Digital Excellence 2018 - Welcome 31st October 2018 | Park Plaza London Victoria - Digital Excellence 2019

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Digital Excellence 2018 - Welcome 31st October 2018 | Park Plaza London Victoria - Digital Excellence 2019

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Digital Excellence 2018
   31st October 2018 | Park Plaza London Victoria


    Official Partners:

   Official Supporters:
Digital Excellence 2018 - Welcome 31st October 2018 | Park Plaza London Victoria - Digital Excellence 2019
Digital Excellence Keynote                          Online Member Focused
                                                                                                         Membership Sector Digital
           Sessions                                            Change & Development
                                                                                                         Futures (Room 2)
           (Main Auditorium)                                   (Room 1)
           Welcome and Introduction, Richard Gott,             This seminar track is supported by
09:25      MemberWise Network Chair                            MicroLearn and commences at 10:10
                                                                                                         This seminar commences at 10:10

           The State of Digital (2019) - Results Preview,
09:30 1    Richard Gott, Membership Champion & Heather
           Forrester, Managing Director, Research by Design

10:00 to 10:10 - Movement Time
                                                               CIBSE – Our CRM Journey & How
           The CIPD Website – Our Digital                                                                Artificial Intelligence: How could
                                                               We Engage Our Younger Members,
           Transformation Story, Sarah Corney, Head of                                                   it impact your members? Alastair
10:10 2                                                        Carilyn Burman, Director of
           Customer Experience, Chartered Institute of                                                   McCapra, CEO, Chartered Institute of
                                                               Membership, Chartered Institution of
           Personnel and Development (CIPD)                                                              Public Relations (CIPR)
                                                               Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
10:40 to 10:50 - Movement Time
                                                                                                         Transforming Assessment for the
                                                               Connect, Represent, Engage:               21st Century: The CIPS Story and
           Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) – ‘Taking
                                                               Digital Participation with Members,       the Digital Future for Examinations
           a strategic approach to digital and avoiding
10:50 3    distractions’, Caroline Lavelle. Chief Commercial
                                                               Millennials and Beyond! Denise Linay,     - Rachel Wilson, Head of Assessment
                                                               Head of Organising and Engagement,        Standards and & Operations, CIPS,
           Officer, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)                                                 & Louella Morton, Executive Director,
                                                               Royal College of Midwives
11:20                                                                                                 Networking/Refreshment Break
           The Robots Are Coming – will they be
                                                               Our Digital Comms Strategy – which        VR & Video - The Future of Content
           replacing your members? Claire Morton,
                                                               channels for which messages? Sara         Delivery, Here's What's Next… Matt
11:50 4    Lead Manager - Professional Development,
                                                               McDonnell, Web and Social Media           Day, Creative Director, LIQUONA
           Association of International Certified
           Professional Accountants                            Editor, Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
12:20 to 12:30 - Movement Time
                                                               Stand Out from the Crowd – getting        Embracing robotic technology
           Digital transformation – why we need it, what’s     email opens to 50% - James Cross,         to automate the digital member
           getting in the way and what to do about it!         Communications and Engagement             experience - Adam Thompson, Head
12:30 5    Ruth Doyle, Group Head of Digital Marketing,        Co-ordinator, Royal College of
                                                                                                         of User Experience & Azhar Baig, Head of
                                                                                                         Technical Advisory and Enquiry Services,
           Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply       Obstetricians and Gynaecologists          Institute of Chartered Accountants in
           (CIPS)                                              (RCOG)                                    England and Wales (ICAEW)
13:00                                                                                            Networking Lunch and Trade Exhibition
                                                               The Power of Video - Getting it
                                                               right for your members, Andrew            2025 AD: The Future of Apps for
           Going Beyond Just Delivering ‘Another Member
                                                               Mortimore, E-Education Manager,           Membership Organisations, Russ
14:00 6    App’ (The BMA Story), Kit Randhawa, Product
                                                               Association of Anaesthetists & Nigel      Magnuson, CEO & Co-Founder,
           Manager, British Medical Association (BMA)
                                                               Dacre, Founder & CEO of Inclusive         Results Direct
14:30 to 14:40 - Movement Time
                                                               No More Black Holes – how digital         21st Century Member Engagement &
           How to win the Baby Boomer in the age of            makes everything visible, Chris           Participation – From Print to Digital
14:40 7    change, Lee Taylor, Senior Marketing Manager,       Bacon, Head of ICT and Web,               – and Beyond! Liam Giles, Managing
           Caravan and Motorhome Club (CAMC)                   Chartered Institute of Library and        Director, Spindogs and Emma
                                                               Information Professionals (CILIP)         Waddingham, CILEX Representative
15:10 to 15:20 - Movement Time
                                                                                                         Leveraging the latest digital
                                                                                                         opportunities to positively impact
                                                               How to Find a Needle in a Haystack
           The State of Digital (2019) - The Results                                                     your members, Roger Garside,
15:20 8                                                        - the digital way! John Stevenage,
           Explained (Panel Session                                                                      Consultant IT Manager, Nautilus
                                                               CEO, MENSA
                                                                                                         International & Richard Broughton,
                                                                                                         Associate Director, The MTM Agency.
15:50                                                                                              Networking/Refreshment Break

