(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies

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(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
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(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
6   Rubrikname                                                                                                                                                                             Cover
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Theme   7

                                                                                                          PIONEERING      WORK
                                                                                                           I N F I F T Y WO R D S FOR NEW SEALING AND DRIVE SYSTEMS

                                WATCH THE TRAILER                                                                                                 Resources are finite. Really? The
                                                                                                          How will we live in the future? Answers to the big questions of the future
                                                                                                          such as emission-free mobility, sustainable energy supply, and effective
                                                                                                          climate protection can be discovered by opening up to new ideas and alliances.

                                                                                                                                                  ideas for dealing with scarcity
                                                                                                          As a sealing specialist, we design innovative, tailor-made solutions for all
                                                                                                          industrial areas. In the last few years, we have expanded this expertise to
                                                                                                          new drive systems. Our engineers and technicians currently develop and

                                                                                                                                                  are infinite – alternative pro-
                                                                                                          manufacture high-performance batteries as well as fuel cells for buses,
                                                                                                          trucks, trains, and commercial marine. Our hybrid system can be used in all
                                                                                                          our Heavy Duty Systems, intelligently combining battery and fuel cells. Our

                                                                                                                                                  cesses, recycling, discarding a
                                                                                                          willingness to embrace change has consistently made us the market and
                                                                                                          technology leader for over 170 years of company history. fst.com

                                                                                                                                                  material. It simply means taking
                                                                                                                                                  a fresh look at the resource
                                 THE MAGAZINE online:
                             www.fst.com/corporate/magazine                                                                                       question. Have we considered
                                                                                                                                                  everything? Has everything
                                                                                                                                                  been exhausted? There are
                                                                                                                                                  usually ways out. Searching for
                                                                                                                                                  them becomes all the more
                              NEW ENERGY MAP                          THE SKILLS SHORTAGE                                                         important.
                              Political scientist Dr. Kirsten West-   Skilled workers are in demand –
                              phal on hydrogen’s growing role.        and increasingly in short supply.

                              Aerial trams from LEITNER AG
                              improve public transport in cities.     the magazine         1_ 21
(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
4     Essay                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Essay      5

    (In)finite –
    All Options Exhausted?
    An Essay by Claus Möhlenkamp, Chief Executive Officer,
    Freudenberg Sealing Technologies

    A person standing on the edge of a large forest or the shore of     lar situation. Nearly two-thirds of the world’s population suffer   that the demand for wood in preindustrial metalworking
    an enormous lake may find it hard to grasp that they contain        from a water shortage at least one month a year. And a full         required massive amounts of charcoal. At about the same peri-
    finite amounts of wood and water. When we see vistas that           one-fifth of the world’s forests have been cleared since 1950.      od in Central America, mercury was used to mine silver to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Resource scarcit y can
    stretch beyond what the eye can see, perhaps views of a                                                                                 reduce the use of water and wood. But this proved not to be             of ten be managed and
    mountain or a desert, we call them “endless landscapes.” The        This in turn has much to do with the sheer number of people,        sustainable, mainly due to the impact on the workers’ health.
    size of our planet is hard for us to comprehend, though we          currently around 7 billion, populating our planet. By 2050, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    compensated for.
    have an expression, “like sand in the sea,” that refers to seem-    United Nations expects the world’s population to increase to        The examples show that scarcity had always led humankind
    ingly endless quantities. It comes from the Bible, making it        nearly 10 billion. Since resources are finite, it seems as though   to chart a different course and use a resource more efficiently
    nearly 2,000 years old. In this day and age, we use 50 million      the planet is unable to support all of them.                        as its supply dwindles. That means “finite” is a relative term.
    tons of sand annually. The seemingly infinite supply of sand is                                                                         Sometimes reserves last longer than originally assumed. Or it
    running short. Coasts and rivers are eroding. Water is in a simi-   Or are they finite?                                                 helps to change perspectives: How crucial is the raw material        Incidentally, human labor can be a resource as well, and it is
                                                                                                                                            actually? Do alternatives exist? The examples of water and           already in short supply in some areas. Similarly, scarcities of
                                                                        In the 21st century, we doubtless find ourselves in a situation     wood show how diverse the possibilities may be. Raw materi-          nonmaterial resources like time or attention may exist. The
                                                                        of historic magnitude. Still, shortages of resources are actually   als can be replaced. Processes can be changed or tools can be        year 2020 did an excellent job of surprising us with what we
                                                                        not that new. Over the course of history, many societies have       reinvented. It might even be possible to reuse a material. And       might lack: from medical equipment to toilet paper – or even
                                                                        faced them again and again.                                         there is always another question: How much of our consump-           close human contact.
                                                                                                                                            tion is really necessary? Might we be able to set limits on what
                                                                        For example, archaeologists have considered the island of           we consume?                                                          We are sure about one thing, however: It is often possible to
                                                                        Pantelleria an exciting field of research, wondering why people                                                                          manage and offset resource shortages, although not always
     	Nearly t wo -thirds of the                                       have been living there, of all places, for thousands of years       All of this applies to the present as well. People have been pro-    immediately. And rarely without effort or sacrifice. But scarcity
                                                                        even though it hardly has any water. The researchers found          jecting the scarcity of oil for a long time, and the world has re-   often leads to innovation and economic progress in the first
       world’s population endure                                        that the inhabitants collected rainwater in cisterns. In the end,   sponded with alternative sources of energy, battery-electric         place. Scarcity is a challenge that unleashes creative potential.
       water shor tages at least one                                    shortages of resources spur invention. That was the experi-         propulsion and fuel cells, not to mention new conveyor tech-         Have we really exhausted all the options? All the possibilities?
                                                                        ence of the Sumerians who built an advanced civilization on         nologies and the more economical use of fossil fuels. Some-          Some raw materials may be finite, but the sources of ideas
       month a year.                                                    the idea of irrigating an arid landscape and conveying water        times we find that parameters can be changed. For example,           and innovations that solve problems are clearly infinite, as
                                                                        from the Euphrates onto their fields. The idea was not sustain-     forecasts of the world’s population extend beyond the afore-         is the range of ongoing social, technical and economic devel-
                                                                        able, however, even if the difficulties only became apparent        mentioned year 2050 and suggest that growing prosperity              opments. We at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies want to
                                                                        over the course of centuries. Evaporation salinized the soil,       could lead to significant declines in birth rates and thus to a      make contributions in these areas. To this end, the latest
                                                                        making it unusable. In the 15th century in central Europe, cities   shrinking population long-term. That alone won’t solve all the       edition of ESSENTIAL should serve as both an inspiration and
                                                                        came up with the idea of replanting forests. It turned out          problems. But it will open up new possibilities.                     an incentive.
(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
14                                                                                           54
                                                                                           Interview                                                                    Who Is Missing – and Where?

                                                                                 Political scientist Dr. Kirsten                                                           The most important resource for the
                                                                                Westphal on hydrogen and the                                                             economy is becoming scarce everywhere:
                                                                                       energy transition.                                                                             skilled labor.

03                                04                           08                                                           46                                52
In Fifty Words                    Essay                        Story Board                                                  The Third Dimension               Infographic
(In)finite: All Options           The increasing scarcity of   Wood, minerals, living                                       LEITNER AG builds aerial          Full speed ahead –
Exhausted?                        resources is opening our     space: Resources are very                                    trams in the mountains ...        with renewable
                                  eyes to alternatives.        diverse – and coveted.                                       and increasingly in cities.       energy.

