Page created by Carolyn Buchanan
Pretoria Far East

SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 • • 087-750-6887 • 012-842-0300




Capital Media launches
new advertising portals
For the past 30 years Rekord has delivered     The Homes platform is tailor-made to fit
local news in print to your doorstep weekly    local consumers’ regional property needs
and more recently daily online. Now, while     whether it be renting, selling or buying. In
continuing to deliver 309 400 newspapers       addition, the platform will provide essential
weekly door-to-door across the capital city,   tools to calculate affordability and monthly
exciting new advertising platforms are to be   repayments.
added to our online offering for the benefit
of advertisers and readers.                    The mobile-friendly Biz platform will be a
                                               boon for both business owners and see-
Research shows that around the country         kers allowing the former to target their
residents place a premium on hyper-local       specific target markets and the latter to
content because it affects them specifically   search only for relevant businesses where
and catering for that need has always          they live.
uniquely been Rekord’s niche and focus.
                                               The Specials platform will showcase digi-
Our websites already generate an average       tised catalogues - similar to the hugely
of over one million news page views per        popular inserts in local newspapers -
month. In addition, the new advertising        enabling readers for the first time to hunt
platforms will enable searching online for     online locally for the specials in their areas
goods and services available locally - be it   before hitting the malls to do their weekly
homes, cars or specials from retailers just    shopping.
down the road.
                                               “By adding digital platforms like Homes, Biz
Capital Media business manager, Chris          and Specials to our sites we plan to make
Mcinga, says: “We have embarked on a           local search an effortless and enjoyable
major digital venture to create unique local   experience community by community,”
search options across a wide variety of        says Mcinga. “We are confident adding
platforms from cars to dating for each of      these portals will usher in a new Digital Age
the communities we serve. The first plat-      in communities we serve.”
forms to be launched are Homes, Biz
(business listings) and Specials (cata-        Go to your local community website now to
logues) but more will be rolled out in the     find whatever you may be looking for:
next 12 months.”                     

Pretoria Far East

                                                                                                                                                      THE WE DISTRIBUTE 42 880
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                                                                                                                                                                                    Pretoria Far East

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  SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 •
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MEC probes
racism at                                                                                                                                                            Spring Fair
Pretoria                                                                                                                                                             gains popularity
High                                                                                                                                                                 Thousands of people
School                                                                                                                                                               gathered at a the Pretoria
                                                                                                                                                                            School for Girls for the
                                                                                                                                                                     High Schoo
for Girls                                                                                                                                                            Spring Fair event on Satur-
                                                                                                                                                                     day. The anannual event taking
                                                                                                                                                                     place for ththe third time
                                                                                                                                                                              gaining popularity.
                                                                                                                                                                     seems gain
                                                                                                                                                                     “Last year about 6 000 peo-
                                               5                                                                                                                          attended and this year
                                                                                                                                                                     ple attende
                                                                                                                                                                     we had ap approximately
                                                                                                                                                                      9 000,” one
                                                                                                                                                                               on of the parents,
                                                                                                                                                                       Karin Harris
                                                                                                                                                                              Har said. Among
String of robberies at                                                                                                                                                various activities
                                                                                                                                                                                ac         on the day

                                                                                                                                                                      was the battle
                                                                                                                                                                                ba     of chefs at-
security complexes                                                                                                                                                     tracting a significant num-
                                                                                                                                                                        ber of people.
                                                                                                                                                                                pe       The battle
                                                                                                                                                                         saw Pretoria
                                                                                                                                                                              Pret      High School
                                                                                                                                                                        for Girls’ head girl Gift
                                                                                                                                                                     Baloyi facing
                                                                                                                                                                             facin head boy for
Questions about                                                                                                                                                      Pretoria Boys’
                                                                                                                                                                               Bo High Matthew
                                                                                                                                                                     Glover. In the
                                                                                                                                                                                  t photo Ayo Ojo
Gospel concert                              12                                                                                                                       is showing off pancakes she
                                                                                                                                                                                  P       Ron Sibiya

                                                         Rietvlei rhino dies
Garsies doen dit weer
op die rugbyveld                             24

                                                          Eliot Mahlase                                       “We needed to give her nutritious food      rhino is around 40, so Mickey was very old.
                                                                                                          at all times and the workers knew exactly       She was also not euthanised.”
   KIDS GETTING                                           Rietvlei nature reserve’s iconic rhinoceros
                                                          Mickey died of old age in the early hours of
                                                                                                          what time she had her meals. She arrived at
                                                                                                          the nature reserve (Rietvlei) in the 90’s and
                                                                                                                                                             The Tshwane fire department managed to
                                                                                                                                                          extinguish the veld fire before it could pose
   ON YOUR                                                Saturday morning.
                                                             The friendly rhino died at the age of 38
                                                                                                          has spent most of her happy days with us,”
                                                                                                          she said.
                                                                                                                                                          a danger to human or game life.
                                                                                                                                                             Tshwane emergency services spokesper-
                                                                                                               “She and her calf used to stay there at    son Johan Pieterse earlier said: “We reacted
                                                          after being a tourist attraction for many
                                                          years.                                          the coffee shop and that brought sparks to      to a call about fire at the game reserve but
                                                             Tango Rhino Foundation spokesperson          the kids’ eyes.                                 it was only a grass fire so we were able to
                                                          Paula Kruger said many had been touched             “It was such an amazing experience to       extinguish it quickly.”
   FIND HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION                             by Mickey’s death especially those who had      watch a rhino come so close to humans              He said the cause of the fire was still
   OR A DAY CARE                                          worked closely with her.                        because everyone knows that rhinos can be       unknown. Nothing was damaged accor-
                                                             “She was an iconic animal. Many visi-        very wild and unwelcoming.”                     ding to Pieterse. The reserve has been in the
                                                          tors and photographers would come here              On Sunday, they were surprised when         public eye after workers protested over the
                                                          especially to see her because she was a very    they saw the little calf on her own. They       reinstatement of a manager, Riaan Marais.
                                                          kind creature,” Kruger said.                    were heartbroken to hear that Mickey had            Last Monday, Rietvlei workers barri-
                                                             “It is definitely not the same without her   died and many a tear was shed, she said.        caded the entrance to the reserve, stopping
                                                          and the workers here are devastated but             Kruger denied claims that the rhino         patrons from entering or leaving in a protest
                                                          unfortunately she had reached old age. The      might have died of smoke inhalation during      over Marais’ reinstatement.
                                                          good thing is that she has left us with her     a veld fire on Friday.                             It is believed the protest was a result of
                                                          beautiful two-year-old calf.”                       “The rhinos stay far from where the         the reinstatement of manager Riaan Marais.
                                                             Kruger said extra food was always a          fire broke out, so the smoke couldn’t have         Marais had been suspended following
                                                          priority to Mickey.                             reached them. The life expectancy of a          accusations of racism.

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4        PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                                                                                                                                                                                     

     Brooklyn land in danger of being overrun
     Gopolang Chawane                                                   “The police have been there to remove           Warren confirmed police had been to the                                               efforts were continuing in the area.
                                                                     vagrants from time to time, but they just       spot in a bid clear it out, but the inhabitants                                             “We will comment in detail later, but I
     A prime piece of urban property in                              keep on coming back. The number of peo-         kept on coming back.                                                                     can assure residents that we are keeping a
     Brooklyn is in danger of being overrun by                       ple living in makeshift housing structures         “There is a fence around the piece of                                                 close watch on illegal land invasions.”
     squatters – instead of being turned into a                      is growing by the day.”                         land, but it is of no use. They just keep on                                                Weilbach said another recurring squat-
     modern apartment block.                                            A neighbour, who asked to be only re-        cutting it.”                                                                             ter headache in the east – at an old tennis
        The 1.8 hectare stand earmarked for                          ferred to as Warran, lives in a flat overloo-      Cunningham sold the property last                                                     clubhouse in Muckleneuk – had since been
     development in the east is being targeted                       king the stand.                                 month and transfer of ownership was still                                                solved.
     by vagrants as their city home.                                    “I can tell you, things are just getting     in the pipeline.                                                                            The clubhouse was demolished in Au-
        Sporadic attempts by the police to                           worse and worse. They make their fires at          The plan is to erect a 250-unit apartment                                             gust after it had been a nest of drugs and
     remove them had not yielded a solution,                         night, polluting the air around us,” he said.   block on the land.                                                                       crime for months, spoiling the upmarket
     the owner of the land and neighbours said                          A major concern was a lack of facilities,       This initially evoked objections from                                                 environment.
     this week.                                                      he said.                                        people in the vicinity, but they has been                                                   Most of the squatters moved away as a
        “This has been an ongoing battle that                           “There is no sanitation. Human waste         overruled by the metro.                                                                  result, but some returned.
     began five years ago,” the owner Mel Cun-                       could be found on the land next to the             Brooklyn police spokesperson Captain                                                     “Police have raided the area again to
     nigham told Rekord.                                             Apies river.”                                   Collette Weilbach said crime prevention                                                  clean up the property,” she said.

