Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News

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Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News
est. 2006
                                                        January 2021 • Volume 15 - Issue 1

                           Sharing a Song
                  Our Tradition is Alive and Well
with Cillian Vallely (Lúnasa) and Matt Mancuso (Eileen Ivers Band and Universal Roots)
Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News
The expected surge of COVID over the      again. You won’t go home and isolate
                Editor’s                         Thanksgiving holiday did not occur.       for two weeks if you are only going

                 By John O’Brien, Jr.
                                                 Most credible experts attribute it to
                                                 most people acting responsibly, wearing
                                                 masks, keeping their distance etc. Even
                                                                                           home for five days. The same is true
                                                                                           in reverse. I have tried to help a band
                                                                                           or three with US visa apps, wanting to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We Get Letters
                                                 though 4.9 million people traveled,       come here for their annual Christmas
                                                                                                                                             January 2021 Vol. 15 • Issue 1
                                                 that’s way down from the 50 million       Tours. The embassies in Ireland are                                                                              Dear John and the                            parties! Such open support for Irish
                                  Í     @Jobjr
                                                 that usually do the extended Thanks-      closed. Closed means no processing,        Publisher
                                                                                                                                                                      John O’Brien Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                      John O’Brien Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ohio Irish American News,                    political freedom emanating from the
                                                 giving weekend.                           and therefore, no visas being approved.    Design/Production		             Christine Hahn                           I had almost forgotten about Joe          White House is a thing many of us had

     Get up, Show
                                                    Many here in the US on Visas           Even approved ones are sitting on desks    Website                         Rich Croft                            Biden’s Irish heritage, until he became      thought would never happen. President
                                                 couldn’t risk going home for Christ-      idly waiting the resumption of service.                               Columnists                                 a front runner during the last cam-          Clinton is said to have broken taboos
                                                                                                                                                     Akron Irish      Lisa O’Rourke

      Up, Lift Up
                                                 mas, in case they couldn’t get back. I       Christmas is family, tradition,                An Eejit Abroad          Conor Makem                           paign. After his victory, stories began to   by letting Gerry Adams into the U.S.
                                                 remember the mad Dash in March as         certainly, and home. So if you know              At Home Abroad            Regina Costello                       appear about things like a first Presi-      We can hope this President-elect, will
                                                 bands here for their St. Patrick’s Day    of someone isolated on this side of            Behind the Hedge            John O’Brien, Jr.                     dential overseas trip possibly being to      follow through.
                                                                                                                                                      Blowin’ In      Susan Mangan

                                                 tours and celebrations had to cut off     the Atlantic, Irish or not, offer them a      Cleveland Comhra             Bob Carney                            Ireland.                                       Boris has already introduced a bill
     t’s time to get up; stay home; and          and head home, smartly realizing that     virtual home invitation if you can. It             Cleveland Irish         Francis McGarry                          Before long, it was reported that         in English parliament declaring his
     use the time there to improve               they may not be able to go home at all    doesn’t have to be a holiday to help out           Columbus Irish          Molly Truex                           President-elect Biden had already told       intention to violate the agreements
                                                                                                                                      Cooking Up a Hooley             Katie Gagne
     your future, whatever it may be. It         if they didn’t get out before the lock-   the lonely, the separated or the single.       Crossword Puzzle            Linda Fulton Burke
                                                                                                                                                                                                            British Prime Minister Boris Johnson         surrounding the GFA, which have the
appears we’ve avoided another shut-              downs were mandated.                      We all need somebody … Somebody                    Fields of Glory         Vincent Beach                         not to toy with the Good Friday Agree-       force of international law. This could
down, for another week or who knows.                Plus, Ireland has closed its borders   like you. T                                            Illuminations       J. Michael Finn                       ment, nor to consider a hard border in       get interesting.
                                                                                                                                                      Kids Craic      Dottie Wenger                         Ireland. ‘Wow! We have it going now!’,         Britain needs a new trade agreement
                                                                                                                                             Madigan Muses            Marilyn Madigan
                                                                                             Nuair a stadann an ceol, stadann an                                                                            I thought.                                   with the U.S. The leverage to keep
                                                                                                                                      Off Shelf/On This Day           Terry Kenneally
                                 “Follow me where I go,                                    rince                                         Out of the Mailbag           John O’Brien, Jr.                        It was reported today that the Irish      Britain from doing such damage seems
                                what I do and who I know;”                                   (When the music stops, so does the                      Speak Irish      Bob Carney                            group, The Wolfe Tones, have been            to be at hand. American Irish, whether
                                            O’Bent Enterprises includes:                   dance)                                           Terry From Derry          Terry Boyle                           booked for one of the Inauguration           Republicans or Democrats, should be
                                                                                                                                                    Toledo Irish      Maury Collins
                                                                                             John                                                    Wise Craic       Maury Collins                                                                      full of hopeful apprehension. We have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          seen hope evaporate in the past due to                Learn More About Our Programming at:
                                                                                                                                                     OhioIANews is published monthly
                                                                                                                                          (12 issues a year) on the first day of each month.
                                                                                                                                            Subscription is by first class mail. 1 year $36,
                                                                                                                                            2 years at $70, 3 years $100. To subscribe go
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the so-called ‘special relationship.’ But
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         why be negative. Go get’em Joe!                     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Patrick J. Donlin, Sr.
                                                                                                                                              online at, or Email us at
                                                                                                                                      , or call us at
                                                                                                                                                 216.647.1144 or mail to address below.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              MILESTONE                                    Warren, Ohio

                                                                                             The Irish                                  OhioIANews is available for free at 367 locations in and around
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            We Get Letters is open to all. Send
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                                                                                                                                      Ohio Irish American News 216.647.1144                                    Congratulations                           response on any topic to: jobrien@
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               , with your name and                     on iTunes
    4 January 1969 - People’s Democracy            international Jurist, who was             Are you running
                                                                                                                                      e-mail:                                    to Fiona Chambers,                       city.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Anonymous and/or inappropriate
       civil rights march from Belfast to          awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
                                                                                             for an elective office
                                                                                                                                      or mail to:    14615 Triskett Rd Cleve OH 44111-3123
                                                                                                                                                                                                            accepted to THE Ohio State                   language letters will automatically be
       Derry was violently attacked by             (1977), died.
       loyalists and local members of the B                                                  in 2021?                                 On the Internet:                                    University Dental School!                   deleted without response.
                                                 20 January 1902 - Birth in Dublin of                                                        
       Special Constabulary at Burntollet

                                                   Kevin Barry, first IRA Volunteer to                                                                 OhioIrishAmericanNews
       Bridge, near Claudy, Co. Derry.             be executed During the Anglo-Irish        There are over                                  
    9 January 1929 - Brian Friel, Ireland’s        War.                                      475,000 of Irish descent                        
       leading playwright, was born in           23 January 1803 - Arthur Guinness,          in Greater Cleveland;
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Gormley’s Pub / The Irish Barber
                                                                                                                                      PUBLISHERS STATEMENT
       Omagh, Co. Tyrone.                          founder of the Dublin brewery, dies.      176,000 in Cuyahoga                      The opinions and statements expressed in this                         / The
    11 January 1729 - Edmund Burke,              25 January 1627 - Robert Boyle,             County:                                  newspaper are entirely those of the authors, and do
                                                                                                                                      not reflect in any way the opinions of OhioIANews.
       orator and political philosopher,           creator of Boyle’s Law, is born in
       was born at 12 Arran Quay, Dublin,          County Waterford.                         Want to reach them?                        Circulation: 9,500 For a list of distribution
                                                                                                                                        points, go to and
       the son of a Protestant solicitor and     26 January 1907 - First production          Advertise in the Ohio                           click on the word “Distribution.”
       a Catholic mother.                          of John Millington Synge’s The            Irish American News!
    12 January 1989 - In one of the most           Playboy of the Western World at           Print, Cover Sticker,                                                         About Our
       controversial incidents of the recent       the Abbey Theatre.                        Web, Podcast, eBulletin                                                       Cover:
       ‘Troubles’, The Catholic solicitor,       30 January 1972 - Bloody Sunday -           and Social Media!                                                             Sharing a Song –
       Pat Finucane, was murdered by               The British Army fires at unarmed                                                                                       Our Tradition is
                                                                                             Slots are filling up, so
       gunmen in his own home in North             civil rights protestors in the            get your spots secured!                                                       Alive and Well
    15 January 1988 - Sean McBride
                                                   Bogude District of Derry. Fourteen
                                                   marchers die of their injuries.
                                                                                             Contact John at:
                                                                                                                                                                           with Cillian Vallely
                                                                                                                                                                           (Lúnasa) and Matt                     440.990.PINT / 440.333.4418
       (83), lawyer, revolutionary and             Another thirteen are wounded.
                                                                                                                                                                           Mancuso (Eileen                       19500 Center Ridge Road 19512 Center Ridge Road
                                                                                                                                                                           Ivers Band and
                                                                                                                                                                           Universal Roots)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rocky River, Ohio 44116                                           SUBSCRIBE OR DOWNLOAD NEWEST EPISODE EVERY SECOND FRIDAY