                                  26                           29                              30                           58                                59                            60
                                  Methanol on the High Seas    By the Numbers                   Swapping Everything Out     High Skills for the Future        Now I’m Telling You           With a Cold Runner
                                  Ships can generate clean     A single date ought to           Two brothers make a         At FST, Cara Mia Pesta has        Rare earths are indispensa-   An injection molding tech-
                                  electricity on board.        sensitize humanity to how        smartphone as sustaina-     learned a trade that has          ble, and not really as rare   nology saves raw materials
                                                               wastefully we are behaving.      ble as possible.            never existed before.             as you might think.           and cuts CO2 emissions.

34                                38                                                           45                                                             68                            70
Raw Material on the Move          For Lack of Evidence                                          Essential                                                     Worth-Knowing                 Feedback and Contact
Designers around the world        Chief Detective Jörg                                          Vitamin D is important,                                       News from the world           We look forward to a
know bamboo is a superb           Schmitt-Kilian tells how                                      but not that easy to get.                                     of Freudenberg Sealing        dialogue with you!
material for bike frames.         to convict a criminal.                                                                                                      Technologies.

                          22                                                          42                                                            64
                City – Sand – River                                           Catapulted to the                                                 The Optimist
                Not all sand is alike. And that                                World’s Summit                                                    A Swedish author
               is especially a problem for the                            Barely professional yet world-class:                                  believes in progress.
                    construction industry.                                         Soccer in Iceland.
(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
8   Rubrikname                                                              Rubrikname   9

                 Emerald Isle
                 One might think that the rugged beauty of Ireland is solely
                 Nature’s work. But that’s only part of the story. The Emerald Isle
                 ultimately owes its name to its ever-present meadows, not its
                 lush woodlands. This relates to the fact that its residents have
                 made abundant use of wood as a resource for centuries. To the
                 point that woodlands, which covered 80 percent of the island in
                 the distant past, were reduced to just 2.5 percent of its area
                 350 years ago. The wood was used to build ships and barrels and
                 to make charcoal for iron-working and glassmaking. Pasture land
                 for cattle also took its toll. By 1928, the share of woodlands in the
                 Republic of Ireland was 1.2 percent. Thanks to reforestation, the
                 figure is 11 percent today and rising. Three-quarters of Ireland’s
                 forests are less than 30 years old.
(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
10   Rubrikname                                                           Rubrikname   11

                  Nature’s Treasures
                  The history of humanity is closely tied to the extraction of natu-
                  ral resources. Marble was already a much sought-after material
                  in ancient times. Its quarrying was manual back then, but today
                  machines do the work, as is the case here in Denizli, Turkey. The
                  country is currently the world’s largest exporter of marble. Re-
                  sources are spread out across the globe unevenly. While they are
                  abundant in a few countries, others, like Japan and Switzerland,
                  have hardly any at all. They specialize in processing imported
                  raw materials and the manufacture of goods that are in de-
                  mand worldwide. On the other hand, Russia, the United States,
                  Australia and China are rich in resources. Along with fossil-based
                  energy sources, they extract highly prized materials such as
                  copper, zinc, iron ore, aluminum oxide and rare earths.
(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
12   Rubrikname                                                             Rubrikname   9

                  Artfully Small
                  Living space is in demand in times of growing urbanization.
                  Shortages of residential space and higher rents in cities like
                  Detroit have spurred the rise of “tiny houses” as alternatives to
                  standard homes. Twenty-five compact houses are being built in
                  that city to provide low income residents with new residences. A
                  project in Mexico is following a similar path. It is a settlement of
                  tiny houses that is being established in the country’s southeast
                  region. The plan is to make 50-square-meter (538-square-foot)
                  houses available to families who previously could only find make-
                  shift housing. The project is backed by an American building
                  technology company and a nonprofit based in the United States.
                  The highlight: Thanks to a special concrete compound, the struc-
                  tures can be built quickly using a 3D printing process.
(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
14   Interview – Dr. Harry G. Broadman                                                             Interview – Dr. Kirsten Westphal   15

                                         “„The Energy
                                            Map Is Being
                                          Political scientist Dr. Kirsten Westphal advises political decision-makers
                                          on issues relating to security and foreign policy. Her focus is currently
                                          on the energy transition. A conversation about inexhaustible resources
                                          and the growing importance of hydrogen.
(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
16     Interview – Dr. Kirsten Westphal                                                                                                                                                                                    Interview – Dr. Kirsten Westphal     17

                                                                                                                                           With an energy transition,
                                                                                                                                           economic value is no longer
     “GEOPOLITICS OF THE ENERGY TRANSITION” SINCE 2018.                                                                                    created with resources but
     My team and I investigate how the energy transition in Germa-
                                                                                                                                           with the use of technology.”
     ny and the EU affects their external relations. It can generally
     be said that the energy transformation will have geopolitical
     effects. It is going to be a different world.

     The countries that now import fossil resources are gaining
     greater power. The producers of fossil raw materials are relin-
     quishing it. There is the prospect that Europe will get more
     room for maneuver, but it needs to answer a question: With         THERE IS A “BUT” SOMEWHERE IN YOUR STATEMENT.                      SO RAW MATERIALS IN THE GROUND WON’T RUN OUT, BUT
     whom does it intend to network on energy policy? In any case,      Climate politics is not energy politics. While declarations are    THERE HAVE BEEN AND STILL ARE COUNTRIES THAT HAVE
     the energy map is being redrawn.                                   important, measures must follow. The absolute supremacy of         LESS OF THEM. HAS THIS CIRCUMSTANCE LED THEM TO FIND
                                                                        climate politics poses problems, especially when real progress     INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS?
     IS THE ENERGY TRANSITION A REGIONAL OR GLOBAL ISSUE?               on the energy transition lags and ambitions are spiraling faster   That’s clear. The high level of energy efficiency in countries
     Germany and the EU are playing a pioneering role here. But the     and faster. This poses the risk of losing credibility at some      such as Japan and Germany shows this. Any country spending
     Paris Climate Agreement has shown that dealing with climate        point.                                                             a large portion of its gross domestic product importing raw
     change is a global issue. More and more countries want to be                                                                          materials behaves differently than that who have substantial
     climate-neutral by 2050 or at least CO2-neutral by 2060. The       STILL, THE EARLY INDICATIONS SEEM TO BE POSITIVE FOR               deposits of these resources. Countries poor in raw materials
     declarations are coming in quick succession. Everything sounds     AN ENERGY TRANSITION.                                              are also forced to diversify in terms of countries of origin and
     positive for now.                                                  Absolutely. We are seeing global momentum, not least of all        supply routes. The concentration of energy riches will change
                                                                        because the costs of renewable energy have fallen sharply.         as the energy transition continues. Renewable energy along
                                                                        This makes it an attractive option. It makes economic sense        with generated hydrogen will be more evenly spread around
                                                                        practically everywhere. From a global standpoint, the energy       the world than oil and gas are.
                                                                        transformation is moving ahead very differently across the
                                                                        globe – the goals and the routes to the conversion are fre-        THE COUNTRIES EXPORTING FOSSIL RAW MATERIALS
                                                                        quently different than those in Europe.                            SHOULD BE INVOLVED IN THIS. HAVE THEY TENDED TO
                                                                                                                                           STICK WITH THEIR RESOURCES AND INNOVATE LESS?                      Dr. Kirsten Westphal
                                                                        WHAT ARE THE ENERGY TRANSITION’S DRIVERS?                          They can’t all be lumped together. Consider the United States,
                                                                        Besides reducing costs, it is public opinion. The public sees      Canada or Norway, for example. They are all resource-rich and      Dr. Kirsten Westphal is a political scientist
                                                                        climate change as a threat. It is tangible in many places. For     innovative at the same time. Much would depend on how              who works for SWP, the German Institute for
                                                                        example, the air pollution that causes major problems locally.     liberal the political system is. On the other hand, state-owned    International and Security Affairs, in Berlin.
                                                                                                                                           enterprises carry considerable weight in an economy. They are      SWP analyzes foreign policy issues for federal
     The absolute supremacy                                             SO THE RESOURCES ISSUE IS LESS IMPORTANT?                          not under nearly the same pressure to innovate as multi­           political leaders, economic entities and the
                                                                        This is an exciting aspect. The focus was once on the finite       national corporations.                                             public. At SWP, Dr. Westphal is responsible for
     of climate politics poses                                          character of oil and gas. We believed that extraction would                                                                           international energy relationships and global