                                                                    Police on warpath against contact crime
                                                                    Eliot Mahlase                                    Volkswagen Jetta 4 and at 19:05, a 30-year-
                                                                                                                     old man was robbed him of his cellphone
                                                                    The Brooklyn police are on a warpath             and cash.
                                                                    against contact crime.                              A silver Mercedes-Benz had bumped
                                                                       And spokesperson Captain Colette Weil-        him from behind, when he got out of the
                                                                    bach pleaded with residents who fell victim      car to inspect the damage, the driver of

                                                                    to street robberies to report the incidents to   the Mercedes pointed a firearm at him and
                                                                    assist the police better plan their response.    three other men got out of the Mercedes and
                                                                       She said the police and security partners     robbed him.
                                                                    such as the University of Pretoria, Tshwane         She said street robberies were crimes of

     TEL: 012 998 8116
                                                                    metro police, Hatfield CID, community pa-        opportunity so taking basic precautionary
                                                                    trollers and private security companies were     steps could reduce the risk.
                                                                    already investing a lot of time and money to        - Walk on the pavement, facing oncom-
                   SHOP 8B,                                                                                          ing traffic. Robbers sometimes are operat-
                                                                    ensure the safety of people and property in
                                                                    the Hatfield area.                               ing from vehicles. They stop next to their
         MORELETA PARK 0181 (Checkers)                                 Weilbach said the Brooklyn police were        victim, rob them and drive off,                                                            Constable Isaac Shozi, Brigadier Kushie
                                                                    three robberies were reported in Hatfield on        - Items that are mostly stolen are cell-
      Email:                                                                                   phones, purses, handbags, laptops and cash.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nair, Constable Favourite Manyaka, Con-
                                                                    the same day.                                                                                                                               stable Webster Scheepers, Warrant Officer
            Cell: 082 596 7721    9295
                                                                       She said on Wednesday at 09:30, a             Try to keep your valuables out of sight and                                                Fanie Erwee. Photo: Gopolang Chawane
             • Solgar • Sportron • Aim • Herbalife                  29-year-old man was robbed him of his cell-      avoid carrying a large amount of cash,
          • Jeunese Beauty Products • Aloe Ferox
    • Afrika Aartappel • Moringa • Raafa • Essential oils           phone and cash, at 13:30, a 36-year-old man         - If you suspect you are being followed,                                                 well-lit or populated area,
                          • Slimming                                was robbed of his laptop by men in gold          cross the street and go directly to the nearest                                                - Do not get distracted by people who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 want to sell you items on the side streets.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 They are often the front of opportunistic
                                                                                                                     SHOWER                                                                                      thieves,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Park in well-lit area and be vigilant
                                                                                                                     SUITE                                                                                       when approached by strangers,
                                                                                                                     Only                                                                                           - Never give strangers a ride,
                                                                                                                                                                                    @RekordNewspaper                - Do not go with, or accept a ride from a
                                                                                                                      R3 895                                                                                     stranger.

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REKORD TIRED OF YOUR MICROWAVE MEALS? - FIND A RESTAURANT OR COOKING CLASSES! - Rekordeast Epaper                                                                                                         PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                      5

Pta school ‘surprised’
by racism allegations
Tshegofatso Ngobeni                               complained that Zulu girls arrived at school
                                                  wearing outfits which exposed their breasts
Claims of racism at Pretoria High School for      on Heritage Day.
Girls came as a surprise, management said            “I was offended because that is our
on Monday.                                        culture and that teacher had no right to say
   It said it had not been aware of the allega-   that,” said the pupil.
tions, adding it wished to speak to pupils           Lesufi urged media to adhere to media
before commenting further.                        legislation on reporting about minors.
   This word from management was                     “This is an institution of pupils, please
prompted by a visit from basic education          don’t show their faces as no permission has
MEC Panyaza Lesufi.                               been granted by their parents.”
   Pupils claim they have been subjected to          He spoke to pupils before holding talks

racism over some time.                            with management.

         This is an institution
  of learners, please don’t
  show their faces as no per-
  mission has been granted
  by their parents.

   They allege rules are in place to discou-
rage hairstyles such as afros, bantu knots,
dreadlocks and braids.
   One girl was allegedly barred from wri-
ting an exam because her hair was somewhat
“spiky” and “unkempt”.
   The pupils claim they were banned from
speaking in their mother tongue, saying a
teacher called them “monkeys” while they                                                                                                                              For m
were singing and chanting in class.                                                                                                                                 photos ore
   Numerous journalists and affected pupils                                                                                                                         our we visit
were present at the school as Lesufi arrived.                                                                                                                      www.r bsite
   He was seen comforting a parent before                                                                                                                 ord-
going inside the school to address manage-                                                                                                                                .za.
   An altercation ensued between James
                                                                                                 Residents treat to wine show
Tubb, a co-optive member of the school                                                           Wine lovers had an opportunity to savour a broad range of wines direct from wine cel-
governing body and a parent on the state of                                                      lars between 25 and 27 August at Menlyn Park shopping centre. The show has been
affairs at the school, but was later resolved.                                                   touring through South Africa since 2006. In the photo is marketing manager of Peter
   Pupils were outside holding banners and                                                       Falke wines, Alexa Pretorius.                                      Photo: Ron Sibiya
posters stating views about their treatment.      Gauteng’s Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi.
   A grade 10 pupil earlier claimed a teacher                           Photo: The Citizen
6      PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                                                                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A new face
                                  COMPLETE C3                                                                                                                                              9 PIECE BLENDER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for Hatfield
                                MIELE MANGO RED                                                                                                                                                PRO 900W
                                CAT&DOG VACUUM                                                                                                                                                                              Ramaupi Makgoo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The city’s most popular student village will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            be up and running in the near future.
    S/N 4019                        R4999                      99
                                                                                                                                                       S/N 2319                              R1949             99              Those were the words of Graig McMur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ray the CEO of Republica, the company that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            demolished the popular spot and currently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “rebuilding” it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Hatfield Square is going to look better
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            than it looked when we demolished it. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            expect it to be ready by end of November so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            retailers can start moving in,” said McMur-
                                 57CM ONE TOUCH                                                                                                                                           ZOOM PET UPRIGHT                     The demolition of Hatfield Square in late
                                   BLACK BRAAI                                                                                                                                            VACUUM CLEANER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2015 left many students disappointed and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The company said over R800 million was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            invested in the project to make this spot one
    S/N 32888                       R219999                              Ends 4 September                                                             S/N 880                                R169999                        of the finest student accommodations in the
                      55” QUANTUM DOT                                                                   32” LED FHD TV                                                43” FHD TV TV                                            “This is a huge project, we have invested
                          CURVED TV                                                                                                                                                                                         a lot of money in it and we know there is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            already competition but we have been in this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            business for long.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                “Hatfield square will now differentiate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            itself from the rest with the infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            that we are building and its proximity to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            main Pretoria University campus,” stated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The square will accommodate 2 200
    S/N 56410                    R3199999                                HX32M2160
                                                                         S/N 57353                                    R259999                           43LH500T
                                                                                                                                                        S/N 57120                            R599999                        students and have retail stores within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Students won’t have to travel to buy
                        24L CONVECTION                                                                                                                                                                                      food and if they cannot find the kind of food
                           AIR FRYER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            they prefer they can always walk across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            road to find more shopping stores and those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            are the things that will bring real conveni-
                                                                                                                       323L MIRROR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ence to their lives,” he said.
                                                                                                                                                                                          180L WINE COOLER
                                                                                                                          FRIDGE                                                                                               McMurray said the rejuvenation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the popular spot was also centered on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            provision of state-of-the-art technology and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            recreational facilities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Students are not always studying, so
    S/N 48483                       R169999
                                    R169                                 S/N 50993                                    R599999                         S/N 42140                              R999999                        those who wish to play video games will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            have a specific area for that and those who
                 SILVER ICE MAKER                                                                             32L SILVER BLACK                                                                                              wish to study will also do so in peace.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pretoria Far East

