BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet

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BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet
T H E   V O I C E   O F   B U S I N E S S   A V I A T I O N   S I N C E       2 0 0 8

EUROPE   -    RUSSIA        -     MIDDLE         EAST       -     AMERICAS             -      ASIA
BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet
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              AMAC Aerospace is a world leader in Maintenance and Completion services for both narrow-
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BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet
The sudden death of Olivier
                                         In                                           Olivier Dassault’s life has

Dassault still resonates as                                                           been marked by his passions,
a shock in more ways than                                                             of which aeronautics was
one. The intrepid man, as                                                             undoubtedly the cornerstone.
those close to him liked to                                                           The flight of the Falcon 6X,
call him, spent his life with a devouring energy and       just a few days after his death, is one of the most
a sense of adventure that led him to live several lives    beautiful tributes to his life. Beyond that, the Ultimate
in one. Beyond the politician, he will be remembered       Jet editorial team was deeply moved by the death of
as an artist, a photographer with a unique sensitivity,    Olivier Dassault, a man with a thousand lives who had
but also as an engineer and unequalled pilot Qualified     shown great concern for our magazine by becoming
on all the falcon range, except the 8X, Olivier Dassault   its tutor in January 2008. With his death, a part of the
has left his mark on aeronautical history, especially              soul of our magazine is gone. However, we will
in business aviation. A professional pilot                                 continue to keep our course, as a duty
since 1975, he is a joint world speed                                           of memory that binds us.
record holder - with Hervé Le                                                       To his wife Natacha, his
Prince-Ringuet in 1977 from                                                             children and his family,
New York to Paris on a                                                                    we wanted to express
Falcon 50 and in 1987 from                                                                  our sincere emotions,
New Orleans to Paris on a                                                                    support and gratitude.
Falcon 900 - and with Guy                                                                     Have a good flight
Mitaux-Maurouard and                                                                           Olivier.   We     will
Patrick Experton in 1996                                                                       always keep a place
on a Falcon 900EX from                                                                         for you.
Paris to Abu Dhabi and
from Paris to Singapore.

                                                                                                                        Ultimate Jet I 1
BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet
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BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet
The world’s first Super Versatile Jet takes off! No other business jet features an enormous cargo door
integral to its design, which is exactly why Pilatus made it standard in the new PC-24. Whether it’s a
bulky prototype to show your top client or your favourite mountain bike, we just removed the words
“it won’t fit” from your pilot’s vocabulary. Load whatever you want and fly PC-24 – contact us now!

Pilatus Aircraft Ltd • Switzerland • +41 41 619 61 11 •
BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet
Premier Pôle créé en 2009, à l’origine de
Time to Fly, le Pôle Navigabilité a assuré
la mise en place de plusieurs Organismes
d’Entretien, CAMO ou Organismes de
Production. Les experts Time to Fly
assurent ensuite un support complet,
allant d’audits ponctuels à l’externalisation.

 Support pour la mise en place de camo, organismes
 d’entretien ou organismes de production.
 Sous-traitance de tâches de gestion de navigabilité
 Audits et suivi de conformité / sécurité
 Rédaction et gestion des MGN, MOE, MOP, manuels SGS
 Expertise navigabilité : support achat d’aéronefs,
 recovery, support entretiens majeurs
 Externalisation système qualité

Créé en 2013, il assiste les compagnies
aériennes, les opérateurs privés et les
opérateurs de travail aérien, dans tous
les domaines ayant trait à l’exploitation
et à la conformité règlementaire.

 Support pour l’obtention d’un cta
 Mise en conformité ncc et spo
 Etudes opérationnelles : dossier efb, agréments
 spécifiques, enveloppes opérationnelles…
 Audits et suivi de conformité / sécurité
 Rédaction et gestion des manuels D’exploitation
 Externalisation système de gestion
BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet
Créé en juin 2015, propose des services
adaptés aux besoins des exploitants
aéroportuaires. Initialement axé sur la
certification EASA, l’activité du Pôle
Aéroports se diversifie et Time to Fly
devient un acteur majeur du monde
de l’aéroport.

 Accompagnement à la conversion des certificats
 de sécurité aéroportuaire
 Audits de conformité post-certification
 Externalisation du système de gestion et/ou du contrôle
 de la conformité
 Production d’études aéroportuaires :
 eisa, conception, études opérationnelles
 Rédaction et gestion des manuels d’exploitation
 Assistance juridique aéroportuaire
 Accompagnement réglementaire à
 l’utilisation des drones
BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet

l   Dassault
l   Pilatus
l   Gulfstream
l   Textron Aviation
l   Piaggio
l   Jetcraft
l   Planet 9
l   Pilatus
l   Luxaviation
l   Aerion
l   Vertis
l   Air BP
l   Neste
l   Duncan
l   SDA
BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet
 08 Manufacturer
 14 Operator, Broker & Forecast
 22 Briefing FBO, MRO & Completion Center

                                            Ultimate Jet I 7
BizAV : Looking to the future - THE VOICE OF BUSINESS AVIATION SINCE 2008 - Ultimate Jet

