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NAMPO 2017         FR
                            16-19 MEI              EE

                                        JUNE • JULY 2017

                               FREE STATE YOUNG
                             FARMER OF THE YEAR
                           JOHAN VAN HUYSSTEEN

 Senwes funds Smart Agri
 Risk Management Desk

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                                                                                                                    CO N T E N T S •• ••
                                                                                                                     NAMPO 2017         FR
                                                                                                                      16-19 MEI              EE

                                                                                                                                  JUNE • JULY 2017

                                                                                                                         FREE STATE YOUNG
                                                                                                                       FARMER OF THE YEAR
                                                                                                                     JOHAN VAN HUYSSTEEN

                                         16                               14
                                                                                          FOCUS ON: KOPPIES
                                                                                          Senwes funds Smart Agri
                                                                                          Risk Management Desk
                                                                                         ANIMAL FEEDS

CONTENTS                                                                             ON THE COVER
                                                                                     THE 2017 FREE State Young Farmer
                                                                                     of the Year is Johann van Huyssteen,
EDITOR'S LETTER                          TRADE NEWS                                  seen on the cover page of this edi-
 2 To win or overcome                                                                tion. We visited this dynamic farmer
                                         14 Muf en mikotoksiene: Hoe beïnvloed
                                                                                     on the farm Bloekom, between Vir-
                                            dit die prestasie van voerkraalbeeste
                                                                                     ginia and Theunissen, where he told
GENERAL                                     en melkkoeie?
                                                                                     us more about his title and farming
 3 Cartoon: Pieter & Tshepo              22 From the Koppies district for the area   operations.
 3 Heard all over                        24 Steve Kinghorn is pivotal to the         Read also about another winner,
                                            success of the producer                  the Northwest Young Farmer of the
MAIN ARTICLE 		27                             Corné Coetzee a man of action          Year, Ro’an van Tonder, and their
 4 Nation in Conversation’s message                                                  game farming operations. Ons best
   continues to spread far and wide      35 Ken jou Certisure makelaar:
                                                                                     wishes accompany him when he
                                            Paul Els
                                                                                     participates in the national leg of the
AREA FOCUS            		36                    Management of sub-soil acidity         competition later this year.
16 Koppies make its mark
                                         38 Massing and Donations Tax                Another winner is the very popular
IN THE SPOTLIGHT                         54 Good food for healthy pets               Nation in Conversation series, which
20 Hermann Weiss: Double the passion                                                 was filmed at Nampo Park for the
                                         COLUMNS                                     fith successive year. Programmes in
NEWS                                     40 Safex Scenarios with Susari              this series are already being broad-
                                                                                     casted. .
 5 Lots of action and winners with       42 Grain market prospects
   Senwes Grainlink at Nampo Harvest                                                 The Koppies area and Senwes pro-
                                         45 Come rain or shine
   Day 2017                                                                          ducer Hermann Weiss are in the
                                         47 On target                                spotlight and you can also about the
 6 The role of agri-businesses in a
                                         48 Where there's a will there's a way       Senwes funding of the Smart Agri-
   changing agricultural environment
                                         50 Future focus                             Risk Management Desk.
 9 2017 Free State Young Farmer of the
   Year for 2017: Johan van Huyssteen    53 Food for thought
                                         55 Garden tips                        
12 North West Young Farmer of the
   Year-title a victory for the game
   industry                              COMPETITIONS
                                         55 Win with Hannon
28 Senwes en Agri SA lead with market
   first Smart Agri-Risk Management      60 Win a copy of Hoop wat
                                            kaalvoet loop                      
31 GOSA Symposium an enriching           WOMEN
                                         56 Milanie Vosloo
37 Grasland 50
                                                                                         Read the Senwes Scenario online at
                                                                               or download the
                                                                                        Scenario app. ‘Like’ us on Facebook at
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                                                                           SENWES Scenario • JUN/JUL 2017                                            1

                                                                                                 editor in chief

                          To win or overcome                                                Marlon Abrahams
                                                                                             Tel: 018 464 7349

       IN THIS EDITION THE                   word win in it, like to win by a                 Aubrey Kruger
                                             nose, win hands down, win on                    Tel: 018 464 7449
       OVERARCHING THEME                     points, win one's spurs, win out,
       OF ARTICLES SEEMS                     win over and you win some, you
                                             lose some, to name but a few.                      advertisements
       TO BE TO WIN OR TO                                                                      Mariëtte Hugo
       OVERCOME. TAKE FOR                    Keeping with the theme we also                  Tel: 018 464 7505
                                             focus on the new 2017 winners    
       INSTANCE NAMPO HAR-                   of the Young Farmer of the Year
       VEST DAY’S 51st YEAR OF               competitions, with Johan van                     design and layout
                                             Huyssteen being the Free State                    Mercia Venter
       EXISTENCE AND WITH                    winner and Ro’an van Tonder      
       IT THE OVERWHELMING                   the winner from Northwest.
       SUCCESS OF NATION                     We also feature an article by            Rev Carel Botma, Rev Willie Botha,
                                             Francois Strydom on how to be             Lucas Coetsee, Carl Fourie, Japie
                                             a winning agricultural company.          Fransman, Thys Grobbelaar, Jenny
       VISIT TO THE LEADING                  We are expecting record yields             Matthews, Susari Geldenhuys,
                                             for the current financial year,           Marietjie Grobler, Jan Serfontein
       AGRICULTURAL SHOW.                                                                     en Milanie Vosloo.
                                             which is another victory in itself
                                             and, with Senwes funding the

                                             Smart Agri Risk Management                            subscription
              his led me to the word         Desk, it is yet another win for                   Marie Erasmus
              win. Win means to be           farmers, as this function will                   Tel: 018 464 7568
       successful or victorious in a                                                         Faks: 018 464 7772
                                             investigate the increase of risk
       contest. After I delved deeper                                         
                                             in the agricultural sector over
       into the origin of the word win,      particularly the last decade.
       I came across a section which
       describes the Old English word        Enjoy these articles and many
                                                                                                    Posbus 31,
       winnan as a predecessor to win.       more in this edition as we
                                             are overcome by the sense of
       Winnan means to struggle,                                                                       2570
                                             winning, especially after the
                                                                                                Tel: 018 464 7800
       strive or fight. And what better      past few years of drought.
       way to describe it, because
       that is exactly what precedes
       the months or years before the        Aubrey Kruger                                             Typo
                                             EDITOR                                             Tel: 011 402 3468
       overwhelming feeling of victory.

       The first recorded history of win
       as in victorious, was in 1300,
       while the first recorded history of
       winning as in the modern sense
       of victory, came only in about                                             •   All rights in terms of the content of Senwes
       1862. There has since been many                                                Scenario are reserved in terms of the provisions
                                                                                      of Article 12 (7) of the Copyright Act.
       an idiom or phrase with the                                                •   The owner and publisher accept no responsi-
                                                                                      bility for any comments in adverts, promotion
                                                                                      articles or from contributors.

 2     JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
                                                                                           T HIS A N D T HAT •• ••

                                      Pieter & Tshepo

We focus in this
edition on comments
made by panel guests
during Nation in
Conversation, which
were filmed during
Nampo Harvest Day.                     Nation in Conversation reached much more South Africans in 2017.

