DISABILITY STRATEGY, 2018-2021 - Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people - Tennis Foundation

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DISABILITY STRATEGY, 2018-2021 - Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people - Tennis Foundation
Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people
DISABILITY STRATEGY, 2018-2021 - Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people - Tennis Foundation
1                                                                 @TennisFndation   TennisFoundation1        Tennis Foundation Disability Strategy 2018-21   2

    FOREWORD                                                    CONTENTS
    Since we published our first disability strategy in 2013,
    we have made tremendous progress. Tennis in Great           A BIT OF PERSPECTIVE                     3
    Britain has become more inclusive and accessible,
    with a far greater range of opportunities for               AN INFORMED APPROACH                     5
    disabled people to get involved and progress.
                                                                PRINCIPLES AND PURPOSE                  11
    At an international level, we have excelled.
    Great Britain won more wheelchair tennis medals
    than any other nation at the Rio 2016 Paralympic            OUR VISION                              13
    Games, while Britain’s tennis players with a
    learning disability, visual impairment or hearing
    impairment have all won honours on the global               OUR CORE STRATEGIES                     15
    stage. That international success is fed by a
    development pathway that has its roots in tennis            MEASURING SUCCESS                       27
    clubs and venues across the country. It is here
    where the impact of our work has been seen,
    with more disabled people now participating                 MAKING OPEN COURT A REALITY             29
    in tennis across the network of venues that we
    support than ever before.

    We can’t, though, stand still and admire what we
    have achieved to date. There remains much work
    to do if we are to achieve our vision of making
    tennis a sport that is open to all, one that is
    inclusive and accessible for disabled people.

    We have been working with disabled people
    for many years. Our first strategy gave us the
    direction and structure to bring this work together
    and deliver a greater impact. We’ve titled our
    new strategy ‘Open Court’. This is the next step
    on the journey, with this document outlining the
    four key strategic pillars our work will be focused
    around to take us to 2021. At the heart of our
    approach is creating, supporting and promoting
    opportunities that provide a choice for disabled
    people as to how they want to get involved in
    tennis, developing that involvement and helping
    them maximise
    their potential.

    We are excited about delivering this because
    we know the impact our work can have. It is
    focussed on addressing inactivity, and delivering
    real improvements in physical wellbeing,
    mental wellbeing and personal development.

    We can’t do this on our own, and will be
    looking to both build on our existing
    partnerships and develop new ones. If you
    like what we have to say over the following
    pages and want to work with us or provide
    your support, we would love to hear from you.

    Joanna Farquharson
    Interim Executive Director
DISABILITY STRATEGY, 2018-2021 - Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people - Tennis Foundation
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              OUR STORY                                                   OUR TRACK RECORD
              Founded in 1987, the Tennis Foundation                      We’ve been working with disabled tennis
              is Great Britain’s leading tennis charity.                  players for many years, both at the
              We’ve been part of the tennis landscape                     grassroots and elite levels of the game.
              for over 30 years.                                            	 A
                                                                                 T THE ELITE LEVEL, Great Britain is one of the
              WE BELIEVE tennis is a sport that anyone can play.                leading nations in the world in disability tennis,
                                                                                winning more medals than any other nation at
              OUR MISSION is to open the game up to everyone.                   the Rio 2016 Paralympics. In wheelchair tennis,
              We know tennis can make a positive impact on                      we have helped to bring on some of the world’s
              people’s lives. It brings very real health and social             greatest players, who have claimed multiple
              benefits, helping people be the best they can be                  singles and doubles Grand Slam titles over the
              in all sorts of ways. Our aim is to share these benefits          past few years. Peter Norfolk, Jayant Mistry,
              with as many people as possible, especially those                 Gordon Reid, Alfie Hewitt, Jordanne Whiley,
              who have never thought of playing tennis before.                  Lucy Shuker and Andy Lapthorne, to name just
              Disabled people are one of the three groups we                    a few, have all come through our programmes.
              work with to bring this mission to life. The others               We have also put on major international events
              are young people in education and young people                    including the British Open Wheelchair Tennis
              in urban and disadvantaged communities.                           Championships and the NEC Wheelchair Tennis
                                                                                Masters as well as supporting domestic events.
              OUR VALUES are simple. We’re open, innovative,                    In learning disability tennis, deaf tennis and
              courageous and vibrant. They give us the strength                 visually impaired tennis our players have also
              to fulfil our mission.                                            won international titles and medals. The Tennis
                                                                                Foundation, with the support of UK Sport for
              WE’RE COMMITTED to providing opportunities                        wheelchair tennis players, has helped to nurture
              for as many disabled people as possible to try                    and develop the amazing players who have
              the game.                                                         achieved so much.