Falcon 6X completes maiden flight
The Falcon 6X widebody aircraft successfully completed its first flight on March 10. This important milestone, in line with the planned schedule,
enables Dassault to begin the certification test campaign.
“Today’s flight is another milestone in Dassault history, made all the more satisfying by the remarkable efforts of the entire Dassault organization and its
partners over the challenging past year,” said Dassault Aviation Chairman/CEO Eric Trappier. “We dedicate today’s achievement to Olivier Dassault,
who died tragically on Sunday,” continued Trappier. “Olivier was a Falcon pilot who perfectly embodied his family’s boundless passion for aviation.”
“The 6X is the latest example of the fusion of military know-how and business aviation expertise for which Dassault Aviation is so respected,”
added Trappier. “The new capabilities in efficiency, performance and safety it offers will set a new benchmark in the long-range segment. This airplane
will also set a new standard in terms of cabin comfort and spaciousness, as demanded by our customers.”
With test pilots Bruno Ferry and Fabrice Valette at its controls, aircraft 6X s/n 01 lifted off from Dassault Aviation’s Mérignac plant near
Bordeaux at 2:45 PM. This approximately, two hour and thirty minute maiden flight was executed per the test plan, with the pilots testing aircraft
handling qualities, engine response and the behavior of key aircraft systems. The aircraft topped out at 40,000 ft and reached a speed of M0.8
before returning to its base.
“The 6X flew exactly as predicted by our models. From a pilot’s perspective, it flies like a Falcon, which is to say with perfect precise handling in all
phases of flight,” said Ferry. “Fabrice and I are honored to have made the latest first flight in another fantastic Falcon.”
Serial number 01’s next flight will combine test activities with a hop to Istres, near Marseille, where the Dassault flight test center is located and
the bulk of the testing program will take place. Falcon 6X s/n 02 and 03 are scheduled to take to the air in the coming months.

                                                         More about Falcon 6X
Pilatus offers PC-24 with 10 seat commuter interior
A first PC-24 with high-utility 10-seat commuter configuration has been delivered to a customer in the western United States, allowing the Super
Versatile Jet to prove yet again how it is an excellent fit for the widest of mission profiles.
Pilatus now offers a commuter configuration for up to ten passengers, delivering a safe, efficient, private, cost-effective corporate travel solution
for company employees. Each seat is installed with a quick-release mechanism allowing easy cabin reconfiguration for all transportation
The PC-24’s payload capacity of 1,134 kilogrammes and standard large cargo door enable operators to load large, bulky items that no other
business jet is capable of carrying with such flexibility. The cabin features a private lavatory which can be serviced from the exterior. Unlike
many other light and midsize jets in this category, the lavatory seat is not used as a passenger seat: the loss of comfort for the passenger is
simply too great.
Seat pitch in the commuter configuration varies from 34 (86) to 40 inches (102 centimetres). Each seat features a side storage compartment
and cup holder as well as four 115-volt power outlets to enhance in-flight productivity. The PC-24’s entirely flat floor also adds to comfort on
long trips.
Ignaz Gretener, VP General Aviation of Pilatus commented: “All of us at Pilatus are pleased to hand over this new PC-24 in the 10-seat commuter
configuration. The PC-24 is the only aircraft in its category to offer this level of high-capacity interior for ten passengers. All seats are forward-facing,
and internal cargo space of more than 50 cubic feet (1.4 cubic metres) remains accessible in flight. We expect this configuration will prove very popular
with both public and private operators requiring a cost-effective solution for frequent transportation of passengers as an alternative to sending them
on the airlines.”

                                                      More about Pilatus PC-24

                                                                                                                                                        Ultimate Jet I 9

Gulfstream enhances its aircraft redesign program
Gulfstream Aerospace announced it has enhanced its aircraft redesign program to offer multiple options intended to suit a wide range of owner
needs and timelines. In as little as 30 business days, any Gulfstream aircraft can be redesigned with the assistance of a dedicated designer.
“No one knows a Gulfstream aircraft like we do,” said Derek Zimmerman, president, Gulfstream Customer Support. “Our award-winning expertise,
quality craftsmanship and superior materials make Gulfstream the top choice for a redesign. From a refresh to a floorplan reconfiguration, our team can
bring any vision to reality. An updated aircraft not only improves the customer’s overall comfort, it can increase the aircraft’s marketability.”
The new Gulfstream program empowers customers to choose a refurbishment package that best suits their situation:
• The Refresh: In as few as 30 working days, aircraft receive recovered seats as well as upper and lower sidewalls, fresh carpeting and exterior
• The Premium: In addition to the offerings of the Refresh, aircraft are outfitted with new veneers and countertops.
• The Custom: Aircraft are reimagined with all the perks of the Premium as well as a new floorplan.
Redesign customers are assigned a dedicated member of Gulfstream’s award-winning, internationally recognized interior design team, who
works with them from planning to completion and provides Gulfstream’s world-class service from start to finish.
Aircraft can benefit from a redesign at various stages of their lifespan, depending on usage as well as owner needs and preferences.
“To further reflect the convenience and benefit of choosing Gulfstream, aircraft redesigns can be accomplished when the aircraft is already undergoing
other maintenance services,” Zimmerman said.

                                                      More about Gulfstream
New aftermarket uprgrade for Beechcraft King Air 200 and 300 series
Textron Aviation today announced it has achieved Type Certification by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for its newly upgraded twin
turboprop Beechcraft King Air 260, paving the way for customer deliveries to commence in the coming weeks and launching a new era for
the renowned King Air 200 series aircraft. Announced in December 2020, the King Air 260 features the latest technological advancements to
the cockpit and improvements to the cabin, reflecting the company’s continued commitment to making substantial investments to its current
industry-leading products.

“The continual conversations we have with our customers play an integral role in the decisions we make about the design of new aircraft, as well as
enhancements to our existing fleet,” said Chris Hearne, senior vice president, Engineering and Programs. “With the King Air 260, we utilized that valuable
feedback and truly elevated the flying experience for both pilots and passengers. And now, with certification complete, we are looking forward to getting
the King Air 260 into the hands of so many eager customers.”

