Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper

Page created by Seth Hansen
Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
The Dav is Clipper
THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 2019                                      DAViSClippER.Com                                             Vol. 128 No. 16

 Season of

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Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
2 Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019                               News                                                      DAVIS CLIPPER

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Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
DAVIS CLIPPER                                                                            News                                                                       Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019     3

                                                                                                        New receiving center provides
                                                                                                      treatment instead of incarceration
                                                                                                     by Becky GINOS

                                                                                                         FARMINGTON—Davis Behavioral Health in partnership with
                                                                                                     the Bountiful and Layton Police Departments is rolling out a new
                                                                                                     receiving center
                                                                                                     at the Davis
                                                                                                     County Jail to
                                                                                                     help offenders
                                                                                                     find help instead
                                                                                                     of pushing them
                                                                                                     through the
                                                                                                     criminal justice
                                                                                                         “It’s a pilot
                                                                                                     program where
                                                                                                     who is being
                                                                                                     apprehended for
                                                                                                     a low level crime                                                               COURTESY
                                                                                                     such as substance Part of the work Center at the Davis County Sheriff’s
a Preliminary view of the proposed medical wing site ºattached to the current jail.                  abuse, etc. can       Office has been set aside for a receiving center pilot program.

     Commission approves
                                                                                                     get help in lieu
                                                                                                     of going to jail,”
                                                                                                     said Davis County Sheriff Kelly Sparks. “It would be short-term like

      funding for medical
                                                                                                     24 hours to get them connected to treatment options. It’s a potential
                                                                                                     game changer to get them into treatment without a record or going to
                                                                                                     jail and losing their job – it’s a win, win.”

          wing at jail
                                                                                                         Sparks said the jail made space for the program in their work
                                                                                                     center. “It’s normally for inmates on work release but we freed up one
                                                                                                     portion of the center devoted to this pilot program.”
                                                                                                         It will be limited at first with the Bountiful Police Department
                                                                                                     and the Layton Police Department participating until it gets up and
by Becky GINOS                and pay off that amount.        are not serious enough to              running. “We’ve worked on the protocols of who can go there,” he       By 2025 we’ll have the          send them to the hospital.             said. “It will be offenders on low level drug-related use crimes. The
                              reserves available to pay       It will give us greater                officer has the discretion to send an arrested person there if they
    FARMINGTON—               it off. There is no tax         capacity to do that.”                  choose to go voluntarily. It has the potential to be rolled out through
The Davis County Jail         increase from this. In               The jail is experienc-            the state. Davis County is a great place for pilots because we have a
will move forward on a        2025 we’ll look at using        ing changing demograph-                good relationship with mental health providers and have a way to try
much-needed medical           the remaining funds from        ics, he said. “We’re                   these things.”
wing after the Davis          the original jail expansion     dealing with more mental
County Commission             general obligation bond.”       health and substance
approved funding for the           Sparks is confident        abuse issues. The current
project.                      they will come in under         medical facility is part of
                              budget and have plenty          the original jail built in         of transporting a doctor        more nursing staff. “With         This will serve people
    “The money is                                                                                or an inmate in and out         the new facility it will be       who are our friends
secured so we’ll be getting   to do what they need            1991. This (new wing)
                              to do. “We’ve had good          will help us do a better           of the jail. We’re prepared     more efficient. They have         and neighbors. It’s a
bids from architects,” said                                                                      to use it in cases where it’s   to go to different parts of       great opportunity for
Davis County Sheriff          cooperation from                job inside the jail.”
                              Farmington City. They’ve             In addition to the            beneficial. It won’t work       the jail now. We’ve been          the county to move this
Kelly Sparks. “We’ll be                                                                          in all cases.”                  working operationally on          forward. We’re excited to
moving forward so we’re       been very helpful and the       observation units, there
                              process has gone pretty         will be nursing staff                   The unit will also         this all year to make sure        see it happen.”
excited about that. We                                                                           have an area for an             we respond better in the              “We’re trying to look
hope to break ground in       smoothly.”                      offices, exam rooms and
                                   The new wing will          a telehealth station. “It’s        ambulance to come in. “It       jail.”                            at all aspects of physical
the springtime next year.                                                                        will increase the time so            “Anyone who has              and mental health to
Hopefully in 12 to 18         be connected to the             emerging technology so
                              current jail. “It’s just a      we want to take advan-             EMS crews can get to an         taken the time to look            make sure we’re provid-
months it will be ready to                                                                       inmate faster and to the        into this proposal has            ing the best care into the
occupy.”                      wing in a location in our       tage of that,” said Sparks.
                              compound that is not            “Conceptually it can be            hospital faster,” he said.      been very supportive              future,” said Sparks. “I feel
    The county bonded                                                                            “It’s a good improvement        of it,” said Koch. “It will       strongly it’s important to
just over $9 million, said    visible to the public,” said    used for both physical
                              Sparks. “It will have 20        and mental illness issues.         to interface with local         enhance the ability to            make sure we’re doing all
Davis County Clerk/                                                                              EMS. We’re also looking         serve that changing               we can to care for those
Auditor Curtis Koch.          medical observation units       It’s known for injuries but
                              to provide people with          it can be used to provide          at augmenting staff with        demographic. We’re                entrusted to our care
“We bonded for 10 years                                                                          an EMT.”                        seeing more and more in           but balance public safety
with a financial plan         medical attention inside        mental health treatment.
                              of the jail for services that   It would reduce the cost                Sparks said they’re        our society with mental           needs while helping those
that allows us to go in                                                                          not intending to hire           health or drug issues.            in the jail.”
Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
4 Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019                                                                      News                                                                                             DAVIS CLIPPER

 Crime Briefs                                                                                        Crime
                                                                 Compiled by Becky Ginos
                                                                 Salt Lake man was arrested          during the
Mother accused                  nine years.

