Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ

Page created by Bernard Luna
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
in conjunction with

The Warehouse will donate a portion of their
fun dress-up wig sales during the month
of October, as well as hosting their own
Halloween Dress Diabolical event.
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
Why dress
Dress Diabolical
is a fun-raising, mufti-day
event designed to increase
awareness about type 1
diabetes and to support
the families living with it.
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
          FOR HELPING
    All donations go towards helping over
3600 young people living with type 1 diabetes
 in New Zealand. This pack has been created
      to help you with your fundraising.
On behalf of the team at Diabetes New Zealand
  many thanks for making such a significant
          difference to so many lives.
         We can’t do it without you.
        Heather Verry, Chief Executive
           Diabetes New Zealand
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
                         Each will check their bloods and insulin   Without constant

                                                                    and management,
                                            A DAY                        they could
YOUNG PEOPLE                                EVERY DAY                 develop other
AGED 0–25                                                           serious conditions
                                                                     – some of which
have the life-changing           FOR THE REST                           can be fatal
 incurable condition             OF THEIR LIVES
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
let’s get started…
Get your school,          Email all                   Use social media
kindy or group on         your contacts               Social media is another
board                     E-mail is the most          great way of engaging with
                          effective way of reaching   people. Post photos and
If you or someone you                                 videos on your Facebook
know lives with type 1    as many people as
                          possible.                   & Instagram.
diabetes, invite them
to share their personal   Send an e-mail to           Let families know how
experience or the         everyone you know – the     much this means to you.
child’s journey with      more people who know,
diabetes. Tell people     the better!
what type 1 diabetes is
like on a daily basis.
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
In NZ, over 400 children

tell them all
                are diagnosed with type 1
                diabetes every year.
                Diabetes NZ ensures that

what your       every child under the age
                of 16 receives a free NEWLY
                DIAGNOSED PACK to help

                them learn about living
                with type 1 diabetes.

will support
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
#1 ‘Jerry the
bear’ packs
Each #1 pack includes Jerry the bear,
who also has type 1 diabetes. With the
help of the Jerry the bear App, children
discover how they can still play with
their friends, take part in sport and enjoy
life to the full, all while learning more
about managing their diabetes.

               SENT TO SUPPORT
               TYPE 1 CHILDREN SO
               FAR! LET’S KEEP IT UP!
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
To make smiles like this,
Diabetes NZ needs…

                 FOR ONE
                 #1 ‘JERRY THE
                 BEAR’ PACK

           $75              FOR ONE NEWLY
                            DIAGNOSED PACK
Fun-raising Dress Up for children with Type 1 Diabetes - Diabetes NZ
Spooky Hot Soup                                                                            Count the Eyeballs
Make up some delicious                                                                     Draw eyeballs on ping
pumpkin or other healthy soup                                                              pong balls and place in a
– nice and spicy if you like!                                                              see-through container. A
Serve in a cauldron if you have                                                            donation for each guess
one handy. Serve to colleagues                   PLAY GAMES                                and winner gets a prize (and
and friends for a donation.                                                                perhaps a jar of eyeballs!)

Guess the name of                                                                          Host a Spooky
the witch’s cat                   Diabolical dance              Dress Diabolical           Scavenger Hunt
People pick a name from           competition                   for a Day                  Host it near your school
a list of 10. The winning                                                                  and put together an
                                  Host a school dance           Change your dress code
name to be revealed at                                                                     awesome prize package
                                  and everyone dresses          for a day – no outfit
the end of your event.                                                                     for the winning team.
                                  diabolical with spot prizes   too dastardly, doofy
                                  for the best dressed, or      or diabolical! Gold coin
Apple bobbing                     the best dance.               donation to take part.
The classic Halloween
game that’s fun for
everyone. Apples, water,
tub… too easy!
                                                EMAIL TEMPLATES
EMAIL ONE                                                     EMAIL TWO
“Hi [Name],                                                   “Hi there,

We are dressing diabolically on {insert date}                 We are taking part in Dress Diabolical and raising funds
                                                              for Diabetes NZ on {insert date} and we would love to
As you know, diabetes is an issue close to our heart…         have your support.
[Insert your reason for picking Diabetes New Zealand]         Why we are doing this? ………
We are hoping to raised over $XXX, but every dollar counts.   What are we doing?......
Any donation, big or small will make a huge difference.
                                                              Here are a few ideas of what your donation could pay for:
$xxx will pay for….$xxx will pay for….$xxx will pay for….
                                                              {insert what you wish to raise money for}
Thank you”
                                                              Thanks so much!”
flyer tempLAte                           RESOURCE
                            (Download a Word file of our template from here)

                                      *Insert your Organisation here


All donations go towards supporting 3,600 young people living with type 1 diabetes throughout New Zealand.
                             Help make a difference and support those in need
                        (Personalise your flyer with why diabetes is important to you)

                                                Donate here:



                                        [name] [contact phone no]
Want to learn more about Type 1 Diabetes and how it affects children and families?



 Want to teach your class more about how to support those living with diabetes?



  Know a Type 1 child (aged 4-10 years) who might like a Jerry Bear of their own?

       Apply here:
   Make sure you keep on top of things with this handy checklist.
    This will make sure that you maximise your resources when
              working towards your fundraising targe.t

Set your fundraising target                  Make the most of the resources available
Be ambitious and give yourself a challenge   Stick up posters around your community, hand out flyers,
                                             shout out on social media, email your contacts.
Tell everyone!
The more people that know, the better        Thank your supporters!
                                             Let them know they make a difference
Get more people involved
Friends and family can be great motivation   Get in touch
                                             We’re here to help in every way we can
thank you
                         From Diabetes New Zealand
                      and all those children you will help.

Find out more about Type 1 Diabetes or our
support programmes at
Email us at
Phone Toll-Free on 0800 DIABETES (342 238)
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