                                                                            	AT THE GRASSROOTS, in 2013 we introduced
              UNDERSTANDING DISABILITY                                          a more structured approach to bringing as
                                                                                many disabled people as possible into the
              According to the Equalities Act 2010, a                           game, when we published our first Disability
              disability is a physical or mental impairment                     Tennis Strategy. Our goal then was to inspire
                                                                                and engage disabled people to get involved in
              that has a substantial or long-term negative                      tennis, whatever their ability or background,
              effect on your ability to do normal activities.                   providing opportunities for all and competitive

                                                                                pathways for the most talented. It’s still our
                 	OUR APPROACH is to look at the issue more
                                                                                goal today.
                     from the point of the view of the person
                     affected. We focus on removing the barriers            	SUPPORTING VENUES. With help from
                     faced by people with an impairment or long term            Sport England’s Whole Sport Plan Funding to
                     health condition – the attitudes and physical              tennis, we have provided training, advice and
                     obstacles that prevent them from doing things.             equipment to a network of venues across the
                     That’s what creates their disability. That’s where         country as part of our disability programme.
                     they feel its impact the most. This approach is            This has helped nearly 8,000 disabled people
                     called the social model of disability.                     to get active by playing tennis at least every
                                                                                month, and most of them every week.
                 	THE FACTS are that one in five people are
                     disabled. It’s also true that disabled people in       	BUILDING ON ALL THIS, we have successfully
                     general have low activity levels compared to                bid via the LTA for further funding from Sport
                     the non-disabled population. Tennis is uniquely             England to support our disability tennis work
                     placed to change this.                                      until 2021.

              ‘WE BELIEVE THAT
              TENNIS IS A SPORT THAT
              ANYONE CAN PLAY’
DISABILITY STRATEGY, 2018-2021 - Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people - Tennis Foundation
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                                                    OUR AUDIENCE
                                                    We’ve been working for decades
                                                    with disabled people. In that time,
                                                    we’ve picked up some valuable
                                                    insights and experience. We’re
                                                    also constantly carrying out
                                                    research. As a result, we really
                                                    understand what disabled people
                                                    need from us. Not only that, we’re
                                                    always monitoring our work and

                                                    evaluating the impact it has.
                                                       	PLAYING TOGETHER.
                                                       We know that many disabled people
                                                       want to play tennis with people who
                                                       are similar to them. In some cases,
                                                       that means people who have a
                                                       disability or condition like theirs.

                                                       We’re committed to making this
                                                       happen, enabling disabled players
                                                       to enjoy the game in a relaxed,
                                                       stress-free environment.

                                                       	EVERYONE TOGETHER.
                                                       Other disabled players are keen to
                                                       take part alongside non-disabled
                                                       people, whether as players, coaches
                                                       or volunteers. We fully support them.
                                                       Our aim is to make tennis a truly
                                                       inclusive sport, welcoming everyone
                                                       regardless of ability or impairment.
                                                       To create these opportunities,
                                                       we work closely with the LTA,
                                                       the national governing body for
                                                       tennis in Britain.
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    We work with all disabled people,
    including those who have:
       	 A physical impairment

       	A learning disability and/
        or learning difficulty

       	 A visual impairment

       	 A hearing impairment

       	 A mental health condition

       	 A long term physical health condition

    Research tells us these are the groups that
    we can have the biggest impact on. Even
    so, we’re always looking for ways to expand
    our reach to other impairments and long-
    term health conditions. But by focusing
    on our key groups, particularly on learning
    disability and physical disability, we have
    the best chance to grow disabled people’s
    participation in the sport. It also allows us to
    support players as they progress into the
    Paralympic discipline of wheelchair tennis.
DISABILITY STRATEGY, 2018-2021 - Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people - Tennis Foundation
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    We’re fully behind strategies to get everyone in the nation
    active, as outlined in the Government’s ‘Sporting Future:                                  BETTER MENTAL HEALTH,
                                                                                               BETTER SOCIAL LIFE,

