Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal

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Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal

educating for
success in a
changing world
Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
    Prospectus 2019

Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                            Prospectus 2019

to Colaiste Ide
I hope that you find our new prospectus      No matter which course you decide
informative and helpful in discovering all   upon, we offer a learning environment
that you need to know about Coláiste Íde.    that places the emphasis on a practical
                                             approach to learning and assessment,
At Colaiste Ide , we wish to empower you     which is crucial to our students’ success.
to be successful in your chosen course
of study. The college is a welcoming,        Be sure that you make the right choice
standards driven College of Further          for you, by taking the time to review our
Education that attracts students of all      prospectus, browse the website
ages, nationalities and levels of ability., or visit us on
We have over 40 full-time courses as well    our Open Day, which gives you the
as part-time day courses and new for this    opportunity to appraise the diversity of
year two apprenticeships programmes in       courses on offer, and to see for yourself
Accounting Technician and Commis Chef.       some of the excellent facilities which
                                             make Coláiste Íde your first choice
Through constant appraisal and revision,     in Further Education. Our staff will
we ensure that all of our courses offer      be available to answer any questions
the relevant skills and qualifications       relating to our courses, qualifications,
needed to enable our graduates to go         and progression to third level. Ultimately,
straight to work or to progress to Higher    you will be responsible for your own
Education. Course graduates can acquire      career choice.
qualifications certified and accredited by
a range of nationally and internationally    I wish you every success in making the
recognised examining and professional        best choice for you. Your future starts
bodies.                                      here.

For students seeking to progress to          Jean FitzGerald
Higher Education, up to 400 CAO points       Principal
may be attained through completion of a
full award in one of our one-year courses.   Lisa Bohan
Some of our courses offer advanced           Deputy Principal
entry to institutes of Higher Education,
awarded on a case-by-case basis.
Additionally, many of our students go
on to access Higher Education in the UK
(UCAS) and in Europe (UNICAS).

We provide programmes in Sports,
Catering, Tourism and Leisure,
Technology, Science, Business, Art,
Horticulture, Childcare and Healthcare
and in doing so we set the industry

Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
    Prospectus 2019

    What can Coláiste Íde offer its students?                                 6
    Higher Education Links Scheme                                             7
    Industry linked activities                                                9
    Admissions                                                                10

    School of Art, Beauty and Technology
    Art College Portfolio Preparation                                         13
    Fashion Design - Portfolio Preparation                                    14
    Games Design and Development                                              15
    Pre-University Architecture                                               16
    Electronics                                                               17
    Beauty Therapy                                                            18

    School of Business, Tourism and Computing
    Accounting Technician                                                     21
    Business Studies Marketing and Human Resources                            23
    Office Administration with Reception Skills                               24
    Computer Systems and Networks with Cyber Security                         26
    Tourism, Travel and Airline Studies and Cabin Crew                        27
    Certificate in Tourism, Travel and Airline Studies and Cabin Crew         28

    School of Health Sciences
    Pre-University Science                                                    31
    Pre-University Physiotherapy                                              32
    Early Childhood Care and Education                                        33

    School of Sport
    Sports and Leisure Management: Sports, Recreation and Exercise            35
    Exercise, Wellbeing & Holistic studies: Sports, Recreation and Exercise   36
    Soccer                                                                    38
    Exercise and Health Fitness and Personal Trainer                          39
    Health and Physical Activity                                              40

Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                          Prospectus 2019

School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality
Professional Cookery Level 5                                                       43
Professional Cookery Level 6                                                       44
Hospitality Operations Level 5                                                     45
Hospitality Operations Level 6                                                     47

School of Adult Education
Professional Cookery                                                               50
Speciality Food Product Development                                                51
Ready to Return: Re-learn, Re-train, Re-skill                                      52
Early Childhood Care and Education                                                 53
Community Health Services                                                          54
Preparation for Employment in Healthcare and Fitness                               55
Fitness and Wellbeing for Adults                                                   56
Beauty Therapy ITEC Beauty Specialist                                              57
Early Childhood Care and Education                                                 58
Health Services Supervisory Management                                             59
Back to Education Initiative (BTEI)                                                60

Study Skills Centre
Testimonials                                                                       63

Open Learning Centre
Fees                                                                               65

Apprentice Programmes
Accounting Technician                                                              67
Commis Chef                                                                        69

Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
    Prospectus 2019

    What can Coláiste Íde
    offer its students?
    Coláiste Íde is a constantly developing institute of
    learning. Our student-centered ethos is complimented
    by a range of modern facilities and services, including:
    »» Reputation                               »» All Weather Football Pitches
    »» Open Learning Centre                     »» Industrial Kitchen and Restaurant
    »» Fully Equipped Computer Rooms            »» Student Canteen
    »» Student Council                          »» Student Resource Room
    »» Disability and Special                   »» Science Laboratory
       Education Support
                                                »» Technology Room
    »» Career Guidance and Counselling
                                                »» Art and Fashion Design Studios
    »» Extensive Work Experience Placement
                                                »» Social, Cultural and Sporting Activities
    »» Erasmus+ and European
                                                »» Learning Support Facilities
       Mobility Programmes
                                                »» Friendly Atmosphere
    »» Induction Programme for all Students
                                                »» Annual Graduation Ceremony
    »» Purpose-built Sports Suite

Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                            Prospectus 2019

Progression to Higher Education
Progression is the process whereby learners may transfer from one programme of
education and training to another, where each programme is of a higher level than
the preceding one, as illustrated in the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
diagram below.

Higher Education Links Scheme
This scheme facilitates the transfer of students who have achieved a QQI Level 5
award, and/or Level 6 advanced award, to third-level colleges throughout the country.

Learners who complete a major QQI award at Levels 5 and 6 are eligible to apply
through the CAO system for entry into participating courses in the QQI Higher
Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited number of places are available, and
applicants are ranked according to results achieved in their QQI major award.

It is important to consult the appropriate Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) for
essential information about content of courses, entry requirements, duration, career
progression, etc.

Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
    Prospectus 2019

    Important Points to Note
    »» Applicants must have obtained a full QQI major award. A component certificate will
       not suffice.
    »» Applications are made through the CAO, and must be submitted by 1st February.
    »» A full award may be accumulated over more than one year. However, some institutes
       and universities may require that awards be obtained over one year.
    »» Certain progression courses may have additional specific requirements.
    »» Applicants are advised at all times to confirm linked awards, any additional
       module requirements, and application processes with the Admissions Offices of the
       participating Higher Education institutes, or by visiting
    »» Some Higher Education programmes require the achievement of specified
       component awards, specific grades in individual component awards, or additional
       awards, such as mathematics.
    »» Mature applicants who gain Recognition of Prior Learning must ensure they have a
       full award, as this is a necessity for progression.
    »» There is no automatic entitlement to a CAO place.

    Recognition and Accreditation
                               QQI was established in November 2012 through the
                               amalgamation of QQI, HETAC, IUQB and NQAI. The Awards
                               and Certification Unit in QQI now makes awards to learners
                               to all levels of the National Framework of Qualifications.

                               Every attempt has been made by Coláiste Íde to provide
                               current/anticipated award titles and course content on our
                               website and in this prospectus. It is possible, however, that
                               the published award titles and module titles may be altered as
                               this migration process evolves. Students need to familiarise
                               themselves with the appropriate award and module titles
                               prior to applying for courses at the college. If in any doubt,
                               applicants should consult the QQI.

                               Website or contact the College admissions
                               office directly. Coláiste Íde cannot be responsible for course
                               alterations that may be required by QQI as this transition
                               process evolves.

Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                             Prospectus 2019

Industry-Linked Activities
Our aim is a simple one, to establish new links with the business community, while
fostering and further developing relationships that have already been established.
This is achieved in a variety of ways:

Job Placement
Close links have been established with employers, recruitment and other agencies
to facilitate our graduates in their search for employment. The College has formed
strategic partnerships with selected recruitment agencies and associated business,
one of Ireland’s longest established and largest recruitment brands.

Course Development and Review
In an ever-changing world, Coláiste Íde strives to incorporate the future skills needed
by local and national employers. Our close working relationship with the business
community helps us to tailor courses, where necessary. To meet this need Coláiste Íde
ensures consistent delivery year-on-year for our students.

Guest Lecturers
The teaching and learning experience at Coláiste Íde is enhanced and energised by
regular contributions from guest lecturers throughout the academic year.

Student Awards Scheme
The ‘Achiever of the Year’ award scheme seeks to acknowledge and reward students
who have performed at a high standard on their course throughout the academic year.
Students are assessed on their performance using a range of criteria, academic and
non- academic. Students are presented with a plaque to honour their achievements at

Fast Tract into IT (FIT) supports a number of Colaiste Ide
courses and assists in developing in job seekers, new
marketable skills to compete for sustainable jobs in the
emerging knowledge exonomy. Supports provided include
internships and work experience opportunities.

Do you want to gain work experience abroad? Students from many courses at Colaiste
Ide College are offered the opportunity of three weeks fully funded international
work experience in the following countries: France, Malta and Italy – 3 weeks work
experience in Europe, fully funded by the European Union, Europass Certificate,
Certificate from your International employer.

Educating for success in a changing world - Prospectus - Careers Portal
Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Frequently Asked Questions
     Who is eligible to apply?
     We welcome applications from the following individuals
     »» Leaving Certificate school leavers (including LCVP and LCA)
     »» Applicants currently unemployed (some of whom may be eligible for VTOS)
     »» Adult or mature students seeking to return to education
     »» Graduates wishing to upgrade their skills
     »» QQI Level 4 graduates

     What do I need to apply for a course?
     In general, you must have a minimum of five (5) passes at Ordinary Level in the
     Leaving Certificate, or its equivalent. Some courses have specific entry requirements,
     clearly outlined in this prospectus, which include:

     English Language Requirement
     Applicants whose first language is not English will have to meet the English language
     requirements of the course, as well as minimum entry requirements.

     Mature Applicants
     Applicants without formal qualifications who are applying to study as mature
     students will be required to be over the age of 21 on or before the 1st September in
     the year of entry. They will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account
     educational standard, and work experience to date.

     How do I apply?
     You can apply online via or

     What does it cost?
     Tuition is free to all Irish and EU nationals. However, a registration fee, made up of
     the College registration charge and the Government Charge (€200)*, is payable. Where
     applicable, membership and examination fees are also payable.

     Applicants will be notified of requirements in relation to textbooks, equipment, etc.,
     when they have been offered a place. Non-EU nationals are required to pay tuition fees,
     determined by the Department of Education and Skills, details of which are availa ble
     from the College Admissions Office.

     *	The Government Charge was introduced in 2011, and is payable in full at course

     However, the following categories of students are exempt from paying this charge:

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                                 Prospectus 2019

Full Medical Card holders, and their dependent children; those eligible under the
Student Grant Scheme; and those in receipt of Back to Education Allowance (BTEA), or
Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) allowances.

When should I expect an offer?
You can expect to be given a conditional offer in the days following your interview.

What funding is available to me?
Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) Maintenance Grant Scheme
Further education (PLC) students may be eligible to receive PLC maintenance grants
equivalent to Higher Education grants. These are means tested. The two main
conditions required for grant eligibility are as follows:

»» Applicants must have been resident in Ireland in October prior to the year of entry
»» Applicants must be progressing to a higher level of education, as per the National
   Framework of Qualifications
Check out the SUSI grants system at for eligibility.

Back to Education Allowance (BTEA)
The BTEA allows those in receipt of certain Social Welfare payments to retain those
payments, whilst participating in approved full-time courses in Further Education.
For further information contact your local Department of Social Protection office, or see /

Vocational Training and Opportunities Scheme (VTOS)
This scheme allows unemployed people over the age of 21 to engage in full-time
Further Education programmes, whilst retaining Social Welfare entitlements.
The VTOS scheme applies to all courses on offer in the College. However, early
application is advisable, as there are a limited number of places, which are allocated
on a first -come basis.

