FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG

Page created by Glenn Barrett
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG

                                     AUGUST • SEPTEMBER 2016

                                AMANDA HAASBROEK
                                WINS R10 000 JOHN DEERE
                                CLOTHING VOUCHER

Potchefstroom    EQUIPMENT & JOHN DEERE
                 ♦ John Deere Gator – R230 000 ✔
     and Parys   ♦ Trip for 2 to Mauritius – R80 000 ✔

FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
CO N T E N T S         •••

 4                                   8                                                                18

EDITOR'S LETTER                                         TRADE NEWS                                           ON THE COVER
 2 To win!		                     16 Precision farming – the basic
                                    principles                                                               The WIN BIG with Senwes Equip-
                                                                                                             ment and John Deere competition,
GENERAL               		20 Precision farming – a new
                                                                                                             2016 is in full swing. Readers stand
 3 Cartoon: Pieter & Tshepo         approach
                                                                                                             a chance to win a John Deere
 3 Heard all over                23 Reach your full potential with                                           Gator to the value of R230 000, as
                                    Senwes Precision farming 		                                              well as a holiday in Mauritius to
MAIN ARTICLE 		 at Senwes Equipment                                                                          the value of R80 000.
 4 Financial Results with        28 Pre-season inspection of planting
    Francois Strydom                equipment                                                                Amanda Haasbroek, winner of the
                                 31 Joint efforts make Majwemasweu                                           first leg of the competition, and
IN THE SPOTLIGHT                    Computer Centre a reality
                                                                                                             her son, Marnus, appear on the
12 There’s no stopping De Beer!                                                                              cover The Managing Executive of
                                    in Brandfort
                                                                                                             Senwes Equipment, Ferdie Pieterse
                                 33 Senwes Spinners celebrate
AREA FOCUS 		 10 years at the crease                                                                         and the John Deere Area Manager,
 8 Between rivers: Potchefstroom                                                                             Philip du Plessis, handed over the
                                 46 The new petrol in 		                                                     R10 000 clothing voucher prize to
    and Parys
                                    Fuel Division's tank                                                     Amanda.
NEWS                                                    COLUMNS                      		                      Prizes to the value of more than
15 Senwes lists on ZAR X                                36    Safex Scenario’s with Susari                   R320 000 are up for grabs in the
22 Win big with Senwes 		                               40    Grain Market Prospects		                       competition and the time to enter
   Equipment and John Deere                                                                                  is now - an sms or e-mail can make
                                                        44    Come rain, come shine
22 Amanda Haasbroek wins R10 000                                                                             you a winner. More information is
                                                        48    Load development: achieve the
   clothing voucher		                                                                                        available in the Senwes Scenario
                                                              accuracy potential of your rifle               article and advertisement.
24 Senwes forges partnerships to                        51    Where there's a will there's a way
   support Bultfontein producers                        54    Future focus			                                More news is that Senwes part-
27 Senwes Equipment technicians                         57    Ointment for the soul		                        nerships helped the Bultfontein
   among John Deere top 10		                            59    Gardening Tips                                 community and in this edition we
34 Your 10 Key Account Managers at                                                                           focus on Potchefstroom and Parys,
   Senwes Credit                                                                                             where Senwes has several busi-
34 John Deere retail outlet at Senwes                                                                        ness units and the spotlight falls
                                                        59 Win with Hannon
   head office			                                                                                            on producer, Nico de Beer.
                                                        60 Win a copy of Jou
37 Know your Certisure personnel –
                                                           voetpad na vrede
   Riana Rudolph
46 Hinterland part of shooting 		                                                                                                Make sure you
                                                        WOMEN			                                                                    receive the
   competition		                                        60 Milanie Vosloo
52 Senwes goes solar                                                                                                                  eScenario
                                                                                                                               r       newsletter
                                                                                                                     a rioette        bi-monthly for
                                                                                                                   n s   l      
                                                                                                               S ce ew            relevant company
                                                                                                              e -n            and industry news.
                                                                                                               e            Sign in at

             Read the Senwes Scenario online at or download the Scenario app.
       ‘Like’ us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at @ReadScenario

                                                                                                      SENWES Scenario • AUG/SEP 2016                   1
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
•••                   E D I TO R ' S L ET T E R

                       To win!                                                                      editor in chief
                                                                                               Marlon Abrahams
                                                                                                Tel: 018 464 7349

      WINNING IS THE SWEET                   the effect of two seasons had to be
                                                                                                 Aubrey Kruger
                                             countered in order to achieve the
      TASTE OF VICTORY FOR                   profit of R156 million. Various                    Tel: 018 464 7449
      MOST PEOPLE. WE ARE                    mechanisation and precision farm-
                                             ing articles appear in this edition
      TAUGHT THE IMPOR-                      to help producers counter the im-
                                                                                                  Mariëtte Hugo
      TANCE OF WINNING                       pact of the previous season and to                 Tel: 018 464 7505
                                             achieve success in the next season. 
      FROM CHILDHOOD. THE                        Winning is also the name of
      AMERICAN FOOTBALL                      the game with the upcoming local                    design and layout
                                             elections in August. The Senwes                      Mercia Venter
      COACH, HENRY RUS-                      Potchefstroom and Parys business-   
      SELL SANDERS, SAID                     es and local places of interest are
                                             on the menu in this edition. In                         contributors
      IN 1950: “WINNING IS                   the Spotlight focuses on Potchef-           Thys Grobbelaar, Carl Fourie, Willie
      NOT EVERY THING, IT                    stroom producer, Nico de Beer.             Human, Jaco Kruger, Henfred Linde,
                                                 The middle of the hunt-                  Jenny Matthews, Ds Carel Botma,
      IS THE ONLY THING.”                    ing season is a good time to                Ds Willie Botha, Susari Geldenhuys,
                                             publish Frans Dreyer's article             Luan van der Walt, Pieter van Eeden,
                                             on load development, which                     Petrus van Staden, Vossie van

                                             focuses on a more successful                    Straaten en Milanie Vosloo.
                 owever, it does not mean    hunting experience for you.
                 that the other 99.99% are       Our Senwes Equipment                                 subscription
      losers. When you look at the term      technicians are doing very well,                     Marie Erasmus
      winning, it has a number of other                                                          Tel: 018 464 7568
                                             with three technicians having
      meanings, such as to be successful                                                        Faks: 018 464 7772
                                             achieved places in the Top 10 -
      at something, to conquer certain                                           
                                             all striving to be the winner.
      circumstances and to be an achiev-         The Summer Olympic Games
      er - it is a wonderful, exciting       will be taking place in Au-
      and hair-raising experience which      gust, where our sportsmen and                             Posbus 31,
      cannot be described to anyone.         women will make us proud to                              Klerksdorp,
          The WINNING theme is very          be South Africans. I would like                              2570
      relevant at present. Our Senwes        to conclude with the words of                         Tel: 018 464 7800
      Equipment and John Deere com-          a sports legend, football coach
      petition has been launched with a      Vince Lombardi: “To win is not                              printing
      R230 000 John Deere Gator and          everything, but the will to win is".                      Colorpress
      a holiday for two in Mauritius to          Stay positive, retain the                         Tel: 011 493 8622
      the value of R80 000 up for grabs.     will to win and tackle the new
      For a chance to win, simply send       season with new enthusiasm.
      an sms or e-mail. As in every edi-
      tion, Milanie Vosloo and Hannon        Aubrey Kruger                          •    All rights in terms of the content of Senwes
      competitions can also be entered.      EDITOR                                      Scenario are reserved in terms of the provisions
                                                                                         of Article 12 (7) of the Copyright Act.
          Our Group Chief Executive
                                                                                    •    The owner and publisher accept no responsibility
      Officer, Francois Strydom, gives                                                   for any comments in adverts, promotion articles
                                                                                         or from contributors.
      his views on the 2015/2016
      financial results and tells us how