                                                                        soon reach its high point. The assumption became almost            YOU MENTIONED HYDROGEN. THE CAPACITY TO INNOVATE                   energy security. She is also a member of the
                                                                        baseless with fracking, the revolution in the extraction of        IS IN HIGH DEMAND FOR ITS PRODUCTION.                              National Hydrogen Council. In addition, she
                                                                        shale oil and gas. We now know there is more there than we         That’s right. With an energy transition, economic value is no      was on the panel of experts of the Global
                                                                        thought. The actual scarcity is in the atmosphere. How much        longer created with resources, but rather through the use of       Commission on the Geopolitics of Energy
                                                                        CO2 may we load into the air if we want to stay with the           technology. As a result, an economic system’s capacity to inno-    Transformation 2018-19 and collaborated on
                                                                        two-degree goal?                                                   vate is a crucial factor. Here, Asia and especially China are      the commission report “A New World.”
(IN)FINITE - Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
18     Interview – Dr. Kirsten Westphal                                                                                                         Interview – Dr. Kirsten Westphal   19

                                                                                      China clearly wants to advance
                                                                                      key technologies such as
                                                                                      hydrogen and set the
                                                                                      standards for them. The EU
                                                                                      must continue to be vigilant
     worth noting, all the more since the size of a market plays                      in this area.”
     a major role when new technologies are introduced. It was
     significant for the battery revolution and e-mobility. China’s
     economies of scale are enormous.

     China has caught up with us in batteries, solar panels and
     high-voltage, direct-current transmission lines. Will the EU suc-
     ceed in avoiding this situation when it comes to hydrogen and         European rule and market area and are pressing ahead with cli-
     will we manage to export these technologies as well? China is         mate protection. Of course, hydrogen should also be sourced
     pursuing the strategies “Made in China 2025” and “Standards           from other regions.
     2035.” China clearly wants to advance key technologies such as
     hydrogen and set the standards for them. And then there are           WHAT IS YOUR CONVICTION BASED ON?
     the structural asymmetries. We have highly innovative small           Germany and the EU have to provide mutual economic inter-
     and medium-sized companies supported by foreign trade                 connections to achieve stability and prosperity in neighboring
     chambers and embassies. But in Africa, for example, they have         regions. Imports of hydrogen and its derivatives offer coun-
     to compete with China’s state-owned companies offering low-           tries like Russia, the Persian Gulf states or even Algeria and
     cost system solutions and loans as a package. The EU must             Egypt the opportunity to keep earning money. As Europeans,
     continue to be vigilant in this area. Competition from China          we are unable to create an exclusive island of happiness when
     has to be taken seriously, especially when it is exporting its        our neighborhood is not benefiting as well. Such geopolitical
     economic model as well.                                               considerations must be taken into account.

     FOR IT?                                                               It has heavily focused on fracking and fossil fuels recently. That
     I believe it is essential for us to develop the technology and cre-   will change under the new U.S. President, Joe Biden. He is stress-
     ate facilities for it to give Europe the ability to export and to     ing climate protection, and the new Vice President, Kamala
     keep it competitive and innovative. But it is important to re-        Harris, is one of the signers of the Green New Deal. That’s
     main realistic. The EU is limited when it comes to good loca-         why I expect the new administration to move ahead with the
     tions for solar and wind energy and generally available space.        expansion of renewable energy and key technologies such as
     In this sense, it is plausible or even essential to rely on imports   hydrogen. But its energy and technology policies will focus
     and carry out hydrogen projects abroad with partners. Here I          heavily on the country’s own industries and employment. The
     am initially thinking of Europe’s periphery and the countries         country will collaborate more multilaterally on climate, but
     connected by pipelines. Norway and Britain are close to us by         “America First” will still guide its actions in economy. Not least
     any measure. Geographically and politically, they are part of a       of all due to its rivalry with China.
20     Interview – Dr. Kirsten Westphal                                                                                                                                          Interview – Dr. Kirsten Westphal     21

     Very important. Three approaches have to work in parallel:
     The technology has to be ready for market, you have to be able                                                                             An energy system that
     to foresee the business case, and the political conditions have
     to be right. It won’t come together without this parallel inter-                                                                           doesn’t include the use of
                                                                                                                                                hydrogen would be
     play. Otherwise, the old chicken-or-egg problem will continue.
     Supply and demand must be triggered. We need new, clear
     framework conditions and, most likely in the initial phase, non-
     market-based tools, even if the goal must be to create a hydro-
                                                                                                                                                inconceivable in 2050.”
     gen market. Since it is essential to introduce new sources of
     energy and technologies, this touches on the issues related to
     EU subsidies. The policies are crucial. They determine whether
     projects will pay off.

     WHAT IS INDUSTRY’S READINESS TO TURN TO HYDROGEN                     starting to get out of fossil resources. They tend to see hydro-      The country is pursuing “direct air capture,” that is, extracting
     AS AN ENERGY SOURCE?                                                 gen-related projects and the associated infrastructure pro-           CO2 from ambient air, storing it and creating synthetic fuels
     We are now experiencing a real hype about hydrogen. This is          grams as attractive measures.                                         from it.
     not the first time, but now it’s different since it has seized the
     imagination of numerous countries and industries. An energy          WHAT INDUSTRIES ARE SHOWING A SPECIAL INTEREST IN                     EUROPE IS THINKING IN TERMS OF GREEN HYDROGEN.
     system that doesn’t include the use of hydrogen would be             HYDROGEN?                                                             JAPAN IS INITIALLY BETTING ON THE IMPORT OF HYDROGEN
     inconceivable in 2050. In addition, financial institutions are       I think it is being discussed in every industry. It already plays a   EXTRACTED FROM COAL. WHERE IS THE WORLD HEADED?
                                                                          role in refineries. There are pilot projects in the steel industry.   The world is very multicolored in this respect. It will be exciting
                                                                          Plus cement, aluminum, glass. If you think further ahead, there       to see how open the EU will be to hydrogen being produced
                                                                          is heavy-duty transport and aviation.                                 in different ways, how it will certify the fuel and build up com-
                                                                                                                                                merce in it. This isn’t just important with regard to the Gulf
                                                                          HOW COULD A BREAKTHROUGH FOR HYDROGEN TAKE                            States – the issue involves Russia as well. That country is tack-
                                                                          PLACE?                                                                ling a wide variety of production methods. So is the United
                                                                          “Hydrogen valleys,” places where industries and logistics             States.
                                                                          centers come together and network, seem promising to me.
                                                                          Take port cities, for instance. Antwerp produces about 15 per-        LET’S LOOK INTO THE FUTURE: WHAT ROLE WILL HYDROGEN
     ‘Hydrogen valleys,’ places                                           cent of Belgium’s CO2 emissions, Rotterdam about 20 percent           PLAY AT THE END OF THIS DECADE?
                                                                          in the Netherlands. If these types of centers are de-carbonized       I already hope that we in the EU will have achieved major
     where industries and logistics                                       with the help of hydrogen, much will have been gained.                progress in offshore wind parks and water electrolysis, which