For further information, contact your local Department of Social Protection office,
or see / or contact Deirdre Finneran, VTOS
Coordinator 01 844 3250 (during term time) or 01 834 2333 (during holiday times)
or email

Other Funding Sources
There may be additional funding available to applicants who are economically
disadvantaged, from sources such as the local partnerships, including Dublin North
West Area Partnership and Northside Partnership.

For further details, contact your local Partnership.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

          School of
          Art, Beauty
          & Technology
          »» Art College
             Portfolio Preparation
          »» Fashion Design
             Portfolio Preparation
          »» Games Design & Development
          »» Pre-University Architecture
          »» Electronics
          »» Beauty Therapy

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                               Prospectus 2019

Art College Portfolio Preparation

Is This Course For You?                         Career Opportunities
This intensive portfolio                        and Progression
course will develop learners’                   Learners who complete this major QQI
                                                award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
talents in a wide range of                      through the CAO system for entry into
visual and artistic skills.                     participating courses in the QQI Higher
                                                Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
This portfolio will allow them to proceed       number of places are available and
to further study at third level. Learners       applicants are ranked according to results
will participate in local cultural festivals.   achieved in their QQI major award.
Past graduates have been commended for
their artistic contributions.                   Past graduates have secure places in a
                                                range of art colleges, such as NCAD, DIT,
This course also gives learners over the age    IADT (Dún Laoghaire), and a variety of
of 18 the opportunity to be selected for an     other colleges throughout the country.
Erasmus+ European mobility project (subject     Graduates have also secured places at
to funding), which enables them to spend        third-level institutions in the UK (UCAS).
three weeks on work placement in Italy.
Entry Requirements
                                                This course will allow selected students
»» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at          to take advantage of a 3 week work
   Ordinary Level, or                           experience programme in Italy. The
                                                opportunity to study abroad will enhance
»» Leaving Certificate Applied, or
                                                your college experience and boost your
»» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or                  career opportunities. You will receive
                                                Erasmus + funding which will enable
»» Others, including mature students:
                                                you to participate on the work experience
   Assessed individually, and
»» Samples of applicant’s work, and
»» Personal Interview
                                                Duration: 1 Year
What Will I Study?                              Course Code: 2111
Drawing, Painting, Sculpture,
Communications, Work Experience,
Design Skills, Computer 3D Modelling,
Animation and Printmaking.

What Qualifications
Will I Get When I Finish
The Course?
QQI Art 5M1985 NFQ Level 5

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Fashion Design – Portfolio Preparation

     Is This Course For You?                       What Qualifications
     This intensive portfolio course               Will I Get When I Finish
     provides the learner with a                   The Course?
     strong grounding in drawing                   QQI Fashion Design 5M 3865 NFQ Level 5

     and design skills for entry                   Career Opportunities
     into third-level institutions.
                                                   and Progression
     Learners are introduced to the textiles and   This course offers progression options for
     fashion disciplines of combined materials,    learners to programmes in Universities
     embroidery, garment construction and          and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
     pattern drafting. Learners will be given      institutes also reserve a number of places
     the opportunity to participate in local       on degree courses for mature learners
     cultural festivals, and the Temple Bar        (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
     Festival. Past students have linked with      to each institute individually.
     the Crafts Council of Ireland and assisted
     as stylists in fashion shows. This course     Learners who complete this major QQI
     also gives learner over the age of 18 the     award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
     opportunity to be selected for an Erasmus+    through the CAO system for entry into
     European mobility project (subject to         participating courses in the QQI Higher
     funding), which enables them to spend         Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
     three weeks on work placement in Italy.       number of places are available and
                                                   applicants are ranked according to results
     Entry Requirements                            achieved in their QQI major award.
     »» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at        Past graduates have secured places in a
        Ordinary Level, or                         range of art colleges, such as NCAD, DIT,
     »» Leaving Certificate Applied, or            IADT, Griffith College, and a variety of
                                                   other colleges throughout the country.
     »» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or                Graduates have also secured places at
     »» Others, including mature students:         third-level institutions in the UK (UCAS).
        Assessed individually, or                  Many graduates from this course go on
                                                   to secure positions in window dressing,
     »» Samples of applicant’s work, and           fashion retail, and the Design Centre,
     »» Personal interview

     What Will I Study?                            Duration: 1 Year
     Design Skills, Drawing, Communications,
     Work Experience, Combined Materials,
                                                   Course Code: 2211
     Embroidery, Pattern Drafting, Garment
     Construction, 3D Computer Modelling and
     Animation and Fashion Industry
     and Design Studies.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                            Prospectus 2019

Games Design and Development

Is This Course For You?                      Career Opportunities
This course offers the                       and Progression
learner the opportunity to                   This course offers progression options for
                                             learners to programmes in Universities
explore and develop skills                   and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
in many aspects of design,                   institutes also reserve a number of places
                                             on degree courses for mature learners
with particular emphasis on                  (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
graphics.                                    to each institute individually.

It provides a solid foundation for further   Learners who complete this major QQI
studies in the fields of creative design     award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
and computer design. This course blends      through the CAO system for entry into
3D Computer Modelling, Game Making           participating courses in the QQI Higher
and Coding to give the learner a unique      Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
skillset to enter the electronic industry    number of places are available and
                                             applicants are ranked according to results
Entry Requirements                           achieved in their QQI major award.
»» Leaving Certificate: 2 subjects at
   Higher Level H4 with pass in ordinary     Duration: 1 Year
   level maths
                                             Course Code: 2311
»» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or
»» Others, including mature students:
   Assessed individually, or
»» Samples of applicant’s work, and
»» Personal interview

What Will I Study?
Design Skills, Games Analysis Design,
Programming, Work Experience,
Communications,3D Computer Modelling
and Animation, Image Processing,
Photoshop, Computer Graphics,
Multimedia Authoring.

