Easter April 2021, can it change everything - Bethany ...

Page created by Enrique Leon
Easter April 2021, can it change everything - Bethany ...
Easter April 2021, can it change everything                of mind to enjoy the moment we need to be doing
                                                           nothing but enjoying time with Him. Sitting quiet is
What are your plans for Easter? For our families and       something we have lost the ability to appreciate.
as a church this has been the question for weeks.
How will we be able to gather with Covid 19 still a        Or we might even have the opposite problem. Covid
reality? Will we have fresh flowers like we use to do?     has stopped our world and we are searching for our
Will our families gather for family celebrations? How      way forward. We have far too much quiet time without
many worshippers can we fit into our services? How         the activities we love. How important for us to
can we get excited with so many questions? Will            understand God can be present in all our times and is
Easter be as special as before? Great questions, but       not restricted to certain places and times. The Key is
maybe the wrong place to focus on. A better                for us to be aware of His presence. Do we take the
question is: What are your plans for after Easter?         time to listen to God, talk with him, and understand
                                                           that most often he uses those around us to be his
Will our celebration of Easter impact how we live in a     presence? Do we take time to notice where God is
post Easter world? Will it make any difference in our      and what he is up to?
day-to-day world as we anticipate summer and
returning to more normal activities post Covid 19?         While visiting with some friends the other day, they
                                                           asked me how they could get more done, feeling like
 In a recent devotion from Jesus Calling by Sarah          they were just spinning their wheels. With all the
Young for March 9th she shared wise words for us to        uncertainties of the past year when we all felt like our
ponder when we reflect on, what now? She writes,           world stopped, it is a common experience for so
“Rest in My radiant presence. The world around you         many. Now as we move forward into a new time, how
seems to spin faster and faster, till everything is a      might we help one another feel good about what we
blur. Yet there is a cushion of calm at the center of      can accomplish in getting life back to normal? Might
your life, where you live in union with Me. Return to      we make a check list of little things that we are able to
this soothing Center as often as you can, for this is      check off. We do so at the grocery store, why not in
where you are energized: filled with My love, joy, and     our daily life. As humans we need to feel a sense of
peace.” This sounds wonderful, is it our experience?       accomplishment, direction and purpose. Is it our list
Most of us have ridden on a fast moving merry go           of to do’s, or is it a list God would like our help with?
round, we have tried to hang on as it goes around and      There is a huge difference. Our list most often
around, yet did you know that if we get to the center      focuses inward, God’s list most often focuses outward
of that merry go round, we can even stand because it       toward others.
is never turning as fast. Or what about the eye of the     May our post Easter journey be one of expressing
hurricane or storm? It is always very quiet at the         gratefulness and gratitude, living into the
center. So, it is in our lives, when we try and find our   promises and presence of Christ. May we focus on
completeness in things, activities or                      the needs of others, helping us make a difference in
accomplishments, we’re on a fast-moving world going        their lives and in ours. Let us move the focus off
faster and faster with us less in control. But the good    ourselves to be God’s presence to others.
news of Easter is that Jesus offers us a “cushion of
calm” when we place him at the center of our lives.        I’m not sure where the following list came from, but it
This doesn’t mean that our lives will not have             is one I read daily on the wall by my desk. As a
interesting and challenging things happening, but our      Christian trusting in God’s love, “Lord help me be the
response to these events changes dramatically. It          following”:
does require an intentional desire on our part to be       1. Be spontaneous in Spirit
resting in the presence of Christ.                         2. Be open minded, value others thoughts and ideas
How do we slow down the world and find the time or         3. Live with hopeful attitudes, seeing the best in
space? We’ve heard and experienced a quite time               others
can also be problematic as the minute we get               4. Make sure our actions match our words
ourselves to slow down, we fall asleep. Might that be      5. Always express an appreciation of God’s World
the devotional time we have received from God? In
our workaholic overcharged minds, we have trouble           Notice where your post Easter Journey is filled with
finding the center of the merry-go round. The calm          God’s presence,
and peaceful space is where God desires us to sit                   Pastor Gerald
next to him. Sometimes, we punish ourselves with
expectations rather than thanking God for the peace
Easter April 2021, can it change everything - Bethany ...
March Offering                     Bethany LYO weekly schedule will be decided
03/07                              $5753           week by week in April. We are sending up
03/14                              $4963           prayers that we will be able to do some in-
03/21                              $3725           person time as weather permits. We will be
03/28                                  $           continuing social distancing, and these in
Online Giving                     $10154           person gatherings will be outside where we
Lent                                $595           can do so without causing any extra work as
                                                   far as sanitizing. If the weather does not
                                                   cooperate, we will do something via zoom like
                                                   we have been. Our teens have some favorite
                                                   things that they like to do, and they always
                                                   have a plan. We will be in contact with those
                                                   teens that would like to participate via text
                                                   messages. If you are not in the group chat that
                                                   is going on now, but would like to be in on that,
                                                   let Donna Randash know.
          Anne and Willie Langdji
         Currently Anne and her husband Willie
    Langdji continue to serve in Cameroon as
                                                      Pastor Janet’s Joke of the Month
    the regional representatives for
                                                   A little girl came home from church school
    Madagascar, and West and Central Africa.
                                                   during Holy Week and announced: “Jesus died
    They maintain relationships with the
                                                   on the cross. But he’s getting better now, and
    Lutheran Churches and people in Senegal,
                                                   he’ll be all right by Sunday.”
    Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria,
    Cameroon, Central African Republic, and
                                                   Another little girl was overwhelmed by the large
    Madagascar. As regional representatives,
                                                   attendance on Easter. She whispered to her
    they help the Global Mission office in
                                                   mom, “Are some of these people in the wrong
    Chicago to be wise and faithful stewards of
    our global mission vision, relationships,
    and resources. Anne and Willie see
                                                   During the children’s sermon a pastor asked
    firsthand the many challenges facing the
                                                   the kids, “What just happened to Jesus that we
    people, whether it be economic crisis, civil
                                                   all want to remember?” The kids answered,
    strife, and now the coronavirus pandemic.
                                                   “He died on the cross.” “Then what did God
    Our ongoing support helps to continue this
                                                   do?” asked the pastor. And one child piped up,
    shared ministry and assure our companion
                                                   “God recycled him!”
    churches of our commitment to walk
    together with them at all times.

