St. Andrew's Anglican Church

Page created by Leo Richardson
St. Andrew's Anglican Church
St. Andrew’s Anglican Church                                                        August 16, 2020

Michelle Sattler

                         Karen Brust

                         Serving on Sunday mornings is a bit
                         different for members of our Altar Guild
                         these days, but their dedication to their
                         duties remains the same. Many thanks
                         to Altar Guild Directress Wini Cloran
                         and her team for their work at our
                         Lord’s table!

Nikki Snead                                                          Patti Cooper
St. Andrew's Anglican Church
Fr. Ron on vacation in late
August/early September
Now that we’ve had some time to
adjust to our new service style,
Fr. Ron and Judy Baird will be taking
some vacation time in late August
and early September.
Parishioners who aren’t yet attending
in-person services who would like
to receive Communion at home on
Sundays from August 23 through
Sept. 13 should contact Fr. Shane
Tucker at 740-548-5112, ext. 4 or
to make arrangements. Fr. Shane
will be preaching and celebrating
the Eucharist at all three weekend
services during Fr. Ron’s absence,
and will also be available for pastoral
needs. If you have an urgent need and
are unable to reach Fr. Shane, please
contact Tally Whitehead, our director
of Discipleship Ministries, at 614-578-
                                          ‘Alpha Anywhere’
7897. You may also contact Senior
Warden Eric Whitehead, 614-578-6265
or, with
                                          on the agenda for fall
                                          Many of you were participating in our Lenten Study Program, which featured
any urgent administrative issues.
                                          the Alpha Course, when the coronavirus pandemic brought an early end to
Fr. Ron and Judy’s first weekend back     our Tuesday evenings together. This fall, Fr. Shane Tucker hopes to bring the
will be Sept. 19-20.                      program back with “Alpha Anywhere.”
                                          “Alpha Anywhere” is the same Alpha experience, but slightly modified to be
Rachel Cherubini taking                   run exclusively online. Designed to be offered over 11 weeks in one hour and
medical time off in August                15 minute sessions, “Alpha Anywhere” would provide an opportunity for us to
Business Manager Rachel Cherubini         engage our community in the midst of the current coronavirus crisis with the
will be undergoing outpatient             Good News of God in Christ. Alpha addresses the ultimate questions in life,
gallbladder surgery on Wednesday,         which have risen to the fore all the more because of the state our country and
August 26, and will be taking             world are in today. Questions such as “Who is Jesus?” and “How can we have
some time off later this month to         faith?”
recuperate. As a precautionary
                                          If you’re interested in participating in or assisting with “Alpha Anywhere,”
measure to protect her being exposed
                                          please contact Fr. Shane at 740-548-5112, ext. 4 or stucker@standrewspolaris.
to Covid-19 before the surgery, she
                                          org and he’ll get in touch with you with the details. Also watch your email for
will be begin working from home on
                                          further information!
Friday, August 21.
If you have business-related
questions you may contact Rachel at
                                          September Birthdays                       September Anniversaries
                                          Chinaza Anosike                           Steve & Kara Atkinson or
                                          Julie Baldwin                             Chris & Cherie Bryant
740-548-5112, ext. 1, and she will get
                                          Bob Beverick                              Sanjay & Aruna Pais
back to you as soon as possible.
                                          Ryan Bobay                                David & Meg Patton
                                          Pat Carpenter                             Pat & Liddy Schmitz
 MASKS REQUIRED                           Emily Fieger
                                          Brooklyn Gales
                                                                                    Shawn & Nikki Snead
                                                                                    David & Carol Warner
  BY THE STATE                            Bill Lucas                                                 —•—
                                          JoJo Lung                                 Have a prayer request? Email it to
                                          Nikki Snead                     ;
                                          Tasso Spanos                              fill out the online form on our website
                                          Christy Tucker                            under the “Scripture & Prayer” drop-
                                          Hannah Vanderhoff                         down menu (you don’t need to log in
                                          Carol Warner                              to submit a prayer request); or call
                                                                                    us at 740-548-5112, ext. 1, and we’ll
                                                                                    pass your request along to the Prayer
St. Andrew's Anglican Church
What’s where on the web?
This will be the last edition of “The Net” until
Fr. Ron and Judy return from vacation, so we’ve put
together this guide to “What’s where on the web” to
help you find information that you might find useful
in the coming month. (Hint: Any text underlined and
in color is a hyperlink that will take you to the web
page referenced.)

