Directorate General for Competition - Global Competition ...

Page created by Carmen Townsend

Directorate General for Competition
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 29 91111 (switchboard, European Commission)
Fax: +32 2 29 55437 (for general questions, DG Competition) (for general questions, DG Competition)

For queries relating to the response to this questionnaire:
Jonathan Todd
Tel: +32 2 29 94107


Margrethe Vestager                     Andrea Bomhoff                      Jose Maria Carpi Badia
Commissioner responsible for           Assistant to the director general   Deputy Head of Unit A-2:
competition policy                     with special responsibility for     Merger Case support and policy                   state aid
commission/2014-2019/vestager_en       Tel: +32 2 29 87100                 Barbara Brandtner
                                                                           Head of Unit A-3:
Johannes Laitenberger                  Rainer Wessely                      State Aid Policy and Scrutiny
Director general                       Assistant to the director general
Tel: +32 2 29 65745                    with special responsibility for     Anna Vernet
                                       mergers and antitrust               Head of Unit A-4:
Gert-Jan Koopman                       Tel: +32 2 29 92596                 European Competition Network
Deputy director general with                                               and Private Enforcement
special responsibility for state aid   Jonathan Todd
Tel: +32 2 29 93381                    Head of Unit 01:                    Eddy De Smijter
                                       Communications Policy and           Head of Unit A-5:
Cecilio Madero Villarejo               Inter-Institutional Relations       International Relations
Deputy director general with           Tel: +32 2 29 94107
special responsibility for antitrust                                       Directorate B
Tel: +32 2 29 60949                    Koen Van de Casteele                Céline Gauer
                                       Head of Unit 03:                    Director, Directorate B,
Carles Esteva Mosso                    State Aid Case Support              Markets and Cases I Energy and
Deputy director general with           Tel: +32 2 29 69419                 Environment
special responsibility for mergers                                         Tel: +32 2 29 63919
Tel: +32 2 29 69721                    Tea Broms
                                       Head of Unit 04:                    Johannes Lübking
Tommaso Valletti                       Strategy and Delivery               Head of Unit B-1:
Chief Competition Economist            Tel: +32 2 29 54436                 Antitrust Energy, Environment
Tel: +32 2 29 64270
                                       Directorate A                       Brigitta Renner-Loquenz
Giulio FEDERICO                        Kris Dekeyser                       Head of Unit B-2:
Head of Unit CE.1: Chief               Director, directorate A:            State Aid Energy, Environment I
Economist Team: Mergers                Policy and Strategy
Tel: +32 2 29 97954                    Tel: +32 2 29 54206                 Christof Lessenich
                                                                           Head of Unit B-3:
Fabienne ILZKOVITZ                     Rainer Becker                       State Aid Energy, Environment II
Principal Adviser                      Acting head of Unit A-1:
Tel: +32 2 2993379                     Antitrust Case Support and Policy                                                                              117

Hanna Anttilainen                    Jean Bergevin                         Philippe Chauve
Head of Unit B-4:                    Head of Unit D-2:                     Head of Task Force Food
Mergers Energy, Environment          Antitrust, Financial Services
                                                                           Directorate F
Directorate C                        Peer Ritter                           Henrik Mørch
Guillaume Loriot                     Head of Unit D-3:                     Director, Directorate F:
Director, Directorate C:             State Aid I, Task Force Financial     Markets and Cases V, Transport,
Markets And Cases II, Information,   Crisis                                Post And Other Services
Communication And Media                                                    Tel: +32 2 29 50766
Tel: +32 2 29 84988                  Anna Jarosz-Friis
                                     Head of Unit D-4:                     Hubert De Broca
Rita Wezenbeek                       State Aid II, Task Force Financial    Head of Unit F-1:
Head of Unit C-1:                    Crisis                                Antitrust, Transport, Post and
Antitrust,Telecoms                                                         Other Services
                                     Christophe Galand
Krzysztof Kuik                       Head of Unit D-5:                     Sophie Moonen
Head of Unit C-2:                    State Aid III, Task Force Financial   Head of Unit F-2:
Antitrust, Media                     Crisis                                State Aid, Transport