          March Ministerial Acts
Funerals: Donald Larson, Linda Siebert

                                                             Last call for Health Kits!
                                                   Please bring any items for the LWR Health Kits
                                                   to Bethany, or give any money to Sue. We will
                                                    be packing the kits after Easter, to ship out in
                                                    May. Many thanks to those who have already
                                                    responded. I’ll have numbers after we pack.

                     LYO                                               Sue Taft
Feb/Mar 2021 Memorials:
                                                                   In Memory of Lorraine Grondahl
                                                              MOC from family.
                                                              Music from Sharyl Roth.
                                                                      In Memory of Judy Johnson
                                                           Undesignated from Pat Julson, Vickie
                                                           Phippins, Robert & Lonna Jo Browne,
              Bethany Birthdays!                           James & Dawn Evans.
                                                           Music/Choir from Rodger & Mary Zurcher,
                    April:                                 Bill & Bev Jensen, Lolly Rostad, Erna
 1st – Karen Davidson, Bryan Holmly,                       Pederson, Charles & Sue Taft, Craig
       Donna Randash                                       Elton, Kelly Grigsby, Bernard & Cathie Ann
 2nd – Betty Niemann, Jarrett Schlag,                      Weise, Alma Lee, Phillip & Sandra Busch,
       Todd Westmeyer                                      Bryan & Nadine Holmly, Steve & Cyndi Beutler,
 3rd – Jocelyn Lucy, Ethan Permentier,                     Cleo Berven, Mary Ann Lafontaine, Mary Carlson,
       Carisa Reinholdt                                    Jane Welstad, Jeff & Barbara Mayer, William &
 4th – Kim Colbenson, Rodney Guderjahn,                    Susan Peterson, Mary Jordahl, Sharyl Roth.
       Amanda Murphy, Sage Richter,
                                                                    In Memory of Don Sandvold
       Carolyn Stair
  th                                                       Undesignated from Lee & Yvonne Sorenson,
 5 – Valerie Lehner
                                                           Time & Penny Chole.
 6th – Shane Christiansen, Cody Hodenfield,
       Christopher Klimpel, Amy Olson
                                                                       In Memory of Larry Roth
 7th – Rodney Arnold, Sonja Lee, Bram Smith                MOC from Bill & Bev Jensen.
 8th –Bethany Hoff, Trenton Howard, Lynn Meine,            Undesignated from Dale & June Neumiller,
                                                           Claire Larson, Sharon Grondahl, Tony & Jean
       Matthew Meine, Jon Nissen,
       Norman Paskowsky, Hanna Ullrich                     Meiers, Jim & Cathy DeGree, Vickie Phippins, Pat
  th                                                       Julson,Richard & Barbara Solberg.
 9 – Susan Jensen, Roger Larson
                                                           Music from Charles & Sue Taft,
10th – Paul Seibert
                                                           Mary Sather.
11th – Ed Nush, Harleigh Reimche, Esther Rose
12th – Ryne Bachmeier, Gordon Opstad                                 In Memory of Linda Siebert
13th – Robert Knorr, Michael Larson, Michelle Wolf         Music from Sharyl Roth.
14th – Claire Larson
15th – Kristin Anderson, Breanna Mindt
16th – Susan Coffin
17th – Karen Brunner Wright, Timothy Johnson
18th – Karla Bredahl, Niki Brose,
       Richard Hodnefield
                                                              Friday, May 21- Sunday, May 23, 2021
19th – Robert Anderson, Rebecca Breitkreutz                       Camp of the Cross Ministries
21st – Daryl Anderson, Duane Olson                        “A men’s fishing weekend and event to encourage
22nd – Darla Freyholtz Ballard,                           men of all ages to grow in faith as they spend time
       Audriana Henderson, Heather Nelson                 fishing, telling stories and feasting in God’s big
23rd – Sutton Bourquin, Mike Lucy                         outdoors.”
24th – Layton Clark, Logan Fisher, Bailey Gantzer,        Registration cost is $85 (all meals, t-shirt &
      Jaxon Guillory, Rylan Otto, Kianna Parisien         events)
25 –Kenleigh Hanson, Donna Kress, April Mindt             Additonal cost- housing options:
26th – Pastor Janet Mathistad, Troy Westmeyer             Retreat Center (first come-first served)
27th – Chloe Alexander, Stephen Egeberg,                  Private Room (single occupancy) $35 per night
       Danielle Heinze, Gianna Malachowski                Total Cost is $155.00
29th – Reece Pederson, Gabriel Scharmer                   For more information, please contact Pastor
30th – Kelsey Howard, Bev Jensen, Ayden Williams          Intern Dave.

