Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton

Page created by Jesse Gross
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
Eagle View
            Adult Center
         March & April 2019
                                                    Class & Event
                                                 Registration begins
                                                    Thurs. Feb 28
                                               Trip Registration begins
                                                       Fri. Mar 1
                                              See pages 2 & 19 for details

Free rides with VIA to and from Eagle View.
Thank you for all the generous donations.

            Spaghetti Luncheon
                Sat. Mar 2
          11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

        1150 Prairie Center Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
2                         Center Information
Table of Contents                    Page           REGISTRATION PROCEDURE
Continuous Drop-in Activities........ 3             CLASSES, HAPPENINGS, AND EVENING
                                                    PROGRAMS REGISTRATION begins on
March Happenings…….................. 4 & 5          Thurs. Feb 28 at 8:00 a.m.
April Happenings ……………...… 6 & 7
                                                       Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.
March Trips ..……..…...…….…… 8 & 9                       You can register yourself and one other person.
                                                        Cash, checks, and credit cards accepted.
April Trips .………………………. 10 & 11
                                                       No trip registration.
Classes……………………………. 12 - 16
                                                    TRIP REGISTRATION begins Fri. Mar 1 and is
Calendars ………………………… 17 & 18                        held as a LOTTERY.
Center Info & Cancellations …….. 2 & 19              To be in the first round of trip registration, be in
                                                       the dining room between 8:00 - 8:25 a.m. to
Special Events ………………….... 20
                                                       draw a number. Numbers are randomly drawn,
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.           so there is no advantage to picking first.
          Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.            Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. for people
Phone: 303-655-2075                                    with lottery numbers. During this time, you can
Location: 1150 Prairie Center Parkway                  register for yourself and only one other
             Brighton, CO 80601                      person - if you are going on the same trip.
                                                       You may also register for classes and events.
Eagle View Center Staff                              When lottery registration is over (approximately
Sue Corbett - Director
                                                       11:00 a.m.), we will reopen registration on a
Donna Singer - Program Coordinator
                                                     first-come, first-served basis.
Evon Benitez - Information & Referral
Gayle Martinez - Administrative Assistant            After March 1, register for all activities and
Becky Eichem - Front Desk Receptionist                 trips at the front desk.
Calvin Perdue - Trip Coordinator                     Registration is taken until the deadline date
Eleanor Maestas - VOA Meal Site Coordinator            listed for each activity OR until all spaces have
Cindy Castro - Custodian                               been filled. Don’t wait - programs fill fast!
Lavon Ausman / Billie Markoff - VNA Nurses
***************************                         Senior Wellness Clinic
On The Cover:                                       The Senior Wellness Clinic focuses on health
Left Photo: A group of Brighton citizens            promotion and disease prevention for seniors 55+.
boarding VIA to head back home.                     Operated by Visiting Nurses Association (VNA),
Right Photo: Jane Talbot giving some pointers to    services include foot care, health checks, and blood
Nancy McLean in an oil painting class.              pressure checks. Fee for foot care is $30 ($40 for
                                                    first visit) payable at the time of your appointment.
***************************                         Foot care is Kaiser covered with pre-approval. Call
VOA Lunch                                           303-655-2075 for appointment.
A hot, nutritious lunch is provided by Volunteers         Clinic hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
of America, Monday - Thursday at 11:30 a.m.               Thursdays: Mar 7 - 28 and Apr 4 - 25
Please reserve your VOA meal two working                  Fridays: Mar 8 & 15 and Apr 12 & 19
days in advance! Call Eleanor at 303-655-2271
between 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Mon. - Thurs.
    Daily meal donations are appreciated.
    $2.50 Donation per meal if age 60+
    $8.50 Mandatory charge if under 60
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
Continuous Drop-in Activities                                             3

Cards, Cards, Cards!
New players welcome. Call the       Thanks to Shannon King for Volunteering
listed volunteer.                         at Eagle View Adult Center.
Hand and Foot
    12:45 - 3:30 p.m.            Bingo
    Mondays                      No fee - just fun! Play after      Police Time
    Room: Hawk/Heron             the VOA lunch. Prizes vary         Sharon Stillwell
    Linda: 303-910-4221          from food to “white elephant”      from the
                                 gifts.                             Brighton Police is here to answer
UNO                                   12:00 - 12:45 p.m.            questions.
   10:00 - 11:30 a.m.                 Mondays & Thursdays               11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
   Tuesdays                                                             Tuesdays
   Room: Brown                   Computers Available                Mahjong
                                 Computers with free internet       Drop in to play American
Pinochle Pals                    available in the Falcon Room       Mahjong using 2018 cards.
   12:30 - 3:30 p.m.             when not occupied. Inquire at         1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
   Tuesdays                      the front desk for free Wi-Fi         Mondays - 2nd & 4th
   Room: Hawk/Heron              throughout EVAC.
   Sandy: 303-659-3265                                              Mexican Train Dominos
   Chama: 720-244-6216           Color Me Drop-in                   This is an easy game to learn - it’s
                                 Adult coloring is a great stress   regular dominos with a fun twist.
Cribbage                         reliever and fun. Drop in to           12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
   12:30 - 3:30 p.m.             color with other patrons.              Wednesdays
   Wednesdays                         1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
   Room: Peer                         Mondays                       Scrabble
   Shirley: 720-685-3369              25¢ per day                   Play Scrabble with others who
                                                                    enjoy the game.
   Last Wed. Tournament: $4                                             12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
                                 Ladies Billiards
Bridge                           This is “women only” time.
   12:30 - 3:30 p.m.                 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.               Wood Carving Drop-in
   Fridays                           Mondays                        Learn to carve wood or work on
   Room: Hawk/Heron                  25¢ per day                    an existing project. Call Norm at
   Judy: 303-378-5226                                               978-568-1191 to arrange free
                                 Knit & Crochet Drop-in             instruction. Or make wooden cars
Pitch                            Drop in to knit or crochet with    to distribute to kids around the
   12:30 - 3:30 p.m.             others. No instructor.             world through “Toys for God’s
   Fridays                           10:00 - 11:30 a.m.             Kids.” Call Dave 303-637-7686.
   Room: Falcon                      Thursdays                           8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
   Shirley: 720-685-3369             25¢ per day                         Tuesdays
                                                                         25¢ per day

