This Certificate of Coverage explains how to use your dental benefits.
Should you have questions at any time, our member services representatives, at our toll free number
877-453-8457 will be pleased to assist you.

Brett A. Bostrack

President & CEO

DENTAQUEST is in compliance with the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Coverage Act of
2010 (PPACA). If any provision of PPACA conflicts with any of the provisions of this Certificate of
Coverage, the Certificate will be interpreted to be compliant with PPACA.

Visit our website:

                                       DentaQuest of Florida, Inc.
                                            465 Medford St.
                                           Boston, MA 02129

Table of Contents

How to Use Your Dental Benefits .................................................. 3

Helpful Guidelines .......................................................................... 9

Member Rights and Responsibilities .............................................. 9

Plan Definitions ............................................................................ 10

Glossary of Dental Terms ............................................................. 11

Types of Specialists ........................................................................ 11

HIPAA Policy/Notice of Privacy Practices .................................. 12

Exclusions and Limitations ........................................................... 13

Attachment: Benefit Schedule

DentaQuest of Florida, Inc. provides benefits as a Prepaid Limited Health Service Organization as
described in Chapter 636 of the Florida Statutes.

HOW TO USE YOUR DENTAL                         amounts of coverage to cover damage to        the Department of Financial Services,
                                               person or property of Members.                Division of Consumer Services, 200 E.
                                               DentaQuest is not liable for any damage       Gaines Street, Larson Building,
                                               or injury to person or property resulting     Tallahassee, FL 32399,
CUSTOMER SERVICES DEPARTMENT                   directly or indirectly from the negligent     1-877-693-5236.
DentaQuest’s Member Services                   act or omission of or malpractice of a
Representatives are available to assist you    participating dentist or any other dentist    THIRD PARTY INJURY
Our representatives are trained and            or auxiliary providing service to a           If the services rendered are required due
educated on dental terminology and your        Member, whether of an emergency nature        to injury caused by the negligence of a
plan benefits and can assist you with          or any otherwise, or for any other damage     third person, and if the Member receives a
eligibility verification, finding a dentist,   or injury to person or property resulting     recovery against the negligent party, or if
identification card replacements,              from, arising out of or in any way            the Member receives Workers'
explaining your benefits, understanding        connected with any defective or               Compensation or other insurance benefits,
your treatment plan and providing              dangerous conditions in, on, around or        then any DentaQuest dentist shall be
information about dental specialists.          about a participating dental office or such   entitled to charge and collect from the
English, Spanish, and Creole translation       other office or dental facility which may     Member, his/her usual, customary and
services are available.                        provide a service to a Member.                reasonable fees for any dental services
                                               DentaQuest will not be liable or              rendered up to the time and to the extent
DentaQuest of Florida, Inc.                    responsible for any financial agreements      of recovery for such dental services.
465 Medford St.                                made between a participating dentist and
Boston, MA 02129                               a Member.                                     DENTAL RECORDS
877-453-8457                                                                                 Participating dentists are required to keep
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-7 p.m. EST               MEMBER GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE                    records and charts of all dental services
                                               Members are encouraged to attempt to          rendered to Members in accordance with
YOUR BENEFITS                                  resolve any issues or grievances with the     the Florida Dental Practice Act and
Your plan benefit schedule lists all of the    participating dentist without initiating a    Regulations. These records are the
procedures that are covered, as well as the    grievance with DentaQuest. If the             property of the participating dentist. Upon
cost (if any) for each procedure and any       grievance cannot be resolved                  enrollment the member authorizes
limitations or exclusions. You are             satisfactorily, you may submit a grievance    DentaQuest to request and obtain, for use
responsible for paying the cost for any        to DentaQuest, in writing, within 12          exclusively by DentaQuest, Member
procedures performed directly to the dental    months of the incident. The written           records, radiographs or any other
office at the time you receive the services.   grievance must be specifically identified     information from any dentist that has
Payment for any services not listed on the     as a grievance, and must include a            rendered treatment to the Member. Upon
applicable benefit schedule will be the sole   summary of the incident and a statement       the request of the Member, the
responsibility of the member.                  of the action requested of DentaQuest.        participating dentist will furnish copies of
                                               The Member’s name, address,                   x-rays and service records. The
OBTAINING DENTAL SERVICES                      identification number, signature, the         participating dentist has the right to
DentaQuest contracts with dentists to          current date and a copy of the paid           charge the Member an amount not to
provide dental services to our Members.        receipt, if available, if the grievance       exceed the amount charged by the Clerk
You may schedule appointments by               involves a payment issue, must also be        of Courts for the specific county in which
contacting a participating general dental      included. Formal grievances should be         the dental office is located for
office directly, at any time after your        forwarded to:                                 photocopies of dental records and copies
effective date of coverage. Please identify                                                  of x-rays requested by the Member.
yourself as an DentaQuest Member. Make         DentaQuest of Florida, Inc.                   Neither any participating dentist nor
sure that you verify that the dental office    P.O. Box 2906                                 DentaQuest will be required to transfer
is participating with DentaQuest before        Milwaukee, WI 53201-2906                      any original records or x-rays, unless
making each dental appointment and             1-877-453-8457                                required by law.
before receiving services. Pre-approval is     Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-7 p.m. EST
required before obtaining covered                                                            SPECIALIST SERVICES
services from a dental specialist.             The grievance will be reviewed by             DentaQuest contracts with dental
                                               DentaQuest, and the decision will be          specialists in all fields. Oral surgeons for
INDEPENDENT DENTAL FACILITIES                  communicated to the member, in writing.       extractions, periodontists for treatment of
DentaQuest contracts with independently        All grievances shall be processed within 60   the gums, endodontists who specialize in
owned dental offices. All participating        days of receipt. If members are not           root canals, pedodontists for children and
dentists agree to perform their obligations    satisfied with the grievance resolution, a    orthodontists for braces.
in accordance with prevailing professional     second level appeal may be requested. The
standards of the dental profession, to         second level appeal includes presentation     Members are urged to visit their
maintain in full force and effect              to and review by the Grievance                participating general dentist to determine
professional liability (malpractice)           Committee. The determination of the           if specialty care is required. You may call
insurance and to maintain general and          Grievance Committee is final. Members         DentaQuest for a list of participating
premises liability insurance in reasonable     also have the right to submit grievances to