2          OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                              We’ve Always Been Green                                                           JANUARY 2021                               JANUARY 2021                                           WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                  OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS   3
Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News
Cleveland arrived in 1826, shortly after     Society of Our Lady of the Lake for lots       Father McLaughlin’s vision was                                                           American people from seeing his self-        brave and land of the free.’                often fall short of our ideals, even
                                                                                        218 and 219 in Cleveland. The land was       not realized by many Catholics, now                                                        ish, egotistical, need for popularity.         Getting rid of one man in power           when it’s right in front of our eyes.
              Cleveland 		                 ground was broken for the Ohio Canal,
                                                                                        a gift from some Protestant fellows.         numbering about 6,000 in the area, and                       Terry From                      He has shown his true colours during       will not change this country if this        We see that even in our own time.
                                           which began in our city. It was later in
               Irish                       1826 that the first priest visited, Father
                                                                                          The Deal was that a Church had to          the rift led to his request to be relieved                    Derry                        this pandemic. Instead of educating          country does not face up to its own            When it comes to the pandemic and
                By Francis McGarry                                                      be built within four months of the land      of his position. He left in 1846. Father                                                   and leading his people in a time of          failings. We can continue to believe        the crisis we’re currently undergoing,
                                           Thomas Martin, he was a Dominican            grant, and maintained. O’Dwyer hired         Maurice Howard was his replacement,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   By Terry Boyle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                crisis, he has demonstrated a lack of        in the lies we tell ourselves and lose      there are still those who disbelieve
                                           living in Perry county.                      a Catholic contractor named Golden, a        and the Reverend Michael A. Byrne was                                                      compassion for the dying and dead. He        out in an opportunity to make things        the facts. Risking their own lives and
                                              Father Stephen Badin also made a          member of the congregation.                  his assistant, know to some as Padre.                                                      continues to lie and cheat in plain sight,   better.                                     the lives of others, they flaunt their
                                           few stops. There is no historical record       The Church was built, at least the           In 1848, an additional five lots were                                                    and there are still people who believe         We have a chance now to become            disbelief in dangerous ways.
                                           of another priest in the city until 1835,

                                                                                                                                                                                       The Lies We
                                                                                        outside, in a few months. Lack of funds      purchased from Thomas May, adjacent                                                        his myth making.                             something different, something bet-            Sure, we’d all love to think it’s all a

