Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...

Page created by Elizabeth Williamson
Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...
A P U B L I C AT I O N O F H O LY N A M E H I G H S C H O O L   FALL 2018

                                                t a t e C h a m p i o n s   !
                    i o n I I Vo l l e y ball S
          D i v i s

PAGE 6     Strategic Initiative News
PAGE 21    2018 Hall of Fame Inductees
PAGE 23    2017-2018 Donor Recognition Roll
Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...
       NAMER                                                                                   REASON
     GRADUATES                                                                                           TO GIVE

                                               CELEBRATING OVER

                                                    OF TRADITION

The Holy Name Fund is the backbone of our annual fundraising efforts.                          “The education that everyone
It is a direct appeal to all of our constituents to philanthropically support our
                                                                                                has received is far greater in
school. This unrestricted annual fund appeal supports our overall operating
budget, including programs, faculty professional development, facility                          cost than the tuition that was
enhancements, and campus ministry, and also provides financial aid.                             charged when they were there.

Q                                         Q
                                                                                                As we look continually toward
    What is the difference between
                                                    What does it mean
    the Holy Name Fund and the                                                                  the future, it is so important
                                                    to Bridge the Gap?
    Gala Auction?                                                                               that those students, who

A                                         A
The Holy Name Fund is an appeal to our         Holy Name’s mission is to provide a faith-       have not had the opportunity
community to make an unrestricted donation     centered, college preparatory education that
                                               helps in the formation of young men and          of sufficient resources, can
directly back to the school to support its
mission. Dollars raised at the Gala Auction,   women who desire a Catholic education.           be rewarded by the gifts
specifically through the Namers in Need Live   The actual cost per student is $12,173 versus
                                                                                                from others who have been
Auction, are restricted to support student     tuition of $10,250. There is a $1,923 per
scholarships and emergency assistance for      student GAP between tuition and actual cost.     successful, in hope that they
families faced with a temporary hardship.      Your gift to the Holy Name Fund provides         also are.”
                                               over 60% of our students with some level of
                                               financial support to help bridge the GAP.
                                                                                                             – Raymond E. Smiley ’44
Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...
                                                                                             On November 10, the Holy Name Varsity
                                                                                             Volleyball Team beat Bishop Hartley High
                                                                                             School in five sets during the Division

         FALL 2018            contents                                                       II State Championship in Dayton. This
                                                                                             is the school’s first ever volleyball state
                                                                                             title. Pictured, from left, in the front row:
                                                                                             Cecilia Benedict ’20, Caitlin Masters ’20,

                                                                                             Lauren Whetstone ’20, Kayla Jarosz ’19,
                                                                                             Kelly Lynch ’19, Ava Nice ’19 and Rebecca
                                                                                             Bierut ’20. Pictured, from left, in the back
                                                                                             row: Assistant Coach Will Green, Zelie
                                                                                             Kessler ’20, McKinley Henry ’20, Abriana
                                                                                             Marchetta ’21, Jessica Nary ’22, Madison
                                                                                             Krause ’20, Megan Oleksik ’20, Samantha
                                                                                             Snow ’20, Mary Margaret Adams ’21 and
                                                                                             Head Coach Megan Green.

Capital Improvements                                                                           2 Holy Name Fund

                                                                                               5 Capital Improvements
                                                                                               6 Strategic Initiative News
                                                                                              10	A Wave of Positivity:
                                                                                                     Introducing the Office of
                                                                                                     Admission and Diversity
                                                                  INTERACTIVE PRINT   Download the free    Scan this photo       Discover

                                                                  Scan photo                  12	Go Green Wave: Athletics
                                                                                         Layar App               interactive content

                                                                  on page 6                          Update
                                                                  to watch
                                                                  our video!
                                                                                              14 Student Corner
                   Strategic Initiative News                                                  17	Moving Forward with

                                                                                                     Advancement: Auction
                                                                                                 Crain’s Cleveland
                                                                                                     Business Ad Campaign
                                                                                              19	There’s No Place Like
                                                                                                     Home: Namer Notes
                                                                                              20	Krakowiak Golf Outing
                                                                                              21	2018 Hall of Fame
                                                                                              23 Donor Roll
2018 Hall of Fame Inductees

                              Holy Name High School Mission Statement
                              The mission of Holy Name High School is to educate young men and women to proclaim the good
                              news of the Gospel, empowering them to lead Christ-like lives, thus discovering their potential and
                              value in the process of becoming responsible and caring citizens of the global community.

                              The WAVE is an annual publication produced by Holy Name High School.
                                                                                                              www.holynamehs.com 3
Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...
from the president

Terrence J. Kenneally ’67, M.A., J.D.             Loyal Hearts Firmly United:
Shelbrey Althoff Blanc ’95, M.A., M.Ed.
                                                  A New Chapter in Holy Name High School’s
Principal                                         Rich History
Karen Carter, M.A.T.
Assistant Principal, Academics and
                                                  Dear Holy Name High School Family and Friends,
Michael Sullivan, M.P.A.                                           We are called to leave a legacy that sets the example for generations to come.
Assistant Principal, Discipline and Student                            Holy Name High School has arrived at a new chapter in its long and
Activities                                                                proud history, a chapter that allows for a compelling legacy to remain.
Michele Fusco Scoccola, M.A.                                                Over the last two years, we have engaged in a comprehensive, in-
Director of Advancement                                                       depth review of our past and present, and created a strategic plan
Andy Krakowiak ’73, M.A.                                                      that will provide the roadmap for the future of Holy Name.
Director of Special Initiatives
Colleen Corrigan Day ’88
                                                                               Based on our vision for Holy Name and the objectives of our
Director of Alumni Relations and                                               strategic plan, we are proud to present to you the Loyal Hearts
Special Events                                                                Firmly United strategic initiative. Holy Name’s motto is “The
Kate McCall ’05, M.A.                                                        School’s the Thing,” and this initiative brings the motto to life,
Communications Associate                                                  emphasizing the ongoing development of a vibrant school community
Debby Marchetta, M.S.                                                  that can remain strong for years to come.
Manager, Donor Data, Research, and
Stewardship                                       This important project will provide the funds necessary to increase our endowment, enhance
                                                  our facilities, and strengthen our academic programs. It will celebrate the rich tradition of
Trace Althoff
Director of Admissions                            Holy Name and our alumni, parents, faculty, staff, administration, friends, and leaders and will
                                                  ensure that the mission of Holy Name High School thrives and remains vital in our world.
Jason J. Reed
Director of Diversity and Inclusion
                                                  Just as young, new generations inspire bold and exciting dreams, so do strong traditions build
Bernie Kowal                                      upon each other and open new chapters. Holy Name has arrived at a new chapter in its history
Director of Finance                               and we must respond to the needs of a new generation of Namers. To achieve that objective
Academy Graphic Communication                     will require a bright, fresh outlook, a focus on the future, and a commitment to working
Design and Printing                               together to make Holy Name the best it can be for coming generations.
Hal Stata, Stata Productions,
Daniel Humphrey ’09,                              We invite you to carefully read the information given on page 6 and 7 of this magazine and
Prestige Portraits and                            consider joining us in this historic and exciting effort by making Holy Name High School
Lillian Paul                                      a part of your philanthropic giving. On behalf of all Holy Name students, administrators,
Photo Contributions
                                                  faculty, and staff members, we offer our most sincere gratitude for your support and generosity.
Scott Opincar ’87, J.D., Esq., Chair
Patrice Alberty
Denis Bruncak ’72
Laura Koballa Hudak ’84
Patrick Hyland, Jr.                               Terrence J. Kenneally ’67
Lori Zoss Kraska ’93
Joseph Laviano ’87
Timothy Leonard ’84
Scott McCafferty ’85
Thomas Moran, J.C.D.
Gregory E. Preisel ’92, CPA                                                                          This important project will
Mark Priebe ’88
Deena Rini ’03, M.B.A.
                                                                                                     provide the funds necessary
Frank N. Rini ’75                                                                                    to increase our endowment,
HONORARY ADVISORY BOARD                                                                              enhance our facilities, and
Rev. John T. Carlin, M.Div., M.A., M.B.A., M.A.                                                      strengthen our academic
Rev. William Krizner, M.Div.
Anthony Magalski ’81, M.D.
  4 Holy Name High School
Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...
capital improvements

