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Page created by Jordan Warren
OVER? IS DIY-TV HINEWS - Hardware News Network
                     IS DIY-TV
                            REJECT    ACCEPT
Vol. 2 No. 9

               DULUXGROUP H1
               2015/16 RESULTS
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                              IS DIY TV OVER?
                        After poor ratings for “Reno Rum-
                      ble”, mediocre ratings of “House
                      Rules”, and lower ratings for the past
                      two seasons of “The Block”, is “reality”
                      DIY TV done and over?

                              19: click to view
                              DuluxGroup H1
                        DuluxGroup returns average to
                      good results. Forecast is for a stron-
                      ger H2. However, is enough attention
                      being paid to the changing economy?

                              37: click to view

Big Box Update                                        Retail Update
Bunnings to set up store in                           The Good Guys considers IPO;
Albury; POCO looks at                                 JB HiFi considers buying The

                       3                                                           9
Masters’ sites.                                       Good Guys

Indie Update                     Europe Update....................................13
Beaumont Tiles opens new
DC; Mitre 10 adds Kellys         US Update...........................................15


                                 Seeking Opportunities........................47
Supplier Update
Mike Kane of Boral calms
fears over housing prices;

Valspar earnings dip.
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                      big box update
                      Albury set to approve
                      new Bunnings store
                                                                                                       Bunnings to open
    in this                                                                                            in Homeplus
    update:                                                                                            Chadstone
                                                                                                         Newmark Capital
                                                                                                       has signed up Bun-
    POCO may bid                                                                                       nings in a 10-year
    on Masters’  Harvey N                                                                              deal to be part of its
                          orman Ce
    sites                          ntre                                                                Chadstone Homeplus
                                                                                                       Homemaker Centre
                                                                                                       in Melbourne. The big
    Metcash in-                                                                                        box retailer will open a
    terested in                                                                                        large-format 7600sqm
    Masters’ sites,                                                                                    store at the centre,
                                                                                                       located about 500 me-
    as well as HTH
3                                                                                                      tres from Chadstone
    Group                                                                                              Shopping Centre.
                                                                                                         Bunnings will share
                                                                                                       space in the Homeplus
    Brett Blundy                                                                                       Centre with other
    looks to buy                                                                                       major retailers such as
    into Masters                                 Bunnings new
                                                                                                       Barbeques Galore, The
                                                                                                       Good Guys, Snooze,
                                                 store location                                        Freedom, JB Hi-Fi, E&S
    Bunnings to                                                                                        Trading and Adriatic
    open larger                                                                                        Furniture.
                                                                                                         Newmark was found-
    store in Albury
                        Bunnings has lodged        The replacement           Albury Council            ed by former Haw-
                      a development appli-       warehouse will be over    has been supporting         thorn football star
    Bunnings to       cation for a $27 million   18,000sqm with room       the Bunnings team           Chris Langford and
    open new          replacement store in       for more than 400         with information            Simon Morris who pre-
                                                                                                       viously headed Pen-
    store in Chad-    Albury.                    carparks.                 and assistance for its
                                                                                                       insula Development
                        The big box retailer       Bunnings recently       investigations into the
    stone             opened its existing        purchased the site        proposed purchase of        Group. The Homeplus
                      store in Young Street      including the Kim-        the new site for several    Centre, bought for $55
                                                                                                       million in 2011, was the
    Bunnings          in 2003 before an ex-      berly Clark factory       months. We are very
                                                                                                       start-up syndicator’s
                      pansion six years later.   which closed last year.   pleased that Bunnings
    launches pilot    The plans are for new      Bunnings general          has seen fit to invest in   first single-asset fund.
    stores in UK      store on the corner of     manager of its prop-      the expansion of their      Its value is likely to
                      the Riverina Highway       erty division, Andrew     presence in AlburyÉ         soar above $80 million
                      and Drome Street. It       Marks, said the rede-       Bunnings is also          after the deal with
    Bunnings                                                                                           Bunnings.
                      will be located next       velopment was a show      building a 6900sqm
    brands enter      door to the Harvey         of faith in the Albury    store on the eastern          Industry sources
    UK market         Norman Centre. Bun-        market.                   edge of Yarrawonga          suggest rents for a
                      nings’ trade centre in       Acting Albury mayor     which is expected to        large retailer such as
                      Romet Road, Wodonga        David Thurley wel-        open later this year.       Bunnings were likely
                      will transfer across to    comed the announce-         goo.gl/3xwc7O             to be between $280-
                      Albury as part of the      ment from Bunnings.                                   $320 per square metre.
                      move.                      He said:                                                goo.gl/ExQ26v
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     big box
                                                                                   Metcash also seeks Masters
                                                                                     The DataRoom column in The Australian
                                                                                   has revealed that Metcash may be interested
                                                                                   in both Masters and Home Timber and Hard-
                                                                                   ware. Apparently, the Mitre 10 owner has been
                                                                                   sounding out Woolworths about a potential
                                                                                   acquisition of the stock within the hardware
                                                                                   operation of Masters.
                                                                                     It has always been thought that it was only
                                                                                   HTH that was of interest to Metcash, but it
                                                                                   is now believed the group also expressed an
                                                                                   interest in understanding what stock Masters
                                                                                   has and at what price.
                                                                                     HTH is more attractive to buyers than the
                                                                                   loss-making Masters and is known to have
                                                                                   strong synergies with the Metcash Mitre 10
                                                                                     Citi is working on the process on behalf

    POCO in race for
                                                                                   of Woolworths and is expected to have now
                                                                                   comprised a short list of bidders for the second
                                                                                   round of the contest.

    Masters’ sites
      Home furnishing and     pany wanted to open          POCO will tap into      it expanded its store      Blundy bid
4   hardware store, POCO      45 Australian POCO         that value seeking con-   network over the next        Australian business-
    is now in contention      stores in two years and    sumer that wants rel-     five years.                man Brett Blundy
    to takeover the sites     as many as 100 outlets     atively good furniture,     Mr Urquhart said         may be buying into
    set to be vacated by      within five years.         cheap white goods but     POCO could follow in       Woolworths’ hard-
    Masters.                    Complete with its        still good quality.       Masters’ footsteps and     ware operations, ac-
      POCO is a South         distinctive yellow and       Dr Mortimer said it     fail because it wasn’t     cording to DataRoom
    African-owned             red colour scheme,         was a very different      focused on doing one       in The Australian.
    warehouse retailer        POCO first opened its      offering to Masters,      thing and doing it well.   Apparently, he has
    that stocks discount      doors in Australia in      which meant POCO            POCO stretches itself    made a tilt at parts of
    furniture, hardware,      2012 and now operates      would have a better       across a number of         the Masters hardware
    white goods, bedding      six store across the       chance of standing up     different markets and      portfolio and poten-
    and other low cost        country, including         to Bunnings.              Mr Urquhart doesn’t        tially also Home Tim-
    household items such      outlets in Blacktown         What Masters did        believe it’s what con-     ber and Hardware.
    as soft furnishings and   and Casula in NSW.         was try to emulate        sumers want.                 Mr Blundy founded
    some electrical goods.      Queensland Univer-       Bunnings but in a high      Mr Urquhart also         BB Retail Capital in
    It houses brands like,    sity of Technology         end air conditioned       said POCO had to           1980 and built up his
    TEAC and Breville.        retail expert Dr Gary      store. That inferred to   tread wisely if it         fortune by growing
      Its South African,      Mortimer told The          the shopper it would      wanted to expand the       a single record store
    German-listed parent      New Daily that POCO        be high price. They       number of stores in        called Disco Duck
    company, Steinhoff        represented the same       didn’t understand their   Australia at such a        into a 238-store strong
    International, also       threat to Bunnings         market. People would      rapid rate.                Sanity Entertainment
    owns Freedom Furni-       that discount German       go to buy hardware          There will be a period   Group, encompass-
    ture, Snooze and Bay      supermarket Aldi           but also see cushions     of loss therefore they     ing HMV and Virgin
    Leather Republic.         posed to Coles and         and throw rugs.           have to be very careful.   Entertainment. It was
      Fairfax Media re-       Woolworths. He said:         goo.gl/UgZX3y           If they run out of         divested in 2009.
    ported that POCO was        The POCO model             Retail analyst and      money, they run out of       BB Retail Capital
    planning to move into     tends to be an Aldi or     managing director of      time and if you run out    may be working with
    20 vacated Masters        to a lesser extent a       Marketing Focus, Bar-     of time, you’re run out    JB Hi-Fi and Steinhoff
    sites around Australia.   Costco-style one. Fairly   ry Urquhart, doesn’t      of business.               International, the
    Prior to that, trade      good quality, but low      see POCO becoming           goo.gl/ajiqLH            majority shareholder
    publication Channel       price. Not a signifi-      a major competitor in                                of the listed Freedom
    News reported that a      cantly large range or a    the big box market,                                  Furniture.
    Steinhoff Internation-    lot of branded prod-       and said it would lose                                 goo.gl/4nFssB
    al source said the com-   ucts.                      a lot of profit while
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     big box