specialists and assistance in accessing        ELIGIBLE DEPENDENTS                            Child-Only Qualified Health Plan. If
specialty care.                                The Primary Subscriber may elect               eligible, the benefits the child will receive
                                               coverage for the following eligible            through this plan are set forth in the
EMERGENCY SERVICES                             dependents:                                    Pediatric Benefit Schedule.
Members are covered for emergency              • The legal spouse of the Primary
dental services at participating dental                                                       ENROLLING DEPENDENTS
offices. If you have a dental emergency,                                                      Eligible dependents must be included on
                                               • The domestic partner of the Primary          the Primary Subscriber’s initial
please call a participating dental office.       Subscriber with proper legal
Emergency office visits may be subject to                                                     application with DentaQuest sent to the
                                                 documentation.                               Marketplace in order to be enrolled in the
additional charges as stipulated in the        • The dependent child of the Primary
applicable benefit schedule. Members are                                                      Plan. Other eligible dependents may be
                                                 Subscriber or spouse or domestic             added to the Primary Subscriber’s
also covered for emergency dental                partner who is under the age of
services while temporarily more than 50                                                       coverage only during the Annual Open
                                                 twenty-six.                                  Enrollment Period or if eligible, Special
miles from a participating dentist.
                                               • Any unmarried child who is currently         Enrollment Period.
Palliative treatment should be obtained
                                                 covered will be eligible for benefits
from a licensed dentist and payment made
                                                 beyond the age of 26 if he or she:           Newly Eligible Dependents as defined
for services rendered. DentaQuest will
                                                 a) is incapable of self-sustaining           above and acquired after initial enrollment
reimburse Members the usual and
                                                    employment by reason of mental or         may be added to the Primary Subscriber’s
customary fees for covered dental
                                                    physical handicap or disability           coverage and enrollment must take place
services, subject to any applicable fees,
                                                 b) is predominately dependent upon           within thirty (30) days of the life change
not exceeding $100.00 per claim. To
                                                    the Primary Subscriber for support        event (marriage, birth, etc.). If the newly
receive reimbursement, the Member must
                                                    and maintenance.                          acquired dependent is not enrolled during
submit the following information to
DentaQuest within ninety (90) days of the                                                     this time period, the dependent will not be
                                               Proof of domestic partnership, or physical     eligible for coverage. Thirty (30) days
date of service:                               or mental handicap may be requested by         prior to the Primary Subscriber’s annual
1. Paid receipt;                               DentaQuest for continued coverage.             renewal date, the Primary Subscriber can
2. Member’s name, ID number, Address                                                          enroll eligible dependents not previously
   and Phone number;                           ENROLLMENT PROCEDURES                          covered. If an enrollment form and
3. Primary subscriber’s name and ID            All initial and subsequent applications for    premium is received by us prior to
   number; and                                 coverage under a Qualified Health Plan         renewal, coverage for the new enrollee
4. Any other supporting documentation          must be sent to the Health Insurance           will be effective at midnight on the
   necessary to process the                    marketplace. The Marketplace will notify       Primary Subscriber’s renewal date.
   reimbursement.                              DentaQuest whether each individual
                                               applicant is a Qualified Individual.           ANNUAL OPEN ENROLLMENT
ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION                                                                     PERIOD
                                               Individuals who are at least 18 years of       If an individual did not enroll in the Initial
SUBSCRIBER ELEIGIBILITY IS                     age and residents of the State of Florida      Enrollment Period but wants to enroll
LIMITED TO RESIDENTS OF                        are eligible for enrollment with               during the next Annual Open Enrollment
FLORIDA.                                       DentaQuest. The Primary Subscriber and         Period, the individual must apply to the
The Health Insurance Marketplace must          any eligible dependents will be covered as     Marketplace who will determine whether
accept an individual’s application and         of midnight on the coverage effective date     the individual is a Qualified Individual.
make an eligibility determination at any       of the application between DentaQuest          The Annual Open Enrollment Period will
point in time during the year in a prompt      and the Individual. DentaQuest’s               occur annually on dates established by the
and timely manner. The Marketplace will        eligibility requirements strictly comply       Marketplace. The Annual Open
provide timely written notification to an      with all applicable federal and state laws,    Enrollment for 2016 will begin November
applicant of the eligibility determination.    rules and regulations.                         1, 2015 and end January 31, 2016.
                                                                                              Qualified Individuals currently enrolled in
SUBSCRIBER ELIGIBLITY                          CHILD-ONLY COVERAGE                            a Qualified Health Plan may also change
To be eligible to be enrolled as the           A dependent child who is under age 19          plans at this time and enrollees will be
Primary Subscriber in this plan, an            may apply to the Health Insurance              notified in writing about the Annual Open
individual must apply to the Health            Marketplace to obtain a Child-Only             Enrollment Period in September of each
Insurance Marketplace. The Marketplace         Qualified Health Plan. The Marketplace         Benefit Year.
will notify DentaQuest if the applicant is a   will determine eligibility and will notify
Qualified Individual. You may also apply       DentaQuest if the child is a Qualified         AUTOMATIC ENROLLMENTS
to enroll any eligible dependent(s) as         Individual. If eligible, the benefits the      The Marketplace may automatically
defined below and the Marketplace will         child will receive through this plan are set   enroll Qualified Individuals for good
determine each dependent’s eligibility as      forth in the Pediatric Benefit Schedule.       cause which will be determined by the
a Qualified Individual.                                                                       Marketplace.
                                               A dependent child who is under age 19
                                               may apply to DentaQuest to obtain a

