Effective exercises for seniors

Page created by Derek Gomez
Effective exercises for seniors
July 2021
A Special Supplement to

Effective exercises
for seniors

                                                                                                      3 strategies to protect
                                                                                                      mental health

                          How to eat to improve
                          your energy levels

                          All content © 2021 Portsmouth Daily Times. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission
                          from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
Effective exercises for seniors
2 Thursday, July 29, 2021                                       Healthy Living III 2021                                                         Portsmouth Daily Times

                                                                              Shake up a stale workout

   2    Shake up a stale workout
   3    Exercising safely after recovering from COVID-19
   4    How to eat to improve your energy levels

                                                                                    ating less and moving more are the
   5    Where does lost weight go?                                                  hallmarks of many fitness regimens,
                                                                                                                             Cut down on workout time
   5    Healthy habits that can become part of your daily routine                   especially those designed for people
                                                                              who want to lose weight. Maintaining a         It’s easy to lose interest in a lengthy
   6    Added sugars and their effects on weight loss efforts                 healthy weight can help reduce risk factors    workout. High-intensity workouts can
                                                                              for many illnesses, making weight loss a       streamline exercise to 30 minutes or less
   7    The risks of an overly sedentary lifestyle                            worthy goal for those who can afford to        and produce the same results as longer,
   8    Effective exercises for seniors                                       shed a few pounds.                             less intense regimens. High intensity
                                                                                                                             interval training, or HIIT, is a popular
   8    Beware the threat of overuse injuries                                 While people have good intentions when
                                                                                                                             regimen that pairs bursts of maximum-
                                                                              designing their exercise regimens, over
                                                                                                                             output moves with short recoveries to
   9    Build an amazing wardrobe on a budget                                 time hitting the treadmill or doing a weight
                                                                                                                             streamline efforts.
                                                                              circuit can lose its appeal. When exercise
   9    Go green with personal grooming                                       routines become stale, people may be put
  10    Popular salon and spa services                                        off from doing something that is essential
                                                                              to their overall health. Routinely switching
  10    3 strategies to protect mental health                                 things up can keep workouts fresh and
                                                                                                                             Bring a friend along
                                                                              exciting.                                      A buddy to exercise alongside can make a
  11    5 ways to pamper yourself more often                                                                                 regimen fun even if you’ve done the same
                                                                                                                             things over and over. Plus, a healthy dose
                                                                                                                             of lighthearted competition may motivate
                                                                                                                             you to keep going.
                                                                              Try a trendy workout
                                                                              Experiment with a new fitness trend to
                                                                              see if you like it. Start by talking with a    Change small components
                                                                              personal trainer or group exercise captain
                                                                                                                             Apart from preventing boredom, changes to
                                                                              at your fitness center. Chances are they’ve
                                                                                                                             a routine also benefit your body. If exercise
                                                                              already implemented novel workouts for
                                                                                                                             regimens are never altered, and you keep
                                                                              their clients and they can walk you through
                                                                                                                             doing the same number of reps and sets,
                                                                              some of the offerings. So whether it’s barre
                                                                                                                             your body can adapt to these workouts and
                                                                              classes that make you feel like a prima
                                                                                                                             make it difficult to break plateaus. Lack of
                                                                              ballerina or renegade rowing to emulate
                                                                                                                             variation also may decrease focus, which
                                                                              a crew team, new exercises can help to
                                                                                                                             can make it hard to achieve your fitness
                                                                              banish boredom.
                                                                                                                             goals. A consultation with a personal trainer
                                                                                                                             can help you adapt your routine or find an
                                                                                                                             entirely new one.
                                                                                                                             Altering a workout regimen from time to time
                                                                                                                             can help people overcome stale routines.
Effective exercises for seniors
Portsmouth Daily Times                                                            Healthy Living III 2021   Thursday, July 29, 2021 3