                                                  More about Textron Aviation

                                                                                                                                                    Ultimate Jet I 11

Piaggio Aerospace receives four offers to buy the company business complexes
Four entities replied positively to the invitation to file non-binding offers for the acquisition of the business complexes of Piaggio Aero
Industries and Piaggio Aviation, the two companies in extraordinary administration operating under the Piaggio Aerospace brand.
The proposals arrived on the table of the Piaggio Aerospace Commissioner Vincenzo Nicastro by the deadline of 6 pm last Friday: in the
upcoming weeks, they will be assessed by the Commissioner himself in cooperation with a team of experts. This analysis will be sent to the
Ministry for Economic Development in order to be able to start – having received the relevant authorizations – negotiations with whoever
presented the best project. Negotiations are expected to last a maximum of one month to eventually arrive to an irrevocable and binding offer.
“We have received a wide range of proposals”, commented Commissioner Nicastro. “Now the most delicate stage begins, which I hope will lead to
identifying the best solution in the interest of Piaggio Aerospace, its employees as well as the company’s creditors”.
The solicitations to submit offers had been delivered to the five subjects who had explicitly confirmed their interest in purchasing the company
and reaffirmed their willingness to take over the business in its entirety.

                                                       More about Piaggio
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                                         SUPPORT SURVEY
                           2019 & 2020

                                                                                               Ultimate Jet I 13

JetCraft starts 2021 strong with landmark Praetor 600 sale
Jetcraft is celebrating the completion of the world’s first transaction of a pre-owned Embraer Praetor 600.
The sale of the super-midsize jet completes a landmark triple crown for Jetcraft, after the company facilitated transactions for the first pre-
owned Gulfstream G500, and one of the first pre-owned Bombardier Global 7500s not long after certification.
Chad Anderson, President at Jetcraft, says: “The Praetor 600 is one of the world’s newest, and most disruptive private jets, capable of flying
further than any other super-midsize with non-stop travel between London to New York, or Oslo to Dubai.
“As we continue to see fresh innovations from OEMs, we’re witnessing a step-change in ownership patterns. Some buyers are seeking to quickly upgrade
their aircraft to the latest model, meaning a pre-owned jet can now be available a year or two after its original certification.”
The Praetor 600 transaction builds upon positive momentum for the company. Jetcraft’s 2020 sales were consistent with previous years
despite the challenging circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, which saw an essential halt in aircraft sales during Q2.
Anderson adds: “We’re seeing a pent-up demand for travel, with a healthy number of sale acquisition and trade-in enquiries already this year,
buoyed by growing market confidence.
“With business aviation utilization currently the closest it’s been to pre-Covid-19 levels, we’re equally enthused about the prospect of new entrants to
our industry, who are beginning their path to aircraft ownership by first experiencing air charter, jet-card or fractional solutions. We’re ready to support
them when they want to take the next step to owning their own plane.”

                                                           More about JetCraft
Planet Nine (Planet 9) expands with two more charter aircraft
Planet Nine continues to demonstrate that business aviation is leading the recovery with the introduction this month of two more ultra-long
range business jets on to its Part 135 AOC.
One of the two, a new Bombardier Global Express (N926PN) is a floating fleet aircraft. It is currently positioned at Bournemouth Airport, South
West UK. The Global is configured for 10 seats in a three-zone cabin, with an enclosed state room for privacy, plus a fixed double bed. Boasting
a range of 5,830 nm / 12 hours’ flying time, it is an excellent solution for long range international missions. Mirroring other high-spec aircraft in
the Planet 9 fleet, the aircraft offers KU band WIFI, accessible via eight large iPads loaded with a selection of movies.
Accompanying the latest Global Express and also under management is a new Dassault Falcon 7X (N685AB). Positioned out of Farmington, NY,
it is also available for charter. With 14 passenger seats in a three-zone cabin and enclosed state-room, the aircraft is suitable for up to 12 hour
journeys, with a max range of 5,950 nm. Inflight connectivity comes via Inmarsat SwiftBroadband, while IFE is accessible through eight large
Ipads, loaded with movies.
“We are very pleased to add these prestigious aircraft to our floating model fleet,” said Matt Walter, Planet 9 Cofounder and Director of Business
Development. “Since last Spring we have seen a notable reduction of N-registered high-quality long range business jets become available for charter,
so we were fortunate to add these latest aircraft to our managed Global Express fleet.”
Planet Nine is also pleased to announce a significant new collaboration with The Culinary Institute of America, a leading international
School specializing in culinary, baking, and pastry arts education. Its 13 Cabin Service Representatives are looking forward to starting their
ground school training in San Antonio, TX as soon as they able. “We work very closely with our aircraft owners on how their aircraft are presented
for charter. An important part of that is our inflight service and the bespoke dining experience we offer,” highlighted Hilary Clark, Planet 9’s Director
of Inflight.
“This new partnership underlines our commitment to invest in the best service culinary training for our CSRs. We are proud and strongly protective of
the onboard service we deliver, because we know that it sets us apart in the industry.”