                                                                                                                                                                                           14 PLACE SILVER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                32 Orpen Ave, Lydiana, Pretoria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Phone: 012-842-0300

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sabine Goodwin /
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REKORD TIRED OF YOUR MICROWAVE MEALS? - FIND A RESTAURANT OR COOKING CLASSES! - Rekordeast Epaper                                                                                                                                                                                     PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                     7

Inside job suspected
in Pta east complex
Robinson Nqola                                                             had not done anything to tackle their secu-
                                                                           rity concerns.
A string of recent burglaries at a complex in                                 Promises of beefed security measures
Equeastria was an inside job, residents said                               and extra cameras had not materialised,
on Monday.                                                                 resident said.
   Three houses were broken into earlier in                                   An enquiry by Rekord was met with a “no
the month on a Friday and two more during                                  comment” from complex manager Daniel
the week.                                                                  Griessel.
   A sixth break-in saw television sets and                                    “I can’t comment at this stage and the
jewellery stolen.                                                          chairperson is also not available for com-
   Resident Anneline Abbott said the bur-                                  ment.”

glars simply vanished after committing the                                    Apparently burglars tried to break into
crimes, giving rise to                                                                             another house last
the suspicion that they                                                                            Friday, but ran away
were insiders.                                   They took my                                      when someone raised
   “They were being                      television set and a box                                  the alarm.
                                                                                                      Police spokesperson
chased after trying to
break into a unit,” she                  full of jewellery and                                     Captain Jan Sepato
said.                                    another that had my                                       said police were still
    Burglars broke into                                                                            searching for two men
three units in the first
                                         husband’s ashes.                                          in connection with a
robbery, around 20:00                                                                              house robbery at the
on a Friday evening, and took electrical ap-                               same complex.
pliances and jewellery.                                                       Two men robbed three houses on 11 Au-
   A woman reported that her husband’s                                     gust, and stole electrical appliances, jewel-
ashes were stolen during the robbery.                                      lery, a laptop and cellphones.
    “They took my television set and a box                                    Sepato urged anyone with information on
full of jewellery and another that had my                                  the matter to come forward,.
husband’s ashes. He was cremated last                                         He sought to assure the victims that the
year,” said Annatjie de Bruyn.                                             police were doing their best to catch the                                                                      Christo van der Rheede and Peet du Preez. Photo: Ron Sibiya

   The residents said complex management                                   culprits.

                                                                                                                                                              Leriba brings wildlife and wine affair
                                                                   For more entertainment news,
                                                                   visit our website, www.rekordeast.                                                         The first ever Wildlife and Wine affair to take place at Leriba Hotel and Spar in Centu-
                                                                                                                                                              rion from 24 to 25 September, will provide unforgettable moments to Pretoria residents.
                                                         , follow us on Twitter @                                                              Guests will enjoy various products offered by 20 game reserves, hunting and ecotour-
                                                                   RekordNewspaper or like our                                                                ism farms accompanied by the best wine from 20 award-winning wine farms.
                                                                   Facebook page ‘Rekord’.


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  City had own flame
  Eliot Mahlase                                        “I wasn’t nervous or anything, I was
                                                   amazed at the number of talented athletes
  Pretoria had its own Olympic flame during        the country had produced.”
  the recent Games in Rio de Janeiro, burn-            He described the Rio crowd as electric,
  ing at Crawford College in the east.             especially during the races.
      Local swimmer and 2016 Olympian                  “It’s crazy. As soon as you walk in the
  Jarred Crous put the flame out on Tuesday        room [pool area], the people in the crowd
  to mark the end of the games. The flame          look like ants; the noise is out of this
  had been lit by the school in solidarity with    world,” he said.
  its former pupils competing in Rio.                  “You can’t even hear yourself think but
      Crawford had five former pupils in the       as soon as you get out of the blocks, the
  swimming pool: Cameron van der Burgh,            crowd just goes quiet.”
  Crous, Michael Meyer, Michelle Weber                 Crous said even though he didn’t win a
  and Dylan Bosch.                                 medal, he was still proud of what he had
      Van der Burgh won silver in his item.        achieved.
  Gerhard Zandberg, an old Crawfordian                 “I’ve always wanted to be part of the
  and Olympian, carried the torch to Pretoria      Olympics since I was seven and with these
  a day before the games started and Crous         Games, I feel like I’m building up the
  put it out. Crous said being a part of the       momentum to get better.”
  Olympics was incredible.                             “Before I can focus on the 2020 games,
      “To be able to compete at the highest        I just need to focus on the job at hand,
  level; just trying to make my family,            which is to compete in the SA nationals
  friends and country proud.                       and other events coming my way,” he said.      Olympic torch.                                                Photo: Supplied

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10      PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                                                                                                                 

     Trust God                                     Faith
                                                                                                              LETTERS                                              E-mail your letters to:

     to protect
                                                                                                              Letters may be addressed to the Editor, PO Box 8261, Pretoria 0001, faxed to
                                                                                                              086-652-0378 or e-mailed to Letter must be limited
                                                   Nevil Norden                                               to 200 words. The editor reserves the right to edit any letter. A writer may use
                                                                                                              a pseudonym, but his or her full name, address and telephone number must
                                                                                                              accompany the letter. The opinions expressed in letters are not necessarily the
                                                                                                              views of Rekord.
     As a minister many people ask me con-
     cerning God’s protection, for example,           One Missionary in Africa tells an
     can we believe that God will protect us      incredible story.
     according to Scripture?                          This missionary has a ministry in a
         Psalm 91:11 in the Amplified Bible
     says: “For He will give His angels espe-
     cial charge over you to accompany and
                                                  rural area, and because there are no roads
                                                  to the mission station, he has to com-
                                                  mute on bicycle to get certain supplies
                                                                                                  Burglary victims praised
     defend and preserve you in all your ways     and medicines for the small field hospital
                                                                                                  police for a quick response

