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iheOthC!                    New spaper o1 (leofj

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                February 19,2003                                      Sports: Lady Eagles fall to Furman, 80-59
                   Volume 75, No. 63                                                                                                                                                                   Page 6

             ON THE INSIDE:

                                                WILL WORK FOR SCHOOL

              Covering the campus like a
                   swarm of gnats

                              Partly cloudy
                              with a high of
                              65°F and a low

                                                                                                                                                     Jessica Langley/STAFF

                              Partly cloudy     At the Russell Union information desk (above), employee Ernest A. McCoy III assists Steven Chatman,
                              with a high of    a GSU junior. Junior Matt Dugan (top, right) enjoys work as a lab technician at the Foy Art Lab. Freshman
                              68"Fandalow       Erik Wilder (bottom, right) rings up dining patron Dickson Adams at The Educated Palate on campus.
                                                By Angela Jones
                                                                                                                           Some students are looking into some rather unique jobs to            receive a start up kit with all the necessary forms and licenses
                                                   Got bills?                                                          make a living while they're in school.
                                                                                                                                                                                                they need to sell the services in all 50 states.
                                                   Unless you are one of the fortunate few who have no financial           Kenmond Sanders, a junior marketing major, has found                    After bringing in just 10 new customers, the full invest-
                                               concerns, you've probably been out on every student's favorite          a job selling long distance phone service with Excel, a com-             ment cost is refunded, plus an additional $100 is earned. The
                                               mission recently: the search for a job.                                 munications company based in Dallas Texas, that sells service            more new customers a representative recruits, the more he or
            • Amanda Permenter explains            Unfortunately, with the economy limping along like a car            for cell phones, two-way pagers, the Internet, and local and             she can earn.
            why you should vote in the         with four flat tires, the possibility of a war, and the bumper crop     long-distance home phone service.                                           Sanders worked as a lifeguard and telemarketer, before be-
            2004 primaries.                    of cash-strapped college students in Statesboro, it seems like it           "We offer our friends and relatives a service they already           coming an Excel representative. In the past two years, he has
                                               would be easier to find a dragon than a job in the 'Boro.               use, we just offer it at a discounted rate," he explained. "AT&T,        worked his way up to Regional Director, a position that makes
            • AKRT columnist writes that the       "Everyone in town is hiring, or so they say, but no one is          MCI and the rest get their customers through expensive TV.               more than $27,000 a year.
            media's catering to Bush is di-    actually calling me back," said Sara Williams, a freshman biol-         advertising, we get ours through network marketing, word of                 "I'm making more at 22 than my mother, and she's 52 years
            verting American attention from    ogy major from Atlanta. "I wish I could get paid for putting in         mouth promotion."
            global anti-war sentiment.         applications. Yd be rich by now."                                           For a one-tithe' investment of $299, Excel representatives                                                       See Work, Page 3

                                                  Signs of Vandalism Fundraising at GSU just
                                    Page 4


                                                                     became more entertaining
                                                                                                                                              By Angela Jones
          • Bo Fulginiti admonishes stu-                                                                                                          More than 25 GSU history professors
          dents for not supporting GSU                                                                                                        are lining up for the kiss of a lifetime: with
        i sporting events.                                                                                                                    a real pig.
                                                                                                                                                  The four legged kind.
            • GSU Swimming and Diving                                                                                                             GSU's History Club is sponsoring the
            finishes third at the Southern                                                                                                    first ever Kiss-A-Pig contest in an effort
            States Swimming and Diving                                                                                                        to raise money for their trip to Charleston,
            Championship.                                                                                                                     South Caolina, on Febuary 28.
                                                                                                                                                  "The idea came up in a meeting, and
            • GSU Softball is defeated by                                                                                                     despite my best efforts to deter them, the
            Georgia Tech, 7-2.                                                                                                                students thought it was a great idea and
                                                                                                                                              ran with it," said Dr. Michelle Haberland,
                                                                                                                                              the History Club's faculty advisor. "I must
                                                                                                            Trent Anthony/STAFF               admit, it is a very clever way to raise money,
                                     Page 6       Many building identification signs have been found removed from                             and in a way it harkens back to Georgia
                                                  their bases and lying nearby on the ground.                                                 Southern's roots as an agricultural col-
                                                  By Angela Jones                                                                             lege," she said. Students, faculty and staff
                                                                                             The officer said that the signs seemed
                                                                                                              donate any amount of money they like to
                                                                                             to be knocked over randomly.
                                                                                                                                              their "favorite" professor's jar, located in
                                                      Campus police are investigating
                                                                                                 According to physical plant per-
                                                                                                                                              the History department in the Forrest drive
                                                  several building identification signs      sonnel, the signs were not scheuled
                                                                                                                                              building. Donations will be accepted until
                                                  that were found knocked or pushed          to be replaced.
                                                                                                                                              Thursday, and have ranged from a few pen-
                                                  over around campus on Monday.                  "This is a college campus, and
            • 'Joe Millionaire' comes to a                                                                                                    nies to $10, so far.
                                                      "Those signs are bolted and welded     some pretty weird things just seem                                                                                                              Photo Illustration
            happy conclusion.                                                                                                                     The professor who raises the most money
                                                  down pretty good, so it would have         to happen for no earthly reason,"
        *                                                                                                                                     will get to plant a big wet smooch on a live      The chance to kiss a pig may seem like an unlikely
                                                  taken a considerable amount of time        the officer said. "You can't really
            • The Georgia Division of Public                                                                                                  oinker on Friday at 2 p.m. in front of the For-   fund-raising motivation, but not when students donate
                                                  and determination to get one of them       explain it, that's just how it goes
            Health confirms an extra-long                                                                                                                                                       money so their professors might win the responsibility
                                                  over," said one campus security officer.   some times."                                                                   See Pig, Page 3     of applying the smooch.
            flu season.

            • Johnny Cash appears on MTV
            at age 70 to perform his cover
            of the Nine Inch Nails song
                                               Northeast buried by snow storm, thousands without power
            'Hurt.'                            Associated Press
                                                                                              trying to leave and get into the region. Rail          "It's no man's land out there," said
                                                   NEW YORK - The worst blizzard              services were halted between Washington           Mclntyre. "It looks more like Siberia
                                               in seven years shut down much of the           andRichmond, Virginia, andregional bus             than Maryland."
                                    Page 8     northeastern United States with blinding,      service stopped in many areas.                        Elsewhere, 27 inches (68 centimeters)
                                               windblown snow that piled up as much               There were few commuters as it was            fell in West Virginia's Berkeley County, the
                                               as four feet (1.2 meters) deep and left        a holiday in the United States, but police        National Weather Service said. The Seven
                                               more than a quarter of a million homes         from Kentucky to Massachusetts pleaded            Springs ski resort area on western Pennsyl-
                   GEORGE-ANNE                 and businesses without power.                  with motorists to stay home and some              vania had 40 inches (one meter).
                                                   At least 21 deaths were blamed on the      counties banned nonessential travel so                It was one of the worst snowstorms in
                                               storm system since it charged out of the       they could clear the roads.                       a century in Washington, where 16 inches
                                               Great Plains during the weekend, piling            "This is going to be days worth of            (40 centimeters) fell. For the region as a
                                       tie     snow, producing mudslides and floods,          cleanup," said Maryland Highway Ad-               whole, it was the worst snowstorm since the
                                               and making layers of ice that snapped          ministration spokesman David Buck.                blizzard of 1996, when at least 80 deaths
                                               trees and power lines.                             The western tip of Maryland was               were blamed on the weather.
                                       fiat        The storm was headed for New Eng-          buried, with 49 inches (1.25 meters) of               Among the many travelers stranded by
                                       iad     land, where Massachusetts expected up          snow in Garrett County on top of 30-foot          the storm, few were as far from home as
                                       is,     to two feet (60 centimeters) of snow and       (nine-meter) drifts left by earlier storms;       Lynn Anderson of Belfast, Ireland.
                                       les     minor coastal flooding.                        Area roads, some surrounded by 12-foot                "It's turned into acomplete nightmare,"
                                                   Airports in Washington, Baltimore,         (3.6-meter) high walls of snow, "look like        said Anderson, who arrived in Philadelphia
                                               Philadelphia and New York largely shut         canals," said Garrett County state highway
                                               down, stranding thousands of passengers        supervisor Paul Mclntyre,                                                    See Snow, Page 3
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
Page 2 - Wednesday, February 19, 2003