                                                          More about Planet 9

                                                                                                                                                   Ultimate Jet I 15

Gama announces 2020 year-end aircraft billing and shipment numbers
The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) presented the 2020 year-end general aviation aircraft billings and shipments report,
during its annual State of the Industry press conference. Aircraft deliveries reached a value of $22.8 billion, a decrease compared to $27.8
billion in 2019. Piston airplane deliveries were steady, while turboprop, business jet and helicopter deliveries declined as compared to 2019.
“As expected, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted general aviation and stifled the industry’s growth. While we continue to face
headwinds globally, all signs point to strong demand for our products and services that are unfortunately being constrained by pandemic induced
supply chain limitations and a vast array of disjointed barriers to air travel across national borders. As we progress through the recovery process, our
member companies have made the health and safety of their employees and that of their suppliers an overarching priority, and rigorously support
economic policies that preserve our skilled aerospace workforce.” said GAMA President and CEO Pete Bunce. “It is encouraging to see that segments
of our industry saw a solid rebound in the fourth quarter of 2020. In 2021, it will be important for the general aviation industry to work together with
our commercial sector colleagues to keep our interlinked but very fragile supply chain secure, while continuing to engage global regulatory authorities
to leverage their mutually recognized safety competencies to keep pace with accelerating technological innovations that improve aviation safety and
environmental sustainability and facilitate industry recovery.”
Airplane shipments in 2020, when compared to 2019, saw piston airplane deliveries decline 0.9%, with 1,312 units; turboprop airplane deliveries
decline 15.6%, with 443 units; and business jet deliveries decline 20.4%, with 644 units. The value of airplane deliveries for 2020 was $20 billion,
a decline of approximately 14.8%.
Preliminary civil-commercial turbine helicopter deliveries for 2020, when compared to 2019, saw a decline of approximately 16.9%, with
532 units; and piston helicopter deliveries saw a decline of 20.7%, with 142 units.
The piston engine airplane market in North America accounted for 67.9% of overall shipments. The second largest market for piston airplanes
for the sixth year in a row was the Asia-Pacific market at 17.4%. Turboprop airplane shipments to North American customers accounted for
54.9% of the global deliveries. The second largest market for turboprop airplane deliveries was Europe at 14.4%. The North American market
accounted for 66.0% of business jet deliveries. The second largest market for business jet deliveries during the year was Europe at 16.7%.

                                                         More about GAMA
Luxaviation group holds high
                                                                                                  hopes for delivering brexit
                                                                                                  Luxaviation Group is optimistic industry-wide
                                                                                                  solutions will be found to business aviation’s post-
                                                                                                  Brexit challenges.
                                                                                                  George Galanopoulos, Luxaviation Group’s head
                                                                                                  of charter sales, Europe, and CEO of Luxaviation
                                                                                                  UK, says: “We all want to help UK-based owners
                                                                                                  keep their aircraft flying commercially within
                                                                                                  Europe post-Brexit. Ourselves and our colleagues,
                                                                                                  including the members of the British Business and
                                                                                                  General Aviation Association (BBGA), are working
                                                                                                  hard to ensure a positive outcome in negotiations.
                                                                                                  At Luxaviation Group, we believe the regulators
                                                                                                  will come to the most productive agreements for
                                                                                                  “The industry is fully, and in some cases painfully,
                                                                                                  aware of the jet charter legislation which changed
                                                                                                  because of Brexit on January 1 2021. Aircraft registered
                                                                                                  under a UK Air Operator Certificate (AOC) can now fly
                                                                                                  commercially to and from but not within the European
                                                                                                  Union [EU], and aircraft registered under a European
                                                                                                  Union Aviation Safety Agency [EASA] AOC can fly
                                                                                                  commercially to and from but not within the UK.
“As an AOC is the approval granted by a national aviation authority to use aircraft for commercial purposes, these new restrictions could prove costly for
UK owners who rely on charter business within the EU, so the industry and regulators are working hard to find the best possible solutions.
“At the moment, we can operate to, from and within the EU with non-objection applications or block permits some states are prepared to issue. But this
paperwork takes time and can be rejected. We all want more straightforward, permanent solutions.
“We hope there will soon be bilateral agreements between EU member states and the UK, improving the current situation and making operations easier.
“Until those developments, though, we can continue seamless management of our clients’ aircraft despite the changes caused by Brexit. If the new
regulations are proving prohibitive, we have flexible options to keep flying.
“We have acted quickly with a clever process of merging certain AOCs within Luxaviation Group. If necessary, therefore, ownershave the opportunity to
change their AOC registration from the UK to Europe.
“We’re explaining to the UK owners whose aircraft we manage that we can move them from a UK to a European [EASA] AOC registration, allowing
commercial flights within the EU. Owners can choose any one of eight European AOCs within our Group. Only the AOC moves, the aircraft base can
remain the same.”
Galanopoulos stresses there is no obligation for UK-based aircraft owners to change their AOC registration. “An owner might, for example, choose
to remain on a UK AOC if only flying commercially directly into and out of Europe. And owners who only operate their aircraft privately do not need to
respond to these new commercial rules.”
Across Europe, Luxaviation Group’s portfolio includes AOCs for Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Portugal, San Marino and
In October 2020, Luxaviation Group revealed the company’s Portuguese entity had become the first business aviation operation to come under
the safety oversight of an EASA European AOC, in a first step toward obtaining EASA regulatory supervision for all Luxaviation’s European group

                                                       More about Luxaviation

                                                                                                                                                    Ultimate Jet I 17

Air Charter Scotland expands London presence
Air Charter Scotland is adding a Cessna Citation M525 (G-KSOH) on to its UK AOC, positioned out of London Biggin Hill Airport. The six-
passenger light jet is under the management of Jet Agent, the Biggin-based aircraft sales, management and acquisitions specialist.
“The intention is to place more aircraft with Air Charter Scotland under charter this year,” said Anatoly Parkhomchuk, Managing Director, Jet Agent.
He set up the business in 2019, drawing on years of experience in charter, management and aircraft sales.
“Thanks to this strategic new partnership, we are pleased to add a second London home at Biggin Hill Airport and base aircraft, complementing our
established London Luton (Signature Aviation) base,” said Derek Thomson, COO of Air Charter Scotland. “London Biggin Hill is well located for
London. It boasts attractive opening hours and is increasingly popular as a dedicated business aviation airport,” he added.
“Air Charter Scotland’s choice of London Biggin Hill to strengthen its connection to the capital reflects the calibre of our service and the importance
of our location to growing businesses,” said Robert Walters, Commercial Director at London Biggin Hill Airport. “We look forward to welcoming Air
Charter Scotland’s passengers and crew over the coming months and witnessing the company’s growing success.”