                                                                                                  Visible throughout
                                                                                                  Indoor and Outdoor
                 Over the summer and into the fall months, numerous improvements were
                 made to Holy Name High School facilities, specifically to Cicerchi Field,
                 the athletic wing, the main entrance, the classrooms and the cafeteria.
                 Further updates to the school building are already being planned, with chemistry lab renovations slated to begin in
                 May 2019 (see page 6 for more information). With so many upgrades already finished, and more on the horizon,
                 it is safe to say Holy Name is preparing for a bright and prosperous future!

                                      1                      1                                       2                                                3

4                                                   4                                         5                              5

    1   Cicerchi Field:                                4   Math, Theology and Art                  5    Cafeteria:
        A new scoreboard, team benches and                  Classrooms:                                    Major changes were implemented in
        stands were installed.                              Desks in Holy Name’s math, theology            the cafeteria, which now features food
                                                            and art classrooms were replaced               from AVI Fresh. Chef Sean Rogers
    2   Athletic Wing:                                     with much more functional – and                prepares a wide variety of items each
        One of the locker rooms, used primarily             comfortable – tables and chairs                day, and has the cafeteria open not only
        by the football and baseball teams, was             (see page 6 for more details on this           during lunch, but during certain study
        completely gutted and renovated. Walls              initiative). With larger desktops,             halls and after school as well. From
        were painted, a new floor was put down,             students are able to move the units            buffalo chicken pizza and homemade
        and wooden doors and benches were                   together to create more collaborative          enchiladas, to macaroni and cheese
        refinished. As a finishing touch, the room          learning environments, while at                and a build your own taco bar, the
        was furnished with brand-new lockers.               the same time, giving them more                new food has been a huge hit. As an
        Main Entrance:                                    individual workspace. The soft plastic         additional new feature, students and
    3                                                       chairs provide flexible seating that           staff can also put money on accounts
        The stone façade was reinforced and
        cleaned. Brighter lighting was also added,          allows for moderate movement and               via PaySchools Central, an online
        with the updates ensuring students and              boosts concentration.                          payment platform that is used to help
        visitors are greeted by both a clean and safe                                                      make managing lunch payments easier.
                                                                                                                          www.holynamehs.com 5
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strategic initiative news

                                                      Already an institution characterized by academic excellence and Catholic values, Holy Name
                                                      High School is a place where the foundations of a young person start to take shape. Imagine
                                                      the HN sophomore or junior student introduced to the wonderment and possibility of science
                                                      in a state-of-the-art high school chemistry lab, who then goes on to become a renowned
                                                      chemist making life changing discoveries and advancements in the medical field. Or maybe it
                                                      is an HN senior who, after embarking on a semester of volunteer service and understanding
                                                      its impact on the community, pursues a road into non-profit management, raising funds and
                                                      bringing awareness to causes that affect so many in our society. No matter what the journey,
                                                      the foundation for our students starts at Holy Name.

                                                      You can help foster and encourage each student’s personal calling as a participant in our Loyal
                                                      Hearts Firmly United strategic initiative. Providing the funds needed to increase endowment,
                                                      enhance our facilities, and strengthen our academic programs, Loyal Hearts Firmly United
                                                      ensures the success of our student body’s intellectual and spiritual well-being as they prepare for
                                                      an ever changing and complex world.

                                                                                                  The Project: $2 MILLION
                                                                                                  The spirit and substance of this initiative embraces
                                                                                                  Holy Name High School’s potential to excel beyond
                                                                                                  its aspirations and accomplishments. Our vision and
                                                                                                  mission sets us apart from other high schools in the
                                                                                                  surrounding area as we profoundly shape the way
                                                                                                  students think, achieve, serve, and lead.

                                                                                                  Although our needs at this point in our history
                                                                                                  outweigh our current fundraising capacity, we have
                                                                                                  determined that the first $2 million raised will be
                                                                                                  allocated as follows:

                                                                                                  CURRENT FUNDING PRIORITIES $2 MILLION
                                                                                                  1. FACILITIES: $1 MILLION
                                                                                                       • Chemistry Lab Renovation
                                                                                                       • Field Enhancements
                                                                                                  2. ENDOWMENT: $1 MILLION
     INTERACTIVE PRINT   Download the free    Scan this photo        Discover                        • Financial Aid
                            Layar App                           interactive content
                                                                                                     • Faculty Development
                                                                                                     • Staff and Program Support
                                                                                                          Unrestricted Endowment will support the operating
                                                                                                          budget by generating funds for capital needs required
                                                                                                          for the existing facilities, new science initiatives,
                                                                                                          and programming. In a tuition-driven institution, the
                                                                                                          unrestricted endowment provides much needed non-
                                                                                                          tuition dollars.
The Planning
WINTER 2017                              SPRING 2017                              SPRING 2017                               SUMMER 2017
Holy Name High School Advisory           More than 100 volunteers, faculty,       The process included an online survey     The Holy Name Advisory Board
Board launched a comprehensive           staff, parents, and benefactors          taken by over 400 Holy Name family        approved the strategic plan and an
strategic planning effort. The goal      worked together to affirm the Holy       members, as well as focus groups,         exciting new vision for Holy Name
was straightforward: to make Holy        Name mission and create an exciting      individual meetings, and much             High School. The plan set the stage
Name High School the best it can         vision of the future of Holy Name        hard work by the Strategic Planning       for Holy Name to begin a new era of
possibly be.                             High School.                             Committee. Each group gave input          achievement in Catholic secondary
                                                                                  regarding academics, advancement,         education in Northeast Ohio.
                                                                                  facilities, faculty and staff, finance,
                                                                                  parent engagement, spiritual life,
6 Holy Name High School                                                           student life, and technology.
Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...
strategic initiative news

           A Catholic education is a blessing. Donating
           to Holy Name High School is not because of
           the building. It’s because of the kids in the
           building. It’s because when you were there
           people supported you. My kids still have
           friends from Holy Name –the people in their
           wedding were from Holy Name. They’re still
           their best friends to this day.
                                        MIKE KOZLOWSKI
                             Retired HN Teacher and Past Parent       Walter and Kathy Joyce ’70 Fortney
                                                                      This year, Kathy Joyce Fortney ’70, along with her husband, Walter,
                                                                      decided to further strengthen their commitment to Holy Name with
                                                                      a gift to support the Loyal Hearts Firmly United strategic initiative.
Investment Options                                                    They attended the Strategic Initiative reception which provided the
                                                                      opportunity to share our vision for our $2 million initiative. Focusing
In What Ways Can I Make a Gift to the Strategic
                                                                      on our students and their compelling stories, our campaign video
                                                                      was heartfelt and well received. In fact, Kathy was so inspired by our
Your investment in our future is tax deductible (please
                                                                      students, she called us the next day excited to support the initiative.
consult with your accountant or financial advisor), and there
are a variety of ways to invest in Holy Name High School.             Recently, we caught up with Kathy and asked why she was inspired
Please consider one or multiple options when determining a            to support the Strategic Initiative through her contribution to the
commitment.                                                           Chemistry Lab renovation.

