Diagnostics Services Catalogue 2018 - Rfi

Page created by Christian Munoz
Diagnostics Services Catalogue 2018 - Rfi
Diagnostics Services
Diagnostics Services Catalogue 2018 - Rfi
Diagnostics Services Catalogue 2018 - Rfi
Diagnostics Services Catalogue                3

                       Diagnostics Services
Diagnostics Services Catalogue 2018 - Rfi
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  FS Italiane Holding                                4
  Moving Forward: RFI, Our mission and strategies    9
  International Growth                              10
  The network in figures                            11
  Diagnostics Department                            12
  Diagnostic Engineering Services                   13
  Education and Training Services                   14
  Track Diagnostic Systems                          15
  Railway overhead lines diagnostic systems         20
  Telecommunication diagnostic systems              21
  Signalling Diagnostic systems                     23
  Rolling Stock Engineering Services                24
  Unmanned Diagnostics Services                     25
  Diagnostic Trains Fleet                           26
  Diagnostic and track maintenance machines Fleet   27
  Portable Tools                                    28
  National Workshops Services                       29
  Diagnostic Service References                     30
  Other Services (further workshops services)       31
  Other Services (technological services)           32
  Contacts                                          33
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  FS Italiane Holding

  The FS Italiane Group is one of the leading industries in Italy: every
  day around 69 thousand people manage over 8 thousand trains and
  250 thousand bus-km, carrying around 830 million passengers and 50
  million tons of freight a year on a network of over 16,700 km of railway
  lines, around 1,000 of which specifically for High Speed services
  The FS Italiane group provides comprehensive railway transport
  works and services, while contributing to the development of a
  significant mobility and logistics project for Italy, always with great
  respect for the environment and the territory.

                  The FS Italiane holding company oversees various subsidiaries
                  focused on specific core-business activities, all European leaders in
                  safety and technological standards.
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   Subsidiary Companies
    Trenitalia is one of the first railway operators in Europe. The company
    manages passenger transport activities by placing customers at the very centre of
    its operations.

  The new high-speed service is of great pride to the company, a true revolution that has
  significantly changed the personal and work habits of Italians, shortening distances and
  providing a strong stimulus to the nation’s growth. Frecciarossa1000, the all-Italian
  supertrains racing across Italian high-speed networks (and compatible with travel on other
  European networks), can reach a maximum speed of 400 km/h and a speed of 350 km/h
  on the national network, soon connecting Rome and Milan in a mere 2.5 hours (2 hours
  and 15 minutes between the Tiburtina and Rogoredo stations).
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   Subsidiary Companies

  Mercitalia Logistics is the company that coordinates all the companies in the
  freight and logistics sector. As well as Mercitalia Rail, it also includes Mercitalia
  Transport & Services, Mercitalia Terminal, TX Logistik Group, Cemat and TerAlp.
  With the creation of Mercitalia, which manages the entire freight area, customers can
  now deal with a single interlocutor and thus save time and resources.
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  Subsidiary Companies
  Italferr operates in the railway transport engineering sector, on the Italian
  and international markets. With the support of highly qualified and specialised
  staff and a strong engineering tradition, the company has a highly strategic role
  in the modernisation and development of the Italian railway network.
  Italferr has also established a strong global presence: as well as overseeing
  and directing Expo 2015 works and initiatives, the company has been awarded
  important commissions in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Africa, Turkey and

                      Grandi Stazioni and Centostazioni oversee the enhancement,
                      redevelopment and commercial utilisation of the 14 main Italian
                      railway stations and, respectively, of the 103 medium-sized stations
                      distributed across the country.
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  Subsidiary Companies

        Busitalia – Sita Nord, a leading provider of road and integrated road/rail
        public transport services in central/northern Italy, focuses on the
        development of its services offering, directly or through subsidiaries, various
        urban and regional connections across Veneto, Tuscany and Umbria.

                                 Netinera Deutschland provides a further operating
                                 base in Germany, with a focus on local public
                                 transport including both rail and road services. Holding
                                 company of seven subsidiaries, which in turn manage an
                                 additional 40 enterprises, Netinera is divided into four
                                 business areas that operate across the various German
                                 Additional member companies of the FS Italiane Group
                                 include FS Logistica, FS Sistemi Urbani Fercredit and
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   Moving Forward: RFI, Our mission and strategies

   RFI - Rete Ferroviaria Italiana is the company of the Ferrovie
   dello Stato Italiane Group with the public role of Infrastructure
   Manager, responsible for management and for safety of the rail
   traffic on the whole national network, track, stations and