        Monday                  Tuesday             Wednesday          Thursday           Friday
12:00 Bingo                8:00 Wood Carving 12:30 Cribbage         10:00 Knit &      12:30 Bridge
12:45 Hand & Foot          10:00 UNO           12:30 Dominos              Crochet     12:30 Pitch
1:00 Color Me              11:30 Police Time   12:30 Scrabble       12:00 Bingo
1:00 Ladies Billiards      12:30 Pinochle Pals
1:00 Mahjong 2nd & 4th
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
4                              March Happenings
                                         You must sign up for Medicare       Kindness Counts
      Registration for                   BEFORE you turn age 65. Our         Ever wish you could make a
    Mar/Apr Happenings                   presenter is Victoria Poilevey, a   difference in Brighton? You can!
    begins Thurs. Feb 28.                Medicare specialist and a           This group is about fun, easy
                                         licensed agent with United          ideas for spreading a little
Spaghetti Luncheon                       Health Care. The presentation       kindness throughout the
For the last 31 years, we have           is general in nature and there is   community. Our aim is to
hosted this great community              NO solicitation. Lots of time       brighten the day for others. Each
event. Bring your family and             for questions.                      month we pick a project and work
friends for spaghetti, salad, bread,          1:00 p.m.                      together as a group to be kind.
and dessert. Advance ticket                   Thurs. Mar 7                        11:00 a.m.
purchase encouraged, but tickets              Free                                Wed. Mar 13
will be for sale at the door as well.         Deadline: Wed. Mar 6
     11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.                                                  Technology and Scams
     Sat. Mar 2                          Friday Feast                        With the increased use of the
     $7 adults                           Did you know that Patsy Cline       internet, email, and smartphones,
     $4 children 12 & under              was only 30 when she died on        there are now more ways for
                                         March 5, 1963? Back by              scammers to contact their
Massage                                  popular demand, Maxine              victims. Learn to recognize
Feel great with a massage by our         Delgado will be here to perform     scams on the internet, social
certified therapist, Sue O’Dell.         her vast repertoire of Patsy’s      media, and email. They will also
Sue has over 10 years of massage         songs. We’ll be serving             provide you with ways to avoid
therapy experience. Call 303-655-        minestrone soup, sandwich, and      unwanted contact from
2075 to make an appointment.             dessert by Inglenook.               scammers! Plenty of time after
Pay Sue at the time of service -              12:00 noon                     for questions with AARP
check or cash. Appt. deadline:                Fri. Mar 8                     ElderWatch presenter, Mark
two days in advance.                          $4                             Fetterhoff. Free, but please
     Mar 5 - Apr 24                           Deadline: Wed. Mar 6           register.
     Tues. 8:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.                                                  12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
     Wed. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.         Blood Pressure Screening                 Wed. Mar 13
     1/2 Hour - $26; Hour - $41          The wonderful firefighters from          Free
     Deadline: Two days ahead            the Brighton Fire Department             Deadline: Tues. Mar 12
                                         will be here to perform FREE
Eagle View Singers                       blood pressure checks. Stop by!     Grief Support Group
Do you love to sing and want to               10:30 - 11:30 a.m.             This five-week support group
be involved in a fun singing                  Mon. Mar 11                    provides helpful grief education
group? Join the Eagle View                    Thurs. Mar 28                  and support to those who are at
Singers. Free Spring Sing                                                    least three months out from
performance by the group on              Mahjong                             suffering the loss of a loved
Thurs. Apr 18 at 10:30 a.m.              Mahjong is a                        one. A supportive group who
     1:30 p.m.                           rummy-like                          knows about what you are
     Tuesdays                            game played                         experiencing can bring great
     Mar 5 - Apr 23                      with tiles. We play American        comfort. Facilitated by Jody
     $8                                  Mahjong, using 2018 standard        Pierce and Jessica Butler from the
                                         hand cards. Drop-in play on the     Pennock Center for Counseling.
                                         2nd and 4th Monday monthly.              2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Medicare 101                                 1:00 p.m.
This informative presentation is an                                               Wednesdays
                                             Mar 11 & 25                          Mar 13 - Apr 10
overview of Medicare - what it is,           Free
how it works, and what it covers,                                                 Free
                                             Falcon Room                          Deadline: Mon. Mar 11
especially under Parts A and B.
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
March Happenings                                            5

Feathered Friends -                      residents with general Medicare    Book Club -
                                         questions can also call Benefits   The Library Book
American Kestrel                         in Action at 720-221-8354.
Always a hit! Anne Price from                                               Susan Orlean wrote this
                                              10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.        inspirational account of April 28,
the Raptor Education Foundation               By appointment                1986 when the L.A. library caught
will teach you the biology, habitat,          Tues. Mar 19                  fire, destroying more than 400,000
and curious facts about the
American Kestrel - a type of             “Sisters of Courage”               books and devastating the
falcon. Pictures allowed. Lots of        Back by Request                    community reliant on its resources.
time for questions. Fee supports         In 1896, Annie and Kittie          Yet, like a phoenix, it rose from
REF in caring for injured birds.         Harbison homesteaded in the        the flames, greater and more
     10:00 a.m.                          Kawuneeche Valley near Grand       beloved than ever. Read the book
     Thurs. Mar 14                       Lake. Journey into the past        and meet in the lobby for the
     $5                                  with this one-hour presentation    discussion led by Karen Grillos.
     Deadline: Wed. Mar 13               sharing the pioneer experience           9:00 a.m.
                                         of the Harbison sisters. Learn           Wed. Mar 27
                                         how the Harbison Ranch             Cribbage Tournament
Bunco is a fun game of dice filled
                                         became the west entrance to
with laughter, refreshments, and                                            Tournament includes prize
                                         Rocky Mountain National Park.
prizes. Bunco fills up fast so                                              winnings and refreshments. Just
                                         Presenter Dave Lively is a tour
don’t wait to register!                                                     drop in and pay fee to the
                                         guide in Grand Lake.
     1:00 - 3:30 p.m.                                                       tournament volunteer.
                                              1:30 p.m.
     Thursdays                                                                  12:30 p.m.
                                              Wed. Mar 20
     Mar 14 & 28                                                                Wed. Mar 27
     $4                                                                         $4
                                              Deadline: Fri. Mar 15
     Deadline: Tues. before
                                         Healthy Tips                       City Spotlight: Brighton
Movie: The Quiet Man                                                        Historic Properties
When an American prize-fighter           Betty Stephenson shares the
                                         most recent research about         Back by Request
(John Wayne) kills a man in the                                             Kim Bauer, City of Brighton
ring, he returns to the Irish village    nutrition and healthy eating.
                                              10:45 a.m.                    Historic Preservation Coordinator,
where he was born to find                                                   has a slide presentation on eleven
peace. There he meets and falls in            Thurs. Mar 21
                                                                            properties in Brighton of historic
love with the sister (Maureen            Active Minds: Eleanor              significance. Learn something
O’Hara) of the village bully -                                              new about Brighton’s history and/
disrupting the quiet life he             Roosevelt
                                         Eleanor Roosevelt                  or reminisce about places from
envisioned. Colorized 1952                                                  your past. Program is one hour
comedy. Not rated. 2 hrs/10              was both
                                         outspoken and, at                  with lots of time for questions.
mins. Free, but register.                                                   Free, but please register.
     1:30 p.m.                           times, quite
                                         controversial.                          1:00 p.m.
     Fri. Mar 15                                                                 Wed. Mar 27
     Deadline: Thurs. Mar 14             Join Active Minds
                                         as we examine her life and the          Deadline: Tues. Mar 26
Medicare Counseling                      impact it had on important         Readers Theatre
You can receive one-on-one               causes such as human rights
                                         and the successful launch of the   Performance
assistance on Medicare issues                                               The Readers Theatre performances
from Ann Brothers. She is                United Nations.
                                              1:30 - 2:30 p.m.              are always a lot of fun and only
specially trained on Medicare                                               last about 20 minutes. Drop in for
insurance programs, including                 Thurs. Mar 21
                                              $5                            the free show before VOA lunch.
Medicare Part D. Call Evon at                                                    10:45 a.m.
303-655-2079 to make an                       Deadline: Tues. Mar 19
                                                                                 Thurs. Mar 28
appointment. Adams County                                                        Free
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
6                            April Happenings
      Registration for                Denver Mob Scene                    Hair Sparkles
    Mar/Apr Happenings                Back by Request                     Sparkle your hair with silk hair
                                      Join Denver mob historian, Tom      tinsel. Tinsel is tied onto
    begins Thurs. Feb 28.             Hackett, on a photo tour of         individual strands of hair and
                                      North Denver’s Little Italy.        can stay for weeks with gentle
Community                             View slides of the former social    shampooing. All hair colors
Garden                                clubs, homes, and haunts of         look great! Hair must be
Sign-Up                               some of Denver’s most               straight or slightly wavy and at
Eagle View has a community            influential crime families, while   least 5 - 6 inches long. Make
garden consisting of 14 elevated      learning the truth behind many      appointment and pay fee at the
planter beds. These are available     of the legends! If you have gone    front desk. Provided by Sarah
to lease to seniors who don’t         on the trip, you will still enjoy   Hoskin-Clymer.
have space at home. Beds are          this “tour through pictures” and         12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m.
raised 24” to allow easy access       learn some new information.              Tues. Apr 16
for planting, weeding, and                 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.                    $7 front strands
watering without excessive                 Wed. Apr 10                         $10 throughout
bending and stooping. Center               $5                                  Deadline: Mon. Apr 15
will provide the beds, hose, and           Deadline: Mon. Apr 8
water. Participants bring their                                           Spring Sing
own tools, seeds, and organic         Friday Feast                        The Eagle View
fertilizer. Participants must agree   Elvis will be “in the               Singers are so
to maintain their bed throughout      house!” You will                    much fun and
the season.                           hear George Gray                    we invited them
      Mon. Apr 1                      sing Elvis Presley’s                to perform for
      $20 per garden bed              songs, learn Elvis                  you! The
                                      trivia, and have a                  program is free,
Hemp Oil                              wonderful time. We’ll be            but if you want to stay for
Hemp oil has been used                serving cheese potato soup,         lunch, you must reserve with
medicinally worldwide for 4,000       sandwich, and cookies from          Eleanor at 303-655-2271 by
years. Attend this educational        Brookdale.                          Mon. Apr 15.
program to learn: What is hemp             12:00 noon                          10:30 a.m.
oil? How is hemp different from            Fri. Apr 12                         Thurs. Apr 18
marijuana? Does it make you                $4                                  $2.50 donation 60+
high? Does it have side effects?           Deadline: Wed. Apr 10               $8.50 under 60
Most importantly, Kimberly                                                     Deadline: Mon. Apr 15
Hodgson and Vanessa Skidmore,         Nordic Walking DEMO
R.N. will talk about the beneficial   Try Nordic walking for free!
effects of hemp oil, such as          See how much better you can             Snowy Weather
improving energy and immune           walk using Nordic walking           You will be called by EVAC or
functioning, reducing pain and        poles. They help with balance          your instructor if we are
inflammation, and much more.          endurance, strength, and            cancelling programs or classes
Free program, but please register.    mobility. Great if you have           due to bad winter weather.
     1:30 p.m.                        physical challenges in knees or
     Thurs. Apr 4                     hips. Poles provided. Instructor         Free Programs
     Free                             Sarah Hoskin Clymer.                    Please attend if you are
     Deadline: Tues. Apr 2                 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.             registered - your instructors are
                                           Tues. Apr 16                           counting on you.
                                           Deadline: Fri. Apr 12
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
April Happenings                                            7

