Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church

Page created by Eugene Barnett
Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
                                                                                    157 W. Jackson St.
                                                                                     Virden, IL 62690
                                                                                    Rev. Gerald Phillips
                                                                                       Interim Pastor
                                                                                 Church PH: 217-965-4028
                                                                                   Cell Ph: 217-358-9577
                                                                                  Debbie Kershaw, Editor
                     January - February 2021                              E-mail:

            Trustees move to complete planned projects
  While the absence of services being held in the sanctuary due to the pandemic has left us without the
opportunity to gather together in person each week, it has also provide us with an
opportunity to complete some long talked about yet delayed projects. First and foremost is
the completion of the stage extension and the carpeting on and around it. With no
foreseeable in-person services in the coming weeks, the trustees as well as anyone that
wishes to help them can come in and work on the projects without fear of close contact
with others. The hope is that by the time we are able to return to in person worship, we will
also have all the mess associated with a sanctuary remodel finished. The money for this
particular project is already set aside in the church budget.
   Another much needed project is the basement remodel which has plans for a new floor
coating, permanent classrooms, bathroom replacement, new wall paint, soundproofing,
storage, and a dedicated boiler room. We are also exploring an egress window and if possible, the replacement
of the spiral fire escape stairs. Again, this project has funds set aside in the Dorothy Oller memorial to help
cover most if not all of the plans.
  Other projects “on the table” or “in discussion” include enclosing the patio to make for much needed storage,
a new office area located in Pitman Hall, sound absorbing panels in Pitman Hall, under sink hot water heaters,
and perhaps even new flooring in Pitman Hall. While some of these may still be in the wish list stage, they are
items that we need to plan for.

  At the beginning of the pandemic, giving was being sustained, but reports at the last business meeting shows a
drop in overall giving the past couple of months. Please don’t forget the church as you budget for your own
household, remembering that even when we are not in attendance, there are still utility bills and other expenses
to consider for the church. And if you have extra time on your hands and can help with any of the projects
mentioned above, please give one of the trustees, Steve Kershaw, Jim Hotarek, or Lonnie Crawford a call and
they can help coordinate a time when you can work with sanctuary or basement and other remodel preparation
steps. By working together, we can help improve and maintain our church’s building and prepare for future
projects as well.
                                                                      Annual Business meeting set
                                                                             We are planning to try to have our
                                                                          Annual Business meeting on Sunday,
 Board of Christian Education to meet                                     January 24 at 11 am. If possible, we will
                                                                          have it in Pitman Hall and socially
                                                                        distance. If COVID concerns do not allow
                       The Board of Christian
                                                          it, we will conduct the business via ZOOM. As the
                       Education will meet on
                                                          date approaches, we will inform you of the details via
                       Monday, January 11 at 7 PM
                                                          One Call. If you are the chairman of a committee or
                       in Pitman Hall. We will
                                                          board, please prepare your 2020 annual report soon.
                       practice social distancing and
                                                          Granted, it has been a difficult year with little to
ask those in attendance to wear a mask, but we need
                                                          report because of the limited time we had together,
to meet to make some decisions regarding the
                                                          but it is still important to document our progress and
basement remodel as well as some ministry concerns.
                                                          our plans for the future. Once completed get your
The CE Board consists of all Sunday School
                                                          report to Debbie or to the church by January 19 so
teachers, and Wednesday night leaders.
                                                          the booklet can be completed and printed.
Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church
January - February 2021                                                  Page 2 of 6

     Sunday             Monday                Tuesday         Wednesday              Thursday              Friday           Saturday
                                                                                                     1                  2

                                                                                                         Pam Hawkins         Jim Hotarek

3                  4                     5                    6                  7                   8                  9
                                                                  ZOOM Bible
                                                                  Study - 7 PM
                                                                                 Abigail Snodgrass
                                                                                   Patty Englert

10                 11                    12                   13                 14                  15                 16
Diaconate Board       Board of                                    ZOOM Bible
  Meeting via        Christian Ed                                 Study - 7 PM
 ZOOM - 11 AM       meeting - 7 PM
                     Pitman Hall                    Meals on Wheels - our turn to deliver

                     Heather Walters                                             Carol Britenstine        Zach Lemar

17                 18                    19                   20                 21                  22                 23
                                                                  ZOOM Bible
                                                                  Study - 7 PM
                       Kyle Brown
    Kyle Hawkins     Matthew Daniels         Due Today!                                                   Ryson Scott        Abby Dixon
                   Rick & Linda Gerson                              Rob Liles