 2    AUG/SEP 2016 • SENWES Scenario
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
T HIS A N D T HAT       •••

                                          Pieter & Tshepo

Winner of the R10 000 John Deere
clothing voucher in the Senwes
Equipment and John Deere Selfie-
“MY husband, Nardus’ love for              WIN BIG with Senwes Equipment and John Deere. A John Deere Gator to
John Deere rubbed off on me.”
                                           the value of R230 000 and a vacation of R80 000 to Mauritius must still
                                           be won. Enter now!!!
Political Analyst                        through government-initiated land
In an article in Farmers' Weekly after   reform programmes, but also as a         STAND BY PRODUCERS
his visit to Nampo Harvest Day, where    result of market transactions. ”         IN DROUGHT
he formed part of the Nation in                                                   The Agri SA Drought
                                         JOHANNES MÖLLER
Conversation panel.                                                               Disaster Fund needs your
                                         Agri SA’s President                      help.
“THE discussions are definitely          Agri SA’s drought relief fund has
the best publicity which
                                         achieved many milestones and helped      HOW TO MAKE YOUR DONATION
agriculture has received over the
                                                                                  Donations can be made via the
last 20 years. This is due to the        thousands of farmers and people in       webpage www.droogteramp-
efforts of the progressive team          need since its inception in December with various payment
at Nation in Conversation, and           2015.                                    options like EFT, Credit cards,
in particular Francois Strydom,                                                   Check and Debit cards, SnapScan
Chief Executive of Senwes, who           “DONORS are free to                      or by SMS at R30 per SMS.
is the driving force behind these        participate – and make direct
discussions.”                            contributions to the drought             WHY MUST I CONTRIBUTE?
                                         relief fund. We are thankful for all     Senwes appeals to all concerned
ERNEST PRINGLE                           individuals, companies and large         South Africans to stand by our
                                         corporates contributing to the           producers because they play
Chairman of Agri SA Agricultural
                                         fund. By doing so they are making        a critical role in the food se-
Development Policy Committee             a remarkable difference in the lives     curity of this country and the
When he alluded to the fact that the     of our farmers, farm workers and         economy of the countryside.
87/13% figure is often quoted as if      farming communities.”
white commercial farmers still own                                              FRANCOIS STRYDOM
                                         PETER VAN KETS
87% of the land.                                                                Senwes Group Chief Executive
                                         Adventurer and motivational
“THE Stats SA survey of 2009             speaker at the Senwes Client Forum     “THERE is no longer a time on
indicated that commercial                at Parys on his view about the         any farm which is not a busy time.
farms cover about 67% of                                                        Only the guy driving past your
the country. The WinDeed                                                        farm thinks that you are not busy.
information illustrates that this        “IMPOSSIBLE is not a fact. You         The guy who has been on the
picture is changing, not only            must turn risks into challenges.”      farm, knows differently!”

                                                                        SENWES Scenario • AUG/SEP 2016               3
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
•••   MA IN AR TI C LE

      Financial Results
               with Francois Strydom
                 IN ORDER TO PUT             grain carry-over stock levels de-      lion and cash of R500 million was
                                             creased in terms of utilisation ca-    generated from our operating ac-
                  A YEAR SUCH AS             pacity. Secondly our client base is    tivities. The cash is critical for our
                    THIS INTO PER-           under pressure. Producers are cut-     interest account, with clients being
                                             ting back on capital items and cost    under severe cash flow pressure, an
                 SPECTIVE, NOTH-             savings are the order of the day.      increased balance sheet and more
                  ING SHOULD BE              Volumes are lower and margins are      money being spent on financing
                                             shrinking, which are preventing        costs. In addition the dividend
                    EVALUATED IN             stock levels from increasing. This     policy has to be maintained. We
                  ISOLATION. YOU             is putting pressure on the balance     still delivered a return on equity of
                                             sheet due to higher costs. All these   8,5%. The net asset value was 48,7
                    FIRST HAVE TO            things resulted in a lower profit,     cents per share higher, despite the
                ESTABLISH WHERE              the R156 million net profit reflect-   difficult conditions, which means
                                             ed for the past financial year.        that Senwes is still increasing
                     YOU ARE IN A                                                   shareholder value. A final dividend
                   LONGER CYCLE.             THE EFFECT OF TWO SEASONS              of 20 cents per share was declared,
                                             We are experiencing the effect of      which brings the total dividend for
                                             two seasons - the previous year's      the year to 45 cents per share. A
                                             crop and the new year's plant-         dividend yield of 3,9% on opening
                                             ings. A very small crop with low       market price is therefore reflected.
        AUBREY KRUGER                        volumes are expected for the new
                                             year, due to the fact that planting    THE DIFFERENT BUSINESSES DURING
      LOOKING BACK ON THE SUPER              levels were 32% lower. The 68%         THE PAST YEAR
      COMMODITY CYCLE UNTIL 2010             hectares which were planted also       Grain flows were lower, but still
      A super commodity cycle was            rendered sub-optimal yields.           good over the past year. Grainlink
      experienced from 2000 to 2010,         Where we normally handle ap-           delivered relatively good results
      due to the fact that these were        proximately 2,6 million tons of        and we are well-positioned as far
      good rainfall years. The best of two   grain, we will only be handling        as grain management ability is
      worlds was experienced, character-     approximately 1 million this year.     concerned and cost efficiency is
      ised by higher production due to                                              receiving focused attention. Input
      higher prices, increased volumes       WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF THE ABOVE?       businesses were under pressure,
      and a growing GDP.                     The effect on the net profit           but Grainovation and Certisure
                                             Iine was R100 million in the           managed to deliver good results.
      2010 TO 2015 CYCLE                     2015/2016 financial year. The po-      Senwes Credit was also under
      However, the cycle changed from        tential for the current year is R150   pressure.
      2010/2011. Over the past six pro-      million less. In reality the drought
      duction seasons we experienced         will have an impact on three years.    EXPECTATIONS FOR THE NEW YEAR
      three bad years, the last having       The effect for the 2017/2018 year      Lower grain volumes will result
      been the worst, as well as one         is estimated at R40 million to R50     in pressure on divisions. Clients
      normal and one average year. This      million - a total potential impact     will have less available capital and
      situation was worsened by the fact     of R300 million.                       the repayment ability of clients
      that it followed on 2014/2015,                                                will also be under pressure. We are
      which had been a sub-optimal           2015/2016 FINANCIAL YEAR               facing a difficult year and we will
      year.                                  Senwes had a turnover of R9,2 bil-     have to be very effective.
          For Senwes it meant that our       lion and a net profit of R156 mil-                     > CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

 4    AUG/SEP 2016 • SENWES Scenario
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
                                                                                             FINANSIËLE RESULTATE

 Die mees volatiele landbousiklus ooit
                         36,8%         WINS NA BELASTING
                                                                                                                           R156 m
                         Die strafste El Niño droogte in die geskiedenis het die afgelope seisoen geheers. Dit was in opvol-
                         ging van ‘n droë seisoen in die 2014/15 jaar en is grootliks verantwoordelik vir die swakker resul-
                         tate van Senwes se operasionele divisies, filiale en gesamentlike ondernemings.

                         54,9%         GENORMALISEERDE WESENSVERDIENSTE
                                                                                                                              79 s/a
                         Die daling in genormaliseerde wesensverdienste per aandeel is toeskryfbaar aan dieselfde faktore
                         wat verantwoordelik is vir die daling in netto wins na belasting, maar sluit beëindigde bedrywe uit.

                           0,8%        DIVIDENDOPBRENGS
                                                                                                                               3,9 %
                         Ten spyte van ‘n laer dividend, dui die dividendopbrengs van 3,9% steeds op stabiele kontantvloei
                         vir beleggers.