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Free On-Campus
                                                                                Campus Calendar                                                                                                                                Tutoring
  Williams Center room 2023
        P.O. Box 8001                                      Feb. 19                     portance of trees in our lives as well
                                                                                       as the environment. The Garden will
                                                                                                                                       Men's Basketball
                                                                                                                                 Chattanooga at Georgia Southern
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Academic Success Center
    Statesboro, GA 30460                                       Baseball                be giving away bare-root dogwood                    7:30 p.m.                           02-14-2003
                                                 Georgia State at Georgia Southern     and crepe myrtle trees (while sup-                                                       • Aresident of Old Towne reported
      How to reach us                                                                                                                                                                                                       www2.gasou.edw'tutorial

                                                                                                                                 Feb. 25-27
                                                               4 p.m.                  plies last) and providing information                                                a case of transaction card fraud.
      ADVERTISING:                                                                     on tree care. For more information,                                                      • Officers investigated two traffic                 ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           M: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., 3 - 5 p.m.    Ira
                                                   Feb.19 - 22
         681-5418                                                                      contact the Botanical Garden at ext.                                                'accidents and assisted one motorist.
    STORY OR PHOTOS:                                                                   1149.                                                                                                                                      T: 2-5:30 p.m.              pre
                                                       'The Matchmaker'                                                           Career Awareness and                         02-15-2003                                       W: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.          > Ofc
                                                                                                Feb. 22
      FAX NUMBER:                                                                                                                                                              • Officers issued four traffic warn-        R; 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., 6 - 10p.m.
                                                       Performing Arts Center                                                   Student Involvement Week                   ings, investigated one traffic accident,                                           Mc
                                                                8 p.m.                                                                                                     assisted two motorists and responded
       E-MAIL TO:                                                                                   Softball
                                                      For tickets, call ext. 7999.                                                  Career Awareness and Student                                                                                              mg                                                                                                                                                       to three fire alarms.                                PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                         Troy State at Georgia Southern         Involvement Week will be held                                                                                                 sail
      Editorial Board                                                                                                                                                                                                          M,W: 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

                                                           Feb. 20
                                                                                                      Noon                      Tuesday, Feb. 25, through Thursday,                                                                                           Na
         Tim Prizer                                                                                                                                                            02-16-2003                                         R: 1 - 3 p.m.
                                                                                                                                Feb. 27. Special workshops are                 •Robert Clint Griffin, 19,ofCamp                                               we
       Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                          scheduled to create an awareness                                                           COLLEGE READ/STUDY
                                                                                                Feb. 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ■ U.I                         Evening of Clean Comedy                                                         of career-related issues and student
                                                                                                                                                                           LeJune, N.C., was charged with minor
                                                         Russell Union Ballroom                                                                                            in possession/consumption of alcohol,                     SKILLS
                                                                                                                                involvement. Highlighting the week         disorderly conduct and obstruction of
      Amanda Permenter                                            7 p.m.                  Guest Alumna Recital                  is the Franklin-Covey "7 Habits of         an officer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               M, W: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
       Managing Editor                                                                     Carol A. Carter Recital Hall                                                                                                            R: l-3p.m.
                                                                                                                                Highly Effective People" seminars.             • Allen Wallace III, 22, of 1807                                               is n

                                                           Feb. 21                                                                                4 p.m.                     Stephen R. Covey, founder and chair-                                                          ALGEBRA-CAL2                    Bu
                                                                                                                                                                           Chandler Road, Statesboro, was
                                                                                                                                man of Franklin-Covey, Co., brings         charged with DUI and passing in a                   M-R: 10 a.m. -10 p.m.          ow
        Adam Brady
                                                   B.L.A.C.K. Experience                                                                                                                                                                                     lm
                                                                                                Feb. 24
                                                                                                                                the principles taught in "7 Habits of      no-passing zone.                                     F: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
        News Editor                                                                                                             Highly Effective People" to life in this
                                                      Presented by WVGS 91.9                                                                                                   • Officers issued two traffic
                                                    5 - on - 5 B-Ball Tournament                                                powerful workshop. It is sponsored                                                                STATISTICS                  tha
                                                                                         General Student Recital                by Inspire and the Center for Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               M: 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m.           ent
                                                          8 p.m. in the RAC                Carol A. Carter Recital Hall
 It is a desire of The George-Anne                                                                                              Leadership Development. The work-                                                               T: 12:30 -1:30 p.m.
                                                                                                     1 p.m.                                                                    02-17-2003
 to print the news of Georgia South-                                                                                            shop will be held on Wednesday, Feb.                                                              W: 3:30-7 p.m.              wit
                                                                                                                                                                               • A Human Resources employee
 ern University as accurately as                   Arbor Day Observance                                                         26, at9 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.                                                         R: 12:30-4 p.m.              yoi
 possible. If you believe that
                                                                                                                                                                           reported someone knocked down the
                                                                                                                                in the Russell Union, Room 2048.                                                                       JAVA                   ere
 something covered is in error,                Special to the G-A                          Women's Basketball                                                              "Blue Building" sign.
 contact the editor at 681-5246                                                           Davidson at Georgia Southern                                                         • A Lakeside Cafe employee                          M: 3 - 6 p.m.
 as soon as possible.                              The Botanical Garden is hosting                                                                                         reported someone threw a table and
                                                                                                     5 p.m.                                                                                                                        T: 8 -10 p.m.
       Liked By Many,                          an Arbor Day Observance from 10                                                                                             chair in the lake and damaged several                                             ' ha\
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   W: 12-2 p.m.
      Cussed By Some...                        a.m. to 4 p.m. Arbor Day is a time                                                    Dining For Success                    other tables and chairs.                                                            the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   R: 7-10 p.m.
      Read By Them AIL                         to encourage tree planting and care                                                  Students will learn appropriate            • A Sanford Hall resident reported                                              que
                                               and to remind everyone of the im-                                                dining etiquette by gaining practical      a purse was taken from the College of                    PHYSICS
                                                                                                                                experience with a five-course meal.        Business Administration Building.                 M: 12 -3 p.m., 7 -10 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              T: 12-2 p.m., 3-9p.m.

                                                                                                                                It will be held at 6 - 8:30 p.m. in the        • A Watson Hall resident reported

                                                                                                                                Union Ballroom.                            some money and clothing items were              W: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., 7 -10 p.m.
                                      Contact Lens j                                                                                                                       taken from her room.                               R: 12-2 p.m., 5-7 p.m.

                                          Package ■
                                                                                                                                          Feb.27                               • Officers investigated two traffic
                                                                                                                                                                           accidents, assisted five motorists and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              M,T,R: 5:30 -7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                           Career Fair                     responded to one fire alarm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  W: 2-6p.m.
     Offer includes complete eye exam and contact lens fitting by an indepen-                                                                                                   Editor's Note: Police Beat appears in
     dent optometrist as well as a three month supply of disposable contact
                                                                                                                                Special to the G-A                         every edition of the George-Anne in an effort     HISTORY/POLISCI
                                                                                       Please call
     lenses OR a pair of daily wear contacts. Disposable colored contacts
     are available for $149. Not valid with other exam offers or insurance
                                                                                                                                                                           to inform the GSU community of the amount           T,R: 11a.m.- 2 p.m.
                                                                                                                                    From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the RAC.      and nature of crime. All reports are public
     discounts. Other restrictions may apply. Offer expires 3/29/03.
                                                                                      489-6655 for                              Employers from a wide variety of           information and can be obtained at either
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 W: 2-3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                F: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                                                     an appointment                             fields have registered to attend the
                                                                                                                                event. For the participant list contact
                                                                                                                                                                           the GSU Division of Public Safety or the
                                                                                                                                                                           Statesboro Police Department.

         10% Discount on Glasses                                                                                                Career Services at ext. 5197 or visit
                                                                                     ,820 Highway 80 East                       its web page at
         with your GSU student ID                                                       In front of Lowe's                      sta/career.

                                                         Uprooted plantltfe
                                                         and sugar-saturated
                                                         caffeinated fat blocks?

                                                          You shouldn't have.