of killing her
                                    Judge Michael Edwards
                                approved a motion in May
                                                                 in October after a caller told a
                                                                 911 dispatcher that Langford        holidays
                                that she be restored to com-     said on Facebook live stream
children enters                 petency, which allowed the       that he was going to shoot
                                                                                                         According to
                                                                                                     the Kaysville Police
not guilty plea                 case to go forward.
                                    Warhola’s then-husband
                                                                      According to charging
                                                                                                     Department, it’s that
                                                                                                     time of year again where
    FARMINGTON—A former         Kenneth Warhola said on          documents, police arrested
                                                                                                     vehicle burglaries and
Layton woman pleaded not        Sept. 8, 2010 he arrived at      Langford after they arrived at
                                                                                                     theft crimes increase
guilty last week to charges     their Layton home about          the home
                                                                                                     tremendously. “For
she allegedly strangled         5:45 p.m. and found his wife     and found
                                                                                                     those shopping online
her two                         had allegedly barricaded her-    “a reddish
                                                                                                     this year, attempt to have
children in                     self in the boy’s bedroom. He    brown
                                                                                                     your packages delivered
                                allegedly pushed open the        substance
                                door and found the children      on his face
                                                                                                     to you at work or to                            THE DAVIS
    Sun Cha                                                                                          someone you know will
Warhola,                        lying on the bed, according      and cloth-
                                                                                                     be home,” a Facebook
54,                             to charging documents.           ing consis-
                                                                                                     post read. “Security
pleaded                             When police arrived          tent in appearance to blood.”                                                          Clipper Publishing Co., Inc.
                                                                                                     cameras can be a big
not guilty                      later, they found the children        Langford told police at                                                     Circulation Dept. 801-295-2251 ext 119 or 120
                                                                                                     deterrent to criminals.
in 2nd                          were dead and that they had      first that he did not shoot                                                                Volume 128 Number 15
                                                                                                     Please also be sure to
District Court to two counts    defensive marks on their         his mother but investigators                                                                 December 12, 2019
                                                                                                     lock your unattended
of aggravated murder. She       legs and arms. Officers also     allegedly found a revolver                                                                        THE DAVIS CLIPPER
                                                                                                     vehicles and remove           (ISSN 1061-1223) is published once weekly, on Thursday, for $35 per year by Clipper
could face a minimum of 24      allegedly found injuries on      with the gun’s hammer in
                                                                                                     any valuables. We have       Publishing Co., 1370 South 500 West, Btfl, UT 84010-8141. Periodicals Postage Paid at
years in prison if convicted.   Warhola’s legs and arms con-     the cocked position near the                                     Bountiful, UT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
                                                                                                     noticed that gyms are a
She could also potentially      sistent with a struggle, the     woman’s body. Shell casings                                          The Davis Clipper, Circulation Dept. P.O. Box No. 267, Bountiful, UT 84011-0267.
                                                                                                     high-targeted area for
receive a sentence of life in   documents state.                 were also allegedly found
                                                                                                     vehicle burglaries. If you
prison with or without parole       A pretrial conference has    in Langford’s room and not
                                                                                                     intend on taking your
or a death sentence.            been set for Feb. 3.             where the body was found
                                                                                                     items inside, be sure to
    A decision has not been                                      charging documents state.
                                                                                                     lock them up.”
                                                                      In another interview,
made whether the Davis          NSL man pleads                   Langford allegedly claimed
County Attorney’s Office will
pursue the death penalty.       not guilty to                    he touched the gun to move
    Warhola’s children                                           the hammer back so he could
8-year-old James and 7-year-
                                murder                           shoot himself but didn’t
old Jean Warhola were
                                     FARMINGTON—A man
                                                                 because a family member
                                                                 called him, the probable
                                                                                                      More than just
found strangled to death in
September 2010. Murder
                                accused of killing his mother
                                pleaded not guilty last week
                                                                 cause affidavit said.
                                                                      According to the state’s
                                                                                                        a Tweet
charges were filed against
                                to the charges against him.
                                                                                                         Our 280 words are
her the next day.                                                memorandum, Langford’s
                                     Jeffrey Antonio Langford,   mother had been shot three            just the beginning, not
    Warhola was found
incompetent to stand trial
                                Jr., 24, pleaded not guilty      times in the head, two of              the ending of a story.
                                in 2nd District Court to         them in the back of her head.
shortly after her arrest and
                                single counts of murder and           A hearing on bail is set for
has been in the Utah State
                                obstructing justice. The North   Dec. 17.
Hospital in Provo for almost


                                                       service                    CELEBRATING JESUS
                                        December 24th, 6 p.m.
                                       696 North 400 East, Bountiful
Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
DAVIS CLIPPER                                                                                      NEwS                                                                        Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 5

   Administration                                       Christmas traditions I’ve noticed that have changed
   R. Gail Stahle
                                                       The opinions stated in this
                                                   article are solely those of the         CYCLOPS                                   common for employers to
                                                                                                                                     distribute turkeys to employ-
                                                                                                                                                                         person showed a hesitancy to
                                                                                                                                                                         attend a family dinner since                        author and not of the Davis                         BRYAN                         ees. Seemingly, it appears a        the “head of the household”
   ext. 114                                        Clipper.                                            GRAY                          rising number of employers          had made previous slurs
                                                                                                       Experienced journalist,
                                                                                                                                     simply give out a grocery gift      against the gay community.

                                                                                                       businessman living in Davis
   Lorie Matern                                          he holidays are often                         County
                                                                                                                                     card or no gift at all. I suspect       THE CHRISTMAS TREE
   Office Manager                                        a time for traditions.                                                      one reason is that a large          – You are no longer a Scrooge                              From tiny gifts stuffed                                                     number of younger employ-           if you decorate an artificial
   ext. 115                                        in the Christmas stockings to                                                     ees do not have the cooking         tree. Whether it be less cost,
                                                   a special Thanksgiving recipe                                                     facilities in their apartments      less hassle, or less clean-up,
   Advertising                                     or an inspirational family                                                        or even the knowledge of            the trend is nothing new.
                                                   message prior to the opening      will return to Utah for the                     how to cook a turkey without            CHRISTMAS
   Reed Stahle                                     of the Christmas gifts, many      holiday, which means more                       viewing a YouTube video.            SPENDING – While spend-
   Sales Manager                                   practices are a rewind of past    pie for me.                                         FAMILY DINNER –                 ing continues to increase,                        holiday seasons and even past         Here are other changes I                    Advice columnists will tell         there appears to be less
   ext. 133                                        generations.                      have noticed:                                   you they receive a surprising       money spent on traditional
                                                       But it seems to me that           COMPANY CHRISTMAS                           number of letters from people       gifts, especially clothing. In
   Brad Roghaar
                                                   there are cracks in traditions,   DINNER – Statistics show                        objecting to family visits. The     many cases, parents write
   Sales Representative
                                                   both those practiced by           that fewer companies are                        people express a range of           out checks to adult children
                                                   employers and by family           hosting evening dinners                         discomfort, from arguments          letting them “buy what they
   ext. 135
                                                   members. One obvious              attended by employees and                       about politics to previous          really want.” There is also a
   Richard Stahle                                  change, for instance, stems       their spouses. Reasons                          comments about living               trend for parents giving sons
   Sales Representative                            from geography. In past           include costs, alcohol liability,               arrangements or strained            and daughters “experiences”                        generations, family members       and the reluctance for spouses                  relationships with brothers         rather than material gifts
   ext. 137                                        often lived near each other,      to spend time interacting                       and sisters. One woman              (a spring Disney cruise
                                                   a convenience for family          with their wife’s or husband’s                  wrote to a Salt Lake Tribune        or a vacation in Paris, for
   Editorial                                       events. Due to changes in the     co-workers. Instead of a                        columnist with the suggestion       instance). One of my clients
                                                   economy, it is common for         full-blown dinner, many                         that families should never          rejoices in giving each of his
   Tom Haraldsen                                   some family members to live       companies – especially small                    invite anybody who supports         grandchildren a bound pad
   Managing Editor                                 on opposite coasts or separate    offices – either celebrate with                 Pres. Trump. (The columnist         of 100 $1 bills. “Then I take                     states. My wife and I, for        an employee-only shortened                      answered that a more produc-        them to the Dollar Store and
   ext. 126                                        instance, have four children:     (and sometimes) catered                         tive alternative would be to        watch as they gleefully shop
                                                   two reside in Las Vegas, one      lunch.                                          alert everyone in advance           the aisles,” he laughs.
   Becky Ginos                                     is in Oakland, Calif., and the        THE THANKSGIVING                            that politics would be off the
   Associate Editor
                                                   other in El Salvador. None        TURKEY – It was once                            table at the dinner.) Another                                                                                                                                                     see trADitiONS| 15
   ext. 118

