Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...

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Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...

Extras as standard:
Earliest smoke detection
in automotive production

NEWS              PRACTICE                            PROJECT
News from the     Fire protection for KyotoCooling®   Earliest smoke detection behind the
world of WAGNER   at noris network AG                 scenes at the Castle Theatre in Celle
Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...

                        Dear business
                        dear readers,
                        On the eve of 15 April we all witnessed on live TV
                        and social networks how large parts of Notre Dame
                        Cathedral in Paris were ravished by fire. The world
                        was shaken up, shocked, downright horrified. With-
                        in hours after the fire, countless companies, private
                        individuals, municipalities and large conglomerates
                        had pledged their financial support to rebuild the

                        WAGNER has been an independent and reliable partner in
                        fire protection for over 40 years. We still observe valuable
                        cultural heritage, but also many private companies which
                        are inadequately protected. For this reason, we need to be
                        aware that there is always a risk of fire at any time. If we
                        deny this permanent risk, we will continue to suffer from
                        the consequences of catastrophes like the one in France
                        recently. Facilities without reliable very early smoke
                        detection are taking a risk that can be minimised with the
                        simplest of measures.

                        Building a consciousness for reliable fire prevention often
                        starts with minor details. Find out why the baroque Castle
                        Theatre in Celle has opted for air sampling smoke de-
                        tectors to guarantee very early fire detection. In our title
                        story we would also like to introduce you to how produc-
                        tion facilities in the automotive industry are protected
                        with aspirating smoke detectors. Not an easy task as the
                        many interference factors, such as finest dust particles or
                        layers of lubricant, are a real challenge for which we have
                        developed a trendsetting solution in collaboration with our

                        We hope you enjoy reading! Yours,

                        Werner Wagner              Torsten Wagner

                        Managing directors and WAGNER Group GmbH
                        company owners

2   WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019
Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...

    Extras as standard: Earliest smoke
    detection in automotive production

                                                       10      NEWS
                                                               News from the world of WAGNER

         Always in motion: Pioneering fire
         protection for KyotoCooling® at
         noris network AG

                                             Earliest smoke detection behind the
                                             scenes at the Castle Theatre in Celle

                                                                                      WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019   3
Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...

    Extras as standard:

    Earliest smoke
    detection in auto-
    motive production
      WAGNER can look back on around 20 years of
      experience in fire protection for the automotive industry.
      The fire protection expert has equipped various plants
      of well-known automobile manufacturers with his individual
      solutions. WAGNER employee Peter Stehr has been there
      from the outset.

4   WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019
Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...
“Some of the automobile manufac-         TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors.       But they didn’t. For this reason, the
turers at that time had individual       “Thanks to sophisticated smoke devel-      car manufacturer then decided to also
fire protection solutions, but not a     opment pattern detection they bring        install air sampling smoke detectors
comprehensive, consistent system,”       about a new dimension of immunity          from the TITANUS® range in produc-
recalls Peter Stehr, sales employee      from false alarms,“ explains Stehr.        tion halls and other buildings. “Once
at the WAGNER branch in Hanover.                                                    the system was established, we kept
Since he had originally trained as an    Initially, only one system was installed   getting new projects.”
electrical mechanic at an automobile     at one of the car manufacturers for
manufacturer, he was able to assess      testing purposes. The customer was
the local requirements in the facto-     sceptical. “The first devices featured
ries well. With great commitment, he     a reset button in case they were too
finally convinced those responsible of   sensitive and thus triggered false
the advantages of the highly sensitive   alarms all the time”, Stehr reports.

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Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...