                                                                                                                Bunnings is likely
                                                                                                                to open stores
                                                                                                                that are markedly
                                                                                                                different from the
                                                                                                                Hombase format
                                                                                                                they will replace

    Bunnings launches                                                                                         Bunnings brands
                                                                                                              hit UK stores

    UK pilot stores
5                                                                                                                Tactix, CraftRight,
                                                                                                               Saxon, Morgan, Ulti-
                                                                                                               mate Storage, Flexi
                                                                                                               Storage, Move Master,
      Over the next six         nings team in the then    furniture concession.      on any public timeta- Jumbuck, Marquee
    months, Bunnings will       McEwans takeover.           This process is likely   ble, with the two or      and Smart Storemas-
    establish pilot stores        Once its pilot stores   to see an adjustment       three pilot stores to     ter are all Bunnings
    in two or three of the      are established, other    to the sales base to be    be operating by year’s brands that have been
    260 Homebase sites in       stores will be in the     used for the acqui-        end, simply to test the stocked at Homebase
    the UK, according to        new model. This           sition, which will be      model and work out        stores, according to
    John Durie writing in       means, among other        stated with ongoing        where to make adjust- InsightDIY.
    The Australian.             things, that everyday     starting sales of          ments.                      The first containers
      The big box retailer is   low prices instead of     around $2.4 billion as       The UK demograph- arrived at UK ports
    three months into the       the high-low strategy     against the previous       ics are vastly different, from China and the
    process of transferring     which has been the        stated sales of around     with some 18,000 peo- stock has now been
    its operating style into    hardware mainstay in      $3 billion. The lower      ple per square kilome- allocated out to the
    the UK. Bunnings’ UK        the UK for a long time.   sales base will mea-       tre against just 400 in Homebase stores. In
    operations is being led       That’s a big change     sure the stores minus      a large Australian city. many cases, stock is
    by veteran executive        for the stores, which     Argos and the furni-       This means delivery is displayed in either
    PJ Davis with some          will continue to run as   ture concession.           cheaper and explains cardboard dump-
    ongoing help from his       Homebase stores but         The process to be        why catalogue shop-       stacks or dressed quar-
    boss John Gillam.           without the myriad        undertaken now is          ping has been more        ter pallet displays in
      Michael Schneider is      concessions that now      equipping Homebase         popular and why on-       space that Homebase
    in charge of the Aus-       populate them.            with the expertise         line shopping is more previously refused to
    tralian and New Zea-          Bunnings is in the      needed to operate as       prevalent.                use, as they focused on
    land operations and         process of undoing        a standalone retailer,       When the rollout        clinical, neat and tidy
    the plan is to keep the     the contracts Home-       with adjustments to        starts it won’t be        displays.
    operations separate.        base had with these       distribution centres       Bunnings running a          Space is also being
      The Bunnings team         concession operators.     and the addition of a      Homebase store but        created as the new
    in the UK has the job       Among these is Argos,     property team to han-      a replacement store,      team begin the on-go-
    of exporting much the       the catalogue based re-   dle ongoing lease and      with Homebase re-         ing clearance of home-
    same way that back          tailer owned by former    purchase decisions.        placed by a Bunnings. wares that don’t fit the
    in 1993 when Mr Davis       parent company Home         The actual Bunnings        goo.gl/958O5R           Bunnings model.
    was part of the Bun-        Retail Group, and a       rollout will not be set                                goo.gl/Xse85p
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                       indie update
                       Beaumont Tiles
                                                                                                       million a year to $100
                                                                                                       million over the next
                                                                                                       five years.
                                                                                                         The opening of

                       opens new DC
                                                                                                       Rochedale is a whole
                                                                                                       new chapter for Beau-
                                                                                                       monts in Queensland
                                                                                                       and it demonstrates
                                                                                                       our deep commitment
                                                                                                       to the state and to
    in this                                                                                            grow with it through
    update:                                                                                            employment and infra-
                                                                                                       structure investment.
                                                                                                         We’ve designed the
    Beaumont Tiles                                                                                     facility to suit our
    opens a new                                                                                        unique needs for stock
    distribution                                                                                       holding and to vastly
                                                                                                       improve our heavy-ve-
    centre in Bris-                                                                                    hicle and customer
    bane’s south                                                                                       traffic management.
                         Beaumont Tiles has      Rochedale Motorway          tor, Bob Beaumont,        This means customers
                       opened one of the         Estate (1 Brickworks        said Queensland is a      can get what they
    Mitre 10 gains     largest distribution      Place). The facility        vibrant renovating        want, when they want
    the Kellys         centres in the south-     is 60% larger than          market with par-          it and we can maintain
6   Wodonga            ern hemisphere at         Beaumont’s previous         ticular growth in         market leading price
                       Rochedale in Bris-        site at Archerfield and     the south east, the
    store, a major     bane’s south.             it allows the retailer to   western corridor and
                                                                                                         Rochedale takes
    regional retail-     The state-of-the-       run 16 hours a day.         north Queensland in       Beaumont’s national
    er                 art 13,287sqm head          The Rochdale facility     line with population      distribution centre
                       office and warehouse      is part of a $20 million    growth and construc-      holdings to 50,000sqm
                       facility employs 75       dollar investment           tion activity.            across Sydney,
    Mitre 10           people and will service   in Queensland by              He said the compa-      Melbourne, Brisbane
    launches           Beaumont’s growing        Beaumont Tiles. The         ny has increased its      and Adelaide with
                       network of 28 stores      retailer also launched      national footprint by
    drive-through                                its new high-end            25% in Queensland
                                                                                                       the same footprint
                       in Queensland and                                                               again in its 106-store
    garden centre      northern NSW.             730sqm design studio        in the last five years    network.
    in New               Beaumont Tiles has      in Fortitude Valley.        and expects turnover        goo.gl/ZKAKZP
    Zealand            a 19-year lease on the      Managing direc-           to increase from $60