SPECIAL ENROLLMENT PERIOD                           k. Addition of a dependent through           a.   Failure to timely pay premium in
A Qualified Individual or Enrollee is                  marriage, birth, adoption or                   accordance with the terms of this
allowed to enroll with DentaQuest or                   placement for adoption;                        plan;
change from one Qualified Health Plan to            l. An individual who was not                 b.   DentaQuest discontinues a
another outside the Annual Open                        previously a citizen, national or              particular product or all coverage
Enrollment Period if the individual                    lawfully present, gains such                   in the individual market in
qualifies as a Special Enrollee.                       status;                                        Florida in accordance with
Application for enrollment with                     m. Unintentional error in                         Florida law;
DentaQuest must be made to the                         enrollment, non-enrollment or             c.   The Primary Subscriber has
Marketplace within sixty (60) days from                disenrollment through the                      performed an act or practice
any of the following events:                           Marketplace;                                   constituting fraud or
                                                    n. An enrollee’s Qualified Health                 misrepresentation of a material
    a.   Birth, adoption, or placement for             Plan violates a material provision             fact;
         adoption;                                     of its contract;                          d.   The Primary Subscriber no
    b.   Marriage; or                               o. Becoming newly eligible for                    longer lives in the DentaQuest
    c.   Enrollee loses minimum                        premium tax credits or cost-                   Service Area;
         essential coverage                            sharing reductions due to an              e.   DentaQuest elects to discontinue
                                                       individual’s employer-sponsored                offering dental coverage through
If timely enrolled:                                    coverage becoming unaffordable                 the Health Insurance
     a. Coverage will be effective on the              or no longer provides minimum                  Marketplace.
          date of birth, adoption or                   value;
          placement for adoption;                   p. New Qualified Health Plans            DentaQuest will send the Primary
     b. Coverage will be effective no                  offered in the Marketplace            Subscriber a renewal packet 60 days prior
          later than the first day of the              become available to an                to the plan renewal date which must be
          following month or subsequent                individual as a result of a           signed and returned within 30 days of the
          following month dependent on                 permanent move;                       renewal date in order to renew this plan.
          the time of the month the                 q. Exceptional circumstances as
          application is received by the               determined by the4 Marketplace        GRACE PERIOD
          Marketplace for marriage and                 which prevents or impedes an          If the Primary Subscriber is receiving
          loss of minimum essential                    individual’s ability to enroll in a   premium subsidies, the following
          coverage events.                             timely manner through no fault        provision applies:
                                                       of his or her own (e.g. national
Loss of minimum essential coverage is                  disasters).                           This plan has a 90 day grace period. A
any event that triggers a loss of eligibility                                                grace period means that if any
for other minimum essential coverage.           COVEAGE EFFECTIVE DATE                       requirement premium is not paid on or
Triggering events include:                      A Qualified Individual’s enrollment in       before the date it is due, it may be paid
     a. End of dependent status;                this plan during an Initial, Annual or       during the grace period immediately
     b. Legal separation or divorce             Special Enrollment Period will be            following that premium due date. This
         ending eligibility of a spouse or      effective as of the date provided to Us by   plan will stay in force during the grace
         step-child as a dependent;             the Marketplace.                             period. Premiums must be paid and
     c. Death of the Primary Subscriber                                                      received directly by DentaQuest no later
         ending eligibility for covered         TERM OF AGREEMENT/ENROLLMENT                 than the end of the grace period. The
         dependents;                            This contract shall be for a minimum         grace period does not apply to the
     d. Relocation outside the                  period of 12 months, unless the Primary      premium due on the premium due date if
         DentaQuest Service Area;               Subscriber requests, in writing, a shorter   the Primary Subscriber gave DentaQuest
     e. Termination of employment or            contract period. At the end of the initial   timely written notice that this plan is to be
         reduction in hours needed to           contract term, the policy will               terminated prior to such premium due
         maintain group coverage;               automatically renew each Benefit Year        date. If the premiums are not paid and
     f. Termination of employer                 unless terminated or non-renewed as          received directly by DentaQuest by the
         contributions who has coverage         provided for in this Certificate. Rates      end of the grace period, coverage will
         that is not COBRA or Florida           and plan design changes will occur on a      terminate at midnight on the last day of
         Continuation of Coverage;              Benefit Year basis.                          the first month of the 3 month grace
     g. Exhaustion of COBRA                                                                  period. We will pay all appropriate
         continuation coverage;                 RENEWAL OF COVERAGE                          claims during the first month of the grace
     h. Reaching a lifetime limit on all        DentaQuest guarantees the Primary            period, but may pend claims in the second
         benefits in a grandfather plan;        Subscriber the right to renew this plan      and third months of the grace period.
     i. Termination of Medicaid or              each year. However, DentaQuest may           Claims received during the second and
         CHIP                                   refuse to renew this plan if one of the      third months of the grace period will be
     j. Decertification of Qualified            following circumstances has occurred:        denied if the premium is not received by
         Health Plan outside of the                                                          the end of the grace period.
         Annual Open Enrollment Period;
If the Primary Subscriber is not               Period, the termination effective date will      c) A Member willfully misuses any
receiving premium subsidies, the               be the day before the effective date of the         documents provided as evidence of
following provision applies:                   new coverage.                                       benefits available under this
Premium payments are due in advance, on        TERMINATION OF THIS PLAN DUE                     d) A Member furnishes to DentaQuest
an annual or a calendar month basis.           TO NON-PAYMENT OF PREMIUM                           incorrect or incomplete information
Monthly payments are due on or before                                                              for the purpose of fraudulently
the first day of each month for coverage       If the Primary Subscriber is receiving              obtaining covered Dental Services;
effective during such month. There is a        premium subsidies, the following                 e) A Member permanently relocates from
ten (10) day grace period. This provision      provision applies:                                  the DentaQuest Service Area;
means that if any required premium is not                                                       f) Dependent no longer meets eligibility
paid on or before the date it is due, it may   If the required monthly premium is not              requirements to continue enrollment as
be paid during the grace period. During        received by the end of the 90 day grace             established by the Marketplace.
the grace period, the Certificate will stay    period, We will terminate coverage
in force.                                      effective at midnight on the last day of the        Coverage for Dependents shall
                                               first month of the 3 month grace period.            automatically terminate in the event the
BILLING                                                                                            Primary Subscriber is disenrolled. In
In the event a monthly premium payment         If the Primary Subscriber is not                    the event the disenrolled Member is not
is not received by DentaQuest prior to the     receiving premium subsidies, the                    the Primary Subscriber, DentaQuest
expiration of the grace period,                following provision applies:                        shall have the option to disenroll any
DentaQuest may terminate all coverage                                                              Member listed on the terminated
effective as of the first day of the month     If the required premium is not received by          Member’s enrollment card if the
following the month for which the              the end of the 10 day grace period, we              member is found to have committed
premium was due. The Member’s                  will terminate this plan without prior              any of the acts for disenrollment set
obligation to pay all premium due while        notification, retroactive to the last date for      forth in this section.
coverage remains in effect, shall survive      which premium was received, subject to
termination of this Certificate.               the grace period provision. Termination          TERMINATION OF COVERAGE BY
DentaQuest may, at its discretion,             will be effective as of midnight of the date     THE HEALTH INSURANCE
reinstate coverage if, prior to                that the premium was due.                        MARKETPLACE OR DENTAQUEST
reinstatement, the Member pays all                                                              The Marketplace may terminate coverage
premiums in arrears, all premiums due for      TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP BY                     in a Qualified Health Plan and will also
the current period, and a reinstatement        DENTAQUEST                                       permit DentaQuest to terminate coverage
fee.                                           Coverage for Primary Subscriber and each         for any of the following reasons:
                                               Dependent will cease at midnight on the
PREMIUM                                        last day of the month prior to renewal if            a.   Loss of eligibility to purchase a
The premium that began on the Primary          the Primary Subscriber fails to renew this                Qualified Health Plan through
Subscriber’s coverage effective date will      plan. Coverage will also cease at                         the Marketplace.
not change until January 1 of each Benefit     midnight for a Subscriber or Member if               b.   Nonpayment of premiums
Year. DentaQuest will give the Primary         coverage is terminated for any reason                     provided that the grace period
Subscriber, written notice of any change       specified in this plan.                                   has elapsed.
in premium at least 45 days prior to                                                                c.   Coverage is rescinded.
implementation.                                DentaQuest may also disenroll a Member               d.   DentaQuest terminates or is
                                               at any time for any of the following                      decertified by the Marketplace.
TERMINATION OF THIS PLAN BY                    reasons and will provide 45 days written             e.   An enrollee switches to another
THE PRIMARY SUBSCRIBER                         notice:                                                   Qualified Health Plan during an
The Primary Subscriber may terminate                                                                     Annual Open Enrollment Period
                                               a) A members’ behavior is disruptive,
this plan at any time with appropriate                                                                   or a Special Enrollment Period.
                                                  unruly, abusive, unlawful, fraudulent,
notice of at least 14 days to either              or uncooperative to the extent that the
DentaQuest or the Health Insurance                                                              RESCISSION
                                                  Member’s continuing participation
Marketplace. Coverage will terminate on                                                         DentaQuest will rescind coverage due to an
                                                  would impair DentaQuest’s or a
the date specified or 14 days after                                                             act or practice constituting fraud or an
                                                  Provider’s ability to provide covered
termination is requested, whichever is                                                          intentional misrepresentation of a material
                                                  Dental Services to Member or to other
later.                                                                                          fact. We will provide the Primary
                                                  Members. DentaQuest will make a
                                                                                                Subscriber forty-five (45) days advance
                                                  reasonable effort to resolve any
Should the Primary Subscriber and/or any                                                        written notice before coverage is
                                                  conflict through the use of the
covered dependents terminate coverage                                                           rescinded.
                                                  grievance procedures;
because of eligibility for Medicaid, CHIP      b) A Member commits fraud or makes a
or a Basic Health Plan or termination is                                                        EXTENSION OF BENEFITS
                                                  material misrepresentation in seeking
due to the Primary Subscriber moving                                                            Upon termination of the Certificate, the
                                                  Dental Services;
from one Qualified Health Plan to another                                                       Member may be entitled to Extension of
during an Annual or Special Enrollment                                                          Benefits. Termination of the Certificate

