Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi

Page created by Charles Leonard
Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Overview of Ocean Energy
z Ocean energy is replenished by the sun and through
  tidal influences of the moon and sun gravitational forces
z Near-surface winds induce wave action and cause wind-
  blown currents at about 3% of the wind speed
z Tides cause strong currents into and out of coastal
  basins and rivers
z Ocean surface heating by some 70% of the incoming
  sunlight adds to the surface water thermal energy,
  causing expansion and flow
z Wind energy is stronger over the ocean due to less drag,
  although technically, only seabreezes are from ocean
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Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Tidal Energy

z Tidal mills were used in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries in
  England, France, and elsewhere
z Millpond water was trapped at high tide by a gate (Difficult working
  hours for the miller)
    ‹ Rhode Island, USA, 18th Century, 20-ton wheel 11 ft in diameter and
      26 ft wide
    ‹ Hamburg, Germany, 1880 “mill” pumped sewage
    ‹ Slade’s Mill in Chelsea, MA founded 1734, 100HP, operated until ~1980
    ‹ Deben estuary, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England has been operating since
      1170 (reminiscent of “the old family axe”; only had three new handles
      and two new heads!)
    ‹ Tidal mills were common in USA north of Cape Cod, where a 3 m range
      exists [Redfield, 1980]
    ‹ Brooklyn NY had tidal mill in 1636 [?]

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  Tidal Energy                               (continued)

z Tides are produced by gravitational forces of the moon
  and sun and the Earth’s rotation
z Existing and possible sites:
   ‹France: 1966 La Rance river estuary 240 MW station
        „ Tidal ranges of 8.5 m to 13.5 m; 10 reversible turbines

    ‹England: Severn River
   ‹Canada: Passamaquoddy Bay in the Bay of Fundy
     (1935 attempt failed); Truro Bay site operational.
   ‹California: high potential along the northern coast
z Environmental, economic, and esthetic aspects have
  delayed implementation
z Power is asynchronous with load cycle
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Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Tidal Energy (continued)

  Tidal Energy                 (continued)

z Potential energy = S integral from 0 to 2H (ρgz dz),
       where S is basin area, H is tidal amplitude, ρ is water density,
       and g is gravitational constant
       yielding 2 S ρ gH2
z Mean power is 2 S ρ gH2/tidal period; semidiurnal better
z Tidal Pool Arrangements
   ‹ Single-pool empties on ebb tide
   ‹ Single-pool fills on flood tide
   ‹ Single-pool fills and empties through turbine
   ‹ Two-pool ebb- and flood-tide system; two ebbs per day;
     alternating pool use
   ‹ Two-pool one-way system (high and low pools) (turbine located
     between pools)

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Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Tidal Energy            (continued)

 Tidal Water Turbines

z Current flow converted to rotary motion by tidal current
z Turbines placed across Rance River, France
z Large Savonius rotors (J. S. Savonius, 1932?) placed
  across channel to rotate at slow speed but creating high
  torque (large current meter)
z Horizontal rotors proposed for Gulf Stream placement
  off Miami, Florida

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Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Tidal Energy   (continued)

Tidal Energy (continued)

Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Tidal Flow: Rance River, France

z 240 MW plant with 24, 10 MW turbines operated since 1966
z Average head is 28 ft
z Area is approximately 8.5 square miles
z Flow approx, 6.64 billion cubic feet
z Maximum theoretical energy is 7734 million kWh/year; 6%
z Storage pumping contributes 1.7% to energy level
z At neap tides, generates 80,000 kWh/day; at equinoctial spring
  tide, 1,450,000 kWh/day (18:1 ratio!); average ~500 million
z Produces electricity cheaper than oil, coal, or nuclear plants in

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    Tidal Flow: Passamaquoddy, Lower
    Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada

z Proposed to be located between Maine (USA) and New Brunswick
z Average head is 18.1 ft
z Flow is approximately 70 billion cubic feet per tidal cycle
z Area is approximately 142 square miles
z About 3.5 % of theoretical maximum would be extracted
z Two-pool approach greatly lower maximum theoretical energy
z International Commission studied it 1956 through 1961 and found
  project uneconomic then
z Deferred until economic conditions change

                                                      [Ref.: Harder]
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Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Tidal Energy                 (continued)

 Other Tidal Flow Plants under

z Annapolis River, Nova Scotia: straight-flow turbines; demonstration
  plant was to be completed in 1983; 20 MW; tides 29 to 15 feet;
  Tidal Power Corp.; ~$74M
z Experimental site at Kislaya Guba on Barents Sea
   ‹ French 400 kW unit operated since 1968
   ‹ Plant floated into place and sunk: dikes added to close gaps
z Sea of Okhotsk (former Sov. Union) under study in 1980
z White Sea, Russia: 1 MW, 1969
z Murmansk, Russia: 0.4 MW
z Kiansghsia in China

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Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Other Tidal Flow Plants under
 Study (continued)
z Severn River, Great Britain: range of 47 feet (14.5 m)
  calculated output of 2.4 MWh annually. Proposed at
  $15B, but not economic.
z Chansey Islands:20 miles off Saint Malo, France; 34
  billion kWh per year; not economic; environmental
  problems; project shelved in 1980
z San Jose, Argentina: potential of 75 billion kWh/year;
  tidal range of 20 feet (6m)
z China built several plants in the 1950s
z Korean potential sites (Garolim Bay)

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 Wave Energy

Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Wave Energy              (continued)

z Change of water level by tide or wave can move or raise
  a float, producing linear motion from sinusoidal motion
z Water current can turn a turbine to yield rotational
  mechanical energy to drive a pump or generator
   ‹ Slow rotation speed of approximately one revolution per second
     to one revolution per minute less likely to harm marine life
   ‹ Turbine reduces energy downstream and could protect shoreline
z Archimedes Wave Swing is a Dutch device [Smith, p.