                                              More about Air Charter Scotland
Netjets takes purchase rights for 20 Aerion AS2 Supersonic Jets
Boeing co-backed supersonic jet maker Aerion said on March 3rd Berkshire Hathaway’s private aircraft firm, NetJets, has obtained purchase
rights for 20 of its AS2 business jets.
The AS2 will be powered by engineered synthetic fuel and can reach supersonic speeds of up to Mach 1.4, or about 1,000 miles (1,610 km) per
hour, which is 50% faster than conventional business jets, Aerion said.
Production of the jets will begin in 2023 at the firm’s Aerion Park facility in Melbourne, Florida, with the first 300 AS2 aircraft planned for the first
decade of production, the company said.
Aerion’s global order backlog for the AS2 is now valued at more than $10 billion.
The company said it will also develop a supersonic flight training academy for civil, commercial and military supersonic aircraft in collaboration
with Berkshire’s professional aviation training provider, FlightSafety International.
U.S. startups Aerion, Boom Supersonic and Spike Aerospace are working to reintroduce supersonic passenger travel for the first time since the
Anglo-French Concorde retired in 2003.
General Electric Co’s GE Aviation unit has said it completed initial designs for the new Affinity turbofan engine, which will be used in Aerion’s
AS2 jet.

                                                           More about Aerion

                                                                                                                                                   Ultimate Jet I 19

Vertis Aviation adds africa-based challenger 604 to portfolio
Switzerland-based Vertis Aviation is expanding its footprint in Africa with the addition of a Bombardier Challenger 604 to the Vertis Charter
Management Programme, VCMP. This is the second aircraft to sign up to the VCMP in as many months and represents the first Challenger 604
that the Argus Certified Broker will exclusively market for charter.
Based in Accra, Ghana the Challenger 604 seats up to 11 passengers, and also welcomes small pets when in a travel carrier. Equipped with Wi-
Fi connectivity, a full galley, divan and club seating the spacious cabin provides a productive and comfortable environment. Vertis anticipates
the home-base location in West Africa and the range – the Challenger 604 can fly nonstop across the continent – will stimulate demand from
regional and international government, corporate, ultra-high net worth and broker customers. The aircraft is a familiar model in the African skies
and West African government officials are already taking advantage of the jet’s immediate availability.
A number of resilient West African nations are also seeing economic growth despite the pandemic as telecommunications, inward investment
and reforms, and the growth of agricultural industries drive business development in the region. “We are seeing strengthening interest from the
region, and as the limitations of commercial flights across Africa have been amplified by the global pandemic, we are extremely pleased to be able to
market the Challenger 604. The model is already established and well-liked by the African business aviation market sector, it’s a real work-horse and we’re
excited by the opportunities,” says James Foster, Chief Operating Officer for Vertis Aviation. The aircraft is operated by Austria-headquartered
Avcon Jet, which has extensive experience operating across the continent, and is supported by a European crew.
The addition of the Challenger 604 showcases the distinctive qualities of the VCMP. The programme adds value to the ownership experience
by providing a highly personalised approach to revenue generation on behalf of the owner. Vertis delivers outsourced professional charter
sales management enabling the operator to focus solely on operations. The business model generates revenue from the asset for the owner
yet provides the flexibility for owners to use the aircraft as needed. It also increases the bank of charter aircraft available to the market and
enables Vertis to transform its portfolio to meet changing charter market trends. “It’s a powerful combination and as we celebrate our first decade
of business it demonstrates the need for, and sustainability of, this business model,” says Foster. The VCMP is part of a wider portfolio of Vertis
products which also features aircraft charter, lease, and transaction services.

                                                    More about Vertis Aviation

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Air BP implements carbon emissions reducing technology
Fuel supplier Air bp announces that all its fuel hydrant dispenser vehicles in Portugal now have start-stop technology. This is the first country
in Air bp’s operated network to achieve the milestone and forms one element of the business’s carbon management plan.
Start-stop technology automatically shuts down and restarts the vehicle engine to reduce the amount of time the engine spends idling, thereby
reducing fuel consumption and emissions. Air bp’s hydrant refuelling vehicles equipped with start-stop technology have seen, on average, a 25%
reduction in carbon emissions. This saving is estimated to be 3.5 tonnes of CO2e per vehicle per year.
Since 2016 all Air bp’s global operated airport into-plane fuel facilities have been carbon neutral. An important part of maintaining carbon neutral
status is having an effective carbon management plan.
Some other initiatives Air bp has used and continues to use to reduce carbon emissions across its global operated facilities include: reducing
the number of road journeys made by trucks; using electric powered vehicles and using an in-line magnetic filter, Magna-Strain, within pipelines
to reduce the electrical demand on pumps.
As the aviation division of bp, Air bp is one of the world’s leading suppliers of aviation fuel products and services. It has been investing in the
aviation industry for more than 90 years. In 2019 Aip bp supplied over 6.7 billion gallons of aviation fuel, fuelling over 7,000 flights per day at
over 800 locations in more than 55 countries – that’s more than five planes a minute.
Its customers include commercial airlines, the military, business and private aircraft owners, airports and airfield operators. Air bp has a wide
range of services to support its fuel offer including the design, build and operation of fueling facilities, technical consultancy and training, low
carbon solutions, the Sterling Card for efficient general aviation refueling and innovative digital platforms to increase efficiency and reduce risk.