    TITANUS TOP·SENS® becomes                    Each plant brings
    the standard
                                              about specific require-                      About Volkswagen
    Today WAGNER works for various            ments and for this reason,                   Commercial Vehicles:
    automobile manufacturers and is
    gradually installing fire protection      we always provide an
    solutions in different buildings at       individual design.                           “We transport success.” Volkswagen
    several locations. “If it is not a new                                                 Commercial vehicles (VWCV) is an
    building, our projects usually run                                                     independent brand within Volkswagen
    over several years, because we                                                         Group and responsible for the devel-
    work our way through hall by hall”,                                                    opment, assembly and sales of light
    explains Stehr. Volkswagen Commer-                                                     commercial vehicles worldwide. In 2018
    cial Vehicles (VWCV) in Hanover is a                                                   the brand delivered around 499,700 light
    WAGNER customer. Ulf Strassburger,                                                     commercial vehicles which were pro-
    Specialist Planner for fire detection                                                  duced at sites in Hanover (D), Poznan
    panels at VWCV, emphasises “it’s a                                                     (PL), Wrzesnia (PL) and Pacheco (ARG).
    massive advantage for us to moni-                                                      VWCV employs a global workforce of
    tor very large areas without having                                                    over 24,000 employees, around 15,000
    false alarms with low maintenance         Peter Stehr, Sales Representative            of which work at the site in Hanover.
    efforts.”                                 at the WAGNER subsidiary in
    The fire protection experts from
    WAGNER install air sampling smoke
    detectors completely with acces-          ates the finest dust particles. We take
    sories, piping and power supply.          note of these interference factors to
    “TITANUS® air sampling smoke              prevent false alarms. Our accesso-
    detectors bring about the advantage       ries portfolio is a great help to us to                          Video about techno-
    that they detect in production areas      enable individually tailored solutions.”                         logy: The benefits of
    at ceiling level, yet can be tested re-   However, installation itself can prove                           TITANUS® very early
    motely every three months from the        to be a real challenge too, especially                           fire detection
    ground”, Stehr explains. The system       in facilities with ceilings at a height of
    has not only proven its worth with        up to 20 metres and when the job re-
    its high levels of immunity against       quires industrial climbers rather than
    false alarms, but also on the basis of    platforms. Project management must
    its cost-efficiency. “With TITANUS        also make sure on-going production
    TOP·SENS® devices it is possible to       is not disrupted. In some areas
    use very long, comprehensive piping       WAGNER can therefore only work
    systems and consequently this sus-        outside the production times and
    tainably cuts costs as part of pro-       sometimes only during the factory
    curement, maintenance and repairs.”       holidays. However, all these chal-
                                              lenges appeal to Stehr all the more
                                              to install a tailor-made fire protection
    Individual VdS-certified solutions        system for his customers according
    to master any challenge                   to their individual needs. The sales
                                              representative has just received a
    The challenges during installation        new order from another plant. “We
    change with each facility. “Each          have been tasked with installing
    plant brings about its very specific      30,000 metres of air sampling pipes
    requirements and for this reason, we      by the end of the year”, Stehr, who
    always provide an individual design”,     will soon be starting his well-earned
    Stehr says. “In this process, we need     retirement after having worked at
    to take the specific conditions at site   WAGNER for 30 years, says with a
    into account. If we take the press        smile. His colleagues will then take
    plant as an example, an oily and hot      over the support of the automobile
    environment, we need to tackle a          manufacturers. And Stehr knows:
    developing layer of lubricants and        TITANUS® will continue to reliably
    consequently rely on special filters      ensure that cars roll off the assembly
    that we need to replace more fre-         line safely.
    quently. In contrast, welding gener-

6   WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019
Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...
Check: customer
  benefits of TITANUS®
  Gain valuable time tha
                           nks to
  the earliest possible
                        fire detection
 Minimise damage by
                       fire and
 other related, conseq
                      uential damage
 Best possible persona
                      l protection and
 protection from produ
                       ction downtime
Maximum levels of im
                       munity against
false alarms thanks
                    to smoke
development pattern
Simple maintenance
                      thanks to
easily accessible detec
Certified LABS confo
                     rmity, i.e.
does not influence pa
                      int coating

                                     WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019   7
Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...

                              Safe and reliable:

                              air sampling smoke detectors
                              TITANUS® air sampling smoke detectors are fire
                              detectors that actively take air samples from the
                              monitored area thanks to a vacuum before they
                              centrally analyse them. They essentially consist of
                              a basic device featuring fan and detector modules
                              as well as a connected pipe system with air sam-
                              pling points. Each air sampling point is assigned to
                              the same monitoring area as a point-type smoke
                              detector according to DIN VDE 0833-2. In this
                              process, TITANUS® is up to 2,000 times more
                              sensitive than conventional smoke detectors and
                              thus guarantees a valuable advantage in terms of
                              the time to search for and eliminate the cause of a
                              fire. Thanks to LOGIC·SENS® smoke development
                              pattern detection and VdS-certified filter technolo-
                              gies TITANUS® additionally provides unprecedent-
                              ed immunity from false alarms.

                              Air sampling smoke detectors are installed
                              centrally in an easy-to-access area. This measure
                              reduces installation and maintenance costs. One
                              TITANUS TOP·SENS® can also replace up to
                              144 point-type smoke detectors – a further cost
                              benefit. A broad range of accessories to ideally
                              adapt the system to the most diverse applica-
                              tion areas rounds off the TITANUS® series.