    Ace CEO                                                                  Mitre 10 adds Wodonga store
    Venhuizen                                                                  Kellys Wodonga          Managing director
                                                                             has officially become     Adrian Kelly said the
    talks compe-
                                                                             part of Mitre 10 group    company had almost
    tition and an                                                            after starting out in     come a full circle. He
    ageing                                                                   Wodonga (VIC) in 2007     told The Border Mail:
    membership                                                               selling rural supplies.     We’ve been looking
                                                                             The store’s re-badging    to developing into a
                                                                             follows the closure       Mitre 10 for a number
                                                                             of the Mann Mitre 10      of years. Customer
                                                                             business after its sale   demand and market
                                                                             to Bunnings.              demand for an alter-
                                                                               Kellys moved three      native to Bunnings
                                                                             years ago to the Mel-     helped clarify the
                                                                             bourne Road location      decision for us.
                                                                             into a building, which      goo.gl/SynTCc
                                                                             ironically, was a Mitre
                                                                             10 store up until 2010.
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    Ace Hardware CEO                                                               Mitre 10 drive-
    John Venhuizen                                                                 through store
                                                       about past success
                                                       when everything
                                                       that lies in front of
                                                       us is still challenging.
                                                       Q: Is there anything
                                                       your competitors
                                                       are doing that you
                                                       admire or seek to
                                                       A: Lots. We learn
                                                       from our competitors
                                                       regularly, both in our
                                                       industry and outside.
                                                       Look at Home Depot
                                                       and Lowe’s — they’re
                                                       clearly competitors
      Ace Hardware CEO       our competitors. We
                                                       of ours. And yet
    John Venhuizen spoke     hate losing any of
                                                       I’ll tell you, they’re
    with HBSDealer at the    them, but on balance,
                                                       great retailers. Look
    co-op’s recent conven-   the score has worked
                                                       at their numbers.
    tion. Here are some      out pretty well in                                      Mitre 10 New Zealand has opened a drive-
                                                       They’re both on very
    highlights.              our favour. I would                                   through garden and landscape centre in Dune-
                                                       impressive runs.
     Q: What can you say     say in the last four                                  din right beside its MEGA store. The stand-
                                                       Q: Last year was sup-
7    about new member        years, we have had
                                                       posedly the year of
                                                                                   alone centre boasts a large range of garden
     acquisition and         280 more stores come                                  products and tools, giving local landscapers
                                                       the light bulb. How
     turnover? You have      to Ace, and we’ve lost                                and outdoor DIYers a dedicated space to source
                                                       did that go?
     mentioned in the        130.                                                  their supplies.
                                                       A: We sold a few light
     past that Ace had an    Q: What are Ace’s                                       Store owner and Mitre 10 chairman Martin
                                                       bulbs. Let me put it
     issue with its ageing   biggest threats at the                                Dippie said it is completely self-contained and
                                                       into perspective for
     population. Are your    moment?                                               has an exciting range of features. He said:
                                                       you here. It’s proba-
     members getting         A: There’s a lot to be                                  The garden and landscaping centre has its
                                                       bly more like the de-
     younger?                afraid of. I usually                                  own entrance, checkouts and cafe and is staffed
                                                       cade of the light bulb.
     A: Not dramatical-      go to the three Cs:                                   by a dedicated team who have a wealth of
                                                       We can hardly keep
     ly, though we have      we operate in a very                                  experience in landscaping, horticulture and
                                                       up, and in fact, some
     made good progress      competitive environ-                                  gardening.
                                                       of our suppliers can
     in that regard. We’ve   ment. All retailers do;                                 By expanding our existing garden centre into
                                                       hardly keep up. Every
     got a number of ini-    hardware retailers                                    the new building we’ve been able to greatly
                                                       retailer is selling a lot
     tiatives for the next   significantly do.                                     increase our product offering, catering for
                                                       more LEDs. In gener-
     generation, one of      We have some very                                     everyone from casual DIYers to professional
                                                       al, I think we were up
     which is called Pro-    strong, well-funded                                   landscapers.
                                                       350% in light bulbs.
     gressive Ace Leaders,   enemies. Never take                                     Features of the new centre include a shed
                                                       So that includes all of
     where we try to get     them lightly.                                         village, glasshouse displays, a bigger range of
     the sons and daugh-     Second is, it’s a very                                plants and professional gardening tools, and a
                                                       It is an incredibly
     ters of owners who      capital-intensive                                     drive-through bulk product area with express
                                                       important category
     are up and coming in    business. Brick-and-                                  parking.
                                                       to our stores for
     business together …     mortar retailing is                                     goo.gl/3QoOmp
                                                       the next five to 10
     And the second is       struggling.
                                                       years. And that’s just
     new investors. New      Third, the world and
                                                       consumer. Now we’re
     blood coming in         the business just
                                                       making a major push
     tends to be signifi-    seems to get more
                                                       into LED for stores
     cantly younger than     complex. Not easier.
                                                       and businesses. We’ll
     our owner base.         Between competi-
                                                       be pounding that
     Third, member           tion, the capital it
                                                       drum pretty hard for
     turnover. We lose       takes to be good, and
                                                       a long time.
     some stores to our      just the complexity
     competitors; we get     of business, you can’t
     a lot of stores from    get too pride-filled
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                      supplier update
                      Boral chief addresses housing
                                                                     struction. Mr Kane            growth meant Boral
                                                                     told the Macquarie            and the industry were
                                                                     Australia conference          being stretched to
                                                                     in Sydney recently:           capacity.
                                                                       The question the              When you look at
                                                                     headlines try and give        this transition from
                                                                     out is there’s going to       the resources side to
                                                                     be a collapse in the          the housing side to the
    in this                                                          Australian housing            infrastructure side,
    update:                                                          market but there’s re-        it’s not like one starts
                                                                     ally no reason to think       and the other stops or
    Boral CEO,                                                       there’s going to be a         there’s gaps in be-
                                                                     collapse imminently.          tween. There is a lot of
    Mike Kane,                                                         I think it’s reasonable     overlap and there will
    says housing                                                     to assume that we’re          continue to be overlap.
    fears overdone                                                   going to continue to            And frankly if there
                                                                     see decent demand for         is not a reasonable
                                                                     the next two years.           slide back in housing,
    Silent, elec-                                                    And then it will slowly       there’s just not enough
    tric EGO OPE                                                     come back to trend            materials to do it all.
                        Boral chief execu-       The building mate-  with the exception            Our industry in partic-
    company           tive Mike Kane has       rials company said    possibly of NSW which         ular would be impact-
8   appoints Noisy    dismissed fears of a     it continues to be    will continue to bound        ed if the perfect storm
    Beast for         crash in Australia’s     quizzed on the real   along.                        hits and all demand
                      residential housing      estate market by        Mr Kane said the            stays at historically
                      market while warning investors and said        boom in infrastruc-           high numbers.
                      productivity will be     it is seeing strong   ture work combined              goo.gl/FcRtbV
    Valspar earn-     hit unless the industri- underlying conditions with ongoing orders
    ings down as it   al relations watchdog continuing to support from the resources
                      is reinstated.           new building con-     sector and housing
    proceeds with
    Sherwin-          EGO appoints Noisy Beast                              Valspar earnings decline
    Williams            Chervon Australia        industry’s first 56-Volt     Valspar, in the midst of a merger with rival
                                                                            Sherwin-Williams, said earnings in its latest
    merger            has appointed Noisy        Lithium Ion battery.
                                                                            quarter fell amid restructuring costs and
                      Beast to promote the       Chervon business
                      EGO outdoor power          director Barry Crow-       lower paint sales.
                      equipment range.           hurst said:                  In its second quarter, Valspar said merg-
                      Adam Hilton, manag-          We have enormous         er-related costs totalled USD18 million. The
                      ing director of Noisy      ambitions for the EGO      Sherwin-Williams deal is still on track to
                      Beast said:                Brand in Australia and     close by the end of next year’s March quar-
                        We’re incredibly fired   New Zealand and we         ter, the company said.
                      up to be working with      feel that Noisy Beast is     In addition to merger costs, lower paint
                      EGO. Their technology      absolutely best placed     volumes dragged down first-quarter earn-
                      is ground breaking,        to help us achieve         ings. Total volume slipped 1% as a 6% decline
                      and the opportunities      them.                      in paint volume offset a 2% increase in the
                      for growth are enor-         Noisy Beast is a         larger coatings segment.
                      mous Ð we’re looking       full-service communi-        Overall for the quarter, Valspar reported a
                      forward to helping         cations agency “with a     profit of USD80 million, down from USD90.3
                      them achieve a huge        difference” employing      million, from the previous corresponding
                      surge in market share.     over 50 people in Mel-     period. Sales fell 2.1% to USD1.06 billion.
                        EGO has been in the      bourne, Sydney, Lon-         Excluding merger and restructuring costs,
                      Australian market for      don and China. Noisy       among other items, earnings per share rose
                      18 months. Its entire      Beast represents many      to USD1.22 from USD1.11.
                      line up is cordless, and   leading brands.              goo.gl/1NixYW
                      all powered by the           goo.gl/Q4cZ5T
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                     retail update
                     The Good Guys
                     beats path to IPO
    in this
                                                                                                        Andrew Muir
    JB HiFi thinks                                                                                      (l), owner and
    about buying                                                                                        chairman of The
    The Good                                                                                            Good Guys, with
    Guys                                                                                                one of the team
                                                                                                        members at the
    Private equity                                                                                      company
    thinks about
    buying The
9   Good Guys          Fairfax Media re-        rate of about 2%.          managers.                  and offer shares to
                     ports The Good Guys          The company ex-            Mr Muir has bought       investors in September
    The Good         has moved a step           pects to earn around       back about 35 stores       or October.
                     closer to listing on the   $85 million before         over the past few            Sources said Mr Muir
    Guys think       share market. The ap-      interest, tax, deprecia-   years and now owns         had been trying to sell
    about an IPO     pliances retailer said     tion and amortisation      44 stores. He flagged      The Good Guys for five
                     it would “consider any     on a proforma basis in     the buy-back of the        years, but potential
                     alternative ownership      the 12 months ending       remaining 56 joint         buyers were deterred
    Super Retail
                     proposals that emerge”     June 30, 2016. The         venture stores last Oc-    by his high asking
    Group revs up    but, in the meantime,      Good Guys is forecast-     tober, and expects to      price, which was origi-
    Ray’s            is pushing ahead with      ing EBITDA between         complete this process      nally about $1.5 billion,
                     its plan to list on the    $100 million and $110      by the end of June, in     the chain’s compli-
                     ASX.                       million in 2017, accord-   time for an IPO.           cated joint venture
    Beacon             It is aiming to lift     ing to sources close to      However market           structure, and lack
    Lighting sales   earnings by between        the company.               sources believe Mr         of centralised buying
    down             18% and 29% in its           The 2016 proforma        Muir is more inter-        and merchandising
                     first year as a public     earnings and the 2017      ested in a trade sale      systems.
                     company if owner and       forecast assume that       than an IPO because          Over the past few
    Harvey           chairman Andrew            all 100 The Good Guys      it would enable the        years the compa-
    Norman signs     Muir proceeds with         stores are wholly          Muir family to exit the    ny has invested in
                     plans for an initial       owned by the compa-        business cleanly and       e-commerce, merchan-
    up to new        public offering.           ny and that margins        fully crystallise value.   dise planning and
    delivery           It is understood that    will improve and costs     Other sources said         inventory systems,
    service          for the 2015 financial     will fall under a cen-     that the IPO plan was      centralising ordering
                     year, The Good Guys        tralised management        “serious” and “there’s     and replacing more
                     generated just under       structure.                 a good chance an IPO       than 90 order books
                     $80 million of earn-         At the moment, 56 of     will go ahead.”            for company-owned
                     ings before interest,      the 100 stores are joint     The Good Guys            and franchised stores
                     tax, depreciation and      ventures between the       hopes to issue a pro-      with a single buying
                     amortisation (EBIT-        Muir family’s private      spectus in August or       function.
                     DA), while turnover        company, Muir Electri-     September, once it has       goo.gl/LXjtEKgoo.gl/
                     is about $2 billion,       cal Company Pty Ltd,       a full set of June 30      ZKAKZP
                     growing at an annual       and individual store       consolidated accounts,
OVER? IS DIY-TV HINEWS - Hardware News Network