Nicholas Banasevic                   Alberto Bacchiega                     Monique Negenman
Head of Unit C-3:                    Head of Unit D-6:                     Head of Unit F-3:
Antitrust, IT, Internet and          Mergers, Financial Services           State Aid, Post and Other Services
Consumer Electronics
                                     Directorate E                         Daniel Boeshertz
Ewoud Sakkers                        Paul Csiszar                          Head of Unit F-4:
Head of Unit C-4:                    Director, Directorate E:              Mergers, Transport, Post and
State Aid, Information,              Markets and Cases IV, Basic           Other Services
Communication and Media              Industries, Manufacturing and
                                     Agriculture                           Directorate G
Michele Piergiovanni                 Tel: +32 2 29 84669                   Eric Van Ginderachter
Head of Unit C-5:                                                          Director, Directorate G:
Mergers, Information,                Dirk Van Erps                         Cartels
Communication and Media              Head of Unit E-1:                     Tel: +32 2 29 54427
                                     Antitrust, Pharma and Health
Thomas Kramler                       Services                              Gerald Miersch
Head of Sector C-TF                                                        Head of Unit G-1:
Task Force Digital Single Market     Natalia Lazarova                      Cartels I
                                     Head of Unit E-2:
Directorate D                        Antitrust, Consumer Goods, Basic      Maria Jaspers
Maria Velentza                       Industries, Agriculture And           Head of Unit G-2:
Director, Directorate D:             manufacturing                         Cartels II
Markets and Cases II, Financial
Services; Head of Task Force         Eduardo Martinez Rivero               Zsuzsanna Jambor
Financial Crisis                     Head of Unit E-3:                     Head of Unit G-3:
Tel: +32 2 29 51723                  State Aid, Industrial Restructuring   Cartels III

Sari Suurnakki                       Thomas Deisenhofer                    Corinne Dussart-Lefret
Head of Unit D-1:                    Head of Unit E-4:                     Head of Unit G-4:
Antitrust, Payment Systems           Mergers, Basic Industries,            Cartels IV
                                     Manufacturing and Agriculture

118                                                   The Handbook of Competition Enforcement Agencies 2017

Flavio Laina                             Miek Van der Wee                       Christina Siaterli
Acting head of Unit G-5:                 Head of Unit H-1:                      Head of Unit H-3:
Cartels V                                Infrastructure and Regional aid        Fiscal Aid

Directorate H                            Demos Spatharis                        Kristine Liljeberg
Karl Soukup                              Head of Unit H-2:                      Head of Unit H-4: Enforcement
Director, Directorate H:                 Access to finance, R&D&I and           and Monitoring
State Aid, General Scrutiny and          Environment
Enforcement                                                                     Max Lienemeyer
Tel: +32 2 29 67442                                                             Head of H5: Tax planning practices

Questions and answers

How long is the head of agency’s term of office?            If so, how do these relate to your agency’s role?
The European Commission (the Commission) is made            Not applicable.
up of a College of Commissioners, the members of
which are appointed for five years. Renewal of appoint­     May politicians overrule or disregard authority’s
ment as a member is possible.                               decisions? If they have ever exercised this right,
                                                            describe the most recent example.
When is he or she due for reappointment?                    No. Final decisions are made by the College of
The term of the current College of Commissioners            Commissioners, appointed as set out above. Neither
(including the commissioner responsible for compe­          the Council of Ministers nor the European Parliament
tition matters) expires in October 2019.                    can overrule or disregard Commission decisions.

Which posts within the organisation are political           Does the law allow non-competition aims to be
appointments?                                               considered when your agency takes decisions?
The commissioner responsible for competition matters        When acting under the antitrust and merger rules,
is a political appointment: like all Commissioners, he      the Commission applies only competition criteria.
or she is nominated by the president of the European        In the field of state aid, when examining whether a
Commission and appointed by the Council of the EU           measure constitutes aid, the Commission only assesses
after confirmation by the European Parliament.              the effects of the measure on competition and trade
                                                            between member states. However, when assessing
What is the agency’s annual budget?                         the compatibility of a given aid with the Treaty, the
The budget for 2017 is €108.4 million.                      Commission takes into consideration other common
                                                            interest objectives, such as the creation of jobs, environ­
How many staff are employed by the agency?                  mental protection, cohesion policy or the development
On 31 December 2016, the Directorate General                of small and medium enterprises. The Commission
for Competition employed 748 permanent staff                carries out a balancing test to determine whether these
(officials). This excludes staff on fixed-term contracts    positive effects outweigh the possible distortions of
and vacancies.                                              competition created by the state aid measure.