     centers come together and
                                                                                                                                                are key technologies. We have geographic advantages in these
                                                                          HAVE THE OIL EXPORTING COUNTRIES SUCH AS THOSE IN                     areas. In the western portion of the continent, the “backbone

     network, seem promising                                              THE PERSIAN GULF BEGUN TO RETHINK THEIR STRATEGIES
                                                                          AND SET THEIR SIGHTS ON HYDROGEN PRODUCTION?
                                                                                                                                                infrastructure” will have made a great deal of progress.
                                                                                                                                                Energy-intensive sectors will use hydrogen. At the same time,
     to me. Take port cities, for                                         Oh yes. They are further along than we have thought. Saudi
                                                                          Arabia is pursuing its Vision 2030 program to diversify its
                                                                                                                                                I think that we will discuss a number of issues more intensively
                                                                                                                                                and openly: the colors of hydrogen, its role in the heating
     instance.”                                                           economy. This includes Project Neom, a new city the size              sector, and above all its system function that hydrogen can
                                                                          of Belgium with desalinization facilities and green hydrogen          provide as a storage medium for energy systems. Japan, the
                                                                          production, encompassing the entire value creation chain that         United States and China will all be using every form of hydro-
                                                                          is due to take shape. When Saudi Arabia held the G20 presi-           gen very pragmatically and will be geared to rapid industrial
                                                                          dency in 2020, it actively advocated a circular CO2 economy.          progress.
22   Sand Mining                                                                                                                                                           Sand Mining   23

            City – Sand –
             Except for water, no resource on the planet is in greater demand
             than sand, some experts say. Sand is not only found in many
             everyday objects – it is particularly in demand for building       Poyang Lake in southeast China is the
                                                                                largest freshwater lake in the country.
             construction. As a result, it is increasingly in short supply.     At its longest point, it spreads out over a
                                                                                surface of up to 4,500 square kilometers
                                                                                (about 1,740 square miles). In the 14th
                                                                                century, the inland lake is said to have
                                                                                been the scene of one of the greatest
                                                                                sea battles in history. Depending on the
                                                                                time of year, its water level fluctuates
                                                                                a great deal, recently to the point that it
                                                                                could hardly be seen in satellite images.     rapidly growing cities are dependent
                                                                                The powerful Three Gorges Dam, which          on sand as an ingredient in cement.
                                                                                disrupts its flow, is one reason for the      Every two or three years, China uses as
                                                                                fluctuation. In addition, the extraction      much sand as the United States did in
                                                                                of massive amounts of sand has broad-         the entire 20th century. Of the up to
                                                                                ened and deepened the lake’s drainage         50 billion tons of sand consumed global-
                                                                                channel, allowing its water to escape         ly each year, China accounts for about
                                                                                more quickly.                                 60 percent.

                                                                                In 2014, the United Nations Environmen-       All Sand Is Not the Same
                                                                                tal Program estimated that 235 million        Some might say this isn’t a problem. Af-
                                                                                cubic meters (307 million cubic yards) of     ter all, sand can be found in abundance
                                                                                sand are mined from Poyang Lake annu-         across the planet. The expression “like
                                                                                ally. That would make it the site of the      the sand in the sea” is already found in
                                                                                world’s largest sand mining operation.        the Bible and suggests something avail-
                                                                                The gritty material is proving to be a hot    able in great quantity. And that is cer-
                                                                                seller as the country’s economy booms.        tainly true: Deserts cover about one-
                                                                                Its many infrastructure products and its      fifth of the earth’s land surface. But the
24     Sand Mining                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sand Mining      25

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Actually a lake, not a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         river: After massive sand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         mining, the waters of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Poyang Lake are draining
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         away even faster.

     math doesn’t quite add up because all                                                      more quickly than rivers can produce a
     sand is not the same. Only about 5 per-                                                    fresh supply. The world is heading to-
     cent of the world’s sand deposits are                                                      ward a severe bottleneck. This can be
     suited for cement production.                    tons of sand are needed to build          seen in the prices of the commodity. The
                                                       an average single-family home.           price for sand extracted in Germany
     Desert sand is out of the question be-                                                     rose about 30 percent between 2000
     cause wind and weathering have pol-                                                        and 2017. In the United States, the price
     ished it to make it smooth. The sand                                                       rose by the same proportion between
     used in construction must have an an-                                                      2010 and 2019. And when a commodity
     gular structure. The sought-after variant                                                  becomes lucrative, criminal energies are
     only occurs in gravel and sand pits or in   Illegal Mining On a Grand Scale                unleashed. In India, there is already talk
     lakes and rivers, which carry it along to   The global demand for sand continues to        about Mafia-like structures in the sand
     the ocean. So construction sand is pri-     rise. Nine times more sand is mined than       business. It is being illegally mined there
     marily mined in pits, on riverbanks and     oil is extracted, statistics show. The Unit-   on a grand scale. In the south Indian
     shores, or at the bottom of bodies of       ed Nations highlights the magnitude of         state of Kerala alone, the value of the
     water. That is what was going on at         sand mining in its report, “Sand, rarer        illegal trade is put at about $2.3 billion
     Poyang Lake. It had been targeted to the    than one thinks.” Enough construction          U.S. Illegal mining has also been ob-
     point that Chinese officials banned sand    sand is used in the production of con-         served in other parts of the world.
     mining from the Yangtze River in 2001.      crete to build a wall 27 meters (32 yards)
     This was required after sand mining         high and just as wide around the equa-         Singapore is seen as a consumer of ille-
     washed away bridges, endangered lev-        tor. It goes without saying that the large     gally mined sand. For a long time, the
     ees and prevented navigation.               grained sand is being extracted much           city-state obtained its sand from Indo-
                                                                                                nesia, Malaysia and Cambodia from time                                                   The breakthrough?
                                                                                                to time. A few years ago, these countries                                                Polymer resin turns
                                                                                                imposed an official ban on exports.                                                       ostensibly useless
                                                                                                Nonetheless, Singaporean statistics con-                                                    desert sand into
                                                                                                tinue to show sand imports from them.                                                     polymer concrete.
                                                                                                Singapore is heavily dependent on the
                                                                                                commodity. Surrounded by water, the
                                                                                                city-state has expanded its land area
                                                                                                by 20 percent since its independence in
                                                                                                1965. A United Nations report from
                                                                                                2014 says Singapore has imported more         Khalifa, the world’s highest building, in       follow suit when it comes to sand, which     sand and artificial resin hardens after
                                                                                                than 500 million tons of sand over the        the desert emirate. An abundance of sand        brings up the issue of alternatives. In      just twenty minutes. In their finished
        Sand                                                                                    past twenty years. The imports from           was also needed for another prestige            this respect, the German company Poly-       form, individual polymer-cement parts
                                                                                                neighboring nations have led to the dis-      project: the artificial islands off the emir-   care has attracted some attention; it        can be inserted and screwed inside one
        Grains of sand are 0.063 to 2 millimeters in diameter.                                  appearance of entire beaches and some         ate’s coast, designed in the form of palms.     is supporting a construction project in      another like Lego pieces. At some point,
        They consist of rock that is gradually weathered from the                               sand islands off their coasts. The cause                                                      Namibia after years of research. Ostensi-    a building could be dismantled and
        effect of wind, rain, the sun and frost. As rock is carried                             is the suctioning of sand from the ocean      A Glimmer of Hope?                              bly unsuitable desert sand was used as a     rebuilt somewhere else. Time will tell
        along by rivers to the sea, the grains are ground smaller                               floor. Singapore turned to Australia,         The demand for sand persists in the             construction material after polyester        whether the method will prove to be a
        and smaller. It is a process that can take place over several                           among other places, to obtain sand that       West as well. It is substantial and una-        resin was added to it as a crucial binding   breakthrough. If it works out, the con-
        hundred years.                                                                          is needed to build its huge container         bated. After water, it is the world’s most      agent. The polyester resin was in part       struction sector could turn to smoothly
                                                                                                terminal. Dubai was another of Austral-       sought-after resource, experts say. The         obtained from recycled PET bottles.          polished desert sand. And this is indeed
                                                                                                ia’s customers, in part to build the Burj     United Nations assumes that Africa will         The polymer-cement made of desert            as abundant as sand in the sea.
26     Shipping                                                                                                                                                                                                            Shipping                                         27