DG, Department of Agriculture,       FRANCOIS STRYDOM
Forestry & Fisheries                                                           STAAN PRODUSENTE
                                     Senwes HUB
“THE farmer registry is the                                                    BY IN DROOGTETYD
most important thing.”               “DIE goeie van Suid-Afrika is
                                     ons wag nie vir die regering nie,
                                     ons doen dit self.”                       Die Agri SA Droogte­­­
MILAAN THALWITZER                                                              ramp­­fonds het jou hulp nodig.
Bosveld Group                        KOBUS STEENEKAMP
                                                                               MAAK SÓ JOU DONASIE
“WE still have to sort out things    Monsanto - Besturende Direkteur           Donasies kan gemaak word
like ownership, title deeds, etc.”
                                     “IT is very important for a stu­          via die webblad www.droogte­
                                                                      met verskeie
                                     dent to have passion.”
FRANCOIS STRYDOM                                                               betalings­wyses soos EFT, Krediet­
Senwes HUB                                                                     kaart, Tjek- en Debiet­kaarte, Kits,
                                     DIRK STRYDOM
                                                                               EFS, SnapScan of Premietarief
“SOMS moet mens eers in iets         Graan SA                                  SMS teen R30 per sms.
beland voordat jy weet wat die       “TEGNOLOGIE kos werk by
oplossing is.”                       primêre produksie, maar ontsluit          HOEKOM MOET EK BYDRA?
                                     weer geleenthede binne ’n groter          Senwes doen ’n beroep op alle
JANNIE DE VILLIERS                                                             besorgde Suid-Afrikaners om ons
Graan SA HUB                                                                   produsente by te staan, aangesien
                                                                               hul bydrae krities is vir die voed­
                                     LINDIE STROEBEL
“DIE beste kompos in die graan­                                                selsekuriteit van ons land en die
wêreld is die vuilheid op jou        Produce Marketing Association –           plattelandse ekonomie.
skoene.”                             GM Southern Africa
                                     She grew up on a farm and says farming
JOHN HUDSON                          is in her blood.                         myself as being different from
Nedbank Business Banking:                                                     men in any respect. We are all
Divisional Manager (Agriculture)     “WHEN I did psychometric                 equal and I think it lies in how
                                     tests after school I was told if         you see yourself. If you want to
“I love employing young people.      only I were a boy, I would be            be good for business as a woman
They bring energy to the sector.”    perfect for farming. I never saw         you can’t be a little girl.”

                                                                        SENWES Scenario • JUN/JUL 2017                3

     Nation in Conversation’s message
     continues to spread far and wide
     SOUTH AFRICA’S MOST TALKED ABOUT AGRI-TALK­                                  Agriculture, Gloria Serobe, CEO
                                                                                  of Wipcapital and founder of
     SHOW, NATION IN CONVERSATION, CELEBRATED ITS                                 Wiphold, SA’s first BEE company
     FIFTH YEAR OF EXISTENCE DURING ITS REGULAR                                   to establish a permanent, broad-
                                                                                  based shareholding in 1997, said
     ANNUAL RECORDING AT THE NAMPO HARVEST DAY IN                                 Wiphold has ventured into agri­
     BOTHAVILLE FROM 16-19 MAY THIS YEAR.                                         culture with 2 000 hectares of crop
       MARLON ABRAHAMS                    ourselves,” epitomised the spirit of        “We decided to do something
                                          this year’s series.                     that the sector doesn’t do - there

                                              During the media launch on          is rural land where people do not
              he show has grown in        15 May, a panel hosted by Carte         have security of tenure, we decid­
              stature and reputation      Blanche’s Derek Watts, which            ed to focus on that area and have
     of bringing the sector’s leading     included DG of DAFF Mike                demystified the issues of not having
     stakeholders and role-players to     Mlengana, Land Bank CEO                 title deeds. The land is arable; the
     the conversation table on issues     TP Nchocho, Roelf Meyer – In            fact that people don’t have titles
     ranging from Women and Youth         Transformation Initiative, 702/         doesn’t mean we have to wait for
     in Agriculture, to Land Grabs        Cape Talk’s Stephen Grootes and         government.”
     without Compensation.                Milaan Thalwitzer of the Bosveld            Other riveting discussions
         The Nation in Conversation       Group heard the DG admit that           were held on Finances: Labour,
     social media platforms recorded      government has failed in its imple­     Diversification and Financial
     record interactions with over        mentation of land restitution, but      Planning; The Role of Technology,
     300 000 impressions over the         that there was a renewed under­         Soil Health and Advisors in
     four days, while organisers of       standing of what was involved and       Agriculture; while broadcast anchor
     the Nampo Harvest Day are            what was needed to make it hap­         Jeremy Maggs hosted a panel which
     expected to announced improved       pen, as well as a new commitment        included Musi Kuzwayo of Ignitive
     visits from the record number        to the process.                         Agency who spoke about the
     of 75 000 people who attended            Discussions during the course       importance of building and main­
     last year’s event. This, coupled     of the week were marked by pas­         taining a brand.
     with exposure on platforms           sion and sincerity with stakehold­          Show co-host and former
     like Talk Radio 702/Cape Talk,       ers like Senwes’ Francois Strydom       Sowetan editor and Power FM
     RSG, Landbouweekblad and live        making the point that if business       station manager Mpumelelo
     streaming on News24, together        sticks to the principles of business,   Mkhabela hosted a show Youth:
     with the ongoing exposure of the     black empowerment becomes part          Career Opportunities and how
     series on kykNET, Sowetan TV         of the business plan. And Afgri         to Attract New Entrants to the
     and Business Day TV, have led to     CEO Chris Venter saying that he         Agriculture Sector. The show made
     Nation in Conversation being the     has never met a farmer who does         it clear that the agriculture value
     undisputed agri-talkshow foremost    not want to assist.                     chain, from the seed to the food
     on the nation’s mind.                    Commercial farmer Herbert           plate, has many exciting and varied
         This year’s broadcast from       Mabuza, former editor of the            job opportunities available.
     Nampo can be characterised as        Sunday Times, spoke about his               Visit the Nation in Conversation
     being uncompromisingly frank,        foray into farming and how he           website at www.nationinconversa­
     with all parties in agreement that   was inspired by a white farmer to download the Nation
     the time for action has come.        who refused to sell him his farm        in Conversation App and to view
     Comments like “we cannot wait        unless he learned how to farm.          all the episodes so that you don’t
     for government, we have to do it     While in the insert on Women in         miss out on this vital discourse.

 4   JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
                                                                                                               N E W S •• ••
                                                                                             Fouché Germishuys from
                                                                                                Heilbron was the lucky
                                                                                                winner of the weather
                                                                                                station on the first day of
                                                                                                Nampo 2017.

                                                                                               The winner of the
                                                                                                weather station on the
                                                                                                second day of Nampo
                                                                                                2017 was Jan Cronje
                                                                                                from Virginia.

Lots of action and winners with
Senwes Grainlink at Nampo Harvest Day 2017
IF YOU ATTENDED NAMPO                        Real-time Safex grain market
                                         prices were shown on a large
2017, YOU WILL PROBABLY                  screen every day between 09:00
AGREE THAT IT WAS AN                     and 12:00 and visitors could
                                         obtain advice from our grain
EXCEPTIONAL EVENT                        marketing advisors. The Nation
WHERE 51 YEARS OF EXPE-                  in Conversation sessions were also
                                         broadcast live from a studio on the
RIENCE IN THE PRESENTA­                  premises and could be followed in       The winner of the weather station on the
                                                                                 third day of Nampo 2017 was Lourens van
TION OF THE LARGEST                      the Grainlink stall.                    Eeden from Swellendam.
                                             Grainlink also launched two
AGRICULTURAL SHOW                        competitions - participants could
IN SOUTH AFRICA, WAS                     win an electronic weather station
                                         to the value of R6 000 on each
RECONFIRMED.                             of the four Nampo days, or a gift
                                         voucher to the value of R1 000,
    MARIETJIE GROBLER                    redeemable at any Hinterland
                                         branch. In order to qualify for
                                         the weather station, participants

S      enwes was no exception and
       the Grainlink stall attracted a
lot of attention.
                                         had to trade imaginary grain on a
                                         simulated market game. The best
                                         “trader” was selected by a compu­
                                                                                 Rikus van Rooyen from Heilbron was the
                                                                                 lucky winner of both the gift voucher and
                                                                                 the weather station on the final day of
    The biggest attraction was           ter at the end of the day. To quali­    Nampo 2017.
the silo model, which young              fy for the gift voucher, partici­
and old enjoyed. Numerous                pants had to download the new
people admitted that they had            Grainlink App on their phones
no idea of how grain gets into a         and answer the easy daily compe­
silo, how it is handled and out­         tition question. They also had to
loaded at a later stage. Personnel       place their competition forms in a
used the opportunity to explain          special container at the stall.
basic grain handling processes.              Winners were announced at
In addition a number of videos           15:00 every day, when they were
could be watched with special            told exactly how to fully utilise the
3D-equipment, which provided             prizes. It was most unusual when,
a lifelike experience of the inside      on the final day, the winner of the
                                                                                 Well-known news anchor, Jeremy Maggs,
of a silo and the processes taking       weather station was also the win­       enjoys the 360 silo-experience at the
place in a silo.                         ner of the gift voucher.                Senwes Grainlink stall at Nampo 2017.