           Meeting the needs of our members through            Breaking the Code – navigating a          Creating and delivering fabulous
           digital content and services, Annette Woolman,      CRM and Website project, David            digital content for now and the
                                                               Mead, Business Lead, Chartered            future, on a budget! Rachel Warden,
16:20 9    Director of Membership and Services, and Maria
                                                               Institution of Highways and               Communications and Marketing
           O'Sullivan, Strategic Marketing Consultant,
           Coeliac UK                                          Transportation (CIHT) & Jane              Manager, European Association for
                                                               Royden, Director, E and H Limited         Cancer Research (EACR)
16:50 to 17:00 - Movement Time

17:00      Digital Excellence 2018 Power Down &                                   -         A MemberWise National
                                                                                                           -      Confere
           Membership Excellence 2019 Preview

17:15                                                                                                             Professional Networking Drin

                                                                                                         © 2018 MemberWise Network
Digital Excellence 2018 - Welcome 31st October 2018 | Park Plaza London Victoria - Digital Excellence 2019
Digital Hack Seminars                     Official Partner Showcase Track A                Official Partner Showcase Track B
 (Room 3)                                  (Room 4)                                         (Room 5)
 This Seminar track is audience-led and    This Seminar track is delivered in partnership
                                           with Purple Management Consultancy and
 commences at 10:10                        commences at 10:10

                                                                                            Consolidating your Member Value Proposition
 Attracting Millennials Online & Keeping   Using CRM data to drive personalised member      within a Unified Online Engagement Strategy,
 Them – Top Tips & Bear Traps              experiences, Alex Skinner, Director, Pixl8       Mark Eichler, Director UK/EU, Higher Logic

                                           From Rolodex to Cloud - The lessons we learned Practical use cases of Robotic Process
 Digital Transformation on a Budget -
                                           from the CRM journey, Richard Young, Vice      Automation (RPA) for Members and their
 where to focus in order to maximise
                                           President – International, Fonteva             Associations, Carl Grieves, Managing Director,

                                           Why Apps Matter: How to deliver year-round       Why an Omnichannel Approach is the Future of
 Levelling up - Turning Online
                                           engagement, drive revenue and improve            Member Engagement, Alan Perestrello Director
 Engagement into Participation and
                                           member experience, Tom Walters, Senior           and Co-founder, Trillium & Skip Fidura, Strategy
                                           Consultant, Cantarus                             & Insight Director, dotmailer

                                           Using Engagement Scoring to Improve the
 The Power of Small Data - simple data                                                      How AI will get you much closer to your
                                           Member Experience and Drive Retention,
 driven actions that deliver big results                                                    members, Ahmed Eltomy Managing and
                                           Jeremy Jalie, Performance Improvement Leader,
                                                                                            Technical Director, SmartImpact
                                           ASI Europe

                                                                                            Findings from the largest digital member
 Member Metrics - Effective measures       Using meaningful data to drive membership
                                                                                            loyalty survey ever undertaken, James Roberts,
 and actions to develop online             growth, Clare Bennett, Principal Consultant,
                                                                                            Business Development Manager, Community
 engagement                                Purple