                                               WAGNER knowledge portal
                                               Technologies to protect from
                                               false alarms – detailed functional

8   WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019
Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...
It’s a massive advan-
tage for us that we can
safely monitor very large
areas with a relatively small
number of low-maintenance
Ulf Strassburger, Specialist Planner
for fire detection panels at VWCV

                                       WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019   9
Extras as standard: Earliest smoke detection in automotive production - WAGNER Fire Safety ...

     News from the
     world of WAGNER

     OxyReduct® protects “cool”
     national icon in the US
     Fertile, volcanic soil, fresh melt water from      state with a capacity of approximately
     the mountains, sunny days and cool nights:         90,000 pallet slots for a manufacturer of
     the US state of Idaho provides perfect con-        potato-based products. As a cooperation
     ditions to cultivate potatoes. For this reason,    partner, WAGNER is equipping the ware-
     the potato was officially declared a national      house with the OxyReduct® oxygen reduc-
     icon in 2002. US Americans love this type          tion system. It actively mitigates the risk of a
     of tuber vegetable and annually consume            developing fire – and frozen fries and chips will
     more than 60 kg per head – of course also as       only be hot and crunchy once they are taken
     chips and fries. Refrigerated warehouse            out of end consumers’ ovens or fryers. It’s the
     operator NewCold is building an around             second fully automatic system NewCold oper-
     40-metre-high, highly automated deep               ates in the US. WAGNER protects numerous
     freeze storage warehouse in the potato             of the operator’s systems around the globe.

                                            Austrian company aqipa refers to it-
             Fire                             self as the “Gear Guru”. It provides
                                               and markets premium accessories
         prevention                             within the consumer electronics
                                                sector. Audio, computer and
           for the                              photo products will now be pro-

                                                tected by the OxyReduct® oxy-
                                                gen reduction system. WAGNER
                                               Austria equipped a 1,150 m2
                                             AutoStore small parts ware-
                                            house operated by the retailer
                                         featuring 33,000 box slots with
                                                                                                     Watch the video now!
                                      the fire prevention system. Logistics
                                                                                                     How fire prevention in the
                                  company Swisslog was heading up this project
                                                                                                     AutoStore warehouse works.
                       as an expert in automated warehousing solutions. The
                       project at aqipa was WAGNER’s first order for Swisslog
                       in Austria.

10   WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019
Earliest smoke detection
                                                                                              for Bulgaria’s
                                                                                              largest warehouses

                                                                                     Bedding, solid wood furniture
                                                                                     and other items of furniture:

Next generation of                                                                   products made by Danish
                                                                                     company JYSK are highly

data security in Austria                                                             flammable and require a
                                                                                     reliable fire detection system
                                                                                     to protect them from fire.
Built in only 17 months, with          fire protection systems for earli-            WAGNER was now able to
a footprint of 8,000 m2 and an         est smoke detection involving air             implement this at the new
infrastructure that meets maxi-        sampling smoke detectors – and an             JYSK distribution centre in
mum security demands: Austri-          IG541 gas extinguishing system fea-           Bulgaria near Sofia.
an telecommunications provider         turing WAGNER Austria’s very own
A1 inaugurated the Next Gener-         development, FirExting® SILENT                Two high-bay warehouses
ation Datacenter in Vienna last        sound suppressors to protect hard             with more than 120,000
year. As IT and communication          drives. “We were delighted to be a            pallet slots were equipped
solutions are closely linked here,     part of such a large-scale project”,          with highly sensitive air
there are new demands in terms of      Herbert Remer, Managing Director              sampling smoke detector
data security, high levels of avail-   at WAGNER Austria, says. A1 is                systems as part of the pro-
ability and IT systems’ reliability.   Austria’s largest service provider            ject. “We used our TITANUS
General contractor IBM commis-         operating 13 individual data cen-             PRO·SENS® system”, Gerald
sioned WAGNER Austria to install       tres.                                         Koller explains as the Busi-
                                                                                     ness Development Manager
                                                                                     for Eastern Europe. “160
                                                                                     basic devices and 320
                                                                                     detector modules have
                                                                                     been installed – planning

