Digital Pay-Meter Playbook - How Today's News Publishers Can Use Data, Best Practices, and Test-and-Learn Tactics To Build Better Pay-Meters ...

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Digital Pay-Meter Playbook - How Today's News Publishers Can Use Data, Best Practices, and Test-and-Learn Tactics To Build Better Pay-Meters ...
Digital Pay-Meter
How Today’s News Publishers Can Use Data, Best
Practices, and Test-and-Learn Tactics To Build
Better Pay-Meters

A Shorenstein Center and Lenfest Institute White Paper
August 2019

Nicco Mele, Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School

Matthew Skibinski, Reader Revenue Specialist, the Lenfest Institute
for Journalism

Matthew Spector, Visiting Researcher, Shorenstein Center on Media,
Politics and Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School

The views expressed in Shorenstein Center Discussion Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of Harvard Kennedy School or of Harvard University.

Discussion Papers have not undergone formal review and approval. Such papers are included in this series to elicit feedback and to encourage debate on important issues and
challenges in media, politics and public policy. Copyright belongs to the author(s). Papers may be downloaded for personal use only.
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook - How Today's News Publishers Can Use Data, Best Practices, and Test-and-Learn Tactics To Build Better Pay-Meters ...
                                               The past half-decade has seen a digital subscription renaissance in the news
                                               publishing industry. Publishers are increasingly recognizing a market de-
                                               mand for high-quality, meaningful, trustworthy content, and in turn seek to
                                               cultivate premium, high-value brands that engage readers.

                                               Our research suggests publishers should invest in capabilities to engage
                                               in constant testing and experimentation in digital — to build engagement
                                               among digital audiences and ultimately convert engaged readers into
                                               paying subscribers. For commercial and for-profit models in particular,
                                               publishers should become smart across a range of new strategies, including
                                               how to configure meters and rules to calibrate a mix of free and paid access.
                                               The trends we have observed across the publishers studied suggest pricing
                                               models, marketing tactics, and new approaches to audience engagement
                                               can help publishers succeed in a news environment increasingly friendly to
                                               robust digital programs.

                                               Produced through surveys of more than 500 for-profit newsrooms, this re-
                                               search suggests new best practices to aid publishers in increasing and sus-
                                               taining digital subscriptions. This initiative complements existing research
                                               at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public policy uncovering
                                               sustainable business models for local news and nonprofit publishers.

                                               This paper begins with recommendations for publishers to propel shifts to
                                               subscriber-focused models, how to define their news organization’s market,
                                               and how to measure engagement within that market. They are followed by
                                               a set of suggested strategies to drive a reader’s intent to subscribe, and to
                                               maintain that digital subscribership once that reader has entered a publish-
                                               er’s ecosystem.
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Digital Pay-Meter Playbook - How Today's News Publishers Can Use Data, Best Practices, and Test-and-Learn Tactics To Build Better Pay-Meters ...
Table of Contents
                                             Summary       2

                                             Introduction: The Reader Revenue Imperative             5

                                             Defining a Market    7

                                                  The Market and Digital Audience           7

                                             Digital Audience Frequency 9

                                                  Benchmarking Stop Rates         10

                                                  Increasing A Publisher’s Stop Rate        12

                                                  Meter Best Practices    12

                                             Driving Subscriptions 15

                                                  Conversion Rates        15

                                                  Subscriber Engagement and Retention 21

                                                  Best Practices for Subscriber Engagement           22

                                             Conclusion    29

                                                  Appendices      32

                                                  A Shared Vocabulary for Digital Subscription Best Practice            33
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                                                                 Our research suggests a shift from advertising-based models to digital
                                                                 subscriptions enables news organizations to deliver more reader-relevant
                                                                 content, validate operational models that offer more stable business per-
                                                                 formance, and free up resources to plan for longer-term investments in
                                                                 content and news quality.

                                                                 What you need to know from the report:

                                                                      1. It’s time to get more sophisticated. It is the “end of the begin-
                                                                      ning” of the digital subscription era. Across the publications studied,
                                            It is the “end of         news publishers, especially newspapers, have adopted basic digital
                                             the beginning”           subscription models this decade. This moment shows standards of
                                                of the digital        performance and best practice are coalescing around structures for
                                           subscription era.          newsrooms and the operational teams that support them, suggesting
                                                                      a longer-term prospect for stabilization of the news marketplace.

                                                                      2. Industry benchmarks are critical to more sophisticated tactics
                                                                      (see the Shorenstein Center’s email benchmark tool). Among the
                                                                      organizations surveyed, digital publishers are well on their way to
                                                                      evolving a standard for success in subscriptions – shared metrics,
                                                                      many of which are reviewed in this paper, are vital to understand
                                                                      these standards. Measures of market penetration, audience engage-
                                                                      ment, meter or paywall stops, conversion rates, and retention rates
                                                                      can be used to paint a more comprehensive picture of the health of a
                                                                      publication’s digital subscription business, and can help to determine
                                                                      key areas of focus for a particular publisher’s organization.

                                                                      3. Intelligent access rules enable publishers to fine-tune and im-
                                                                      prove their standing. There are no “hard and fast” rules for paywalls.
                                                                      Instead, “intelligent access” evaluates data continuously to create dif-
                                                                      ferent access control rules for different behaviors. Among publishers
                                                                      studied, targeted intelligent access control rules allow a news organi-
                                                                      zation to optimize its stop rate, or increase the percentage of all users
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                                      who are stopped monthly by a payment ask. There is no “one-size-
                                                                      fits-all” solution.