To whom does the head of the agency report?                 Which body hears appeals against the agency’s
The competition commissioner is a member of the             decisions? Is there any form of judicial review
College of Commissioners making up the European             beyond that mentioned above? If so, which body
Commission. The Commission is an independent                conducts this? Has any competition decision by
institution. Its decisions in the area of competition are   the agency been overturned?
subject to judicial review by the EU courts.                The European Courts (General Court and Court of
                                                            Justice) in Luxembourg. General Court rulings may
Do any industry-specific regulators have                    be appealed on points of law to the European Court
competition powers?                                         of Justice.
Not at EU level.                                                                                    119

Has the authority ever blocked a proposed                   Has the authority conducted a Phase II
merger? If yes, please provide the most recent              investigation in any of its merger filings? If yes,
instances.                                                  please provide the most recent instances.
The Commission has blocked 25 transactions since            In addition to the six cases that required remedies
1989. This represents less than 0.5 per cent of the         following an in-depth Phase II investigation, in 2016,
number of cases notified.                                   the Commission cleared one case unconditionally
     The most recent prohibition concerned the              after an in-depth Phase II investigation: Fedex/TNT
UK telecommunications market. In July 2016, the             Express (M.7630). In one other case, the parties aban­
Commission blocked the proposed acquisition of O2           doned a transaction during the in-depth investigation
by Hutchison (M.7612 Hutchison 3G UK/Telefonica             (Halliburton/Baker Hughes M.7477). Moreover, the
UK). The Commission had strong concerns that UK             Commission, after an in-depth investigation, prohib­
mobile customers would have had less choice and paid        ited the acquisition of Telefonica UK by Hutchison
higher prices as a result of the takeover, and that the     3G UK (M.7612). Finally, four of the Phase II inves­
deal would have harmed innovation in the mobile sec­        tigations opened in 2016 are still ongoing: M.7878
tor. The Commission rejected the remedies proposed          HeidelbergCement/Schwenk/Cemex Hungary/Cemex
by the merging companies as it deemed them inad­            Croatia; M.7995 Deutsche Börse/LSE; M.7932 Dow/
equate to prevent the likely negative impact on prices,     Dupont and M.7962 Chemchina/Syngenta.
quality of service and network innovation in the UK
mobile sector.                                              Has the authority ever pursued a company based
                                                            outside your jurisdiction for a cartel offence? If
Has the authority ever imposed conditions on                yes, please provide the most recent instances.
a proposed merger? If yes, please provide the               Yes, the Commission has pursued companies based
most recent instances.                                      outside the EU in several cases.
The Commission has imposed conditions in 393 cases              Article 101(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of
since 1989. This represents around 6 per cent of the        the European Union (TFEU) prohibits cartels or other
number of cases notified.                                   anticompetitive agreements, which have as their object
     In 2016, 25 cases were approved subject to             or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of
remedies. 19 of them were approved within Phase I           competition within the EU. The Commission therefore
proceedings: Danone/The Whitewave Foods Company             may fine companies that are based outside the EU, if
(M.8150); Microsoft/LinkedIn (M.8124); Abbott               the anticompetitive behaviour is either implemented
Laboratories/St Jude Medical (M.8060); Hapag-Lloyd/         inside the EU or produces effects inside the EU, or
United Araab Shipping Company (M.8120); Boehringer          when a parent company outside the EU is liable for the
Ingelheim/Sanofi Animal Health Business (M.7917);           conduct of an EU subsidiary.
Imerys/Alteo Certain Assets (M.8130); Coherent/                 Recent cases include a cartel in the market for
Rofin-Sinar Technologies (M.8055); Vodafone/Liberty         Alternators & Starters in 2016 (all three companies
Global/Dutch JV(M.7978); Konecranes/Terex MHPS              were Japanese) and a cartel in the market for Optical
(M.7792); Sanofi/Boehringer Ingelheim Consumer              Disk Drives in the final quarter of 2015 (seven out of
Healthcare Business (M.7919); Mylan/Meda (M.7975);          eight companies were headquartered in Asia).
Plastic Omnium/Faurecia Exterior Automotive Business
(M.7893); HeidelbergCement/Italcementi (M.7744);            Do you operate an immunity and leniency
AB Inbev/SabMiller (M.7881); CMA CGM/NOL                    programme? Whom should potential applicants
(M.7908); Worldline/Equens/Paysquare (M.7873);              contact? What discounts are available
Statoil Fuel And Retail/Dansk Fuels (M.7603); Teva/         to companies that cooperate with cartel
Allergan Generics (M.7746); and Dentsply/Sirona             investigations?
(M.7822).                                                   Yes, the European Commission operates a leniency
     An additional six cases were approved subject to       programme for cartels. If a company wishes to
remedies following an in-depth Phase II investigation:      discuss a potential application under the European
Wabtec/Faiveley Transport (M.7801); Hutchison 3G            Commission’s leniency programme, it can call: +32 2
Italy/Wind/JV (M.7758); ASL/Arianespace (M.7724);           298 41 90 or +32 2 298 41 91 (telephones are monitored
Staples/Office Depot (M.7555); Liberty Global/Base          from 9am to 5pm on working days (in Brussels)). If a
Belgium (M.7637); and Ball/Rexam (M.7567).                  company wants to submit an application, it can do so
                                                            through the dedicated email address comp-leniency@