   Layout/Design                                    Letter to the Editor                                                                                         Quote of
   Anna Pro                                                                                                                                                      the week
   Creative Director
                                                          Online science teacher loves her job
                                                                                                                                                                                         from the desk of
   ext. 125                                             Dear Editor:                               for my students. When I was teaching at                                       R. Gail Stahle, publisher
   Rebecca Jamieson                                     My favorite saying for myself has          a brick-and-mortar school, I learned I
                                                   always been, “I love teaching! I love           would have 40 students in each of my AP
   Classifieds/Legals                      science! How cool that I get to do both!” I     classes in a classroom that only had room                                      “We must
   ext. 124                                        fell into teaching after years in the regular   for 36 chairs and enough lab equipment                                  remember that
                                                   science working community and I loved it        for 20 students. In addition to this, I found
   Circulation                                     from the very first day of school 15 years      I would also teach 150 additional students                               intelligence is
   Cindi Scott
                                                   ago. I have taught Earth Science, Biology,
                                                   Oceanography, Environmental Science,
                                                                                                   in another subject. I stress the importance
                                                                                                   of the individual attention I can provide
                                                                                                                                                                               not enough.                         Astronomy, Botany, Food Science, 7th and        for my students, and wanted to find an                                Intelligence plus
                                                   8th Grade Science and AP Environmental          environment I could do so.
   ext. 119
                                                   Science. I love them all! Science is my              This was when I found Utah                                               character
                                                   passion and my students know that from
                                                   the first day of each year when I dress up
                                                                                                   Connections Academy. I have moved my
                                                                                                   passion for teaching and science online.
                                                                                                                                                                               —that is the
on the cover: Mae Sondrup,                         as Miss Frizzle from the Magic School           I love being able to teach one-on-one                                       goal of true
4, licks her lips while looking at                 Bus. I am not embarrassed to say that I am      the way that I can when teaching online.
all of the delicious Gingerbread                   very good at what I do.                         I love the structure of Connections                                          education.”
Houses at the BDAC                                       My love and passion for the job           Academy and how I have the ability to
Exhibition on Dec. 7.                              always leaves me striving to maintain a
                        PHOTO BY ROGER V. TUTTLE
                                                   safe and positive learning environment                                             see tEAChEr| 15                –Martin Luther King Jr.
Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
6 Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019                                                             News                                                                        DAVIS CLIPPER

Family welcomes soldier home after 76 years                                                                                          Red Cross blood
by Becky GINOS                                                                            Gene’s remains returned for                donation dates                                                               burial in the Bountiful Cemetery             Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, more
                                                                                      in 1948, he said. “My grandmother       than 1 million units of blood could be transfused
    WOODS CROSS—Robert                                                                clearly hoped for Uncle Jim’s           in the United States. Individuals are urged to give
James Hatch is coming home. After                                                     remains to be returned as well. In a    a lifesaving gift this holiday season by making an
76 years of waiting, the Hatch                                                        letter from Jim’s military file dated   appointment to donate blood and help the American
family can finally lay their beloved                                                  late in 1949 my grandmother wrote,      Red Cross ensure a sufficient supply is available for
son, brother and uncle to rest.                                                       ‘I have been anxiously waiting for      patients throughout the holiday season. Those with
    The 21-year-old’s remains have                                                    some word about my boy P.F.C.           type O blood are especially needed.
                                                                                      Robert James Hatch, Marine,                  During the holiday season, set aside an hour to
been unaccounted for since he was                                                                                             give blood and be the lifeline patients need. Make an
killed on Nov. 22, 1943 in World                                                      who was killed at Tarawa, Gilbert
                                                                                                                              appointment now by downloading the free Red Cross
War II. Recently, the Defense POW/                                                    Islands, November of 1943. If we        Blood Donor App, visiting, calling
MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA)                                                          don’t hear something before long,       1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enabling
announced that he was accounted                                                       we will have his name placed on         the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device.
for on Sept. 23, 2019 and his                                                         the Unknown marker in SLC, Utah.             In thanks for helping meet the urgent need,
remains returned to Woods Cross                                                       We had our other son PFC Clyde          those who come to give blood now through Dec. 18
on Dec. 11.                                                                           Eugene Hatch’s body returned to         will receive a $5 Gift Card via email,
    “Hatch was a member of                                                 courtesy   us in April of 1948. Hoping we will     courtesy of Suburban Propane. (Restrictions apply;
Company D, 1st Battalion, 6th                                                         hear some good news from your           see More information and
                                          robert james hatch was killed Nov.                                                  details are available at
Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine                                                           office soon.’”
                                          22, 1943 during WWII. His remains were                                                  Blood donation opportunities through Dec. 31:
Division, Fleet Marine Force, that                                                        Some 30 years after writing that
                                          recently identified.                                                                Bountiful
landed against stiff Japanese resis-                                                  letter, Tom said his grandmother
                                                                                      died never having received the          • Dec. 27: 2:30 p.m. - 8 p.m., Bountiful Utah
tance on the small island of Betio        excavation of the site and turned                                                   Heights Stake, 75 S. Moss Hill Dr. (1500 E.)
in the Tarawa Atoll of the Gilbert                                                    satisfaction of seeing her son’s
                                          over to the DPAA in 2015.                   remains come home.                      Centerville
Islandsp in an attempt to secure              “Out of the clear blue we heard                                                 • Dec. 13: 2 p.m. - 7 p.m., The Bridge
the island,” a DPAA statement said.                                                       “It was hard on my grand-
                                          from the Dept. of Defense,” said            mother,” he said. “She wanted her       Community Church, 1284 W. 75 N.
“Over several days of intense fight-      Tom Hatch, James’ nephew. “We                                                       Farmington
ing at Tarawa, approximately 1,000                                                    son’s remains returned. It caused her
                                          knew a group had been searching             grief until she died in 1979.”          • Dec. 19: 2 p.m. - 8 p.m., Farmington North
marines and Sailors were killed and       for remains a few years ago then                                                    Stake, 1885 North Summerwood Dr.
more than 2,000 were wounded,                                                             James shared a gravestone with
                                          they identified the common grave.           his brother Gene but now he will        Hill Air Force Base
while the Japanese were virtually         Through forensic analysis and a                                                     • Dec. 16: 9 a.m. - 2:15 p.m., Hill Air Force
annihilated. Hatch was killed on                                                      take his place among other family
                                          chest X-ray that lined up almost            members who have passed on.             Base, 6006 Wardleigh Rd, Falcon Hill-Bldg
the third day of battle. His remains      perfectly they identified him. We                                                   #1575
were reportedly buried in either an                                                   “Everybody’s right there – it’s kind
                                          heard from them in September and            of nice,” Tom said. “His coming         • Dec. 20: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Hill Air
isolated burial or in Cemetery 33 on      we were very surprised. For 76 years                                                Force Base, 5711 E Ave., Base Chapel,
Betio Island.”                                                                        home is nice for the family. The
                                          not much had happened.”                     military offered to have him buried     Building 445
    Almost half of the known                  Jim’s mother had three sons,                                                    Kaysville
casualties were never found and                                                       in Arlington Cemetery, which
                                          Tom said, his father Alvin being the        would have been a great honor, but      • Dec. 13: 2 p.m. - 8 p.m., Kaysville Utah
no recovered remains could be             oldest. “My grandparents received                                                   East Stake, 875 East 200 North
associated with Hatch so in October                                                   the decision was easy for us – Uncle
                                          notice of Uncle Jim’s death on Dec.         Jim needed to return home to the        • Dec. 20: 3 p.m. - 8 p.m., Kaysville Utah
1949 a Board of Review, according         23, a month and a day after his                                                     Haight Creek Stake, 1520 South Fox Pointe Dr.
to the statement, declared him                                                        Bountiful/Woods Cross area. Uncle
                                          death on Nov. 22. My Uncle Gene,            Jim is coming home 76 years late.”      North Salt Lake
“non-recoverable.”                        also a Marine, was killed in battle                                                 • Dec. 19: 2:30 p.m. - 8 p.m., North Salt Lake
    In 2014, a nonprofit organiza-                                                        A special graveside service with
                                          on Guam eight months to the day             full military honors will take place    Parkway Stake, 55 East 350 North
tion, called History Flight, Inc.         after Uncle Jim was killed, making                                                  • Dec. 27: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Wanship
identified a site correlated to                                                       Saturday, Dec. 14 at 1 p.m. at the
                                          my grandmother a Gold Star                  Bountiful City Cemetery, 2224 S.        Transportation, 455 West 1100 North
Cemetery 33. Multiple sets of             Mother twice over.”
remains were uncovered during                                                         200 West.