     of obedience and service.”                   at the mission station. The trip normally
         According to                                                     takes two days on
     the Bible every be-                                                  bicycle, so he has
     liever has guardian                                                  to sleep in the field   A couple in the east of Pretoria has praised     our house and entered through the broken
     angels.                       We know that                           for one night as he     the Brooklyn police for their prompt respon- security gate
         From the plural                                                  travels out and one     se to a burglary at their home recently.            The men had fled with some electrical
     mention of angels
                            you must have armed                           night as he returns.       John and Lene Coetzee of Brooklyn told        equipment.
                                                                                                  Rekord their home was burgled last Tuesday          “We are extremely grateful to the police
     in Psalm 91 we         guards, because we                               One day, as he
                                                                                                  while they were out shopping.                    for their prompt response.
     can conclude that                                                    walked into the
     all believers have     planned to rob and kill                       small town, a man          “We were away                                                              “The Brooklyn
     at least two angels                                                  approached him          for only about 20                                                          police are tops.”
     whose assignment
                            you, but we were scared                       and asked him if he     minutes,” he said.                                                            Recently, Brook-
     it is to protect them  of the 26 armed guards.                       had armed guards           “On our return,                                                         lyn police station
     in all their ways of                                                 that protect him.       a gardener with                                                            commander Briga-
     service and obe-                                                     He was amazed at        Golf Gardens                                                               dier Kushie Nair
     dience. Unfortunately at times we tend to    the question and assured the man that he        [garden service]                                                           declared that her
     ignore the warning of the Holy Spirit.       had no armed guards.                            who was working                                                            police were reclai-
         We read about this in Matthew 2              The man said: “We know that you             on the house op-                                                           ming the streets
     regarding the wise men who came from         must have armed guards, because we              posite our home,                                                           from criminals.
     the east because they had seen a star that   planned to rob and kill you, but we were        ran across to warn                                                            Nair said police
     declared the birth of Jesus.                 scared of the 26 armed guards.”                 us not to enter our                                                        wanted to send a
                                                                                                  property.”                The Brooklyn police ready to take back the       clear message to
         Matthew 2:12 says: “Then being               The missionary was puzzled about this                                 east.        Photo: Gopolang Chawane
     divinely warned in a dream that they         report. When he went to visit his local            John said the                                                           criminals that police
     should not return to Herod, they departed    church, they told him they were praying         observant gardener                                                         meant business.
     for their own country another way.”          for him very earnestly on a certain date.       reported she had seen burglars entering             She admitted that the police needed the
         We can be warned in dreams of im-        There were 26 people in the prayer group        the house about 10 minutes earlier and had       assistance of the public.
     minent danger.                               – the same number of armed guards the           already called the police.                          “We cannot do this alone and need the
         We can also be warned by angels, like    robbers saw.                                       “We remained in the car and within mi-        public to report crime to the police.”
     when the angel of the Lord warned Jo-            You can trust God for your protection.      nutes a police unit arrived.”                       Nair commended all officers for their
     seph in a dream that King Herod wanted       I challenge you to put your trust and faith        Two officers hurried round the back of        good work.
     to kill the baby Jesus. (Matthew 2:13)       in Him and in His protection.

     Leser kla oor die Skouspel-gehoor
                                                                                                    Waar is SA se vroue dan?
                                                                                                    Met al die belangstelling in die algemene          Daar is ook geen vrou as president
                                                                                                    plaaslike verkiesing, het ons amper van        van die ANC die afgelope 104 jaar ver-
     My familie en ek het onlangs die Gospel      sodanig aangestaan het nie, maar dit het          Vrouedag en Vrouemaand vergeet.                kies nie.
     Skouspel 2016 by NG Kerk Moreleta,           voorgekom of hulle so gou as moontlik                Ons is na die werklikheid teruggeruk           Vanuit die geledere van die DA kom
     bygewoon.                                    by hul motors wou kom om toue op pad              deur na die opspraakwekkende stille            name soos Helen Suzman, Helen Zille,
        Die skouspel se aanbieding met onder      uit te vermy.                                     protes deur die vier vroue-aktiviste           Lindiwe Mazibuko en Patricia de Lille na
     andere Retief                                                        Daar is ’n verskil        tydens die president se toespraak met die      vore.
     Burger, Neville                                                   tussen gewone mu-            bekendmaking van die finale plaaslike             Vroue op politieke verhoë in die ge-
     D, Loyiso Bala,                                                   siekvertonings en ’n         verkiesingsuitslae.                            ledere van onder meer die VF+ en EFF, is
     Juanita du Plessis                                                geestelike vertoning.           Waar staan die SA vrou gedurende            ’n rare verskynsel.
     en Rouchelle                                                         Gewone verto-             Augustus 2016 in die SA politieke arena?          Op internasionale gebied is vroue,
     Liedeman wat die                                                  nings is meer daar              Die ANC gee voor dat hy vroue ten           soos Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel en
     vertoning aange-                                                  vir die vermaak              volle bemagtig. In dié verband steun hy        Theresa May, alombekend.
     bied het, was uit                                                 faktor, waar ’n              op die aantal vroue verteenwoordigers in          Dus, 60 jaar nadat die Dompas-mars
     die boonste rakke.                                                geestelike vertoning         sy parlementêre koukus.                        plaasgevind het, is Suid-Afrikaanse
        Iets wat my                                                    oor die verhouding              Volgens prof. Amanda Gouws van Ma-          vroue op die politieke terrein steeds nie
     eintlik opgeval                                                   tussen die Here en           ties, doen hierdie groep ANC LP’s egter        ten volle bemagtig nie en geniet nie die
     het was dat                                                       die gehoor ’n faktor         nie genoeg vir vroueregte in Suid-Afrika       nodige erkenning nie.
     die gehoor se                                                     speel.                       nie.                                                   Hentie Nortjé, Lynnwood, Pretoria
     benadering tot die                                                   Met die pas wat
     vertoning ietwat                                                  almal van ons in die
     traag voorgekom                                                   lewe volhou is so ’n
     het en dit het my                                                 skouspel die perfekte
     die gevoel gegee Rouchelle Liedemann.                             geleentheid om saam
     dat meeste van                                                    met mede-Christene
     die mense hulle                                                   die Here as ons
     nie verbind het tot die gewyde musiek        Skepper in gewyde oomblikke te ervaar
     wat aangebied is nie.                        en te aanbid.
        Steurend was dat van die gehoor              Ek wil dit net duidelik maak dat
     opgestaan en uitgestap het nog voor die      bostaande skrywe my eie ervaring is en
     einde van die vertoning.                     nie soseer ’n veralgemening is nie.
        Nie omdat die musiek hulle nie                                  Skouspel-aanhanger


                                                                                Like our
                                                                            page (Rekord),
                                                                               see what’s
                                                                            happening and
                                                                              comment on
                                                                            issues you feel
                                                                            strongly about!   PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016   11
12    PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                                                                                                                                  

                                             Questions about future
                                             of the Gospel Skouspel
                                             Ron Sibiya                                                                 Tygerberg FM CEO Hardus Zevenster
                                                                                                                     said the overwhelming response from the
                                             It is uncertain whether Tygerberg FM will                               audience and needs of the artists would be
                                             continue hosting Gospel Skouspel concerts                               taken into consideration when deciding
                                             despite its tremendous success.                                         about the future of the show.
                                                 Tygerberg FM revealed this in a statement                              The line-up of the artists who participated
                                             to Rekord just before the 10th music concert                            in the show included Juanita du Plessis,
                                             started at NG Moreletapark Church in the                                Elvis Blue, Joe Niemand, Retief Burger,
                                             east of Pretoria on Saturday.                                           Corlea, Henry Pike, Loyiso Bala, Kriss
                                                 More than 6 500 people attended the                                 Tel, Stass, Manne wat Glo, Neville D and
                                             concert.                                                                Rouchelle Liedemann.
                                                 “Is this going to be the last Gospel Skou-                             The 2016 event, which marks the 10th
                                             spel? Hopefully not, but there is no clarity                            year of the show, will also take place at the
Rouchelle Liedemann.                         about it yet,” Tygerberg FM said.                                       Grand Arena in Cape Town on 2 September.                                    Loyiso Bala.

Jami Wilmien (12) and Warwick Engelbrecht (12).               Jenny and Francois Fourie.                                      Photos: Ron Sibiya             Anél and MC Engelbrecht.

                                                                                        For m
                                                                                      photos ore
                                                                                      our we visit
                                                                                     www.r bsite

Sonet Bergh, Ruben Delmage and Luané Janse van Rensburg.                                                             Rosa, Werwer and Izahn van Zyl.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Neville D.