         Die wins na belasting het van R247 miljoen na R156 miljoen verlaag, terwyl die genormaliseerde wesensverdienste verlaag het van 175 s/a na 79
         s/a. Goeie kontant is egter gegenereer uit die bedryfsaktiwiteite van R164 miljoen, nadat dividende en rente van R89 miljoen en R164 miljoen
         onderskeidelik betaal is. Die opbrengs op ekwiteit beloop 8,5% en is die laagste in die afgelope dekade. Senwes het weens die verhoogde risiko
         van droogte gevolglik meer kapitaal gereserveer ten einde in te staan vir die verhoogde risiko’s.
                                                                 BYDRAE TOT TOTALE WINS

                                                                                                                                     BYDRAE TOT TOTALE WINS
                                                                 UIT BEDRYFSAKTIWITEITE

                                                                                                                                     UIT BEDRYFSAKTIWITEITE
                           70%                                                                 28%                                                             2%
                           MARKTOEGANG                                                         FINANSIËLE DIENSTE                                              INSETVERSKAFFING
             Senwes Grainlink se finansiële resultate is beïn-                       Droogtetoestande het produsente ge-                           Die negatiewe klimaatsomstandighede
             vloed deur hoër oordragvoorraad en verbeter-                            noop om minder aan te plant, wat ‘n                           het ‘n beduidende invloed op Senwes
             de voorraad- en kostebestuur. Ten spyte van ‘n                          afplatting in die opname van produksie-                       Equipment se verkope gehad. Ten spyte
             onder gemiddelde oesjaar is die markaandeel                             krediet reflekteer. Senwes Credit was                         van die negatiewe toestande het Senwes
             gehandhaaf en word dit gereflekteer in die                              omsigtig en alhoewel balansstate en                           Equipment ‘n rekord hoogtepunt met
             goeie netto resultaat. Tradevantage het bo                              sekuriteitsposisies van kliënte steeds sterk                  betrekking tot sy markaandeel behaal.
             verwagting presteer ten opsigte van volumes.                            is, is ‘n groot algemene voorsiening in                       JDI het bo verwagting goed presteer
             Verhandelingsmarges is egter onder druk aan-                            die proses geskep. Twee opeenvolgende                         met ‘n resultaat wat dié van die vorige
             gesien die mark nie drakoste ten volle vergoed                          droogtejare het ‘n impak op die kliënt se                     jaar oorskry. Hinterland het te midde
             het vir vooruitkontrakte nie. Tradevantage het                          terugbetaalvermoë en die herstel hiervan                      van die baie droë seisoen in die weste-
             homself ook in die geelmieliemark as erkende                            sal waarskynlik meer as een seisoen neem.                     like gedeelte van sy bedieningsgebied,
             markspeler gevestig. Nieteenstaande volume-                             Die Certisure vennootskap tussen NWK en                       steeds aanvaarbare volumes ten opsigte
             druk het Grainovation bo verwagting goed                                Senwes het in die uitdagendste landbou-                       van insetprodukte behaal, terwyl goeie
             presteer en sy markaandeel is ook suksesvol                             jaar in dekades daarin geslaag om marges                      groei vanaf ‘n lae basis in die oostelike
             uitgebrei.                                                              en winste te handhaaf.                                        gedeelte behaal is. Die effek van die af-
                                                                                                                                                   gelope seisoen se droogte sal waarskyn-
 VOORUITSIGTE                                                                                                                                      lik ook ‘n impak hê op die komende
 Weens die 32% afskaling in hektare aangeplant vir die 2016/17 bemarkingseisoen en ‘n swak                                                         seisoen se volumes. Alhoewel Prodist
 oesopbrengsverwagting op die 68% hektare wat wel aangeplant is, verwag Senwes ‘n uitda-                                                           goed gediversifiseer is ten opsigte van
 gende 2016/17 finansiële jaar. Alhoewel die verhoging in kommoditeitspryse gedeeltelik opmaak                                                     produkreeks en klantebasis, word dit ook
 vir die verlaagde volumes, sal die produsenteklant na verwagting eers sy skuldvlakke normaliseer                                                  beïnvloed deur landboutoestande en die
 alvorens hy spandering op kapitaalgoedere voortsit. Voorts is heelwat insetmiddele vir hektare                                                    stand van die ekonomie. Die algemene
 wat nie aangeplant is nie, reeds in die vorige finansiële jaar aangekoop en sal die kleinhandels- en                                              handelsprodukreeks toon wel goeie groei
 direkte insetbesighede nie vanaf die normale basis hul produkte bemark nie. Die graanbesigheid                                                    in moeilike marktoestande.
 sal die volle impak van die afskaling, sowel as die verlaagde oesopbrengste, ervaar en boonop met
 ‘n baie lae oordragvoorraad die nuwe jaar moet aanpak.

             DIVIDENDVERKLARING                                                              VERKORTE JAAREINDSTATE
             ‘n Dividend van 20 s/a (2015: 26 s/a) is verklaar vir alle                      Die verkorte jaareindstate vir die jaar geëindig 30 April 2016 is beskikbaar op die in-
             aandeelhouers geregistreer as sulks op die aandeleregis-                        ternet by of kontak die maatskappysekretaris, mev Elmarie Joynt,
             ter op 26 Augustus 2016 en die dividend sal na verwag-                          by 018 464 7104 of per e-pos by vir ‘n kopie daarvan.
             ting teen 2 September 2016 betaal word. Op las van die                          Die volledige finansiële state, slegs in Engels, sal op ongeveer 25 Julie 2016 op die
             direksie.                                                                       internet beskikbaar wees.

   DIREKTEURE: JDM Minnaar (Voorsitter), SF Booysen (Ondervoorsitter), F Strydom (Groep Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte)*, CF Kruger (Groep Hoof Finansiële
 Beampte)*, JMB Maswanganyi (Groep Uitvoerende Direkteur)*, ZBM Bassa, JBH Botha, AJ Kruger, NDP Liebenberg, JJ Minnaar, AK Olivier**, TF van Rooyen,
                                WH van Zyl, AG Waller, Maatskappysekretaris EM Joynt. *(Uitvoerend) **(Alternatief)
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
•••   MA IN AR TI C LE
      Financial results

      CHANGE THE DNA OF THE COMPANY           thereby assisted by the agri-econ-     farm himself out of trouble. We
      BY MEANS OF CLIENT FOCUS AND            omist to generate cash, in order to    have to be patient with the repay-
      INTEGRATION                             be able to buy a tractor next year.    ment of previous season’s debt and
      Client focus                                                                   we have to assist with financing for
      Normally Senwes and the client sit      Integration                            the new year. We are in a make-or-
      at opposite sides of the table. It is   An overlapping of 30% exists           break year.
      now expected from Senwes to walk        in respect of the client bases of
      around the table and to assist the      the different Senwes divisions.        WHAT DO WE NEED AT THIS TIME?
      client with his business, long-term     It means that there is a 70% po-       BOARD, PERSONNEL, CLIENTS AND
      requirements and solutions. We          tential for divisions to introduce     SUPPLIERS
      should no longer just sell a pro­       clients to one another. Potentially    A committed board of directors
      duct - we should sell solutions.        it could have an impact of R100        and committee structures which
          Secondly the Senwes structure       million on the bottom line. There      focus on their work, as well as
      is divided into different divisions     is a huge ability internally to gen-   exceptional personnel who re-
      - focus and skills are structured       erate a higher income.                 main motivated, despite the daily
      separately, which makes sense in-                                              challenges, are of the utmost im-
      ternally. However, this should not      WHAT HAVE WE DONE?                     portance in such a difficult year.
      prevent us from serving the client      Financial facilities were renegoti-    A client base which understands
      in an integrated manner.                ated and increased by R1 billion       what we are going through and
          If you sell tractors, you should    due to the financial pressure on       which realises the value of having
      tell your client when he does not       clients, but also for the purpose of   a partner such as Senwes, who
      need a tractor, but rather mecha-       financing Senwes’ internal growth.     walks around the table to assist the
      nisation planning. Then you are         Remember: the client cannot save       client, is also critical. Input suppli-
      busy with integration. The client is    himself out of trouble. He has to      ers to support us during difficult
                                                                                     cycles are also very important.