                                                                      4. You must have a sharp focus on your consumers if you hope to
                                                                      increase conversion rates. Once users encounter a payment mes-
                                                                      sage, publishers can serve targeted marketing messages based on the
                                                                      user’s history on the site, and offer simplified purchase processes to
                                                                      increase conversion. Across the news organizations studied, we found
                                                                      that subscribers who also receive a publisher’s email news product

                                                                                           The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 4
are 5-10 times more likely to subscribe. Those who follow the pub-
                                                                          lisher’s brand on social media are 4-6 times more likely to subscribe.
                                           News organizations
                                                that performed            5. Pricing variation, churn analysis, and engagement testing are
                                                 ahead of their           key tools for publishers to keep subscribers engaged. Our research
                                               peers tended to            reinforced that by experimenting with price, understanding sources
                                            deliver distinctive,          of churn, and targeting subscribers to improve their engagement,
                                             high-quality jour-           publishers can improve their retention rate.
                                             nalism – suggest-
                                              ing innovation in           6. Engagement matters, and publishers must continue to innovate
                                            quality journalism            to earn attention. Our research found a relatively strong association
                                           itself...should be a           between subscriber engagement and retention. This suggests that,
                                             long-term area of            relative to a publisher’s geography, an engaged reader is a valuable
                                                          focus           reader. Across the publishers studied, news organizations that per-
                                                                          formed ahead of their peers tended to deliver distinctive, high-quality
                                                                          journalism – suggesting innovation in quality journalism itself, rather
                                                                          than merely producing a high volume of content, should be a long-
                                                                          term area of focus for publishers.

                                                                   Methodology and Limitations
                                                                     The benchmarks and recommendations in this document are based on data
                                                                     from more than 500 news organizations with digital subscription or mem-
                                                                     bership models between 2011 and 2018. As a survey of a range of large and
                                                                     small news organizations, the recommendations use aggregated data to
                                                                     suggest where publishers perform across their digital subscription busi-
                                                                     nesses. These benchmarks are meant as broad recommendations for pub-
                                                                     lishers to contextualize and estimate performance and subscriber growth
                                                                     associated with a particular strategy or set of related tactics, relative to
                                                                     their peers.

                                                                     A substantial portion of the data was collected directly from the Press+
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                                                                     digital subscription system, a technology platform used by several hundred
                                                                     news organizations between 2011 and 2016 before the company merged
                                                                     with Piano Media. Publishers using Press+ opted into sharing data about
                                                                     their digital subscription performance on the condition that be shared
                                                                     only in an aggregated, anonymized format. This data was extracted directly
                                                                     from the back-end subscription system, rather than via publisher surveys,
                                                                     and only covers the time period up to 2015.

                                                                     Data added to the data set since that time has been collected using pub-
                                                                     lisher surveys in a number of contexts, such as individual consulting

                                                                                               The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 5
engagements, industry collaborations such as the Facebook Local News
                                           Subscription Accelerator, and the Knight-Lenfest Table Stakes program.
                                           In all cases, data was provided on the condition that it be shared only in an
                                           anonymized and aggregated manner. The surveys captured simpler, base
                                           metrics such as total subscribers or total unique visitors to remain consis-
                                           tent with the style of data extracted from the back-end subscription system.
                                           The authors then applied those raw data to formulas to generate more ad-
                                           vanced metrics, such as conversion rates or retention rates, where possible.
                                           An example of that extraction matrix is available here.

                                           This benchmark data was derived from a variety of organizations, in-
                                           cluding national and leading metro publications, local publications, and
                                           digital-only brands. The vast majority of data – more than two thirds of
                                           publishers in the data set – comes from local, regional and metro-area
                                           newspapers in the United States. Some metrics, such as market penetration
                                           rate, were compiled from publicly-available data. Certain private data were
                                           provided on the condition that metrics and benchmarks are anonymized.
                                           Not every publication that provided data did so for every KPI or bench-
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Introduction: The Reader Revenue Imperative
                                                                 Communities – and the news publishers that serve them – increasingly
                                                                 need for new business models that can sustainably support the produc-
                                                                 tion of quality journalism. The University of North Carolina’s School of
                                                                 Media and Journalism reports that more than 1,300 communities in the
                                            It did not seem      United States have lost local news coverage entirely since 2004.1 As tra-
                                               possible that     ditional news outlets continue to reduce staff and streamline operations,
                                               classified ads    that figure may increase as both for-profit and nonprofit newsrooms face
                                                  were more      pressure from readers, investors, and stakeholders to stabilize, grow, and,
                                                important to     ideally, innovate new ways of bringing news to the communities that need
                                           the reader than       them.
                                               serious news
                                                     articles.   Across our research, many for-profit news organizations faced the chal-
                                                                 lenge we call the revenue trap of the digital advertising business model.
                                                                 Digital advertising models require large volumes of pageviews, which can
                                                                 incentivize sensationalism, virality, or “copycat” editorial efforts rather
                                                                 than encourage quality, independent journalism. Across the publishers
                                                                 analyzed, we found volume-driven digital advertising engenders a race-to-
                                                                 the-bottom to produce the lowest-cost, highest-volume content.234 Publish-
                                                                 ers reliant on digital advertising generally see business goals as increasing-
                                                                 ly distant from editorial priorities.

                                                                 Conversely, digital subscriptions require growing the number of users who
                                                                 are highly engaged in a publisher’s content. Across the news organizations
                                                                 surveyed, when users pay for access to news content, the business goals
                                                                 of a news organization more closely meet editorial goals. This shift in the
                                                                 key underlying unit of growth – from page views to engaged readership –
                                                                 incentivizes publishers to invest in content that is valuable to readers. We
                                                                 found this holds at for-profit news organizations, where reader revenue
                                                                 models align business goals with editorial goals, as well as nonprofit news-
                                                                 rooms, where membership models ask readers to support journalism they
                                                                 find most valuable.

                                                                 Our findings suggest digital news consumers will indeed pay for access to
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                                                                 high-quality content, particularly when they are presented with compel-
                                                                 ling, relevant information and marketing messages that inspire deep and
                                                                 ongoing engagement. Publishers succeeding in growing digital subscrip-
                                                                 tions are outperforming the median by a factor of 10.5

                                                                 The alignment of editorial intent and business performance comes with a
                                                                 better understanding of growing and sustaining engaged subscribership.
                                                                 Comparing performance across markets and operations to distil key in-
                                                                 sights, the compiled benchmarks offer suggestions for publishers to under-

                                                                                            The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 7
stand where they fall relative to a cross-section of news organizations. The
                                               99th percentile among publishers in the datasets studied suggests most
                                               effective strategies – and are supported by recommendations for how they
                                               might deploy these strategies in their organizations.

                                           Defining a Market
                                               Under digital subscription model, a news organization’s audience can be
                                               understood through the publisher’s funnel – with the broader addressable
                                               market represented atop the funnel; engaged users represented as the fun-
                                               nel narrows; and paying, loyal subscribers at the narrow bottom.