                                                          15 Sept                                         Tickets available at DSP reception,

                      pt ’16
                                                                                                                             online and at gate.
                                                                                                                                                              Thu &
                    Se                                     pre-bookingTBU
                                                                                                                     Thursday: 18:00 - 23:00

                                                                                                                      R160 (pre-sale only)
                                                              DS1Pnly                                                                                      VITTO

                                                                                                                       Friday: 17:00 - 24:00
                                                                                          n in f r o m G e r m
         16 & 1

                                                                                                                        R80 (pre-sale) R100 (gate)
                                                                                                                        Saturday: 10:00 - 23:30
                                                                                                                        R100 (pre-sale) R120 (gate)

                                                                                                                        Pensioners: R50 (pre-sale only)
                                                                                                                        Children 0-12 years free
                                                                                                                        Gates close at 21:00
                                                                                     d ow

                                                                                                                        (in case tickets are not sold out beforehand)

                                                                                     b an



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                  for        t e r n at i o n a l e S c h             be
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                                                        ran   F                   Tel 012 803 4106/7/8
                                                     “ D ie                     Simon Vermooten Str, The Willows
                                                                                                                                                                          9401                                                                                                           PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                           13

                                                                                                  Good reads for the month
                                                                                                  The Printmaker by Bronwyn Law-Viljoen             But life’s not so carefree any more.
                                                                                                      When a reclusive printmaker dies, his      Her parents are dying, her husband is in
                                                                                                  friend inherits the thousands of etchings      hospital and her wild-child daughter is
                                                                                                  and drawings he has stored in his house        pregnant.
                                                                                                  over the years.                                   So when she signs up to a casual
                                                                                                      Overwhelmed by the task of sorting         encounter site, she’s thinking of leaving
                                                                                                  and exhibiting this work, she seeks the        her life behind – at least for a little bit.
                                                                                                  advice of a curator.                           However, the most painful parts of your
                                                                                                      What compulsion                                               past always have a way
                                                                                                  drove the printmaker                                              of surprising you.
                                                                                                  to make art for four                                                 Will she learn in
                                                                                                  decades, and why                                                  time how to live, how
                                                                                                  did he so seldom                                                  to love, how to be
                                                                                                  show his prints?                                                  fearless? Fear of Dying
                                                                                                      When the curator                                              is available for R250
Foto: Facebook (Klopjag)                                                                          discovers a single,                                               at Penguin Random

’n Skoolfees met styl
                                                                                                  sealed box ad-                                                    House.
                                                                                                  dressed to a man                                                     The Safest Place You
                                                                                                  in Zimbabwe, she                                                  Know by Mark Winkler
                                                                                                  feels compelled to                                                   After his father’s
                                                                                                  go in search of him                                               violent death on a hot
                                                                                                  to present him with                                               November day in the
Die lente is amper hier en dit beteken war-        Wees ook op die uitkyk vir een van die         the package, hoping                                               drought-stricken Free
mer dae en heerlike soel aande, ideaal vir ’n   talle produksies aangebied deur die Anton         to find an answer to                                              State, a young man
lekker uitstappie saam met die hele gesin.      van Wouw-leerlinge.                               the enigma of the                                                 leaves the derelict fam-
   Nie net vier Laerskool Anton van Wouw           Items sal drama, redenaars, instrumentele      printmakers solitary                                              ily farm with no plan.
vanjaar hul 91e bestaansjaar nie, die skool     musiek en dans insluit.                           life.                                                                His life is soon
bied ook, vir die eerste in die skool se ge-       Daar is ook drie tienertoneelstukke, ’n            Bronwyn Law-                                                  changed by two stran-
skiedenis, hul eie fees in die kleine,          Wouwtjie-kunsuitstalling wat ’n verskei-          Viljoen’s subtle and                                              gers he encounters on
Wouwtjieklop, aan.                              denheid van die Wouwtjie-kloppers se              sophisticated novel                                               his journey south: a
   Dink Aardklop, Innibos of KKNK – net         skilderkuns, sketse, beeldhouwerk, grafiese       reflects on one man’s                                             mute little girl who
op ’n veel kleiner skaal natuurlik.             kuns, drukwerk, fotografie en ontwerp in-         obsessive need to                                                 bears a striking resem-
   Die Wouwtjieklop-fees sal oor twee dae,      sluit, ’n pretpark, kosstalletjies en vele meer   make meaning through images and to             blance to his late niece, and a troubled
tussen Vrydag 16 September en Saterdag 17       om na uit te sien.                                find, in art, the traces of love and friend-   lawyer who detests the Cape wine estate
September plaasvind.                               Bekende skrywers sal daar wees om oor          ship.                                          she’s inherited from a father she despised.
   In egte feesstyl kan feesgangers uitsien     hul jongste boeke te gesels.                          The Printmaker is available for R250          Set in a South Africa in turmoil, The
na ’n hele rits gebeurtenisse insluitende          Hekke open daagliks om 09:00. Kaartjies        at Penguin Random House.                       Safest Place You Know is a powerful
optredes deur bekende gaskunstenaars Pieter     kan by die skoolkantoor gekoop word.                  Fear of Dying by Erica Jong                story, rendered in meticulously crafted,
Smith en die immergewilde Klopjag.              Navrae: 012-460-3024.                                 Vanessa Wonderman is smart, sexy           lyrical prose, about redemption and
                                                                                                  – and sixty. After a lifetime of crazy fami-   recovery, and what it means to carry the
                                                                                                  lies, New York high society and playing        past with you.

  Kom luister na Jannie du Toit                                                                   a soap opera arch villain bitch, she’s not
                                                                                                  ready to give up yet.
                                                                                                                                                    The Safest Place You Know is avail-
                                                                                                                                                 able for R250 at Penguin Random House.

  Jannie du Toit is bekend vir sy werk as          Toegang wissel tussen R100 en R130
  sanger, liedjieskrywer, kitaarspeler en       en die vertoning begin om 19:00.
  verwerker en in sy jongste vertoning Bon-        Vir meer inligting besoek www.brook-
  jour Monsieur Brel, kry aanhangers die of skakel 012-460-6033.
  geleentheid om hom in aksie te sien soos         Drie Rekord-lesers kan dubbelkaartjies
  nog nooit tevore nie.                         vir Bonjour Monsieur Brel wen.
      In Du Toit se jongste verhoogprogram         Besoek Rekord se webtuistes vir meer
  vertolk hy Jacques Brel se beeldryke tek-     besonderhede.
  ste in vier tale: Afrikaans, Engels, Frans
  en Nederlands.
                                                                                                                                       We supply and deliver:
      Hy word begelei deur Susan Mouton
  (tjello en sang) en Coenraad Rall (kla-                     WEN                                                               • Building sand • Plaster sand
  vier).                                                                                                                   • River sand • Stone • G5
      Du Toit is dekades reeds ’n Brel-
  vertolker. Sy eerste vertolking was in
  1988 tydens die produksie Van Berlyn tot
  Bapsfontein saam met Laurika Rauch en
                                                                                                                  In bulk and for the DIY
  later ook in De Kleine Man en Jannie en                                                                      enthusiast.
  die Tannie saam met Christa Steyn.
      Sy mees onlangse optrede in ’n Brel-
  produksie was tydens die 2010 produksie
                                                                                                          Phone us to place your order: 012 546 9223
  Brel in Brooklyn.                                                                                   email:
      Bespreek nou jou kaartjies vir Bonjour                                                        or visit us @ 248 Jack Hindon Street,
  Monsieur Brel wat op 8 September by die
  Brooklyn-teater opgevoer word.                                                                  Pretoria North

14   PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016           

                                              Angelique Gerber.

                                              Dis koue
                                              kos, skat
                                              Die nuwe Afrikaanse rolprent Dis
                                              Koue Kos, Skat handel oor verraad,
                                              jaloesie, wraak en die belangrikheid
                                              van familie.
                                                 Die rolprent is gebaseer op ’n
                                              roman van Marita van der Vyver en
                                              beloof om die gehoor te bekoor.
                                                 Dit is by Nu Metro Woodlands
                                              en Menlynpark te sien, met Engelse
                                              onderskrifte. Kosskrywer, Clara Brand
                                              (Anna-Mart van der Merwe) besluit ná
                                              haar man, Bernard (Deon Lotz) se on-
                                              trouheid, saam met een van haar beste
                                              vriendinne (Angelique Gerber) op ’n
                                              nuwe begin in Kaapstad.
                                                 Een Rekord leser staan
                                              die kans om ’n dubbele
                                              kaartjie asook ’n geskenk-
                                              pakkie te wen. Vier bykomende lesers
                                              staan die kans om elk ’n geskenkpak-
                                              kie te wen. Die geskenkpakkie bevat ’n
                                              voorskoot, slaailepels, ’n kopie van die
                                              nuwe fliekuitgawe van Marita van der
                                              Vyver se boek en ’n bottel Wellington
                                              wyn. Besoek Rekord se webstuiste om
                                              in te skryf.