                                                                                                                   JB HiFi’s Home
                                                                                                                   format includes
                                                                                                                   sales of kitchen
                                                                                                                   appliances and

     JB HiFi looks at buying
     The Good Guys
       JB Hi-Fi chief           appliances in the half-    while The Good Guys         ed to Fairfax Media       watchdog about the
     executive Richard          year to December, with     is more attractive to       that Steinhoff may be     potential tie-up. He
     Murray confirmed in        another 15 expected        the “mums and dads”         using The Good Guys       told Fairfax Media:
     a report in the Finan-     over the rest of the       making weekend pur-         sale process to garner      I’m not worried at all.
     cial Review’s Street       financial year.            chases.                     intelligence on the       I’d have zero objections
     Talk column that the         ChannelNews sug-           The big challenge         $4.6 billion Australian   to JB Hi-Fi buying The
     consumer electronics       gested that JB Hi-Fi       for potential buyers        appliances market         Good Guys — I wonder
     retailer was in early      may offer the Muir         is conducting due           as part of its POCO       if they’d have zero
     talks to buy The Good      family a combination       diligence on a compa-       expansion strategy.       objections to me.
     Guys.                      of cash and shares         ny with 57 different        (Read more about            The Australian ap-
       Industry observers       to avoid triggering        owners.                     POCO in “Big box up-      pliances market could
     believe Mr Murray has      a large capital gains        The deal, if it hap-      date” in this edition.    eventually become a
     had his eye on The         tax liability. But other   pens and things are           Harvey Norman           two-player market, he
     Good Guys for years        sources suggested to       at a very preliminary       chairman Gerry            said, citing the demise
     because it is an ideal     Fairfax Media Mr Muir      phase, would trans-         Harvey also indicated     of chains such as
     fit for his company        would rather exit the      form Mr Murray’s            he may be interested,     Retravision, Clive An-
     as it expands into the     sector entirely and        business at a time          although it is under-     thonys, Clive Peeters,
     higher-margin home         not be exposed to the      when retailers and          stood the company did     Brashs and Rick Hart.
     appliance sector.          sharemarket.               their suppliers are         not submit an indic-        Mr Harvey also dis-
       So far, JB Hi-Fi’s         There are obvious        consolidating globally.     ative offer when first    missed the potential
     foray into whitegoods      synergies between            JB Hi-Fi is just one of   round bids were due.      threat from Steinhoff,
     and small appliances       combining the              a number of interested        goo.gl/eOuduS           saying POCO’s offer
     has been through an        companies, which           parties which have                                    differed significantly
                                                                                       Harvey Norman
     internal expansion         are both focused on        made non-binding                                      to Harvey Norman. He
                                                                                       “not concerned”
     of its “Home” format       the discount market        indicative bids for                                   said:
     stores.                    in their respective        The Good Guys. Other          If Mr Harvey was          I don’t think Harvey
       It operates 194 stores   product categories,        potential bidders are       worried about two of      Norman would see it
     across Australia and       consumer electronics       believed to include         his biggest competi-      as opposition — it’s a
     New Zealand, of            and appliances.            Steinhoff Internation-      tors joining forces he    different sort of store
     which 56 sell home           JB Hi-Fi has an edgi-    al, private equity firms    wasn’t admitting it,      altogether.
     appliances. A further      er brand and many of       Bain Capital, TPG and       saying he would not         goo.gl/pUkVc6
     22 existing JB Hi-Fi       its stores are based in    KKR.                        raise any objections
     stores added small         large shopping centres       One source suggest-       to the competition

      retail                                                                          Sales decline at Beacon
                                                                                        The value of Beacon        after the retail group

