FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety

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FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety
                                                                               Volume 28 Number 2
                                                                                  APRIL / MAY 2021

       Consumers are i­ ncreasingly
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FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety
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FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety
                                                                             APRIL/ MAY 2021 • VOLUME 28 NUMBER 2 •


                                                                                             THE RISE OF                                                                                                  18
                                                                                                                                                                                                       COV E R STO R Y

                                                                                              F ortified food and beverages
                                                                                              gain traction as consumers choose
                                                                                              to eat with health in mind
                                                                                             BY LORI VALIGRA

                                           Washington Report                                                                                                         Safety & Sanitation
                                           9                                                                                                                          22
                                           Congress to Investigate                                                                                                    Pest Management
                                           COVID-19 Cases at                                                                                                          in Food Processing
                                           Meatpacking Plants                                                                                                         Warehouses
                                           Probe to include three processing                                                                                          Protecting food by protecting
                                           giants, OSHA                                                                                                               its surroundings

                                           BY KAREN APPOLD                                                                                                            BY ANNA BERRY, MS

                                                      Food Quality & Safety (ISSN 2572-8644) is published 6 times a year in Feb/Mar, Apr/May, Jun/July, Aug/Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan by Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                          April / May 2021            3
FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety

(Continued from p. 3)

Safety & Sanitation                           In The Lab                              Cannabis Corner
26 PEST MANAGEMENT                            36 THE IMPORTANCE                       16 MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION
   DOCUMENTATION                                 OF E. COLI DETECTION                    OF CANNABIS-INFUSED FOODS
   Be prepared for your next                     METHODS                                 Testing infused food and beverages
   food safety audit                             How laboratories can ensure             for microbial contamination should
                                                 safe and efficient testing              be done, whether or not FDA
                                                   BY NEVIN PERERA                       insists upon it
                                                                                          BY JESSE STANIFORTH
   What’s new in the regulatory

                                              Legal Update                            Departments
                                              12 CANNABIS UPDATE
                                                 Will 2021 be the year of              6 FROM THE EDITORS
                                                 cannabis reform?

                                                                                                                                         ©RICKA_KINAMOTO - STOCK.ADOBE.COM / ©KATERYNA_KON - STOCK.ADOBE.COM / ©ANDREY POPOV - STOCK.ADOBE.COM / ©KATERYNA_KON - STOCK.ADOBE.COM
                                                                                       8 NEWS & NOTES
                                                   BY JOEL S. CHAPPELLE, ESQ.,
                                                   AND SHAWN K. STEVENS, ESQ.         40 NEW PRODUCTS
                                                                                      41 ADVERTISER DIRECTORY

                                              Global Interests                        41 EVENTS
Testing                                       14 FOOD WASTE DURING
                                                                                      42 SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS
30 IS YOUR PATHOGEN DATA                         COVID-19
   GIVING YOU THE FULL STORY?                    How the pandemic has impacted
   How pathogen load measurements                food waste at the consumer level
   deliver a deeper dive for meat                  BY AURORA A. SAULO, PHD
                                                                                      Food Quality & Safety
   and poultry food safety                                                            ­magazine welcomes letters
                                                                                       to the editor on any relevant
                                                                                       industry topic.
                                                                                      Letters should be no longer
34 DETECTING PATHOGENS                                                                than 350 words.
                                                                                      Submit letters to:
   Pathogens in these products                                                        Samara E. Kuehne,
   can be difficult to find due to                                                    Professional Editor
   their complex matrices                                                             Email:
                                                                                      (Letters may be edited for space
                                                                                      and style.)

 Visit us online! Other articles available at include:   Correction: In the article “A P
                                                                                                                    ­ socid-
 • U.S., Canada Team Up on New Swine Fever Protocol                                   Free Facility,” which published in the
                                                                                      February/March 2021 issue, we used an
 • Food Quality & Safety Blog: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Food Safety       incorrect image of a psocid. The image
 • New Legislation Aims to Add Sesame to Federal Allergen List                        has been updated in the online version
                                                                                      of the article.

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FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety
From The Editors                                                                             PUBLISHERLisa Dionne Lento,
                                                                                       SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER      Bob Zander,
                                                                                      PROFESSIONAL EDITOR Samara E. Kuehne,
                                                                                               DESIGN Maria Ender,
                                                                                            PRODUCTION Claudia Vogel,
                                                                                                   Jörg Stenger,
The State of the Chicken

                                                                                                     Elli Palzer,
                                                                                             CO-INDUSTRY EDITOR Purnendu C. Vasavada, PhD,
           ast editorials I have written                                                  
           for FQ&S have focused on                                                        CO-INDUSTRY EDITOR Richard Stier,
           how the publication can                                                                          Advertising Director
           help processors build and/                                                                            Dan Nicholas
or upgrade their food quality, safety,                                                               111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
                                                                                                    (716) 587-2181,
and sanitation programs. The mantra
                                                                                                                  Sales Office
for doing this is simple: develop, doc-                                                               U.S./Canada/International
ument, implement, and maintain.                                                                                 Bob Zander
                                                                                                               (312) 925-7648
     When developing protocols,                                                                   
the people doing the work need to                                                                                Editorial Office
understand the goals. What are we                                                              111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USA
doing? Why are we doing it? Who will do the work? How will it                                       Reprints: E-mail