CASH: Commitments may be paid over a period of five
                                                                      Tell us about your background.
years or any appropriate timetable.
                                                                      I received a BS in Biology from John Carroll University, with a
STOCK AND SECURITIES: Gifts of stock – one-time                       strong chemistry concentration. I was in the first coeducational class
gifts or multiple gifts over a period of years – are an ideal         to graduate. Early in my career I worked in the clinical chemistry
vehicle for both you and Holy Name. In gifting appreciated            department at Cleveland Clinic and became an ASCP Specialist in
stock, you avoid all capital gains taxes, receive the full benefit    Chemistry. Later I managed the quality control/analytical chemistry
of a charitable contribution, and provide us with a significant       department in a small, local biotechnology and reagent company, later
and immediate gift.                                                   becoming a co-owner of the company.

DEFERRED OR PLANNED GIVING: Planned gifts are                         Why is it important for you to support the $2M Strategic
another way supporters can participate in the initiative. We          Initiative, especially the Chemistry Lab renovation?
invite your participation through planned or deferred giving          Supporting the Strategic Initiative ensures that high quality educational
as a secondary way to support this important initiative.              opportunities remain available in Northeast Ohio, even as local schools
                                                                      decrease funding. I very much want the Chemistry Lab project to be a
For more information, please contact Director of Advancement,         success, because science and technology education is critically important
Michele Fusco Scoccola at 440-886-0300, ext. 104 or email at          to the current and future job market. If students have an excellent
mfuscoscoccola@holynamehs.com.                                        experience on the high school level, they will be more inclined to pursue
                                                                      an education and employment in the sciences. The chemical field was
                                                                      central in all phases of my career and a key to my success.

                                                                      There are many good organizations that do great work
FALL 2017                           SPRING 2018                       in Cleveland. What is it about Holy Name that keeps you
Several of the objectives of        Additional work was done to       supporting the school?
the strategic planning process      gain consensus regarding the      My husband and I support Holy Name because the education I received
required funding. Accordingly,      priority of capital needs. The    became the foundation for a successful and rewarding career. At this
following the strategic planning    results were clear and when
process, the Advisory Board         presented to the Advisory Board
                                                                      stage in our lives it is important to remember where we came from and
approved conducting a Feasibility   in late April 2018, the Loyal     to give back so others can similarly benefit. We think that Holy Name
Study designed to determine the     Hearts Firmly United strategic    produces well-rounded students on an ethical, personal and academic
capital funding potential of the    initiative was approved.          level. We want that to continue into the future.
Holy Name family.
                                                                                                                   www.holynamehs.com 7
Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...
from the principal
Alumni Data
Verification Project:
PLEASE                                  Upgrades to School Building,
In October 2018, Holy Name High
                                        New Staff Additions Enhance
School launched a comprehensive
alumni data verification project.
                                        Student Experience
Alumni may have received a
postcard in the mail, and/or an email
                                        Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends,
requesting they call a hotline to                         On a recent afternoon, I was walking through the hallways after school
update their information. This was                           when I could not help but notice all the activity taking place. The varsity
sent out on behalf of Holy Name                                 football team was eating a meal before leaving for their game, with the
by Publishing Concepts (PCI),                                     marching band, drill team and cheerleaders preparing to accompany
using the information the school                                   the team. All three volleyball teams were getting ready to take on
currently has on-file for each                                      a conference rival at home, while the boys soccer program was
graduate.                                                           prepping to play on Cicerchi Field.
All graduates are encouraged                                         Before the game began, the freshman football team and girls soccer
to call and update their phone                                      team were out on the fields practicing, and the cross country team
numbers, home addresses and email                                 was praying in the chapel. Between all of this and additional students
addresses, as well as their degree                              staying late for other clubs, it seemed like no one had left the grounds
and career information. If you are                          to go home!
an alumnus or alumnae and did
not receive an email or postcard,       However, that is the beauty of Holy Name: Our students already feel like they are at home
please call 1-866-537-5741. Tell the    here, and we want them to be comfortable during the four years spent on campus. With this
customer service representative your    in mind, several updates were made over the summer to enhance the student experience. A
name and that you attended Holy         new food service, AVI Fresh, is now serving lunch and after school snacks in the cafeteria.
Name, and he/she will walk you          Contemporary desks and chairs have replaced old desks in all of the math and theology
through the process.                    classrooms, as well as the art room (page 5).

                                        In the classrooms and throughout the building, several new teachers and staff members have
                                        joined us (page 16). I am especially excited to welcome Mr. Jason Reed as our new director of
                                        diversity and inclusion (page 10). His values align with Holy Name’s mission of providing a
                                        faith-based, college preparatory education to students of all backgrounds, and I am excited for
                                        him to work here.

                                        As we begin the second quarter, I am grateful for all of the people who have been present in
                                        our building so far this year. The dedicated faculty not only have been educating students, but
                                        helped make our Homecoming Weekend and Open House a success. Tutors from Seeley Test
                                        Pros are working tirelessly with students every Saturday morning to prepare them for the ACT.
                                        Guest speakers from the McKeon Education Group, Chastity Project founder Jason Evert, and
Information collected will be put
                                        priests who have celebrated Mass with us have discussed important topics teenagers need to
into an alumni directory, which will
                                        learn about and address.
be released in Fall 2019 (a similar
directory was published in 1999).       These are just some of the examples showing how fortunate I feel to be surrounded by people
Alumni can purchase the directory       who have our students’ best interests in mind, and enjoy being here as well. It is true when they
and various packages through PCI.       say, there is no place like Holy Name.
A small portion of the sales will be
given back to Holy Name. However,       Sincerely,
the most important return to Holy
Name is the up-to-date alumni
information that the school will
receive. Please call and be a part of   Shelbrey L. Blanc ’95
this project; Holy Name thanks you      Principal
for your participation!

8 Holy Name High School
Division II Volleyball State Champions! - PAGE 6 Strategic Initiative News PAGE 21 2018 Hall of Fame Inductees PAGE 23 2017-2018 Donor Recognition ...
Over 300 Class of 2022 students, parents and family
members enjoyed getting to know one another at
Frosh Fest on Sunday, August 5.
The fun-filled afternoon began with Mass, celebrated by Fr. James Kulway, parochial
vicar at Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish in Brook Park. Afterward, families were
invited to the mini-carnival set up outside!

Smash Time and Boca Loca Food Trucks provided lunch, while dishes of Honey
Hut Ice Cream were passed out quickly on the hot summer day. Both parents and
students competed against one another in the games provided, with Holy Name
upperclassmen staffing the booths and welcoming the newest Namers.

This year’s freshman class includes 171 students from 28 communities located
throughout Cuyahoga, Lorain, Medina and Summit counties. They come from
nearly 60 private and public schools, with several students this year from Our
Lady of Angels, Holy Name and Old Brooklyn Community in Cleveland, St.
Columbkille in Parma, St. Albert the Great in North Royalton, St. Thomas More
in Brooklyn and Sts. Joseph & John in Strongsville.