What Qualifications
Will I Get When I Finish
The Course?
QQI Multimedia Production 5M2146 NFQ
Level 5

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Pre-University Architecture

     Is This Course For You?                        What Qualifications
     Learners in this course                        Will I Get When I Finish
     will gain an understanding                     The Course?
     of the design process in                       QQI Computer Aided Design 5M1940 NFQ
                                                    Level 5, Safe Pass accredited by SOLAS
     the building environment,
     learning the skills and                        Career Opportunities
     competencies required for                      and Progression
     the use of CAD.                                This course offers progression to
                                                    a FETAC/QQI Level 6 course in
     CAD technology is used to create
                                                    Architectural Technology and Design,
     graphics and make calculations needed
                                                    or in Renewable Energy Technology, at
     in the production of drawings, three
                                                    other Further Education institutions, like
     -dimensional simulations, models and
                                                    Coláiste Dhúlaigh, Coolock.
     other design work. Learners develop
     knowledge of architectural design and          Course graduates may also apply through
     the built environment, while considering       the CAO, or Higher Education Links
     construction materials and the needs           Scheme (HELS), for admission to a range of
     of clients. Additionally, they will be         higher certificate and degree programmes,
     familiarised with the latest industry-         at Institutes of Technology and certain
     related computer hardware and software.        universities. Applicants are advised to
                                                    check specific eligibility requirements
     Entry Requirements                             with their preferred institution.
     »» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at         Learners who complete this major QQI
        Ordinary Level, or                          award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
     »» Leaving Certificate Applied, or             through the CAO system for entry into
                                                    participating courses in the QQI Higher
     »» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or                 Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
     »» Others, including mature students:          number of places are available and
        Assessed individually, and                  applicants are ranked according to results
                                                    achieved in their QQI major award.
     »» A knowledge of building construction, art
        or technical drawing is desirable, and      Graduates of this course regularly
                                                    go on to further their education and
     »» Personal interview
                                                    qualifications in the field, or to secure
     What Will I Study?                             work in architectural offices.

     Design Skills, Computer-Aided Drafting
     (2D), Communications, Work Experience,         Duration: 1 Year
     Architectural Drawing, Building
     Construction, Mathematics, Photography,
                                                    Course Code: 7111
     Health and Safety at Work.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                            Prospectus 2019


Is This Course For You?                      What Qualifications
Learners will be given                       Will I Get When I Finish
hands-on experience of                       The Course?
electronic and electrical                    Electronic Technology NFQ Level 5
                                             (Award Code to be Confirmed)
equipment, whilst learning
relevant techniques and                      Career Opportunities
processes.                                   and Progression
Using the computer as a tool for             This course offers progression options for
electronic engineers is emphasised           learners to programmes in Universities
throughout the course. We adapted this       and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
Electronics course to show how organic       institutes also reserve a number of places
electronic devices are changing the way      on degree courses for mature learners
humans interact with machines and            (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
smooth the transition to the internet of     to each institute individually.
                                             Learners who complete this major QQI
Learners are encouraged to engage in         award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
research and solutions-focused activities.   through the CAO system for entry into
They are also provided with the essential    participating courses in the QQI Higher
theoretical knowledge necessary to           Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
understand electronic and electrical         number of places are available and
principles.                                  applicants are ranked according to results
                                             achieved in their QQI major award.
Entry Requirements                           Graduates from this course have secured
»» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at       employment in computer and electronic
   Ordinary Level, or                        supply companies,as junior technicians
                                             with customer advice roles, and assisting
»» Leaving Certificate Applied, or
                                             with repairs duties.
»» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or
»» Others, including mature students:
   Assessed individually, and
                                             Duration: 1 Year
                                             Course Code: 7211
»» Personal interview

What Will I Study?
Electronics and Digital Electronics,
Communications, Work Experience,
Web Authoring, System Maintenance,
3D Computer Modelling and Animation,
Mathematics, Computer and Network
Systems Maintenance.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Beauty Therapy

     Is This Course For You                           Additional Optional Courses
                                                      »» Elite Tanning course, including kit
     This course gives the learner                    »» Eyelash Extension course, including kit
     the key skills, knowledge
                                                      »» NSI Certified
     and competencies to pursue
     a careers in the beauty and                      What Qualifications
     wellness industry.                               Will I Get When I Finish
     In addition to QQI certification in Beauty       The Course?
     Therapy, learners have the opportunity to        QQI Beauty Therapy 5M3471 NFQ Level 5,
     gain an ITEC Beauty Specialist Diploma           ITEC Beauty Specialist and NSI
     qualification and a certificate from NSI (Nail
     Systems International). Learners over the
     age of 18 also may avail of the opportunity      Career Opportunities and
     to be selected for an Erasmus+ European          Progression
     mobility project (subject to funding),
     which enables them to spend three weeks          This course offers progression options for
     on work placement in Malta, working at           learners to programmes in Universities
     high end, four and five-star hotels.             and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
                                                      institutes also reserve a number of places
                                                      on degree courses for mature learners
     Entry Requirements                               (over the age of 23).
     »» Leaving Certificate: Five passes
        at Ordinary Level, or                         Learners must apply to each institute
                                                      individually. Learners who complete this
     »» Leaving Certificate Applied, or               major QQI award at Level 5 are eligible to
     »» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or                   apply through the CAO system for entry
                                                      into participating courses in the QQI
     »» ITEC Beauty Specialist Award                  Higher Education Links Scheme (HELS).
                                                      A limited number of places are available
     »» Others, including mature students:
                                                      and applicants are ranked according to
        Assessed individually, and
                                                      results achieved in their QQI major award.
     »» Personal interview
                                                      Successful graduates have the
     What Will I Study?                               opportunity to seek employment in a
     Skin and Eye Treatments, Make Up,                range of beauty and health settings,
     Manicure and Pedicure Treatments,                including beauty salons, health spas,
     Waxing, Body, Massage and Figure                 leisure centres, hotels, and cruise ships.
     Analysis, Acrylic and Gel Nails including
     Nail Art, Anatomy and Physiology,
     Communications, Work Experience,
     Beauty Industry Ethics and Practice,
     Customer Service, Word Processing.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                      Prospectus 2019

This course will allow selected students
to take advantage of a 3 week work
experience programme in Malta. The
opportunity to study abroad will enhance
your college experience and boost your
career opportunities. You will receive
Erasmus + funding which will enable
you to participate on the work experience