be documented? Once development is done, it is time to commit
these thoughts to paper. What gets drafted should clearly describe
what’s to be done and must be detailed enough so that those read-                                         Editorial Advisory Panel
ing the protocol can clearly understand what is expected. Consider
                                                                                     John N. Butts, PhD                              Hasmukh Patel, PhD
sharing draft procedures with non-technical staff, the rationale                   Founder and President,                      VP of Research and Development,
being that if the non-technical people can understand it, it should               FoodSafetyByDesign, LLC;                           Whitehall Specialties
                                                                                 Advisor to CEO, Land O’Frost
pass muster in actual practice.                                                                                                          Mary Ann Platt
                                                                                          Cliff Coles                                      President,
     Occasionally, things get lost in translation. For example, one               President, Clifford M. Coles                      CNS/FoodSafe and RQA, Inc.
concern when designing aircraft is to protect the canopy or win-                  Food Safety Consulting, Inc.
                                                                                                                                      Manpreet Singh, PhD
dows from bird strikes. An outfit developed a procedure during                       Virginia Deibel, PhD
                                                                                                                                     Dept. of Poultry Science,
which they would launch a chicken carcass at the windows and                        Chief Scientific Officer,                         University of Georgia
                                                                                      Deibel Laboratories
evaluate results. They were asked to share the procedure with an-                                                                       Shawn K. Stevens
                                                                                    James Dickson, PhD                               Food Industry Attorney,
other group, who reported no success. The chickens were shat-                            Professor,                                 Food Industry Counsel, LLC
tering the canopies and often ended up embedded in the pilot’s                  Department of Animal Science,
                                                                                    Iowa State University                              Patricia A. Wester
seat. The group who developed the method responded as follows:                                                                                CEO,
                                                                                     Steven Gendel, PhD                          The Association for Food Safety
“Thaw the chickens first.” Once they did this, testing moved for-                      Senior Director,                              Auditing Professionals,
ward. While it may be a silly example, it emphasizes the need                           Food Science,                                        AFSAP
                                                                                 Food Chemicals Codex at USP
for proper documentation and asking questions if something is                                                                            Steven Wilson
                                                                                      Vijay K. Juneja, PhD                       Director of Seafood Commerce
unclear.                                                                                 Lead Scientist,                               and Certification,
     An essential element for implementation is education and               Predictive Microbiology for Food Safety,             Office of International Affairs
                                                                              USDA-Agricultural Research Service                    and Seafood Inspection
training, i.e., making sure that those performing the work under-
stand what they are doing and why. Implementation is also the
time when procedures may be tweaked. The people who are being
briefed on the protocols may have additional insights. If manage-        Printed in the United States by Dartmouth Printing, Hanover, NH.
                                                                             Copyright 2021 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., a Wiley Company. All rights reserved. No part
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and appreciated.                                                         Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923: (978) 750-8400: fax (978) 750-4470.
     Maintenance is the final part of the equation. Once procedures          All materials published, including but not limited to original research, clinical notes,
                                                                         editorials, reviews, reports, letters, and book reviews represent the opinions and views of
are in place, it is imperative that they be adhered to. There are        the authors and do not reflect any official policy or medical opinion of the institutions with
                                                                         which the authors are affiliated or of the publisher unless this is clearly specified. Materials
many different elements that make up maintenance, including              published herein are intended to further general scientific research, understanding, and
record review, internal audits, and GMP checks. While this would         discussion only and are not intended and should not be relied upon as recommending or
                                                                         promoting a specific method, diagnosis or treatment by physicians for any particular patient.
seem to be easy, it is often found to be a root cause for problems—          While the editors and publisher believe that the specifications and usage of equipment
people simply get sloppy or try to take short cuts, or take a task for   and devices as set forth herein are in accord with current recommendations and practice
                                                                         at the time of publication, they accept no legal responsibility for any errors or omissions,
granted and something gets ignored.                                      and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to material contained herein.
                                                                         Publication of an advertisement or other discussions of products in this publication should
    Richard F. Stier                                                     not be construed as an endorsement of the products or the manufacturers’ claims. Readers
                                                                         are encouraged to contact the manufacturers with any questions about the features or
    Co-Industry Editor                                                   limitations of the products mentioned.

6       F O O D Q U A L I T Y & SA F E T Y                                                                                   
FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety

Call for Entries
  2021 Annual Food Quality & Safety Award

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FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety
FDA Releases New Actions Designed                  mont Law School, notes that while this is an

                                                                                                                                                       ©HANDMADEPICTURES - STOCK.ADOBE.COM
to Reduce Toxins in Baby Food                      important first step and signals a stronger
                                                   commitment to address the issue of heavy
                                                   metals in baby foods than we’ve seen from
In response to a February 2021 report              FDA over the past few years, these actions
released by the U.S. House of Representa-          are not enough. “A few years ago, FDA con-
tives Committee on Oversight and Reform            vened a Toxic Elements Working Group to
Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer              reduce exposure to toxic elements across
Policy, FDA has issued a letter to baby and        FDA’s regulated product categories,” she
toddler food manufacturers reminding them          tells Food Quality & Safety. “The working
of their obligations under the FSMA Preven-        group prioritized lead, arsenic, cadmium,      Study: Ultrasonic Cleaning of
tive Controls for Human Food Rule to consider      and mercury, as these metals present the       Leafy Greens Could Reduce Instances
chemical hazards in foods when engaged in          highest public health risk when individu-      of Foodborne Illness
their required hazard analysis of food prod-       als are exposed at high levels. However, to    According to a new study, streams of water
ucts.                                              date, FDA has only issued voluntary guid-      carrying sound and microscopic air bub-
     FDA says it will also seek “impactful solu-   ance to address inorganic arsenic in rice      bles can clean microbial contaminants from
tions for reducing toxic elements in foods         cereal, meaning it contains nonbinding         spinach leaves more effectively than current
commonly consumed by babies and young              recommendations that can’t be enforced         washing methods.
children.” The agency also committed to            by the agency in the same way a binding             Researchers used acoustic water streams
engaging in a process to set standards and         regulation can.”                               to clean spinach leaves directly sourced from
limits for the presence of heavy metals in              Janilyn Hutchings with StateFoodSafety,   the field crop and compared the results with
baby foods.                                        a food safety education organization, says     leaves rinsed in plain water at the same ve-
     The new actions include issuing guid-         that, in addition to taking the new actions    locity. The results showed that the microbial
ance to manufacturers for “key foods”; plan-       it just announced, FDA could also work on      load on samples cleaned with the acoustic
ning to finalize its action level for inorganic    drafting action levels for inorganic arse-     streams for two minutes was significantly
arsenic in infant rice cereal, which it started    nic and lead in other baby foods. “It could    lower six days after cleaning than on those
working on in 2016; and working to finalize its    also consider appropriate action levels for    treated without the added sound and bub-
draft guidance for an inorganic arsenic action     cadmium and mercury,” she says. “As more       bles. The acoustic cleaning also caused no
level in apple juice and release a draft guid-     testing and studies are available and more     further damage to the leaves.
ance for lead action levels in juices.             widely used, the FDA will likely implement          Timothy Leighton, a professor of ultra-
     Laurie Beyranevand, director of the Cen-      more changes to ensure the safety of babies    sonics and underwater acoustics at the Uni-
ter for Agriculture and Food Systems at Ver-       and children.”                                 versity of Southampton in the U.K., invented
                                                                                                  the technology and led the research. “Our
                                                                                                  streams of water carry microscopic bubbles
                                                                                                  and acoustic waves down to the leaf,” he
                                                                                                  says. “There, the sound field sets up echoes
                                                                                                  at the surface of the leaves, and within the
                                                                                                  leaf crevices, that attract the bubbles towards
                                                                                                  the leaf and into the crevices. The sound field
                                                                                                  also causes the walls of the bubbles to ripple
                                                                                                  very quickly, turning each bubble into a mi-
                                                                                                  croscopic ‘scrubbing’ machine. The rippling
                                                                                                  bubble wall causes strong currents to move
                                                                                                                                                       ©LSTOCKSTUDIO - STOCK.ADOBE.COM

                                                                                                  in the water around the bubble and sweep
                                                                                                  the microbes off the leaf. The bacteria, bio-
                                                                                                  films, and the bubbles themselves are then
                                                                                                  rinsed off the leaf, leaving it clean and free
                                                                                                  of residues.”
                                                                                                       The report was published in Ultrasound
                                                                                                  in Medicine and Biology.