    A New Strategy for an Active Nation’ and Sport England’s
    ‘Towards an Active Nation (2016 to 2021)’.                                                 BETTER PERSONAL
    That includes a strong focus on inactivity, and disabled                                   DEVELOPMENT
    people represent the least active group in society. If we
    can get them playing or participating in tennis, we know it                                                                                                      OF PEOPLE
    will have a positive impact on their wellbeing.                                                                                             say that tennis has improved
                                                                                                                                                their self-confidence.
    Here’s how:

    BETTER PHYSICAL HEALTH                                                                                               84%
                                                                                                                         OF PEOPLE                                47%
                                                                                               say that playing tennis has had a                                  OF PEOPLE

                OVER                                                     150
                                                                                               positive impact on their social network.             tell us they feel less stressed.

                36%                                                      MINS
    of the players who play through the Tennis Foundation’s disability tennis work
    only meet the Chief Medical Officer’s target minimum of 150 minutes medium                 BREAKING DOWN                                   We’ve also identified the positive
    intensity activity per week to achieve a healthy lifestyle because of the activities       BARRIERS                                        steps we can take that will encourage
    they do with us.                                                                                                                           more disabled people to play:
                                                                                                                                                  	Improve disabled facilities at venues
                                                                                               To get more disabled people
                                                                                               into tennis we first have to                       	Increase the frequency of sessions available
                                                                                               identify the barriers that are                     	Make more sessions available closer to home
                                                                                               keeping them out of the sport
                                                                                                                                                  	Market opportunities in a way
                                                                                               now. Here are the main ones:                       that appeals to disabled people

                     33%                                               20%
                                                                                                  	Finding players of a similar ability      	Arrange more competitions for
                                                                                                                                                  disabled people to take part in
                                                                                                  	Lack of awareness about
                                                                                                  opportunities to get involved                We’re constantly looking for new innovative
    tell us that they feel less tired since             would have been classed as inactive       	Travelling to a venue                    ways we can support venues, coaches and
                                                                                                                                               individuals to overcome the barriers, so that we
    they started playing tennis.                        before they started playing with us.      	The cost of lessons                    can welcome more and more people to the game.
DISABILITY STRATEGY, 2018-2021 - Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people - Tennis Foundation
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              WHAT DRIVES US                                        FOUNDATIONS FOR CHANGE
              We believe tennis is a great game                     We use three guiding principles
              that can bring a host of benefits to                  to help us break down barriers
              everyone who plays it.                                for disabled tennis players:
                 	Our main aim is to change minds and                     THE SOCIAL MODEL OF DISABILITY

                                                                   TWO ONE
                 break down barriers. At the same time,                       This model follows the view that
                 we’re working to increase the choices                        people have impairments, but this is
                 disabled people have for getting involved                    not the thing that disables them. If the
                 in tennis. We’ll go wherever we’re needed,                   world around us was more accessible,
                 in traditional tennis settings like tennis                   they would be less disabled.
                 centres, clubs and parks but also taking
                 the game into schools, colleges and
                                                                              THE INCLUSION SPECTRUM
                 community settings.
                                                                              This is an activity-based model
                 	We need partners, so a lot of our work                   which helps coaches understand
                     is about influencing other organisations                 how to modify their sessions making
                     to support us, enabling them to put in                   sure that disabled people are
                     place the changes that are needed.                       involved in ways that suit
                     These partners include tennis venues                     them as individuals.

                     and disability organisations, such as
                     County Associations, National Disabled
                     People’s Organisations, County
                     Sports Partnerships. Our key strategic
                     partnership is with the LTA. We work with                STEPS

                     them to break down both physical and                     This is a tool for coaches, enabling
                     attitudinal barriers and provide disability              them to make changes to the way
                     training for the tennis workforce.                       they adapt an activity to suit a range
                                                                              of ability levels under five key areas:
                 	Making a lasting difference is vital. We
                     need to bring about a real change of                     • Space,
                     attitude amongst those who play, coach,                   • Task,
                     provide and love tennis. We have to                       • Equipment,
                     help tennis providers access the funding                  • People and
                     they need to make the changes that are                    • Speed.
                     necessary. Sometimes this means taking
                     an imaginative and alternative approach.                 More:
                 	We encourage excellence by delivering
                 a number of disability-specific activities,
                 including competitions and events. We also
                 operate an active talent ID programme
                 with a clearly defined player pathway.
                 This gives talented players the opportunity
                 to improve their performance and
                 become the very best they can be.
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             “We want to
             be able to offer
             disabled people the
             opportunity to come
             and join in any tennis
             session at any tennis
             venue across Great
             Britain. By working
             together with a range
             of tennis venues,
             local communities and

             disability organisations,
             we can make a
             difference. Tennis
             should be for everyone
             to play their way.”
             Jill Osleger
             National Disability Development Manager,
             The Tennis Foundation

