WELCOME April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday - Parishes Online

WELCOME April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday - Parishes Online
April 4, 2021                                   Easter Sunday


Saturday 5pm Vigil        Saturday: 4-4:45pm   Friday Evenings in Church,
Sunday 8am, 10am                               6-8pm

DAILY MASS                                     OFFICE HOURS
Tuesday - Saturday: 8am                        By appointment only
WELCOME April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday - Parishes Online
Easter Sunday
8am     INT St. Alphonsus Parish
10am INT St. Alphonsus Parish
                                                     “I have risen and I am with you still, Alleluia. You
                                                     have laid your hand upon me, alleluia. Too wonderful
                                                     for me, this knowledge, alleluia, alleluia” PS 139
8am     INT James Flynn
3pm     Divine Mercy Live Stream
                                      What a year it has been with all its up and downs. It has been especially
WEDNESDAY APRIL 7                     difficult for many. I remember losing my father and then losing the ability
8am     RIP Denzel Monteiro           to do something that fills the sails of my spirit with air which is the cele-
3pm     Divine Mercy Live Stream      brating of the Mass. There is probably nothing I enjoy doing more than
                                      that. But now it’s Easter 2021! Jesus has Risen! It is now a time of re-
THURSDAY APRIL 8                      joicing. I’m reminded of the great joy experienced by Gandalf, Aragon
8am     RIP Stew Pickford
                                      and company after the battle at Minas Tirith. The Lord has Risen let our
3pm     Divine Mercy Live Stream
                                      Alleluias ring out, but not in the Church just yet.
8am     RIP Sandra Filice
                                      In the Gospel of John, we hear Mary of Magdala arriving at the tomb
6pm     Church Open for Adoration &   while it was still dark. What sadness she must have felt dutifully walking
        Private Prayer                to the tomb and what surprise she must have felt to see the stone rolled
                                      back. Naturally she thought, as we would have, that the body was sto-
SATURDAY APRIL 10                     len, but when she finally meets the risen Lord her sadness and concern
8am     RIP Joyce Carwile             would be completely obliterated with Joy. Alleluia!!!!
5pm     RIP Santi Phanichob
                                      There is a Matt Maher song called “because He lives” that I love listen-
SUNDAY APRIL 11                       ing to all the time but especially on Easter and I will be playing it full
Divine Mercy Sunday                   blast during the day. The chorus goes as follows:
8am     INT Marilyn Young
10am INT St. Alphonsus Parish
                                                             Amen, Amen
                                                             I'm alive, I'm alive
                                                             Because He lives
                                                             Amen, Amen
                                                             Let my song join the one that never ends
                                                             Because He lives

                                      We are truly alive because Jesus rose from the dead. May the joy of the
                                      risen Lord be with you throughout the year.