On our public website
Our public website——has a
wealth of information, from the Daily and Sunday
lectionaries, to links to our worship livestream and
newsletters, to shortcuts to our Member Connection
and online giving.

Daily & Sunday Lectionary/Prayer Requests
The Daily Lectionary features Scripture readings for
morning and evening prayer, and the Sunday Lectionary
includes readings for upcoming services, which our
layreaders may find helpful. You’ll find these, as well as a
link to request prayer, by clicking on “Scripture & Prayer”
in the top navigation bar on your computer,       or by
clicking on the collapsed menu icon, which is the button
with three horizontal bars in the upper right corner of
the page.     (Fun fact: This button is sometimes referred
to as a hamburger menu because of its unintentional
resemblance to a hamburger.)

Worship Livestreams
On the home page slider of the public website you’ll find a
link to the livestream of our Sunday worship services.
When we’re live, clicking the “Watch our Worship
Livestream” button will take you directly to the service.
Otherwise, it will take you to our YouTube channel. We
recommend that you subscribe to our channel by clicking
here, then clicking on the red “Subscribe” button.
We’ve mentioned before that YouTube doesn’t seem to
link the current Sunday’s video to the main page of our
channel after the livestream until Monday. As a subscriber
(it’s free!) you’ll be able to see all of our videos—including   Media: Newsletters & Sermons
those for the current Sunday—anytime you click on                The “Media” menu is immediately to the right of the
“St. Andrew’s” in your Subscriptions feed.          You will     “Calendar.” Here you’ll find drop-down menus for
need to sign in to YouTube to subscribe. If you already          “Sermons,” with the links to audio podcasts of past
have a Google Account you can sign in with that account.         sermons; “News,” with information about happenings at
If don’t have a Google Account, click “SIGN IN,” then            St. Andrew’s; and “Newsletters,” with links to past issues
choose “Use another account” >> “Create account” and             of “The Net.”
follow the prompts. Google Accounts are free, and include
a Gmail address.                                                 Give and Member Login Menus and Search Bar
                                                                 Rounding out the menu bar (or the “hamburger” drop-
Calendar                                                         down on mobile devices) are the “Give” and “Member
To the right of the “Scripture & Prayer” menu (or below          Connection” menu items, and a Search Bar. Under the
it on your mobile device) you’ll see the “Calendar”              “Give” menu item are options to “Give Now” or to read
link. Clicking this link will give you the option to view        about stewardship in general at St. Andrew’s.
our calendar by month or in list form.          With limited
                                                                 Clicking on “Member Connection” takes you directly
activities due to the current coronavirus situation, there’s
                                                                 to the login page for the Member Connection. Forgot
not a lot on the calendar at the moment. Please note that
                                                                 your password or don’t have a login? Simply click the
events later in the fall may still be listed, as we remain
                                                                 appropriate link and follow the prompts to get signed on.
hopeful that we can regain some normalcy at some point
in the not-to-distant future. Please check the calendar often    To the left of the “Member Connection” menu you’ll see a
to see what events may have been added or removed.               magnifying glass icon. Click the icon to bring up the search
                                                                                —Continued on the next page—
St. Andrew's Anglican Church
What’s where on the web
Continued from the previous page
bar, where you can enter a keyword to find information
you may be looking for. For example, entering “Godly
Play” will bring up articles that reference our Godly Play
children’s ministry.
Just above the main navigation bar are a link to email the
church, and links to our social media pages.
Why not just put these resources on the Member
Connection? Because we want to let people in our
community know what’s happening at St. Andrew’s, and
making our newsletters, calendar and other information
public is one of the best ways to do that. We’ve found that
most everyone who visits us in person has already visited
us on the web!

