Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson

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Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson
Historias trágicas
                                                            de la frontera en el
                                                            antiguo monasterio
       APRIL 2019   VOL. XII   NO. IX   diocesetucson.org     — ver pagina 15

A new

 The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral
                  Square opens April 1     — See page 8-12
Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson
2 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK                                                                                      APRIL 2019

                     Catholic Foundation disburses grants
                                                                               Catholic Outlook photos by Michael Brown
                     Parishes, schools and agencies throughout the Diocese received 52 grant awards from
                     the Catholic Foundation March 5 at the TEP Building in Tucson. Close to $500,000
                     was distributed. At top, Father Seraphim Molina, pastor of St. Kateri Parish in Tucson,
                     had reason to smile anticipating his $10,000 grant to replace the pulpit and chairs in
                     the church and a classroom. Immediately above, Paloma Lopez Santiago, from San
                     Miguel Catholic High School in Tucson, smiles as she waits for the grant distribution.
                     San Miguel would receive a $10,000 grant to upgrade school kitchen facilities,
                     including a commercial refrigerator and freezer.
Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson
APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                         CATHOLIC OUTLOOK 3

Taking the mission of V Encuentro back to parishes
Sister Gladys Echenique working one-on-one with faith communities
By MICHAEL BROWN                                                                                                     trends suggest that Hispanic Catholics will make
Managing Editor                                                                                                      up the majority of Catholics in America.
   Like the long-lived V Encuentro, Dominican                                                                           Sister Echenique joined the Diocese in
Sister Gladys Echenique marches on with                                                                              2012 after working for three years as Hispanic
bringing the “encuentro,” or encounter, to                                                                           Ministry coordinator at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
parishes in the Diocese of Tucson.                                                                                   Parish, Tucson. With the help of a planning
   While the US Conference of Catholic Bishops                                                                       committee, her department created a five-year
continues to formulate a plan on implementing                                                                        plan in 2013 for Hispanic Ministry and updated
the recommendations of last year’s meeting of                                                                        that plan two years later. Next, she developed
Hispanic leaders, Sister Echenique, diocesan                                                                         and expanded Spanish-language catechetical
Hispanic Ministry coordinator, is visiting                                                                           and ministerial formation training, introducing
parishes to promote the advancement of                                                                               a third-year – Level III – program in 2018.
Hispanic leaders, to encourage enrollment in                                                                         Response in parishes has been mixed, but after
Spanish-language faith formation and to listen                                                                       meeting with pastors, she said, there is strong
to ways that parishes might need help from the                                                                       support for continuing to advance adults who
Diocese to assist their Spanish-speaking families.                                                                   have begun studies along in training and to
   “This is a process of accompaniment to see                                                                        introduce more Spanish-speaking parishioners
how we can work together and help each other,”                                         Catholic Outlook file photo
                                                                                                                     to Levels I and II.
Sister Echenique said. “(Working at parishes)      Dominican Sister Gladys Echenique, class members                     “I am happy to be able to go to parishes and
is a wonderful way to have the interactions we     and friends of Spanish-language Ministerial Formation.            promote the names of the people who have
need to have.”                                     Catholic organizations from across the country                    completed coursework,” she said. “It’s important
   She said she especially likes getting to meet   in Grapevine, Texas in 2018. The first Encuentro                  to invite more people into formation, because it
all the pastors, parish leaders and secretaries in occurred in 1972. For more information please                     benefits the parish.”
their home environment.                            view youtu.be/MH2Qx5bpao8                                            A common request from pastors in the first
   The Fifth National Encuentro of Hispanic/          A national goal of V Encuentro was to identify                 seven parishes she has visited – St. Andrew’s
Latino Ministry (V Encuentro) was a historic       leaders in Church ministry as Hispanic Catholics                  in Sierra Vista, Immaculate Conception and St.
ecclesial gathering of 3,000 Hispanic/Latino       continue to increase, and integrating them into                   Luke’s in Douglas, Sacred Heart in Nogales, San
Ministry leaders/delegates from dioceses,          parish, diocesan and national leadership roles.                   Martin de Porres in Sahuarita, St. Francis of
ecclesial movements, schools, universities and     By the middle of this century, demographic                        Assisi in Yuma and Immaculate Heart of Mary in
                                                                                                                                              See V Encuentro on page 7
Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson
4 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK                                               In your area                                                                      APRIL 2019

                                                      Charismatic renewal gathering at Sacred Heart                     PINAL EAST VICARIATE
                DIOCESAN EVENTS
                                                        Thursday, April 11, 6:30 p.m., Sacred Heart
Diocesan, Cathedral offices to close for move            Church, 601 E. Fort Lowell Road, Tucson
                                                                                                           ACTS retreat set for Picture Rocks in June
Tuesday-Friday, March 26-29, Diocesan Pastoral           The Diocese of Tucson Renewal Committee
                                                                                                            Thursday, 7 p.m.-Sunday, 8 p.m., June 6-9,
     Center, 64 E. broadway Blvd., Tucson             will hold its monthly “Alive in Christ” event
                                                                                                           Redemptorist Renewal Center, 7101 W. Picture
   The Diocesan Pastoral Center will close            with the theme “Mary’s Way of the Cross.” All
                                                                                                                       Rocks Road, Tucson
following the end of business at 4:30 p.m., March     are welcome to joyfully praise and worship with
                                                                                                             An ACTS (Adoration, Community,
25, as offices are relocated to the new Conference    song, Scripture readings and words. For more
                                                                                                          Theology, Service) retreat for men will be
and Education Center at Cathedral Square,             information, call Gloria (520) 237-7060 or visit
                                                                                                          held at Redemptorist Renewal Center. If you
opening for business at 8 a.m., April 1. Diocesan     tucsonccr.org.
                                                                                                          have participated in a previous ACTS retreat
staff will have no access to telephones or emails
                                                                                                          and would like to serve on this team, please
during that time. The office at St. Augustine          Magnificat to hold April Women’s Brunch
                                                                                                          call Albert DeSantos, (915) 486-2311. For
Cathedral will move at a later date, with               Saturday, April 13, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., St.
                                                                                                          information about the retreat, visit actsmissions.
similar blackout conditions. The new address          Francis de Sales Parish Center, 1375 S. Camino
for the diocesan and parish offices will be the                         Seco, Tucson
Conference and Education Center at Cathedral            Spiritual Director Father Abram Dono, a
Square, 192 S. Stone Ave., #2, Tucson, AZ 85701.      member of the Missionary Servants of the Most                    SANTA CRUZ VICARIATE
                                                      Holy Trinity, will offer Lenten insights and
                                                                                                            Cistercians open for vocation weekend
Film critic-priest lectures at Corpus Christi         experiences from his pilgrimage to the Holy
                                                                                                            May 24-27, Santa Rita Abbey, 14200 E. Fish
   Thursday, April 4, 7 p.m., Corpus Christi          Land last September. For information or tickets,
                                                                                                                     Canyon Road, Sonoita
Church, 300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Road, Tucson         call Gloria, (520) 237-7060, or a Magnificat team
                                                                                                             The Cistercian Sisters will hold their first
   Precious Blood Brother Antonio Sison,              member.
                                                                                                          Monastic Weekend Experiences on Memorial
associate professor of systematic theology at
                                                                                                          Day weekend, May 24-27, at Santa Rita Abbey. It
Catholic Theological Union, Chicago and film           Mass, blessing for new conference center
                                                                                                          is an opportunity for women ages 21-40 to learn
critic of world cinema for the National Catholic      Sunday, April 28, Noon, St. Augustine Cathedral,
                                                                                                          about the contemplative monastic life. There is
Reporter, will speak about the dynamic between                  192 S. Stone Ave., Tucson
                                                                                                          no cost for the weekend. For more information,
film and theology. The title of his lecture is           A Mass celebrating the opening of the
                                                                                                          visit santaritaabbey.org, email sracommty@gmail.
“Film: The New Stained-Glass Window.” This is         new Conference and Education Center at
                                                                                                          com or call (520) 455-5595.
the third and last in the Luthen Lecture Series       Cathedral Square will be led by Bishop Edward
sponsored by the Jordan Ministry team. For more       J. Weisenburger, followed by a ribbon cutting,
information, visit JordanMinistry.org or call (520)   blessing and tours of the new diocesan and parish
623-2563.                                             office building.
  Bishop’s Lenten video series continues                           PINAL EAST VICARIATE
                diocesetucson.org                                                                             In a March 2019 story under the
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger continues his           Catholic composer/singer Muglia in concert            headline, “Faithfully raising funds
“Lenten Minutes,” a series of video reflections       Sunday, April 4, 3 p.m., Corpus Christi Church,       for Catholic Education,” a sentence
for the Sundays of Lent, and the upcoming                300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Road, Tucson              should have read “Marum was a force
Triduum. It is available by visiting the website         Catholic composer and singer Chris                 in recommending updates to various
diocesetucson.org. Audio files are available in       Muglia will perform in concert, weaving in            tuition support legislation over the
Spanish. Links can also be found on Tucson            his personal faith narrative. His CDs will            years.”
Bishop Edward Weisenburger Facebook                   also be available. The concert is free, but a
page. Previous installments can be found at           freewill donation will be accepted. For more            The Catholic Outlook regrets the
diocesetucson.org/communications.                     information, call the parish, (520) 751-4235.         confusion.
Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson
APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                               CATHOLIC OUTLOOK 5