                                                                           BE MY NTI-V LENTINE

     The Miscellany Magazine of the Arts is seeking submissions in dance,                                                                         ,> iH'uroom .:> mil
    painting, photography, drawing, stage makeup, sculpture, graphic design, ceramics,                                                            4 heclrcwrai I bath
       mixed media, visual art, theatrical vignettes, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, prose,
            plays, original monologues, interior designs, fashion/ costume designs,
                                                                                                                                                     awn main
      culinary arts/ original recipes, foreign language literary works, original musical
          compositions and songs, spoken word poetry, and freestyle rapping. The                                                                     tcss man s mi
      Miscellany will also be putting out an audio CD. The CD, under development,
           will include spoken word poetry, freestyle rapping, and original musical
     compositions and songs. Students may submit their musical pieces for the CD on
        audiotape, audio CD, or MP3 files. Spoken word poets and freestyle rappers
          should sign up on the timesheet posted outside the Miscellany office for a
    recording session at the WVGS 91.9 radio station. Submissions can be dropped off
       at the Miscellany office, Room 2009 (the door with all the stuff on it) or in the
        Student Media office, Room 2022; both offices are on the second floor of the                                                                    U^SSiSMM
                                        Williams Center.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ugiiwav o /                    taipsijoro
          Call 681-0565 or e-mail us at for more information.                                                                                                                          (912)681-1166

         The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 7 th                                                                                                                                 We buiU Good Cents homes that include high
                                                                                                                                                                                                    efficiency heating ansf cooling,
                                                                                                                                              GoodCenfs                                  high insulation standards and other energy efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                               features to increase comfort ami savings.
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 — Page 3

                                             News Briefs                                                                                College to study if Georgia onion-eaters
                                                                                                                                        need help preventing prostate cancer
                                                 those aboard the six-seater, Piper
      U.N. warns U.S. not to                     PA-23 aircraft reported overdue.
                                                                                                 Battle of the Bands                    Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                                                  prostate cancer.                              which gains its nutrients from the soil.
        attack Iraq Alone                            Four people were aboard the                 Participants Needed                        AUGUSTA, Ga. - Researchers                Selenium is an element needed by          But adding selenium to the onion-
                                                 plane, said Lt. Tony Russell, a Coast                                                  are looking into whether eaters of        the body to utilize an enzyme called          growing process interfered with the
  Associated Press                               Guard spokesman in Miami.                  Special to the G-A                          Georgia's world-famous sweet Vidalia      gluthathione S transferase, which             flavor of the onion, so if supplements
                                                     The plane left Monday morning              WVGS'sannualBattleoftheBands            onions need to be supplemented with       helps protect cells from developing           ultimately are needed, it will likely
          LONDON-If U.S. forces attack
                                                 from Tamiami Airport in southwest          is coming soon, and we need YOU to          an element called selenium to prevent     precancerous changes. Early studies           have to be in pill form.
      Iraq on their own without U.N. ap-
                                                 Miami-Dade County, bound for the           signup!                                     prostate cancer.                          on the element found that men taking              "In Georgia, the selenium in the
      proval, it will be widely seen as an act
                                                 island of Bimini in the Bahamas, said          It's not just mental anymore! Have          The problem is that Vidalia           selenium reduced their prostate cancer        soil is quite low, so people that are eat-
 » of aggression, Saudi Arabia's foreign
                                                 Christopher White, a Federal Avia-         an Indie band? Like to play good old        onions and Georgia's water supply         risk by two-thirds, and those taking          ing foods that are grown here locally
    j minister said in an interview televised
                                                 tion Administration spokesman.             rock and roll? Impress your friends         contain feeble levels of selenium,        vitamin E had 40 percent fewer cases          may not be getting enough selenium
      Monday night.
                                                                                            and perform on stage!                       a trace- mineral that's being tested      of the cancer.                                in their diets," said Dr. Martha Terris
          Speaking on British Broadcast-
                                                                                                                                        nationwide to see if it can help deter        Most selenium comes from food,            of the Medical College of Georgia.
    ' ing Corp., Prince Saud al-Faisal            Iraq reports first flight by                  Only serious applicants please!
                                                                                                Stop by the office (Second Floor of
      said if Iraq fails to meet the United
      Nations     demands regarding its
                                                  American U-2 plane over                   the William's Center, room 2018), or        WORK, FROM PAGE
      weapons, Washington should seek                        Iraqi                          send and e-mail to
                                                                                            and sign up! Any questions, call 681            old," he said. " I learned from            B oth Kenmond and Rogers hope to         Kay cosmetics.
      U.N. approval for a U.S.-led war
                                                                                            - 5507 and ask for Chuck or Nuwan.          watching her work hard every day, I       retire within three to five years, when           "Mary Kay presented itself to me in
      in Baghdad.                                Associated Press
                                                                                                                                        decided I didn't want to do that."        they will use their wealth to help the        an empowering way,''' April explained.
          "If the attack comes through the
                                                     BAGHDAD,Iraq -Iraqreported                                                             Rogers Williams, a senior broad-      less fortunate, build churches and            "I was surrounded by attractive wom-
      U.N. Security Council, obviously it
                                                 the first flight by an American U-2        American commander of                       casting major, also works for Excel.      better the world.                             en who were successful."
      is not aggression," Prince Saud said.
      But "if the United States did it on its
                                                 surveillance plane Monday in sup-          U.S. forces in Afghanistan                  His motivation: simple economics.              "Excel is not a get rich quick               Hosting skin care classes and prod-
                                                 port of the U.N. inspection mission,                                                       After working as a stock guy          scheme," Rogers explained. "This is           uct parties, and handing out samples
      own, it would appear to be an act of
                                                 marking another concession by the             meets president over                     at K-Mart, a painter with Univer-         a get rich slowly over time plan, and         and booklets might seem a strange way
          He also said Saudi Arabia believes
                                                 Baghdad government in hopes of               alleged civilian deaths                   sity Housing, and the ever important      it's not for everyone. It takes hard work     to make money, but April is making it
                                                 staving off a U.S.-led attack.                                                         burger flipper at McDonald's, Rogers      to make thousands of dollars."                work. Added to her other jobs: a work
      that such a war could destabilize the
                                                     "At 11:55 a.m., a U-2 surveil-         Associated Press                            decided it was time to move on up,             If you're not quite disciplined          study position at the Performing Arts
      entire Middle East.
                                                 lance plane entered Iraqi airspace                                                     to a better job.                          enough to start your own business             Center and Editorial Assistant at Mis-
          "If a change of regime comes                                                          BAGRAM, Afghanistan -The
                                                 and reconnoitered several areas of                                                         "For me, this was a simple choice     like Rogers and Kenmond, it's ok.             cellany, the student literary magazine
      with the destruction of Iraq, then                                                    American commander of U.S. forces
                                                 Iraq and left Iraqi airspace at 4:15                                                   of either making $5.15 an hour work-      You can still make a living in college.       and photography. April seems to have
      you are solving one problem and                                                       in Afghanistan held talks withPresident
                                                 p.m.," the Iraqi Foreign Ministry said                                                 ing for someone else, or making an        The means might be right under your           money making down to an art, even
I creating five more problems," the                                                         Hamid Karzai o ver the weekend to dis-
                                                 in a statement. "The reconnaissance                                                    unlimited amount of money working         nose... literally.                            with the poky economy.
      minister said.                                                                        cuss a coalition assault last week that
                                                 operation lasted four hours and 20                                                     for myself," he said. "I know that I'm         College students spend an esti-              "Even if there were more jobs out
          "That is the consideration that we                                                allegedly left several civilians dead,
                                                 minutes."                                                                              worth more than $5.15 an hour, and        mated $2.6 million a year on cos-             there, I'd still consider selling Mary
      have to live with because we live in                                                  the U.S. military said Monday.
                                                     Last week, the Iraqis agreed to                                                    Excel allows ordinary people to pro-      metics and skin care products, and            Kay an option," she said. "It's always
      the region. We will suffer the conse-                                                     Lt. Gen. Dan McNeill also met vil-
                                                 allow U-2 flights, fulfilling a major                                                  duce extraordinary results with their     senior April Fordham has found a              good to have money coming in from
      quences of any military action."                                                      lage elders from the southern province
                                                 demand by U.N. inspectors seeking to                                                   income."                                  way to cash in on it. She sells Mary          as many outlets as possible."
                                                 determine if Iraq still harbors weapons    of Helmand, where the allied attack
     Coast Guard finds three                     of mass destruction.                       on suspected Taliban fighters took
                                                     Iraqi officials had objected to the    place.
     dead while looking for                      U-2 flights, contending they couldn't          "Gen. McNeill reaffirmed coalition           V hanhozla s. V alon
         missing plane                           guarantee the safety of the plane if it    forces' right of self-defense and pointed
                                                                                                                                            ^^\ 489-6729^—A 300 East Main
                                                 was flying over Iraq at the same time as   out that those forces had entered the
                                                                                                                                            C^^^^/ Across from C^^^^S Video Warehouse                                                               month
  Associated Press                               U.S.-British air patrols in the "no-fly    valley with the consent of the governor
                                                 zones" of northern and southern Iraq.      of Helmand," said Col. Roger King, a
      MIAMI - The Coast Guard
                                                 Unless those warplanes were kept at        spokesman for the military at Bagram
                                                                                                                                                                        • New beds with hot bulbs
   found three bodies among wreck-
                                                 base during the U-2 flight, the recon-     Air Base.
   age in waters off southern Florida
                                                 naissance craft might be targeted by           Afghan authorities sent a delega-                                       • No waiting