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 Wave Energy                 (continued)

z Wave energy potential varies greatly worldwide

                                                              Figures in kW/m
                                   Source: Wave Energy paper. IMechE, 1991 and
                                   European Directory of Renewable Energy (Suppliers and Services) 1991
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Overview of Ocean Energy - Arturo de Risi
Wave characteristics

   Wave Energy: Salter “Ducks”
z Scottish physicist Prof. Stephen Salter
  invented “Nodding Duck” energy
  converter in 1970
z Salter “ducks” rock up and down as
  the wave passes beneath it. This
  oscillating mechanical energy is
  converted to electrical energy
z Destroyed by storm
z A floating two-tank version drives
  hydraulic rams that send pressurized
  oil to a hydraulic motor that drives a
  generator, and a cable conducts
  electricity to shore
                                                 Ref.: www.fujita.com/archive-frr/ TidalPower.html
                                                 ©1996 Ramage
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Wave Energy: OWEB

                                                         Ocean Wave
                                                         Energy Web
                                                         view shows the
                                                         operation of an
                                                         OWEC module

 Fluid-Driven Wave Turbines
z Waves can be funneled and channeled into a rising chute to charge
  a reservoir over a weir or through a swing-gate
   ‹ Water passes through waterwheel or turbine back to the ocean
   ‹ Algerian V-channel [Kotch, p.228]
z Wave forces require an extremely strong structure and mechanism
  to preclude damage
z The Ocean Power Delivery wave energy converter Pelamis has
  articulated sections that stream from an anchor towards the shore
   ‹ Waves passing overhead produce hydraulic pressure in rams
      between sections
   ‹ This pressure drives hydraulic motors that spin generators, and
      power is conducted to shore by cable
   ‹ 750 kW produced by a group 150m long and 3.5m diameter

Wave Energy: Pelamis

    Fluid-Driven Wave Turbines

z     Davis Hydraulic Turbines since 1981
     ‹Most tests done in Canada
     ‹4 kW turbine tested in Gulf Stream
z   Blue Energy of Canada developing two 250 kW turbines
    for British Columbia
z   Also proposed Brothers Island tidal fence in San
    Francisco Bay, California 1000 ft long by 80 ft deep to
    produce 15 – 25 MW
z   Australian Port Kembla (south of
z   Sydney) to produce 500 kW


Air-Driven Wave Turbines

z British invention uses an air-driven Wells turbine with symmetrical
z Incoming waves pressurize air within a heavy concrete box, and
  trapped air rushes upward through pipe connecting the turbine
z A Wavegen™, wave-driven, air compressor or oscillating water
  column (OWC) spins a two-way Wells turbine to produce electricity
z Wells turbine is spun to starting speed by external electrical power
  and spins the same direction regardless of air flow direction
z Energy estimated at 65 megawatts per mile

                                       Photo by Wavegen

                                                      http://www.bfi.org/Trimtab/summer01/oceanWave.htm 020402

  Air-Driven Wave Turbines (Con’t)

z A floating buoy can compress trapped air similar to a
  whistle buoy
z The oscillating water column (OWC) in a long pipe under
  the buoy will lag behind the buoy motion due to inertia
  of the water column
z The compressed air spins a turbine/alternator to
  generate electricity at $0.09/kWh

       The Japanese “Mighty Whale” has an air channel to
       capture wave energy. Width is 30m and length is 50 m.
       There are two 30 kW and one50 kW turbine/generators

Hydraulic Pressure Absorbers

z Large synthetic rubber bags filled with water could be
  placed offshore where large waves pass overhead
   ‹Also respond to tides
   ‹A connecting pipe conducts hydraulic pressure to a
     positive displacement motor that spins a generator
   ‹The motor can turn a generator to make electricity
     that varies sinusoidally with the pressure


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 Ocean Thermal Energy
 Conversion (OTEC)

OTEC (continued)

z Il fisico francese Jacque D’Arsonval ha proposto per primo questo sistema
  nel 1881
z Georges Claude costrì Matanzos Bay, Cuba una centrale da 22 kW nel 1930
z Keahole Point, Hawaii ospita un sistema sperimentale Statunitense da 50
z OTEC necessita di una differenza di temperatura fra l’acqua superficiale e
  quella fonda almeno di 7-16°C
z Centrali a ciclo aperto vaporizzano l’acqua calda e condensano usando
  l’acqua fredda del mare. I prodotti sono acqua dolce ed elettricità.
z Le centrali a circuito chiuso utilizzano cicli ad ammoniaca con una
  temperatura massima di circa 25°C

                             Ref.: http://www.nrel.gov/otec/achievements.html
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 OTEC (continued)

OTEC (continued)

OTEC: infrastrutture

OTEC (continued)

                      E’ possibile che una
                      stazione mobile OTEC
                      dotata di sistemi
                      combinati per l’energia
                      solare ed eolica sia un
                      mezzo conveniente
                      per la produzione

   OTEC Nemesis: Biofouling


Correnti Oceaniche

Correnti Oceaniche (continued)

Correnti Oceaniche (continued)

   Turbine Oceaniche


Ocean Energy: Summary

z Le maree e l’energia termica rappresentano un’enorme
  fonte di energia
z L’azione delle onde si aggiunge all’energia su
  menzionata ma è inferiore a quella associata alle maree
z Le principali correnti (per es. corrente del golfo) possono
  essere sfruttate mediante l’uso di appositi rotori
z I venti sul mare sono di intensità maggiore e non ci
  sono ostacoli.

 Revised 021010

   Link utili

geothermal.marin.org/ on geothermal energy
www.ferc.gov/ Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

 Revised 020115

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