On the Member Connection                                         once you’re logged in
                                                                 and select “Privacy
New to the Member Connection is a welcome message on
                                                                 Settings.” And make
your dashboard   , which should be the first page that
                                                                 sure the data we do
comes up when you log in. If not, click on “Home” to go to
                                                                 have on your profile
your dashboard.
                                                                 is correct, especially if
As with the links in this article, any text in the welcome       you’ve changed your
message that is underlined and in color is a hyperlink           contact information!
that will take you directly to that part of the Member           IMPORTANT: Please do not delete data!!! The Member
Connection.                                                      Connection is our primary parish database, and deleting
Under “My Groups” to the right of the welcome message            data will mean we no longer have that information on
(or perhaps below it if you’re using a smart phone, or a         file for you. Always use “Privacy Settings” to change the
tablet in portrait mode) you’ll see the groups you’re a part     visibility of your data.
of. The main groups are the “St. Andrew’s e-Net” group           Also on your Profile you’ll find a “Giving” tab, where you
and the ”St. Andrew’s Members” group.                            see your giving record and, if you wish, view or print a
Look for these resources under the “Files” tab of the            current giving statements.
St. Andrew’s e-Net group:                                        We don’t currently use the “To-Dos List” or “My Events”
  • Worship resources that will be especially helpful to         that appear on your dashboard, but will begin using the
    those of you who are joining us via livestream from          “Volunteering” section once we return to a more normal
    home on Sunday mornings                                      schedule.                 —•—
  • Our Godly Play Parent Pages and Children’s Bulletins.        If you’ve been downloading our Worship Resources from
                                                                 the weekly e-Net, you’ll be able to download them from
On the “Files” tab of the “St. Andrew’s Members” group           the “Files” tab of the St. Andrew’s e-Net group while Judy is
you’ll find:                                                     on vacation.                 —•—
  • Vestry Minutes, Financial Reports and Annual Reports
                                                                 Watch for an email from Godly Play storyteller Karen Brust
  • Staff & Vestry Contact Information                           with the link to our weekly Godly Play videos. Karen will
  • A “How-to Guide” with information about how                  also be uploading the Parent Pages and Children’s Bulletins
    you can learn more about what’s happening at St.             to the “Files” tab of the St. Andrew’s e-Net group during
    Andrew’s, and who to contact for things like hospital        Judy’s absence.
    visits, marriage, baptism, and more
As our repository of files continues to grow, remember
                                                                 Kroger Rewards net parish $126
                                                                 Many thanks to the 33 St. Andrew’s families who earned
that you can filter files by name, or by the date the file was
                                                                 $126.56 for our parish through the Kroger Community
                                                                 Rewards program from May 1 through July 31.
While you’re on the Member Connection, remember to
                                                                 Regardless of how often you shop or how much you spend
update your privacy settings to make sure your parish
                                                                 at Kroger, your participation helps our parish earn free
family has the information you’d like them to have. By
                                                                 rewards. And, you’ll still earn any in-store discounts and
default your name, email address, phone number, and
                                                                 gas points! Sign-ups are accepted anytime throughout the
family members’ names are visible on your profile. If
                                                                 year, and now automatically renew every year.
you’d like for your fellow parishioners to have more
information, such as your address, and your birthday and         To enroll, go to with your
anniversary dates, remember to make those fields visible         Kroger Plus card handy, and sign up by entering our
to “My Group Members” under “Privacy Settings.” Just             number—HM254—or St. Andrew’s Anglican Church as
click on your name in the upper right corner of any page         your selected charity.
St. Andrew's Anglican Church
The Daily Lectionary
  Week of Pentecost 11 (Proper 15) • August 16-22            Thursday, Sept. 3 — A.M.: Psalm 9; 2 Samuel 21; Ephesians
Sunday, August 16 — A.M.: Psalms 111, 112; 2 Samuel 4;       2:11-22 P.M.: Psalm 10; Micah 1; Matthew 5:21-48
Romans 15 P.M.: Psalms 113, 114; Hosea 14; John 14:15-31     Friday, Sept. 4 — A.M.: Psalms 8, 11; 2 Samuel 22: 1-7,14-
Monday, August 17 — A.M.: Psalm 115; 2 Samuel 5;             20,32-51; Ephesians 2 P.M.: Psalms 15, 16 ; Micah 2;
Romans 15 P.M.: Psalms 116, 117; Joel 1; John 15:1-17        Matthew 6:1-18