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        These giant container ships con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sume 10 tons of heavy oil per
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      hour. Methanol could change that.

     Methanol on
     the Open Seas

     International commercial shipping is intended to be
     climate-neutral by 2050. This represents a major
     challenge for the transportation sector – and opens
     up an opportunity for alternative sources of energy.
     Freudenberg Sealing Technologies is developing
     maritime fuel cell systems that can produce elec-
     tricity from green methanol.

     The distance between the ports of Rot-       since goods transport by ship accounts       every shipbuilder and every operator is       Three Times the Energy In the Tank                                                  space would be required. Freudenberg
     terdam and Shanghai is 10,557 nautical       for around 2.5 percent of global green-      considering how to reach that goal.”          “But we need different powertrains and                                              Sealing Technologies has therefore de-
     miles. Today’s container ships travel the    house gas emissions, according to the In-    A pure battery solution is only viable        different sources of energy for interna-                                            veloped a fuel cell system that operates
     most important trade route between           ternational Maritime Organization (IMO).     when the traveling distance is short and      tional shipping,” Martens explains. This                                            with an upstream methanol reformer.
     China and Europe in less than thirty         The goal of the organization, which rep-     the layover time is long enough to re-        is where fuel cells come into play to gen-                                          Methanol can be made with “green”
     days – some in regular service with in-      resents 174 member-states, is to make        charge the battery – in ferry services, for   erate the electricity for the propulsion                                            hydrogen produced with the help of

     termediate stops and others without          all shipping climate-neutral by 2050.        example. Batteries can also support die-      system and the “hotel” on board. For                                                water and green electricity. But, unlike
     extra layovers. On these trips, a single                                                  sel propulsion as part of a hybrid drive      shipping on the open seas, hydrogen is                                              hydrogen, methanol is a liquid under
     ship can carry more than 20,000 stand-       2050 seems far off, but Nils Martens,        system, making it possible to maneuver        suited for use in fuel cells to only a limit-                                       normal conditions and has about three
     ard containers while burning nearly          who is responsible for the batteries and     emission-free in a harbor. It is a tried-     ed extent. Even when it is liquefied and                                            times its energy density. Moreover, if
                                                                                                                                                                                                 higher – methanol
     10 tons of heavy fuel oil per hour. These    fuel cell systems business at Freuden-       and-tested technology. For example, in        kept at - 253°C (- 423°F), the volumetric                                           the carbon for the methanol production
                                                                                                                                                                                             outstrips hydrogen’s energy
     figures make it clear that operating the     berg Sealing Technologies, points to the     a partnership with ABB, Freudenberg           energy density of hydrogen is seven                                                 doesn’t come from fossil sources, but is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    density by far.
     roughly 100,000 commercial ships CO2-        long life cycles in the industry. “In some   supplied batteries for new ferries on the     times less than the ship diesel common-                                             separated out of the air, or if methanol
     neutrally on the world’s oceans is a huge    cases, commercial ships are in service       Dover-Calais run. They are scheduled to       ly in use today. As a result, massive fuel                                          derived from biomass is used, the result
     challenge. Yet it still would be advisable   for more than thirty years. That’s why       begin service in 2023.                        tanks that take up valuable transport                                               is a completely climate-neutral fuel.
28    Shipping
      Rubrikname                                                                                                                                                                Rubrikname
                                                                                                                                                                                 Fact Check      9

                                                                    Destined for battery
                                                                    operation: short-run
                                                                    ferries in Scandinavia.

                                                                                                                        BY T H E N U M B E R S

                                                                           “This puts us in a range where we are
                                                                           competitive and are overtaking internal
                                                                           combustion engines.”
                                                                           Taking the Ocean Plunge
                                                                           Before year’s end, Freudenberg‘s first

                                                                           fuel cell system will have to prove itself
                                                                           out on the high seas. It is scheduled                                        eople aren’t very considerate of the
                            Freudenberg is developing fuel cells in        to be tested under real-life conditions                                      planet they live on. The international
                            a container design for use on the high         aboard a new Helios-class cruise ship                                        research organization Global Foot-
                            seas. The fuel cell stack, reformer, control   built by Meyer Werft in Papenburg. At                                 print Network has tied humankind’s largely
                            electronics and all other components           first, the system will only produce on-                               unsustainable activities to a particular date
     With operating lives   are placed in a prefabricated container,       board electricity, however the first ships                            each year: Earth Overshoot Day. As of this

     of 30,000 hours or     permitting easy installation on board.         equipped with a hybrid system based
                                                                           on fuel cells and batteries could be
                                                                                                                                                 day, the world’s population has consumed
                                                                                                                                                 more ecological resources in a calendar year
     more, fuel cells are   A single container can provide a rated         launched well before the year 2030. “We                               than Nature can renew. From then on, it
                            output of up to 500 kW. When com-              are already in the middle of industriali-                             can’t replace the forests harvested or the
     competitive with       bined with other units, the total output       zation,” Martens says. In 2021, Freuden-                              fish caught or absorb CO 2 emissions in
     combustion engines.”   is scalable to the high double-digit mega-
                            watt range or even higher.
                                                                           berg Sealing Technologies is opening a
                                                                           second development center in Munich.
                                                                                                                                                 equivalent quantities.