                                                          www.holynamehs.com 9
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A Wave of Positivity:
Introducing the Office of Admission and Diversity
Jason Reed & Trace Althoff
Jason Reed                                                                 Trace Althoff
Title: Director of Diversity and Inclusion                                 Title: Director of Admissions

Education: Bachelor’s Degree from Walsh University; studied                Education: Bachelor’s Degree from Loyola University
elementary education                                                       Chicago; studied sociology and secondary education

Background: Following his graduation from Walsh, Reed remained             Background: After graduating from Loyola, Althoff worked
in the Canton area, working as a Title I and K-8 educator in the           at the university as a recruiter in their Admissions Office and
Canton City School District elementary schools. While there, he helped     served as Loyola’s NCAA compliance officer, overseeing student-
students develop strong study skills, academic standards and high school   athlete academic eligibility. He then worked at Saint Ignatius
readiness. He was also a high school basketball and track coach.           High School in Cleveland as the school’s director of admissions,
                                                                           and also served in a similar role at Cleveland Central Catholic
Reed then returned to Cleveland, working at Saint Ignatius High            High School.
School as the director of diversity and inclusion for more than 13 years
before arriving at Holy Name this summer. While at Saint Ignatius, he      Most recently, Althoff taught physical education and health to
developed and implemented the REACHing MAGIS program, which                K-8 students at Saint Charles Borromeo School in Parma. He
fosters academic and social programming for all students from diverse      was the interim part-time director of admissions at Holy Name
backgrounds and prepares them to attend area Catholic high schools.        for the 2017-2018 school year, and is now permanently in the
More than 150 middle school boys attend the program each year,             role in a full-time capacity.
giving them the confidence to successfully transition into high school
and to achieve goals they never thought they could.

10 Holy Name High School
cover story

What are some of the main priorities for                            Reed: As part of my work, I want to help students cultivate
the Office of Admission and Diversity?                              a school environment where everyone gets along and
                                                                    encourages one another. I want them to recognize that each
Reed: One of my main priorities as the director of                  student is an individual made in the image and likeness of
diversity and inclusion is to build relationships and               God, and despite our differences, we are still one family.
effectively communicate with all parents, students, faculty
and administrators to increase and maintain Holy Name’s
enrollment, while defining what diversity truly means for our
                                                                    As two of the school’s most visible
                                                                    ambassadors, yet newest community
In the past I have worked with students of all backgrounds          members, what message do you have for
to let them know that they, too, can succeed even if the odds       alumni and supporters?
are against them. I am bringing my vocation to Holy Name,
where I will nurture relationships to make sure students            Reed: Trace and I are invested in Holy Name’s past, present
succeed both during and after high school, and reach the            and future, and believe in the students, their families, and
goals they have set and are capable of attaining.                   our alumni, faculty and staff. As important as it is for us to
                                                                    interact with prospective families, it is also important for us
Althoff: Holy Name is a first-rate academic institution             to connect with alumni and supporters.
with great facilities. There is a family environment here; the
students know the adults and vice versa. We have a lot of           Althoff: Echoing what Jason said, I want friends of Holy
good things going on – academics, athletics, musicals, band,        Name to come back, visit us and ask questions. Both of us
campus ministry, etc. As the director of admissions, I need to      have actively chosen to be here and are committed to building
show prospective families how proud I am – we are – of the          for the future. We are here to help develop students’ minds,
school. Students in Northeast Ohio should want to come to           bodies and spirits, and need your support in order to fulfill
high school here.                                                   this mission.

Reed: We will continue to attract and retain qualified              Reed: We want to learn from you, and encourage you
students whose families believe in the traditions of Holy           to come back to Holy Name and be visible. Our current
Name. We want to find those who value education and want            students need to understand the history and tradition of Holy
to send their children to college.                                  Name High School.

Twenty percent of Holy Name students are students of ethnic
diversity. Thirty-five percent of our students reside in the city
of Cleveland. Students come not only from the east side, but        Can you explain the 2019 summer
also the west side. Regardless of where students comes from         program you will be running?
or who they are, we want to maintain an environment that
embraces them and celebrates their differences.                     Althoff: Starting in the summer of 2019, we will be having
                                                                    the Green Wave Summer Experience, a summer academic and
                                                                    social enrichment opportunity for rising seventh and eighth
                                                                    grade boys and girls.
What have some of your responsibilities
been thus far?                                                      Reed: We plan to have academic coursework that allows
                                                                    teachers to be more engaged with prospective students. We
Althoff: We have both been attending several high school            will offer field trips, career speakers and service opportunities.
nights each week and making connections. It is important            Our current students will have the chance to be involved as
to us, and for the school’s success, that we establish a good       well, serving as student mentors. In the future, we want to
rapport with our area grade schools. Additionally, a priority       include alumni and build partnerships with area businesses.
has been to check in with the current freshmen. We want
to make sure they are happy and enjoying the Holy Name

                                                                                                                      www.holynamehs.com 11
athletics update
                                           Andrew Bleakley ’18 Finishes 14th at State
                                           Bowling Tournament
                                                                        This past March, Andrew Bleakley ’18 qualified for the Division
                                                                        II State Bowling Championships in Columbus. He earned
                                                                        his spot in the state tournament after finishing second in the
                                                                        Division II Youngstown District Bowling Championship.

                                                                        At the state tournament, Andrew bowled a 596 series, finishing
                                                                        14th out of 209 bowlers. As a top 15 finisher, he received All-
                                                                        Ohio Honorable Mention honors.
HNN SPORTS                                                              Andrew, who also had success on the Green Wave golf team and
CREW                                                                    was a member of the school’s National Honor Society, earned a
                                                                        bowling scholarship to Wright State University in Dayton.
ATHLETICS                                  ONLINE SPORTS PASSES NOW
ONLINE                                     AVAILABLE TO FANS
As an extension of the Holy Name           Fans are now able to purchase sports passes online for Green Wave home athletic contests.
Network (HNN) that produces the            This new feature launched in August, in time for the fall sports season. Purchasing the online
school’s daily video announcements,        pass each season allows a supporter and one guest to go to any home game, regardless of the
HNN Sports broadcasts Green Wave           sport, without having to buy tickets at the gate. Select single game tickets will also be sold
athletic contests live via an online       online; for example, varsity football tickets were available online this fall.
stream. The stream is available by going
to the Holy Name Athletics Twitter         All online tickets can be purchased at https://gofan.co/app/school/OH1070.
Account (@NamerAthletics) or by going
to the Holy Name Facebook Account

This fall, the broadcasting team,
                                           Dave the Wave
currently comprised of Tony Carter ’20,
Austin Hojdar ’20 and Adam Rini ’20,
                                           Introduced as Mascot
traveled to varsity football games, and                                        To complement Holy
also went live from several volleyball,                                        Name’s nickname of the
boys soccer and girls soccer games. They                                       ‘Green Wave,’ a new
will continue this momentum into the                                           mascot was introduced
winter sports season, with plans to go                                         last spring. The entire
live from several boys basketball, girls                                       community – students,
basketball and hockey games. Additional                                        parents and alumni – was
students will join the crew throughout                                         invited to participate in
the winter and spring.                                                         the new mascot naming
                                                                               contest, with numerous
To learn more about HNN Sports,
                                                                               suggestions given. In the
follow them on Twitter @HNNSports.
                                                                               end, after nearly 800
This student-run account announces
                                                                               votes were registered,
when games will be broadcast, and also
                                           the majority selected ‘Dave the Wave.’ The name pays
provides brief game recaps, including
                                           homage to Holy Name’s history of being known as the ‘Little
HNN Sports Players of the Game.
                                           Davids.’ As a sign that was once on display at Holy Name
                                           said, “Be a David. You don’t have to be a Goliath to win.”
                                           Dave the Wave has been spotted at many events, including
                                           Open House. He also appeared on the cover of Cleveland
                                           Magazine’s September edition.
12 Holy Name High School
student news