Active Minds: Challenges             Book Club - The Day the
of Mexico                            World Came to Town                  Tuesday & Wednesday
Join Active Minds for an in-depth    The Day the World Came to                Gift Cards
look at our neighbor to the south.   Town by Jim DeFede is the true      Each day you eat VOA lunch at
We will cover Mexican history        story behind the events on 9/11       Eagle View on Tuesday or
and recent events as we seek to      that inspired Broadway’s hit        Wednesday you earn a chance to
understand how this country fits     musical Come from Away.              win a $10 gift card from the
in the regional puzzle of North,     Thirty-eight jetliners bound for       Eagle View Adult Center
Central, and South America. We       the U.S. were forced to land in        Senior Advisory Board.
will examine key issues in           Gander, Newfoundland, due to            Drawing held monthly.
Mexican relations with the U.S.      the closing of U.S. airspace on
including immigration, trade         September 11. The population
relations, and border security.      of this small town swelled from        April Happenings
     1:30 - 2:30 p.m.                10,000 to nearly 17,000. The
     Thurs. Apr 18                   citizens of Gander met the          Descriptions: Pages 4 & 5
     $5                              stranded passengers with an
     Deadline: Tues. Apr 16          overwhelming display of             Massage
                                     friendship and goodwill. Read          Tues. & Wed.
Movie: Going in Style                the book and meet in the lobby         By appointment
Desperate to pay the bills and       for the discussion led by Karen
come through for their loved         Grillos.                            Mahjong
ones, three lifelong pals (Morgan         9:00 a.m.                         1:00 p.m.
Freeman, Michael Caine, and               Wed. Apr 24                       Mon. Apr 8 & 22
Alan Arkin) risk it all by                                               Kindness Counts
embarking on a daring bid to         Planning Ahead -                       11:00 a.m.
knock off the very bank that         “Lunch and Learn”                      Wed. Apr 10
absconded with their pension         Join us for this “Lunch and
funds. Rated PG-13.                  Learn” about planning ahead for     Blood Pressure Screening
1 hr/40 mins. Free, but register.    your senior years. This                10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
     2:00 p.m.                       informative event will have            Thurs. Apr 11/Mon. Apr 22
     Tues. Apr 23                    speakers from the following         Healthy Tips
     Deadline: Mon. Apr 22           industries: assisted living, home      10:45 a.m.
                                     health, home care, skilled             Thurs. Apr 11
                                     nursing homes, palliative/end of
                                     life care, financial planning,      Bunco
                                     long term care insurance, and          1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
                                     real estate. The speakers will         Thurs. Apr 11 & 25
                                     provide guidance on what to         Medicare Counseling
                                     plan for within each industry          Tues. Apr 16
                                     without solicitation. Lunch is         By appointment
                                     included. Free, but registration
                                     is a must! Lunch sponsored by       Cribbage Tournament
                                     Brookdale Brighton.                    12:30 p.m.
                                           12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.           Wed. Apr 24
                                           Wed. Apr 24
                                                                         Readers Theatre
  Our wood carving drop-in class           Deadline: Fri. Apr 19         Performance
     is a great way to find new                                             10:45 a.m.
  friends and learn a new hobby.                                            Thurs. Apr 25
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
8                                March Trips
                                     drive there. Trip will leave       one of Denver's best annual St.
   Registration for ALL Trips        Central City at 3:00 p.m.          Patrick's Day celebrations.
      begins on Fri. Mar 1
                                         8:45 a.m.                      No meal.
     See Page 2 for details.
                                         Tues. Mar 12                        6:15 p.m.
                                         $16                                 Sat. Mar 16
                                         Deadline: Thurs. Mar 7              $36
           Denotes lots of walking                                           Deadline: Tues. Mar 5
                                     Fiske Planetarium
                                     The Fiske                          Church Basement
Restaurant                           Planetarium in                     Ladies: Rise Up, O Men
Concourse                            Boulder is                         This brand new musical comedy
Moderne                              putting on a                       features the men of the church
Enjoy lunch at                       talk led by Dr.                    and your favorite basement
this stylishly                       Fran Bagenal.                      ladies who serve them. As
decorated restaurant serving         Dr. Bagenal,                       these hard-working farmers
seasonally focused American          who chairs NASA’s Outer            discuss their scrap lumber piles
cuisine in Denver’s Stapleton        Planet Assessment Group, will      and benefits of weld vs. solder,
neighborhood. The restaurant is      take us on a journey to Jupiter    they unintentionally disrupt the
a homage to the airport, which       with the findings from             order of the kitchen.
formerly occupied the site.          NASA’s Juno spacecraft. The        Nevertheless, that’s what
     10:30 a.m.                      Juno spacecraft launched in        happens when you let the
     Mon. Mar 11                     2011 and is projected to cost      roosters in the hen house.
     $5 (plus meal $15+)             around $1 billion over its         Performance is at Union Colony
     Deadline: Thurs. Mar 7          lifetime. Learn about the most     Civic Center in Greeley.
                                     up-to-date news regarding the      No meal.
Rosie’s Diner                        mission to the largest planet in        6:00 p.m.
Step back into the 50s by joining    our solar system. Images from           Sun. Mar 17
us for lunch at the famous           Juno have revealed swirling             $36
Rosie’s Diner in Aurora. They        clouds, polar storms, deep              Deadline: Mon. Mar 4
serve fantastic food and have        weather systems, and the
breakfast all day long! Don’t        spinning Great Red Dot.            Model Railroad Museum
forget to order one of their         No meal.                           The Colorado Railroad Museum
homemade milkshakes or                     5:45 p.m.                    in Greeley took over five years
malts. Wear your favorite 50’s             Thurs. Mar 14                to complete with 280,000
outfit for festive fun.                    $9                           volunteer hours. This 5,500 sq.
     12:30 p.m.                            Deadline: Mon. Mar 4         ft. masterpiece has more than
     Mon. Mar 11                                                        500 scale locomotives, 80 scale
     $5 (plus meal $12+)             Denver Brass:                      miles of train track, thousands
     Deadline: Thurs. Mar 7          Celtic Fusion                      of other handmade artifacts,
                                     Denver Brass is performing a       including around 28,000
Gamble @ Johnny Z                    wonderful concert at the           handmade trees and a real
Join us this month for a             Newman Center for the              caboose. Pictures don’t do this
gorgeous day in the mountains        Performing Arts in Denver.         place justice, so please join us
with good food and good              This unexpected musical            on this unforgettable trip.
friends. We will see what            hybrid has grown into a full-      Lunch after at Double Tree.
Johnny Z Casino in Central City      blown Celtic extravaganza,              9:00 a.m.
has to offer. Bring your player’s    fusing the best of Irish and            Tues. Mar 19
card and $1 for the raffle on the    Scottish music and dance with           $12 (plus meal $14+)
                                     Colorado style. Don't miss              Deadline: Thurs. Mar 7
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
March Trips                                             9