8       F O O D Q U A L I T Y & SA F E T Y                                                                    
FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety
Washington Report

                                   Congress to ­                                                                                Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-SC), chair-
                                                                                                                            man of the House Select Subcommittee

                                   Investigate COVID-19 Cases                                                               on the Coronavirus Crisis, sent a letter
                                                                                                                            to OSHA and to Tyson Foods, Smithfield

                                   at ­Meatpacking Plants
                                                                                                                            Foods, and JBS USA, which are three of the
                                                                                                                            nation’s largest meatpacking companies.
                                                                                                                            Each company has had multiple COVID-19
                                   Probe to include three processing giants, OSHA                                           outbreaks.
                                   BY KAREN APPOLD
                                                                                                                                “Public reports indicate that under the
                                                                                                                            Trump Administration, OSHA failed to ad-

                                                                                                                            equately carry out its responsibility for en-
                                            U.S. Congressional subcom-        a labor union representing approximately      forcing worker safety laws at meatpacking
                                            mittee launched an inves-         1.3 million workers, say that plants should   plants across the country, resulting in pre-
                                            tigation into widespread          have done more to protect workers. Mean-      ventable infections and deaths,” Clyburn
                                            coronavirus infections at         while, the Occupational Safety and Health     wrote. “It is imperative that the previous
                                 meatpacking plants on February 1, 2021.      Administration (OSHA) is making efforts       administration’s shortcomings are swiftly

                                 The investigation follows reports that       to improve worker safety, while the North     identified and rectified to save lives in the
                                 nearly 54,000 workers at 569 plants tested   American Meat Institute (NAMI) and the        months before coronavirus vaccinations
                                 positive for the coronavirus, and at least   three food manufacturers named in the         are available for all Americans.”
                                 270 died.                                    letter say that they have gone above and          In response, Marc Perrone, president of
                                     Some organizations such as United        beyond to ensure employee safety during       UFCW International, said in a statement,
                                 Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW),          the pandemic.                                                             (Continued on p. 10)

                                                                                                                                                  April / May 2021       9
FOODS FUNCTIONAL - Food Quality & Safety
Washington R eport

(Continued from p. 9)                             erational gaps regarding how to prevent              Wester says COVID-19 exposed OSHA’s
“Chairman Clyburn’s investigation will            further spread when a worker tests positive      weaknesses, just as it did in healthcare and
bring the transparency needed to hold the         for the virus, such as eliminating the com-      so many other infrastructure areas. “Un-
meatpacking industry accountable for the          mon practice of temporarily storing PPE on       derfunded and under resourced, OSHA
safety failures that resulted in hundreds of      a crowded, shared coat rack when workers         was most likely unprepared for the scope,
workers dying and thousands continuing            leave production areas for breaks.               scale, and consumer impact of the out-
to get sick from this virus every month.”              “In the days ahead, these gaps will         breaks, making it even more susceptible to
     Policy expert Patricia A. Wester, CEO        need to be closed and enforcement lan-           prioritizing operational needs over worker
and founder of the Association for Food           guage strengthened to prevent continued          safety. Added political pressure from the
Safety Auditing Professionals in Gaines-          outbreak events in these facilities,” Wester     White House to reopen as essential busi-
ville, Fla., also believes Congress’ letter was   says.                                            nesses would certainly have tipped the
justified and says that it highlights a serious        The letter from Congress criticized         scales even further to placing production
regulatory and jurisdictional gap between         OSHA for fining meatpacking companies            needs over employee safety,” she says.
OSHA and USDA’s Food Safety and Inspec-           based on a company’s annual revenue
tion Service (FSIS). She says food facilities     and how much they pay their executives.          Meatpacking Plants
should have followed CDC Guidance for             In response, an OSHA spokesperson tells          Tout Their Efforts
Businesses and Employers Responding               FQ&S that OSHA cites based on the hazard         Despite the Congressional subcommit-
to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to         and the maximum penalty amount set by            tee’s criticism, spokespeople for meat-
combat outbreaks, and expanded them to            Congress. When setting a penalty amount,         packing plants say their companies made
cover activities not addressed by that docu-      OSHA begins with the maximum penalty,            extensive efforts to keep workers safe.
ment, which would allow others to benefit         then makes adjustments based on various          In a February 1, 2021 statement, Keira
from their experiences. Furthermore, FSIS         factors outlined in Chapter 6 of the Field       Lombardo, chief administrative officer of
has well-defined boundaries for enforce-          Operations Manual. “While monetary               Smithfield Foods in Smithfield, Va., said,
ment action options during food safety            fines are effective enforcement tools, the       “From early in the pandemic, we have
events that OSHA appears to lack; the meat        most important outcome of an OSHA cita-          taken extraordinary measures to protect
industry might have been able to exploit          tion is that it requires the employer to abate   our team members from the virus and
that knowledge gap to further minimize            the underlying workplace hazard, remov-          we have met or exceeded the prevailing
OSHA’s enforcement actions.                       ing workers from dangerous situations,”          federal, state, and local health and safety
                                                  the spokesperson says.                           guidance.”
OSHA’s Response
In addition to Congress’ letter, in January
2021, President Biden issued an executive         Why Meatpacking Plants and Their Communities
order calling on OSHA to increase protec-         Can Be COVID-19 Hotspots
tions for workers. In response, OSHA pub-
lished new guidance to help employers             While the total number of COVID-19 cases         • Worker socioeconomic status and
and workers identify risks of exposure to         and deaths associated with the proxim-              meatpacker labor practices. Among
contracting COVID-19 in the workplace.            ity to livestock plants is estimated to be          U.S. front-line meat-processing work-
The agency is currently reviewing its en-         between 236,000 and 310,000 (6% to 8%               ers, 45% are categorized as low in-
forcement efforts related to COVID-19 to          of all U.S. cases) and 4,300 to 5,200 (3%           come, 80% are people of color, and
identify any changes that could better            to 4% of all U.S. deaths), respectively,            52% are immigrants, many of whom
                                                  as of July 21, 2020, the vast majority of           are undocumented and lack ready
protect workers and ensure equity in en-
                                                  these cases are likely related to commu-            ­access to healthcare and other worker
forcement, an OSHA spokesperson tells
                                                  nity spread outside these plants, says               protections that could facilitate
Food Quality & Safety.                            Chris Boulos, MBA, who co-authored an                COVID-19 prevention and treatment.
    The agency is also working to estab-          ­article published in the Proceedings of the         In addition, employees at these facil-
lish a new national emphasis program to            ­National Academy of Sciences about live-           ities may face incentives to continue
focus OSHA’s efforts on violations, such as         stock plants and COVID-19 transmission.            working, even while sick, through
those at meat processing plants, that put           The research cites multiple characteris-           company policies.
the largest number of workers at risk for           tics that make meat plants susceptible
contracting COVID-19.                               to local outbreaks of respiratory viruses,     The study also found evidence of com­
    In commenting on OSHA’s new guide-              including:                                     munity transmission outside the plants.
                                                    • Long work shifts in close proximity to      The data suggest that meatpacking
lines, Wester says that the new document
                                                       coworkers, difficulty in maintaining        plants feature a particularly high inten-
aligns with CDC’s COVID-19 guidance
                                                       proper face covering due to physical        sity of COVID-19 transmission among in-
document, although gaps remain in both                 demands, and shared transportation          dustrial facilities or along transportation
documents. As guidance documents, they                 among workers.                              routes, which increases the likelihood
are only recommendations, not enforce-              • Cold temperatures and powerful HVAC         that people infected within the plants in
able requirements, handicapping OSHA’s                 systems inside slaughtering plants,         turn spread the disease throughout local
enforcement authority. There are also op-              which may increase transmission risk.       communities, Boulos says.—KA