                                                                                      Lighting shares took         said it had experienced
                                                                                      a hit after the retailer     a positive start to the
                                                                                      warned recent sales          second half of the
                                                                                      have fallen short of         financial year in com-
                                                                                      expectations. Beacon         parative sales. It has
                                                                                      shares dropped 34            a network of 91 stores
                                                                                      cents, or 21.3%, to $1.26.   and achieved a 22%
                                                                                        The earlier timing of      increase in first half
                                                                                      the Easter break this        profit to $11.1 million.
                                                                                      year — a key home              Beacon said it is
                                                                                      renovation period —          expecting to achieve
                                                                                      took a toll on sales,        earnings before inter-
                                                                                      along with weak              est, tax, depreciation
                                                                                      consumer confidence,         and amortisation
                                                                                      tough competition and        (EBITDA) in the 2016
                                                                                      reduced advertising,         full year of between
                                                                                      the company said.            $28.2 million to $29.2
                                                                                      Sales during the past        million, compared to
                                                                                      10 weeks had not met         $27.4 million in the
                                                                                      management’s expec-          previous year.

     Super Retail Grp
                                                                                      tations.                       goo.gl/CGmJUn
                                                                                        Subdued sales come

                                                                                       Private equity runs ruler

     to revamp Ray’s
                                                                                       over The Good Guys
                                                                                         The DataRoom column in The Australian
                                                                                       reports that global private equity firm Black-
       Super Retail Group      pete in a market worth       This underlines the        stone has emerged as a potential suitor for
     plans to turn Ray’s       about $2.2 billion and     importance of imple-         The Good Guys, and remains in the contest
     Outdoors into a           currently dominated        menting the trans-           to buy the Masters and the Home Timber
                                                                                       and Hardware businesses from Woolworths.
11   shopping destination      by outdoor brands          formation of Ray’s
                                                                                         The buyout group may be among a number
     for campers, hikers       such as Kathmandu,         Outdoors to RAYS
     and adventurers.          Patagonia and Paddy        promptly.                    of global private equity names circling the
     After a strategic         Pallin.                      The new Ray’s              consumer electronics retailer that is being
     review lasting several      After successfully       business is so different     sold through Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
     months, Super Retail      testing the concept        from the old Ray’s Out-        The company is up for sale in a dual-track
     has finally signed off    in five of its 55 Ray’s    door business, and so        process; a float of the family-owned busi-
     on a new concept that     Outdoors stores, Super     it’s like starting again     ness on the Australian Securities Exchange
     is expected to return     Retail said it would       and essentially we are       also remains a strong possibility. Based on
     Ray’s Outdoors to         now accelerate its total   going to focus initially,    forecast EBITDA between $100 million and
     profitability and boost   revamp of the Ray’s        predominantly on the         $110 million, the company could have an
     earnings from its         Outdoor retail group.      Melbourne market —           enterprise value between $800 million and
     leisure division by $8    The store footprint        and then we will build       $900 million.
     million a year.           will be cut from 55 to     from there and really          Despite private equity interest, most
       Super Retail chief      17, with other Ray’s       launch the new brand         observers believe the successful buyer will
     executive Peter Birtles   Outdoors outlets to        properly.                    come form the same industry.
     believes Ray’s can        be either closed or          Super Retail expects         Sources continue to point to JB Hi-Fi,
     become a leader in the    rebranded under the        to book restructuring        which is in search of opportunities for ex-
     outdoor adventure         company’s other retail     costs and write-downs        pansion. Harvey Norman has also expressed
     market by providing       arms, such as Rebel        of $43 million this year     interest, as has South Africa’s Steinhoff,
     engaging and inspiring    Sports, Super Cheap        and $16 million next         owner of Freedom Furniture, Snooze, POCO
     “solutions” for custom-   Auto, BCF and Ama-         year. The one-off costs,     and Bay Leather Republic in Australia.
     ers in camping, hiking,   rt. The chain will be      which include $28.5            The Australian Competition & Consumer
     paddling and adven-       known as RAYS.             million in cash costs        Commission is preparing to examine a pos-
     ture travel activities.     Mr Birtles said while    and $14.5 million in         sible takeover of The Good Guys by JB Hi-Fi
       The new concept         the new concept stores     non-cash charges and         after posting a notice on its public register,
     stores have a wider       had performed well,        writedowns, will dent        signalling a review. It has classed its interest
     range of outdoor          heritage stores contin-    bottom-line profits,         in the possible tie-up of the two consumer
     clothing and footwear,    ued to disappoint and      but the restructuring        electronics retailers as “monitoring”. The
     camping equipment,        Ray’s was expected to      is expected to boost         ACCC said:
     sleeping bags, travel     post losses this year.     earnings before inter-         A public review will be commenced in due
     gear such as back-        He told the Macquarie      est and tax by $13 mil-      course once the parties provide a submis-
     packs and accessories     Securities investment      lion once completed.         sion.
     and tents. It will com-   conference recently:         goo.gl/dMTm17                goo.gl/pRTnPt

     Harvey Norman
     delivery service

       Harvey Norman has teamed up with Aussie
     logistics start-up Shippit to make deliveries
     more efficient for online shoppers.
       Enabled by Shippit’s proprietary technology
     and smarts, which connects online retailers to
     traditional courier companies, Harvey Norman
     is the first major retailer to offer a three-hour
12   delivery option in major cities across Australia.
       Available for small appliances, consumer
     electronics and other small goods, the partner-
     ship allows customers to select a three-hour
     delivery window between 7am-10pm weekdays.
       The delivery option has been integrated into
     the payment screen and costs are determined
     by the time of the day customers would like
     their products to arrive. Customers can also
     track their parcel online in real time through
     SMS and email alerts and have the option to
     reschedule or reroute the delivery after the
     purchase has been made.
       Harvey Norman chief digital officer Gary
     Wheelhouse told news.com.au:
       Click and collect made it easier for customers
     to buy online and then come in store to pick up
     the product, but we still saw delivery as one of
     our major challenges. Customers would often
     have to wait for the next business day to receive
     their goods and that just wasn’t convenient.
       Mr Wheelhouse said the option was now
     available to customers to use.
       At the moment we only offer the service in
     capital cities, but if we see demands we will
     expand to our other stores across the country.
       Joint-chief executive of Shippit, Rob
     Hango-Zada said his company was excited to
     help solve an issue for Harvey Norman.
       We worked with the retail giant to co-develop
     a ship-from-store dispatch process that literally
     strips hours of wasted time from the whole
     shipping process for store staff.