                                                                                     SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE
                                                                                     I would like our business to make
                                                                                     a meaningful contribution to the
                                                                                     community, the economic activ-
                                                                                     ities of our community, the pro-
                                                                                     duction ability and to the people
                                                                                     working for Senwes. Only then
                                                                                     will we be making an effective and
                                                                                     productive contribution to South
                                                                                     Africa. Do the right things right in
                                                                                     order to make a positive contribu-
                                                                                     tion to South Africa.
                                                                                         I would like to thank you and
                                                                                     at the same time appeal to you to
      First JD 9570 RX Delivered                                                     try even harder to improve your-
                                                                                     self, Senwes, the community and
      Wesselsbron maize producer Lourens van der Linde and his son                   South Africa in the process. We
      Lourens take delivery of their new John Deere 9570RX which they                have nowhere else to go. We have
      snapped up at Nampo for a pretty penny. Senwes Equipment’s Wessel              to make our country work!
      Visagie handed over the keys on the Van der Linde farm, Klein Con-                 Thank you to every staff mem-
      stantia, on Thursday, 14 July 2016 just in time to be included as a            ber who worked hard this year and
      photo caption in this edition. Senwes Equipment Managing Executive             who will face the new year and the
      Ferdie Pieterse says this incredible machine made quite an impression          future with courage.
      at Nampo! Don’t miss the next edition of Scenario for the full story.

 6    AUG/SEP 2016 • SENWES Scenario
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
                     in the vanguard of technology

  StarFire™ 6000 Receiver              GreenStar™ 2 1800                JDLink
  Compatibility                        • Scroll wheel for easy
                                                                        • Takes your operation
  • Same mounting bracket as             navigation
                                       • USB port for data                to the next level
     StarFire 3000 deluxe shroud
                                         transfers                        of productivity and
  • Same wiring harness
                                                                          efficiency – without
     connector and RTK radios
                                       GreenStar™ 3 2630                  leaving the office
     as Starfire 3000
                                       • Provides full monitoring       • Connects your machines
  • Compatible with previous
                                         and control over all the         in the field with the
     and current GreenStar
                                         agricultural management          office or your mobile
                                         solutions you use in your        device
  • Increased performance                John Deere machines            • Enables you:
  • New features:
                                                                          – to keep track of your
     – Reprogrammable via              GreenStar™ 2 Rate                    fleet
        USB port on receiver           Controller
                                                                          – monitor work progress
     – Integrated data logger          Enables rate and section           – manage logistics
     – Optional locking device         control of non-ISOBUS              – access important
     – SF1 and RTK performance         implements by serving
                                                                            machine information
        will remain the same as        as the interface for your
                                       GreenStar display.                 – analyse and optimise
        the SF 3000
                                                                            machine performance
                                       Controls fertiliser, chemical,
                                                                          – receive SMS alerts or
                                            nutrient and seed
       Universal Autotrack™                                                 e-mail messages
       • Easy to install                                                  – perform remote
       • Compatible with SF1,                                               operator support
         SF2 and RTK                                                      – automate data
       • ATU works with                                                     exchange
         GS2, GS3 and
         GS 1800 displays

My choice, my Senwes.
At Senwes Equipment we know what our clients want and
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dealer we guarantee your access to the latest developments.
We ensure that you have the best that money has to offer.

CALL CENTRE: 018 464 7550/3
FOCUS ON Potchefstroom and Parys - WIN BIG
•••   A REA F O C U S

                       e n r i ve r s :
                        a n d Pa r ys
     tc h e fs t ro o m
                                                                                                      The NG Kerk Mooirivier
      WOULD BE QUITE SUITABLE TO                                                                        is just one of many
      DESCRIBE POTCHEFSTROOM AND                                                                          old buildings in

        AUBREY KRUGER                        cation of leader and of course the   top schools such as the Potch

                                             'stroom' which refers to the Mooi    Boys High and Potch Girls High
             otchefstroom... city of         River.                               (1874), Potch Gimnasium (1907)
             willows, with its oak lanes,                                         and Hoër Volkskool (1927), as
      students and pubs. That is how         EDUCATIONAL CENTRE                   well as other excellent primary and
      most of us know the city. This         Potchefstroom is uncondition-        high schools, add to the character
      Northwest city was founded by the      ally the city of education with      of education.
      Voortrekkers in 1838. Although         the Northwest University, which
      there are numerous explanations,       started out as the Potchefstroomse   SPORTS: SENWES PARK
      the most general one is that the       Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër    Senwes Park is undoubtedly an
      name comes from 'Pot', being           Onderwys in 1869. In addition        excellent stadium. Senwes ob-
      the Voortrekker leader Andries         to the Potchefstroom Teachers        tained the naming rights years ago
      Potgieter, 'chef' which is an indi-    Training College, a number of        and will retain these rights until
                                                                                  at least 2017. The stadium is of
                                                                                  an international standard and is
                                                                                  home to the Northwest Dragons
       Senwes Park is the proud home of the NW                                    and Highveld Lions. The Chief
       Dragons and Highveld Lions.
                                                                                  Executive of Northwest Cricket,
                                                                                  Heinrich Strydom, says that this
                                                                                  stadium is the only stadium which
                                                                                  ever accommodated two world
                                                                                  champions, namely Australia
                                                                                   during the 2003 Cricket World

                                                                                   Heinrich Strydom is the CEO of
                                                                                   North West Cricket.

 8    AUG/SEP 2016 • SENWES Scenario
A RE A F O CUS         •••

                                                                             The Potchefstroom silo consists of 13
                                                                             bins. The old silo was erected in 1972
                                                                             with the new section erected in 1986.

                                                                                        The Potchefstroom silo
                                                                                        team believes in excel-
                                                                                        lent service! Here is Peter
                                                                                        King (Silo manager),
                                                                                        Johannes Koloane (Relief
                                                                                        Assistant Silo Manager),
                                                                                        Chris Kgopelelo,
                                                                                        Johannes Morakanele
                                                                                        and Edwin Monchusi
                                                                                        (General Workers) as well
                                                                                        as Lebohang Tsiu (Junior

Cup and Spain during the 2010          BRANCH HISTORY                           keng (Gottenburg), Fanie Xalabile
Soccer World Cup. Apart from the       The branch moved to its current          (Willemsrus), Stoffel Ralengoele
fact that 17 one-day international     location years ago, after initially      (Tierfontein) and Pule Mothibedi
matches and a cricket test have        being located across the road.           (Regina) being the other four.
been hosted at the stadium, many       The old building was sold on 14
other events are held there, such as   August 2002 and the branch has           UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS OF
Aardklop, Stadium Golf, Stadium        been situated on the new premises        POTCHEFSTROOM SILO 208
Bowls, Carols by Candlelight and       for the past 14 years. The fuel          The silo has 13 bins. The old silo
many more. In September this           station on the corner is unique in       was erected in 1972 - 4 large silo
year the Potch Vegas Student Festi-    the sense that it is open 24 hours       bins of between 4 200 tons and 4
val and Dinner at the Pitch will be    a day - one of only three branches       800 tons each, as well as 4 small
taking place at the stadium.           offering this service, with Bloem-       silo bins of 1 100 tons each.
    Being home to the Fanie du         fontein and Wesselsbron being                The new silos were erected in
Toit sports grounds, where ath-        the other two. This is definitely        1986 – 5 silo bins of between 7
letes of world quality train, and      Senwes country, with surrounding         500 tons and 8 500 tons each.
Olënpark, the home of Leopards         branches in Ventersdorp, Klerks-
Rugby, explain why the city is also    dorp, Parys, Oberholzer as well as       AGRI POTCHEFSTROOM
known as the sports mecca. The         Viljoenskroon.                           The Chairman of Agri Potchef-
cherry on the top is that the Pukke                                             stroom, Jannie Keet, says that
are presently the Varsity champi-      POTCH SILO                               they have approximately 70
ons!                                   Peter King is the silo manager           members, from as far as Parys.
                                       at Potchefstroom silo. This 39-          Producers in this area are mostly
HINTERLAND BRANCH                      year old with 14 years' service          maize, sunflower, soybean, wheat
The branch manager at Hinterland       at Senwes, has been the silo             and sorghum producers. A boere
Potchefstroom, Hennie Groe-            manager since 2007. He initially         sports day is held annually and
newald, has been with the compa-       worked at Werda and thereafter at        will be taking place on 10 Sep-
ny for 41 years. He had been the       Schoonspruit silo and he has been        tember this year, where traditional
branch manager at a number of          the manager at Potchefstroom             sporting events such as tug-of-war
branches for the larger part of the    since 18 January this year. Peter                                 > CONTINUED
past four decades, before he was       proudly tells us that he is one                                     ON PAGE 10
transferred to Potchefstroom as        of only five silo managers
branch manager two years ago.          of colour at Senwes,
   Hennie is in control of 60          with Samuel Mofo-
members of staff at Potchefstroom.
He proudly tells us that his per-                                                             The branch manager in
                                         Chairman of Agri                                     Potchefstroom, Hennie
sonnel know the industry and that
                                         Potchefstroom, Jannie                                     Groenewald.
they render personal service.            Keet.