             We want to increase the
             opportunities for disabled people
             to get involved in the sport.
             But that’s not enough. Whether it’s as
             a player, coach or volunteer, we want
             to keep them involved. So, we’re also
             committed to improving the quality
             of their tennis experiences to help
             develop a regular active habit for life.
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                               CREATE                      PROMOTE
                               AND SUPPORT                 OPPORTUNITIES

                               DEVELOP                     POTENTIAL
                               INVOLVEMENT                 & INSPIRE
     To help us achieve our
     goals with the maximum
     impact, we will shape
     everything we do around                                Now let’s look at each of
     four core strategies:                                  the pillars in more detail.
DISABILITY STRATEGY, 2018-2021 - Making tennis a sport that is inclusive and accessible for disabled people - Tennis Foundation
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                       CREATE AND SUPPORT
                       WHAT WE NEED TO DO:                               	By supporting venues.
                                                                             We will provide enhanced support
                       Create opportunities to enable more
                                                                             to venues that are delivering,
                       disabled people to play tennis in the
                                                                             or want to deliver, disability-specific
                       way they choose, supporting the
                                                                             activity. We’ll supply them with
                       ongoing delivery and development of
                                                                             funding, training, equipment and
                       both disability-specific activities and
                                                                             advice. We will also develop links
                       integrated activities.
                                                                             between tennis providers and
                                                                             local disability communities.
                       WHY WE NEED TO DO IT:                                 Our Regional Development team
                       Disabled people must be given a choice.               play a key role, supported by
                       This will also help us change perceptions,            a suite of central resources.
                       both among those already involved
                                                                         	By removing barriers.
                       across the sport and disabled individuals
                                                                              Our ‘Open Your Doors’ training
                       who could get involved. The take-out will
                                                                              programme tackles the issues faced
                       be that tennis really is an inclusive sport
                                                                              by tennis venues in providing
                       that welcomes anyone.
                                                                              opportunities for disabled people
                                                                              for the first time. It helps them
                       HOW WE WILL DO IT:                                     integrate disabled players into their
                                                                              venues, by providing advice and
                          	By developing partners.                         support on simple ways to do this.
                              We already have partnerships
                              with major stakeholders in tennis,         	By educating coaches.
                              such as the LTA and its county                 We will continue to support and
                              associations, leisure providers,               train tennis coaches so that they
                              county sport partnerships and                  can become more confident when
                              disability organisations. We will              they’re working with disabled
                              continue to develop these and                  players. We’ll help them to deliver
                              other partnerships, using our                  high quality coaching that will really
                              influence with them to expand                  bring out the best in their players.
                              the provision of disability tennis
                              throughout the country.                 To make sure we’re delivering on this
                                                                      strategy, we’ll monitor:
                          	By recruiting venues. Over the
                              next few years, we will increase           	How well we’re educating venues in
                              the number of venues involved in               becoming inclusive and accessible.
                              our disability-specific programme.
                              This means we will be able to              	How many new venues and clubs
                              provide a greater geographical                  we bring online and support.
                              spread of opportunities across
                              impairments. It is a national              	How many more disabled tennis
                              programme, delivered at a local                players we get taking part, on both
                              level, formed of key partners working          a weekly and monthly basis.
                              collaboratively to actively promote
                              and deliver more opportunities for         	How many disabled players attend
                              disabled people to start playing.              festivals, camps and ad hoc events.
                              The focus will always be on the            	How diverse our disabled players are.
                              individual player and their needs.
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                       WHAT WE NEED TO DO:                             	By strategically timing our messages.
                                                                          We can make our promotions more
                       Drive demand and harness latent
                                                                          effective by dialling up our activity at
                       interest by promoting tennis to disabled
                                                                          key times. For example, we can target
                       people, inspiring them to pick up a racket
                                                                          our message to an individual when we
                       and making it easy for them to do so.
                                                                          know they are thinking about taking up a
                                                                          new activity. Or we can time a campaign
                       WHY WE NEED TO DO IT:                              around something that’s happening
                       Our message is simple: tennis is an                locally that will generate interest, for
                       adaptable sport that can be for anyone             instance new sessions starting at the
                       and everyone. We need to get this                  local tennis centre. High profile events
                       message across to disabled people in               such as Wimbledon also give us an
                       the right way, at the right time. So that          opportunity to get the word out.
                       they understand that it really can be
                                                                        	By targeting events. We will use events
                       a sport for them. To turn interest into
                                                                            to promote disability tennis to specific
                       action, we need to make it easy to get
                                                                            groups. We’ll lead the way by delivering
                       involved in a way they want to.
                                                                            our own events, such as our Come &
                                                                            Try Days, encouraging other venues
                       HOW WE WILL DO IT:                                   to do the same. We’ll also use other
                                                                            people’s events, for example festivals
                          	Through our overarching campaign.             and major sporting events, to get our
                            We will put in place a joined-up                message across.
                            approach using a single overarching
                            campaign. This will sit across all          	By developing partners. We can
                            projects and programmes, with a                  target more people by working with
                            common identity and consistent                   organisations that have more resources
                            messaging.                                       than us, and a greater or more specific
                                                                             reach. Partners like community groups,
                          	By creating personal relevance.                disability organisations, broadcasters
                            We will use personal stories to                  and media channels can all help us fulfil
                            encourage our audience to see                    our mission. The LTA in particular is a
                            tennis as a sport for them. We’ll put            crucial partner. We will work with them
                            the person at the heart of our story.            to influence any participation campaigns
                            We know this works. It enables us to             they run, making sure they are fully
                            create a message that our audience               inclusive in their approach and execution.
                            will really relate to.