                                                                          SENWES Scenario • JUN/JUL 2017                      5
••••    NEW S

       The role of agri-businesses in a
       changing agricultural environment
       AFTER THE EXCELLENT                                       agri-business      sues a long-term strategy. He has to
                                                                 and where it       have vision - this is what leaders are
       AGRI-BUSINESSES:                                          fits in. This      supposed to do.”
       WHERE ARE WE                                              role has to be
                                                                 rediscovered       WHAT IS AN AGRI-BUSINESS?
       HEADING? ARTICLE                                          continuously.      A large number of agri-companies
       BY SENWES CHIEF                                           In my opinion      have made adjustments over the
                                                                 the global         past 110 years in order to be able to
       EXECUTIVE OFFICER,                                        business sector    cope with the new circumstances.
       FRANCOIS STRYDOM,                                         lost direction         As already mentioned, agri-com­
                                                                 in the nineties,   panies moved into different direc­
       WHICH APPEARED IN                     when it was said that everything       tions in the past. In view thereof, it
       THE FARMERS’ WEEKLY IN                should be about the shareholder.       is important to make sure that all
                                             Shareholders are secondary. It goes    parties talk about the same thing
       MAY 2017, WE CONTINUED                about the customer, staff, input       when they talk about agri-business­
       THE DISCUSSION WITH                   suppliers and the community first.     es. I think it is wrong to assume
                                             Once everything works well, the        that agri-companies belong to pro­
       FRANCOIS, WITH THE                    shareholder will be remunerated.       ducers only. It is the same as assu­
       NECESSARY PERMISSION.                 The most important aspect is that      ming that banks belong to bankers
                                             there should be a balance between      only. You limit yourself to a large
       WE TALKED ABOUT THE                   all of the above.                      extent. My questions is: What does
       CHANGING AGRICULTURAL                                                        it have to do with your strategy?
                                             THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP
       ENVIRONMENT, THE ROLE                 The role of leadership is to bring     GOOD VISION IS OF THE UTMOST
       OF LEADERSHIP AND THE                 contentious issues to the fore. A      IMPORTANCE
                                             leader may never choose to talk        A business must have a well-de­
       VISION AND STRATEGY                   about safe subjects only. The          fined vision, which has to focus on
       REQUIRED.                             contentious issues have to be dis­     the execution of its business plan.
                                             cussed as well to ensure that you      It goes about stragegy and vision.
          AUBREY KRUGER                      can be definitive.                     In the case of Senwes: What is the
                                                The definition of leadership        objective of Senwes? The customer
       THE CHANGING AGRICULTURAL             goes about the role of leaders in      will not be able to list the objectives
       ENVIRONMENT                           taking their organisations and         of Senwes. You have to explain
       To start with. When the agri­         companies to places where they         what Senwes stands for - Senwes
       cultural environment changed,         don't really want to go. However,      stands for one thing only - to pro­
       certain businesses stayed in the      at a later stage they are grate­       vide solutions to its customers in
       hands of members while others         ful that they did go there. This       order to improve their businesses.”
       cast the net wider and expanded       remains a good summary of lead­
       the value chain. Where does this      ership. This can be only be done       FROM THE PRODUCER’S POINT OF VIEW
       leave the prodcer, what is the role   through good leadership. A leader      Today’s producer conducts busi­
       of agri-businesses and in whose       reaches this level through hard        ness with any organisation in the
       interest do they act?                 work and intense reflection. He        environment where he wants to
          In reality it goes about the       has to look far ahead and does not     conduct business. He conducts
       place and the purpose of an           merely follow daily plans, but pur­                  > CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

 6     JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
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••••    NEW S

       Role of agri-businesses

       business with the best stakeholder
       in that specific environment. The
       producer can no longer afford to
       do business based on sentiment.
           Obviously all these stakeholders
       will use different mechanisms to
       gain the business of the producer.
       It goes about his own long-term
       vision in respect of the customer.
       How do they serve the interest
       of the customer? Do they offer
       special loyalty programmes? How
       do they invest in their business in
       order to gain a customer?
           A range of these normal com­
       mercial practices could eventually
       result in the producer doing busi­
       ness with that specific organisa­
       tion. Aspects such as price, range
       and service are also important
       aspects on which his choice is
           Senwes invested in excess of
       R200 million in the silo business
       over the past few years. It is         to-minute basis. However, if you       from the outset. When I joined
       important to invest in the infra­      change your goals every minute         Senwes in 2010, I challenged all
       structure and it is the right thing    you will not achieve anything.         the strategies for the first eight
       to do. You have to have a spe­         You have to revisit your goals on a    months. We are now working on
       cific attitude. What is Senwes’        continuous basis.”                     a rolling 10-year basis and every
       objective? Personnel are really the                                           year we move ten years ahead. The
       people who make things work.           WHEN DO YOU SAY NO?                    reality is that businesses have to
       Personnel are driven by motiva­        Strategy goes about what you say       looked further and further into
       tion and not only salary. Such         “no” to and when you should say        the future.
       things are timeless. A company is      “yes”.                                    The legacy which we leave
       a company for its customers but,          It is important to know where       behind is important to me. I want
       it also goes about how you can         you are heading. It is important       to leave an organisation behind
       change the environment, how you        to say no. You have to be able to      which is better than the one I
       can change lives and even more         stand on your own two feet and         received. I want to change peo­
       important, how you can change          to know what you can do. It is         ple's lives, I want to change South
       South Africa.”                         even more important to know            Africa and for this reason I am
           Agri-companies stand before a      what you can’t do and to say no        willing to take a chance, as I did
       huge and important choice - they       to what you can’t do. It is easy to    with Nation in Conversation.
       have to be sure about where they       say yes, but a lot more difficult to
       are heading and how they should        say no. These are the things which     CONCLUSION
       define their objectives. The cus­      define you. To say no means that       The strategy of a good company
       tomer has to know that the organ­      you have to be sure of the things      is timeless. The methodology
       isation with which he conducts         you want to achieve.”                  may change over the years, but
       business, acts in his interest.                                               you have to communicate with
           But how often should one           BE FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE               all concerned - this has never
       think about this? “On a minute-        You have to look at the future         changed.