 '!on Monday while searching for a
                                                 anti-aircraft fire, they said.             tion on Thursday headed by the deputy                                       • Lowest prices in Statesboro
   private twin-engine plane reported
                                                     The no-fly zones were declared by      governor of Helmand province, Haji
   overdue by authorities in Nassau,                                                                                                                                    • GSU discount on haircuts
                                                 Washington, without U.N. authoriza-        Pir Mohammad, to visit three villages                                                                                                                                  i
                                                                                            -Lejay, Robatak and Shina-that elders
                                                                                                                                                                          and highlights
      Coast Guard officials could not            tion, to protect what were considered                                                                                                                                                                             i
                                                                                            said had been hit in the assault. They
I confirm whether the bodies of two              anti-government areas from Iraqi air-
                                                                                            were expected to report back to'Karzai                                               Monday-Frida/9-6                             $2,50 for first visit «
I men and a woman found about eight              craft. The Iraqis consider the zones to
                                                 be hostile, illegal operations.            this week.                                                                            Saturday 9-4:30
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Page 4 — Wednesday, February 19,2003

                      THUMB                                                            The Stars and Stripes might Preparing for ,
       •THUMBS UP to
    global "show of hands
                                                        a                              lie, but the numbers never do a terror attack
    for those, opposed to
    war.                                                                                   Last week our state turned 270                                               Not because I think we should, or          KRT Campus
                                                                                       years old, and all that was on the
                                                                                       narrow minds of some Georgians                AMANDA                             because Black Southerners think we
                                                                                                                                                                        should, but because it makes sense.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Thefollowing editorial appeared in the Chicago Tribune
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   on Thursday, Feb. 13:
       •THUMBS DOWN to                                                                 was a 45-year-old flag.                                                              The new flag fairly depicts all
    teasing weather fluctuations.                                                          Apparently, our brand-new gov-           PERMENTER                           of the state's most historic flags,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       There's something almost surreal about the security
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   precautions that top federal officials are suggesting Ameri-
                                                                                       ernor Sonny Perdue wants to follow                                               including the Confederate emblem.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   cans take against a potential terrorist attack.
      • THUMBS UP to the fast-approaching                                              through with one of his platform                                                 If you're a fan of Civil War heritage          Some are familiar: stockpiling of a three-day supply of
                                                                                       promises, and has proposed an op-                                                and/or the Old South, by all means,
    Spring Break.                                                                      portunity for us all to lock in a vote                                           fly the Confederate flag separately
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   water and food, a radio with extra batteries, a manual can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   opener, a first aid kit. But there's also this added precau-
                                                                                       on which state flag we prefer in the                                             in your yard. Peddle the Confeder-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tion: government officials now recommend that families
      • THUMBS DOWN to                                             classes on          March 2004 primaries.                                                            ate flag (for all it's worth) to your      consider designating a room where they will gather in event
    President's Day.                                                                       That's all well and good. The                                                Southern neighbors. Paint it on your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of emergency. That "safe" room should hold a supply of
                                                                                       "Let Us Vote" signs that have lined                                              living room wall. Set up an altar to       duct tape and plastic sheeting, which people could use to
                                                                                       so many of Georgia's driveways and                                               it and worship it, for all I care. It is
           • THUMBS UP to Black Awareness                                                                                                                                                                          seal off the room from a chemical or biological attack.
                                                                                       highways have not been a waste of                                                very important to cherish history.             "They're not trying to scare people, but to educate
                   Month events.                                                       plastic after all, and Georgians may                                             But, please do not impose on the           people," said one security expert.
                                                                                       vote on a flag for the first time in the                                         entire political and social entity-on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       It's hard to say how scared - or prepared - many
                                                                                       history of the state. Hooray for logical                                         honest people who live and work and
                                                 • THUMBS DOWN                                                                                                                                                     Americans are. Some stores in Chicago and Washington
                                                                                       breaks in tradition and politicians who                                          breathe in this state-by insisting that
                                               to campus vandalism.                                                                                                                                                D.C. report that plastic sheeting, duct tape and bottled
                                                                                       actually deliver.                                                                the emblem remain a large icon on          water are selling briskly. It's safe to say that the elevation
                                                                                           Now, let's see if we're smart enough to use this        our official state flag.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the nation's terrorism threat level to code orange - or
                                                                                       privilege in order to elect to keep the more appropri-          I read Atlanta resident Elaine Causey's claim that she      "high" risk for an attack - has some Americans pondering
-                                                                                      ate flag.                                                   would vote to stick with the old banner because she's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   their canned food supply, something they probably hadn't
                                                                                           Before you start in on me, take a careful note. My      a "true Southerner." And, I read Sons of Confederate            considered since the Y2K scare.
                                                                                       main basis for belief on this issue is not that the Con-    Veterans member Dan Coleman's insistence that "it's                 It's also safe to say that the government is responding to
                                                                                       federate battle emblem is a sign of slavery. If that is the the soldier's flag." I'm literally dumbstruck by such           criticism from the last time it raised the terror alert to orange,
                                                                                       grounds on which the symbol should be removed from          comments. I have great respect for the Sons of Confed-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   around the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Federal
                                                                                       our flag, there are many people whose very brains should    erate Veterans organization, and I'm sure Ms. Causey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   officials had trouble answering the obvious question: What
                                                                                       be removed on the exact same principle. Of course, let      is a nice lady, but where is the relevance in either of         should we do? This time, officials are promoting an updated
                                                                                       us not forget that rebellious, white Georgia lawmakers      those statements? Should a "true Southerner" deny the           Federal Emergency Management Agency manual - "Are
        • The time to repair the roof is when                                          did create it in the midst of civil rights upheaval and     influence of 220 years? Are Civil War soldiers the only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   You Ready? A Guide to Citizen Preparedness" - and of-
     the sun is shining.                                                               fights against segregation in the late 1950's.              one's whose lives matter? Scores of Georgian men have           fering plenty of instructions.
        - John F. Kennedy                                                                 When I suggest that we chose the "appropriate"           died in American wars, but do we see a motion to allow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Certainly there's no harm in this. But there's also no
                                                                                       flag, I'm not talking racial appeasement. I'm talking       an American flag to take up a third of the space on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   need to panic. Families should talk about what they will do
        • Drop that zero and go for the hero.                                          about doing justice to history. I mean fair and accurate    Georgia flag?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in event of a terror attack, the same way they plan escape
        - Vanilla Ice                                                                  representation of everyone's heritage.                          The answers are no, no, no... and, no.                      routes in case of fire. The difference, of course, is that a
                                                                                          The incessant argument from mourners of the for-             I encourage everyone to vote, no matter what your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   terror attack could bring wide-scale disruption of many
                                                                                       mer flag rests on that one word—Heritage. However,          position. And, not just on the flag in the primary elec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the comforts we have come to depend on - power,
             LETTER AND SUBMISSION POLICY                                              that flag-the loss of which some folks so lavishly la-      tion. The state flag issue lives and kicks today because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   transportation and communications, but also police and
           The George-Anne welcomes letters to the editor,                             ment-was only the state                                                                         enough people went out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fire protection.
        story submissions and guest columns from people                                flag between 1956 and when I suggest                    that we chose the                     and  voted for a governor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The vast spectrum of possible attacks - biological,
     both inside and outside the GSU community. All copy                               2001. Sure, the.,Con-                        ..;66 .                                          who swore he'd resusci-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   chemical, radiological -renders all but the most rudimentary
       submitted should be typed (double-spaced, please),                              federate battle emblem appropriate flag,! ftl YlOt talking                                    tate it. Yes, the election
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   planning of questionable value. Still, some basic precautions
    preferably on Macintosh disk in Microsoft Word or Mi-                              alone is much older than radal appeasement. I'm talking                                       is more than a year away,     make sense. For instance, schools have plans in case of
     crosoft Works format. All submissions must be signed                              any of the state flags, as      ,      „ , .        .         ' , . .                         which should give you
                                                                                       it turns a whopping 142 about doing justice to history. I mean plenty of time to edu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   emergency, often keeping children inside until it is safe for
      and include a mailing address and phone number for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   them to be picked up. What is your school's plan?
     verification. The editors reserve the right to reject any                         this year.                   fair and accurate representation of                              cate yourself and make            Such questions evoke memories of the 1950s and '60s,
     submission. There is no word limit on submissions. A                                  As impressive as that                                                                     an informed choice.
     writer may request to remain anonymous. However, it                               sounds, it's still less than
                                                                                                                     everyone's heritage.                                                I especially encour-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   when some Americans built bomb shelters in case of a
     will be the editor's decision whether or not to print the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Soviet nuclear attack. The Cold War shaped Americans'
                                                                                       half as old as the Georgia ~~~~~~—^^~^^~ ^~"~"^^^~ age those of you in op-
     name. Submissions are run on a space-available basis.                                                                                                                                                         thinking then; now it's the threat of terror.
                                                                                       colony itself.                                                                                position to the old flag to       That threat demands Americans think far differently
                                                                                           The fact abides that the official state flag of Georgia make plans to get out there and vote against it. Your
           Covering the campus                                                         has portrayed the Confederate emblem in some form voice does matter, and this is one situation in which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   about homeland security, often in ways that may seem alien
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to us but are common in other parts of the world. After Israel
                                                                                       for exactly 47 years, including the new one. Also, three rational thoughts are being drowned out by inactivity.
           like a swarm of gnats                                                       Confederate flags bearing the emblem represented People who share my position are talking all over the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   was attacked by Iraqi Scud missiles in the 1991 Persian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gulf War, for example, the government required new homes
                                                                                       Georgia while it was part of the Confederacy, from streets, but not on paper. As for the rest who sit on the
     THE 2002-03 EDITORIAL BOARD                                                                                                                                                                                   and apartment buildings be outfitted with sealable rooms,
                                                                                       1860-1865.                                                  sidelines in quiet apathy: It shames me to know that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   where a family could retreat in event of attack.
                               TIM PRIZER                                                  So, what of the remaining 220 years? I guess the some people, especially those who call themselves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       It's impossible to know what kind of attack - if any
                                                                                       heritage embodied in those 2.2 centuries simply isn't students, are so stagnant and uncaring.
                              EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                                                                                                                                                      - may come from terrorists. But in another sense, this
                                                                                       as important as the five years of national dissent many         If you are not registered to vote, or need informa-         isn't about an attack. This is about piercing the cocoon
               AMANDA PERMENTER                                                        would prefer to commemorate more prominently on tion on voting procedures, please visit the web site
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of comfort and complacency that most Americans take as
                            MANAGING EDITOR                                            our state flag.                                             of Georgia Secretary of State Cathy Cox at http:                their birthright. Who thinks about running water, electricity,
                                                                                           I've heard every polemic possible from those in What is going on in
                             ADAM BRADY                                                support of re-implementing the former flag, and I've the world and in our nation no longer just affects our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   transportation, police and fire protection - until they are
                                  NEWS EDITOR                                                                                                                                                                      disrupted? There's no need to dwell on that, of course, but
                                                                                       had the pleasure of using an array of facts to debunk parents. We are The People you've been hearing about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   there's good reason at least to contemplate how you and
     THE 2002-03 EDITORIAL STAFF                                                       them all to some extent.                                    all your lives; we are the ones running this country
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   your family would confront a situation in which you're on
                                                                                           The flag was changed because it was time for a now. Change things.
                          LUCRECIA JOHNSON                                                                                                                                                                         your own for a few days.
                                                                                       change. People were uncomfortable with it; it was not           Amanda Permenter is the managing edi-
                              ASSSISTANT NEWS EDITOR                                                                                                                                                                   Look on the bright side. Even if nothing happens, you
                                                                                       representing our state accurately. Now that we've been tor of The George-Anne and can be reached at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   can always use some extra duct tape.
      WILL JOHNSON                                  JEWEL DENSON                       given the right to choose, let us accept the compromise.
     DEPUTY MANAGING EDITOR                                 COPY EDITOR