    Day of Kings
                                           when Father John Dillon was sent to          prevented the completion of the Church       to the previous lots, for $1,250. The                                                                                                   ter, something more inclusive and less      hoax, but that would be a refusal to be-
                                           Cleveland by Bishop Purcell. Father          and dissention in the congregation           temporary structure built there was                                                                                                     divisive if we can admit to ourselves       lieve a denial of reality in the evidence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                It’s never easy to face
                                                                                                                                                                                      Tell Ourselves
                                           Dillon said Mass at people’s homes.          led to the removal of Father O’Dwyer,        known as the Church of the Nativity.                                                                                                    the truth of what we are not, a fair        that surrounds us. The conspiracy
   My eye is not on the Holidays this         My brother and I were both baptized       some blamed Irish nationalism for his        On Christmas 1848 the first Mass was                                                        up to the truth. We                         society. A change in government can         theorists are like those who fixed the
year. We will not be getting together      at home. Me in the dining room and           demise.                                      celebrated at the site.                                                                                                                 only work if there’s a change in atti-      chairs on the Titanic as the ship was
this year as the world would have. After Sean in the living room, I don’t think                                                                                                                                                   love our lies. They                        tude. I would hope, as I’m sure we all      sinking. They act as if all is well and
                                                                                        A CHURCH WITH NO PRIEST                      THE END OF ST. MARY’S                            Recently, I’ve been talking to some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             do, that the newly elected president is     there’s nothing to worry about.
a number of funerals this year without that happens much these days. In 1835,                                                                                                       people about the genius of the Irish
a proper wake, the McGarry Clan is         that was the only option and needless
                                                                                           Cleveland now had a Church but            ON THE FLATS                                                                                  offer us a way to                         able to demonstrate a different kind           The very fact that the former presi-
                                                                                        no priest. Member of the parish still           The Cathedral was completed in              playwright, John Millington Synge.
going to play it safe.                     to say, no online Mass by Father Dillon                                                                                                  Writing at the beginning of the 20th        overlook our failings                        of leadership.                              dent has opted out of every opportuni-
                                                                                        assembled on Sundays and recited the         1852, and it became the first Catholic
   The real question for us is Mass.       either.                                                                                                                                  century, Synge challenged the prevail-                                                     Synge was not treated well by ro-         ty to give guidance and leadership on
                                                                                        Rosary and read the Gospel. Priest or        school in Cleveland, and the diocese.
Although properly dispensated, my Ma          Cleveland Catholics rented a room                                                                                                     ing perceptions Dubliners had of the            personally and                           mantic Irish nationalists. They didn’t      the pandemic means that we’re up to
                                                                                        not, the Church was completed and a          As more parishes were formed in the
is ready for Mass. She grew up a block     at Shakespeare Hall in the upper story                                                                                                   West of Ireland.                                                                         appreciate his suggestion that the          our necks in water, locked in a third-
                                                                                        proper Mass was performed on June            city for the Irish, Germans and French,                                                          collectively.
from Margaret-Mary’s and now lives a       of the Merwin building on Superior                                                                                                         For urban nationalists, the west was                                                   God-fearing men and women of the            class cabin, while he and his business
                                                                                        7th, 1840. The Church was dedicated to       St. Mary’s of the Flats did not have
half a block from St. Jude’s. My McGar-    Street. Father Dillon’s Mass even at-                                                                                                    always considered to be the ‘uncor-                                                      Irish west were duplicitous and less        associates are manning the lifeboats.
                                                                                        Our Lady of the Lake but in response to      enough members in the congregation
ry’s have always lived within walking      tracted  a few Protestant fellows. He was                                                                                                rupted heart of Ireland.’ Westerners          America, during his presidency, has        than saints. Indeed, in 1907, Dublin-       Some lies are too costly to hold onto.
                                                                                        popular usage the name was changed to        to maintain the parish. In the years
distance of the rectory.                   described   as a cultivated and scholarly                                                                                                embodied the best of what it means to       been forced to face the reality that all     ers took to the streets after Synge’s       If the master of deflection is focus-
                                                                                        St. Mary’s on the Flats.                     1879 to 1886 St. Mary’s was abandoned.
                                           priest with  a good Homily.                                                                                                              be Irish. Of course, nothing more could     of what we have believed about this          ‘The Playboy of the Western World’          ing his attention on his presidential
   Notre Dame has a Mass online that                                                       It was the only Catholic Church until        On the Feast of the Epiphany, Bishop
                                              There  were  not many Catholics at                                                                                                    be further from the truth. While it’s       country is false. The United States has      premiered, because they were unwill-        loss, then we know there is an iceberg
passes the test, but it is not Mass. Those                                              1852. Members of the congregation            Gilmour had High Mass celebrated at
                                           the time.  As  Father  Dillon grew his                                                                                                   true that the Irish language and culture    long been seen as a melting pot, pro-        ing to accept anything but the myth.        ahead, with all of our names on it. T
who know her know she dresses for                                                       include the names Golden, Wigmann,           St. Mary’s. An opportunity was offered
                                           flock, they  moved   to a cottage at Erie                                                                                                was preserved by those in rural areas, it   viding sanctuary for those mistreated          Their reaction to his truthful depic-
Mass to watch it on the computer.                                                       Feeley, Lawler, Toole, Duffy, Byrne,         to all those in attendance to contribute
                                           and Prospect, until they relocated to        Fitzpatrick, Runcle, Alliwell, Detmer                                                       was also true that those who inhabited      and unjustly discriminated against,          tion of the west exposed how strongly                  Get More to the Story
   The first documented Catholics in                                                                                                 to raising $2,000. Cleveland Catholics                                                     a place where democratic principles          they were attached to the lie. It’s nev-          More pics, and larger print too!
                                           Farmer’s Hall in Mechanics’ Block at         and McCaffrey.                               raised less than $100.                         those areas were just as flawed as any-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                are supported and upheld by those in         er easy to admit that those we admire     
                                           Prospect and Ontario. Dillon died in            Father Peter McLaughlin arrived in           The heirs of the original Protestant        one else; a fact Synge reiterated in each
                                           1836 of a fever at 29 years old. He was                                                                                                  of his dramatic works.                      government.
                                                                                        October of 1840, his first appointment.      fellows who granted the land filed suit
                                           buried in Erie Street Cemetery.                                                                                                            The need to create myths to rein-           What the former president has done
                                                                                        He spoke some German, which a fair           to reverse the title to the lots for failure
                                              Catholics in Cleveland did not have a                                                                                                 force our ideological cause is not new.     during his ineffectual time in office is
                                                                                        number of the congregation also spoke.       to maintain the Church. The Court of
                                           permanent priest for almost a year after                                                                                                 Throughout human history, we have           to reveal to the world how one man can
                                                                                        Father McLaughlin purchased four lots        Common Pleas heard the suit in 1888
                                           his death.                                                                                                                               continued to make up stories that,          manipulate, bully, and lie his way to the
                                              Father Patrick O’Dwyer was sent
                                           from Quebec in 1837. A land contract
                                                                                        on the northeast corner of Superior
                                                                                        and Erie from Thomas May for $2,000
                                                                                                                                     and the judge ordered the sale of the
                                                                                                                                     lots with proceeds split equally with          while they hold a grain of truth, are
                                                                                                                                                                                    greatly exaggerated for effect.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                top without any fear of consequence. As
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the president of a superpower, he has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SUBSCRIBE! Makes
                                           was donated to the Roman Catholic
                                                                                        on January 22nd, 1845. The Cathedral         the Diocese of Cleveland and the heirs.
                                                                                                                                                                                      For example, Patrick Radden Keefe’s       blatantly demonstrated his misogyny,             Receive the Ohio Irish American                    a GREAT
                                                                                        lots were criticized as being out in the     Bishop Gilmour ordered the destruc-
                                                                                        country.                                     tion of St. Mary’s in September of 1888.       brilliant expose of the killing of Jean     racism, and financial corruption.                News in Your Mailbox!                               GIFT!
                                                                                           At the time, Cleveland listed fourteen       My plan is for The Feast of the             McConville during the Northern Irish                                                         Published 12 times yearly, the first of each month
                                                                                        other places of worship. These included                                                     ‘Troubles’, shows how callously people      MYTHMAKING
                                                                                                                                     Epiphany. It has always been one of my                                                        Yet, he still the hero of over 70
                                                                                        1st Presbyterian (1820) on Prospect;         favorite holiday Masses. Regardless of         reacted to McConville’s children after                                                       First Class Delivery:
                                                                                                                                                                                    she was murdered by the IRA as an           million voters. Why? Because people
                                                                                        2nd Presbyterian (1844) on St. Clair;        the quality of the Homily, I am remind-                                                                                                           One Year $36           Two Years $70          Three Years $100
                                                                                                                                                                                    informer. Her children were shunned,        want to believe his myth making.
                                                                                        Methodist Episcopal Church (1827) on         ed to never leave a meeting early. T
                                                                                                                                                                                    alienated, at a time when they needed          It’s never easy to face up to the                                     Please start the subscription the month of:
                                                                                        Wood; Episcopalian on Clinton; Baptist
                                                                                                                                        Francis McGarry holds undergradu-           the support of their community. The         truth. We love our lies. They offer us
                                                                                        Church (1844) on Ontario; Bethel                                                                                                                                                         Name:
                                                                                                                                     ate degrees from Indiana University in         myth that an oppressed community            a way to overlook our failings per-
                                                                                        Church (1833) on Superior; German
                                                                                                                                                                                    shares its suffering by displaying acts     sonally and collectively. If we look at
                                                                                        Evangelical Lutheran (1843) on Erie;         Anthropology, Education and History                                                                                                         Address:
                                                                                                                                                                                    of altruism is sometimes true but not       the practice of the outgoing presi-
                                                                                        German Evangelical Protestant (1835)         and a Masters in Social Science from the
                                                                                                                                                                                    always, as shown in how McConville’s        dent we see that by def lecting reality
                                                                                        on Erie; the Anshe Chest Society (1842)      University of Chicago. He is an assistant                                                                                                   City:			                                  State:             Zip:
                                                                                                                                                                                    children were treated by their Catholic     we choose to delude ourselves. If
                                                                                        in the Farmer’s Block; and the Israelit-     principal and history teacher. Francis is
                                                                                                                                                                                    community in Belfast.                       we continue to blind ourselves to
          River Terrace Building                                                        ish Society (1839) on Seneca. Cleveland      a past president of the Irish American                                                                                                      Phone: ( )
                                                                                                                                                                                      Someone who knows how to exploit          defending the myth our chances of
        19111 Detroit Rd., Ste. 200                                                     had one umbrella manufacturer, Peter         Club East Side. He is the founder and
                                                                                                                                                                                    the need for mythologizing is the out-      improving our lot is doubtful.
          Rocky River, OH 44115                                                         McCann, on Seneca; three breweries,          past president of the Bluestone Division                                                                                                    E:mail
                                                                                                                                                                                    going president. Throughout his presi-         And, while I don’t believe the
            440-333-8960                                                                which produced 177,000 gallons of beer       of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.                                                        former president has divided the
                                                         and ale; four soap and candle factories,                                                    dency, he has lied, cheated, and un-                                                         Card#			                                Expires                  CVC#
                                                                                                                                                                                    dermined the very ideals of American        country or made it more racist.
                                                                                        which produced 450,000 pounds of                    Get More to the Story                                                                                                                                     Contact: or
                                                                                                                                                                                    society by appearing to be an ideologue     If anything, he has simply shown
              *Board Certified by the                                                   soap and 300,000 pounds of candles;               More pics, and larger print too!                                                                                                                    Mail to: 14615 Triskett Rd., Cleveland OH 44111-3123
               National Board of Trial Advocacy                                                                                                                                     for Christian morality. His diversion       that these despicable elements have
                                                                                        and 9 liquor stores at the time, for those
                                                                                                                                                                                    tactics have repeatedly distracted the      always existed in the ‘home of the
                                                                                        keeping score at home.