 8     JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
Johan and his wife Juanita with the proof that he                                      •••
                                                                                                                  N E W S •• ••
                                       is the Free State Young Farmer of the Year for

               Free State Young Farmer of the Year for 2017
Johan van Huyssteen
JOHAN VAN HUYSSTEEN IS THE RECENTLY CROWNED                                             producer on the farm Bloekom.
                                                                                        The first was Hendrik Petrus
2017 FREE STATE YOUNG FARMER OF THE YEAR. AND                                           van Huyssteen, followed by
WHAT'S MORE, HE IS A SENWES CUSTOMER TO THE                                             great-grandfather Johan Abraham,
                                                                                        grandfather Bernardus Francois
BACKBONE. SENWES SCENARIO VISITED THIS DYNAM-                                           (Naas), his father Johan Abraham
IC PRODUCER ON THE FARM BLOEKOM, BETWEEN                                                and now the younger Johan
                                                                                        Abraham van Huyssteen.
VIRGINIA AND THEUNISSEN IN THE FREE STATE.                                                 This winner, who has been

                                                                                        married to Juanita for almost three
        he first reaction of the            with his father (also Johan) and            years, is mainly a maize farmer, on
        36-year old when he won             for him it was a case of first time         which he was evaluated. However,
the title, was surprise. “The other         lucky! The only other competition           he also has a cattle component
finalists were very good. When              which he entered was in 2012,               which does not render any profit.
I watched their videos, I was in            when he entered the Grain SA’s                 The farms consist of 2 500
some doubt.” When his name was              Grain Producer of the Year com­             hectares, half of which are fallow
read, he was overwhelmed and                petition - Van Huyssteen Farming            lands. There is not a lot of grazing
grateful.                                   Operations was one of the three             - approximately 30 to 50 hectares
   The bearded Johan has been               finalists.                                  between the fields, which amount
farming for 14 years, since 2003,              Johan is a fifth-generation              to approximately 500 hectares in
                                                                                        total and on which Johan runs his
                                                                                        cattle component of 125 head of
                 A line of Jack Russels! On this farm is six Jack Russels –
                 Mia, Rusty, Belly, Vlekkie, Cindy, as well as Ore, who is              large and small livestock.
                                somewhere on the bakkie.                                   This young farmer, who grew
                                                                                        up on the farm, tells us that his
                                                                                        father and grandfather purchased
                                                                                        the land and in 2013 they bought
                                                                                        a further 1 250 hectares of the
                                                                                        farm Emmerentia.
                                                                                        Johan does the farming while
                                                                                        dad Johan does the books, moth­
                                                                                        er Elize does the payments and

                                                                                                     > CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

                                                                                 SENWES Scenario • JUN/JUL 2017                9
••••    NEW S

       Free State Youn Farmer
       for 2017
       brother Francois offers veterinary
       services. Johan does everything
       the easy way: “I do everything the
       chemical way - I don’t hoe, I don’t
       plough. I kill chemically, rip and      A John Deere farm! Johan van Huyssteen’s John Deere harvester. He has also five John
                                               Deere tractors, as well as a John Deere sprayer.
       then plant. The easier the better.”
       He says that they do extensive          forget about Rusty, Cindy, Vlekkie            doing business with them.”
       cultivar and fertiliser tests to make   and Ore.                                         Last but not least, with­
       sure that they use the right pro­          Johan would like to thank                  out his nine labourers, Elias
       ducts.                                  his wife, Juanita, and his parents            Tlhapi, Makola Theletsane,
                                               Johan and Elize for their support,            Lawrence Makhabani, Moeketsi
       SENWES                                  as well as his brother, Francois, for         Kholoanyane, Isaac Ntsodo, James
       He delivers almost all his grain at     his contributions. He would also              Thibile, Motseko Mphongoa,
       the Senwes Welgeleë silo, which         like to thank Senwes: “Senwes is a            Ezekile Kgoloanyane and Thys
       is a short distance from the farm.      good and honest company - one                 Liphalane, he would not have
       He has a good relationship with         does not have to worry about                  been able to win the title.
       silo manager Piet Nel. A small
       portion of the grain is marketed
       by Senwes’ Jaco Maree.
           Johan has a lot of respect for
       his spares manager at Welkom,
       Neil Basson - “he thinks ahead
       and orders in advance for me.
       If I order before 10:00, I receive
       the spares the next morning.”
       He never tires of talking about
                                               Faithful personnel! The people that work on the farm are Elias Tlhapi, Makola Theletsane,
       Wesselsbron tractor technician,         Lawrence Makhabani, Moeketsi Kholoanyane, Isaac Ntsodo, James Thibile, Motseko
       Myburgh de Bruyn - “He really is        Mphongoa, Ezekile Kgoloanyane and Thys Liphalane.
       very good.”
           He gets on well with the
       Welkom branch manager, JD du
       Plessis, and relationship manager
                                                 The Young Farmer in the Global Market
       Estelle Hattingh, where he buys           This was the theme of the Free              technology had to be used to
       all his seed and most of his fer­         State Agriculture Young Farmer              keep up with agricultural trends.
       tiliser. Johan has five John Deere        Conference held on 6 April in               He said that it was important to
       tractors, as well as a sprayer and a      Bloemfontein. Dr Dirk Strydom               focus on research, benchmarking
       harvester.                                was the keynote speaker and                 in order to minimise losses, mar­
                                                 his words were “Globalisation               keting and cash flow.
       MODELLE EN JACK RUSSELS                   is one of the aspects which will               The conference was conclu­
       This article would not be com­            become increasingly important,              ded with a gala dinner where
       plete without mentioning Johan            policies will change even more              Johan van Huyssteen, a Senwes
       and his father’s John Deere model         and adjustments will have to be             customer, was crowned as the
       collection of approximately 2 500         made”.                                      Free State Young Farmer for
       models. Senwes CEO, Francois                  Senwes was one of the spon­             2017. Van Huyssteen farms on
       Strydom, has visited this collec­         sors of the conference, which               the farm Bloekom near Virginia.
       tion.                                     was attended by approximately               He will represent the Free State
          There are Jack Russels every­          120 young farmers from the                  in the national competition.
       where on the farm. Mia drives             Free State, sponsors and the                Senwes Scenario’s best wishes
       with him everywhere he goes,              media.                                      accompany him for this national
       Belly jogs with Juanita and don’t             Strydom also indicated that             competition.

 10    JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario

     Die moderne boer staar talle uitdagings in die gesig en moet verskillende baadjies
    dra om hulle te oorkom. Jy sien om na jou plaas, jou werkers, jou bates, jou huis en
      jou gesin. Santam verstaan hoe baie van jou verwag word en daarom neem ons ’n
 wetenskaplike benadering tot die beskerming van jou oeste, sowel as jou boerdery- en
persoonlike bates. Want ons glo jy verdien uitsonderlike versekering. Vir meer inligting,
                 bel jou makelaar of besoek
                                                      Santam. Regte, egte versekering.

                    Santam is ’n gemagtigde finansiële-diensverskaffer (lisensienommer 3416).
••••              NEW S

                                 Northwest Young Farmer of the Year-title
                   a victory for the game industry
              WHEN YOU
                                                               “T           o me it means that the game industry
                                                                            is now fully recognised as agriculture,
                                                               and not just as environmental matters and nature
              ASK THE 2017                                     conservation.” This is after the game industry
                                                               being in the spotlight for mostly the wrong rea­
              NORTHWEST                                        sons.
              YOUNG FARMER                                         Ro’an’s name is unique - it is a combination of
                                                               the names of his mother Ronnie and his grand­
              OF THE YEAR                                      mother Andriesa. He has been married to Miquet
              ABOUT HIS TITLE,                                 for almost five years and have two children, Roan
                                                               (3) and Benroux (4 months). Roan can already
              HE SAYS WITHOUT                                  tell you the names of all the animals.
              HESITATION: “IT IS A                                 He tells us that 95% of the farming operations
                                                               involve game breeding and 5% cultivated grazing
              VICTORY FOR THE                                  for the cutting and baling of grass to be sold and
              GAME INDUSTRY”.                                  to rotate cattle through the camps to control
                                                               grass quality and tick population.