                                                 ASSISTANT LIFESTYLES EDITOR           Media's catering to Bush ignores global anti-war stance
      MELISSA CONNORS                                LAVENE BELL
                 SPORTS EDITOR                              PHOTO EDITOR               By Mark Weisbrot                                              the belligerence of the neighborhood bully, he has been       certainly have the opposite effect. It will provide little
                                                                                       KRT Campus
                                                                                                                                                     slow to learn that neither Washington's money nor all of      stimulus to domestic production, while the uncertainty
                                                                                           WASHINGTON, D.C. - "I'm a uniter, not a di-               the Pentagon's advanced weaponry can win friendship           it brings will cause businesses to hold back on invest-
    THE GEORGE-ANNE STAFF                                                              vider," said George W. Bush during his presidential           or respect among the people of the world.                     ment. And of course any further oil price increases will
    For 75years, Georgia Southern^ Official                                            campaign.                                                         Bush is doing somewhat better on the home front,          deliver another blow to the economy.
          f Student Newspaper %                                                            He got that one right.                                    where polls have found majorities favoring "military              But the war will provide a distraction, and Bush
                                                                                           He has managed to unite the whole world against           action." This is the result of a media that repeats his       seems to have concluded that he needs this more than
      NEWS                                          CIRCULATION                        him and the war he proposes to wage against Iraq.             arguments endlessly and only occasionally provides            anything. We've had a jobless recovery from the last
       Angela Jones, Shana Bridges,
       Alston Arras, Jonathan Duncan,
                                                    Bfad Bearden, David Pahowicz
                                                                                           From New York to Johannesburg, millions of people         rebuttal, as well as utter spinelessness among the            recession and the next one is already on the horizon.
       Jenny Pir&Ie, Voloria Petliford, Jen-
       nifcrOoran, Kelly Hit-kers, Riwttdt                                             hit the streets last weekend in the largest collection of     leadership of the opposition party. That leaves most          The federal budget - with help from Bush's tax cuts for
       McLcod, Andrea Mitchell, Jimmy
                                                                                       anti-war demonstrations since the Vietnam War. The            Americans in the position of a jury that has heard only       the rich - is headed for a decade or more of growing
       Simmons, Terew Southern. Chike               ADVERTISING & DIS-
       NvrafoBnma, Doww Thtgpen. Jew!                                                  biggest, record-breaking protests were in the countries       one side of the case.                                         deficits. What would these people have to show for
                                                  TRIBUTION SERVICES
       Watk'ms, Christine Schmidt, Chris-
                                                                                       whose governments have allied themselves with Bush:               In the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, 42            themselves without a war?
       topher Johnson, Matthew J-und.
       Dana Mitchell. Molly McWIfljaaos,
       Angie Diilry»iple\Chri\l!riuOat-
                                                                                       Rome, where one to three million peace lovers turned          percent of those polled believed that Saddam Hussein              The White House claims it is defying the world on
                                                                                                                                                     was involved in the September 11 attacks. Not even
                                                    M«t«CETW« BlRlXTOK
       loway, KeirSinri. Shatm Camp,
                                                    David Brennaman                    out, and London, where an estimated 750,000 to one                                                                          our behalf, to save Americans from the threat of another
       Eileen Keliy
      LIFESTYLES                                    BrisiNESs MANA«ER
                                                                                       million showed up.                                            the Administration has floated this allegation. This          September 11 or worse. But nothing could be further
       Joshua King, Deidra Sullivan,                Stacey Johnson                         So much for the "coalition of the willing" that Bush      indicates the profound level of ignorance on which            from the truth. A "pre-emptive" war will drastically
       Jonathan McColiar, Chareicc
       D'Archtvitle, Stephen Cunningham.            AORKPS                             has promised to lead to war if the U.N. Security Council      Bush's support is based. The headline for that story          increase the chances of international terrorist actions
       April Tordham, Brad Zcitlin.
       Heather Roberts
                                                    Trent Anthony, Jeremy J'oreman,
                                                    Stacey Johnson. Jennifer Tous&w,   won't back him. The people who live under the NATO            should have read: "Many Americans misinformed about           directed at the attackers - that is one of the reasons
      SPORTS                                        Candaee Wcttbcrry, Jackson
                                                                                       governments that are backing Bush, according to Euro-         Iraq war - the rest are opposed."                             why Europe is so opposed.
       fill Boorstein, 84. ('orbit!. Nick
                                                                                       pean polls, are overwhelmingly against a war without              Yet even in the United States, 59 percent think               Americans are increasingly coming to realize this
       Fierstos, Bo Fnlginiti, Kenneth
       Cofcr, Dennis Hightower                       GRAPHIC DESIGN                    U.N. approval: Britain (90 percent), Italy (73 percent),      the U.S. should "wait and give the U.N. and weapons           too, and President Bush's approval ratings - including
      PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                      Spain (90 percent), and Turkey (94 percent).                  inspectors more time." And 54 percent would oppose            those relating to his handling of foreign policy - have
       Allison Bennett, Tim Denver,
       Christina Ritch, Lindsay Wise.
                                                     McKell Bond
                                                                                           Even in the "new Europe" of the East, whose cash-         a war if "thousands of Iraqi civilians were killed,"          been steadily dropping.
       Ebony Robertson, Adam Bonncr,                                                   poor governments have wasted billions on weaponry so          which is extremely likely.                                        As the saying goes, regime change begins at
       Neidra Cobb, Kevin Gotham,                     PRODUCTION &
       Chris Home, Philip Murphy,                                                      they could join NATO and curry favor with Washington,             When the U.N. Security Council stood up to Secre-         home.
                                                   GRAPHICS SERVICES
       I.aTonya Rayner, Mariana Vietra,
                                                                                       large majorities are against the war. The truth is that       tary of State Colin Powell last week, the US stock market         Mark Weisbrot is co-director of the Center for Eco-
       Chris Walker                                     (PAGES)
      STUDENT                                                                          if the world were made up of real democracies, Bush           soared in response. Why? Because Wall Street knows            nomic and Policy Research ( Readers
      PUBLICATIONS                                       PKOMJCTCON MANAGER            wouldn't have one single country on his side.                 that this war is very likely to hurt the economy. Unlike      may write to him at CEPR, 1621 Connecticut Avenue
       Nl-.WK. IClMTOftlAl. A»V)S««
                                                                Adam Drew
                                                                                           But he still doesn't get it. Alternating between the      previous wars such as World War II, Korea, Vietnam            NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20009-1052, or e-
                                                                                                                                                     that boosted economic growth, this one will almost
       Larry Anderson                                            WEBMASTER
       GENERAL MANAGES                                          Segio Waldring         roles of the spoiled rich kid who buys his friends and                                                                      mail him at
       Bill Neville
                                                                                                                                                                                i                                                                                                       i
/                                                                                     \