4        OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                           We’ve Always Been Green                                                     JANUARY 2021                  JANUARY 2021                                          WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                  OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                          5
Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News
in The House is representative of the        rise in same sex cohabiting couples since      explains why Biden’s great-grandfather,                                                  After a time, it was established that   worth reviewing. These are things we         Remember the example shown for
              At Home,                     diversity of the United States. There is
                                           real hope for better days ahead for all
                                                                                        legalization of civil partnerships in 2011.
                                                                                        Without a doubt Joe Biden’s heart and
                                                                                                                                       Edward was born in New Orleans. He
                                                                                                                                       worked in construction and climbing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Speak                       Ishi was the last survivor of a lost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tribe of Yahi, whose dialect was vastly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        can use in our English conversations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with others on a daily basis, even if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   yes and no is not always correct in an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Irish conversation, but will suffice for
               Abroad                      of us, regardless of race, color, ethnici-   path are heavily influenced by his family.     ladder, he became the first Irish Ameri-                   Irish                      different from the other northern          that other is four-legged.                 our purpose.
                By Regina Costello         ty, religion or persuasion. Many in the      He speaks often and fondly about them.         can to become Senator. He lived his Irish                 By Bob Carney               Yahi dialects known. Ishi’s language
                                           Cleveland Irish community exude great        As Annabelle Timsit, a Geopolitics             heritage by joining groups including the                                              would have never been known had he          IRISH                          PRONUNCIATION                  ENGLISH
                                           pride in welcoming one of our own,           reporter wrote in November 2020 “To            Mayo Men’s Benevolent, Social Patriotic                                               not made it to that corral. The book        Sea                         (shah)                         yes
                                           President Elect Joe Biden to the most        understand Joe Biden….one has to know          and Literary Association, the precursor to                        Í@BobCarneyGTR      chronicles Ishi’s life before his con-      Ní hea                      (nee hah)                      no
                                           important House. The White House.            his family history.” The great American        the Mayo Society of today.                                                            tact with the modern world and his          Go raibh maith agat         (gorra mah ah-gut)             thank you

 East and West                                                                                                                                                                                   Ishi
                                           Céad míle fáilte.                            tale began with his great-grandfather,            The many personal tragedies President                                              life after, very interesting if you wish    Tá fáilte romhat            (taw falcha roe-it)            you’re welcome
                                              The meat and potatoes of Irish roots      James Finnegan, County Louth, who              Elect Joe Biden has suffered, resulting                                               to know more about Ishi.                    Le do thoil                 (leh duh hahl)                 please

 in The House:
                                           is the family. President Elect Biden is      emigrated during The Great Famine. All         in lifelong scars have greatly influenced                                                In Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book,           Dia duit                    (dee-uh gwit)                  God to you (hello)
                                           deeply conscious of his Irish roots and is   of his Joe’s maternal great-great grand-       his life, creating in him a compassion,                                               “Braiding Sweetgrass,” she speaks of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dia’s Muire duit            (dee-us morra gwit)            God and Mary
                                           proud of his family heritage. And while      parents were born in Ireland between           sympathetic ear and ability to comfort          Tá súil agam, go bhfuil sibh go       her quest to learn the language of her      		to you
    The White House                        the Irish family dynamic is fluid and ac-
                                           cepts social changes, the fundamentals
                                                                                        1800 and 1850. In 2016 he visited Ireland
                                                                                        as the American Vice President. On the
                                                                                                                                       others in great pain, the latter which
                                                                                                                                       is no stranger to him. After the Sandy
                                                                                                                                                                                    maith. November was Native Amer-
                                                                                                                                                                                    ican Awareness Month and public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ancestors. She tells of her experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             at a class that was held at a yearly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gabh mo leithscéal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Maidin mhaith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (guh mo lesh-shkale)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (mo-jin wah)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Excuse me
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    good morning
                                           remain the same and are evident in Joe       eve of that trip he wrote a touching letter    Hook elementary school tragedy, he           television had extensive program-        tribal gathering. There was a great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Oíche mhaith                (ee-ha wah)                    good night
  This New Year is greeted with new        Biden. The family is still the dominant      than included the following lines:             made kind phone calls to parents. This       ming in recognition of it. Many of       deal of excitement since every native
guests in The House. One from the West influence on Irish people. The 2020 Irish           “And it’s a trip I’m so deeply grateful     year, America needs such traits in a         the programs addressed the younger       speaker of the tribe would be present.      Ceart go leor               (kyart guh lore)               right enough ok
– Ireland; one from the East – Asian       attitudes and values survey found 62%        to be taking alongside my children and         leader - an understanding demeanor, an       people that are reconnecting with           When they were called forward            Maith go leor               (mah guh lore)                 good enough
Afro Jamaican. Both Americans. I like      considered the family and home as the        grandchildren…                                 open heart, and an objective mindset         their heritage, through traditional      “to the circle of folding chairs, they      Is maith liom é             (iss mah lum ay)               I like it
to say that it mirrors my house. I made    main influences that form their thinking        …Over the course of my life…. I’ve been     to propel the country forward in the         skills, dance and language.              moved slowly, with canes, walkers           An bhfuil sé ceart go leor? (ahn will shay kyart guh lore) Is it ok?
my home as an Irish woman with an          and opinions. An overwhelming 80%            honored to have held a lot of titles. But I    best interests of all American citizens.        As I watched, I couldn’t help but     and wheelchairs; only a few entirely        Tá sé sin go maith          (taw shay shin guh mah)        It’s good
Asian man. We are both Americans.          of respondents prized family support         have always been and will always be the        Senator Chris Coons said to Joe Trippi,      notice many of the same things we’ve     under their own power.” Nine speak-         Tá an ceart agat            (taw ahn kyart ah-gut)         that’s right
Our different ethnicities initially formed over friends, health or employment.          son of Kitty Finnegan. The grandson of         (Democratic strategist) that Joe’s life      dealt with as we attempt to further      ers in all.                                 Conas atá tú?               (kun-us ah-taw too)            How are you?
the building blocks of our relationship    This anchor remains firmly embedded          Geraldine Finnegan from St. Paul’s Par-        experiences enable him to “heal our rela-    our study of Irish. More important-                                                  Táim go maith               (tame guh mah)                 I’m good
and to this day, we continue to celebrate in a modern Irish society of growing          ish in Scranton; a proud descendant of         tionships with the world….He can restore     ly, it was easy to see the enthusiasm    TIPS FOR PURSUING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tá an lá go bréa            (taw ahn law guh braw)         It’s a fine day
and share both traditions with our         ethnic diversity, increasing separation      the Finnegans of Ireland’s County Louth.       our position of strength and leadership in   and urgency in connecting with their     LEARNING IRISH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dia linn                    (dee-uh lynn)                  a blessing when
growing family. The ethnic diversity       and divorce numbers since 1996, and a        The great-grandson of a man named              the world. But he can also restore a sense   language.                                   Robin has taken the route that           		someone sneezes
                                                                                        Edward Francis Blewitt, whose roots stem       of optimism about the American people           Years ago, I happened across a book   many of us have in pursuing Irish.          An bhfuil Gaeilge agat?     (ahn will gway-la ga ah-gut) Do you
                                                                                        from Ballina, a small town in Ireland’s        and heal the incredibly deep divisions       entitled “Ishi in Two Worlds” By         Post it notes on items in the home,         		speak Irish?
                                                                                        County Mayo – sister city to my home-          that were already there…” We can expect      Theodora Kroeber, written in 1961.       trying to incorporate words and             Tá beagáinín agam           (taw bee-ahgon-ing ah gum) I speak a little
                                                                                        town in Scranton, Pennsylvania.                him to draw inspiration from his rich        Ishi walked out of the wilderness        phrases into daily conversation, she        Cén scéal agat?             (kayn shkale ah-gut)           What’s up?
                                                                                           The depth of emotion for his Irish roots    Irish heritage, traditional family values,   in California in August of 1911. He      speaks with her sister once a week on       Maith thú!                  (mah who)                      good job!
                                                                                        and love of family are apparent in the let-    and the poetry of Seamus Heaney that         was starving, fatigued and injured       the phone using as much Potawatomi          An mhaith                   (ahn wah)                      very good
                                                                                        ter above. Let’s dive deeper into his Mayo     he so loves, as he paves the stony road of   when he was found in the corral of a     as they can.                                Tóg go bog é                (toeg guh bog ay)              take it easy
                                                                                        roots which I know will touch the hearts       the future. I look forward to my home        slaughterhouse.                             She uses simple commands with her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Suigh                       (see)                          sit
                                                                                        of most of our readers. Megan Smolen-          abroad providing “the shelter from the          The local sheriff was called, and     dog: sit, come here, be quiet. Robin
                                                                                        yak, American Genealogist provides             storms, from all sorts of storms.” (Wil-     took Ishi into custody as he tried to    does however share the same lament I        Síos                        (shees)                        down
                                                                                        much data about Joe’s ancestral roots.         liam J. Bennett) that it once was for all    figure out who he was and where he       have made about teaching a dog who          Suigh síos                  (see shees)                    sit down
                                                                                        Joe Biden’s mother’s (Finnegan) maternal       of us. T                                     came from. Local Indians, as well        ignores you in English to be bilin-         Madra maith                 (mawdra mah)                   good dog
                                                                                        family has ancestors in the Arthurs, Ble-                                                   as Spanairds and Mexicans were           gual. Her teacher also encouraged her       Tar                         (tawr)                         come
                                                                                        witt, Boyle, Roche, Scanlon and Stanton           Regina is a Graduate from the Na-         brought in, in an effort to communi-     when she complained about having            Tar anseo                   (tawr ahn-sho)                 come here
                                                                                        families. From his father’s side, one finds    tional University of Ireland, Galway         cate with him, but to no avail.          no one to talk to by saying, “None of       Bog                         (bug)                          move
                                                                                        ancestry in the Hanafee family. Immi-          and a Post Graduate from the National           When the news story about the         us do, but someday we will.”                Bí ciúin                    (bee ku-inn)                   be quiet
                                                                                        gration to American by his ancestors           University of Ireland, Dublin. She is the    “last wild Indian” being rescued,           I find it encouraging to hear about      Go mall                     (guh mall)                     slowly
                                                                                        occurred during the middle of the 19th         former Curator of the Irish American         reached a couple of anthropologists at   others trying to learn the language         Stad                        (stahd)                        stop
                                                                                        century primarily settling in Scranton,        Archives at the Western Reserve Histor-      The University of California, they re-   of their ancestors, facing some of the
                                                                                        PA. Joe’s mother was born to Ambrose           ical Society, former Executive Director      alized the importance of finding out     same obstacles and challenges that
                                                                                        Finnegan and Geraldine Blewitt. Edward         of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument       as much as possible about this man       many of us have in our study of Irish.        Slán go Fóill!
                                                                                        Blewitt brought the family to America.         Commission and former Executive              and his people. Professor Kroeber        It is also easy to share in their joy at
                                                                                        This is Joe’s great-great-great grandfather.   Coordinator of the Northern Ohio             (the author’s husband) armed with        being able to use their language and         Bob Carney is a student of Irish history and language and teaches the Speak Irish
                                                                                        Per the ship’s manifest, aboard was his 18-    Rose Centre. She serves on the Board of      dictionaries of known native languag-    be understood. I believe that all of us    Cleveland class held every Tuesday @PJ McIntyre’s. He is also active in the Irish
                                                                                        year old son Patrick, and history suggests     Directors of the Mayo Society of Greater     es from the surrounding areas, spoke     when we use these words and phrases,       Wolfhound and Irish dogs organizations in and around Cleveland. Wife Mary,
                                                                                        he had already worked as a cabin boy           Cleveland. She can be reached at rcostel-    word after word with no recognition      once so foreign to our ear, breath life    hounds Morrighán and Rían and terrier Doolin keep the house jumping. He can be
                                                                                        and lived in Chile. It seems that may have                             from Ishi, until finally uttering the    into these languages that otherwise        contacted at
                                                                                        previously lived in the U.S. Patrick made                                                   Yahi word for yellow pine; Ishi lit up   might become lost, like Ishi’s.
                                                                                        Scranton his home, but employment of-                 Get More to the Story                 and banged on the pine table in front       The vocabulary and phrase list be-                                  Get More to the Story
                                                                                        fered him opportunities to live elsewhere          More pics, and larger print too!         of him repeating the word over and       low contains many things that we’ve                                  More pics, and larger print too!
                                                                                        throughout America and even Brazil. This                                                    over.                                    covered in the past, but I think it is