                                              oor haar rol
                                              Pretoria se eie skoonheid, Angelique
                                              Gerber, vertolk die rol van die blonde
                                              seksbom Anaïs.
                                                 Anaïs (30), oftewel “Die Ander
                                              Vrou”, probeer munt slaan uit haar
                                              blonde haarverlengings en die krediet-
                                              kaarte van haar vorige vriendin se
                                              vorige man. Sy het nogal ’n obsessie
                                              oor die kleur wit. Wanneer sy nie ander
                                              vroue se mans steel nie, is sy prettige
                                                 ’n Paar vrae aan Angelique Gerber:
                                                 Wat het jou laat besluit om die rol
                                              van Anaïs te aanvaar?
                                                 Ek is mal oor Etienne Fourie se
                                              werk en wou graag saam hom en na-
                                              tuurlik Anna-Mart ook werk.
                                                 Sou jy sê dat hierdie storie ’n Suid-
                                              Afrikaanse of ’n universele storie is?
                                                 Beslis universeel. Hoewel die storie
                                              ’n komiese ondertoon het, is dit baie
                                              hartseer – soveel huwelike misluk om-
                                              dat dit deesdae so maklik is om buite-
                                              egtelike verhoudings aan te knoop.
                                                 Het jy dit geniet om saam met Deon
                                              Lotz te werk? Hy is vreeslik aange-
                                              naam, het my altyd gemaklik laat voel
                                              en het soveel respek vir almal op stel.
                                              En ek het baie by hom geleer.
                                                 Hy het terselfdertyd aan ’n ander
                                              film geskiet en het partykeer direk
                                              van ’n nightshoot af op stel opgedaag,
                                              maar hy het steeds sy beste gegee.
                                              Sal mense hulleself met die storie en
                                              karakters kan vereenselwig?
                                                  Ek dink ons almal ken ’n Anaïs of
                                              ’n Clara of ’n man soos Bernard wat
                                              jonger bloed soek. Die storie en karak-
                                              ters is so slim en mooi geskryf dat daar
                                              regtig iets vir almal in die storie is.
                                                 As jy een van die karakters vir ete
                                              kan nooi, wie sal dit wees, hoekom
                                              sal jy die karakter nooi en wat sal jy
                                                 Ek as Angelique, wil vir Anaïs nooi
                                              en haar ekstra warm peri peri-hoender-
                                              lewers voer.                                                                                                                                                                                          PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                                                                   15

                                                                                                                         What’s on
                                                                               Christ through media at Kerksondermure,                                            • Join our friendships club for retired persons.
Counselling and Religion                                                       Centurion, 9 Sep. Do not miss out on a spec-                                       No fees. Maria 083-384-5464.                                    Markets and Charity
                                                                               tacular evening. Tickets R70 at Computicket.
• Nasionale Testament-week. Laat u testa-                                                                                                                                                                                         • Banting Food Market, Pta Botanical Gar-
ment gratis opstel, 12-16 Sept. JP van der                                                                                                                        • Trustees of ArcelorMittal SA Pension Fund.
                                                                               • ATKV-tak Tonteldoos. Lente- / Erfenisfees,                                                                                                       dens, 3 Sep. Sugar free, wheat free, organ-
Merwe Inc. 012-403-0009 / info@jpvdmlaw.                                                                                                                          Annual information session for pensioners,
                                                                               musiek deur Musica Vivendi Ensemble olv                                            10:30, Union Caterers, 2 Nov. Reply before 2                    ic and free range food. Live music with vir afspraak.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Len Muller. Jono Proudfoot (co-writer of
                                                                               Stephan Gericke, 14 Sept, 15:30, NG Faerie                                         Sep 012-683-3651.
                                                                               Glen, Glenwoodweg 429. 072-264-8670.                                                                                                               The Real Meal Revolution) will answer
• Die NHN en Renaissance Gemeenskap.                                                                                                                                                                                              all your banting questions. Free entrance
Seminaar: Vier perspektiewe op ons toekoms,                                                                                                                       • Friday Business Breakfast Club, 2 Sep,
                                                                               Leisure and Clubs                                                                  08:00. Opportunity for business people to                       09:00-13:00. Karin 079-527-4902.
8 en 9 Okt. Sprekers: Dr. Frans Cronjé, Pieter
Geldenhuys, dr. André Bartlett en dr. Abel                                                                                                                        network and build business relationships.
                                                                               • Lollos Wonderliggiefees, NGK Wonderpark,                                         The Brazen Head restaurant, Moreleta Park.                      • Miernes Kersmark, 1-3 Des, NG
Pienaar. Koste R275. Bespreek corliareit-                                                                                                                                                                                         Eldoraigne Familiekerk. Deel van geld
                                                                               Bergln, Amandasig, 10 Sep, 09:00. R60p/p.                                          Johann 083-432-9052.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 gaan aan Danville-kinderuitreik. Beatie
                                                                               Babakompetisie-inskrywing ingesluit. Weg-
                                                                               neemetes, veilige parkering, buitelugverto-                                        • Down Syndrome Association, hosts a casual                     012-654-4785 / 082-855-6628.
• NHN-byeenkoms, MBA Conference
                                                                               ning, kunsmark. Mercia 083-655-3448.                                               moneyraising dance, 2 Sep, The Glen Venue
Centre, Midrand, 11 Sep, 09:30. Kobie Tem-                                                                                                                                                                                        • New handcraft market. R100/p weekend.
mingh Swart oor: Musiek as terapie. Babs                                                                                                                          and conference centre, Garstfontein/January
                                                                               • Mnr. en Mej. Wonderliggiefees, NGK Won-                                          Masilela Garsfontein, 18:30. Book 082-333-                      Busy Pick n Pay centre. SMS 076-939-7300.
                                                                               derpark, Bergln, Amandasig, 10 Sep, 19:00.                                         8835.
                                                                               Mercia 083-655-3448.                                                                                                                               • Bootsale, buy and sell old and new at
• Do have problems with addictions? Alco-                                                                                                                                                                                         Mootvallei Church, Parktown, every 2nd
hol/drugs/gambling/obesity/anorexia/bu-                                                                                                                           • Touch of Glass bied Die Pille en Brille-
                                                                               • Wonderliggiefees, NGK Wonderpark, Bergln,                                        musiekfees, 5 en 6 Sept, Monument Funksie-                      Sat. Next 10 Sep. Monica 072-797-9507.
limia, 95% certain that Father will heal you.                                  Amandasig, 2-11 Sep. Robbie Wessels/Juanita                                        sentrum, 10:00-15:00, R70p/p. Slegs persone
Gerhard 012-997-7472.                                                          du Plessis tree op. Mercia 083-655-3448.                                                                                                           • Bootsale Moot-gestremdes, Ou rolbalbaan
                                                                                                                                                                  bo 50 jaar en bejaardes. 076-846-1380 /
                                                                                                                                                                  076-405-7836.                                                   Capital Park, ingang Myburghstr, tussen
• Were you molested/physically/emotion-                                        • Kom kuier saam, ontmoet nuwe mense.                                                                                                              6e/7e Laan. 3 Sept, 08:00-14:00. Mand-
ally abused as a child by parents? Were you                                    Lekker musiek, interessante praatjies en awe-                                      • VLU-Monumentpark, opedag. Spreker:                            jiedans 16:00-23:00. Essie 084-760-7589.
a victim or viewed a violent crime (murder/                                    some getuienisse. Gospel@pub Sondae 18:00                                          Tim du Plessis: Die grens tussen haatspraak
armed robbery/rape/family violence)? We                                        vir 18:30, Rafters Pub&Grill. Garstfontein/                                        en vryheid van spraak, 13 Sept, NGK                             • NHK-kuierfees, 12e Laan, Gezina,1 Okt.
will be running a workshop on 10-11 and                                        Blesbok, Mooikloof. Gratis toegang. 082-                                           Monumentpark, 09:15, R60p/p, mans ook                           Bespreek stalletjie of bootsale (geen kos).
17-18 Sep, 90% success rate guaranteed.                                        880-8484 /                                                   welkom. Heléne 012-662-1366.                                    E-pos:
Gerhard 012-997-7472.
                                                                               • Book sale every day at Mega Books, Clif-                                         • St Andrews Scouts, 5km walk, 3 Sep, dog-                      • De Meerpaal Nederlandse Bejaardesen-
• Time to Talk conference, 9-11 Sep, Basiliah                                  fendale Drive, Faerie Glen. All books on                                           gie (leashed) friendly, 08:00-10:00, 570 An-                    trum-basaar, Equestria, 3 Sept. Uitstallers,
restaurant, Moreleta Church. Guest speaker:                                    tables R5ea. We buy books. 012-991-3975.                                           dries Strydom St, Constantia Park. Entrance                     wit olifant, heerlike Hollandse produkte.
Kathleen de la Hunt. Testimonies: Felicia                                                                                                                         dog food/blanket for Wet Nose. Food/craft                       Almal welkom. Ali 072-101-4132.
Lategan, Rob Steward, Frans Cronjé. Register                                   • Raponsie, uit die kloue van die buurvrou,                                        market till 13:00. Phillip 076-052-4876.
Janine 083-822-0363.                                                           kinderkomedie, Pierneefteater, 17 Sept,                                                                                                            • KKK in K (Kuier Kermis om die Kreme-
                                                                               10:00. Bespreek 012-329-0709.                                                      • Pta Lace Guild, open day, St Patrick’s                        tart in Kameeldrif), 3 Sept, NG Familie-
Art and Music                                                                                                                                                     Scout Hall, Rodericks St, Menlo Park, 17                        kerk Kameeldrif, 08:00. Kosstalletjies,
                                                                               • Social singles. Byeenkomste vir enkello-                                         Sep, 11:00-14:00. Demonstrations / display                      pretpark, snuffelgoed, MTB Roodeplaat
• Art classes in Brummeria, tuition by quali-                                  pendes 40+, Donderdagaande by The Place,                                           of lace, free entry.                                            Challenge-fietsren.
fied artist and art teacher. Anet 083-718-                                     Menlyn Retail Park. Jacoba 076-527-5720 /
8253 or 012-804-1162.                                                          Elize 072-607-8949 /                                       • Clivia sales: Sale of selected clivias at Cy-                 • NGK Pta-Oosterlig bied Oosterfees, 17
                                                                                                                                                                  cad World of Innovations, 552 Rooihartbees                      Sept, 09:00-14:00, h/v Judith/Lea, Water-
• Feba Radio South Africa. Together with                                       • Improve your speaking/leadership skills.                                         Ave, Willem Cruywagen/Rooihartbees Ave,                         kloof Glen, stalletjies, vars vleis, lenteplante,
Heinz Winckler, Feba Radio South Africa is                                     Forum Toastmasters Club, every 2nd Wed,                                            Akasia, 10 Sep, 08:00-16:00. Tino 082-375-                      groente, hope pret vir kinders, besonderse
celebrating 20 years of making followers of                                    19:00, Garsfontein. Adriaan 083-656-9028.                                          0575 / Christo 082-497-5879.                                    aanbiedinge. Ben 012-993-5437.

