Depression Is a Risk Factor for Noncompliance With Medical Treatment

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Depression Is a Risk Factor for Noncompliance
With Medical Treatment
Meta-analysis of the Effects of Anxiety and Depression on Patient Adherence
M. Robin DiMatteo, PhD; Heidi S. Lepper, PhD; Thomas W. Croghan, MD

Background: Depression and anxiety are common in                        tions between anxiety and noncompliance were vari-
medical patients and are associated with diminished health              able, and their averages were small and nonsignificant.
status and increased health care utilization. This article              The relationship between depression and noncom-
presents a quantitative review and synthesis of studies                 pliance, however, was substantial and significant, with
correlating medical patients’ treatment noncompliance                   an odds ratio of 3.03 (95% confidence interval, 1.96-
with their anxiety and depression.                                      4.89).

Methods: Research on patient adherence catalogued on                    Conclusions: Compared with nondepressed patients,
MEDLINE and PsychLit from January 1, 1968, through                      the odds are 3 times greater that depressed patients
March 31, 1998, was examined, and studies were in-                      will be noncompliant with medical treatment recom-
cluded in this review if they measured patient compli-                  mendations. Recommendations for future research
ance and depression or anxiety (with n.10); involved a                  include attention to causal inferences and exploration
medical regimen recommended by a nonpsychiatrist phy-                   of mechanisms to explain the effects. Evidence of
sician to a patient not being treated for anxiety, depres-              strong covariation of depression and medical noncom-
sion, or a psychiatric illness; and measured the relation-              pliance suggests the importance of recognizing depres-
ship between patient compliance and patient anxiety                     sion as a risk factor for poor outcomes among patients
and/or depression (or provided data to calculate it).                   who might not be adhering to medical advice.

Results: Twelve articles about depression and 13
about anxiety met the inclusion criteria. The associa-                  Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:2101-2107

From the Department of                                FFECTIVE DISORDERS, espe-                The coexistence of anxiety and de-
Psychology, University of                            cially anxiety and depres-          pression with medical illness is a topic of
California, Riverside                                sion, are among the most            considerable clinical and research inter-
(Dr DiMatteo); the Department                        common disorders seen               est. That anxiety and depression may com-
of Psychology, Drake                                 in medical practice. Al-            plicate the treatment of medical condi-
University, Des Moines, Iowa        though estimates of depression in pa-                tions is fairly well established, but the
(Dr Lepper); the Health             tients undergoing medical treatment vary             extent of and the reasons for these com-
Outcomes Evaluation Group,          according to the measurement criteria                plications are not well understood.1,7,14-18
Eli Lilly and Co, Indianapolis,
                                    used, depression of all degrees occurs in            There might be direct effects, with anxi-
Ind (Dr Croghan); Indiana
University School of Medicine,      at least 25%, with greater likelihood of de-         ety and depression having adverse physi-
Indianapolis (Dr Croghan);          pression in those who have significant               ological manifestations.19-22 It is also likely
Regenstrief Institute for Health    health problems.1-5 The coexistence of               that indirect effects, particularly behav-
Care, Indianapolis                  anxiety with medical disease does not seem           ioral phenomena, are at work, mediating
(Dr Croghan); Bowen Research        to be as common as depression, but it is             the relationships between anxiety and de-
Center, Indiana University,         also prevalent.6,7 Anxiety and depression            pression and outcomes.23 Noncompli-
Indianapolis (Dr Croghan); and      are associated with diminished health sta-           ance with treatment recommendations
the School of Public and            tus and substantially lower health-                  (also called nonadherence, here and
Environmental Affairs, Indiana
                                    related quality of life persisting over time.8       throughout the research and clinical lit-
University, Bloomington
(Dr Croghan). Dr DiMatteo is        Depression is associated with high rates             erature) might be one of these behavioral
a consultant for the RAND           of health care utilization and severe limi-          mediators.
Corp, Santa Monica, Calif, and      tations in daily functioning.9,10 Anxiety is               In an effort to understand why de-
for Hoechst, Marion, Roussel        also associated with increased use of health         pressed and anxious patients have poorer
Inc, Kansas City, Mo.               care services.11-13                                  medical care outcomes, we sought to de-