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Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
DAVIS CLIPPER                                                                    News                                                           Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019    7

                      90-year-old still going strong
by Becky GINOS                                                                                                                                 boyd phillips takes a                                                                                                                        spin in a 1929 Ford Roadster
                                                                                                                                               that was built in the same
    BOUNTIFUL—Boyd                                                                                                                             year he was born. (Below)
Phillips just can’t stay retired.                                                                                                              Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox
The 90-year-old Bountiful                                                                                                                      congratulates Phillips on his
man still goes in two days a                                                                                                                   many years of public service.
week at the Utah Division of                                                                                                                   Phillips retired from the
Water Resources in spite of                                                                                                                    Division of Water Resources
having retired back in 2003.                                                                                                                   in 2003 but continues
    “I wasn’t ready to quit,”                                                                                                                  to work part time for the
he said. “I didn’t have a lot of                                                                                                               agency.
plans and work is my hobby.”
    The Utah Division
of Water Resources staff
recently celebrated Phillips
turning 90 by giving him a
ride to the Capitol in a 1929
Ford Roadster that was built
in the same year he was born.
Phillips met with Lt. Gov.
Spencer Cox who congratu-
lated him on his many years
of public service.
    “It was a complete
surprise,” Phillips said. “They                                                                                                                                       COURTESY
usually do something for the
whole group for birthdays
but I guess this was some-            “It was a complete surprise,
thing special.”
    Phillips graduated from
                                      they usually do something
Utah State University in
1952 with a degree in civil
                                           for the whole group for
engineering. “I went on a               birthdays but I guess this
date with a girl whose dad
was the head of the music                 was something special.”
department,” he said. “When
he asked me what I was                                                     — Boyd Phillips
majoring in, I didn’t want to
say ‘I don’t know,’ so I said
‘civil engineering’ and then I
was committed.”                     to fly. “But I couldn’t pass the   worked with the financial
    He didn’t end up mar-           eye exam,” Phillips said. “So I    part of the program with
rying the girl. In fact, he         applied for navigator training     water projects for cities and
married a girl he went to           and was on the B-47.”              towns,” he said. “I went to
high school with but didn’t             While on a night training      school using a slide rule for
start dating her until they         mission in bad weather             a computer. But I created
met again in college.               over the Nevada mountains          spreadsheets they still use
    Phillips joined the ROTC        Phillips’ plane flipped upside     today. I keep tabs on the
                                    down when they tried to            computer programs and I’m       said Utah Division of              the house we knew it was
at USU. “I knew I’d be called
                                    refuel. “We lost altitude and      gradually turning them over     Water Resources Public             too small but it was the right
into the Air Force,” he said.
                                    we couldn’t see a thing,” he       and training others on the      Information Officer Kim            price and we liked it,” he
“They’d been calling people
                                    said. “The pilot finally got       program.”                       Wells. “He’s the go-to person      said. “I did all the framing
who had graduated the year
                                    the plane under control.               He was instrumental in      for Excel questions and he         and the kids helped. It almost
before. Korea was winding
                                    Luckily we didn’t hit any          designing the Bluff Town        still takes the stairs. He’s an    doubled its size.”
down when I graduated. I
                                    mountains.”                        Water System as well. “I’d      inspiration.”                          He used to ski, hunt and
applied for a construction
                                        Phillips had other             designed some form of                Phillips has four children,   fish, but nowadays things
company and was sent to
                                    adventures during his service      sprinkler systems before and    nine grandchildren and one         run at a slower pace. Phillips’
Oregon. I was finally called
                                    in Vietnam but after retiring      they were existing on wells     great-grandchild. He and his       wife has dementia and along
up by the Air Force to active
                                    from the Air Force he was          that covered the whole town,”   wife Donna both turned 90          with his daughter, he is her
duty. I stayed in for 20 years.
                                    hired on as an engineer at         said Phillips.                  this year and still live in the    caregiver.
I found I liked it.”
                                    the Utah Division of Water             “He’s so active and         house he remodeled when                “Life is good,” he said.
    He was sent as an engi-
                                    Resources in 1974. “I mostly       contributes to the district,”   they moved to Bountiful.           “Even though you have
neer but decided he wanted
                                                                                                            “When we moved into           problems.”
Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
8 Thursday Dec. 12, 2019                                                                News                                                                     DAVIS CLIPPER