                                                                                                                                                                               • Centurion • Olivenhoutbosch
                                                                                                                                                                               • Pretoria West • Silvertondale
                                                                                                                                                                               • Wonderpark
                                                                                                                                                                               DIY STORES:
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Handling fee applies to bricks and cement. Enquire in-store for details.
                                                                                                                                                                               TRADING HOURS: Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 18:00
   LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS, TOOLS, PAINT & HARDWARE                                                                                                                                                                                              Keep in touch with us
                                                                                                                                                                               Sat: 7:00 - 16:00 • Sun & Pub Hol: 8:00 - 14:00

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                                                                                                                                               GUARANTEE                                                                         Enquire in-store for details. Cement and bricks may vary from store to store.

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                                                                  PRICES VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 18 SEPTEMBER 2016                                                              E & O E. All prices include 14% VAT
   For any queries, please visit or contact us at 0860 100 582 (Sharecall Number)                                                                                                                                 233              STORES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA & EXPANDING • SHARECALL 0860 100 582                                         Selected products may not be available in all stores                                                                                                                                                                 1C
16         PRETORIA EAST REKORD SEPTEMBER 2, 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

A new-look bathroom
could boost your home
Giving a fresh new look to an outdated                                          many homeowners opting to renovate their                                               fresh coat of paint to transform it into a com-                                  Homeowners can check whether their lo-
bathroom can modernise and add value to a                                       bathrooms before any other room in the                                                 pletely new space.”                                                           cal hardware store has do-it-yourself classes
home without costing too much.                                                  home.                                                                                     Sanitary warehouses and hardware stores                                    or seminars that they can attend, which will
   Adrian Goslett, regional director and                                           This can be attributed to the fact that                                             are always getting new inventory.                                             provide guidance and practical examples.
CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa, says                                          bathrooms and kitchens are major focal                                                    This will make it much easier for home-                                       Goslett says DIY projects are a great way
renovations and contemporary remodelling                                        points that buyers look at before they put in                                          owners to find fixtures on sale that will suit                                to add value to a home – provided the work
of bathrooms are known to boost the market-                                     an offer to purchase a property says Goslett.                                          their particular taste.                                                       is completed properly.
ability of a home.                                                                 “Bathrooms are generally smaller than                                                  Consider changing to a double sink                                            If installed or completed incorrectly, the
   Additionally, bathrooms and kitchens are                                     other rooms in the home, so the cost of reno-                                          instead of a single one, recessed lighting, or                                project could end up costing twice as much
the two areas of a home where the cost of                                       vation can be managed more effectively.”                                               new floor and wall tiles.                                                     to fix as a professional would have charged
the renovation can be largely recouped on                                          While it is a good idea to use a pro-                                                  Goslett says homeowners doing renova-                                      in the first place.
the sale of the property.                                                       fessional contractor with the necessary                                                tions themselves will find a wealth of infor-                                    Homeowners planning an extensive reno-
   “According to statistics, on average sell-                                   qualifications for larger complex projects,                                            mation on bathroom do-it-yourself projects                                    vation project or adding another bathroom to
ers can expect to get between 65% and 75%                                       homeowners will be able to complete simple                                             from the local library.                                                       their home, should get proper plans drawn
of the renovation cost back when renovating                                     updates themselves.                                                                       Also try local bookstores or relevant                                      up.
a full bathroom and approximately 65% of                                           Depending on the project, a simple                                                  online websites.                                                                 “While renovating a bathroom may cause
the cost back when adding a new bathroom,”                                      renovation can be as effective as a complete                                              There are countless books and reputable                                    some inconvenience, this is a small price to
says Goslett.                                                                   remodel.                                                                               websites available to guide homeowners                                        pay when compared to the aesthetic appeal
   Over the past few years bathroom renova-                                        Sometimes all a bathroom needs is                                                   through the process, whether the primary                                      and value that is adds to the property,” says
tions have become extremely popular with                                        modern fixtures, a tile and grout scrub and a                                          focus is design, functionality or cost.                                       Goslett.