                                                                           The focus will be on the ongoing optimi-                              In 2020, Earth Overshoot Day fell on August
                            Compared to a combustion engine sys-           zation of production technologies as well                             22. Thereafter, the resources of future gen-
                            tem, a fuel cell also offers shipbuilders a    as products.                                                          erations were being consumed. The last
                            huge advantage: The mechanical drive-                                                                                time the day fell that late in the year was
                            shaft to the propeller is eliminated. This                                                                           back in 2005. So, why so late last year? Be-
                            permits entirely new designs that could                                                                              cause CO2 emissions fell due to the corona
                            make large central engine rooms unnec-                                                                               pandemic, for example.
                                                                                                                                                 There has also been criticism of the Global
                            But are these fuel cell stacks – where                                                                               Footprint Network’s calculations. The or-
                            hundreds of wafer-thin membranes con-                                                                                ganization doesn’t hide the fact that it re-
                            taining precious metals work with one                                                                                lies on assumptions and can only approxi-
                            another – as robust as a massively heavy       Shipping is expected to                                               mate reality. But it uses valid data when it
                            cylinder in a two-stroke diesel engine?        become more climate-                                                  can find the information, from the United
                            “We achieve operating lifespans of more        friendly. Freudenberg                                                 Nations, the International Energy Agency
                            than 30,000 hours with our systems and         Sealing Technologies                                                  and the Canadian Institute of Forestry. In
                            can see possibilities to increase them to      has the answers.                                                      the end, Earth Overshoot Day offers a sense
                            even higher in the future,” Martens says.      https://on.fst.com/3mvJRlR                                            of how wasteful humanity is.
30   Electronics Materials                                                                                               Electronics Materials     31

             Swapping                                                         So mobile phones have to be
                                                                              repaired by experts and end up as

             Everything Out
                                                                              electronic scrap in two years?
                                                                              There are two entrepreneurs who
                                                                              aren’t happy with that situation.
                                                                              The Waldeck brothers produce
                                                                              sustainable smartphones while
                                                                              keeping close track of the resources
                                                                              they use.

                                                                                       s children, Carsten and Samuel Waldeck confronted
                                                                                       scarcities of resources at an early age. Their father had
                                                                                       founded an organization to help drug-dependent
                                                                              young people. It was housed in an old manor out in the coun-
                                                                              try. “There was a shortage of everything. It ran totally on dona-
                                                                              tions,” Samuel Waldeck recalled. Anyone who has ever started
                                                                              a charitable project likely knows how he feels. The experience
                                                                              left its mark on him. Waldeck says Mother Nature, with its
                                                                              ever-present cycles, became his model. “Everything that func-
                                                                              tions is actually a cycle. Only human beings conceive of cycles
                                                                              that don’t work. Or there’s no cycle to begin with.” Take smart-
                                                                              phones, for example. On average, less than 20 percent of peo-
                                                                              ple use their smartphones more than two years. In the United
                                                                              States alone, about 150 million smartphones are discarded
                                                                              every year – as special waste containing toxic components.
                                                                              Recycling is difficult because the individual parts are connect-
                                It only requires a single screwdriver, and    ed and fused to one another. “Shredded telephones are a huge
                                   it is delivered with the product: SHIFT    mix of materials,” Waldeck said.
                              mobile phones are built to allow individual
                                          parts to be repaired or replaced.   The two brothers wanted to do things differently. They want-
                                                                              ed to have mobile telephones that were easy to repair and to
                                                                              recycle. As much as possible, without glued and soldered
32     Electronics Materials                                                                                                                                                                                                           Electronics Materials   33
                                                                          SHIFT buys electronic scrap from Ghana that is certified as
                                                                          child-labor-free and supports the Earth Beat Foundation,
                                                                          which finances small farmers in Uganda so they don’t need to
                                                                          work in gold mines. “Everything that we invest financially inev-
                                                                          itably has something to do with sustainability and social
                                                                          justice,” Waldeck said.

     Shredded telephones contain
     a massive mix of materials.”
                                                                          Above all, the Waldecks have set the goal of seeing their smart-
                                                                          phones recycled or reused as much as possible, and they have
                                                                          come up with the idea of a telephone deposit as part of the                                                       Company founders: Samuel (l)
                                                                                                                                                                                            and Carsten (r) Waldeck
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                22 €
                                                                          answer. Buyers pay a 22-euro deposit on their phone and get                                                                                         ($ 26) is the deposit for a
                                                                          the money back later, even if they send an inoperable phone                                                       launched their company in      phone, and customers get their
                                                                          back to the company. “Electronic scrap that is discarded may                                                      Falkenberg, Hesse, in 2014.              money back.
                                                                          not legally be resold or reused,” Waldeck said. “But we’re
                                                                          allowed to do it since we are officially taking the used devices
                                                                          back.” That not only lengthens the phone’s lifecycle – the man-
                                                                          ufacturers can also recycle individual parts if they are needed.
     components. With as few multi-component plastics encased             This is especially true for precious metals and single-variety
     inside one another as possible. Both studied design. “A device       plastics. The designers have provided a modular design and
     that can’t be repaired is bad design,” Samuel Waldeck is             an assortment of raw materials in advance that makes this
     convinced. So the two founded SHIFT in Falkenberg, Hessen, in        recyclability possible and ensures that it runs smoothly.
     2014, and have produced about 50,000 devices since then.             “For us, it is ultimately a matter of closing the material cycle,”
     Waldeck reaches for a smartphone and removes its backside.           Waldeck says.
     There was a cracking sound and then the interior lay open.
     A user could replace what was inside without expert help –           Paying Attention to Time and Money
     everything from the battery to the camera – and in some              SHIFT is deliberately striking out in another direction when it
     cases even repair the item. SHIFT offers advice and videos           comes to another resource: time. After placing the order, cus-
     to explain all this. A screwdriver comes with the phone at           tomers wait four to eight weeks to get their phone. That is part
     purchase.                                                            of the concept. “We start about a year before the production
                                                                          of a device, in part to pay for it,” Waldeck said. “If we have any
     Coltan, Gold, Lithium and Cobalt                                     buffer in terms of the timeframe, it helps us.” As some supply
     But then the Waldeck brothers turned their attention to the          chains wobbled during the pandemic, SHIFT was still able to
     issue of resources. What about the raw materials that are built      make on-time deliveries. “As consumers, we’re used to getting
     into telephones? The pair delved into the matter of where the        everything the next day,” Waldeck said. “I think that, as a pro-
     over-exploitation of Nature or the abuse of workers has been         ducer, you can draw attention to why a long-term approach
     taking place. One of their decisions involved coltan. “To the ex-    can be a good thing.”
     tent possible, we don’t want coltan in our devices,” Waldeck
     said. Coltan is a tantalum ore that is used to produce a             Part of the reason for this approach is that the brothers have
     heat-dissipating ceramic. Forced labor is used in a large part of    been running their company without investors since 2014. “To
     Congo where it is mined. Due to smuggling, it’s not easy to see      us, it was important for the company not to fall into a state of     The assembly and screwing operations
     whether the trade in coltan is “fair.” Nor is it easy to determine   dependency,” Waldeck said. All too frequently, they have seen        take place in China, at fair terms. Social
     the amount of coltan actually used in a phone. The brothers          investors exert considerable pressure on companies during cri-       justice is important to the entrepreneurs.
     are now having their main circuit boards shot with neutrons to       ses. This has not always been to the company’s benefit. SHIFT
     get the answer. They think the expense is worth it. At the same      wants to grow, but not in response to pressure. “This brings us
     time, they are supporting local aid projects. The same issues        back to Mother Nature as our model,” Waldeck said. “In a for-
     apply to components such as gold, lithium or cobalt. But alter-      est, large trees and small trees grow at their own pace.” That
     natives are clearly not available for every material.                makes them resilient. If companies grow independently, they
                                                                          don’t suddenly find themselves in dire straits.
     “About 150 grams of gold have been incorporated in all the
     SHIFT phones that we have ever produced,” Waldeck said. “In
     any case, scouring our supply chains to preclude any problems
     is expensive. And this would basically be much too small a
     lever.” It would be better to spend money on support projects.
34   Bamboo                                                                                                                           Bamboo        35

     A Material    Bamboo – isn’t it breakable? Not any more than steel, to cite one

     On the Move
                   example. This underappreciated natural material has been inspir-
                   ing bicycle designers for a while. A survey of visionaries in Vietnam,
                   Malaysia and California – as well as a German world traveler.