          On July 1st, 2001 RFI was incorporated in compliance with the
          European Directives implemented by the Italian Government by
          separating the Infrastructure Manager from the transport operating

   In its role of Infrastructure Manager RFI allows the access to the
   railway network to Railway Undertakings, performs the
   maintenance and ensures the safe circulation on the whole
   network, manages the investments for the upgrading of railway
   lines (High Speed and Conventional) and the technological
   On the international side, RFI promotes the integration of the Italian
   infrastructure in the European railway network and cooperates with
   other European Infrastructure Managers

          At December 2016, operational lines are more than 16,788 km long; more
          than 12,023 Kms of it are electrified and over 7,570 Kms are double track.
          Stations active for customer service are almost 2,195. The company
          employs 25,540 people.
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  International Growth

   In order to continue its comprehensive contribution to the country’s
   development through a substantial mobility and logistics project focused on
   quality and sustainability, over the next few years the attention will be centred

       greater rail/road modal integration in the context of universal services at
        the regional level, to be achieved in part through targeted investments,
        as well as through new partnerships with local public companies or

       restructuring of the freight/cargo and logistics sector, a key element of
        the strengthening and development process included in the new
        Business Plan for 2017;

       international growth, seizing upon opportunities that, as part of the
        transport liberalization process currently underway, present themselves
        on markets that have only recently opened their doors to competition.
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      The network in figures
                     RAILWAY LINES (1)                           16,788 km
      Fundamental lines                                           6,367 km
      Complementary lines                                         9,466 km
      Nodes                                                        955 km
      Double track lines                                          7,647km
      Single track lines                                          9,141 km
      Electrified lines                                          12,023 km
      - double track                                              7,570km
      - single track                                              4,453 km
      Not electrified lines                                       4,765 km
             OVERALL LENGTH OF TRACKS                            24,435 km
      Conventional network                                       23,085 km
      High Speed lines (2)                                        1,350 km
                                        RAILWAY FACILITIES
      Passenger stations                                            2,195
      Ferry stations                                                  3
      Freight stations (3)                                           208
       Remote (control) traffic management systems               12,626 Km
             SCMT – Control of the train speed        12,083 Km (of which 178 km double
                                                            equipped SCMT-SSC)
                     SSC – Driving support            4,014 Km (of which 178 km double
                                                            equipped SCMT-SSC)
          ERTMS – Ensure interoperability on high                  704 Km
                          speed lines
             GSM-R Mobile telecommunication                         11,384

(1)        of which 67 km beyond the country border
(2)        refer to sections equipped with ERTMS (except Treviglio-Brescia) and its links to the
           service station
(3)        facilities with intermodal installations, ports, connections, etc.
(4)        the whole network is equipped with one or more automatic train protection systems

Railway lines classification
The network lines are classified according to their characteristics:
● fundamental lines, with high traffic density and high-quality infrastructure, including
international routes and the connection axes between the main Italian cities
● complementary lines, with lower traffic levels, represent the links of the regional basins
and diffusely connect between them the main routes
● nodes, which develop themselves within large areas of exchange and connection
between fundamental and complementary lines in the metropolitan areas
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      Diagnostics Department
  The employees working in RFI Diagnostics Department make a great contribution to the
  monitoring and inspection of the Italian Rail Infrastructure. They regularly inspect 25,000
  Kilometers of rail network performing, every day, accurate analyses of complex data.
  The inspection of railway lines is guaranteed using different vehicles which are part of a
  great fleet. According to the type of line and assets which have to be diagnosed it is
  possible to use the right vehicle and the right car, allowing to measure all the parameters
  provided by national and international standards.
  In the following pages it is possible to find a detail for each service included in the portfolio
  RFI is able to offer to other national and international railway infrastructure managers:
       Diagnostic Engineering Services
       Education and Training Services
       Diagnostic measurement activities related to Track, Electric Traction Systems,
        Signalling Systems and Telecommunication Systems.
       Rolling Stock Engineering Services
       Unmanned Diagnostics Services
       National workshops services
       Other Services
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  Diagnostic Engineering Services
  The portfolio of tailored services Diagnostics Department is able to provide includes
  specialist expertise in fleet management, IT Systems support, systems and rolling stock
  redesign, systems certification and homologation support, training, operation and repairs,
  support activity to put in service a railway line, on demand diagnostic measurements,
  system integration. In addition:
      Issuing of management and operational procedures, maintenance procedures,
       guidelines and operative methodologies

      Inspection Planning and procedures to monitor safety parameters

      Test activities and reporting for systems and vehicles
      Technical specifications, terms of contract, evaluation framework editing

      Design compliance check activity

      Cost benefit evaluation, to be applied when purchasing new rail vehicles or
       revamping existing vehicles

      Risk evaluation and risk management
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  Education and Training Services

   RFI has set up a training system with courses supplied by qualified instructors,
   according to programs tailored to customer needs. Instructors are selected within RFI
   staff with proven experience in the field and certified teaching skills.