Duration: 1 Year
Course Code: 8611

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

          School of
          Tourism &
          »» Accounting Technician (ATI)
          »» Business Studies Marketing
             and Human Resources
          »» Office Administration
             with Reception Skills
          »» Computer Systems and Networks
             with Cyber Security
          »» Tourism, Travel and Airline Studies
             and Cabin Crew
          »» Certificate in Tourism,
             Travel and Airline Studies
             and Cabin Crew

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                           Prospectus 2019

Accounting Technician (ATI)

Is This Course For You?                     Accounting Technician,
                                            Year 2 (Diploma)
This course is aimed at                     »» Advanced Financial Accounting,
students who are interested                 »» Advanced Taxation,
in pursuing a career in                     »» Management Accounting,
Accounting Finance.                         »» Integrated Accounting Systems
Learners are taught key accounting
concepts, principles of accounting and      Note
the knowledge and skills required to        The Accounting Technician Qualification
understand personal and business            Ireland is divided into two parts, each of
taxation regulations. They will gain an     which is a qualification in its own right:
understanding of core business functions    Certificate for Accounting Technicians
in management, marketing and law.           (1 Year); Diploma for Accounting
                                            Technicians (2 Years)
Learners are schooled in the modern
accounting practices, which qualifies       At the end of their two years of study
them as professional Accounting             and having complied with all the
Technicians.                                requirements of Accounting Technicians
                                            Ireland, students will be awarded
Entry Requirements                          the Certificate MATI (Members of the
                                            Accounting Technicians Ireland).
»» Leaving Certificate with Pass Grade in
   5 Ordinary Level subjects (including     Accounting Technicians Ireland, in a
   05 in English + either Maths or          recent survey of their members, state
   Accountancy) or Pass Grades in 2         that “almost 95% of our members are
   Ordinary level subjects together with    employed. As an Accounting Technician
   2 Pass Grades at Higher Level (Pass      you will be qualified to work in many
   Grades to include a minimum of 05 in     types of accountancy jobs. There are
   English + either Maths or Accountancy)   always a strong demand for these skills
                                            in the marketplace.
What Will I Study?
Accounting Technician,                      What Qualifications
Year 1 (Certificate)                        Will I Get When I Finish
»» Financial Accounting,                    The Course?
»» Taxation, Law and Ethics,                QQI, (ATI) Accounting Technicians Ireland
»» Business Management,
»» Work Experience
»» (QQI/FETAC Level 5 minor award)

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Accounting Technician (ATI)
     YEAR 1 AND YEAR 2

     Career Opportunities                         exemptions) to qualify as Chartered
                                                  Accountants, or pursue a career
     and Progression                              in taxation.
     Students will acquire the skills and
                                                  Upon successful completion of Year 2,
     qualifications necessary to take up
                                                  graduates may transfer to the third
     employment in the following areas:
                                                  year of a Business Degree in Institutes
     Assistant accountant, accountant,
                                                  of Technology.
     accounts administrator, credit controller,
     stock controller and banking.

     Those who are both interested and            Duration: 2 Years
     suitably qualified may proceed (with         Course Code: 3111 and 3121

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                            Prospectus 2019

Business Studies Marketing and
Human Resources

Is This Course For You?                      What Qualifications
Learners are equipped                        Will I Get When I Finish
with the knowledge, skills                   The Course?
                                             QQI Business Studies 5M2102 NFQ
and competence to work                       Level 5
independently and under
supervision, providing                       Career Opportunities
business services and                        and Progression
support in a range of                        This course offers progression options for
                                             learners to programmes in Universities
business contexts and                        and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
progression within Further                   institutes also reserve a number of places
Education or advancement                     on degree courses for mature learners
                                             (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
to Higher Education studies.                 to each institute individually.
Learners are given a solid foundation        Learners who complete this major QQI
in Business Studies with specialised         award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
knowledge in marketing and human             through the CAO system for entry into
resources.                                   participating courses in the QQI Higher
                                             Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
Entry Requirements                           number of places are available and
                                             applicants are ranked according to results
»» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at
                                             achieved in their QQI major award.
   Ordinary Level, or four passes of which
   two must be in higher level papers;       Students acquire a general qualification
   these subjects must include English,      in business, which offers employment
   and Mathematics or Accountancy, or        opportunities in diverse areas such as,
»» Leaving Certificate Applied,              finance, retail, marketing and human
   Distinction, or                           resources. Suitably qualified students may
                                             progress to study business at Institutes
»» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or               of Technology, including NCI or DIT.
»» Others, including mature students:
   Assessed individually, and
                                             Duration: 1 Year
»» Personal interview
                                             Course Code: 3411
What Will I Study?
Business Administration, Marketing
Practice, Communications, Word
Processing, Work Experience, Manual
and Computerised Payroll, Business Law,
Human Resources

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Office Administration
     with Reception Skills

     Is This Course For You?                     What Qualifications
     The aim of this course is                   Will I Get When I Finish
     to equip the learner with                   The Course?
                                                 QQI Office Administration with Reception
     the knowledge, skill and                    Skills 5M1997 NFQ Level 5
     competence required to
     carry out reception front-                  Career Opportunities
     office related operations,                  and Progression
     whilst achieving excellence                 This course offers progression options for
                                                 learners to programmes in Universities
     in customer service across                  and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
     a range of industries.                      institutes also reserve a number of places
                                                 on degree courses for mature learners
     Students will acquire a proficiency         (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
     in modern office technologies, and a        to each institute individually.
     minimum typing speed of 35 words per
     minute, enabling to carry out effective     Learners who complete this major QQI
     office administration.                      award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
                                                 through the CAO system for entry into
     Entry Requirements                          participating courses in the QQI Higher
                                                 Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
     »» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at      number of places are available and
        Ordinary Level, or                       applicants are ranked according to results
     »» Leaving Certificate Applied, or          achieved in their QQI major award.