                        europe update
                        Kingfisher gains
                        in sales
                                                                               uct offer across the       the opening of 10 new
     in this                                                                   business, improving        stores.
     update:                                                                   its ecommerce capa-          Kingfisher”s five-year
                                                                               bilities and driving       plan includes a shift
                                                                               efficiencies. In this      in focus to Screwfix
     Strong start for                                                          quarter, the five-year     stores, at the expense
     Grafton                                                                   plan included the          of its B&Q business.
                                                                               installation of a united     goo.gl/B1xXBx
                                                                               IT platform in all B&Q
     Travis Perkins                                                                                       International
                                                                               outlets, which was
     gets good                                                                 done ahead of sched-
                                                                                                           Sales growth at King-
     results from                                                              ule. Ms. Laury said:
                                                                                                         fisher was also driven
                                                                                 We have made a
     repair buyers                                                             solid start to the        by a strong perfor-
                                                                               year, trading in line     mance in Poland in the
13   No DIY for UK’s                                                           with expectations. In     first quarter of this
                                                                               addition, I am pleased    year. The Polish stores
     “Generation          Total sales at King-       40 out of the planned
                                                                                                         delivered 15% growth,
                        fisher grew 5.1% to          65.                       with the early progress
     Rent”                                             Kingfisher added        we are making on our      with like-for-like sales
                        GBP2.72 billion in the                                                           up a healthy 11%.
                        three months to April        that the closure of       operational milestones
                                                                                                         They benefited from
     Kingfisher gets    30, its fiscal first quar-   15% of surplus space      for this year, the first
                                                                                                         supportive market
                                                     at B&Q remained on        year of our ambitious
     gains on like-     ter. This result is in
                                                                               five-year plan.           conditions and well-re-
                        line with expectations.      track and it plans to
     for-like sales       The group reported         close an additional 10      She also said the firm  ceived new ranges.
                                                                               would return GBP600         The property market
                        a 3.6% increase in           stores.
                                                                               million to sharehold-     in France, which has
                        comparable (like-for-          On a constant cur-
                                                                               ers over the next three   been under pressure,
                        like) sales in the first     rency basis, like-for-
                                                                               years through share       drove more modest
                        quarter.                     like sales at B&Q also
                                                                               buybacks.                 growth for Kingfisher
                          Sales in the UK —          grew 3.6%, because
                                                                                 goo.gl/n6yvoa           where total sales were
                        Kingfisher’s largest         sales of indoor prod-
                                                                                                         up 2.2%. Same-store
                        market which ac-             ucts jumped as a result   Screwfix revenue sales only rose by 0.2%,
                        counts for almost            of colder weather.        up 16%                      In the French market,
                        half of its income           Items such as wallpa-
                                                                                 Busy tradesmen and sales at its Castorama
                        — increased by 1.3%          per, paintbrushes and
                                                                               women across the UK DIY chain were up
                        to GBP1.25 billion,          fires sold particularly
                                                                               helped Screwfix enjoy 0.2%, although same-
                        although like-for-like       well, the company
                                                                               a 16.2% rise in like-for- store sales were down
                        sales were 6.2% higher.      said.
                                                                               like sales over the last 0.9%, while trade-fo-
                          However sales at             Chief executive Vero-
                                                                               three months as more cused Brico Depot
                        Kingfisher’s B&Q DIY         nique Laury unveiled a
                                                                               households ditch DIY recorded sales growth
                        chain in the UK and          “transformation” strat-
                                                                               in favour of hired help. of 4.5% and a 1.5% in
                        Ireland dropped 4.2%         egy in January that it
                                                                                 The Screwfix busi-      same-store sales.
                        to GBP951 million, as        hopes will boost annu-
                                                                               ness delivered a 23.5%      Sales increases in the
                        it continued to shrink       al profits by GBP500
                                                                               increase in sales to      UK and Poland offset a
                        store numbers. A total       million after investing
                                                                               GBP301 million on the 4.5% decline in Russia
                        of 10 B&Q outlets were       GBP800 million over a
                                                                               back of an expanded       and a 3.2% drop in
                        closed in the quarter,       five-year period.
                                                                               range of hand tools       Spain.
                        bringing the total             The plan involves
                                                                               and switches and sock- goo.gl/fCFdAS
                        number of closures to        unifying the prod-
                                                                               ets on offer, as well as

      europe                                                                        Travis Perkins lifts on
                                                                                    better repair retail
      update                                                                          Builders’ merchant       Carter said:

     Strong start
                                                                                    Travis Perkins has           All of our businesses
                                                                                    reported encouraging       demonstrated good
                                                                                    sales growth in the        growth in the first
                                                                                    first quarter of the       quarter of 2016, driven

     for Grafton
                                                                                    year, driven by improv-    by the recovery in the
                                                                                    ing conditions in the      RMI market and by the
                                                                                    repairs, maintenance       investments we have
                                                                                    and improvements           made to improve our
       Concerns that UK         at the unit was 11.1%      where it owns strings
                                                                                    (RMI) markets.             customer propositions
     voters will opt to leave   higher. In the UK, the     of builder merchants
                                                                                      Total sales at the       as part of our five-year
     the European Union         corresponding figures      and plumbing outlets.
                                                                                    group, whose brands        plan.
     in the Brexit referen-     at its merchanting         In Ireland, it owns
                                                                                    include Travis Perkins,      He added that
     dum are beginning to       business were 4.8%         the Woodies DIY and
                                                                                    PTS, Keyline, CPS,         the business would
     weigh on the housing       and 9% respectively.       Atlantic Homecare
                                                                                    Toolstation, Bench-        continue to focus
     market there, accord-        Merchanting sales        chains, as well as
                                                                                    marx and Wickes,           on modernisations,
     ing to Gavin Slark,        declined 5.2% in           Heiton Buckley and
                                                                                    increased 5%.              improving its Wickes
     chief executive of Irish   Belgium due to a weak      Chadwicks outlets.
                                                                                      The company said         brand and restructur-
     builders merchanting       economy, the impact          Retailing sales
                                                                                    like-for-like sales were   ing its plumbing and
     group Grafton.             of the Brussels terror-    increased 2.1% on a
                                                                                    up 4.2% from the same      heating division.
       But the company          ist attacks in March       like-for-like basis as
                                                                                    quarter last year, and       Wickes’ transforma-
     said that despite the      and sale of a readymix     increased Irish em-
                                                                                    that overall trading       tion has seen the DIY
     concerns, it has had a     business last year.        ployment and dispos-
                                                                                    was in line with expec-    retailer introduce one-
     strong performance in        Grafton made its first   able incomes helped
                                                                                    tations. More spe-         hour click and collect
     the first four months      foray into the Dutch       Woodie’s DIY stores.
                                                                                    cifically, like-for-like   during its latest full-
     of 2016. Group rev-        market last year,            Looking ahead, Mr
                                                                                    sales per division were    year, as well as a new
     enue for the period        buying tool distributor    Slark signalled he’s
                                                                                    up: 4.7% in general        store format. It will
     rose 13.2% to GBP790       Isero. The subsidiary      comfortable with ana-
                                                                                    merchanting, 2.2% in       compete directly with
     million, helped by         delivered 4.7% like-for-   lysts operating profit
                                                                                    plumbing and heating,      Bunnings’ rebranded
     acquisitions.              like merchanting sales     estimates for this
14     Like-for-like revenue    growth in the report-      year of about GBP147
                                                                                    2.1% in contracts and      Homebase stores.
                                                                                    7.3% in consumer.            Overall, trading was
     at its Irish merchant-     ing period.                million, which would
                                                                                      The company”s Tile       in line with expecta-
     ing business climbed         goo.gl/EKuktU            represent almost
                                                                                    Giant and Toolstation      tions, and the group
     10.9% in the first four      Grafton generates        16%growth on last
                                                                                    brands, which it ac-       said is targeting earn-
     months of the year,        about 75% of its           year”s result.
                                                                                    quired in 2007 and 2012    ings growth of around
     while total revenue        business in the UK,          goo.gl/surDKN
                                                                                    respectively, also grew    10% in 2016.
                                                                                    their market share.          goo.gl/KW4gmK
     “Generation rent” don’t DIY                                                    Chief executive John
        Britain’s young         tenancy agreements.        Mr Elliott said:         buyer is now almost        of dwellings rented
      adults are no longer      Although [overall] DIY       Any further increas-   31, compared with          privately has more
      putting up shelves,       spending has grown         es in the average age    27 in the early 1990s.     than doubled from
      hanging wallpaper or      by 42% in real terms       of first-time buyers     Some forecasts say         2.13 million in 2001 to
      retiling bathrooms,       since 1996, an increase    could impede the DIY     the average age of         4.74 million in 2015,
      according to figures      in the proportion of       sector”s future growth   such buyers could          while over the same
      that reveal DIY is in     people renting in the      by narrowing the         be above 40 within a       period the number
      steep decline among       UK could impact the        window in which most     decade.                    of owner-occupied
      the so-called “genera-    sector’s growth in the     people undertake DIY       The young adults         properties has fallen
      tion rent” who cannot     future.                    tasks during their       who do clamber onto        slightly.
      afford to buy and fix-      Its figures, based       lives.                   the property ladder          Separately, figures
      up their own home.        on spending trends           The figures coincid-   are stretching them-       from standards body
        Credit card provider    among millions of          ed with a report from    selves with ever-lon-      the National House
      MBNA said spending        credit card customers,     lender Halifax that      ger mortgages, said        Building Council show
      by the under-30s on       showed under-30s’          showed the average       Halifax. It said 26% of    falling house com-
      DIY had fallen by a       spending on DIY had        age at which people      first-time buyers were     pletions. In the first
      third since the mid-      decreased by 32%           buy their first home     taking out 35-year         three months of 2016,
      90s. Mark Elliott of      since 1996, to an aver-    was still rising, with   mortgages — up from        28,398 new homes
      MBNA said:                age of GBP108 a year.      buyers having to take    16% in 2007.               were registered in the
        Generation rent           At the same time         on longer mortgages        Figures on tenure        private sector, a 7%
      is usually barred         45- to 60-year-olds        to manage finances.      in England and Wales       decrease on the 30,560
      from making home          had increased their          Research issued by     issued by the Office       a year ago.
      improvements by           spending to an aver-       Halifax reveals that     for National Statistics      goo.gl/9TQhNL
      clauses in their          age of GBP240 a year.      the typical first-time   show that the number