   At the end of each course, a learning test phase is scheduled and a certification is
   issued to each learner.

   Educational and training program, moreover, foresees:

       Systems Calibration
       Diagnostic Systems usage
       Maintenance process
       Informative systems for maintenance
       Maintenance procedures
       Operative methodologies
       Procedure to manage the data elaboration and analysis
       Risk evaluation and risk management
       Tool usage
       Data Security
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Track Diagnostic Systems
  Safety plays a leading role in the railway sector.
  According to international regulation all possible actions must be taken to reduce risk and
  danger associated with anomalies in the track geometry. Since the track condition affects the
  vehicles running dynamics and the mutual interaction between the track and the rolling
  stock, the danger situations depend not only on the track, but also on the vehicle and their
  wear conditions.
  Consequently, the safety margins
  are reduced, especially in the
  presence of severe degradation
  of both the track and the vehicle.
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Track geometry
Thanks to track geometry measures, railway infrastructure managers identify defects and
monitor track deterioration. These data allow them to estimate the rate of track deterioration
and optimise track maintenance schedules.
Track geometry parameters are fundamental because
they affect primarily the train safety and secondarily
the passenger comfort level.
The measuring systems used by RFI are able to
detect all the track geometrical parameters according
to EN 13848 and TSI infrastructure standards:
     Track Gauge
     Twist
     Left and right longitudinal level D1, D2, D3
     Left and right Alignment D1, D2, D3

Absolute track geometry
The system monitors deviations (which have to be kept to a
minimum) in track geometry from the target position. Since
railways use absolute reference systems for track geometry,
the system is able to check the displacements with respect to
the project heights between two consecutive fixed points.
Ride quality testing
The system monitors and measures the parameters describing the dynamic behavior of the
vehicle with respect to track stresses in order to provide useful information regarding the safety
and quality conditions of the Running Dynamics. It is possible to detect the following parameters:
Running dynamics: Vertical and transversal accelerations (on the axle box, on the vehicle
body and on the bogie frame) according to EN 13848,
EN 14363, UIC-518OR.
Wheel/Rail interaction: wheel/rail force, Derailment
Coefficient (Y/Q), Ripage Force (ΣY).
Ride Comfort: Fatigue and Discomfort Indices
(comfort decay level), in accordance with the
requirements of UNI ENV 12299, EN 14363.
The system is also able to detect the ride comfort with
respect to onboard brightness, noise and temperature.
The measuring sensors are installed within a dummy.
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Rail Integrity Assessment
The diagnostic technologies used (ultrasonic, liquid penetrant and video inspection) are able to
monitor the quality of rails according to UIC 712 R (Rail Defects Catalog).
The diagnostic activity is aimed at preventing the
breaking phenomenon.
It is possible to identify:
    Transverse and horizontal break
    Longitudinal vertical cracking
    Cracks from holes
    Head defects
    Etc…

Rail Corrugation
Measurement system evaluating corrugation over
four critical wavelength bands.
    [10-30] mm
    [30 to 100] mm
    [100-300] mm
    [300-1000] mm
The system complies with EN 13231.

Rail Profile
System evaluating the wear at rail top and sides
through the following parameters:
    Horizontal wear
    Vertical wear
    45 degrees wear

Through track geometry, rail and wheel profile
parameters elaboration, diagnostic systems are able
to process the equivalent conicity in accordance
with UIC 519, EN 15302, EN 14363.
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Video inspection
The video inspection system is able to acquire
all the information useful to visually evaluate the
infrastructure quality levels, through analog and
digital rail infrastructure images.

Railway Clearance Gauge Inspection System

The system checks the presence of obstacles in
clearance gauge thus monitoring the risk of impact
for rolling stock. The detected gauge is compared
with admitted profile and alarm reports are
automatically generated.