6        OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                          We’ve Always Been Green                                                       JANUARY 2021                 JANUARY 2021                                       WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                             OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                         7
Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News
Damon Margida (Hurling Representa-           again assembling their volunteer com-                                                       which needs work everywhere one looks.
                                                    Taking the                                                                                                                        Off the 		 After
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        West Side Irish American Club
                                                                              tive). After elections, discussion focused   mittee to host clubs from around the                                        long nights of hearing strange nois-
                                                                              on recruitment.                              Midwest GAA, Heartland Division (In-                                  es outside his house, Cal finally makes
                                                    Fields of Glory
                                                       			                       The Midwest GAA will have a full          dianapolis), Central Division (Chicago),                    Shelf     contact with the person who’s been
                                                      By Vincent Beach        schedule of games in the 2021 year.          and Southeast Division (Charlotte).                         By Terry Kenneally              stalking him, a thirteen-year-old named

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 To preserve and promote our rich
                                                                              The new Midwest board has already               We, the Cleveland Gaelic Athletic                                                        Trey from the wrong side of town.
                                                                              assembled a committee to focus on            Association, will have more news in                                                            Trey’s older brother, Brandon, has gone
                                                                              the fixtures for Ladies’ Football, Men’s
                                                                              Football, and Hurling. The committee,
                                                                                                                           the coming months for youth, women,
                                                                                                                           men, supporters, and sponsors. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       missing and now the kid wants answers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Trey’s family is a mess, with his father                               Irish cultural heritage in song, dance,
                                                                                                                                                                       The Searcher                                                                                                             literature, sports, and traditions.
                                      Getting Ready
                                                                              composed of hurler and footballers           GAA will have live action in 2021 in                                                        long gone and his mother left to raise
                                                                              – ladies and men, will be responsible        Cleveland and we welcome all to get         By Tana French                                  Trey’s younger siblings.

                                        for 2021
                                                                              for drafting both league (summertime         involved. Please reach out to the club,     Viking Publisher ISBN                              Trey is definitely in need of some                                         To provide a forum for the enrichment of our
                                                                              play) and championship (MW finals) , for more infor-      9780735224650 451 pp. 2020                      parental guidance in the form of a father
                                                                              formats. The proposals would then be         mation. Until then, stay safe, stay fit,                                                    figure. Eventually, Trey begins to trust                                     family and the enhancement of our friendships.
                                                                              studied by each club and discussed in        and stay tuned!                               Irish crime phenom Tana French                Cal, who somewhat reluctantly agrees to
                                       The Cleveland St. Pat’s – St Jarlath’s a division-wide conference call (per            Fáilte (welcome) to all. The Gaelic      has written her second standalone,              help him find his brother.
                                     Gaelic Football Club held their annual code) before a final schedule would be         Athletic Association is Ireland’s largest                       after 2018s “ The               As Cal investigates, unaided and
                                     general meeting (AGM) remotely this      released in late February.                   sporting organization and a bit of home                         Witch Elm” novel            unhindered by a badge, he finds himself
                                     year, on December 5th. There were only      A blitz – multiple games and teams        for the Irish abroad here in the US of                          that does not involve       embroiled in local politics and a de-
                                     two motions this year, both carrying     at one location on one weekend – style       A. Beyond sports, the Association also                          the Dublin Murder           cades-old grudge of townspeople. French
                                     unanimously.                             schedule was proposed last year and          promotes Irish music, song and dance,                           Squad, which featured       is well known when it comes to writing
                                       The first motion was to update the     still carries some favor, although the       and the Irish language as an integral                           prominently in her          pub scenes fraught with tension.                                                                                                      Great live music
                                     club name to Cleveland St.                            dynamics of which clubs         part of its objectives. Cleveland GAA is                        first six books.               One-night Cal is lured out by locals                                                                                              & food in The Pub
                                     Pat’s – St. Jarlath’s Gaelic
                                     Athletic Association under
                                                                                           will elect to play this year
                                                                                           may suite a home & away
                                                                                                                           open to all who want to play competi-
                                                                                                                           tive sports, meet new people, and join
                                                                                                                                                                                              The setting is a
                                                                                                                                                                                           small farming town
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and plied by Irish moonshine, tricked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       into enjoying the local power broker’s                          440.235.5868                                                            every Friday.
                                     the motivation to be in-                              format better. We shall see.    an athletic, fitness-minded club for all                        in the West of Ireland.     company and then when he is sufficient-                              GENERAL MEETING                                              Annual Raffle Tickets Available!
                                     clusive of all Gaelic Games                             Either way, early in the      ages.                                       The protagonist of the story is a former        ly loosened up, warned about minding                               3rd Thursday of every month                                  Contact Heather at 216-440-0801
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Since 1931
                                     (rounders 2025!). The sec-                            season, the Memorial 7’s           Go raibh míle maith agaibh (thanks       Chicago police officer, Cal Hooper, who         his own business regarding the missing
                                     ond motion was to expand                              tournament will be hosted       y’all) to our readers and supporters.       for reasons that emerge during “The             Brandon.                                                              8559 Jennings Rd., Olmsted Twp., Ohio 44138 |
                                     the board to include a hurling players’  by Cleveland at the West Side Irish          We need your help and involvement,          Searcher,” has moved to Ireland to re-             The Searcher is slower than some of her
         Live Music                  representative.                          American Club on May 8th. The one-           but would most like to share the fun of     start his life. The tiny fictional village of   other books. It is unusually visual, as she
                                       The 2021 board was also elected:       day tournament is for junior football,       Irish sport and Cleveland community         Ardnakelty is the kind of place where           displays her keen knowledge of the natu-
        Live Sports                  Vincent Beach (Chair), Maura English     men’s and ladies’, to kick off the season.   with you. Consider getting involved at      everyone knows everyone’s business              ral history of the West of Ireland. While