                                               The publishers studied had largely coalesced around this model, moving
                                               readers from discovery and engagement, to subscribing and sustaining
                                               subscribership – while ultimately aiming to broaden the funnel to increase
                                               their share of engaged subscribers. The below benchmarks correspond to
                                               these stages of the audience funnel.
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The Market and Digital Audience
                                             Key Finding: A well-defined market target leads to larger and more en-
                                             gaged digital audiences, among the publishers studied.

                                             Publishers that performed above their peers across the news organizations
                                             and market dynamics studied tended to base their digital strategies on a
                                             well-defined market, and scoped their editorial objectives to best serve
                                             that market. Anecdotally, some publishers studied that have successfully
                                             deployed digital subscription strategies have derived a clear market defini-
                                             tions from their legacy print audiences.

                                             In digital subscriptions, the publishers studied measured their market by
                                             the digital audiences within that geography and region, and unique visitors
                                             relative to that – the market penetration. While a news organization’s over-
                                             all market penetration is not the most reliable indicator of a publisher’s
                                             success, it provides a useful signal of a publisher’s strength in its geogra-

                                             The publishers studied on this metric that demonstrated the greatest
                                             market penetration – Minneapolis Star Tribune Network and Boston Globe
                                             Media sites – perform more effectively relative to their peers.

                                             A review of market penetration that examined various news organizations’
                                             unique visitors as a percentage of total digital desktop audience in their
                                             market showed the Star-Tribune with a market penetration rate of 31%,
                                             nearly double the median. The Boston Globe performed second-best of the
                                             organizations studied, with a 23% market penetration rate. According to
                                             figures from Pew Research Center, publishers should seek to match or
                                             approach the 18-21% year-over-year increase in unique visitors indus-

                                             These high performers suggest that if a publisher establishes itself as a
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                                             unique and essential source of news in its market, beyond what might be
                                             a legacy print presence, it can likely generate significant digital demand.
                                             Both of these organizations were early adopters of paywalls and meters –
                                             these tests meant the publishers could begin to prioritize reader and sub-
                                             scriber engagement over advertising revenue, leading to more reader-fo-
                                             cused editorial strategies.789 This approach begat a virtuous cycle of quality
                                             coverage within their respective markets that generates further subscrip-
                                             tions and continued engagement among existing subscribers.

                                                                        The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 9
Digital Audience Frequency
                                               Key Finding: Growing digital audiences into “regular readers” requires a
                                               defined audience engagement strategy.

                                               The publishers studied generally shared definitions for their digital audi-
                                               ences – and the most effective strategies to reach and engage them. Across
                                               data provided by 15 metro area publishers, we saw the following propor-
                                               tions of digital audiences10:

                                                    ● Sixty eight percent (68%) of readers view only one article in a thir-
                                                    ty-day period.
                                                    ● Twenty-three percent (23%) of readers view between two and five
                                                    articles in a thirty-day period.
                                                    ● Only nine percent (9%) of users were “regular readers,” who view
                                                    more than five articles in a thirty-day period.

                                               Publishers with high engagement see a higher volume of these regular
                                               readers. News organizations with larger-than-average “regular readership”
                                               – engaging that critical nine percent of audiences – tended to prioritize
                                               audience engagement efforts, including social media content promotion,
                                               in-situ recommendation engines, dedicated newsletters, and dedicated
                                               audience development teams. Our research found the most successful pub-
                                               lishers test and deepen one or two of these audience engagement verticals
                                               to test which strategies most effectively drive one-time and occasional
                                               readers to increase their readership.

                                             Benchmarking Stop Rates
                                               Key finding: Most publishers are too generous and need to stop more
                                               readers to force conversion.

                                               Across publishers studied who had metered or “freemium” subscription
                                               models, their operations focused on building a critical metric: the stop
                                               rate, the percentage of all digital users who are “stopped” by a subscrip-
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                               tion prompt, a paywall, or a meter limit. The stop rate is calculated by the
                                               number of users stopped by a meter or paywall in a given month over the
                                               number unique visitors during that period.

                                               A majority of the publishers studied across this metric are stopping a lim-
                                               ited proportion of readers relative to their overall audiences. Among the
                                               more than 500 news organizations analyzed, the fiftieth percentile of pub-
                                               lishers stops only 1.8 percent of their readership with a paywall or meter.
                                               Publishers with “sustainable” digital businesses report stop rates between

                                                                         The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 10
the 80th and 90th percentiles of all publishers studied (at or above 4.2% of
                                                              all readers). The publishers that reported more than 6% of unique visitors
                                                              reaching their stop threshold had “thriving” digital subscription business-
                                                              es – robust teams, and well-developed audience engagement strategies.

                                              A majority of
                                            the publishers
                                           studied lagged
                                           behind thriving
                                              news organi-
                                           zations in their
                                                 stop rate.

                                                              Among our most significant findings is that a majority of the publishers
                                                              studied lagged behind thriving news organizations in their stop rate. Defi-
                                                              nitionally, a publisher with a low stop rate is only asking a small and likely
                                                              insufficient percentage of their readership to subscribe. Even if the news
                                                              organization is successful in converting their addressable audiences and
                                                              unique visitors, publishers that are underperforming likely have limited
                                                              opportunity to grow subscribers if they are failing to stop a significant
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                              enough portion of their overall readership.

                                                              A news organization’s stop rate often distinguishes high-performing pub-
                                                              lishers. The large metropolitan daily newspapers studied report stop rates
                                                              approximately double the industry as a whole, with a median stop rate of
                                                              3.64 percent. These publishers often invest heavily in audience develop-
                                                              ment, effective newsletters and social media marketing to circulate their
                                                              content to build engagement. Publishers like the youth-focused Mic report
                                                              a high return on investment around the developing customized and niche
                                                              strategies by channel within their engagement activities unit. News or-

                                                                                        The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 11
ganizations with smaller engagement teams might first focus on one key
                                                                      channel – newsletters – and optimize through testing multiple approaches
                                                                      to messaging.11

                                                                      Publishers can understand why their stop rate is high or low by isolating
                                              (High-performing)       stop rates by platform and channel; testing meter rules including the du-
                                                publishers often      ration and number of pieces of content included in the meter; and bench-
                                                invest heavily in     marking their audience engagement within their market, or against other
                                                audience devel-       similar publishers in other geographies or with similar-sized digital audi-
                                               opment, effective      ences or sophistication. Technical challenges can also be a source of chal-
                                            newsletters and so-       lenge: the majority of meter stops are driven by desktop. Mobile stop rates
                                             cial media market-       lag those of desktop due in part to the technical challenges of implement-
                                           ing to circulate their     ing mobile metered paywalls; news organizations that have not optimized
                                                content to build      these channels might be missing opportunities to bolster their stop rate.