     Bishop’s Calendar — APRIL 2019                                               It’s about more than money. It’s about your future.
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 6           10 a.m. - Confirmation, San Felipe de Jesus Church, Nogales                         Ben Palazzo
             5:30 p.m. - Salpointe Catholic High School Gala                                     Senior Vice President/Investments
             7 p.m. - Immaculate Heart School SPREE Gala                                         Branch Manager
                                                                                                 (520) 209-7400 | (877) 879-3156 Toll-Free
 12          6 p.m. - Confirmation, Our Lady, Queen of All Saints                                palazzob@stifel.com
             Church, Tucson                                                                      4380 N. Campbell Avenue, Suite 201
                                                                                                 Tucson, Arizona 85718
                                                                             Celebrating 32 Years!
 13          9 p.m. - Mass, St. John Paul II Leadership Awards, St.
                                                                                                     Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE | www.stifel.com
             Augustine Cathedral, Tucson

 14          9:45 a.m. - Mass, Cristo Rey Chapel, New Pascua Village
             Noon - Palm Sunday Mass, St. Augustine Cathedral               Joe’s Pancake House Family Restaurant
 15          2 p.m. - Chrism Mass, St. Augustine Cathedral
                                                                              2 pancakes, 1 egg, bacon, or sausage $3.29
 18          7 p.m. - Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper, St.         French Toast, 1 egg, 2 bacon or sausage $3.99                                                DO
             Augustine Cathedral                                                   1 egg, bacon or ham or sausage                                            Sat.-S
                                                                                                                                                                    un. $7
                                                                                       home fries & toast $2.99
 19          Noon - Good Friday, Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, St.                (Breakfast Specials Mon. - Fri.)
             Augustine Cathedral                                                    Lunch Specials Mon. - Fri. $6.95
                                                                                    Mon. - Sat. 6am-2pm / Sun. 7am-2pm
 20          7 p.m. - Easter Vigil, St. Augustine Cathedral

 21          11 a.m. - Easter Sunday Mass, San Xavier Mission, Tucson       2532 S. Kolb                                                              747-7536
                                                                                                                                        Serving Tucson 34 years
 23          5:30 p.m. - Confirmation, St. Bartholomew Church, San

 24-25 Mundelein Seminary Board of Advisors meeting,
       Mundelein, Ill.

 27          5:30 p.m. - Mass and Dinner, Conference and Education
             Center at Cathedral Square for parishioners of St.
             Augustine Cathedral

 28          Noon - Mass, Blessing and Ribbon Cutting, Conference and
             Education Center at Cathedral Square
             5:30 p.m. - Confirmation, St. Odilia Parish, Tucson

 29          5:30 p.m. - Religious Brothers Day, Mass and Dinner, Most
             Holy Trinity Parish, Tucson                                             This Good Friday, give them more than prayers.
 April 30-May 2            Priests’ Convocation, Chandler                    The Pontifical Good Friday Collection
                                                                              Learn more at MyFranciscan.org. Click on “Good Friday.”

                                                                                    Around the world, Christians are pulling together as
    Diocesan, Cathedral offices to close                                                        instruments of peace.

  Tuesday-Friday, March 26-29 for move                                         Please support the Good Friday Collection on April 19, 2019
                                                                                          The Pontifical Good Friday Collection
                                                                             Your contribution to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection helps
   The Diocesan Pastoral Center will close following the end of business
                                                                              preserve the most significant and holiest places of our faith.
at 4:30 p.m., March 25, as offices are relocated to the new Conference
and Education Center at Cathedral Square, opening for business at 8 a.m.,
April 1. The new address for the diocesan and parish offices will be the
                                                                                     Commissariat of the Holy Land of the United States
Conference and Education Center at Cathedral Square, 192 S. Stone Ave.,       1400 Quincy Street N.E., Washington D.C. 20017 * MyFranciscan.org
#2, Tucson, AZ 85701.
Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson
6 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK                                                                                                                                                      APRIL 2019