Exercising safely
after recovering
from COVID-19
       he number of people who have
       been infected by the novel
       coronavirus COVID-19 is difficult          91% of people who
to determine, as millions of people
may have had the virus but been
                                                  recovered from
asymptomatic. But as of April 2021,               COVID-19 reported
the Center for Systems Science and
Engineering at Johns Hopkins University
                                                  at least one long-
reported that more than 31 million people         lasting symptom, and
in the United States have had confirmed
coronavirus infections, and Canada
                                                  fatigue and trouble
reported 1,087,158 confirmed cases with           concentrating were
80,204 considered active at that time.
Thousands of new cases are reported
                                                  the most common.
daily nationwide, and many others have
occurred around the world.
Even though COVID-19 is widespread
and highly contagious, the silver lining
                                                  intensity exercises, such as walking or
is that a very high percentage of people
                                                  yoga. Gradually, more challenging activities,
recover from the disease. WebMD says that
                                                  including brisk walking, swimming or light
recovery rates fluctuate between 97 and
                                                  resistance training, can be introduced. Each
99.75 percent. However, COVID-19 can
                                                  phase should be maintained for at least
affect various parts of the body and produce
                                                  seven days.
long-lasting side effects.
                                                  People should be mindful of getting out of
A study from the Korea Disease Control and
                                                  breath or feeling too fatigued by exercise.
Prevention Agency found that 91 percent
                                                  If this occurs, they should move back a
of people who recovered from COVID-19
                                                  phase until exercise feels comfortable. Pay
reported at least one long-lasting symptom,
                                                  attention to body cues while doing normal
and fatigue and trouble concentrating
                                                  daily activities, as these can help determine
were the most common. With this in mind,
                                                  if you need to rest.
individuals who have recovered from the
illness and want to get back to their daily       The University of Colorado Boulder Health
activities — including exercising — may           and Wellness Services says exercise should
need to be especially careful.                    not continue if people experience chest pain,
                                                  difficulty breathing, shortness of breath,
Health experts recommend a slow, phased
                                                  abnormal heartbeats, or lightheadedness.
approach to resuming exercise after
                                                  Individuals are urged to consult with their
recovering from COVID-19. It’s also worth
                                                  doctors if these symptoms appear.
noting that it may take some time to regain
pre-illness fitness levels, so individuals are    Within a few weeks of infection, many
urged to go easy on themselves if they            people with mild cases of COVID-19 can
cannot meet certain milestones.                   typically be back to their normal fitness
                                                  routines, says Anthony S. Lubinsky, MD,
David Salman, Ph.D., a clinical fellow in
                                                  clinical associate professor at New York
primary care at the Imperial College London,
                                                  University Grossman School of Medicine.
was lead author of a report published in the
                                                  But slow and steady is the key to getting
British Medical Journal that aimed to answer
questions about returning to exercise.
One of his recommendations is to wait for         COVID-19 has affected millions of people.
seven days after major symptoms have              With time and guidance, most people who
stopped before beginning to slowly build up       contracted COVID-19 can return to their pre-
physical activity. One should start with light-   illness levels of physical activity.
Effective exercises for seniors
4 Thursday, July 29, 2021                                                Healthy Living III 2021                                        Portsmouth Daily Times

How to eat to improve your energy levels
       little extra energy during the      dietary approach rooted in eating to          unhealthy. When eating every three
       day could benefit just about        energize can change the way people            to four hours, remember to prepare
       anyone. Late morning mental         eat, potentially helping them avoid           smaller portions than you would if
fatigue and the post-lunch yawns           unhealthy foods that won’t give them          you were eating three meals per day.
may seem unavoidable, but there are        the boost they need.                          The AAND points out that feeling
plenty of ways to improve energy levels    The American Academy of Nutrition             comfortably full but not stuffed is
throughout the day. One such means         and Dietetics echoes the sentiments of        a good indicator that you’ve eaten
to getting an extra hop in your step       the NHS, noting that eating better is an      enough.
involves utilizing food.                   effective way to improve energy levels.
The health care experts at Kaiser          The AAND also recommends additional           • Aim for balance. A balanced plate
Permanente® note that every part of        strategies for people looking to foods to     should include foods from multiple food
the body, including the brain and heart,   provide an energy boost.                      groups. The AAND notes that even a
require energy to work. The body gets                                                    small amount of fat can find its way
that energy from food. According to the                                                  onto your plate, which should include
National Health Service, the publicly      • Eat every three to four hours. The
                                           AAND notes that eating every three            a combination of whole grains, lean
funded health care system of the United                                                  protein, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables,
Kingdom, a healthy, balanced diet          to four hours helps to fuel a healthy
                                           metabolism. This approach also can            and fat-free or low-fat dairy. If that’s too
is the best way to maintain sufficient                                                   much for a single sitting, ensure these
energy levels                                  prevent the between-meal hunger
                                                         pangs that compel many          food groups are represented on your
throughout the                                                                           plate at some point during the day.
day. A                                                        people to reach for
                                                                    whatever food
                                                                        is readily       • Avoid added sugars. Added sugars
                                                                            available,   can adversely affect energy levels.
                                                                              even if    In addition, the Centers for Disease
                                                                                 it’s    Control and Prevention notes that
                                                                                         consuming too many added sugars,
                                                                                         which are found in sugar-sweetened
                                                                                         beverages like soda and iced tea and
                                                                                         sweet snacks like candy, increases
                                                                                          a person’s risk for obesity, type 2
                                                                                           diabetes and heart disease. The
                                                                                            AAND notes that the energy
                                                                                             provided by foods with added
                                                                                              sugars is typically misleading, as
                                                                                               it wears off quickly and ultimately
                                                                                                leads to an energy crash. If
                                                                                                you’re looking to eat and drink
                                                                                                 for energy, then choose water or
                                                                                                 low-fat milk instead of coffee and
                                                                                                 soda and replace sweet snacks
                                                                                                 with fruit.
                                                                                                • Choose the right snacks.
                                                                                               The AAND recommends snacks
                                                                                               have lean protein and fiber-rich
                                                                                              carbohydrates. Low-fat Greek
                                                                                             yogurt, apples, a handful of
                                                                                            unsalted nuts, and carrots are some
                                                                                           examples of healthy snacks that will
                                                                                          provide an energy boost between
                                                                                         How people eat can help them
                                                                                         overcome fatigue or exacerbate
                                                                                         existing energy issues.
Effective exercises for seniors
Portsmouth Daily Times                                                           Healthy Living III 2021                                                          Thursday, July 29, 2021 5