      Irish Fare
                                     (Vice-Chair), Amelia Kaylor (Sec-
                                     retary), Tom Beach (Registrar), Dan
                                     Kampman (Treasurer), Annie Coyne
                                                                              The tournament became a Cleveland
                                                                              Irish and Midwest GAA tradition
                                                                              through the 1980s and 90s, only to
                                                                                                                           any level.
                                                                                                                              Follow @ClevelandGaelic on Face-
                                                                                                                           book, Instagram, and Twitter for the
                                                                                                                                                                       and where Cal, who is a country boy at
                                                                                                                                                                       heart, is happy to play along with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       not her most accessible book, it should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       not be missed. I rate it a TOP SHELF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       READ. T
                                     (Public Relations Officer), Sarah Dunn be brought back recently by the many           2020 activities for Men, Women, and           The book moves slowly for almost                                                                                                                   Trip Advisor s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2015 Cer tificate
                                     (Ladies’ Representative), Chris Greggila GAA supporters and alumni of Cleve-          Youth, or, visit T        the first 100 pages, as Cal acclimates                   Get More to the Story                                                                       of Excellence

     Have an Event                   (Men’s Football Representative), and     land. Good on yah! Cleveland is once
                                                                                                                             Vincent Thomas Francis Xavier
                                                                                                                                                                       himself to his new surroundings while
                                                                                                                                                                       working on his ramshackle house
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             More pics, and larger print too!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Closed on Sundays             Winner

     or Fundraiser?                                                                                                        Beach is a proud Greater Clevelander
                                                                                                                           and emigrant of Michigan. He joined
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       T    he Public Houses of Ireland are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            steeped in tradition of hospitality.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       They serve as a gathering place where peo-                    Funeral Homes
      Host it in our beautiful                                                                                             the St. Pat’s Gaelic Football Club in
                                                                                                                           1999 and, with much help, is the cur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ple come to meet and enjoy conversation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       food, drink, and, of course, the music. The
                                                                                                                                                                         Artist Eileen Dorseys                                                                                                                                                  Full Service and Cremation
       Bridgie Ned’s                                                                                                       rent caretaker of the Cleveland GAA.
                                                                                                                           His Irish is a cross of dialects from              New Mural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pubs have become the focal point of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       communities, a place to celebrate life. That            Services Pre-Need Specialists
       Party Room!                                                                                                         the University of Cincinnati and An                                                             The Home of Fine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       is what we recreated here in Medina; we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       took an old machine shop and gave it the                            W
                                                                                                                           Cheathrú Rua. With his wife, Michelle,                                                         European & American                                          old world charm and warmth of Ireland’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Family-Owned and Operated
    17119 Lorain Avenue                                                                                                    he enjoys watching time absolutely fly                                                             Comfort Food                               LIVE          favorite Pubs. From the antiqued plaster
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Serving Greater Cleveland and
                                                                                                                           by as their children, Ambrose (11), Ber-                                                                                                                    walls and tin ceiling to the hand finished
    Cleveland, Ohio 44111                                                                                                                                                                                              TUESDAY: Tacos & Margaritas
                                                                                                                           nadette (9), and Cedric (6), grow. His
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       oak woodwork and period light fixtures,                       Northeast Ohio Since 1933
      216.941.9311                                                                                                                                                                                                     WEDNESDAY: Wing Night                                           and with memorabilia imported directly
                                                                                                                           other hustles are coaching CYO basket-                                                      THURSDAY: Burger Night                                          from Old Erin. Combine all of that with                                                                                                     ball at St. Mary of Berea, coaching                                                         SUNDAY: Brunch, 9am-2pm                         Daily Happy     home cooked meals that reflect our Irish                North Olmsted 329150 Lorain Road
                                                                                                                           soccer in Olmsted TWP, and slangin’                                                                                                            Hour         roots and American tastes, the warm hos-                      Berea 386 Adalbert Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       HOURS Tues-Wed: 11:30am-10pm                      until 7pm!    pitality from our attentive staff, and live
                                                                                                                           some engineering skills on local con-
                                      “Bringing a bit of Ireland to the 5 points”                                                                                                                                      Thurs: 11:30am-10pm                         $
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2 Domestics,    music and you have a little bit of heaven.              Cleveland 34420 Rocky River Drive
                                                                                                                           crete and pipe projects.                                                                    Fri-Sat: 11:30am-Midnight Sunday: 9am-9pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4 Glass of
     We support our Local Teams         3600 west park rd, cleveland, ohio

                                                  bit of Ireland to the 5 points”                                                                                                                                                                                                      117 WEST LIBERTY ST. MEDINA, OHIO
    and Fundraising Cause Efforts.                                                                                                Get More to the Story                                                                 6757 Center Rd. (Route 303) Valley City, OH 44280
          Ask for Details!
                                        3600 west park rd, cleveland, ohio
                                                                                                                               More pics, and larger print too!
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                                                                                                                                                                  | (216) 781-7782                                                                               WWW.SULLYSMEDINA.COM
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8        OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                       We’ve Always Been Green                                              JANUARY 2021                JANUARY 2021                                                   WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                                  OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                    9
Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News
the Ladies Land League. She was a friend       for some time. However, she remained an         ning, women sat on its Committees and          seats. Sinn Fein decided against taking
                                                                                          of Anna Parnell, founder of the League         active member of the Dublin Women’s             Executive, and helped to carry out the         its seats at Westminster. Instead Dáil
              Illuminations                                                               and an admirer of Anna’s brother, nation-
                                                                                                                                         Suffrage Association, fighting for the right    programs. The study of the Irish language      Éireann was established. Republican
               By J. Michael Finn                                                         alist Member of Parliament, Charles Stew-
                                                                                          art Parnell. The League’s main aim was to
                                                                                                                                         to vote for Irish women.
                                                                                                                                           Jennie opened a shop and restaurant in
                                                                                                                                         1899 at 21 Henry Street in Dublin, called
                                                                                                                                                                                         was for all; the social side was almost
                                                                                                                                                                                         wholly in the hands of the women mem-
                                                                                                                                                                                         bers, who by absorbing the Irish tradition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        courts were set up in opposition to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Courts of the Crown.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jennie served as one of the judges in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Providing nationwide property &
                                                                                          raise funds to provide relief and shelter to   the Irish Farm and Produce Company.             influenced in no small degree the growing      North Dublin. She continued to assist
                                                                                          evicted tenants.                               This was a restaurant and shop that sold        effort to wean the people from an Anglici-     the nationalist cause during the War of           casualty placement, life insurance and
                                                                                             Jennie O’Toole became an active mem-        farm produce, honey and cakes – all             zation that had gone all too far.”             Independence.
                                                                                          ber and served on the Ladies Land League       produced by Irish suppliers. Jennie main-                                                         The Anglo-Irish Treaty was signed
                                                                                          executive committee. She soon found                                                            DAUGHTERS OF IRELAND                                                                             employee benefits, as well as complex
                                                                                                                                         tained a strict “all-Irish produce” policy in                                                  on December 6, 1921 and caused Jennie

Jennie Wyse
                                                                                          herself living back in her native Wicklow,                                                        In 1900, Jennie was elected one of the
                                                                                                                                         her shop.                                                                                      much soul searching. She decided to
                                                                                          trudging through fields in wintry weather                                                      four Vice-Presidents of Maude Gonne’s                                                        foreign liability for domestic and international
                                                                                                                                           Irish was always encouraged as the                                                           support it because she viewed it as a
                                                                                                                                                                                         organization Inghinidhe na hÉireann