                                           Acquire, Engage & Retain Members: Commercial
                                           Strategies Used by Sky, L'Equipe & The Daily Society of Association and Membership
 Digital Transformation Do’s and Don’ts
                                           Mail Group You Can Adopt to Grow Your        Professionals (SAMP) Meeting - Introducing the
                                           Members, Natalie Eastwood, VP, Subscription  Concept of Fellowship, Susie Kay, Director, SAMP
                                           Retail & Digital Services, MPP Global

 Future Gazing - are new technologies
                                                                   -                                               -
 relevant for membership?

 Tools & Techniques to Maximise
 Member Retention                                                  -

ence -
           -                                                       -                                               -

nks Reception

          © 2018 MemberWise Network
Digital Excellence 2018 - Welcome 31st October 2018 | Park Plaza London Victoria - Digital Excellence 2019
Trade Exhibitor Information
Hunter Merrifield – Stand 1 – Exhibitor
Hunter Merrifield is a specialist Membership recruiter, covering          Purple Management Consultancy – Stand 6 –
permanent and interim roles in Acquisition, Engagement & Retention.       Official Partner
Our consultants’ quality-driven approach ensures that we build            Purple are an independent management consultancy who work
long-lasting relationships, covering the entire membership lifecycle.     with membership organisation’s embarking on a change journey
Our highly versatile offering and advanced sourcing methodologies         to support the delivery of business objectives with the correct
enable us to locate the hard-to-find and seriously talented               use of people, processes and technology. Our services include:
membership professionals that your organisation needs. Our in-            Membership Journey Mapping, Digital Strategy, Technology
depth knowledge of the membership space enables us to effectively         Consultancy, Business Process Improvement, Procurement,
place candidates, from junior to senior roles, into forward-thinking      Cyber Security and Change Management.
community-driven organisations.                                           Contact: Clare Bennett
                                                                          e: t: 0203 376 7447
Contact: Francesca Lord                                                   w:
e: t: 0207 759 7929
                                                                          Silverbear – Stand 7 – Official Partner
CBA Events – Stand 3 – Exhibitor                                          Our Purpose is to be leaders in liberating the value of
CBA Events is a full-service event management company with years          relationships within member organisations. Silverbear’s
of experience of organising and running conferences and events.           solution is designed to meet the current and evolving needs
Services include venue finding (free service UK & overseas), audio        of membership associations who are looking for a digital
visual, teambuilding & event management. Our success is a direct          platform to provide a unified member solution with efficient
result of our ‘can do’ approach, ability to listen to clients’ demands,   workflow automation and digital experiences. The platform,
knowledge, patience and creativity. We aim to make every client’s         Silverbear Membership, is uniquely the only UK solution
journey with us as enjoyable, hassle free and memorable as possible.      for the sector awarded Microsoft’s ‘Certified for Microsoft
                                                                          Dynamics (CFMD)’ accreditation.
Contact: Sara Young
e: t: 0333 241 2890                                  Contact: Carl Grieves
w:                                                    e: t: 01483 409409

 MPP Global – Stand 4 – Official Partner
 MPP Global provides SaaS solutions to enterprise                         Cantarus – Stand 8 – Official Partner
 organisations who require a robust and flexible platform to
                                                                          Cantarus is a leading digital membership expert, providing
 register users, manage payments and monetise their content.
                                                                          websites, mobile apps, creative design and digital system
 Its rich functionality seamlessly supports omnichannel
                                                                          integration consultancy for renowned organisations such as the
 approaches to international markets, helping organisations
                                                                          Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the Institute of Directors. As a
 to build personalised and pre-bundled membership plans.
                                                                          MemberWise Recognised Supplier and partner of membership
 Using its flagship subscription platform, eSuite, MPP Global
                                                                          CRM specialist Silverbear, we work with organisations to extend
 has an impressive track record of improving overall customer
                                                                          their reach, deepen member engagement and drive revenue.
 acquisition, engagement and retention for clients including
 Sky, L’Equipe and The Daily Mail Group.
                                                                          Contact: Lee Adams
                                                                          e: t: 0161 971 3200
 Contact: Natalie Eastwood
 e: t: +44 (0) 755 796 6649