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                                       ©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
MATERIALS AND METHODS                                             adherence); (6) the total sample size was greater than 10;
                                                                      and (7) a measure of the correlation between anxiety
                                                                      and/or depression and adherence (or the data or a statistic
    DATA SOURCES AND LITERATURE                                       such as t, F, or x2 sufficient to calculate the effect size r) was
    SEARCH STRATEGY                                                   presented. Of the citations that met these criteria, there
                                                                      were 12 articles correlating depression with adherence and
    We searched the MEDLINE and PsychLit databases from               13 articles correlating anxiety with adherence.
    January 1, 1968 (marking the earliest empirical studies of
    patient compliance42), through March 31, 1998. We used            CODING OF ARTICLES
    “patient” as a qualifier and chose the broad search terms
    “patient compliance” and “patient adherence” to avoid ci-         Each article was coded according to the following: (1) ref-
    tations concerning issues such as compliance of health pro-       erence; (2) disease of patient sample (or type of general
    fessionals to guidelines and adherence in the physiology          medical care); (3) method of assessing adherence, includ-
    of cells. We focused only on medical recommendations made         ing self-report interview or questionnaire, self-report di-
    by a physician, and so we searched the Abbreviated Index          ary, other report (eg, parent, family member, spouse, or re-
    Medicus, which does not include allied health journals, and       searcher), physician or nurse or allied health professional
    the Cancer subsets of the MEDLINE database; we also culled        report, pill count, Medication Event Monitoring System
    citations from article reference sections.                        (electronic pill monitor), electronic recording (eg, elec-
                                                                      tronic clock on a continuous positive airway pressure de-
    CRITERIA FOR STUDY INCLUSION                                      vice for sleep apnea), pharmacy record, medical record, and
                                                                      physiological marker or test (eg, interdialytic weight gain
    The initial search yielded 9035 citations, a figure compa-        and serum potassium level in patients undergoing dialy-
    rable to that found in an enumeration by Trostle43 during         sis); (4) type of treatment or recommendation requiring ad-
    a similar, although not identical, period. We found ap-           herence, eg, medication, diet, behavior, exercise, appoint-
    proximately 76% of the citations in the MEDLINE data-             ments, or diagnostic/screening follow-up; (5) operational
    base and 24% in PsychLit. The peak period of publication          definition of adherence used in the research (eg, .80% of
    is January 1993 through December 1998 (28% of articles).          medication taken); (6) measure of depression or anxiety
          We looked for empirical articles involving patients who     used in the research; (7) sample size (including whether
    were given preventive- or treatment-related medical rec-          adult, pediatric, or both); and (8) correlation effect size (r)
    ommendations by a physician. The adherence of the pa-             between anxiety and/or depression and adherence (reflect-
    tient alone, not that of the physician (eg, to treatment guide-   ing the size [from 0 to 1.00] and the direction [positive or
    lines), was examined. Published studies based on samples          negative] of the association between anxiety or depres-
    of special populations including alcoholic, drug-abusing,         sion and the measure of adherence). The effect size r was
    homeless, or institutionalized patients or military person-       used because it represents the strength and direction of the
    nel were excluded. Inclusion criteria allowed for adher-          relationship between continuous variables (and in its bi-
    ence to (1) medically prescribed treatments, (2) exercise,        serial form, between 2 levels of an independent variable and
    (3) diet, (4) medication, (5) health-related behavior, (6)        scores on a continuous dependent variable). Here, r was
    screening, (7) vaccination, and (8) appointments. Be-             sometimes computed from statistics t (or means and SDs
    cause we sought to focus on care in the one-to-one physi-         of 2 groups), F, or x2 or from contingency table data (phi
    cian-patient relationship, we excluded adherence to any-          coefficient, another form of r).44 When studies presented
    thing not prescribed by a physician, including community          effect sizes that had more than 1 df, we calculated phi if
    screening procedures and vaccination programs and com-            the data were available; if not, we used the probability level
    mercial weight loss and community-based exercise pro-             to determine the 1-tailed z, then transformed it to r. (For
    grams that were not medically prescribed. Other specific          P,.05, z=1.64; for P,.01, z=2.33; and for P,.001, z=3.09.)
    criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis were as follows:      When results were reported only as “nonsignificant” with
    (1) the article was published in a peer-reviewed, English-        no data, a z of 0.00 was assigned. This was a conservative
    language journal (thus, book chapters, dissertations, non–        effect estimate, lower than likely was realized.
    peer-reviewed journal articles, and conference proceed-
    ings were not included); (2) the study defined what               STATISTICAL ANALYSES AND DATA SYNTHESIS
    constituted adherence or compliance (eg, taking medica-
    tion correctly or following protein restrictions) and its         Each study was a unit of analysis. Median effect sizes and
    method of measurement (eg, self-report or physician re-           unweighted and weighted (by n−3) mean r effect sizes were
    port); (3) the sample involved patients who were not in           calculated using Fisher z transformation of r. Confidence
    psychiatric treatment or in treatment for anxiety or depres-      intervals (95%) for unweighted mean r were based on a ran-
    sion; (4) the medical regimen was prescribed or recom-            dom effects model and for weighted mean r on a fixed ef-
    mended by a nonpsychiatrist physician; (5) the study was          fects model. Odds ratios, risk differences, and relative risks
    not an experiment designed to alter adherence (because we         as well as d effect sizes (for analysis of SD differences) were
    hoped to examine the naturally occurring correlates of            calculated.45,46