120                                                       The Handbook of Competition Enforcement Agencies 2017
EUROPEAN UNION Applications can also be made orally         competitive effects in the EEA but remain below the
by appointment.                                            turnover thresholds that would trigger a review under
    The first company to provide sufficient evidence       the EU Merger Regulation. Against this background,
of a cartel to allow the Commission to pursue the          the ongoing evaluation focuses on whether the cur­
case can receive full immunity from fines. Subsequent      rent purely turnover-based thresholds of the Merger
companies which bring significant added value to the       Regulation capture all transactions which could
investigation receive reductions within bands accord­      potentially have an impact on the internal market and,
ing to the order in which they qualify: second applicant   if not, whether the introduction of complementary
50-30 per cent; third applicant 30-20 per cent; and        juris­dictional thresholds, based for instance on the
subsequent applicants up to 20 per cent. The precise       transaction value, should be considered. The evalu­
reduction within the band is determined by the extent      ation also seeks to explore the potential for further
of the added value brought by the company. The grant       simplification of EU merger control and streamlining
of immunity or reduction is always subject to the com­     of the referral system.
pany complying with its duty to fully cooperate with
the Commission throughout the investigation.               State aid
                                                           A major overhaul of EU state aid rules, known as State
Is there a criminal enforcement track? If so, who          Aid Modernisation, was undertaken from 2012 to
is responsible for it? Does the authority conduct          2014. The new rules are currently being implemented.
criminal investigations and prosecutions for               Most of them will expire at the end of 2020 and a revi­
cartel activity? If not, is there another authority        sion process will start in due course. First, the rules will
in the country that does?                                  be evaluated in order to see what has worked properly
No, not at European level. However, some EU Member         and what has not worked; member states and stake­
States have criminal sanctions available (see indi­        holders will be duly involved in this process. Second,
vidual sections).                                          the Commission will carry out an impact assessment
                                                           of the envisaged changes. On the basis of the evaluation
Are there any plans to reform the competition              results and when necessary in light of impact assess­
law?                                                       ments, DG Competition will propose to extend, revise
Antitrust                                                  or overhaul the existing rules.
The Commission Work Programme 2017 envisages
potential EU legislative action to empower the national    When did the last review of the law occur?
competition authorities to be more effective enforcers.    Antitrust
                                                           Directive on damages actions
Mergers                                                    In November 2014 the Directive on damages actions
The Commission continuously evaluates the substan­         was adopted. The Directive has two primary objec­
tive and procedural rules that make up the legal frame­    tives: to ensure the effective exercise of the EU right
work in force for merger control. Experience, as well      to compensation; and to regulate some key aspects of
as a number of public consultations carried out since      the interaction between public and private enforce­
the last reform of the EU Merger Regulation in 2004,       ment of EU competition law. It includes rules on the
show that in general the merger rules work well and no     disclosure of evidence, the evidential value of decisions
fundamental overhaul is needed. However, there may         of national competition authorities, limitation periods,
be room for improvement in certain areas. In 2016,         joint and several liability, the passing-on of overcharges
the Commission launched a public consultation in the       and the quantification of harm. Member states had
context of the evaluation of selected procedural and       until 27 December 2016 to incorporate the Directive
jurisdictional aspects of EU merger control. This ongo­    into their national law. Eight member states have
ing evaluation builds notably upon the results of the      communicated to the Commission that they have fully
2014 public consultation on the white paper ‘Towards       transposed the Directive (updated to 31 January 2017).
more effective EU merger control’.                         The Commission expects that the majority of member
     Meanwhile, a debate has emerged on the effective­     states will complete the transposition of the Directive
ness of jurisdiction based on turnover thresholds in       in the coming weeks and months.
EU merger control when it comes to some high-valued            In August 2015, the Commission adopted amend­
transactions involving target companies with limited       ments to Commission Regulation 773/2004 and the
or no turnover. Such transactions may have significant     Notices on Access to the File, Leniency, Settlements                                                                                    121