Class of 2018 Accepted to More
Than 80 Colleges and Universities
                                                      “We all have been given the resources and skills we

                                                        need to succeed in the future. Now it is our time to
                                                        decide what we want to do with our unique gifts and
                                                        talents. Choose to do what will bring joy; stay strong                        GRADUATES
                                                        in your faith; and recognize that God will be at
                                                        your side through everything during the next
                                                        chapter of your life.”                                                  Earned
                                                         – Valedictorian Meaghan Vrabel ’18, now studying at The
                                                                                           Ohio State University
                                                                                                                           in merit-based
                                                                                                                         This does not include the
                                                                                                                           financial need-based
                                                                                                                              aid that was also
       Accepted                                                                                                                   received.
      to schools
  across the United
  States, including Case                                                                          “Know yourself, listen to yourself,
Western Reserve University,                                                                         believe in yourself. Take great risks.
DePaul University, Kenyon                                                                           Work hard for your dreams. Don’t be
 College, Miami University,                                                                         afraid to go your own way. Don’t be
   and Vassar College.                                                                              afraid of failure; you’ll learn something
                                                                                                    valuable either way. Never stop being

                                                                                                    uniquely you, no matter how many
                                                                                                    times you need to reinvent yourself.
                                                                                                    Follow your heart.”
                          CLASS FROM
                          HOLY NAME                                                               – Michelle Borsz ’98, suicide prevention coordinator
                                                                                                           for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

BASEBALL                  BOWLING                   HOCKEY                   Joel Fitzgerald
                                                                             Cuyahoga Community
Manny Miranda             Andrew Bleakley           Anna Cvitkovich
Malone University         Wright State University   Trine University
                                                                             Tim Wallace
Matt Springer
                          CROSS COUNTRY             LACROSSE                 Cuyahoga Community
John Carroll University
                          Sarah Sparks              Brady Kern
BASKETBALL                Kent State University     Benedictine University
Dwayne Cohill                                       Hanna Searles
                          FIGURE SKATING                                     Nicole Camarati
University of Dayton                                Capital University
                                                                             Baldwin Wallace
                          Sarah Cvitkovich
Destiny Jackson                                                              University
                          University of Notre       SOCCER
Indiana University East
                          Dame                                               Allison Gray
                                                    Hannah Arison
Molly Searles                                                                Baldwin Wallace
                                                    Ohio Dominican
Capital University        FOOTBALL                                           University
Brandon Styers            Joe Carter                                         Taylor Mountcastle
                                                    Julia Dreher
The College of            Mercyhurst University                              Ursuline College
                                                    Butler University
                          Roberto Santiago
                          Walsh University
                                                                                                                           www.holynamehs.com 13
student corner

International Travel Opportunities
Continue as Students Visit England
and France
Several students enjoyed a 10-day trip in
both England and France over the Easter
holiday last spring.
While in England, they spent time in both London and in Windsor.
Highlights included touring Westminster Abbey, visiting Windsor
Castle, celebrating Mass at Westminster Cathedral, and going on a
special Harry Potter Tour at the Warner Bros. Studio in London.

After enjoying all that England has to offer, the group
traveled via a Eurostar train to France! Spending time
in France was a special highlight for the Holy Name
students, as all five of them took French with Mme.
Lillian Paul. While there, they saw the Eiffel Tower lit
up at night, explored art exhibits at the Louvre, and
experienced Easter Sunday Mass in Paris.

Besides visiting so many significant landmarks, the
students also experienced the rich cultures of two vibrant
countries. A group of junior and senior students will
once again travel to England and France in April 2019,
this time with Mr. Peter Knittel as the chaperone. A
trip in 2020 to Ireland is also being planned.

14 Holy Name High School
student corner

                                                                                                       TESS SMITH ’19
                                                                                                       NAMED NATIONAL
                                                                                                       MERIT COMMENDED
                                                                                                       Tess Smith ’19 was named a
                                                                                                       Commended Student in the Class
                                                                                                       of 2019 National Merit Scholarship
                                                                                                       Program! Tess is in the top 10 of
                                                                                                       her senior class, and is a member
                                                                                                       of National Honor Society. She is
                                                                                                       the Drama Club President, and has
                                                                                                       performed in many of Holy Name’s fall
                                                                                                       plays and spring musicals. Tess is also a
                                                                                                       member of the Green Wave Marching
                                                                                                       Band, Jazz Band and Symphonic Band.
Sophomore Service Program                                                                              Aside from her musical and acting

Helps Distribute Groceries to
                                                                                                       talents, Tess is involved with Campus
                                                                                                       Ministry, Cenacle of Mary and
                                                                                                       PenOhio. At her home parish of Saint
Those in Need                                                                                          Christopher in Rocky River, she teaches
                                                                                                       fifth grade PSR.
The Campus Ministry Program kicked off the school year
with a new sophomore service project at the Parma Area
Family Collaborative (PAFC).
The collaborative, located just minutes from Holy Name, opens a food pantry on the second
Thursday of every month. Sophomores go to the PAFC in the morning on those days to
unload deliveries from the Greater Cleveland Food Bank and to bag the groceries. Another
group of sophomores then arrives at the collaborative in the afternoon, helping to distribute
food to the families in need.

Before the school year began, freshman students helped at the PAFC as well. They sorted
school supplies collected and packed them in 1,000 backpacks. Members of the boys soccer
team also pitched in, organizing and preparing the backpacks for delivery, and then unloading
them so they could be successfully distributed.

                                                                       High School Conference Engages
                                                                       Students to #ReThink Diversity
                                                                       The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio’s High School Conference at
                                                                       John Carroll University this past March gave members of Holy Name’s
                                                                       Diversity Club the chance to interact with students from other schools,
                                                                       regions and backgrounds. Through various small group activities and
                                                                       student-led panels, the attendees developed ideas on how to build a more
                                                                       inclusive community at Holy Name. They also began to think about how
                                                                       they can help not only students, but all Northeast Ohioans, rethink the
                                                                       way they see race, age, religion, ethnicity, culture and much more.

                                                                                                                    www.holynamehs.com 15
student corner

PenOhio Experiences
Success in First Year
of Competition
In just its first year of
existence, the PenOhio
Writing Team has already
experienced success.
Under the direction of English teacher Mrs.
Holly White, PenOhio members competed
at interscholastic writing tournaments last
school year.

The varsity team, which included Lindsey              Karen Nemeth ’18 and
Heben ’19, Zachary Milko ’19, Tess Smith ’19,
Sarah Sparks ’18 and Luke Van Niel ’18, placed        Sarah Sparks ’18 Receive
                                                      2018 Scholastic Art Awards
second in the regional PenOhio tournament.
Additionally, those students, along with
junior varsity team members Adele Begue ’20,
Savannah Dawson ’20 and Austin Hojdar ’20,            Both Karen Nemeth ’18 and Sarah Sparks ’18 earned recognition after submitting
qualified for the state tournament that took          artwork to the 2018 Scholastic Art Awards – Cuyahoga County Region Competition.
place at The College of Wooster in May.               Student artwork pieces from across the county were considered, with 3,325 submissions
                                                      being reviewed.