     »» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or              Graduates go on to secure employment
                                                 in administrative affairs within a range
     »» Others, including mature students:
                                                 of service- related industries, including
        Assessed individually, and
                                                 hotels, schools, hospitals and within the
     »» Personal interview                       retail sector. Suitably qualified students
                                                 will have the opportunity to study
     What Will I Study?                          business and office administration at
                                                 Institutes of Technology, including DIT.
     Information and Administration, Text
     Production, Customer Service, Database
     Methods, Reception and Frontline
     Office Skills, Work Experience, Book
                                                 Duration: 1 Year
     Keeping Manual and Computerised, Word       Course Code: 3511
     Processing and Desktop Publishing.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                          Prospectus 2019

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Computer Systems and
     Networks with Cyber Security

     Is This Course For You?                       Career Opportunities
     This Compute Science course                   and Progression
                                                   This course offers progression options for
     provides an opportunity to                    learners to programmes in Universities
     acquire skill for computer                    and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
     system configuration and                      institutes also reserve a number of places
                                                   on degree courses for mature learners
     maintenance in addition to                    (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
     studying the basis of Cyber                   to each institute individually.
     Security.                                     Learners who complete this major QQI
                                                   award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
     Entry Requirements                            through the CAO system for entry into
                                                   participating courses in the QQI Higher
     »» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at        Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
        Ordinary Level, which must include         number of places are available and
        English and Mathematics, or                applicants are ranked according to results
     »» Leaving Certificate Applied, Distinction   achieved in their QQI major award.
        (Mathematics is a mandatory
        requirement), or                           Students will be qualified to seek
                                                   employment in the PC maintenance and
     »» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or                employment areas. Suitably qualified
                                                   students may progress to certificate,
     »» Others, including mature students:
                                                   diploma or degree courses in Institutes of
        Assessed individually, and
                                                   Technology, including DIT.
     »» Personal interview

     What Will I Study?                            Duration: 1 Year
     Computer Systems Hardware, Networking         Course Code: 5411
     Essentials, Operating Systems,
     Communications, Mobile Technologies,
     Work Experience, Maths for Information
     Technology, Programming and Design

     What Qualifications
     Will I Get When I Finish
     The Course?
     QQI Computer Systems and Networks
                                                     Apply for courses
     5M0536 NFQ Level 5 and ECDL Cyber               on our website:

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                            Prospectus 2019

Tourism, Travel and Airline Studies
and Cabin Crew

Is This Course For You?                      communications, Personal presentation,
                                             grooming, interview techniques, On-board
This one-year course gives                   service and Crew resource management.

the learner a comprehensive                  What Qualifications
introduction to the travel                   Will I Get When I Finish
and tourism industries                       The Course?
Students are equipped with best-practice     QQI Tourism 5M5011 NFQ Level 5,
skills required to secure employment         Academy of Aviation (AOA), Viasinc
in the tourism industry, as cabin crew,
airport ground handling staff or in travel
consultancy.                                 Career Opportunities
                                             and Progression
Entry Requirements                           This course offers progression options for
»» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at       learners to programmes in Universities
   Ordinary Level, or                        and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
                                             institutes also reserve a number of places
»» Leaving Certificate Applied, or           on degree courses for mature learners
»» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or               (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
                                             to each institute individually.
»» Others, including mature students:
   Assessed individually, and                Learners who complete this major QQI
                                             award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
»» Personal interview
                                             through the CAO system for entry into
                                             participating courses in the QQI Higher
What Will I Study?                           Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
Tourism Principles and Practice,             number of places are available and
Tourism Information and Administration,      applicants are ranked according to results
Cabin Crew Operations, Airline               achieved in their QQI major award.
Studies, Travel Agency Service Skills,
Customer Service, Work Experience,           Graduates often go on to establish
Word Processing, Galileo Computerised        careers in the airline industry (cabin
Reservation Systems (Viasinc).               crew, ground staff). Others have
                                             secured employment with cruise and
Academy of Aviation                          ferry companies, car rental and travel
                                             agencies, tourist offices and hotels.
This programme also includes a unique        Students may also progress to the QQI
Cabin Crew Induction Course, delivered       level 6 Tourism with Business (6M5012)
by leading industry specialists. This        programme within the College or to travel
week long interactive course is presented    and tourism courses in Institutes of
at the Carlton Hotel, Dublin Airport         Technology, including DIT.
using a simulated Airbus A320 for
practical training. Students will be
instructed in: Roles and Responsibilities
of Cabin Crew Members, Safety,
                                             Duration: 1 Year
emergency equipment and procedures,          Course Code: 8311
Passenger handling, customer care and

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Certificate in Tourism, Travel and
     Airline Studies and Cabin Crew

     Is This Course For You?                     What Will I Study?
                                                 Airfares and Ticketing, Galileo
     This one-year, full-time                    Computerised Reservation System,
     Diploma course is designed                  Travel Practice, Tourism Policy and
     for those seeking to pursue                 Practice, Communications, Work
                                                 Experience, Personal and Professional
     a career in the travel                      Development, Airport Passenger Services,
     and tourism industry,                       Human Resources Management, Global
                                                 Distribution Systems, Hotel Front Office
     enabling students to gain                   Supervision.
     a broad understanding of
                                                 This course also includes a four-day
     travel agency and airline                   Airport Passenger Services Course
     operations.                                 delivered by industry specialists
                                                 (Academy of Aviation), which
     Learners will gain a solid foundation in    incorporates the following aspects:
     business studies, along with specialised    Knowledge of the various roles
     knowledge in marketing and human            within aviation, Customer Care, and
     resources. These attributes are crucial     Communication Skills, Understanding
     to the student’s capacity to secure         Key Industry Terminology, Aviation
     employment in a variety of tourism-         Security, Health and Safety Procedures,
     related enterprises. While students are     Personal Presentation and Interview
     trained to utilise industry-linked skills   Techniques.
     to develop entrepreneurial opportunities,
     some go on to progress within the           What Qualifications
     Further Education sector or advance to
     Higher Education.                           Will I Get When I Finish
                                                 The Course?
     Entry Requirements                          QQI Tourism 6M5012 NFQ Level 6,
     »» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at      Academy of Aviation (AOA), Viasinc
        Ordinary Level, or
     »» Leaving Certificate Applied, or          Career Opportunities
     »» QQI/FETAC Level 5 award, or
                                                 and Progression
                                                 This course offers progression options for
     »» Others, including mature students:
                                                 learners to programmes in Universities
        Assessed individually, and
                                                 and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
     »» Personal interview                       institutes also reserve a number of places
                                                 on degree courses for mature learners
                                                 (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
                                                 to each institute individually.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                              Prospectus 2019

