Easy Plant-Based Recipes - Rochester Lifestyle Medicine

Page created by Jordan Harris
Easy Plant-Based Recipes - Rochester Lifestyle Medicine
roclifemed.org (585) 484-1254

                                   Easy Plant-Based Recipes

What is Whole-Food Plant-            —Nuts and seeds: choose no-        Breakfast Ideas
Based (WFPB)?                        oil added varieties. Eat in
                                     moderation (no more than                OVERNIGHT OATS
Eat a variety of whole foods,        small handful daily).
as close to their natural state                                         ½ cup of dry oatmeal (rolled or
as possible, from the Power          Some items to make your
Plate put forth by the               meals special:
                                                                        1 medium banana or ½ cup
Physicians Committee for             —Roasted red peppers in a
                                                                        fresh or frozen blueberries (or
Responsible Medicine,                jar or frozen (no oil)
                                                                        a combination)
pcrm.org: grains, vegetables,        —Canned artichoke hearts
                                                                        1 tbsp flax meal
fruits and legumes (beans,           (not the jarred variety, which
                                                                        ¼ tsp cinnamon (optional)
peas and lentils).                   has an oil-based marinade)
                                                                        ½ cup water or plant milk
                                     —Bagged sun-dried tomatoes
BASIC SHOPPING LIST                  (not the jarred variety, which
                                                                        Cut or mash the fruit and place
                                     are packed in oil); reconstitute
To go plant-based, you can                                              in a 16 oz. sealable jar or
                                     in hot water before using.
easily adapt your usual                                                 container. Add the oatmeal,
                                     —Fresh lemon juice
grocery list.                                                           flax meal, cinnamon and liquid
                                     squeezed on veggies,
                                                                        and mix for an even consist-
—Move toward whole grains.           steamed greens, just about
                                                                        ency. Store in the refrigerator
Look for bread made from             anything.
                                                                        overnight. Eat cold or warmed.
100% whole grain flour and           —All kinds of vinegars.
                                                                        Optionally add up to 1 tbsp of
pasta made from whole wheat          Balsamic vinegar and rice
                                                                        maple syrup or agave.
or brown rice. Choose brown          vinegar are mild and good on
rice instead of white rice and       salad all by themselves.
                                                                        Lunch and Salad Ideas
try whole grains like quinoa         —Herbs (fresh and dried) are
(“keen wah”), barley,                great sources of flavor and
                                                                               EASY HUMMUS
buckwheat/kasha, millet, oat         are packed with phyto-
groats, farro, spelt berries and     nutrients and antioxidants.
                                                                        1 can chickpeas, drained
wheat berries.                       Use them freely to add
                                                                        (reserve liquid)
—Try rolled oats or steel-cut        different ethnic flavor profiles
                                                                        2/3 cup roasted red peppers
oats for oatmeal breakfast.          to basic dishes like Red
                                                                        (from a jar is fine) (optional)
Steel-cut takes longer to cook       Beans and Rice (see recipe
                                                                        1 garlic clove, chopped
and is best soaked overnight         below). Mrs. Dash line of herb
                                                                        2-3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
before cooking.                      and spice mixes are salt free.
                                                                        ¼ cup chickpea liquid or more
—Try Ezekiel bread found in
                                     Some new items to add to           as needed
the refrigerator or freezer
                                     your pantry:                       1 tsp soy sauce or ½ tsp salt
case. It’s made from 100%
sprouted grains and legumes.         __Nutritional yeast (available
                                     in bulk, or in bag or jar on the   Combine all ingredients in a
—Canned or dried beans.
                                     shelf under Bob’s Red Mill,        food processor. Add more
Drain and rinse canned beans
                                     Bragg’s or Red Star brands);       chickpea liquid if it’s too
before using. See package for
                                     adds a delicious cheesy flavor     thick,or if you want to thin it
directions on how to cook
                                     to grains, veggies, popcorn        down to use as a salad
dried beans from scratch.
                                     __Ground Flaxseed (Bob's           dressing. Good served with
—Canned tomato products
                                     Red Mill, or grind your own):      veggies or whole grain
(whole, diced, crushed, purée,
                                     good source of healthy fats        crackers that are whole-grain
paste) are versatile. Choose
                                                                        and oil-free. Here are some
no- or low-salt varieties. Make
                                                                        good brands:
your own spaghetti sauce with
                                                                        —Edward and Sons Unsalted
no-oil canned tomato sauce.
                                                                        Brown Rice Crackers
—Vegetables: fresh, frozen
                                                                        —Finn Crisps
and/or canned (rinse canned
                                                                        —Ryvita Crispbread
veggies to lower salt)
                                                                        —Wasa Crispbread
—Fruits: fresh or frozen
Easy Plant-Based Recipes - Rochester Lifestyle Medicine
roclifemed.org (585) 484-1254