                                                      Karen received a Gold Key Award for her drawing and illustration titled “The Future,”
                                                      while also receiving a Silver Key for her printmaking piece, “Acceptance.” Sarah Sparks
                                                      ’18 earned an Honorable Mention for her mixed media piece, “Spiral Garden.”

                                                      Karen and Sarah each exhibited a portfolio of their artwork at Holy Name’s annual
                                                      spring art show. Both young women are now in their first year at Kent State University,
                                                      where Karen is studying studio art and Sarah is studying interior design.

At the start of the 2018-2019 school year,
Holy Name welcomed several new faculty
and staff members, including:
• Ms. Melissa Allen, Math Tutor
• Mrs. Vicki Kerner, Athletics Administrative Assistant
• Mrs. Lori Krzywicki, Math Teacher (Algebra II, Geometry
  and Precalculus) – Not Pictured
• Mr. Anthony Lanza, Math Teacher (Algebra II, College Prep
  Math and AP Calculus BC)
• Mr. Mike Palcisko, Theology Teacher (Theology I)
• Ms. Katie Schuerger, Theology Teacher (Theology III)
• Mr. Matthew Srsich, Science Teacher (Physical Science, Earth
  Science & Astronomy and Ecology – Environmental Science)
• Mrs. Karla Targosky, School Nurse – Not Pictured
16 Holy Name High School
advancement news

                                                                                                                          2018 GALA
    Gala Auction Benefits Financial Aid                                                                                   AUCTION
    and New Classroom Furniture Initiative                                                                                Catan Fashions
                                                                                                                          Cicerchi Development Co.
    Because of the generosity of the Holy Name High School community, the 2018 Cocktails on the Green: Rising             Class of 1984
    Tide Gala Auction raised more than $171,000, including $60,000 that was used to purchase new furniture for            The Cub House Child Care
    all the art, theology and math classrooms! At the 2019 Gala Auction, money will continue to be raised to outfit          Center
    additional classrooms with updated furniture.                                                                         Cunningham Paving Company
                                                                                                                          DLR Group | Westlake Reed
    Thank you to the 250 attendees, along with the many donors and sponsors, who gave so Holy Name can continue              Leskosky
    to provide cutting-edge resources, as well as additional financial aid, to our students.                              D-Terra Solutions
                                                                                                                          Fay Sharpe
    Along with being grateful for all attendees, sponsors and donors, the Gala Auction was fortunate to have many         FieldTurf
    wonderful volunteers whose dedication ensured the event was a successful one. A special word of thanks goes to        Freight Expediters
    Gala Auction Chair Dr. Stacey Hancock P ’19, ’20, Decorating Committee Chair Heather DePietro P ’21, Food             Hofmann-Metzker, Inc.
    Committee Co-Chairs Patrice Alberty and Julie Alberty P ’17, ’19 and ’22, and all the parents, family members         J&F Transportation
    and students who volunteered before, during and after the event.                                                      KPM Ltd.
                                                                                                                          The Law Firm of Terrence J.
                                                                                                                             Kenneally & Associates
                                                                                                                          The Lubrizol Corporation
                                                                                                                          Mahnic Family Music Fund
                                                                                                                          Osborn Engineering
                                                                                                                          Pipefitters Local Union 120
                                                                                                                          Proximity Marketing
                                                                                                                          Rea & Associates
                                                                                                                          Records Deposition Service
                                                                                                                          Rinello Builders
                                                                                                                          Frank and Stacie Stanton
                                                                                                                          WTWH Media

                                                                             SAVE THE DATE!
                Cocktails on the                                             Saturday, March 30, 2019

                                                                             Visit the Holy Name High School Facebook Page –
                                                                             @HolyNameHS – for Gala Auction updates!
                                                                             Co-Chairs: Dr. Stacey Hancock P ’19, ’20; Kim Sinagra P ’22;
                 H O LY N A M E H I GH S CH OOL                              and Patty Kinney Preisel ’91 P ’22
                   R IS IN G T I D E GA L A A U C T I ON                     Questions? Contact Colleen Corrigan Day ’88 at
                                                                             cday@holynamehs.com or at 440-886-0300 ext. 136

                                                                                                                        www.holynamehs.com 17
advancement news

       Crain’s Cleveland
 Business Ad Campaign
                                                           How did Holy Name prepare you
 Highlights Holy Name’s                                       for your life as an adult?
            Influence on

                                                                 “Holy Name taught me how to think critically,
                                                                   challenge assumptions, and how to articulate
                                                                   my position in a clear and concise manner.
                                                                   Outside of the academics, Holy Name taught

                                                                   me how to be empathetic and to act as a
                                                                   Christian in tough situations. Our world is
                                                                   getting more complex by the day and Holy
                                                                   Name instilled in me a desire to consider
                                                                   alternative perspectives before judging
                              In April 2018, Holy                  someone’s circumstances.”
                              Name High School
                                                                 – Amanda Ehrbar Flanagan ’06, counterterrorism
                              began running an ad
                                                                    analyst, United States Department of Defense
                              campaign in Crain’s
                              Cleveland Business
                                                                 “We learned how to deal with people… with
                              magazine. With the
                                                                   different situations, good and bad… we realized
                              ad headline reading “I               that, yes, you learned from books, but more
                              launched my career                   importantly, you learned from people, whether
at Holy Name High School,” Crain’s Cleveland                       that person was teaching the class or sitting
Business readers are introduced every other week                   next to you.”

to a successful Holy Name alumnus or alumnae.                    – Rob Powers ’84, co-anchor of the 6 p.m.
From businesspeople, counterterrorism analysts                      and 11 p.m. newscasts at News 5 in Cleveland
and dental school students, to news anchors,
scientists and priests, Holy Name has so many                    “Holy Name taught me that I was loved
alumni to be proud of, and to feature.                             by God, that He had a plan for me, and that
                                                                   His plan was to pour myself out in self-giving
Along with the ad, a short profile on each alumni is               love for others.”
created for interested readers to view online. These
profiles, which can be found at www.holynamehs.com/              – Fr. Damian J. Ference ’94, Diocese of Cleveland
profile, include each person’s education background and             priest who is currently a doctoral student
current profession, as well as what they were involved              of philosophy at the Pontifical University
in at Holy Name, their fondest memories from high                   of St. Thomas in Rome, Italy
school, and what Holy Name means to them.

The ad campaign will continue in Crain’s Cleveland               “My education and experiences at Holy Name
Business through Spring 2019. If you know of successful            equipped me with the skills, morals, work
alumni who you think would be a great success story                ethic, and passion that I have utilized to bolster
to highlight, please email Kate McCall ’05 at kmccall@             my growth as a young adult and health care
holynamehs.com, or call her at 440-886-0300 ext. 148.              provider. Most importantly, Holy Name has
Whether they are doctors or lawyers, teachers or non-              taught me to always value my family, faith,
profit leaders, Holy Name is interested in sharing their           and community throughout all of life’s major
stories.                                                           milestones.”