Where does                                                                                        Healthy habits that can become
lost weight go?                                                                                   part of your daily routine
                                                                                                                                                                              thirsty can
                                                                                                                                                                                 choose water
                                                                                                                                                                                   over soda
                                                                                                                                                                                    or other
                                                                                                                                                                                    The CDC
                                                                                                                                                                                 that sugary
                                                                                                                                                                           like soda and
                                                                                                                                                                        sports drinks contain
                                                                                                                                                                  calories but little nutritional

                                                                                                                                                  value, making water a healthier way for
                                                                                                          person’s habits can have a strong       individuals to quench their thirst.
                                                                                                          impact on his or her overall health.
                                                                                                          Unhealthy habits like smoking and       • Go for daily walks. Walking benefits the
                                                                                                  living a sedentary lifestyle can increase       body in myriad ways. For example, the
                                                                                                  a person’s risk for various conditions and      Harvard School of Public Health notes that
Weight is commonly lost by expelling carbon dioxide through                                       diseases. On the flip side, healthy habits      women who walk 30 minutes per day can
breathing. Moderate exercise facilitates such weight loss.                                        like eating a nutritious diet and getting       reduce their risk of stroke by 20 percent
                                                                                                  enough sleep can bolster a person’s             and potentially by 40 percent if they walk

        besity is a significant threat to        building block elements through oxidation.       immune system and reduce his or her risk        briskly. In addition, researchers at the
        public health. The World Health                                                           for various ailments.                           University of Virginia Health System found
                                                 The researchers found that, during oxidation,
        Organization says global obesity rates                                                    Some healthy habits, like daily exercise,       that men between the ages of 71 and 93
                                                 triglycerides are used up in a process that
have nearly tripled since 1975. There are                                                         can be time-consuming. Busy adults              who walked more than a quarter mile per
                                                 consumes many molecules of oxygen while
now more than one billion overweight adults                                                       may not have time to exercise vigorously        day had half the incidence of dementia
                                                 producing carbon dioxide and water as
across the globe, and at least 300 million                                                        each day, though the U.S. Department of         and Alzheimer’s disease as men who
                                                 waste products. The study found that, during
people are classified as clinically obese.                                                        Health and Human Services urges men             walked less. A 15-minute walk around the
                                                 weight loss, 84 percent of the triglyceride
Many people want to lose weight and                                                               and women to find time for at least 150         neighborhood each morning coupled with
                                                 fat that is lost turns into carbon dioxide and
unhealthy fat for personal reasons or at                                                          minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic           a 15-minute walk after dinner can help
                                                 leaves the body through the lungs. The
the suggestions of their doctors. Weight                                                          activity each week. But not all healthy         adults dramatically improve their overall
                                                 remaining water may be excreted as sweat,
loss often involves a combination of                                                              habits take up time. In fact, adults can        health.
                                                 breath or tears, or come out in urine — water
increasing exercise and decreasing calorie                                                        incorporate various healthy practices into
                                                 excretion is the lesser-known component of                                                       • Eat more greens. Eating more greens is
consumption. As excess weight starts being                                                        their daily routines without skipping a beat.
                                                 the biological process.                                                                          another healthy habit that doesn’t require
shed, it becomes evident that a biological                                                        • Take the stairs. Taking the stairs            a major overhaul of an individual’s lifestyle.
process is taking place. Many people refer       Researchers who authored the University
                                                                                                  instead of the elevator can have a              The U.S. Department of Agriculture notes
to it as burning calories. But fat loss is a     of New South Wales study determined that,        profound effect on overall health.
                                                 when 22 pounds of fat are oxidized, 18.5                                                         that dark green leafy vegetables, such
complicated process that’s spawned various                                                        According to Duke University, climbing
                                                 pounds of it leaves the body as exhaled                                                          as spinach, are rich in vitamins A,C, E,
misconceptions.                                                                                   just two flights of stairs combined per day
                                                 carbon. The amount of carbon that is                                                             and K. The Mayo Clinic notes that vitamin
                                                                                                  can contribute to six pounds of weight
                                                 lost can be increased through exercise,                                                          E alone can help people maintain their
                                                                                                  loss over the course of a single year. In
                                                 according to Medical News Today. By                                                              vision and promote a healthy reproductive
                                                                                                  addition, a study from the North American
                                                 substituting one hour of moderate exercise                                                       system while also improving the health
Breathing to lose weight?                                                                         Menopause Society found that stair
                                                 (like jogging) for one hour of rest, a person                                                    of the blood, brain and skin. The USDA
Many people may not know that a lot                                                               climbing can help postmenopausal women
                                                 can increase his or her metabolic rate of        reduce their risk for osteoporosis and help     also notes that green vegetables contain
of the fat lost during weight loss efforts                                                                                                        very little carbohydrates, sodium and
                                                 triglyceride usage sevenfold.                    them lower their blood pressure.
occurs through simple breathing. According                                                                                                        cholesterol. Adults won’t have to reinvent
to Live Science and a 2014 study from            Carbon excretion also occurs during sleep,       • Drink more water. The Centers for             the dietary wheel to incorporate more
researchers at the University of New South       while sitting and doing daily activities.        Disease Control and Prevention notes that
                                                                                                                                                  greens into their diets, and the results of
Wales, the body stores excess protein or         However, the amount excreted during these        water helps the body maintain a normal
                                                                                                                                                  doing so can have a significant, positive
carbohydrates in a person’s diet in the          activities is minimal and can be offset by       temperature, lubricates and cushions
                                                                                                                                                  effect on their overall health.
form of fat, specifically triglycerides, which   eating too much food. Simply breathing more      joints, protects the spinal cord and other
consist elementally of hydrogen, carbon          and faster during regular activities is not      sensitive tissues, and helps to rid the body    The right habits can help people live
and oxygen. When people lose weight,             recommended, either, as doing so increases       of waste through urination, perspiration        healthier lives, and such habits need not
triglycerides are breaking up into these         the risk for hyperventilation.                   and bowel movements. Adults who are             require any major life changes.
Effective exercises for seniors
6 Thursday, July 29, 2021                                          Healthy Living III 2021                                                              Portsmouth Daily Times