Premiere in Greece:                                                                  and implementation were
                                                                                     carried out as per VdS

protecting feta and the like                                                         Directive 2095 in line
                                                                                     with the insurer’s require-
                                                                                     ments.” Unsurprising then
The Greeks have been producing         protect a total area of 110,000 m3.           that so many devices were
the popular brined, cured Feta         “This is WAGNER’s first order in              required – with a height of
cheese since the ancient times.        Greece and we are proud to have               43 m and 16 levels both
Tyras launched into the dairy          established the country’s first ever          high-bay warehouses are
industry in 1986 – and in                     oxygen reduction system”,              the highest in Bulgaria.
future the company                                 Gerald Koller, Business           JYSK supplies 270 branches
will be protecting its                              Development Manager              throughout the Balkans from
products with Oxy-                                    for Eastern Europe,            this facility.
Reduct® systems by                                     reports. “Our partner
WAGNER. WAGNER                                         from Bulgaria helped us
provided the entire fire                               bring the project to life.”
protection system for a                              By the way, feta cheese is
new high-bay warehouse                              not only popular in Greece:
in Trikala near Thessaloniki.                     every year more than 20,000 t
In this process, TITANUS® air                of the delicacy are exported from
sampling smoke detector sys-           Greece to Germany – and this figure is
tems and an OxyReduct® system          said to increase in the future.

                                                                                              WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019   11
P R AC T I C E                                                                       Enormous heat exchanger wheels,
                                                                                         so-called KyotoCooling®, guarantee
                                                                                              energy-efficient cooling at the
                                                                                                                data centre.

                                                          Always in motion
                                                                        Pioneering fire protection for
                                                                   KyotoCooling® at noris network AG
                        WAGNER engi-      him about the current collaboration   Consequently, WAGNER equipped
                     neers particularly   with long-standing customer noris     the longest-running noris site at the
                  enjoy projects that     network. By 2016 merely the first     heart of Nuremberg with compre-
            challenge their develop-      construction phase of the new            hensive fire detection units in
     ers’ spirit: whenever standard       high-performance Nurem-                       2018.
     solutions reach their limits.        berg South data centre
     noris data centres in Nuremberg      had been completed                                   Ingo Kraupa
     South and Munich East are ex-        and in September                                     CEO, noris network AG

     actly that kind of project.          2018 they already
                                          launched the second
     Safety thanks to partnership         construction phase.
     noris network AG has been build-     “Earlier than sched-                                Turning the wheel
     ing and operating cutting-edge,      uled”, says noris CEO                             Enormous heat exchanger
     highly secure data centres for       Ingo Kraupa, “as Germany                      wheels make sure at noris data
     more than 25 years. WAGNER           and in particular the region around   centres Nuremberg South and Mu-
     has been taking care of the fire     Munich and Southern Germany are       nich East that so-called KyotoCooling®
     protection at noris since 2002.      lacking cutting-edge data centres.”   guarantees energy-efficient cooling
     As a team, they mastered quite a     And the next project is already on    within the facilities. An element with
     few challenging issues, modified,    the horizon: capacities in Nurem-     a positive effect on costs in normal
     updated and enhanced existing fire   berg will be further enhanced.        mode (except for a few hot summer
     protection systems. “We continue     However, with all the new develop-    days the data centre can be operated
     to be very busy”, Christian Dupier   ments and extensions going ahead,     without additional air conditioning)
     says as the head of System En-       we are also keeping an eye on fire    is a significant challenge for fire pre-
     gineering at WAGNER if you ask       prevention in existing buildings.     vention. As a result of natural leaks