                                      the true love of a                Snowshoe
                                      family. Dinner included.          Bear Lake
                                           4:45 p.m.                    By Request
                                           Fri. Mar 22                  Join us on a
                                           $63                          snowshoe adventure
                                           Deadline: Thurs. Mar 7       to Bear Lake in
                                                                        Rocky Mountain National Park.
Travel Film: China,                   Huckleberry Afternoon             Park Rangers will lead this
Beyond the Wall                       Tea                               educational adventure of
By Request                            By Request                        breathtaking beauty on a 1.5-
The Northglenn Recreation             Relax as you’re served a          mile, 2-hour roundtrip
Center is featuring a film by         traditional afternoon tea,        snowshoe hike. The elevation
Karin Muller on her 3-month           complete with a lovely table      increase is about 500 ft. with
adventure to China. Follow            dressed with linens and tea       plenty of opportunity to enjoy
Muller as she travels alone,          time accoutrements at The         the views. Pack a lunch, plenty
living with Tibetan nomadic yak       Huckleberry in Louisville.        of water, and wear winter boots
herders, Mongolian wrestlers,         Enjoy bountiful, tiered tower     and apparel. Snowshoe poles
and Buddhist warrior monks.           of delicious tea sandwiches       are not included and not
This adventure film will reveal       and pastries baked fresh and      available for rent, but are
the kindness and welcoming            served with a pot of their        recommended for those without
nature of the many different          premium tea.                      good balance.
cultures in China. Lunch after at          1:30 p.m.                         7:30 a.m.
Heaven Dragon Restaurant in                Mon. Mar 25                       Thurs. Mar 28
Thornton.                                  $35                               $7
     9:00 a.m.                             Deadline: Thurs. Mar 21           Deadline: Wed. Mar 20
     Wed. Mar 20
     $11 (plus meal $14)              Molly Brown House                 Gaylord
     Deadline: Fri. Mar 15            By Request
                                      Home to the American              Rockies Resort
                                      philanthropist, socialite, and    A new resort has
Oliver                                                                  opened in Aurora
By Request                            activist, the Molly Brown
                                      House Museum in Denver is         and it’s getting a lot
Candlelight Dinner Playhouse is                                         of buzz. On this outing, we will
bringing Charles Dickens’             filled with historical
                                      appeal. Join us as we, take a     drive you to Gaylord Rockies
beloved book, Oliver Twist, to                                          Resort and Convention Center
life. The streets of Victorian        tour through this 1880s relic
                                      that recently went through a      to have a look at what makes
England come to life as Oliver, a                                       this resort so captivating. This
                                      3-year, $2 million restoration.
malnourished orphan in a                                                massive facility has seven
                                      Exploring this beautiful
workhouse, becomes the                                                  restaurants and bars, 22,000
                                      property will delight all,
neglected apprentice of an                                              square feet of swimming pools
                                      including the ones who have
undertaker. Oliver escapes to                                           and a lazy river, a 75ft.
London and finds acceptance           visited in previous years. New
                                      rooms to explore! This is a       projector screen, and so much
amongst a group of petty thieves                                        more. This is your chance to
led by the elderly Fagin. When        walking tour that involves
                                      flights of stairs. No meal.       explore the resort on your own
Oliver is captured for a theft that                                     and choose a restaurant for
he did not commit, the                     12:15 p.m.
                                           Wed. Mar 27                  lunch.
benevolent victim takes him in.                                              10:00 a.m.
Fagin employs the evil Bill Sikes          $17
                                           Deadline: Mon. Mar 18             Sat. Mar 30
and the sympathetic Nancy to                                                 $5 (plus meal $15+)
kidnap him back, threatening                                                 Deadline: Wed. Mar 27
Oliver’s chances of discovering
Eagle View Adult Center - City of Brighton
10                                April Trips
  Registration for ALL Trips         Denver Mob Tour                  Gamble @ Mardi Gras
     begins on Fri. Mar 1            Back by Request                  Head up the mountain with
    See Page 2 for details.          Join Denver Mob historian,       your friends for a fun-filled
                                     Tom Hackett, on this exciting    day of gambling. We will
                                     bus tour through North           venture to Mardi Gras Casino
                                     Denver's Little Italy! We will   in Black Hawk where lucky
        Denotes lots of walking                                       winnings have become a
                                     explore former social clubs,
                                     homes, and haunts of some of     normal occurrence. Bring your
                                     Denver’s most influential        players card and $1 for the
Art of Glass                                                          raffle on the drive. Trip will
Back by Request                      Denver crime families, while
                                     uncovering the truth behind      leave Black Hawk at 3:00 p.m.
Take a ride with us to North                                               8:45 a.m.
Denver where we will be              many of these legends.
                                     Afterwards we will have               Tues. Apr 9
stopping at Agnes of Glass. The                                            $18
artist, Agnes, will give an hour-    lunch at Gaetano’s!
                                          Trip A                           Deadline: Thurs. Apr 4
long demonstration on how she
creates glass art, which will             10:15 a.m.
                                          Thurs. Apr 4                Cheese
include solid and hollow                                              Importers Bistro
pieces. This is a wonderful               $19 (plus meal $15+)
                                          Deadline: Tues. Mar 26      Cheese Importers in Longmont
opportunity for you to see how                                        has natural, organic and
raw pieces of glass are                                               imported cheeses, cured meats,
transformed into beautiful art.          Trip B
                                         10:15 a.m.                   specialty oils, spices, olives,
Lunch afterwards at Next Door                                         chocolate, and other unique
Stapleton.                               Tues. Apr 30
                                         $19 (plus meal $15+)         specialty foods. "La
     9:00 a.m.                                                        Fromagerie," their European
     Mon. Apr 1                          Deadline: Fri. Apr 19
                                                                      Marketplace, is open to the
     $15 (plus meal $14+)
     Deadline: Mon. Mar 18
                                     Denver POPs                      public featuring the largest
                                     By Request                       walk-in refrigerated cheese and
Colorado’s                           This is the Denver Pops’         cured meat market in
                                     season finale at the Central     Colorado. We will start with
Antique Gallery                      Presbyterian Church in           lunch at the bistro followed by
Colorado’s largest antique mall      Denver. This concert will        shopping at their market. Must
located in Littleton has 51,000      capture the spirit of America    be able to walk up 15 steps.
square feet of space with over       as we explore the American           10:15 a.m.
275 dealers. Find anything from      dream through music and will         Thurs. Apr 11
vintage toys to antique purses to    feature some of the great            $5 (plus meal $15)
retro couches. This store has        American composers like              Deadline: Wed. Apr 3
such a variety of antiques that it   Aaron Copland and John
will appeal to all interests.        Williams. To add to the
Before you shop, we will stop at     finale, they will welcome
Sweet Tomatoes for their lunch       up-and-coming composer,                  Hiking Leads
buffet.                              Peter Boyer. Don’t miss the          Spring is right around the
     10:15 a.m.
                                     last show of the season!
     Wed. Apr 3                                                         corner, and EVAC is looking
                                     No meal.
     $4 (plus meal $14+)                                              for volunteers to help on hiking
                                          3:00 p.m.
     Deadline: Mon. Apr 1                 Sat. Apr 6                  trips. Please fill out a volunteer
                                          $21                           application at the front desk.
                                          Deadline: Thurs. Mar 21
April Trips                                            11