                          	By coordinating national and local    To make sure we’re delivering on this
                            promotion, we can drive demand in a     strategy, we’ll monitor:
                            cost-effective way. National activity
                                                                        	How effective we are in increasing the
                            and resources will be supported by
                                                                            demand for disability tennis through
                            providing marketing material and
                                                                            local and national marketing and PR.
                            resources to local venues. We’ll
                            direct disabled people to a central         	How successful we are at influencing
                            online hub where they can find their            partner organisations to get more
                            nearest suitable venue.                         disabled people involved and to create
                                                                            a truly inclusive sport.
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                       WHAT WE NEED TO DO:                                	By providing competitive pathways.
                                                                            There will always be some players
                       Develop a lifelong love of the game,
                                                                            who have the belief, the desire
                       by providing opportunities for disabled
                                                                            and the talent to go to the very
                       people to get more involved in tennis,
                                                                            top of the game. We will provide
                       whether it’s through competitions or by
                                                                            clear competition pathways for
                       joining the workforce or volunteering.
                                                                            them, giving them the chance to
                                                                            compete in a range of competitions.
                       WHY WE NEED TO DO IT:                                We’ll make sure they can go as
                       We want disabled people to be an                     far as their talent will take them.
                       integral part of tennis. We want them
                                                                           	By developing workforce
                       to feel that they have opportunities
                                                                               and volunteer opportunities.
                       to play, coach, officiate, volunteer and
                                                                               We will provide individual support
                       work in the sport. Bringing disabled
                                                                               and funding for disabled people
                       people into every area of tennis will
                                                                               to become coaches and officials.
                       help build a sporting habit that will last
                                                                               We will also influence British
                       a lifetime. More disabled people than
                                                                               Tennis to make sure they are
                       ever before will stay active and involved
                                                                               open to recruiting disabled people.
                       in tennis for longer which will be good
                                                                               We’ll back this up by encouraging
                       for the development of the sport.
                                                                               more disabled people to volunteer
                       We will improve the credibility and
                                                                               in tennis, and by supporting them
                       profile of the sport by making sure
                                                                               when they do.
                       there is an effective competition
                       structure in place. This is great for
                                                                       To make sure we’re delivering on this
                       individual personal development too,
                                                                       strategy, we’ll monitor:
                       as it is part of the player pathway to
                       success for the most talented.                      	How well we’re supporting
                                                                               disabled people to become part
                       HOW WE WILL DO IT:                                      of the tennis workforce as coaches,
                                                                               volunteers or officials. This will
                           	By providing competitive                        include looking at the financial
                               opportunities for disabled players              support we offer for training and
                               of all ages, abilities and                      development.
                               backgrounds. We will make sure
                               these activities are supportive             	How many opportunities to
                               and fun, both for players and their             compete we’re creating for all
                               friends and family. They will be                the disability groups we support.
                               great social occasions too, giving              We’ll monitor the quality and
                               people the chance to meet and get               success of these competitions,
                               to know other players. There will               focusing on the number and
                               be traditional tournaments, team                diversity of participants and
                               events, festival days and family                player satisfaction.
                               events. We will also make full use
                               of tennis spin-offs like touch tennis
                               and cardio tennis, which can be
                               easily adapted for disabled players.
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                       MAXIMISE POTENTIAL
                       AND INSPIRE OTHERS
                       WHAT WE NEED TO DO:
                       Maximise the potential of individuals. Inspire more disabled people to
                       play and progress through the performances of leading British players
                       and by hosting international disability tennis tournaments.