12   WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019
at Kyoto wheels, extinguishing gas         gen levels are initially lowered to a      We both appreciate the efforts we
would continuously escape from the         reduced target concentration by the        invest”, Christian Dupier explains.
data centre in the event that the nitro-   nitrogen extinguishing system. Staff       The first OxyReduct® system was
gen extinguishing system triggers. It      can still access these areas to search     installed at noris as a traditional fire
was not possible to provide a reliable     for and eliminate the cause, as the        prevention system in 2002. Further
extinguishing. The holistic solution by    reduced oxygen level is unharmful.         projects followed until the decision
WAGNER engineers was to imple-             This target concentration can be           was made in 2018 to update the
ment a two-stage concept.                  maintained for as long as required         first system and make it even more
                                           thanks to the OxyReduct® oxygen            energy efficient. An N2 extinguishing
                                           reduction system as the system's           system was installed and the concept
   The combination of                      nitrogen generators directly produce       was fundamentally changed. The
the very early fire de-                    the required nitrogen on site from the     oxygen content at this data centre is
                                           ambient air to thus compensate for         now no longer lowered continuously.
tection with a reduced                     losses as a result of leaks within the     Oxygen reduction is used to maintain
pressure and safe oxy-                     building or at Kyoto wheels. Reducing      the nitrogen concentration suitable as
                                           the oxygen concentration significant-      extinguishing agent after the extin-
gen reduction, as well                     ly impairs the development of the fire     guishing system has been activated –
as the inertisation of                     meaning that ideally the fire is already   similar to the principle applied at the
                                           put out at this stage. The data centre     data centre with KyotoCooling®. ”Our
the protected area with                    must not be de-energised and com-          systems are absolutely flexible and
OxyReduct®, that allows                    puting power also remains available        suitable for use in the most diverse
                                           in the event of an incident.               protection schemes. If operators’
us to bridge the time to                                                              demands and requirements change,
refill extinguishing cylin-                If TITANUS® devices continue to            we can ideally adapt our technology
                                           detect a fire, a second extinguishing      to the new customer specifications”,
ders, has us complete                      cylinder is activated and the oxygen       Dupier continues.
convinced.                                 concentration is further lowered to
                                           consequently put out the fire. Thanks      Plans for the most recent prestige
                                           to OxyReduct® this second target           project Munich East already include
Ingo Kraupa,                               concentration can be maintained for        an extension of the existing fire pre-
CEO, noris network AG                      as long as needed until all causes         vention system. A two-stage concept
                                           of fire have been eliminated – even        is also applied here. The second con-
Strong combination: traditional            beyond the 10 minutes required for         struction phase has just started and
gas extinguishing technology               gas extinguishing systems as per VdS       130 additional extinguishing cylinders
with oxygen reduction                      directive.                                 will be added to the installed gas
The two-stage concept combines tra-                                                   extinguishing system. We will also
ditional gas extinguishing technology      This two-stage fire prevention con-        enhance the OxyReduct® system by a
with oxygen reduction, earliest pos-       cept adapted to KyotoCooling® has          further nitrogen generator.
sible fire detection and false alarm-      already been installed at two noris
proof fire detection to deliver max-       data centres. A further system will
imum safety. This is how it works:         be installed next year in Nuremberg.
the protected area is continuously
monitored by TITANUS® air sampling         Creative, flexible and reliable
smoke detectors. If they detect a fire     “We have been working success-                Check: custom
at the earliest possible stage, oxy-       fully with noris for many years.                           er benefits

                                                                                        Very early sm
                                                                                                      oke detection
                                                                                        with immunity
                                                                                                       from false alar
                                                                                       Maximum av
                                                                                                    ailability of
                                                                                       computing po
                                                                                                     wer and data
                                                                                       no power dow                 –

                                                                                      Permanent ac
                                                                                                     cessibility of th
                                                                                      data centre –                   e
                                                                                                     even in the ev
                                                                                      of an incident                 en t

                                                                                                     t operation

                                                                                                       WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019   13

     Earliest smoke
     detection behind
     the scenes                   To us, a fire at the
                                Castle Theatre would
                                  be comparable to
                                the incident at Notre
                                  Dame – just on a
                               smaller scale. A catas-
                                  trophe in terms of
                                our cultural heritage.

                                    Hans-Dieter Schomaker,
                               Facility Engineer at Castle Theatre

14   WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019
Safely protecting visitors and staff, historic architecture,