                                                                                          in order to reach the farms of distressed      preferred language. The restaurant soon                                                        pathway towards achieving greater
                                                                                          tenant farmers.                                                                                (pron: in-nyee na hare-un) (Daughters of
                                                                                                                                         became a popular meeting place for many                                                        independence. Jennie was the only             clients in commercial products, contracts and
                                                                                             During her time in the Ladies Land                                                          Ireland). This movement sought complete
                                                                                                                                         of the cultural and political organizations                                                    leading member of Cumann na mBan
     Formidable and                                                                       League, she met her husband, John Wyse                                                         independence for Ireland, and the devel-
                                                                                                                                         with which she was involved.                                                                   to support the Treaty. As a result, she
                                                                                          Power, who was then editor of the Leinster                                                     opment of the Irish economy and culture.                                                              directors' & officers' liability.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        felt obligated to resign from what she
                                                                                                                                         CONRADH NA GAEILGE
                                                                                          Leader newspaper and a member of the                                                           It was formed to provide women with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        described as a “splendid force of women.”
                                                                                          Irish Republican Brotherhood.                     Jennie and her husband joined Conradh        nationalist and activist platform.
                                                                                             They married on July 5, 1883. The           na Gaeilge (pron: con-rah nah gale-ga)             Sinn Féin (pron: shin-fain) was found-      FIRST SEANAD
   Jennie Wyse Power was born Jane                                                        family moved to Dublin in 1885 after           (Gaelic League). She became a member            ed in 1905. Arthur Griffith became its            Jennie was nominated by William T.
O’Toole in Baltinglass, County Wicklow,                                                   John secured a position with the national      of its executive in November 1900. Both         first leader. Jennie became an executive       Cosgrave as a member of the First Seanad
Ireland on May 1, 1858, the daughter of                                                   newspaper Freeman’s Journal. They had          John and Jennie took classes to improve         member of the National Council of Sinn         (pron: shawn-ad) (Senate) which met in
Edward O’Toole and Mary Norton. Her                                                       four children.                                 their Irish and their children participated     Féin in 1906.                                  December 1922. She was appointed as
father owned a leather and grocery busi-                                                     Charles Stewart Parnell died in 1891.       in the various cultural activities of the          By 1911, she had risen to the position of   honorary Film Censor in 1922. Jennie
ness on Main Street in Baltinglass.                                                       In that year, Jennie published Words of        League.                                         Vice President, which ranked her second        and her husband also appeared as fiction-
   The family was strongly nationalist. As   family to Dublin.                            the Dead Chief, containing a selection of         The Gaelic League was the first major        only to Griffith in the organization. A        alized characters in the 1922 James Joyce
a youngster, Jane began using the name         In 1881, at the age of 21, Jennie em-      extracts from Parnell’s speeches. After his    Irish organization to offer membership          fellow member said of Jennie, “She was         novel Ulysses.
the name Jennie. In 1860 her father sold     barked on her first journey into the world   death, Jennie and her husband became           to both men and women. Jenny wrote              a remarkably able woman, very brainy,             Jennie’s husband John died in 1926. In
his business and property and moved the      of activism and politics when she joined     disillusioned and stayed out of politics       of the Gaelic League, “From the begin-          full of fun and a great teller of humorous     1934 she sat as a Fianna Fáil senator. Jen-
                                                                                                                                                                                         stories.”                                      nie continued to sit in the Seanad until
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        her retirement from public life in 1936.
                                                                                                                                                                                         CUMANN NA MBAN                                    Jennie Wyse Power died on January
                                                                                                                                                                                            In November 1913, the Irish Volunteers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5, 1941 at the age of 82. Her passing
                                                                                                                                                                                         were established and became an armed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        was mourned by both sides of the Irish
                                                                                                                                                                                         military organization. Nationalist women
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        political divide. The huge turn-out for her

                                                                                                                                                                                         soon followed suit in 1914 by organizing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        funeral was evidence of the enormous re-
                                                                                                                                                                                         themselves as Cumann na mBan (pron:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        spect and fondness in which she was held
                                                                                                                                                                                         cume-un na mawn) (The Women’s Asso-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by everyone. She is buried in the family
                                                                                                                                                                                         ciation). Jennie was one of the founders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        plot in Glasnevin Cemetery.
                                                                                                                                                                                         and was elected as the organization’s first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A final word of praise regarding Jennie
                                                                                                                                                                                         president in 1915.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Wyse Power comes from the historian,
                                                                                                                                                                                            According to the memoirs of Kathleen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ann Matthews, who in her 2010 book,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Clarke, Tom Clarke’s widow, the Procla-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Renegades: Irish Republican Women
                                                                                                                                                                                         mation of the Irish Republic was signed at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1900-1922, described Jennie as, “One of
                                                                                                                                                                                         a meeting, “… held in Mrs. Wyse Power’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the most formidable and under-estimated
                                                                                                                                                                                         house in 21 Henry Street on Tuesday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        women in nationalist history.” T
                                                                                                                                                                                         of Holy week 1916.” During the Easter
                                                                                                                                                                                         Rising, Jennie and her daughter Nancy             J. Michael Finn is the Ohio State
                                                                                                                                                                                         carried food from her restaurant to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Historian for the Ancient Order of
                                                                                                                                                                                         rebels in the General Post Office.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hibernians and Division Historian for
                                                                                                                                                                                         LADIES LAND LEAGUE                             the Patrick Pearse Division in Colum-
                                                                                                                                                                                            Jennie’s home and business were de-         bus, Ohio. He is also Chairman of the
                                                                                                                                                                                         stroyed when 21 Henry Street was burned        Catholic Record Society for the Diocese
                                                                                                                                                                                         during the Rising. Also destroyed in the       of Columbus, Ohio. He writes on Irish
                                                                                                                                                                                         blaze were the records of the Ladies Land      and Irish-American history; Ohio histo-
                                                                                                                                                                                         League, which had been in her custody          ry and Ohio Catholic history. You may
                                                                                                                                                                                         for thirty years. After the Rising, Jennie     contact him at
                                                                                                                                                                                         provided aid to the families of Republi-
                                                                                                                                                                                         can prisoners and she and her daughter                                                         Thomas F. McManamon            Todd McManamon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Get More to the Story
                                                                                                                                                                                         helped to re-organize Cumann na mBan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            More pics, and larger print too!
                                                                                                                                                                                            The 1918 General Election saw Sinn      
                                                                                                                                                                                         Fein win 73 out of the 105 parliamentary

10       OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                             We’ve Always Been Green                                                        JANUARY 2021                  JANUARY 2021                                              WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                   OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS       11
Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News
of a live audience. This particular episode   the fruit at her register. She was warned    They had no money, but raised the funds                                                    know why.
                                              was a repeat of a show that was recorded      by management, but she chose not to          in one night canvassing the pubs in
              Akron                           in Dublin a few years back. I was hooked      change her position and the strike was       Dublin.                                                      Madigan                          Our tears represent all those we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    have lost, and those who have suffered
               Irish                          right there.
                                                 The story began with a young girl
                                                                                            born in that moment. Ten of her Dub-
                                                                                            lin co-workers followed suit, nine other
                                                                                                                                            The trip was harrowing at the end of
                                                                                                                                         it. After being detained and intimidated,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Muses                         during this pandemic. The tears are
                 By Lisa O’ Rourke
                                              who was working in a Dunne’s Stores           young ladies and one young gentleman.        they were returned home without leaving
                                                                                                                                                                                                       By Marilyn Madigan           also for the change in our normal
                                              on Henry Street in Dublin. The year was          One of them was twenty-four years old,    the South African airport. They had                                                        routines and how we want to return
                                              1984. Unions were under threat around         one of them was only seventeen, and the      attracted media attention now though                                                       to some type of normalcy. But let’s get
                                              the globe and were staunchly defended in      others were twenty years old. They were      and before returning home, they were                                                       back to When Irish Eyes Smiling.
                                              spite of that.                                inner city story employees.                  asked to participate in a press conference                                                    There is hope in this new year with

 Dunne’s Store                                                                                                                                                                                   When
                                                 This young girl, like the other trade         Most of them still lived with their       in London.                                                                                 the vaccine. As we sing the chorus,
                                              union employees in that store and all-        parents. They did not see themselves as                                                                                                 “When Irish eyes are smiling, sure ‘tis
                                                                                                                                         THE TURNING POINT