                                                               A FAMILY OF FARMERS
                                                               He tells us that although the whole family
                                                               farmed, they did not farm on a continuous basis.
 Baie geluk!                                                   Grandfather Vos van Tonder and father Nico van
 Ro’an van Tonder,                                             Tonder farmed, “but my dad Nico bought this
 Agri NW Jongboer                                              farm as a family farm and his sons had to work
                                                               themselves up to earning shares.
 van die Jaar 2017
 Ro’an van Tonder                                              BROTHER
 is tydens ‘n spog-                                            Ro’an’s older brother, Werner, also entered the
 geleentheid aangewys                                          2014 Young Farmer of the Year competition and
 as die Agri NW Jongboer                                       he ended up as one of three finalists.
 van die Jaar. Ro’an boer
 op die plaas Klipfontein in                                   BEST GEMSBUCK BREEDER
 die Potchefstroom-distrik.                                    IN SOUTH AFRICA
                                                               Ro’an undoubtedly wants to be the best gems­
 Opti Feeds wens Ro’an van                                     buck breeder in the country. There are a lot of
 harte geluk en wens hom                                       advantages as far as gemsbuck are concerned and
 alle sterkte toe as finalis                                   Ro’an divides them into three categories, namely
 in die Nasionale Jongboer                                     red gemsbuck, golden gemsbuck and the ordi­
 kompetisie 2017.                                              nary large long-horn gemsbuck.
                                                                  The objective is to get genetics of cows with
                                                               an average of 43 inches-plus and to have at least
                                                               four herds of 40 inches-plus.
 Suid-Afrika                                                      “The breeding females must be daughters of
 Tel: 018 632 4053/4/5/6,
 Faks: 018 632 3989/4934                                       44 inch bulls and have to breed with 43 inch-
 E-pos:          Voer vir Optimale       plus bulls. We are busy with this at present and
 Opti Feeds Botswana (Pty) Ltd               Resultate.
 Tel: +267 397 4146                                            we have approximately 50 cows. We would like
                                      Deel van die NWK Groep
 Tindrum 17/101
                                                                       JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
NEWS           •••
                                                                                                                   •• ••

to supply top genetics to the             They have been farming with       Ro’an buys all his feeds from
breeders market and the hunting       game since 2010 and bought the        Optifeeds.
market - “Where will they find        first Burchell Namibian golden            “We are satisfied with the prod­
genetics like this - hopefully they   gemsbuck in 2012 at the well-         uct and the price and the animals
will buy it from us.”                 known Piet du Toit’s auction.         are in good condition.”
    To top it all they are hardy      10 were bought at an average of           One thing he would like is
and the biggest advantage is that     R825 000 per animal.                  for the media to be consistent. A
they can be brought in from the           “It was a high premium, more      commercial farmer can buy a R5
outside throughout the year and       than double the market price, but     million plus tractor, but as soon as
that long-horn cows are as much       we have the best of the best and      a game farmer pays R5 million for
in demand in the hunting market       the premiums will be made up          a buffalo, he is regarded as crazy.
as the bulls.                         when we sell the golden gems­         It is, however, an investment in his
    As far as he knows they are the   buck.”                                herd and it adds value.
only game farmers doing in-depth          They are also in the process of       Ro’an encourages produces
analyses where all the horns are      expanding to a 5 000 hectare farm     to establish a game component.
measured and predictions are          in Namibia. The actual objective      Kroonstud Game, which Ro’an
made regarding the potential of       is to not only have the numbers,      is involved with, will be hosting
the animals. Although you can­        but to have the best - a quantity     a game day on 9 August 2017 to
not always be right, it provides      of quality. The Kalahari bloodlines   show prospect game farmers the
a guideline for the future. We        have the best gembuck genetics.       ins and outs of the game industry.
measure everything, while other                                             RSVP before 2 August 2017 by
breeders measure the length and       OPTIFEEDS                             contacting Ro’an by e-mail at
tip to tip only.                      As far as animal feed is concerned,              13
••••   P ROMOSI E - AR T I K EL

       Muf en mikotoksiene
       Hoe beïnvloed dit die prestasie van
       DIE MEESTE VOER VIR                   word. Muf wat gewasse op die           sienbestuursprogram inkorporeer.
                                             land besmet, kan verskil van dié           Terwyl mikroörganismes (pro­
       LEWENDE HAWE BEVAT                    wat groei terwyl die gewas gestoor     tosoë) in die grootpens wel tot ’n
       MUF- EN SWAMSPORE.                    word of in die kuilvoerbunker is.      sekere mate van hierdie toksiene
                                             Mikotoksiene is die sekondêre          onskadelik kan maak, kan van
       GEDURENDE HIERDIE                     produkte wat sommige muf/swam          hierdie metaboliete (afbraakpro­
       SOMER HET DIE GEREEL-                 spesies produseer en kan giftig        dukte) van sulke toksiene net so of
                                             wees vir diere indien dit teen vlak­   selfs meer toksies wees. Wanneer
       DE REËN ’N UITDAGING                  ke wat hoog genoeg is, ingeneem        hierdie mikotoksiene deur mikro­
       GESKEP VIR HOOIPRO-                   word.                                  bes in die grootpens verander
                                                                                    word, word hulle omgeskakel na
       DUSENTE WAT BEOOG                     MUF EN MIKOTOKSIENE SAL DIE            produkte wat soms meer toksies
       HET OM HOOI TE SNY, TE                VERTERINGSPROSES NEGATIEF RAAK         as die oorspronklike mikotoksien
                                             Muf in voerkomponente kan bees­        kan wees. Sekere protosoë kan
       BAAL EN TE STOOR.                     produksie negatief raak as gevolg      egter net op bepaalde mikotok­
                                             van die invloed op voedings­           siene inwerk. Vir sommige miko­

                                             waarde, mikose en miko­toksi­          toksiene is daar geen protosoë in
                it is belangrik om die       koses. Mikose is ’n siektetoestand     die grootpens beskikbaar wat hulle
                impak wat reën op hooi,      wat deur die muf en swamme             kan afbreek nie, en beeste word
       graan en kuilvoer kan hê, te besef.   self veroorsaak word, en miko­         aan die negatiewe uitwerking daar­
       Benewens die verlies aan voeding­     toksikose is 'n siektetoestand wat     van blootgestel.
       stowwe, is ’n ander belangrike        deur die mikotoksiene veroorsaak           Daar moet altyd onthou word
       komponent van voerwaarde die          word. Die swam self kan dus            dat mikotoksiene ’n negatiewe
       groei van muf en teenwoordigheid      produksieverliese veroorsaak wat       uitwerking op die grootpensomge­
       van mikotoksiene. Muf het vog         apart van, en bykomend tot enige       wing en -aktiwiteit sal hê – selfs
       (relatiewe humiditeit van bo          toksiese effek voorkom.                voordat die diere self aangetas
       70%), suurstof (ten minste 1 tot          Trouens, verskeie swamme           word. Sommige van hierdie
       2% O2), tyd en die regte tempera­     word met negatiewe gesondheids­        mikotoksiene en metaboliete het
       tuur (veranderlik na gelang van       effekte op plante, diere en mense      ook ’n antibiotiese uitwerking en
       die spesie; hoë temperature bevor­    verbind. In talle kliniese gevalle     kan die grootpens se mikrobiese
       der Aspergillus, lae temperature      wat gerapporteer is, is dit moeilik    omgewing versteur, en so die weg
       bevorder Fusarium) nodig om te        om die uitwerking van mikose en        vir ander muftoksiene, giste en
       groei.                                dié van mikotoksikoses te skei.        bakteriële gevare baan.
           Nat, styf-gebaalde hooi verskaf   Produsente vermoed gewoonlik               Dieet speel ook ’n rol. Wanneer
       ’n vogtige, donker omgewing           dat mikotok­siene die vernaam­         voerkraalbeeste en melkbeeste hoër
       vir muf om te groei. Gewoonlik        ste sondaars is wanneer laer           verhoudings graan gevoer word,
       beïnvloed muf die smaak en daar­      voerinname, diarree, aborsies,         word die grootpens se pH verlaag,
       opvolgende inname van hooi            swak gewigstoename of vrektes          en so ook die vermoë om miko­
       deur lewende hawe. Muf kan            waargeneem word. Selfs waar            toksiene af te breek. Robuuste
       op graan in die land, terwyl dit      dit in lae vlakke aanwesig is,         grootpensfermentasie is belangrik
       gestoor word of in die kuilvoer­      kan die inname van veelvuldige         om maksimum mikotoksienafbre­
       bunker groei. Weerstoestande          mikotoksiene nadelig wees vir          king in die grootpens te bewerk­
       kan mufgroei op gewasse op die        beeste se gesondheid en prestasie.     stellig. Die gebruik van buffers
       land raak. Graan word gewoon­         Produsente moet proaktief wees en      en voldoende effektiewe vesel om
       lik droog gehou om te voorkom         mikotoksienteenwoordigheid en          grootpensfunksie te stimuleer is
       dat muf groei terwyl dit gestoor      -vlakke moniteer en ’n mikotok­        noodsaaklik.