Learners who complete this major QQI           Erasmus+
award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
through the CAO system for entry into          This course will allow selected students
participating courses in the QQI Higher        to take advantage of a 3 week work
Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited       experience programme in Malta. The
number of places are available and             opportunity to study abroad will enhance
applicants are ranked according to results     your college experience and boost your
achieved in their QQI major award.             career opportunities. You will receive
                                               Erasmus + funding which will enable
Graduates may pursue a career in the           you to participate on the work experience
airline industry (cabin crew, ground           programme.
staff), cruise & ferry companies, car
rental and travel agencies, tourist offices,
and hotels, in a supervisory capacity.         Duration: 1 Year
Suitably qualified students will have the
opportunity to study at Third level.
                                               Course Code: 8321

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

          of Health
          »» Pre-University Science
          »» Pre-University Physiotherapy
          »» Early Childhood Care and

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                          Prospectus 2019

Pre-University Science

Is This Course For You?                    What Qualifications
Our Pre-University Science                 Will I Get When I Finish
course has been specially                  The Course?
                                           QQI Science 5M3807 NFQ Level 5
developed to enable
students to obtain the entry               Career Opportunities
requirements for accessing                 and Progression
Science-based programmes                   This course offers progression options for
at Higher Education                        learners to programmes in Universities
                                           and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
institutes.                                institutes also reserve a number of places
Additionally, learners acquire the         on degree courses for mature learners
knowledge and skills necessary             (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
for employment in the science and          to each institute individually.
pharmaceutical industries.
                                           Learners who complete this major QQI
                                           award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
Entry Requirements                         through the CAO system for entry into
»» Leaving Certificate: Five passes        participating courses in the QQI Higher
   at Ordinary Level, including            Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
   Mathematics, or                         number of places are available and
                                           applicants are ranked according to results
»» Leaving Certificate Applied,            achieved in their QQI major award.
   Distinction (Mathematics is a
   mandatory requirement), or              Graduates will have the opportunity
                                           to pursue Science, and Science -related
»» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or
                                           certificate or degree programmes at UCD,
»» Others, including mature students:      TCD, DCU, NUI Maynooth, DIT, UCC and
   Assessed individually, and              Institutes of Technology.
»» Personal interview

What Will I Study?                         Duration: 1 Year
Laboratory Skills, Microbiology, Anatomy
                                           Course Code: 4111
and Physiology, Food Chemistry,
Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry,
Communications and Work Experience

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Pre-University Physiotherapy Level 6
     NFQ Advanced Certificate; Level 6

     Is This Course For You?                      What Qualifications
     Our specialised Pre-                         Will I Get When I Finish
     University Physiotherapy                     The Course?
     course, facilitating Level-6                 QQI Level 6 Sports,
                                                  Recreation and Exercise
     entry, is the first of its kind              6M5147 and ITEC Pilates instructor
     in the Republic of Ireland.
     This full-time access course, delivered      Career Opportunities
     over one year, will appeal to those          and Progression
     interested in pursuing a career in
     physiotherapy. Physiotherapists work         Graduates of Colaiste Ide Pre University
     with people of all ages across a spectrum    Pysiotherapy are enrolled in the
     of injuries, from sports-related to stroke   following Degree Programmes
     patients, amputees, and disabled children.
     They work to rebuild muscle, strengthen      »» Royal College of Surgeons Ireland:
     limbs, develop balance and help                 B.Sc (Hons) Physiotherapy
     distressed patients to recover.                 (Mature Students)

     A major emphasis of the programme            »» D.C.U: B.Sc Athletic Therapy
     is to enhance and strengthen the core           and Training (Mature Students)
     subjects required in all physiotherapy       »» IT Tallaght: B. Sc Sports Science
     courses at third level.                         and Health
     This programme includes a variety            »» Dundalk I.T: B.Sc (Hons) Health
     of components essential to continued            & Physical Activity
     studies at university level, including
     Biomechanics, Sports Anatomy and             »» Carlow I.T: Sports Rehabilitation
     Physiology Boundary Management and              & Athletic Therapy
     Sports Psychology. Additionally, students
                                                  »» Advanced Entry Portobello College
     are required to complete sixty hours of
     work placement within an approved               Dublin (Awarded by London
     physiotherapy setting. The purpose of           Metropolitan University ): B.Sc (Hons)
     this placement is to further immerse            Sports Therapy – eligible for Queen
     learners in the rudiments of practice.          Margaret University, Edinburgh,
                                                     Masters of Science in Physiotherapy
     Entry Requirements                           »» Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh,
     »» Leaving Certificate: 4 subjects at           Scotland: B.Sc (Hons) Physiotherapy
        Honours level including Mathematics       »» Hanze University of Applied Sciences,
        at Ordinary Level (minimum 04).
                                                     Groningen, The Netherlands:
        Biology is desirable.                        Bachelor of Health Physiotherapy
     What Will I Study?                           »» Fonty’s University of Applied Sciences,
     Biomechanics, Sports Psychology,                Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Bachelor
     Nutrition and Health, Sports Anatomy            of Science (Hons) Physiotherapy.
     and Physiology, Boundary Management,
     ITEC Pilates Instructor. On-Site Massage,
     Health Promotion, Team Leadership,           Duration: 1 Year
     Work Experience and Sports Industry          Course Code: 4321

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                             Prospectus 2019