10       F O O D Q U A L I T Y & SA F E T Y                                                                   
Lombardo said the company invested         than $200 million in health and safety in-     centives that emphasize attendance over
more than $700 million in critical mea-         terventions, provided more than $160 mil-      worker health need to be eliminated,”
sures to protect employees, including           lion in bonuses and permanent increased        she says. “Testing platforms that provide
on-site COVID-19 pre-screening and test-        pay, and donated more than $50 million         real-time results need to be deployed in-
ing facilities; air purification systems; ex-   to support local communities, said Nikki       dustry-wide to prevent asymptomatic
tensive physical barriers at work stations;     Richardson, a spokesperson for the com-        transmission among workers. Better track
employee protective equipment; signifi-         pany, in February.                             and trace systems are needed to detect
cant facility modifications and expansion            JBS USA has also implemented hun-         community spread as early as possible.”
to ensure distancing in key areas, such as      dreds of safety measures, including of-             Wester says it’s also worth noting that
break and lunch rooms; thousands of san-        fering unlimited PPE, constructing per-        meat packaging plants made little mention
itation stations and prominent banners          manent physical barriers, establishing         of reduced line speed as a mitigation step.
and signage that outline and encourage          physical distancing protocols, and install-    “Instead, barriers were placed between
safe practices in multiple languages; and       ing hospital-grade ventilation systems in      workers that appear to be a sanitation night­-
additional new employees dedicated to           all facilities. JBS USA provides immediate     mare, raising the question of increased
ensuring that distancing and sanitation         testing to all symptomatic team members        food safety hazards in the future,” she says.
practices are implemented correctly.            and close contacts and has conducted                Carl S. Custer, MS, a retired food micro-
     Smithfield Foods has also imple-           more than 45,000 surveillance tests of as-     biologist in Bethesda, Md., also believes
mented liberal leave and pay policies that      ymptomatic team members to date. It has        that meatpacking facilities should have
guaranteed pay for nearly 13,000 employ-        voluntarily removed vulnerable popula-         done more to protect employees from
ees who were quarantined but did not test       tion groups with full pay and benefits, cov-   COVID-19 when it became evident that
positive for COVID-19.                          ered 100% of all COVID-19 related health       plants were hot spots. “I’ve seen floor man-
     During a February 9, 2021, earnings        expenses for team members and family           agers impede plant management safety
call, Tyson Foods’ President and CEO Dean       members enrolled in its health plan, and       policy to improve production because their
Banks announced the hiring of a chief med-      offered a $100 incentive bonus for any U.S.    bonus is based on productivity,” he says.
ical officer to ensure that the organization    team member willing to get vaccinated.         “I’ve also seen workers disregard plant
continues to remain vigilant and aggressive          In response to the congressional let-     safety policy out of ignorance and the urge
toward overall team member wellness. The        ter, NAMI, a voice for the meat and poultry    to speed up.”
company also hired 200 new nurses and           industry, issued a statement on February            UFCW’s Perrone said in statement,
administrative staff, bringing the total oc-    1, maintaining that more than $1.5 billion     “Under President Trump, OSHA was asleep
cupational health staff to almost 600 team      in comprehensive protections have been         at the switch and consistently failed to en-
members. “With these resources, we’re ad-       instituted since the spring, successfully      force the safety standards needed to pro-
vancing our health and safety priorities to     cutting average case rates for meat and        tect America‘s meatpacking workers. This
support our vaccine rollout and build our       poultry workers five times lower in Decem-     new investigation will help to shine a light
wellness programs,” Banks said.                 ber 2020 than they were in May 2020, while     on these failures and ensure the industry
     In addition, Banks said Tyson, head-       infections rocketed up by nine times for the   and regulators take the steps necessary to
quartered in Springdale, Ark., has ex-          general population in the same period.         better protect these essential workers as
tended an ongoing partnership with a clin-           “The meat and poultry industry is         the pandemic continues. As the union for
ical services provider to prepare for broad     focused on continuing these effective pro-     our country‘s meatpacking workers, UFCW
vaccine distribution and to ensure that U.S.    tections, reaffirmed by the Biden Admin-       is calling on every CEO in the industry to
team members are educated across multi-         istration, and ensuring frontline meat and     fully cooperate with this investigation so
ple languages about the COVID-19 vaccine.       poultry workers are vaccinated as soon         the American people learn the truth about
Meanwhile, thousands of team members            as possible, as employers, unions, civil       these safety failures and can trust that
continue to be tested every week; approx-       rights leaders, and governments around         immediate action will be taken to ensure
imately half of its workforce was tested as     the world agree these workers should be        these outbreaks never happen again.”
of February 9.                                  among the first vaccinated after health-            As the congressional investigation
     Tyson Foods has also invested hun-         care workers,” the organization’s state-       continues, Custer expects that establish-
dreds of millions of dollars during the pan-    ment said.                                     ments will insist that workers and super-
demic to transform its U.S. facilities with                                                    visors follow and impose CDC guidelines
protective measures, from walk-through          Others Cite Room for Improvement               regarding COVID-19. If not, they risk litiga-
temperature scanners and workstation            In contrast to the meatpacking plants and      tion and regulatory interventions. ■
dividers to social distance monitors and        NAMI, some organizations and policy ex-
always-on testing, and also provided addi-      perts had different opinions on how plants     Appold is a freelance writer based in Pennsylvania. Reach
                                                                                               her at
tional team member pay and benefits, says       have handled the pandemic.
Gary Mickelson, a company spokesperson              Wester says the meat industry needs to
for Tyson Foods.                                assess the real impact of ever-increasing        What Do You Think?
                                                                                                 Have something to say? Send your
     Since the onset of the pandemic, JBS       line speeds and finally prioritize worker
                                                                                                 thoughts to
USA, in Greeley, Colo., has invested more       safety over production demands. “In-