by DentaQuest is without prejudice to any      b) committing fraud or providing a            (1) Plan includes: group and non-group
continuous loss which commenced while             material misrepresentation in applying     insurance contracts, health maintenance
the Certificate was in force. Benefits will       for coverage;                              organization (HMO) contracts, closed
be extended until the specific covered         c) willfully and knowingly misusing the       panel plans or other forms of group or
treatment or procedure undertaken is              Member ID card;                            group type coverage (whether insured or
completed or for ninety (90) days from         d) willfully and knowingly providing          uninsured); medical care components of
the termination date, whichever is the            incorrect or incomplete information to     long-term care contracts, such as skilled
lesser period of time.                            fraudulently obtain coverage;              nursing care; medical benefits under
                                               e) leaving the geographic service area for    group or individual automobile contracts;
DentaQuest Providers shall complete all           the purposes of relocation;                and Medicare or any other federal
treatments and procedures commenced on         f) acting in a way that was so disruptive,    governmental plan, as permitted by law.
Members prior to the effective date of            unruly, abusive or uncooperative that
termination of the Certificate to the extent      continuing coverage would prevent          (2) Plan does not include: hospital
that such Members would have been                 DentaQuest from providing proper           indemnity coverage or other fixed
entitled to receive such Dental Services          services to that person or any other       indemnity coverage; accident only
had this Certificate continued in effect,         patients and the grievance process was     coverage; specified disease or specified
subject to the following conditions:              unable to resolve the problem.             accident coverage; limited benefit health
During the period required for completion                                                    coverage, as defined by state law; school
of such procedures, each Member shall          PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS                       accident type coverage; benefits for non-
continue to pay co-payments, directly to       There are no exclusions for pre-existing      medical components of long-term care
the Participating Dentist, as required         conditions.                                   policies; Medicare supplement policies;
under the applicable Benefit Schedule and                                                    Medicaid policies; or coverage under
all exclusions and limitations in this         BENEFIT WAITING PERIODS                       other federal governmental plans, unless
Certificate will continue to apply during      The benefit waiting period refers to the      permitted by law. Each contract for
the extension;                                 amount of time the Primary Subscriber or      coverage under (1) or (2) is a separate
                                               dependent must wait before receiving          Plan. If a Plan has two parts and COB
The term “treatment or procedures              certain covered plan benefits. Please refer   rules apply only to one of the two, each of
commenced on such Member prior to the          to the Benefit Schedule for any applicable    the parts is treated as a separate Plan.
date of termination" shall be construed to     waiting periods.
mean only those treatments and/or                                                            B. This plan means, in a COB provision,
operative dental procedures actually           COORDINATION OF THIS CONTRACT’S               the part of the contract providing the
commenced but unfinished, such as              BENEFITS WITH OTHER BENEFITS                  health care benefits to which the COB
prosthetic appliances which have been          The Coordination of Benefits (COB)            provision applies and which may be
cast, and dentures commenced but               provision applies when a person has           reduced because of the benefits of other
unfinished, prior to the effective date of     health care coverage under more than one      plans. Any other part of the contract
termination of the Certificate. It shall not   Plan as defined below. The order of           providing health care benefits is separate
include dental defects which may have          benefit determination rules govern the        from this plan. A contract may apply one
been diagnosed, but on which treatment or      order in which each Plan will pay a claim     COB provision to certain benefits, such as
operative work may not have been               for benefits. The Plan that pays first is     dental benefits, coordinating only with
commenced, prior to the effective date of      called the Primary plan. The Primary          similar benefits, and may apply another
termination.                                   plan must pay benefits in accordance with     COB provision to coordinate other
                                               its policy terms without regard to the        benefits.
Any Dependent of a Primary Subscriber          possibility that another Plan may cover
whose coverage with DentaQuest is              some expenses. The Plan that pays after       C. The order of benefit determination
terminated for any reason, may also elect      the Primary plan is the Secondary plan.       rules determine whether This plan is a
to continue coverage with DentaQuest           The Secondary plan may reduce the             Primary plan or Secondary plan when the
directly if he/she was enrolled in a           benefits it pays so that payments from all    person has health care coverage under
DentaQuest plan at the time of                 Plans, does not exceed 100% of the total      more than one Plan. When This plan is
termination and he/she meets                   Allowable expense.                            primary, it determines payment for its
DentaQuest’s eligibility requirements.                                                       benefits first before those of any other
                                               DEFINITIONS                                   Plan without considering any other Plan’s
A Member may elect to continue                                                               benefits. When This plan is secondary, it
coverage under any of the individual           A. A Plan is any of the following that        determines its benefits after those of
plans offered by DentaQuest.                   provides benefits or services for medical     another Plan and may reduce the benefits
                                               or dental care or treatment. If separate      it pays so that all Plan benefits do not
However, a person may not convert to           contracts are used to provide coordinated     exceed 100% of the total Allowable
individual coverage if the loss of coverage    coverage for members of a group, the          expense.
was due to the Member:                         separate contracts are considered parts of
                                               the same plan and there is no COB among       D. Allowable expense is a health care
a) failing to pay Premium;                     those separate contracts.                     expense, including deductibles,
                                                                                             coinsurance and copayments, that is