                            Added sugars and their
                            effects on weight loss efforts
                                  dded sugars could be           for rising obesity rates on sugar-    checking ingredients labels for the   • molasses,
                                  compromising people’s effort   sweetened beverages would be          term “added sugars” may not be        • raw sugar
                                  to lose weight and get fit.    a mistake, as such drinks are not     enough, as the Office of Disease      • sucrose
                            A 2009 report from researchers       the only popular source of added      Prevention and Health Promotion
                                                                                                                                             • trehalose
                            with the American Heart              sugars. Candy, baked goods,           notes that added sugars go by
                                                                                                       many different names, including:      • turbinado sugar
                            Association urged people to limit    sugary cereals, and even some
                            their intake of added sugars         dried fruits contain significant      • brown sugar
                            while noting that Americans get      amounts of added sugars.                                                    The ODPHP notes that these
                                                                                                       • corn sweetener
                            most of their added sugars from      Added sugars are considered           • corn syrup                          sugars may be found in foods
                            sugar-sweetened beverages,           empty calories, which means                                                 people wouldn’t otherwise see as
                                                                                                       • dextrose
                            including sodas.                     they’re high in calories but not in                                         potentially unhealthy, such as pasta
                                                                                                       • fructose                            sauces. That only underscores
                            A 2010 study led by a researcher     vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
                            from the Harvard School              Anyone attempting to lose weight      • glucose                             the importance of reading labels
                            of Public Health noted that          and keep lost weight off should       • high-fructose corn syrup            carefully and learning what to look
                            consumption of such beverages        examine the foods and beverages       • honey                               for on such labels.
                            has increased considerably           they consume to determine if these    • invert sugar                        Losing weight and keeping weight
                            in recent decades, which has         items, which may be marketed          • lactose                             off is no small task. And that tasks
                            tracked positively with rising       as healthy or at least considered                                           becomes considerably taller when
                                                                                                       • malt syrup
                            rates of obesity over that time.     so by unsuspecting consumers,                                               people consume significant amounts
                                                                 are high in added sugars. Simply      • maltose
                            But pinning the bulk of the blame                                                                                of added sugars.
Effective exercises for seniors
Portsmouth Daily Times                                                                     Healthy Living III 2021                             Thursday, July 29, 2021 7

The risks of an overly                                                                                                   Scioto Tech
sedentary lifestyle                                                                                                          Post-Secondary Education
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        ealth experts call it “sitting disease.”                                                                                         Nurse Aide
                                                                                                                           Pharmacy Technician
        It refers to when people spend more
        of their time behind a desk or steer-        Moving every                                                              Phlebotomy
                                                                                                                                    Pharmacy Technician
ing wheel of a car or planted in front of a
                                                     30 minutes is one                                                      Practical Nursing
television than they do engaging in physical
activity. According to the American Heart            way to reduce the
                                                                                                                           Surgical Technology
Association, sedentary jobs have increased
by 83 percent since 1950, and technology             harmful effects of a                                                           Practical Nursing
has reduced many people’s need to get up             sedentary lifestyle.                                                          Surgical Technology
and move. Inactivity is taking a considerable
toll on public health.
A study from the University of Cambridge
equated inactivity with being obese. The
Mayo Clinic advises that research has              it’s not entirely effective if most of the rest of
linked sedentary behavior to a host of health      the day a person is inactive. Risk for cardio-
concerns, and found those who sat for more         vascular disease increases significantly for
than eight hours a day with no physical ac-        people who spend 10 hours or more sitting
tivity had a risk of dying similar to the risks    each day.
of fatality linked to obesity and smoking.         Various medical organizations recommend
Increased blood pressure, high blood sugar,        individuals get up and move at any oppor-
abnormal cholesterol levels, and excess            tunity to help reduce risks of inactivity. Erin
body fat all can be attributed to inactivity.      Michos, M.D., M.H.S., associate director
Mental health can be adversely affected            of preventive cardiology at the Ciccarone
by a sedentary lifestyle as well. Australian       Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease,
researchers surveyed more than 3,300 gov-          advises people who are very sedentary to
ernment employees and found men who sat            aim for 4,000 steps per day. Such individu-
for more than six hours a day at work were         als can then build up to a target of 10,000
90 percent more likely to feel moderate psy-       steps daily.
chological distress, such as restlessness,         The Mayo Clinic recommends these strat-
nervousness or hopelessness, than those            egies to reduce the amount of time you
who sat for less than three hours a day.           spend sitting.
In addition, a sedentary lifestyle can signifi-    • Stand while talking on the
cantly increase a person’s risk for various           phone or watching television
types of cancer. A German meta-analysis of
                                                   • Invest in a standing desk
43 studies involving four million people in-
                                                   • Get up from sitting every 30 minutes
dicated those who sit the most have higher
propensities to develop colon cancer, endo-        • Walk at lunch or during meetings
metrial cancer and lung cancer.                    Sedentary lifestyles can affect health in
Johns Hopkins Medical Center says research         many negative ways. But there are various