Tuesday, August 18 — A.M.: Psalm 119:1-24; 2 Samuel 6;       Saturday, Sept. 5 — A.M.: Psalms 12, 13, 14; 2 Samuel
Philippians 1:1-11 P.M.: Psalm 119:25-48; Joel 2:1-17,28-    23:1-23; Ephesians 4:1-16; P.M.: Psalm 17; Micah 3;
32; John 15:18-27                                            Matthew 6:19-34

Wednesday, August 19 — A.M.: Psalm 119:49-72; 2 Samuel           Week of Pentecost 14 (Proper 19) • Sept. 6-12
7; Philippians 1:12-30 P.M.: Psalm 119:73-88; Joel 3; John
16:1-15                                                      Sunday, Sept. 6 — A.M.: Psalm 18:1-20; 2 Samuel 24;
                                                             Ephesians 4:17-32; P.M.: Psalm 18:21-52; Micah 4; Matthew 7
Thursday, August 20 — A.M.: Psalm 119:89-104; 2 Samuel
8; Philippians 2:1-11 P.M.: Psalm 119:105-128; Amos 1;       Monday, Sept. 7 — A.M.: Psalm 19; 1 Chronicles 22;
John 16:16-33                                                Ephesians 5:1-17; P.M.: Psalms 20, 21; Micah 5; Matthew
Friday, August 21 — A.M.: Psalm 119:129-152; 2 Samuel 9;
Philippians 2:12-30 P.M.: Psalm 119:153-176; Amos 2; John    Tuesday, Sept. 8 — A.M.: Psalm 22; 1 Kings 1:1-18,29-40;
17                                                           Ephesians 5:18-33; P.M.: Psalms 23, 24; Micah 6; Matthew
Saturday, August 22 — A.M.: Psalm 118; 2 Samuel 10;
Philippians 3 P.M.: Psalm 120, 121; Amos 3; John 18:1-27     Wednesday, Sept. 9 — A.M.: Psalm 25; 1 Chronicles 28;
                                                             Ephesians 6 P.M.: Psalms 27; Micah 7; Matthew 9:1-17
  Week of Pentecost 12 (Proper 16) • August 23-29            Thursday, Sept. 10 — A.M.: Psalms 26, 28; 1 Kings 2:1-25;
Sunday, August 23 — A.M.: Psalms 122, 123; 2 Samuel 11;      Hebrews 1 P.M.: Psalm 31; Nahum 1; Matthew 9:18-34
Philippians 4 P.M.: Psalms 124, 125, 126; Amos 4; John       Friday, Sept. 11 — A.M.: Psalms 29, 30; 1 Kings 3; Hebrews
18:28-40                                                     2 P.M.: Psalm 33; Nahum 2; Matthew 9:35—10:23
Monday, August 24 (Feast of St. Bartholomew) — A.M.:         Saturday, Sept. 12 — A.M.: Psalm 34; 1 Kings 4:1-6,20-34;
Psalms 127, 128; Colossians 1:1-20; Luke 6:12-16 P.M.:       Hebrews 3 P.M.: Psalm 35; Nahum 3; Matthew 10:24-42
Psalms 129, 130, 131; Amos 5; John 19:1-37
Tuesday, August 25 — A.M.: Psalms 132, 133; 2 Samuel            Week of Pentecost 15 (Proper 20) • Sept. 13-19
12:1-25; Colossians 1:21—2:7 P.M.: Psalms 134, 135; Amos     Sunday, Sept. 13 — A.M.: Psalms 32, 36; 1 Kings 5;
6; John 19:38-42                                             Hebrews 4:1-13 P.M.: Psalm 38; Habakkuk 1; Matthew 11
Wednesday, August 26 — A.M.: Psalm 136; 2 Samuel 13:1-       Monday, Sept. 14 (Feast of the Holy Cross) — A.M.: Psalm
29,38-39; Colossians 2:8-19P.M.: Psalms 137, 138; Amos 7;    37:1-17; Hebrews 4:14—5:10; John 12:23-33 P.M.: Psalm
John 20                                                      37:18-41; Habakkuk 2 Matthew 12:1-21
Thursday, August 27 — A.M.: Psalm 139; 2 Samuel 14:1-        Tuesday, Sept. 15 — A.M.: Psalm 40; 1 Kings 6:1-7,11-
21,28; Colossians 2:20—3:11P.M.: Psalms 141, 142; Amos       30,37-38; Hebrews 5:11—6:20 P.M.: Psalms 39, 41;
8; John 21                                                   Habakkuk 3; Matthew 12:22-50
Friday, August 28 — A.M.: Psalm 140; 2 Samuel 15:1-18,23-    Wednesday, Sept. 16 — A.M.: Psalms 42, 43; 1 Kings 7:1-
25,32-34; Colossians 3:12-25P.M.: Psalm 143; Amos 9;         14, 40-44,47-51; Hebrews 7 P.M.: Psalm 44; Zephaniah 1;
Matthew 1:1-17                                               Matthew 13:1-23
Saturday, August 29 — A.M.: Psalm 144; 2 Samuel 16;          Thursday, Sept. 17 — A.M.: Psalm 45; 1 Kings 8:1-11,22-
Colossians 4P.M.: Psalm 145; Obadiah; Matthew 1:18-25        30,54-63; Hebrews 8 P.M.: Psalm 46; Zephaniah 2;
                                                             Matthew 13:24-43
Week of Pentecost 13 (Proper 17) • August 30-Sept. 5