                                                                    Increasing A Publisher’s Stop Rate
                                                                      Key finding: There are two primary ways for publishers to increase their
                                                                      stop rate: (1) increase engagement or (2) tighten access rules.12

                                                                      In assessing access rules, publishers can test various metering rules or the
                                                                      duration of their meter (e.g. expanding a user’s meter refresh window from
                                                                      30 days to 45) to identify the levers to improve their stop rate to match
                                                                      those of the highest-performing publications identified above.

                                                                      Based on work with publishing groups representing more than 500 publi-
                                                                      cations with digital subscription models, the following recommendations
                                                                      can help guide efforts to improve a news organization’s stop rate:
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Meter Best Practices

                                             A majority of publishers with metered models set their meter limits at 5
                                             articles per month or lower. The graphic below represents this distribu-
                                             tion, and the general shift in the data from January 2012 to present.

                                             As meters were first introduced, several publishers studied were concerned
                                             meter limits might fail to attract subscribers or would constrain adver-
                                             tising revenue; many of these publishers set high meter limits or allowed
                                             users to circumvent the paywall. For example, when McClatchy began im-
                                             plementing metered models, it set its meter limits at 25 articles per month
                                             and excluded clicks from social media and email newsletters. After seeing
                                             a dip in successful conversions, McClatchy increased the types of clicks
                                             that counted toward a user’s limit.13 As publishers have experimented, and
                                             readers have become accustomed to digital subscription, meter limits have
                                             tended to decline among the publishers studied and within the industry at
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019


                                             Clearly Defining What Counts within a Meter – Access rules play an im-
                                             portant role in improving publishers’ stop rates. These rules include what
                                             content is included in a news organization’s meter, and what referrals or
                                             referral sources count toward the meter rate. According to publisher inter-
                                             views, our research found best practice for access rules overall – regardless
                                             of the strategies used – is to clarify these rules in a manner your audience
                                             engagement team and the average reader can understand.

                                                                       The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 13
Excluding Content from a Meter – Successful publishers studied had clear
                                                                 rules for what content was excluded and why; clearer guidelines allowed for
                                                                 more tests of meter strategies and approaches. Higher-performing publish-
                                                                 ers studied tended to include nearly all article or content elements within
                                                                 their meter, offering limited exception. Instead of constraining meter rules
                                                                 to attract a particular audience, including more content types within a me-
                                                                 ter generally increased the likelihood that a variety of readers and digital
                                                                 users would ultimately reach a meter limit and encounter a subscription

                                                                 Common Exceptions to a Meter – Meter exceptions still can prove import-
                                                                 ant for revenue-related aspects of a publisher’s business. Our cross-analy-
                                                                 sis of publisher meters found that common exceptions to a meter included
                                                                 paid content such as obituaries, automobile sales, classifieds, and spon-
                                                                 sored content as well as sections of content around which the publisher
                                               Typically, if a   has seen extremely high return on investment on advertising. Typically, if a
                                           content element       content element is solely used for advertising or branded content purposes,
                                              is solely used     it will be excluded from the meter. Developing a meter exception strategy
                                             for advertising     means understanding the advertising and subscription value derived from
                                           or branded con-       all content types; typically, publishers can weigh advertising yield against
                                           tent purposes, it     their average revenue per subscriber to evaluate whether to exclude a par-
                                           will be excluded      ticular section from a meter.
                                            from the meter.
                                                                 Content-Specific Metering – In customizing meter rules to reach partic-
                                                                 ular audiences, publishers studied frequently target messaging or refine
                                                                 metering experiences based on category of content – e.g. when reaching
                                                                 their meter limit, a sports reader stopped on local sports coverage might
                                                                 be served a customized message tailored to that team’s coverage. General-
                                                                 ly, our surveys found driving toward a particular reader’s interests within
                                                                 a certain category of content allowed publishers to more efficiently drive
                                                                 toward the subscription action.
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                                                                 Increasing Opportunities To Encounter The Meter– In addition to the
                                                                 inclusion or exclusion of particular content from their meter rate, publica-
                                                                 tions studied leveraged geographic targeting, content targeting (lowering
                                                                 the meter rate for more editorially-intensive content), or behavioral tar-
                                                                 geting (incorporating factors about a user, including newsletter subscrip-
                                                                 tion, to increase their meter limit). Others might use propensity targeting
                                                                 (leveraging a propensity to subscribe score, a strategy observed in more
                                                                 sophisticated news organizations including the Wall Street Journal), or an
                                                                 ad block intercept (including a subscription message customized to invite

                                                                                          The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 14
the reader to the subscribe or turn your ad blocker off to continue to read
                                               content before the average meter stop).

                                           Driving Subscriptions
                                             Conversion Rates
                                               Key finding: Friction in the purchase experience (delays in page load
                                               times, unclear instructions, extra data fields, or confusing presentations
                                               of an offer) have a dramatic effect on conversion.

                                               Following the meter stop, the highest-performing publishers studied tend-
                                               ed to focus their strategies around their paid stop conversion rate (PSCR),
                                               or total users who subscribe in a given month over total users stopped by a
                                               meter, wall, or gateway. Across the news organizations in our survey, stop
                                               limits and conversion rates tended to be strong predictors of subscrip-
                                               tion growth. The stop rate multiplied by the PSCR and by the publisher’s
                                               unique visitors generates the number of new subscriptions sold in any giv-
                                               en month. Conversion emerged as a critical differentiator for sustainable
                                               publisher businesses; while the top decile of publishers studied generally
                                               converted an average of 1.3 percent of stopped unique visitors per month,
                                               the median 50 percent of publishers only converted 0.5 percent of unique

                                               Factors Impacting Conversion Rates

                                               Meters and conversion rates tended to provide learning opportunities for
                                               publishers across the news organizations surveyed. A publication’s conver-
                                               sion rate is generally a function of three top-level factors:

                                                    1. Audience Engagement: the propensity of their audience to subscribe
                                                    (readers’ level of engagement and their perception of value in the
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                    2. Targeted Offers: the effectiveness of a publisher’s marketing messag-
                                                    es and offers, and;
                                                    3. Frictionless Purchase: the ease of actually completing a subscription
                                                    purchase once a reader has decided to do so.