shows that high levels of exercise at some         ways to get up and go over the course of a
point in the day can lessen some risk, but         typical day.
Effective exercises for seniors
8 Thursday, July 29, 2021                                                           Healthy Living III 2021                                                              Portsmouth Daily Times

Effective exercises                                                                                Beware the threat
for seniors                                                                                        of overuse injuries

      osing interest in an exercise regimen       home. Resistance bands are inexpensive

      is a situation many fitness enthusiasts     and don’t take up a lot of space, making
                                                                                                           omentum can be a valuable asset          and personal trainers can illustrate proper
      have confronted at one point or             them ideal for people who like to exercise
                                                                                                           as people pursue their fitness           techniques when using strength training
another. Overcoming a stale workout routine       at home but don’t have much space.
                                                                                                           goals. Once a fitness routine picks      equipment or lifting free weights. Such
can be simple for young athletes, whose           Resistance bands can be used to
                                                                                                   up steam and begins to produce results,          instruction can greatly reduce athletes’ risk
bodies can typically handle a wide range          strengthen muscles in various parts of
                                                                                                   the resulting momentum can make it               for overuse injuries.
of physical activities. That flexibility allows   the body, including the legs, arms and
                                                                                                   easier for individuals to fully commit to
younger athletes the chance to pursue any         back. Resistance bands can be pulled or
                                                                                                   exercise and ultimately achieve, if not
number of physical activities when their          pushed in any direction, which allows for
                                                                                                   exceed, their initial goals.
existing fitness regimens grow stale. But         more versatility in a workout than weight
what about seniors who have grown tired of        machines and dumbbells. That versatility         A successful fitness regimen includes            Can other factors contribute
their workouts?                                   allows seniors to spice up their workout         various components, not the least of             to overuse injuries?
                                                  regimens when things get a little stale.         which is sufficient rest. As individuals         Athletes should know that overuse injuries
Even seniors who have lived active lifestyles
                                                                                                   gain momentum and inch closer to their           are not always a result of errors with
since they were youngsters are likely             • Pilates: Pilates is another low-impact
                                                                                                   fitness goals, it can be tempting to skip off    their training or technique. A 2014 study
to encounter certain physical limitations         exercise that can be ideal for seniors
                                                                                                   days. But rest is vital, allowing the body to    published in the British Journal of Sports
associated with aging. According to the           with bone and joint issues. According to
                                                                                                   recover and thus reducing athletes’ risk for     Medicine noted that certain intrinsic and
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,       SilverSneakers®, a community fitness
                                                                                                   various injuries, including overuse injuries.    extrinsic risk factors can increase athletes’
the likelihood of dealing with one or more        program for seniors that promotes living
                                                                                                                                                    risk for overuse injuries. Intrinsic risk factors
physical limitations increases with age.          through physical and social engagement,
                                                                                                                                                    for overuse injury include misalignment
CDC data indicates that 8 percent of adults       Pilates can help seniors build overall
                                                                                                                                                    issues, leg length discrepancy, muscle
between the ages of 50 and 59 have three or       strength, stability and coordination.
more physical limitations. That figure rises to   SilverSneakers® even notes that seniors
                                                                                                   What is an overuse injury?                       imbalance, muscle weakness, and body
                                                                                                   All physical activities carry a certain          composition. Adults and parents of
27 percent among adults age 80 and over.          can experience improvements in strength
                                                                                                   measure of risk. Athletes and fitness            young athletes should discuss fitness
Physical limitations may be a part of aging       and stability by committing to as little as 10
                                                                                                   enthusiasts suffer injuries each day that        regimens with their physicians or children’s
for many people, but such obstacles need          to 15 minutes of daily Pilates exercises.
                                                                                                   have nothing to do with overuse. Such            pediatricians prior to beginning a routine.
not limit seniors looking to banish boredom       • Strength training: Seniors on the lookout                                                       Such a discussion may uncover intrinsic
                                                                                                   injuries often aren’t preventable, but
from their workout routines. In fact, many        for something more challenging than a daily                                                       risk factors athletes are unaware they have.
                                                                                                   overuse injuries are. According to the
seniors can successfully engage in a variety      walk around the neighborhood should not
                                                                                                   Mayo Clinic, overuse injuries are caused         Extrinsic risk factors for overuse injuries
of exercises that benefit their bodies and are    overlook the benefits of strength training.
                                                                                                   by repetitive trauma. These injuries affect      include surfaces; equipment, including
unlikely to grow stale.                           The CDC notes that seniors who participate
                                                                                                   muscles or joints, and may be caused by          shoes; environmental conditions; and
• Water aerobics: Sometimes referred to           in strength training can stimulate the growth
                                                                                                   training errors or mistakes with technique.      nutrition. Athletes can act as their own
as “aqua aerobics,” water aerobics may            of muscle and bone, thereby reducing their
                                                                                                   Training errors include exercising for too       watchdogs to prevent overuse injuries
involve jogging in the water, leg lifts, arm      risk for osteoporosis and frailty. In fact,
                                                                                                   long or doing too much of a certain activity.    caused by extrinsic factors, examining
curls, and other activities that can safely be    the CDC notes that people with health
                                                                                                   The resulting strain caused by overuse           equipment and playing surfaces to ensure
performed in a pool. The YMCA notes that          concerns like arthritis or heart disease often
                                                                                                   leads to injury. One common example of a         they’re functional and safe, and eating a
water aerobics exercises are low impact,          benefit the most from exercise regimens
                                                                                                   technique error that can cause an overuse        well-balanced, nutritious diet.
which can make them ideal for seniors with        that include lifting weights a few times each
                                                                                                   injury is improper form when performing          Overuse injuries are almost always
bone and joint issues like arthritis.             week.
                                                                                                   strength training exercises. That’s one          preventable. Though it can be hard to take
• Resistance band workouts: Resistance            Physical limitations are a part of aging.        reason why it’s vital for anyone beginning a     a break from an exercise routine that’s
band workouts can be especially useful            But seniors need not let such limitations        new fitness regimen to consult with a coach      producing results, rest is integral to a
for seniors who spend a lot of time at            relegate them to repetitive, boring workouts.    or personal trainer prior to starting. Coaches   successful fitness regimen.
Effective exercises for seniors
Portsmouth Daily Times                                                             Healthy Living III 2021                                                             Thursday, July 29, 2021 9