                                                                          Trillium – Stand 9 – Official Partner
                                                                          Trillium is a member engagement specialist, providing a
 SmartImpact – Stand 5 – Official Partner                                 complete lifecycle solution that helps organisations better
 SmartImpact is the leading provider of Microsoft Dynamics 365            understand, manage, interact and engage with their members
 based solutions for organisations where members are central              and stakeholders. We do this through technology, experience
 to their operations. Based in Victoria, London, membership and           and industry focus. Through our solutions and approach, we
 not-for-profit clients choose to work with SmartImpact because           are uniquely placed to provide the ideal platform for digital
 of the high quality of project delivery, their knowledge of similar      transformation, utilising best of breed technologies including
 organisations and their strong commitment to developing long-            Dynamics 365, Sitecore, Kentico, Umbraco and dotmailer.
 term business partnerships based upon trust.
                                                                          Contact: Alan Perestrello
 Contact: Naresh Raj                                                      e: t: 020 3176 5380
 e: t: 07973 657774                          w:

                                                                                                             © 2018 MemberWise Network
Results Direct Mobile – Stand 10 – Official                            Lumi – Stand 14 – Official Supporter
 Supporter                                                              If you are looking to enhance your next member meeting, if
 Results Direct Mobile is proud to be the official Event App            you are thinking of taking it from paper based to digital - or
 Provider for Digital Excellence 2018. Visit us to learn about          even to a hybrid or virtual meeting - then come and talk to
 the MemberWise app and request a complimentary Event                   us. Lumi is the leading global provider of fast, accurate and
 App Success Kit. Our Eventsential mobile event app and                 secure technology to facilitate the smooth running of member
 Engagefully year-round engagement app are used by 200                  meetings. We offer Pre-Voting, Registration, Live Secure Polling
 top organisations including The OR Society, International              and Q&A management services.
 Association of STM Publishers, and The Rhodes Trust. Our apps
 support events in 20+ countries.                                       Contact: Peter Fowler
                                                                        e: t: 07500 760643
 Contact: Russell Magnuson                                              w:
 e: t: +44 20 3473 3100

                                                                        Chord – Stand 15 – Exhibitor
                                                                        Chord helps boost membership acquisition and retention by
UpBeat – Stand 11 – Exhibitor
                                                                        delivering more frequent and personal conversations with members
UpBeat membership engagement technology built on Microsoft              by telephone. By integrating telemarketing, email, data improvement
Dynamics 365 has specific modules purposefully developed                and telephone/online research, we help clients like RCGP, RCN, ICSA,
for associations, membership and not-for-profit organisations.          RSS, RSC, CSP, CIBSE, UNISON and BVA. We can lend an extra pair
UpBeat provides associations and membership organisations with          of hands for member acquisition, busy renewal periods, welcome
out-of-the-box functionality to automate all member processes           calls, lapsed member research, mystery shopping, email consent,
within and across your entire organisation, such as membership,         appointment-making, boosting attendance for training courses,
events, education and marketing, meaning increased collaboration        events and qualification enrolments.
across teams and actionable insights to make better decisions.
UpBeat enables membership organisations to deliver maximum              Contact: Amanda Gilmer
value back to your members.                                             e: t: 01373 867920
Contact: Vanessa Dal Busco
t: +44 207 268 9809 w:                  ASI Europe – Stand 16 – Official Partner
                                                                        Advanced Solutions International (ASI) is a leading global provider
Inclusive Digital – Stand 12 – Exhibitor                                of software and services to associations and not-for-profits. Our
Inclusive Digital is a London-based production company that             industry-leading iMIS engagement management system (EMS)
provides a range of digital and video services for membership           enables you to manage member data, events, online payments,
organisations and associations – including website and app              your website, and more in one system. Plus, with our built-in
development, e-Learning and online training platforms, video            scoring engine you can easily measure member engagement to
production, event filming and live streaming.The company was            get the big picture needed to drive retention and growth.
set up in 2007 and our current clients include a large number of
membership organisations – including the Royal Society of Medicine      Contact: Jeremy Jalie
(RSM), the Association of Anaesthetists (AAGBI) and the Brewers’        e: t: (0)20 3267 0067 x5142
Livery Company.                                                         w:

Contact: Deirdre McGinnis
e: t: +44 (0) 20 7036 6380        C Systems Global – Stand 17 - Exhibitor
                                                                        C Systems – a technology services organization serving nonprofits
                                                                        and associations. We are an award winning iMIS Solution Provider
Page Lizard – Stand 13 - Exhibitor                                      (AiSP) and can deliver iMIS deployment and support services that
We build apps for membership organisations and help you                 can help you move forward. We also represent aventri, an advanced
communicate more effectively. Our latest apps include a range of        conference management platform addressing the entire event life
tools to help members complete and record CPD activities. Talk to us    cycle including onsite event technology and innovative mobile apps.
about how apps can enrich your organisation and increase member         We also partner with Gather Voices, for curation and publishing of
engagement – we can help you to create bespoke innovative               user generated videos.
products cost-effectively. With 13 years providing content technology
solutions to membership bodies we offer sound strategic advice and      Contact: Jeremy Wilson
proven success.                                                         e: t: +44 (0) 1278 247 138
Contact: Graham Duffill
e: t: 0207 183 3690

© 2018 MemberWise Network
NetXtra – Stand 18 - Exhibitor
NetXtra helps membership organisations and other NFPs use                 Pixl8 – Stand 23 – Official Partner
‘digital’ to solve everyday problems, increase engagement and             Pixl8 is a creative technical agency with over 80
operational efficiency. With business transformation at the heart of      Membership and NFP clients. We provide strategic
every new project, their integrated online solutions enable clients       digital consultancy, full-service delivery, hosting and
to fully engage with their audiences and deliver on their goals           ongoing support with member database/ CRM system
and objectives for growth and success. This strategic approach to         integration. We believe that technically complex projects
digital and business transformation makes them the sector’s go-to         should not limit creativity and we work to devise elegant,
provider for CMS and integration.                                         usable interfaces underpinned with reliable secure
                                                                          technology. Pixl8 is a recognised supporter of open source
Contact: Simon Phillips                                                   software and produces the popular CMS and document
e: t: 01787 319393                                       management platform
                                                                          Contact: Alex Skinner
Amazon Web Services – Stand 19 – Exhibitor                                e: t: 0845 260 0726
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Worldwide Public Sector helps                   w:
government, education, and nonprofit customers deploy cloud
services to reduce costs, drive efficiencies, and increase innovation
across the globe. With AWS, you only pay for what you use, with no
up-front physical infrastructure expenses or long-term commitments.
                                                                          Community Brands – Stand 24 – Official Partner
Public Sector organizations of all sizes use AWS to build applications,   Community Brands builds best-of-breed solutions aligned with
host websites, harness big data, store information, conduct research,     ever-changing business models and emerging technology.
improve online access for citizens, and more.                             Our solutions help member-based organisations drive growth,
                                                                          engagement, professional development, fundraising and
Contact: Adrian Hanna                                                     revenue. We are committed to helping you fulfil your mission
e: t: 02039 420 127                                      with modern technology that meets your members’ and
w:                 constituents’ expectations.

                                                                          Contact: James Roberts
 Higher Logic- Stand 20 – Official Partner
                                                                          t: 0 (+44) 7553 950 130 w:
 Higher Logic is the industry leader in online communities and
 engagement for membership organisations. Associations
 worldwide use Higher Logic to bring people all together, where
 communities can interact, share ideas, answer questions and
                                                                          MicroLearn – Stand 25 – Official Supporter
 stay connected. Higher Logic is proud to be the Official Online          MicroLearn provides high quality, short, video-led learning
 Member Communities Partner and host of MemberWise                        opportunities that can be accessed from any device, at any time,
 Connect, the MemberWise Network’s online community.                      from anywhere. We have focused on creating learning content
                                                                          that robustly delivers learning objectives but also, by utilising
 Contact: Mark Eichler                                                    contemporary learner centric video approaches maximises
 e: t: 020 3936 3142                             opportunities for membership organisations to engage, create
 w:                                                   learning advocates, increase membership loyalty/retention, build
                                                                          sustainability and forge deeper relationships with their members.