                                                                      SENWES Scenario • AUG/SEP 2016                    9
•••     A REA F O C U S

            tc h e fs troom and
         Po                        9
                         FORM PAGE
         > CONTINUED

                                                                                                                        Parys Museum.

                                                        and many other events will take         thereby eternalising their love.
                                                        place. The funds generated by the
                                                        event will be used to support the       HINTERLAND BRANCH
                                                        Potchefstroom Service Centre for        The branch manager at Parys, Jo-
                                                        the Aged. Agri Potchefstroom also       han Cromhout, has been with the
                                                        works closely with the municipali-      company since 2013 and in Parys
                                                        ty and police.                          since 2015. He is in control of 49
                                                                                                staff members, which include 24
                                                        PARYS: CITY ON A RIVER...
                                                                                                persons at the branch, 17 at the
                                                        CITY OF LOVE
                                                                                                workshop, 7 at the spares divi-

                                       ge in Parys
                        spension br id                                                          sion and a whole goods marketer,
        The famous su                ha ve declared               his picture perfect little
                       ds of lovers
        where hundre                    re are many               town was named by the         Wimpie Nel.
                       each other. He
        their love for              av ed  with their   surveyor, Schilbach in 1876. The
                         idge engr
         locks on the br               ial day.
                       l as their spec                  Vaal River flowing through the          BRANCH HISTORY
         names as wel
                                                        town reminded him of the Seine          The old branch is being used as
                                                        River in Paris, France.                 a store and dates from 1928. It
                                                            However, the unique landscape       was in use until 13 August 1994,
                                                        is the result of a meteor of 10 km      when the new branch was officially
                                                        which hit the earth at a speed of       opened by Tobie Loubser, former
                                                        36 000km/h two billion years ago,       ward director of Sentraal Wes
                                                        and left a crater of 300km, now         Co-operative Limited. The neigh-
                                                        known as the Vredefort Dome. It         bouring branches include Heil-
                                                        is still the oldest impact crater on    bron, Oberholzer, Potchef­stroom
                                                        earth.                                  and Vereeniging.
                                                            Parys is known for its fairytale        The Parys workshop services a
                                                        streets with numerous art shops,        huge area, namely Parys, Heilbron,
                                                        restaurants and guest houses and        Vaaldriehoek, the total West Rand,
                                                        love-birds, photographers and bik-      Randburg, Oberholzer, Potchef­
                                                        ers enjoy visiting the town. Inter-     stroom, Rysmierbult and Vrede-
       The NG Kerk in Parys.                            esting buildings include the Parys      fort. In addition personnel are also
                                                        Museum, the NG Church as well           being trained as old tractor special-
                                                        as the old Anglican Church.             ists at the Parys workshop.
                                                                                                    A thanksgiving day in the form
                                                        UNIQUE ATTRACTIONS IN PARYS             of a church service in the work-
                                                        Parys has something in common           shop has been held since 2014, led
                                                        with the French capital in the          by Andries Enslin. Gerhard Steyn
                                                        form of the well-known hanging          supporters take note - his 2015
                                                        bridge, where many love-birds           music video, Verlief op ’n Dief, was
                                                        have declared their undying love.       filmed in the Parys branch and
                                                        The tradition amongst locals and        store, with Gerhard playing the
      The branch as well as the                         visitors is to hang a lock with their   role of a spares sales clerk in the
          ipm ent wo rksh op in Par ys.
                                                        names on the cables of the bridge,      video.

 10 AUG/SEP 2016               • SENWES Scenario
Villa Crop Protection
verleen graag ‘n
helpende hand aan
Beskerm nóú jou oes – betaal eers in Mei 2017.

Die afgelope mielieseisoen was nie maklik vir produsente nie. Daarom bied Villa Crop Protection
gedurende September die ‘Villa Vennoot Mielie Pakket’ teen slegs R700 per hektaar
(BTW uitgesluit) aan. Dié pakket speel beide voor en na opkoms effektief klaar met eenjarige
gras en breëblaar onkruide, snywurms en stronkboorders. Die pakket is spesifiek ontwikkel om
aan die oesbeskermingsvereistes vir die Westelike produksieareas te voldoen.

Meer belangrik, omdat tye tans moeilik genoeg is, het ons betaling tot Mei 2017 uitgestel.

Jy kan dus nóú plant, en later betaal… veilig in die wete dat beide jou oes en jou kontantvloei
deur Villa se staatmaker-beskerming beveilig word.

Voorraad is beperk is, so plaas nou jou bestelling by enige van        SLEGS IN SEPTEMBER
dié deelnemende handelaars:                                            Beskerm nou. Betaal later!
Agro Centre • Inteligro • Laeveld Agrochem • BayAgro
Nulandis • Oosvaal Landbou • Wenkem SA
of besoek

                                      Terme en voorwaardes geld.
•••    IN T H E SP OT LI GH T

      There’s no stopping De Beer
      Impossible is just an
      illusion for this producer



      Nico is a proud fourth generation producer. His great
      grandfather, Hans, started farming on the farm Wit­
      randsfontein after the Anglo Boer War in 1902. Over the
      years his grandfather Martiens followed, then his father
      Hansie, and he also joined the farming operations at a
      later stage. His sons, Dirkie and Jaco, the fifth generation
      producers of the family, are also ready for action.
          I briefly spoke to Dirkie before he had to continue
      with the harvesting process to be ready for Senwes’ farm
      loading trucks. Dirk, who is a proud Gimmie, started
      farming with his father immediately after matric in
      2012. His younger brother, Jaco, is gaining experience
      with a producer in Dumas, Texas in the USA at present.
          Nico is supported by his wife Marinda. She is a
                                                                     Nico de Beer is a fourth generation producer.
      housewife and helps with the bookkeeping on the farm.
      They work very well together and celebrated their 24th
      wedding anniversary this year. “She is the tower of

 12 AUG/SEP 2016         • SENWES Scenario
IN T HE SPO T L IG HT                •••

                                                                                             Nico de Beer with one of
                                                                                             his sons, Dirkie.