Here are excerpts from four of the profiles published            – Frederick Keppler ’11, fourth year dental student
thus far, answering the question, ‘How did Holy Name                and orthodontic residency applicant,
prepare you for your life as an adult?’                             The Ohio State University College of Dentistry

18 Holy Name High School
alumni news

Class Notes                                                                                                   MARRIAGES
                                                                                                              Michael Baker ’97 and Meghan
                                                                                                                O’Malley ’96
                                     developing affordable housing        University. Corey Roscoe
                                     for less fortunate families.                                             David Linderman ’03 and Carrie Baur
Class of 1936                                                             is the Ohio director of The
                                                                          Humane Society of the United        Matt Zelasko ’03 and Katie
Elizabeth Walker
                                                                          States, the nation’s largest          McNamara
Pumphrey celebrated her              Class of 1969
                                                                          animal protection organization.     Matthew Hudak ’06 and Lauren
100th birthday in August, and        Brenda Saunders Sprague                                                    Blech ’05
passed away on November 12.          is the deputy assistant secretary                                        Brian McCall ’07 and Allison Graham
Her favorite time in her life and    for passport services at the U.S.    Class of 1994
best memories were from her                                                                                   Michael Kekic and Jenna Rowan ’11
                                     Department of State.                 Class of 1994 graduates are
days at Holy Name.                                                        asked to save the date for the
                                     Class of 1972                        25th Class Reunion Weekend,
                                                                          set for September 20-22, 2019.      ENGAGEMENTS
                                     Paul Novosel works as an
                                                                          Please contact Nicole Piccolo       Mary Kortan ’83 and David Cooley
                                     accompanist at The Dance
                                                                          Marko at nicolemarko@               Emily Day ’08 and Joe Grace
                                     Theatre of Harlem in New York.
                                                                          sbcglobal.net for more              Shannon Day ’12 and Joe Schmidt
                                     Last year, he made his debut at
                                     Carnegie Hall.

                                     Class of 1976                        Class of 1996                       COLLEGE GRADUATES
                                                                          Dave Zelenka is the senior
                                     Robert Satonik is the                                                    Alexandra Myhal ’10,
                                     campus assistant dean for            director of development at          The Ohio State University
                                     clinical curriculum at the           Mount Sinai Medical Center in       College of Veterinary Medicine,
                                     Augusta University/ University       Miami Beach, Florida.               Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
                                     of Georgia Medical Partnership                                           Meg O’Gorman ’14,
Class of 1958
                                     in Athens, Georgia.                  Class of 2004                       University of Mount Union,
The class of 1958 held their                                                                                  Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Business
                                                                          Stephanie Winemiller is
60th reunion at Creekside
Restaurant on Saturday, July 28.     Class of 1981                        living and working in Silicon
                                     Elizabeth Becka, who writes          Valley as a trial attorney for
Everyone enjoyed themselves
                                     under the name Lisa Black,           Allstate.                           BIRTHS
and asked that an 80th birthday
party be planned for 2020.           released a new book called                                               Anna Mae to Joseph and Catherine
                                     “Perish.”                            Class of 2010                          Frantisak ’95 Shively
                                                                          Alexandra Myhal, a                  Julian Alexander to Michael and
                                     Class of 1983                        veterinarian, has accepted a           Maria Zachary ’96 Kyffin
                                     Kenneth Dombroski is a               position at a 17-doctor dairy       Grace to Jason and Theresa
                                                                          practice in the Central Valley of      Talboo ’00 McElroy
                                     civil engineer at McMillen Jacobs
                                     Associates, where he serves as the   California.
                                     central region vice president.                                           Lucas Alexander to Ryan Shoemaker
                                                                                                                and Michelle Sestak ’00
Class of 1967                        Class of 1987
Duane Piscura was inducted           Christine Sromek Laforet
into the Greater Cleveland           is the author of the Being Bree
Softball Hall of Fame.               chapter book series for children,
                                     including “Bree and the
Class of 1968                        Nametag Worries” and “Bree
John Banaszak was inducted           and the Loose Tooth Worries.”
into the Marine Corps Sports
Hall of Fame. Frank Lucician         Class of 1992
works as executive director of All   In January 2018, Pat Chun                                                Lincoln James to Kevin ’08 and
Souls Housing Corporation, a         was named the director of                                                  Sarah Stranak Malloy
non-profit that is preserving and    athletics at Washington State                                            Emma Patricia to Josef and
                                                                                                                Dana Bura ’10 Stachowiak

                    For additional class notes and alumni updates, please visit
                                                                                                                     www.holynamehs.com 19
alumni news

                                     Krakowiak Scholarship Fund Earns
Thomas Kelly ’36                     $22,000 at ETK Golf Classic
Elizabeth Walker Pumphrey ’36
Edward Steadley ’41                  A rich tradition of faith, fellowship, and fun on the fairways
Rita Roszkowicz Severyn ’44
Marlo Termini ’45                    Thank you to the nearly 144 golfers, as well as the sponsors and other donors, who made the
Celene Muszynski Brody ’46           Eugene T. Krakowiak Golf Classic a success on Thursday, June 7. In 2018, the ETK Golf
Jacqueline Boudreau Buggy ’46
                                     Classic raised close to $22,000 for the Krakowiak Scholarship Fund.
Grace Tesmer Reichwein ’46
Jean Bazzo Corlett ’47
James F. Hoban ’47                            Save the date for next year’s ETK Golf Classic,
Sr. Edith Louise Merhar, SC ’47
Rita Kahoun O’Grady ’47                              set for Thursday, June 6, 2019.
Dorothy McFadden Dimonski ’48
Frances Sciaulino Johnson ’48
Frank Sever ’48
Dolores Hill ’49
Patricia Kilbane Kenosh ’49
Raymond Koenig ’51
Honorable Daniel P. Corrigan ’52
Rita Golembiewski Apidone ’52
Patricia Coyle Downey ’52
MaryFaith Wilson Schuld ’52
Margaret Schulte McCarthy ’53
Robert Straub ’54
Nancy Basel Boylan ’55
Barbara Barto Stafford ’55
Anthony Peskar ’57
Carol Roso Polin ’57
John Bullock ’58
Thomas Strahan ’58
Mary Taylor Klekar ’59                                A special congratulations goes to Rob Scholl ’14, Jake Sabo ’14,
Norman Kross ’59                               Ross Genchi ’14 and Kyle Nekoloff ’16, who were this year’s winning foursome.
Gerald J. Strekal ’60
Rose Burke ’61
Shirley Sorace Gawlikowski ’61       Major Golf Sponsors                    Hole Sponsors                         Jim ’70 & Nancy Gilbride ’70 Joyce
Dianne Thomas Hernandez ’61                                                 Augie’s Catering – The Jenks Family   Terry & Susan Kenneally Class of ’67
Kathleen Parle Maruna ’61                                                   Barnes Wendling Inc. – Floyd A.       Mike Kozlowski Family
                                     The Gorbetts – Pat ’71
                                                                                Trouten III                       Lori Zoss Kraska ’93 & David Kraska
Barbara Rybak Mondry ’61             Green Wave                                                                   Kuznik Family – Bob ’72, Mary Ann
                                                                            David Breslin ’01
La Verne Schmidt Altier ’62          Marian Stein - In Memory of Steve      Mark & Mary Beth (K) Burger ’75          ’70, Nancy ’75
John Meder ’62                          Relic                               CCI – Surgical – Dale Mutryn ’66      The Mahnic Family
William Visocan ’63                  Terry McCafferty ’81                   Class of 2009 Football Team           Marketplace Strategy, Drew Kraemer
Dennis Bydash ’64                                                           Mike Cooper ’73                          ’02, CEO
                                     Lil’ David
James Sabanos ’64                                                           Tim Cunningham ’72                    Next Day Signs & Graphics - Ted
                                     Mary & John Banaszak ’68
                                                                            Chris & Laura DePiero – Class of         Joyce ’85
John Yax ’67                         Cunningham Paving Co. - Tim
                                                                                1983                              Friends of Tom Patton
John Goebel ’71                         Cunningham ’72
                                                                            Dean DePiero ’86 & Future Namers      Sue Paruleski Paulic ’87, DVM
John Coleman, Jr. ’72                The Kevin W. Day Family (’78, ’08,
                                                                                Blake & Hadley                    Marty Powers ’67
Karen St. John-Vincent Kassouf ’72      ’09, ’12)
                                                                            Glenn Dyer – Class of 1968            Greg ’92 & Patty Kinney ’91 Preisel
                                     Patrick Fogarty ’79
James Higham ’74                     Ganley Auto Group – Ken Ganley         Fortuna Funeral Home                  Mark Priebe ’88
Christine Cieplowski Mahnic ’75                                             Grounds By Coffey Landscaping –       Qwestcom Graphics
                                     KPM Ltd. - Jim & Cathy Kavalec ’89
William Mahnic ’75                                                              John Coffey ’83                   Regional Equipment Services Inc. –
                                     Terry & Susan Kenneally Class of ’67
                                                                            HN Boosters “Go Green”                   Tony Dosen Jr. ’87
Barry Andrews ’86                    Tim Leonard ’84 - Wells Fargo
                                                                            Independence Bank                     Rinello Builders – Frank Rini ’75
Stanley Schrembeck ’90                  Advisors
                                                                            “In Gratitude” – Paul & Martha        R-Nu-Vinyl – Ron Iacoboni
Daniel Whipkey ’91                   Frank Mahnic
                                                                                (Klag ’74) Gould                  The Termini Family
Frank Ragone ’95                     Denise Vaselaney McCormick ’85 -
                                                                            In Memory of Paul & Lillian Arthur    Tom ’75 & Barbara Vaughn
                                        Vantage Financial Group
Michelle Bycko Schidowka ’95         Scott ’87 & Nicole ’88 Opincar             – Larry ’72 & Mary Ann ’69        Vic’s Floral, Inc. - Drew Haney ’65
Jonathan Mazur ’04                                                              Arthur                            Greg Walters - Class of 1970
                                     Gene Ptacek & Son Fire Equipment
Joe Lesko – Coach                                                           In Memory of Brian Neary ’67          Tom ’68 & Kathy ’69 Weber
                                        Co., Inc. - Gene Ptacek ’81
                                                                            In Memory of Fred Schuckert ’67 &     Zarzycki – Malik Architects, Inc. –
Sr. Loretto Burke, SC – Faculty      Stu Man Group In Memory of Dave
                                                                                Marty Poplar ’66                     Bob Zarzycki ’58
Sr. Annina Morgan, SC – Faculty         Stuczynski ’80
                                                                            In Memory of Joe Curiale & Jeff
                                     Hole In One Sponsor                        Piscura - Class of ’69
                                     Powers Coal & Coke - Marty Powers      Islander Bar & Grille
                                       ’67                                  J & F Transportation
20 Holy Name High School
alumni news