Richard Paul Evans, a story of rags to riches
by Becky GINOS
                                                                                                    “I have loyal readers and I adore
                                                                                                   them. When they walk into a store
Richard Paul Evans was                                                                           they have a 100,000 books to choose
going to be a lawyer.
Instead, he became a best                                                                                from and they choose mine.”
selling author well known
for the Christmas Box                                                                                                                       — Richard Paul evans
and Michael Vey series.
     “I was studying                                                                           Ricky who got up every      You are beautiful. Never    them. When they walk
communications and                                                                             day and walked to school    let someone erase that.”    into a store they have a
got a job writing radio                                                                        and was bullied every            Evans is grateful he   100,000 books to choose
commercials,” Evans told                                                                       day.’ It kind of changes    can pursue his dream        from and they choose
a packed crowd at Liberty                                                                      the title for you doesn’t   and write books for a       mine. I do it out of love.
Hills Academy last week.                                                                       it? Don’t listen to them.   living. “I’m such a lucky   I do it for my readers.
“I never thought I’d be a                                                        becky ginos   You are great. You have     man,” he said. “I have      Thank you for reading
best selling author. We         richard paul evans shares stories of his life and work at      infinite worth and value.   loyal readers and I adore   my books.”
were living in a little 700     Liberty Hills Academy in bountiful.
square foot home and get
this call from a publisher      it was the best book he’d     and strip clubs. We were
saying they were prepared       ever read. Glenn called       going to an inner-city
to give me $2 million for       me and said ‘I want to        school. I was 8 and my
the Christmas Box. That’s       partner with you.’”           brother was 10 and these
how it started.”                     It wasn’t until an       kids would beat us up.
     Initially Evans gave       experience at a book sign-    That was our life there.”
the Christmas Box to            ing that he realized just          He said his mother
his neighbor as a gift.         how popular Michael Vey       was severely depressed
“I didn’t copy write it, I      had become. “I arrived        and had attempted sui-
didn’t intend to sell it,” he   at the venue for my book      cide. “Imagine dropping
said. “The next day my          signing and there was a       three kids into Harlem.
neighbor said his wife          long line to get in,” said    I had no friends and my
had been up all night           Evans. “I thought it was      parents were completely
sobbing as she read it.         for something else so I       absent.”
He was a patent lawyer.         got in line. I waited for          Evans had a teacher
He said, ‘you better copy       about 45 minutes and          Mrs. Covey who was also
write it, I’ll do it for you,   started to get nervous that   mean to him. “Three
it’s better than you think.’    I would be late for my        weeks before Christmas
It’s a good thing.”             book signing so I went up     she said ‘there’s no Santa,
     After that first book,     to the front to ask. When     your parents have been
Evans made a name for           I got up there, there         lying to you,’” he said.
himself and several of his      were all these people         “One day I next to my
books have been made            wearing T-shirts that         name on an assignment
into movies. His Michael        said, ‘Veyniac.’ I thought,   I wrote Ricky Evans the
Vey series has also taken       ‘what is a Veyniac?’ I told   Great. I had nothing
off.                            the guard who I was and       in my life to make me
     “For people who            everyone started to laugh.    believe I was great.
know me that is more of         He said, ‘this is the line    When Mrs. Covey saw
my personality,” he said.       for your book signing.’ I’d   it she said in front of
“It’s about a superhero         literally been standing in    the class ‘shame on you.’
and that was my escape as       my own line and no one        Then gave a lecture on
a child.”                       knew it.”                     the sin of pride.”
     When he first                   His early life was not        He said he’s never
proposed it, his publicist      so ideal and he’s drawn       seen that awful woman
was skeptical. “I said,         on those experiences          again. “But I’d like to
‘remember the Christmas         for some of his essays.       see her now and say,
Box? Nobody wanted that         “My father lost his job       ‘that little boy has been
either,’” Evans said. “Then     and he had to move to         invited to the White
I got a call from Glenn         Pocatello to teach,” said     House three times and
Beck who wanted to              Evans. “There were eight      has won international
know about the book. His        children and we moved         awards and has 10s of
agent took it to a 13-year-     from California to Salt       millions of readers,”
old boy across the street.      Lake. It was in a horrific    said Evans. “I would say,
He came back and said           area next to pawnshops        ‘you’re not greater than
Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
DAVIS CLIPPER   News   Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 9
Season of Wonder The Davis Clipper
10 Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019                                                                 News                                                                         DAVIS CLIPPER

 Calendar                                                                                             ‘Lights On’ at Zions Bank
                                                                                                 by Becky GINOS

                                                                                                     BOUNTIFUL—The Christmas
                                                                                                 season is officially here. Boulton
Dec. 13, 14, 20, 21,                                                                             Elementary students kicked-off the
27, 28: Enjoy a guided                                                                           holidays with a flip of a switch at
tour of the historic                                                                             Zions Bank in Bountiful last week
Fielding Garr Ranch on                                                                           during the annual “Lights On”
Antelope Island. Meet at                                                                         ceremony.
the ranch at 1 p.m. For                                                                              It’s the 49th year that Zions Banks
more information, contact                                                                        throughout Utah light a Christmas                                                                               tree in their lobbies. The Bountiful
Through Jan. 5:                                                                                  branch invited sixth-grade students
Zoolights! Hogle Zoo,                                                                            from Boulton Elementary to trim the
2600 Sunnyside Ave., Salt                                                                        tree with handmade ornaments and
Lake City. Sun-Thursday,                                                                         sing songs.
5:30 to 9 p.m.; Friday,                                                                              “We consider ourselves a com-
Saturday, 5:30 to 10 p.m.                                                                        munity bank,” said Nancy Pearce,
                                                                                                 manager of the Bountiful branch. “It’s
                                                                                                 all about the kids. We pick a school
 Music                                                                                           to come every year and we also make                                              BECKy GINOS

                                                                                                 a donation to the school. It’s a fun         maya mercer (lefT) and Brooklyn Evans
Dec. 22: Fourth annual                                                                           holiday tradition.”
Bountiful Interfaith                                                                                                                          hang ornaments on the tree at Zions Bank.
                                                                                                     The students who participated
Christmas concert, 7 p.m.,                                                                       were from the student council and            meaningful, impactful answers. It’s a
Bountiful Community
Church, 150 N. 400            Christmas woNder                                                   mascot crew at Boulton.
                                                                                                     “They’ve been working so hard,”
                                                                                                                                              very elite group.”
                                                                                                                                                  One student speaks very little
East, Bountiful. Pop-up       Station Park debuted an Enchanted 3D Holiday Light Show
                              Dec. 9. The visual experience features projection mapping          said teacher Kirsten McNeal. “They’ve        English. “He had to have a translator
choir rehearsal at 5 p.m.                                                                        been coming in during recess – so            for the interview,” she said. “But his
(before concert), youth       technology to display 3D shapes and interactive lights on the
                              surface of Sephora.                                                that’s a big sacrifice. It’s been so cute.   answers were beautiful and amazing.
choir rehearsal, Saturday,                                            PHOTO By ROGER V. TUTTLE   The room was just a cloud of craft           He comes to every meeting and gives
Dec. 21, 10 to 11 a.m.                                                                           supplies and glitter. They were singing      input. He has an innate desire to
at St. Olaf’s (all youth                                                                         songs and it was nice to hear their          connect. It’s amazing to watch.”
8-18 welcome). Concert                                                                           happy laughter and chatter, especially           Jayden Sorenson is part of the
is a benefit for Operation                                                                       since it wasn’t for them it was for this     mascot crew. “We made everything,”
Underground Railroad. All     of performances in the          801-298-1302.
                              Assembly Hall, Church                                              Christmas project.”                          he said. “But decorating the tree was
are welcome.                                                  Nov. 29-Dec. 21: It’s a                                                         the most fun.”
                              History Museum,                                                        McNeal said the kids go through
Tickets $10-35, www.                                          Wonderful Life: Radio                                                               “It’s really fun because we get to
                              Church Office Building,                                            a rigorous process to be selected for, 801-546-                                       Broadcast. Leishman                                                             skip a little bit of class,” said Simon
                              Conference Center, Family                                          the student council and mascot crew.
8575.                                                         Performance Hall, 525 N.                                                        Warr. “It’s cool to be part of some-
                              History Library, lobby                                             “They have to have a teacher recom-
                                                              400 West, Centerville.                                                          thing biggish. It started out as an idea
Through Dec. 23:              of the Joseph Smith                                                mendation and that’s not easy. They
Christmas time, with                                          801-298-1302.                      have to sit before a review board of         that turned into something. It’s cool to
                              Memorial Building, North
all its festive lighting      Visitor’s Center, and the       Dec. 6-21: It’s A                  administrators, teachers and princi-         be a part of that.”
and Christ-oriented dis-      Tabernacle. Visit www.          Wonderful Life will be             pals and answer questions and give
plays, will again be memo-        presented at the Hope
rable on Temple Square.       events for a detailed, day-     Box Theatre, 1700 S.
Christmas lights were         by-day listing. Concerts        Frontage Road, Kaysville,
turned on Friday, Nov. 29     are free and open to the        801-451-5259, hopebox-
at dusk. Scores of choral     public.                The
and musical groups will                                       story of George Bailey
present free music, carols,                                   and his wonderful life in
and songs of the sea-                                         Bedford Falls remains a
                                                              timeless fable of dreams,
son. Performing groups
include high school and        Stage                          disillusionment and
college choruses and                                          the power of love. An
                              Nov. 20-Dec. 21: Irving         uplifting chronicle of
ensembles from Utah and       Berlin’s Holiday Inn. A
surrounding states, as well                                   the extraordinary lives             • Joyful Companionship        • Light Housekeeping         • Errands & Shopping
                              warm and endearing              of ordinary folk, A
as children’s choruses,       holiday classic that the                                            • Medication Reminders        • Respite Care               • Dementia/Memory Care
community choirs, and                                         Wonderful Life exhila-
                              whole family can enjoy,         rates the mind and heart
other musical groups.         Centerpoint Theatre,                                                • Hygiene Assistance          • Mobility Assistance        • End of Life Care
Christmas concerts this                                       as it celebrates the innate
                              Barlow Main Stage, 525          goodness in us all.
year include hundreds         N. 400 West, Centerville,
                                                                                                    801-820-5874 • Now Hiring Caregivers
DAVIS CLIPPER                                                                        News                                                          Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 11