termine the extent to which anxiety and depression might               has shown that across a variety of settings, almost half
be linked to poor adherence to treatment recommenda-                   of all medical patients in the United States do not ad-
tions. During the past 3 decades, patient noncompli-                   here to the recommendations of their physicians for pre-
ance has been of concern in attempts to understand limi-               vention or treatment of acute or chronic conditions. When
tations in the process of medical care delivery. Research24-27         patients are noncompliant, they do not take their medi-

                  (REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 160, JULY 24, 2000      WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM
                           Downloaded from at Ohio State University, on August 8, 2008
                                      ©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Table 1. Depression in Medical Patients as a Correlate of Adherence*

                                            Method of          Type of
                                            Measuring        Adherence            Study Definition                  Measure of            Sample       r Effect
   Study                     Disease        Adherence         Regimen          of Level of Adherence                Depression             Size          Size
   Blotcky et al,47 1985 Cancer          Medical record     Health          Comparison of consenters        Subjective distress          20 Children   –0.48
                                                              behavior        and refusers of treatment
   Botelho and            General        Pill count         Medication      Pill count (.80% vs #80%)       BDI                          52 Adults     –0.11
     Dudrak,48 1992         medicine
   Brownbridge and        ESRD           Patient self-report Dietary        Care taken and difficulty with Leeds scale for               28 Children   –0.45
     Fielding,49 1989                       and                               treatment and child’s          self-assessment of
                                            physiological                     serum urea nitrogen level      depression in main
                                            assay or test                                                    caregiver and CDI
   Carney et al,50 1998 Angina           Electronic          Medication     Days patient removed correct    BDI                          65 Adults     –0.24
                                            medication                         number of pills from
                                            monitor                            electronic monitor, %
   De-Nour and         ESRD              Physician report Dietary           Nephrologist’s assessment:      Clinical evaluation of       32 Adults     –0.45
      Czaczkes,51 1976                                                         good, fair, or poor             depression
   Gilbar and          Cancer            Medical record     Medication      Continued vs did not            BSI: psychosocial            106 Adults    –0.24
      DeNour,52 1989                                                           continue treatment              distress-depression scale
   Katz et al,53 1998  ESRD              Physiological      Dietary         Appropriate levels for serum    Self-report: depressed in    56 Adults       0.00
                                           assay or test                       potassium, serum                past month
                                                                               phosphorus, and IWG
   Kiley et al,54 1993    Renal          Physician report   Health          Physical test of medication     CES-D                        105 Adults    –0.15
                            transplant                        behavior         levels, IWG, and
                                                              regimen          appointment keeping
   Lebovits et al,55      Breast cancer Patient self-report Medication      Doses taken (.90% or            SCL-90: depressive           37 Adults     –0.32
     1990                                                                      #90%)                          symptom disturbances
   Rodriguez et al,56     Renal          Medical record      Medication     Attend clinic and laboratory,   Health professional          24 Adults     –0.46
     1991                   transplant                         and health      follow diet, take              indication of depression
                                                               behavior        medication, and IWG            in chart review
   Schneider et al,57     ESRD           Physiological test Dietary         IWG (,3.0 kg $3.0 kg) after BDI                              50 Adults     –0.22
     1991                                  or assay                           fluid restriction
   Taal et al,58 1993     Rheumatoid     Patient self-report Health         Self-reported adherence     DUTCH-AIMS depression            86 Adults     –0.09
                            arthritis                          behavior       problem index               subscale