                                                             Friday, Sept. 18 — A.M.: Psalms 47, 48; 1 Kings 9:1-9,15-
Sunday, August 30 — A.M.: Psalm 146; 2 Samuel 17:1-23;       28; Hebrews 9:1-14 P.M.: Psalm 49; Zephaniah 3; Matthew
Philemon P.M.: Psalm 147;Jonah 1; Matthew 2                  13:44-58
Monday, August 31 — A.M.: Psalm 148; 2 Samuel 18:1-          Saturday, Sept. 19 — A.M.: Psalm 50; 1 Kings 10:1-13,23-
15,19-33; Ephesians 1:1-14P.M.: Psalm 149, 150; Jonah 2;     29; Hebrews 9:15-28 P.M.: Psalm 51; Haggai 1; Matthew 14
Matthew 3
                                                             Next Sunday, Sept. 20 — A.M.: Psalms 52, 53, 54; 1 Kings
Tuesday, Sept. 1 — A.M.: Psalms 1, 2; 2 Samuel 19:1-30;      11:1-14,23-33,41-43; Hebrews 10:1-18 P.M.: Psalm 55;
Ephesians 1:15-23P.M.: Psalms 3, 4; Jonah 3; Matthew 4       Haggai 2; Matthew 15:1-28
Wednesday, Sept. 2 — A.M.: Psalms 5, 6; 2 Samuel 20;                                  —•—
Ephesians 2:1-10 P.M.: Psalm 7; Jonah 4; Matthew 5:1-20      See the Sunday Lectionary on the next page
St. Andrew's Anglican Church
Prayers for the Church                                              Jesse Alexander, and the people of St. Aidan’s, Nicholasville,
Anglican Church in North America: Bishop R. Charles                 Parish Cycle of Prayer: Carol Neague; Theodore Niyimbabazi,
Gillin, his wife Jan, and for the clergy and laity of the           Grace Iranejeje and Briella M. Mbabazi; the Sisters in the Spirit
Diocese of the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic (REC).                      Small Group; and Kairos Prison Ministry and the correctional
The New York and Pennsylvania Synod was a founding                  facilities it serves.
jurisdiction of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC)                                    Sunday, September 13
when that body left the Episcopal Church in 1873. The               Anglican Church in North America: Bishop William Ilgenfritz
Synod was renamed the Diocese of the Northeast & Mid-               and his wife Lois Jean; Bishop Richard Lipka and his wife Susan;
Atlantic in 1984. The diocese became a founding diocese of          Bishop Winfield Mott and his wife Margaret; and the clergy and
the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) in 2009.                people of the Missionary Diocese of All Saints.
As such, it has dual membership in both the REC and the             Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes: Our own Fr. Ron Baird,
ACNA.                                                               Fr. Wil Verhoff, Fr. Ernie Tracy, Fr. Shane Tucker, Deacon Becky
The diocese now has 28 parishes: 27 in five American                Spanos, and the people of St. Andrew’s, Lewis Center, Ohio.
states (Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New                    Parish Cycle of Prayer: Jim, Amanda and Bella Oxenham;
York, Pennsylvania) and one in the Canadian province                Barbara Oxenham; the Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study
of Ontario. The headquarters are located in Blue Bell,              Small Group; and the St. Andrew’s Bell Choir.
Pennsylvania, where the Reformed Episcopal Seminary is
also located. (Sources: Diocesan website, Wikipedia.)                                  Sunday, September 20
                                                                    Anglican Church in North America: Archbishop Ben Kwashi,
Please pray especially for all ministries and missions of the
                                                                    General Secretary, and the Global Anglican Future Conference.
diocese during the pandemic.
Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes: Fr. Dan Conley and             Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes: Fr. PT Morgan, Fr. Jon
the people of St. Matthew’s, Nashville, Indiana.                    Back, and the people of St. Anne’s, Anderson, Indiana.