                                                                                                             Senwes does
                                                                                                           farming loading
                                                                                                             on this farm.

strength of our farming business,”     stroom in 1982. After military
said Nico.                             service in Heidelberg and Oshakati
                                       he returned to Potchefstroom and        MOTTO
FARMING                                obtained his agricultural diploma       Nico firstly believes that “Impossi-
Nico describes their farming ope­      from the Potchefstroom Agricul-         ble is not a reality, it is an illusion”.
rations as mixed farming. They         tural College in 1986.                  Two critical elements in farming,
farm on Witrandsfontein, between                                               according to him, is that one has
Potchefstroom and Ventersdorp,         JOINING HIS FATHER                      to be involved and should not sit
on approximately 1 040 hectares,       He joined his father, Hansie, on        in one’s office. “You have to be
with an additional 700 hectares        the farm in 1987 and in 1988 he         there. The best fertiliser is your
which they lease and they plant on     bought Witrandsfontein 2. Nico          footprints in the fields.” In this
approximately 550 hectares.            is very enthusiastic as we drive        occupation you are dependent
   Talk about planting. Under          around the farm and shows us the        upon nature, which was very
normal circumstances they plant        old store and ox wagon, which           evident during the past season.
90% maize and 10% sunflower.           lend a measure of nostalgia to the      Nico and his family are only too
Over the past drought season,          farm.                                   aware that “Everything we have is
however, they planted 70% maize                                                by the grace of God and you have
and 30% sunflower.                     THE PAST FIVE YEARS                     to remain on your knees. You can
   The rest of the land is used        They have not been doing any            work as hard as you wish, whatever
for grazing, since they also have a    ploughing over the past five years      you receive is by the grace of the
commercial Bonsmara and sheep          and have done no tilling over the       Father.”
component in their farming op-         past three years. Although it is
erations. Breeding material and        still early days, they hope that this   ADVICE FROM PREVIOUS
good genetics are very important       will make a huge difference to the      GENERATIONS
to them.                               production on the farm. The past        One thing his grandfather and
                                       season’s El Nino did not spare          father never did was to borrow
HIS EARLY YEARS                        them either. They received a mere       money. Having said that, some
We deviate a bit from farming          211 mm of rain from September           unforeseen things happen at times
when Nico tells me that he has         2015 until April this year, com-        - a good example was when one of
always been living in this area. The   pared to approximately 600 mm           two teams of oxen was hit by light-
Ventersdorp-born Nico attended         under normal circumstances. This        ning years ago. However, even the
Mooirivier Primary School and          follows on the below normal 2014        fact that his great grandfather was
matriculated at HTS Potchef-           and 2015 seasons.                                      > CONTINUED ON PAGE 14

                                                                       SENWES Scenario • AUG/SEP 2016                      13
•••         IN T H E SP OTLI GH T

           Nico de Beer
           > CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13

           deported to Ceylon in 1914, did
           not stop him. Despite everything                                                                                                                      Here they also farm
                                                                                                                                                                  with commercial
           they never lost courage and just                                                                                                                     Bonsmaras as well as
           pressed on.                                                                                                                                                 sheep.

           SENWES                                                     the area to keep up to date with                       MANAGING HIS LABOUR FORCE
           He is very involved with Senwes                            technology and relevant matters.                       As far as his labourers are con-
           and Senwes does farm loading for                                                                                  cerned, Nico believes in one
           him, which really makes things                             ORGANISED AGRICULTURE                                  thing very strongly - “Don’t
           easier. He is also extensively in-                         Nico believes in the importance                        expect anything from them that
           sured through Certisure, which                             of being part of something. This                       you are not prepared to do”. And
           includes home and hail insurance.                          is why he and his son, Dirkie,                         his record speaks for itself - some
           He has various John Deere tractors                         are members of Agri Northwest.                         of his labourers have been work-
           and implements and says that Sen-                          Everyone has a function to fulfil                      ing for him for the past 25 to 30
           wes Equipment renders excellent                            in organised agriculture. Together                     years. In addition there should
           service and after-sales service. They                      with a number of other producers,                      be incentive bonuses for further
           also have excellent technicians.                           they were the recipients of the                        motivation.
           Senwes also presents various farm-                         300th fodder donation by Agri                             It is evident that Nico and his
 14        ers’ days which enables farmers in                         SA.                                                    family are geared for farming.

                                                                                                                                          Met Kynoch se innoverende
                                                                                                                                          en pasmaak-produkte
                                      VROEË                        MIDDEL
    VOOR PLANT                        VEGETATIEF,                  VEGETATIEF,                  BLOMSTADIUM                               kan jy bemesting toedien
                                      MET PLANT                    TOPBEMESTING                                                           volgens jou mielieplante se
                                                                                                                                          behoeftes en groeistadiums.
                                                                                                                                          So verseker Kynoch dat jou
                                                                                                                                          mielieplante kry wat hul
                                                                                                                                          nodig het, wanneer hul dit

                                                                                                                                          die nodigste het.
                                                                                                                                          Kynoch – verbeterde
                                                                                                                                          doeltreffendheid deur

                                                                         KynoPlusTM en

                                         Vir ‘n vinnige begin en         KynoPlus -                   Mielie OEMFF® B16:

                                         sterk saailinge.                mengsels:                    Om gedurende stuifmeelstort,
            Vir verbeterde stikstof-
                                                                         Effektiewe bemesting
                                         KynoPlus -
            doeltreffendheid wat                                                                      bestuiwing en bevrugting in
            beskikbare stikstof in die                                   wanneer die voedings-        die spesifieke voedings-
                                         NPKS-plantermengsel             behoefte van die
            grond verhoog.               Om gedurende hierdie                                         behoefte te voorsien.
                                                                         mielieplant geweldig
            KynoPlus -
                         TM              stadium in die mielieplant
                                                                         toeneem.                     KynoPlusTM -mengsels
                                                                                                                                                    Farmisco (Edms) Bpk.
            mengsels:                    se lewe ‘n goeie                                             Foli-Grande of                     h/a Kynoch Fertilizer Reg. Nr. 2009/0092541/07
                                         potensiaal aan te lê.           Mielie OEMFF®:               Foli-Plus:
            Om stikstof, fosfaat en                                                                                                     011 317 2000 |
                                                                                                                                                                                                     uppe marketing A12328/SS

                                                                         ’ n Blaarvoeding om die
            kalium doeltreffend in                                       effektiwiteit van die        Het die nodige voeding-       
            die grond te sit.                                              mielieplant te verbeter.    stowwe in, om graanvul
                                                                                                                                             Nie handeldrywend in die Wes-Kaap nie.
                                                                                                         te verbeter.
                                                                                                                                     KynoPlus is geregistreer as kunsmis groep 1 – Reg. No: K8024,
                                                                                                                                      KynoPop Reg. No: K9101, Mielie OEMFF Reg. No: K8702 en
                                                                                                                                                     Foli-Grande Reg. No: K8045
                                                                                                                                        (Alle produkte is geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947)
NEWS         •••

Senwes to list
on ZAR X
THE SENWES GROUP (SEN-                plied with pending clarification of     which is being supported by
                                      the position in terms of the FMA.       STRATE and Computershare. The
WES AND ITS HOL­DING                       Subsequently during May            whole process is electronic and is
COMPANY, SENWESBEL                    2014, the Financial Services Board      being operated within the demate-
                                      (FSB) issued a draft directive in       rialised environment.
LIMITED, (COLLECTIVELY                terms of the Financial Markets Act          “We are very excited to be
THE “COMPANIES”)                      indicating that all “self-regulating”   part of a process of breaking new
                                      OTC’s such as the Senwes trading        ground together with ZAR X and
ANNOUNCED 20 JULY                     desk should apply for licencing         its new initiatives,” Senwes CEO,
2016 THAT IT WILL MI-                 unless it was a “single counter         Francois Strydom said. The ZAR
                                      exchange”. This directive was           X team and its founders, have vast
GRATE ITS OTC SHARE                   subsequently elucidated and the         experience in dealing with trading
TRADING TO A LICENCED                 FSB issued a 2nd final directive to     platforms and we are comfortable
                                      OTC’s dated 11 July 2014, where         that our shareholders will still
ENVIRONMENT WITH ZAR                  it’s was clear the Companies had to     enjoy investor protection, whilst
X AS REQUIRED BY THE                  apply for exemption, apply to be        dealing on a platform within
                                      licenced as an exchange, or migrate     the FMA realm as envisaged by
FINANCIAL MARKETS ACT,                to a provider that is licenced. The     the FSB. Etienne Nel CEO and
2012 (“FMA”).                         FSB made it clear that all exchang-     co-founder of ZAR X commented
                                      es trading in shares (with the “pub-    “the Senwes Group continue to