                                                                          Contact: Tracy Capaldi-Drewett
Felinesoft – Stand 21 – Exhibitor
                                                                          e: t: 01273 492336
Felinesoft offers a full range of services including business analysis,   w:
user experience design/creative, software
development and systems integration. Felinesoft’s experience in
delivering continuous improvement projects
helps our clients to streamline and automate their business
                                                                          Membership Plus – Stand 26 – Official Supporter
processes, improve member acquisition and retention                       Membership Plus is a membership marketing specialist
and optimise member engagement. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, our          providing print and mailing solutions to over 120 membership
expertise ranges over a variety of .Net content management systems,       organisations. Membership Plus is regarded as one of the
Dynamics CRM, Mobile Apps, SharePoint, plus bespoke tailored              market leaders in the membership sector. Our core services
development.                                                              include print production and personalisation of membership
                                                                          cards, membership renewal / reminder / lapsed programmes,
Contact: Thomas Raworth                                                   New Member Welcome Packs and other related membership
e: t: +44 (0) 117 325 1902                mailings. Visit us at Stand 26 at the DIGITALX2018 Conference
w:                                                     or visit our website

                                                                          Contact: Steven Grieve
Sterling Solutions Stand 22 - Exhibitor                                   e: t: 01227 741066
Connect UK (powered by Sterling Solutions) is a reliable and flexible
communications app and virtual membership card combined,
Connect lets you publish personalised content to your members
or specific groups. It provides full analytics, informing you of who’s
engaging with your content so you can shape and personalise
your message. Manage promotional offers, events and send push
notifications. Sterling Solutions are a complete print, communications
and marketing agency.

Contact: Jack Pizzey
e: t: 01536 527 300

                                                                                                             © 2018 MemberWise Network
Fonteva – Stand 27 – Official Partner                                   dotmailer – Stand 30 – Exhibitor
 Growing and retaining your membership. Amplifying your                  dotmailer is a leading marketing service provider with data-
 reach. Activating the power of one-of-a-kind communities.               powered automation at its core. We’re passionate about shaping
 We know what it takes to create growth for your organisation            the omnichannel marketing space, and for nearly 20 years we’ve
 and satisfaction for your members. Fonteva delivers complete            helped thousands of customers strategize their campaigns and
 membership and events solutions that are easily configured,             drive real business growth. dotmailer allows marketers to manage all
 eliminate costly software updates and lower technology costs            stages of their marketing automation activity quickly and easily, from
 with one powerful system 100% native to Salesforce - the                sophisticated data selections to deployment and measurement of
                                                                         their customer interactions.
 world’s #1 CRM. So your organisation can optimise revenue and
 exceed customer expectations.                                           Contact: Melissa Greening
                                                                         e: t: 07881 375 932
 Contact: Richard Young                                                  w:
 e: t: +44 207 118 1515
 w:                                                      Flywire - Stand 31 - Exhibitor
                                                                         Flywire solves complex international payment problems for
                                                                         membership organisations, empowering new opportunities
Spindogs – Stand 28 – Exhibitor                                          globally and locally. Our invoicing and receivables solutions connect
Spindogs are a full service digital agency helping organisations         associations with their members making transactions faster, secure,
with marketing both online and offline. We love delivering great         transparent and less expensive. Clients can tailor the payment
website design & development, marketing and brand solutions for          experience for their customers creating a single point of visibility and
                                                                         control for payer engagement and receivables management – from
our clients, with the full package to take your online presence to the
                                                                         invoicing and payment through reconciliation. Flywire’s network spans
next level. We’ve built successful, results-driven relationships with
                                                                         200+ countries, 100+ currencies and multiple payment methods.
clients for over 14 years working with some notable membership
organisations such as, Chartered Institute of Housing, Royal Academy     Contact: James Shattock
of Engineering, BCS and many more.                                       e: t: 07765 861642
Contact: Liam Giles
e: t: 02920 480 720                                  Eudonet – Stand 32 – Exhibitor
w:                                                    Eudonet is an independent European software provider with 18 years’
                                                                         experience specialising in member organisations. Engage, measure
Meta Capability – Stand 29 – Exhibitor                                   and understand all segments of your membership with simple, easy
A member centric digital strategy starts with understanding the          to use software. We listen to the feedback from the 30,000 people
                                                                         already using Eudonet worldwide, ensuring that the latest updates to
exact needs of your members and creating simple engaging user
                                                                         the software are immediately useful to the membership professionals
experiences. By providing bit sized assessment opportunities which
                                                                         who use it on a daily basis.
drive personalised digital learning pathways, rewarded with digital
badges, we create an addictive environment enabling you to retain        Contact: Ben McCreanor
and grow your membership. CPD and career progression tools,              e: t: 020 7092 6659
such as the one we are developing for RIBA, also enhances their          w:
engagement and dependency with your membership body.
                                                                         GoCardless – Stand 33 – Exhibitor
Contact: Russell Ward
e: t: 07813 323230                       GoCardless is the smarter way for membership organisations to
w:                                                collect recurring and ad hoc payments. Organisations like the Royal
                                                                         College of General Practitioners and the British Institute of Radiology,
                                                                         along with over 35,000 other businesses use GoCardless to reduce
                                                                         payments admin dramatically. Seamless integrations with various
  Delegate Wifi Access                    Twitter                        CRMs, including Fonteva and Trillium, plus features like branded
  Username - MemberWise                   Share your thoughts by         payment pages guarantee a seamless member experience from the
                  Delegate                using our official hashtag     moment of sign up.