                                                         t is indeed strange that a Vietnamese       bamboo is reinforced, heated and glued
                                                         engineer would be inspired, in Ger-         with epoxy resin at its joints. Pham now
                                                         many of all places, to use bamboo to        manufactures his bikes for customers
                                                      build things. In 2009, Minh Tri Pham,          worldwide. That makes him part of a
                                                      then a student at the Berlin Institute of      trend: Manufacturers are designing and
                                                      Technology, attended a workshop on             selling bamboo bikes in other countries
                                                      bamboo bicycles. The idea fascinated           as well, and not just for stylish, leisurely
                                                      him, and he was unable to shake it.            excursions, but for racing and mountain
                                                      Today Pham runs a company called               biking, too. The first e-bikes are now
                                                      “Vietnam Bamboo Bike,” in Ho Chi Minh          available as well.
                                                      City. As an engineer, he is above all fasci-
                                                      nated by bamboo’s material qualities.          Basti Gutmann has subjected the mate-
                                                      “Various forces are at work when you           rial to a special stress test: In 2017, the
                                                      ride a bike,” he said. “For example, the       German cyclist set out on a trip around
                                                      position of the pressure points is crucial     the world on a bamboo bicycle he built
                                                      when someone presses down on the               himself. “On a whim,” he said. So far, it

                                                      pedals full-strength.”                         has developed into a 37,000-kilometer
                                                                                                     (23,000-mile) trek. Traveling under the
                                                      Bamboo isn’t wood – it’s a grass. It con-      nickname “Bamboo Basti,” Gutmann
                                                      sists of fibers grouped around a hollow        was on the road nearly three years
                    Bamboo can achieve a tensile      form, separated by nodes. “The strong-         before the corona pandemic and its ac-
                   strength of 40 kilonewtons per     est fibers are exactly where the largest       companying border restrictions stopped
                   cubic centimeter, plus a tensile   stress point prevails mechanically,” Pham      him in his tracks. Aside from being an
                   strength at break of more than     said. That gives bamboo extreme hard-          advocate of sustainability, he is tinkerer
                     200 pascals. That gives it an    ness combined with great tensile and           and carpentry hobbyist. The fact that he
                    advantage over steel in some      compressive strength. It is an illustration    chose a bamboo frame for his trip has
                            applications.             of lightweight construction in Nature.         more than just symbolic significance.
                                                      The material can’t compete with ultra-
                                                      light carbon frames based on weight,           “Compared to carbon or other materials,
                                                      but it does very well in comparisons           bamboo is the easiest to patch. You only
                                                      with metal. For bicycle frames, the            need an epoxy resin and hemp, which
36   Bamboo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bamboo   37

                                                                                              “I want to build                         frame construction. He first experiment-
                                                                                              attractive, robust                       ed with the material in 1995. Since 2005,
                                                                                              bicycles.” One of                        he has been manufacturing bamboo bi-
                                                                                              the models from                          cycles professionally and advertises his
                                                                                              Minh Tri Pham,                           current model as “more rigid than many
                                                                                              an engineer.                             carbon frames.” That is remarkable inas-
                                                                                                                                       much as Calfee was one of the first in                  Bamboo Basti
                                                                                                                                       the industry to develop carbon frames
                                                                                                                                       in the 1980s, equipping Tour de France                  Cyclist and activist Basti Gutmann, 29, launched his trip
                                                                                                                                       winner Greg LeMond with them, among                     around the world from Munich in June 2017. As part of
                                                                                                                                       others. Accordingly, his bamboo frames                  his plan, he resolved to plant 40,000 trees over the
                                                                                                                                       fetch a high price: between $3,000 and                  course of his trip. As soon as the pandemic permits, he
                                                                                                                                       $5,000. Basti Gutmann also met Calfee                   wants to wrap up his circumnavigation with a Europe-
                                                                                                                                       during his travels, encountering him ac-                an tour.
                                                                                                                                       cidentally while he was looking for lodg-
                                                                                                                                       ing. “Tomorrow I want to find that mad-
                                                                                                                                       man around here who builds bamboo                       Find out more at
                                                                                                                                       bicycles,” Basti told him. “That’s me,”                 http://bamboobasti.com
                                                                                                                                       Calfee replied. Gutmann stayed with
                                                                                                                                       him for two weeks.

                                                                                                                                       Bamboo grows quickly. Some species
                                                                                                                                       shoot up as much as 90 centimeters
                                             can be easily obtained anywhere, espe-        more oxygen than most other plants.         (about 35 inches) per day. The niche
                                             cially if you are on a coast.” By contrast,   Architects worldwide are increasingly       market for bamboo bicycles may not be
                                             steel or aluminum would have to be            discovering the material‘s advantages.      growing quite as quickly – but buyers’
                                             welded. Bamboo doesn’t break apart                                                        interest seems to have been awakened.
                                             like wood either; the fibers tear length-     Minh Tri Pham tackled the promise of        “Bamboo can grow in a great many loca-
                                             wise, which does not affect its stability     bamboo with a similar scientific ap-        tions on the planet,” Pham said. From all
      Viet Bamboo Bike                       provided that the tears are promptly          proach. After his return to Vietnam from    appearances, the same applies to the in-
                                             closed. Gutmann rode his bamboo bicy-         Germany, he identified 360 species of       terest in Nature’s lightweight material.
      Minh Tri Pham founded his com-         cle across the Balkans to India – and         bamboo, and he has worked intensively
      pany as a side project. In his regu-   happened to meet a man in Malaysia            on mechanical simulations since then.
      lar job, he works as an engineer       who owned a large bamboo factory.             He has now settled on the species that
      in the renewable energy field.         Ahmad Mazlan Othman is an engineer,           are best suited for bicycle frames. The
      He now sells city and mountain         construction planner and visionary who        pandemic has slowed him down as well,
      bikes worldwide through his on-        also uses bamboo, in his case, for home       but Pham has used the time for more
      line shop.                             construction. It was then that Gutmann        research and development. “The designs
                                             realized there were more than a thou-         are my strength,” he said. “I want to
      Find out more at                       sand species of bamboo with highly            build attractive, robust bicycles” – with
      https://vietbamboobike.com/            specific properties. “Ahmad told me           materials that do not have to be import-
                                             with a grin that my bike was assembled        ed. Pham is planning a small factory
                                             extraordinarily well, but the bamboo          where 300 frames a month can be built.
                                             wasn‘t really suited for it. There were       Target audience: Customers abroad. In
                                             better choices,” he said. Still, the bike     Vietnam, the hot weather coupled with
                                             had indeed carried him all the way to         torrential rain discourages the use of
                                             Malaysia. Ahmad Mazlan Othman is a            bicycles as a daily means of transporta-
                                             bamboo activist. In his lectures, he espe-    tion. But Pham finds that the number of
                                             cially stresses the sustainability of the     active recreational cyclists is growing.                                 A special kind of stress
                                             material. Due to its rapid growth, bam-                                                                          test: “Bamboo Basti” under-
                                             boo binds up large quantities of carbon       Craig Calfee of California is considered                                  way on his world tour.
                                             dioxide and, in the bargain, produces         one of the world’s pioneers in bamboo
38   Interview – Jörg Schmitt-Kilian                                                                                             Interview – Jörg Schmitt-Kilian   39

     For Lack of                       Some resources can be replaced. But what happens when
                                       there is a lack of evidence, but you know who the offender

                                       is? Or you at least have a suspicion. In an interview, Chief
                                       Detective Jörg Schmitt-Kilian talks about evidence that
                                       comes to light decades after the crime and the moment
                                       that the felon is suddenly standing before you.