                                                         More about Air BP
Neste acquires a new refinery plant in Rotterdam
On March 1st 2021, Neste’s acquisition transaction of Bunge Loders Croklaan’s refinery plant in Rotterdam was completed. Located next to
Neste’s existing biorefinery, it consists of a pretreatment facility, tank farm, jetties and has a pipeline connection to Neste’s site.
“The completion of this acquisition is an important step forward in delivering on Neste’s global growth strategy in renewables,” said Neste’s President
and CEO Peter Vanacker. “It allows us to accelerate the scaling up of our renewable raw material pretreatment capacity, which is an important driver
for expanding the use of waste and residue feedstocks and increasing our feedstock flexibility. We are committed to increasing the share of waste and
residues to 100% of Neste’s total renewable raw material inputs at the latest by 2025, and growing our production platform to help customers reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by 20 million tons annually by 2030.”
To meet the growing demand of renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel and feedstock for polymers and chemicals, Neste focuses on
building a global feedstock and production platform for renewables. The company will expand its renewables annual nameplate production
capacity from the current 3.2 to 4.5 million tons in the first quarter of 2023, of which the Singapore facility expansion will provide 1.3 million
tons. The newly acquired refinery offers further pretreatment capacity and terminal infrastructure to handle the increasingly complex waste and
residue feedstocks and supports further growth in production capacity beyond 2023.
Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) has been active in the Netherlands since 2011 when the Rotterdam facility for renewable products started
its operations. Together with the company’s Singapore refinery, they are the biggest and most advanced renewable fuels refineries worldwide.
Neste’s Sluiskil plant is responsible for the storage and pretreatment of renewable raw materials, and Neste Demeter B.V. delivers raw materials
to the company’s renewable products facility. In 2020, Neste also acquired a terminal in Rotterdam for storing, pretreating and blending
renewable waste and residue-based raw materials. In 2019, Neste opened a new office in Hoofddorp, in greater Amsterdam, which serves as the
global hub for the growing Renewable Aviation business.
Neste MY Renewable Diesel, produced from renewable raw materials is currently available at more than 100 sales points throughout the country.

                                                           More about Neste

                                                                                                                                                 Ultimate Jet I 23

Duncan Aviation delivers customized Global Express XRS
Duncan Aviation is excited to share this highly customized Global Express XRS refurbished at its full-service MRO in Battle Creek, Michigan. No
stranger to unique aircraft refurbishments, a long-time Duncan Aviation customer wanted his aircraft to be bold, masculine, and striking, much
like his Citation X that the Duncan Aviation team refurbished a few years ago. While the design motif is consistent with his other aircraft, this
Global Express XRS definitely stands out in the fleet and features the owner’s affinity for the arctic.
Duncan Aviation Lead Designer Emily Krawczak said that she was given the direction of “arctic camo” for the paint scheme, drew different
designs and sent them to the owner for feedback until they landed on one that matched his vision.
“Despite regulations that stipulate how thick we can paint the layers on the exterior, we were able to achieve the layered fade and the aesthetic goals the
customer wanted while staying within the requirements,” Krawzcak said. “The careful planning of our paint experts made it all possible. The aircraft
certainly commands attention, and this has been one of my favorite paint projects.”
Krawczak said Paint Layout Specialist III Dustin Noaeill spent a great deal of time on this project, working until everything was perfect.
“Dustin went in knowing this project was going to be complex and difficult,” Krawczak said. “Oftentimes, he wouldn’t talk to us while he was in the midst
of planning because he liked to stay completely focused while working through the many layout challenges of this intricate design. He made it look just
like what was intended, and it is absolutely amazing!”
Flight Controls and Layout Team Leader Kevin McGowan said his team came up with a completion plan for this paint scheme months before
the aircraft arrived, discussing what it would take to complete the work and what the steps in the process would look like. The paint team put
in over 211 hours with layout, used seven rolls of transfer material and 13 rolls of paint mask to complete the aircraft’s exterior transformation.
The contrasting light and dark colors of the exterior are consistent with the interior and share a consistent theme.
Completions and Modifications Sales Rep Adam Bruce said that this one-of-a-kind interior was highly customized to match the owner’s tastes.
“We provided several renderings and modification options before finally settling on a workscope that pushed our teams and, in the end, showcases all
of our skills as a completion shop,” Bruce said. “New techniques in hydrodipping and finish work lead the way on this job.”
The owner came to the table with a good idea of what he wanted and really wanted to stick with an interior he’d seen elsewhere. The challenge
was to bring the design to life while working with his budget and time limitations. The Duncan Aviation team touched everything in the interior
except the countertops in the galley.
The fully custom carpet features a tone-on-tone pattern with a geometric design, and was based on the inspiration in the original image the
owner provided. The team was able to put together samples from vendors based on the images and designs from Krawzcak. The carpet
captured exactly what the owner wanted.
Because carbon fiber is so expensive and difficult to work with, the owner opted for a hydrographic carbon fiber look on the credenza top, lower
galley front, drink rails, and card tables.
Krawczak says that hydrodipping is great because it is cost-effective, can be completed in less time, and is fully customizable because there
are no limitations.
Critical to the success of the Duncan Aviation Finish Shop is the mechanization they developed for the hydrodipping process. The mechanical
arm, which is used to dip components, makes the process more consistent and manageable for larger components, such as a galley cabinet.
Finish Shop Team Leader Chris Nelson said the arm allows for the team to dip large objects with ease because it mitigates the possibility of
The bulkheads were painted a gorgeous high-gloss piano black, which Krawczak said is gaining popularity as customers are leaving a matte
design trend behind.
They also changed the doors on the galley to a standard cabinet door, where when you push them, they open and slide in.
The Final Product
The owner was extremely happy with how his aircraft turned out, as is the entire Duncan Aviation team.
“We started working on this project long before we even saw the aircraft,” Krawczak says. “I’m just really happy with how everything turned out.
The craftsmanship, amount of time, and the pride our interior and exterior teams put into their work really shows.”