                                                                          Boulder Edition
                                                                          Stop & “Shutter”
                                                                          Colorado is home to some of the
                                                                          most picturesque places in the
The Illusionists:                   Rockies vs. Phillies                  country. Luckily, we live close to
                                                                          many of these destinations worth
Live from Broadway                  By Request
                                                                          photographing. On this trip, we’ll
The world’s best-selling magic      Thank goodness it’s that time of
                                                                          be going to Boulder to take pictures
show is coming to the Buell         year again. We have missed our
                                                                          of a few of their iconic landscapes.
Theatre in Denver. Straight         Rockies! Join us as we head out
                                                                          Whether you take photos with an
from Broadway, this                 to support the Colorado Rockies
                                                                          IPhone or a DSLR camera, this trip
performance has six different       as they play against the
                                                                          has fun written all over it. Lunch
magicians, each with a unique       Philadelphia Phillies. Pack your
                                    lunch or buy food on site at the      after at Tsing Tao.
style of magic. The show has                                                   9:00 a.m.
shattered box office records        many vendors. Dress for the
                                                                               Sat. Apr 27
across the world and astonished     weather. There are two
                                                                               $4 (plus meal $12+)
audiences of all ages. Expect to    handicap and two aisle seats
                                                                               Deadline: Mon. Apr 22
be on the edge of your seat from    available.
start to finish. No meal.                11:00 a.m.
     12:30 p.m.                          Sun. Apr 21                      Silent Film
     Sat. Apr 13                         $19 (plus food $10+)             with Orchestra
     $43                                 Deadline: Thurs. Apr 4           Go back in time as
     Deadline: Tues. Mar 26                                               we drive to the
                                    Washing                               Hensel Phelps
Natura Obscura                      Machine                               Theater in Greeley
By Request                                                                for a silent
                                    Museum                                film. In this
The Museum of Outdoor Art in        Located
Englewood has transformed its                                             gripping film set in
                                    between                               pre-depression America, Louise
indoor gallery into a woodland      Severance and Eaton, Lee
forest. “Natura Obscura” is a                                             Brooks and Richard Arlen take to
                                    Maxwell’s Washing Machine             riding the rails to escape a
self-guided exploration through     Museum has a display of the
a surrealist, dreamlike forest                                            manslaughter charge. Long
                                    earliest washboards to the            unavailable, “Beggars of Life” was
that combines art, sculpture, and   machines used today. Lee and
the latest in virtual, augmented,                                         recently restored by the George
                                    his interesting facts, stories, and   Eastman Museum and is now
and digital technologies. While     quips takes this 2-hour tour from
looking for clues to a mystery,                                           widely regarded as Louise Brooks’
                                    interesting to fantastic.             finest American film. The Mont
you can touch just about            Although he has a one-of-a-kind
anything, making this a fully                                             Alto Motion Picture Orchestra will
                                    display of washing machines,          accompany the film to bring more
immersive experience. Join us       there are also other artifacts in
for a private tour of the museum                                          depth and drama. Based in
                                    his collection. This oddity           Louisville, Colorado, this quintet
on a day they are not open to       museum and the character of
the public. Lunch after at Post                                           has become famous for its sensitive
                                    Lee will have you leaving with        and powerful resurrection of the lost
Brewing Company.                    joy. Dinner after at Rudy’s
     10:00 a.m.                                                           repertoire played by silent film
                                    “Country Store” and Bar-BQ.           orchestras. No meal.
     Mon. Apr 15                         12:30 p.m.
     $15 (plus meal $15+)                                                      12:30 p.m.
                                         Thurs. Apr 25                         Sun. Apr 28
     Deadline: Fri. Apr 5                $12 (plus meal $14+)                  $11
                                         Deadline: Wed. Apr 10                 Deadline: Mon. Apr 8
12                                  Classes
    Registration for Classes            Session 1: Mar 5 - 26         Bridge - Beginning
                                        $32 (4 wks)                   Beginning bridge is open to anyone
     begins Thurs. Feb 28               Deadline: Mon. Mar 4 by       desiring to learn a lifetime skill. No
     See Page 2 for details.                      noon                prior knowledge of how to play
                                         Session 2: Apr 2 - 30        bridge is preferred. Learn the basics,
AARP Smart Driver                        $40 (5 wks)                  scoring, and evaluation of hands,
Take AARP’s refresher course of          Deadline: Fri. Mar 29        followed by practice.
safe driving practices and rules                                      Instructor: Bobbi Jo Unruh.
and get a discount off your auto    Back to Balance                        10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
insurance for most companies.       Recovering stability, strength,        Thursdays
     Fri. Apr 5                     and balance is achievable.             Mar 7 - Apr 25
     12:00 noon - 4:30 p.m.         We’ll use various tools and fun        $12 (8 wks)
     $15 - AARP member              exercises to improve or maintain       Deadline: Tues. Mar 5
     $20 - Non-member               balance and prevent falls. Class
     Deadline: Wed. Apr 3           is for those not needing walking Bridge Level 2
                                    assistance. If you use a walker   Enhance your bridge
Acrylic Paint Party                 or cane, sign up for Parkinson's game! A class for
It’s a “Social Artworking”          class. Questions? Call Dottie     participants who know
Acrylic Paint Party! All supplies   La Fleur at 303-907-5339.         basic bridge fundamentals. Class
and instruction provided for you         Class A: 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. reinforces fundamentals, while
to have fun painting and                 Class B: 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. expanding your knowledge of
finishing a beautiful canvas             Wednesdays                   playing. Learn evaluation of hands,
picture. See display case for the        $20 (4 wks)                  bidding practices, conventions, how
painting of the month. Some                                           to play hands, read game play, and
painting experience is helpful!          Session 1: Mar 6 - 27        scoring. Instructor: Bobbi Jo Unruh.
Instructor: Judy Schissler.              Deadline: Mon. Mar 4              8:45 - 9:45 a.m.
     8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                                                Thursdays
                                         Session 2: Apr 3 - 24             Mar 7 - Apr 25
     $35                                 Deadline: Mon. Apr 1              $12 (8 wks)
    Session 1: Giraffe Family                                              Deadline: Tues. Mar 5
    Fri. Mar 29                     Body Fit
    Deadline: Tues. Mar 26          This new fitness class (higher    Chair Yoga
                                    level than drop-in) will help you Enjoy all the healthy benefits of yoga
    Session 2: Sand/Sunglasses      get in shape and maybe even       without getting on the floor!
    Fri. Apr 19                     lose some weight. The program Targeted stretching releases tension
    Deadline: Tues. Apr 16          will mix weights with cardio      in the body to help return to proper
                                    movement to strengthen heart      alignment and range of motion.
Adaptive Yoga                       and body. It will also
This class is designed for people                                     Yoga exercises are done with the
                                    incorporate balance, core, and    support of a chair to improve posture,
living with mobility                floor work. Exercises can be
impairments. Yoga postures are                                        flexibility, and strength which means
                                    modified to your fitness level.   more freedom of movement and less
modified to your needs. Class       Instructor: Mary Ann Hicks.
size limited to ensure individual                                     pain. Instructor: Dottie LaFleur.
                                         10:00 - 11:00 a.m.                8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
attention by Karen Vizyak,               Fridays
Physical Therapist and certified                                           Thursdays
                                         $20 (4 wks)                       $20 (4 wks)
yoga teacher. People in
wheelchairs and walkers are              Session 1: Mar 8 - 29             Session 1: Mar 7 - 28
especially encouraged to join.           Deadline: Wed. Mar 6              Deadline: Wed. Mar 6
     9:15 - 10:15 a.m.                   Session 2: Apr 5 - 26
     Tuesdays                                                              Session 2: Apr 4 - 25
                                         Deadline: Wed. Apr 3              Deadline: Wed. Apr 3
Classes                                           13