                                               Post offices offering extended Saturday hours
                                     Twenty Five Utah Post Offices will extend retail hours          With a projected 800 million package deliveries between
                                 every Saturday before Christmas for customer convenience.       Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, the Postal Service
                                 They will also open a dutch door every Sunday before            delivers more packages to homes than any other shipper.
                                 Christmas from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for customers to pick up       In Utah during the holidays nearly half-a-million packages
                                 notified mail or packages which couldn’t be delivered on the    are processed each night at the Salt Lake City Priority Mail
                                 first attempt.                                                  Center.
                                                                                                     The Postal Service’s busiest time of the season peaks
                                    Davis County locations with extended hours are:              two weeks before Christmas. Customer traffic is expected
                                                                                                 to increase beginning Dec. 9, while the week of Dec. 16 is
                                     • Bountiful 20 S. Main St. – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.              expected to be the busiest time for mailing, shipping and
                                     • Clearfield 98 N. Main St. – 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.           delivery. The USPS estimates it will deliver more than 28
                                     • Layton 1123 N. Fairfield Rd. – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.          million packages per day between Dec. 16-21.
                                      “We prepare all year for the holidays. It’s our season,
bruce davis                      and we’re ready to deliver for our customers,” said USPS Salt      Holiday Military Shipping Deadlines:
                                 Lake District Manager Laura Hubrich, who shared some
   Layton                        of the preparations Utah Post Offices have made to deliver
                                 during the holidays.
                                                                                                   • Dec. 18 – USPS Priority Mail Express to Military
                                                                                                 Addresses (except Iraq and Afghanistan)
 councilman                          • Hired more than 250 employees
                                     • Delivering packages seven days a week                        International Shipping Deadlines:
 Bruce Davis                         • Expanded delivery windows for packages to include
                                 early morning and evening                                          • Dec. 14 – Priority Mail Express International to all
 passes away                         • Extended retail hours every Saturday before Christmas
                                 at 25 Utah Post Offices
                                                                                                 other countries
                                                                                                    • Dec. 18 to 19 – Global Express Guaranteed depending
                                     • Dutch-door package pick up service every Sunday           on country
    LAYTON—Layton                before Christmas from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at same 25
city councilman Bruce            locations.                                                         Domestic Shipping Deadlines:
Davis, known for his                 “Our goal is to provide excellent service and ensure all
longtime support and             those holiday cards and packages are delivered in time,” said      • Dec. 14 – USPS Retail Ground
activity working with            Hubrich, who advised customers to mail early and conve-            • Dec. 20 – First-Class Mail and packages
Weber State University,          niently this holiday season.                                       • Dec. 21 – Priority Mail
passed away suddenly                 • Ship packages from home for the holidays at usps.            • Dec. 23 – Priority Mail Express
on Sunday, Dec. 8 after          com and request a Free Package Pick up.
suffering a heart attack.            • Use Self-Service Kiosks – located in 31 postal lobbies         Additional news and information, including all domes-
He was 65.                       across the Wasatch Front, these easy to use machines allow      tic, international and military mailing and shipping dead-
    Word began circulat-         customers to buy stamps, mail cards and packages 24/7,          lines, can be found at the Postal Service Holiday Newsroom
ing on Monday of his             using debit or credit cards.                                    at
passing, with a large
number of local digni-
taries praising Davis for
his activism for both

Weber State and the
city of Layton, where
he served for four years
on the city council. His
current term was set to
expire at the end of this
year, and he entered the                                                                                                         FURNACE TUNE-UP
mayoral race this fall but
did not advance from

the primary.
    Funeral arrange-                    Call us
ments were still pending                for any                                                                                                               OFF
as the Clipper went to                BOILER OR
press. A look back at                  FURNACE
Davis’ life and tributes
from his friends and
                                         Repair                                                                              ANY HUMIDIFIER INSTALLATION

coworkers will appear
in next week’s Davis

                ABC4 Utah
               Davis Clipper
              Good4Davis                        Professional Service Done Right... Right Away!              Repair specials expire Dec. 31, 2019
12 Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019                                                               news                                                                         DAVIS CLIPPER