 Tragic border tales play out at former monastery
Managing Editor
   First, there was panic, then
tears, then relief.
                                                                                                                               UPDATE: Twists and
   Claricia, 16, had been living
for three days at the former                                                                                                   turns in the story of
Benedictine Monastery in
Tucson, operated currently as
a shelter for refugees from at
                                                                                                                               Ashley and Rochelle
the US-Mexican border. She
was scanning the monastery’s
former chapel, looking for her                                                                                                    The tragic story of the children of Maria
brothers, Jose, 12, and Brandon,                                                                                               Ramos-Gomez is even more complicated than
11. Brandon had briefly                                                              Catholic Outlook photo by Michael Brown
                                                                                                                               what was written in the first story at left.
wandered off, and their mom,         Brandon, Jose, Claricia and Maria sit on a cot in the chapel of the former                   Teresa Cavendish, director of Operations
Maria, 41, had sent Jose to find     Benedictine Monastery                                                                     for Catholic Community Services, which
him.                                                                                                                           oversees the temporary shelter at the former
   Now, with neither brother in      the former monastery’s chapel.             Rev. Delle McCormick, of the
                                     Nearly a third of the refugees          Rincon Congregational Church,                     Benedictine Monastery, said the two young
sight, Claricia started to panic.
Holding back tears, Claricia         were children, attending with           United Church of Christ, 122 N.                   girls, identified by Maria as her daughters
started moving to the door. A        one or both parents.                    Craycroft Road, was speaking to                   Ashley, age 6, and Rochelle, age 7, were Maria’s
moment later, the two boys              During his comments, Father          a group that had just arrived, as                 nieces, not her daughters.
returned.                            Tureman talked about time he            aluminum serving containers of                       Speaking March 7, Cavendish said she was
   Earlier, when the family          spent in Libertad, Guatemala,           fresh fruit were passed among                     familiar with the case of the Guatemalan
was detained by Border               where Maria and her family              them.
                                     had left. After the service, he            Meanwhile, the Rev. Nancy                      family. Although Maria said she could not
Patrol, Claricia watched as
                                     spoke with her family, acting as        Meister, from Grace St. Paul’s                    recall what port of entry they traversed,
officials from US Department
of Immigration and Customs           a translator for the newspaper          Episcopal Church, 2331 E. Adams                   Cavendish said they entered the US through
Enforcement took away her            interview, assuring Maria that          St., assisted Sister Echenique                    Nogales, where Ashley and Rochelle were
two “sisters,” Ashley, 6, and        the reporter was “mi amigo,” a          and Father Tureman with the                       presented as Maria’s daughters.
Rochelle, 7. They could not stay     friend.                                 distribution of ashes.                               Maria’s sister – their mother – is currently
with Claricia’s family because          Prior to the service, Rocio             During the service, the                        living in the US, although Cavendish said her
they did not have papers with        Zamora, another volunteer,              refugees sat on the cots and
                                                                                                                               exact whereabouts are unknown. While Maria
proper identification, Maria said.   from Our Mother of Sorrows              recited the prayers, led by Sister
                                     Parish, mentioned the reporter’s        Echenique. As they received                       presented papers asserting her guardianship
   When asked where they had
crossed or where they might          presence, and asked if there was        ashes, without fail, children                     of the children, that was not, according to US
find the young girls, neither        any objection to photos being           would have their foreheads                        authorities, sufficient to allow them to enter
Maria nor Claricia knew which        taken. The vast majority did not        smeared and then step to the                      this country with the rest of the family that had
port of entry they traversed. It     want pictures taken; Maria and a        right, to wait for their parents,                 brought them safely to the border.
was dark when they arrived and       few others approved.                    rather than return to their cots                     Cavendish said that the children were
when their entrance to the US           Later, Father Tureman                alone. As the service concluded,
                                                                                                                               transmitted to the federal Office of Refugee
was being processed.                 joked with Jose and Brandon,            the refugees formed a giant circle
                                     addressing them as “captains,”          and recited the Our Father.                       Resettlement and most likely are no longer in
   Interviewed on March 6,
                                     and snapping to a salute. The                                                             Arizona. They would have been transferred to
Ash Wednesday, at the former
monastery, they knew only            boys, however, corrected                        Emma and Mario                            a shelter for children out of state.
that in two days, they would be      him, and told him they were                                                                  There is no guarantee that Ashley and
put on a bus to Indiana, where       “generales,” which elicited a              As the crowd dissipated, a                     Rochelle will be in the same facility, or even in
a sponsor will be waiting for        hasty apology from the priest.          young couple, Emma, 41, and                       the same state.
them.                                   Father Tureman admitted              Mario, 35, came forward. They
                                                                                                                                  Protocol will have federal workers try to find
                                     feeling inspired by the refugees        were excited because they
                                     who traveled thousands of miles         would be leaving the next day,                    the mother and investigate her status and the
        Father Tureman
                                     to reach Tucson from their points       after five days in the Tucson                     safety of her home, before trying to reunify the
   Salvatorian Father Thomas         of origin. “Being around these          shelter. They traveled with                       children, assuming she can prove her status as
Tureman had stopped by the           people really invigorates me,” he       their two-year-old daughter,                      their biological mother.
Tucson location to deliver a         said.                                   Carla, from Guerrero, a state                        In a best-case scenario, Cavendish said, the
check to shelter leaders, a gift                                             in southwest Mexico known in                      children’s situation could be resolved as swiftly
from a member of Most Holy                   Ecumenical help                 the US for seaside venues like
                                                                                                                               as 30-45 days.
Trinity Parish where he is                                                   Acapulco, and, increasingly, for
                                        The front of the chapel,             escalating gang activity. The                        However, if the mother can’t be located or
pastor. Father Tureman, who
                                     stripped of all its religious           family’s bus trip will take them                  the placement is not suitable, Maria would have
visits Central America regularly
after having served in the           artifacts, was filled with cots         to a sponsor family residing in                   another chance for guardianship, depending on
region in previous assignments,      and blankets courtesy of the            North Carolina.                                   the type of documentation she has.
volunteered to join the Ash          American Red Cross. At the                 As Carla and Mario left                           “If nobody’s right is established, then it gets
Wednesday prayer service             back were two aisles of about 15        the chapel, another group of                      more complicated,” Cavendish added. Until
organized by Dominican Sister        pews each, where new arrivals           new arrivals entered for their                    some resolution occurs, “the children will
Gladys Echenique, diocesan           were greeted by volunteers and          orientation. Based on earlier
                                     briefed about where they were           reports, the latest group will                    remain in a shelter.”
Hispanic Ministry coordinator.
During the service, he spoke         and the next steps that would           likely push the overnight
to the 45 refugees gathered in       occur on their journey.                 population to close to 200.
Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson
APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                        CATHOLIC OUTLOOK 7

                                                                                                     St. Joseph’s Youth Camp
 New outreach plan for the                                                                                                   Rooted in Tradition and Values
                                                                                                                        23 miles southeast of Flagstaff at Mormon Lake

 Office of Hispanic Ministry                                                           Register Campers ages 8-15 NOW and SAVE $50
                                                                                                                 DISCOUNT ENDS MARCH 31ST (reg. $650)
   Because of the V Encuentro,           that serve under the umbrella of the
                                                                                   6 Days-6 Nights, Lodging, Food, Camp T-shirt, Horseback Riding, Hiking, Kayaking, Archery,
the diocesan Office of Hispanic          Hispanic Ministry and assist Msgr.       Shelter Building, Campfire and Telescope Nights, DVD of the fun-filled activities, and much more!
Ministry adopted a new plan for          Raul Trevizo, Vicar for Hispanic
outreach. Among the priorities are       Ministry and other spiritual advisors                                              TEENS: ages 13-15 June 23 - 29
to promote more evangelization           of these movements;                                                                Campers: ages 8-12 June 30 - July 6
                                                                                                                            Campers: ages 8-12 July 7 - 13
and to accompany the Hispanic               - To be more accessible to meet
community where they are at in           all the pastors, listen to them and to                                             Counselor Candidate Training $225: ages 16-17 June 16-22
their educational development.           collaborate with them for the good                                                 Includes all training material, CPR/AED, food, lodging, camp t-shirts, DVD, and much more!