covered at least in part by any Plan           person has failed to comply with the Plan     D. Each Plan determines its order of
covering the person. When a Plan               provisions is not an Allowable expense.       benefits using the first of the following
provides benefits in the form of services,     Examples of these types of plan               rules that apply:
the reasonable cash value of each service      provisions include second surgical
will be considered an Allowable expense        opinions, precertification of admissions,     (1) Non-Dependent or Dependent. The
and a benefit paid. An expense that is not     and preferred provider arrangements.          Plan that covers the person other than as a
covered by any Plan covering the person                                                      dependent, for example as an employee,
is not an Allowable expense. In addition,      E. Closed panel plan is a Plan that           member, policyholder, subscriber or
any expense that a provider by law or in       provides health care benefits to covered      retiree is the Primary plan and the Plan
accordance with a contractual agreement        persons primarily in the form of services     that covers the person as a dependent is
is prohibited from charging a covered          through a panel of providers which have       the Secondary plan. However, if the
person is not an Allowable expense. The        contracted with or are employed by the        person is a Medicare beneficiary and, as a
following are examples of expenses that        Plan, and that excludes coverage for          result of federal law, Medicare is
are not Allowable expenses:                    services provided by other providers,         secondary to the Plan covering the person
                                               except in cases of emergency or referral      as a dependent; and primary to the Plan
(1) The difference between the cost of a       by a panel member. Custodial parent is        covering the person as other than a
semi-private hospital room and a private       the parent awarded custody by a court         dependent (e.g. a retired employee); then
hospital room is not an Allowable              decree or, in the absence of a court          the order of benefits between the two
expense, unless one of the Plans provides      decree, is the parent with whom the child     Plans is reversed so that the Plan covering
coverage for private hospital room             resides more than one half of the calendar    the person as an employee, member,
expenses.                                      year excluding any temporary visitation.      policyholder, subscriber or retiree is the
                                                                                             Secondary plan and the other Plan is the
(2) If a person is covered by 2 or more        ORDER OF BENEFIT                              Primary plan.
Plans that compute their benefit payments      DETERMINATION RULES
on the basis of usual and customary fees                                                     (2) Dependent Child Covered Under More
or relative value schedule reimbursement       When a person is covered by two or more       Than One Plan. Unless there is a court
methodology or other similar                   Plans, the rules for determining the order    decree stating otherwise, when a
reimbursement methodology, any amount          of benefit payments are as follows:           dependent child is covered by more than
in excess of the highest reimbursement                                                       one Plan the order of benefits is
amount for a specific benefit is not an        A. The Primary plan pays or provides its      determined as follows: (a) For a
Allowable expense.                             benefits according to its terms of coverage   dependent child whose parents are
                                               and without regard to the benefits of         married or are living together, whether or
(3) If a person is covered by 2 or more        under any other Plan.                         not they have ever been married:
Plans that provide benefits or services on                                                   • The Plan of the parent whose birthday
the basis of negotiated fees, an amount in     B. (1) Except as provided in Paragraph        falls earlier in the calendar year is the
excess of the highest of the negotiated        (2), a Plan that does not contain a           Primary plan; or
fees is not an Allowable expense.              coordination of benefits provision that is    • If both parents have the same birthday,
                                               consistent with this regulation is always     the Plan that has covered the parent the
(4) If a person is covered by one Plan that    primary unless the provisions of both         longest is the Primary plan.
calculates its benefits or services on the     Plans state that the complying plan is
basis of usual and customary fees or           primary. (2) Coverage that is obtained by     (b) For a dependent child whose parents
relative value schedule reimbursement          virtue of membership in a group that is       are divorced or separated or not living
methodology or other similar                   designed to supplement a part of a basic      together, whether or not they have ever
reimbursement methodology and another          package of benefits and provides that this    been married:
Plan that provides its benefits or services    supplementary coverage shall be excess to     (i) If a court decree states that one of the
on the basis of negotiated fees, the           any other parts of the Plan provided by       parents is responsible for the dependent
Primary plan’s payment arrangement shall       the contract holder. Examples of these        child’s health care expenses or health care
be the Allowable expense for all Plans.        types of situations are major medical         coverage and the Plan of that parent has
However, if the provider has contracted        coverage that are superimposed over base      actual knowledge of those terms, that Plan
with the Secondary plan to provide the         plan hospital and surgical benefits, and      is primary. This rule applies to Benefit
benefit or service for a specific negotiated   insurance type coverage that are written in   Years commencing after the Plan is given
fee or payment amount that is different        connection with a Closed panel plan to        notice of the court decree;
than the Primary plan’s payment                provide out-of-network benefits.
arrangement and if the provider’s contract                                                   (ii) If a court decree states that both
permits, the negotiated fee or payment         C. A Plan may consider the benefits paid      parents are responsible for the dependent
shall be the Allowable expense used by         or provided by another Plan in calculating    child’s health care expenses or health care
the Secondary plan to determine its            payment of its benefits only when it is       coverage, the provisions of Subparagraph
benefits.                                      secondary to that other Plan.                 (a) above shall determine the order of
(5) The amount of any benefit reduction
by the Primary plan because a covered
(iii) If a court decree states that the        ignored. This rule does not apply if the      payable under This plan and other Plans.
parents have joint custody without             rule labeled D(1) can determine the order     Organization responsibility for COB
specifying that one parent has                 of benefits.                                  administration] may get the facts it needs
responsibility for the health care expenses                                                  from or give them to other organizations
or health care coverage of the dependent       (5) Longer or Shorter Length of               or persons for the purpose of applying
child, the provisions of Subparagraph (a)      Coverage. The Plan that covered the           these rules and determining benefits
above shall determine the order of             person as an employee, member,                payable under This plan and other Plans
benefits; or                                   policyholder, subscriber or retiree longer    covering the person claiming benefits.
                                               is the Primary plan and the Plan that         Organization responsibility for COB
(iv) If there is no court decree allocating    covered the person the shorter period of      administration] need not tell, or get the
responsibility for the dependent child’s       time is the Secondary plan.                   consent of, any person to do this. Each
health care expenses or health care                                                          person claiming benefits under This plan
coverage, the order of benefits for the        (6) If the preceding rules do not determine   must give Organization responsibility for
child are as follows:                          the order of benefits, the Allowable          COB administration] any facts it needs to
• The Plan covering the Custodial parent;      expenses shall be shared equally between      apply those rules and determine benefits
• The Plan covering the spouse of the          the Plans meeting the definition of Plan.     payable.
Custodial parent;                              In addition, This plan will not pay more
• The Plan covering the non-custodial          than it would have paid had it been the       FACILITY OF PAYMENT
parent; and then                               Primary plan.
• The Plan covering the spouse of the non-                                                   A payment made under another Plan may
custodial parent.                              EFFECT ON THE BENEFITS OF THIS                include an amount that should have been
                                               PLAN                                          paid under This plan. If it does,
(c) For a dependent child covered under                                                      Organization responsibility for COB
more than one Plan of individuals who are      A. When This plan is secondary, it may        administration may pay that amount to the
the parents of the child, the provisions of    reduce its benefits so that the total         organization that made that payment. That
Subparagraph (a) or (b) above shall            benefits paid or provided by all Plans        amount will then be treated as though it
determine the order of benefits as if those    during a Benefit Year are not more than       were a benefit paid under This plan.
individuals were the parents of the child.     the total Allowable expenses. In              Organization responsibility for COB
                                               determining the amount to be paid for any     administration will not have to pay that
(3) Active Employee or Retired or Laid-        claim, the Secondary plan will calculate      amount again. The term “payment made”
off Employee. The Plan that covers a           the benefits it would have paid in the        includes providing benefits in the form of
person as an active employee, that is, an      absence of other health care coverage and     services, in which case “payment made”
employee who is neither laid off nor           apply that calculated amount to any           means the reasonable cash value of the
retired, is the Primary plan. The Plan         Allowable expense under its Plan that is      benefits provided in the form of services.
covering that same person as a retired or      unpaid by the Primary plan. The
laid-off employee is the Secondary plan.       Secondary plan may then reduce its            RIGHT OF RECOVERY
The same would hold true if a person is a      payment by the amount so that, when
dependent of an active employee and that       combined with the amount paid by the          If the amount of the payments made by
same person is a dependent of a retired or     Primary plan, the total benefits paid or      Organization responsibility for COB
laid-off employee. If the other Plan does      provided by all Plans for the claim do not    administration is more than it should have
not have this rule, and as a result, the       exceed the total Allowable expense for        paid under this COB provision, it may
Plans do not agree on the order of             that claim. In addition, the Secondary plan   recover the excess from one or more of
benefits, this rule is ignored. This rule      shall credit to its plan deductible any       the persons it has paid or for whom it has
does not apply if the rule labeled D(1) can    amounts it would have credited to its         paid; or any other person or organization
determine the order of benefits.               deductible in the absence of other health     that may be responsible for the benefits or
                                               care coverage.                                services provided for the covered person.
(4) COBRA or State Continuation                                                              The “amount of the payments made”
Coverage. If a person whose coverage is        B. If a covered person is enrolled in two     includes the reasonable cash value of any
provided pursuant to COBRA or under a          or more Closed panel plans and if, for any    benefits provided in the form of services.
right of continuation provided by state or     reason, including the provision of service
other federal law is covered under another     by a non-panel provider, benefits are not     HELPFUL GUIDELINES
Plan, the Plan covering the person as an       payable by one Closed panel plan, COB         For Making the Most of Your Dental Plan
employee, member, subscriber or retiree        shall not apply between that Plan and
or covering the person as a dependent of       other Closed panel plans.                     What to Do in Case of Dental Emergency
an employee, member, subscriber or                                                           If you should have a dental emergency,
retiree is the Primary plan and the            RIGHT TO RECEIVE AND RELEASE                  don’t panic. Call a DentaQuest
COBRA or state or other federal                NEEDED INFORMATION                            participating dental office for an
continuation coverage is the Secondary                                                       appointment. If the office is not available
plan. If the other Plan does not have this     Certain facts about health care coverage      immediately, call the DentaQuest Member
rule, and as a result, the Plans do not        and services are needed to apply these        Services Department for assistance with
agree on the order of benefits, this rule is   COB rules and to determine benefits