Railroad Switch Monitoring System
The system monitors railroad switches health. It is
able to measure:
    Switches parameters
    Wear levels
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Track components video monitoring system
The system is intended for maintenance personnel supporting during periodic visual
inspections. Artificial vision systems used are able to detect the following defects:

           Check              Defect description
                                 Area Defects
       Rolling Surface          Linear Defects
                             Head Check Defects
                            Missing Fastening Clip
                                 Missing Bolts
                           Concrete Sleepers Crack
                               Dancing Sleepers
           Balise                   Pitching
                                Lack of Ballast
                               Excess of Ballast
                             Traditional joints gap
                             Insulated joints gap
           Joints                   Missing
                                 Missing Bolts

This service lets infrastructure manager map the entire railway infrastructure.
The system allows to:
    Build an Infrastructure Database
    Georeference infrastructure components
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  Railway overhead lines diagnostic systems

                                Contact Wire Geometry & Wear Measurements
                                  Height, Stagger, Slope, Wear, etc...
                                  Pole Detection

  Electric Parameters and Arc Detection diagnostic
      Electric Parameters: Drained Current, Overhead
       line Voltages, Mean and RMS value, Harmonics
      Electric Arc Detection: Duration, Intensity, Sum of
       all arcs duration, Number of all Arcs

 Video Inspection systems
   Automatically synchronized Video to the measured data
   Panoramic infrastructure Video

                                Pantograph-catenary interaction diagnostic systems
                                 Contact strips Forces, accelarations and position.
                                 Pantograph frame height.

                                Pantograph-catenary interaction unmanned diagnostic
                                systems: installation on commuter and high speed
                                commercial trains
                                  Pantograph Collector Accelerations, RMS accelerations,
                                  Dynamic height, Local and distributed defects,
                                  Pantograph-Catenary Interaction Index Quality
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  Telecommunication diagnostic systems

  The operation of the railway infrastructure requires an efficient telephone service.
  For this reason, RFI, through its diagnostic trains, regularly monitors GSM-R technology
  required for ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 and for communications between railwaymen.

                                                     RFI also performs measurements
                                                     related to public GSM (2G), UMTS
                                                     (3G) and LTE (4G) operators, in
                                                     terms of:
                                                          RF Coverage
                                                          Service Availability
                                                          QoS voice and data
                                                          Log analysis

  RFI is able to offer other national
  and       international     railway
  infrastructure managers various
  services as follows:
       Measurement campaigns
        and reports performed with
        diagnostic      trains,     to
        evaluate      the      ground
       Signals     verification    in
        confined spaces, such as
        railway vehicles interiors;
       Measurements with portable devices;
       Consulting for implementation or improvement of an autonomous diagnostic service;
       Training activities.
  The offer is constantly evolving and follows the telephone market and its rapid changes.
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  Telecommunication diagnostic systems

  Railway vehicles need to exchange data with the infrastructure on which they are circulating.
  In recent years this need has become stronger and stronger, due to the required
  performances and increasing number of on-board systems, which require more and more
  transmission capacity.
  To meet these needs, RFI has developed a broadband transmission system that allows its
  diagnostic trains, even those that run at 300 km/h, to communicate with company servers.
  The system guarantees integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged between on-board and
  on-ground servers, minimizing connection failures.

   Thanks to this experience RFI can offer customers, who need to maintain their railway
   vehicles "connected", consulting services in terms of needs assessment, systems design,
   installation and operation.
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  Signalling Diagnostic systems

                                     ETCS & SCMT Eurobalise diagnostic systems

                                        Information Point (PI) position

                                        Distance between PI

                                        Distance between balises

                                        Functioning status of balises

                                        Functioning status of encoder/cables connected to balises

                                        Type of detected balises.

                                        Air-Gap parameters

 SSC (Driving Support System ) Wayside Subsystem
 (SST) diagnostic systems
  Information Point (PI) position

  Distance between PI

  Functioning status of transponder

  Functioning status of encoder/cables connected to balises

  Air-Gap parameters

                                             BACC (Coded Current Automatic Block) diagnostic
                                                 Current Amplitude

                                                 Current Frequency

                                                 Duty cycle

                                                 Modulation parameters

                                                 Code sequence check
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     Rolling Stock Engineering Services
  The Diagnostics Department, through its Rolling Stock Engineering Department can provide
  services as follows:

       Consulting services for revamping and transformation of rail vehicles, helping customers
        to define the requirements and to comply with current regulation in order to obtain the
        authorization to circulate by the competent Railway National Safety Authority.

       Vehicles performance monitoring using dedicated software and reporting systems
        (RAMS, LCC, FMECA, FTA analyses).

       Vehicle maintenance activities, technical specifications and maintenance plans

       Reverse engineering to adapt existing vehicles to suit new business goals or regulation.

       Technical specifications, terms of contract, evaluation framework editing.