                     usa update
                     Home Depot Q1
                                                                                                       home is an investment
                                                                                                       and not an expense,
                                                                                                       you spend differently
                                                                                                       in your home and you
                                                                                                       can see that in our
     in this                                                                                           big-ticket categories.
                                                                                                         Research Home
     update:                                                                                           Depot has conducted
                                                                                                       on the next 10 years
     Lowe’s Q1                                                                                         indicates millennials
                                                                                                       remain a driver of
                                                                                                       housing-related spend-
     The Home                                                                                          ing. Ms Tome said:
     Depot’s Q1                                                                                          What our research
                                                                                                       tells us is that basically
                                                                                                       this is a delayed cycle
     Ace Hardware                                                                                      that the millennial
     Q1                                                                                                generation has many
                                                                                                       of the same desires
15                                                                                                     that generations prior
     Lowe’s            US home improve-          the first quarter of       roofing, sheds and         to them have. We are
     Canada builds   ment chain The Home         fiscal 2016 were USD1.8    windows.                   seeing as household
     its brand       Depot reported an in-       billion, or USD1.44 per      The big box retailer’s   formation goes up,
                     crease in first quarter     diluted share, com-        online business grew       roughly a third or so
                     comparable (same-           pared with net earn-       21.5% in the most          of those formations
     Lowe’s serves   store) store sales and      ings of USD1.6 billion,    recent quarter.            are happening with
     up Porch        raised its full-year        or USD1.21 per diluted       With USD4.7 billion      millennials at that age
                     earnings guidance.          share, over the pcp.       of revenue in 2015,        group. It appears there
                     The management                For the first quarter    Home Depot is one of       is about a six-year
                     team attributed             of fiscal 2016, diluted    the 10 largest e-com-      delayed cycle here, but
                     better-than-expect-         earnings per share         merce businesses in        our research indicates
                     ed results to market        increased 19% from         the United States.         that in many ways,
                     share gains, produc-        the pcp.                     The underlying           they will act the same
                     tivity improvements           Home Depot now           strength of the hous-      as previous genera-
                     and a strengthening         expects fiscal 2016        ing market is helping      tions.
                     housing market.             sales growth of ap-        to drive increased           The average age
                       Home Depot said           proximately 6.3% and       store traffic. Home De-    of new homebuyers
                     its 2016 first-quarter      comp sales will be up      pot’s CFO Carol Tome       last year was 33 years
                     sales totalled USD22.8      approximately 4.9%.        said people continue       old. So that is a proof
                     billion, up 9% from           Ted Decker, execu-       to spend more on their     point. At some point,
                     USD20.9 billion for         tive vice-president        homes.                     they want to own a
                     the previous corre-         — merchandising said         We’ve seen home          home too.
                     sponding period (pcp),      that during the first      equity values increase       Ms Tome also point-
                     and better than the         quarter, transactions      94% since 2011. How is     ed to productivity
                     USD22.3 billion ana-        for tickets under          that possible? Because     improvements under-
                     lysts expected.             USD50 were up 2.7%.        home prices are up to      way, including a new
                       Comparable store            Transactions for tick-   25% and people have        software project called
                     sales for the first quar-   ets over USD900 were       been continuing to pay     Project Sync that’s
                     ter were up 6.5% from       up 9.5% in the first       down their mortgages.      aimed at optimising
                     last year, and comp         quarter. The drivers       So there is a wealth       the company’s supply
                     sales for its US stores     behind the increase        effect that’s occurring    chain.
                     increased by 7.4%.          in big-ticket purchas-     with homeowners.             goo.gl/LNyv3t
                       Net earnings for          es were appliances,          If you feel like your

     Lowe’s Q1: Same-store up                                                     Lowe’s Canada seeks
                                                                                  to build brand
                                                                                  Lowe’s Canada is focused on becoming the
                                                                                top choice of shoppers following its takeover
                                                                                of Rona. Chief executive Sylvain Prud’hom-
                                                                                me told the Globe and Mail:
                                                                                  We believe we can become the No. 1 choice
                                                                                for home improvement retail in Canada.
                                                                                  The CAD3.2 billion transaction will create a
                                                                                chain with 539 stores, with over CAD6 billion
                                                                                in annual revenues and 28,000 employees.
                                                                                  Lowe’s, which launched its first stores in
                                                                                Canada in 2007, had only 43 big box out-
                                                                                lets compared with 496 Rona stores under
                                                                                different banners and in different sizes. But
                                                                                neither Lowe’s nor Rona was as familiar a
                                                                                name in Canada as the No. 3 player, Home
                                                                                Hardware, according to industry observers.
                                                                                  Now, as Lowe’s Canada takes over the larg-
       For the first quarter, million for the quar-     6%, including the 53rd er Rona, it believes it can finally bolster its
     Lowe’s said total sales ter, up from USD673        week. Lowe’s also ex-   brand awareness along with its business.
     were USD15.2 billion,    million and a 31.4%       pects comparable store Michael McLarney, president of industry
     up 7.8% from USD14.1     increase from the pre- sales to rise 4%.          publication Hardlines, said Home Hardware
     billion during the same vious corresponding          CEO Robert Niblock has enjoyed stronger consumer awareness
     quarter last year.       period (pcp).             reiterated Home         than either Lowe’s or Rona, partly because
       Comparable store         Diluted earnings per Depot’s belief that        of its catchy advertising slogans over the
16   sales climbed 7.3%,      share increased 40% to millennials represent      years. He said:
     topping analysts’ 4.3% USD0.98 from USD0.70 a “great opportunity”            Home Depot may have the biggest sales but
     prediction. And US       over the pcp.             since they have been    Home Hardware still has the biggest brand
     same-store sales at        Based on this per-      renting for so long but awareness.
     Lowe’s rose 7.5%, edg-   formance, the home        have said in recent       Lowe’s has set aside capital required to
     ing out Home Depot       improvement retailer      surveys that they wish upgrade Rona’s less mature e-commerce
     for the first time in a  lifted its guidance for   to own their own home network, Mr Prud’homme said.
     decade.                  the year. For 2016, total one day.                  goo.gl/hFdbIA
       Lowe’s posted net      sales are expected to       goo.gl/v9TjPi
     earnings of USD884       increase approximately