obtaining an emergency appointment. In         To read the benefit schedules and           through an application submitted or
case of an acute emergency, seek                familiarize yourself with all of the        transmitted to the Marketplace for
immediate hospital care.                        aspects of the dental plan.                 enrollment in this plan.
                                               To cooperate and be respectful of the
How to Schedule an Appointment                  participating dentist and dental office     “Benefit Schedule” or “Benefit
Not everyone can get an appointment             staff.                                      Schedules” shall mean those dental
early in the morning or late in the            To give the participating dentist and       services to which a Member is entitled,
afternoon. If you are flexible with your        the dental office staff accurate and        subject to all provisions, definitions, and
time, appointment availability will             complete information needed to care         limitations outlined in the Certificate of
increase significantly. Make sure you are       for you.                                    Coverage.
visiting a DentaQuest participating dentist    To keep your scheduled appointments
                                                and be on time. To notify the               “Benefit Year” means: a calendar year for
It is very important to keep your               participating dental office as soon as      which the Plan provides coverage for
scheduled appointments. If you need to          possible when you cannot make an            dental benefits.
cancel, please contact the dental office        appointment.
within 24 hours before your scheduled          To respect the rights of fellow             “Certificate of Coverage or Certificate”
visit. Your dental office may have a fee        patients.                                   means this written document which is the
for broken or missed appointments, which       To follow the treatment plan and            agreement between the individual and
will be your responsibility.                    instructions for dental care that you       DentaQuest whereby coverage and
                                                have agreed to with your participating      benefits specified herein will be provided
MEMBER RIGHTS AND                               dentist and dental office staff.            to Members. The Certificate, Plan
                                               To carry your identification card and       Information        Page,        enrollment
RESPONSIBILITIES                                                                            applications, addenda exhibits, riders,
                                                present it before you receive services.
                                               To pay all charges for missed               schedules of benefits and any amendments
YOUR RIGHTS:                                    appointments and services not covered       which may be incorporated in this
 To be treated with courtesy and               by the dental plan.                         Certificate from time to time constitutes
  respect with appreciation, dignity and       To pay all co-payments (if applicable)      the entire agreement between the Primary
  protection of your privacy.                   at the time services are rendered.          Subscriber and DentaQuest.
 To know what member services are             To follow the participating dental
  available and to be assisted promptly         office rules and regulations regarding      “Deductible” is the total amount a
  and courteously.                              patient care and conduct.                   Member must pay toward covered
 To know who the DentaQuest                   To receive services only from               treatment per Benefit Year before dental
  participating dentists are.                   participating general dentists and pre-     benefits are paid by DentaQuest. Please
 To be given information by your               approved participating specialists          refer to the Benefit Schedule for
  participating dentist concerning              except for dental emergencies outside       applicable Deductibles.
  diagnosis, planned course of treatment,       of the service area, or hospital care for
  alternatives, risks and expected              acute emergencies.                          “Dental Office”, “Dental Facility”,
  outcomes.                                                                                 “Participating Dental Office”, or
 To refuse treatment and to ask the          PLAN DEFINITIONS                              “Participating Dental Facility” shall mean
  participating dentist about the                                                           the location of a Participating General
                                              “Act” means the Patient Protection and
  consequences of refusing treatment.                                                       Dentist’s or Participating Specialist’s
                                              Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
 To be given access to dental services                                                     office where Member may obtain Dental
  regardless of your race, national                                                         Services.
                                              “Acute emergency” shall mean a situation
  origin, religion or physical handicap.
                                              where the provision of emergency
 To receive information about the                                                          “Dental Services” shall mean those dental
                                              medical services is necessary to evaluate
  dental plan.                                                                              services set forth in the applicable Benefit
                                              or treat a medical condition manifesting
 To voice complaints or file a grievance                                                   Schedule and determined by the Dentist to
                                              itself by the sudden and/or at the time,
  about the dental plan or the dental                                                       be required to establish and maintain the
                                              unexpected onset of symptoms that
  services you receive.                                                                     Member’s good oral health.
                                              require immediate medical attention and
 To participate in making decisions
                                              for which failure to provide medical
  with the participating dentist about                                                      “Effective Date of Coverage” or
                                              attention would result in serious
  your dental care.                                                                         “Effective Date” shall mean, as to an
                                              impairment to bodily function.
 To confidentiality of your dental                                                         individual Member, the first (1st) day of
  records and all other information                                                         the month after such Member has
                                              “Annual Maximum/Maximum Benefit”
  unless you allow it to be released, or                                                    enrolled, has satisfied any applicable
                                              means the total amount DentaQuest will
  unless the law requires it to be                                                          waiting period or is a Dependent or a
                                              make per covered adult Member for
  released.                                                                                 Primary Subscriber. Coverage is effective
                                              covered dental services per Benefit Year.
                                                                                            at 12:00 a.m., local standard time on the
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:                                                                      date so specified on the Plan Information
                                              “Applicant” means an individual who is
                                              seeking eligibility for him or herself        Page.