                                                                                                                           April / May 2021         11
Legal Update
                                                                                                     Yet, regardless of how many states en-
                                                                                                act permissive cannabis laws, antiquated
                                                                                                and scientifically unsupported federal pol-
                                                                                                icy continues to stymie industry growth.
                                                                                                Perhaps the biggest hurdle for the indus-
                                                                                                try is that marijuana remains classified
                                                                                                as a schedule I substance under federal
                                                                                                law. Schedule I substances are defined as
                                                                                                having a high potential for abuse and no
                                                                                                accepted medical use. The impact of that
                                                                                                designation, from a legal and business per-
                                                                                                spective, is difficult to overstate. It outlaws
                                                                                                the interstate transport of marijuana, bans
                                                                                                banks from doing business with legitimate
                                                                                                marijuana businesses, and generally pro-
                                                                                                hibits federally funded institutions from
                                                                                                conducting marijuana research, among
                                                                                                many other restrictions. Predictably, de-
                                                                                                scheduling marijuana is at the top of the
                                                                                                agenda for those who support legalization.
                                                                                                     Achieving that goal has proved ex-
                                                                                                ceedingly difficult, despite the unsup-
                                                                                                portable designation of marijuana as a
                                                                                                schedule I substance and the widespread
                                                                                                national support for legalization. Accord-
                                                                                                ing to a recent Gallup Poll, nearly 70%
                                                                                                of Americans support legalization. This
                                                                                                is more than at any point in the past five
                                                                                                decades. Last year, every state that held
                                                                                                a legalization referendum approved it.
                                                                                                Despite the widespread support, how-
                                                                                                ever, Congressional Republicans remain
                                                                                                largely opposed to legalization. As a result,
                                                                                                efforts to enact reform have languished in
                                                                                                Congress, and key hurdles remain in place.

 Cannabis Update                                                                                Recent Legislation
                                                                                                The lack of reform is not due to a lack
                                                                                                of legislation. Last September, the Se-
 Will 2021 be the year of cannabis reform?                                                      cure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act
 BY JOEL S. CHAPPELLE, ESQ., AND SHAWN K. STEVENS, ESQ.                                         (“SAFE Act”), the first version of which
                                                                                                was drafted in 2013, passed the House

                                                                                                with 76% support. It was the first time a
          annabis legalization in the               Less than a decade after Colorado and       stand-alone cannabis law was voted on
          United States is continuing to       Washington became the first states to le-        by the full House. The SAFE Act would
          sweep across the country at a        galize it, Virginia will become the 16th         not legalize cannabis, but it would allow
          breakneck pace. Even amidst a        state to legalize adult-use cannabis. In to-     financial institutions and insurance com-
pandemic, a shaky economy, and histori-        tal, thirty-six states (nearly three quarters)   panies to provide financial services to can-
cally unprecedented division and partisan      have legalized marijuana for medical and/        nabis businesses, opening up an ability to
rancor, ballot measures and legislation        or adult use, and that number is certain to      secure commercial loans and access credit
to legalize marijuana continue to enjoy        increase, with another dozen States con-         transactions. The bill stalled however, be-
                                                                                                                                                     ©1STUNNINGART - STOCK.ADOBE.COM

widespread bipartisan support. Arizona,        sidering adult-use legalization measures         cause Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCo-
Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota          in 2021. While not all of these states will      nnell (R-Ky.) refused to bring it up for a vote
all approved ballot initiatives in Novem-      enact legalization measures this year, at        in the Senate.
ber 2020 to legalize adult-use marijuana,      least five states (New Mexico, New York,              In December 2020, the House of Rep-
joining 11 other states that had already le-   Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Florida)          resentatives made history again when it
galized it.                                    appear likely to do so.                          passed comprehensive legislation that