   A perfect Christmas gift – fishing or hunting license
by Faith Jolley                      In addition to           (ages 12 - 13) $5                  (ages 18 - 64) $34         permit, starting Jan.          for anglers to catch
Division of Wlldlife Resources   providing an oppor-             • Fishing license                   • Hunting license      30, 2020. General elk          each of the four native
                                 tunity for someone to        (ages 14 - 17) $16                 (age 65 and older) $25     permits will be available,     Utah cutthroat trout –
     While some people           enjoy the outdoors next         • Fishing license                   Gift givers should     on a first-come, first-        Bonneville, Colorado
may not be thinking              year, the person you         (ages 18 - 64) $34                 also note that hunting     served basis, starting         River, Bear River
about hunting or fishing         give the license to will        • Fishing license (age          and combination            July 16, 2020.                 and Yellowstone – in
during December, there           receive an added bonus:      65 and older) $25                  licenses do not include        Another great gift         their historic ranges.
are still plenty of oppor-       Annual Utah fishing             • Hunting license               a deer or elk permit and   idea for the angler in         Registration costs $20
tunities to do both, and         and hunting licenses are     (age 13 and under) $11             do not allow someone       your life is a registra-       for adults and $10 for
you can surprise your            365-day licenses, so the        • Hunting license               to hunt deer or elk.       tion fee for the Utah          youth, and you can
friends or family with a         license is valid starting    (ages 14 - 17) $16                 Hunters can apply for a    Cutthroat Slam. The            register on the DWR
Utah fishing or hunting          the day you buy it.             • Hunting license               2020 general buck deer     goal of the Slam is            website.
license for Christmas.               If the person you’re
They make thoughtful             buying the license for
presents and are easy to         is 18 years of age or        DON’T LET FURNACE PROBLEMS CHILL YOUR HOLIDAY SPIRIT
buy.                             older, instead of buying
     Along with a great
ice fishing season,
                                 a one-year license, you
                                 also have the option of                       TUNE-UP YOUR FURNACE TODAY
Utah also offers several         buying a license that’s
hunts during the winter          valid for two, three, four
months. The hunts for            or even five years.                                                                              FURNACE INSPECTION INCLUDES:
cottontail rabbit, chukar            If the person you’re
partridge and snowshoe           buying for already has a                                                                         • Inspect main burners
hare run through most            license, you can extend
of the winter.                   the period of time when                                                                          • Inspect flame sensor / clean / test
     Buying a hunting or         their current license is
fishing license online           valid. For example, if                                                                           • Inspect safety switches
on the Utah Division             the person you’d like to                                                                         • Inspect flue pipe
of Wildlife Resources            buy for has a license that
website is the easiest way       will expire next April,                                                                          • Inspect ignition system
to get one. However,             you can buy a license
you can also buy a               extension for them now.                                                                          • Verify inducer motor amp draw
license at one of the six        The extension will keep
DWR offices or from              their license valid for                                                                          • Verify blower motor amp draw
any fishing and hunting          one, two, three, four or                                                                         • Inspect blower motor and wheel
license agent across             five years from the day
Utah. Combination                the license was supposed                                                                         • Test blower motor capacitor
licenses – which allow           to expire.
the license holder to fish           Please be aware,                                                                             • Verify supply air temperature
and hunt small game –            however, that a license
are also available at the        extension may be                                                                                 • Check gas pressure
same locations and on            bought only for a license                                                                        • Check ignitor                      R
the website.                     that will expire within                                                                                                    GET YOU
                                                                                                                                  • Lite cleaning                   A C E
     To buy a license for        six months from the day                                                                                                     FURN         AY
someone, all you need is         you buy the extension.
                                                                                                                                                         C H E C KED D
                                                                                                                                                                     T O
the person’s name, their         For example, if a license                                                                        • Change 1” filter
approximate height and           doesn’t expire until
weight, their eye color,         November 2020, the
hair color, date of birth,
address and phone
                                 soonest you can buy an
                                 extension for it is June
                                                                    Tune-Up Your Furnace for Maximum Efficiency
number.                          2020, six months before
     If you buy a license
on the DWR website,
you can have it mailed
                                 it expires.
                                     Utah resident license
                                 and permit costs are as
                                                                                CONSTRUCTION, INC.
                                                                                                                                      Tune-up Special
to you so you can wrap           follows:
                                                                  heating • ventilation • air conditioning
                                                                                                                                               Furnace Tune-Up

it and give it as a gift,            • Combination                    Test your furnace NOW                                                      and Cleaning

or the license can be            license (ages 14 - 17)          Having issues with your furnace?
mailed directly to the
person you’re buying
                                     • Combination                         CALL US TODAY!                                                                              OFF
                                 license (ages 18 - 64)                                                                                                                Regular
it for. It usually takes                                                    WE CAN HELP!                                                                                Price

about seven days for a           $38
license to arrive in the             • Combination
mail, so order one early         license (age 65 and                                                                                               expires 1/15/20
so it arrives in time for        older) $29                      624 West 900 North, NSL,
Christmas.                           • Fishing license
DAVIS CLIPPER                                                                                 News                                                                     Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 13

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                                                                                                      Dr. Jerry Park                    $100 value at no cost or obligation to you.
                                                                                                                                         Bring this coupon to your appointment.

holiday lights at statioN park
The Station Park Fountain Show is aglow with festive lights choreographed to holiday music.                                          Most Insurances Accepted
It occurs every hour on the hour and on the half hour during the holidays. Station Park offers
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                                                                                                                       224 S. Main St., #1 • Centerville, UT.
                                                                         PhoTo by roger v. TuTTle
                                                                                                         801-292-2299 •
                                                                                                     Park Chiropractic, LLC
Davis and Weber Counties named 2020
‘Great American Defense Community’                                                                  DECEMBER DEAL DAYS
                                                                                                    DECEMBER 16TH-22ND
    Together, Davis and                                         regions.                            The South Davis Recreation Center is offering a
Weber counties, Utah,                                                “We are extremely              few Days of Deals this December.
are one of five commu-                                          pleased to be selected              Take advantage of these deals and come on
nities across the country                                       as a 2020 Great                     over and out of the weather. Some
named to the 2020 Class                                         American Defense                    restrictions apply.
of Great American                                               Community,” said Tage               Monday: Sign-up for an EFT
Defense Communities,                                            Flint, president of the             membership and we will waive the
the Association of                                              Utah Defense Alliance.              $30 set-up fee.
Defense Communities                                             “The whole community                Tuesday: Save 20% on a party
(ADC) announced                                                 works tirelessly to                 package booked in 2020.
in conjunction with                                             improve the quality of              Wednesday: Free ice skate rental
USAA, the program’s                                             life and mission effec-             10am-2pm
official sponsor.                                               tiveness for over 20,000            Thursday: Receive a discount on
                                                                                                    the 2020 Race Series.
     “The strength of                                           military professionals,             Friday-Sunday: Bring a bag of food for
our military starts at                                          civilians, and family               the Bountiful Food Pantry and receive one guest
home, in America’s                                              members who make up                 pass.
defense communities,”                                           Hill’s military family.”
said ADC President Joe                                               The Great American             HOLIDAY HOURS
Driskill. “We are proud                                         Defense Communities                 Tuesday, December 24th
                                                                                                    The whole facility closes at 12:00pm
to recognize Davis and                                          program, now in its fifth
Weber counties as a community that               year, was established to recognize the             Wednesday, December 25th
goes above and beyond to support Hill            role that communities and regions                  CLOSED
Air Force Base. We are excited to share          with active installations in the U.S.              Wednesday, January 1st
their story.”                                    play in supporting service members                 Late opening at 6:00am
     The communities recognized                  and military families. Communities
by the Great American Defense                    are chosen through a competitive
Communities program demonstrate                  nomination process based on commu-
exemplary work in improving the                  nity building and integration, support
quality of life of military personnel            and collaboration, and educational                    Recreation Center
and their families through programs,             and employment opportunities, and                     801.298.6220 • 550 N 200 W, Bountiful, UT
initiatives and partnerships in their            family support.                                     
14 Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019                                                             news    DAVIS CLIPPER

                                                         Checking out this castle at the
                                                         Bountiful Davis Art Center’s
                                                         Gingerbread Festival on Dec.
                                                         7 were May Sondrup, 4, and
                                                         brother Ezra Sondrup, 6. The
                                                         annual event is a community
                                                         favorite and lots of creative
                                                         entries graced the tables
                                                         at the center for the event.
                                                         Holiday traditions are the

                                                                             roGEr v. TuTTlE

                                    Fresh Christmas
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           1201 W. 500 S. • Woods Cross • (One Mile West of I-15 exit 316)
DAVIS CLIPPER                                                           news                                  Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019   15

                                                                         SOUTH DAVIS WATER DISTRICT
                                                                   NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 2020 BUDGET
                                                                    NOTICE OF FEE INCREASE PUBLIC HEARING