Craft Time                          Foods of India:                    class. All supplies and envelopes
Work on your projects in the        Festival Food                      included in fee. Sign up for one or
company of others! We provide       In celebration of Tamil New        more classes!
space to work on any DRY craft      Year celebrated throughout              9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
hobby such as tatting, knitting,    India, we will cook a festival          Fridays
crocheting, and Japanese Bunka.     menu. Menu: Pongal (Rice/               Mar 8, 22, Apr 12, 26
Register any time - just pay the    Mung Beans with spices),                $5 per class
one-time fee.                       Sambar (pigeon peas/onions/             Deadline: Wed. before
    10:00 - 11:30 a.m.              spices), Vada (Lentil fritters),
    Mondays                         Chutney (coconut paste), and a     Healthier Minds
    Mar 4 - Apr 29                  special surprise dessert.          Are you experiencing changes in
    $4                              Instructor Akila Arumugam is       your health or life circumstances
                                    an amazing cook and                and just can’t move forward? The
Exercise - Drop-in                  nutritionist from India.           antidote is to take control of your
Attend our convenient drop-in            10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.       “automatic negative thoughts.”
exercise class for people of all         Fri. Apr 26                   Change the way you think and you
fitness levels. These classes are        $38                           will change the way you live!
especially great for people just         Deadline: Tues. Apr 23        Believe in yourself, develop self-
starting a fitness routine, as                                         confidence, embrace courage, and
exercises can be done using a       Genealogy                          overcome obstacles. Facilitator
chair for seated exercises and      Find your                          Dolores Folkenroth encourages
standing support. Exercises can     ancestors and                      discussion to support one another
be altered for a harder workout.    record the                         and shares her personal journey
     Mar 4 - Apr 29                 information                        through change.
     $1 daily fee                   using the                               9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
                                    computer and                            Wednesdays
    Monday & Wednesday                                                      Mar 6 - Apr 24
    Instructor: Dottie LaFleur      other resources.
                                    Facilitators Sheryl Johnson and         $4 (8 wks)
    9:00 - 10:00 a.m.                                                       Deadline: Mon. Mar 4
                                    Fred Trail will show you how
    Friday                          working one-on-one with
    Instructor: Rosalie Farrer      students. Class limited to 3       History:
    8:30 - 9:30 a.m.                people on the EVAC                 The Constitution Part 3
                                    computers. Five more students      The Constitution of the United
Fit Ball Class                      can bring a laptop or I-device     States is the governing document
Fit balls are a wonderful way for                                      for our country, but how many of
                                    with wireless capabilities.
seniors to improve balance,                                            us know what it says, what it
                                    Some computer ability
flexibility, and core strength                                         means, and how it guides and
                                    necessary. Bring a flash drive
without expensive equipment.                                           protects us? In this class we go
                                    and pencil with eraser.
Marti Duquette, instructor and                                         through the Constitution word by
                                         9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
physical therapist from PVMC,            Fridays                       word. In March/April we will
can show you ways to modify              Mar 8 - Apr 26                review Article VI and VII, then
any of the fit ball exercises.           $16 (8 wks)                   embark on the Amendments. New
     10:30 - 11:30 a.m.                  Deadline: Wed. Mar 6          students are welcome. Instructor:
     Thursdays:                                                        Brenda Hoke. No class Mar 11 or
     $20 (4 wks)                                                       Apr 8.
                                    Greeting Cards
    Session 1: Mar 7 - 28           Make amazing greeting cards             10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
    Deadline: Tues. Mar 5           using a variety of materials.           Mondays
                                    Ella Hastman will teach simple          Mar 4 - Apr 29
    Session 2: Apr 4 - 25           techniques to complete two              $3 (7 wks)
    Deadline: Tues. Apr 2           creative, pre-designed cards per        Deadline: Fri. Mar 1
14                                     Classes
                                            Session 1: Mar 8 - 29          Schissler and Jane Talbot.
    Registration for Classes                Deadline: Wed. Mar 6               9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
     begins Thurs. Feb 28                                                      Tuesdays
                                            Session 2: Apr 5 - 26              $20 (4 wks)
     See Page 2 for details.                Deadline: Wed. Apr 3
                                                                               Session 1: Mar 5 - 26
iCan! - iPhone & iPad                   Line Dance - Level 2                   Deadline: Fri. Mar 1
You can have an iCan attitude after     Learn the hottest new line dance
refining your iPhone or iPad skills!    routines. No partners needed to        Session 2: Apr 2 - 23
Find out how to use features that       enjoy this fun form of country         Deadline: Fri. Mar 29
best suit your needs, along with        dancing. Some experience in
handy tips. This class will have        line dancing is necessary. Class   Painting Skills
something for everyone, tailored to     is shortened on special event      Learn helpful hints to improve your
your needs. Bring device (charged)      days.                              oil or acrylic painting in this free
and your Apple ID and Apple ID               9:30 - 11:00 a.m.             tutorial class of basic skills. We will
password. This is a small class so           Fridays                       cover: preparing a canvas, planning
the instructor can help you directly.        $20 (4 wks)                   your painting, choosing and caring
Instructor: Lisa Asmussen.                                                 for brushes, finishes, and more. This
     9:30 - 11:00 a.m.                      Session 1: Mar 8 - 29          is an educational class for beginners
     Tues/Thurs                             Deadline: Wed. Mar 6           or experts - no painting. Instructors:
     April 4, 9, 16, 18                     Session 2: Apr 5 - 26          Judy Schissler and Jane Talbot.
     $38 (4 classes)                        Deadline: Wed. Apr 3                10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
     Deadline: Tues. Apr 2                                                      Tues. Apr 30
                                  Nordic Walking -                              Free
Japanese Bunka Embroidery Beginning                                             Deadline: Fri. Apr 26
Japanese Bunka Embroidery creates
                                        Spring is here and it’s time to    Parkinson’s
beautiful framed art by “punching”
                                        get walking. Increase your
thread through stretched fabric.
                                        mobility by using Nordic           Exercise Class
Supplies and kits available to                                             This research-based
                                        walking poles. Their use can
purchase from the instructor; cost of                                      exercise class can
                                        improve balance, increase heart/
beginner kit is $50. Three slots                                           improve balance, gait,
                                        lung endurance, muscular
saved for beginners. Instructor:                                           tremors, flexibility,
                                        strength, and are great if you
Donna Heneger.                                                             grip strength, and motor
                                        have problems with knees or
     10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon                                               coordination for people with
                                        hips. Instructor Sarah Hoskin
     Wednesdays                                                            Parkinson’s, MS, or stroke. Also
                                        Clymer provides the poles.
     $20 (4 wks)                                                           suitable for anyone dealing with
                                             10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
    Session 1: Mar 6 - 27                    Tues/Thurs                    limited mobility, range of motion, or
    Deadline: Mon. Mar 4                     April 23, 25, 30              injury. The bulk of this class
                                             $23 (3 classes)               focuses on balance. For safety,
    Session 2: Apr 3 - 24                    Deadline: Fri. Apr 19         caregivers may be asked to attend.
    Deadline: Mon. Apr 1                                                   Questions? Call certified instructor
                                        Oil Painting                       Dottie LaFleur at 303-907-5339.
Line Dance - Beginner                   Beginners work                          10:30 - 11:45 a.m.
Get fit by learning to line dance!      on a pre-selected                       Tuesdays
This class is designed to teach new     painting to learn
beginners basic dance steps. You                                               Session 1: Mar 5 - 26
                                        basic skills. Tell                     $28 (4 wks)
will then learn 1 or 2 dances per       us at registration if you are a
class depending on the group.                                                  Deadline: Mon. Mar 4 by noon
                                        beginner and get a supply list
There will be lots of repetition.       (cost approx. $120). Veteran           Session 2: Apr 2 - 30
     8:30 - 9:25 a.m.                   painters work on a painting of         $35 (5 wks)
     Fridays                            their choice. Instructors: Judy        Deadline: Mon. Apr 1 by noon
     $20 (4 wks)
Classes                                              15