                                      Happy Easter everyone and God’s blessings to you and all your loved

                                                             To Jesus through Mary
                                                             Fr. Richard Klepac, SOLT
WELCOME April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday - Parishes Online
PLEASE PRAY FOR:                                    ALWAYS                                                 LIVE STREAMS
Marnie Ahern, Lillian Anderson, Tricia              Be sure to stay up to date on everything               Mass is live streamed at 8am on Tues-
Anderson, Buck Bradfield, Marty Brad-               occurring with the restarting of Mass by               day - Sunday with the rosary following
field, Linda Buchman, Susan Cifu, Em-               making sure you are on our email list.                 Tuesday - Saturday. It is recorded for
ma Claire, Norma Curulla, Donna Day,                You can sign up via our website                        those who would like to watch later.
Bertha Eriksson, James Flynn, Espedito              (www.stalseattle.org) at the bottom of                 https://www.facebook.com/St-
P. Galvão, Ann Hahn, Shirley Hegge,                 the home page, or by emailing Lizzy at                 Alphonsus-105432431086043/
Anna Herdlein, Joshua Hillery, Dave                 lscholz@stalseattle.org.
Jebousek, Emily Jones, Joan Knebel,                                                                        FORMED
Stephanie Kunkler, Josephine Lynch,                 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL                                    Now is a great time to access FORMED
Norma Macke, Anne Manfredi, Barbara                 Our SVDP chapter is available and                      if you haven't already! As a parishioner
Day Miller, Patricia Mulka, Jennifer                ready to help with rent, utilities and food            of St. Alphonsus you can sign up for a
Nagel, Ray Naidu, Alice Nitteberg,                  vouchers. Those seeking help should                    free account at stalseat-
Grace Norman, Roy Otness, Bob Pohl-                 call the St Vincent de Paul intake line at             tle.formed.org! FORMED has inspiring
man, Stacey Riordan, Lucy Rogers,                   206-767-6449. All assistance is confi-                 movies and video-based studies, audio
Darlene Selland, Nolette Serra, Jack                dential. If you'd like to make a donation              talks and e-books from the Church's
Serwold, Fred Stull, Cheryl Taylor, Jude            to our SVDP chapter, you can give                      most compelling speakers and au-
Vidal, Lillian Yamamoto                             online on our website                                  thors! So register now to access great
                                                    (www.stalseattle.org) or mail your con-                Catholic content including works from
Serving in Iraq & Afghanistan                       tribution to the parish envelope (either               The Pope Emeritus, Pope Francis &
Christopher Dowling                                 in one of the envelopes included in your               Mother Teresa, movies about the
                                                    monthly bundle or include a note that it               saints, talks by people like Sister Miriam
EASTER COMMUNION                                    is for SVDP).                                          James, Scott Hahn & Bishop Robert
While the dispensation from the Sunday                                                                     Barron and videos that walk you
obligation is still in effect, receiving Holy       MASS REGISTRATION                                      through bible studies, retreats, and
Communion at Easter is a privilege and              We no longer require registrations for                 much more.
obligation treasured by Catholics. The              daily and Sunday Masses (except spe-
Archbishop strongly encourages all the              cial holy days like Easter)                            ADORATION &
faithful of the Archdiocese of Seattle to                                                                  CONFESSION
make an “Easter Communion” at any                   For our Sunday liturgies, a volunteer                  The church is open for adoration and
Mass, whether weekday or Sunday,                    will tally the number of households at-                private prayer on Friday evenings from
during Easter Time, which continues                 tending as you enter (entrance will still              6-8pm. Father will be in the church and
through Pentecost, May 23, 2021.                    be restricted to the north side entrance),             available for confession (just ask him if
                                                    and if we are nearing capacity, they                   he can hear your confession).
ONLINE GIVING                                       may ask you to pause so they can veri-
Did you know you can contribute to St.              fy adequate space is available. We do                  We have also resumed Saturday after-
Alphonsus online? Just click on the                 ask that you follow their instructions on              noon confessions from 4-4:45pm. We
giving tab on our website                           where to sit, as that will maximize the                have set up the south side entrance as
(www.stalseattle.org). You can set up               number of people that can safely at-                   a confessional space to abide by
payments to occur weekly, monthly,                  tend. Single-person households should                  COVID-19 safety protocols. The queue
whenever is convenient for you. Con-                sit 3 to a pew (one on each end, one in                will be marked in the church along the
tact Lizzy at 206-784-6464 or                       the middle), 2-5 person households will                south wall. Face coverings are required
lscholz@stalseattle.org if you have                 sit on each end of the pew and 6+ per-                 (except for very young children) and
questions or would like to discontinue              son households will have their own                     social distancing must be maintained.
your envelopes.                                     pew.
        St. Alphonsus Parish 5816 15th Avenue Northwest Seattle, WA 98107 I Phone: 206-784-6464 I Fax: 206-789-5709 I parishinfo@stalseattle.org
WELCOME April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday - Parishes Online
                                                                                                    SCRIP NEWS
                                                                                                    Hippity hop, hippity hop
                                                                                                    goes the bunny down the lane.
                                                                                                    Hiding little Easter eggs
                                                                                                    along its hoppy way.

                                                                                                    Easter is here! Are you in need of
                                                                                                    treats? Check out
                                                                                                    www.shopwithscrip.com for a full list of
                                                                                                    participating retailers and to purchase
                                                                                                    Scrip today. Sign up to order online
                                                                                                    and get your e-cards instantly. Please
                                                                                                    note that we are no longer placing or-
                                                                                                    ders for plastic cards so be sure to
                                                                                                    select e-cards when making a pur-
                                                                                                    chase. These can be used online or
                                                PRINCIPAL SEARCH
                                                                                                    can be printed out at home and taken
                                                                                                    to the store just like a plastic card. You
                                                The Search Committee has compiled a
                                                                                                    can also send gifts of e-cards by
                                                list of preferred interview questions,
                                                                                                    checking the gift box when ordering
                                                discussed processes with the Archdio-
                                                                                                    and entering the recipient's email ad-
                                                cese and will begin interviewing candi-
                                                                                                    dress. Contact Terra Hakam at ter-
SPRING ART WALK                                 dates.
                                                                                                    rapurpura.hakam@gmail.com for more
Calling all artists! Family, Friends,
                                                                                                    info about Scrip, or to get the school
Parishioners and Community! If you              The committee will continue to collect
                                                                                                    code to sign up online.
are an artist or know of one and would          and review applications, interview can-
like to add a piece to our Spring Art           didates and discuss results over the
                                                                                                    CAR DONATIONS
Walk Auction, we would love a little            coming weeks as we work towards a
                                                                                                    Thank you to those who have donated
hometown art from you!                          recommendation.
                                                                                                    a vehicle to St. Alphonsus; your gift is
                                                                                                    very appreciated!
We know there are a few artists in our          Through the intercession of St. Cathe-
midst! Have you been working on a               rine of Siena, please continue to pray
                                                                                                    If you have a vehicle you would like to
special piece, taken some amazing               for this process and for our community.
                                                                                                    donate for the benefit of our parish,
photos or created amazing art and
                                                                                                    parish school or an Archdiocesan cam-
think it would be cool to add it to the         O God, You caused St. Catherine to
                                                                                                    paign visit seattlearchdio-
Spring Art Walk Auction? Why not!               shine with divine love in the contem-
You are an artist! Quilting, card mak-          plation of the Lord’s Passion and in the
                                                                                                    or call 844-407-GIVE.
ing, photography, poetry, knitting, ce-         service of Your Church. By her help,
ramics, needlepointing, wood or metal           grant that Christ the model of all teach-
                                                                                                    PRAYER INTENTIONS
working, music, floral arranging, gar-          ers may bless and guide St. Alphonsus
                                                                                                    Submit them to the Rosary Group that
dening – it is all art! What is your tal-       School as we search for a new princi-
                                                                                                    meets via zoom on Friday morn-
ent? Share it with us! If you have              pal.
                                                                                                    ings. Contact chris-
questions: auction@stalseattle.org
                                                                                                    tine.cavanaugh@outlook.com to join or
                                                                                                    to ask us to pray for you or someone
Spring Art Walk Auction is April 17th!