                                               While each publisher’s audience differs, profiling likely subscribers ap-
                                               peared to help publishers hone and test strategies unique to their markets.
                                               Publishers that tested various propensity models reported that factors
                                               such as reading content in multiple section categories, following a brand

                                                                        The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 15
on social media, or subscribing to a publication’s newsletter were common
                                           factors and determinants of a particular reader’s propensity to subscribe.
                                           One publisher who had engaged in extensive propensity modeling, for
                                           example, reported that newsletter subscribers or those who have provided
                                           emails were 5-10 times more likely to subscribe.16

                                           Don’t skimp on smart marketing: Publishers with high conversion rates
                                           engage in sustained, proactive marketing efforts targeting their most en-
                                           gaged users with discounts, offers, and clear explanations of the benefits of
                                           subscription. (Best practices for doing so are discussed in a later section.)

                                           Frictionless purchase: The lower-performing publishers studied often
                                           paid little attention to the last step in converting a subscriber: the act of
                                           registering for an account and making a purchase. Small changes in the
                                           purchase experience for a user – such as slight delays in page load times,
                                           unclear instructions, extra data fields, or confusing presentations of an
                                           offer – can lead a user to abandon their purchase.

                                           Data from 10 major metropolitan newspapers showed that, on average,
                                           publishers saw an average 90 percent drop-off of users once they enter the
                                           subscription process along the purchase and conversion funnel.17 On aver-
                                           age, only 29 percent of desktop users who saw the first step of the purchase
                                           funnel (presentation of offers and pricing choices) made it to the second
                                           step (providing their email address). Only 14.8 percent reached the step of
                                           the process at which they were asked to enter payment information, and
                                           9.9 percent reached the confirmation page indicating that they had com-
                                           pleted their purchase.

                                           Across the publishers studied, the differences in success rate were critical:
                                           more than 90 percent of users dropped out between the first step of the
                                           purchase process and the last. This drop-off was even higher on mobile
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                                           devices; the desktop conversion rate was 5 times higher than the rate for

                                                                     The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 16
For high-performing publishers studied, optimization across each step of
                                                                 the subscription process was critical to success. Alongside this optimiza-
                                                                 tion, platform-led efforts, including Facebook Instant Articles, Facebook
                                                                 Analytics, Subscribe with Google, and Apple’s iOS subscription program,
                                                                 are helping publishers uncover opportunities to abridge these subscription

                                                                 Conversion Rates and Meter Levels

                                                                 Key Finding: High-performing publishers tended to deploy two strate-
                                                                 gies – more rigorous meters (either a lower article limit or a shorter renew-
                                                                 al period) and those with more open meters (a higher article limit).

                                                                 Across publishers studied, for more rigorous meters, we identified a sig-
                                                                 nificantly higher average conversion rate as publishers reached a higher
                                                                 meter limit, peaking at a limit of 10 articles per 30-day period. Publishers
                                                                 with a 5-article limit generate more subscriptions due to a higher vol-
                                                                 ume of stopped users. In short, in evaluating participating publishers, we
                                              We identified a    identified a “tighter” meter limit would lead to a higher stop rate and more
                                              “tighter” meter    subscribers from a publisher’s existing audience. Some publishers studied
                                           limit would lead      were seeing effective subscription strategies at lower meter limits due to
                                            to a higher stop     marketing and pricing strategies.
                                               rate and more
                                                   subscribers   For more “open” meters, publishers were focused on generating audience
                                                  from a pub-    growth (resulting in higher advertising revenue) rather than converting
                                             lisher’s existing   existing audiences. Across each approach, publishers must balance gener-
                                                     audience.   ating audience growth with opportunities to convert those audiences into

                                                                 Given this variety in outcomes, there are no “right” meter limits to convert
                                                                 a reader, and publishers can expect a wide range of performance at any me-
                                                                 ter limit. Publishers must be careful in testing these approaches; common
                                                                 errors include reducing a stop rate below a certain point where the news
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                                 organization puts traffic at risk – and publishers that see this reduction
                                                                 typically need to increase the size of the publication’s overall market.

                                                                                           The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 17
While conversion rates tend to drop over time, they do have peaks that cor-
                                           respond with promotional activity. Typically the PSCR of 1-2 percent is the
                                           leading average, while publishers below this range have poorly-performing
                                           marketing and/or promotional activity.


                                           Key finding: Size (of market, of email list) doesn’t matter; quality does.
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                           While the average price of digital-only monthly subscriptions began
                                           around $6.66 in 2011, subscription prices have tended to increase steadily
                                           during the past half-decade.19 The average price for a digital-only month-
                                           ly subscription is now slightly higher than $10 per month, while average
                                           large metro dailies studied charge closer to $12.50 a month for digital-only

                                                                    The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 18
Digital Subscription Pricing, Daily Newspapers - 2018 Benchmarks

                                           Conversion rates
                                            still remain the
                                                most critical
                                                 metric for a

                                                                Our research found no significant correlation between the size of a pub-
                                                                lisher’s market (measured by print circulation size) and pricing. Other
                                                                channels provide an important window into performance, but conversion
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                                rates still remain the most critical metric for a publisher’s focus.

                                                                While top-performing publishers tended to report higher-volume lists
                                                                of email addresses and total newsletter subscribers, the volume of a pub-
                                                                lisher’s email list was not necessarily associated with high performance.
                                                                In short, across the publishers studied, more emails did not always mean
                                                                better outcomes.