 14    JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
PR O MO SIE -A RT IK E L          •••
                                                                                                                 •• ••

voerkraalbeeste en melkkoeie?
                                                                           Veelvuldige toksiene vanaf verskei
                                                                           voerkomponente kan ’n sinergis­
                                                                           tiese effek hê, wat die negatiewe
                                                                           impak op die dier se prestasie en
                                                                           gesondheid verhoog. Toksiene van
                                                                           muf en swamme, gekombineer
                                                                           met bakteriële toksiene, verhoog
                                                                           die negatiewe gesondheidskwessies

                                                                           Hoewel beeste dalk nie simptome
                                                                           van mikotoksikose (mikotoksien
                                                                           vergiftiging) toon nie, word die
                                                                           beeste se prestasie egter eerstens
                                                                           benadeel. Hierdie verskuilde effek
 ONDER NORMALE OMSTANDIGHEDE         toksiene en ook mufspore bevat.       op prestasie is egter van groter
 IS BESMETTING DEUR VEELVULDIGE      Hierdie mufspore kan mikotok­         ekonomiese belang as mikoto­
 TOKSIENE WAARSKYNLIK                siene produseer in die kuilvoer,      sikose. Muf en mikotoksiene moet
 Voerkrale en melkprodusente         aangesien die omgewing die regte      in gedagte gehou word wanneer
 benut ’n wye verskeidenheid         temperatuur, vog of suurstofvlak      enige soort suboptimale prestasie
 voerbestanddele, en ’n groot deel   verskaf. Mikotoksiene kan dus         by herkouers aangespreek word.
 daarvan sal waarskynlik verskil­    tydens die stoorproses vermeerder,    Benewens die direkte negatiewe
 lende mikotoksiene tot die totale   en dit gebeur wel.                    effek van mikotoksiene, produ­
 gemengde rantsoen (TGR) voeg.           Om die groei van mikotoksiene     seer talle muf spesies stowwe met
 Die insluitingskoers van graan,     in kuilvoer te voorkom, moet lug      antibiotiese aktiwiteit. Inname van
 gluten, koringsemels, “chop”,       in die kuilvoerbunker so vinnig       gemufde voer en mikotoksiene
 hooi sowel as mieliekuilvoer, sal   moonlik uitgesluit word. Dit          verander die grootpens-mikroflora,
 die mikotoksienbydrae tot die       beteken dat plante teen die regte     wat noodsaaklik is vir doeltref­
 TGR bepaal. Bestuurders en voe­     vogvlakke ingekuil moet word en       fende vertering,
 dingkundiges sal dikwels probeer    fyn gekerf moet word (8 – 12mm)           Bestuurstrategieë wat bloot­
 om die mikotoksienvlakke te         vir goeie kompaktering. Die           stelling aan en die inname van
 beheer deur die insluitingvlakke    ge­bruik van ’n kuilvoer inokulant/   mikotoksiene voorkom, is altyd
 van bestanddele wat hoog besmet     entstof om fermentasie te versnel     die beste weg om te volg. Wanneer
 is met mikotoksiene te verminder.   en die verseëling van die silo        produsente vermoed dat daar
 Dit kan ’n goeie metode wees,       on­mid­dellik nadat dit volgemaak     mikotoksiene aanwesig is, moet
 maar talle van die vervangings­     is , is ook uiters belangrik. Nadat   voermonsters dadelik getoets
 bestanddele kan feitlik dieselfde   die kuilvoer oopgemaak is, moet       word.
 hoeveelhede mikotoksiene bydra.     200 tot 300 mm van die voorkant           Wees bewus van die uitwerking
     Mieliekuilvoer is ’n algemene   (gesigkant) van die kuilvoer daag­    van veelvuldige mikotoksiene, en
 voerbron en kan ’n groot deel van   liks verwyder word. Die gebruik       skerp die bestuur van voerstore,
 beeste se rantsoen uitmaak. Met     van ’n snyer word ook aanbeveel       graansilo’s en kuilvoerbunkers op.
 verloop van tyd verhoog die miko­   om ’n skoon, lugdigte gesigkant te    Sluit ’n geskikte mikotoksien­
 toksieninhoud van gestoorde voere   verseker. Enige bederfde kuilvoer     deaktiveerder by die voer in en
 dikwels omdat muf aanhou groei.     of kuilvoer met muf moet wegge­       implementeer ’n mikotok­sien-
 Kuilvoer kan met oestyd miko­       gooi word.                            risikobestuursprogram.

                                                                    SENWES Scenario • JUN/JUL 2017               15
••••    AREA F O C U S

       Koppies silo is a well-known landmark in Koppies. From above a breathtaking
       view of the area and all the dams awaits you as well as the picturesque road
       weaving its way around the town.

                                                      KO P P I E S
                                    s i t s m a r k
                 m              ake
       OUR AREA FOCUS IS                            JC Heunis, Minister of Economic        Zondwani (General Worker) has
                                                    Affairs, on 2 September 1976.          five years service, followed by
       ON THE FREE STATE                               Koppies silo has a total of 18      Silo Manager Ambrosé Viljoen
       TOWN OF KOPPIES THIS                         bins, 12 of which have a capacity      with three years, General Workers
                                                    of 5 000 tons and the other six        David Moeketsi (three years),
       TIME, WHERE WE CAME                          bins have a capacity of 1 300 tons     Daniel Morallane (2 years) and
       ACROSS A FEW INTE­                           each. It brings the total silo capa­   beginner David Diboti (Junior
                                                    city of Koppies silo to 67 800         Grain Grader) with one year ser­
       RESTING FACTS.                               tons.                                  vice.
                                                       Senwes silo manager at
                                                    Koppies, Ambrosé Viljoen, tells us     THE BRANCH
          AUBREY KRUGER                             that the silo was filled to almost     Locals say that the first Senwes
                                                    capacity during the 2014 crop.         branch was opened in the sixties

                                                    It mainly receives white maize,        in Church Street. The Senwes
                oppies is a small town,             but also other crops such as yel­      building, which housed a furni­
                which owes its existence            low maize, sunflower, soy-beans        ture dealer, was bought from a
       to a railway station. The town was           and sorghum. Other silos in the        Jewish gentleman named Rozin.
       declared a settlement in 1909 and            Koppies area are Rooiwal Silo, 13      The building is still standing, with
       was laid out in 1910 and declared            km from Koppies, followed by           the old house where the branch
       a municipality in 1926. The                  Vredefort, 34 km, Weiveld Silo,        manager used to live, next door.
       name of the town was Kopjes first,           35 km and Heilbron approximate­            At the end of the sixties the
       derived from Honingkopjes, the               ly 50 km from Koppies.                 branch was moved to the new
       name of the farm on which the                                                       premises in Noord Street, where
       town was establish­ed.                       PERSONNEL                              the old Jewish synagogue was
                                                    Two of his staff members have          situated. It is used as a store today
       KOPPIES SILO                                 more than 14 years of service,         and when you look carefully, you
       One of the places of interest in             Paul Mofokeng (Control Board           can still see the old foundations of
       Koppies is definitely the Senwes             Operator) and Andries Mokoena          the church. Next the branch was
       silo. The silo was inaugurated by            (General Worker). David                               > CONTINUED ON PAGE 18

 16    JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario

                                                          TO            S


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Naturally ahead
••••    AREA F O C U S

       moved to Spoorweg Street in 1987
       and was upgraded in 2013.