“Emergency Dental Services” shall mean        “Out-of-Pocket Maximum” means the               Bridge: A prosthetic replacement of one
those services which are required             maximum amount a Member will pay in             or more missing teeth.
immediately due to an injury or               deductible and coinsurance for allowable
unforeseen condition, and which provide       expenses in any Benefit Year. Please            Cavity: A hole in one of your teeth
for the relief of pain or prevent worsening   refer to the Benefit Schedule for               caused by decay.
of any condition that would be caused by      applicable Out-of-Pocket amounts.
delay. Refer also to the definition of                                                        Crown: Also called a cap, a lab
Acute Emergency.                              “Palliative Treatment” shall mean only          fabricated false tooth used to restore a
                                              those procedures which alleviate pain or        tooth that has heavy decay, a fracture or a
“Enrollee” means a Qualified Individual       discomfort.                                     root canal.
enrolled in a Qualified Health Plan.
                                              “Premium” shall mean the advance                Examination/Oral Evaluation: A
“Experimental” shall mean any                 payments due to DentaQuest on behalf of         thorough examination of the hard and soft
evaluation, treatment or therapy which        Members to receive Dental Services as set       tissues of the oral cavity and surrounding
involves the application, administration or   forth in this Certificate.                      structures.
use of procedures, techniques, equipment,
supplies, products or remedies that are       “Primary Subscriber” shall mean the             Extraction: Removal of a tooth.
considered experimental by DentaQuest         Qualified Individual who is eligible to
based on reports, articles or written         enroll on behalf of himself/herself and         Fluoride: A substance applied to teeth
assessments published by the American         his/her Dependents with DentaQuest for          after a cleaning is performed. Fluoride
Dental Association or in other                Dental Services through the Marketplace.        helps prevent tooth decay by stopping the
authoritative medical and scientific                                                          breakdown of enamel.
literature published in the United States.    “Provider” or “Participating Dentist” shall
                                              mean a participating general dentist or         Gingivitis: The inflammation of your
“Fees” shall mean the specific dollar         specialist who has executed an agreement        gums. The first sign of gum disease.
amount or percentage discount, as             with DentaQuest to provide Dental
specified in the applicable Benefit           Services to Members.                            Impacted Tooth: A tooth that is unable
Schedule, payable by the Member directly                                                      to break through the gums.
to the Provider upon receipt of covered       “Qualified Health Plan (QHP)” means a
Dental Services. A Member is not              health benefit plan that has in effect a        Malocclusion: Improper alignment of
responsible for paying contracted fees        certification that it meets the standards       biting or chewing surfaces of upper and
owed by DentaQuest to its Participating       described in the Act, or recognized by          lower teeth.
Providers.                                    each Marketplace through which the plan
                                              is offered.                                     Medically Necessary Orthodonture
“Health Insurance Marketplace                                                                 means for enrollees under the age of 19, a
(Marketplace)” means a governmental           “Qualified Individual” means an                 severe handicapping malocclusion as
agency or non-profit entity that makes        individual who has been determined              defined by an IAF Score of 26 and/or one
Qualified Health Plans available to           eligible to enroll in a Qualified Health        or more auto qualifier.
Qualified Individuals. Unless otherwise       Plan through the Marketplace.
identified, this term refers to State                                                         Plaque: A sticky, white film of bacteria
Exchanges, regional Exchanges,                “Service Area” means the geographic area        that forms on teeth, causing tooth decay,
subsidiary Exchanges and a Federally-         in Florida in which DentaQuest has              inflammation of the gums, periodontal
qualified Exchange.                           contracted with a network of dental             disease and bad breath.
                                              providers as set forth in the Dental
“Identification Card” shall mean, a card      Provider Directory.                             Prophylaxis/Cleaning: Cleaning, scaling
issued by DentaQuest to Members                                                               and polishing procedure performed to
enrolled in this Plan. The Identification                                                     remove plaque, tartar and stains from
Card is the property of DentaQuest and is                                                     teeth above the gum line.
not transferable to another person.           GLOSSARY OF DENTAL TERMS
Possession of such card in no way verifies                                                    Periodontal Scaling/Deep Cleaning: The
eligibility to receive benefits under this    Amalgam “Silver” Filling: A metal               removal of plaque and tartar from the
Agreement.                                    restoration that has a silver-like color used   crowns and root surfaces above and under
                                              to fill cavities in teeth caused by decay.      the gum in Members with periodontal
“Member” shall mean the Primary                                                               disease. A routine prophylaxis/cleaning
Subscriber, including a Dependent, for        Anesthesia (local): A drug used by a            cannot be performed on a Member with
whom all premiums have been paid to           dentist to put your mouth to sleep so that      untreated periodontal disease.
DentaQuest when due and who is enrolled       you don’t feel any pain during dental
and entitled to receive Dental Services       procedures.                                     Resin “White” Filling: A plastic-like
pursuant to this Certificate.                                                                 filling that is tooth colored and is used to
                                                                                              fill cavities in teeth caused by decay.
                                                                                              These fillings can be used on both front