Build an amazing                                                                                   Go green with
wardrobe on a budget                                                                               personal grooming

                                                                                                           ycling to work, bringing a reusable
                                                                                                           grocery tote to the store and choos-
                                                                                                           ing organic products are a few of
                                                                                                   the many ways people have accepted the              Reduce reliance
                                                                                                   mission to reduce the impact their daily            on single-use Plastics

                                                                                                   living has on the planet. Great initiatives         Replace single-use items with others that
       ooks should not be judged by their        such stores frequently feature popular
                                                                                                   have been borne out of a desire to be more          are more environmentally friendly. Instead
       covers, but appearances do make           manufacturers and designer items.
                                                                                                   eco-friendly. Indeed, eco-friendly living can       of disposable razors, purchase an electric
       a difference in people’s perceptions      • Browse consignment shops.
                                                                                                   extend to all parts of one’s lifestyle, including   razor or one that has changeable head
of others. That is why job seekers wear          Consignment stores can be found in                                                                    inserts on a reusable handle. Eco-friendly
professional attire to job interviews and                                                          personal grooming.
                                                 towns all over the country and online. For                                                            toothbrushes made of bamboo can help
why weddings are made even more special          example, The Real is a luxury consignment         Small changes in daily grooming habits can          reduce reliance on plastics.
when they become black tie affairs.              sales outlet for preowned designer items          benefit the planet in myriad ways. And keep-
Wardrobe influencers model an ongoing            that are authenticated by experts. Many of        ing clean and looking good while protecting
rotation of designer looks. The latest           these items are very gently used and still        the planet is simpler than one may think.
designer looks may not be within                 have a lot of life in them.                                                                           Buy locally made products
everyone’s budget, even for those who            • Invest in tailoring. Any piece can
routinely update their wardrobes. The                                                                                                                  Opt for soaps and shampoos made from
                                                 be made to look more expensive when                                                                   natural ingredients by local companies.
average adult between the ages of 35 and         properly fitted. Moderately priced items can
44 spends $209 per month on clothing,                                                              Save water                                          The further the country of production, the
                                                 tailored to individuals’ bodies can look like                                                         more fuel and other resources necessary
according to Credit Donkey, and the              designer clothes.                                 Water is an essential component of many
average family spends $1,800 per year on                                                                                                               to get the product into your home. Scour
                                                                                                   grooming techniques, so making an effort
clothing. Style seekers can rest assured         • Purchase one or two statement pieces.                                                               local farmer’s markets and niche retailers in
                                                 When indulging on a statement piece,              to conserve water is a good place to begin
that it’s possible to build stylish wardrobes                                                                                                          town, which often stock soaps and groom-
                                                 choose items that will stand the test of          making some eco-friendly changes. Invest            ing materials made by community residents.
without going broke.
                                                 time. A quality handbag or pair of shoes          in a low-flow showerhead and make a con-
• Make a list of essential pieces.               can be a splurge, provided they are well          certed effort to take shorter showers. Water
Certain wardrobe items, particularly office      made and durable.                                 and energy can be wasted when taking a
essentials, are staples. A crisp white shirt,
a well-fitted blazer, black trousers, a sheath   • Consider “cost per wear.” The wardrobe          bath, so limit those in favor of showers. If        Read product labels
                                                 resource What to Wear suggests asking             you choose to take a bath, don’t fill the tub       Avoid products that are made with chemicals
dress, a tailored suit, and some classic
jeans are all worthy of inclusion in your        yourself questions like: “Will I wear this        and consider using old bath water for other         in favor of those made from ingredients you
closet. When you know which items to             multiple times?” or “Is this item driven by a     purposes, such as watering houseplants              understand. Such a decision can reduce
update, you can shop sales until your list is    fleeting trend?” or “Will this go with items in   or the garden. The U.S. Environmental               harmful, potentially dangerous runoff that
checked off.                                     my closet?” These considerations will make        Protection Agency reports that Americans            ultimately ends up in waterways. Select
                                                 it easier to determine if a particular item is    use approximately nine billion gallons of           products that are sold in containers made
• Shop discount retailers. Certain stores        worthy of your hard-earned dollars.
sell discounted, overstocked items from                                                            water every day to take care of their yards.        from recycled materials or those that limit
department stores or other retailers. Others     A great closet is not built overnight, but a      Using old bathwater can reduce that num-            excessive packaging.
fill the racks with last season’s finds.         budget-friendly wardrobe can be built by          ber. When washing your face or brushing             Eco-friendly living can be extended to per-
Even if these offerings are not completely       shopping the right stores and making a list       your teeth, turn off the faucet in between          sonal grooming, ensuring people look good
current, many are still trendy. In addition,     of priorities.
                                                                                                   scrubbing and rinsing.                              while protecting the planet at the same time.
Effective exercises for seniors
10 Thursday, July 29, 2021                                                      Healthy Living III 2021                                                            Portsmouth Daily Times