Another priority is to be more           of the community;                        REGISTER TODAY! www.SJYCAZ.com • admin@SJYCAZ.com • 480-449-0848
accessible, to meet all the pastors,        - To promote more evangelization
to listen to them and to collaborate     and to accompany the Hispanic
with them for the good of the            Community where they are at in
community.                               their educational development;
   The strategy features:                   - To engage with all groups at
   - Focusing on increasing outreach,    the parish level to invite them to
contact and education to facilitate      collaborate with the Office of the
coordination and knowledge;              Hispanic Ministry.
   - Increasing access to                   These are the three points
communities in other parts of our        discussed in each one of the parish
diocese that are often overlooked        visits:
or on the fringes in counties such as       - Advocacy: Let the priests know
Gila, Pinal, Cochise, Yuma and our       who are the ones that finished
more southern counties.                  Ministerial Formation Levels I and
   Recommendations:                      II – in Spanish and English; Share
   - To be able to spend more time       the curriculum with the priests
with parishes and communities            (overview and objectives of each
and less time in the chancery            class);
office, being present for chancery          - Encouragement: Ministerial
meetings and as needed, but with         Formation Level I, II, III in
more intentional relationship            Spanish and English; Develop/
development in parishes and              update curriculum of ecclesiology
communities;                             to enhance active role and
   - To organize the Ministerial         responsibility of laity. (Current
Formation Program Level I, II, III in    curriculum focuses more heavily on
the peripheries of the diocese;          the hierarchical aspect of Church
   - To visit every parish that          and not the practical implications
has Spanish Masses to encounter          for lay leaders in parishes and
the people, listen to them and           schools);
to promote more formation                   - Foster creativity: Spaces for a
opportunities that could be of           parishioner to be and to be heard
benefit to each community;               - especially young people (ages
   - To accompany the different          16-30).
apostolic and diocesan movements
V ENCUENTRO continued from page 3        Family Movement – Movimiento
                                         Familiar Cristiano – led locally by
 Somerton – is for more training in      Sergio and Rosalba Cardona. The
 ecclesiology, or the structure of the   movement is active in a number
 Church.                                 of Spanish-speaking parishes in
    Hispanic ministry leaders may        the Diocese already, and she will
 want to bring in a speaker from         assist the other parishes make
 out-of-town or out-of-state, but        connections with the Cardonas to
 don’t understand that they need         train lead couples in those areas
 to have the pastor’s permission to      where it is requested.
 do that, she said. Diocesan policy         Bishop Weisenburger celebrated
 also requires that all speakers have    Mass at a regional gathering of the
 background checks and that they         Movimiento March 9 at St. Joseph
 are vetted as part of its protection    Church in Tucson, with more than
 requirements.                           100 families attending.
    Another goal of V Encuentro             There are other ministries that
 is to provide ongoing support for       the parishes can use to support
 families and for young people. At       Hispanic families and nurture
 least three parishes asked her for      leadership, including Cursillo,
 help with bringing the Christian        Charismatic renewal and Arco Iris.        The Diocese of Tucson, its parishes or ministries do not support or advocate on behalf of this tour company and are not liable for its actions.
                                                                                               Consumers are encouraged to research all tour packages and cancellation details before making business decisions.
Diocesan home A new - The Diocesan Conference and Education Center at Cathedral - Diocese of Tucson
8 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK                                           CATHEDRAL SQUARE                                                                      APRIL 2019

After a decade of planning and building, Cathedral Square is complete
By MICHAEL BROWN                         the north side of the Cathedral)
Managing Editor                          are progressing. The area will be
   With the opening of the               dedicated to Msgr. Arsenio Carrillo,
Conference and Education Center at       who served as Cathedral rector for
Cathedral Square in April, diocesan      many years. Drawings have been
leaders reach the end of more than       completed and fundraising efforts
a decade of work on the campus           continue. A grand concert is being
marking the bishop’s seat and            planned for September to help raise
administrative headquarters.             funds. Vicki Carr and Mariachi
   The Conference and Education          Cobre have already committed to
Center represents the last in a series   the event.
of building projects collectively           “Cathedral Parish is taking bids
referred to as the Cathedral Square      on the painting of the Cathedral’s
Project. A snapshot of each of           exterior, and I hope that the parish
the elements follows in order of         can begin that project soon. The
completion:                              renovation of the interior is a
                                         much more expensive and complex
      St. Augustine Cathedral            project. Any effort to restore the
                                         interior will need careful study.”
   St. Augustine Cathedral,                 Other changes to the Cathedral
which has undergone numerous             were made in 2008. In the bishop’s
renovations over the decades, saw        Feb. 18 Monday Memo, he wrote:
major changes made in 2007-08,              “With the painting of the dome        will highlight the window openings.       Bishop Kicanas and the Catholic
including the renovation of the          in copper, the painting of the south     The design of the ‘surrounds’           Foundation, which had been doing
placita and the addition of a band       tower of the Cathedral was nearly        reflects elements already present on    the fundraising for the chapel
shell, both dedicated to longtime        completed last week. And, most of        the Cathedral’s exterior.”              project, hired John Alan, the
rector, Msgr. Arsenio Carrillo.          the façade wall received a first coat.                                           designer who worked on an earlier
   In his Monday Memo from April         We are really beginning to see how               Cathedral Rectory               Cathedral re-design, to create a
16, 2007, Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas       our Cathedral is going to look!
wrote:                                      “Also last week, crews from Jim          The parish rectory, the oldest
   “Efforts to restore the Cathedral     Wood Masonry began to install the        building on campus, dating back to
placita (the small park area on          exterior concrete ‘surrounds’ that       the 1890s, underwent interior and           In his Jan. 25 Monday
                                                                                  exterior renovation including code
                                                                                                                                Memo, he wistfully
                  ST. AUGUSTINE CATHEDRAL                                         upgrades in 2016.
                                                                                                                                wrote: “Right now,
                                                                                          Our Lady’s Chapel                      only remnants of
                                                                                     Our Lady’s Chapel was built                   the lovely little
                                                                                  in 1916 for the area’s Anglo                 chapel remain – the
                                                                                  population. It was built a year after
                                                                                  Marist College, but its use as a
                                                                                                                                  beautiful domed
                                                                                  chapel was relatively short-lived. It         alcove at the entry
                                                                                  was then made part of the Marist             way, classic images
                                                                                  College campus.
                                                                                     Under Marist, the chapel space
                                                                                                                                 of the Evangelists
                                                                                  was used to host dances and as                 and the tiny choir
                                                                                  a gymnasium until about 1968,                 loft with a delicate
                                                                                  according to diocesan Property and
                                                                                  Insurance Director John Shaheen.                   bannister.
                                                                                     At some point, the chapel was
                                                                                  closed. Then, it was haphazardly        beautiful new interior.
                                                                                  converted into what became                 In January of 2016, Bishop
                                                                                  known as the “Marian Data               Kicanas wrote about the extensive
                                                                                  Center” in the early days of office     and varied uses of the chapel.
                                                                                  computers. Modern lighting and air      “It was converted into an office
                                                                                  conditioning were added.                building for use by the Diocesan
                                                                                     Then, that use too was abandoned     Pastoral Center. That development
                                                                                  and the once beautiful chapel had       robbed the space of its original
                                                                                  been vacant and used for storage for    beauty and created a functional
                                                                                  many years. It was also a painting      area devoid of the sacredness and
                                                                                  prep room for a remodel of St.          loveliness of the building.
                                                                                  Augustine Cathedral before Bishop          “For the last 10 years the
                                                                                  Kicanas decided in 2014 to restore      building has been deteriorating,
                                                                                  the space to its original use.          unused and unappreciated. Work
APRIL 2019                                                 CATHEDRAL SQUARE                                                               CATHOLIC OUTLOOK 9