24                 25                    26                   27                 28                  29                 30
Annual Business                                                   ZOOM Bible
 Meeting 11 AM                                                    Study - 7 PM       Rowan Hawkins
  in person if
  ZOOM if not                                Kelsey Parrish


     Jill Wright

                         Here we are, January 2021, and almost back square one when this pandemic began. There’s
                       not much to put on our church calendar because quite frankly we don’t know where this road
                       is taking us. The Diaconate meets regularly to discuss what the safest options are for our
                       congregation and so far that has been to ere on the side of caution and return to “virtual”
                       worship until the numbers start to drop again. Hopefully, the vaccines will begin to be more
                       widely distributed and people will begin to feel safe and life can begin to return to normal.
                         There is discussion about resuming Wednesday meals soon, so watch for that announcement
                       soon. And be sure your phone or email information is up to date so that you won’t miss any
                       message is sent via the church One Call system.
                         Until we can resume church life as normal, the one thing we can all do is PRAY. Pray for our
                       members, friends, and family who are impacted by the virus, and pray that the new year brings
                       us closer to the end of the pandemic and a return to life together.
Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church
January - February 2021                                            Page 3 of 6

     Sunday             Monday               Tuesday       Wednesday             Thursday             Friday       Saturday
                   1                    2                 3                  4                   5             6
                                                              ZOOM Bible
                       Lily Snodgrass                         Study - 7 PM

7                  8                    9                 10                 11                  12            13

                                              Meals on Wheels - our turn to deliver

 Linda Snodgrass        David Lewis                           ZOOM Bible
                                                              Study - 7 PM

14                 15                   16                17                 18                  19            20
                                                              ZOOM Bible
                       Remmie Scott                           Study - 7 PM   Nevonda Daniels

21                 22                   23                24                 25                  26            27
                                                              ZOOM Bible
                       Hayli Moughan                          Study - 7 PM       Trigger Lewis
                                                                                 Julius Turner


                                              The parable of the lost ring
Only three years after Paula and Joe Walter married, her wedding ring was lost as she played catch with their
son. Naturally, she was heartbroken. Over the years, whenever family and friends gathered in the back yard, she
urged everyone to look for the ring — but to no avail. Because the yard borders on woods, Paula feared the ring
had flown into the trees, never to be seen again.

But just before the couple’s 40th anniversary, landscapers hired to do work in the yard brought her a surprise:
They’d found the ring — right where Paula had been playing with her child so long ago! Like the woman in
Jesus’ parable who finally found her lost coin (Luke 15:8-10), Paula rejoiced. God too searches until every
person who has strayed or been flung away from the faith is found.

Sometimes the place we rediscover faith is right where we’ve looked before. What makes the difference? A
different person helping us search? Light shining in a different way? We may never know. We simply rejoice —
and so does God.

                                                                                                               —Heidi Mann
Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church
January - February 2021                                  Page 4 of 6