valuable sets and musical instruments from fire: TITANUS®                                                        Check: custo-
air sampling smoke detectors have been doing exactly that for                                                    mer benefits
over seven years as part of an effective and subtle way at Castle
                                                                                                                 Highly sensitive fire detection
Theatre in Celle, a town in Germany’s Lower Saxony region.
                                                                                                                 Subtile integration into archi-
                                                                                                                 tecture – does not influence
The Castle in Celle represents an                TITANUS PRO·SENS® air sampling                                  the aesthetic appeal
impressive witness to the town's                 smoke detectors for earliest smoke
exciting history: the Castle Theatre is          detection to protect both the audito-                           Gain valuable time thanks to
located at the heart of the baroque              rium as well as the stage including                             the earliest possible fire detec-
stately home, which was established              drawing loft as well as roof structure                          tion
in 1674 by George William, Duke of               above the auditorium. These systems
Brunswick-Lüneburg. Today the Castle             have also been installed in the the-                            Reliable protection for persons
Theatre is one of the oldest regularly           atre’s foyer and the lounge featuring                           and cultural heritage
used theatre buildings in Europe with            the fireplace at the adjacent “Schloss-
a permanent ensemble. The horse-                 könig” [king of the castle] café, pro-                          Very high levels of immunity
shoe-shaped auditorium was mod-                  viding the audience with refreshments                           from false alarms thanks to
elled on Italian 17th century stages             during the interval.                                            smoke development pattern
while fire engineering behind the                                                                                detection
scenes meets contemporary stand-                 Aesthetic appeal unaffected
ards: as part of the two-year restora-           One significant advantage of TITANUS®                           Simple maintenance thanks to
tion phase between 2010 and 2012                 air sampling smoke detectors com-                               easily accessible detectors
the TITANUS PRO·SENS® air sampling               pared with conventional smoke
smoke detector system was installed              detectors is that they can be aesthet-                          Very silent – particularly suitable
at the Castle Theatre.                           ically integrated into the architecture                         for areas sensitive to noise,
                                                 without onlookers noticing they are                             such as theatres
Ideal safety levels for the audi-                even there. Consequently, low-noise
ence, crew and monument                          air sampling smoke detectors influ-                             Long service life – perfect oper-
The core aspect of the project was to            ence neither the visual nor acoustic                            ation for the last seven years
line up the challenging architecture             properties of this glamorous baroque
with effective fire protection without           theatre. Highly sensitive air sampling
influencing the listed building. “Apart          smoke detectors continuously take air
from protecting the architecture, the            samples from the ambient air which                      taken to combat the fire in due time.
safety of our staff and the audience             are then supplied to a sensitive de-                    The system simultaneously provides
(who may be unfamiliar with the facil-           tector module within the air sampling                   reliable, very high levels of immunity
ity) are paramount”, Roberto Langen-             smoke detector. Optical scattered light                 against false alarms. Thanks to the
han explains as the Technical Director           smoke detectors then analyse the air                    use of TITANUS® air sampling smoke
at the Castle Theatre. Maximum                   samples for tiny smoke particles. This                  detectors we can protect irreplaceable
reliability and top levels of immunity           enables the earliest possible fire de-                  historic and cultural assets as well as
against false alarms thanks to                   tection and safeguards action can be                    human life.


Item no. 68-30-3430        Project management:   Editorial staff contact:   All rights reserved.             !
Issue 07/2019              Katrin Strübe         redaktion-impulse@         Complete or partial dupli-
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30853 Langenhagen          Katrin Strübe         © Heiko Preller            only.                          Send us a message at
Phone +49 511 97383 0      MT Medien             (Castle Theatre)                                          redaktion-impulse@wagner.de
info@wagnergroup.com                             © NewCold Advanced         Brand names and product        or visit us at
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Dipl.-Ing. Werner Wagner                         Commercial Vehicles
                                                                            © WAGNER Group GmbH

                                                                                                                            WAGNER IMPULSE | 2/2019    15
    If you would like to win an Amazon gift voucher                                                            The solution of the quiz competition in the last edi-
    worth € 50, € 100, or € 150, just answer our                                                               tion of WAGNER Impulse 1/2019 is N2Fill. Congrat-
    quiz question:                                                                                             ulations to Dr. Peter Schiefen (Bonn), Karsten Kehl
                                                                                                               (Herbstein) and Volker Fahrenstueck (Melsungen)!
    What is WAGNER’s solution
    for earliest smoke detection?                                                                              Congratulations!
    Submit your response by 28.09.2019 at                                                                                                      The big WAGNER
    www.wagnergroup.com/en/impulse-competition.                                                                                                Impulse quiz
    You can also scan the QR code with your smartphone
    to access the page.

    The correct answer and the winners’ names will be revealed in the next issue of WAGNER Impulse. The names of the winners will be drawn after the closing date. The winner of the draw will be
    informed by e-mail shortly after. Persons over the age of 18 are eligible to enter. WAGNER Group employees and their families are excluded from participation, as are all those involved in the design
    and implementation of the competition. No cash awards will be made. The competition is not subject to legal recourse.

Experience WAGNER Group fire protection solutions live!

24/09/2019 – 27/09/2019                                                12/11/2019 – 13/11/2019
IMHX 2019, Birmingham (UK)                                             protekt, Leipzig

05/11/2019 – 07/11/2019                                                13/11/2019 – 15/11/2019
LOGISTICA, Utrecht (NL)                                                Asia Cold Chain Show, Bangkok (THA)

Visit www.wagnergroup.com for additional, upcoming
events and to contact your partners at WAGNER directly
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