                                                                                                           Catholic school, the structure – designed by
                                    OUR LADY’S CHAPEL                                                      Bishop Henry Granjon and built in 1915 – is the
                                                                                                           tallest unfired adobe structure in the state and is
                                                                                                           listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
                                                                                                              In a series of Monday Memos in June of 2016,
                                                                                                           the bishop mentioned both the college building
                                                                                                           – which had fallen into serious disrepair – and
                                                                                                           the Bishop Moreno Pastoral Center’s roles in
                                                                                                           the Cathedral Square Project: “Marist College,
                                                                                                           soon to be called The Marist … will be restored
                                                                                                           and will contain seven low-income senior living
                                                                                                           apartments and a recreation center. The Marist
                                                                                                           will be joined by a seven-story building housing
                                                                                                           an additional 75 apartments for seniors where
                                                                                                           our current Pastoral Center now is located.”
                                                                                                              The Marist project was financed by the
                                                                                                           Foundation for Senior Living, FSL, a non-profit
                                                                                                           whose goal is to provide affordable housing units
                                                                                                           in urban areas.
                                                                                                              FSL is affiliated with Catholic Charities of
                                                                                                           Phoenix, and The Marist on Cathedral Square
                                                                                                           was its first foray into the Tucson market. The
                                                                                                           former Marist College building was leased to FSL
                                                                                                           and the Bishop Moreno Pastoral Center, located
                                                                                                           a block away, was sold to FSL by the Catholic
                                                                                                           Foundation for $2.5 million.
                                                                                                              Diocesan staff vacated the Bishop Moreno
began last month to restore this jewel in our         was removed from the chapel’s southern wall.         Pastoral Center in October of 2016, renting
community to its original splendor as a place for        Work on the chapel progressed. From the           office space at the former Providence Building
prayer and reflection as well as for small church     March 7, Monday Memo:                                located at 64 E. Broadway Blvd., four blocks east.
celebrations.”                                           “Work continues at Our Lady’s Chapel where        In 2017, the pastoral center was demolished and
   In his Jan. 25 Monday Memo, he wistfully           plumbing and vent work for heating and cooling       work on the new seven-story building, called
wrote: “Right now, only remnants of the lovely        is being installed. Thanks to Patricia and Patrick   Midrise, began. Renovations on the former
little chapel remain – the beautiful domed alcove     Schifano … who donated a beautiful Lowry organ       College building and construction of the Midrise
at the entry way, classic images of the Evangelists   owned by their mother Florence Madas for use in      were funded by FSL.
and the tiny choir loft with a delicate bannister.    the chapel.”                                            By 2018, the former Marist College building
At one time, the original lighting, probably             On Oct. 16, 2016, Bishop Kicanas formally
                                                                                                                        See CATHEDRAL SQUARE on page 10
chandelier style light fixtures, were removed         rededicated Our Lady’s Chapel.
to put in ‘modern’ fluorescent lighting for the
employees working in the newly-named Marian                     Marist on Cathedral Square
Data Center. It’s funny now that the Diocese of
the past called the chapel space that name, since        Over the course of its history, Marist College
computers and technology of the 1970s and             served a variety of needs, including as the
1980s seem so archaic today.”                         Diocesan Pastoral Center until diocesan leaders
   A week later, an addition containing an office     moved to a nearby building in 2001. A one-time
10 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK               CATHEDRAL SQUARE                                                             APRIL 2019

                      MARIST COLLEGE

                                                                                    up to 500 people and training rooms
                                           CATHEDRAL SQUARE continued               for ministries or community use;
                                           from page 9
                                                                                    and the third and fourth floors will
                                           was completely occupied, and
                                                                                    be the new home of the Diocesan
                                           the Midrise was approaching full
                                                                                    Pastoral Center offices.
                                                                                        “Such a facility has been long-
                                                                                    needed in our diocese and will
                                            Conference and Education Center
                                                                                    allow the Cathedral Parish and the
                                                  on Cathedral Square
                                                                                    Diocese to hold larger gatherings
                                                                                    without having to rent space or find
                                              In February of 2016, Bishop
                                                                                    locations elsewhere in the Diocese.”
                                           Kicanas explained in the Monday
                                                                                        The bishop noted that because
                                           Memo that the cost to renovate the
                                                                                    the former hall fell in a historic
                                           Cathedral hall to code would be $4
                                                                                    district, the Diocese needed Tucson
                                           million and the building would still
                                                                                    City Council approval to demolish
                                           be too small to meet the needs of
                                                                                    it, and that was not going to be an
                                           the Diocese and the parish.
                                                                                    easy task.
                                              Later that year, he explained
                                                                                        “We hope the City Council can
                                           his vision for the final part of
                                                                                    imagine, as we do, a fully restored
                                           the Cathedral Square project, the
                                                                                    Cathedral Square with three richly
                                           Education and Conference Center,
                                                                                    historic buildings brought back
                                           unpacking it in a series of Monday
                                                                                    to life and beauty to serve the
                                           Memos beginning in June:

                                           “     Because of asbestos remediation, there were
                                                 delays in the demolition of the building. The
                                                removal was completed by December of 2016.

                                              “The final project of Cathedral
                                           Square is the removal of the
                                           outdated parish hall. The hall was
                                                                                    community and the Church, and
                                                                                    that our request will be granted so
                                                                                    that the new four-story building can
                                                                                    be built to accommodate the needs
                                           constructed in 1916 but was built
                                                                                    of this diocese and our ministries,
                                           to address the needs of a parish
                                                                                    the St. Augustine Cathedral Parish
                                           with 300 people. The hall is now far
                                                                                    and the larger downtown Tucson
                                           too small for even parish needs, let
                                                                                    community as a valuable meeting
                                           alone the needs of the Diocese and
                                                                                    place resource.”
                                           its ministries.
                                                                                       The Diocese was successful in
                                              “In its place, we plan to build a
                                                                                    communicating that vision. Bishop
                                           four-story complex to house offices
                                                                                    Kicanas reported the following
                                           and meeting rooms for St. Augustine
                                                                                    week that the council approved the
                                           Parish; an entire floor that will have
                                                                                    demolition of the hall in a 7-0 vote.
                                           state-of-the-art conference space for
APRIL 2019                                                            CATHEDRAL SQUARE              CATHOLIC OUTLOOK 11

                                                       CONFERENCE AND EDUCATION CENTER

“My thanks to everyone who made the time to attend the long meeting.
Your presence and the information presented by some of you to the City
Council played a tremendous role in helping the council make its decision.”
   Because of asbestos remediation, there were delays in the demolition of
the building. The removal was completed by December of 2016.
   In September 2017, the Diocese received a building permit to begin
construction of a $19.8 million, four-story, 55,000-square-foot structure
that would feature the large hall and offices for the Cathedral staff and the
   “This is not your typical square-box office building,” said longtime
fundraiser and Cathedral Foundation Interim Director Ernie Nedder.
“When you look at this building, you will know it has character. It was
designed with the intention of being something really special.”
   On April 1, the Education and Conference Center at Cathedral Square
officially opened.

                Feeding the crew
                                                         Catholic Outlook photos by Michael Brown
 At several points during construction of the Conference and Education Center at
 Cathedral Square, Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger has bought lunch for the work
 crew. On Feb. 20, he treated them to Street Tacos, as a sign of his appreciation for
 their hard work.
12 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK                                                                                                                                          APRIL 2019