Parish Cycle of Prayer: Jim and Jackie Menke; Joe, Celia,           Parish Cycle of Prayer: Sanjay, Aruna, Sasha and Saachi Pais;
Patrick, Gwyneth and Elspeth Nelson; Cub Scout Pack 139;            Joe and Mary Ann Pate; the Hokey Pokey Small Group; and our
and our students, and all students in Central Ohio, as they         Kitchen Saints Ministry.
begin to return to classes, either remotely or in the classroom.
                    Sunday, August 23
                                                                                  Sunday Lectionary
Anglican Church in North America: Bishop Todd Hunter and                      Pentecost 12 (Proper 16) • August 23
his wife, Debbie; and the clergy and people of the Diocese of       First Reading: Isaiah 51:1-6 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.); Romans
Churches for the Sake of Others.                                    11:25-36 (11:15 a.m.) Psalm 138 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes: Fr. Jeremy Lile, Fr. Eric      Second Reading: Romans 11:25-36 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
Harmon (also at Mansfield Correctional, Mansfield, Ohio), and       Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20 (All)
the people of City Hope, Akron, Ohio.                                         Pentecost 13 (Proper 17) • August 30
Fr. Jeremy Lile, Fr. Eric Harmon(also at Mansfield Correctional –   First Reading: Jeremiah 15:15-21 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.); Romans
Mansfield, OH)                                                      12:1-8 (11:15 a.m.); Psalm 26 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
Parish Cycle of Prayer: Sandy Murray; John and Chin Osmond;         Second Reading: Romans 12:1-8 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
the Sunday Morning Apostles; and our Acolyte Ministry               Gospel: Matthew 16:21-27 (All)

                     Sunday, August 30                                       Pentecost 14 (Proper 18) • September 6
Anglican Church in North America: Bishop Ryan Reed and              First Reading: Ezekiel 33:1-11 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.); Romans
his wife Kathy; Bishop William Wantland; and the clergy and         12:9-21 (11:15 a.m.); Psalm 119:33-48 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
people of the Anglican Diocese of Fort Worth.                       Second Reading: Romans 12:9-21 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.) Gospel:
Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes: The Very Rev. Peter            Matthew 18:15-20 (All)
Matthews, Fr. Joel Peterson (on mission in the Middle East),                Pentecost 15 (Proper 19) • September 13
Deacon Andee Marks, Deacon Daniel Jones, and the people of
                                                                    First Reading: Ecclesiasticus 27:30-28:7 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.);
St. Patrick’s, Lexington, Kentucky.
                                                                    Romans 14:5-12 (11:15 a.m.)
Parish Cycle of Prayer: Karen Osmond; Burt Otani; the               Psalm 103:1-14 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
upcoming “Alpha Anywhere” course; and our Acolyte Ministry.         Second Reading: Romans 14:5-12 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
                                                                    Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35 (All)
                   Sunday, September 6
Anglican Church in North America: Archbishop Allan Migi and                 Pentecost 16 (Proper 20) • September 20
the clergy and people of the Anglican Province of Papua New         First Reading: Jonah 3:10-4:11 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.); Philippians
Guinea.                                                             1:21-27 (11:15 a.m.) Psalm 145:14-21 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes: Fr. Lee McLeod, Deacon         Second Reading: Philippians 1:21-27 (5 p.m. & 9 a.m.)
                                                                    Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16 (All)

      7521 S. Old State Rd. • Lewis Center, OH 43035 • 740.548.5112 • •
St. Andrew's Anglican Church St. Andrew's Anglican Church St. Andrew's Anglican Church St. Andrew's Anglican Church
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