            ^&T*t IfA                      ffl&             wSSsi                                                                                                                          Wednesday, February 19, 2003 — Page 5
                            "52 *          c/uw       VtvWPl ^
                                           Pizza t- W                                        PIG, FROM PAGE                          1
                        1                  Wings ^                                              Forrest Drive building. Drs.
                                                                                             RobertBatchelor, Charles Briggs,
                                                                                                                                    dent Philip Boldt. "It's a fun way
                                                                                                                                    for students to get a little payback
                                                                                                                                                                           America or the 4-H club, but
                                                                                                                                                                           whether the pig will be a small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    very impressed with the response
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that we've gotten, but I'm not're-
                                                                                             Jonathan Bryant, Kathleen              on teacher's they didn't do well       pot belly or a full sized hog is         ally worried about being selected
                                                                                             Comerford, Charles Crouch,             with, and it's raising money for a     being kept under wraps by the            to do the kissing honors. I'm rela-
                                  PIZZA                                                      Alan Downs, Vernon Egger, Mi-          good cause."                           club members. Even the gender            tively new, so I haven't built Jup
                                     10"                    14"                   16"        chelle Haberland, Annette La-             The students had to get special     of the pig is being kept top se-         the infamous reputation some'of
Cheese                            $4.95                  $7.95                   $9.95       ing, Emerson McMullen, Craig           permission from Pres. Grube to         cret. "Given that the majority of        my colleagues enjoy."
Pepperoni                         $5.70                  $7.70                  $10.70       Roell, Anastatia Sims, Cathy           temporarily suspend the "no            professors in this department are            Latin American History pfo-
Vegetarian                        $6.95                  $8.95                  $11.70       Skidmore-Hess, Jerome Steffen,         animals allowed on campus"             male, I think the odds are pretty        fessor Dr. Ronald Young said4ie
Meat Lover's                      $7.70                  $9.70                  $12.70       John Steinberg, Timothy Teeter,        rule for the kissing on Friday. "If    high that the kiss just might be         wouldn't mind if he had to kiss (he
Supreme                           $8.55                 $10.55                  $13.55       Charles Thomas, Alfred Young,          the contest should prove to be         same sex, if not same species,"          pig, as long as it was for a gopd
Super Supreme                     $9.30                 $11.30                  $14.30       Ronald Young, Ms. Lisa Denmark         wildly successful, we will con-        Dr. Haberland said.                      cause. "This raises money ajid
Stuffed Vegetarian               $10.95                 $12.95                  $15.95       and Mr. David Canton are all in the    tinue it for years to come," Dr.          Dr. Robert Bachelor, who              awareness for the History Club,
Stuffed Meat Lover's             $11.95                 $13.95                  $16.95       running for the prestigous honor       Haberland said. "I would very          teaches Modern British History,          which is a relatively new grouppn
White                             $5.70                  $7.70                  $10.70       of being the first GSU professor in    much love to see this become a         would prefer a girl pig. "If I had       campus, and it increases students'
White Vegetarian                  $6.95                  $8.95                  $11.95       history to pucker up to pork.          GSU tradition."                        my choice, I'd like a pot-bellied        awareness of the History depapt-
White Meat Lover's                $7.70                  $9.70                  $12.70           "There isn't anything harm-           The pig is being provided           girl pig, I'm just not ready to go       ment itself," he said. "I'd kisl a
Each add'l topping                   75C                 $1.00                   $1.25       ful," said History Club vice presi-    by either the Future Farmers of        whole hogjust yet," he joked. "I'm       pig to do that."

                  CALZONE                        STROMBOLI
                                                                                             SNOW, FROM PAGE                              1
Cheese                       $4.95                              $3.95                            on Sunday hoping to go to Wil-     declarations were also issued by
Veggie                       $6.95                              $5.95                        liamsburg, Virginia, but had to stay   governors in New York, Kentucky,
Meat                         $7.95                              $6.95                        overnight in a Philadelphia hotelr     New Jersey, West Virginia, Mary-
Works                        $8.95                              $7.95                            Staff members at Baltimore-        land and Delaware.
                                                                                             Washington International Airport          States had thousands of crews
                                                                                             distributed blankets and pillows to    plowing and spreading salt. Mary-
      CREATE YOUR OWN PIZZA!                                                                 the some 150 travelers who spent
                                                                                             the night there. The Port Author-
                                                                                                                                    land Gov. Robert Ehrlich said the
                                                                                                                                    storm had cost between $20 mil-
Toppings: Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Italian Sausage, Bacon, Ham, Green Peppers,
                                                                                             ity of New York and New Jersey,        lion and $30 million.
Onion, Tomatoes, Olives, Pineapple, Artichokes, Spinach, Garlic, Broccoli, Tuna,
                                                                                             which operates Newark, Kennedy            New York Mayor Michael
Feta Cheese, Anchovies, Jalapeno Peppers.
                                                                                             and LaGuardia airports, supplied       Bloomberg estimated the storm,
                                                                                             cots and blankets.                     measured in Central Park at 19.5
                                SALADS                                                           Thousands of travelers trying
                                                                                             to get home from vacations were
                                                                                                                                    inches (49.5 centimeters) by early
                                                                                                                                    evening, already had cost his city
                 (Served with Blue Cheese, Ranch or Honey Mustard)                           stuck at Florida airports.             around $20 million. By early
      House Salad       $1.95                   Greek Salad         $4.75                        "We got in here Sunday after-      evening, the snow had ended in
    . Chef Salad        $3.45                                                                noon and were told we weren't          the city.
                                                                                             going anywhere until Wednesday            Plows built piles of snow two
                                                                                             morning," said Thomas Gibbons          stories high along some streets,
                                 WINGS                                                       of Philadelphia, who had spent         including Fifth Avenue near the
                             (Mild, Hot, Teriyaki or BBQ)                                    a vacation with his wife in the        Saks department store in Manhat-
       10               $5.29                   30      $12.99                               Dominican Republic. "It could          tan, where tourists took pictures of
       20               $8.99                   50      $21.99                               be worse - it's gorgeous here in       each other standing on the gigantic
                                                                                             Miami, and the hotel has a nice        mounds.
                                                                                             pool."                                    Weather-related deaths in-
                                                                                                 The heavy snow was blamed          cluded two in Illinois, one in Ne-
                    FREE DELIVERY                                                            for several roof collapses in New
                                                                                             Jersey, including one that killed
                                                                                                                                    braska, six in West Virginia, six in
                                                                                                                                    Missouri, one in Ohio, one in New
                                                              $7.00 min order
                                                                                             a man at a job-training school in      Jersey and four in Iowa.