Sales, solicitations and loans: How financing Cathedral Square made cents
By MICHAEL BROWN                                                                                                                 the building. Following subsequent
Managing Editor                                                                                                                  removal of exterior asbestos, the
   When a diocese embarks on                                                                                                     hall was demolished.
a project that includes a historic                                                                                                  In September of 2017, the
church, a chapel, a four-story office                                                                                            Diocese received the building
building and two structures listed                                                                                               permit to begin construction
on the National Register of Historic                                                                                             of a $19.8 million, four-story,
Place, it’s not going to be cheap.                                                                                               55,000-square-foot structure that
   Spread those plans and costs over                                                                                             would feature a 500-seat state-of-
a decade and funding isn’t going to                                                                                              the-art event and education center,
be easy either.                                                                                                                  with offices for the Cathedral Parish
   Somehow – through a series of                                                                                                 and the Diocese of Tucson.
sales, solicitations and loans – with                                                                                               In December 2017, a Catholic
the oversight of diocesan fundraiser                                                                                             Outlook article talked about the
extraordinaire Ernie Nedder, and                                                                                                 impact of the entire project upon
a closing loan of about $2 million,                                                                                              the larger downtown neighborhood:
the Cathedral Square Project will                                                                                                “The Cathedral Square project
be complete with a price tag of $21                                                                                              was projected, along with other
million.                                                                                                                         downtown revitalization projects, to
   Here’s how funding worked:                                                                                                    create a string of new construction,
   In 2007-08, there were repairs                                                                                                bringing in an estimated $40 million
that needed to be done to St.                                                                                                    in building projects into downtown
Augustine Cathedral. Some funds                                                                                                  Tucson. Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas
were raised, but then the Cathedral                                                                                              said it reflected the Diocese’s
rectory needed work. The Marist                                                                                                  commitment to investing and
College building had been closed as                                                                                              staying in downtown.”
an unsafe structure following the                                                                                                   As the plans for the building
collapse of one corner of its adobe                                                                Catholic Outlook file photo   developed, construction in Tucson
walls. The parish hall, one building    Ernie Nedder                                                                             began heating up and with more
away, needed $4 million in repairs                                                                                               demand came higher labor costs.
                                        corner even was washed out when
or would face demolition; the once-                                                                                                 Donations and pledges were
                                        rainwater drainage features failed             Our Lady’s Chapel
beautiful Our Lady’s Chapel was                                                                                                  already in for $5 million, and the
                                        and the backed-up water led to
relegated to a storage room.                                                                                                     Catholic Foundation contributed
                                        structural failure.                       By 2016, renovations on Our
   Over the next five years, the                                                                                                 the $2.5 million from the sale of the
                                           Marist was vacant and close to      Lady’s Chapel were well underway.
buildings were assessed, and plans                                                                                               former pastoral center.
                                        demolition when diocesan leaders       The original cost was supposed
were sketched and prioritized.                                                                                                      St. Augustine Cathedral
                                        began talks with the Foundation        to be $500,000, but unforeseen
   In 2015, Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas                                                                                             contributed $1.5 million, raised
                                        for Senior Living, FSL, a non-profit   building problems caused the price
turned to Nedder, his former                                                                                                     from the sale of the former All
                                        whose goal is to provide affordable    tag to jump to $1 million, Nedder
chancellor and multi-talented                                                                                                    Saints Catholic Elementary School
                                        housing units in urban areas.          said.
administrator. Nedder had retired                                                                                                and St. Augustine Cathedral parish
                                           FSL is affiliated with Catholic        Gerry Chouinard, founder of
as executive director of the Catholic                                                                                            religious education building on 6th
                                        Charities of Phoenix, and it was       Our Lady of the Sierras Shrine
Foundation earlier that year, but                                                                                                Street. In addition, the Catholic
                                        looking to help meet the affordable    in Hereford, made a $500,000
Nedder agreed to come back to help                                                                                               Foundation pitched in another $3
                                        housing needs for seniors in the       donation to start the project.
raise money for Cathedral Square.                                                                                                million for a total of $5.5 million.
                                        Tucson area. FSL would take on the        Through the work of Nedder and
   In an interview in 2018, Nedder                                                                                                  There were two large individual
                                        costly renovation and repair of the    Bishop Kicanas’ efforts, and with
recalled that the Diocese had                                                                                                    givers, with $2 million donations
                                        building but needed more real estate   the help of generous donors, the
completed a diocesanwide capital                                                                                                 each, and about 600 total donors to
                                        to make its senior housing project     extra money was raised, and Our
campaign in 2007, and “the bishop                                                                                                the project.
                                        economically viable. So, the Marist    Lady’s Chapel was rededicated on
promised the pastors that he would                                                                                                  The total combined cost of the
                                        College building was leased to FSL.    Oct. 16, 2016.
not do another one.” It meant that                                                                                               entire Cathedral Square project was
                                        The Bishop Moreno Pastoral Center
all the solicitations had to be done                                                                                             $21 million.
                                        and the land below it, located about   Conference and Education Center
privately, through personal contacts.                                                                                               Speaking in late June of 2018,
                                        a block away, was sold to FSL for
                                                                                                                                 Nedder said that through these
                                        $2.5 million.                             In February of 2016, Bishop
          Marist College                                                                                                         donations and others, the Catholic
                                           In early 2017, the Bishop Moreno    Kicanas explained in his Monday
                                                                                                                                 Foundation raised more than $18
                                        Pastoral Center was demolished         Memo that the cost to renovate the
   The Marist College building – a                                                                                               million in pledges, with solicitations
                                        and work on the new seven-story        Cathedral hall - designed to serve a
one-time Catholic school built                                                                                                   continuing.
                                        FSL building, called Midrise, began.   much smaller parish and to become
in 1915 – is the tallest unfired                                                                                                    By the time the building is ready
                                        Renovations on the former College      a useful building - would be $4
adobe structure in the state and is                                                                                              to open, the loan, held by the
                                        building and construction of the       million and the building would still
listed on the National Register of                                                                                               Catholic Order of Foresters, will
                                        Midrise were funded by FSL.            be too small to meet the needs of
Historic Places. However, as it was                                                                                              be $3.8 million. By 2021, when the
                                           Low-income senior renters           the Diocese and the parish. The
completing service as the diocesan                                                                                               pledges are due to be redeemed
                                        quickly lined up for the now-opened    Diocese received permission of
administrative offices in 2001, it                                                                                               fully, the loan will be reduced to $2
                                        space in late 2018 and early 2019.     the Tucson City Council to raze
was showing its wear. In 2005, one                                                                                               million.
APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                   CATHOLIC OUTLOOK 13

               Racism and the criminal justice system
    Editor’s note: With this edition,                                                                                       has narrowed somewhat in recent
we begin an eight-part series of                                                                                            years, African Americans are still
reflections on “Open Wide Our                                                                                               incarcerated at more than five times
Hearts,” a pastoral letter on racism                                                                                        the rate of whites.
issued by the US Conference of                                                                                                 African Americans are more
Catholic Bishops in 2018. Links to the                                                                                      likely to experience traffic stops,
original document and other resources                                                                                       searches and juvenile arrests, and
can be found on the diocesan website,                                                                                       receive harsher sentences and
www.diocesetucson.org.                                                                                                      greater length of sentencing.
                                                                                                                               Recent headlines have also raised
   In the November 2018 pastoral         for drug and non-violent offenses.        surface, racial disparities appear in    questions about treatment by law
letter against racism, “Open Wide        Recognizing that the default              every stage of the criminal justice      enforcement of persons of color,
Our Hearts,” the USCCB urges             response to social ills such as           system, which has built the resulting    with studies pointing to racial
all Catholics to acknowledge “the        mental illness, drug addiction,           prison and jail population over          disparities in use of non-lethal force
scourge of racism” that still exists     homelessness, unemployment and            decades.                                 against African Americans and
in our hearts, words, actions and        illiteracy is too often incarceration,      Whites and African Americans           Hispanics.
institutions. Racism is rooted in a      the bishops have advocated for            engage in drug use at similar rates,        We must continue to work and
failure to acknowledge the human         sentencing reform and increased           but African Americans are much           pray against the evils of racism,
dignity of people of a different race.   use of rehabilitative and restorative     more likely to be arrested for it.       particularly as it may manifest in
Racism does not reflect the inner        justice programs that focus on              Although the gap among                 our criminal justice system and in
life of God - the Triune unity of        education, literacy, job-placement        incarceration rates of different races   the way that laws are enforced.
three-in-one - that we are called        and substance-abuse treatment.
to imitate. Racism manifests itself          Over the past four decades, there
in sinful individual actions, which      has been a 500 percent increase in
contribute to structures of sin that     the number of people incarcerated
perpetuate division and inequality,      in the US, which now totals roughly
as has been seen throughout              2.2 million. Contributing factors
our nation’s history and into the        to this increase include mandatory
present. One such structure in need      minimum sentences, harsher
of conversion is the criminal justice    sentences for non-violent drug
system.                                  offenses, “three-strikes” laws and
   In “Responsibility, Rehabilitation    changes in policing. The US now has
and Restoration: A Catholic              the highest rate of incarceration in
Perspective on Crime and Criminal        the world. With five percent of the
Justice,” the US Catholic bishops        world’s population, the US houses
wrote, “Racism and discrimination        roughly 25 percent of the world’s
that continue to haunt our nation        prisoners.
are reflected in similar ways in             Currently, African Americans
the criminal justice system.”            and Hispanics/Latinos make up 56
For decades, the bishops have            percent of prisoners but are only
recognized the limited utility of        28 percent of the US population.
mandatory minimum sentencing             Although “color blind” on the