       Hendrik de Klerk is really part
       of the community. He was the
       relationship manager for seven
       years in the Koppies/Heilbron
       district and was branch man­
       ager for six years before he was                  The current Koppies Hinterland branch is the company's third home in the town.
                                                         The first branch was already opened in the 1960’s after which the branch was
       transferred to Kroonstad recently.                relocated at Noord Street with the current branch being erected in 1987 being
       One of his highlights is the 2015                 refurbished in 2013.
       award as Business Unit: Business
       Offer (B-branch) of the Year. He              to staff is to go to work and back            ber the TV-series in particular,
       believes that an open door policy,            home with excitement and a song               with the song by Anton Goosen,
       Christian principles and the four             in their hearts.                              Trompie en die Boksombende.
       pillars, namely customers, person­                                                          Topsy matriculated in Koppies.
       nel, suppliers and head office, are           WELL-KNOWN INHABITANTS                            Another well-known inhabitant
       key to success. He was very proud             The well-known poet, Olga                     is former Senwes director, Tobie
       of his staff and he depended on               Kirsch, was born in Koppies on                Loubser
       Marina Zitzke, Hanna van den                  23 September 1924. She printed
       Bergh, Christa Pretorius, Corné               a number of volumes of verse,                 CHURCHES
       Coetzee and Jaco van der Walt in              which include Negentien Gedigte,              One of the well-known church­
       particular. He believes that every            Die Soeklig, The Book of Sitrya and           es in the area is the old NG
       branch, including Koppies, has                Oorwinteraars in die Vreemde. The             Church, which was established
       its own atmosphere and he is very             house where she lived is also still           in 1908, after it broke away from
       sad to leave Koppies. His advice              standing.                                     the Vredefort, Heilbron and
                                                         Another well-known writer                 Kroonstad congregations. The
                                                     from the area is Topsy Smith.                 current church was inaugurated
                                                     Older people will remember him                on 18 May 1963. The cornerstone
                                                     as the writer of the youth story              of the NG Church Koppies-
                                                     Trompie, and the television series            Weltevrede, was laid on 16 March
                                                     which followed the books. He was              1963.
                                                     also the writer of Saartjie, under
                                                     the nom de plume Bettie Naudé.                EMILY HOBHOUSE
       The Century of Grace (Eeu van Genade
                                                     The older generation will remem­              A memorial to the school which
       1838-1938) memorial of the Ossewatrek,                                                      was operated from 1909 to
       which was celebrated in 1938, is located at                                                 1938 was erected at the old NG
       the NG Church Moedergemeente.
                                                                                                   Church. It was erected to pay
                                                                                                   homage to the courage of two
       A Koppies welcome!
                                                                                                   women in particular, name­
                                                                                                   ly Johanna Rood and Emily

                                                                                                   TREK BY OX-WAGON
                                                                                                   A monument to commemorate
                                                                                                   the Eeu van Genade (1838-1938)
                                                                                                   which was celebrated in 1938 and
                                                     For years Hendrik de Klerk was the branch
                                                                                                   which related to the ox-wagon
                                                     manager at Koppies and he recently            trek, was erected on the old NG
                                                     moved to the Kroonstad branch.                Church premises.

 18    JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
A RE A F O CUS                       •••
                                                                                                                                                                     •• ••

                                                                                                             Ambrosé Viljoen on top of the silos in
                                                                                                             Koppies! He is the silo manager here
                                                                                                             since 2014.

                                                                                                             However, the Koppies bowls club
                                                                                                             is the only remaining sports club
                                                                                                             in town. Matty Lotter has been
                                                                                                             the chairman of the club for the
                                                                                                             past 15 years. He tells us that the
                                                                                                             club was established in 1963. It
                                                                                                             has ten members at present and
                                                                                                             was established by Bossie Hefer
     VREDEFORT ROAD CONCENTRATION                            the district, namely the Koppies                and a few other guys.
     CAMP GRAVEYARD                                          Dam, Weltevrede Dam and
     The Vredefort Road Concen­                              the Rooipoort Dam. General                      GREENLANDS FARMERS UNION
     tration Camp Graveyard is situa­                        Christiaan de Wet proposed that                 Hermann Weiss has been the
     ted just out of town, where a total                     the dam be built and the dam                    chairman for the past ten years.
     of 507 people were buried, 335 of                       wall was raised in 1960. The dam                The union has 42 active mem­
     which were children under the age                       is well-known for boat races and                bers and they meet once a month
     of 15 and 172 were persons over                         fishing - carp, crucian (geelvis) and           during quieter times. Their
     the age of 15.                                          barbels are abundant.                           favourite activity is an annual
                                                                                                             rally, which is held in aid of the
     DAMS                                                    BOWLS CLUB                                      churches and other organisations
     There are three large dams in                           Sports is important in most towns.              in town.                                                19

Winterlek                                                                             Voorbeeld van ‘n winterlek vir beeste en skape
                                                                                                                                        Beeslek            Skaaplek

Meng jou eie lekke en spaar                                                             Mieliemeel/Hominy Chop
                                                                                                                                          150                 100
Die belang van winterlekke in die instandhouding                                        Voergraad Ureum
                                                                                        Kimtrafos 12 Grandé/PhosSure 12                   150                 100
van diere se liggaamsmassa en kondisie moet                                             Kalori 3000                                        50                  50
nie onderskat word nie. Maak gebruik van jou                                            Voergraad Swael                                     7                   5
                                                                                        Sout                                              350                 350
eie plaasgeproduseerde produkte saam met Yara                                           Totaal                                            957                1005
Animal Nutrition SA se produkte en beproefde                                            Samstelling:                                      g/kg                g/kg
resepte en bespaar hierdie winter op lekkoste.                                          Ruproteïen                                       475                 367
                                                                                        % Vanaf NPN                                     95.6                 77.5
Kalori 3000 - Reg. Nr. V2809, Voergraad Ureum - Reg. Nr. V15681,                        ME                                            3.8 MJ/kg           5.25 MJ/kg
Voergraad Swael - Reg. Nr. V16738, Kimtrafos 12 Grandé - Reg. Nr. V18670,               Kalsium                                           41                  27
PhosSure 12 - Reg. Nr. V12858. Alle produkte geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947.        Fosfaat                                           21                  14
                                                                                        Swael                                             8                    5
                                                                                        Inname Beeste (g/bees/dag)                   350 - 500            450 - 650
Tel: +27 31 910 5100                                                                    Inname Skape (g/skaap/dag)                Nie gesik vir skape      80 - 120
E-pos:                                                   * Voergraad Ureum kan lei tot ureum vergiftiging indien dit onoordeelkundig gebruik
                                                                                      word. Lees aanwysings op sak noukeurig.
••••    IN T H E SP OTLI GH T

                                  H e r m a n n W e i s s
                                e p a s s i o n
                      double th
                                                              SENWES PRODUCER, HERMANN WEISS,
                                                              DEFINITELY HAS DOUBLE THE PASSION
                                                                    IN EVERY THING HE DOES!