   Birthday and Anniversary List for First Baptist Church Members and Friends
01-Jan Pam Hawkins         01-Apr Craig Paisley        01-Jul Roger & Gloria       07-Oct Jim & Pat Smith
02-Jan Jim Hotarek         01-Apr Mason Kindred               Smith                07-Oct Mike & Debbie
03-Jan Jus�n Liles         02-Apr Drew & Alicia        12-Jul Debbie Liles                 Liles
07-Jan Abigail Snodgrass           Hawkins             14-Jul Audrey Price         07-Oct Jason Sco�
07-Jan Pa�y Englert        04-Apr Beverly              14-Jul Braxton A. Walters   08-Oct Jus�n & Jun
11-Jan Heather Walters             Britens�ne          15-Jul Heather Nol�ng               Dibler
14-Jan Carol Britens�ne    07-Apr Carter Dibler        18-Jul Linda Gerson         11-Oct Ka�e Kelsey
15-Jan Zach Lemar          07-Apr Debbie Kershaw       19-Jul Kris Cervellone      12-Oct Jaylie Clark
17-Jan Kyle Hawkins        07-Apr Mary Agnes Cain      21-Jul Sharon Crawford      15-Oct Lore�a Lomelino
18-Jan Kyle Brown          07-Apr Michael              29-Jul Debbie Klocke        22-Oct Paisley Parrish
18-Jan Mathew Daniels              Moughan             30-Jul Kamden Blake         26-Oct Lizzy Dunn
18-Jan Rick & Linda        10-Apr Jim Smith            02-Aug Macie Brown          27-Oct David & Kaye Liles
        Gerson             11-Apr Sophia Hawkins       05-Aug Jay Turner           29-Oct Joshua Snodgrass
20-Jan Rob Liles           14-Apr Cindy Burris Bates   07-Aug Harrison Dibler      31-Oct Kathy Kindred
22-Jan Ryson Sco�          15-Apr Jenna Cormier        08-Aug Lonnie & Sharon      02-Nov Danny Daniels, Jr.
23-Jan Abby Dixon          23-Apr River Hawkins               Crawford             03-Nov Tyler Burch
26-Jan Kelsey Parrish      29-Apr Ayden Liles          09-Aug Kim Liles            09-Nov Carol Paisley
29-Jan Rowan Hawkins       30-Apr Helen Burris         14-Aug Steve Kershaw        10-Nov Jill & Mark Wright
31-Jan Jill Wright         02-May Kathy Price          15-Aug Tim Snodgrass        14-Nov Roger Smith
01-Feb Lily Snodgrass      05-May Tom Cervellone       16-Aug Heather & Kevin      23-Nov Gloria Smith
07-Feb Linda Snodgrass     09-May Bri� Lilly                   Nol�ng              26-Nov Alicia Hawkins
08-Feb David Lewis         09-May Allie Wright         16-Aug Ronan Sco�           01-Dec Justyn Moughan
15-Feb Remi Sco�           13-May Adam Cervellone      17-Aug Drew Hawkins         03-Dec Danielle Burch
18-Feb Nevonda Daniels     14-May Janis Hawkins        18-Aug Linda Liles          06-Dec Kyle & Pam
22-Feb Hayli Moughan       20-May Michael Wright       20-Aug Aiden Brown                 Hawkins
22-Feb Andrew Clark        21-May Ben Clark            25-Aug Alex Walters         07-Dec Mike Liles
25-Feb Trigger Lewis       21-May Ryan Brown           26-Aug Tracy Lewis          10-Dec Steve & Vicki
25-Feb Julius Turner       25-May John Parrish         26-Aug Amanda Clark                 Perkins
03-Mar Rory Sco�           25-May Steve Perkins        27-Aug Libby Klocke         11-Dec Danny Daniels, Sr.
04-Mar Lonnie Crawford     26-May Vicki Perkins        28-Aug Breighyn Schwehr     11-Dec Breanna Davis
04-Mar Peyton Parrish      31-May John & Kelsey        01-Sep Jim & Lynda          12-Dec Jus�n Dixon
07-Mar Aiden Snodgrass              Parrish                   Hotarek              12-Dec Brendan Parrish
09-Mar Jane Primrose       02- Jun Ben & Amanda        09-Sep Freddie Britz        13-Dec Piper Parrish
11-Mar Kelsie Perkins              Clark               10-Sep Cole Dixon           17-Dec Maggie Hawkins
14-Mar Bob Dibler          06-Jun Rick Gerson          19-Sep Brianna Walters      20-Dec Mike & Janis
16-Mar Cole Langley        07-Jun Tom Dibler           22-Sep Tony Kershaw                 Hawkins
19-Mar Samantha Jackson    13-Jun Lynda Hotarek        24-Sep Mike Hawkins         22-Dec Edgar Lewis
21-Mar Danny & Nevonda     17-Jun Tom & Kris           28-Sep Ryan Burch           22-Dec Joey Langley
        Daniels                    Cervellone          29-Sep Barb Taylor          23-Dec Jesse Dixon
21-Mar Maddie Lomelino     18-Jun Steve & Debbie       30-Sep Jennifer Brown       23-Dec Pat Smith
22-Mar Kaye Liles                  Kershaw             30-Sep Jus�n Dibler         25-Dec Mike Price
27-Mar Jennifer Bates      30-Jun Jim Wright           02-Oct Stacy Moughan        29-Dec Mazie Kelsey
30-Mar Rita Flynn          30-Jun Mark Wright          07-Oct David Liles          29-Dec Ruby Lewis

                                Please submit any changes to Debbie Kershaw or go
Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church
January - February 2021                                   Page 5 of 6

                    What Should a Christian Do
                         ….In This Pandemic?