                St. Alphonsus Parish School 5816 15th Avenue Northwest Seattle, WA 98107 I Phone: 206-782-4363 I csweet@stalseattle.org
WELCOME April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday - Parishes Online
THROUGHOUT THE                                                                                                  CONTACTS
                                                                                                                Rev. Richard Klepac, SOLT

                                                                                                                Convent House Servant
                                                                                                                Sister Elizabeth Albers, SOLT
                                                         ARCHDIOCESE OF SEATTLE
                                                         YOUNG ADULTS                                           PA for Administration
                                                         The Scroll is a weekly email newsletter                Lizzy Scholz lscholz@stalseattle.org
                                                         for young adults to find out about up-
                                                                                                                Music Coordinator & Organist
                                                         coming events, retreats, conferences,                  Andrew Koch music@stalseattle.org
                                                         etc., in the Archdiocese of Seattle. For
                                                         more info and to subscribe visit: https://             School Principal
                                                                                                                Kathleen Daspit principal@stalseattle.org
                                                         scroll.html                                            School Administrative Assistant
                                                                                                                Charleen Sweet csweet@stalseattle.org
ARCHDIOCESE OF SEATTLE                                   AT HOME WITH FAITH
PASTORAL PLAN                                            Be sure to check out the Archdiocese of
                                                                                                                School Admissions Director
                                                                                                                Kaitlin Andrews
The Archdiocese of Seattle released a                    Seattle’s great resources for families!                admissions@stalseattle.org
draft pastoral plan outline, and are wel-                marriagefamilylife.
coming review and comment from Cath-                                                                            Facilities Supervisor
                                                         seattlearchdiocese.org/athomewithfaith                 Kevin Riordan workorders@stalseattle.org
olics across Western Washington. The
plan includes a potential mission state-                                                                        PARISH MINISTRIES
ment, set of core values, and list of pri-
                                                                                                                EMC to Homebound
orities for 2021–2025. To review and                                                                            Monica de Castro 206-706-7736
give feedback visit archseattle.org/
about-the-archdiocese-of-seattle/                                                                               Holy Name Society
                                                                                                                Karl Hoffmann 206-784-7152
                                                                                                                Knights of Columbus
                                                                                                                Tony Wisen
                                                             YEAR OF THE FAMILY                                 206-418-8720 (call or text)
                                                 Take this opportunity to go deeper in prayer with              twisen2397@gmail.com
                                               your family. Join Pope Francis to pray for families to
                                                  be places of communion and prayer, authentic                  Liturgical Ministries
                                               schools of the Gospel and small domestic churches.               Lizzy Scholz lscholz@stalseattle.org

                                                                                                                Sancta Vita
                                                            Year of the Family Prayer                           Gail Altenhofen
                                                  Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate                 GailAltenhofen@outlook.com
                                                 the splendor of true love; to you we turn with trust.
                                                                                                                School Parent’s Club
                                                Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too
                                                    may be places of communion and prayer,                      School Commission
                                                        authentic schools of the Gospel
                                                          and small domestic churches.                          St. Vincent de Paul
                                                                                                                Doug Martin doug@martinenv.com
                                                Make us mindful of the sacredness of the family,
                                                                                                                Angels’ Cafe
                                                        and its beauty in God’s plan.                           Shelle Bjolstad
                                                          Jesus, Mary and Joseph,                               shelleb2@gmail.com or 206-330-9988
                                                         Graciously hear our prayer.

        St. Alphonsus Parish 5816 15th Avenue Northwest Seattle, WA 98107 I Phone: 206-784-6464 I Fax: 206-789-5709 I parishinfo@stalseattle.org
WELCOME April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday - Parishes Online
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