     Lowe’s offers services through Porch and ATGStores.com
                                                     chelle Newbery said:          The Porch Retail        customers.
                                                       ATGStores.com is          Solution implementa-      By offering the Porch
                                                     committed to ad-            tion to ATGStores.com     Retail Solution on
                                                     dressing consumers’         points to the expan-      ATGStores.com, we
                                                     home improvement            sion of the existing      believe customers will
                                                     needs from concept to       Lowe’s and Porch part-    find the additional
                                                     completion. With the        nership, which brings     support they need to
       Porch.com is provid- tomers in 25 markets     Porch Retail Solution,      Porch services into all   complete all of their
     ing installation and   across the US. It allows we are delivering a         Lowe’s US stores and      home improvement
     assembly services to   homeowners to book       more robust service         includes advertising      projects.
     Lowe’s ATGStores.com home improvement           experience that makes       on Lowes.com. Jay           Lowe’s acquired
     through the Porch      assembly and instal-     online shopping and         Rebello, vice president   ATGStores.com as an
     Retail Solution. Porch lation as an add-on to home improvement              of emerging business      independent, wholly
     is a home services     their product selec-     stress-free.                at Lowe’s said:           owned subsidiary in
     platform that con-     tion such as lighting,     All Porch profession-       Our partnership with    2011.
     nects homeowners to furniture and plumb-        als who complete jobs       Porch is a valuable         goo.gl/kepKgg
     home improvement       ing. These services      booked   through ATG-       asset and anoth-
     professionals.         can now be added to      Stores.com   are local to   er way we provide
       The Porch Retail     the cart at the online   customers’ geographic       personalised care and
     Solution is available  checkout. ATGStores. area and backed by              solutions to both our
     to ATGStores.com cus- com president Mi-         Porch’s guarantee.          DIY and professional

     Ace Hardware Q1 2016

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                                                                                     summary and link
                                                                                      every fortnight

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       Ace Hardware Cor-       of 2015. Nevertheless,        Retail revenues from
     poration posted first     all four of our pillars     Ace Retail Holdings
     quarter 2016 revenues     of growth are ahead         (company-owned
     of USD1.2 billion, an     of plan including Ace       stores) were USD50.6            or go to:

     increase of USD50.7       Hardware Domestic,          million in the first
     million or 4.3% from      Ace Hardware Inter-         quarter of 2016. This
     the first quarter of      national Holdings, Ace      was an increase of
     2015.                     Retail Holdings and         USD4.3 million, or
       However net income      Ace Wholesale Hold-         9.3%, from the first
     was USD26.1 million       ings.                       quarter of 2015. Same-
     for the first quarter       A 2.2% increase in        store-sales increased
     of 2016, a decrease of    same-store-sales has        4.4% compared to the
     USD3.8 million from       been reported by the        first quarter of 2015.
     the first quarter of      approximately 3,000           Ace added 24 new
     2015. The compa-          Ace retailers who           domestic stores in
     ny said this was a        share daily, retail sales   the first quarter of
     planned reduction         data. This was primar-      2016 and cancelled 33
     due to the timing of      ily the result of a 2.9%    stores. This brought
     promotions. John          increase in average         the company’s total
     Venhuizen, president      transaction size.           domestic store count

     and CEO said:               Increases were noted      to 4,302 at the end of
       Our first quarter was   across categories such      the first quarter of
     marked by modest rev-     as outdoor living, with     2016, an increase of 50
     enue growth compared      electrical and tools        stores from the first
     to the 10% increase       showing the largest         quarter of 2015.
     in the first quarter      gains.                        goo.gl/cnstVl


              Is Aussie DIY TV

                 Does the rapid crash and burn of Channel
               Nine’s former hit DIY TV series “Reno Rum-
               ble”, plus the slow ratings on the most recent
               season of Channel Seven’s “House Rules”,
               indicate that the Australian audience’s love of
               DIY TV has run its course? If that is the case,
               what marketing alternatives can the home
               improvement industry look to in the future?

           To understand what is going on with TV and home im-
         provement, it’s a good idea to look at the development of DIY
         TV, its influences, and how new cultural and technological
         influences changed its appeal.
         Origins: Boston
            If you were looking for the “point of origin” for modern
         DIY/renovation TV, you would likely pick a little show that de-
         buted on a public TV station in the US city of Boston in 1979.
         “This Old House”, as its humble name declared, was about
         fixing up the older house so as to make it a little bit more         Signs of trouble
                                                                              • Channel Nine’s “Reno Rumble”
         liveable. Boston had a lot of old houses, and it also had a lot of     DIY TV show, produced by the
         families that really couldn’t afford to hire people to fix them        same team as “The Block”, deliv-
         up. The show proved popular as a result -- so popular that it          ers dismal ratings in its second
                                                                                season, and is shifted to a non-
         was picked up by the national Public Broadcasting System
                                                                                prime time slot.
         (PBS) in the US the next year, and broadcast nationally.             • Channel Seven’s “House Rules”
           The show went on to win 18 Emmy awards. It was acquired              in its fourth season has ratings
                                                                                slightly below those of the third
         by Time-Warner (then Time Inc.) in 2001. Today it has evolved          season, and far below those of
         into what is described as a “multi-faceted lifestyle brand”, in-       the second season.
         cluding a monthly magazine, ongoing TV series, and websites.         • The mid-season audience rat-
                                                                                ings for “The Block” fell by 37%
         The BBC does one better                                                between Season 4 and Season 10.
           Not to be outdone, pubic broadcasting in the UK through              Season 11 recovers only 15% of
                                                                                that drop.
         the BBC also developed some variants on the “home fixit”
                                                                              Long term problems
         show. One of the most influential and entertaining of these          • Reality TV in general losing
         was the show “Changing Rooms”, which ran from 1996 to                  relevance and dwindling in
         2004, and sparked a number of syndicated versions in the US            popularity.
                                                                              • Relevance of “The Block” to av-
         and Australia.                                                         erage DIY/Renovation projects
            “Changing Rooms” had a crucial influence on the DIY TV              decreasing.
                                                                              • Competition from multiple
         that was eventually to develop in Australia. What made the
                                                                                US-based renovation TV shows,
         show so interesting was that it wasn’t just about how to fix           available daily.
         up rooms to make them look better; it was as much about              • Increased consumption of
         social interactions as well. The premise was that two fami-            online-only DIY and drama
         lies, who knew each other, would agree to fix up one room in         The Future
         the other family’s house. Each family would be assigned an           • Online will dominate home
         interior designer to help them out, and they would be given a          improvement marketing by 2019.
                                                                              • If Season 12 of “The Block” fails
         set budget, which eventually reached GBP750 (about GBP1175
                                                                                to revive its ratings, this will
         or $2400 in today’s money).                                            accelerate that trend.
           It was a show that appealed to the British love for mo-
         ments of social awkwardness. Sometimes both families loved
         each other’s efforts, but sometimes there were disappoint-
         ments, and consequent embarrassment and recriminations.
           Australia has had its share of “regular” DIY TV, with Chan-
         nel Seven’s long-running and high-rating “Better Homes and
         Gardens” the standard bearer for this category, backed-up
         these days by Channel Ten’s “Living Room”. However, the
         real power shows, Channel Nine’s “The Block” and Channel
         Seven’s “House Rules” have each drawn more from “Changing
         Rooms” than they have from “This Old House”.
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