                                                                The top 5 percent of publishers studied reported email lists of 5 million

                                                                                           The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 19
addresses and 1.8 million subscribers, on average, while the median of pub-
                                             lishers studied reported 400,000 addresses and 270,000 subscribers, on av-
                                             erage. Digital subscription strategies are not dependent on the email lists
                                             themselves, but rather how these newsletters and email lists are deployed
                                             and the quality of associated information, materials, and program design.
                                             High performing publishers tended to support email acquisition through
                                             opt-in choice architecture, email segmentation to drive engagement, and
                                             quality content designed to build value. For a deep dive on why list size
                                             does not predict a higher performance, and for more detail on the email
                                             metrics that matter to publishers, please see the Shorenstein Center’s pa-
                                             per Using Data Science Tools for Email Audience Analysis.

                                           Subscriber Engagement and Retention
                                             As publishers grow the top of their funnel, they must ensure they can
                                             convert existing readers and retain subscribers who enter it. Retention
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                             requires engagement strategies that cater to the preferences and character-
                                             istics of both subscribers and non-subscribers.

                                             We recommend readers review existing reports from the Shorenstein
                                             Center and co-produced with the Columbia Journalism Review, a Guide to
                                             Audience Revenue and Engagement, and the Shorenstein Center’s Single
                                             Subject News Project.

                                             Improving Subscriber Engagement

                                                                      The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 20
Key finding: Engagement (repeat audience attention) drives business

                                           Subscriber engagement measures the percentage of digital subscribers
                                           who logged in during a given month by the number of active subscriptions
                                           in that month. Research across publishers underscores that engagement
                                           matters – the top decile of publishers studied have engagement rates that
                                           nearly 3 times those of the bottom decile. While monthly digital-only
                                           pricing does not offer a clear guide to subscriber churn, we found a posi-
                                           tive correlation between subscriber engagement and retention among the
                                           publishers studied.21 As a leading indicator of retention, successful news
                                           organizations tend to give subscribers regular reasons to engage and keep
                                           them returning, month after month.
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                                    The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 21
Best Practices for Subscriber Engagement
                                                                The best performing publishers studied in the cohort analyzed tended to
                                                                leverage content strategy, social media engagement, offline events, video,
                                                                email, newsletters, and site optimization to increase engagement among
                                                                audiences and subscribers. As a rule of thumb, generally all audience
                                                                engagement activity that occurs prior to the subscription should continue
                                                                post-subscription. Best practices included:
                                              All audience
                                                                Establishing a Content Strategy Focused on Substance: Across the pub-
                                              activity that     lishers studied, content strategies play an important role in engagement as
                                           occurs prior to      well as sustaining subscribership. While social virality might appear prom-
                                            the subscrip-       ising, the alternative might be the case – articles with fewer social shares
                                               tion should      or lower page views might be more popular with subscribers than general
                                           continue post-       audiences.
                                                                Site Recirculation: Site recirculation strategies additionally provide an op-
                                                                portunity for publishers to create more engaging relationships with their
                                                                reporting, considering how to best drive a particular user to read the next
                                                                article. Other approaches might evaluate what might appear in an infinite
                                                                scroll following a particular article. Using propensity to subscribe scoring,
                                                                a high-performing publisher might, for example, recirculate content based
                                                                on the user’s prior section readership, rather than articles relevant to the
                                                                previous article.

                                                                The Business Case for Local and Unique Content: According the pub-
                                                                lishers surveyed, users who view local news appear to be 2-5 times more
                                                                likely to subscribe than those who view national and wire-sourced stories.
                                                                Of news organizations studied, publishers that produce more local (and
                                                                non-wire-sourced) stories tended to generate greater subscription sales.
                                                                High-performing editorial and business teams tended to clearly identify
                                                                the unique value proposition of local news, incorporating editorial and
                                                                coverage to improve readers’ lives within their communities. Critically, our
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                                analysis identified a correlation between subscription sales and amount of
                                                                local content produced by the publication, reinforcing the business case for
                                                                local reporting.

                                                                Information as a Service: Similarly to the business case for local content,
                                                                publishers studied that provided “information as a service” to subscribers,
                                                                including information that helps them live more informed lives, tended to
                                                                see greater subscription sales. This category of information includes public
                                                                transit and resource coverage and other information that does not require

                                                                                         The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 22
Unique Content: High-performing publishers studied tend to offer a dis-
                                           tinctive value proposition to the reader, incorporating reporting only that
                                           publication can provide. For example, one metro newspaper in a major col-
                                           lege football market studied readership of its football coverage and found
                                           that pageviews in this category largely came from its coverage of the na-
                                           tionally recognized team in its market, an audience for which it competed
                                           heavily with national sports properties like ESPN. The publisher noticed a
                                           smaller school in the area had higher engagement from paying subscribers,
                                           and diverted resources to enhance coverage of the smaller school, driving
                                           subscriber engagement and reporting a greater number of new subscrip-
                                           tion starts.

                                           Building Repeat Audience Attention: Effective publishers tend to help
                                           create “habit of news” among readers; the highest-performing publishers
                                           produce content readers want to refresh and read regularly. Our analysis
                                           found the most engaged subscribers expect daily and often hourly materi-
                                           als, rather than articles that merely resurface and repurpose content from
                                           the news organization’s print edition (if one exists). While wire stories
                                           help a publisher furnish regular content, wires tended to leave an audience
                                           impression of low quality of content. Publishers should prioritize custom-
                                           ized, frequent local coverage that address a community’s particular needs,
                                           concerns, and interests.

                                           Content Scoring and Evaluation: Across high-performing publishers stud-
                                           ied, content elements were seen as sources of data to inform an exchange
                                           of value with the reader. Publishers should score content in the following

                                                ● the percentage of news subscriptions sold in a given time period
                                                when a particular article falls within that user’s conversion path
                                                ● the percentage engagement or story viewership by occasional read-
                                                ers, regular readers, and subscribers
                                                ● the percentage engagement by these segments by percentage en-
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                gagement across all users

                                           Charting a path to subscription using content scoring might enable a
                                           publisher to see articles that over-perform relative to the norm, and map
                                           patterns that emerge.