12     F O O D Q U A L I T Y & SA F E T Y                                                                   
would federally legalize cannabis. The         likely remain on the back burner for the      duces high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol
Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and         time being. Even so, reform remains likely.   (THC)—the psychoactive compound that
Expungement Act (“MORE Act”) would             Consider, for instance, that Vice President   produces a “high” when consumed—
transform U.S. cannabis law and funda-         Kamala Harris was one of the original         hemp does not. Hemp produces only triv-
mentally expand the opportunities avail-       co-sponsors of a previous iteration of the    ial amounts of THC, generally insufficient
able to cannabis businesses.                   MORE Act.                                     to cause impairment. Hemp is also utilized
     Specifically, the law would remove            Certainly, cannabis issues are extraor-   for a range of nutritional and industrial
marijuana from the list of scheduled sub-      dinarily complex, transcending legal,         purposes.
stances under the Controlled Substances        social, geographical and economic bar-             While there are currently no federal
Act and eliminate federal criminal pen-        riers. Despite (or perhaps because of) the    standards for cannabinoid hemp proces-
alties for individuals who manufacture,        rapid legal and cultural shift, confusion     sors or retailers, and cannabinoid prod-
distribute, or possess marijuana (states                                                     ucts are not federally approved as dietary
would still have criminal jurisdiction over                                                  supplements or food additives, that will
marijuana offenses and would be able to          While there are currently                   likely change in the future. Given the fed-
enact the laws they deem appropriate). The                                                   eral government’s lack of action, states
MORE Act would also create a 5% federal
                                                    no federal standards                     have been active in developing regulatory
tax on cannabis products, which would              for cannabinoid hemp                      frameworks governing CBD products.
be applied toward small business loans            ­processors or retailers,                       New York, for instance, recently en-
and support for law enforcement. It would      and cannabinoid products                      acted comprehensive regulations govern-
make Small Business Administration loans                                                     ing the manufacture and sale of canna-
and services available to cannabis-related     are not federally approved                    binoid hemp products. Among the most
legitimate businesses or service providers       as dietary supplements                      notable shifts in the New York framework
and establish a process to expunge convic-     or food additives, that will                  are an allowance for more permissive THC
tions and conduct sentencing review hear-                                                    levels and the requirement that cannabi-
ings related to federal cannabis offenses.     likely change in the future.                  noid hemp processors maintain qualified
     The MORE Act was passed by the                                                          third-party GMP certifications. These are
House of Representatives, again with bi-                                                     both common sense, reasonable mea-
partisan support. The historic vote repre-     and misinformation regarding cannabis         sures. The more permissive THC allow-
sented the first time that either chamber      abound. But, as laws across the country       ances will improve outcomes for business
of Congress voted to legalize cannabis.        become more permissive, people see first-     by allowing them to address marginally
Following passage in the House, Senator        hand how beneficial cannabis legalization     higher THC levels rather than destroying
Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) commented: “I           can be. Even those who are not interested     the products. Likewise, the new certifica-
have long believed that any effort to reform   in consuming cannabis are benefitting         tion requirements will promote enhanced
our nation’s marijuana laws should also        from the massive tax windfall generated       consumer safety and confidence, giving
include significant measures to undo the       by cannabis sales. Excise and sales taxes     consumers better assurance that the prod-
harms that too many families and commu-        on cannabis raised more than $1.9 billion     ucts they purchase contain what they say.
nities have suffered as a result of the war    in 2019. Those dollars can be applied to      The New York regulations provide what is
on drugs.” With Sen. McConnell as Major-       much needed education and infrastruc-         broadly expected to be a successful frame-
ity Leader in the Senate, however, the bill    ture improvements. By contrast, enforcing     work that will likely be adopted by other
would not receive a vote in the Senate. At     cannabis prohibition laws costs taxpayers     states, and perhaps even federally.
the time, it appeared the Senate would re-     approximately $3.6 billion a year. Addi-           Only time will tell whether 2021 is the
main under Republican control, in which        tionally, legal cannabis sales totaled $9.5   year that comprehensive cannabis reform
case, meaningful reform was unlikely.          billion in 2017 and are projected to reach    finally occurs at the federal level. But at
     Following the surprise sweep by Dem-      $23 billion by 2022.                          a minimum, we are closer than we have
ocrats in the January 2021 runoff elections                                                  ever been. We have never before seen, as
in Georgia, hope for comprehensive can-        HEMP and CBD Products                         we have with cannabis, such a rapid emer-
nabis reform was revived. In a February        On the hemp front, the FDA is still in the    gence of an entire industry. Consequently,
statement issued by Sen. Schumer, along        early stages of creating its own rulemak-     it is impossible to predict what might
with fellow Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and     ing process governing non-psychoactive        come next. But given the rapid adoption
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the senators asserted:     cannabinoids in hemp, like cannabidiol        and popularity of cannabis legalization
“Ending the federal marijuana prohibition      (CBD), a compound widely credited for         initiatives across the U.S., it appears that
is necessary to right the wrongs of this       treating a variety of ailments, including     cannabis is here to stay. ■
failed war [on drugs] and end decades of       stress, pain, and seizure disorders, among
harm inflicted on communities of color         others. As a reminder to readers, the term    Chappelle is a food industry lawyer and a consultant at
across the country.” Nevertheless, given       “cannabis” includes both hemp and mar-        Food Industry Counsel, LLC. Reach him at chappelle@
the immediate health and economic cri-         ijuana. The two share many properties, Stevens, also a food industry
                                                                                             attorney, is a founding member of Food Industry Counsel,
ses facing the nation, cannabis reform will    but whereas marijuana typically pro-          LLC. Reach him at

                                                                                                                        April / May 2021         13
Global Interests
                                                                                                 retail, foodservice, and household levels,
                                                                                                 and costing more than €140 billion ($168
                                                                                                 billion) yearly when accounting for asso-
                                                                                                 ciated financial costs. Households contrib-
                                                                                                 uted the most to the total EU-28 food waste
                                                                                                 at about 53%, while processing added
                                                                                                 about 19% .
                                                                                                      Global food waste is estimated at
                                                                                                 1.3 billion tons per year, per the FAO, or
                                                                                                 more than one-third of worldwide food
                                                                                                 production. Fresh fruits and vegetables
                                                                                                 lead global food waste at 45% of the global
                                                                                                 food production, with food waste from
                                                                                                 residential homes one of the largest rates.
                                                                                                 Most of this waste goes to landfills, where
                                                                                                 conditions support generating greenhouse
                                                                                                 gases such as methane, which contribute
                                                                                                 to global warming. Those food wastes
                                                                                                 may occur due to improper handling, lack
                                                                                                 of proper storage, unsold stock, and pro-
                                                                                                 cessing (e.g., peeling, washing, drying).
                                                                                                 Other factors contributing to food losses
                                                                                                 and waste in the food supply chain include

Food Waste During COVID-19                                                                       no raw materials in the farm, no labor in
                                                                                                 the farm, limitations on transportation,
                                                                                                 or problems due to infestations, microbial
How the pandemic has impacted food waste                                                         spoilage, over ordering, equipment mal-
at the consumer level | B Y A U R O R A A . S A U L O , P H D                                    function, food culls, failure to meet prod-
                                                                                                 uct specifications, seasonal foods, bulk