                                                More about Ducan Aviation

                                                                                                                                          Ultimate Jet I 25

Pierre-Henri Huclier takes command of SDA
SDA, a saddlery company specializing in aeronautical luxury, has been working since 1993 on the interior design of business jets as well as the
manufacture of various protective elements for fighter planes and futons for the transformation of cabins during long night flights. Together
with its partner Insert Solutions, the company also manufactures interior components to stabilize valuable dishes on board aircraft and ships.
Based near the Bordeaux Mérignac airport, this family-run factory, founded by Mr. Saguey and his two sons, has always demonstrated a high
level of quality and reactivity entirely dedicated to the demands and tastes of its most demanding customers.
Historical partner of Dassault Aircraft since its creation, it is today certified
PART 21G and PART 145. It is involved in complete interior refurbishment projects for all brands of business jets and for the business and first
class cabins of regular airlines. Three years after Martial Mignet took over the majority of the company’s capital, he will take over the presidency
of the company on Monday, February 1, 2021, following the departure of Christophe Saguey, son of the founder, who wishes to devote himself to
less aeronautical occupations. Martial Mignet has appointed Pierre-Henri Huclier, an aeronautical and cabin fitting engineer from the AIRBUS
Group and founder of Insert Solutions, as General Manager. He will be responsible for the development, management and strategy of this
aeronautical saddlery nugget.
The backgrounds of Martial Mignet and Pierre-Henri Huclier, (details of which can be found in the appendices) are very complementary and
underpin the legitimacy of this duo in the management of a factory serving the aeronautical and pleasure marine industries in France and
The task is vast and the prospects promising for the new management team and all its specialized workshop staff, who have many years of
experience and who in 2020 saw the youngest of them honored with the title of “Best Apprentice of France“.

                                                             More about SDA

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F/LIST is an internationally renowned manufacturer of high-end interiors for business
and private jets, yachts, and luxury residences. The Austrian family business recently
announced that it will collaborate with Aerion to develop an innovative, ultra-luxury
cabin experience in the new AS2 supersonic private jet. This will include cabinets,
                       liners, hard floorings and baggage liners.

                                    By Sylvie Péron
                                   ©F/LIST - ©Aerion

                                                                                         Ultimate Jet I 29

      How resilient has the company been through the pandemic?
      We have managed the past few months very well, because we had already started an internal game changer process in 2019,
      designed to look at what the future will bring, and had created a roadmap for it. The COVID-19 pandemic was the catalyst for
      us to move more quickly to implement many things.
      For example, we opened the F/LIST futurelab in April 2020, which is made up of an internal team of experts who focus on
      disruptive technologies to bring our beautiful furniture into the future. At the same time, we started to reorganize our entire
      company with all subsidiaries abroad into a business-unit-structure in order to react more flexibly to external influencing
      factors – be it climate targets, the sharing economy, sustainability or the COVID-19 pandemic – while always focusing on the
      customer’s requirements, wishes and needs.
      Due to current travel restrictions, we are also working hard to make our customer meetings a virtual experience so that we can
      continue to inspire them with our products and innovations. This engagement by the customer service team is also helping
      to get us safely through the crisis.
      In addition, we follow a strict COVID prevention package at our global sites. For example, in Austria we are working closely
      with public authorities and provide access to antigen testing for our employees as well as customers. In this way, we help to
      ensure the ongoing operation of our production lines.
In December, it was announced that Aerion had selected F/LIST as one        represents a further growth milestone for the Canadian site, because
of the suppliers for the AS2 supersonic biz jet. Could you please tell us   we can now offer full aftermarket refurbishment services for cabin
more about the products to be delivered?                                    furnishings, seats, galley, and lavatory equipment, too.
We are supporting Aerion during the early program phase with the
cabin definition to eventually provide the finest interiors on the AS2.     F/LIST has supplied wood veneers and stone-floors to OEMs over the
Aerion has been interested in our innovations and we are thrilled           years. What other new products are in the pipeline?
to have the opportunity to showcase our interior solutions on their         In addition to the well-known flooring solutions and wood veneers, F/
program. Additionally, we are working on a brand-new product                LIST is able to supply the entire cabin interior for business jets. The
portfolio, which expands the potential to create multifunctional            product portfolio therefore ranges from cabin monuments, linings,
spaces within the cabin. As its fuselage shape lends itself perfectly       countertops and stone products to metal mechanisms from our
to our new product line, we expect to see many of those innovations         in-house metal production. Our R&D team is continuously working
on the AS2.                                                                 on the further development of our existing products. The stone and
                                                                            wood floorings, which are now available as heated or fully illuminated
                                                                            backlit options, are examples. Additionally, new materials, such as
How does F/LIST Canada function as a repair station for interior            the F/LIST SYNTEC Flooring, have also been added. One of our latest
components?                                                                 innovations is an illuminated surface system, which consists of a
F/LIST Canada is part of the worldwide F/LIST network and                   light element covering the majority of the illuminated surface, as well
assumes an important position as a veneer competence center with            as a controller unit, which can process different inputs and is capable
autonomous production capabilities for business and private jet             of controlling certain light elements.
cabin interiors for the North American region. The AMO certificate

                                                                                                                                        Ultimate Jet I 31

The possibility to equip an aircraft cabin with an illuminated surface system is an outstanding innovation
developed by F/LIST and adds an elegant and luxurious appearance to the cabin interior. Many other product
innovations are also of particular interest to aircraft designers, such as glass veneer surfaces (also available
as mirrored options) and seamless metal resins, which allow every imaginable pattern on the veneer surfaces.
In addition, we are working on a brand-new product portfolio, which expands the potential to create
multifunctional spaces in the cabin. The F/LIST Futurelab, our incubator, is the driving force behind our most
ambitious ideas.

Consolidation seems to be the trend for 2021. Is F/LIST considering the acquisition of established companies?
The healthy and sustainable growth of our company is our highest priority, on the one hand to secure and
maintain jobs, and on the other hand to continue to be a reliable partner for our customers. Therefore, we
evaluate acquisitions and/or the foundation of new subsidiaries very carefully before taking the corresponding
steps. We are currently working on taking over another small production site in Europe and provide more
information as soon as contracts are signed.