and Cooperation with national courts in order to bring       measures faster and with reduced administrative
these acts in line with the rules in the Directive on        burden. The changes brought to the procedural regula­
disclosure of evidence.                                      tion allow the Commission to conduct state aid sector
                                                             inquiries, which was previously only possible as part of
Insurance Block Exemption Regulation                         antitrust and merger control. State aid sector inquiries
The Commission is finalising its review of the               can be launched in situations where state aid measures
Insurance Block Exemption Regulation (IBER) for              may distort competition in several member states, or
certain types of agreements between insurers, which          where existing aid measures are no longer compatible
is due to expire on 31 March 2017. The categories of         with the regulatory framework.
agreements currently still exempted by the IBER are:             The Commission also adopted new rules for envi­
agreements on the exchange of information necessary          ronmental aid and energy in order to steer member
for the compu­tation of risks by joint compilations,         states to design more efficient public support measures
tables and studies and agreements on common cover­           that reflect market conditions, in a gradual and prag­
age of certain types of risks (co(re)-insurance pools).      matic way.
In March 2016, the Commission presented an evalua­               In 2016, the Commission adopted one of the last
tion of the functioning of the IBER to Parliament and        cornerstones of the state aid modernisation initiative:
Council, accompanied by a staff working document.            the notice on the Notion of State Aid. It gives guidance
The Commission’s preliminary conclusion was that the         on which measures involve state aid in the meaning of
strict conditions for the IBER no longer seem to be met      the EU rules (article 107 (1) TFEU). The Commission
and that there seems to be no necessity to extend the        has also launched a review of its regulation exempting
duration of the IBER.                                        certain categories of unproblematic measures from
                                                             prior state aid scrutiny (the General Block Exemption
Mergers                                                      Regulation). Among other issues, the Commission
The main legislative texts for merger decisions are          proposed to extend the scope of the exemption to ports
the EU Merger Regulation and the Implementing                and airports.
Regulation. The Merger Regulation contains the main
rules for the assessment of concentrations, whereas the      Do you have a separate economics team? If so,
Implementing Regulation concerns procedural issues           please give details.
(such as notification, deadlines and right to be heard).     The chief economist of DG Competition has a team of
    The last legislative reform of the EU Merger             28 economists, most with PhDs in industrial organi­
Regulation was in 2004. However, as explained in the         sation. The current chief economist is Tommaso
answer to the previous question, a number of public          Valletti, who is professor of economics at Imperial
consultations has been carried out since then. In 2013,      College Business School, as well as professor of
the Commission adopted a Simplification Package in           economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. He
order to further streamline procedures. The current          previously taught at the London School of Economics,
evaluation of specific aspects of the Merger Regulation      Telecom ParisTech/Ecole Polytechnique, and Turin.
seeks to explore the possibility for a broader simplifi­     He has a magna cum laude degree in engineering from
cation exercise.                                             Turin and holds an MSc and a PhD in economics from
                                                             the London School of Economics. His mandate expires
State aid                                                    on 31 August 2019.
In 2014, the Commission modernised the rules to
focus state aid control on measures that genuinely           Has the authority conducted a dawn raid?
affect competition in the single market, while simpli­       Yes, inspections are regularly conducted. The
fying and streamlining rules and procedures. This has        Commission has the power to enter any business
reduced red tape and facilitated public investment by        premises, examine books and other records, take or
empowering member states to grant public support             obtain copies or extracts, to seal any business premises
without prior scrutiny by the Commission. The revised        and to ask for on the spot explanations of facts or docu­
General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), which             ments. The Commission also has the power to conduct
was adopted in June 2014, gives granting authorities         searches of private premises.
much wider margins to design and implement aid