Password Tips & Tricks                    Instructor: Teri Hendricks. No        older adults, where the pace and the
Experts say “change your                  class Apr 19.                         music is slower. All abilities
passwords!” to keep personal                   1:00 - 3:00 p.m.                 welcome. No partner needed.
information safe. Having trouble               Fridays                          Instructor/Professional caller: Mike
remembering those passwords?                   Mar 8 - Apr 26                   Olivieri. No class Apr 17.
Learn to protect your accounts and             $20 (7 wks)                           9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
pass important information onto                Deadline: Wed. Mar 6                  Wednesdays
your next of kin. Learn password
strategies, then tackle organizing/       Quilting Intermediate -                   Session 1: Mar 6 - 27
resetting your passwords with             Row by Row                                $20 (4 wks)
instructor support. Attendees can         A “Row by Row” quilt is like a            Deadline: Mon. Mar 4
get a password log book from              quilted paragraph with each row           Session 2: Apr 3 - 24
instructor Lisa Asmussen for an $8        being like a sentence. The fun            $15 (3 wks)
fee, or bring your own.                   comes in doing them one row at            Deadline: Mon. Apr 1
     9:30 - 10:30 a.m.                    a time. To see examples of
     Thurs. Mar 7 & 14                    “Row by Row” quilts, do an            Tai Chi - Beginner
     $15 (plus optional $8)               internet search or look on            Discover the benefits of this ancient
     Deadline: Tues. Mar 5                Pinterest. To complete this           form of movement which can
                                          project, we will work on “Row         improve balance, agility, strength,
Photo Basics using iPhone                 by Row” this session and into         coordination, and reduce stress. Tai
Just in time for the Stop and             May/June. Instructors: Shari          Chi is easy and fun to learn. Expect
“Shutter” trip to Boulder! Learn          Coren and Cheryl Stoddard.            lots of repetition so you can master
the basics of using your iPhone or             1:00 - 3:00 p.m.                 the moves. Instructor: Saba Obika.
iPad camera. This class will cover             Thursdays                             2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
how to take a photo, front (selfies)           Mar 7 - Apr 18                        Wednesdays
vs. rear facing camera, editing                $20 (7 wks)                           $20 (4 wks)
tools, organizing/storing photos,              Deadline: Wed. Mar 6
sending photos through email/text,                                                  Session 1: Mar 6 - 27
sharing on social media, and photo        Readers Theatre                           Deadline: Mon. Mar 4
apps to help create great images.         Performing is fun, especially
                                          when memorization is not                  Session 2: Apr 3 - 24
Bring your smartphone for                                                           Deadline: Mon. Apr 1
hands-on use; you should know             needed! Bring a pencil, yellow
how to use it with confidence as          highlighter and a small, black        Tai Chi - Level 2
this is not a class to learn your         3-ring binder to class. If unable     This class is for students who have
device. A handout will be provided        to attend the first day, call Eagle   mastered Beginning Tai Chi and are
by instructor Diana DeBrohun.             View at 303-655-2075.                 ready to learn more. Level 2 will
     2:00 - 4:00 p.m.                     Instructor: Dolly Garcia.
                                                                                challenge students with new moves
     Tues. Apr 9                               12:30 - 1:30 p.m.                and more of the simplified
     $17                                       Tuesdays                         37-Posture Form. Learn movements
     Deadline: Fri. Apr 5                      $3 (4 wks)                       that can be practical for everyday
Quilting Beginning -                          Session 1: Mar 5 - 26             life. Instructor: Saba Obika.
                                              Deadline: Fri. Mar 1                   2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Wall Hanging                                  Play on Thurs. Mar 28                  Mondays
Work on the same applique wall
hanging project to learn new skills           Session 2: Apr 2 - 23                 Session 1: Mar 4 - 25
such as binding and stippling.                Deadline: Fri. Mar 29                 $20 (4 wks)
Material list at registration. If time,       Play on Thurs. Apr 25                 Deadline: Fri. Mar 1 by noon
we will also make unique seamless
                                                                                    Session 2: Apr 1 - 29
pillowcases - instructions provided       Square Dancing                            $25 (5 wks)
in class. Talk with instructor if         Square Dancing is a fun way to            Deadline: Fri. Mar 29 by noon
you’ve never quilted.                     exercise! Class is geared to
16                                        Classes
Tatting                                  Writing Drop-In                     Yoga - Continuing
Tatting creates a durable lace by        Drop in to write with us, be it     Improve your health and flexibility
handcrafting a series of knots and       memoirs, stories, or legacy         with this continuing yoga class.
loops. This vintage lace can adorn       letters. We will share our          Class will focus on gentle yoga to
clothing and accessories.                writing and offer whatever input    improve range of motion and reduce
Registration for tatting includes        you wish. The goal is to write      stress. Participants must be
registration in “Craft Time” for no      something you are happy to          comfortable getting onto and off the
additional charge. Instructor:           share with friends and family.      floor and have taken yoga classes
Charlotte Jacobucci.                     Join any time for a one-time fee.   within the past year. Instructor:
     9:15 - 9:45 a.m.                    Instructors: Shari Coren and        Carolyn Priola.
     Mondays                             Sheryl Johnson.                     Yoga - Continuing Tues. AM
     Mar 4 - Apr 29                           9:30 - 11:00 a.m.                   9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
     $4                                       Wednesdays                          Tuesdays
     Join anytime                             Mar 6 - Apr 24                      $20 (4 wks)
                                              $4 (8 wks)
Watercolor Cards                              Join any time                      Session 1: Mar 5 - 26
Make greeting cards using a variety                                              Deadline: Mon. Mar 4 by noon
of watercolor techniques (see            Yoga - Beginning
                                         This basic beginning class will         Session 2: Apr 2 - 23
display case). Beginners welcome.
                                         focus on relaxation, breathing,         Deadline: Mon. Apr 1 by noon
Get supply list at registration -
some supplies provided. Instructor:      increased range of motion, and     Yoga - Continuing Thurs. PM
Sharon Krohn.                            flexibility. You must be able to        12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
     1:00 - 3:30 p.m.                    get onto and off the floor. If you      Thursdays
     $13 (per session)                   have trouble on the floor or have       $20 (4 wks)
                                         considerable physical
    Session 1: Mon. Mar 25               limitations, please enroll in           Session 1: Mar 7 - 28
    Deadline: Thurs. Mar 21              Chair Yoga or Adaptive Yoga.            Deadline: Tues. Mar 5
    Session 2: Mon. Apr 29               Instructor: Carolyn Priola.             Session 2: Apr 4 - 25
    Deadline: Thurs. Apr 25              Yoga - Beginning Tues. AM               Deadline: Tues. Apr 2
                                              10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Water Color Painting                          Tuesdays                      Zumba® Gold
Learn the magic of watercolor by              $20 (4 wks)                   Shake up your fitness
doing a “painting with a purpose.”                                          routine! Zumba® is a
Beginning participants will all work          Session 1: Mar 5 - 26         Latin-inspired
on the same painting to learn new             Deadline: Mon. Mar 4 by       workout that is part
skills and techniques (see display                       noon               dance, part fitness.
case). Get supply list at registration                                      Zumba Gold is a modified class that
- watercolor paper available to               Session 2: Apr 2 - 23         uses easy-to-follow Zumba
purchase through Instructor Sharon            Deadline: Mon. Apr 1 by       choreography focusing on balance,
Krohn.                                                   noon               range of motion, coordination, and
     1:00 - 3:30 p.m.                    Yoga - Beginning Thurs. PM         fun! Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.
     Mondays                                  1:45 - 2:45 p.m.                      10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
     $38 (3 wks)                              Thursdays                             Wednesdays
                                              $20 (4 wks)                           $20 (4 wks)
    Session 1: Mar 4 - 18
    Deadline: Fri. Mar 1                     Session 1: Mar 7 - 28                  Session 1: Mar 6 - 27
                                             Deadline: Tues. Mar 5                  Deadline: Mon. Mar 4
    Session 2: Apr 1 - 15
    Deadline: Thurs. Mar 28                                                         Session 2: Apr 3 - 24
                                             Session 2: Apr 4 - 25
                                                                                    Deadline: Mon. Apr 1
                                             Deadline: Tues. Apr 2
News & Center Information                                                 17