Hopefully, this is a question we all are asking. And, it is no small question.
Our world, our nation in particular, is seriously divided about this
pandemic. Those differences include its seriousness, its reality, its
remedy and its management. For the follower of Jesus it takes some
effort to sort out from the conflicting attitudes a position that makes sense
and would honor the teachings of our Lord. My purpose is to give you
some “handles” to take hold of in this confusing time.
Is this Covid-19 for real? Some fairly loud voices have been saying that this pandemic is a “hoax.”
With 20 million cases and more than 340,000 deaths from it, it defies reality and common sense and
shows a serious need to get real about the world we all live in. A 30 year-old Texas man attended a
“coronavirus party” thinking that Covid-19 was a hoax. He discovered too late that it was all too real.
He died from the disease. But before he died he said, “I think I made a mistake. I thought it was a
hoax, but it’s not.” Carol Winner, a public health expert and 30-year veteran of the CDC and National
Institutes of Health said, “People are dying all over the world and making this about political motives
make no sense.”
As I write this (12-31-20) the current report indicates there have been more than 340,000 deaths, a
figure that includes 3,300 yesterday. That is more than died in the 9/11 attacks or at Pearl Harbor on
How should I respond? Probably the worst possible response is to ignore Covid-19. Some do, and
they do so at risk to themselves and those close to them. It is really hard to ignore the reality of the
problem and the death and illness that results from it. Even if I choose to ignore the risk to myself, I
have many clear instructions from Christ to show concern for the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the
sick, the hungry and those needing clothes. We can be thankful if we have avoided the disease, but
there are so many who have not. While it is not a good idea to ignore the virus; it is inexcusable for a
Christian to ignore the crisis this pandemic has produced in our “neighborhood.”
Should I wear a mask; do social distancing? As with most everything about Covid-19 there is not
total agreement on this matter. It appears the scientific community is unanimous that we should use
these simple actions to reduce the community spreading of the disease. This is regarded as
amazingly effective in helping slow the spread. Dr. Fauci has said that this action on the part of most
people, linked with the use of the new (and very effective) vaccine should make it possible to get us
past this pandemic in 2021.
There’s more to the “mask” story. Beyond the medically encouraged practice of wearing a mask, it
is important to review what masks do. While wearing a mask may give some protection to the wearer,
the big reason is to provide protection to those we are around. In other words, if I care about you and
would like to protect you, I will wear a mask. If I refuse to wear one, I am saying that I do not care
enough about you to be bothered. Some feel their freedom is damaged if they are required to wear a
mask. This is an empty defense that simply conveys a self-centered attitude. If you are unwilling to be
inconvenienced by wearing a mask to protect others; you have missed some of Christ’s clearest
teachings. For example: Do for others what you would like them to do for you. This is a summary of
all that is taught in the law and the prophets. Mt 7:12 NLT .
If all of us can take seriously our role as a Christian in this pandemic, then it is possible that more and
more of us will, indeed, have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Pastor Jerry
Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church
January - February 2021                                     Page 6 of 6

                                      ABWM - From Shoe boxes to Blessing Bags
                     The American Baptist Missionary Society (ABWM) of First Baptist would like to thank
                   those who filled shoe boxes back in November. As a reminder, they do not have the extra funds
                   in their account to support the shipping costs that were incurred. If you prepared a box but
                   forgot to donate the $9 needed to ship it, would you please help the ABWM by making that
                   donation soon? Please see Gloria Smith or Helen Burris with your gift.

                     The ladies’ next project will be making care bags to be distributed to the homeless. Though
                   the ABWM will not be able to meet in person until the pandemic threat subsides, they are
                   beginning to collect items to prepare those. You can help them out by collecting things now.
                   Here is a list of things needed for both men and women:
                   •    soaps, cloths, toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant,
                   •    Plastic pencil boxes, note books, pencils, erasers, sharpeners,
                   •    razors, lotion, shampoo, tissues
                   •    socks, gloves, scarves, rain ponchos
                   •    cookies, small snack foods, etc.
                   •    Small New Testament Bibles

The ABWM plans to make draw string bags from heavy material to put every thing in. These “blessing bags”
once completed will be for sale for $10-$12 each. The idea is that you can purchase one or more to carry in your
car to hand out to someone you see in need. Please contact any ABWM member and let them know how you
want to help in their effort.

First Baptist Church
157 W. Jackson St.
Virden, IL 62690
                                RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church Trustees move to complete planned projects - Virden First Baptist Church
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