   *A positive effect indicates that higher depression is associated with higher adherence or compliance. A negative effect indicates that higher depression is
associated with lower adherence or compliance. When more than 1 method for assessing adherence was used, or more than 1 type of adherence was assessed,
multiple data points were averaged for overall effects and, where possible, used separately for analyses of moderator effects. ESRD indicates end-stage renal
disease; IWG, weight gain between dialysis sessions; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; CDI, Childhood Depression Inventory; BSI, Brief Symptom Inventory;
CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; SCL-90, Derogatis Outpatient Psychiatric Rating Scale; and DUTCH-AIMS, Arthritis Impact
Management Scale.

cation correctly, forget or refuse to follow a diet, do not                         and ultimately the outcomes of medical treatment.40,41
engage in prescribed exercise, cancel or do not attend ap-                          This article quantitatively reviews and synthesizes the re-
pointments, and persist in lifestyles that endanger their                           search assessing the effects of concomitant depression
health. Noncompliance can result in exacerbation of ill-                            and anxiety on patient adherence to medical treatment
ness, incorrect diagnoses, and patient and physician frus-                          recommendations.
tration.28-30 There is growing evidence31-34 that noncom-
pliance has a consistently negative effect on treatment                                                              RESULTS
      Medical patients may be noncompliant for many                                 Table 1 presents 12 studies that examined the relation-
reasons, including their disbelief in the efficacy of treat-                        ship between patients’ depression and their adherence
ment,35 the presence of barriers such as adverse effects                            to prescribed medical treatment regimens from their phy-
and financial constraints,36-38 and lack of help and sup-                           sicians. Depression is correlated with enhanced adher-
port from family members.39 It is hypothesized that                                 ence when r is positive and with diminished adherence
mood disorders such as anxiety and depression that im-                              when r is negative; the absolute value of r is a measure
pair cognitive focus, energy, and motivation might also                             of its magnitude.
be expected to affect patients’ willingness and ability to                                Table 2 shows that the 12 effects for depression
follow through with treatment. Assessing the extent to                              and adherence are not significantly heterogeneous and
which noncompliance might be a concomitant of a treat-                              that the median and the weighted and unweighted mean
able condition such as anxiety or depression may be an                              effect sizes are negative and of moderate size (with the
important step in improving patient adherence, the                                  mean effects achieving statistical significance). The ef-
therapeutic alliance between physicians and patients,                               fect size d reflects more than a 0.5 SD difference in ad-

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                                  Downloaded from at Ohio State University, on August 8, 2008
                                             ©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Table 2. Summary of Meta-analysis Results*

                                                                                                     Mean (95% CI) r
  Independent             Studies,         Heterogeneity                                                                                           Cohen
  Variable                  No.              Test (Q )           Median r              Unweighted†                     Weighted‡                    d§
    Total                    12                P = .32             −0.24           −0.27 (−0.38 to −0.17)        −0.21 (−0.29 to −0.13)         −0.56, −0.43
                                                                                          P,.001                        P,.001
     In ESRD                  6                P = .13             −0.34           −0.30 (−0.48 to −0.08)        −0.22 (−0.33 to −0.11)         −0.63, −0.45
                                                                                          P = .008                      P,.001
     In non-ESRD              6                P = .54             −0.24           −0.25 (−0.40 to −0.09)        −0.21 (−0.30 to −0.11)         −0.52, −0.43
                                                                                          P = .005                      P,.001
  Anxiety                    13                P = .007             0.00            −0.04 (−0.21 to 0.12)         −0.04 (−0.11 to 0.02)         −0.08, −0.08
                                                                                           P = .59                       P = .20

  *ESRD indicates end-stage renal disease; CI, confidence interval.
  †Random effects model.
  ‡Each study weighted by n−3, fixed effects model.
  §Respectively based on unweighted and weighted mean r.
   \Standardized and based on unweighted mean r: risk difference is difference in risk of noncompliance between depressed (anxious) and nondepressed
(nonanxious) patients; relative risk is of noncompliance among depressed (anxious) compared with nondepressed (nonanxious) patients.