                                                                                             Edison. In Maryland, a roof fell          In Tennessee, two children
                                                                                             in at the a railroad museum in         were missing after the car they
                                                                                             Baltimore.                             were in was swept off a bridge
                            Formerly Big Fella's Pizza                                           Ohio Gov. Bob Taft declared        by high water late Sunday. The
             200 Lanier Drive • Sfatesboro                                                   three southern counties disaster       oar'had not been found MotidayT
              Across front Paulson Stadium                                                   areas because of the snow and          Their aunt, who was driving, was     Cross-country    skiers take advantage of heavy snowfall to ski around
                                                                                             ice. Disaster and emergency            rescued.                             Capitol Hill in Washington,  DC. on Monday,   Feb. 17.

            I                                                                                                                                                                        4

    IPIZZA                                                              IETTI • STEAK GRINDERS MEAT &
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          Pizzas for only                                                         GREEK & ITALIAN C/ol
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       ■w                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - Page 6

Bo's BOTTOM LINE: YOU should be embarrassed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           As

                                                 Tony Moss listed Georgia Southern as         Hanner Fieldhouse can be," Long said.       team is coming off of a SoCon South
                                                 the school with the "most disappointing      "In '86 against Arkansas-Little Rock it     Division title, and the baseball team
                                                 crowd in 2002."                              sounded like 5,000 people inside a 50-      is also building on last year's SoCon
                                                     That's the most disappointing crowd      gallon drum."                              Tournament title as well.
                                                 in the country people.                           Long also said that in those days           But who specifically is to blame for
                                                      He pointed out that the Eagles aver-    there where no seats in the arena, just    not showing up at the gates?
                                                 aged just 6,892 fans for three playoff       wooden benches where the students were          It'saproblemthatconcernstheentire
                                                 games and just 6,573 for the semi-final      on their feet the whole game, throwing      school, yet the one organization on this
                                                 match up against Western Kentucky.           toilet paper, taunting the opposition, and campus that has blatantly abused their
                                                     And he challenged us by asking if it     yelling so loud that referees had to wave  responsibility as the school's largest and
                                                 was too much to expect' 'I-AA's all-time    their hands after each whistle because      most organized student group on campus
                                                top program to approach five figures at      the players on the court couldn't hear      is the Greeks.
                                                 the turnstiles."                            them.                                            That's right brothers and sisters; I'm
                                                     So you still think I'm overacting?           Yet having said all that, it was still talking to you.
                                                     You might not jump to that conclu-      during this past football season when            As late as 1998 the Greeks were
 '. I've begged and pleaded.                     sion if you knew how special things used    the behavior of the students was the        all there, row after row at the football                                                                     Christina Ritch/STAFF
     I've ranted and raved.                     to be on this campus.                        most surprising.                            games cheering for the Eagles as Paul         The sea of blue that was once a fieldhouse packed with screaming
     And I've just about had enough.                 Dr. Darin Van Tassell, a current             "The lack ofattendance for the crown   lohnson's boys punched their ticket for       fans is now just an arena drowning in empty rows of blue seats. Fan
     Time and time again I've stomped           GSU professor and arguably the most          jewel of all I-AA football programs is      Chattanooga.                                  support at Eagle sporting events has continued to drop considerably
my feet over just how unacceptable              dedicated lifetime fan of Eagle sports,      really hard to understand," Long said.           Every year since the numbers of          over the past few years, and many are wondering why.
the school spirit has become at this            followed the athletic programs as a child,   "Being a student at GSU and not caring      fraternity and sorority attendance has
university.                                     a teenager, an undergrad, an alumni, an      about Eagle football is like standing in    decreased. And the ones who do show           around Greek Row.                              every one of you sports fans out there
     Now it's gotten downright embar-           assistant coach. Now as a full-time fac-     front of a home- ■           ,                        ^CTT           up come late,            In doing so, he hoped to revitalize the    who haven't been to a game all year to
rassing.                                        ulty member, he remembers when things        less person and Being a student at GSU                               leave early, and     interest in the basketball program, but not    take the time and go.
     Let's just tell it like it is folks: the   were a little different around here.         throwing prime and not caring about Eagle treatitlikehappy                                one sorority or fraternity showed up.               I challenge you to make the effort
lack of fan support for the athletic pro-            "Prior to football on this campus,      rib in the trash r .» u ■ /■/                        j-              hour.                    Nope, you all had something better         to support the players and coaches and
grams on this campus in the past two            Eagle basketball and baseball games          can"                 football is like standing in                        I really don't   to do.                                         cheerleaders that work their tails off in
semesters has ranged from ridiculous,           were far better attended," Van Tassell           So having front oj'a homeless person                             think that the           Look, I understand that each Greek         practice so they can representthis school
to inexcusable, to nonexistent.                 said. "Sincehomecomingwasduringthe           heard all the
     But since most of you ungrateful           basketball season, the campus involve-       prosecutions,
                                                                                                                   and throwing prime rib in                      Greeks on this       house represents and supports an im-           to the best of their ability, only to have to
                                                                                                                                                                  campus real-         portant philanthropy that is far more          perform in front of hundreds of empty
undergrads have no idea just how piti-          ment of student groups was far more          there are still the trash can."                                      ize just what a      important than any sporting event, but         seats week after week.
ful our national reputation as sports fans      noticeable at basketball games. Even         two main ques-                                - Jim Long difference they                  there is one important cause that most of           So take off those disgusting Bulldog
has become, or how badly most of you            so, students' presence at GSU sporting       tions that arise:                   FOX Sports Radio make.                                you are oblivious to—school spirit.            sweatshirts, put on something that is
have tarnished decades of tradition here        events continued to thrive during the mid        1) What's to                                                         Bill Bates,          I drive around campus and I see ban-       Blue and Gold, and go to the game.
in Statesboro, I have a few others who           1980's and early 1990's."                   blame for the lack of interest?             a former student and current Southern         ners hanging frompine trees that promote           If you aren't gonna crap than get off
don't mind setting the record straight.              But what kind of student presence           2) Who is most responsible for the Booster knows exactly what I'm talk-               school support of games and events.            the can—and move to Athens.
     Let's start with Augusta Chronicle         was really at the games in those days?       lack of support?                            ing about                                         I walk past the Rotunda and I hear             Being a student at Georgia South-
sportswriter Larry Williams.                         Most of you probably haven't heard          I've mulled over the answer to both          "If you look at Greek support at         hundreds of girls trying to show who           ern University is a special privilege and
     For those of you who were unaware,         the stories about the good old days when     questions for quite some time and here schools'slegendary.. .it's          can yell and scream the loudest.               you need to start treating it like one, or
Mr. Williams poked fun at GSU fans              the basketball team played in the Trans-     is what it all boils down to.               apartoftheirculture,"Bates said. "That's          Well, get your rear-ends in Hanner         you should fill out a transfer slip and
back in December by headlining us in            American Athletic Conference, and                Students can complain about the lack what we want at Southern. I mean we              Fieldhouse and'Yell like Hell.'                go to a school where there aren't six
the "Who's Not" category of his weekly          almost the entire student population         of talent in the SoCon, they can bitch had several incidents this past football               The point is that if you aren't a          national championship flags hanging
"Who'sHot-Who'sNot"column,noting                came out to watch their Eagles hit the       about their busy lives and how they have season were several Greeks joined in the         part of the solution you are part of the       from a stadium pole.
that the crowd that watched the Eagles          hardwood.                                    to go back home to see Mom and Dad pre-game festivities from both the park-               problem.                                           So what's your bottom line?
beat Bethune-Cookman was the sixth                   lim Long, a GSU graduate and            on the weekends.                            ing lot of the stadium and outside their          I understand that there are people             Tune into Bo's Bottom Line Sports
smallest in the history of the stadium.         current radio personality for "104-The           But the main cause ofthis sudden lack houses, but they never entered Paulson.         that go to GSU that simply cannot stand        Talkon 91.9fin every Thursdayfrom 4-6
 ■ That'snotjustfortheplayoffspeople;           Score" Fox Sports Radio in Hinesville,       ofinterest stems fromthe very same thing That just blows me away."                        sports and that's fine with me.               p.m. and tell your side of the story.
he is talking about the history of 'The         Georgia vividly recalls when a signifi-      that has led to countless empty seats at        And Bates, as a co-coordinator of             But we have over 15,000 students               Bo is the sports director oj
House that Erk Built.'                          cantly smaller student body than we have     Turner Field summer after summer: you the Hanner Hooligan Tailgate, shelled               that roam the campus every day and we          91.9fin WVGS, and a sportswriter
 ' Oh, but stayed tuned—it gets bet-            today made much more noise than any          people are spoiled rotten.                  out hundreds of his own dollars to buy        can't even get 3,000 people to watch a        for The George-Anne. He can
ter.                                  «         of our ears have ever heard.                     The football teamhas won an unprec- and cook free food in an effort to try and        basketball game anymore.                       be reached for comment at bo_
 . online columnist                "People don't realize how loud the      edented six national titles, the basketball change the attitude of everyone on and            The bottom line is that I challenge       fidginiti