         AUBREY KRUGER                        km from both towns. However,           od on good turf, they have also

                                              two thirds of the road to Koppies      adjusted the number of plants per
            t starts off with a double n in   is tarred.                             hectare in order to ensure viability.
            his name and a double s in his        The history of the farm dates      The long-term average is between
       surname. This makes Hermann            back to 1910. Two passionate           3,5 to 4,5 tons per hectare.
       an out and out German and              generations came before him - his          Hermann tells us that it
       he is very proud of his German         grandfather, Ernst Weiss, was the      is interesting that, although
       heritage. He says that his parents     first Weiss on the farm, followed      Sasolburg is approximately 50 km
       spoke German at home and he            by his father, Gerhard. He was         from his farm as the crow flies,
       can still understand the language.     followed by Hermann, when he           the Sasolburg area receives approx­
       The German tradition for preci­        decided to continue with the           imately 200 mm more rain per
       sion rubbed off on him and he          farming operations as the third        year due to a micro-climate being
       strives for precision in everything    generation. Hermann is partic­         created there. One thing his father
       he does.                               ularly grateful for the few years      taught him is that when the wind
                                              during which he could farm with        blows in such a direction that you
       DOUBLE PASSION: FARMING                his father before his parents passed   can smell Sasol, the chances of
       AND ENGINEERING                        away.                                  rain are good.
       Farming was actually not                   The farming operations are             Hermann says that the 2014
       Hermann's first choice - he used       carried out on seven farms of          and 2016 droughts were a real set­
       to be an engineer at Sasol when        approximately 4 000 hectares in        back for them. He switched over
       dad Gerhard asked him to choose        total. 2 200 hectares are used for     to precision farming for about
       between engineering at Sasol and       crop farming, where they cultivate     a year, but this has been on ice
       farming. Farming won and the           white maize, yellow maize and          for the past few years due to the
       rest is, as they say, history.         sorghum.                               drought and the extensive input
                                                  You really have to be brave to     it requires. But the passionate die-
       FARMING OPERATIONS                     farm in this area, with a rainfall     hard will come to the fore when
       Hermann farms on the farm              of between 300 and 500 mm per          they start the process from scratch
       Vlakkuil outside of Koppies. It is     year. Producers are selective in       again.
       situated exactly between Heilbron      respect of the type of maize they          He usually plants the same
       and Koppies, approximately 30          plant and with the no-till meth­       quantity of all three crops, but he

 20    JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
                                                                                          IN T HE SPO TL IG HT •• ••

                                                                                        This unique landmarks welcome you
                                                                                        at the farm Vlakkuil belonging to the
                                                                                        Weiss family. There is even an old drop
                                                                                        tank which numerous people refer to
                                                                                        as the rocket, and it serves as an easy

 Father and son! Hermann Weiss (on the right) with his son Werner next to one of
 the John Deere tractors on the farm.

has been planting white and yel­             Hermann has three John Deere
low maize only lately. However, he           tractors on his farm, as well as a
predicts that he will be planting            self-propelled John Deere sprayer.
sorghum again, which the area                    Hermann has been the chair­
is actually known for. A further             man of the Greenlands Farmers
impact of the drought was that               Union for the past ten years.
he had to stop his commercial
Simbra and Bonsmara cattle com­              ROGER FEDERER
ponent.                                      In addition to farming and his
                                             higher diploma in engineering,
DEPENDS ON SENWES                            sports is another passion. He         have two children, Werner and
Hermann’s total production                   played rugby, cricket, tennis and     Estené, who are both PUK stu­
account is at Senwes and he has              squash and played as scrumhalf for    dents.
been doing business with the com­            the Northern Free State Platteland       Hermann is very creative and
pany for 15 years.                           team. He loves tennis and sup­        his creations, old tractors, imple­
   He has a good relationship                porting his cousin, the Swiss         ments and other objects, can be
with Koppies branch manager,                 tennis legend, Roger Federer, who     seen in the garden. His wife is
Hendrik de Klerk, and Ramonde                comes to visit him every year. The    responsible for the rest of the gar­
Odendaal and the Agricultural                spirited German passion is evident    den and she also does the account­
Services team deal with the needs            from the fact that the former         ing for the business.
analysis of his farming operations.          Formula One world champion,              Although young Werner is
He depends on grain marketing                Michael Schumacher, is another of     not currently sure about going
advisor, Chantelle Jansen van                his sports heroes.                    into farming, everything will be
Rensburg, for grain information                                                    ready for him should he decide
and on key account manager,                  FAMILY                                to become the fourth-generation
Johan Jacobs - Hermann describes             Hermann has been married to           producer, as his father did two
him as his “pillar of strength”.             Georgina for 21 years and they        decades ago.                              21
••••    T RADE N E W S
                                                                           GRAIN MARKETING ADVISOR: KOPPIES

       From the Koppies district
          for the area

                                               She also communicates other
                                               important information to the
                                               more than 256 customers who

       A      lthough Christelle has been
              working as Senwes grain
       marketing advisor for a year and
                                               form part of the group.
                                                   She deals with every person on
                                               an individual basis, "because each
                                                                                     and Koppies.
                                                                                         This clever lady has a B.Com
       four months, she has been living        person's information is private and   Human Resource Management
       in the Koppies district all her life,   has to be dealt with confidential­    degree, which she obtained in
       where she learned how to plant          ly.” Being somewhat of a novice,      Potchefstroom in 2013, and a
       and harvest from a young age.           she is supported extensively by       year later she obtained an honours
       This blonde was born in Koppies         senior grain marketing advisor        degree in Labour Relations.
       and conclu­ded her primary school       at Senwes, Ben Brink, as well as          Although she worked in the
       career at Sarel Cilliers, before she    the broker at Senwes head office,     labour relations field for two years
       attended Heilbron High School,          Marcel Lombard. “They taught          and she knows all the acts and pol­
       where she matriculated in 2009.         me a lot and I get a lot of infor­    icies, she won’t change her job for
       She knows the producers and they        mation from them in order to          anything.
       know her. The only difference is        optimally support my producers.”          “I know my clients’ situations.
       that she assists them now in her                                              This is why they all have a spe­
       capacity as Senwes grain market­        HER PRODUCERS ARE HER LIFE            cial place in my heart.” After all
       ing advisor.                            “I really love my producers. It is    the communication and trading
                                               therefore very important for me       during the morning, she captures
       SERVICES A WIDE AREA                    to get the best possible price for    grain sales from 12:00 onwards
       In addition to Koppies, she             them.” She knows the producers        and gets her admin up to date.
       also works in the Rooiwal,              from particularly Koppies and             She deals with every person
       Heuningspruit and Attie areas.          Rooiwal, and between herself and      in the way they prefer to be dealt
       She is stationed in Koppies and         Ben Brink, they know everyone at      with. A number of producers see
       works in Kroonstad one or two           Heuningspruit and Attie as well.      her at the branches and in the
       days per week.                             “I understand their stories,       afternoons she visits producers
           What makes Christelle unique        since my father is a farmer           on their farms. She also visits the
       is that she communicates exten­         as well,” she says. Her dad,          farmer unions at Greenlands, as
       sively with her producers. Due          Gerhardus Strydom, farms              well as Renosterkop at Attie and
       to her long list of producers,          approximately 18km down               Heuningspruit.
       she established a Koppies Grain         the Koppies Dam road, where               She does everything in her
       Marketing Whatsapp group, by            Christelle grew up. She married       po­wer for her clients. “The mo­
       means of which she communicates         Fanie Jansen van Rensburg on 22       ment the price increases, I let them
       with them - market trends, open­        April this year - Fanie farms at      know. It is then up to the produ­
       ing and closing prices, etcetera.       Wonderheuwel between Sasolburg        cer to decide when to sell.”

 22    JUN/JUL 2017 • SENWES Scenario
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