herence between the depressed and nondepressed popu-                              adherence relationship can be generalized to diseases other
lations, with depressed patients being far less adherent.46                       than renal failure.
The “fail safe n” for the unweighted mean r in this analy-                              The picture is different for anxiety, however. Its re-
sis is 142, meaning that there would need to exist more                           lationship with adherence seems to be minimal on av-
than 142 new, unpublished, or otherwise unretrieved                               erage, and there is considerable variability among the ef-
studies that found, on average, no effect of depression                           fects. As Table 3 shows, in 13 studies, 2 effect sizes are
on adherence to reduce this effect to nonsignificance at                          zero and 6 are very small; among moderate effects, 2 are
the .05 level. This is more than twice the “tolerance level”                      positive and 3 are negative. Overall, the median effect size
of 70 studies that would be considered acceptable.44 As                           is 0.00, and mean effect sizes are small and nonsignifi-
shown in Table 2, this finding represents a risk differ-                          cant. The difference in risk of noncompliance between
ence (difference in risk of noncompliance between de-                             anxious and nonanxious patients is only 4%. Combin-
pressed and nondepressed patients) of 27% and a rela-                             ing these studies is somewhat problematic, however, be-
tive risk of noncompliance of 1.74 among depressed                                cause they are variable and significantly heterogeneous.
compared with nondepressed patients.45 Based on the Bi-                           We were unsuccessful in finding moderating variables
nomial Effect Size Display,45 this finding means that among                       that could group homogeneous studies.
every 100 noncompliant patients, on average 63.5 can
be expected to be depressed compared with 36.5 not de-
pressed (instead of the 50/50 split that would be ex-                                                           COMMENT
pected if there were no relationship between adherence
and depression). The standardized odds ratio for the un-                          Meta-analysis was used in this study to summarize the
weighted mean random effects model is 3.03, indicating                            research literature addressing the effects of anxiety and
that the odds are 3 times greater that depressed patients                         depression on patient adherence to medical treatment regi-
will be noncompliant than that nondepressed patients will                         mens. This quantitative approach adds value to qualita-
be noncompliant.                                                                  tive methods for summarizing research domains. It re-
      To examine the possibility that specific disease states                     quires thoroughness in finding and carefully analyzing
and treatments (eg, end-stage renal disease or renal di-                          all of the published data on a defined research question
alysis) may have been overly influential in the signifi-                          and prevents reliance on any one significance test, pro-
cance of this finding, we divided this sample into 2 groups:                      viding the opportunity for several small effects to con-
6 studies involving end-stage renal disease, renal dis-                           tribute to an overall picture of the results of a research
ease, or renal transplant and 6 studies involving other                           enterprise. Certain limitations exist, such as the greater
diseases (including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and gen-                        likelihood that significant results will be published (al-
eral medical care). Heterogeneity tests were not signifi-                         though a statistical method—the fail safe n—deals with
cant, and unweighted and weighted mean effect sizes in                            such bias). Meta-analysis usually includes studies that
both groups were significant. In the end-stage renal dis-                         vary considerably in their sampling units, methods of mea-
ease group, the standardized odds ratio is 3.44 (P=.008),                         suring and operationalizing independent and depen-
and in the rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and general medi-                        dent variables, data-analytic approaches, and statistical
cal group, the standardized odds ratio is 2.77 (P =.005).                         findings. Such variation increases the generalizability of
Thus, the relationship between depression and nonad-                              results that are clear, such as for depression. When they
herence seems not to be peculiar to the studies of renal                          are not clear, as for anxiety, such variation can be con-
disease (although the overall effect is somewhat stron-                           fusing. Meta-analysis systematically assesses only indi-
ger, and the individual effects more variable, in the end-                        vidual zero-order correlations of independent and de-
stage renal disease subgroup), and the depression-                                pendent variables (although for the field of adherence,