Furman tramples Lady Eagles Swimming and Diving finishes third
By Eli Boorstein

     After winning six of their last
seven Southern Conference games,
the Lady Eagle basketball team had
set themselves within distance of first
place in the league.
  [ After Monday night in Hanner
Fieldhouse, any chance of grabbing
the top spot have disappeared as
Georgia Southern fell to Furman 80-
59, matching the Eagles' most lopsided
defeat of the season.
   ; With the loss, Georgia Southern now
sits in third place, four games behind
first-place Chattanooga with just three                                                                                                                                                                                                                              File Photo
conference games remaining.                                                                                                                The GSU Swimming and Diving team competed in the Southern States Championship and finished third
     It was a stifling defense that guided                                                                                                 overall. Three Eagles were named to the All-Southern States team.
the Paladins (13-11,9-6 SoCon) as they                                                                                                     G-A News Service
held the Eagles (16-8,10-5 SoCon) to                                                                                                                                                   in the 100 Fly with a time of 57.83           second with a time of 4:03.32. The
                                                                                                                                               Radford, Va. - Three Eagles were        to break the school record. Licht             800 Free Relay team placed second
a season-low shooting percentage of
                                                                                                                                           named to the All-Southern States            also placed second in the 400 IM              as well with a time of 7:53.91. The
jUst 23.8 percent. Georgia Southern
                                                                                                                                           team to lead the Eagles to a third place    (4:35.98). Sophomore Florrie Cun-             800 was swam by Cunningham, se-
sjiot 15-of-63 from the field, includ-
                                                                                                                                           finish at the Southern States Swim-         ningham was also named to the                 nior Ashley Burger, Wood and Bird.
ing a l-of-12 night from three-point
                                                                                                                                           ming and Diving Championship,               All-Southern States team as she               Wood placed second in the 200 Free
                                                                                                                                           Saturday at Radford University's            placed fourth in the 50 Free with a           just shy of the GSU record with a
 '. After Furman built up an eight-
                                                                                                                                           Dedmon Center Natatorium.                   time of 24.74.                                time of 1:57.66.
point lead early in the ballgame, the
                                                                                                                                               Junior Lauren Bird won the 200              The Eagles 200 Free Relay team                In the diving events sophomore
Eagles fought back to take a 22-20 lead
                                                                                                                                           IM .93 seconds ahead of North               of junior Emily Geiger, freshman              Leslie Williams finished second in
on a Kristy McCorkle layup with 6:
                                                                                                                                           Florida's Luciana Genova with a             Jacinda Mireault, Cunningham and              the three-meter diving with a score
59 remaining. But the lead lasted just
                                                                                                                                           time of 2:09.03, while freshman             Bird placed second with a tim of 1:           of 417.75 to set a new school record.
 16 seconds as Paladin reserve Laney
                                                                                                                                           Alicia Licht was third (2:10.14).           40.43, while the 400 Medley team              Williams also set the school record in
Harris sank a three-pointer to put her
                                                                                                                                           Both were named to the All-South-           of sophomore Nikki Wood, Licht,               the one-meter diving with a score of
team ahead 23-22.
                                                                                                                                           ern States. Bird also placed second         Bird and Cunningham also finished             375.25, good for third place.
     Harris' long distance shot helped
launch her team on a run where the
Paladins scored 18 unanswered points
to jump ahead 38-22. The Eagle ball
                                                                                                                                           Softball falls to 19th ranked Georgia Tech
                                                                                                                                           G-A News Service
handling was sloppy throughout as                                                                            Christina Ritch/STAFF
                                                                                                                                                                                       first baseman Katie Donovan from              Pinch runner Tara Neff, who en-
                                                                                                                                               Atlanta, Ga. - Led by three runs        second and gave the Jackets a 1-0             tered for Bartle, then scored on
they committed seven turnovers in               After suffering a 21-point loss to Furman, the Lady Eagles hope to gain
                                                                                                                                           batted in from senior catcher Lind-         lead after one inning.                        a throwing error by Eagle third
the nearly four-minute long drought,            a victory against Wofford before their final home game Monday.
including five in just 54 seconds.                                                                                                         say Wood and the strong pitching                Tech increased its lead to 2-0            baseman Karen Smillie, giving
     Georgia Southern staged a small run        same in the second half sinking her                                                        of junior Erin Voeltz, the No. 19           in the third on a double down the             Tech a 7-0 advantage.
                                                                                             on the free throw line were quickly
                                                                                                                                           Georgia Tech softball team (4-3)            left field line by second baseman                 With heavy rains now com-
at the end of the half to bring the score       fourth three-pointer of the contest to       erased thanks to 23 turnovers, which
                                                start a 22-8 Paladin run that put the                                                      opened its 2003 home schedule               Felicia Coursey to score right                ing down, Georgia Southern
to 40-28 after the opening frame.                                                            led to 33 points for the Paladins.
                                                game away.                                                                                 with a 7-2 win over Georgia                 fielder Kirin Kumar, who reached              scratched for two runs in the top
     As the second half started, Furman                                                          "We weren't focused mentally to
                                                                                                                                           Southern (5-4) Sunday at Glenn              via a bunt single, from first. After          of the sixth on a double by pitcher
was able to prevent the Eagles from                 Hill led the Eagles in the defeat        play with the intensity needed to win
                                                                                                                                           Field.                                      a walk to Donovan and an infield              Tiffany Urena. The game was then
making any serious run with runs of             with 12 points and eight rebounds.           a ball game," said head coach Rusty
theirown. When Georgia Southern cut             The junior shot just 3-for-10 from the                                                         The second game of the sched-           single to short by shortstop Tara             called in the bottom of the inning
                                                                                             Cram. "We just have to play for posi-
their deficit to nine with 13:26 left, the      field, which epitomized the shooting                                                       uled doubleheader was called due            Knudsen, Wood struck again, this              due to the weather.
                                                                                             tion in the [conference] tournament and
                                                                                                                                           to rain.                                    time with a double right that scored              Tech starter Erin Voeltz earned
 Paladins responded by scoring eight of         troubles Georgia Southern suffered           turn things around."
the next nine points.                           through all night long.                                                                        Having struggled at the plate           two and increased the Jackets' lead           the win to improve to 3-0 on the
                                                                                                 Jen Nadalin paced the Furman
                                                                                                                                           since a season-opening win over             to 4-0.                                       season. She allowed five hits and
     After building their lead back up to           The Eagles did get plenty of work        offense with 18 points, while Harris
                                                from the free throw line as the Pala-                                                      Boston College on February 8,                   Sophomore designated player               two runs in six innings pitched.
 16, Furman once again saw the Eagles                                                        was spurred by a 4-for-6 night from
                                                                                                                                           Tech equaled season bests with              Liz Bartle pushed the margin to 6-0           Voeltz also fanned six batters.
gnaw away as a Shawnica Hill layup              dins committed 28 fouls on the night,        long distance as she scored a career-
                                                                                                                                           seven runs and seven hits.                  with her own double to right in the           Georgia Southern starter Janice
brought the score to 58-51 at the 5:            sending Georgia Southern to the charity      high 14.
 13 mark.                                       stripe 41 times, from where made 28                                                            Wood got the Jackets on the             fifth. The hit drove in Donovan,              Savage took the loss, allowing
                                                                                                 Georgia Southern will try to bounce
     But just as she had broke the hearts       of the attempts.                                                                           board in the bottom of the first with       who scored for the third time on              four runs and five hits in 2.1
                                                                                             back when they travel to face last-place
of GSU in the first half, Harris did the            However, any edge the Eagles held                                                      a single to right center that scored        the day, and Wood, who walked.                innings.
                                                                                             Wofford on Saturday at 6 p.m.
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