                                           Newsletter and Email Signups: A variety of tactics tended to help a pub-
                                           lication increase newsletter and email signups. These materials included
                                           overlays and modals, contests, slide-outs, registration reminders, embed-

                                                                    The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 23
ded modules, and registration walls. Our surveys found publishers addi-
                                                                  tionally experimented with tools from newsletter providers like Mailchimp
                                                                  to enable newsletter automation through RSS feeds. High-performing
                                                                  publishers also tended to leverage email sign-ups for direct subscription
                                                                  marketing and promotion; direct marketing tends to increase a reader’s
                                                                  likelihood of subscribing. Email newsletters also play an important role
                                                                  following the subscription action, increasing engagement and likely re-
                                                                  tention – and the best performing publishers see newsletters as editorial
                                                                  products of themselves. High-performing news organizations will track
                                                                  open rates, click-throughs and propensity describe through newsletters
                                                                  and optimize to maximize engagement. For more information on email
                                                                  newsletter best practices, please see the Shorenstein Center and Lenfest
                                                                  Institute’s Email Newsletter 201 Guide.

                                                                  Site Optimization: Our analysis found site optimization (especially reduc-
                                                                  ing website load times) remains a critical challenge for many publishers.
                                                                  Page load times represent the largest difference between successful pub-
                                              Email newslet-      lishers in the top decile and fiftieth percentile of publishers studied, with a
                                           ters also play an      median load times of 5.76 seconds.
                                              important role
                                                 following the    Page load issues can generally challenge publishers, as revenue-generating
                                            subscription ac-      activities such as third-party embeddable content marketing engines like
                                             tion, increasing     Taboola or Outbrain tend to drain page load efficiency. Publishers might
                                           engagement and         evaluate their return on investment on these third party features through
                                                  likely reten-   benchmarking consumer experience and advertising revenue. Given the
                                               tion – and the     high lifetime value of a digital subscriber, a reduction programmatic ad-
                                            best performing       vertising revenue might improve conversion or retention. Generally, that
                                              publishers see      payoff can be calculated and estimated in advance using CLTV formulas.
                                              newsletters as
                                              editorial prod-     Effective site optimizers avoid advertising overload, use real estate to drive
                                                ucts of them-     readers to subscription options, and encourage content discovery through
                                                        selves.   customized recommendations and infinite scrolls – offering seamless read-
                                                                  ing experiences in desktop and mobile environments.
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                                                            The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 24
Load time data, with key national publishers highlighted (median - 5.76s) (Source: Lenfest
                                           Institute for Journalism)

                                            Meter Optimization: Publishers might additionally explore optimizing
                                            how their meters function. Welcome messages offer an important avenue
                                            to capture readers and create email registration leads. Thirty percent of on-
                                            site digital subscriptions originate from “welcome” messages that provide
                                            an introduction to new readers, and ”warn” messages that serve as remind-
                                            ers as the reader approaches the meter limit. Successful publishers test
                                            multiple strategies to determine the most effective marketing messages for
                                            readers. Browser overlays and customized warnings have proven effective,
                                            particularly those that underscore meter limits for individual users and
                                            offer customized options for unique subscriptions based on the reader’s
                                            profile and viewing history.

                                            The most effective stop messages include a single clear call to action, offer
                                            attractive introductory trial rates and include buttons that make clear the
                                            location(s) to click to advance the offer. Others include content-specific
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                            messages that link to the specific articles or sections the readers are pur-
                                            suing. Publishers like the New York Times use homepage interstitials to
                                            maximize attention and page resources with marketing and subscription

                                            Checkout flows are an important and often-ignored step in driving toward
                                            a successful subscriber engagement. Publishers should limit registration
                                            and billing fields, include pre-checked (opt-out) marketing provisions
                                            wherever possible, and make clear the savings from trial rates.

                                                                           The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 25
Marketing and Promotion: Marketing and promotional best practices ap-
                                                              peared to also improve publishers’ subscriber acquisition and performance.
                                                              Effective marketing messages typically incorporate part or all of the below

                                                                   ● Campaigns focused on deeper and better content, focusing on
                                                                   independent journalism, supporting public interest messaging, social
                                                                   good appeals, or highlighting the impact of a particular news organi-
                                                                   zation’s journalism
                                                                   ● Campaigns that prioritize convenience and access to content, any-
                                                                   where and at any time.
                                                                   ● Campaigns that put the user in the driver’s seat – including inform-
                                             Efficient news        ing and building intelligence, making the reader a better person.
                                              organizations        ● Campaigns that emphasize sampling, including trial rates and in-
                                            tend to consis-        troductory offers that compare the cost of entry to a cup of coffee or
                                              tently design        another familiar low-cost item.
                                           user experienc-
                                            es and content    Publishers that excel in marketing and promotion typically focus house
                                                with an eye   advertising, holiday promotions, seasonal offers, and flash promotions
                                               toward what    around these efforts, and punctuate these offers with content-specific
                                           action the user    promotions (e.g. promoting introductory rates for sports coverage heading
                                           might take next.   into a particular season). Other publishers leverage retargeting and aban-
                                                              donment marketing tied to an abandoned cart or purchase experience.

                                                              High-performing publishers additionally message and optimize effectively
                                                              once the user has completed an article or decided to stop reading; a news
                                                              organization will ideally present them with the action that is of highest
                                                              value, offering a sign-up if the user is not an email subscriber, or present-
                                                              ing articles in another section if the user has read three articles in a partic-
                                                              ular section. Efficient news organizations tend to consistently design user
                                                              experiences and content with an eye toward what action the user might
                                                              take next.
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                              A Note on Customer Lifetime Value

                                                              Customer lifetime value (CLTV) is a critical benchmark for publishers; the
                                                              CLTV measures the revenue value of each subscription sold, and is gener-
                                                              ated by averaging the average monthly subscription revenue per subscriber
                                                              by the monthly churn rate. The variation in a publisher’s monthly churn
                                                              rate matters – the higher the customer lifetime value, the more a publisher
                                                              can generally spend on marketing and acquisition, according to publish-

                                                                                        The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 26
ers evaluated across our studies. The variation can be seen in the range
                                           of CLTV values: the bottom five percent of publishers studied reported a
                                           CLTV of approximately $50, while median publishers have a CLTV of $137,
                                           and the top 5 percent of publishers report a CLTV of $340.