and back teeth enhancing a cosmetic               This Notice takes effect 04/14/03, and will   authorization, we cannot use or disclose
effect.                                           remain in effect until we replace it.         your health information for any reason
                                                                                                except those described in this Notice.
                                                  We reserve the right to change our
Root Canal: Removal of the pulp inside a          privacy practices and the terms of this       To Your Family and Friends: We must
tooth and its roots due to infection or           Notice at any time, provided such changes     disclose your health information to you,
fracture.                                         are permitted by applicable law. We           as described in the Member Rights section
                                                  reserve the right to make the changes in      of this Notice. We may disclose your
Sealant: Protective plastic coating that          our privacy practices and the new terms of    health information to a family member,
covers grooves in healthy teeth to prevent        our Notice effective for all health           friend or other person to the extent
decay. Sealants are usually applied to            information that we maintain, including       necessary to help with your healthcare or
permanent back teeth.                             health information we created or received     with payment for your healthcare, but
                                                  before we made the changes. Before we         only if you agree that we may do so.
Space Maintainer: An appliance inserted           make a significant change in our privacy
in the mouth to prevent drifting and                                                            Persons Involved In Care: We may use
                                                  practices, we will change this Notice and
crowding of teeth after removal of a baby                                                       or disclose health information to notify, or
                                                  make the new Notice available upon
tooth.                                                                                          assist in the notification of (including
                                                                                                identifying or locating) a family member,
                                                  You may request a copy of our Notice at       your personal representative or another
                                                  any time. For more information about our      person responsible for your care, of your
                                                  privacy practices, or for additional copies   location, your general condition, or death.
Endodontist: Specializes in root canal            of this Notice, please contact us using the   If you are present, then prior to use or
therapy.                                          information listed at the end of this         disclosure of your health information, we
                                                  Notice.                                       will provide you with an opportunity to
Oral Surgeon: Specializes in extractions                                                        object to such uses or disclosures. In the
and surgery.                                                                                    event of your incapacity or emergency
                                                  USES AND DISCLOSURES OF
                                                  HEALTH INFORMATION                            circumstances, we will disclose health
Orthodontist: Specializes in adjustment                                                         information based on a determination
                                                  We use and disclose health information
of bite and braces.                                                                             using our professional judgment
                                                  about you for treatment, payment, and
                                                  healthcare operations. For example:           disclosing only health information that is
Pedodontist: Specializes in the care of                                                         directly relevant to the person’s
children.                                         Treatment: We may use or disclose your
                                                  health information to a dentist or other      involvement in your healthcare. We will
                                                  healthcare provider providing treatment to    also use our professional judgment and
Periodontist: Specializes in the care of                                                        our experience with common practice to
gums.                                             you.
                                                                                                make reasonable inferences of your best
                                                  Payment: We may use and disclose your         interest in allowing a person to pick up
Prosthodontist: Specializes in the                health information to make payments for       dental payment records, dental records,
replacement of missing teeth (dentures            services provided to you.                     study models, x-rays, or other similar
and bridges).                                                                                   forms of health information.
                                                  Healthcare Operations: We may use and
                                                  disclose your health information in           Marketing Health-Related Services: We
                                                  connection with our healthcare operations.    will not use your health information for
                                                  Healthcare operations include quality         marketing communications without your
HIPAA POLICY/NOTICE OF                            assessment and improvement activities,        written authorization.
                                                  reviewing the competence or
PRIVACY PRACTICES                                                                               Required by Law: We may use or
                                                  qualifications of healthcare professionals,
This notice describes how health                  evaluating practitioner and provider          disclose your health information when we
information about you may be used and             performance, conducting training              are required to do so by law.
disclosed and how you can get access to           programs, accreditation, certification,       Abuse or Neglect: We may disclose your
this information. Please review it                licensing or credentialing activities.        health information to appropriate
carefully. The privacy of your health                                                           authorities if we reasonably believe that
information is important to us.                   Your Authorization: In addition to our
                                                  use of your health information for            you are a possible victim of abuse,
                                                  treatment, payment or healthcare              neglect, or domestic violence or the
OUR LEGAL DUTY                                                                                  possible victim of other crimes. We may
We are required by applicable federal and         operations, you may give us written
                                                  authorization to use your health              disclose your health information to the
state law to maintain the privacy of your                                                       extent necessary to avert a serious threat
health information. We are also required to       information or to disclose it to anyone for
                                                  any purpose. If you give us an                to your health or safety or the health or
give you this Notice about our privacy                                                          safety of others.
practices, our legal duties, and your rights      authorization, you may revoke it in
concerning your health information. We            writing at any time. Your revocation will     National Security: We may disclose to
must follow the privacy practices that are        not affect any use or disclosures permitted   military authorities the health information
described in this Notice while it is in effect.   by your authorization while it was in         of Armed Forces personnel under certain
                                                  effect. Unless you give us a written

You can also read