                                                                                                 size packaging, overstocking, overproduc-
         ood waste is a complicated con-       stitute of Food Science & Technology, the         tion, and human error, which often results
         cept. There are various definitions   lead professional society of food science         from lack of worker training.
         from different respected units us-    and technology in the U.K., follow FAO                 At the consumer level, a consumer’s
         ing data from varying sources and     definitions.                                      different understanding of product expira-
studies using different methods. USDA               In this article, I focus on food waste, or   tion dates, product storage at inappropri-
defines food loss as the loss of edible food   the loss of food that occurs at the consumer      ate temperatures, shopping and cooking in
that occurs in the food supply chain start-    level.                                            excess of actual need, inappropriate food
ing from post-harvest and including losses                                                       management, lack of cooking skills, and
at the retail and consumer levels. The         Food Waste Estimates and Causes                   lack of knowledge of preservation prac-
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)        The USDA Economic Research Service esti-          tices further contribute to food waste.
of the United Nations defines food loss as     mates that, in 2010, food loss in the United
the decrease in the quantity or quality of     States comprised 31% of the food supply at        Influence of COVID-19
food that occurs in the food supply chain      the retail and consumer levels, or approx-        on Food Waste
from harvest/slaughter/catch, but doesn’t      imately 133 billion pounds of food, with          Did COVID-19 lead to an increase or a de-
                                                                                                                                                     ©ANDREY POPOV - STOCK.ADOBE.COM

include loss from retailers, foodservice       an estimated retail value of $162 billion.        crease in food waste?
providers, and consumers. FAO defines          The European Union’s (EU-28) total edible             Researchers of a study published in
food waste as the decrease in the quantity     and inedible food waste is estimated at 88        Environment, Development and Sustain-
or quality of food that occurs in the retail   million tons in 2012, with about 62 mil-          ability (2020) reported that during a crisis
and consumption levels of the food sup-        lion tons (or about 70% of the total food         there is a preference to save rather than
ply chain. The United Nations and the In-      waste) coming from the wholesale and              to throw, as consumers did during severe

14     F O O D Q U A L I T Y & SA F E T Y                                                                   
recessions in Greece and Italy, leading to             COVID-19 resulted in limited food supplies, higher
reduced waste. But the same research-
ers also contend that pandemic-driven
                                                     food prices, limited employment opportunities, and
disruptions such as lockdowns, storage                reduced take-home pays; however, increased time
limitations, and stockpiling, coupled with            in the home improved consumer cooking practices
the lack of consumer cooking skills and
practices, could have increased household
                                                       and food management skills, leading to improved
food waste during COVID-19.                              efficiency in food production at the consumer
    Research results published in the                   level that may have led to reduced food waste.
journal Food Policy in 2015, before the
pandemic, indicated that countries that
are most developed and have higher in-
come per capita produced larger amounts          home mandates, food shopping with in-            benefiting the world. UFA claims that
of food waste. For example, those living         creased and deliberate planning, inten-          more than 100 company members have
in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithua-          tionally decreasing shopping time at the         committed to upcycling food products
nia, and Poland produce less food waste          supermarket, and food shopping without           into new safe products. The organization
than those from Denmark, Ireland, and            family members who were prone to im-             has also developed a certification scheme
Sweden. People aged 65 and older tend to         pulse purchasing.                                that labels food using upcycled food in-
produce less food waste than their younger            Concerns about the stability of the         gredients or products, which will support
counterparts. Since females are most likely      food supply were heightened during the           their vision to “build the sustainable food
to be the primary food preparers at home,        pandemic, and no clear answers could             system of the future.” This trending as-
they are more familiar with and produce          be obtained from those who supplied              sociation of food waste with the growing
less food waste than males, according to         food to the consumers. People with high          global concern for the environment is very
the same researchers. Unemployment is            levels of NFC (need for cognitive closure)       attractive to Millennials and the younger
associated with producing less food waste        during these stressful times depended on         generations.
than employment. Those with a higher             clear answers, devoid of ambiguity or con-           COVID-19 resulted in limited food
level of education tend to have higher earn-     fusion, to manage stress. They perceived         supplies, higher food prices, limited em-
ings and produce more food waste than            that they needed more food than usual and        ployment opportunities, and reduced
those with a lower level of education. Peo-      characteristically stockpiled food without       take-home pays; however, the increased
ple living in rural areas produce less food      necessarily using it, resulting in a potential   time in the home improved the consumer’s
waste than those in urban areas, and living      increase of food waste and associated food       cooking practices and food management
in areas with less litter tends to encourage     packaging materials.                             skills, leading to an improved efficiency
residents to produce less food waste.                 In its advertisement during Super           in food production at the consumer level
    In 2017, before the pandemic, India          Bowl LV, Unilever hired a celebrity to offer     that may have led to reduced food waste.
had one of the lowest food waste rates per       tips on how to avoid food waste at home.         In addition, because employment, rather
capita (51kg, 112 lb.) in the world. On the      Food waste became trending news. But             than unemployment, is correlated with
other end of the scale, Australia reached        The Hartman Group clarified that food            increased food waste, decreased employ-
361 kg (796 lb.) while the United States had     waste has already been in the forefront of       ment and income may likewise have led to
278 kg (613 lb.), the highest rates per capita   consumer concerns, even prior to the pan-        a decrease in food waste. And, perhaps,
worldwide—more than the combined re-             demic. The group explained that, during          due to the scarcity of food supplies during
ported food waste rates of the United King-      the pandemic, consumer awareness in-             the pandemic, consumers consciously
dom, Germany, France, Italy, and Sweden.         creased such that more than half (56%)           increased their awareness of what they
During the pandemic, when researchers            of those they interviewed were willing to        should use without waste.
interviewed respondents of similar de-           increase composting food waste. Those                Thus, available research data seem
mographics and gender distribution from          were in addition to the 16% who were al-         to demonstrate that food waste has been
the U.S. and Italy about their perceived         ready composting food waste. Thus, a de-         reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
rates of food waste during COVID-19, the         crease in food waste during COVID-19 was
respondents thought their rates of food          expected.                                        Mitigation Strategies
waste had decreased, with a higher rate               A formal association between food           To develop meaningful and relevant strat-
of reduction among U.S. respondents              waste and the environment was estab-             egies, it’s necessary to have a harmonized
than those from Italy. The researchers ex-       lished by the Upcycled Food Association          global definition of food waste. To date,
plained that these decreases in food waste       in 2020, resulting in another trending ini-      strategies recommended to reduce food
may have resulted from targeted shopping         tiative. The new trend is called upcycled        waste at the consumer level (as presently
or purchasing foods that address specific        food products and is defined by UFA as           defined) include ways that many consum-
issues, such as those that strengthen the        “new, high-quality products from other-          ers are already practicing because of the
immune system, increased cooking time            wise wasted—but perfectly nutritious—in          conditions imposed on them by COVID-19.
at home due to lockdowns and stay-at-            gredients” for the world community while                                    (Continued on p. 38)

                                                                                                                       April / May 2021       15
Cannabis Corner
                                                                                              centrated. The majority of the mold should
                                                                                              be killed by extraction, but it remains to be
                                                                                              seen whether toxins that may be produced
                                                                                              by the microbes growing on moldy product
                                                                                              can still be detected in extracts.”
                                                                                                   Kevin McKernan, the chief science
                                                                                              officer of Beverly, Mass.-based cannabis
                                                                                              biotechnology firm Medicinal Genomics,
                                                                                              concurs, noting that CO2 or ethanol ex-
                                                                                              traction processes sterilize the cannabis
                                                                                              flower, but may also enrich mycotoxins
                                                                                              and pesticides in the process. “Not all mi-
                                                                                              crobial contaminants are flower derived,
                                                                                              and regulators are still looking to ensure
                                                                                              the infused products have not been con-
                                                                                              taminated downstream of the extraction
                                                                                              process,” he says.