122                                                        The Handbook of Competition Enforcement Agencies 2017

Has the authority imposed penalties on officers               within one and the same member state. The transaction
or directors of companies for offences committed              will be notifiable instead to the competition authority
by the company? If yes, please provide the most               of that country.
recent instances.                                                  Mergers that do not have an EU dimension may fall
No.                                                           instead under the remit of member states’ compe­tition
                                                              authorities. There is a referral mechanism in place that
What are the pre-merger notification thresholds,              allows the member states and the Commission to trans­
if any, for the buyer and seller involved in a                fer cases to each other, both at the request of the com­
merger?                                                       panies involved and of the member states. This allows
The Commission has jurisdiction to review trans­actions       companies to benefit from a one-stop-shop review and
that qualify as concentrations within the meaning of          to allocate cases to the most appro­priate authority.
the EU Merger Regulation (EUMR) and that have an                   Finally, as explained above, the Commission is
EU dimension, meaning that the merging firms reach            currently evaluating whether purely turnover-based
certain turnover thresholds. There are two alternative        thresholds capture all transactions that could poten­
ways to reach turnover thresholds for an EU dimen­            tially have an impact on the EU internal market. If
sion. The first way requires:                                 the answer is no, the Commission may put forward a
•	a combined worldwide turnover of all the merging           proposal to introduce complementary jurisdictional
    firms over €5,000 million; and                            thresholds, based for instance on the transaction value.
•	an EU-wide turnover for each of at least two of the
    firms over €250 million.                                  Are there any restrictions on investments that
                                                              involve less than a majority stake in the business?
The second way requires:                                      Acquisitions of non-controlling minority share­holdings
(i)	a worldwide turnover of all the merging firms over       (ie, transactions that do not bring about an acquisition
      €2,500 million;                                         of control) do not fall under the scope of application of
(ii)	a combined turnover of all the merging firms over       the EU Merger Regulation.
      €100 million in each of at least three member states;        One of the main proposals of the 2014 white paper
(iii)	a turnover of over €25 million for each of at least    concerned the possible introduction of a system for the
      two of the firms in each of the three member states     review of certain categories of non-controlling m
                                                                                                              ­ inority
      included under (ii); and                                shareholdings that may be problematic from a competi­
(iv)	EU-wide turnover of each of at least two firms of       tion point of view. However, the results of the public
      more than €100 million.                                 consultation on the white paper expressed concerns on
                                                              the proportionality of this measure. The Commission’s
However, even if these turnover thresholds are met,           competition services therefore published a follow-up
the transaction will not be notifiable to the European        study in October 2016, which gathers additional infor­
Commission if each of the parties to the transaction          mation from the point of view of both competition and
achieves more than two-thirds of their EEA turnover           corporate law and practice in different jurisdictions.                                                                                    123
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