                                                              Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the
                                                              adoption of the South Davis Water District 2020 Budget will
                                                               be held on Wednesday, December 18th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
                                                                 at the District Office located at 407 West 3100 South,
                                                              Bountiful, Utah. Anyone interested may inspect the Tentative
                                                              2020 Budget on file at the District Office and appear and be
                                                                                   heard at the hearing.
musical high note                                               This notice given pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sec.
Superintendent Reid Newey and school board member
Marie Stevenson congratulate Syracuse High senior Felisa
Pierson (center) on her violin performance at last week’s
board meeting. Pierson played “Unaccompanied Bach.” The
board also approved the boundaries for the new West Layton      Notice is also hereby given that the South Davis Water
Elementary. Rachel Alberts was named Principal for the
school.                                                       District Board of Trustees intends to increase the culinary
                                       PHoTo By BEcky giNoS   water rates equivalent to 4.3%. The Board of Trustees also
                                                              intends to increase the irrigation water connection fee by
teacher                       log in for my lessons           $20 per year and to increase the yearly irrigation per acre
                              and learn together
Continued from page 5
                              even though they are                               rate by $24 per acre.
                              physically miles apart.
form close relationships
with my students and
                              I love the ability I have
                              to individually touch              The proposed fee increase would be used to counter the
give individualized
feedback on each of
                              base with my students
                              over the phone or
                                                                 water rate increase by Weber Basin Water Conservancy
their assessments. I          online regularly. I love           District, which has increased by 28% since 2017 and to
love being able to walk       spending my days really
students individually         teaching science. And             offset the rising construction cost of 7% per year. The rate
through tough scientific
concepts over and over
                              for that I am grateful.
                                                              increase will allow for an increase in water line replacement
until they understand
them. I love being able
                                        Brenda Raccuia
                                      Utah Connections
                                                                  by the District. The Board of Trustees will hold a public
to teach online to a                         Academy           hearing on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at
group of students that
                                                                the South Davis Water District Office located at 407 West
                                                                  3100 South, Bountiful, Utah for the purpose of hearing
traditions                    high-income families,
                              which could have a seri-
                                                               comments regarding the proposed fee increases and to ex-
Continued from page 5
                              ous economic impact                      plain the reasons for the proposed increases.
                              since the top 10 percent
    CHARITABLE                of income households                This notice is given pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sec.
current tax laws limit
                              account for nearly half
                              of all economic activity.
tax deductions, more of           Hopefully, one
my friends are involving
their family in making
                              tradition in the Cyclops
                              household won’t
                                                                                                             Tracie Rainey
major charitable gifts        change…Taking time                                                              District Clerk
rather than spending on       for a peaceful nap…
typical presents. This        after eating the coconut                                                      801-295-4468
is especially true for        cream pie of course!
16 Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019                                                         life                                                                          DAVIS CLIPPER

     high drama
     produces ‘Les
by Jenna Chaffee                   favorite part about this show
Clipper intern                     was having the opportunity
                                   to tell such an amazing story.
    Les Mis is a story of loss,    Even though the events of Les
hope and love. Bountiful           Misérables took place well
High’s drama department            over 100 years ago, the stories
displayed every emotion gor-       it tells are still relatable to
geously. I interviewed some of     this day. As Victor Hugo put
the cast to get exclusive behind   it: ‘So long as ignorance and                                                                                                           CourteSy
the scenes information.            poverty exist on earth, books
    Isaac Gates played Marius,     of the nature of Les Misérables    the cast of bountiful high’s production of ‘Les Miserables.’ Several students in the play felt the
the daring love interest of        cannot fail to be of use.’”        emotional story not only had an impact on the audience members but the cast as well.
Cossete. Isaac said his favorite        “Eponine’s death has
scene was “Drink With Me”          always been my favorite                 A funny story Dusti            of the fun moments that come         Morgan Miller, shared this
and “Bring Him Home.” “It’s        scene,” Dusti Mulder, who          shared with me was, “Eponine        with live theater!”                  heartfelt message, “our hard
the most vulnerable part of the    played Eponine said. “Eponine      is famous for her little boy            I loved being able to            work as a cast affected the
show and I’ve never felt closer    has just returned from             disguise in act two. This           interview the cast and though        community and our audiences
to my fellow actors than I did     delivering a love letter for       costume consists of an              I wasn’t able to put every           so much. Every day our
during those scenes,” he said.     the man she would give her         overcoat and a very large pair      amazing story or quote I             director gave us notes before
“One thing my friend who           life for. Soon after, Eponine      of pants. On closing night, I       wanted to in this article, one       the show and she always had a
played Valjean said was that       is shot and spends her dying       entered the stage as usual. I       quote I wanted to share that         story of someone else who had
during Bring Him Home he           moments wrapped in the             bent over to pick up a heavy        the whole cast loved is, “To         been touched in a huge way
was praying for me as opposed      warm embrace of the one            bag and my belt broke! Before       love someone is to see the face      by our show. I loved looking
to Valjean praying for Marius.     thing she’s wanted most all her    I knew it I was desperately         of God.” Talking to each of the      out at the audience during the
That’s why those scenes were       life. In the moments she takes     reaching for my pants so they       cast members I could feel the        final scene and seeing people
my favorites.”                     her last breath, Marius has lost   couldn’t reach my ankles. I         unity brought on by displaying       moved to tears and just shar-
    His favorite part of the       a small piece of his heart to      was mortified! Turns out, no        such an emotional story.             ing that emotion with them.”
play experience was, “My           Eponine.”                          one had even noticed. Some              One of the cast members,

It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play at CenterPoint
by Megan Christensen                        panic button when you look at the           Voices.” Just when you thought “can           has to offer is especially great for this
For the Davis Clipper                       play bill and can’t seem to find the        he really play another character?” he         time of year.
                                            name of George Bailey on the list of        does, and he does it well.                        Jennifer Beckstrand, the director
    It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live           characters. You are in the right place,         The play lasted about an hour             of the play said it best: “We hope the
Radio Play, put on by a cast of seven       and this is in fact the Wonderful           and a half and time seemed to fly             timeless messages in this story will
talented members at CenterPoint             Life you have come to know and              by as the sound effects, storyline            remind you that even though you are
Legacy Theater, is the perfect show to      love. But remember, you are going to        and character dialogue kept you               just one person, you matter, you are
get you feeling the Christmas spirit.       the live radio play. The character of       entertained throughout the entirety           loved, and you can make a positive
I recommend getting your tickets            George Bailey is played by Jake, and        of the show. As I watched the play,           and lasting difference in someone
quickly, as they experienced a full         Jake is played by the charismatic Ed        I tried to imagine myself sitting             else’s life.”
house on Saturday evening.                  Farnsworth. Have I confused you yet?        around the old radio as my grandma                It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live
    As I walked into the Leishman               I was particularly impressed            once explained to me she had done.            Radio Play at CenterPoint Theatre
Hall, also known as their Black Box         with the entire cast as they had to         The cast did an amazing job bringing          will be showing until Dec. 21. You
theater, I was greeted by a quaint          take on multiple characters, each           this story to life. I could picture the       can buy tickets at the box office (525
and homey set that made me want             accompanied with their own voices           iconic movie at multiple points in the        North 400 West, Centerville, UT
to kick off my shoes, curl up by the        and personalities. Scott Fisher,            show that has become a tradition in           84014) by calling 801-298-1302 or
Christmas tree, and listen to the           who played Freddie, truly lived up          my household this time of year. The           online at
holiday piano tunes. Don’t hit the          to being called “The Man of 1,000           message and reminder this storyline
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