                                      lic”) be regulated under the FMA.       show why it is the leader in the
      ince 2006 Senwes provided            Following the conditional          Agri business space by listing on
      an Over the Counter Trading     approval of ZAR X as a licenced         ZAR X and we are delighted that
Desk (“OTC”) as an Authorised         exchange, the Companies’ boards         they have decided to do so”.
Financial Services Provider in        resolved that the Companies will            For purposes of the migration
terms of the FAIS legislation for     migrate the shares trading of the       shareholders are advised that the
the trading of both the Compa-        Group to this bourse effective as       Group’s share registers will be
nies’ shares.                         from 30 September 2016, subject         closed and no transfers will be
   When the Financial Markets         to ZAR X being granted its full         allowed during the period 1 Sep-
Act (FMA) was promulgated in          exchange licence. Shareholders will     tember to 30 September 2016 to
2013 there was uncertainty about      be provided with a comprehensive        ensure a smooth transition to this
the provisions and the application    listing circular during September       licenced environment. Official
on OTC’s and the FSB was en-          explaining the procedure and            notice in this regard will be given
gaged immediately to attempt to       structure of this new trading plat-     shortly.
provide clarification. The FSB pro-   form. ZAR X caters for easy low             Queries may be referred to the
vided the Companies with a tem-       risk share trading in a regulated       Group Company Secretary and
porary exemption from the FMA         environment. Senwes will still act      General Legal Counsel, Elmarie
in August 2013 on condition that      as the transfer secretary and main      Joynt at
the FAIS legislation still be com-    broker towards this exchange,           or tel nr: (018) 464 7104.

                                                                      SENWES Scenario • AUG/SEP 2016                15
•••    T RADE N E W S

                                 PRECISION FARMING
                                                 – the basic principles
                                             ONE OF THE LEADING GLOBAL ISSUES OF THE CURRENT
                                               ERA IS FOOD SECURITY. A SOLUTION IS TO INCREASE
                                                         PRODUCTIVITY ON EXISTING RESOURCES.

                                                                       PETRUS VAN STADEN

                                                                     P      recision farming starts with the detail character-
                                                                            isation of the natural resources in order to quan-
                                                                     tify variation in the soil and/or crop environment.
                                                                     The data is used to make recommendations regarding
                                                                     a product, the quantity as well as time and place of
                                                                     application in order to ensure optimal crop produc-
                                                                     tion, increased productivity and profitability. These
                                                                     actions are implemented in the field with sophisticated
      Figure 1. Soil form map.                                           Global positioning systems are used to gather
                                                                     geo-referenced data and to apply geo-referenced ap-
                                                                     plication maps. This technology is used in tractors,
                                                                     harvesters and crop sprayers.

                                                                     ADVANTAGES OF PRECISION FARMING:
                                                                     More effective utilisation of production inputs
                                                                     • Margin above fertilising costs increases by more
                                                                       than 20%.
                                                                     • Saving on lime amounts to 20% to 50%.
                                                                     • Over-application of herbicides and pesticides can
                                                                       be halved.

                                                                     Optimal utilisation of yield potential, increased profit-
      Figure 2. Effective depth map.                                 ability and environmentally- friendly farming.
                                                                     • Improved grain quality.
                                                                     • Increased yields per mm available moisture of 20%
                                                                        to 50%.
                                                                     • Increased net income per mm available moisture of
                                                                        more than 50%.

                                                                     PRE-SEASON PLANNING
                                                                     Step 1: Setting up a soil map
                                                                     This is a once-off step for farmers who do not have a
                                                                     soil map. The farmer determines the scale (e.g. 1, 2
                                                                     or 4 ha) of the grid survey. The data of the survey is
                                                                     processed for composition of the following maps:
                                                                     • Soil form map,
      Figure 3. Potential maize yield for year-on-year production.   • Effective depth map,

 16 AUG/SEP 2016          • SENWES Scenario
T RA D E N E W S         •••

Figure 4. The pH-map.                                       Figure 5. Phosphate map.

• Potential plant available water      captured electronically and trans-
  storage capacity map, and            ferred to the on-board computer
• Potential yield map for mono-        before the action can be executed.
  culture and fallow systems.             Examples are reflected in Figure
                                       7 to 9.
Examples of the abovementioned
maps are presented in Figure 1 to      IN-SEASON MONITORING
3.                                     Step 5. Technology to monitor
                                       crop growth during the season
Step 2: Characterization of the        During the growing season remote
soil chemical status                   sensing technology can be used
Chemical analysis and adjustment       to support decision making on
is done every year on one third of     nutrient application as well as pest
the farm. Soil samples are taken       and weed control at specific crop
on the same GPS-point as in Step       stages. Remote sensing can also
1 and analysed. The results are        be used to determine hail, wind or
used to draw maps as required.         flood damage.
                                                                                  Figure 6. Example of lime application
Examples of the types of maps are                    > CONTINUED ON PAGE 18       map.
pH, Acid saturation, Phosphate
(P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca),
Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na)
and Sulphur (S).
    Examples of pH and P-maps
are presented in Figures 4 and 5.

Step 3: Using information for
The information derived from           Figure 7. The lime application map (left) being loaded into the on-board com-
step 2 is used to create precision     puter of the tractor (right).
application maps for the farmer
according to his requirements.
Prescription maps are generally
used for the application of lime,
fertiliser and seed. An example of a
lime application map is presented
in Figure 6.

Step 4. Field application
The maps referred to in step 3 are     Figure 8. Precision application of lime.

                                                                          SENWES Scenario • AUG/SEP 2016                  17
•••   T RADE N E W S

                                               PRECISION FARMING - the basic principles
                                               > CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17

                                                                                           In the crop field remote sensing
                                                                                       is used to create a picture of the
                                                                                       cropped field. The purpose of
                                                                                       the map defines the equipment
                                                                                       and sensors to be used. The data
                                              Figure 9. Planting with fertiliser and   is then processed to create a map
                                              plant population prescription maps.      that can be followed up with a field
                                                                                       inspection. A plan of action is then
                                                                                       decided upon and an application
                                                                                       map is created. Examples are
                                                                                       presented in Figures 10 and 11.

                                                                                       END OF SEASON EVALUATION
                                                                                       Step 6. Collecting yield data
                                                                                       during harvesting
                                                                                       At the end of the production sea-
                                                                                       son valuable information can be
                                                                                       obtained should the harvester be
                                                                                       equipped with sensors to measure
                                                                                       crop yield. See Figure 12.

                                                                                       Step 7. Evaluation
                                                                                       The maps in Figure 12 are an in-
          Figure 10. Example of fixed wing drone with NDVI images during               dication of the spatial distribution
          canola flowering time.                                                       of the grain yield in specific areas.
            Figure 11.
                                                                                       All management information and
             Precision                                                                 climate information are used, in
          application.                                                                 conjunction with the client, to
                                                                                       determine the reasons for the yield
                                                                                       variations and how these compare
                                                                                       with the pre-season planning.
                                                                                       Adjustments are then made as well
                                                                                       as recommendations for the next
                                                                                       production season.

                                                                                       The digital era has unending appli-
                                                                                       cation possibilities which empower
                                                                                       producers to apply precision farm-
                                                                                       ing practices. The growing demand
                                                                                       for food which has to be produced
                                                                                       on limited resources, together with
                                                                                       variable climate and socio-econom-
                                                                                       ic conditions, are forcing farmers
                                                                                       to fully utilise technology and
                                                                                       science in order to increase crop
                                                                                       production through increased effi-
      Figure 12. Harvesting data of three successive maize seasons.                    ciency.