                                       More about F/LIST
Ultimate Jet I 33

AMAC Aerospace headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, has grown over the
past decade to become one of the very best completion centers worldwide. The
organization has kept very busy over the past year, and following up to the September
PPI (Pre-Purchase Inspection) of a Gulfstream G450, claims about five or six such
                  PPIs per year on miscellaneous aircraft types.

                                    By Sylvie Péron
                                   ©AMAC Aerospace
Ultimate Jet I 35

How such work is being conducted in these special times of social           Aviation Clean Air*
distancing ?
Since the beginning of the pandemic last spring, we adhere to all           Since the pandemic started, AMAC has received some 21 requests
health measures from Germany, France and first of all, Switzerland.         for installing Aviation Clean Air (ACA) systems. This is how it works,
But we went even further:                                                   eliminating all pathogens throughout the aircraft by accelerating
• We introduced shifts to distance employees working in the hangars         nature’s cleaning process without adding any chemicals.
                                                                            The Aviation Clean Air Component creates cold plasma. In the
and aircraft; we closed the employee canteen and stopped the
                                                                            process, positive and negative ions attach to Hydrogen and Oxygen
shuttle service
                                                                            molecules in the water vapor present in the air. These ions have the
• We offered from the first days disinfection dispensers/solution,
                                                                            property of clustering around micro particles, gases, airborne mold
masks and gloves                                                            spores, viruses and bacteria. As this occurs, a chemical reaction
• Whenever possible, we sent people to work from home and will do           takes place on the cell membrane surface of airborne biological (s)
so again in the next weeks                                                  and they are transformed into OH radicals. These OH radicals rob
• We informed and continue to do so regularly and remain transparent        the harmful biological of a hydrogen atom. The cells are inactivated
about the current status of cases at our facilities by mail and in          by severing the proteins on the cell membrane that allows the OH
person, and since last autumn, we have a weekly internal newsletter         radicals to penetrate the membrane and bond with the hydrogen of
called ‘Covid Spotlight’                                                    the cell. As a result, the cell will not be able to reproduce, will quickly
• We built-up our own test-center on site to provide quick tests            die and thus eliminating the threat to humans. It is important to note
for employees, suppliers and customers; all people coming to our            that this process (that the ACA Component replicates) is the same
facilities have to do a test to make sure they do not transfer the virus.   process found in nature that controls micro particles, gases, airborne
We introduced new services for cleaning the aircraft with a special         mold spores, viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is reasonable to
                                                                            conclude, and rightfully so, that since the ACA process replicates
equipment; we do offer these services in Basel as well as in Turkey.
nature’s natural process, there are no adverse effects to humans            and deactivate them, the plasma also surrounds gas molecules. As
beyond what is naturally occurring in nature’s process.                     the gas molecules interact with the ions the covalent bonds of the gas
Mechanism of Plasma for Inactivating Airborne Fungi: The positive           are broken down. These gases are reduced to trace harmless gases,
(H+) and negative (O2-) ions cluster together on the surface of             which are trace elements that are part of the natural composition of
airborne fungi, causing a chemical reaction that results in the             the natural air we breathe. For example, ammonia (NH2), which is
creation of OH groups called hydroxyl radicals                              quite pungent, is broken down into Nitrogen and Hydrogen. The air
(-OH). The hydroxyl radical takes a hydrogen molecule from the cell         we breathe every day is 78% nitrogen and hydrogen, which is one of
wall of an airborne fungi particle. This inhibits the growth and or         the common trace elements also found in normal healthy air.
infestation of mold and in turn [as a by benefit] controls the musty
odors related to mold growth (sour sock smell).                             AMAC’s Boeing team has performed several maintenance checks on
                                                                            privately owned aircraft. Are you seeing more of these maintenance
Mechanism of Plasma for Inactivating Airborne Virus: The positive           missions coming your way during these endless pandemic times?
(H+) and negative (O2-) ions surround the hemagglutinin (surface            During the pandemic we have recognized the fact that many owners
proteins that form on organisms and trigger infections) and change          are taking the opportunity to have maintenance performed on their
into OH groups called hydroxyl radicals (-OH). These groups take a          machines whilst flights are effectively grounded due to a variety
hydrogen molecule from the hemagglutinin and change it into water           of reasons. Many countries, regions and continents are locking
(H2O). The ions destroy the virus surface structure. It envelops and        down due to the spread of the virus and as such, the owners of
spikes the structure of the virus on a molecular level. As a result, the    such machines are put into the same group of people as normal
virus cannot infect even if it enters the body.                             travelers on commercial airlines, they have to stay on the ground
                                                                            unless they have suitable reason to travel. But we see two types
Mechanism of Plasma for Deactivating Airborne Allergens:                    of person, one who is willing to take commercial flights but cannot
The positive (H+) and negative (O2-) ions surround the airborne             right now, therefore if they can afford the cost, they are willing to
allergen and change into hydroxyl radicals (-OH). The hydroxyls then        charter an aircraft; or the second type of person who didn’t need a
deactivate the molecules of the IgE antibody-binding site of the            private aircraft before but now they do. In any way you look at the
allergen. No allergic symptoms occur even if allergens enter the body.      situation, we win as either an MRO or Completion/Refurbishment
Control of Gases and Odors                                                  center. Certainly small maintenance packages are being replaced
While the ACA Component is very effective at pathogen killing, it is also   with larger ones, as the uncertainty of what lays ahead is still an
effectively and quickly controlling gases, odors and volatile organic       unknown, but for the savvy business aircraft owner, being prepared
compounds (VOCs). In the same way the ions surround pathogens               is a good preemptive step to being grounded.

                                                                                                                                       Ultimate Jet I 37
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