The top five benefits of rather buying in a security estate
In the past decade or so, the South Afri-                                          He explains the top five benefits of pur-
can property landscape has given rise to a                                      chasing a property within a secure estate:
number of residential estates which offer a                                        Safety and security
lifestyle combined with safety and security.                                       Hailwood says security is often a major
    This combination has made estate proper-                                    factor that determines where people choose
ties extremely popular, and consequently, a                                     to live, which is why the demand for prop-
good investment option.                                                         erty within secure estates has seen such a
    Mooikloof Country Residences is the                                         phenomenal increase over the last decade
latest residential estate to be developed                                       or so.
in Mooikloof, one of Pretoria East’s most                                          Mooikloof Country Residences offers its
sought-after neighbourhoods.                                                    residents safety and peace of mind behind
    It will have 250 three-bedroom homes in                                     perimeter walls and 24-hour access-control.
phase one, just off Garstfontein Road.                                             Lifestyle benefits
    However, Paul Hailwood, CEO of Rich-                                           The lifestyle elements estates provide is a
prop, notes that this offers value-for-money                                    the big attraction, says Hailwood.
estate living.                                                                     As a secure, family-oriented estate, Mooi-
                                                                                kloof Country Residences includes idyllic
                                                                                parklands in which children can safely play
         EIENAARS!!!                                                            as well as a clubhouse with a gym, tennis
                                                                                courts and a swimming pool.
                                                                                   Return on investment
          Ons kan u met u                                                          The scarcity of property in Mooikloof
         eiendom assisteer,                                                     adds to the level of demand, which in turn                                                “Properties that provide both security                                     gym, tennis courts and swimming pool.
                                                                                creates good capital growth for property in                                            features and a lifestyle offering are highly                                     Mooikloof Country Residences will also
             kontak ons                                                         the area.                                                                              sought after which further drives the invest-                                 be equipped with a high tech fibreoptic
            vandag nog!                                                            “It has been proven that secure estate
                                                                                homes offer excellent investment returns
                                                                                                                                                                       ment returns.
                                                                                                                                                                          The demand for homes within estates has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     network for the telephone handset and pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     allocated line that each home includes.

                                                           Tel: 012 803 5082
                                                                012 007 1262    due to the fact that they cater to a primary                                           made these investments that provide favour-                                      Value for money
                                                         Faks: 012 803 8044     need, which is to feel safe and secure,” says                                          able returns over the medium to long-term.”                                      Mooikloof Country Residences offers
                                                                                Hailwood.                                                                                 Communal facilities                                                        investors one of the best value-for-money
                                                                                                                                                                          One of the benefits that the secure estate                                 properties in the east of Pretoria, given that
                                                                                                                                                                       living provides is a range of amenities                                       pricing starts at R1.85 million and the estate
                                                                                                                      Follow us on                                     within the estate boundary.                                                   is nestled among premier residential estates
                                                                 Lucy Mendes - 078 151 9200                            Twitter for
                                                           Madeleine De Abreu - 072 985 2338                                                                              Mooikloof Country Residences includes                                      with an average price tag in excess of R6
                                                                                                                      regular local                                    safe parkland areas in which children can                                     million. “This means that homes within
                                                                        (Office) 012 940 8171                         news updates:                                     play, creating the ideal environment for fam-                                 Mooikloof Country Residences make for
                                                    TO LET                                                           @RekordNewspaper                                  ily living.                                                                   an excellent investment option with strong
   R6 600 - NEWLANDS - Available 1 September - 24hr security in a complex. 2 bedr, top unit, 1 bathr, 1 living                                                            In addition there is a clubhouse with a                                    appreciation potential,” says Hailwood.

   area, carport, pool in complex.
   R5 500 - WEST PARK - Available imm - 3 bedr, 1 living area, 2 bathr, carports, newly built house.
   R7 600 - HATFIELD - Available 3 September - Upmarket complex, ground unit in 24hr security. 2 bedr,
   1 bathr, 1 lounge, kitchen, carports.
   R7 200 - SILVERTON - Available imm - Cosy spacious 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 2 separate living areas, carports.
   R8 000 - LYNNWOOD - Available imm (fully furnished) - Neat modern 1 bedr garden cottage with a bathr,                                                                                                                           MORELETA PARK
   living area, kitchen, parking.
   R12 300 - FAERIE GLEN - Avail imm - Cosy house with 3 bedr and study, big open plan living area, 2 bathr,
   garden, ample parking, carports, cloose to shops.
   R13 950 - LYNNWOOD (Ground unit BRAND NEW!!!)- In a complex. 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 living area, aircons,                  Shop 34, Moreleta Plaza, Cnr Rubenstein & Garsfontein Drive                                012 993 0723 
   prepaid meters, garages, garden, modern.                                                                               Moreleta Park
   R14 600 - FAERIE GLEN - Available 1 October - Up market estate, Tuscany looking double storey house with
   3 bedr, 2 bathr, guest toilet, 2 garages, 2 living areas, splash pool, study, garden.
   R16 500 - MENLO PARK - Avail imm - Neat, cosy family home with 3 bedr, 2 bathr, guest toilet, 2 living areas,                           Amanda                                     Susan                                Helen                                 Charl van
   study, kitchen, scullery, patio, jacuzzi, 2 garages, outside toilet, garden.
   R20 000 - COUNTRY VIEW ESTATE - Available imm - 24hr security estate. 4 bedr, study, 4 bathr, 2 living areas,                           Geldenhuys                                 Oberholzer                           van Wyngaard                          Niekerk
   patio, built-in braai, full staff quarters, 2 garages. Newly built!!!                                                                   083 407 6653                               083 566 2134                         083 566 2133                          083 566 2131
   R22 000 - MORELETA PARK - Available imm - Spacious family home, 3 bedr, 3 living areas, 2 bathr, bar, pool,
   jacuzzi, study, patio, built-in braai, 2 garages, flatlet with kitchen, l/a, bedr, parking.                       For sale: Erasmuskloof - R1 850 000 -             For sale: Bronberrik - R1 720          To let: Faerie Glen - R12 400 -      To let: Faerie Glen - R13 700 -                Like our
   R25 900 - MORELETA PARK - The Meadows - Available imm - 24hr security estate, 6 bedr, study, 3 bathr,             3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages, pet friendly, pool.
                                                                                                                     For sale: Moreleta Park - R1 470 000 -            000 - 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages,      3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages, 2 open   3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages, 1 cov-
   guest toilet, 3 living areas, pool, patio, built-in braai, full staff quarters, 2 garages.                        3 bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool, pet friendly.   2 open parkings, 2 covered park-
                                                                                                                     For sale: Moreleta Park - R1 990 000 -                                                   parkings, pet friendly.              ered carport, pet friendly.
         FOR SALE: MORELETA PARK                                 FOR SALE: MORELETA PARK                             5 bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool, stand alone     ings.                                  To let: Garsfontein - R7 400 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              page (Rekord),
                                  R2 mil neg.                                               R1.55 mil.               house, boomed off area.                           For sale: Erasmuskloof - R1 560                                                 Properties wanted!                        see what’s
                          Spacious family home with                             Neat duplex in complex, upmar-
                                                                                                                     To let: Moreleta Park - R7 100 - 2 bedr,
                                                                                                                                                                       000 - 2 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              2 bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage, 1 open    Services offered:
                                                                                                                     1 bathr, 1 garage, not pet friendly. Imm occ.                                                                                                                             happening in
                           a stunning view. 4 l/areas,                          ket area, close to shops. 3 bedr,    To let: Moreleta Park - R12 300 - 3 bedr,         2 open parkings.                       parking.                             • Rent guarantee
                          3 bedr, guest toilet, 3 bathr,                            2 full bathr, guest toilet,      2 bathr, 1 garage, 1 covered parking, not pet
                               pool, SQ, 2 garages.                               1 o/plan l/a, patio, garden,       friendly. 1 August 2016.                          To let: Erasmuskloof - R11 050         To let: Constantia Park -            • Maintenance assist                        your area and
                                 Lucy Mendes                                           jacuzzi, 2 garages.           To let: Moreleta Park - R10 600 - 3 bedr.         - 2 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages, 2 open   R17 500 - 4 bedr, 2 bathr, 3 ga-     • Deposit guarantee                          comment on
                                 078 151 9200                                    Lucy Mendes 078 151 9200            2 bathr, 2 garages, pet friendly. Imm 1 August
                                                                                                                     2016.                                             parkings.                              rages, 2 open parkings.              • Comprehensive credit report   9039       issues you feel
                            AND HAVE PEACE OF MIND!                                                           8940
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