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                                          ©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
count for this variation make combining effect sizes prob-
                                                                          lematic at this point in the accumulated research. The av-
                                                                          erage effect is close to zero, but it is difficult to state that
    Odds Ratio                        Risk               Relative
                                                                          there is no effect of anxiety on adherence. One summary
    (95% CI)|                    Difference, %|           Risk|           statistic simply does not do justice to the apparent com-
                                                                          plexity of this literature. As empirical studies accumu-
 3.03 (1.98 to 4.95)                  27                   1.74           late, patterns in effect sizes will likely emerge and mod-
                                                                          erator variables will be confirmed. Conceptually, further
 3.44 (1.26 to 8.10)                  30                   1.85           refinement of the construct of anxiety and its relation-
                                                                          ship to adherence will also be helpful.66 Anxiety itself can
 2.77 (1.43 to 5.44)                  25                   1.66
                                                                          be heterogeneous and range from panic, which might have
 1.17 (0.61 to 2.25)                    4                  1.08
                                                                          no direct effect on compliance, to obsessive-compulsive
       P = .59                                                            disorder and generalized anxiety about health, which might
                                                                          actually improve compliance activities. Furthermore, de-
                                                                          pression tends to co-occur in as many as half of all pa-
                                                                          tients who have certain anxiety disorders.66 Sample and
                                                                          measurement characteristics, and the degree of hopeless-
                                                                          ness and uncontrollability of the diseases studied, might
                                                                          contribute to the existence of shared variance of anxiety
                                                                          and depression in their correlations with adherence. (Six
univariate summary analyses are essential to complete                     studies are common to the meta-analyses of both depres-
before multidimensional models can be constructed).                       sion and anxiety,47,49,50,53,57,58 and in 3 cases,49,53,58 the ef-
      In the present quantitative review, the message is                  fect sizes for anxiety and depression were similar. In the
clear from the literature on depression and responses to                  others, depression effects were strongly negative and anxi-
medical treatment. When taking into account the 12 pub-                   ety effects were near zero, with no apparent moderating
lished studies that examined recommendations given by                     factors that distinguish the 2 groups.)
physicians, depressed patients were 3 times as likely as                        The studies summarized herein are all correla-
nondepressed patients to be noncompliant. Further-                        tional and cannot determine whether depression causes
more, there was considerable consistency in the litera-                   noncompliance or noncompliance causes depression.
ture in that 11 of the 12 effects were negative, and in some              Causal conclusions would require experimental assess-
cases substantially so. Noncompliance is a complicated                    ment of a treatment intervention or causal modeling from
phenomenon, and decades of research have attempted                        longitudinal data. It is possible that a “feedback loop” ex-
to establish its clear connection with variables that can                 ists such that depression causes noncompliance with
be altered and improved in the course of clinical care.                   medical treatment and noncompliance further exacer-
Patient depression might be such a variable.                              bates depression so that a clinical focus on both might
      Why might depression increase noncompliance?                        be essential. In addition, it is possible that a third vari-
First, positive expectations and beliefs in the benefits and              able (eg, poor health status) causes both depression and
efficacy of treatment have been shown35 to be essential                   noncompliance. Exploration of this would require large,
to patient adherence. Depression often involves an ap-                    longitudinal samples in which depression, adherence,
preciable degree of hopelessness, and compliance might                    health status, and other relevant variables are examined
be difficult or impossible for a patient who holds little                 at several points in time. As Wells23 noted, the next re-
optimism that any action will be worthwhile. Second, con-                 search priority across many chronic diseases should be
siderable research24,25 suggests the importance of sup-                   testing specific theoretical and clinical models to exam-
port from the family and social network in a patient’s at-                ine the direct effects of depression on health outcomes
tempts to be compliant with medical treatments.                           and the indirect effects of depression through patient
Depression is often accompanied by considerable social                    adherence.
isolation and withdrawal from the very individuals who                          Current limitations in causal inference should not de-
would be essential in providing emotional support and                     ter awareness by clinicians of depression as a potentially
assistance. Third, depression might be associated with                    useful marker for their patients’ noncompliance. Recog-
reductions in the cognitive functioning essential to re-                  nizing that a patient might be depressed could help a phy-
membering and following through with treatment rec-                       sician manage his or her frustration at that patient’s non-
ommendations (eg, taking medication). Rigorous test-                      compliance and thus improve the physician-patient
ing of multidimensional models would help to choose                       relationship. For patients who are beginning their courses
among these and other possible explanations and to un-                    of treatment for chronic disease, screening for depression
derstand more fully the mechanism for depression’s ef-                    might prove to be a useful identifier of possible future non-
fect on adherence. In the meantime, this substantial and                  compliance and might suggest closer monitoring and as-
significant negative relationship between depression and                  sistance to achieve adherence to treatment. Alternatively,
adherence is worthy of note for future research strate-                   clear noncompliance with a specified treatment regimen
gies and for clinical practice.                                           should raise suspicion of coexisting depression. Once treat-
      In contrast to depression, anxiety has an unclear re-               ment for known depression, whatever its source, has be-
lationship to adherence. Substantial variation in effects                 gun, steps should be taken to enhance adherence be-
(range, −0.64 to 0.39) and lack of any moderator to ac-                   cause of the possible additional difficulties that depressed

                       (REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 160, JULY 24, 2000    WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM
                              Downloaded from at Ohio State University, on August 8, 2008
                                         ©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Table 3. Anxiety in Medical Patients as a Correlate of Adherence*