                       WHY WE NEED TO DO IT:
                       Our talent ID and performance pathways will enable players to be the
                       best they can be, making sure they progress as far as they can in the
                       sport. Along the way, they will become role models to inspire future
                       players. In addition, hosting international tournaments will give British
                       players the opportunity to play at home. It will also provide us with a
                       platform to grow disability tennis and take it to a broader audience.

                       HOW WE WILL DO IT:
                          	By identifying and developing talent. We will develop a world
                            class talent programme to produce an oversupply of players and
                            coaches at each level of the pathway, across all classifications and
                            disabilities. We will continue to identify talented players who have
                            the potential to progress. We will provide a clear and structured
                            pathway for elite athletes. We will support the sporting and personal
                            development of players on talent programmes. We will develop and
                            support a network of future disability performance coaches.

                          	Through our world class performance programme. We will develop
                            and support the most talented players through a specific Disability
                            Performance Strategy. This will enable them to thrive, giving them
                            every chance to go on to international success. Part of the strategy
                            is a comprehensive performance system with critical priority
                            interventions designed to help our players compete, endure and
                            excel at the highest level.

                          	By hosting international tournaments. We will continue to host our
                            existing international wheelchair tennis competitions. We will raise
                            the profile even further, for example by integrating wheelchair tennis
                            competitions into high-profile mainstream tournaments. Where
                            we can, we will bring one-off World and European championships
                            across all impairments to Great Britain.

                       To make sure we’re delivering on this strategy, we’ll monitor:

                          	How effective we are in identifying and supplying talent to the
                              performance programme, across all classifications and disabilities.
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          1. CREATE                                                                      ACTIVITY                                          3. DEVELOP                                     4. MAXIMISE

                                                          VENUES / COACHES / PARTNERS
          & SUPPORT                                                                      DELIVERY                                            Build resilience and develop                  & INSPIRE
                                                                                        BY VENUES
                                                                                                                                              involvement with tennis
                                                                                                                                                 through provision of
     Create and support opportunities                                                                                                        competition, volunteer and                        TALENT ID &
      to enable more disabled people
               to play tennis                                                                  INCLUSION
                                                                                                                                              workforce opportunities                         DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                            SPECTRUM MODEL                                                                                       TALENT ID AND
                REMOVING BARRIERS
             ‘Open Your Doors’ - introductory                                                Inclusive approach
                                                                                                                                                COMPETITION                                   SUPPORT PROGRAMME
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Recreational Play
         training tackle and support issues faced
            by tennis venues as a first step to                                                         and/or                                 Disability specific recreational
                  providing opportunities                                                                                                                                                    Bespoke events (Push 2 Podium)
                                                                                                                                                competitions and inclusive
                                                                                               disability specific                                   club competitions
         PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT                                                                   sessions
             Develop and maintain influential
            relationships with key stakeholders
                and organisations in tennis                                                         PRIORITY
                                                                                             PARTICIPATION ACTIVITY
                                                                                                   Physical / Wheelchair                                 REGIONAL
                 COACH EDUCATION                                                                    Learning Disability                    Disability specific regional tournaments
         Level 1, 2 & 3 plus specific disability CPDs
                                                                                                                                                                                           TF WORLD CLASS
               VENUE RECRUITMENT                                                                    DEVELOPMENT
                  AND SUPPORT
               to deliver more and continued
                                                                                             Develop and maintain influential
                                                                                            relationships with key stakeholders
         disability specific activity, through funding,                                         and organisations in tennis
                                                                                                                                           Disability specific national tournaments
            workforce development, equipment
                provision, advice and support                                                    COACH EDUCATION
                                                                                                Level 1, 2 & 3 plus specific
                                                                                                      disability CPDs