                                       JÖRG SCHMITT-KILIAN, HOW LONG                down during interrogation and confess.
                                       DO YOU KEEP LOOKING IF YOU                   Another reason for their behavior is that
                                       HAVEN’T FOUND ENOUGH EVIDENCE                they can finally ease their consciences.
                                       IN YOUR CASE?
                                       You keep looking until you have it. But if   CAN THERE BE EVIDENCE THAT YOU
                                       the search comes up empty, the team          HAVE BUT CAN’T USE?
                                       working on the crime is reduced in size,     Yes. For example, this is often the case
                                       and at some point the prosecutor stops       with crime-related telephone surveil-
                                       the process. But if new evidence comes       lance subject to prohibitions on its use
                                       up, some cases are reopened. There is no     as evidence. In Germany, we offer great-    Cold Case
                                       statute of limitations on murder. This is    er protection for the offender than in
                                       occurring a lot right now. You couldn’t      most other countries. That can be frus-     “Cold Cases” refers to un-
                                       perform DNA analyses before, but             trating, of course. You know someone is     solved crimes for which
                                       samples for DNA matches are available        the offender, but you can’t prove it.       there is new evidence, either
                                       today. I know of a cold case involving a                                                 from new testimony from
                                       woman who was murdered in 1994. In           WHY NOT? CAN YOU CITE                       witnesses or DNA analyses.
                                       that case, the murderer was convicted        AN EXAMPLE?                                 In many countries, there is
                                       because he committed another offense         Let’s take narcotics: You have a dealer     no statute of limitations
                                       and his DNA ended up in a file.              under surveillance and you see him          on serious crimes such as
                                                                                    coming out of a location that is a proven   murder and rape. The first
                                       SO A HIT ISN’T EVIDENCE IN ITSELF?           drug house. But his lawyer says, “Maybe     special cold case unit was
                                       No. Sometimes it’s not proof, but rather     he was visiting the apartment next          established in the United
                                       a reason to take up the case again. Actu-    door.” If we don’t have other evidence,     States in the late 1990s.
                                       ally, after such a long time, some offend-   the accused person will get the benefit
                                       ers are so surprised that they break         of the doubt here.
40     Interview – Jörg Schmitt-Kilian                                                                                                                                                 Interview – Jörg Schmitt-Kilian    41

                                                                                                                                                                             pletely clean. There was nothing that we
                                                                                                                                                                             could find in her past. Nothing at all. It
                                                                                                                                                                             was only after we arrested her that we
                                                                                                                                                                             learned she had adopted the identity of
                                                                                                                                              Wily attorneys often try       her sister in Canada. The computer spit

                                                                                                                                              to make officers seem          out a huge file once we entered her real
                                                                                                                                                                             name. In fact, she was a main witness in
                                                                                                                                              as though they aren’t          an unsolved murder case in the Nether-
                                                                                                                                                                             lands. She used that as a bargaining chip
                                                                                                                                              credible.”                     after her arrest.

                                                                                                                                                                             SHE WAS WILLING TO TESTIFY IN
                                                                                                                                                                             EXCHANGE FOR A MORE LENIENT
                                                                                                                                                                             Due to her addiction, she was in therapy.
                                                                                                                                                                             The principle of “therapy, not punish-
                                                                                                                                                                             ment” was at work here. She was re-
                                                                                                                                                                             leased from custody to meet with
                                          SO WHAT SEEMS TO BE EVIDENCE IS               tennis, I was taking a shower, and some-                                             me. The murder wasn’t my case, but my
                                          SUDDENLY NEGOTIABLE?                          one suddenly began speaking to me. It                                                colleagues asked me to try to figure out
                                          On one occasion, we arrested the son          turned out that I was responsible for                                                what evidence she had. The end of the
                                          of a well-known municipal politician          sending him to prison for seven years.                                               story was that she never showed up for
                                          on whom 4 kilograms (8.8 pounds) of           I felt queasy for a moment, and then it                                              the meeting. She seized the moment to
                                          heroin were found. His attorney asked         was okay. “You did your job,” he told me,                                            vanish without a trace and is still at
                                          whether we might have convinced the           “and you dealt with me fairly.”                                                      large. And the murder case is still un-
                                          suspect to make a delivery. The problem:                                                                                           solved.
                                          As a narcotics investigator, I can only       ON THE SUBJECT OF POLICE
                                          make specific statements on tactical an-      RESOURCES: WERE YOU                                                                  DO YOUR CASES REMAIN STORED IN
                                          ti-crime measures in court if I have been     WELL-EQUIPPED AT THE TIME?                                                           YOUR MEMORY FOR A LONG TIME?
                                          given an exemption. Wily attorneys of-        Back then, our resources weren’t as                                                  In my crime novels, I come up with liter-
                                          ten try to make officers seem as though       good as they are today. But staffing is al-                                          ary solutions to some of the crimes.
                                          they aren’t credible. They stray into your    ways in short supply, especially in the                                              The case I described with the dealer
                                          private life, ask all kinds of questions,     area of organized crime. For the most                                                was even filmed. In the novels, I often
     Jörg Schmitt-Kilian                  and as soon as you say, “I don’t recall,”     part, we can only infiltrate these areas                                             describe situations that seem invented
                                          they counter with: “Ah, but somehow           with covert measures, which are labor-in-                                            to the reader. But sometimes reality
     A chief detective and former         you do remember that detail in this case.     tensive. And now the Internet is adding                                              surpasses even my fantasies.
     narcotics investigator, he spent     You may have worked on the case two           new issues, and the police have to con-
     more than forty years on the job.    years earlier.”                               tinually handle more tasks. It’s possible
     Today, he holds readings, train-                                                   for an organized crime department to
     ing sessions and events on the       DO INVESTIGATORS LEARN THE                    be reduced in size because other basic
     prevention of violence and illicit   OUTCOME OF THE CASES THEY                     areas would otherwise be neglected.
     drug use. Schmitt-Kilian also        WERE INVESTIGATING?
     writes crime novels based on         The spectacular cases, yes. But in prac-      DO YOU REMEMBER A CASE THAT WAS               Got a taste for crime fiction? You
     real cases as well as advice books   tice, you get totally caught up in your       PARTICULARLY PUZZLING?                        can find some short crime stories
     and travel guides. Find more in-     next case for quite a while. Some trials      Yes, it was obvious that a heroin dealer      in our “Future Files.” This is where
     formation about the author at        go on forever. I can’t remember every-        was deeply involved in the drug scene.        we visualize the world of tomorrow.
     www.schmitt-kilian-aktuell.de        one that I put in jail. Once, after playing   But based on her resume, she was com-         https://on.fst.com/3fRJQHz
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