                                             Method of          Type of
                                             Measuring        Adherence           Study Definition                                               Sample        r Effect
   Study                      Disease        Adherence         Regimen         of Level of Adherence             Measure of Anxiety               Size           Size
   Blotchky et al,47       Cancer         Medical record      Health       Comparison of consenters       STAI: state r = 0.31; trait         20 Children        0.02
     1985                                                       behavior     and refusers of treatment       r = −0.56, averaged for
                                                                regimen                                      mothers and adolecents
   Brownbridge and         ESRD           Patient self-report Dietary and  Care taken and difficulty with Child’s self reported trait         20 Children       −0.64
     Fielding,49 1989                                           medication   treatment                       anxiety on the Anxiety
                                                                                                             Inventory for Children
   Carney et al,50         Angina         Electronic          Medication   Days patient removed correct STAI: state r = −0.21; trait          65 Adults          0.01
     1998                                    medication                      number of pills from            r = 0.18, averaged
                                             monitor                         electronic monitor, %
   Christensen et al,59    ESRD           Physiological test Dietary and   Serum potassium, serum         STAI-A Trait Anxiety Scale          51 Adults          0.09
     1997                                    or assay           medication   phosphorus, IWG
   Cockburn et al, 60      Infection      Pill count          Medication   Deviation from prescribed      Self-report on health state         204 Adults        −0.19
     1987                                                                    dosage of medication            scale of “none, some,
                                                                             (.20% vs #20%)                  moderate, or extreme”
   Hazzard et al,61        Seizure        Physiological test Medication    Adherence ratings by           Health anxiety of child and         35 Children       −0.32
     1990                    disorder        or assay                        pediatric neurologists         parent (averaged)
                                                                             based on monthly blood
   Katz et al,53 1998      ESRD           Physiological test Dietary and   Appropriate levels for serum Self-report: anxious in past          56 Adults          0.00
                                             or assay           medication   potassium, serum                month
                                                                             phosphorus, IWG
   Kinsman et al,62        Asthma         Medical record      Medication   Appropriate use vs overuse, MMPI: panic/fear                       82 Adults         −0.03
     1980                                                                    underuse and arbitrary use
                                                                             of medications
   Litt et al,63 1982      Rheumatoid     Physiological test Medication    Average serum salicylate       Piers-Harris Self-Concept:          36 Children        0.39
                             arthritis       or assay                        level over 12 mo                Anxiety subscale
   Mawhinney et al,64      Asthma         Electronic          Medication   Appropriate use vs overuse, MMPI: r = 0.42; panic/fear             Children and       0.21
    1993                                     recording                       underuse, and arbitrary         r = 0, averaged                    adults
                                                                             use on asthma medication
   Roter,65 1977           General        Medical record      Appointment Chart records of appointment Anxiety of patient rated               100 Adults         0.07
                             medical                                         keeping                        from audiotapes of
                                                                                                            medical interaction
   Schneider et al,57      ESRD           Physiological test Dietary       IWG ,3.0 kg (fluid             STAI: trait                         50 Adults          0.00
     1991                                    or assay                        restriction)
   Taal et al,58 1993      Rheumatoid     Patient self-report Health       Self-reported adherence        DUTCH-AIMS anxiety                  86 Adults         −0.06
                             arthritis                          behavior     problem index                   subscale

  *A positive effect indicates that higher anxiety is associated with higher adherence or compliance. A negative effect indicates that higher anxiety is associated
with lower adherence or compliance. When more than 1 method for assessing adherence was used, or more than 1 type of adherence was assessed, multiple data
points were averaged for overall effects and, where possible, used separately for analyses of moderator effects. ESRD indicates end-stage renal disease; IWG,
weight gain between dialysis sessions; MMPI, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; STAI, State/Trait Anxiety Inventory; and DUTCH-AIMS, Arthritis
Impact Management Scale.

patients might encounter. Although it remains to be de-                                    Corresponding author: M. Robin DiMatteo, PhD, De-
termined whether treating depression will result in im-                              partment of Psychology, University of California, River-
proved patient adherence, the recognition of depression                              side, CA 92521 (e-mail:
as a significant risk factor for noncompliance with medi-
cal treatment carries the potential to improve medical prac-
tice, reduce patient disability, enhance patient function-
ing, and improve health care outcomes.67
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