                                                                                               VENUE RECRUITMENT
                                                                                                  AND SUPPORT                                  & WORKFORCE
                                                                                               to deliver more and continued
                                                          DISABLED PEOPLE

                                                                                             disability specific activity, through
                                                                                                                                              COACHING, OFFICIATING
     2. PROMOTE
                                                                                             funding, workforce development,
                                                                                                                                              AND OTHER VOLUNTEER
                                                                                                equipment provision, advice
                                                                                                         and support                             OPPORTUNITIES

     Drive demand through promotion
        of tennis to disabled people

                 run by LTA (participation)
                 and TF (disability specific)

                LOCAL PROMOTION

         Provision of advice and support by
     TF to venues to market to disabled people

                 TARGETED EVENTS
           Come & Try days run by TF and/or
          venues, festivals, presence at events

                  Target audience reach
                                                                                            PHYSICAL WELLBEING                       MENTAL WELLBEING                                 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT
27                                                                                @TennisFndation   TennisFoundation1   Tennis Foundation Disability Strategy 2018-21   28

            To make sure that we’re successful in delivering our
            strategy, we’ll look closely into every aspect of our work
            with disability groups. The information and insights that
            we gather will shape our programme in the future. Where
            something works well, we’ll do it more. If something could
            work better, we’ll improve it. Or try something else.
            A complete picture. We’ll be working closely with the LTA
            to design tools that can capture information about how
            engaged with tennis disabled people are in general. This will
            give us a more complete picture of how successful we are
            at promoting diversity and driving inclusion across the sport.

            We’re not just interested in getting people involved in
            tennis for its own sake. We’re passionate about the
            difference tennis can make to their lives. So we need to
            understand what that difference is and how successful
            we are in making it happen.

            The benefits that our disability tennis programmes can
            deliver include improved physical and mental health, as well
            as better individual and social development. Here’s what
            we’ll look at to see if we’re delivering these outcomes:

               	 How well we can develop a resilient sporting
                  habit among the people we help.

               	 How well tennis contributes to disabled people meeting
                  the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines for physical activity.

               	 How much playing tennis increases disabled
                  people’s self-esteem and self-confidence.

               	 What impact being involved in tennis has on people’s
                  social network and personal connectedness.

            It’s important for us to understand not just what impact
            we’re having, but how we’ve achieved that impact.
            So, we’ll constantly examine everything we do to find out
            what works, what doesn’t and why. In particular, we will:

               	 Draw on our regional managers’ on-the-ground
                  experience of what works and what doesn’t.

               	 Use our own and other people’s data to understand
                  where we are making a significant impact and where
                  we could do better.

               	 Make changes and improvements
                  in light of what we discover.
29                @TennisFndation   TennisFoundation1         Tennis Foundation Disability Strategy 2018-21   30

                                                        Open Court is more than just
                                                        a name for our disability work.
                                                        It’s a statement of our intent.
                                                        We are determined to make tennis a
                                                        sport which is inclusive and accessible.
                                                        One that is open to anyone.
COURT A REALITY                                         We have already made great strides but
                                                        there’s still a lot of work to do. Our ambition
                                                        is to create a world where disabled people
                                                        have the opportunity to join in any tennis
                                                        session and are welcome at any tennis
                                                        venue. A world where they can get involved in
                                                        the sport the way they want, when they want.

                                                        WE BELIEVE WE

                                                        CAN MAKE THIS
                                                        HAPPEN. BUT WE
                                                        KNOW WE CAN’T
                                                        DO IT ON OUR OWN.
                                                        CAN YOU HELP US?

                                                        If you’d like to work with us to open
                                                        tennis up to anyone and everyone,
                                                        please pick up the phone or send us an
                                                        email. We would love to hear from you.


                                                        0208 4877000

                                                        Tennis Foundation
                                                        The National Tennis Centre
                                                        100 Priory Lane, Roehampton
                                                        London SW15 5JQ

Changing Lives Through Tennis

020 8487 7000
© The Tennis Foundation 2018
Charity Number 298175
Registered Company Number 2138124
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