 18 AUG/SEP 2016         • SENWES Scenario


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 bied Willard Batterye jou ’n verskeidenheid opsies
 om van te kies, Willard Batterye verskuif jou denke.

 Willard Batteries. The power of technology.


•••    T RADE N E W S

      – a new approach

      THE CHANGING AGRI-                        Over the long term this will be         under scrutiny.
                                                more rewarding for the technolog-          The use of precision farming
      ENVIRONMENT CATCHES                       ically advanced farmer. One of the      technology plays a huge role in the
      MANY A FARMER                             aspects which may be considered         input costs of farming operations.
                                                to counter market changes and           Various precision devices result
      UNAWARES IN THE SENSE                     to keep up is precision farming.        in more accurate and sustainable
      THAT THEY FALL BEHIND                     Precision farming strongly relates      application of input products. The
                                                to the technological advancement        more accurate application of input
      WITH EVER-EXPANDING                       in the agricultural sector. It en-      products prevents over or un-
      TECHNOLOGICAL                             ables the farmer to observe, to         der-application, which could have
                                                measure and to respond to inter         a positive effect on the profitability
      DEVELOPMENT.                              and intra-veld variables in respect     of the farm over the long term.
                                                of crops. This technological ad-
                                                vancement results in better and         FACTORS TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT
         LUAN VAN DER WALT, HENFRED             more accurate decision-making           Although there are many ad-
                                                and outcome predictions. Calcula-       vantages attached to the imple-
                                                tions can be done more accurately,      mentation of precision farming
      Department Agricultural Economics
                                                which will result in better financial   technology, various factors have

                                                management of the farming oper-         to be taken into account when
              he changes taking place           ations. Precision farming includes      decisions in this regard are made.
              reach from farm level to          various aspects, from the output        The implementation of precision
      the preferences of consumers in           side to the financial management        farming technology will entail a
      respect of the end or produced            side.                                   huge capital outlay should the
      product. The changing environ-                                                    farmer not already have started
      ment makes it critically important        WHY PRECISION FARMING?                  to gradually invest in precision
      for farmers to adjust and not to          Figure 1 reflects the producer price    technology. It is therefore of the
      fall behind in terms of production        against the cost of production in       utmost importance to take a few
      and management aspects. If the            terms of index values. It is evident    critical elements into account
      farmer does not keep up with the          from figure 1 that the price cost       when decisions are made regarding
      continuous changes, he will not           squeeze effect increased signifi-       precision farming.
      be able to be competitive. What is        cantly over the past few years in       • Capital – Investment in preci-
      meant here is that his competitor         the agri-industry and more specif-          sion technology requires huge
      will use inputs more effectively          ically at farm level. The price cost        capital outlay. It is therefore
      and accurately, which will improve        squeeze which arises, places the            very important to weigh the
      the efficiency of his daily activities.   profitability of farming operations         long-term benefits up against

 20 AUG/SEP 2016          • SENWES Scenario
T RA D E N E W S           •••

    Figure 1: Producer price index against cost index.          Source: Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2016

    the immediate capital outflow.                       mission of the producer? How              the return which it will render will
  • Feasibility – It is important                        does the use of precision tech-           justify the capital outlay.
    to consider how well precision                       nology fit in with the goals and              Precision farming is not just
    technology will fit in with the                      objectives of the producer?               about capital expenditure. The
    current farming environment                                                                    expertise required in order to
    and how feasible the use of                    IN CONCLUSION                                   manage it effectively is even more
    precision technology will be                   The continuous changes taking                   important. Without the neces-
    to maximise production at the                  place in the agri-sector, particu-              sary expertise and skills to ensure
    lowest input.                                  larly in respect of labour and the              effective decision-making, it will
  • Expertise – Precision tech-                    political situation, make it very               not be sensible to make such an
    nology often requires the nec-                 important for farmers to keep up                investment.
    essary expertise in order to be                with the latest technology and pro-
    implemented successfully. Does                 duction methods. Although pre-                  For more information, contact Vossie
    the farmer have the necessary                  cision farming goes hand in hand                by email:
    expertise to ensure optimal util-              with extensive capital outlay, it is a          Or Henfred:
    isation of the equipment?                      profitable investment over the long             * Vossie van Straaten is a masters' degree
  • Vision and mission of pro-                     term. Precision farming requires                  student at the Department Soil Technol-
    ducer – What is the vision and                 a lot of capital at the outset, but               ogy at the UFS.                            21

Precision farming
strongly relates to
the technological
advancement in the
agricultural sector...

This technological
advancement results
in better and more
accurate decision-
making and outcome

              ❞                                                                     DOEN GERUS NAVRAAG BY U NAASTE SENWES EQUIPMENT-TAK
•••                                                                                                          Amanda

                                                                       SELFIE COMPETITION
       T RADE N E W S
                                                                                                             Haasbroek and
                                                                                                             her son Marnus

      WIN BIG                                                                                                in the winning
                                                                                                             selfie. According
                                                                                                             to her, her

      with Senwes Equipment and John Deere
                                                                                                             husband Nardus
                                                                                                             has cultivated
                                                                                                             the love for John
                                                                                                             Deere in her.
  ☞ Win a John Deere Gator 855D to the value of R230 000
  ☞ Win a trip for two to Mauritius to the value of R80 000
                                                                          Amanda Haasbroek wins
                                                                          R10 000 clothing voucher
                                                                          THE WINNER OF the Senwes Equipment and
      SENWES EQUIPMENT AND JOHN DEERE                                     John Deere Selfie-competition in the first leg of
      COMPETITION.                                                        the WIN BIG with Senwes Equipment and John
                                                                          Deere competition, is Amanda Haasbroek.
                                                                              Amanda almost did not enter and sent in her
                                                                          selfie on the very last day of the competition, after
      In the second leg of the competition a John Deere
                                                                          her brother-in-law, Leonard, and mother-in-law,
      Gator 855D to the value of R230 000 can be won! This
                                                                          Nicolene, told her about the selfie-competition.
      rugged and robust workhorse has a proven record as the
                                                                          She covered the 25 kilometre distance between
      ideal helper on the farm which will fulfil the transport
                                                                          her parents-in-law’s farm, Lacuna, and their own
      requirements of small loads on the farm and in rural areas.
                                                                          farm, Rendezvous, in the Allanridge area, in re-
      It is a fun and functional vehicle, designed to compliment
                                                                          cord time to collect their John Deere clothes and
      any farm with its power and charm.
                                                                          toys. She took a selfie of herself and her son, Mar-
                                                                          nus, with his favourite, a John Deere sprayer.
      SMS Senwes Equipment, John Deere Gator as well as your
                                                                              The R10 000 prize came at just the right time,
      name, telephone number and e-mail address to 31 022 on or
                                                                          since they heard a few weeks ago that they are
      before 31 October 2016 for a chance to win this John Deere
                                                                          expecting their second child. “I am ecstatic - real-
      Gator to the value of R230 000.
                                                                          ly grateful. I did not think that I would win.”
      WIN A TRIP FOR TWO TO MAURITIUS TO THE VALUE OF R80 000                 The panel of judges agreed that the selfie really
      In the third leg of the competition one lucky winner and            talked to them. Managing Executive of Senwes
      his/her spouse or partner will win a trip to Mauritius to the       Equipment, Ferdie Pieterse, said: “Everything in
      value of R80 000.                                                   the selfie shouts John Deere. There seems to be a
                                                                          deeper meaning in the family selfie - the wife and
      All you need to do is to answer the following question: Who is      child, care-giver and provider for the nation.”
      the leading John Deere agent in South Africa? E-mail the            Pieterse and John Deere Area Manager, Philip du
      answer and your contact number to           Plessis, awarded the winning prize.
                                                                              The newly established trademark, Senwes
      General competition details, rules and details to enter
                                                                          Equipment, enjoyed wide exposure on social
      are available at and
                                                                          media as well with more than 30 000 people No Senwes or
                                                                          visiting the different sites.
22    John Deere staff may participate in the competition.

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