     Girls                                                                                                                                                                                    Irish Eyes
                                              around Ireland, had received a statement      changing the world. Nor did they realize                                                                                                like a morn in spring.” We look forward
                                                                                                                                           This was the turning point. Ten young                                                    to the springtime, so that we can finish
                                              from their leadership that they were not      how long, lonely and difficult the strike
                                                                                                                                        Irish girls and one young man were a
                                              to handle goods originating from South        would be at times.                                                                                                                      with “When Irish hearts are happy, all

                                                                                                                                                                                             Are Smiling
                                                                                                                                        threat to the government of South Africa.
                                              Africa. The goods consisted mainly of                                                                                                                                                 the world seems bright and gay.”
  Our collective “annus horribilis” has
now just passed, and from this position, it
                                                 Apartheid was at one of its ugliest
                                                                                               At first pass, it seems very confusing,
                                                                                            how could a place be further in terms
                                                                                                                                        Momentum began to build against the
                                                                                                                                        apartheid government globally. Ireland
                                                                                                                                        was the first Western country to ban
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Hopefully our world can have a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    normal. Our masks will be able to come     Voted Best Stone Oven Pizza
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Downtown Willoughby
would be hard for this new shiny year to      junctions, clawing to hang on to an inde-                                                                                                                                             off and our smiles can be seen again.
surpass it in the horrible. It is certainly a                                               of geography and culture than Ireland       South African goods.
                                              fensible position. Nelson Mandela was in                                                                                                        When Irish eyes are smiling.          As we sing “For your smile is a part
year that future generations will wonder                                                    and South Africa? How could Irish shop         Eventually, when Nelson Mandela was
                                              prison on Robben Island.                                                                                                                     Sure, ‘tis like the morn in Spring.      of the love in your heart,” it shows the
about; what did we do and how did we get                                                    clerks understand enough to be motivat- released from prison, he went to Ireland
                                                 Mary Manning, the Dunne’s Stores                                                                                                              In the lilt of Irish laughter.       love and concern for our fellow human
on with life?                                                                               ed to take such a hard line? The Irish have and wanted to meet the Dunne’s Stores
                                              clerk, is still not really sure why she did                                                                                                    You can hear the angels sing.          beings.
  We hoarded and cooked and baked                                                           certainly suffered due to prejudice and a   girls. He gave them his medal of freedom
                                              it. She had heard things about South                                                                                                           When Irish hearts are happy.              With the new year and new leader-
and read and watched television. We                                                         system that seemed to be rigged against     and told them how much it meant that
                                              Africa on the news, but wasn’t a political                                                                                                  All the world seems bright and gay.       ship in our country, our smiles will
absorbed so much media that reruns be- person. She and the other girls were told            them.                                       people from the outside world cared
                                                                                               One anecdote that they shared was that about injustices going on in his country.           What when Irish eyes are smiling.         make our world bright. Our laughter
came a thing again. Ideally, a rerun offers not to handle produce from South Africa
                                                                                            they were educated about apartheid when The strikers eventually got to visit South             Sure, they steal your heart away.        and smiles can be shared with all of our
the opportunity for another, better look. and they generally tried to follow union
  I encountered one of those better                                                         they met a South African man who had        Africa as guests at Nelson Mandela’s                                                        loved ones and friends.
look stories on an NPR program, “The                                                        been living in exile in Dublin for years.   funeral.                                          As we begin the New Year, this song          Hoping in 2021 that our eyes will be
                                                 On this particular day, a woman stood
Moth.” It is a program in which amateur in her checkout line with some South Af-            He came to the picket line one day early       One of the big takeaways from this year      has new meaning to me. During this          smiling, we will be laughing and can
storytellers tell a personal story in front                                                 in the protest, to support the girls and    is that we have watched how our actions         time of COVID-19 precautions, we            see each other’s smiles again. T
                                              rican grapefruit. Mary refused to handle
                                                                                            they admitted to him that they did not      and decisions affect each other in real         wear masks, we communicate so much
                                                                                            know much about apartheid.                  time. It is the “butterfly effect” on speed.    with our eyes.                                    Get More to the Story
  CONWAY LAND TITLE COMPANY                                                                    He explained the segregation and
                                                                                            prejudice by comparing it to a pint of
                                                                                                                                           2020 was a year about racism and
                                                                                                                                        disease, but also about how we chose to
                                                                                                                                                                                          The first verse is, “There is a tear in       More pics, and larger print too!
        162 Main Street Painesville, OH 44077                                               Guinness; the little bit of white on top    react to those problems. The purity of
                                                                                            was over all the dark at the bottom. Then, vision that the young can bring to the
                                                                                                                                                                                        your eye and I’m wondering why.” We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mini Donuts, Bagels, Mitchells Ice Cream,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rising Star Roasters, Chill Pop

                                                                                            a few months into the strike, they were     world is still evident in the voices of girls
                                                                                            asked by Bishop Desmond Tutu to meet        like Malala and Greta Thunberg. Like the          TUESDAY
                                                                                            with him in London.                         Dunne’s Stores girls, they have a pas-             6pm-8pm: All Things Irish
                                                                                               They went of course, and their resolve   sion that is born from an internal moral           WOBC-FM 91.5 w/Anita Lock                                                                   Great Harvest Bread Co.
                                                                                            was hardened for good; they were not        compass. This is a time to listen to that                                                                                                        (Located Next to the Wild Goose)
                                                                                            budging on the strike. At the time, they    moral compass and consider how we are             SATURDAY

                                                                                            were living on a quarter of the wages that going to respond to that voice from our             9am-11am: stonecoldbikini,
                                                                                            they had previously earned, and were        hearts. T
                                                                                            getting little support.
                                                                                                                                                                                           WRUW FM 91.1 w/Christine Hahn
                                                                                                                                           Lisa O’Rourke is an educator from               10am-11am: Johnson Brothers
                                                                                            WHEN FEAR MAKES                             Akron. She has a BA in English and a               Irish Hour WKTL-FM 90.7
                                                                                            PEOPLE UNKIND                               Master’s in Reading/Elementary Educa-
                                                                                               It was far from support in some cases.   tion. Lisa is a student of everything Irish,
                                                                                            The girls described times where they        primarily Gaeilge. She runs a Gaeilge             SUNDAY
                                                                                            encountered strong criticism and name       study group at the AOH/Mark Heffernan              7am-9am: Sweeney Astray                    SATURDAY & SUNDAY
                                                                                            calling in Dublin. They described it as     Division. She is married to Dónal and has         WCSB-FM 89.3                               12-6pm ET/9am-3pm PT on SiriusXM
                                                                                            fear making people unkind.                  two sons, Danny and Liam. Lisa enjoys
                                                                                               Watching some old newsreel footage,      art, reading, music, and travel. She likes         10am-12pm: Gerry Quinn’s Irish Hours            Classic Vinyl, channel 26.
                440.352.0651 (Fax: 440.352.9261)                                            the girls’ youth and innocence are heart- spending time with her dog, cats and fish.           WHK-AM 1420 w/ Colleen•                                     breaking. There is something so uncom- Lisa can be contacted at olisa07@icloud.                Corrigan Day & Eddie Fitzpatrick         iIrish: Songs, Stories
                  ERIN GO BRAGH
                                                                                            plicated in their passion; they were not    com.                                               11:30am-1:30pm: Echoes of Erin                 & Shenanigans
  Eastern Lake County Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                            politicians, but young hearts that could
                                                                                            see simple truth.
                                                                                               They were asked by the anti-apartheid
                                                                                                                                                 Get More to the Story
                                                                                                                                               More pics, and larger print too!
                                                                                                                                                                                           WCWA-AM 1230 w/John Connolly
                                                                                                                                                                                           6pm- 7pm: Songs of Britain & Ireland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Podcast posted every second Friday on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Downtown Willoughby
            2019 BUSINESS OF THE YEAR                                                       movement to come to South Africa to see
                                                                                            for themselves what life was like there.
                                                                                                                                                              WCPN-FM 90.3                                      and archived forever!

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Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News Sharing a Song Our Tradition is Alive and Well - January 2021 Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Ohio Irish American News
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