              For more information                                 Pray with St. John Paul II                 discrimination on the basis of racial and ethnic
                                                              “Lord God, our Father, you created the          difference. Forgive us and grant us the grace to
         “Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and            human being, man and woman, in your image           heal the wounds still present in your community
   Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime           and likeness, and you willed the diversity of           on account of sin, so that we will all feel
               and Criminal Justice”                     peoples within the unity of the human family.           ourselves to be your sons and daughters.”
      http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/             At times, however, the equality of your sons
     human-life-and-dignity/criminal-justice-              and daughters has not been acknowledged,                (Universal Prayer on the Day of Pardon)
  restorative-justice/crime-and-criminal-justice.        and Christians have been guilty of attitudes of
                        cfm                              rejection and exclusion, consenting to acts of

    Copyright © 2018, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights            Prayer from Pope John Paul II, Universal Prayer, March 12, 2000,
  reserved. This text may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration     copyright © 2000, Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV), Vatican City. Used with
 for nonprofit educational use, provided such reprints are not sold and include                          permission. All rights reserved.
  this notice. All photos © iStock Photo. Models used for illustrative purposes.
        This resource and many others are available at usccb.org/racism.
14 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK                                                                                                                                     APRIL 2019

  Make a difference by looking out for those in need
   Every day there are elderly adults with                                                                    her that they had a special present for her inside
cognitive impairments being victimized by                                                                     the van. The girl had learned in her religious
financial scams or physical abuse. There are                         OUR CALL TO PROTECT                      education class what to do: She began to scream
children being harmed and neglected and women                        Dr. Rosemary Celaya-Alston, M.A., Ed.D   and ran away from the van toward a home
being battered by a spouse or partner. Also tragic                                                            across the street. The van sped away. The child’s
are situations with people with developmental                                                                 attention in class and the work of those teachers
disabilities who may not be able to tell others       their fears.                                            in preparing students about dangerous situations
they are being abused. Many of these individuals         An investigation found that the “caring”             may have saved the child’s life.
already need society’s care and attention;            woman he had trusted was financially exploiting            No matter what work we do, we all can play a
then, they face the added stress and danger of        (the act of using someone for your own personal         role in helping those unable to help themselves.
experiencing violence in their lives.                 gain) the elderly man and had begun to deplete          This help can come from a neighbor or utility
   In and around the Diocese of Tucson, there are     his bank account. Several other supporting              worker’s intuition about a longtime resident
lay ministers, children, clergy, volunteers, public   documents also were filed with investigators:           or customer and a call to law enforcement or
safety employees and community members                A teller at the bank who observed the woman             social services for a welfare check. It can come
who demonstrate amazing commitment and                coming in and withdrawing large sums of                 from a teacher taking time to give students age-
willingness to confront these types of violence       money from his account; a utility worker who            appropriate skills to help them be savvier and to
and abuse. It takes a special individual to           had known the man for years and who reported            protect themselves at a moment of surprise.
stand up and do the right thing. This help also                                                                  Following your gut when an elderly or lonely
can come from family members who witness              If a person is telling you they need                    person is telling you about their life - and finding
questionable situations, neighbors who hold the       help, they are looking for answers                      a good resource for them safely to share their
confidence of a disabled person, or caring church                                                             needs with proper caregivers – is a way we can
ministers or parishioners who become aware of a
                                                      or support. You can give them that                      help.
situation requiring attention.                               dignity and that help.                              If a person is telling you they need help, they
   In one of our parishes several years ago, a                                                                are looking for answers or support. You can give
female parishioner observed an older parishioner      that he could see that the elderly man was not          them that dignity and that help.
(in his late 80s) in need. He said he could no        well; and a postal worker who saw the female               I challenge you to take these examples to
longer see to drive and had just lost his wife to     intercepting the man’s mail.                            heart, and to find ways you too can create safety
cancer. This person had no one to assist him and         The woman was charged and convicted of               in the lives of those around us through the shared
so this female parishioner began to assume a          financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult and is     willingness to step up, address and prevent
caregiving role. She determined very quickly that     currently serving time in prison.                       violence.
he had money.                                            A second example, from a director of religious          Everyone deserves to live a life that is safe and
   In time, other parishioners noticed the man’s      education in our diocese, involved a nine-year-         free from fear. Many of us can achieve that on
physical decline and increasing isolation. Several    old girl walking from her school to her home            our own; it’s up to us to look out for vulnerable
of these observant parishioners contacted the         less than a mile away. According to the DRE, a          individuals needing our assistance.
police and adult protective services to report        black van with two men came up to her and told

           Prayer, fasting help us renew our focus on what’s important
    “Where can we fix our gaze, then, throughout                                                              “upon the crucified one,” we must take our eyes
 this Lenten journey? Upon the crucified one.”                            THAT ALL MAY                        off ourselves. Prayer, fasting and charitable
                                   - Pope Francis                                                             action develop that in us.
                                                                         KNOW THE SAVIOR                         Prayer keeps us in a right relationship. It
    Pope Francis’ Ash Wednesday homily brought                                  Peggy Guerrero                reminds us that God is God and we are not.
 to our attention what the focus of our Lenten                                                                Prayer renders to God what is God’s and helps
 journey is to be. He reminded us to stay on          of removing what is in the way so that we can           take us to the place of knowing how little else we
 guard against the lure of consumerism, the           move in a new direction.                                need. Doing without, fasting, is much more than
 seductive pull that “having things” will fill that      Fasting is very difficult in our time. We are        the absence of the thing or the experience itself.
 place in us that only God can fill. At this mid-     inundated with messages that having anything            Fasting sharpens our appetite for what truly
 point of Lent, it is good to be reminded of how                                                              matters. It lets us stand in solidarity with others
 our Lenten practices form us and help us keep              Prayer keeps us in a right                        who are hungry, not by their choice. Prayer
 our focus on God’s love for us, poured out in           relationship. It reminds us that                     and fasting, authentically practiced, move us to
 Jesus.                                                                                                       almsgiving, moving out of ourselves through
    “Prayer reunites us to God; charity, to our        God is God and we are not. Prayer                      actions of compassion.
 neighbor; fasting, to ourselves,” Pope Francis           renders to God what is God’s                           We are “practicing Catholics,” and out of
 reminds us. The active practices of prayer,                                                                  our practice we become formed to the mind
 fasting and almsgiving take us far beyond the
                                                        and helps take us to the place of                     of Christ. Our Lenten practice is not an end in
 mindset of “giving up something for Lent.” Even       knowing how little else we need.                       itself. It prepares us to walk with Christ through
 fasting, which we often equate with merely                                                                   his passion, death and resurrection. Easter is
 giving something up, orients us differently,         is the answer to our deepest need. Even                 coming.
 and this reorienting is the heart of repentance.     relationships are framed in terms of “having,”
 Through our Lenten practice, we do the work          rather than “being.” In order to keep our eye
APRIL 2019                                                                                                                                        CATHOLIC OUTLOOK 15