Senior Advisory Board                                   Trip and Activity Policies
The purpose of the Advisory Board is to advise             Anyone 55 years of age or older is given priority to
and assist in the needs and operations of Eagle             participate in all center activities and programs.
View. The Board will meet Tues. Mar 19 and                 If adults age 40 - 54 want to attend a class, trip, or a
Apr 16 at 1:00 p.m. Members are: Fran King,                 space-limited event they will be added to a wait list.
Dave Thomas, Peggy Jarrett, Dan Buckner, Jo                 Inquire at the EVAC front desk.
Overall, Jane Talbot, Bill Alsdorf, Heidi Storz,
Judy Schissler, Roger Peer, Ellie Davis, and               Payment is due at registration. Cash, checks, or
Gayle Shibao. JW Edwards is the City Council                credit cards. Keep your receipt.
representative. Visitors are welcome.                      The Center reserves the right to cancel any activity if
                                                            minimum registration is not met.
Charitable Contributions                                   Refund Policy for Cancellations:
Together we can continue to enhance the great
programs and services offered for seniors and               If the CENTER cancels the activity/trip:
active adults in the Brighton area. Your financial          Full refunds will be given.
support will be recognized on the donor wall at             If YOU cancel BEFORE the deadline date:
Eagle View. All donations are tax deductible.               Refund of cost, minus a $4 cancellation fee.
Make donations payable to: Brighton United                  If activity charge is $4 or less, NO refund is given.
Senior Citizens, 1150 Prairie Center Parkway,               Allow one week to process refunds.
Brighton, CO 80601.                                         If YOU cancel AFTER the deadline date:
Donor Opportunities for Wall Recognition:                   NO REFUND IS GIVEN unless we can sell your
     Friend: $100 - $499                                    spot. If you can’t go on a ticketed trip, DO NOT
     Memorial: $100+                                        give your space to anyone before checking with
     Sponsor: $500 - $999                                   Eagle View to see if there is a waiting list. If there is
     Benefactor: $1000+                                     NO wait list, you may give away or sell your trip
Friends Program Fund                                        space. The person taking your spot must go on the
The Senior Advisory Board has established a                 van. Tell EVAC BEFORE the trip if someone is
scholarship fund. The Friends Program Fund                  taking your place; one-day notice preferred.
provides financial assistance to older adults to
participate in programs sponsored by Eagle View
                                                        Outreach & Referral
Adult Center. The simple application form is            Do you need help and don’t know where to turn? Evon
available at the front desk. Applications must be       Benitez will assist you with completing forms, help you
approved PRIOR to registering for the event.            find needed services, and make home visits to assist
Donations to the fund are appreciated.                  homebound people! Please make an appointment by
                                                        calling Evon at 303-655-2079.
Cancellations Due to Weather
In the occurrence of bad weather, the decision to       Transportation
cancel a class, trip, or event will be made by the      Via Mobility provides specialized transportation
staff upon the recommendation of the instructor or      within the City of Brighton. Via can take you to medical
driver. Trip and class participants will be called if   appointments, grocery shopping, and Eagle View, to
the decision is made to cancel. Watch TV news           name just a few of the places you can go in Brighton.
for VOA lunch cancellations. The decision to            New Via users - call 303-447-2848 ex 1014 to get
close the Center will be made by the City               started. To schedule rides, call 303-447-9636. Free rides
Manager.                                                to and from Eagle View in VIA service area.
When EVAC cancels a trip you will receive a full        Call-n-Ride - The green bus is an RTD service. Call
refund. Trips will not be rescheduled. Please           303-994-3549 for reservations. The driver will pick up
note: If you decide to cancel BEFORE a decision         and deliver you anywhere within Brighton, Mon - Fri.
is made by EVAC - normal cancellation policies          6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Cost is the local RTD bus fare.
Don’t Miss This!                                           18

                                                                  Free Income Tax Preparation
                                                                  Free income tax preparation and electronic
                                                                  filing for all Adams County taxpayers with
                                                                  an income of $56,000 or less. Bring your
           Don’t miss the annual Brighton                         2018 completed tax return, photo ID, Social
       Japanese American Association (BJAA)                       Security card, W-2s, 1099 forms, proof of
       Annual Shrimp / Chow Mein Dinner                           other income, and deductible expenses.
      Sun. Mar 24 from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.                     Questions: Adams County Treasurer Office
          At the Adams County Fairgrounds                         720-523-6160
                   Tickets are $12                                     9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
                                                                       No appointments/Drop-in only
                                                                       Mon. & Wed.: Mar 4 - Apr 10
                 Help for Homes Teams                                  Adams County Gov. Center
Help for Homes brings volunteers and neighbors together to             4430 S. Adams County Pkwy
paint or fix up Brighton homes needing minor exterior repairs          Brighton, west entrance
and perform general yard clean-up for senior and disabled
homeowners. We are currently recruiting teams of volunteers       Spaghetti Luncheon
to help. Teams may consist of 8 - 10 volunteers. Teams will       For the last 31 years, we have hosted this
help paint, repair, clean yards, or whatever else is slated for   great community event. Bring your family
the homes selected. Your team can be from your church,            and friends for spaghetti, salad, bread, and
neighborhood, club, or even your family! Don’t have a team?       dessert. Advance ticket purchase
We can also place individuals who want to work on a team.         encouraged but tickets will be for sale at the
                   Work day is Sat. May 4.                        door as well.
                                                                       11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
                           Interested?                                 Sat. Mar 2
                         Contact Sue at                                $7 adults
                         303-655-2076.                                 $4 children 12 & under

                                         Friends Program Fund
The Senior Advisory Board has established a scholarship fund. The Friends Program Fund provides financial
        assistance to older adults to participate in programs sponsored by Eagle View Adult Center.
                          The simple application form is available at the front desk.
 Applications must be approved PRIOR to registering for an event. Donations to the fund are appreciated.

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