Popular salon                                                                                   3 strategies to
and spa services                                                                                protect mental health
                                                                                                                                               1. Get enough sleep.
                                                                                                                                               According to the Primary Care
                                                                                                                                               Collaborative, a not-for-profit member
                                                                                                                                               organization dedicated to advancing an
                                                                                                                                               effective and efficient health system, sleep
                                                                                                                                               and mental health are intimately related.
                                                                                                                                               Sleep loss can contribute to emotional
                                                                                                                                               instability. The amygdala is the part of the
                                                                                                                                               brain responsible for humans’ emotional
                                                                                                                                               responses. When an individual does not
                                                                                                                                               get enough sleep, his or her amygdala
                                                                                                                                               goes into overdrive, leading to more
                                                                                                                                               intense emotional reactions. The prefrontal
                                                                                                                                               cortex is another part of the brain that

                                                                                                                                               needs sufficient sleep to function properly.
   ndividuals can improve their self-                                                                                                          Without it, the prefrontal cortex, which is
   esteem and confidence in many ways,                                                                                                         integral to impulse control, cannot function
   including ensuring they’re well groomed.                                                                                                    properly. Adults can speak with their
When men and women seek to pamper                                                                                                              physicians about how much sleep they
themselves, the local salon can be a great                                                                                                     should be getting each night. Those needs
starting point.                                                                                                                                change as individuals age.
Consumers can explore many different