                                           While the benchmarks collected in our study examine each publisher’s
                                           average CLTV, successful publishers studied additionally prioritize under-
                                           standing marginal customer lifetime value – that is, the projected lifetime
                                           value for new subscribers they convert through a particular marketing
                                           channel. This may require more granular analysis of particular subscriber
                                           cohorts, but can illuminate the tradeoff between the cost of acquiring a
                                           new subscriber and the projected revenue generated from that subscriber.


                                           In addition to evaluating sales performance, the publishers studied priori-
                                           tized retention by evaluating a month’s active customers relative to the pre-
                                           vious month’s active customers. The median publisher sees a 94.4 percent
                                           retention rate, while the top 5 percent of publishers studied reported a 97
                                           percent benchmark.

                                           Retention rate is an important measure for publishers, as subscriber churn
                                           compounds over time and can lead to large changes in revenue with small
                                           drops in retention. Over the average lifetime of a subscription, for example,
                                           a publisher performing at the 90th percentile would, on average generate
                                           36 percent more revenue (measured in terms of average customer lifetime
                                           value) than a publisher performing in the 70th percentile.22 The data show
                                           some association between a publisher’s median subscription price and its
                                           retention rate; publishers studied used site optimization techniques to test
                                           offers that keep subscribers engaged and reduce churn. These same pub-
                                           lishers also tended to capture and optimize the sales activities that would
                                           concurrently drive new subscriptions.
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                                    The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 27
                                           publishers tend-
                                               ed to deeply
                                            understand the
                                             source of their
                                               churn – from
                                             the reason for
                                            cancellation to          Monthly digital-only pricing by average retention rate for top decile, median
                                              the causes of          and bottom decile of publishers (Source: Lenfest Institute for Journalism)
                                           payment lapses.
                                                               Improving Retention

                                                               Our research found common strategies that might help improve and incen-
                                                               tivize retention across a news organization. High-performing publishers
                                                               tended to deeply understand the source of their churn – from the reason for
                                                               cancellation to the causes of payment lapses.

                                                               Continuous touches with audiences ensure publishers carry on a dialogue
                                                               with potential payers and existing subscribers. Program regular and dedi-
                                                               cated engagement with subscribers through newsletters and social media
                                                               – and categorize these efforts not only as new subscriber engagement, as
                                                               observed in several newsrooms, but as targeting and tactical opportunities
                                                               to engage existing subscribers as well. Prioritizing and sharing highlights,
                                                               valued stories relevant to their content histories, and new and novel offer-
                                                               ings with a regular cadence will help increase the likelihood a subscriber
                                                               perceives the value of their ongoing relationship with your news organiza-
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                               tions. These newsletters and other touchpoints should be approached with
                                                               the same editorial and content integrity as any other arm of your operation,
                                                               written in the voice and tone readers have come to expect. Any strategies
                                                               in this vein require investment; these competencies require dedicated re-
                                                               sources; the Economist, for example, has a team of 16 focused on retention

                                                               Publishers use research and operational teams to engage and reach out
                                                               to canceled subscribers to determine what went wrong. They then create

                                                                                            The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 28
cyclical processes of feedback and evaluation to improve services to over-
                                           come future lapses. A conversation with one reader might represent the
                                           sentiments of many more, and every touchpoint can make a difference.

                                           Good leaders appropriately acknowledge their people and the results
                                           they achieve. Reward the newsroom for content that engages subscribers,
                                           through traffic leaderboards, materials that show comparisons within a
                                           market or area, and by offering accolades to colleagues across the editorial
                                           and business functions.

                                           Several additional strategies can provide critical to building a macro-level
                                           view of lapses and areas in which your news organization’s technology and
                                           offerings can better meet audience expectations:

                                                ● Align a collective understanding around the common characteris-
                                                tics of users who cancel, and model a “propensity to churn” score that
                                                can help improve offers or marketing messages to these users.
                                                ● Deploy catch-and-save (capture the reader before they have discon-
                                                tinued their subscription with a particular offer), win-back (invita-
                                                tions to come back and re-subscribe for a reduced rate) and surprise
                                                and delight (a surprise pop-up that might appear with a particular
                                                offer) offers for users likely to churn based on your propensity model.
                                                ● Solicit subscriber feedback to find and fix product flaws – including
                                                usability issues, long page load times, and confusing user interfaces.
                                                ● Determine sources of unintentional churn, such as credit card expi-
                                                ration, and work with subscription providers to adopt best practices,
                                                such as automatic credit card updating and payment delinquency
                                                grace periods.
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                                                    The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 29
                                               The above study of large metro and local publishers offers guidance for
                                               how digital subscription models can indeed succeed and begin to thrive in
                                               a competitive news environment. Consumer and reader tastes are chang-
                                               ing, and the growth of digital subscriptions across other sectors has broad-
                                               ly increased readers’ propensity to engage and, ultimately, subscribe.

                                               The publisher models set new standards for engagement in the digital
                                               era. They offer highly appealing, customized information; treat their news
                                               organizations as vital resources to help new and existing readers live better
                                               lives; shape clear and value-capturing offers to convert engaged readers;
                                               and deliver ever-relevant content for existing subscribers to reduce churn.

                                               The highest-performing practitioners in our analysis investigate options
                                               with message testing, and ensure all subscription and retention efforts are
                                               data-driven and continuously optimized. Indeed, they are resourcing these
                                               efforts appropriately to see these results; larger publishers and their small-
                                               er counterparts are increasingly dedicating entire departments to these
                                               endeavors. Given operational constraints, not all publications can pursue
                                               the above audience development and engagement strategies concurrently,
                                               but several simple and low-cost approaches – modeled after best practices
                                               across the industry – might allow publishers to increase engagement, build
                                               a dedicated base of digital subscribers, and begin to reduce a reliance on
                                               advertising revenue.

                                               About the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy

                                               The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy is a Harvard
                                               University research center dedicated to exploring and illuminating the
                                               intersection of press, politics and public policy in theory and practice. The
                                               Center strives to bridge the gap between journalists and scholars, and be-
                                               tween them and the public.
Digital Pay-Meter Playbook / August 2019

                                               About the Lenfest Institute for Journalism

                                               The Lenfest Institute for Journalism is the first-of-its-kind non-profit orga-
                                               nization whose sole mission is to develop and support sustainable business
                                               models for great local journalism.

                                                                         The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy / 30
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