Department of Conservation Chatham Islands Staff Development and Volunteer Opportunities Threatened species monitoring and management 2018/19 ...

Page created by Jose Lowe
Department of Conservation
    Chatham Islands Staff Development and Volunteer Opportunities
      Threatened species monitoring and management - 2018/19

The Chatham Islands District Office is offering opportunities for Department of Conservation
employees and volunteers to participate in the 2018/19 threatened species programmes in
the Chatham Islands on the islands of Mangere or Rangatira (South East Island). This is a
chance to work with some of New Zealand’s rarest and endemic threatened flora and fauna
in a spectacular oceanic environment.
The threatened species fauna programmes include work on New Zealand shore plover,
Chatham petrel, black robin, Forbes’ parakeet and other forest birds.
Flora work across these four islands involves weed control, seed collection, track clearance
and other flora related work.
Volunteers will also assist with biosecurity tasks and maintenance of island facilities.

Skills Development:
Skills that will be developed through this opportunity include first hand experience in
threatened fauna species monitoring and management techniques. Development
opportunities are practical in nature, but relevant to staff involved in delivery, project
management and support roles for threatened species programmes in the Department.
This programme is targeted at Department of Conservation staff and volunteers with some
existing skills in the appropriate area with the intention of further developing these skills.
It is not a baseline training opportunity. It also offers a chance for skilled staff considering a
permanent position with the Chatham Islands Office to see a sample of the work carried out
in this unique and wild environment. Details of the experience and skills required are
stipulated under each trip description.

Applicants must have the appropriate skills necessary to carry out the work required as
described in the trip brief. Applicants who proceed to the interview stage will also be
required to submit a medical questionnaire to DOC-appointed medical professional. Please
note that priority is given to New Zealand citizens and residents.

Work Conditions:
A DOC team leader will supervise participants. The work environment is isolated, and the
terrain is rugged. At times participants will be required to work in wet and cold weather,
over steep, muddy and rocky terrain. Living quarters are confined and you will be sharing
bunk rooms. It is vital that team members are adaptable and comfortable in close living
proximity to others.
It is important to note that transport to the outer islands is via chartered fishing vessel and is
therefore highly weather dependant. Expect travel plans to be altered or delayed by a few
days. Dates given below therefore may vary. Flights on and off main Chatham to NZ can also
be subject to delays. When booking internal NZ flights to departure and arrival airports,
insurance cover and/or flexible tickets should be considered.

Chatham Islands Staff development and volunteer opportunities 2018/19                            1
Trip Overview:
Five development/volunteer trips are planned this season. Trip duration varies between 2
to 5 weeks. Dates given for the trips are the expected flight dates to and from the Chatham’s
and will vary depending on whether participants are arriving from Wellington (Monday,
Wednesday and Friday flights), Christchurch (Tuesday flights) or Auckland (Thursday with
Saturday flights during the summer only).

Summary of opportunities
Trip   Island/s          Focus                      No of Staff    Dates – inclusive of travel
No.                                                 volunteer      dates from NZ (based on
                                                    positions      Monday and Friday flights to and
                                                                   from Wellington)

1      Mangere           Black robin census,        4              28th Sept – 12th Oct 2018
                         forest bird transects,
                         Forbes’ parakeet
                         distance sampling, shore
                         plover census
2      Rangatira         Black robin census,        3-4            15th Oct – 12th Nov 2018
                         Chatham petrel burrow
                         opening, shore plover
3      Rangatira         Shore plover banding &     3              28th Jan – 13th Feb 2019
                         census; Chatham petrel
4      Mangere           Black robin census &       2              22nd Feb – 11th March 2019
                         banding (plus weed
                         control and seed
5      Rangatira         Black robin census &       4              13th March – 17th April
                         banding, Chatham petrel                   2019
                         monitoring and banding,
                         seed collection

Chatham Islands Staff development and volunteer opportunities 2018/19                                 2
Trip details

Dates inclusive of travel to and from Chathams

Trip 1: 28th Sept – 12th Oct 2017 (2 weeks)
        Black robin census
        Forest bird transects
        Forbes’ parakeet distance sampling
        Shore plover census.
Team composition (4): 1 Chatham Island Biodiversity Ranger/Team Leader, plus 4
Development Staff/Volunteers
Skills required: competence in forest bird survey work, reading colour bands, using GPS. For
two of the positions experience with bird transects will be essential.