services at their local salon. Each of these                                                        mproving one’s overall health and
services can help people look and feel                                                              maintaining that health over the long
their best.                                                                                         haul can have a profound impact on         2. Eat a balanced diet.
• Haircut: Men, women and children             out and neutralizes uneven pigments in the       quality of life. For example, the Harvard      A balanced, healthy diet doesn’t just
who want to remain well groomed need           hair through the use of toners and other         Medical School notes that regular exercise     benefit the waistline. According to the
a good haircut every so often. Cuts are        products. Hair color can fade or turn brassy     can slow the natural decline in physical       ADAA, a balanced diet that includes
designed to play up the strongest features     over time, which color correction can fix.       performance that occurs as people age.         protein, healthy non-saturated fats, fiber,
of a client’s face, but also take into         Also, color correcting may adjust improperly     That means routine exercise can serve          and some simple carbohydrates can
consideration the latest trends and the        colored hair.                                    as something like a fountain of youth that     reduce the likelihood that mental health
preferences of the customer.                                                                    allows people to keep their cardiovascular     issues like fatigue, difficulty concentrating
                                               • Nail treatments: Salons also specialize
                                                                                                fitness, metabolism and muscle function        and irritability will arise during the day.
• Hair styling: Some clients do not need       in nail services. Manicures and pedicures
                                                                                                on par with their younger counterparts.
their hair cut but benefit from professional   typically involve the soaking of hands and
styling, which can include blow-outs, hair     feet, sloughing off dead skin, moisturizing      When attempting to improve long-
setting, perms, special occasion up-dos,       and pushing back cuticles, trimming nails,       term health, it’s important that people
and more.                                      and applying nail color. Acrylic nail services   emphasize mental health as much as             3. Volunteer in your community.
                                               also are available, which involve the            they do their physical health. The Anxiety     A 2020 study published in the Journal of
• Coloring: Hair coloring techniques
                                               application of a liquid acrylic product mixed    & Depression Association of America            Happiness Studies found that people who
continue to evolve. The most basic
                                               with a powdered acrylic product (monomer         notes the importance and effectiveness of      volunteered in the past were more satisfied
technique is a single-process color, which
                                               and polymer) to form a malleable product         preventive efforts in relation to depression   with their lives and rated their overall health
is a whole-head dye or one used for root
                                               that can be shaped to the nail and will          and anxiety. In regard to mental health,       as much better than people who didn’t
touch-ups. Full or partial foils may be
                                               harden with air drying, according to Nails       prevention efforts can function in much the    volunteer. Perhaps the most noteworthy
used to add highlights or lowlights to hair
                                               magazine. Gel nails are another product,         same way that exercise serves physical         finding in the study was that people who
by placing them in strategic locations.
                                               and these offer long-lasting nail color.         health. Routine exercise helps people to       began volunteering with lower levels of
Balayage is a relatively new treatment
                                                                                                maintain healthy weights, reducing their       well-being tended to get the biggest boost
that involves hand-brushed highlights.         • Other services: In addition to hair and
                                                                                                risk for various conditions and diseases.      from volunteering. Volunteering provides
Ombre is a service in which hair gradually     nails, salons frequently offer waxing or
                                                                                                Preventive efforts designed to improve         opportunities to socialize, which can help
becomes lighter or darker from root to tips,   other hair removal, massages, eyebrow
                                                                                                mental health can significantly reduce a       ward off the loneliness that can sometimes
or vice versa.                                 shaping/threading, makeup application,
                                                                                                person’s risk for anxiety and depression.      contribute to anxiety and depression.
• Color correction: In addition to general     facials, and skin care consultations.
                                                                                                Various techniques and strategies can          Mental health is important, and
color services, many stylists specialize in    Salons are vital businesses in many
                                                                                                be utilized to promote mental health, and      protecting it should be part of everyone’s
color correction. The hair specialists at      communities, helping residents look and
                                                                                                these three are simple and highly effective.   health care regimen.
Redken say that color correction cancels       feel wonderful.
Portsmouth Daily Times                                                           Healthy Living III 2021                                     Thursday, July 29, 2021 11

5 ways to pamper yourself more often

      he COVID-19 pandemic has left            Foundation says people who work                and devote time all to yourself. Plus,
      many people scrambling for ways to       multiple jobs or for extended hours may        you’ll have the benefit of walking out of
      unwind without risking their health or   not have enough time for sufficient sleep,     the salon looking like the best version of
the health of others. For more than a year,    and the Centers for Disease Control            yourself.
opportunities to let loose and have fun        and Prevention indicates one in three          4. Take a hot bath
have been stymied by the cancellation of       American adults do not get enough sleep.
concerts, theater shows, sporting events,      Getting seven or more hours of sleep per       People may be pressed for time when
family holidays, and so much more in the       night is important, but you also can add       engaging in their daily beauty and
name of public safety. Individuals can look    to your sleep bank by taking short naps        grooming routines. A 10-minute shower
to coping strategies to find silver linings.   in the early afternoon. A nap can reduce       before work might not provide the
Pampering oneself can be a healthy and         stress and elevate the mood. Stick to a        relaxation and sense of escape you need.
enjoyable endeavor to explore.                 snooze of 30 minutes or less.                  Set aside a time in the evening to soak
                                                                                              in the tub and let stress as well as aches
Pampering means different things to                                                           and pains melt away in the water. Scent
different people. Pampering involves           2. Indulge in a                                the water with essential oils for a relaxing
indulging in self-care strategies to           luxurious practical item                       aromatherapy session.
improve mental, physical and emotional
health. Pampering can provide a respite        Instead of splurging on something that is
from stress, enabling one to switch off        whimsical or unnecessary, allocate some        5. Find a simple pleasure
his or her brain for a bit. Rest assured       disposable dollars to something functional
                                               — but put a luxurious spin on it. Think of     Display fresh flowers on the table, listen
that pampering doesn’t have to involve
                                               buying a set of silk bedsheets or indulge      to some favorite music while cleaning
big expenses, and many pampering
                                               on a high-end cut of meat for a family         the house or plan a homemade meal for
sessions can take place right at home.
                                               dinner. You’ll feel rewarded without feeling   yourself accompanied by a fine wine.
The following are five pampering ideas
                                               guilty that you were wasteful.                 Planning for a simple pleasure once or
to explore.
                                                                                              twice a week gives you something to look
                                                                                              forward to.
1. Take a nap                                  3. Schedule a salon service                    Pampering comes in many shapes and
Getting enough restful sleep is essential      Hair, nail or skin services enable you to      forms and is an effective way to reduce
for your overall health. The Sleep             get away from home for an hour or more         stress.
12 Thursday, July 29, 2021                          Healthy Living III 2021                 Portsmouth Daily Times

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