                                    Easy Plant-Based Recipes

AZTEC SALAD (adapted from             Soup Ideas                           tender. Stir every once-in-
  Jennifer Raymond, The                                                    awhile and add a bit more
     Peaceful Palate)                 LENTIL OR SPLIT PEA SOUP             water if needed.
2 cans black or red beans,            Start with 2 cups dried lentils      OPTIONS: Instead of using
   rinsed and drained                 or split peas, any color. Sort       dry beans, choose a mix of
2 cups frozen corn, thawed            through for stones; rinse in         canned beans. Use 3 cans of
1 red or green bell pepper,           colander; place in large pot
   finely chopped                                                          rinsed beans and reduce
                                      and add 10 cups water,               cooking time to 30 - 45
1 tomato, diced
½ cup finely chopped red or           chopped onions and garlic and        minutes.
   Vidalia onion (optional)           veggies (diced carrots, celery,
                                      bell pepper) along with herbs        *Busy Day Soup Mix
Dressing: 2 tbsp cider vinegar,       of choice (dried basil, oregano,     Make a dry mix of equal parts
juice of 1 lime or lemon, 1           thyme, etc.). Bring to a boil;       of the following and store in a
garlic clove, minced or ½ tsp         reduce heat, partially cover         jar:
garlic powder, 1 tsp ground           and simmer until done, about 1
                                                                           •Green split peas
cumin, ½ tsp ground coriander,        hour (less time for red lentils),
                                      checking frequently and                 •Yellow split peas
½ tsp dried oregano, ½ tsp                                                    •Green or brown lentils
salt, cayenne powder (opt.)           adding water as necessary to
                                      prevent sticking or burning.            •Red lentils
Combine salad ingredients in          Don’t add salt till the lentils or      •Hulled barley
large bowl. Whisk together            peas are fully cooked. If you
dressing ingredients and add          would like to add diced
to salad, stirring to mix.            potatoes, or greens like
                                      spinach, cabbage or kale, wait
     JANE’S DANCING                   till final half hour of cooking.
         DRESSING                     Add ¼ to ½ tsp. salt just
  (Jane Esselstyn, from The           before serving.
 Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue
  Diet) (Make about ½ cup)              BUSY DAY SOUP (Kathy
                                       Pollard, sustainablediet.com)
 "Go ahead, give this dressing a
  go. I bet you will keep dancing     1 cup Busy Day Soup Mix*
          right back to it.”          1 onion, chopped                     Dinner Ideas
                                      2 or 3 cloves garlic, chopped
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar                   or pressed                             BUILDING A BOWL
2 tbsp mustard                        3 ribs celery, sliced
                                      3 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 tbsp pure maple syrup*              ½ green or red bell pepper,          Start with a grain or a starchy
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice                  diced                            vegetable such as potatoes,
Chopped fresh dill (optional)         ½ cup mushrooms (optional),          sweet potatoes, or winter
                                          sliced                           squash. Add beans. Add
Combine ingredients except            1 tomato (optional), diced           vegetables (any kind, but aim
dill in a bowl and whisk until        1 tbsp all purpose seasoning,        to eat lots of dark, leafy greens
uniformly mixed. Add dill if              or oregano                       over the course of the day).
using. *If you don’t like things      ¼ cup soy sauce                      Add oil free condiments and
too sweet, use less maple             1 tsp pepper                         flavorings. These can include
syrup.                                6 cups water or veg broth            mild vinegars, such as
                                                                           balsamic vinegar (either white
Serve over a green salad or           Put everything in a pot. Bring       or red), rice vinegar, mustard,
cooked greens.                        to boil on medium heat. Lower        ketchup, soy sauce, salsa and
                                      heat and simmer for 1½ -             hot sauce. Finish your meal
                                      2 hours, or until beans are          with a piece of fruit.
Easy Plant-Based Recipes - Rochester Lifestyle Medicine
roclifemed.org (585) 484-1254