Microbial Contamination                                                                       What kind of a threat do such processed
                                                                                              mycotoxins pose for consumers? Charles

of Cannabis-Infused Foods                                                                     T. Deibel, president of food safety testing
                                                                                              firm Deibel Laboratories, acknowledges
Testing infused food and beverages for microbial contamination
should be done, whether or not FDA insists upon it                                            Microbial Pathogens
                                                                                              Particular to Cannabis
                                                                                              Though two dozen or more pathogens

                                                                                              may infect the cannabis plant, Zamir
          annabis-infused food products          the cannabis plant to contaminate prod-      Punja, PhD, says there are roughly
          usually look just like any other       ucts downstream.                             seven that affect cannabis flower buds.
          foodstuff. In many cases, an in-           Zamir Punja, PhD, a professor of plant   Fortunately for most cannabis produc-
          fused product may taste quite          biotechnology at Simon Fraser University     ers and consumers, buds can undergo
similar to its non-infused counterpart.          in Burnaby, B.C., Canada, was lead author    an electrobeam irradiation treatment,
                                                                                              which essentially eliminates all patho-
Yet on a food safety level, the two stand        of a 2019 study that cataloged pathogens
                                                                                              gens, he says.
distinctly apart. Though cannabis flower         and molds affecting the cannabis plant. He       The problem is that some pathogens
contains a number of potentially active          notes that most of the seven or so patho-    may have the capacity to do lasting dam-
compounds, such as flavonoids and ar-            gens affecting cannabis flower buds would    age before they’re irradiated. Dr. Punja
omatic terpenes, the term “cannabis” in          not survive any solvent extraction, liquid   says that researchers are not yet certain
cannabis-infused product refers primarily        carbon dioxide, or temperatures higher       of how microbes that produce toxins may
to the addition of active cannabinoids—          than 60º C.                                  affect a contaminated bud.
chiefly, tetrahydrocannabinol and/or                 “I would consider these methods to           Among the fungi that produce tox-
cannabidiol, but also cannabigerol and           have eliminated living microbes,” Dr.        ins are Botrytis, Fusarium, Penicillium,
cannabinol. Such cannabinoids are usu-           Punja says. “What we don’t yet know is       and Aspergillus, all of which may afflict
                                                                                                                                                  ©KATERYNA_KON - STOCK.ADOBE.COM

                                                                                              a cannabis plant. Importantly, the toxins
ally received from cannabis extractors in        what would happen if a contaminated bud
                                                                                              these fungi produce are heat stable and
the form of cannabinoid distillate. Due to       has [fungal] growth on it and the microbe    may survive solvent extraction. However,
the heat and chemical extremes required          produces a toxin. Some of these toxins can   Dr. Punja stresses, the science surround-
to extract cannabinoids to distillate, this is   survive solvent extraction and are heat      ing the understanding of these fungi in
good news for those worried about the po-        stable. So, they may survive through the     cannabis is emerging and has not yet
tential for microbial pathogens endemic to       extraction process, and possibly be con-     been settled.—JS

16      F O O D Q U A L I T Y & SA F E T Y                                                               
Dr. Punja’s and McKernan’s concerns,                                            more likely that the pathogen is introduced         “In California, each batch of cannabis
 but he’s not certain how much we should                                         from the food product itself rather than the   is tested for E. coli, Salmonella, Aspergillus,
 worry about them. “Aspergillus produces                                         cannabis component.”                           and mycotoxins, says Glauser. “In Oregon,
 an extremely heat-stable toxin aflatoxin,”                                          It’s the food product, not the cannabis,   there is no requirement for microbial test-
 Deibel says. “[Aflatoxin] is an extremely                                       that makes infused products so compli-         ing yet, but that is expected to change in
 stable toxin structure, and it can absolutely                                   cated, because, while infused foods com in     2021. In other states, product is tested for
 survive some of the processing to make dis-                                     an increasingly wide variety of shapes, fla-   yeast and mold. In Massachusetts, product
 tillate, but it’s rare. You’re just looking at a                                vors, and permutations, infused products       is tested for all of the above, plus coliforms
 numbers game. Bacteria are a hell of a lot                                      are not subject to FDA oversight. “As soon     and certain bacteria.”
 more prevalent in recalls and [incidences                                       as you put THC in a food product, the FDA           But even between states that test for
 of] foodborne [illness] than some of these                                      says, ‘Not my jurisdiction,’” says Deibel.     the same pathogens, differences may arise,
 oddball toxins like aflatoxin.”                                                     When it comes to infused food prod-        says McKernan, who stresses that the sam-
      Not just bacteria, says Lori Glauser, co-                                  ucts, FDA treats them more like medicine       ple size requirements, targets, and thresh-
 founder and interim CEO of Nevada canna-                                        than like food, says Glauser. “The FDA         olds for failure differ from state to state.
 bis testing firm EVIO Labs. Before infused                                      requires that manufacturers have ‘reason-           All that testing is less demanding
 foods and beverages go to market, produc-                                       able assurance that food is not adulter-       than that required of food products un-
 ers are also testing for a variety of patho-                                    ated,’ and will perform sampling of certain    der FDA, adds Deibel, who says that food
 gens. “We test the final product, not just the                                  commodities.” But the safety of THC-in-        producers subject to FDA oversight must
 cannabis ingredient,” Glauser says. “When                                       fused foods is overseen at the state level     test many more batches of higher weights
 testing for yeast, mold, E. coli, Salmonella,                                   alone, and the differences in requirements     than are ever demanded of edible cannabis
 and mycotoxins in infused products, it is                                       from state to state vary widely.               products.                    (Continued on p. 38)

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                                                                                                                                                       April / May 2021      17
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