      Design compliance check activity

      Cost benefit evaluation, to be applied when purchasing new rail vehicles or revamping
       existing vehicles

      Risk evaluation and risk management

      Support companies, that need to obtain a certification as Entity in charge of maintenance
       (ECM) according to Regulation EU/445/2011, to design, implement and manage a
       Maintenance Management System.
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  Unmanned Diagnostics Services

  RFI has requested and obtained by the Italian Railway National Safety Authority the
  homologation of the unmanned diagnostic system.
  This system, installed on commercial trains, evaluates the track geometry quality monitoring
  various parameters automatically and remotely, without maintenance staff.
  Thanks to this, it is possible to migrate from a diagnostic process with specialized staff, to a
  new one where staff presence is not required.
  The use of commercial trains, to diagnose the railway infrastructure in place of dedicated
  trains, and the automated monitoring increase the lines availability as well the detection
  frequency. This increases frequency of acquired measurements and reduces maintenance
  and staff costs.

  In addition, RFI is automating on-board systems installed on diagnostic trains. This approach
  has the advantage of requesting a reduced number of required on-board crew (only train
  driver is needed). This generates obvious savings.

  RFI is therefore able to offer a consulting service aimed at the implementation,
  commissioning and organization of an unmanned diagnostic system.
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  Diagnostic Trains Fleet

  RFI constantly upgrades its diagnostic trains by revamping existing rolling stock and
  equipping new trains with newly-designed diagnostic systems. Continuous investments over
  the years have guaranteed state of the art technology. Today this allows RFI to monitor
  railway infrastructure at 360 km/h.
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  Diagnostic and track maintenance machines Fleet

  Diagnostic machines   Number
                                 Track maintenance machines     Number
  PV6                     5
                                 Owned by RFI                   2,700
  PV7                     9
                                 Owned by Contracting Companies 6,500
  PV7 EVO                 8

  EMSAT 100               2

  EM 80                   2
  GC.VTM.721              1
  Total                   27
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  Portable Tools

  RFI, to support maintenance activities, has developed a series of portable tools to measure
  representative infrastructure parameters related to Track, Electric Traction Systems,
  Signalling Systems and Telecommunication Systems.
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  National Workshops Services
   The Diagnostics Department also manages the operations of two national
   workshops: Officina Nazionale Mezzi d’Opera (ONMO) and Officina Nazionale
   Attività Industriali (ONAI).

   ONMO manages:
      light and heavy machinery general overhaul, assembly and revamping. It
       carries out and guarantees diagnostic systems technological integration
       on vehicles.
      SCMT (Sistema Controllo Marcia Treno) installation and control systems
       technological upgrade.
      Overhaul and nondestructive testing for vehicles components not in
      Light machinery and wagons revamping, upgrade, general overhaul.
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  Diagnostic Service References

  As stated in the Business Plan RFI is putting greater and greater efforts in international
  During the past years RFI was selected by Turkey to carry out the diagnostic tests of the
  new high speed rail line linking Istanbul to Ankara, the main Turkish hubs.
  The train carried out a diagnostic service, travelling on the new high speed line for about
  100 km, during which rail infrastructure was completely checked. The detected data were
  analyzed directly on board by engineers.
  RFI was also selected by Ferrovie NORD Milano to provide a track monitoring service.
  On December 2015, RFI has met RAI (Islamic Republic of Iran Railways). RAI has
  shown a great interest in U.S. diagnostics and in particular in maintenance personnel
  On February 2017 an agreement between RFI and CFCO (Chemin de fer Congo-Océan)
  has been signed to provide a made in Italy tamping machine and to train Congolese
  maintenance personnel.
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  Other Services (further workshops services)
  RFI manages the operations of three further national workshops: Officina Nazionale
  Apparecchiature Elettriche (ONAE) Bologna, Officina Nazionale Armamento (ONA)
  Pontassieve and Officina Nazionale Armamento Fonderia (ONAF) Bari. ONAE, ONA and
  ONAF produce autonomously equipment for railway infrastructure.
  ONAE: Electrical substations and switch machines
  ONA: Switches, glued insulated joints
  ONAF: Manganese cast steel frogs
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  Other Services (technological services)
  The technological insourcing process is one of the pillars of RFI business plan.
  The objective is:
      to increase human resources technical know-how;
      to reduce costs necessary to put in service and maintain safety and signalling
      to increase autonomy on innovative tecnologies.
  Local departments, in order to put in service interlocking systems (ACC/ACCM) and
  automatic train protection systems (SCMT), are supported by RFI designers in design
  activities, implementation and software configuration.

      Interlocking Systems put in service (2016-2017)
        through a technological insourcing process
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   Rete Ferroviaria Italiana
   Piazza della Croce Rossa 1
   00161 Roma

   E-mail: international@rfi.it

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