Also, Happy Birthday to anyone whose name is not
on the list. If your name is not on the list then we
don’t have it, so please call the office with it. Thank
Bethany Church Directory!                       Bethany Foundation Feb/Mar 2021:
     One of the best tools in our tool box as a                  Memory of Judy Johnson
                  Bethany Member!                       By Greg Simonson, Wally & Cookie Berning.
You can now have the directory on your                             Memory of Val Swenson
smartphone, tablet, kindle or computer or all of        By Greg Simonson.
them. We encourage you to take the following                        Memory of Larry Roth
steps to download the updated and current               Greg Simonson, Don & Sherry Hummel, Lolly
Bethany Church Directory. Current phone                 Rostad, Greg & Sue Johnson, Mark & Laurie
numbers and address including any new                   Schumaker, Mel & Bea Roth, Donald & Tanya
members are updated automatically. If you find          Giese, Judy & Penny Roth, Jan Gray and
and errors in your information, relax, call the         Dusty Gray Family, Nathan Kitchens Family,
church and all corrections made become part of          Leo & JoAnn Schwarz, Hilda Giese, George &
everyone’s directory. In other words, this is not       Mary Ann Murschel, Gene & Donna Sloan,
outdated if you give us updated information, it will    Andy Buettner Family, LaRue Schwarz, Jim &
become part of the directory on a day-by-day            JoNell Hatlelid, Darren Leier Family, Diana,
bases.                                                  Tammy, and David Kitchens Family, Jeff
                                                        Kitchens Family,Monte & Debbie Glasoe, Sam
On your computer: Go to your browser and                & Rebecca Ude, Patty Karhoff, Betty
search for:                                             Frantsvog, Judy Anderson, Donna Schmalz,
https://members.instantchurchdirectory.com/             Steve & Becky Heilman, Ardis Johnson, Allen
When entering your email, you must use the one          & Crystal Schlag, Marlene Olson, Teresa Erie,
that the church has or loading the directory will       Erna Pederson, Cleo Berven, Kyle, Aleesha, &
not work. If you have a newer email, please call        Carson Erickson, Tessa Nesheim, Petter &
the church office and get the email updated first.
                                                        Laurel Thunshelle, Bruce & Diane Walker,
                                                        Elmer & Arlene Schwarz, Gloria Castleman,
Links to Member Apps on Smart phones, I pads            Ralph & Karen Kuhnhenn, Don & Joyce
or Kindles:                                             Anderson, Roger & Roberta Larson, Duane
                                                        &Sharlene Tollefson, Mary Carlson, Bryan &
Apple App Store: Get the iPhone / iPad app by           Nadine Holmly, Alma Lee, Dick & Phyllis
going to apple store & searching for Instant            Hodnefield, Boyd & Phyllis Hanson, Mary
Church Directory. The icon is white church and          Jordahl, Ron & Pat Schimke, Rich & Sara
lime green background.                                  Neustel Family.
Google Play Store: Get the Android app by
going to store & searching for Instant Church
Please remember that when you try to sign in
your email that you use has to match the email
that is already listed in the church directory. You
will be sent a confirmation email on sign in and if
you do not receive it in your inbox, please check
your junk or spam folders.
For those not using computers and smart devices
                                                                   Easter Sunday Services:
printed copies will be printed in the future, but not
                                                                         April 4, 2021
until more pictures are taken and information
                                                                  6:30am, 8:30am & 10:30am
updated, post covid.
You may also call Bethany at 838-5196 if you
need further help. Thank you.
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