Trip 2: 15th Oct – 12th Nov 2018 (4 weeks)
        Black robin census
        Chatham petrel burrow opening
        Shore plover census
Biosecurity monitoring will also be carried out.
Team composition (3-4): 1 Chatham Island Biodiversity Ranger/Team Leader, plus 3-4 Staff
Development /Volunteers
Skills required: competence in forest bird survey work, reading colour bands, using GPS.

Trip 3: 28th Jan – 13th Feb 2019 (2 ½ weeks)
        Shore plover census and banding
        Chatham petrel monitoring and banding
Bait station maintenance will also be carried out. Weed control may be carried out.
Team composition (4): 1 Chatham Island Biodiversity Rangers/Team Leader, plus 3 Staff
Development /Volunteers
Skills required: For two of the positions L2 certification in banding seabirds is essential. For
the third position wader handling skills are required.

Trip 4: 22nd Feb – 11th March 2019 (2 ½ weeks)
       Black robin census & banding
       Seed collection
Bait station maintenance will also be carried out.
Team composition (4): 1 Chatham Island Biodiversity Ranger/Team Leader plus 2 staff

Chatham Islands Staff development and volunteer opportunities 2018/19                              3
Skills required: competence in forest bird survey work, reading colour bands, using GPS. L2
bird bander (passerines) an advantage.

Trip 5: 13th March – 17th April 2019 (5 weeks)
      Black robin census & banding
      Chatham petrel monitoring
Team composition (4): 1 Chatham Island Biodiversity Rangers/Team Leader plus 4 staff
Skills required: competence in forest bird survey work, reading colour bands, using GPS. L2
bird bander (passerines) essential for two of the positions.

Essential Skills:
In additional to the technical skills mentioned above, the participants should exhibit the
      accurate recording skills,
      a moderate to high standard of fitness,
      a current first aid certificate
      an ability to work in all weathers
      bush navigation skills
      a high level of motivation
      an ability to work and live in a close team situation
      an ability to work independently in an isolated environment.

Additional Skills:
Radio communication skills, island work experience, practical field and maintenance skills
(e.g. basic carpentry/ electrical).

Costs and Employment Conditions:
Chatham Island Office will cover the cost of air travel to and from the Chatham Islands from
Auckland/Wellington/Christchurch and will provide food and accommodation while in the
Staff Development - The source region is expected to cover salary/wages and the travel
costs associated with transferring staff to and from the transfer points (Wellington,
Christchurch, and Auckland). Please ensure you have discussed this with your Manager when
seeking approval.
Generally a six-day working week (8-10 hour day) is adopted with a requirement to take one
day off per week while on an outlying islands. The Chatham Island Office cannot cover any
TOIL or allowances. Claims for such entitlements must be negotiated directly with the
participant’s Manager.
Volunteers – The Chatham Islands Office will only cover the cost of air travel to and from the
Chatham’s transfer points (Wellington, Christchurch, and Auckland), plus food and
accommodation costs on the Chatham Islands for the duration of your volunteer work. Work

Chatham Islands Staff development and volunteer opportunities 2018/19                         4
hours will be the same as for Departmental staff, i.e. a 6 day working week, 8-10 hours per

Operational requirements and weather may shorten or extend trip duration. This is an
unavoidable feature of work in the Chatham’s. Every attempt will be made to minimise the
impact of these changes on participants and their travel arrangements.

See attachments for application forms and the Programme Brief
For DOC employees, please note that Manager approval is required.
On the application form please indicate a first and second preference. Applications will be
ranked on suitability for first choices. Second choices will only be considered should there be
a lack of suitable first choice applicants for that trip. There are a limited number of places
and a wait-list system will operate.
Selection is based on the following criteria:
All candidates must be current New Zealand Citizens and New Zealand Residents and have
the appropriate skills.

Please also give at least one referee. All applications are to be received by Friday 10th of
August 2018. Confirmations for trips 1 and 2 will be by late August and all other trips by the
mid-September. Flights to the Chathams will be arranged by the Chatham Islands Office.

Completed forms should be sent by email or post to Administration, Department of
Conservation, to be received by 10th August 2018.
Chathams Area Office
PO Box 114
Chatham Islands
Phone: (03) 305 0098
Fax:    (03) 305 0376

Chatham Islands Staff development and volunteer opportunities 2018/19                         5
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