  Password - DIGITALX                     #DIGITALX2018                  Contact: Rebecca Edmonds
                                                                         t: 020 8338 953

      Get the App for                               It’s as easy as 1-2-3:
                                                     1 Go to your app store, search for and download: Engagefully
     Digital Excellence                              2 Open the app, and search for and Select MemberWise
                   2018                              3 Select the Digital Excellence 2018 event

How to Build Your DIGITALX2018 Schedule
1 Open the DIGITALX2018 app and select Programme from the menu
2 Scroll to browse the sessions and tap the calendar icon to select a session
3 Review your schedule by selecting My Schedule on the top menu

© 2018 MemberWise Network
Trade Exhibition
                Today’s conference includes the membership and association sector’s largest digital focused trade
                            exhibition. Please do take the opportunity to browse throughout the day!

       01   –   Hunter Merrifield                 13   –   Page Lizard                    24   –   Community Brands
       03   –   CBA Events                        14   –   Lumi                           25   –   MicroLearn
       04   –   MPP Global                        15   –   Chord                          26   –   Membership Plus
       05   –   SmartImpact                       16   –   ASI Europe                     27   –   Fonteva
       06   –   Purple                            17   –   C Systems Global               28   –   Spindogs
       07   –   Silverbear                        18   –   NetXtra                        29   –   Meta Capability
       08   –   Cantarus                          19   –   Amazon Web Services            30   –   dotmailer
       09   –   Trillium                          20   –   Higher Logic                   31   –   Flywire
       10   –   Results Direct Mobile             21   –   Felinesoft                     32   –   Eudonet
       11   –   UpBeat                            22   –   Sterling Solutions             33   –   GoCardless
       12   –   Inclusive Digital                 23   –   Pixl8

Membership Excellence 2019
Register an interest now!
We hope you are having a great day at Digital Excellence 2018! We just wanted to take this
opportunity to remind you of the date of our next conference – Membership Excellence 2019.

2nd May 2019 | Novotel London West Hotel (Hammersmith)

We will soon launch our new look Membership Excellence conference
and you will notice some BIG changes:

•   A more comprehensive and flexible conference programme
•   A new venue that will almost double capacity
•   More expert Membership & Association Professional speakers
    Exciting new seminar track topics and themes
    More targeted membership focused content
    A larger membership solutions expo (with up to 45 exhibitors!)
Inspired by today’s speakers? Express an interest in speaking at
MEMX 2019 by contacting                                            2019
Express an interest in attending now (without obligation) and enjoy 20%
off the Standard Association Professional Pass PLUS Preview Booking.

You can also read