 Historias trágicas de la frontera en el antiguo monasterio
 Director Editorial
    Primero hubo pánico, luego
                                                                                                                      UPDATE: Idas y
 lágrimas y después, alivio.
    Claricia, de 16 años, llevaba
                                                                                                                      venidas en la historia
 tres días viviendo en el antiguo
 monasterio benedictino de
                                                                                                                      de Ashley y Rochelle
 Tucson, que actualmente                                                                                                 La trágica historia de las niñas de María
 funciona como albergue para                                                                                          Ramos-Gómez es aún más complicada que la
 refugiados capturados en la                                                                                          descrita en nuestra primera historia, incluida
 frontera de Estados Unidos y                                                                                         aquí.
 México. La jovencita recorría                                                                                           Teresa Cavendish, directora de Operaciones
 con la vista el recinto de la                                                                                        de los Servicios Comunitarios Católicos, quien
 antigua capilla del monasterio,                                                                                      supervisa el albergue temporal instalado en el
 buscando a sus hermanos,                                                                                             antiguo monasterio benedictino, dijo que las
 José, de 12 años, y Brandon,
                                                                                                                      dos niñas, identificadas por María como sus
 de 11. Brandon se había
                                                                                                                      hijas Ashley, de 6 años, y Rochelle, de 7 años,
 alejado momentáneamente, y
                                                                                                                      en realidad eran sus sobrinas, no sus hijas.
 su madre, María, de 41 años,                                                        Outlook foto por Michael Brown
                                                                                                                         En una conversación del 7 de marzo,
 había enviado a José a buscarlo. Rocio Zamora y Padre Tómas Tureman
                                                                                                                      Cavendish señaló que estaba familiarizada con
    Al no ver a ninguno de
                                  Thomas Tureman pasó por el           Antes del servicio, Rocío                      el caso de la familia guatemalteca. Aunque
 sus hermanos, Claricia entró
                                  albergue para entregar a los      Zamora, voluntaria de la                          María dijo que no podía recordar por cuál
 en pánico. Conteniendo las
                                  coordinadores una donación de parroquia de la Virgen                                puerto de entrada habían ingresado a Estados
 lágrimas, se dirigió hacia la
                                  un miembro de la Parroquia de Dolorosa, había mencionado                            Unidos, Cavendish dijo que lo habían hecho
 puerta, pero un momento
                                  la Santísima Trinidad, donde él la presencia del reportero y                        por Nogales, donde Ashley y Rochelle fueron
 después los dos niños
                                  es párroco. El padre Tureman,     preguntó si alguien se oponía                     presentadas como hijas de María.
                                  quien visita América Central      a que se tomaran fotos. La                           La hermana de María, y madre de las niñas,
    Días antes, cuando la familia
                                  periódicamente después            gran mayoría no quiso que les                     vive en los Estados Unidos, aunque Cavendish
 fue detenida por la policía
                                  de haber servido allí en          tomaran fotos, pero María y                       dijo que se desconoce su paradero exacto. Si
 fronteriza, Claricia había
                                  ocasiones en que fue asignado     algunos otros accedieron.                         bien María presentó documentos de tutela de
 visto a los funcionarios del
                                  a esa región, se ofreció para        Después, el padre Tureman                      las niñas, según las autoridades de EE. UU.,
 Departamento de Inmigración
                                  participar en el servicio de      bromeó con José y Brandon,                        eso no fue suficiente para permitir su ingreso
 y Control de Aduanas de
                                  oración del Miércoles de          dirigiéndose a ellos como                         a este país con los familiares que las habían
 Estados Unidos llevarse a
                                  Ceniza organizado por la          “capitanes” y ofreciendo un                       traído a la frontera a salvo.
 sus dos “hermanas”, Ashley,

                                  hermana domínica Gladys           saludo militar. Pero los niños lo                    Cavendish dijo que las niñas fueron
 6, y Rochelle, 7. Ellas no
 pudieron permanecer                                                                                                  trasladadas a la Oficina de Reasentamiento de
 con la familia de Claricia                                                                                           Refugiados y que probablemente ya no estén
 porque no contaban con la           Estar cerca de estas personas realmente me                                       en Arizona. Podrían haber sido trasladadas a
                                                                                                                      un albergue para niños fuera del estado.
 documentación requerida,                      revitaliza”, dijo Padre Tureman.                                          No hay garantía de que Ashley y Rochelle
 dijo María.
    Cuando se les preguntó                                                                                            estén en una misma instalación, o incluso en
                                  Echenique, coordinadora           corrigieron diciendo que eran                     el mismo estado.
 dónde habían cruzado o
                                  del Ministerio Hispano de la      “generales”, lo cual provocó                         Según el protocolo, los funcionarios
 dónde podrían encontrar a
                                  Diócesis. Durante el servicio     una instantánea disculpa del                      federales deberán intentar encontrar a la
 las niñas, ni María ni Claricia
                                  ofrecido en la capilla, Tureman sacerdote.                                          madre e investigar su estado y la seguridad
 sabían decir por qué puerto
                                  conversó con los 45 refugiados       El padre Tureman señaló                        de su hogar antes de tratar de reunificar a
 de entrada habían ingresado.
                                  presentes, de los cuales casi     que los refugiados, a pesar de                    las niñas, suponiendo que su madre pueda
 Estaba oscuro cuando llegaron
                                  la tercera parte eran niños       haber viajado miles de millas                     comprobar que es la madre biológica.
 y cuando se procesaba su
                                  acompañados por uno de sus        para llegar a Tucson desde sus                       En el mejor de los casos, dijo Cavendish,
 entrada a Estados Unidos.
                                  padres o por los dos.             puntos de partida, mostraban                      la situación de las niñas podría resolverse
    Cuando fueron entrevistadas
                                     El padre Tureman habló         buen ánimo.”Estar cerca de                        rápidamente, en cuestión de 30 a 45 días.
 en el monasterio el 6 de
                                  sobre el tiempo que pasó en       estas personas realmente me                       Sin embargo, si no es posible localizar a
 marzo, Miércoles de Ceniza,
                                  Libertad, Guatemala, de donde revitaliza”, dijo.                                    la madre, o si su situación no reúne las
 solo sabían que en dos días
                                  María y su familia se habían
 llevarían a la familia en un                                                                                         condiciones necesarias, María tendría otra
                                  ido. Después, conversó con                 Ayuda ecuménica
 autobús a Indiana, donde los                                                                                         oportunidad de tutela, dependiendo del tipo
                                  la familia, actuando como
 esperaría un patrocinador.                                                                                           de documentación que pueda presentar.
                                  intérprete para la entrevista        El frente de la capilla,
                                                                                                                         “Si no se establece el derecho de nadie, el
                                  del periódico tras asegurarle a   despojado de artefactos
          Padre Tureman                                                                                               caso se complicará”, agregó Cavendish. Hasta
                                  María que el reportero era un     religiosos, estaba lleno de
                                                                                                                      que se produzca alguna resolución, “las niñas
                                  amigo.                              El artículo continúa en la página 16
    El padre salvatoriano                                                                                             permanecerán en un albergue”.
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