Holy Name Athletic Hall of Fame
 Set to Induct Six New Members
 On Sunday, December 2, 2018, five former Holy Name student-athletes
 and one coach will be inducted into the Holy Name Athletic Hall of Fame.
 The induction ceremony will be held in the Holy Name Main Gymnasium, and tickets are
 $30 per person. Networking will begin at 1 p.m., with lunch served at 1:45 p.m.
 The ceremony will start at 2:30 p.m.

 To purchase tickets, visit www.holynamehs.com/HOF2018. Please contact Colleen Corrigan
 Day ’88 at cday@holynamehs.com or at 440-886-0300 ext. 136 with any questions.

    2018 Holy Name High School Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

                 Jeff Arena ’72                         Brian Giovinazzi ’98
              Football and Baseball                       Soccer and Basketball

        Athletic Accomplishments:                   Athletic Accomplishments:
        Arena excelled on both the football field   A four-year starter who earned four
        and baseball diamond. In 1971, he was       varsity letters, Giovinazzi left his mark
        named the football team MVP and the         on the boys soccer program. During his
        West Senate League MVP runner-up.           senior team MVP campaign in 1997, he
        Additional accolades included being a       served as a co-captain, netting 18 goals
        part of the All-West Senate Team, The       and 11 assists. That same year, he was
        Plain Dealer All-Scholastic Team, The       an All-North Coast League, All-Greater
        Plain Dealer Dream Team and the All-        Cleveland Second Team and Sun Post
        North East Ohio First Team. In the spring   All-District selection. On the basketball
        of 1972, his abilities on the baseball      court, Giovinazzi earned two varsity
        diamond earned him recognition on The       letters and was a captain his senior year.
        Plain Dealer Dream Team.                    He finished his basketball career with All-
                                                    NCL honors.

                                                                                             www.holynamehs.com 21
alumni news

                                     Coach Tim Krolikowski ’67
                                     Head Girls Basketball Coach

                                     Coaching Accomplishments:
                                     Krolikowski coached the Lady Namer Basketball Team from 1984-1992. His overall record was
                                     132-55. During the 1986-1987 season, he was named the Associated Press Class AAA State of
                                     Ohio Coach of the Year. Twice during his career, he received the North Coast League Coach of
                                     the Year Award (1986-1987 and 1990-1991). Krolikowski’s 1986-1987 team went undefeated
                                     in the regular season. That squad also was crowned the NCL Champions; achieved a 23-game
                                     winning streak; was ranked #1 in The Plain Dealer Girls Basketball Poll; and won a Class AAA
                                     District Championship. Two years later, his 1988-1989 team had further success, reaching the
                                     Division I state semi-finals.

        Meghan Patton                                  Dave Woytek Jr. ’87                                Rudy Kenik ’68
         Crooks ’03                                        Track and Football                          Football, Basketball and
   Soccer, Track and Basketball                                                                                  Track
                                                    Athletic Accomplishments:
  Athletic Accomplishments:                         A four-year track letter winner who led         Athletic Accomplishments:
  As the 2003 Holy Name Female                      the team in total points all four years,        Kenik did it all as a three-time letter
  Athlete of the Year, Patton earned                Woytek set numerous school records              winner for the Green Wave football
  ten varsity letters in soccer, track and          in a variety of events. He set the 100          team. He was the starting half-back
  basketball. The two-time captain                  and 200 meter dash records, both of             as a junior and returned punts on
  earned the basketball team’s MVP                  which stood for 17 years. He also set           special teams, while also taking care
  distinction twice. She was also named             and re-set the long jump record that            of punting, kick-off and point-after-
  All-North Coast League twice during               stood for 11 years; was a member of             touchdown duties. When the ball was
  her time as a Namer. On the soccer                the 4x100 meter relay team that set the         in his hands, Kenik averaged 5.3 yards
  field, Patton was a two-time captain,             school record six different times; and          per carry, and averaged 40 yards per
  and was featured as The Plain Dealer              was a part of the sprint medley relay           punt. He was a Cleveland Press All-Star
  Player of the Week.                               team whose record remained intact for           and named an All-West Senate First
                                                    26 years. The boys track team won the           Team selection. Kenik also lettered in
                                                    North Coast League Championships                basketball and track during his high
                                                    in 1986, the same year Woytek earned            school career.
                                                    the NCL MVP Award. He also lettered
                                                    twice in football.

22 Holy Name High School
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