                                   Easy Plant-Based Recipes

Sample Big Bowl: Start with           RED BEANS AND BROWN
cooked brown rice (follow                     RICE
recipe on package) Open a
can of black beans or kidney         1 medium onion, any color
beans, rinse and drain. Pile         3 cloves fresh garlic
beans on rice. Add some              1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes
cooked frozen corn or cooked         (no or low salt preferred)
frozen mixed vegetables. Add         1½ cups chopped spinach
your favorite salsa and/or hot       1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
sauce. Choose the level of           ¼ tsp cayenne pepper (or less
heat that you like, mild to hot      if you don’t like “heat”)
Have a green salad on the            1½ cups or 1 can kidney
side or on top.                      beans (drained and rinsed)         LENTIL ARTICHOKE STEW
                                     1½ cups cooked brown rice         (Serves 6) (kickstart.pcrm.org;
        DR VEGGIE’S                                                      photo by Kathy Patalsky,
       FAVORITE MEAL                 Sauté onion and add crushed           happyhealthylife.com)
                                     garlic as the onions are
2 to 4 sweet potatoes                cooked.(Use med-low heat          ¼ cup vegetable broth
1 large head of broccoli             with liquid in any pan or high-   1 onion, chopped
                                     heat dry sauté in stainless       2 large garlic cloves, minced
Cut the broccoli into small          steel). Add the diced tomatoes,   2 tsp ground cumin
florets. Don’t discard the stem,     spinach, nutritional yeast and    1 tsp ground coriander
although you can trim it             cayenne pepper. Simmer for 5      1½ cup dry (uncooked) red
somewhat if you like, as it’s        minutes. Add the beans and           lentils (4½ cups cooked)
delicious and nutritious. Let        bring to a slow simmer. Serve     1 bay leaf
the florets sit at room              over rice.                        2 cups water
temperature for 30 to 60 min.;                                         Juice of 1 lemon
this allows a beneficial                    PASTA FAGIOLI              2 24-oz cans chopped
phytochemical, sulforaphane,                                              tomatoes, pref. fire-roasted,
                                                                          undrained, or 6 cups
to develop.                          1 large onion, any color             chopped fresh tomatoes
                                     3 cloves fresh garlic                plus 1 cup tomato juice
Poke holes in the sweet              1 14.5 oz. can diced tomatoes     1½ cups quartered artichoke
potatoes with a fork. Place the      (no or low salt preferred)           hearts (one 9-oz frozen
sweet potatoes on a cookie           ½ tsp dried oregano                  package or one 15-oz can)
sheet or baking pan. Bake at         ½ tsp dried basil                 ¼ tsp crushed red pepper
400 degrees for about 45             3 cups, chopped broccoli          (opt.)
minutes. Towards the end of          1 cup chopped kale                ¼ tsp salt, or to taste
the baking time, steam the           1½ cups or 1 can cannellini or    ¼ tsp black pepper, or to taste
broccoli in a small amount of        pinto beans (drained & rinsed)
water for 4 to 5 minutes or to       2 cups cooked whole wheat         Heat broth in a large
the desired degree of                spaghetti noodles                 saucepan. Add onion and
doneness. Serve the veggies                                            sauté on medium heat for
hot; if desired, sprinkle some       Sauté onion and add crushed       about 5 minutes, until golden.
soy sauce and rice vinegar,          garlic as the onions are          Add garlic, cumin, and
and some garlic or onion             cooked. (Use med-low heat         coriander and cook for 2
powder, on the broccoli.             with liquid in any pan or high-   minutes, stirring frequently.
                                     heat dry sauté in stainless       Add dried lentils, bay leaf, and
                                     steel). Add the diced tomatoes    water to pan and bring to a
                                     and herbs. Simmer 5 min. Add      boil. Lower heat and add
                                     broccoli, kale and beans.         lemon juice, tomatoes and
                                     Simmer 5 more min. Serve          their liquid, artichokes, and
                                     with spaghetti.                   crushed red pepper, if using.
Easy Plant-Based Recipes - Rochester Lifestyle Medicine
roclifemed.org (585) 484-1254