Early Childhood Care and Education

Is This Course For You?                      What Will I Study?
                                             Early Care and Education Practice, Early
This one-year programme                      Childhood Education and Play, Child
facilitates suitable adults in               Health and Wellbeing, Creative Arts for
acquiring the qualifications                 Early Childhood, Understanding Special
                                             Needs, Work Experience, Communications
necessary for employment                     and Child Development.
in the childcare sector and
as Classroom Assistants or                   What Qualifications
Special Needs Assistants.                    Will I Get When I Finish
                                             The Course?
The programme runs from 9am to
2pm, Monday to Friday. Students must         QQI
undertake two weeks work placement in
a suitable childcare facility.               Career Opportunities
VTOS provides general education and          and Progression
training opportunities for unemployed        Graduates go on to secure employment
adults, by enabling them to retain their     in crèches, as Special Needs Assistants
Social Welfare entitlements while in full-   and as registered child minders. Some
time study.                                  graduates are self-employed owners
                                             of childcare facilities. Others choose
Entry Requirements for PLC                   to progress to Higher Education and
»» Leaving Certificate: Five passes
   at Ordinary Level, or
»» Leaving Certificate Applied or
                                             This course will allow selected students
»» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award or                to take advantage of a 3 week work
»» Others including mature students:         experience programme in Italy. The
   Assessed individually and                 opportunity to study abroad will enhance
                                             your college experience and boost your
»» Garda vetting application, and            career opportunities. You will receive
                                             Erasmus + funding which will enable
»» Personal interview
                                             you to participate on the work experience

                                             Duration: 1 Year
                                             Course Code: 4111

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

          of Sports
          »» Sports and Leisure Management:
             Sports, Recreation and Exercise
          »» Exercise, Wellbeing
             & Holistic studies:
             Sports, Recreation and Exercise
          »» Soccer
          »» Exercise and Health Fitness
             and Personal Trainer
          »» Health and Physical Activity

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
                                                                            Prospectus 2019

Sports and Leisure Management

Overview                                     Accreditation
This course offers a broad                   QQI Sports, Recreation and Exercise
                                             5M5146 NFQ Level 5
introduction to Sport,
Exercise and Recreation                      Career Opportunities and
studies, providing students                  Progression
with the necessary skills                    This course offers progression options for
to take up employment at                     learners to programmes in Universities
entry level in the leisure                   and Institutes of Technology. Third-level
                                             institutes also reserve a number of places
industry.                                    on degree courses for mature learners
                                             (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
Students will improve their knowledge,
                                             to each institute individually.
competence and understanding
of physical fitness and sport both
practically and theoretically. Graduates     Learners who complete this major QQI
often progress within the College to         award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
one of our QQI/FETAC Level 6 Sport and       through the CAO system for entry into
Leisure Management courses on offer.         participating courses in the QQI Higher
                                             Education Links Scheme (HELS).
                                             A limited number of places are available
Entry Requirements                           and applicants are ranked according
»» Leaving Certificate: Five passes at       to results achieve d in their QQI major
   Ordinary Level, or                        award.

»» Leaving Certificate Applied, or
»» QQI/FETAC Level 4 award, or
                                             In addition to progression options within
»» Others, including mature students:        the College to one of our QQI/FETAC
   Assessed individually, and                Level 6 Sport and Leisure Management
                                             programmes, graduates may choose to
»» Personal interview, and
                                             apply to a range of courses in Institutes
»» Medically certified evidence of fitness   of Technology, including DIT.
   to participate in exercise

Principal Area of Study                      Duration: 1 Year
Sports and Recreation Studies, Exercise      Course Code: 6311
and Fitness, ITEC Gym Instruction, Sports
Anatomy and Physiology, Sports and
Exercise Injury Prevention, Nutrition,
Swimming, Occupational First Aid
Communications and Work Experience.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education
     Prospectus 2019

     Exercise, Wellbeing & Holistic studies

     Is This Course For You?                      What Will I Study?
     This unique course is a                      Core Components: Sports and Recreation
                                                  Studies, Exercise and Fitness, Personal
     response to the Wellness                     Effectiveness, Work Experience, Sports
     revolution that has captured                 Anatomy and Physiology, Sports and
                                                  Exercise Injury Prevention Nutrition
     the sport and leisure world.
     The health & fitness industry is             What Qualifications
     constantly developing and changing
     with mind/body forms of training and         Will I Get When I Finish
     meditation centred ideologies becoming       The Course?
     increasingly popular. This course is
     suitable for those with a keen interest      »» QQI Sports, Recreation and Exercise
     in sports and holistic therapies and aims       Level 5 Major award (5M5146)
     to provide successful graduates with the
     skills and competencies to work in the       »» ITEC
     area of health and wellbeing. Learners
     will gain a solid foundation in the          Career Opportunities
     concepts of Exercise& Fitness, Nutrition,    and Progression
     Anatomy& Physiology while also leading
     to more specialised internationally          Successful graduates can obtain
     recognised qualifications in the areas of:   employment in Health & Wellbeing
                                                  centres, Leisure Centres, Health Spas,
     »» Holistic/Sports Massage (ITEC)            Healing Centres, Cruise Ships, Care
     »» Diet & Nutrition (ITEC)                   Homes and Hotels

     »» Strand A: Yoga Teaching: Fitness yoga     This course offers progression options
        fusion.                                   for learners either within the college
     »» Strand B: Pilates & Corrective Exercise   or in partnerships with universities
        (ITEC) (Depending on demand)              and institutes of technology. Third level
                                                  institutes also reserve a number of places
     Work Experience is an integral part          on degree courses for mature learners
     of the course while those who opt to         (over the age of 23). Learners must apply
     study yoga should note that it is a 200      to each institute individually.
     hr comprehensive training course that
     will require extensive self-practice to      Learners who complete this major QQI
     enable learners to execute and deliver       award at Level 5 are eligible to apply
     commercial and current yoga classes.         through the CAO system for entry into
                                                  participating courses in the QQI Higher
     Entry Requirements                           Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited
     »» Leaving Certificate 5 passes or           number of places are available and
                                                  applicants are ranked according to results
     »» QQI Level 4 Sports, Recreation &          achieved in their QQI major award.
        Exercise award
     »» Personal interview
     »» Medically certified evidence of fitness
                                                  Duration: 1 Year
        to participate in Exercise                Course Code: 6315

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