                                   Easy Plant-Based Recipes

Simmer for about 20 minutes,         need to be eaten up, add them      Tips: These make delicious
until the lentils are tender.        and adjust seasoning to taste.     “home fries” as well! Just cut
Remove and discard the bay           Add optional cilantro on top.      them in cubes instead of
leaf, Add salt and black                                                wedges.
pepper, or to taste. Good            ANY COOKED VEGETABLE
served alone or over brown           (greens, cauliflower, green
rice or pasta.                       beans, broccoli, zucchini, etc.)
Note: Using fire-roasted             Steam the chopped fresh
tomatoes is not essential, but       vegetable in about 1 inch of
they will give the stew a            boiling water to the desired
delicious smoky flavor.              degree of doneness, or if using
                                     frozen veggies, follow package
                                     directions. Add the following:
                                                                        BANANA “NICE” CREAM
                                     —1 tsp to 1 tbsp soy sauce or
                                     Bragg’s Liquid Aminos              Start with 2 very ripe bananas
                                     —1 tsp to 1 tbsp rice vinegar      (the outside should be spotted,
                                     (regular or seasoned:              even black is okay). Peel
                                     seasoned is slightly sweet)        them, cut the bananas in coins
                                     —Sprinkle of garlic powder or      and freeze in a labeled
                                     onion powder                       container. Freeze at least 12
                                                                        hours; they last in the freezer
                                         NO OIL BAKED FRIES             indefinitely once frozen. (This
                                      (Evelisse Capó) (The following    is a good use for any over-ripe
                                         recipe was reprinted with      bananas.)
 5-MINUTE CHANA MASALA                 permission from the T. Colin
(Curried Chickpeas) (adapted)          Campbell Center for Nutrition    Bring the bananas out of the
(Pam Kropf, engine2diet.com)           Studies (nutritionstudies.org)   freezer and let them soften 1-2
                                                                        minutes before making the ice
2 cups cooked or frozen brown        4 medium-large Yukon gold          cream. Blend in a food
   rice                                     potatoes                    processor with 1 cup of frozen
1 can garbanzo beans                 ½ tsp garlic powder                fruit, any type (blueberries or
1 tsp curry powder                   Sea salt and pepper to taste       mixed berries are nice). You
1 can diced tomatoes                                                    may need to add ¼ cup or so
1 cup frozen spinach                 Preheat oven to 425 degrees        of plant milk to make it the
2 pinches garlic powder
Salt & pepper to taste               F. Cut the potatoes in wedges      right consistency. Serve right
¼ cup cilantro (optional)            or regular French fry shape        away or spoon it into a
                                     about ½ to ¾ inch thick. Place     container and freeze.
Heat the brown rice in the           the potatoes in a deep
                                     saucepan, cover with water         Variation: Use 1 to 2 tbsp
microwave or on the stove
                                     and bring to a boil. Boil for 5    cocoa powder and a dash of
until hot. Drain and rinse the
                                     minutes. Drain well and place      vanilla extract, instead of the
garbanzo beans. Mix the curry,
                                     in a mixing bowl.                  frozen fruit.♦
diced tomatoes, beans, and
garlic powder if using) and salt                                        Many of these recipes are
and pepper to taste. Mix in          Add the seasonings and toss
                                     the potatoes so they are           taken from the Jumpstart
frozen spinach and heat the                                             Guide included in the 15-Day
beans and greens in the              evenly coated. Place in a
                                     baking dish lined with a           Whole-Food Plant-Based
microwave or on the stove                                               Jumpstart. For more
until hot. You can add               silicone liner or parchment
                                     paper. Avoid stacking them so      information, go to
practically any veggie to this                                          roclifemed.org and click on
dish. So if you have some that       they cook evenly. Bake for
                                     35-40 minutes or until crisp.      “Program Info”!
Easy Plant-Based Recipes - Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Easy Plant-Based Recipes - Rochester Lifestyle Medicine
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